CONTENTS CALL STATISTICS MONTH-WISE CALLS CATEGORIES OF CALLS Weekly Meetings & Issues Awareness programmes Outreach Methodology of Awareness Open House Programs Strategies CITY ADVISORY BOARD MEETING C A B NICP WORKSHOP WORKSHOP ON PEDOPHILIA RESEARCH Foster care Prospects. Standard Norm of Child Care Institutions. SAFE SCHOOL CAMPAIGN Some sample Case Studies The 24x7 helpline for children has performed the following activities besides its natural action of 24 hour EMERGENCY RESPONSE. CALL STATISTICS FOR THE YEAR 2010-11 Types of calls April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March total I. Interventions Medical help 12 14 24 18 11 7 11 16 7 13 11 16 160 Shelter 4 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 5 5 1 4 34 Repatriation 9 13 17 35 13 10 23 20 22 23 25 30 240 Rescue 2 8 0 12 4 6 4 9 0 1 1 0 47 Death-related 0 0 0 Sponsorship 52 36 63 1 49 61 57 74 33 20 15 20 481 II. Missing children Child lost 17 19 20 49 19 16 20 18 18 20 18 16 250 Parents asking 4 help 1 III. Emotional support and Guidance IV. Information 7 11 8 4 6 3 2 2 5 6 7 65 2 2 2 5 4 6 5 5 4 3 3 42 Info & referrals 66 to services 290 Information about CHILDLINE & volunteers V. Unclassified 95 112 162 125 119 125 111 150 143 135 152 1495 279 275 267 260 260 265 283 286 266 239 264 3234 2 2 0 VI. Others Did not Find (DNF)/did not respond Crank/fun/ abusive Chat calls 86 96 107 106 95 95 121 85 107 89 106 101 1194 31 34 30 42 34 26 47 35 25 27 331 Wrong 44 58 51 48 47 49 39 46 38 45 44 55 564 Silent 28 37 45 44 39 45 37 46 65 40 45 52 523 Blank 36 35 38 45 44 44 44 45 57 39 36 82 545 Follow up calls 166 98 91 81 120 74 100 98 84 131 89 100 1232 Phone-testing calls Administrative 47 50 40 48 71 83 81 75 90 98 94 94 871 130 111 104 110 105 88 107 106 128 86 107 107 1289 Personal 22 1016 Total 45 30 32 40 48 40 30 48 30 27 45 437 1005 1063 1105 1084 1060 1118 1096 1192 1093 1027 1177 13036 MONTH-WISE CALLS DURING 2010-11 1250 1200 1150 1100 Series1 1050 1000 950 900 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CATEGORIES OF CALLS Repatriation240 Medical help 160 Shelter 34 Rescue 47 Death-related- 0 1 2 3 4 Weekly Meetings held with team members: Issues discussed: Number of Meetings- 25 meetings a) Standard operating minimum norm training to team b) Observation of care-protection in shelters c) Crisis management in 24X7 help centre d) Mental health ergonomics in work e) Counselling dynamics in 0 to 18 age group and several categories. f) Networking g) Record keeping, Computerisation, managing hard copies. h) Casework, Family visit, case work, Fund support. i) Children of special need, Training- workshop j) CHILDNET feeds, k) CWC production, CWC order of execution, Spl Training. l) Care – protection to children in contact with law. m) Open-shelter under ICPS n) Support agencies and network. o) Travel and communication in emergency, p) Food and nutritional support for rescued children anytime q) Legal issues and management, r) Tracing and tracking run away children and police. s) Protocols for girl child rescue and rehabilitation. t) Minimum Standard norm to work within childline, u) Sexual Harassment Redress Committee, 3. Awareness programmes conducted: 30 nos. Details: CHILDLINE BRAND awareness strategies a. In the event of day’s celebration CHILDLINE takes advantage of the ongoing programs run under Govt banner. b. Children’s day, Teacher’s day, Mothers day, World Aids day, international Aids Week, Day for world disabilities come under such brand promotion strategy. c. To promote child participation CHILDLINE organises programs on issues such as Global warming, Climate Change etc. Children as well as parents are invited to participate specific competitions and award ceremonies. d. Some scion staff of childline use to intervene other civil societies like Red Cross, Rotary, Lions club members in their council meetings with representation of cases of rescue done by childline. e. During car festival the team procures volunteers from communities across the district. The child clubs and balika mandals also involve them in the 10 day rathjatra in Puri. Awareness is a part of annual work-plan but the team determines strategies keeping in view of the level of audience from time to time. During festivals the audience is volatile where childline team uses Hand-outs, Leaf-lets, Posters. If the audience are children’s group or young masses the team introduces several group exercises, awareness programs through street plays, one acts, puppet show proved effective. f. The Childline team keeps in mind that components like Brand Promotion, current social issues, Legislation, Govt role on child protection, provisions of social support available in the state and centre should brought to people. Presentation for awareness covers all aspects and the audience from all walks of the society are benefited. g. Calls for Thematic Painting on ecosystem, climate change, Global warming, Puppet module awareness, Awareness during Cultural days and Festivals like Chandan Jatra, Champak Dwadashi, Rath Jatra etc gives wider scopes to cover masses, Awareness on HIV/AIDS, Sun stroke prevention awareness, diseases control, hand wash are other aspects of contribution of childline team that gives a lot of visibility of such service providers in the community. h. Awareness in the shelter homes, children’s homes, awareness of shelter superintendents and house mothers on Emotional support to the Orphan children in shelter homes are another aspect of childline awareness strategy. Childline team hits the most neglected and gray areas of the system to make attitude and room for the neglected children. i. Physical geography of Puri city is an important factor for brand promotion and to conduct awareness in regular intervals. An average 30, 000 tourists use to visit the city every day. The golden triangle of tourism and tribal tour operations use to start from this city, many international conferences of different groups, agencies and political parties takes place in this city. It need to intervene community from time to time and update their knowledge and perception. j. Community awareness on disease control, hygiene, sanitation, HIV/AIDS, Paedophilia, Child sex Abuse, education, child labour, legislations, antiTrafficking measures and promotion of child clubs took place from time to time. k. Awareness among tourist and pilgrims took place with specific strategies during the year. l. Days celebrated with childline awareness. m. Awareness with important stakeholders like CWC, SJPU, Police, n. We have documented our efforts of awareness that covers awareness on legislation on children, celebrated days like mother’s day, world tourism day, Gandhi Jayanti, World Mental Health day, World Food day, World Hand Washing Day etc. o. As awareness is a part of capacity building process of the stakeholders of children we have initiated some inputs on legislations relating to children during our awareness drive. Child clubs and Balika Mandals are the main hubs of our resources of awareness. Chairperson of SCPCR was invited to inaugurate workshop on child sexual abuse, voyeurism and paedophilia. 4. a) Grass roots level outreach with children and concerned adults : Target Group PCO owners No. contacted 72times Communication of free call & test Railway station Bus stops 91times 121times Search, rescue, awareness -do- Shelter children 51times Sponsorships, follow-ups 191times 59times Awareness and follow ups Awareness, Rescue 13times 27times 81times 40times Awareness, competitions Open houses, outreach 12times 29times 93times 50times 21times 71times Rescue, followup, Awareness Rescue, consultancy, Awareness drive Awareness 14times 30times 17 times 16times Cinema halls Parks Tourist places Religious places Schools Slums Others Hospitals Police Outposts PRI systems Market Places Nature of outreach Awareness and Number of programmes 3 NICPS+5 CRC=8 Prog. 09 open house 21 participations 11 open houses b) Methods used for awareness: Distribution of Handouts, Sticking Posters at Strategic Places FGD Puppet Shows, Street Plays Games, Group Exercises, Competitions, Stories of childline action. Visiting Schools, Presenting Childline action in other groups. Conducting Social audit whenever the audience needed. 