, UK Data Archive Study Number 1276: Solicitors and the Wider Community, 1975-1976 1. The Sample Des1gn - So11c1tors 1n Pr1vate Pract1ce The aim of the sample des1gn was to obta1n a cross-sect10n of so11c1tors' pract1ces 1n the West M1dlands. The research hypotheses 1ncluded the suggestIon that a S011cltor ' S lnvolvement In extra-profess1onal actIvItIes aUj h1s relat10nsh1p to the commun1ty would be assoc1ated w1th the S1ze of ,~he pract1ce and the 10cat10n of the pract1ce, 1.e. whether the pract1ce was located 1n the centre of B1rm1ngham, or 1n smaller and medIum SIze commun~tles. It was decIded to concentrate on three 10cat10ns - central B1rm1ngham, BirmIngham and medltDll B1rm1ngham, SIZe suburban areas and towns around "Independent" towns some dJ-stance from and small towns 1n rural areas. The sample of so11c1tors was obta1ned by the method descr1bed below, wh1ch 1nvolved f1rst 1dent1fY1ng the pract1ce at wh1ch an 1nterv1ew was to be requested, then 1dent1fY1ng the 1nd1v1dual so11c1tor who would be approached. The samp11ng frame, as or1g1nally conce1ved, was to 1nclude only pract1ces 1n B1rm1ngha~m, So11hull and Worcestersh1re, but a few pract1ces from outs1de these areas were eventually 1ncluded, for reasons descr1bed below 153 Pract~ces The Central ~n bas~s used for w~th annually th~ngs, B~rm~ngham draw~ng ~Ssue wh~ch issued the~r of annual to complete a form requ~red ~s ~n are reproduced w~th L~st pract~ce a The Law L~st. amongst other W~thout does sol~c~tors l~sted, om~ss~on ~ L~st to whom The Law requested, or whose returns were ?ccounts for , under the f~rms they are located - makes ~t who d~d ~n pr~vate pract~ce or sol~c~tors The Law L~st Sol~cltors' publ~catlon a d~screpancy The Law has ~ssued L~st. In the sol~c~tors ~n pr~vate had ~ssued 22,184 pract~s~ng not supply the particulars The Law L~st l~st~ng sol~c~tors part~cularly bus~ness, thus under- practlce by a factor of 9% to 10%. they practlse, and a ~s f~rms local L~st In the by the towns - ~n wh~ch useful source. sol~c~tors hold~ng pract~s~ng cert~f~cates, As well as a body of Soc~ety the method of wh~ch wlth sol~c~tor's Soc~ety appear~ng ~n illeg~ble. Sollc~tors ~n pr~vate th~s shortcom~ng, some between the two figures was due to the sol~c~tors of are mean that he has not been because there whereas The Law Th~ d~fference from the apply~ng Each year, when The fact that a Foster (1973. 154) found that 20,100 were ~ssued l~st~ng the~r profess~onal part~culars, pract~s~ng cert~f~cate, cert~f~cates. 1. ~s pract~s~ng cert~f~cates, sol~c~tors certificates and the number actually Despite Th~s, pract~se. may not ~n th~s publ~cat~on not between the number of 1971 1 wh~ch l~sts sol~c~tors ~ssued w~th pract~s~nR cert~f~cates for the name Soc~ety. the approval of The Law val~d cert~f~cates, sol~c~tors of L~st, the sample was The Law gove~~ent whether they work and so forth, there ~s who do legal work but who do not hold current has recently been superseded by a new publ~cat~on, the Dlary and D~rectory The lnformat~on ~n the new ~s very s~m~lar to that ~n ~ts predecessor. 154 pract1s1ng cert1f1cates (see Chapter 1, footnote 35, p 31). The annual renewal of the cert1f1cate to pract1se cost £30 1n 1977 and £45 1n 1978 and some so11c1tors (or the1r employers) may not feel that the expend1ture 1S Just1f1ed 1f they are not 11ke1y to ava11 themselves of the pr1v11eges wh1ch a current pract1s1ng cert1f1cate br1ngs - the r1ght to appear 1n court or to do conveyanc1ng work, for example. who teach So11c1tors or who are engaged 1n adv1sory work 1n government or bus1ness are examples of th1s group, v1rtua11y all of whom are outs1de the pr1vate pract1ce sector. The prec1se numbers of such qua11f1ed but non- pract1s1ng so11c1tors are not known. In 1963 Johnstone and Hopson (1967: • 360) est1matpd that there were 2,000 so11c1tors work1ng as lawyers but not holding current pract1s1ng cert1f1cates at a t1me when 20,269 current pract1s1ng cert1f1cates had been 1ssued, 1.e. a rat10 of about 1·10. So11c1tors not hold1ng current pract1s1ng cert1f1cates were excluded from the samp11ng frame of th1s study. TABLE 6.1 SOLICITORS IN PRIVATE PRACTICE THE STRATIFICATION OF THE SAMPLE AND THE SAMPLING FRACTIONS USED S1ze of the Pract1ce Small (1-2 Qua11f1ed So11c1tors) Med1um (3-5 QuaIif1ed So11c1tors) Large (6 or more Qua11f1ed So11c1tors) 1 1n 4 1 1n 3 1 1n 2 towns and med1Uffi S1ze towns* 1 1n 2 1 1n 1 1 1n 1 Small rural towns** 1 in 1 1 1n 1 1 in 1 Locat10n of the Pract1ce Central B1rm1ngham, 1nclud1ng Edgbaston B1rm1ngham suburbs, Black Country * 1nc1ud1ng, 1n the or1g1nal sample des1gn: all the B1rm1ngham suburbs, So11hul1, l,orcester, K1dderm1nster, Stourbr1dge, Smethw1ck, Blackheath, Ha1esowen, Dudley, Crad1ey Heath, Bromsgrove and Redd1tch. ** 1nc1ud1ng, 1n the or1g1na1 sample des1gn Dro1tw1ch, Pershore, Evesham, Malvern, Upton-on-Severn, Bewd1ey, Stourport and Tenbury Wells. 155 The follow1ng procedure was adopted 1n draw1ng up the samp11ng frame. US1ng The Law L1st, 1973, a note was made of every pr1vate pract1ce 1n Central B1rm1ngham, 1nclud1ng the separate entry under Edgbaston. The pract1ces were d1vided 1nto three groups, accord1ng to the number of qua11f1ed so11c1tors work1ng 1n each pract1ce. The three groups were "small" practl.ces (one or two qual1fl.ed SOI1cltors), "medlum sl.ze ll pract1ces (three, four or five so11c1tors), and "large" pract1ces (S1X or more so11c1tors). In order to ensure that a suff1c1ent number of pract1ces would be selected 1n each of the three groups, the samp11ng fract10ns were we1ghted. pract1ce was selected; pract1ce; amongst the "medl.UIn s1ze" pract1ces, every thlrd and amongst the "large" pracnces, every other pract1ce (see Table 6.1). 81ze. Amongst the "small" pract1ces, every fourth A sample of pract1ces had now been obta1ned, strat1f1ed by Hav1ng 1dent1f1ed the pract1ces at each of wh1ch an 1nterv1ew was to be sought, 1t was next necessary to 1dent1fy the 1nd1v1dual so11c1tor who was to be approached. The names of the partners 2 1n the chosen pract1ces were l1sted and a name was selected at random uS1ng random numbers ~hen 3 (L1ndley and M11ler, 1966 13). The so11c1tor 1dent1f1ed was contacted by letter (shown 1n Append1x A) followed by a telephone call request1ng an 1nterv1ew. 2. The focus of the research was partners, rather than ass1stant or assoc1ate so11c1tors who are typ1cally pa1d a salary rather than shar1ng 1n the prof1ts and d1rect10n of the pract1ce. Ass1stant so11c1tors are usually found 1n the larger f1rms and are recently qua11f1ed men who w1ll spend someth1ng 11ke two to f1ve years as ass1stants before, 1n many cases, be1ng offered a partnersh1p. Ass1stants often change pract1ces 1n order to w1den the1r exper1ence. 3. There seem to be two styles of present1ng so11c1tors' names 1n The Law L1st, presumably depend1ng on the way 1n wh1ch the 1nformatlOn -18 sent to The Law Socl.ety. For some practl.ces names are llsted alphabet1cally, wh1lst 1n others names are l1sted 1n order of senl.orl.ty. 156 Praet1ees 1n medl.UID Sl.ze ~burban 1I areas and towns around B1rm1ngham and 1ndependent" towns some dl.stance from B1rm1ngham So11e1tors' praet1ees were l1sted 1n suburban areas of B1rm1ngham and 1n the towns of So11hull, Woreester, K1dderm1nster, Stourbr1dge, Bromsgrove, Redd1teh, Smethw1ek, Blaekheath, Halesowen, Dudley and Cradley Heath. W1th the exeept10n of So11hull, all of the shown 1n The Law L1st as be1ng 1n Woreestersh1re. towns were These towns and suburbs are 1ndependent and d1st1net from eentral B1rm1ngham even though, apart from Woreester, K1dderm1nster, Redd1teh and Bromsgrove, they are part of the eontinuous urban sprawl of B1rm1ngham and the West M1dlands. 