ONTARIO Court File Num ber SAMPLE at Form 13.1: Financial Statement (Property and Support Claims) sworn/affirmed (Court office address) Applicant(s) Full legal name & address for service — street & number, municipality, postal code, telephone & fax numbers and e-mail address (if any). Lawyer’s name & address — street & number, municipality, postal code, telephone & fax numbers and e-mail address (if any). Respondent(s) Full legal name & address for service — street & number, municipality, postal code, telephone & fax numbers and e-mail address (if any). Lawyer’s name & address — street & number, municipality, postal code, telephone & fax numbers and e-mail address (if any). INSTRUCTIONS 1. 2. USE THIS FORM IF: ! you are m aking or responding to a claim for property or exclusive possession of the m atrim onial hom e and its contents; or ! you are m aking or responding to a claim for property or exclusive possession of the m atrim onial hom e and its contents together with other claim s for relief. USE FORM 13 INSTEAD OF THIS FORM IF: ! you are m aking or responding to a claim for support but NOT m aking or responding to a claim for property or exclusive possession of the m atrim onial hom e and its contents. 3. If you have incom e that is not shown in Part I of the financial statem ent (for example, partnership incom e, dividends, rental incom e, capital gains or RRSP incom e), you m ust also com plete Schedule A. 4. If you or the other party has sought a contribution towards special or extraordinary expenses for the child(ren), you m ust also com plete Schedule B. NOTE: You must fully and truthfully complete this financial statement, including any applicable schedules. Failure to do so may result in serious consequences. 1. M y name is (full legal name) I live in (municipality & province) John Smith Mississauga, Province of Ontario and I swear/affirm that the follow ing is true: PART 1: INCOME 2. I am currently x em ployed by (name and address of employer) ABC Corporation, 123 Corporate Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L7N 4H6 self-em ployed, carrying on business under the nam e of (name and address of business) unem ployed since (date when last employed) 3. I attach proof of m y year-to-date incom e from all sources, including m y m ost recent (attach all that are applicable): x pay cheque stub social assistance stub pension stub workers’ com pensation stub em ploym ent insurance stub and last Record of Em ploym ent statem ent of incom e and expenses/ professional activities (for self-em ployed individuals) other (e.g. a letter from your employer confirming all income received to date this year) FLR 13.1 (February 1, 2010) www .D IV O R C E m ate.com Form 13.1: Financial Statement (Property and Support Claims) (Page 2) Court File Num ber $95,926.47. Last year, m y gross incom e from all sources was (do not subtract any taxes that have been deducted from this income). 4. 5. x I am attaching the following required docum ents to this financial statem ent as proof of m y incom e over the past three years, if they have not already been provided: ! a copy of m y personal incom e tax returns for each of the past three taxation years, including any m aterials that were filed with the returns. (Incom e tax returns m ust be served but should NOT be filed in the continuing record, unless they are filed with a m otion to refrain a driver's license suspension.) ! a copy of m y notices of assessm ent and any notices of reassessm ent for each of the past three taxation years; ! where m y notices of assessm ent and reassessm ent are unavailable for any of the past three taxation years, an Incom e and Deductions printout from the Canada Revenue Agency for each of those years, whether or not I filed an incom e tax return. Note: An Income and Deductions printout is available from Canada Revenue Agency. Please call customer service at 1-800-959-8281. OR I am an Indian within the m eaning of the Indian Act (Canada) and I have chosen not to file incom e tax returns for the past three years. I am attaching the following proof of incom e for the last three years (list documents you have provided): (In this table you must show all of the income that you are currently receiving.) Income Source 1. Em ploym ent incom e (before deductions) Amount Received /M onth $7,993.87 Estimate your current employment income on a monthly basis. To convert bi-weekly income to monthly - multiply by 26 and divide by 12 (ie. $3,689.48/bi-weekly x 26 / 12 = $7,993.87) To convert weekly income to monthly - multiply by 52 and divide by 12 (ie. $1,844.74/week x 52 / 12 = $7,993.87) REQUIRED: Notices of Assessment and Income Tax Returns for the past 3 years and at least one most recent paystub. