SIMULATION USING BUILDING BLOCKS Edwin Valentin Alexander Verbraeck Delft University of Technology Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management Systems Engineering Group P.O. Box 5015, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands ABSTRACT In this paper we sketch how the use of building blocks provides added value for improving the effectiveness of simulation studies. Research conducted by other groups regarding building blocks is in our view not yet sufficient for successful application in the field of discrete event simulation. In addition the sets of building blocks provided by simulation vendors do not provide the added value we expect. To improve the effectiveness of simulation studies we identified a set of requirements for the architecture of building blocks. It was possible to implement this architecture in existing simulation environments. In a case for modeling business processes in banking environments we used a set of building blocks that has been designed according to the mentioned requirements, to illustrate the improved effectiveness. 1 INTRODUCTION Contrary to what we have been expecting for a long time, discrete event simulation is an instrument which is not used on a day-to-day basis by decision makers, even for data-intensive decisions that require quantitative analysis. We see the (perceived) low effectiveness of simulation studies as the major reason for the lack of use of simulation as a problem solving instrument. This low effectiveness is in our opinion caused by several reasons. Examples are that the insight provided by the first models leads to new questions of decision makers which the models cannot answer, that the modeled situation changes before the simulation study could be finished, that simulation experts and decision makers speak and think in different ‘languages’ and that the simulation expert lacks background knowledge of a domain to correctly solve the problem using simulation. Looking at the construction of discrete event simulation models, we notice that this process has a highly repetitive character. Especially when developing models in the same domain or for the same organization, similar modeling constructs are being used over and over again. It seems very logical to structure and package these repetitive processes, and make them available for the modeler for repeated use. Using the standard simulation statements, it can take quite long to create a complex model, but with larger, pre-constructed blocks, the modeler should be able to create the model in less time. Our hypothesis is that the concept of these pre-constructed blocks will also improve the effectiveness of simulation studies for discrete events simulation models. To stay independent of the software engineering concept of ‘components’, we will use the more neutral term ‘building blocks’ in this paper. Building blocks are very close to objects in object orientation, but they possess improved functionality for aggregation, and much attention is paid to fully specifying the interfaces of the building blocks. In the second section of this paper we will show how building blocks are described in literature and how they are currently implemented in some of the popular discrete event simulation tools. We notice that building blocks are used, but we observe all kinds of different architectures. In the third section of the paper we evaluate the different architectures used in the current tools and we deduce a set of requirements for an overall architecture of discrete event simulation building blocks. Section four shows that this new architecture satisfies the identified requirements. Finally we will illustrate our architecture for building blocks using a case study for business process redesign in a financial environment. 2 BUILDING BLOCKS IN LITERATURE AND PRACTICE As mentioned before, the concept of building blocks is not completely new. Several architectures for simulation building blocks can be found both in literature and in current simulation tools. 2.1 Building blocks in literature Analogous to the development of component based software (Allen & Frost, 1998; Szyperski, 2001; Herzum & Sims, 2000; Heinemann & Councill, 2000), simulation model builders are using components to construct their models. When constructing a model of a complex system that in reality consist of several components from different vendors, e.g. a part of a factory with a number of ma- chines, it would be ideal to construct a simulation model of that factory from simulation components that have a one-to-one match with the machines on the factory floor (Sarjoughian & Cellier, 2001). Ideally, these components can be downloaded from the web-sites of the machine vendors and can be plugged into any simulation model because of standardized interfaces. At the moment, however, these standard interfaces and “open” simulation environments hardly exist, and it will take several years more before even part of this vision is realized. Even worse, we need to think about the architectures of these building blocks that would allow such advanced use. Fishwick (1998) and Pegden et al. (2001) provide first ideas for these interfaces and functionality of components, but the existing commercially available simulation tools do not yet allow the use of these types of components. The research performed by Kasputis and Ng (2000) is an example of possibilities for building