LAW OF ends. This is the gist of the bill, and we shown by the fact that the producers of , THE FOOTHILLS OF THE SIERRA NEVADA .'-'. complicated machinery or apparatus PROPOSED CHANGES IN THE MOUNTAINS. LIBEL. believe that it would not operate as a whisky and tobacco not only have not all "which may get out of order, satisfies ' reduction of all. for taxation If, sought upon upon any restraint libelere at The prospect of the future, in view of a ''demands from a technical point of view; We recently published a letter written but are strenuously opposed general' system of irrigation, is producing slandered, staples, a man had been their example, public of the "and through the combination Ito the Bulletin in support of Senator I'ier" a to any change of the kind, alleging that an invigorating effect upon the people of cheapest moving agent we have, air, ;;son's bill to amend '-\u25a0 the law tti libel. The it would be easy enough to make out ' " withthe complete utilizationof the cheapof showing plausible "public good" and it willunsettle their business, cause a gen- this State, and they arc beginning to take of that letter, apparently a lawyer, " writer " est motive power we know, steam, for the seems have given some attention to the justifiable ends. "Suppose that he is en] suspension of production, throw thou- an account of stock preparatory to more to '* conspiring to steal public sands of workingmen out of employment, energetic action in the future. In keeping Eastern purpose of manufacturing an article for subject, but we are nevertheless doubtful j charged with th / second edition.l san furnished with concerning " a matter is, indeed, the city which there is a continuous and increas- whether his argument suffices to demon- lands, or of aiding legislation to that end. and paralyze important industries for the j with this general tendency, we call the atwhich itis impossible to be too solicitous. " ing demand, manure, out of substances < Iti.not true, but the libeler can allege time being while the legislation is pending. ! tention of our readers to the foothills of strate that the new billis a better measure 1 THE WEEKLY UNION. Upon its preservation depends all our "of the highest value, than the so-called Retraction Act which that he had every reason to believe it true, As to the pretense that the people I the western slope of the Sierra Nevada agricultural demand any such reduction, it is con- Mountains, and their relations to the proFor a valuMe family, business, literary and news hopes of future prosperity as a community. "human excreta, in a light portable was introduced at the last session of the j and that had itbeen true it would clearly paper, the, Weekly Union is not surpassed in the It is wellalso to remember that itis a subhave his the temptibly puerile. The taxes on whisky j ductivity of the future. The term expose duty been to fraud and "form, everything is done which in a Legislature. The Bulletin's correspondent j ranks of journalism. Itis the only paper on the Pa- ject which possesses much greater import" simply of- denounce its author. Here we should have and tobacco are as evenly distributed and ; hills may be properly applied to all footsubscribers, being It that out a week to could be demanded.'' it iflcCoast sent twice "financial sense remarks of that bill that ' j poor, than for lamed in semi-weekly parte, thus preserving the ance for the masses, who arc that these are strong tes- "fered a premium for the perpetration of j the justifiable ends. As to proving the as fairlyshared as any taxes on the list? and :'comparatively mountainous region lying mu3t be admitted closest continuity and meet decided freshness the minority of wealthy citizens. The timonials. They are so strong that we "libelby irresponsible persons, who would truth of the matter charged, there '_' are no doubt this is the true reason of the j below the altitude of 2,000 feet. Up to this of the news for its readers. It consists of latter are enabled to remove themselves think they justify us in suggesting that be- "gladly compound for irreparable injury! many cases where, as the Bulletin.'