22 3. Material and Methods 3.1. Sample collection The locations of bed and core sediments and suspended matter collected from the Godavari River basin are indicated in the basin map (Fig. 7). Additional information on sampling is given in Table 2. The first sampling was done in the month of May 1993. 10 litre running water was collected in locations in the river basin. for 72 hours. The supernatant was siphoned off. scrapped out sediments were bottles from the collected 4 The remaining and the dried suspended matter watch by from This water was kept undisturbed water was evaporated at 40°C, was polythene glass scooping and upper weighed. ca. 6 The bed of bed cm sediments lying under flowing water at a depth of about 50 cm. The sediments were transferred immediately into a polythene bag. The core samples were collected by manually inserting a PVC pipe (ca. 4 cm) in the bed sediments. These cores were brought to the lab and cut horizontally into 2 cm sections. The sediments were dried at temperature 40°C before matter samples across the and stored further were river at in polythene analysis. collected from Raj ahmundry Second 5 (site bags set equally 13) litre water was collected with Niskin bottle below of point. 0.4511 Water was filtered in the field in August polycarbonate membrane filters points 1994. (Hydrobios, through 4 °C suspended spaced from approximately 1 meter below the water surface 0 5 Kiel) from each preweighed (Schleicher and Schuell), and the suspended matter on filter was poisoned by a few drops of 3.3 gil mercuric chloride solution and then air dried. Later 74 72 E 84 82 80 78 76 THE GODAVARI RIVER AND ITS TRTBlJTARTES Sampling locations 22 N \~" '" ) .";" ~ OF " BENGAL " . 20 Bombay : 18 + Bed sediments Suspended matter o Core sediments ~ Hyderabad Arabian Sea 16N a 5J 100 150 ZXl kIn Source: Der Grosse Bertelsmann Weltatlas. 1961 Fig, 7: Sampling locations in the Godavari River basin 24 Table 2: Sites and additional information on sampling Site no. Site River Sample Date Time Someshwar Godavari I 05.05.93 07:00 Nanded Godavari I, II 06.05.93 10:30 3 Adilabad Penganga II 07.05.93 07:30 4 Soan Godavari II 07.05.93 14:30 5 Sangareddypet Manjera II 08.05.93 14: 15 6 Mancheryal Godavari II 09.05.93 14:30 7 Ashti Wainganga II 10.05.93 09:45 8 Kalesar Godavari I, II, III 11.05.93 06: 15 9 Nagram Pranhita II 11.05.93 06:45 10 Bhopalpatnam Indravati II 11.05.93 14:00 11 Jagdalpur Indravati II 12.05.93 08:00 12 Bhadrachalam Godavari II 13.05.93 05: 15 13 Rajahmundry Godavari I, II, III 13.05.93 15:00 13* Rajahmundry Godavari I 05.08.94 11-15:30 14 Ravulpalam Gautami Godavari II, III 14.05.93 13:30 15 Yanam Gautami Godavari II, III 14.05.93 09:45 16 Pengonda Vasishtha Godavari II, III 14.05.93 14:30 17 Nursapuram Vasishtha Godavari II, III 14.05.93 16:30 .2 I Suspended matter II Bed sediments III Core sediments * Monsoon season - 25 in the laboratory the filters were dried at 40°C. These filters were weighed again for total suspended matter estimation. The sediments were powdered with the help of pestle and mortar and homogenised before analysis of individually performing any suspended for all matter five chemical on points, analysis. filter and then Chemical was performed this data was averaged as monsoon season sample. 3.2. Sample analysis 3.2.1. Carbonate carbon Carbonate carbon was determined with Carmhograph from 6 Wosthoff. Carbonate content is measured by monitoring change in conductivity of sodium hydroxide solution through which carbon dioxide, generated as a acid and carbonates, bed and core result is passed. sediments, of reaction between phosphoric 5-80 mg respectively) (suspended matter and dried and homogenised sediments were weighed in separate 50 ml Erlenmeyer flasks. As a standard approximately 10 mg calcium carbonate was also weighed in 4 flasks. Approximately 10 ml 2N phosphoric acid was added, and the mixture was heated to boil. The carbon dioxide generated from this mixture was passed through 18 ml 0.05 N sodium hydroxide solution. The change in conductivity of this solution was compared with that generated by calcium carbonate standard. Standard deviation in this technique was ±1%. 