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Com m issions, tips and bonuses Self-em ploym ent incom e (Monthly am ount before expenses: ) Em ploym ent Insurance benefits W orkers’ com pensation benefits Social assistance incom e (including ODSP paym ents) Interest and investm ent incom e Pension incom e (including CPP and OAS) Spousal support received from a form er spouse/partner Child Tax Benefits or Tax Rebates (e.g. GST) Other sources of incom e (e.g. RRSP withdrawals, capital gains) (*attach Schedule A and divide annual amount by 12) 12. Total monthly income from all sources: 13. Total monthly income X 12 = Total annual income: $7,993.87 $95,926.44 14. Other Benefits Provide details of any non-cash benefits that your employer provides to you or are paid for by your business such as medical insurance coverage, the use of a company car, or room and board. Item Details Yearly M arket Value Court File Num ber Form 13.1: Financial Statement (Property and Support Claims) (Page 3) Total $0.00 PART 2: EXPENSES Expense M onthly Amount Automatic Deductions EI prem ium s Incom e taxes Em ployee pension contributions Union dues SUBTOTAL Housing Rent or m ortgage Property taxes Property insurance Public transit, taxis Gas and oil Car insurance and license Repairs and m aintenance Parking Car Loan or Lease Paym ents SUBTOTAL $176.55 $60.98 $1,900.00 $100.00 $30.00 $2,267.53 SUBTOTAL $1,500.00 $246.00 $67.00 Heat & Electricity Telephone Cell phone Cable Internet SUBTOTAL $50.00 $1,863.00 $40.00 $200.00 $35.00 $40.00 $50.00 $50.00 $415.00 Household Expenses Groceries Household supplies Meals outside the hom e Pet care Laundry and Dry Cleaning SUBTOTAL Health Health insurance prem ium s Dental expenses Medicine and drugs Eye care SUBTOTAL $50.00 $20.00 $50.00 $120.00 Clothing Hair care and beauty Alcohol and tobacco $50.00 $30.00 $40.00 Education (specify) Utilities W ater $300.00 $125.00 $100.00 $20.00 $449.00 $994.00 Personal Condom inium fees Repairs and m aintenance SUBTOTAL $40.00 $90.00 Transportation Calculate your automatic deductions from pay on a monthly basis. Your T4 statement or a recent pay stub will generally provide such information. If using your T4 divide the annual amount by 12. If using your paystub convert the amount to monthly (as above). CPP contributions Allowances $400.00 $100.00 $200.00 $40.00 $20.00 $760.00 Entertainm ent/recreation (including children) Gifts SUBTOTAL $50.00 $75.00 $245.00 Other expenses Life Insurance prem ium s RRSP/RESP savings Vacations School fees and supplies Clothing for children Children’s activities Sum m er cam p expenses Debt paym ents $50.00 $500.00 $200.00 $20.00 $50.00 $200.00 $50.00 $100.00 Support paid for other children Incom e Tax and Canada Pension Plan (not deducted from pay) Other expenses not shown above (specify) Childcare Costs SUBTOTAL Daycare expense Babysitting costs $50.00 $1,170.00 Court File Num ber Form 13.1: Financial Statement (Property and Support Claims) (Page 4) Total Amount of M onthly Expenses $7,924.53 $95,094.36 Total Amount of Yearly Expenses PART 3: OTHER INCOME EARNERS IN THE HOME Complete this part only if you are making or responding to a claim for undue hardship or spousal support. Check and complete all sections that apply to your circumstances. 1. 2. I live alone. x I am living with (full legal name of person you are married to or cohabiting with) Mary Ann Johnson 3. 4. 5. I/we live with the following other adult(s): x I/we have (give number) My spouse/partner x 2 of child(ren) who live(s) in the hom e. works at (place of work or business) XYZ Corporation does not work outside the hom e. 6. My spouse/partner x earns (give amount) $50,000.00 per year . does not earn any incom e. 7. x My spouse/partner or other adult residing in the hom e contributes about month $1,500.00 per towards the household expenses. The following is applicable to Parts 4 and 5: (a) List your percentage ownership of the assets or liabilities. (b) List the values of your assets or liabilities as of the date of marriage, valuation date and today. (c) The valuation date is usually the date of separation. PART 4: ASSETS IN AND OUT OF ONTARIO If any sections of Parts 4 to 9 do not apply, do not leave blank, print “NONE” in the section. The date of m arriage is: (give date) The valuation date is: (give date) August 1, 1995 July 