blocks with the current technologies. They illustrate the possibility of reaching a higher effectiveness in their simulation studies by using a set of components for the simulation models which they developed for models of the US Navy. However, their solution is not easy to generalize, because these components are fixed within one organization, and require simulation software of the US Navy. 2.2 Building blocks in practice In practice we see that a lot of the current discrete event simulation software tools provide some kind of building blocks. Building blocks can be applied on three different aggregation levels. At the bottom level, we see generic, domain independent building blocks like a queue and a resource, actually wrapping the concepts of the simulation language in a user-friendly way. At the second level, building blocks are used as part of the simulation tool focussing on a special domain. In addition, some tools offer the possibility for users to develop or extend building blocks according to their own, very specific, needs. Examples of sets of building blocks for a special domain are the material handling building block sets of AutoMod, the Contact Center and Factory Analyzer libraries of Arena and the MedModel library of Promodel. These tools and packages are all described in Peters et al. (2001). The user construction of building blocks for a special domain is for instance available within the simulation tools Arena, eM-plant and Extend. 3 REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ARCHITECTURE OF BUILDING BLOCKS The requirements for simulation building block libraries come from two different sources. The first set of requirements is mainly based on literature and is aimed at supporting to improve the effectiveness of simulation studies. The second set of requirements follows from experiences with the architecture of available simulation libraries, which we tested in several projects (Verbraeck et al. 1998; Versteegt & Verbraeck, 2001; Saanen, 2001; Verbraeck & Valentin, 2001). 3.1 Requirements based on literature The first set of requirements for the architecture of simulation building blocks is based on an analysis that looks at the possible contribution of building blocks to the improvement of the effectiveness of a simulation study. The steps for a simulation study of Banks (1998) have been used as a basis to look for possible improvements. REQ 1:Usable within several simulation studies The development of building blocks is a time-consuming task. No matter how many experience a simulation analyst has, it would be very uncommon to get the full pay-back of the extra investment for creating building in one simulation study. Therefore, the building blocks should be applicable in more than one simulation study. REQ 2: Applicable in current simulation tools The available commercial simulation tools have taken years to develop and to reach a high-level of user friendliness. Even though better founded concepts like the DEVS-framework (Zeigler et al., 2000) and pure object oriented simulation (Balci et al., 1997) are available, the average simulation expert is not able to use these frameworks. He/she is more convenient using one of the currently available commercial simulation tools (Swain, 2001). REQ 3: Support easy model development The development of a simulation model is more than just the coding of the model. If possible, the building blocks should also ease the phases of conceptualization of the system, before the model construction can start, and give support with the gathering of data during the model construction phase (Banks, 1998). REQ 4: Resulting models should be understandable for problem owner Simulation models are not just meant to generate numbers, they should also provide insight in the system. We see the necessary insight on two different levels. One level is that the structure of the model is understandable for the problem owner, i.e. that he/she recognizes the processing of the simulation model. The other level is that the working of the system can be assessed, e.g. through a visualization the problem owner understands. In addition, the quantitative output always remains important. The user will almost always use the output in the decision making, but not before credibility has been assured through understanding of the working of the model. REQ 5: Resulting models should be ready for VV&A After the step model construction, simulation studies are followed by verification and validation before the simulation run can be performed (Banks, 1998). The models we construct using building blocks should enable us to do easy and fast verification and validation of the model. The accreditation is already part of requirement 4. REQ 6: Easy adaptation Systems that are modeled in a simulation study, usually evolve over time. This means that when the simulation models are used for answering questions over a prolonged period, the model builder should be able to adapt the models to the system changes with minimal effort. The building blocks should be capable of handling these changes, and if possible easing the change process. REQ 7: Maintainable and extendable In addition to easy changing the models built with building blocks, the building blocks themselves should also be easily adaptable. Even though a set of building blocks might seem perfect for the first study, next projects might require different, or more often, extended functionality of the building blocks. The building block architecture should support easy changes or extensions in the building blocks. 