*' cor- movement to get them altered. The West ; point the hills or mountains are essentially may deSixteen pages per week, as news matter city during the their from the respondent admits, truth only aggravates wants to secure an unfair profit, and an the same in all their characteristics of soil, and families fore any other system of drainage and sew"to reputation by a perfunctory and in- J mand. Ithas a fullround of Departments, each un- prevalence unhealthy in epidemics, and the libel, so far as its injurious effect is con- unwarrantable exemption. Because she is shape, accessibility and climate. The of der apodal and able editorial management. Itpreerage is adopted, the system -of Captain effectual : withdrawal of the charges." I in seasons, but the former are compelled to unsurpassed cerned. But the strongest argument against a debtor section she thinks ither right to ;length of territory included in this desigdepartment agricultural \u25a0ants an Liernur should be thoroughly and carefully We regard this as rather a caricature than journalism. Its news facilities are those of the best remain here all the year round, and to proposed the billlies in the admission that cheat her creditors. Because she is in dif- |nation is about four hundred miles, and the : To present absolutely appears examined. It to \ a description of the bill referred to. innovation, but it does seek ficulties she would repudiate her obliga- 'width from five to thirty miles. The enknown system of the world. Its editorial exproa- bear whatever ills the existing sanitary "seeks no it all the advantages that an ideal system assert that the withdrawal of charges by j " aion is marked, by scholarly ability, firm tone, clear entail them. It upon conditions may Efficiency, completeness, \ the authors of them constitutes merely a ; to re-establish the correct and authorized tions. Because she makes money out of I tire area is equal to one-fifth of the area of could possess. thought, and promptness on all the vitalissues of the of the ill whisky she would evade the payment of j the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys. multiplyproofs to easy and would be reports market are fresh times. Its security, cheapness, sanitary perfection ;Iperfunctory .and ineffectual atonement, I"rule." We are prepared to take issue ample, and its household and literary department, effects of our defective drainage and sewer- j there i_ no other system extant, so far as when the charges themselves inflict a per- upon that statement, and to maintain that [ her just quota of taxes upon it. Be* For the purposes now in view this stateregular correspondence, telegrams, State news, and age, but we fully realize that the most im- j no legislation which stops at what has been cause the East is wealthier than her she iment of the arm may lie extended to tiie ' aware, that affords all these desidhaps irreparable injury, is to come very : locs. intelligence complete the make-up of the best portant consideration is the discovery of we are law of libel, would revive the income tax for the pur- ' altitude of 3,500 feet above the sea. them, to anything near to nonsense. When a journal pub- done already as regards the erata, or indeed any of i newspaper on the coast. be will Elsewhere can be or satisfactory adequate. agencies. remedial For we pose of robbing it. Truly if the rest of !So that for the purposes of convenience same extent. With such a system lishes a libel the extent of the injury itin- i for an im- like the suggestions if we need itany- the country puts up with much' more of this whole region may be designated as practical some innovation here, found : need NEWS OF THE MORNING. Sacramento would become the healthiest several circum- : where. In no department of Government this Western impudence and knavery it foothills. The soil of this vast extent system of sewerage. The plan ap- city on the Pacific coast, artd perhaps inthe j flicts is conditioned upon proved ;stances, such as the credit and estimation ,' has the law failed more conspicuously or willdeserve all the consequences. Gout opened in New York yesterday morning at pears to possess many good points, but we of territory is rich and warm. The abntidUnion. With a purified soil, an atmosphere iin which the accuser is held ; the extent I 1021, closing; at 3 v. ... atlo2j|* Government Bond?, for tentatively, and than this one. Itis not constantly forward 1 in merely put it more of volcanic clay, formed from dis; ex mephitic ; ISSI, coupon protected against malarious and 10C*for 6. of ISG7 10CJ for 5s of !of its circulation; the nature of the !i an exaggeration to say that there has never PLAYING THE GAME OF GERMANY. ance 22} *, Western Union the purpose of encouraging discussion. exhalations, an unpolluted river- there lava, provides the soil with a resolved 103J for _$\u25a0; I'acific Mail, Railroad, i charge ; and the standing of the person 122 ; Ster- We are disposed to think that it is less Itis an indication of the superior candor cuperative power within itself. This clay, Telegraph, 771'. l'anama would be very little work for our friends, I against whom itis leveled. But whatever been an equitable or practical libel law ling$4 B_OH 85. and probity of the friends of honest money complete than is desirable, for the reason under the influence of water and exposure, Epidemics wouldpass us by. ! the extent of the injury, we maintain that framed yet, either in