1, 2008 The date of com m encem ent of cohabitation is (if different from date of m arriage): (give date) PART 4(a): LAND April 1, 1994 Court File Num ber Form 13.1: Financial Statement (Property and Support Claims) (Page 5) Include any interest in land owned on the dates in each of the columns below, including leasehold interests and mortgages. Show estimated market value of your interest, but do not deduct encumbrances or costs of disposition; these encumbrances and costs should be shown under Part 5, “Debts and Other Liabilities”. • • • List your percentage ownership in all real estate and estimate the value of your interest in the property. Do not deduct the mortgage. It will be deducted in Part 8. In the columns under the appropriate dates list the value of your interest in the property. For example if you estimate the property is worth $300,000.00 you would list: 1) 2) 3) $300,000.00 if you own 100% of the property $150,000.00 if you own 50% of the property $ 90,000.00 if you own 30% of the property Nature & Type of Ownership (Give your percentage interest where relevant.) Estimated Market Value of YOUR Interest Address of Property Matrimonial Home (jointly owned - 50% interest) 123 Maple Lane Mississauga, Ontario L5N 4M6 Full estimated value on: (a) date of marriage $200,000.00 (b) date of separation $300,000.00 (c) today $320,000.00 Cottage (sole owner - 100%) 456 Oak Lane Parry Sound, Ontario N3V 5K7 15. TOTAL VALUE OF LAND on date of marriage $100,000.00 $100,000.00 on valuation date today $150,000.00 $160,000.00 $250,000.00 $250,000.00 $400,000.00 $410,000.00 PART 4(b): GENERAL HOUSEHOLD ITEMS AND VEHICLES Show estimated market value, not the cost of replacement for these items owned on the dates in each of the columns below. Do not deduct encumbrances or costs of disposition; these encumbrances and costs should be shown under Part 5, "Debts and Other Liabilities". • • • • • Household goods and furniture - put “to be divided” unless the furniture is worth a lot. Cars, boats, vehicles - list the vehicles you owned and estimate the used resale value of each vehicle on each date. Do not list leased vehicles or any other leased items. Do not list the vehicle if your spouse is the registered owner. Jewellery, art etc. - estimate the used resale value of jewellery, works of art or other valuable collections. Court File Num ber Form 13.1: Financial Statement (Property and Support Claims) (Page 6) Item Description Household goods & furniture To be divided Cars, boats, vehicles 2008 Toyota Camry 1990 Toyota Corolla Indicate if NOT in your possession NOT Estimated Market Value of YOUR Interest on date of marriage on valuation date today $15,000.00 $14,000.00 $15,000.00 $14,000.00 $5,000.00 Jewellery, art, electronics, tools, sports & hobby equipment Other special items 16. TOTAL VALUE OF GENERAL HOUSEHOLD ITEMS AND VEHICLES $5,000.00 PART 4(c): BANK ACCOUNTS, SAVINGS, SECURITIES AND PENSIONS Show the items owned on the dates in each of the columns below by category, for example, cash, accounts in financial institutions, pensions, registered retirement or other savings plans, deposit receipts, any other savings, bonds, warrants, options, notes and other securities. Give your best estimate of the market value of the securities if the items were to be sold on the open market. • • • List all your bank accounts, RRSP, RESP, investment accounts and pensions. If you own a bank account jointly with your spouse list one-half the balance in the columns under the appropriate dates. Also list the full balance in brackets in the “Description” column. For estimated value of a pension put “TBD”. • REQUIRED: Bank statements showing the account balances on the relevant dates. For RRSP’s and investment accounts a statement as close as possible to the relevant dates. • For pensions a recent pension statement from your pension plan or employer. A valuation of your pension will be required. Category Institution (including location)/ Description (including issuer and date) Savings TD Canada Trust Account Sole (100%) Account number 5555555 Amount/Estimated Market Value on date of on valuation date today marriage $4,000.00 $5,000.00 Court File Num ber Form 13.1: Financial Statement (Property and Support Claims) (Page 7) Category Institution (including location)/ Description (including issuer and date) Account number Chequing TD Canada Trust Account - Total as of: Joint (50%) a) date of separation $2,000.00 b) today $1,000.00 6666666 RRSP Standard Life 7777777 RESP Standard Life Investment Standard