4 Praet1ees 1n these towns and suburbs were l1sted and we1ghted samp11ng fraet10ns were used to 1dentify the praet1ees to be eontaeted - amongst "small" practlces. every other practl.ce was selected and for "med1urn S1ze" and "large" praet1ees (less numerous than 1n eentral B1rm1ngham) every praet1ee was seleeted (see Table 6.1). Ind1v1dual partners' names were then ehosen, uS1ng the proeedure deser1bed above. Practlces In small t0WTIS 1n rural areas \ The small towns ehosen were all 1n Woreestersh1re - Dro1tw1eh, Pershore, Evesham, Malvern, Upton-on-Severn, Bewdley, Stourport and Tenbury Wells. These towns have two features 1n eommon, the1r S1ze (all hav1ng a populat10n of less than 40,000) and the1r loeat10n (all be1ng s1tuated 1n rural areas, some d1stanee from the nearest large town). 4 Everyone of the praet1ees Desp1te the urban sprawl, there 1S a eons1derable degree of loeal 1dent1ty amongst B1rm1ngham's suburban dwellers and, espee1ally, amongst those 1n Blaek Country. B1rm1ngham suburbs sueh as Harborne, Northf1eld, Rubery, etc. are 1U effect separate "towns " Wl.th the1r own IIHl.gh Streets", shopp1ng eentres and eommun1ty 1dent1f1eat10n (1n these suburbs, for example, people st1ll refer to g01ng 1nto "the v11lage" to shop). In the Blaek Country, the 1nhab1tants are part1eularly eonse10US of loea11ty - Lye 1S as d1st1net from Stourbr1dge as Wednesbury 1S from West Bromw1ch, even though the stranger cannot d1st1ngu1sh where one ends and the other beg1ns. 157 1n these towns shown 1n The Law L1st was 1ncluded 1n the samp11ng frame and 1nd1v1duals were chosen by the means already descr1bed. Three other p01nts are 1mportant. F1rst, where a f1rm of so11c1tors had off1ces 1n more than one town, or branch offices 1n the same town - as was qU1te common, part1cularly w1th some large f1rms - only one off1ce or branch was 1ncluded 1n the sample because 1t was intended to 1nterv1ew only one so11c1tor 1n each pract1ce. Second, it is usual for a pract1ce w1th a number of branches to 1nclude 1n The Law L1st the name of each solicitor under each branch, so that an 1nd1v1dual is 11sted at each of h1s pract1ce's branches. Consequently, wpen an 1nd1v1dual so11c1tor was contacted at a part1cular address 1t was occas10nally found that he worked at a d1fferent off1ce. In these cases, e1ght 1n all, the 1nterv1ews were completed at the off1ce where the so11c1tor actually worked, result1ng 1n a s11ghtly great "spread" of towns 1n the sample than was or1g1nally 1ntended Interv1ews were thus also carr1ed out at Bloxwich (one case), Sutton Coldf1eld (two), Oldbury (one), B11ston (one), West Bromw1ch (two) and Tewkesbury (one). These cases were grouped w1th pract1ces 1n the "suburban areas and towns around B1rm1ngham and l "1udependent" towns" category, 'W1th the exceptlon of the Tewkesbury case, WhlCh 'Was categorlsed under practlces In "small towns In rural areas". Th1rd, 1t was dec1ded after v1s1t1ng Bromsgrove and Redd1tch that these towns would be more sens1bly 1ncluded 1n the "small towns 1n rural areas" group. Both havepopulat1ons of less than 40,000 and are thus rather smaller than most of those 1n the "suburban areas and towns around B1rm1ngham and "1ndependent" towns" category, and both are surrounded by rural belts wh1ch set them apart from the B1rm1ngham and West M1dlands urban sprawl The locat10ns of pract1ces at wh1ch 1nterv1ews were actually carr1ed out are shown 1n Chapter 7, Table 7 1, p.172. 158 -' TABLE 6.2 SOLICITORS IN PRIVATE PRACTICE - SUMMARY OF RESPONSE RATES IN TERMS OF THE ORIGINAL STRATIFICATION SCHEME T".e S1ze of Pract1ce The Locat10n of Pract1ce Small (1-2 Qua11f1ed So11c1tors) ., "':> ...'" > "'" .,., '<.0 .< ... 0 CPo< H Central B1rm1ngham, 1nc1ud1ng Edgbaston Medwm (3-5 Oua11f1ed So11c1tors) ., ., ., '" >'" :> '" :>." "'.c ... u "' .... "'" .,., ... 0 H H '<.0 .< .< > ;> '" " .< c< Large (6 or more Qua11f1ed So11c1tors) CPo< :>." ." ;> ;> '" NI'" .< '" '" .< "",.c .< ... u c< H ., :>." > '" '" >'" .< ;> '" .c " .< "'.c ... u u < C< H Total ., ." '" ;> ~I Q) .< .c u < "':> ...'" ;> "'" .,., ., :>." '" '" ;> ;> '" '<.0 .< .< ... 0 ... u CPo< H " .< ",.c C< H 17 11 64.7 16 12 75.) 12 9 75.0 45 32 71.1 towns 20 17 85.0 26 21 80.8 16 16 100.0 62 54 87.1 Small rural towns 12 11 91. 7 5 5 100.0 1 1 100.0 18 17 94.4 49 39 79.6 47 38 80.9 29 26 89.7 125 103 82.4 B1rm1ngham suburbs, Black Country towns and med1um 81ze Total Response Rates The response rates ach1eved are summar1sed 1n Table 6.2, 1n terms of the sample strat1f1cat10n var1ables of the 10cat10n and the S1ze of the pract1ce (the number of qua11f1ed so11c1tors 1n the pract1ce). 5 The overall response rate for so11c1tors 1n pr1vate pract1ce was 82.470, w1th the lowest response rate amongst so11c1tors 1n small pract1ces 1n Central B1rmingham. "small man" Th1s can be accounted for 1n terms of the pressures on the 1n a practl.ce l.n the centre of a large C1.ty, where the press of events means that there 1S often l1ttle free t1me wh1ch can be spared to see an 1nterv1ewer. In fact, 1t somet1mes proved d1ff1cult to see Central B1rm1ngham so11c1tors 1n small pract1ces, who were often w1th c11ents or unexpectedly delayed 1n court at the t1me wh1ch had been arranged for the app01ntment. 6 The 1nterv1ew was usually a more le1surely affa1r 1n the small country towns, w1th coffee or sherry offered and l1ttle sense of the press of cl1ents and telephone calls that was tYP1cal of the interv1ew s1tuat10n 1n Central B1rm1ngham, part1cularly 1n the small pract1ces. In all, 103 1nterv1ews were completed amongst so11c1tors 1n pr1vate I pract1ce and there were 22 refusals (e1ght other so11c1tors were ident1f1ed 1n the or1g1nal l1st1ng and approached but were found to be ret1red, deceased or no longer pract1sing). 5. The S1ze of pract1ces at the t1me of 1nterv1ew had somet1mes changed compared w1th the S1ze as obta1ned from The Law L1st. Th1s was because new partners or ass1stant so11c1tors had J01ned or f1rms had amalgamated The S1ze of pract1ces 1n terms of the number of qual1f1ed so11c1tors at the t1me of the 1nterv1ew 1S shown 1n Append1x C, Table C.19, p.305. 6. Central B1rm1ngham so11c1tors were more l1kely to appear 1n court "frequently" or "very frequently" compared w1th SOIl.Cltars elsewhere (see Append1x D, p.354) Br1dges et al (1975' 22-24) found that C1ty centre SOl1c1tors 1n B1rm1ngham d1d d1sproport10nate amounts of content10us and legally a1ded work, the nature of wh1ch 1mp11es spend1ng a great deal of t1me 1n court. 160 2. The Sample Des1gn - Bus1ness So11c1tors The next part of the research des1gn was to 1dent1fy so11c1tors who pract1sed, but not pr1vately. There are two broad group1ngs of so11c1tors not 1n pr1vate pract1ce. One group cons1sts of those work1ng for bus1ness, commerc1al and 1ndustr1al organ1sat10ns and for statutory and nat10na11sed bod1es. The second group cons1sts of so11c1tors employed 1n local government. (A th1rd group eX1sts, so11c1tors who are c1vil servants work1ng 1n central government, but none of these appeared, accord1ng to The Law L1St, 1975 to be located 1n the West M1dlands area) The L1St showed that there were 51 so11c1cors at 25 d1fferent bus1ness, etc, addresses 1n the West M1dlands towns from wh1ch the sample was derived 1n the survey of privately pract1s1ng so11c1tors. It was dec1ded not to 1nterv1ew amongst the s1m11ar number of so11c1tors employed by local author1t1es - 1n the Town Clerks' departments, or as full-t1me Clerks to the Just1ces, and so forth. Th1s group, 1t was cons1dered, would be atyp1cal as the1r hold1ng of "off1c1al" pOS1t10nS m1ght well inh1b1t their part1c1pat10n 1n commun1ty 11fe 7 Id order to obta1n the w1dest spread of bus1ness, etc, organ1sat10ns the deC1s10n was taken to seek an 1nterv1ew w1th at least one so11c1tor at each of the 25 bus1ness addresses 1dent1f1ed. an adequate total number of respondents, 1t was Further, so as to obta1n dec1de~ to seek 1nterv1ews w1th three out of every four (38) of the 51 so11c1tors 1dent1f1ed. So, where only one pract1s1ng so11c1tor was employed 1n an organ1sat10n, an 1nterv1ew was sought w1th that 1ndiv1dual. way. 25 names were der1ved 1n th1s The rema1n1ng 13 names were obta1ned by the use of random number 7. Two of the pr1vate pract1ce so11c1tors 1nterv1ewed who had formerly worked 1n local government ment10ned that, at that t1me, they had felt 1nh1b1ted about J01n1ng local assoc1at10ns and tak1ng a part 1n cornmun1ty act1v1t1es One remarked that he made a p01nt of J01n1ng noth1ng, to show h1S 1mpart1a11ty: 161 tables. The 38 so11c1tors 1dent1f1ed were contacted by letter (shown 1n Append1x A) followed by a telephone call request1ng an 1nterv1ew. Of the 38 so11c1tors approached, 1nterv1ews proved 1mposs1ble to complete In nIne cases; e1ght had left the organ1sat10n concerned one was based 1n h1s f1rm's London off1ce. 8 and There were four refusals amongst the rema1n1ng 29 cases, so 25 1nterv1ews were completed, a response rate of 86.2%. Of the 25 so11c1tors 1nterv1ewed, 11 worked for 1ndustr1al and commerc1al organ1sat10ns, ten 1n statutory and nat10na11sed bod1es, three 1n bank1ng and 1nsurance and one worked for a property company. Of the four so11citors who refused to be 1nterv1ewed, one worked 1n each of the f~"r categor1es - 1ndustry, statutory bod1es, 1nsurance and property. The percentage of 1nterv1ews ach1eved amongst so11c1tors 1n pr1vate practice was 82.4% and amongst bus1ness so11c1tors 1t was 86.2%. overall response rate was 83.1%. 