5) Number of Open house programmes held: 21 Nos. Issues and problems mentioned by the children during open house: a) Loss of play ground due to builder agencies encroach free lands. b) Park is converted to a marriage mandap by Municipality c) Beach remains crowded and dirty hence local children do not have space. d) Casual diseases treatment is not covered. e) Safe toilets in slums are absent f) Absence of teachers in school. g) Uniform and books are not available on time. h) Schools are used as community shelter during coastal depression. i) Police and para-military camps in school during Rath Jatra. j) Health out-reach absent in the remote places k) Patients are still victimized by quacks. l) Threat of evacuation from slum settlements by Govt./Rly Nootification. e) Hqs Hospital is callous for ailing children. f) Teachers are not aware of CRC know how. g) Relief funds of MLA, MP, CM is not accessible in children’s emergency. 6) Details, if any, of innovations in CHILDLINE: After all the process should not hectic, stereotyped or disgusting to any of the member of the team. It need innovating strategies in action to feel the team comfortable. On the other hand acceptance of such action be there. In the crux of repeated process it needs renewal of the strategy to do the same thing in a different way. Innovation is open to all the members of the team if it is accepted then the team practises the process unanimously. Some of the innovations were documented and reported from time to time, some important innovations are given below. a) Reading skill of children assessed through a competition on 14th Nov Children’s Day. b) Senior citizen were involved in Rakhya Bandhan in childline se dosti week program. c) Child-club members were associated in the out reach programs. d) Girl children associated in volunteering in Rath Jatra. e) Micro level sponsorships for education promotion added in the out reach. f) Child club member children became member for SSA teachers in their ToT on CRC. g) Members of allied system tried to conduct open house after getting feedback from Childline team. h) Delegation of children to CRC assessment and research work. i) Action support extended to fellow child working agencies. j) Periodic art contests introduces in open house on thematic issues. k) Child caller were invited to join Sunday’s childline to get direct experience. l) Out reach conducted through random greeting card to community members. CITY ADVISORY BOARD MEETING C A B Chaired by Dist Collector and Magistrate, Puri Sri Fakira Charana Satpathy. I A .S. Convened by: Director CHILDLINE Sri Debasis Rath. a) CAB Meetings: 2 CAB meetings (enclosed) Details of Issues discussed during the above meetings: 1st CAB meeting Dt- 10/02/11. Time: 04.00 P.M. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Functioning of the board to protect children in need. Violence against children, missing children. Status of Child Labour Cases. Possibilities of free Medical support to children in need. Provision of RTE 2009. Accessibility of 1098. Children in need of care and protection and role of CWC. What is the need of a C A B. Chaired by Dist Collector and Magistrate, Puri Sri Fakira Charana Satpathy. I A .S. Convened by: Director CHILDLINE Sri Debasis Rath. 2nd CAB meeting Dt-9/04/2011 Time: 05.00 P.M. Venue: YOUTH HOSTEL CONFRENCE HALL Problems Desired Solution Sl. Items for discussion No 1. Traffic and 1. Missing child to be 1 Missing Child Rescue Numbers of restored at same booth Mechanism and Info Booth in peak time. Communication during 2. More trouble 2. Police Platoons to be for child abuse informed not to beat Ratha Yatra 2011. 2 Connectivity of Toll-free 1098. 3 Spreading Awareness on CRC & Toll Free No: 1098 through wall painting in schools, Hospitals & Police stations. Present status of rescued children presently restored in shelter homes under CWC order. Any other issues of 4 5 by (deputed police) 1. Private telecom Companies do not share 1098 as free phone. MEMBER Stakeholders Superintendent Of Police, and Dist Collector, Puri and injure migrant children. 1. To incorporate/engineer 1098 as toll free number within their system. District Telecom Engineer 1. 1098 is forgotten soon. Children must know the usage of this number and the police as well. 1. a small budget is available to paint the information, but permission from the concerned members are needed soon. Superintendent of Police, CDMO, DPC of SSA, Puri. 1. Children are just sent to institutions but final order for restoration is delayed. 1. To illustrate protection mechanism case-wise and close all such files soon to avoid further legal action from civil society members. Chairperson Child Welfare Committee, Puri. 1. Abandoned 1. Care providers to be With permission CHILD PROTECTION. Sale of abandoned babies Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. babies are reportedly transacted in Hospitals. Decisions taken DET issued circular to pvt. Telecom agencies to incorporate 1098. Collector to issue letter to D.I. Schools to paint 1098 CWC to submit report of action taken on restored children in shelter homes.on 10th June Hospitals will be covered with 1098 information Spl. Restoration initiatives during Rath jatra. vigilant to check trafficking. from CHAIR. (CDMO) Decisions implemented 5 test calls from pvt. Telecom agencies received at CHILDLINE To be implemented After review of action document of CWC. Letter to be issued On June 10th, in Admn meeting for rath Jatra. NICP WORKSHOP 1ST WORKSHOP Issue / Thrust areas: Trafficking, Abuse, Protection System, ICPS Allied System for which NICP was conducted: Police, Medical, Legal, Education, Resource Persons: 1. Dr Trilochan Baral. Ex-CDMO & Member CWC) 2. Ms Lalita Bhengra. State Resource Person RTE 2009, Objectives of the Program: Capacity Building of the Allied Systems. Indicators of Output: 50 personnel from different allied systems were given capacity building training. Sensitisation of some stakeholders were done on the issues. Discussion on some important legislation was done to materialise child protection mechanism of the nation. nd 2 workshop Issue ICPSE / Thrust areas: RTE-2009, Trafficking, Abuse, Protection System, Allied System for which NICP was conducted: Resource Persons: 1. Mahabir R.N. Sahoo. (advocate, Member SJPU. 2. Sri Bijay Kumar Panda. (BRCC) Objectives of the Program: Create understanding on child rights and capacity building of the participants. Indicators of Output: 50 personnel from different allied system were trained. Questions of critical areas of legal intervention were solved. 3RD WORKSHOP Issue / Thrust areas: Child Abuse,Child Trafficking,Protection System, ICPS labor, RTE 2009, Allied System for which NICP was conducted: Police, Medical, Legal and Education. Resource Persons: 1. Bipin Bihari Dalai. (advocate) 2. Siba Narayan Sahoo. Advocate, Odisha High Court. Objectives of the Program: Capacity Building Involvement & Awareness of the parents on the child protection Mechanism. Indicators of Output: 50 stakeholders of children are trained on Justice system. Important legislations were discussed. 