Econ 2106 Principles of Microeconomics Sample Exam 1

Econ 2106 Principles of Microeconomics
Sample Exam 1
1. Demand is said to be elastic if
a. the price of the good responds substantially to changes in demand.
b. demand shifts substantially when the price of the good changes.
c. buyers do not respond much to changes in the price of the good.
d. the quantity demanded responds substantially to changes in the price of the good.
2. If a person only occasionally enjoys a cup of coffee, his demand for coffee would be
a. horizontal.
b. inelastic.
c. unit elastic.
d. elastic.
3. When the price of bubble gum is $0.50, the quantity demanded is 400 packs per day. When the price falls to $0.40,
the quantity demanded increases to 600. Given this information and using the midpoint method, you know that
the demand for bubble gum is
a. inelastic.
b. elastic.
c. unit elastic.
d. perfectly inelastic.
4. Suppose the price of Twinkies is reduced from $1.45 to $1.25 and, as a result, the quantity of Twinkies demanded
increases from 2,000 to 2,200. Using the midpoint method, the price elasticity of demand for Twinkies in the given
price range is
a. 2.00.
b. 1.55.
c. 1.00.
d. .64.
5. When the local used bookstore prices economics books at $15.00 each, they generally sell 70 per month. If they
lower the price to $7.00 each they sell 90. Given this, we know that the elasticity of demand for economics books
a. 2.91, so this store should lower price to raise total revenue.
b. 2.91, so this store should raise price to raise total revenue.
c. 0.34, so this store should lower price to raise total revenue.
d. 0.34, so this store should raise price to raise total revenue.
6. Which of the following would have the most elastic demand?
a. clothing
b. blue jeans
c. Levi jeans
d. All three would have the same elasticity of demand since they are all related.
7. When demand is elastic in the current price range,
a. an increase in price would increase total revenue because the decrease in quantity
demanded is less than the increase in price.
b. an increase in price would decrease total revenue because the decrease in quantity
demanded is greater than the increase in price.
c. a decrease in price would decrease total revenue because the increase in quantity
demanded is smaller than the decrease in price.
d. a decrease in price would not affect the total revenue.
8. If a change in the price of a good results in no change in total revenue,
a. the demand for the good must be elastic.
b. the demand for the good must be inelastic.
c. the demand for the good must be unit elastic.
d. buyers must not respond very much to a change in price.
9. You and your college roommate eat three packages of Ramen noodles each week. After graduation last month,
both of you were hired at several times your college income. You still enjoy Ramen noodles very much and buy
even more, but your roommate plans to buy other foods she prefers more. When looking at income elasticity of
demand for Ramen noodles, yours would
a. be negative and your roommate's would be positive.
b. be positive and your roommate's would be negative.
c. be zero and your roommate's would approach infinity.
d. approach infinity and your roommate's would be zero.
10. Get Smart University is contemplating increasing tuition to enhance revenue. If GSU feels that raising tuition
would enhance revenue, they are
a. necessarily ignoring the law of demand.
b. assuming that the demand for university education is elastic.
c. assuming that the demand for university education is inelastic.
d. assuming that the supply of university education is elastic.
11. Holding all else constant, if a pencil manufacturer increases production by 20 percent when the market price of
pencils increases from $0.50 to $0.60, then the price elasticity of supply, using the midpoint method, must be
a. elastic, since elasticity is equal to 1.11.
b. inelastic, since elasticity is equal to 1.11.
c. inelastic, since elasticity is equal to .90.
d. elastic, since elasticity is equal to .90.
12. If the elasticity of supply is zero, then
a. supply is very elastic.
b. the supply curve is horizontal.
c. the quantity supplied is the same regardless of price.
d. Both b and c are correct.
13. If wheat farmers know that the demand for wheat is inelastic, and they want to increase their total revenue, they
should all
a. plant more wheat so that they would be able to sell more each year.
b. increase spending on fertilizer in an attempt to produce more on the acres they farm.
c. reduce the number of acres they plant in wheat.
d. use better machinery.
14. Given the market for illegal drugs, if the government attempts to reduce the flow of drugs into the United States,
a. supply would fall and prices would rise.
b. demand would fall and prices would fall also.
c. demand and supply would both fall, leaving prices basically the same.
d. supply may fall, but demand would increase, causing prices to skyrocket.
15. Suppose a producer is able to separate customers into two groups, one having a price inelastic demand and the
other having a price elastic demand. If the producer's objective is to increase total revenue, she should
a. increase the price charged to customers with the price elastic demand and decrease the
price charged to customers with the price inelastic demand.
b. decrease the price charged to customers with the price elastic demand and increase the
price charged to customers with the price inelastic demand.
c. charge the same price to both groups of customers.
d. increase the price for both groups of customers.