Life Account Pension Amount/Estimated Market Value on date of on valuation date today marriage $1,000.00 $500.00 $50,000.00 $55,000.00 8888888 $3,500.00 $4,000.00 9999999 $20,000.00 $10,000.00 TBD TBD TBD $5,000.00 $78,500.00 $74,500.00 ABC Corporation 17. TOTAL VALUE OF ACCOUNTS, SAVINGS, SECURITIES AND PENSIONS $5,000.00 PART 4(d): LIFE & DISABILITY INSURANCE List all policies in existence on the dates in each of the columns below. List all life insurance policies you currently own and provide the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) • • • Name of Insurer, Policy Type & Policy No. (if known) Policy Owner Beneficiary(ies) Face Amount (Amount of Coverage) Cash Surrender Value (if any) If your policy is term life it will not have a cash surrender value. If your policy is whole life it will likely have a cash surrender value which can be found on your most recent statement from your insurer. Also list all group insurance policies and all disability/critical illness policies. REQUIRED: A copy of your insurance policies regarding your coverage and the cash surrender value, if any. Company, Type & Policy Number Cash Surrender Value Owner Beneficiary Face Amount Standard Life, Term Life, Policy No. 4444444 Myself Wife and Children $150,000.00 Standard Life, Universal Life, Policy No. 5555555 Myself Wife and Children $100,000.00 18. TOTAL CASH SURRENDER VALUE OF INSURANCE POLICIES on date of marriage $0.00 on valuation date today $1,500.00 $1,600.00 $1,500.00 $1,600.00 Court File Num ber Form 13.1: Financial Statement (Property and Support Claims) (Page 8) PART 4(e): BUSINESS INTERESTS Show any interest in an unincorporated business owned on the dates in each of the columns below. An interest in an incorporated business may be shown here or under "BANK ACCOUNTS, SAVINGS, SECURITIES, AND PENSIONS" in Part 4(c). Give your best estimate of market value of your interest. If you have an interest in a business it will have to be professionally valued. Name of Firm or Company Interest 1234000 Ontario Inc. Sole Shareholder - 100 % 19. TOTAL VALUE OF BUSINESS INTERESTS Estimated Market Value of YOUR Interest on date of on valuation date today marriage TBD TBD TBD $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 PART 4(f): MONEY OWED TO YOU Give details of all money that other persons owe to you on the dates in each of the columns below, whether because of business or from personal dealings. Include any court judgments in your favour, any estate money and any income tax refunds owed to you. • • • List any money owed to you, either from an individual or from a business. For example, if someone has borrowed $500.00 from you and still owes you the $500.00 on the date of separation, then list it in the middle column under valuation date. List any income tax refunds owing to you. List any commissions or bonuses from your employer/business and any other receivables owing to you from corporate or unincorporated entities. Amount Owed to You Details on date of marriage on valuation date Loan to my Brother today $500.00 20. TOTAL OF MONEY OWED TO YOU $0.00 $500.00 $0.00 PART 4(g): OTHER PROPERTY Show other property or assets owned on the dates in each of the columns below. Include property of any kind not listed above. Give your best estimate of market value. • List any other property not listed in any other asset category that you owned. Category Timeshare Details Timeshare Canada (3 weeks annually) Estimated Market Value of YOUR Interest on date of on valuation date today marriage TBD TBD Court File Num ber Form 13.1: Financial Statement (Property and Support Claims) (Page 9) Category Details Estimated Market Value of YOUR Interest on date of on valuation date today marriage $0.00 21. TOTAL VALUE OF OTHER PROPERTY $0.00 $0.00 22. VALUE OF ALL PROPERTY OWNED ON THE VALUATION DATE (Add items [15] to [21]) $495,500.00 PART 5: DEBTS AND OTHER LIABILITIES Show your debts and other liabilities on the dates in each of the columns below. List them by category such as mortgages, charges, liens, notes, credit cards, and accounts payable. Don't forget to include: • any money owed to the Canada Revenue Agency; • contingent liabilities such as guarantees or warranties given by you (but indicate that they are contingent); and • any unpaid legal or professional bills as result of this case. • • • • List all your debts including mortgages, loans, line of credits, income and taxes payable, outstanding legal and professional fees and credit card balances. Include debts owing to family members