FIREMON PD Cheat Sheet Sampling Event Codes Code Pn Rn Cn IV Event Preburn measurement, sequential sample number. Postburn remeasurement of a plot, sequential sample number. Control plot measurement, sequential sample number. Inventory plot, not a monitoring plot. Common Landforms Code GMF UMF BRK PLA VAL HIL X Landform Glaciated mountains-foothills Unglaciated mountains-foothills Breaklands-river breaks-badlands Plains-rolling planes-plains w/breaks Valleys-swales-draws Hill-low ridges-benches Did not assess Vertical and Horizontal Slope Shape. Code LI CC PA CV FL BR UN OO X Slope shape Linear or planar Depression or concave Patterned Rounded or convex Flat Broken Undulating Other shape Did not assess Primary Geologic Codes Primary code IGEX IGIN META SEDI UNDI X Rock type 1 Igneous Extrusive Igneous Intrusive Metamorphic Sedimentary Undifferentiated Did not assess 1 of 6 FIREMON PD Cheat Sheet Secondary Geologic Codes Secondary code ANDE BASA LATI RHYO SCOR TRAC DIOR GABB GRAN QUMO SYEN GNEI PHYL QUAR SCHI SLAT ARGI CONG DOLO LIME SANS SHAL SILS TUFA MIEXME MIEXSE MIIG MIIGME MIIGSE MIINME MIINSE MIMESE X Rock type 2 Andesite Basalt Latite Rhyolite Scoria Trachyte Diorite Gabbro Granite Quartz Monzonite Syenite Gneiss Phyllite Quartzite Schist Slate Argillite Conglomerate Dolomite Limestone Sandstone Shale Siltstone Tufa Mixed Extrusive and Metamorphic Mixed Extrusive and Sedimentary Mixed Igneous (extrusive & intrusive) Mixed Igneous and Metamorphic Mixed Igneous and Sedimentary Mixed Intrusive and Metamorphic Mixed Intrusive and Sedimentary Mixed Metamorphic and Sedimentary Did not assess 2 of 6 FIREMON PD Cheat Sheet Soil Types Code C CL COS COSL FS FSL L LCOS LFS LS LVFS Description Clay Clay loam Coarse sand Coarse sandy loam Fine sand Fine sandy loam Loam Loamy coarse sand Loamy fine sand Loamy sand Loamy very fine sand Code S SC SCL SI SIC SICL SIL SL VFS VFSL X Description Sand Sandy clay Sandy clay loam Silt Silty clay Silty clay loam Silt loam Sandy loam Very fine sand Very fine sandy loam Did not assess Erosion Type Types Code S R H G T W O X Erosion type Stable, no erosion evident Water erosion, rill Water erosion, sheet Water erosion, gully Water erosion, tunnel Wind erosion Other type of erosion Did not assess Erosion Severity Codes Code 0 1 2 3 4 -1 Erosion severity Stable, no erosion is evident. Low erosion severity; small amounts of material are lost from the plot. On average less than 25 percent of the upper 8 in. (20 cm) of soil surface have been lost across the macroplot. Throughout most of the area the thickness of the soil surface layer is within the normal range of variability of the uneroded soil. Moderate erosion severity; moderate amounts of material are lost from the plot. On average between 25 and 75 percent of the upper 8 in. (20 cm) of soil surface have been lost across the macroplot. Erosion patterns may range from small, uneroded areas to small areas of severely eroded sites. High erosion severity; Large amounts of material are lost from the plot. On average 75 percent or more of the upper 8 in. (20 cm) of soil surface have been lost across the macroplot. Material from deeper horizons in the soil profile is visible. Very high erosion severity; Very large amounts of material are lost from the plot. All of the upper 8 in. (20 cm) of soil surface have been lost across the macroplot. Erosion has removed material from deeper horizons of the soil profile throughout most of the area. Unable to assess 3 of 6 FIREMON PD Cheat Sheet Cover Classes Code 0 0.5 3 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 98 Canopy cover Zero percent canopy cover >0-1 percent of canopy cover >1-5 percent canopy cover >5-15 percent canopy cover >15-25 percent canopy cover >25-35 percent canopy cover >35-45 percent canopy cover >45-55 percent canopy cover >55-65 percent canopy cover >65-75 percent canopy cover >75-85 percent canopy cover >85-95 percent canopy cover >95-100 percent canopy cover Potential Lifeform Codes Code AQ NV CF CW BF BW SA SU SW HA HU HW ML OT X Potential lifeform Aquatic -- Lake, pond, bog, river Non-vegetated -- Bare soil, rock, dunes, scree, talus Coniferous upland forest -- Pine, spruce, hemlock Coniferous wetland or riparian forest -- Spruce, larch Broadleaf upland forest -- Oak, beech, birch Broadleaf wetland or riparian forest – Tupelo, cypress Shrub dominated alpine – Willow Shrub dominated upland – Sagebrush, bitterbrush Shrub dominated wetland or riparian -- Willow Herbaceous dominated alpine -- Dryas Herbaceous dominated upland – grasslands, bunchgrass Herbaceous dominated wetland or riparian -- ferns Moss or lichen dominated upland or wetland Other potential vegetation lifeform Did not assess 4 of 6 FIREMON PD Cheat Sheet Plot Level Fire Severity Codes FIRE SEVERITY CODE Unburned (5) Substrate Forest Vegetation Not burned Scorched (4) Litter partially blackened; duff nearly unchanged; wood/leaf structures unchanged Litter charred to partially consumed; upper duff layer may be charred but the duff is not altered over the entire depth; surface appears black; where litter is sparse charring may extend slightly into soil surface but soil is not visibly altered; woody debris partially burned; logs are scorched or blackened but not charred; rotten wood is scorched to partially burned. Litter mostly to entirely consumed, leaving coarse, light colored ash (ash soon disappears, leaving mineral soil); duff deeply charred, but not visibly altered; woody debris is mostly consumed; logs are deeply charred, burned out stump holes are evident. Litter and duff completely consumed, leaving fine white ash (ash disappears leaving mineral soil); mineral soil charred and/or visibly altered, often reddish; sound logs are deeply charred, and rotten logs are completely consumed. Only inorganic material on site before burn. Lightly Burned (3) Moderately Burned (2) Heavily burned (1) Not Applicable (0) Grassland Vegetation Not burned Shrubland Vegetation Not burned Foliage scorched and attached to supporting twigs. Foliage scorched and attached to supporting twigs. Foliage scorched Foliage and smaller twigs partially to completely consumed; branched mostly intact. Foliage and smaller twigs partially to completely consumed; branched mostly intact; typically, less than 60 percent of the shrub canopy is consumed. Grasses with approximately two inches of stubble; foliage and smaller twigs of associated species partially to completely consumed; some plant parts may still be standing; bases of plants are not deeply burned and are still recognizable. Foliage twigs and small stems consumed; some branches still present. Foliage twigs and small stems consumed; some branches smaller branches (0.25-0.50 in.) still present; typically, 40 to 80 percent of the shrub canopy is consumed. Unburned grass stubble usually less than two inches tall, and mostly confined to an outer ring; for other species, foliage completely consumed, plant bases are burned to ground level and obscured in ash immediately after burning. All plant part consumed, leaving some or no major stems or trunks; any left are deeply charred. All plant parts consumed leaving only stubs greater than 0.5 in. in diameter. No unburned grasses above the root crown; for other species, all plant parts consumed. None present at time of burn. None present at time of burn. None present at time of burn 5 of 6 Not burned FIREMON PD Cheat Sheet Precision Component Latitude Longitude Northing Easting Elevation Aspect Slope All cover estimates Stand Height Canopy Fuel Base Height Flame Length Spread rate Severity Class Standard +0.000001 degree +0.000001 degree +1 meter +1 meter +100 ft/30 m +5 degrees +5 percent +1 class +3 ft/1 m +1 ft/0.3 m +0.5 ft/0.2 m +1 ft/min. or 0.3 m/min. +1 class 6 of 6
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