9 recent surveys of the profess10n. The Th1s compares favourably w1th other El110tt (1963) ach1eved a 71% response rate in a survey of graduate art1cled clerks, wh1lst H1lton and Lerner (1965) had only 81 quest10nnaires returned out of 145 d1str1buted 10 a I survey of art1cled clerks 1n Manchester, a response rate of 56%. More recently, two postal surveys carr1ed out by the Nat10nal Board for Pr1ces and Incomes (1968, 1969, 1971) ach1eved response rates of 68% and 62%, and Abel-Sm1th, Zander and Brooke (1973) succeeded 1n carrY1ng out 40 8. The Law L1st, 1975 was less than a year old when the sample was drawn, so e1ght of 38 so11c1tors had changed the1r Jobs 1n Just over a year, a h1gh rate of mob1l1ty 9. It seems l1kely that th1s h1gh response rate wa~ ach1eved 1n part at least because the t1m1ng of the 1nterv1ews (wh1ch were carr1ed out 1n 1975 and 1976) was fortunate, c01nc1d1ng w1th the sett1ng-up of the Royal Comm1SS10n on Legal Serv1ces and w1th a t1me when the legal profess10n was underg01ng one of 1tS per10d1c bouts of self-exam1nat10n and self-crItICIsm. 162 (76.9%) of a poss1ble 52 1nterv1ews w1th so11c1tors 1n a survey of legal advice fac1l1t1es 1n three London boroughs. In Scotland, Campbell and W1lson had a response rate of 82.7% to a postal quest10nna1re sent to lawyers (reported 1n Bridges et aI, 1975. 46), wh1lst in Br1dges et aI's own research amongst B1rm1ngham so11c1tors, 43 1nterv1ews were completed out of a poss1ble 53, a response rate of 81.1%. F1nally, Thomas and Mungham (1977) 1nterv1ewed 40 (86.9%) of the 46 so11c1tors 1n the Card1ff duty so11c1tor scheme. ) \ , . , APPENDIX B THE INTERVIEH SCHEDULE Many of the questlons ln the schedule were common to both prlvate practlce and buslness Sollcltors; ln the following l'St the common questlons have no ,nd,catlon agalnst the questlon number. Questlons put to prlvate practlce Sollcltors only have "PRI" lndlcated agalnst them and those put to buslness SOllcltors only have "BUS" agalnst the questlon number. I BACKGROUND DATA 1. Sex of Respondent Male Female 2. May I know how old you are? 3. Where were you boen? (town, county) 4. W,ll you please glve me some detalls of your secondary educatlon: \ Secondary Modern Secondary Grammar Secondary Dlrect Grant Independent Other (Speclfy) 5. How old were you when you left school? 6. Now some detalls of your further and hlgher educatlon, both full-tlme and part-tlme, lncludlng your legal tralnlng: No. of Years Study 269 Part-tlme Full-tlme 7. W111 you please tell me what h1gher educat10na1 and profess10nal qua11f1cat10ns you hold? 11 CAREER CHOICE AND PREVIOUS CAREER 8. Now can you g1ve me some broad deta1ls of your career S1nce you left school? Nature of Job 9. Employer Per10d When d1d you dec1de to become a so11citor? Loca t10n (Town) (SHOW CARD) Ever S1nce I can remember Dur1ng my secondary education At Un1vers1ty or College After I had started work 1n another career Other (Specdy) 10. What attracted you to the career of so11c1tor? 11. How d1d you get art1cles? \ 12. Please descr1be the pos1t10ns you have held S1nce qualify1ng as a so11c1tor. Nature of Job Per10d Type of Pract1ce (solo, group, etc) 270 Location (Town) III DETAILS OF PRESENT PRACTICE OR JOB BUS 13. In th1s organ1sat10n, how many people are employed 1n the Legal Department, and 1n what capac1t1es? Barristers BUS Sol1ntors Articled Clerks Legal Execs or Assts. Cler1cal Secretar1al Total 14. In your present post, would you tell me what proport10n of your t1me you spend, 1n an average week, on legal and non-legal work? Legal Work Non-Legal Work (Ask about nature of non-legal work) BUS 15. Sp~ak1ng of the legal work wh1ch you do, how would you rank the follow1ng categorles t in terms of their relative importance? (SHOW CARD) Extremely Important Not at all Important Matr1mon1al Wills and Probate Company and Cornrnerc1al European and Internat10nal Plann1ng Matters Property/Conveyanc1ng Tax Matters Personal Injury Crim1nal Other L1t1gat1on Employment Law Parl1amentary Hork BUS 16. Would you tell me why you have taken out a pract1s1ng cert1f1cate? 271 BUS 17. Do you have any other (If "yes", spec~fy) PRI 18. Are you Sole PRI 19. (a) Is th~s the only branches? PR! PRI remunerat~ve occupat~on? Partner, Pract~t~oner, off~ce of Other (spec~fy) th~s pract~ce, or are there (b) If "yes", ask how many branches and where 20. How many Partners and Ass~stants (1.e. fully-qua11f1ed So11c1tors) are there 1n th1s pract1ce? Partners Ass1stants PRI 21. How long have you been 1n th1s practice? Less than 10 years 10-19 years 20-29 years 30-39 years Over 40 years PRI % 22. How many people work 1n the pract1ce altogether, and what are their Jobs? (SHOW CARD) Qual1hed Sol1c1tors Arncled Clerks Ex-Art1cled Clerks not yet qual. Legal Clerks Execs. Others Secs. - (S pen f y )Total Number: PRI 23 Do you hold any d1rectorsh1ps or po<'t~ons 1n bus1ness compan1es as a consequence of your legal pract1ce? Yes No PRI 24. (a) Is th1s pract1ce your full-t1me occupat10n? Yes No 272 PR! (b) If "no" l1st other occupat10ns and t1me spent 1n them: Proport10n of t1me spent 1n 1t (%) Occupat10n PRI 25. How would you rank the follow1ng categor1es as 1nd1cators of the kind of work you and your partners do 1n th1s pract1ce? The nature of work carr1ed out 1n the pract1ce (SHOW CARD) Not at all Important Extremely Important Matr1mon1al wills and Probate Company and Commerc1al European and Internat10nal Estate Duty Property/Conveyanc1ng Tax Matters Personal Injury Other L1t1gat10n 273 PR! 26. The work you spend most tIme on (SHOW CARD) Extremely Important Not at all Important MatrImonIal W,lls and Probate Company and CommercIal European and InternatIonal Estate Duty Property/ConveyancIng Tax Matters Personal InJury CrImInal Other LItIgatIon PRI 27. How do you get your clIents (who referb them to you)? (SHOW CARD) Extremely Important Not at all Important InstItutIons, (e.g. banks, bUIldIng socIetIes, courts, pollce) Legal aId and CItIzens' Advice Bureaux Other Professlpns (e.g. accountants, estate agents) ExistIng clIents returnIng and theIr personal recommendat10ns Casual caller s ArIsIng from your own and your partners' contacts 1n extra mural act1v1t1es 274 28. How frequently do you take work home 1n the even1ngs or at weekends? (SHOW CARD) very frequently (3/4 t1mes each week on av. ) frequently (1/2 t1mes each week on av.) sometl.mes (once a fortn1ght on average) seldom (once a month on average) never 29. How frequently do you make appearances 1n Court? (SHOW CARD) very frequently (4/5 or more appearances per week on av.) frequently (2/3 appearances per week on average) somet1mes (1 appearance per week on average) seldom (1 appearance per month on average) never PR! 30. Is your pract1ce 1n the Legal A1d Scheme? Yes No 31. Do you personally do any work for the C1t1zens' Adv1ce Bureau, the Marr1age GU1dance