25 questions from participants answered. Community to protect child-rights formed. WORKSHOP ON PEDOPHILIA The workshop on CHILD PROTECTION With Special Emphasis On Protection from (Voyeurism Pedophilia And Sexual Abuse) was inaugurated by the honourable Chairperson of the State Commission on Protection of Childrights Smt. Saraswati Hembrum. Goal of the workshop The pilot project will be initiated in the Puri dist by inviting the main stakeholders of the Juvenile justice system, Service providers of Children in need. Output and recommendations of the work shop will be referred to the department of W & CD for furtherance and replication of the activity in other vulnerable areas of Trafficking, and CSA. Objectives of the workshop • • • • • • To identify problems and areas where CSA is perpetrated. To make the stakeholders sensitized on the issue and to take precautionary measures to check it as per existing legislation. Identification of the Protections Mechanism existent in the society in the form of legislations, protocols and international mandates. Convergence of all Categories of Stakeholders in the duty keepers and service providers those are deployed by Govt. in that area for child protection. Define Role and Responsibilities of the duty keepers and service providers and the corporate body such as hotel industry responsible for it. Implicating a Minimum Standard Norm for Child care Institutions, for Corporate body working in the community or with tourism etc. Decisions taken 1. Formulate a local committee accompanying all the stakeholders comprising of, CWC chairpersons, Members of CWC, Protection Officers, Probation officers, CDPO, MEMBERS SJPU, Members of JJB, Police officer not below the rank of IIC, representative of DSW, DPC, SSA etc who will look into the functioning of the child care institution and the CHILDLINE director will remain as the convener of the committee. 2. Child care institutions to report each of the entry and exit of child inmates periodically to the dist protection committee each month in its session. 3. Child Care Institutions are to report all entry and exit of adult guests (both national and international) to committee and appropriate authorities under Home Dept. 4. Implement a model standard norm in conformity with the JJ Act and Rules. 5. Formulate a child Club within the shelter and each of the ward councils under the ULB in tourism areas. 6. Regular reporting on Surrendered children to committee and receive decision soon. 7. Honor the governing policies on orphanage Act, and other legislation to manage shelter home properly by their local committees.. 8. Wall painting on minimum standard norm in each of the shelter home front gate or reception. Mandatory Information plaque in each oof the hotel reception on child protection such as sharing of room with unrelated children by customer and a plaque of emergency free helpline number 1098 on their helpline dash board. 9. Every home runs for the children should comply with registration under JJ Act and other legislation that applies. Committee will recommend and supervise the minimum standard norms of the shelter homes and industry. 10. Technical assistance to the committee will be provided by the CHILDLINE agency or directly by CHILDLINE India Foundation. RESEARCH Review on the situation of children engaged in begging in Puri ABSTRACT Child begging is seen all over India, Orissa is not an exception. Children and infants are induced in begging even in Delhi Metro which is a strategy of the begging rackets but the protection mechanism is not so robust to combat these scourges. The state lacks an anti-begging legislation yet and begging becomes an indicator of the quality of national development index. During field review the magnitude of begging and destitution of children could not assessed but it gave a basic idea on the issue. Secondary information says that some adults use children in begging who are not related to them. There are some nomads (non-pastoral) and wanderers who now a day accepted begging as a resort of livelihood. They wander from place to place with family for begging. It is estimated that in India there are 500 categories of Nomads who constitute 80 million population. Some of those nomads are culturally connected with Jagannath Puri. Due to their nomadic existence and poor condition they induce their children in begging and they disappear after festival is over. In present security context police apprehends such children when found in begging. Some of those kids are alleged to steal mobile phones etc. Besides this category there are several other categories of children from economically backward class who come from near by locality and continue begging. Adult male and female beggars who have babies and toddlers they bring them to the hinterland of begging. Another group is migrants in economic terms who settle down in the city for their livelihood. Due to rural poverty people are immigrating towards city and towns. In Puri the immigrated people thrive in 46 identified slums under Puri Municipality. Children of almost broken families of such population sometimes rescued and restored by childline. In some cases they flee from shelter and found out again in the same vocation same place. It happens to children with parental problems like alcoholism, domestic violence, divorce, drug abuse, crime, absconding, death etc. Orphan children and children of single parents are most vulnerable to begging. We believe that they are regulated by some adult mentor who takes advantage of such children and their earning. Police apprehends some of them for allegation of theft of articles like mobile pones, necklace and money at crowded places. Our observation reveals that a street child at the age of 6/7 years develops a sense of self esteem and quits begging and found with either wick-selling or pickpocketing. Restoration of such children remains unsuccessful as economic benefit and liberty is subdued in institutional life. It needs multi-stakeholder intervention to eliminate them from the vicious cycle of begging, stealing and drug paddling. Our findings says that children with special needs such as MR, CP, Speech and hearing disability among children are causes of missing of the child, abandonment of the child by parent, abandonment by un-recognized institutions. They are procured and victimized by some invisible nexus who promote child-begging in the city. Many children were restored in recognized institutions or in a family, CHILDLINE archived those documents properly under prescribed norms of CRC and Juvenile Justice Act. Sample of few cases are included in this small review to acknowledge the administration and state parties who are concerned over the mater. This effort could be more effective if the SSA, ULB System, Medical System, Police System, CHILDLINE, CWC and Justice System can be coordinated as a City Advisory Board. We underwent facts of stolen babies inducted in begging by traffickers. Begging in the running trains ekes out huge income for them. The mentor collects all those income in exchange of a meal and some doping products. We have included a sample document on a 7 year rescued child who was taken away by a snake charmer couple (Matia-Kela) from Cuttack Malgodam area when he was only 1 and half years old. The child however learnt begging in buses being accompanied by other children of the Matia kela He was restored to his original parents by the then CWC. To rescue such children it needs State’s will to promote an “anti begging legislation targeting quick social protection to beggars”, similarly eliminating political overtone in appointing stakeholders in Juvenile Justice System, ICPS such as CWC, JJB and SJPU units under JJ Act 2005, Child Protection Officer and allied members in ICPS/DCPS. A child out of school is either a child labor or a beggar’ SSA must have to ensure strategic planning to identify such unfortunate children and ensure special projects for them else the expectation of the