16. Price controls are
a. used to make markets more efficient.
b. usually enacted when policymakers believe that the market price of a good or service is
unfair to buyers or sellers.
c. nearly always effective in eliminating inequities.
d. established by firms with monopoly power.
17. A price ceiling will only be binding if it is set
a. equal to equilibrium price.
b. above equilibrium price.
c. below equilibrium price.
d. A price ceiling is never binding in a free market system.
18. With a binding price floor the market price will
a. be lower than the price floor.
b. be higher than the price floor.
c. equal the price floor.
d. It is impossible to compare the market price with the price floor.
19. When binding price ceilings are imposed in a market
a. price no longer serves as a rationing device.
b. the market will be cleared of any shortages or surpluses that existed previously.
c. buyers and sellers both benefit equally.
d. the government is attempting to improve market efficiency.
20. Price ceilings and price floors
a. are desirable because they make markets more efficient as well as equitable.
b. cause surpluses and shortages to persist since price cannot adjust to the market
equilibrium price.
c. can be enacted to restore a market to equilibrium.
d. are imposed because they can make the poor in the economy better off without causing
adverse effects.
211. A minimu
um wage imp
posed above a market's equ
uilibrium wag
ge will result in the quantity
a. suppllied of labor being
greater than the quan
ntity demand
ded of labor an
nd unemploy
will occur.
b. demaanded of laborr being greateer than the qu
uantity suppliied of labor an
nd unemploy
will occur.
c. suppllied of labor being
greater than the quan
ntity demand
ded of labor an
nd a shortagee of
workeers will occurr.
d. demaanded of laborr being greateer than the qu
uantity suppliied of labor an
nd a shortagee of
workeers will occurr.
222. Which of the following
g is NOT a fun
nction of pricces in a markeet system?
ucial job of balancing supply and deman
a. Pricess have the cru
b. Pricess send signalss to buyers an
nd sellers to help
them mak
ke rational economic decissions.
c. Pricess coordinate economic
d. Pricess make an equ
uitable distrib
bution of good
ds and services among con
nsumers posssible.
Figure 6-88
233. Refer to Figure
6-8. Th
he price buyerrs will pay aftter the tax is imposed
a. $8.00..
b. $6.00..
c. $5.00..
d. $3.00..
244. A tax on the
t buyers of coffee will
a. reducce the equilibrrium price of coffee, and in
ncrease the eq
quilibrium qu
b. increaase the equilib
brium price of
o coffee, and reduce the eq
quilibrium qu
c. increaase the equilib
brium price of
o coffee, and increase the equilibrium
d. reducce the equilibrrium price of coffee, and reeduce the equ
uilibrium quaantity.
Figure 6-111
255. Refer to Figure
6-11. In
n which mark
ket will the majority
of a taax be paid by the seller?
a. markeet (a)
b. markeet (b)
c. markeet (c)
d. All off the above are correct.
266. Which of the following
g is the MOST
T likely to resu
ult from the imposition of a price floor in the markett for rental
n to people as an incentive to a rent car
a. free gasoline
b. poor engine
maintenance in ren
ntal cars
c. an acccumulation of dirt on the interior
of ren
ntal cars
d. slow replacement
o old rental cars
with new
w ones
277. Suppose there
is an earrly freeze in California
thaat ruins the lem
mon crop. Wh
hat happens to consumer surplus in thee
market fo
or lemons?
a. It incrreases.
b. It decreases.
n affected by
y this change in market forrces.
c. It is not
d. It incrreases very brriefly then decreases.
yers' willingn
ness to pay forr a case of Van
nilla Coke.
This tablee refers to fivee possible buy
Table 7-2
288. Refer to Table
7-2. If th
he market priice is $5.50, th
he consumer surplus
in thee market will be
a. $3.00..
b. $4.50..
c. $15.500.
d. $21.000.
299. If the costt of producing
g sofas decreaases, consumeer surplus willl
a. increaase, then decrrease.
b. decrease.
c. remaiin constant.
d. increaase.
Figure 7-11
300. Refer to Figure
7-1. Arrea C represen
a. the deecrease in con
nsumer surplu
us that resultss from a dow
ng demand cu
b. consu
umer surplus to new consu
umers who en
nter the markeet when the price
falls from
m P2 to
P1 .
ducer surpluss when quantiity sold increaases from Q2 to Q1 .
c. an inccrease in prod
d. a decrrease in consu
umer surplus to each consu
umer in the market.
31. The Surgeon General announces that eating chocolate increases tooth decay. As a result, the equilibrium market
price of chocolate
a. increases, and producer surplus increases.
b. increases, and producer surplus decreases.
c. decreases, and producer surplus decreases.
d. decreases, and producer surplus increases.
The following table represents the costs of five possible sellers.