Counc1l, etc? IV PARTICIPATION IN ORGANISATIONS AND POLITICAL INTEREST 32. (a) At the present t1me, to wh1ch profess1onal assoc1at10ns and • organ1sat10ns do you belong? (b) How often, 1n the last 12 months, d1d you attend meet1ngs? (SHOW CARD) (c) Have you ever held off1ce or sat on the Comm1ttee? (d) Have you 1n the past been more act1ve than th1s? (Spec1fy when and how acuve) 33. (a) To wh1ch extra-profess10nal aSsoc1at10ns, organ1sat10ns or clubs do you belong, (Spec1fy broad act1v1ty, e g. golf, garden1ng, mus1c) at the present t1me? (b) How often 1n the last 12 months d1d you attend meet1ngs? (SHOW CARD) 275 (c) Have you ever held off1ce or sat on the Comm1ttee? (d) Have you 1n the past been more act1ve than th1s? and how act1ve) (Spec1fy when Meet1ng Attendance Organ1sat10n Usually Occas10nally Rarely 34. Has part1c1pat10n in these non-profess10nal assoc1at10ns helped or hinderea your career at all? (SHOW CARD) Helped a lot Helped a httle Not helped or h1ndered at all H1ndered a 11ttle H1ndered a lot Not apphcable 35. How 1nterested ~re you in po11t1cs? (SHOW CARD) Very 1nterested QU1te 1nterested Not very 1nterested 36. If "very" or "qu1te 1nterested", at what p01nt 1n your 11fe d1d you f1rst become 1nterested 1n pol1t1cs? (SHOW CARD) Ever S1nce I remember At school At Un1vers1ty or College After I became a Lawyer Other (specdy) Not apphcable 37. (a) Are you at present a pa1d up member of a polit1cal party? Yes No (b) If "yes", for about how many years have you been a member? 276 (c) If "no", have you ever been a member? Yes No 38. (a) Have you ever held off1ce or served on a Comm1ttee of a pol1t1cal party? Yes No (b) If "yes" wlll you please specify: Capac1ty or Off,ces held Year s Served Age when f1rst held off1ce 39. (a) Have you ever been a cand1date at a Local or General Elect10n? Yes No (b) If "yes" w1ll you please spec1fy: Type of Elect10n 40. No. of T,mes a Cand1date No. of Years Served Result Age when f,rst a candldate Have you ever helped a cand1date or party 1n an elect10n campa1gn at (a) Local level Yes No (b) Nat10nal level Yes No (c) If "yes" 1n how many campa1gns and u, what ways have you helped? (Specdy) Local level Nat10nal level 277 41. (a) Have you ever been a non-elected or co-opted member of any local, or nat10nal or pub11c boards, comm1ttees, etc? (e.g. J.P., member of Nat10nal Insurance Comm1ttee, Rent Comm1ttee etc.) Yes No (b) If "yes" w111 you please say wh1ch boards, etc. Board/Comm1ttee CapaC1ty Years Served 42. Has part1c1pat10n 1n po11tics helped or h1ndered your career at all? (SHOW CARD) Helped a lot Helped a l1ttle Not helped or h1ndered at all H1ndered a l1ttle H1ndered a lot Not appl1cable V SOME FINAL GENERAL QUESTIONS 43. QU1te a large number of solic1tors are 1nvolved 1n po11t1cs, both locally and nat10nally. Would you g1Ve me your V1ews on th1s? 44. If you had your t1me over aga1n, (a) would you st1ll have become a so11c1tor and followed the sort of career you have done? Yes No (b) If "no" why not? BUS 45. Have you ever thought of g01ng 1nto pr1vate pract1ce - would you g1ve me your V1ews on th1s? 278 PRI 46. What makes for a successful legal practice, in the present day world? 47. What kind of work did your father do? (i.e. hiS main career or Job) 48. How interested was your father in politiCS? (SHOW CARD) very interested qUite interested not very interested 49. How interested was your mother in politiCS? (SHOW CARD) very interested qUite interested not very interested ,l , 279 SOLICITORS IN THE WIDER COMMUNITY CODE BOOK VARIABLE NO. VAROOl CARD NO TITLE (;>r~vate practlce) (Bus~ness) COL NO 1 1-2 Wrlte In 1 3-5 ~n 1 6 1 7 ~n 1 8-9 Wr~te ~n 1 10-11 Identlflcatlon Letters P.P. B.U Case Number Card Number loin te Locat1on of Intervlew 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cent B'ham (~nclud~ng Edgbaston) B'ham. suburbs (~nc Sol~hull & Sutton Coldf~eld) Black Country (Bloxw~ch, Stourbr~dge, Halesowen, Oldbury, B~lston, Cradley Heath, Dudley, Smethw~ck, West BrolTllollch) Med. S~ze Towns (Ivorces ter and K~dderm~nste r) Smaller Towns (Bromsgrove and Redd~tch) 6. VAR002 Length of Interv~ew (M~ns VAR003 VAR004 Wnte ) Age of Respondent (years) P lace 'Of Small rural Towns (Bewdley, Pershore, Evesham, Malvern J Tewkesbury, Stourport, Tenbury) b~ rth 12 4. 5. In town of lnterv~ew or wlth~n 10 1 radlus of It Elsewhere ln Central IV M,ds (Warks, Worcs and SLaI[s) Elsewhere In Mlds (Salop, Hereford, Le~cs, Clos, Derbys, Notts, Northants) Elsewhere In U K. Abroad 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Elementary only Secondary Modern Secondary Grammar Secondary Dlrect Grant Grammar I ndependen t 1 13 1 ~le 2. 3. VAR005 Secondary Educat~on VAR006 Age Second ary Educ. completed Wrlte In 1 14-15 VAR007 Hlghcr Educat~on Holds a Flrs t Degree 1. Yes 2. No 9 M~sslng Data 1 16 - 2 VAR008 Type of Study for F1 rs t Degree VAR009 VAROlO 1. Wholly Full-t1me 2. Wholly Part-t1me 3. Full-t1me, comb1ned 1n part w1th Art1cles 4. Pr1vate Study alone 8. Not App11cable (hasn't got f1rst degree) 1 17 Attended H1gher 1 Yes Educat10n Inst., 2. No but d1d not Graduate 9 M1ss1ng Data 1 18 Graduates - Inst. Graduated from 1 19 1 20 1 21 1 2. 3. 4. Oxford Un1 v Cambr1dge Un1V London Un1 v. B1rm1ngham Un1V. 5. Other UnlveLsltles 6. Polytechn1c (CNAA degree) 7. Br1stol Un1V. 8. Not App11cable (hasn't been to H1gher Educat10n Inst.) VAROll Those W1 th at least some H1gher Educat10n - No. of years In part-tlme or full-t1me study at undergraduate and postgraduate levels Wrl te In o N1l (1.e. graduated by pr1vate study alone) 8. Not App11cable (hasn't been to H1gher Educat10n Inst.) VAR012 Postgraduate Qual1hcat10n 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 6. 7. 8. VAR013 At Present Reg1s tered for H1gher Degree 1. Reg1s tered for Mas ters 2. Reg1stered for Doctorate 8. Not App11cable (not reg1stered for H1gher Degree) 9 M1ss1ng data 1 22 VAR014 Route to Law SOC1ety Qual1f1cat10ns 1 1 23 Oxford BCL Cambr1dge LLB LLM from other Un1vers1t1es D1ploma 1n Commerce D1ploma 1n Law LLM and D1ploma 1n Law M.B A. Not App11cable (hasn't got postgraduate qua11f1cat10n) Non-graduates who d1d "Statutory Year" J G + W or Law Sac. course, pre 1963 2. Non-graduates who attended Law Soc. School or "Approved Pray course", post 1963 3. Non-graduates who d1d both "Stat Year" and G+W or Law Sac.course, pre 1963 4. Graduates who d1d not attend any G+W/ Law Soc. or "Approved Prav.1! course 5. Graduates who attended G+W/Law Soc or "Approved Prav.1! course (NB "G+\-l" = G1b'on and Weldon. the former pnvate law school) - 3 - 6. Graduates who went stralght onto a course,(Law Soc. or "Approved Prov. lI} , lmmedlately after graduatlng 7. Non-graduate "10 year" man (Sols .Act 1922) who dld not attend a course of lnstructlon (pre 1962) 8. Non-graduate ex-Legal exec/clerk who attended a full-tlme course (post 1962) VAR015 VAR016 Those who have studlcd full tlme for Law Soc qual No. of months spent studylng Wrl. te l.n Years spent qual1fylng as a Sol1Cltor (dolng 1 24-25 Wrlte In 1 26-27 1. Flrst degree only, ln Law 2. Flrst degree In Law, plus Hlgher degree In Law 3. Flrst degree In Law, plus Dlploma 1 28 88 99 Not Appllcable (no full-tlme study) Mlsolng Data art1cles, exams or both - graduates taken from date of startlng artlcles or at Law Soc.school) VAR017 Nature of Hlgher Educatlon Quallflcatlons not In Law 4. Flrst degree only, not In Law (NB "FIrst degree" Includes Oxford and Cambrldge M A.s) 5. Flrst degree not In Law, plus Hlgher degree In Law 6. Flrst degree In Law, plus Hlgher degree In Law, plus Dlploma not In Law 7. Flrst degree In Law, plus Hlgher degree and Dlploma In Law 8. Not Appllcable (no Hlgher Educatlon qual1flcatlons) 9. Mlsslng data VAR018 Other Professlonal Quallflctltlons 1. A.C W.A. 2. F.C.LS. 3. Passed Bar exams 4. n.p.A. and M B I.M. 5 L.M R.T.P.I and M.R.I P.A. 6. A.M B LM 8. Not Appllcable (no Prof quals) 1 29 VAR019 Year Admltted a Sol1cltor Wrlte In (last two dlgltS only, l.e. 56 = 1956) 1 30-31 VAR020 Age when Admltted (to