Why Sesame Street’s Impact on Language Development is Important By: Willow Sauermilch, MA, CCC/SLP Did You Know? First aired on November 10, 1969. Began it’s 40th season in 2009 with episode number 4187.1 Research is the cornerstone of their programming. More than 1,000 independent academic studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of Sesame Street making it the most researched television program on air to date. 1 Sesame Street is the single largest informal educator of young children. 19 Has culturally sustained local programs in 140 countries, including Galli Galli Sim Sim in India, Sesame Tree in Northern Ireland, Kosovo’s Rruga Sesam (in Albanian) and Ulica Sezam (in Serbian), Kilimani Sesame in South Africa, and Plaza Sésamo, seen throughout Central and South America, to name a few. 10 While mostly known for their TV program, they make use of a variety of media including television, radio, books, magazines, interactive media, and community outreach. 17 Teacher and parent activities are available on-line that extend each episodes lesson into the classroom and home environments. How it all began The idea of “educational television” was first conceived at a dinner party in 1966. Parents at the party marveled at how their children would stare endlessly at television test patterns waiting for programs to begin. The party evolved into an “outpouring of ideas on how to master the addictive qualities of television and do something good with them” 13 At the time, TV was free and widely available to all. 13 (Beginning in 2009, families must now have access to a converter box.) In 1966, Joan Ganz Cooney, a documentary filmmaker for public television, and Lloyd Morrisett, head of philanthropic Carnegie Corporation came together and created Sesame Street. 13 In 1967, research was showing that you could teach a child a great deal before they entered first grade. Children who had that advantageous education early did better when they entered school than those that did not. 13 Self mandate of educating children while entertaining them 18 the time was considered ‘experimental’ and ‘controversial’. 13 Sesame Street uses a developmental curriculum instead of one based on chronological age. A mother of a typically developing five-year-old and a two-year-old with Down’s Syndrome wrote a letter to the Children’s Television Workshop describing how both of her children were learning the alphabet by watching Sesame Street. 13 Beginning in 1975 both children and adults with disabilities have made appearances on Sesame Street. Sesame Street concentrates on a person’s abilities, demonstrating that everyone can live a productive life and accomplish their dreams. Guest appearances by celebrities with a disability: Marlee Matlin (deaf), Christopher Reeve (quadriplegic), Ray Charles (blind), and Itzhak Perlman (walks with crutches due to polio) Characters with a disability: Tarah (a child in a wheelchair who played sports and danced 1994-2001), Traction Jackson “TJ” (computer animated boy who appears in his wheelchair), Linda (deaf librarian appeared 1972-2003), Aristotle (blind monster Season 13 & 14), Jason Kingsley (appeared in over 50 episodes, Down Syndrome), and Kami (became the world’s first HIV puppet featured on South Africa’s of version on Sesame Street, Takalani Sesame) Anatomy of a Podcast 45% of children ages 5 and under in the US spend almost as much time with new media as they do watching TV (Internet, video and computer games, and handheld devices). 8 The mission of the Sesame Workshop is that “all children deserve a chance to learn and grow; to be prepared for school; to better understand the world and each other; to think, dream and discover; to reach their highest potential.” 