England or the Silver «m quoted in London yesterday at 53Jd that it leaves out of consideration one; of the doctors. of and the supporters of the national honor slacks, and in this form it is easily comjournalinfancy United States. In the have no terrors for Sacfor is reparation The cholera would it to per ounce, 925 fine; Consols, 96) ; United the fullest attainable in the problem, ism the errors were all on the side of ex- that they do not retort upon the silver in- bined with vegetable mold, and the result States 5 per cent. Bonds, i.tx, and 104 for ;:_ per the most essential factors ramento. Typhoid fevers, diphtheria, and be found in a specific and circumstantial restriction ; to-day they are all on flationists the injurious expressions which is a good manure. The climate " this namely, the means of securing effective the manifold forms of blood poisoning, tents., ex coupon. o retraction, printed and published in the cessive Legal Tenders are firm at Ban Francisco at 97_-@ house drainage. At present the soil upon would disappear. The lives of our chil- paper which first uttered the slander. i the side of 2 boundless license. The Gov- are common in the mouths of the. latter. region, so far as tomperature is concerned, 97 buying and 97J@97J selling. have inflationists not scruhoneycombed is first had its next Thus the silver ; which Sacramento stands turn the press is essentially the same as that in the Sacradren would be safe, and the gain to the of procedure secures to the Iernment ; Brokers arc buying Half Dollars at 5 per cent, cesspools. . The walls of these are for community would be simply inestimable. This method had its turn ;it is now time that the pled to declare that silver was demonetized mento valley. But the absence of malaria discount, and are selling them at 4}'"-l,per cent, with a circulation for the with- i injured person the most part of loose earth, and they pre- We have not attempted to estimate the public had its turn, in securing protection in accordance with a venal plot, instigated and the presence of resinous matter in the discount. drawal of the charge equal to that which i ______ Dollars are quoted at 94;' buying and 95 sent no obstacle to infiltration. Not only cost a suggestion by foreign Governments and immunity from abuse and persecui air, added to the benefits derived from cl. of Liernur's system, though data are the charge itself had, and this is unquespar with the flap- vation, selling. are purely excrementitious matters depositquite on an intellectual tion. As the libel law it is stands a that results in a climate far superior to " purpose, recognizing tionably a consideration of the very first The Liverpool Wheat market was given yesterday ed in them, but frequently foul water of available for that doodle about British gold," whichcertain that of the lower valleys. It is _____ the first thing to be done is to present its importance. whereas in ordinary !mere farce. Itis powerless to redress miat lis 7d(_.l2s lidfor average California and 12s lOd For various kinds. Their contents permeate salient outlines. juries or to punish evildoers. Despite itthe press scavengers used so freely during the agreeable and healthful. Bilious diseases to1.8 2d for club. Those ho wish to be- Court proceedings itmay well happen that i whole city mine the and thus the adjoining soil, receipts of the Belle most atrocious calumnies are boldly dis- rebellion, and which had previously done and lung troubles are comparatively rare | The December Northern come better acquainted withitwilldo well though the libeled party secures a verdict, site is being gradually corrupted, and conwere 40,040. ;\u25a0-.-• Despite it public men and some service in France. It has also been in this region, while the general vigor of seminated. of the to study* the article in the report yet of those who read the libel not one in I The Empire Mining Company of Grass Valley verted into a great disease-breeding appaindividuals are daily hunted to impudently alleged by the repudiators that private State Board of Health, but we have in no twenty learns of the vindication, under the : its permanent inhabitants will be abort have declared a dividend of _..e"i>er share. that to therefore, ratus. It evident their it scoundrels arc the opposition to repudiation was another that of the Sacramento valley. The footis, | Despite graves. the advantages claimed operation of the Retraction law it would Prices were weak all along the line in the San magnified way it of certain bold and bad Francisco stock market yesterday. Compared with restore a satisfactory sanitary condition for it,and have, indeed, merely furnished be quite possible for every one who had enabled to wield a power, through the plot, on the part hills produce everything that is raised