Govt from SSA will be defeated. To answer question like ‘why children prefer such places to beg” one does not have to go through Industrial Location theory rather look into a pilgrim sentiment and perfunctory of GIVING/DAAN. A part of pilgrim budget is kept for DAAN and DAKHINAA at pilgrimage. To perform such act of giving a multilingual notice to be elevated specifying the place of his contribution to avoid traffic problem there. The adult beggars in front of Jagannath Temple are able to read minds of pilgrims. The IIC of Temple P.S stated that there are several complaints filed by pilgrims who were victimized by beggars. They swarm around the pilgrim who intends to pledge a DAAN, they attack pilgrims with their bowl or press affected limbs into their mouth to terrorize them so as to snatch more money than decided by the donor. Mr Gyan Ranjan Mahapatra, Inspector of Traffic Police stated in his key informant interview that some beggars are creating hazard in Traffic operation. They are neither listening to police nor sticking to a particular area of limit and ti is difficult to manage traffic. He stated that he will extend his full support in the mission. The note of observation of first and second day at temple site focusing child beggars says ‘there are 50 children engaged in begging who are less than 8 years of age. Some of them are accompanied by their parents and other siblings. Malati Das a woman with her son stated the team that her elder son is admitted in father school, her husband drives rickshaw, she is able to earn twice for the child as pilgrims become sentimental when seeing a toddler with her. She also stated that the woman at the west corner has procured 4 children from local busti/slum she earns four times than that of her. Two of the adult beggars revealed the fact how much they earn in a day. one migrant beggar of Bihar domicile and a pseudo-saddhu beggar of Bengal revealed that they earn minimum Rs 200/- and maximum Rs 800/- per head per day. They stated that women using 2 or more children in it are earning twice. We rediscovered Goura a child of 6 years who was restored in Utkal Balashram, Puri in the site of lion’s gate with a bowl of NIRMALYA. We collected information soon to place the mater before CWC as the child care institution is unable to restore the orphan-child. He was procured by an adult paddler to represent his sales-counter of NIRMALYA. There are 60 adolescent girls visible with bundles of weak who seem to be regulated by some adult members. In questioning one of them by the lady CEO of Puri Municipality rest of them ran away into the crowd. Parents are involved directly in begging and destitution, in one instance parents of two kids who are aged within 8 years selling wick were refrained selling wicks. They apprehended that some media activity might cause their exposure in T.V. as long as they are not sending children to attend schools. We felt that a regular interaction under a planned project can change the situation up to half in six months. The police personnel (did not disclose name) who have been associated with temple for long time stated that there are 200 children inside the temple who are engaged in pick pocketing. In CHILDLINE document review we got 60 cases of police apprehension and their restoration did not work. Fact reveals that some of them are trafficked from far away localities and slums of the city by adult mentors who grab all income earned form pick pocketing. They only provide them dress material, food and dope according to the worth of pick-pocketing. To reach out the adult mafia a planned measure to betaken involving the police system so also the JJ system to be made robust to handle such cases effectively, restoring those children in care and custody and to bring them into main stream. Similarly some able bodied persons engaged 24x7 in begging remain drunk always. Risks of Child sexual abuse, drugs, trafficking in children can not be ignored within their association. We smelt more of security risk as identity proof of such people is not yet created. That is also a reason that most of them are out of social protection net of the government and begging is persistent. Complaints of child sexual abuse by beggars was documented in the recent past when leprosy affected came to CHILDLINE CALL CENTRE to surrender her baby “babita not real name” with Govt. She relinquished the baby for the same reason and consciously stated the team and CWC members that she never wants same fate of the baby. However the baby was restored with Basundhara under order of CWC Cuttack Dist. The review is attached with some case material collected from archives of the agency which can help the main stakeholders to formulate a strategy to eliminate children from begging and to ensure their constitutional rights. SAFE SCHOOL CAMPAIGN Inauguration: Dist campaign was inaugurated by two of the child representatives Sri Nakul Sabar and Ms Beauty Uthhansingh along with the Member CWC Sri Tribikram Sahoo by lighting the sacred wicks. Rest of the representatives assisted the chief guests during inauguration. The dist campaign convener Sri Rath presented an abstract of the SAFE SCHOOL CAMPAIGN as an inaugural note. He stated the sole purpose of this campaign to strengthen child protection in the district. He invited all the presents to the discussion and requested their opinion on a successful implementation of the RTE Act 2009. In the context of the workshop he wanted to start up with a brief introduction of the delegate community. At the end of the introductory session the organizing partners presented bucket to all the delegates at the dais. He also reiterated the fact that the child protection mechanism should be well understood to the stakeholders as it comprises a number of legislations connected to the Constitution of India and the CRC for which a huge National model the ICPS is implemented at the national level. He welcomed the purpose of protecting the fundamental right of the child. It is essential in the part of the Govt to monitor the process at the grass root. The Chief Guest Mr Tribikram Sahoo was requested to present his inaugural speech. As a member of CWC he stated his responsibility to ensure protection to children in distress. Though school is believed to be a safe place for children there are lapses in the governance of the schools and still children face violence of several order. He expressed his resentment on the mismanagement in schools where we need a strong policy and proper functioning of the committees. The state should ensure permanent and trained teaching staff and infrastructure as a basic and standard norm to ensure every child safety. Mr Sahoo extended his thanks to the campaign committee for the innovation in their advocacy. With a view to ensure children a safe school environment he sited examples of CHILDLINE and SCHOOL HELPLINE which are functional in the state. He also presented some well known issues of CHILDLINE during his tenure as a Dist. Social Welfare Officer in Puri. Till day there is only one rescue agency in the district which often deals a number of unprotected children. He also illustrated the position of the district which receives 20,000 tourists and pilgrims and the administration and police remain busy in tourism issues. CHILDLINE works as a single lifeline for neglected children. He threw light on Minimum Standard Norms of schools which the SSA tries to fulfill but advocacy has a major role to play in it. It needs to sensitize the main stakeholders and to aware common public. He emphasized to broaden the scope of services sector like CHILDLINE by institutionalizing it in to all districts. A group exercise was conducted by taking 5 groups of children and keeping adults members as facilitators to assess the present