nearest year) Wrl. te 1n 1 32-33 VAR021 Number of Years Wnte In 1 34-35 51nee f1rst AdlTIl L ted a SOl1Cl tor (to 1 9 1975) - 4 VAR022 1. Yes 2. No 1 36 ln Armed Forces VAR023 No. of Years Served Wnte ln o Nil Service 1 37 VAR024 Post-War Nat10nal Servlce 1. Yes 2. No 1 38 VAR025 No. of Years Served Wrlte ln Nl1 Servlce 1 o 39 VAR026 Career Slnc.e 1. Whollv ln the law ln prlvate 1 40 1 41-42 01. Artlcled Clerk only ln Industry/ 1 Commerce/Banklng 02. Artlcled Clerk and Sollcltor ln Indus try / Commerce /B anklng practlce sollCttors n3. Sollcltors only ln Inaustry/Commerce/ (lncludes present Banklng Job for Bus.Sols.) 04. Artlcled Clerk only ln Local Govern./ Stat Body 05. Artlcled Clerk and SOllCltor ln Local Govern /Stat Body 06. SOllcltor only ln Local Govern / S tat Body 07. Barrlster ln Colonial Servlce 08. Lecturer/Teacher 09. Banklng 10. Manager/Man.Tralnee 11. Clerlcal Worker and Teacher 12 Clerical Worker, Artlcled Clerk and Sollcltor ln Local Govern /Stat Body 13. SOllCltor ln Local Govern.and Industry 14. Artlcled Clerk and SoliCitor ln Local Govern and Sol1C1tor ln Banklng 88 Not Appllcable (no Job outslde SOllcitors prlvate practlce) 43-44 WartIme Servlce leavlng school (excl temp. Jobs, Hlgher Educatlon and Nat. Servlce) VAR027 No. of Years spent worklng other than lU a prIvate practlce sollcltor's praC~lce In a sollcltor's offlce 2. Experlence elsewhere Wnte ln 88 Not Appllcable (no experlence elsewhere) offlce (excl. temp. Jobs, Hlgher Educ. and Nat. Servlce) VAR028 Nature of Job or Jobs ln other flelds than prlvate VAR029 Number of prlvate Wrl te l.n practIce sollcltors 8 flrms worked for, ln all grades, lncludlng present hrm Not Applicable (never worked in prlvate practlce) 1 45 - 5 VAR030 Graduates only Art~cles concurrent, 1 46-47 VAR031 least, wlth studylng for degree No.of prlvate practlce Wrlte In flrms or organs. they were artlcled ln 1 48 VAR032 Where artlcled 1. 2. 3. 4. 1 49 VAR033 No.of years as an Asst.Sollcltor ln Wrlte In 00 Was In prlvate practlce but never an aSSIstant 88 Not Appllcable (Bus.Sol.never In prlvate practlce) 1 50-51 Wrlte In Was In prlvate practlce, but never an Asslstant 8 Not Appllcable (Bus.Sol. never in prlvate practlce) 1 52 1. Stayed on In same prlvate practlce firm as Asst. Sollcltor 2. do. becomlng a Partner lmmedlately 3. Moved to new prlvate practlce f,rm as Asst. Sol,cltor 4. do. as Partner 5. Started up on own as Sole Practltloner 6. Moved In Ind./Local Govt /Stat Body 7. Went abroad to work as a Sollcltor 8. Not Appllcable (was not artlcled In pn vate practlce) 1 53 to some extent at pr1vate practlce (to nearest year) VAR034 VAR035 No.of f,rms worked for as an Asst. Sollcltor ln prlvate practlce What happened lmmedlately after Quall[ylng (those artlcled In prlvate practlce only) (see also VAR184 and VAR185) 01 02 88 Yes No Not Appllcable (not a graduate or got degree prlvate study) Prlvate Practlce Local Govt. I nd us t ry / Connne rce Prlvate Practlce and Local Govt. o VAR036 Geographlcal Moblllty In the Legal Career (any grade of work In prIvate practIce or buslness) 1. No experlence outslde town of IntervIew, 1 or w,th,n 10 mlle radlUS of lt 2. Experlence elsewhere In Central West Mldlands (Warks, Worcs, Staffs) 3. Experlence elsewhere In Mldlands (Salop, Hereford, Lelcs, Glos, Derbys, Notts, Northants) 4. Experlence elsewhcre In U.K. 5. Experlence Abroad 54 VAR037 ExperIence, In any grade, ln a London prlvate practlce solicltor's offlce (Clty & West End) (other than temp secondments) 1. Yes 2. No 8. Not Appllcable (Bus.Sollcltor never In prlvate practlce) 1 55 - 6 VAR038 No.of Years as Partner or Sole PractItIoner In prIvate practIce (exc1.War /Nat.Serv.)) Wnte 1n 00 In p~lvate pract1ce, but never a partner/sole pract1t10ner 88 Not Appl1cable (never 1n pr1vate pract1ce) 1 56-57 VAR039 No.of f1rms 1n wh1ch respondent has been Partner or Sole Pract1t10ner (lncl. pre&ent h rm) Wnte 1n 8 Not Appl1cable (Bus.Sol.never 1n pr1vate pract1ce) 1 58 VAR040 No.of years 1n th1S pr1vate pract1ce f1rm or organ1sat1on (all grades) Wr1 te ~.l 00 Less than 1 59-60 VAR04l When d1d you dec1de to become a SOllc1tor 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 9. 1 61 VAR042 What led you to take up the career of sOllc1tor (coded by f1rst or pnnC1pal reason gl yen) 01. Follow1ng fam1ly w1shes, trad1t10n, 1 62-63 ! year Ever Slnce I can remember Dur1ng my Secondary Educat10n Dur1ng my War or Nat10nal Serv1ce At Un1vers1ty After start1ng work 1n another career Unclass1f1able M1ss1ng data or Influence 02. Influence of fr1end, fam1ly fr1end, or teacher 03. Law seemed appropr1ate follow-on from school s tud1es 04. Wanted a profess1onal qual./career 05. Indep. and freedom allowed by law career appealed 06. "Advocacy" and court work appealed 07. An 1nterest 1n people and the1r problems 08. F1nanC1al Rewards seemed good 09. "AccIdent al" and II c hance" factors 10. Respondent was approached & offered an open1ng 11. Law one of few careers open to a slghtless person 12. Wanted a complete change from school subjects 13. Got a taste for Court Work dur1ng Army Serv1ce 14. Because a legal tra1n1ng glves a w1de scope 15. "A means to an end" ("gettIng on" 1n Local Govt. ) 16. Through a "Careers Talk" by a sol1C1tor at school 20. Unclass1f1able 99 M1ss1ng data - 7 - V&R043 How were artlcles obtalned? 01. 02 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12 13 14. 99. VAR044 VAR045 Present Status In Present Flrm Are there other offlces besldes thlS one? VAR046 No.of other offlces 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Artlcled to Father Artlcled to a Relatlve Through faffilly contacts Through a schoolteacher Through a Unlverslty teacher Through Law Soclety L1St Through personal appllcatl0ns Artlcled ln prlvate practlce flrm already employed In Artlcled ln organlsatlon already employed ln Artlcles were offered to hlm Thr0ugh a personal frlend Answered an advert Through Unlverslty Appts. Board Through Local Authorlty Assn L1St Mlsslng data 1 64-65 66 6. 8. So le Practl tl0ner (no ptnrs. Or ass ts.) 1 Sole Practltloner (wlth asslstants) JOlnt Partner (1 ptnr, no assts ) JOlnt Partner (1 ptnr, wlth asst(s)) Partner (2 or more ptnrs, wlth or wlthout assts.) Senl0r Partner (2 or more ptnrs Junl0r) Not Appllcable (l.e Bus. SOllcltor) 1. 2. 8. Yes No Not Appllcable (1 e 1 67 1 68-69 Wrlte ln 88 Not Appllcable (l.e Bus SOllcltor) Bus. SOllcltor) VAR047 Rough Estlmate of Age of thlS Practlce 1. 2 3. 8 "Old Establ1shed" (25+ years) "Establ1shed" (10-24 years) "New" (0-10 years) Not Appllcable (1 e Bus.Sols) 1 70 VAR048 Is thlS a "faml1y £1rm"? (1 e. father 1 2 Yes No Not Appllcable (l.e. Bus.Sol ) 1 71 1 72-73 1 74-75 1 76-78 or uncle or son are 8 or were In the practlce) VAR049 Number of quallfled Wrl te lU SOllcltors In thlS 88 Not Appllcable (l.e. Bus Sol ) flrm (all branches) (partners & assts. excl consultants) VAR050 VAR051 Number of partners ln thlS £1 rm (all branches) (excl consul tants) Wrl te tU Total no. of staff ln thls flrm (all branches) e'Cc1. consultants) Wr1te 88 88 Not Appllcable (1 e Bus.Sol.) tU Not Appllcable (l.e Bus.Sol.) - 8 VAR052 No.of ass1stant so11c1tors 1n th1s f1rm (all branches) Wnte 1n 88 Not Appl1cable (Bus.Sol.) 1 79-80 Ident1f1canon Letters P.P. (Pr1vate Pract1ce) B.U. (Bus1ness) 2 1-2 Case Number Wr1te 1n 2 3-5 Card Number Wr1te 1n 2 6 VAR053 Number of art1cled clerks and ex-art. clerks not yet qua11f1ed 1n th1s f1rm (all branches) Wnte :n 88 Nu _ App11cable (Bus .501.) 2 7-8 VAR054 No.of Wr1te 1n (qual.sols, Art.Clerks, 88 Not App11cable (Bus.Sol.) & Legal Execs )(all branches) texcl consul tants) 2 9-10 VAR055 Do you hold any d1rectorsh1ps or I1 fee-earners" pOSItIons 10 bUSIness 1. 2. 8. Yes No No t Appl1cable (Bus. Sol.) 2 11 1. 