in the rates Thursday noon, Alta shows a further dewillbe necessary not only to remove these our readers with a bare outline of its as tremendous, as irresponsible, as foreigners, who had lent the United States the Sacramento valley. And the peach, press, j to read the withdrawal it read the libel of cline of ..;, Ophir $8, Consolidated Virginia $4 50, fertile causes of disease, but to adopt such reckless, and as malignant, almost as the money, and now were conspiring toprevent apple, plum and ordinary garden vegetable, also. We do not think it is possible to Mexican S3 121, California, Best* Belcher, Chollar- a sewerage system as will in the future merits. As the law stands, in sober themselves from being swindled. And all reach a degree of perfection which cannot Inquisition. Totosi and Overman each $3, Gould & Curry $2, prevent overestimate the importance of this, for it In other THE FOOD FISH INTEREST. reproduction. their is no fact, there recourse for the libeled, the time these wanton and reckless asser- be attained in the valley. It is also 25, §1 Union 50, Savage each Alpha and Utah .1 goes to the very fundamental principles of Consolidated, Hale & Norcross, Confidence, Yellow words, we stand inneed of a system which On Wednesday last the Record-Union I genuine vindication. Ina libel it is clearly no reparation for mined reputation, no re- tions are being made the silver inflationists claimed that in one notable instance this Jacket, Kcntuck, Crown Point, Belcher and Justice will provide for a complete house drainage published a report of the inquiry made by dress for the most cruel injuries that pens have been playinginto the hands of a foreign region has produced oranges which havo each -.1. Allthe other Washoe stocks were also weak as wellas for a street sewerage. The ques- the Legislative Committee on Fisheries into I the statement of certain damaging charges | set on fire of Hell can inflict. The outraged Government with such persistence and been pronounced by travelers superior to "' injury :and the latter and lower. ; tion next arises, how can these wants be the condition of that interest in this State. | which produces the victimmay proceed by civil suit, with the directness that if their opponents had pos- any others raised in this State. The .1. W. ADAH a San Franciscan, died at San Diego circulaproportion the in to the greater \ best supplied ; and we think this question The evidence adduced was ot a sufficiently Ii istion given it. If, then, a man who has consoling reflection that perhaps Iris case sessed as little intelligence as themselves, availability of this region depends, howWednesday. ______ of foreign influence ami sinister ever, upon facilities for irrigation, and if years, Mengei. 13 stabbed may be answered by a careful i lamina- startling character, It was to the effect aged Charles injured can by appealing to the law willbe reached in a couple of years, or so. the charge Stamper, aged 16, at Stockton, cutting him badly in tion of a t system which has been that the laws enacted for the protection of been so and venal plots, would cer- this can be had the foothills willofferinduceconspiracies, with the criminally, may proceed He comcompel his slanderer to employ the same the cheek and back. parts of our food fish have been and are habitually fully tested in various fortable assurance that his enemy will do tainly have been retaliated with interest, ments to agriculturists superior to thos* upon near Los past, A of surveyors were Bred machinery which was used for his injury, is more to the purpose, might of the great valleys. It is generally supEurope ; which is in many respects and universally ignored. That the salmon Angeles, one of the party being bottom times. his reputation, we have ob- its utmost to bully the jury, and tliat it and what Tn_ challenge of l>r. Carver, of-San Francisco, to specially great plausibility. For it posed that the mines have preoccupied all adapted to low-lying and fishers refuse to observe any close season at to reinstate given have been possibly quite succeed. Meantime it may . .