17 New this season 18 Format: Segments are in “modules, like a pre-school Today show” and a new modern theme song Digital Muppets: Abby Cadabby is now has adventures as a computer generated CGI cartoon Use of Screen Media: Elmo can watch Grover lead a frog hunt on his computer similar to watching a YouTube video clip. An estimated 12 million children tune into Sesame Street each week 7 More than 60 percent of families with incomes of $25,000 or less report their children age 5 or younger view Sesame Street at least once a week. 6 Area of Disability Emily Perl Kingsley, a Sesame Street writer, became an advocate for those with disabilities, particularly after she gave birth to a child with Down’s Syndrome in 1974. Doctors told her to institutionalize her son immediately before a bond was established, as he would “never be able to sit or stand or walk or read or write”. Instead, Kingsley enrolled her son in an early intervention program that at On average, 68% of all children under 2 years of age use “screen” media (TV, video, DVD, computer, video games) a little over two hours every day. 9 In 2008, Sesame Street podcasts and other digital content have been streamed or downloaded more than 30 million times. 10 Literacy and Numeracy Goal: Prepare kids for academic success Initiatives: Rural Literacy (Early literacy skills), Word on the Street (Building vocabulary & leap into literacy), Happy Healthy Ready for School (Preparing kids for school through daily learning experiences), Learning is Everywhere (Teaching skills during daily routines), Talking Cents (Financial basics) Sponsored by the letter “B” Literacy Skills (PLS-4 Items) R57 – Identifies initial sounds (“Find the picture that begins with the /p/ sound like “pig”) R59 – Understands rhyming sounds (“I want you to find the one that rhymes with fun.”) R62 – Makes grammaticality judgements (“The girl can ate cookies. Does that OK or not OK?”) E60 – Repairs semantic absurdities (“He eats soup with a spoon. Change it so it makes sense.”) E61 – Defines words (“Tell me two things about school?”) E62 – Repairs grammatical errors (“The girl can going home. What should I have said?”) E63 – Rhymes words (“Think of a word that rhymes with bright?”) E64 – Segments words (“If I take away the boy in cowboy, what word is left?") E65 – Tells a story in sequence, using grammatically correct sentences E66 – Tells a story with introduction, sequence, and conclusion Numeracy Skills (PLS-4 Items) R30 - Understands part/whole relationships (door of the car, nose of the dog) R33 – Understands quantity concepts (one, some, rest, all) E39 – Uses quantity concepts (“Can you count them?”) R36 – Identifies colors R40 – Understands more or most (“These girls were picking apples. Which girl picked more apples?”) R43 – Understands qualitative concepts (star, square, circle, triangle) R51 – Understands quantity concepts (numbers) R52 – Indicates body parts (elbow, forehead, eyelashes, wrist) R54 – Orders pictures from largest to smallest R55 – Understands quantity concepts (half, whole) R56 – Understands time/sequence concepts (first, last) E59 – Counts items and gives correct number R58 – Understands quantitative concepts (each) R60 – Adds and subtracts numbers to five E51 – Uses qualitative concepts (short, long) E68 – Expresses quantity (empty, more) Emotional Wellbeing Goal: Foster a sense of resilience and flexibility in an ever-changing world with the support of friends and family Initiatives: Families Stand Together (Navigating tough financial times), Talk Listen Connect (Supporting children of the military), Let’s Get Ready! (Planning for emergencies), Here For You (Helping children cope with serious illness) Almost 800,000 children under age 5 in the United States have a parent or parents on active military duty or in the National Guard and Reserves. 12 “It was a product that was desperately needed. We realized we had to put together some programs for the children because we understood that helping the war fighter meant taking care of the children as well,” says Navy Commander Russell Shilling, an advisor on psychological health at Defense Center of Excellence and a collaborator on Talk, Listen, Connect. 21 Emotional Wellbeing (PLS-4 Items) R35 – Identifies negatives in sentences (“Look at all the babies. Show me the baby who is not crying.”) E36 – Produces basic four- to five-word sentences (“Tell me about your pets/toys/brother/sister/baby”) E46 – Completes analogies (“When I’m sad I cry, but when I’m happy I…”) E55 – Formulates meaningful, grammatically correct questions (asking questions to a family member – mother, sister, father - “Kathy wants to play outside. What could she ask her father?”) Oscar the Grouch – a character that was developed to show that “it wasn’t necessary to be cheerful all the time. If you make him happy he hates that, which makes him unhappy, but being unhappy