Sample offer for the publication of a manuscript After reviewing the manuscript we submit a quotation to the authors or editors which upon acceptance becomes the basis for cooperation. We are open to discuss anything else you cannot find in the quotation. Our publishing services, terms and conditions are outlined below. V&R unipress GmbH is the subsidiary of Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht in Göttingen specialising in science and research publications. In particular we deal with highly qualified specialist research publications from the fields of the arts, cultural studies and the social sciences. V&R unipress publishes monographs, conference publications and anthologies as well as outstanding doctoral and postdoctoral dissertations either as individual monographs or in one of our established series. We handle the typesetting and formatting in preparation for printing by our service partners both as hardcover volumes and as e-books. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht promotes the V&R unipress programme within the book trade as a whole and within the scientific community, and distributes our books through the academic book trade as well as the internet and libraries, institutes and within the respective discipline – both in Germany and abroad. V&R unipress also offers cooperation agreements with universities. Through our publishers “Vienna University Press” “Bonn University Press” and “Universitätsverlag Osnabrück” we have partnerships with the respective universities. V&R unipress combines a fair deal for authors and editors with personal, professional service, short production times, well-made books as well as professional marketing and sales services. For example, we format your text completely for you. All you need to provide is a simply formatted Word-file that is correct in content and language and we prepare it for publication. Before printing you are sent the proofs for revision and approval. We are also happy to compile index references using keywords of your choice. All you have to do is list the keywords following our simple formal guidelines. We will then provide a complete list of references (including inflections) from which you can select the relevant entries. Editor and contributors of anthologies are also provided with pdf files of their contributions at no extra charge. These can be distributed by email as offprint files or printed as required. We ensure that our books are search-accessible and can be ordered worldwide and are in stock over many years. We make your book available for copyright-protected full-text search in Google, and Amazon, and Libreka! so that potential customers can examine the contents quickly and easily to get an impression of the content. With your consent, the printed version can also be made available as an e-book. We define an e-book as a pdf-file that can be downloaded for a fee (for instance from our website). It is provided with a watermark that identifies the purchaser and can be copied or printed off as often as desired. Alternatively, your book can also be made available as an open-access publication. We promote your book on our website ( with the cover image, bibliographical details, an advertising text, a table of contents, a sample chapter and any supplementary information (additional files) on the book if required. For example, an extensive appendix can be provided as an open-access file at no extra charge. The link reference is then given in the book, and in this way the book is not as thick. Our book preview of all new publications is printed every spring and autumn with a circulation of 25.000 and sent to the relevant target group, specialists within the relevant discipline, institutes and libraries as well as the academic book trade. We promote your book at fairs and conventions and spread the word among specialists from your discipline. We offer free copies or pdf-files to reviewers in specialist journals and in the general media and forward any reviews we receive to you. As a standard our printed publications are made of high-quality book paper and a four-coloured hardcover binding. If you wish, your volume can be produced in paperback at a lower price. Please find attached a sample quotation describing our standard services. They are tailored especially to suit scientific publications addressing a relatively small readership of peer specialists, institutes and libraries. As the number of copies sold is usually insufficient to cover the costs of production, marketing and distribution, a printing subsidy must be provided either by yourselves or by third-party funding. We do our utmost to avoid unnecessary expenditure and to ensure that the costs are fair and cost-effective. As an alternative financing option we could also agree on preprint purchase order of a fixed number of copies. If you or a third party agree to purchase 150 copies or more a grant to cover the printing costs is no longer necessary. If you have any questions concerning our publishing house or our quotation, please just give us a call or send us an email – we will be happy to advise you! V&R unipress GmbH Robert-Bosch-Breite 6 | 37079 Göttingen | Germany | Fax +49 (0)551 5084 333 | Susanne Franzkeit, Executive Management Ruth Vachek, Project Management Anna Barkhoff, Project Management | +49 (0)551 5084 303 | E-Mail [email protected] | +49 (0)551 5084 301 | E-Mail [email protected] | +49 (0)551 5084 304 | E-Mail [email protected] –2– Hardcover Sample Standard Quotation for 300 printed pages, May 2012 Volume Retail price Author's price Book format 300 printed pages 43,90 EUR 26,34 EUR (40 % discount off retail price) 15.8 x 24 cm Features: Binding Text Original files needed for the text: Hardcover, matte laminate finish, Lumbeck-bound, Publisher's standard layout, four-coloured, with illustrations (as required) Black and white, 90 g/m² yellow-white book paper, 1.5-fold Vol. Simply formatted text file, correct in language, grammar and content; – With a uniform, consistent structure; in anthologies all contributions must have a standard structure – Saved in .doc (Word) or rtf format, if possible with a paper printout of the text; – With typographical (distinguishable) quotation marks that can be sought and replaced separately (for example “text” – Quotes of three lines or longer: please mark clearly in an separat paragraph); – Manual (not automatic) title numbering; – Positioning of illustrations in the text must be displayed using the file name of the respective illustration (e.g. “fig001.tif” – see below); the caption must be inserted under the file name; – If reference is made in the text to an illustration (e.g. “see fig. 1”) please remember that the