3.2 Requirements based on experiences with current simulation tools When we have a closer look at libraries in existing simulation tools, we observed some positive and negative characteristics. The experiences with these characteristics in different projects triggered us in defining the following requirements for our own architecture: REQ 8: Domain specific blocks with a manageable size In several of the existing building blocks, we see a limited set of very powerful building blocks with lots of features that can be switched on or off. Usually these building blocks have extensive user interfaces. This indicates that the building blocks contain functionality that is not required every time, which means overhead in the building blocks, overhead for the user, and problems with maintenance. Still we want to be able to have building blocks that show some domain specificity and that are not as general and small as a queue or a resource. REQ 9: Not closed, but also not completely open Building blocks in the tool Arena are compiled and you cannot have a look inside. The building blocks of eMplant are completely open and you can change each attribute value and call every internal function. Both options have their disadvantages, so a trade-off needs to be made. REQ 10: Flow of objects and method calls The flow oriented simulation tools like Arena, Witness and AutoMod are clear and easy to use for visualization. The object oriented tools like Extend and eM-plant handle a lot by method calls, which makes them powerful for complex coding. A trade off needs to be made between the object oriented advantages of using methods and the flow oriented advantages of clarity and animation. 4 A NEW ARCHITECTURE FOR SIMULATION BUILDING BLOCKS In the previous section we defined the requirements for an architecture for simulation building blocks from a technical standpoint (based on available simulation tools) and a process-oriented standpoint, based on the steps in a simulation study. In this section we will first of all explain how we face the technical requirements and by that explain how the process-oriented requirements are met as well. 4.1 Relationships between building blocks So far we just spoke about individual building blocks. In practice, a consistent library of building blocks is usually needed to carry out a simulation project. One of the questions for the architecture is which mechanisms are important for providing the relationship between building blocks. In one of our projects for simulating passenger movements in airport terminals, we assumed that inheritance would be a major relationship between different types of building blocks. Inheritance would decrease the efforts in maintenance and provide the model builder with a clear structured set of building blocks. In this project, we defined a large set of building blocks, that included check-in counters, gates, souvenir shops, and security checks, for modeling the infrastructure of the airport. In our abstract view, we noticed an inheritance structure to handle all these building blocks, see Figure 1 for a small subset using UML (Rumbaugh et al, 1999). GenericArea <abstract> 0..n CompoundArea SingleArea CheckInCompoundArea GateCompoundArea Gate2CompoundArea Figure 1: WalkArea Walk2DArea LeisureArea ConveyorArea ShopArea SittingArea HandlingArea HandlingGroupArea HandlingStateArea HandlingScheduleArea Inheritance structure of building blocks While performing simulation studies with this inheritance structure, we found out that we more or less satisfied requirements 1 to 6, but maintenance and extendibility (REQ 7) were extremely hard. Because of the many different characteristics in the infrastructure building blocks, the ‘pure’ inheritance tree we started with, provided more and more problems over time. Parts needed to be duplicated between building blocks far away in the tree, and in other cases abstract artifacts that were not meant to be included in the models had to be entered high in the inheritance tree. This made it harder for the model builders to understand the models as well. As a result we had a closer look at the concepts behind the areas. What we observed over and over again was that smaller repetitive parts existed within our building blocks, that were not meant to be handled as a single part of a simulation model. In fact these were smaller building blocks, that were not meant to be visible to the model builder, but only to the building block developer. These so-called building block elements are the finer structure that the building block developer uses to create, extend, and adapt the model building blocks. 4.2 Private versus public To handle the difficult requirement that a building block should be as open as possible for reasons of clarity, yet as closed as possible to avoid that the user damages the building block (REQ 9), we see clear interfacing as a good solution, combined with “hiding” of information. The open / closed issue is mostly an problem because of accessing information or methods a user is not allowed to use or change. By defining specific interfaces around a building block, this problem is solved. Secondly, information within the building block should be split up in private and public information. In the current simulation tools some technical opportunities are already available to do this, such as creating a special sub-frame in eM-plant and using a unique-hidden operand within Arena. Thirdly, the public information and functions of a building block should be reachable using the most basic calls provided within the simulation language, so the building blocks can easily cooperate with the statements of the used simulation environment, which is not hard to achieve according to our experiences (shown in the example in section 5). 