Table 7-3
32. Refer to Table 7-3. If the market price is $1,000, the total cost in the market would be
a. $3,700.
b. $2,700.
c. $2,250.
d. $1,500.
33. Total surplus in a market is represented by the total area
a. under the demand curve and above the price.
b. above the supply curve and up to the equilibrium price.
c. under price and up to the point of equilibrium.
d. between the demand and supply curves up to the point of equilibrium.
34. Inefficiency exists in any economy when a good is
a. not being consumed by buyers who value it most highly.
b. not distributed fairly among buyers.
c. not being produced by the highest-cost producer.
d. being produced with less than all available resources.
35. If a market is allowed to move freely to its equilibrium price and quantity, then an increase in supply will
a. increase consumer surplus.
b. reduce consumer surplus.
c. not affect consumer surplus.
d. possibly increase, decrease or not affect consumer surplus.
36. If there are no externalities, the "invisible hand" leads a market to maximize
a. producer profit from that market.
b. total benefit to society from that market.
c. both equity and efficiency in that market.
d. output of goods or services in that market.
37. Dioxin emission that results from the production of paper is a good example of a negative externality because
a. self-interested paper firms are generally unaware of environmental regulations.
b. there are fines for producing too much dioxin.
c. self-interested paper producers will not consider the full cost of the dioxin pollution they
d. toxic emissions are the only form of an externality.
388. When thee government intervenes in
n markets witth externalitiees it does so to
a. increaase productio
on when negative externaliities are preseent.
b. protecct interests off bystanders.
c. make certain all beenefits are recceived by marrket participants.
d. betterr coordinate th
he action of buyers
and sellers.
399. A positivee externality
a. causes the productt to be overprroduced.
t market participants.
b. provides an additional benefit to
wer equilibriu
um price.
c. benefits consumerss because it reesults in a low
arket bystandeer.
d. is a beenefit to a ma
400. When neg
gative externa
alities are present in a mark
a. privatte costs will be
b greater than
n social costs.
b. sociall costs will be greater than private costs.
c. goverrnment regula
ation to resolv
ve the problem
m is always necessary.
d. the market
will nott be able to reeach any equiilibrium situaation.
411. Which of the following
g statements is
i most correcct about a marrket which is characterized
d by a negativ
ve production
a. The equilibrium qu
uantity of outtput is equal to
t the socially
y optimal quaantity.
uantity of outtput is greaterr than the soccially optimal quantity.
b. The equilibrium qu
vention is nott required to achieve
a sociially optimal quantity of ou
c. Goverrnment interv
d. The co
ost to the pro
oducer exceed
ds the cost to society.
422. Which of the following
g statements about
internalizing a negattive externalitty is most corrrect?
nalizing a neg
gative externaality will causse an industry
y to decrease the
t quantity it
a. Intern
suppllies to the marrket and decrrease the pricee of the good produced.
b. Intern
nalizing a neg
gative externaality will causse an industry
y to decrease the
t quantity it
suppllies to the marrket and increease the pricee of the good produced.
c. Intern
nalizing a neg
gative externaality will causse an industry
y to increase the
t quantity itt
suppllies to the marrket and decrrease the pricee of the good produced.
d. Intern
nalizing a neg
gative externaality will causse an industry
y to increase the
t quantity itt
suppllies to the marrket and increease the pricee of the good produced.
Figure 10--6
433. Refer to Figure
10-6. To
T internalize the externalitty in this marrket the goverrnment should
a. imposse a tax on thiis product.
b. provide a subsidy for this produ
urage firms to
o supply moree of this produ
uct by offerin
ng tax incentiv
c. encou
d. produ
uce the produ
uct itself.
444. Dick own
ns a dog whosse barking ann
noys Dick's neighbor
Jane.. Suppose thaat the benefit of
o owning thee dog is
worth $5000 to Dick and
d that Jane beears a cost of $700
from thee barking. Asssuming Dick has
h the legal right to keep
the dog, a possible priv
vate solution to this probleem is that
a. Jane pays
Dick $50
00 to get rid of the dog.
b. Dick pays
Jane $65
50 for her inco
c. Jane pays
Dick $65
50 to get rid of the dog.
d. Theree is no privatee solution thatt would imprrove this situaation.
455. Assume th
hat your room
mmate, Vanesssa, is very messy,
and acccording to cam
mpus policy, you
y have a right to live in
an unclutttered apartment. Suppose she gets a $200 benefit fro
om being messy but imposes a $100 costt on you. The
Coase theeorem would suggest that an
a efficient so
olution would
d be for your roommate to
a. stop her
h messy hab
bits or else mo
ove out.
b. pay you
y at least $100 but less th
han $200 to liv
ve with the clu
c. contin
nue to be messsy and force you to make other living arrangements
s elsewhere.
d. demaand payment of
o at least $1000 but no morre than $200 to clean up aftter herself.