situation, magnitude of violence and categories of such violence. Children presented their observation and insight. They felt the level of openness which is absent in the school premise as there is a power relationship between teachers and pupil. Their right to speak remains defunct when they are within school and a communication gap persists. Some of the parents stated their resentment on the activities of organizers of private schools as if they are insulated to RTE Act 2009. Mr Bipin Bihari Dalai. Advocate and activist in interactive education Sri Dalai a scion advocates and activist is involved in literary activity, he owns 3 periodicals, especially publishing a children’s magazine. He stated about his experience on the initiative of interactive education. Interacting school children with a purpose to know the standard of education was difficult once upon a time. Schools usually refused to permit him as they were not sure of the model of the interaction with children. However some of the best known schools allowed him to conduct his exercise and the real situation came to limelight. Some teachers have recognized their fault as they never interact pupils. He assessed many students school wise and appealed to the authority to change the system of learning. Sri Dalai opined that there is lack of interest among teachers for many policy reasons to perform better. Even though there are targets on achievement for school, the salary is a cause of deviation in performance of teachers. He expressed his resentment on some celebrated days like hand washing day, reading day in schools which brings an idea that the fundamentals of education might be lost so that such actions are enforced in to school system. Declaring reading day symbolizes that the quality of reading is deteriorating and that is true. Similarly some of the intelligentsia felt that the child is no more safe in the school in the face of free and compulsory education for children from 6 to 14 years and a campaign is launched as evidences of abuse are becoming regular media issues. Probably there a re lack of sufficient man power to verify or govern the school system. So the general belief of man making industries is shattered in the face of gross violation of child rights in school territory. He sited examples of interactive education how it explores unlimited resource of minds of human children. Mostly the relation and interaction has stopped between teachers and students and it may be reasons of mass drop out and child labour. It is a fact that reintegrating children in to school in their age appropriate class is a cumbersome job for the government and organizations as well. It needs rethinking on school education and implementation of the RTE by providing all infrastructural support and sponsorship to children in need. Ms Anjali Naik. MISSION SAKTI, Puri (Children with disabilities and schooling) She expressed her hope that the RTE Act 2009 can integrate the 3% of children with special needs. It requires adequate numbers of special teachers and convenience of the school campus for the use of such groups of children. Capacity of the teachers to be built up to manage children with disabilities she stated. To perceive the understanding of violence she conducted an opinion survey on the good and bad days of a child in school. It revealed that 80% of the existing participants faced violence of some order. Physical disparity among students also causes interpeer group violence which the teachers never recognize. But it is a major cause of drop out of children. Now the legislation is in its place, so the civil society has to play a pivotal role to enforce the same. Mr. Mahavir R.N. Sahoo. Advocate (Implementation of the Juvenile Justice System and ICPS in the face of RTE ACT.) Sri Sahoo as a law trainer described the juvenile justice system and ICPS in nutshell. He then shifted his focus on the model rules of the RTE Act. Where as he stated on the formation of a school management committee, notice board of the school, school development plan, free and compulsory education to children, capsule course for teachers, identification of children who need special training, responsibilities of the government and local authorities in implementing the act, sponsorship to the children with disabilities, governing the school to monitor abuses, maintenance of records in school, admission policy, reimbursement of expenses, recognition of schools, qualification of teachers and all other stakeholders like SCPCR involvement in the issues pertain to child right violation. In the end of the academic session a group exercise was initiated by the trainer. Group Exercise: by Manoj Tripathy. (Ex-coordinator CHILDLINE) He initiated a group exercise among the children where children represented violence faced by them in schools. The situational analysis by children were represented through Flip charts and drama prepared by children. Children explained their situation in their creative activities. Sri Tripathy as a trainer stated that to mobilize protection mechanism some innovative skills are needed. He expects, the primary stakeholders i.e. children should come up in groups to discuss their problems through wall magazines, publications to attract the stakeholders. He sited example of the school children’s helpline and childline which can serve them to the best extent. Sri Sakti Mishra. Coordinator, CHILDLINE SRI MISHRA added some case studies on violence in schools and how the helpline addressed the same. He appealed the presents to communicate childline through the toll free number whenever there is a violence perpetrated against a child. He stated that child protection is the theme in the services delivery system in childline and it is the biggest network of the nation where they are integrated into DCPS and ministry. Childline will facilitate the campaign during its open house and out reach across the district. Sri Bijay kumar Pradhan. Member Municipal Council, Puri Urban local body. He won elections for 5 consecutive terms, as an innocent political worker people keep immense confidence on him. He shared his views how the schools are operating under the Municipality and their conditions. He appreciated the SSA role to find schools at least in safer d condition. Children educated in private schools may face serious consequence as the governing councils are engaged in collecting money only. It seems they are insulated to all sorts of pressure and they capitalize power of parents who are in high positions and avail power to mobilize system easily. As per the state rule on RTE act, the schools under private ownership must be governed properly. He stated that some of his fellows are vigilant in this aspect and he will support initiative on school governance from time to time. Children’s Consultation: coordinated by Debasis Rath. Convener PACRC From out of the plenary sessions it revealed that children are best judges and no less logical than the adult civil society. They represented the issue and their need which is solely the intension of the OACRC. They represented their demand with the posters read as; 1. My school must be close to my home and easy for me to reach. 2. My school must begin and close on time on regular basis. 3. My school building & classroom must be well made, well maintained & clean. The school should have boundary wall, gate, drinking water and separate toilets for boys and girls. 4. I must not be beaten, ill-treated or subjected to discrimination or violence in my school. 5. A lady teacher must stay with girls and gent teacher with boys in Ashram schools or Residential schools/hostels at night. 6. My teacher must not chew paan, smoke, drink or use mobile phone in school. 