4.3 4.4 Domain specific sets of building blocks We see a set of model building blocks, consisting of a larger set of building block elements as a tool that will support in simulation studies within a certain problem domain. However, within each problem domain one can always identify one or more studies that cannot be solved in an effective way using the proposed set. As a result we limit ourselves not only to a problem domain, but within that domain to a set of issues we can solve. To improve the use of the set of model building blocks, we take three things into account: • Model building blocks are representations of items one can clearly identify within a problem domain (helps to satisfy REQ 1). • The user interface – both the terms in the forms to fill in and the animation provided – contains the terminology of the problem domain of the problem owner (satisfies REQ 4). • Development of new model building blocks using (new) building block elements will lead to the ability to solve new issues within the identified problem domain (solves REQ 6). In the simulation studies for airport terminal modeling, we saw that the aggregation mentioned in section 4.1 could be used over and over again, to define larger aggregations, which in the end became very project specific. All the concepts mentioned above helped to achieve this goal. One example for the airport building blocks a project specific library for terminal evacuation, which could easily be built on top of the terminal specific building blocks, sometimes by replacing the control building block elements by “evacuation specific” controls. Insta nce s in sim ula tion m od e l (p roje ct sp e cific) Proje ct sp ecific b uild ing b locks D om a in sp e cific b u ild in g b locks Flow and objects It is our experience in many discrete event simulation projects that problem owners think in terms of flows (REQ 10). They notice a passenger flow through an airport, a document flow through an organization, or flowing envelopes or packages through a mail sorter. In order to stay close to this view, we usually support this flow in the building block structure, but we use object oriented mechanisms for control. Especially in the control, more algorithmic features are useful, which are best provided by object oriented mechanisms. The building block elements for control can then be used as element in the flow supporting model building blocks. By using this combination, the models visualize the flow that the problem owner can easily recognize (REQ 4). B uild ing b lo ck e le m e n ts (g e ne ric an d d om a in sp e cific) level of aggregation Both the building blocks and the building block elements possess a very well specified and clear interface to the other building blocks or building block elements. What we found out is that composition or aggregation might be a more important structuring mechanism than inheritance. When we implemented this structure for the airport terminals, we were also able to maintain our building blocks. We took this even a step further and defined inheritance trees of building block elements, but not anymore for the model building blocks. Because we knew what types of building block elements together form a model building block, we defined an interface for the model building block, that supports the user in configuring the model building block by choosing the building block elements of which it is built up. This possibility not only improved the easy model construction (REQ 3), but also enabled models to be more easily recognized by the problem owner, thanks to the detailed knowledge available in the building block elements (REQ 4). Sim ula tion conce p ts a nd sta te m en ts p ro vid e d b y th e sim ula tion lan g ua g e Figure 2: Inheritance structure of building blocks As a result, we found out that the architecture of model building blocks we developed, also supported the usability within several simulation studies (REQ 1). Our libraries were implemented in current simulation tools, so we also satisfied REQ 2. 4.5 Remaining advantages of the architecture Projects carried out with these architectures of simulation building blocks showed that some of the features that we chose provide even more advantages than we thought on beforehand. One of the advantages of the clear one-to-one representation of the object system in the simulation building blocks is that models can be built by people less experienced in the use of a simulation environment, because they are just copying components they observe in their own system into the simulation model. There is, of course, also a danger attached to this: a model is a reduction of the depicted system, and anyone not aware of that can deduce invalid conclusions from running the model. Another advantage that surfaced during our studies is that data gathering – usually one of the most cumbersome tasks of a simulation study – is much easier, because