illustration will be positioned at or after a suitable place in the text, on the top left-hand side of the following page (i.e. do not write “as the illustration below shows“ , because the illustration may not appear immediately after that reference);– Please remember to update cross-references in the printing proofs, as they are lost after conversion; please insert "$$$" in the original text wherever cross-references occur so that they can be found easily when updating page references. –3– Original files needed for the illustrations: Images and illustrations for the text: – Each illustration must be saved as a separate file and not embedded in the text; – Colour and grey raster images (photos, paintings): 300 dpi, saved in TIF format; – Line art scanned: saved in TIF (with 1.200 dpi ) or in EPS format – All illustrations should be approximately the size in which they will eventually appear in the book (maximum 11.3 cm wide); – – File names as follows, please: "FIG" plus 3-figure number, e.g. “FIG001.tif” for figure 1, “FIG011.eps” for figure 11 and so on. – In order to assign the illustrations correctly, reference must be made to each respective illustration in the text. Each illustration must have a caption. Please note: Illustrations are inserted appropriately after reference to it on the same page or at the top of the next page in alignment with the left margin. References to illustrations must be formulated accordingly (see above, “Original files needed for the text”, under “positioning of illustrations”). For the cover: You are welcome to provide a high-quality suitable, meaningful illustration: – scanned with a very high resolution – saved in TIF format – if possible four-colour (minimum resolution 300 dpi with a size of 10 x 10 cm). available for a fee in picture archives, e.g. www.,,, –4– Subject to the fulfilment of the above requirements (and preparation of the text and illustration files as stipulated) we offer the following conditions for publication: Standard Hardcover If printing costs are covered by the client or by third-party funding: A printing subsidy for a 300-page book as described above amounts to: 2,535.00 EUR plus VAT (3,016.65 EUR including 19 % VAT) Illustrations and Graphics 1.) Layout: The integration of up to 15 illustrations into the page layout is included in the price given above, for each additional illustration we charge 5,-EUR plus VAT. 2.) Printing: Black and white illustrations are printed at no extra charge. Tables 2.) For publications with coloured illustrations we draw up an individual quotation. (The printing subsidy increases by approx. 120 EUR for a colour section of 16 consecutive pages. 1.) For drawing up tables for the print area we charge 15 EUR plus VAT per table 2.) If the text contains more than 32 diagrams and/or tables, we charge a fixed additional fee of 3 EUR plus VAT per printed page. This standard quote includes: Text Formatting We format the complete text in preparation for printing. You are sent a printed version for approval and imprimatur. Printing We take care of all production processes and quality control. Offprints As the editor of an anthology you receive the individual contributions in PDF format, or we send the contributions to each author. 15 Free Copies On release you receive 15 free copies, if no pre-print order has been agreed. 40 % Author's Discount As author or editor you receive 40% discount if you purchase your book or any other available title from our publishing house. Promotion and Marketing We take care of the marketing, distribution and sale of your book as described in the introduction above. Availability We guarantee by contract that your book will be available for at least 5 years. As a rule your book will be available for much longer. We would be happy to submit an individual offer for your book. The offer stands for three months. If during this period a publishing agreement is signed the offer will remain valid until publication of the book. –5– Optional Additional Services – not included in our Standard Quotation Index Colours Special Fonts Hourly Rate Open Access Non-Standard Layout Further corrections Further Services Prices excluding VAT If you provide us with a simple keyword list following our simple formal guidelines, we can compile a complete list of references (including inflections). You then select the relevant entries and delete the rest. Please ask for our information sheet on compiling indices. For this service we charge a flat-rate fee of 80 EUR per index. Illustrations and diagrams can of course also be printed in colour. While offset colour printing is still very expensive, we can make a reasonable offer for highquality digital printing. Our typesetting programme has most of the conventional fonts. However, for academic publications authors sometimes provide us with special fonts that are required and must be installed in the Layout programme especially for their book. The installation costs 90 EUR per font. If additional costs are incurred, e.g. due to multiple correction rounds, we estimate the time required in advance and inform you accordingly. Our rate per working hour is 65 EUR. We can also make an open-access edition of your publication available in pdf format for downloading cost-free from our homepage at the same time as the release of the print version. For immediate open access we charge a fixed price of 5,000.00 EUR for a monograph in addition to the printing subsidy. For an open-access edition without a printable version the fixed charge is 6.500 EUR. For open-access anthologies of 10 contributions or more we charge 500 EUR per contribution. For anthologies it is also possible to combine open-access and ebook contributions (these are PDF files available as chargeable downloads). If you are unwilling or unable to provide your text in simple format as an RTF or DOC file as described above we also accept a PostScript or PDF version that has been formatted following our layout guidelines. You receive from us the formatted text for approval. We incorporate your corrections into the text and calculate on the basis of a maximum of one working hour for corrections. We assume full responsibility for completing the authors’ corrections flawlessly. If you nevertheless insist on further text versions for review and correction we can provide them but at a charge of 100 EUR per additional version. We also have solutions for transcriptions, editing and translations and would be happy to tailor an offer to suit your particular requirements – do not hesitate to contact us! The prices quoted above do not include VAT. V&R unipress – Your Partner in Academic Publishing –6–
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