466. In Singapore, littering fines
are stricctly enforced. This is an exaample of a po
hich moral cod
des and social sanctions reeduce the polllution externaality.
a. in wh
b. that reelies on the Coase
c. that discriminates
against foreig
d. in wh
hich private in
ncentives are used to reducce the pollutio
on externality
y in Singaporee.
477. Emission controls on automobiles
are an example of a
a. Pigov
vian tax on au
utomobiles, baased on how much
they po
b. comm
ntrol policy to
o increase sociial efficiency.
c. policy
y that reducess pollution by
y allocating reesources throu
ugh market mechanisms.
d. policy
y to reduce co
ongestion on urban
Figure 10--8
488. Refer to Figure
10-8. Which
curve best
b representts a Pigovian tax?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
499. The differrence between
n a Pigovian tax
t and pollution permits is
a. a Pigo
ovian tax sets the price of pollution
d permits set the
t quantity of
o pollution.
b. a Pigo
ovian tax prov
vides a more efficient outccome than perrmits.
c. a Pigo
ovian tax sets the quantity of pollution and
a permits set
s the price of
o pollution.
d. permiits provide a more efficien
nt outcome thaan a Pigovian
n tax.
500. Tradable pollution
a. pricess are set by th
he governmen
b. will be
b bought by firms
which can
c reduce po
ollution only at
a high costs.
c. are lik
kely to create a higher leveel of total polllution.
d. are less desirable th
han Pigovian
n taxes in redu
ucing pollutio
51. A good is excludable if
a. one person's use of the good diminishes another person's enjoyment of it.
b. the government can regulate its availability.
c. it is not a normal good.
d. people can be prevented from using it.
52. Goods that are rival include both
a. natural monopolies and public goods.
b. public goods and common resources.
c. common resources and private goods.
d. private goods and natural monopolies.
53. When one person uses a common resource, which will NOT occur?
a. An externality will arise.
b. Other people are worse off.
c. It is difficult to charge him or her for usage of it.
d. No one else will be able to use the common resource.
54. National defense is provided by the government because
a. it is impossible for private markets to produce public goods.
b. products provided by the government can be produced more efficiently.
c. free-riders make it difficult for private markets to supply the socially optimal quantity.
d. if the good were produced in private markets, most likely too much of the product would
be produced.
55. Market failure associated with the free-rider problem is a result of
a. a problem associated with pollution.
b. benefits that accrue to those who don't pay.
c. losses that accrue to providers of the product.
d. a project in which costs exceed benefits.
56. When an infinite value is placed on human life, policymakers who rely on cost-benefit analysis
a. are forced to pursue any project in which a single human life is saved.
b. are likely to make decisions that optimally allocate society's scarce resources.
c. would not pursue any public project that would not save human life.
d. would be forced to rely on private markets to provide the project.
57. Suppose that you want to put on a fireworks display in your hometown of 1,000 people this July. The cost of the
display is $6,000 and each person values the display at $5. After a month, you have only sold 50 tickets at $5 each.
The result is
a. the local government will put on the display but you will not.
b. you will still put on the display but the local government would not.
c. neither you nor the local government would put on the display.
d. This question cannot be answered without knowing the amount of tax the local
government would charge for the display.
58. The Tragedy of the Commons can be corrected by
a. providing more of the resource for public use.
b. assigning property rights to individuals.
c. providing government subsidies for the resource.
d. making certain everyone in the economy has access to the resource.
59. Proposals to use road tolls in an effort to reduce traffic congestion are often rejected by the public because
a. there is no longer sufficient government intervention.
b. they allow the rich to drive more than the poor.
c. they tax only those who chose to drive on the toll roads.
d. All of the above are correct.
60. Four friends who love to ski decide to pool their financial resources and equally share the cost of a one-week
time-share condominium in Alta, Utah. Unfortunately the condominium does not come with maid service.
Everyone values clean dishes, but the fact that unwashed dishes pile up in the sink would best be explained by an
economist who understands that clean dishes in the cupboard reflect
a. a common resource problem.
b. a problem similar to cost-benefit analysis for public projects.
c. household behavior of the invisible hand.
d. All of the above are correct.
Answer Key
1. D
2. D
3. B
4. D
5. D
6. C
7. B
8. C
9. B
10. C
11. A
12. C
13. C
14. A
15. B
16. B
17. C
18. A
19. A
20. B
21. A
22. D
23. A
24. D
25. A
26. A
27. B
28. B
29. D
30. B
31. C
32. C
33. D
34. A
35. A
36. B
37. C
38. B
39. D
40. B
41. B
42. B
43. A
44. A
45. B
46. A
47. B
48. A
49. A
50. B
51. D
52. C
53. D
54. C
55. B
56. A
57. C
58. B
59. B
60. A