-\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 tained the fullest measure of practical reshoot glass balls, has been accepted by Captain Bo- level-sited cities like Sacramento, and all ; that the Chinese fishermen fact that Germany the available water which might otherwise unquestionable and the is an original enlarge will repeat upon wantonly dress that is perhaps attainable. To astardus. of econof silver on hand, be used for the enrichment of these hills. ' which the merits has worth special $112,500,000 possesses ! and the calumny, prosecutor pursue the small fish use they ; destroy all cannot the Turkish Tin: Porte has received an answer some that the retraction would be perfunc- ; to We refer the for she is a market, But this is a mistake. There is water eagerly seeking omy completeness. and the remainder his which through earthly of cathat the McCloud river hatchery is on the tory and ineffectual is to betray ignorance communication projwsing an armistice. and which she now- hopes to be able to un- enough in the Feather river, unclaimed by Demetrius Bci/jaris, the wellknown Creek poli- system of Captain Liernur, a continental point of being abandoned because the supply reer with the merciless vindictiveness criticised, for the Retractician, and Chief of the Greek Revolutionary Comengineer of high reputation. An article ofspawn is being cut offentirely by the river of the measure which develops itself so strikingly in the load upon the accommodating and self-sacanybody, to irrigate the whole range from provided tion Act that the Court should mittee, is dead. giving a full description of this series of fishing ;that what the fishermen do not. kind of scoundrels who own slander-mon- rificingpeople of the United States. Nor lied Bluft' to Folsom, and the practical use the the to be Axtivarisurrendered unconditionally to the Mon ! dictate form of retraction methods appeared in the London Sanitary destroy the seals and sea lions make away : gering journals. Against these scoundrels is there the shadow of a doubt that the of it is entirely feasible. In addition to tenegrins on Thursday. published, and there is certainly no warBland billwould brill this this source there are other and more limRecord in 1874, and was reprinted in the with] and that between the lawlessness, ; An insurrection inMacedonia is said to be immiassumption that theCourt would we are satisfied that the Retraction Act passage of the biennial report of the California State greed and waste of fishermen, cannery rant for the nent. enormous supply down upon us, swamping ited sources which are suiEeient for the protection the most ; constitutes available journals Report says that William E. Chandler will be a Captain owners, and sea lions, the supply of food ; go out of its Way to screen libelousacts, Board of Health for 1874 we are not less fully satisfied that the the market, and throwing our finances into wants of a considerable acreage in this from the consequences of their or to and candidate for Senator Wadleigh's place if the new Liernur's plans have been successfully j fish of extinscoundrels know it. They willconsent to irretrievable confusion. At the same time vicinity. Besides, itmust be remembered, danger being <_ is inimminent New Hampshire is Republican. Legislature deprive complainants of the redress to in Rotteradopted Amsterdam, Ley den, University crew, on the arrival of the guished altogether, despite all the efforts which they were entitled. Again, tin Re- the passage of Senator Tierson's bill be- itis equally well known that France and that irrigation will be mainly used during Tub Oxford University Columbia College crew in England, Intend to chal- dam, Dordrecht, and other cities in Hol- that have been made to enlarge and extend traction Act wouldhave tended to discour- cause they perceive that it involves no other Latin States are seeking opportuni- the winter and spring, when there is water : lenge then to row a four-oared race for the college land and elsewhere, and the testimony of it. Evidently to get rid of their heavy stocks of sur- enough for all. In a general and compreI this is a serious state of put a stop to the reckless publica- Imenace to them. But let the Retraction ties championship of the world. engineers and sanitarians appears to be tilings, and one .which the Legislature must | age andlibels, silver, and it is perfectly certain that hensive system of irrigation, the water plus | revived, and they will at once bef tion of for the reason that any pub- Actbe Tin: Connecticut Insurance Commissioner has ap- quite unanimous as to their absolute effiplied for the appointment of a Receiver for the take hold of and deal with firmly, ltis ilisher would perceive the danger of gin to rear their ugly crests, and hiss, and the Bland bill would be the signal for the from these sources could be carried still ciency. In the firstplace he separates the quite useless to enact Charter Oak Life Insurance Company. laws for the protec- ; rendering himself amenable to a law which coil themselves, as other venomous reptiles outpouring of this flood upon us. Those further, and used for irrigating the SacraLizzie Km ri.. of the Northwestern University of house from the town drainage, excluding tion and game of fish unless those laws can Icompelled him to proclaim himself a liar do when they scent some deadly danger in who talk seriously of the possibility of an mento valley. With irrigation this footIllinois,submitted an