2. Yes No 2 12 companles ~ consequence of your legal pracnce? VAR056 Is th1s pract1ce or Job your full-t1me occupat1.on? VAR057 Other occupat10ns carr1.ed on 10 conjUnctIon WIth prIvate practIce or Job VAR058 No.of days per month, on average, spent In other occupatIon VAR059 How frequently do you take work home 1n the evenIngs and at weekends? Coroner 2 Deputy Coroner Supt. Reg1strar Clerk to Comms. Taxes Clerk to Just1ces Deputy Reg1strar of County Court Farmer Clerk to Comms Taxes and Deputy Coroner Coroner and Clerk to Just1ce5 Partner 1n pr1vate pract1ce f1rm (Bus1ness Sohc1tor only) 88. Not App11cable (no other occupat10n) 99. M1ss1ng data 13-14 Wnte 1n o Less than 1 day per month 8 Not App11cable (no other occupat10n) 9 lliss1ng data 2 15 1. Very frequently (3/4 t1mes per week on average) 2. Frequently (1/2 do. ) 3. Somet1mes (1 per fortn1ghL on av ) 4. Seldom (1 per month On average) 5. Never 2 16 01. 02. 03. 04. 05 06. 07. 08 09. 10. - 9 - ':.\R060 How frequently do you make appearances 1n Court? VAR061 Is your pract1ce 1n the Legal A1d Scheme? (l.e 15 someone 1n the pract1ce on the panel ?) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Very frequently Frequently Somet1mes Seldom Never 1 (4+ per week on av ) (2 or 3 do. ) (1 do. ) (1 per month on av.) 2 17 2 18 8 9 Yes No Not App11cable (Bus. Sol ) M1ss1ng data 2 VAR062 Do you personally attend the CAB, MGC, or ne1ghbourhood Law Centre Surger1es? 1. 2 3. 9 Yes No D1d once, but not at present M1ss1ng data 2 19 VAR063 Are you 1n a Duty So11c1tor Scheme? 1 2. 8 9 Yes No Not App11cable (Bus. Sol.) M.1.ss1ng data 2 20 VAR064 Are you a member of the Nat10nal Law Soc1ety? 1. Yes 2. No 2 21 VAR065 Are you a member of the Local Law Soc1ety? 1. Yes 2. No 2 22 VAR066 Are you a member of the Br1t1sh Legal 1. Yes 2. No 2 23 1. Yes 2. No 2 24 1. Yes 2 No 2 25 1. Yes 2. No 2 26 Are you a member of the Law SOC1ety Young So11c1tors' Group (Local or Nat10nal)? 1 Yes No 2 27 VAR071 Are you a member of the Prov Notanes Soc1ety? 1. Yes 2. No 2 28 VAR072 Are you a member of thc Coroners' Soc1ety? 1. Yes 2. No 2 29 VAR073 Are you a Fellow of the Inst. of Legal 1. Yes 2 No 2 30 ASSOclatlon? VAR067 Are you a member of the So11c1tors Ben. ASSOclatlon? VAR068 Are you a member of an lut Lawyers' Assn? VAR069 Are you a member of the Law SOC1ety European Group? VAR070 2 Execull ves? (NB sce also VAR188, VAR189 , VAR213, VAR214 for membersh1p of other legal assoc1dt1ons) - 10 - VAR074 Are you a member of the Local Legal Aid Connm t tee? 1. Yes 2. No 8 Not App11cable (Bus.Sol.) 2 31 VAR075 Are you a member of the Area Legal A1 d COmm1ttee? 1. Yes 2. No 8 Not App11cable (Bus. Sol) 2 32 VAR076 Extent of pas t part1c1pat10n 1n Law Soclety act1v1t1es at Nat10nal level 1. Has held ofhce or sat on Nat10nal 2 33 1. Has held off1ce or sat on Local Law Soc1ety Comm1ttee 2. Has not 8 Not Appl1cable (not a member) 9 M1ss mg data 2 34 Off1ces held at present 1 Secretary 1n Local Law Soc1ety 2. Councll Member 3. Pres1dent or Cha1rman 4. Member of a Local Law Soc Comm1ttee 5. Organl zes Du ty So 1. Scheme" 6. V1ce-Pres1dent 7. Treasurer 8 Not App11cable (Not a member) 9 M1ss1ng data 2 35 Ofhces held at 1. Member of a Nat Law Soc 2 36 present In NatIonal Law Sonety 8 9 MeetIng attendance, 1. Usually 2 37 local Law Soc1ety 2. 3. 8 9 MeetIng attendance, Nanonal Law Sonety 1. Usually 2 38 1. Very heav11y 1nvolved (on comm1ttees 2 at both levels) 2. Much 1nvolved (Cha1rman or secretary of a local Comm1ttee) 3 Involved to some extent (on a local COmm1ttee) 4. Involved only a 11ttle (member only at one or both levels) 5. Not 1nvolved at all (not a member at e1ther level) 39 VARon Extent of ~ part~clpatlon In Law SOcIety actIVItIes at Local level VAR078 Law Soc. Comm1ttee 2. Has not 8 Not Appl1cable (not a member) 9 MJ.ss1ng data 11 VAR079 VAR080 VAR081 VAR082 My es t1manon of extent of present Involvement In prof. actIVItIes, based on nO. of actIVItIes and degree of Involvement 2 3. 8 9 ComID1ttee Not Appl1cable (not a member) lliss1ng data Occas10nally Rarely Not Appl1cable (not a member) M1ss1ng data Occas10nally Rarely Not App11cable (not a member) M1ss1ng data - 11 - VAR083 No.of Non-Profess10nal Write in Clubs, Assns.& organs. 00 Nll of Wh1Ch he 1S a member at present 2 40-41 VAR084 No.of Non-Profess10nal Wrl. te 1n Clubs, Assns. & organs 00 Nll of Wh1Ch he'1s on Cttee 2 42-43 2 44 2 45 1U 2 46 1U 2 47 Wrl te 1n 2 48 1n 2 49 or officer, etc. at present VAR085 Broad type & no of cl~bs etc, of Wh1Ch he 1S at present a member - SOC1al & chan table (Rot ary, R.Table, 41 Club, 51 Wrlte 10 o N11 Internatlonal, Jaycees) VAR086 VAR087 Do. - Army Reserve (TAVR) o Wr1te 1n Do. - Freemasons Write o VAR088 Do. - C1 V1 C and Amen1ty (Pansh N11 N11 Write o N11 Council, Nat Trust, Botan1cal Gardens, Court Lcct, CPRE, Fr1ends Cathedral, Nat Play1ng F1elds Assn, Residents & Commun1ty Assns ) VAR089 Do. - Soc1al Serv1ce (Hosp Assn, D1sch o Nll Prisoners Assn, Scouts, Samaritans, Youth Club, Cancer Research) VAR090 VAR091 VAR092 Do - Rel1g10us Write o Nll Do - Spornng (Squash, Cr1cket, Rugby, etc ) Write 1n 2 50 Do. - Educat10nal (PT", S<;hool Governers+Managers) Wrl te 1n 2 51 o o Nll Nll - 12 VAR093 Do. - Hobbles (Motorlng, Debatlng, Wrlte 1U o 2 52 2 53 Nll Flowers, Dogs, Camera, Astronomy, Chess, Rambllng, Brldge, Ral.lways, An~mals, Blrds) VAR094 Do. - C1Vll Rlghts (NCCL, Jus tlce) Wr1te In o Nll VAR095 Do - MUS1C and Arts (CBSO Soc, Rep.Theatre RJA, Arts Centre) Wrl te In o Nll 2 54 VAR096 Do. - Buslnessmens Wnte In o Nll 2 55 2 56 and Seml-Professl0nal (Ch.of Trade, Inst D1rectors, Inst.Taxat10n, Self-Employed Assoc ) VAR097 Do. - Soclal & ExWnte In Servlce (RAFA Club, o Nll Worklngmens Club, Old Boys, Unl0n Club, SCR, Br.Leg, 20s Club, Club 19, Luncheon Clubs) VAR098 My estlmatl0n of 1. Very heavlly lnvolved (7 bodles & on 2 57 present deglee of cOmffi1ttees) lnvolvement In communlty2. Much lnvolved (5/6 and on cttees) actlV1tles based on 3. Involved to some extent (3-5) the no.of clubs of 4 Involved only a httle (1-3) WhlCh a member and 5 Not lnvolved at all (belongs to nothlng) degree of lnvolvement (see VAR179 for former lnvolvement In comm actlvs ) VAR099 Has partlclpatl0n In these non-prof actlvltles helped or hlndered your legal career? 1. 2. 3 4 5 8 9 VARlOO How lnterested are 1. Very lnterested QUlte lnterested 3 Not very lnterested 2 59 1. 2 3. 4. 5. Ever 5l.nee I remember At school Dunng my !Var or Nat Servlce At Unlverslty After I became a SOllcltor or began 2 60 8 Not hppllcable (not very lnterested In poh tlCS) M1SS lng data Helped a lot 2 Helped a llttie Not helped or hlndered at all Hlndered a 11ttle Hlndered a lot Not Apphcable (not a member of anythlng) M1SS mg data 58 you In POlltlcS, 1n the 2 general sense of the word? VARlOl If livery" or " qUI te 1nteres ted" at what pOlnt ~n your llfe dld.you.flrst become lnterested In POlltlCS? to traIn as a S011cllor 9 - 13 VARl02 Are you a pa1d-up or regularly subscr1bing member of a po11t1cal party? 1. Yes 2 61 2 Not at present, but have been 1n past 3. Not now, and never have been a member 9 M1ss1ng data VARl03 P arty of wh1ch a member 1. 2. 3. 8 9 Conservat1ve Labour L1beral Not App11cable (not a member) M1ss1ng data 2 62 VARl04 If now a party member, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8 9 Less than 10 years 10 to 19 years 20 to 29 years 30 to 39 years 40 and more years Not App11cable (not a member) M1ss1ng data 2 63 2 64 S1tS on Comm1ttee or holds off1ce 2 Party Member Formerly sat on Comm1ttee or held off1ce Formerly a Party Member Not App11cable (not 1nvolved and never have been) M1SS1 ng data 65 f~r how many years have you been a member? VAR105 Have you ever held off1ce or sat on the COIllII1 ttee of a po11t1cal party? 1. Yes 2. No VAR10 6 Degree of present and past ~nvolvement 1n po 11 t1CS 1. 2. 3. 4. 8, 9 VARl07 VARl08 Number of years has or d1d S1t on pol party Comm1ttee or held ofhce Wnte 1n 00 Party member, but not on Commlttee 88 99 Not Apphcable (not party member) M1ss1ng data 2 66-67 2 68-69 Age when f1rst held offlce or sat on po11 t1cal party Comm1ttee Wrlte 1U VAR109 Have you ever been a cand1date at a local or general electlon? 