makes him happy but that makes him unhappy, etc, etc.” 18 Health and Wellness 80% of obese children, become obese before the age of 6 11 “A cookie is a sometimes food!” 10 Goal: Develop lifelong healthy habits as good health helps learning and development Initiatives: Healthy Habits for Life, A is for Asthma, and Lead Away Health and Wellness (PLS-4 Items) R23 – Identifies body parts (nose, eyes, foot, hands, mouth, tummy, ear, head) R24 – Understands verbs in context (Thirsty, Hungry, Tired; “The bear is thirsty. Give him something to drink”) R25 – Identifies clothing items (shoes, shirt, shorts, skirt, socks) E41 – Answers questions logically (“Her hands are dirty. What would you do if your hands were dirty?”) E42 – Uses words that describe physical state (“The bear wants something to eat. He hasn’t had dinner. How do you think the bear feels?”) E48 – Responds to “why” questions (“Why do we wear jackets?”) Respect and Understanding Goal: Help kids expand social interaction by understanding the diversity of the world around them by exploring different cultures and traditions, as well as the wider world through science. Initiatives: Adventures of Grover and Khokha (Arab cultures, heritage, and traditions), One World One Sky (Astronomy and a love of science), Global Grover (World culture), and Panwapa (Global citizenship) Respect and Understanding (PLS-4 Items) R22 – Understands inhibitory words (“wait!”, “my turn!”, or “stop!”) E23 – Uses vocalizations/gestures to request toys or food (“What do you want?”) E28 – Asks questions (“Where’s the toy?”) R28 – Understands several pronouns (Having a teddy bear picnic – “Give a cup to the bear”, “You take a spoon. Now give a spoon to me”) R29 – Understands use of objects (“Show me what you use to cook food?”) E29 – Uses words for a variety of pragmatic functions E33 – Answers “what” and “where” questions R37 – Makes inferences (“Charlie played outside and got his shoes wet. What was it like outside?”) E38 – Tells how an object is used (“Tell me what you do with a towel?”) E45 – Responds to “where” questions (“Where do you play?”) R45 – Understands –er ending as one who… (skater, painter, teacher) R46 – Understands time concepts (night, day) E53 – Uses –er ending to indicate one who… (farmer, teacher, winner) R61 – Understands time concepts (seasons) One in three of the world’s 115 million primary-age children who are not in school lives in an area affected by conflict. 23 Format and Research Sesame Street programming targets four content areas: Literacy & Numeracy, Respect & Understanding, Emotional Wellbeing, and Health & Wellness. Each content area is supported by initiates or specialized areas of focus. 3 Target initiatives have advisory boards staffed with professionals from a variety of fields that serve to these include…Scientists, Pediatricians, Government Agencies, University Professors, Educators, Directors of Non-Profit Agencies, Military Personnel, Psychologist, Social Workers, and a Speech-Language Pathologist from ASHA to name a few. 2 This format continues in coproductions of Sesame Street around the world. Programming aims to share an understanding of cultural, ethnic, and religious diversity, such as Shara’a Simsim in Gaza and the West Bank, Rechov Sumsum in Israel, and Rruga Sesam and Ulica Sezam in Kosovo. 3 Kilimani Sesame in Tanzania aims to educate children in order to reduce the spread of malaria. Malaria is the single greatest cause of sickness and death in children under the age of 5 in Tanzania. 10 Disadvantaged children in the United States learn 15,000 fewer words by the time they reach first grade than their more advantaged peers. 5 “What’s the Word on the Street?” was launched to address this disadvantage. Sesame Street strives to increase vocabulary skills by introducing new words and practicing them in multiple contexts. 10 The Preschool Language Scale – 4th Edition 22 Written by Irla Lee Zimmerman, Ph.D.; Violette G. Steiner, BS; and Roberta Evatt Pond, MA Assessments available in English and Spanish Assessment age: Birth to 6 years, 11 months Publication date: 2002 Standardization sample is based on information from the 2000 US Census. The sample includes… 39.1% Ethnic minorities 13.2% Individuals with special conditions (articulation, developmental delay, hearing impairment, language disorder, Autism) 50% female and 50% male Parent education level, geographic region, ethnicity, child learning environment, and English dialects are also accounted factored. Learning Language ASHA’s current Treatment Efficacy Summary for Child Language Disorders reports that 7% of preschool and school-aged children exhibit a language impairment that may impact their academic, social, and emotional development. 