3.2.2. Total Carbon and Nitrogen Total C and.N were determined with Nitrogen Analyser NA1500 from Carlo-Erba. Sample was weighed in tin capsule and placed in autosampler of this instrument. The sample is flash combusted at 26 1020 °C in an oxidation column under oxygen current for 40 sec. The combustion products (C02, N2' NOx, S02, H20) are transported by constant flow of the carrier gas contains chromium (III) oxide cobaltic oxide granules. oxides is and silver In this column, formation of nitrogen contains cupric- copper metal in the form of coarse powder at 650°C. In this column, removed. oxygen is elemental interfering cobaltous sulphur are and coated and compounds inhibited (He). The oxidation column The halogenated reduction , column removed and nitrogen oxides nitrogen. After passing through are these reduced to columns, gas mixture is directed through water filter (magnesium perchlorate) and then detector through (TCD) separation measures column. the A thermal difference conductivity between conductivity of carrier gas and that of reference gas 30 mg (1-5 mg for suspended matter) thermal (He). 10- sample was weighed in tin capsules; Sulphanilamide (C6HSN202S) standard ca. 1 mg was also weighed. 1 After every 10 samples, standard Reproducibility of results in this method ±1% of value. Instrument Operating Conditions Gas E"low Carrier gas (He) 70 kPa, SO ml/min Reference gas (He) 70 kPa, 30 ml/min Oxygen 70 kPa, 20 ml/min Servo air Detector 350 kPa Thermal conductivity detector (TCD) Filament temperature Oxidation furnace 140°C 1020 °C was measured. the absolute 27 Reduction furnace 650°C Oven 60°C Analytical cycle 400 sec The organic carbon content (Corg) was calculated as a difference between total carbon and carbonate carbon. 3.2.3. Amino acids Amino acids were determined with LKB Amino Acid Analyser (4151 from Pharmacia Biotech. Alpha Plus) Details of the methodology has been given by Michaelis and Ittekkot (1982). In brief, acid hydrolysed amino acids elute in accordance with their molecular structure buffers and with charge under ascending Phthaldialdehyde pH. the influence The eluted (OPA)/mercaptoethanol of sodium amino acids citrate form which complex, 0- is quantified by a fluorescence detector. 70-150 mg bed and core sediments (5-10 mg suspended matter) were hydrolysed under argon gas atmosphere (suprapure) for 22 hrs. at 110°C. 2 ml supernatant was pipetted out and evaporated to dryness 3-4 times with 3 ml 6 N HCl (each time the residue was dissolved into ca. 5 ml DDW) with a rotary evaporator until free of acid. The residue was then dissolved into 1 ml dilution buffer. 20-60 loading capsule, chromatography /11 of this which (GLC) solution was transferred column of the injected in sample to the sample gas liquid the amino acid analyser. Total amino acids were calculated as,the sum of individual amino acids detected and quantified. multiplied by 1.4 Hexosamine (Muller et al., 1986) concentrations were in order to compen'sate 28 for the partial loss during hydrolysis. The analytical error in this method was less than 10% (Fig. 7a). instrument and operating conditions GLC column Ion-exchange resin Detector Standard Flow rate: Buffer Reagent No. 138, 150x4.6 mm steel column DC4-75, special 7~1 (cation exchange, Na form) Fluorescence detector (FLD-6A from Shimadzu) with 100 ~l flow through cell . ® AA standard solution AA-S-18 (Slgma ), and a mixture of hexosamines and non-protein amino acids. 19.1 ml/h 17.5 ml/h Programme Step I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Time (min.) 18 4 6 18 10 15 70 8 5 13 5 2.5 0.5 Buffer Reagent 2 4 2 3 4 5 5 6 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 x x x x x x x x x 10 11 12 13 14 1 15* 1 * capsule loaded x x x x x Reagent (2 litre) Chemicals Potassium hydroxide Boric acid 07 Phthaldialdehyde Ethanol Mercaptoethanol Brij solution (30%) Quantity 63.0 g 74.2 g 1.0 g 10.0 ml 5.0ml 6.0ml 29 G-ABA 66.00 B-A ~A ASP > ~ ,-,, ' MET SER tHR 64.00 GLU ~ i ~ ; 0 LEU trR ~ -~ ~ ~ 0 GLUAM GMAM I\ILE PHE A GLY Vl , Standard . HIS ARG ORN 62.00 LYS < .) ~ NH3 I a ~ 60.00 r--.---Y ,u 1.1 ~ I.J l.L "'-.Iu , ... "'W "i '~-V-"-"1~ 90:00.0 60:00.0 30:00.0 L~ 120:00.0 Time (min) L19 1! ASP 120.00 >:1".-.., VAL 110.00 GLU '-"' ~ Vl ~ ! 