or friends. If the debt is 50/50 with your spouse list one-half the balance in the columns under the appropriate dates and also list the full balance in brackets in the “Details” column. For example, if your mortgage balance is $150,000.00: 1) 2) Put $150,000.00 if the mortgage is 100% in your name Put $75,000.00 if the mortgage is 50/50 with your spouse • Do not list debts which are not in your name. • REQUIRED: Statements/documents showing the balances of your debts on the relevant dates. Amount owing Category Details Mortgage - Joint (50%) Matrimonial Home - 123 Maple Lane, Mississauga, Ontario Total as of: a) date of marriage $200,000.00 b) date of separation $150,000.00 c) today $140,000.00 Line of Credit - Joint (50%) TD Canada Trust Total as of: a) date of separation $20,000.00 b) today $24,000.00 Line of Credit - Sole (100%) TD Canada Trust on date of marriage $100,000.00 on valuation date today $75,000.00 $70,000.00 $10,000.00 $12,000.00 $5,000.00 $4,000.00 Court File Num ber Form 13.1: Financial Statement (Property and Support Claims) (Page 10) Credit Card - Joint (50%) TD Canada Trust VISA Total as of: a) date of separation $6,000.00 b) today $5,000.00 $3,000.00 $2,500.00 Credit Card - Sole (100%) TD Canada Trust VISA $2,000.00 $1,500.00 Car Loan - Sole (100%) Toyota Financial Services re: 2008 Toyota Camry $12,000.00 $11,000.00 Student Loan - Sole (100%) OSAP Student Loan $5,000.00 $112,000.00 $101,000.00 $5,000.00 Personal Loan - Sole (100%) Loan from Parents 23. TOTAL OF DEBTS AND OTHER LIABILITIES $105,000.00 PART 6: PROPERTY, DEBTS AND OTHER LIABILITIES ON DATE OF MARRIAGE Show by category the value of your property, debts and other liabilities, calculated as of the date of your marriage. (In this part, do not include the value of a matrimonial home or debts or other liabilities directly related to its purchase or significant improvement, if you and your spouse ordinarily occupied this property as your family residence at the time of separation.) Value on Date of Marriage Category and details Assets Land (Excludes Matrimonial Home value of $100,000.00) Liabilities $0.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 General household items & vehicles Bank accounts, savings, securities, pensions Life & disability insurance Business interests Money owed to you Other property (Specify.) Debts and other liabilities (Specify.) (Excludes Matrimonial Home debt of $100,000.00) $5,000.00 TOTALS $10,000.00 $5,000.00 24. NET VALUE OF PROPERTY OWNED ON DATE OF MARRIAGE (From the total of the “Assets” column, subtract the total of the “Liabilities” column.) $5,000.00 25. VALUE OF ALL DEDUCTIONS (Add items [23] and [24].) $117,000.00 Court File Num ber Form 13.1: Financial Statement (Property and Support Claims) (Page 11) PART 7: EXCLUDED PROPERTY Show by category the value of property owned on the valuation date that is excluded from definition of "net family property" (such as gifts or inheritances received after marriage). Certain property received during the marriage is exempt from equalization. List any property received during the marriage under these categories: • 1) 2) 3) • gifts or inheritances from a third person damages or settlements from personal injuries life insurance proceeds REQUIRED: Written document to support the amount. Category Value on Valuation Date Details Gift Gift received from parents during the marriage - cash $10,000.00 Inheritance Inheritance received from aunt during the marriage $5,000.00 $15,000.00 26. TOTAL VALUE OF EXCLUDED PROPERTY PART 8: DISPOSED OF PROPERTY Show by category the value of property that you disposed of during the two years immediately preceding the making of this statement, or during the marriage, whichever period is shorter. • List any property sold, disposed of, or liquidated in the past two years from the making of your financial statement. Category Investment Account Details Value Redeemed $10,000.00 on April 20, 2010 from Standard Life Investment account no. 9999999 27. TOTAL VALUE OF DISPOSED OF PROPERTY $10,000.00 $10,000.00 PART 9: CALCULATION OF NET FAMILY PROPERTY Deductions Value of all property owned on valuation date (from item [22] above) Subtract value of all deductions (from item [25] above) Subtract total value of all excluded property (from item [26] above) $117,000.00 $15,000.00 28. NET FAMILY PROPERTY Balance $495,500.00 $378,500.00 $363,500.00 $363,500.00 NOTE: This financial statement must be updated no more than 30 days before any court event by either completing and filing: ! ! a new financial