7. My school must not be used for any other purpose other than education – not as a shelter for armed forces or during natural disasters. 8. My school must have first aid kit, health treatment facility and have a list of emergency numbers like hospital, ambulance, police station, fire station, etc. 9. My school must provide facilities for all types of children with special needs – ramp at entrance, space for wheel-chair in classroom, special aids and equipment, etc. 10. My school must provide facilities like textbooks, school uniform and bicycle on time and equally to all students. 11. My school must give me the chance to express myself without fear and allow me to participate in making it a better place. Mr Sidharth Roy (representative, All India Radio) Sri Roy documented versions of some resource persons and child representatives which was transmitted next day through AIR, Puri Centre. he also stated that the centre will disseminate campaign activities regularly. Keeping in view of the expressions of children the convener stated that the agency will initiate a contest of one-act plays on the concept OF RIGHT TO EDUCATION given by children. All the representatives from different child-clubs are in process. A budget of Rs 6000/- and ancillary services is instituted to stage and document the plays on safe school. The coordinator of childline and two members of children’s club are delegated to facilitate the process. Ms Lalita Bhengra stated about the genesis of the campaign. She explained about the state campaign and its purpose. With regard to future of the state campaign she gave some ideas to explore the entire district. The workshop ended with a vote of thanks from the convener. CHILDLINE SE DOSTI A National movement for A Friend in need of Care & Protect Protection. rotection. th On 8 of Nov 2010 we in CHILDLINE took the liberty to fasten the community in a bond of friendship. The implementing members put forward the list of who’s who of the district stake and the movement began by intrude into the Radio Station. A squadron of child volunteers shouted before the audio recorder KYA AAP CHILDLINE SE DOSTI KAROGE? And their mentor followed up with the theme of CHILDREN’S WEEK. But everything was preplanned where as people enjoyed the drama. Dosti campaign root chart was prepared by some children to reach out the district corners of Chilka lake zone, Konark and Sakhi Gopal. Reaching out with message was completed in one day where the campaign involved most of the child club members, children of shelter homes. The district authority called upon a preparatory meeting for the pathan diwas on 14th where childline oopined to initiate a reading competition to assess the education system here. In this regard TIKITARA was associated with childline to share their expertise as they are implementing the same since long. Utkal Balashram was plotted as pilot area to start with. Childline organized Pathan Diwas on 12th in the Balashram. Good readers and participants were felicitated with certificates. On 13th the childline RAKHI was again prepared and the mobile team of DOSTI covered all the stake holders in the juvenile justice system and the DCPS. On 14th the grand gala program was organized with 200 children and some senior citizen. The DOSTI rakhi was fastened to all delegates before opening up of a reading competition. Details of the dosti campaign of 14th is described. CHILDLINE SE DOSTI Of late all the stakeholders in the Education Department realized the role of reading. However the CHILDREN’S DAY was observed as reading day (PATHANA DIWASA). We in Puri brought forward our allied members to observe the meaningful day along with observing the last day of our CHILDREN’S WEEK. School children now are becoming selective and depending on Key Books instead of text books, most of them use to ignore reciting and reading their text for which punctuations, modulations, pronunciation and understanding get distorted. Basically the Oriya children are loosing command and control on Oriya language in the face of a multilingual education system. In the wake of the children’s day it was seen that the education system tried to interpret Pathan Diwas in several ways like distributing school dress, organizing festivals with children or publicizing Sisu Diwas and Pathan Diwas by demonstrating and debating but no where the theme of the celebration had been presented properly. We discussed theme with a number of educationists but received a doubtful opinion on the approach of a paragraph reading. But the experiment with 100 child readers revealed that there is need of strong coordination in the sensory perceptual system while presenting a paragraph loudly before audience. When a text is recited loudly and correctly, the part of memory also works accordingly and the reader gets the text in to memory without extra effort. The CHILDLINESE DOSTI CAMPAIGN unfolded an innovation on the eve of observing children’s week. A group of senior citizen connected to academia and civil society witnessed the entire process of competition and experiment with loud reading and its impact on memory as well as understanding. All of them opined that this process should continue across all the schools. It was observed that, those who read the text well loudly they answered all the 20 questions correctly. The ratio of good and bad readers remains 3:2. It is true to child as well as adult readers. The rest 40% of the bad readers though educated use to read the text extemporized. We observed that they could not answer 30% of the questions on the text message as a result of impulsive approach to reading. The observers of the reading workshop viewed that reading loudly and reciting correctly denominates the level of consciousness of the reader. Those readers who read something that was not really written in the text were considered as bad readers. For example some read college as jail, some prepared their own sentence but failed to complete the original sentence given rather distorted the meaning of the sentence. The day long program was appreciated by the district authorities in the SSA and the intelligentsia appealed the coordinators of this program to conduct it across the education district. CHILDLINE Puri got a citizenry felicitation for promoting READING and innovations on implementing child rights. Some eminent persons were also felicitated for their contribution in the field of child development with a plaque of honor. Dr Kailash Tikayat Ray (ex Director Odia Bhasa Pratisthan, Odisha. Dr Kartik Kumar Das. Principal Suraj Mal Saha College. Sri Purnachandra Sahoo, BRCC, SSA. Dr Hemant Chotroy, eminent Childrens’ Writer, Sri Batakrushna Ojha and Birendra Kumar Mohanty both Awardees of Odisha Sahitya Academy, Smt Pratima Mishra, eminent Social Activist, Dr Babaji Mahapatra, Social Activist, Sri Prana Krushna Mahapatra, President of Srikhetra Sisu Sahitys Sansada, Smt Kuntala Kumari Mishra, Writer, Sri Siba Sundar Mishra, Retd, Head Master were among the academic citizenry circle of the state and stakeholders of Orissa’s Cultural movement were felicitated and joined CHILD LINE RAKHYA BANDHAN. Program of RAKHYA BANDHAN was designed by Dr. Sukanti Nada, writer and Educationist, Sri Padmacharan Khuntia, Rtd, Head Master and Eminent Advocate of Pleasure Education for children and Ms Kamana Kumari Dei, BRCC under SSA. A part of the program was solely operated by child representatives and ambassadors for children, Sri Anil Dash, Sri Dilu Barik. They were in focus for their coordination, participation and planning. Child readers were given participation certificate at the end of the program. The agencies like RUSH, TIKITARA and CHILDLINE were in convergence to observe children’s day 2010, it was a preplanned projection where many a theme of child development met together to cherish a dream of better