essay to the inter-State colle- all putrescible matter from the sewers be and if the executed, present laws fail of ' and a slanderer. Nothing, indeed, could • their vicinity. If the Legislature, in appreciation in the price of silver, in face hill region willsustain a population supegiate contest, and secured the first prize. whicli communicate with the open air, effron- rior in numbers to the present population [ effect itis necessary to frame others which ! be further from the truth than the asser- short, desires to make-believe to amend the of the facts, must possess uncommon The bark Edward McDowell, from Liverpool to Galtery, and those who seek for foreign influ- of the Sacramento valley. And the adSenator veston with salt, is ashore near San Louis Pass. Ves- and thus preventing the formation will prove more practicable. The Fish tion that that law "offered a premium for :law of libel, it can adopt Bierson's \u25a0-.-.: of sewer gases altogether, and cutting sel and cargo are a total loss. Commissioners declare that they are pow- , "the perpetration of libels by irresponsible bill ;but ifit wishes so secure the gratitude ences in the proceedings by which silver vantages of climate, v. inch willbe found to In Chicago yesterday In the wheat was quoted at off a prolific source of malaria. might do well to look exist in these hills, will make a residence erless in the premises. They have no police :"persons:"' for any man at all well in- and thanks of the public for having done was demonetized «1 05|. place he applies the pneumatic system authority, and no home, next themselves whether there far more desirable than in the valley. effective towards the nearer and ask According to the report of the Ban Francisco assistants :and the au- | formed regarding the profession of journal- : something real and to the house sewerage, in the way about to thorities attitude as clamor for remone- IThe truth of these observations is susceptithe of such press of licentiousness and the suppression least, in San at have Francisco, Exchange, 57,187 ; Produce there is now this State of knows that no newspaper could be be described. Iron tanks are sunk in cen- stubbornly ignored all appeals to them. ism is not calculated to challenge the ble of demonstration from the successful barrels of flour an.l _._.-. of wheat. made successful which exposed itself to the protection of character, we strongly rec- tization ________ was again arrested centals suspicion of the unthinking. But though experiments already made in the foothills. in San Francisco yes- tral positions, preferably at the intersection The only part in the evidence which seems : ommend it to enact the Retraction Act. ; having to print terday on an additional charge of misdemeanor. of streets. Communicating with them are to rest on insufficient data is the statement • humiliation and disgrace of the silver inflationists may be acquitted of Indeed, we have drawn these general stateretractions of its own utterances. frequent The bark Lady Lampson ranon a rock in Esquiof foothill advantages from those WOOD'S RESOLUTION. iron pipes which lead up into the houses about the voracity of the sea lions. Mr. intentional tampering with foreign ments any experiments. , Whoever doubts this willdo well to study mau harbor yesterday, and itis feared that the ves- and connect with the water-closets or ' *• the fact that they Governments, remains The House Democrats received a sursel and cargo willbe totally lost. Brown (who represented the fishermen and | the careers of the few utterly unprincipled, the STATE FAIR REFORM. of and all game Germany playing privy vaults. A second series of pipes the canneries, by the way), said that "at a Conki.ino denies that he intends to offer a resoluprise on Thursday, when Wood's drag-net are blackmail and bribery sheets, which have other countries having silver to .-ell, as tionof inquiry in the Senate concerning Chandlers connects the tanks with a central engine "small We respectfully suggest that if anycalculation there must be 25,000 in this country. resolution was defeated, and Hale's substi- directly and unmistakably as they could charges. house, containing an air-pump engine and j "sea-lions within 25 miles.radius of the attained pecuniary success Whether this disposal of have done had they been paid for their thing is to be done in the it is adopted. tute ; These papers have dealt in libeland slander Senator Edmunds has written aletter in which he a large reservoir. When it is desired to " the question will be final remains to be servii time measures were adopted to reform tho they destroy forty tons »\u25a0 Golden Gate, and with the President's views regarding ex" jas a matter of business. They have not remove from the houses Conthe sewage Whatever is done, to be