25 Using Motherese15 What is Motherese? It’s the way that a mother talks to her young child using simplified verbalizations. This includes… Talking about things in the present A simplified vocabulary Paraphrasing information Presenting well-formed sentences Frequent repetitions Slow rate of speech with long pauses between utterances Mean Length of Utterance Average MLU for a Sesame Street segment was 6.91 15 Average MLU for a Mr. Roger’s segment was 7.42 15 MLU used by kindergarten teachers directed to students was 7.52-8.80 25 MLU used by kindergarten teachers talking to other adults was 11.78-18.48 25 MLU used by a mother to a 3 year old child was 6.95 26 MLU for adults talking to other adults was 13.8 26 Language Use of Sesame Street Verb usage: Of the sample segment, 77% were present tense verbs, 12% were past tense verbs, and 11% were future tense verbs 15 Type Token Ration (ratio of different words used to total words used) was comparable to that used by children 34 years of age (.45) 15 Question usage: Of the sample segment, 27% were considered reversals (ex: “Are you coming?”, 22% were rising intonation (ex: “You want it?”) and 51% were WH questions (ex: “What is that?”). 15 58% of the time, Sesame Street characters talked about events that were occurring on the screen. 15 3% of utterances were directed to the audience at home, such as “Now, which one is this one?” Long pauses are presented allowing for viewer response prior to the answer. 15 Emphasis of key words during verbalizations – on average one per utterance. 15 Long Term Effects Kids who watched Sesame Street at age 5, reported that they spent more time reading for leisure as teenagers. 19 Children who watched more Sesame Street at age 5 demonstrated better grades in high school, particularly in English, Math, and Science. 19 Sesame Street provides a variety of speech/language models including developmentally appropriate models, including Baby Bear, Cookie Monster, and Elmo. Associate research director Istar Schwager stated that “children learn from a variety of sources -- including other Sesame Street characters who speak properly.” 16 Additional Resources: (1) Moore, F. (2009, November 9). Big Bird's still huge as Sesame Street hits 40. The Houston Chronicle. Retrieved November 9, 2009 from http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/moms/671179 7.html (2) Advisory Board (n.d.). Retrieved November 11, 2009, from Website: http://archive.sesameworkshop.org/aboutus/pressroo m/presskits/sbpress/ advisory.php (3) Initiates (n.d.). Retrieved November 11, 2009, from Website: http://www.sesameworkshop.org/initiatives (4) Our Process (n.d.). Retrieved November 15, 2009, from Website: http://www.sesameworkshop.org/inside/our_process (5) Sesame Workshop. (2008). Sesame Workshop Annual Report. New York, NY: Author (L. Moats, Overcoming the Language Gap. American Educator, September 5-9, 2001.) (6) Sesame Workshop. (2008). Sesame Workshop Annual Report. New York, NY: Author. (Sesame Workshop, The Media Utilization Study, 2007). (7) Sesame Workshop. (2008). Sesame Workshop Annual Report. New York, NY: Author (Sesame Workshop, The Media Utilization Study, 2007.) (8) Sesame Workshop. (2008). Sesame Workshop Annual Report. New York, NY: Author (Sesame Workshop, Sesame Street Brand Tracking, 2008.) (9) Sesame Workshop. (2008). Sesame Workshop Annual Report. New York, NY: Author. (Sesame Workshop, Sesame Street Brand Tracking, 2009.) (10) V. Rideout, D.F. Roberts, U.G. Foehr, Generation M: Media in the Lives of 8 - 18 Year-olds, The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, March 2005. (11) Sesame Workshop. (2008). Sesame Workshop Annual Report. New York, NY: Author (NHANES, “Data on the Prevalence of Overweight Among Children and Adolescents,” Pediatrics 115 (2005): 348–51.) (12) Sesame Workshop. (2008). Sesame Workshop Annual Report. New York, NY: Author (Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Military Community and Family Policy). 