statement with updated information, or an affidavit in Form 14A setting out the details of any minor changes or confirming that the information contained in this statement remains correct. Court File Num ber Form 13.1: Financial Statement (Property and Support Claims) (Page 12) Sworn/Affirmed before me at City of Mississauga (municipality) in Province of Ontario (province, state or country) on (date) Commissioner for taking affidavits (Type or print name below if signature is illegible.) Court File Num ber Form 13.1: Financial Statement (Property and Support Claims) (Page 13) PART 2: EXPENSES PROPOSED BUDGET Expense Monthly Am ount Repairs and maintenance Parking Automatic Deductions Car Loan or Lease Payments CPP contributions SUBTOTAL EI premiums Income taxes Health Health insurance premiums Employee pension contributions Dental expenses Medicine and drugs Union dues SUBTOTAL $0.00 Housing Rent or mortgage Eye care SUBTOTAL Clothing Property insurance Hair care and beauty Condominium fees Alcohol and tobacco Repairs and maintenance Education (specify) Utilities W ater Entertainment/recreation (including children) Gifts Heat SUBTOTAL Electricity Other expenses Telephone Life Insurance premiums Cell phone RRSP/RESP withdrawals Cable Vacations $0.00 Internet SUBTOTAL $0.00 School fees and supplies $0.00 Household Expenses Groceries Clothing for children Children’s activities Summer camp expenses Household supplies Debt payments Meals outside the home Pet care Support paid for other children Laundry and Dry Cleaning Other expenses not shown above (specify) SUBTOTAL $0.00 Personal Property taxes SUBTOTAL $0.00 $0.00 Childcare Costs Daycare expense SUBTOTAL $0.00 Babysitting costs SUBTOTAL Transportation Public transit, taxis Gas and oil Car insurance and license $0.00 Total Amount of Monthly Expenses Total Amount of Yearly Expenses $0.00 $0.00 Court File Num ber Form 13.1: Financial Statement (Property and Support Claims) (Page 14) FINANCIAL STATEMENT SUMMARY PAGE BUDGET Income Income From All Sources Monthly Other Benefits Total Monthly Income and Benefits $7,993.87 $0.00 $7,993.87 0 Expenses Automatic Deductions Actual Proposed Total Expenses $2,267.53 $1,863.00 $415.00 $760.00 $90.00 $994.00 $120.00 $245.00 $1,170.00 $7,924.53 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Monthly Surplus / (Deficit) $69.34 $7,993.87 Housing Utilities Household Childcare Costs Transportation Health Personal Other NET FAMILY PROPERTY Assets Land Valuation Date [15] General Household Items and Vehicles [16] Bank Accounts, Savings, Securities and Pensions [17] Life and Disability Insurance [18] Business Interests [19] Money Owed to You [20] Other Property [21] Total Assets [22] $400,000.00 $15,000.00 $78,500.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 $500.00 $0.00 $495,500.00 Deductions Debts and Other Liabilities on Valuation Date [23] Net Value of Property Owned on Date of Marriage [24] Total Deductions [25] $112,000.00 $5,000.00 $117,000.00 [26] $15,000.00 Net Fam ily Property $363,500.00 Exclusions Excluded Property owned on Valuation Date ([Assets] minus [Deductions] minus [Exclusions]) Notes: Schedule A Additional Sources of Income Line 1. Income Source Net partnership income Annual Amount 2. Net rental income (Gross annual rental income of 3. Total amount of dividends received from taxable Canadian corporations 4. Total capital gains ( 5. Registered retirement savings plan withdrawals 6. Any other income (specify source) ) ) less capital losses ( ) Subtotal $0.00 Schedule B Special or Extraordinary Expenses for the Child(ren) Child’s Nam e Expense Amount/yr. Available Tax Credits or Deductions* Total Net Annual Amount Total Net Monthly Amount $0.00 $0.00 * Some of these expenses can be claimed in a parent’s income tax return in relation to a tax credit or deduction (for exam ple childcare costs). These credits or deductions m ust be shown in the above chart. I attach proof of the above expenses. I earn per year which should be used to determine my share of the above expenses. NOTE: Pursuant to the Child Support Guidelines, a court can order that the parents of a child share the costs of the following expenses for the child: ! Necessary childcare expenses; ! Medical insurance premiums and certain health-related expenses for the child that cost more than $100 annually; ! Extraordinary expenses for the child’s education; ! Post-secondary school expenses; and, ! Extraordinary expenses for extracurricular activities.
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