ecutive appointments "of fish per day. Now we are tolerably ' shunned libel suits, being confident in the seen, but there can be no doubt that it THE DELUSION OF "AN AMERICAN CUR- State Fair. " effective, should be undertaken with as Particulars of the capture of Sehipka Pass are nected with the subsidiary tank,, a stop- confident that Mr. Brown (who represents immunity to be gained through the law's ought to be. The original resolution was RENCY. i given this morning in our telegraphic columns. cock is opened ; a vacuum is produced in little delay as possible. Some time ago and the canneries), has no : delays, and having, moreover, some expe- j a purely partisan scheme. It proposed to Is- New York yesterday silver bars were quoted at the iron tank, and immediately all the the fishermen The San Jose Mercury gravely asks the ' corps, investigating an with a Record-Union pointed out methods "why should the United States not for11SJ in greenbacks, lie in gold ;silver coin, 3<b.| sewage of all the houses connected with positive knowledge, cither of the number i rience of the foibles of petit juries, when ! establish discount. of sea-lions within the given space, or of the parties to a suit are a feeble individual roving commission and unlimited powers. "mally throw off the financial leading by which a more general interest in the secured, and the exFire at Philadelphia. Loss, $65,000; insurance, the tank is drawn through the pipes and the quantity of, fish they consume. More- Ij I The function of this .committee was to "strings of the world, and adopt its own State Fair could be discharged into it. By a second and over, we are perfectly certain that his on the one hand, and a powerful and un- grope around until they had found an ex- " press proved that of the State pressions J | scrupulous publisher on the other. But currency "." To those who have studied The sentenco of death against Wm. -i. Meadows, equally simple operation the subsidiary the views wo then advanced were genercuse for holding an investigation; or in is one absurd, way calculation or Thomas Robinson and Joshua Wade, in Arkansas, what they avoid as they would the pestifinancial science such a question must aptanks are emptied into the central reservoir the other; for according to him lence is, everything in the shape of retrac- other words, to manufacture party capital pear as singular, as if one were to ask— ally received with approval. The end to baa been commuted to imprisonment for life by the in the And when there a engine-house. President. these voracious creatures are satis- tion. They boast themselves that they ;by hook and by crook. In the absence of " why should the United States not throw be sought by the State Agricultural So. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'.'.' Nisch surrendered yesterday, after five days' fight- final process converts the sewage into a lied ,"\ pounds of fish a "never take anything back :' and if they ;any specific evidence going to show the '* off the scientific leading strings of the ciety is the securing and fostering of a with less than ing. The Servian loss was considerable. valuable dry manure, resembling guano, day each ; and that is preposterous. We general interest in their annual exhibitions'. need of such inquiries it is clear that the should even promise to correct a misrepre"world, and have an astronomy, a gco- To The barks Osmyn and Aureola came incollision in and which possesses a market value of at no of t consideration effect this the producers, stock raisen?, project upon rested Paget Sound on the Oth instant, and the former was least five dollars a ton. In the whole series presume that 10 pounds of fish a day would sentation the probability is that they would "graphy, a geology, a chemistry, of its be a very light diet for a sea lion; but take the opportunity of planting another public interest. It could not be alleged "own?' Why should America not dis- etc., of every county, must be consulted, tank, proving a total loss. W. T. In soak and W. S. Duval were arrested in of operations there is no possibility of the even that would require 120 tons a day for stab in their victim's side/ The reason !that it was intended to expose corruption, and must be made to realize that the Fair of card the effete mathematics of tho Old San Francisco yesterday on a charge of felony, for escape of any noxious gases ;it is imposat Sacramento is really much more than a |because the House has no information that the maintenance of 25,000 of the animals. this policy.