2005 Demographics Profile of the Military Community. Washington, DC: Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense; 2005. http://cs.mhf.dod.mil/content/dav/mhf/QOLLibrary/PDF/MHF/QOL Resources/Reports/2005 Demographics Report.pdf. Accessed August 25, 2008., as cited in: Chartrand et al, “Effect of Parent’s Wartime Deployment on the Behavior of Young Children in Military Families” in Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, vol. 162, no. 11, November 2008. Available at www.archpediatrics.com.) (13) Davis, M. (2008). Street Gang: The Complete History of Sesame Street. New York: Penguin Group (14) Christakis, D. A., et al. 2009. Audible Television and Decreased Adult Words, Infant Vocalizations, and Conversational Turns. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 163, (6), 554-558. (15) Rice, M., & Haight, P., (1986) “Motherese” of Mr. Rogers: A Description of the Dialogue of Educational Television Programs. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders. 51, 282287. (16) Sesame Street Magazine. (1985, May). Issue 144. Retrieved November 14, 2009, from Website: http://muppet.wikia.com/wiki/Cookie_Monster (17)Sesame Workshop At A Glance. (n.d.). Retrieved March 15, 2009, from the World Wide Web: http://www.sesameworkshop.org/inside/our_mission (18) Gross, T. (Interviewer). (2009, November 6). Fresh Air. In Miller, D. (Producer). Washington D.C.: National Public Radio. (19) Truglio, R. & Fisch, S. (2001). “G” is for growing: Thirty years of research on children and Sesame Street. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (20) Tarah Schaeffer (n.d.). Retrieved November 15, 2009, from website: http://muppet.wikia.com/wiki/Tarah_Schaeffer (21) Talk, Listen, Connect: Helping Military Families During Difficult Transitions (n.d.). Retrieved November 15, 2009, from Website: http://www.sesameworkshop.org/initiatives/emotio n/tlc/deployments (22) Zimmerman, I.L., Steiner, V.G., & Pond, R.E. (2002). Preschool Language Scale Fourth Edition, Examiner's Maunal. San Antonio: The Psychological Corporation. (23) Sesame Workshop. (2008). Sesame Workshop Annual Report. New York, NY: Author (Save the Children, Rewrite the Future: Education for Children in Conflict-Affected Countries (London: International Save the Children Alliance, 2006), http://www.savethechildren.org/newsroom/2006/ar med-conflict-creating-crisis-in-education.html) (24) American Speech-Language Hearing Association Treatment Efficacy Summary for Child Language Disorders (n.d.). Retrieved November 15, 2009, from website: http://www.asha.org/NR/rdonlyres/CBBC4C123199-4080-A2F5DE60873957DE/0/TESChildLanguageDisorders.pdf (25) Granowsky, S., and Krossner, W. (1970) Kindergarten teachers as models of children’s speech. The Journal of Experimental Education, 38, 23-29. (26) Bohannon, J., & Marquis, A. (1977). Children’s control of adult speech. Child Development, 48, 1002-1008. (27) Sesame Street (2009). Hip Hip Hooray for School! Activity Book. Learning Horizons, Inc. (28) Albee, S. (2000). Watch Out for Banana Peels and Other Sesame Street Safety Tips. New York: Random House. (29) Tarah [Online Image]. (n.d.). Retrieved November 14, 2009 from http://muppet.wikia.com/wiki/Tarah_Schaeffer (30) Linda [Online Image]. (n.d.). Retrieved November 14, 2009 from http://muppet.wikia.com/wiki/Linda (31) Kami [Online Image]. (n.d.). Retrieved November 14, 2009 from http://www.mentalfloss.com/blogs/archives/31226 (32) Oscar the Grouch [Online Image]. (n.d.). Retrieved November 15, 2009 from http://irritatedtulsan.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/ oscar-the-grouch.jpg (33) Baby Bear [Online Image]. (n.d.). Retrieved November 15, 2009 from http://archive.sesameworkshop.org/aboutus/pressr oom/presskits/season36/images/bio_babybear.jpg (34) Elmo [Online Image]. (n.d.). Retrieved November 15, 2009 from http://www.bellmoremerrick.k12.ny.us/technology/ELMO/elmo.jpg (35) Sesame Street Podcast: Play (2009, September 14). Podcast retrieved from itunes.com (36) Videos. Sesame Street. PBS Kids. (2009, November 14). What’s the Word on the Street: Amazing [Video File]. Video posted to http://pbskids.org/sesame/#/videos
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