100.00 .I 0 0.. -Vl ~ ~ ~ THR I 90.00 R LEU < .) a ~ ilI 0 ~ I GIirY SO.OO 70.00 60.00 /.1 30:00.0 60:00.0 9000.0 120:00.0 Time (min) . Fig. 7a: Typical Amino acid chromatograms by 4151 Alpha Plus Amino Acid Analyser 30 ButTers Buffer (1 lit.) pH Chemicals Quantity (g) Sodium citrate Sodium chloride Isopropanol 14.79 1.10 84.91 ml 2.85 2 Sodium citrate Boric acid 9.8 50.0mg 3.46 3 Sodium citrate Boric acid 9.8 50.0 mg 4.65 4 Sodium citrate 5 Sodium citrate Lithium chloride Boric acid 10.45 8.48 50.0 mg 6 Sodium hydroxide 16 Sodium citrate Sodium chloride Isopropanol 14.79 1.10 84.91 ml Dilution buffer 6.15 9.8 10.30 2.20 The amino acids in the present work have been grouped as follows: Acidic AA Asp, Glu Basic AA His, Orn, Lys, Arg Neutral AA Ser, Thr (hydroxy) i Gly, Ala (straight) Val, lIe, Leu (branched) Aromatic AA Phe, Tyr Non-protein AA Orn, p-ala, y-aba Sulphur cont'AA Met i 31 3.3. Biogeochemical Indicators Amino acids and carbohydrates make 40-80% of the organic matter associated with plants and animals, and consequently constitute a considerably large fraction of the initial organic input into the aquatic sedimentary environment They and hexosamines are among (Degens and Mopper, the more easily 1976). degradable constituents of organic matter and are preferentially degraded during settling of organic particles in the water column (e.g. Handa and Tominaga, 1969; Lee and Cronin, 1984). According to Wakeham et al. (1984), the decrease in bulk protein amino acids relative to bulk non-protein amino acids in a sample may result from the preferential decomposition of protein amino acids, which are easily digestible. For instance, non-protein amino acids, p-alanine (p-ala) and y-aminobutyric acid (y-aba) in sediments may be enzymatically decomposed products of aspartic and glutamic acid (Lee and Cronin, 1982). Ratios of these amino acids, i.e. Asp/p-ala and Glu/y-aba, have been used as indicators of the degree of microbial degradation of organic matter, whereby low ratios indicate relatively more microbially degraded nature of organic matter al., (Degens and Mopper, 1976; Ittekkot et 1984). Some biological transformation reactions of organic nitrogen compounds resulting in the formation of amino acids . (* marks the non-protein amino acids) are as follows Cronin, 1982): Aspartic acid -C02 HOOC-CH2-CH(NH2)-COOH ---> p-alanine* H2N-CH2-CH2-COOH ~Lee and 32 Glutamic acid -C02 HOOC-CH2-CH2-CH(NH2)-COOH Uracil -NH3 (C4N2)H402 ---> y-aminobutyric acid* ---> H2N-CH2-CH2-CH2-COOH B-alanine* H2N-CH2-CH2-COOH Arg is known to be hydrolysed to Orn and urea by the action of enzyme araginase (Lehninger, amino acids and hexosamines (AA) 1982). The ratio between the total (HA) indicates the nature of organic matter in terms of their relative degree of -microbial reworking and their phyto- and zooplankton sources. The low AA/HA ratios, with HA being mostly Gluam, are a clear indication of large amounts of chitinous materials (Degens and Mopper, 1976; Degens and Ittekkot, 1984). Chitinous zooplankton and bacterial biomass may be distinguished by their Gluam/Galam ratios. Gluam is the major constituent of chitin whereas Galam is present only in trace amounts in zooplanktons (Muller et al., 1986). In- many bacterial cell walls both HA are present (Wolla et al., 1984) and Gluam/Galam ratio < 4 were measured within various bacterial species (Reistad, 1975; Kandler, 1979) Humus contains glucosamine primarily from fungal and bacterial cell walls various (Parsons, 1981; Stevenson, soil orders Gluam/Galam ratio has been 1994) found In to vary from 2 - 6 (Stevenson, 1994). The utility of amino acids and amino sugars as -biogeochemical indicators matter has for source and decompositional been reported 1964; Henrich et al., for -sediments pathways (e. g. 1984; Montani et al., al., 1987; Seifert et al., 1990a, b). of Degens organic et al., 1982; Steinberg et Individual amino acids in 33 sediment trap indicators for material and intensity sediments of have been decomposition; and used as hexosamine distributions have been used to determine organic matter sources (e.g. Cowie and Hedges, 1984; Izdar et al., 1987; Liebezeit and Bodungen, 1987; Seifert et al., 1990a, b; Haake et al., 1992) Another parameter, weight ratio of which Corg to is being used as TN (C/N) a indicator, bulk 1S parameter. the Since proteins have a C/N ratio of about 3, organisms rich in protein sho~ low C/N ratios (Muller, 1977). On an average phytoplanktons have a C/N ratio of about 6 and terrestrial organic matter upto 36 (Redfield et al., 1963; Walsh et al., 1981; Ertel and Hedges, 1983). Higher plants are main contributors of organic matter in terrestrial environment. They contain <20% proteins and therefore show high C/N ratios (Muller, 1977). Wide range of C/N ratio is also indicative of the extent to which organic matter has been degraded, Humus compounds matter of and of depletion of its protein compounds. account river waters, for the and are greater part chemically biological stability (Bordovskiy, 1965). of the organic typified by high
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