1. Yes - local 2 Yes - general 3 Yes - both 4 No 2 70 VARllO How many local elect10ns have you fought as a cand1date? Wrlte 1U 2 71 How_ many general Wrlte 1n 2 72 electlons have you 8 VARlll 88 99 8 9 fought as a cand1date? 9 Not App11cable (not on Comm1ttee) M1ss1ng data Not App11cable (not been a local cand ) M1 ss 1ng data Not App11cable (not been general elect10n cand1date) M1ss1ng data - 14 VARl12 Experience slttlng on local Counnls 1. 2. 8 9 VARll3 No.of years spent slttlng on local Counclls Wrlte In 2 88 Not Appllcable (not been a Counclllor) 99 M,SS lng data VARll4 For those who haven't 1 fought a local electlon-2. have you ever been 8 asked to stand at a 9 local electlon? VARll5 Have you ever helped a candldate or party in an electlon campalgn? 1. Yes - local 2. Yes - general 3. Yes - both 4. No VARll6 My es tlmatlon of present degree of lnvolvement in polltlCS, based on the no of actlvltles and degree of involvement 1. Very heavlly lnvolved 2 78 2. Much lnvolved 3. Involved to some extent 4. Involved only a llttle (Just a member) 5 Not lnvolved at all (see VAR178 for former lnvolvement In polltlCS) VARll7 Has participation in polltlCS helped or hlndered your legal career? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8. 9 VARll8 Have you ever been a member of a local or natlonal or publlC board or committee? 1. Yes 2. No 2 80 Ldentlhcatlon Letters P.P. (prlvate practlce) B. U. (buSlness) 3 1-2 Case Number Write in 3 3-5 Card Number Wrlte In 3 6 3 7 VARl19 Sollcltors In PolltlCS- 1. 2. my estimation of 3. respondents Views on deslrablllty of th,S 4 5 6 9 At present a slttlng Counclllor 2 Formerly a Counnllor Not Appllcable (not been a Counclllor) Mlsslng data Yes No Not Appllcable (,.e. have fought) Mlsslng data 74-75 2 76 2 77 Helped a lot 2 Helped a llttle Not helped or hlndered at all Hlndered a llttle Hlndered a lot Not Appllcable (not lnvolved In polltlCS) Mlsslng data Strongly In favour In favour Neutral Agalnst Strongly Agalnst Unclasslflable Mlsslng data 73 79 - 15 VAR120 Des1rab1htyof so11c1tors 1n po11t1cs mentl0ned "Sol1e1tors 1. Yes 3 8 3 9 1 Yes 2. No 9 M1ss1ng data 3 10 1. Yes 2 No 9 M1ss1ng data 3 11 1. Yes 2. No 9 M1ss1ng data 3 12 1. Yes No 9 M1ss1ng data 3 13 2 9 No M1ss1ng data have someth1ng to offer because of the1r tra1n1ng and educat10n VARl21 Do. - "So llCl to rs meet 1. Yes all sorts of people 1n the1r pract1ce and can 2 9 No M1ss1ng data put across all sorts of p01nts of vIew" VAR122 Do. - "Problem of f1nd1ng the t1me for POIl.tlcs" VAR123 Do - "Danger of conf11ct of 1nterests, unprofess1Onal and unethlcal aspects" VAR124 Do - "Danger of offend1ng c11ents of d1fferent po11t1cal persuas10n" VAR125 Do - "Natural" connec tlon be t\.leen law and poht1CS, and same qua11t1es needed 1n both 2 VAR126 Do - "Broadenlng effect" of outslde actlvltles 1. Yes 2. No 9 M1SS mg data 3 14 VAR127 Would you sull follow a career of 1. Yes 3 15 sollcltor III prlvate 3 3 16 2 No Don't know pract1ce (Bus sols.= the sort of career you have followed) 1f you had your t1me over aga1n VARl28 Those who would not - 1. Pressure of work too great Reason why respondent would choose a 2 Problems of adlTIln, runnlng an offlce, d1fferent career, by 3 Flnanclal rewards lnadequate prlnclpal reason glven 4. Would prefer to deal w1th the funddmental pr1nc1ples of law 5. Would prefer an "outdoor hfe" 6. Future for legal pro[ess10n (and profess10nal people generally) 1S gloomy etc. 7. SOllcllors quallflcatlons not lnternatLonally 8 9 transferable Not Appl1cable (1 e. would not choose anoLher career) M1ss1ng data - 16 VAR129 Ment~oned another career he'd prefer 1. Yes 2. No 8 Not Appl~cable (~.e. would not choose another career) 9 M~ss~ng data 3 17 VARl30 Nature of other career mentloned 1. 2. 3. 4. 3 18 3 19 3 20 3 21 3 22 3 23 3 24 3 25 3 26 Sol~cltor ~n Sol~c~tor ~n Sol~c~tor ~n Barr~s ter Central Govt. employ Local Govt. employ Industry/Comm./Banklng 5 Doctor 6. Farmer 7. Other 8 Not Appl~cable another career) 9 M~ss~ng data VAR131 What makes for a successful legal practIce, 1n the present-day world? 1. Yes 2. No 8 Not Apphcable 9 M~ss~ng Data (~.e. would not cpu,se (Bus~ness Sol~c~ torS) Mentl0ned. - "SerVIng needs of cl~ents and the communIty" VAR132 VARl33 VARl34 Do. - "Legal abll~ty and reputatl.on, knm.nng your Im/' 1. Yes 2. No 8 Not Appl~cable (Buslness 9 fuss ~ng data Do. - "Hard work, qu~ck work, g~v~ng a good serV1.ce, patIence, perseverance" 1. Yes 2. No 8 Not Apphcable 9 M~ss~ng data Do. - "Keep~ng the personal touch, gett~ng on w~th people 1. Yes and malntatnlug good 2. No 8 Not Appl~cable 9 M~ss~ng data Sol~c~tors) (Bus~ness Sol~c~tors) (Bus~ness Sol~c~tors) relat~onsh~ps w~th cll.ents" VARl35 YAR136 Do - "Abll~ty Lo offer spec~al~sed serVIces to cll.ents" Do. - "HavIng a good, competent s taff ll 8 Yes No Not 9 M~ss~ng 1 2 Do. - "GettIng known, makl.ng contacts, gettIng recommended ll 2. No 8 Not Do - "Personall.ty, ~ntegr~ty and personal quaIl. tle~ of partners" Appl~cable (Bus~ness Sol~c~tors) MHs~ng data 1. Yes 2. No 8 Not 9 VARl38 data 1. Yes 9 VARl37 Appl~cable (Bus~ness Sol~c~tors) Appl~cable (Bus~ness Sol~c~tors) M~ss~ng data Yes 2. No 8 Not Appl~cable 9 M~sslng data 1 (Bus~ness Sollc~tors) - 17 VAR139 Do. - "Havl.ug a broad-based practlce" VAR140 Do. - "Good busl.uess acumen and bus1uess s~nse" VAR141 Successful pract1ce broad class1f1cat10n of reasons glven 1. 2. 8 9 Yes No Not App11cable (Bus1ness So11c1tors) 11- sS1ng data 3 27 1. Yes 2. No 8 Not App11cable (Bus1ness so11c1tors) 9 Messing data 3 28 1 2. 3 4. 5. 3 29 C11ent/Commun1ty Serv1ce Or1ented Fff1c1ency Or1ented Legal Knowledge Or1ented Personal Qua11t1es Partners Contacts/Goodw111 Or1ented Work/~us1ness 7 Mo~e than one malU reason 8 Not App11cable (Bus1ness So11c1tors) 9 M1ss1ng data VAR142 Fathers' Occupatlon (Broad Group1n~ for Soc1al Class) Profess10nal & H1gher Manager1al Lower Man. & Int Non-manual Rout1ne Non-manual and Cler1cal Sk111ed manual 5. Sem1-sk111ed Manual 6. Unsk111ed Manual 3 30 VAR143 Fathers' Occupat10n (Deta11ed) 01 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 3 31-32 1 2. 3. 4. Sol1C1 tor Doctor Surgeon Company D1rector/Manag1ng D1rector Owner of Own BUSlness Manager 07. Chartered Accountant 08. Shopkeeper 09 10. 11. 12. 13 14 15. 16 17 18 19 20. 21. 22. 23 24. 25. 26. 27. 28 29. 30. 31 32. Works Manager Insurance Agent Factory Worker (Seffi1-skl1led) Supervlsor 0 f Pos tmen Tlle-layer Bank Manager Wholesaler Insurance Manager Master Mar1ner/Sh1p's Captd1n Pr1nter Glass-Blower Profess10nal Pho~ographer Local Government 0[[1cer (Int Grade) UU1VerSl.ty Lecturer Sl1 verSffi1 th Estate Agent House Pa1uter Eng1neer Clerk Foreman Coal M1ner So11c1tors' Manag1ng Clerk Farmer Surveyor - 18 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 99 Newspaper Ed1tor Draughtsman Metallurg1st GPO Eng1neer F11ght Safety Off1cer Unqua11f1ed Accountant Cab1net Maker Manager of Pub11c House Inspector of Taxes Journa11st C1v1l Servant (Int.Grade) F1tter Industr1al Chemst School Teacher Cable J01nter Ch1ef Off1cer 1n Local Government Bus Conductor Commerc1al Traveller Pohceman Adm1n1strator BUS1nessman Shop-worker Company Secretary M1ss1ng data VAR144 How 1nterested was your father 1n po11 t1CS? 1. 2. 3. 9 Very 1nterested QU1te Interested Not Very Interested M1SS 1ng data 3 33 VAR145 How 1nterested was 1. 2. 3 9 Very 1nterested QU1te 1nterested Not Very Interested M1ss1ng data 3 34 3 35 your mother 1n poh t1CS? VAR146 Anc11lary Legal Qual1f1catwns Comn. to Adm1n1ster Oaths 1. Yes VAR147 Do - Oaths Admn. 1. Yes 2. No 3 36 VAR148 Do - Notary Pub11c 1. Yes 2 No 3 37 VAR149 Orders and Decorat10ns - MBE 1. Yes 2. No 3 38 VAR150 Do. - TD 1. Yes 2. No 3 39 VAR15l Do. - Other Not used - all coded 2 3 40 2 No - 19 VAR152 Type of work done ln praetlee - Matrlmonlal 1. Not at all lmportant 3 41 ~ 2,3,4,5,6~ 7. Extremely Important 8 Not Applleable (Bus lness Sollcltors) 9 Mtsslng data VAR153 Do - Wllls, Probate and Estate Duty do. 3 42 VAR154 Do do. 3 43 - Company and Cornmerclal VAR155 Do. - European and Internatlonal do 3 44 VAR156 Do - Property and Conveyanclng do. 3 45 VAR157 Do. - Tax Matters do. 3 46 VAR158 Do. - Personal InjUry do. 3 47 VAR159 Do. - CrlIDlnal do. 3 48 VAR160 Do. - Other Lltlgatlon do. 3 49 VAR16l Do. - Employment Law do. 3 50 VAR162 Type of work done by 1. Not at all l.mportant --. 