future for our children. On the wake of fundamental rights of the child the Child’s Right to Education should not be violated that everyone realizes. But the focus of the program was to give emphasis on the role of the parents, teachers and duty bearers towards consistency of child development in the state. Its message holds them responsible to build capacity of the child through interactive education as stated by Sri Bipin Bihari Dalai, editor TIKITARA. Keeping in view of the output of reciting and reading by some of the educated adult members the intelligentsia realized the benefits of recital and loud reading. Hence appreciated the experiment and opined to build up capacity of teachers and trainers on interactive education which can yield better results for teaching huge number of drop out children while integrating them in age appropriate classes. The program ended with a vote of thank by the Director. Other Current Theme where children and public were associated. Painting Competition on CLIMATE CHANGE, Child Participation in the CWC Sessions. Child Volunteering in the Festivals. Internships of young people in the child care and Juvenile Justice institutions. Multiplication of children’s initiatives through Balika Mandals and Child Clubs Rational Involvement of Media in the CHILD PROTECTION issues Advocacy of CHILDLINE actions in other Civil Society Groups. SOME SAMPLE CASES CASE STUDY -1 A girl child of 18(+/-) 2 name (Y)…Protocol………, Dist Puri was Produced before CWC by her brother Kalia Bhoi and childline Puri on dated 27/03/09 with an appeal to provide her shelter and medical assistance. Kalia Bhoi also has taken help from Childline (National emergency telephone service for children) to facilitate the mater as they are unlettered people. On hearing at CWC member it transpired that (Y) was in an advance stage of pregnancybeyond-wedlock that created stigma in the community for which the family members wanted to shift her to a safer place. In the best interest of child she was given shelter in Vijaya Swadhar, Datta Tota Puri as per the order of the committee. The committee also ratified to extend some advances medical help to (Y) in its last session on dated 15/04/09. The committee also suggested shifting the child to a specialized shelter home like Basundhara in consultation of the secretary of that agency. Kalia Bhoi, the guardian of the child did not accept the suggestion to shift her to Basundhara as the family can not afford to look after the child. On dated 23/04/09, (y)i was taken to hospital for a check up where she was advised to get immediate admission in the presence and order of a single CWC member when the child was diagnosed that the fetus is dead. After medical investigation the ward doctor advised to collect blood for transfusion immediately to raise the level of Haemoglobin from 8% to above. None of her family members like Kalia Bhoi or her sister in law listen to it as they were afraid of donating blood. Thanks to Mr Bhaskar Jyoti Sharma. IAS Chair of Red Cross Society Puri that a unit of blood was donated free of cost and without exchange as per the request of the CWC member vide his emergency letter dated 27/08/09. On 28th April at about 11.55 childline received a letter from Vijaya Swadhar that the child is absconded from the hospital bed though arrangement for her treatment was complete. The resource team members were in search of the child along with shared information to the police station. Member CWC also contacted the phone numbers given by the said Kalia Bhoi but it was out of range or did not respond. The member CWC felt that the child might have abducted by her own family members or relatives from the bed in the Dist. HQS. Hospital, female ward. But she was in a very critical stage of her health like risk of septicemia. The member also filed a FIR immediately to investigate the mater. In the next session on dated 09/05/09 the bench of CWC took action against the Swadhar Home, Dist HQS Hospital and also required action statement from the police. CASE STUDY -2 MISSING CHILD LIPA SATPATHY 14 Yrs, Female (MENTALLY RETARDED) D/o- DULAL Ku Satpathy At- Sukinda, Po/Dist- Angul • Background of the child Lipa is differently able since childhood. She is Mentally Retarded and now aged about 14 years. Her parents had been in touch with specialised agencies dealing MR children. But during Rath Jatra he abandoned Lipa with a dinner plate and two empty bottles in a plastic bag. • Distress situation/circumstances Like other severe cases of MR children she could not perform any actions for survival. On the event of snatching a bread from a shop and eating it in a atypical manner attracted concerned people who brought her to childline. She had swelling in her feet, eyes were swollen and red, infected with diarrhoea, nausea, and high fever. She was with a swarm of flies for emitting putrid smell from her body. • Impact on Child She was unable to express her agony for the Cerebral palsy but we could mark the level of agony from her expression for her abandonment by parents. She was morbid and helpless. • Contact with CHILDLINE The child was rescued by a media worker Mr Ranjit Mishra of Haldia Matha Lane, Dolamandapsahi, Puri. • CHILDLINE intervention The team observed her morbid condition for which they got her admitted in the DHH, Puri after extending first aid, hygiene and observation. The Childline team started extending medicinal and attendant support for 24 hours to the girl during her treatment in the DHH, Puri from 28th to 30th June. In production of the case before CWC member, an order of restoration was released but after stability of the patient. On 30th she was given escort and transport to ASRA. • CHILDLINE impact But she was detected with Mental Retardation and known to the shelter superintendent since long. They kept her in shelter for just 3 days in order to honor the decision of member CWC and to encourage action of CHILDLINE but THEY requested childline to shift her to appropriate shelter home meant for MR children. As there is no such shelter in the Dist, DSWO was intimated to arrange the same and a shelter for her interim management was finalised. After inquiring the parentage childline could uncover the story of abandonment of an innocent girl child by the parent itself. A FIR is lodged against the parent in the Kumbharpada P.S. and order from CWC is released to shift her from ASRA to PATITA PABAN SEBA SANGHA in the mediation of the DSWO Puri. CASE STUDY -3 • Background of the child Sridevi came in news in daily Dharitri that Koonark P.S did not respond to her illegal possession by a local couple. She was rescued from the reserve forest. • Distress situation/circumstances She was rescued by a man who handed her to a couple who had 3 children before. Besides the news report the police did not respond to it. • Impact on Child Treatment, immunisation and protection to the baby was not done properly. She had infections as she had to sleep on floor and out of community. • Contact with CHILDLINE Childline pressed the news at CWC and got an order for inquiry. • CHILDLINE intervention. An open house was organised at Konark to aware the local community on rescue of newborn. Inquiry was conducted by childline team before rescue. • CHILDLINE impact CWC after perusal of report ordered the IIC to handover the baby to childline. The local community also enforced the couple to surrender the baby. Media workers became active to take note of the issue. The police extended their escorts to rescue the baby from the couple. The baby was sent to HQS hospital for check up, immunisation and treatment. Since the order was comprehensive to restore her at placement agency ‘she was transferred accordingly to CWC Cuttack for care protection and social reintegration. CASE STUDY -4 • Background of the child Manoj aged 16 years (as per school Leaving Certificate) son of sri Manguli Nayak and smt Nayana Nayak they are residents of Rebenanuagaon, Puri. Manoj completed his 10th standard and shifted to Delhi where he worked as a daily labourer to sustain his poor parents. He is the only son with three sisters. His father is a cycle mechanic and mother is a house wife. • Distress situation/circumstances Rebanuagaon police called upon Manguli Nayak to inform that his son Manoj allegedly made a girl pregnant and the girl aged about 19 years now in an advanced stage of 8 month of her pregnancy. After some days the child Manoj along with Manguli came to the police station and when the matter was produced Manoj disclosed that he is no way involved in this matter and the girl is related to his extended family. He also expressed that she is 3yrs elder then that of his age. Then police suddenly put Manguli into lockup and forced Manoj to take off all the clothes and started beating his father Manguli inside the P.S. Seeing the distressed condition he agreed what the I.O. impressed him to do. The I.O. of police decided to solemnize the marriage of both of them on dt 12/08/09 at Sri Sri AlarnathDev Niyoga Committee on the presence of police. • Impact on Child Manoj (according to school leaving certificate D.O.B. 03/08/1993) hence ageing 16yrs. Now he stays with the girl who is a relative. And the mental condition of the child is deteriorating. • Contact with CHILDLINE Childiline first got the news from daily SAMBAD on 14/08/09. And on dt 18/08/09 Manguli Nayak contacted childline and told about the matter how they were forced to do so by the police. The girl child also states that Manoj is not involved in this but the police and family members of her has forced her to take the name of Manoj. • CHILDLINE intervention It was found that the child is in very problematic condition and he needs help. The child will be produced before the CWC. It came to notice that the girl child is ready to speak the truth but there is no support she is under pressure. She is now staying in Manguli’s house with Manoj after police enforced to conduct the marriage. A copy of SLC and the receipt of marriage due at temple are already collected. This may be filed at H.C. Orissa as a gross violation of Child Right. • CHILDLINE impact CASE STUDY -5 • Background of the child Sony aged about 14yrs daughter of Sriprasad Matho and Late Laxmi Matho belongs to a migrant family who were engaged in rag picking and Sony is involved in begging and so her other sister also. They sometimes reside in Puri railway station or near Jagannath temple. • Distress situation/circumstances Sony was rescued on Sep 23 by Vijyawada Childline who found her begging at the railway platform and she was under the care and protection at Navjeevan Bal Bhawan , Vijayawada till she was brought to Puri. • Impact on Child Sony belongs to a migrant family. She speaks both Oriya and Hindi and her state of mind is normal. • Contact with CHILDLINE On dt 26/9/09 Vijayawada childline contacted Puri childline over phone to inform that a child was found by them who belong to puri and please trace out the address. But as per the address given by sony no such persons were found. • CHILDLINE intervention On dt 02/10/09 two of the team members of Vijayawada Childline along with sony came to Puri childline for her restoration. But after arrival at the Puri Railway station the child Sony couldn’t identify her parents over there. As said by Sony that she was taken to Vijayawada by a girl who insisted that she can earn more money and the girl leftover sony in the platform and went away. • CHILDLINE impact It is very difficult to restore the child who doesn’t belong to native place or any residential connection of any relatives. The case was produced before CWC and as per the order she was sheltered at Nilachal Nari Seva Samiti till her family members are traced out. Information was given in local media channel so that it would be easy. CASE STUDY-6 • Background of the child Kanhu charan Das aged about 10 years son of Laxmidhar Das and Pramila Das are living in the village Basara Patna, Jatani, Khurda. He is a very innocent child and has much interest in earning and serving the family members and in the mean while he also has interest to study. • Distress situation/circumstances He was wearing a yellow shirt and black pant which was torn and was suffering from severe malnutrition symptoms and problem in his eye which might be due to jaundice. • Impact on Child The situation of family leads him to do such kind of hazardous work. When childline team went to restorate the child at his home made the parents aware not to force the child to do such activities and allow him to continue study rather earning but it was worthless as he runs frequently. • Contact with CHILDLINE On dt 26/02/09 at about 12.50 PM a call was received from a concerned adult namely Susant Ku Swain near police line temple who informed about missing of 10yr child. • CHILDLINE intervention After receiving the call the team immediately rushed to the spot but it was found that the child Kanhu has been restorated by childline at his home before a couple of months who was rescued in a morbid condition. And again he ran away from home and was working in a restaurant. He had jaundice due to profuse work burden by the employer. He was brought from the place to Childline office and he also stated that he is forced to earn money as his father abused him. He has never attended school and the other members of the family are engaged in certain works. Kanhu requested that he doesn’t want to go home rather he want to study. • CHILDLINE impact The case was then produced before CWC and keeping the view of the child and as per the order Kanhu was send to Utkal Balashram, the Govt shelter as repatriation of the child to such careless parents doesn’t mean anything. Presently he is staying in the shelter home. The concerned IIC Jatani is also intimated about the matter. CASE STUDY-7 • Background of the child Shakuntala aged about 18 yrs is a girl with moderate disabilities. She told her name as Shakuntala Das D/o-Sanatan Das resident of Kundapur, Patamundai, Cuttack. And his elder brother is Sarat Das who is married and they all live together. • Distress situation/circumstances The dirty clothes of the girl indicate that she might have been abandoned since long for which she is habituated in street lives. Her health and personal hygiene is deteriorated. • Impact on Child She states that the elder brother of her told that we will go to Puri for your treatment and after reaching at Puri he left her alone in the street and went away. • Contact with CHILDLINE On dated 28/01/09 Smt. Jyostnamayee Mishra aged about 35 years, resident of PHD Colony, Qt. no 5 reported childline that she has kept a girl aged about 18 years. Smt Mishra stated that no shelter home in this territory extended special care to such cases. • CHILDLINE intervention After reaching near the girl it was found that she responds to common questions properly but lacks conscious behavior like other normal girls at the age. She also stated that her elder brother abandoned her in Puri. She was no more interested to return to his house as the family members used to torture her by locking her in a room, beating, not giving food etc. She was able to perform all her daily activities of her own. If she would be given proper care then she can also be cured. • CHILDLINE impact As per the order of CWC shakuntala was shifted to SWADHAR home in Gatirout Patna, Cuttack for further care and treatment. The parents are knowingly living the girl children to street in order to suffer. They should be aware about it.
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