the information needed from the modeled system is defined by the information to be entered in the pre-defined and carefully designed (user) interfaces of the different model building blocks. All observations show that we succeed to support easy model development (REQ 3). REQ 5 looks like a tough requirement. In the studies we carried out, we found that VV&A was greatly helped by the fact that each building block is usually extensively tested before handing it over to model builders. Therefore, modeling errors have not to be searched in the detailed simulation code, but rather in the entered data and the higher-level model structure. Furthermore, the building block interfaces are designed to show problem domain terminology, so expert validation and accreditation are easier than projects where models have been built from low-level simulation building blocks that usually show terms understandable for simulation experts, not domain experts. A final advantage is that the building block usually include collection of statistics for the most common performance indicators in the domain. This saves time in providing the client with the first results. 5 CASE STUDY INTERNATIONAL BANKING Ayad and Sol (2002) have identified several alternatives for business models for banks. As part of the research, they investigated two different international payment systems in two different countries, which are part of the same banking organization. The main question they wanted to answer was: “Will our new business model provide the cost savings we expect?”. Several variables that influence the performance indicators for this question have been identified: location of databases, accessibility of information, allocation of tasks to countries or a central organization, personnel allocation to perform tasks and order of executing tasks. To be able to give quantitative answers to these questions, a simulation model had to be constructed. Because of the required model flexibility, the high number of tasks and processes and the further use of the model in later stages of the research, the choice was made to use building blocks. A second reason was that we expected to use these types of building blocks in more business process related (research) projects. After preliminary research, we defined four high-level types of building blocks: • Actors who perform tasks, but do not know anything about the rest of the process. • Databases that store information about the customer and about payments / documents / generic items. • Task-allocators that assign tasks to be performed to actors who have the right competencies to perform the required tasks. • Process steps which are all kinds of actions performed on the payment/document/item, like “Claim actor” , “Perform task”, “Retrieve from database” and “Check consistency with database”. These building blocks have been implemented in the Arena simulation language with several variants for each building block. Figure 3 shows the conceptual model for the “Capture Order Process”, one of the many processes in the banking study. Figure 4 shows a screen dump of the model part of the same process, that was created using the building blocks. Arrive of payment Select actor to perform "Input payment" Select actor to perform "check input" Claim actor for task "Input payment" Claim actor for task "check input" Perform task "Input payment" Check information of the 'payment Country A' database Add information to the 'payment Country A' database Release actor of task "Input payment" Figure 3: Perform task "check input" WRONG Adjust information of database 'payment Country A' CORRECT Release actor of task "Input payment" Conceptual example bank process The building blocks were created in Arena, and as the implementation shows, construction within Arena was successful. The model building blocks are very close to the standard building blocks that Arena provides. The main difference is the way actors are handled. In Arena it is determined immediately which instance of a “resource” should be used for a process. In these models we use a task allocator to uncouple the document flow and the actors. In this way we succeed in fulfilling the requirement about flow and control (REQ 10). Figure 4: Implementation of “Capture Order Process” 6 CONCLUSIONS In this paper we identified the major success factors for applying building blocks in discrete event simulation studies. These were aggregation rather than inheritance, separation between building block elements and building blocks, using well defined interfaces, hiding of private variables and attributes, showing the flow in the building blocks, but controlling in a more OO and algorithmic way, and creating a hierarchy for domain specificity. The resulting architecture can be implemented on top of existing commercially available simulation tools, and has been successfully applied in different domains for a number of simulation studies. Further research will focus on testing the development and use of building blocks by simulation experts who are not yet familiar with this architecture. 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Edwin participates in the BETADE research program on developing new concepts for designing and using building blocks in software engineering, simulation, and organizational modeling. Contact information: <[email protected]> <>
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