2,3,4,5,6 ~ Respondent - Matnmonlal 7. Extrem~ly Import~nr 9 Mlsslng data 3 51 VAR163 Do. - Wllls, Probate and Estate Duty do. 3 52 VAR164 Do. - Company and Commerclal do. 3 53 VAR165 Do do 3 54 - European and In te ITlat lon al VAR166 Do - Property and Convey anCl ng do. 3 55 VAR167 Do - Tax Matters do 3 56 VAR168 Do. - Personal InjUry do. 3 57 VAR169 Do do. 3 58 VAR170 Do. - Other Lltlgatlon do. 3 59 VARl71 Do do. 3 60 - Crlnunal - Employment Law (NB. VAR2ll and VAR2l2 below are also about Type of Work done by Respondent) - 20 VAR172 Source of C11ents Inst1tutlOns(e. g. Banks BU1ld1ng Soc1et1es, etc. ) VAR173 Do. - Legal A1d End 1. Not at all Important ~ 2,3,4,5,67. Extremely Important 8 Not App11cable (Bus1ness SOllc1tors) 9 M1ssing data 3 61 do. 3 62 do. 3 63 do. 3 64 CAB VAR174 Do - Other profess10ns (e.g. accountants) VAR175 e~ - EX1st1ng Cl1ents re: turnl.ng and thel. r recorrrnend atl.ons VAR176 Do. - Casual Callers do. 3 65 VARl77 Do. - Ar1s1ng from your own and your partners' extramural do. 3 66 very heav11y 1nvo1ved much 1nvo1ved 1nvolved to some extent 1nvolved only a 11ttle not 1nvolved at all 3 67 1, Formerly very heav11y 1nvolved 2. Formerly much 1nvolved 3. Formerly 1nvolved to some extent 4. Formerly 1nvolved only a llttle 5. Formerly not 1nvolved at all 3 68 ac t l Vl. tles VAR178 My est1mat10n of former degree of lnvolvernent 1n POllt1CS VAR179 My est1mat10n of former degree of lnvolvement 1n cornmunl.ty actl.Vl.tles 1. 2. 3. 4. Formerly Formerly Formerly Formerly 5. Formerly VARl80 Is respondent on one 1. Yes of the Legal A1d 2. No Panels (1973 Law L1St)? 8 Not Appl1cable (Bus1ness Sollc1tors) 9 M1ss1ng data 3 69 VAR181 Indl.rect measure of status of h rm - does Yes 2. No 8 Not App11cable (Bus1ness SOl,c,tors) 3 70 Years worked as Wrlte 1n 3 71-72 SOllc1tor 1n Industry! Commerce!Bank1ng! 88 3 73 1t have Telex faq1~t1es\ (source So11o tors J) VAR182 1 Not App11cable (no exper1ence 1n 1ndustry etc ) Insurance VAR183 No of Organ1saL10ns Wnte 1n worked for 1n Industry! 8 Not Appl1cable (no exper1ence 1n Industry etc ) Commerce!Bank1ng ! Insurance VAR184 What happened 1mm 1. Stayed on w1th Same organ1sat10n after Qual1fy1ng? 2. Moved lnto prl.vatc practl.ce (those l'lrt.1n Industry! 8 Not Appl1cab1e (not art1cled 1n Commerce!Bank1ng! Indus try etc ) Insurance) 3 - 21 VAR185 What happened lmmedlately after Quallfylng? (those art.ln Local Govt / Statutory body) 1. Stayed on wlth same organlsatlon VAR186 Years worked as Sollcltor ln Local Government/S tatutory Body Wnte ln 88 Not Appllcable (no experlence as Sollcltor ln Local Government etc) VAR187 Number of Organlsatlons WrIte J'1, worked for ln Local 8 Not ~ppllcable (no experlence ln Government/Statutory Local Government etc) Body VAR188 Are you a member of the Industrlal Law Soclety? VAR189 VAR190 VAR191 3 75 ln local government etc. 2. Moved lnto prlvate practlce 3. Moved lnto Industry 4. Moved into dlfferent local government etc 8 Not Appllcable (not art ln local government etc) 3 76-77 3 78 1. Yes 2. No 3 79 Do. - Law SOclety Commerce and Industry Group? 1 Yes 2. No 3 80 I den tl hc aUon Letters P.P. (prlvate practlce) B.U (Buslness) 4 1-2 Case Number Wnte ln 4 3-5 Card Number Wnte ln 4 6 BUSlness SollcItors Type of Organlsatlon Employed ln 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8 4 7 BUSlness SollcItors Tltle of Respondents Present Job Industry Commercc Banklng Insurance Property Statutory Bodles Not Appllcable (, e Sollcltors) prlvate practlce 01 Asslstant SollCltor 4 02. Senlor Asslstant SOllcltor 03. SOl,c,tor 04. Prlnclpal Sol,c,tor 05. Group 50l1cltor 06 Legal Advlsor 07. Exec.D1rector respons1ble for Legal Work 08. D1rector of Adm1n1strat1on 09. Secretary 10. Ass1stant Legal Adv1sor 11. Ch1ef Legal Off1cer 12. Deputy Ch1ef Legal Off1cer 13. Company Secretary 14. Pr1nc1pal Legal Off1cer 15. Assistant to Group Secretary 16. Deputy Head of Legal Department 88 Not Appl1cable (1 e pr1v pract sols ) 8-9 - 22 VARl92 Bus1ness So11c1tors - 1. Yes ~s 2 respondent In a Legal Department (at th1s 10cat10n) w1th legally-qua11f1ed colleagues? 8 4 10 No Not App11cable (1.e. pr1v.prac.sols) VAR193 BUSIness SolICItors WrIte ll1 If 1n Legal Dept, total 8 Not App11cable (pr1v prac sols or numbers of Qua11f1ed bus.sols not 1n Legal Dept) Lawyers (1nc.Barnsters) (1ncl respondent) 4 11 VAR194 BUSIness SolICItors - 4 12 Do. - Art1cled Clerks and Ex-Art1cled Clerks Wrl te In o Nll 8 Not App11cable (pr1v prac sols or bus sols not 1n Legal Dept) VAR195 BUSIness SolICItors Do. - Legal Execut1ves Wrlte ln o Nll 8 Not App11cable (pr1v prac.sols or bus.sols not 1n Legal Dept) 4 13 VAR196 BUSIness SolICItors Do Clerks and SecretarIes Wnte 1n 4 14 4 15-16 VAR197 o Nll 8 Not App11cable (pr1v prac.sols or bus sols not 1n Legal Dept) BUSIness SolICItors Do. - Total number of staff Wrl te In VAR198 BUSIness SolICItors Respondents estImate of percentage of t1me spent on Legal Work 1n present job Write in (lOO = 100Z. 090 = 90%, ete) 888 Not App11cable (private prac sols) 4 17-19 VAR199 BUSIness SolICItors My characterIzatIon of why respondent has taken ou t a 1 "SentlmenLal Reasons" and "To keep In l'ouch" 4 20 2 3. 8 9 Useful 1n d01ng present job Essential to do present job Not Appllcable (prLv prac sols) M1ssing data 4 21 practIsIng certIfIcate VAR200 BUSIness SolICitors My characterlzalLon of respondents' pOSItIon In the organl satlon 8 2 3 4 5 8 Not App11cable (prlv prac sols or bus sols. not in Legal Dept) Senior Exec, w1th relatively small legal role Senior Exec, substant1al legal role Senior Member of a Legal Dept. Member of a Legal Dept. Sole 1awyer/legal advisor, ,,,holly or largely concenled w1th legal mdbters, but w1th no legal colleagues Not Appl1cable (pr1v prac sols.) - 23 - VAR20l BUSIness SolIcItors Would respondent go l.nto, or back to, pnvate practIce? (my charactenzatl0n) VAR202 BUS10ess SOllel.tors factors ment10ned regardIng gOIng Into 1. 2. 3. 8. 9 DefInItely wants to DefInItely does not want to UndecIded Not ApplIcable (prlv.prac.sols) MISS Ing data 4 22 1. Yes 2. No 8 Not ApplIcable (prlv.prac.sols) 4 23 1 Yes 2. No 4 24 pr1vate practlce - prefer specIalIzed work VAR203 In present Job Do. - prefers general management work VAR204 10 present job 8 Do. - remuneratl.on 10 pr1vate practlce not 1. Yes 2 No 8 Not ApplIcable (prlv prac.sols) 4 25 1. Yes 4 26 as good as present job VAR205 Do. - prIvate practIce not as "safe lt and Not ApplIcable (prlv prac sols) 2. No outlook there gloomy 8 VAR206 Do. ~ prlvate pract1ce work more bonng than present job 1 Yes 2. No 8 Not ApplIcable (prlv.prac.sols) 4 27 VAR207 Do. - would be dIffIcult to get Into 1. Yes 2. No 8 Not ApplIcable (prlv prac sols) 4 28 VAR208 Do - pressures greater 1. Yes freedom less 10 prlvate 2 No practlce than 10 8 Not ApplIcable (prlv prac sols) present job 4 29 VAR209 Do - prIvate practIce work would be more Yes No Not ApplIcable (prlv prac.sols) 4 30 1. Yes 2. No 8 Not ApplIcable (prlv prac.sols) 4 31 1. Not at all Important 2.3,4,5,6--;> 7 Extremely Important 8 Not ApplIcable (prlv.prac.sols) 9 MIssIng data 4 32 prlvate practlce after a per10d Qutslde prIvate practlce 1 2 loterestlng and varled 8 as busluess work he does Not ApplIcable (prlv.prac sols) IS rather 11m1tlng and narrow VAR210 Do - would possIbly go loto pr1vate practIce followIng early retlrement from bUS10CSS VAR211 Type of work done by Respondent Parl1amentary - 24 - VARZl2 Type of work done by Respondent - Plann~ng Work l. Not at all Important 4 33 ~ 2,3,4,5,6~ 7. Extremely Important 8 9 Not Appllcable (pnv data prac.sols.) M1ss~ng VAR213 Are you a member of the Local Government Legal Society? l. Yes 2. No 4 34 VAR214 Do - SOC1ety for Computers ~n the Law l. Yes 2 No 4 35
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