- is plain enough. Scoundrel. there is any corruption to expose. The World, and have a special mathematics of local exhibition ; that in fact it is an anhaving assisted in the concealment and flight of sible for the pipes to become choked ; it is ares, therefore, are evidently •Mr. Brown's who are publishers know that a great many Why should it welcome the Duncan and Lewarne. its own ? equally impossible for the apparatus to get untrustworthy, and to speak plainly, we ignorant people see no distinction between i Republicans, however, could not consist-- gravitation theory, the light theory, the nual opportunity, afforded to all the State, Tub New York Cotton Exchange has adopted a ;and the district or town to out of order comparing the work of tlie past year, resolution in opposition to tlio Bland silver bill. are disposed to regard this whole story bluster and bravery ;between the hardi- eutly have opposed the resolution save any other theory, of Europe? Why for which the system is applied is effectually about Tiik heaviest northeast gale ever known at Rockof exchanging experiences, for obtainground wasting one the for upon strong the the sea lions as decidedly fishy, in hood of professional mendacity and the should it accept the religion of"Christen- ing new and valuable ideas, fnr imland, Maine, prevailed Thursday ni^ht, doing a great and completely purged of its sewage. The more senses utterly Previous futile and public one. it may be worth firmness funds. than of conscious rectitude; between it has so splendid an opportunamount of damage.'' subsidiary tanks are each capable of drain- the whileof some interested parties—perbarren investigations have, aa was shown dom when parting and receiving knowledge, and the effrontery of such as themselves, and Akotiibe freshet is reported from Richmond, Vir- ing the houses covering an area of fifty invent ity to a creed for itself? Allthese for cultivating more intimate and debate, cost the country between during haps the fishermen, and; perhap3 the can- the composure ginia, doing great injury lo railroad property. of honorable men. They are equally rational, and there is and social relaHanmi Pasha has been appointed Grand Vi;*...,in acres, while the pipes which connect them nery owners, and perhaps, both— to make 8700,000 and 100,000, and there is noth- questions friendly business ' know matter how also, they wrong that no for putting one before the other main, no ..ind engine-house with the may be scapegoats of the sea lions ; but the Legisplace ofEdlicim Paaha, resigned. the friendship to show enormous Untions. order to cement outlay.. ing for this In Ikthe Stale Senate yesterday Mr. Haymond'a bill four or five miles in length ,without in lature will, wo trust, decline to be. put off may be, so long as they refuse to own it, der the circumstances, therefore, the new on the score of superior intelligence. The which it ia so desirable to establish betheir readers ..will bo very unlikely to see extending terms of county o;'3e3rs to four years was the least degree diminishing the certainty reason why the United States cannot throw counties, tabled. His bill to reduce salaries of county officers ami completeness of the operation. It is the track by any such shallow devices. the other side of the shield. Ifthey were attempt in that _ direction deserves to be off the financial leading strings of the tween the people of- tho several that one of the features of proposed in Sacramento comity was parsed. Mr. Smitii introwe testimony shows that there lias been to retract false statements, or if thej' were characterised as a reckless proposition to The is, that there is a science of finance, duced resolutions indorsing thePresident's Southern further claimed that Captain Liernur's and is . systematic and hardy and defiant money, and itcomes world tho Statu Fair should Wan annual Dinner, compelled to do so, thoy know that they squander the public that there is an absolute right and ami and Civil Service policy. system can be made self-supporting, and violation the law. The case of a very bad grace from a House full of which should be tho reprewith orson of The laws are in- the newts at In14 Assembly yesterday uo bills of general im- that a city of 20,000 inhabitants could would lose the confidence . and favor of wrong to that science. a sentatives of ail the counties in the State, Probably ' recogDemocratic reformers. one, is a peculiarly and their clientage. Their readers would very aggravated - x-x portance were considered. The whole file was derive a profit income of some $15,000 a Corville '.....' : \u0084° 3 evitably the same, no matter where they as selected in the capacity of subcommitthat man ought to be arrested and pro- quickly learn to distrust and 'despise a Inition of this had something to do with cleared up by the disposal of local .bills ami by as the contents of a right making Racial orders of more prominent :ones. year after paying interest and sinking fund ceeded against with all tho means at the the defeat of the resolution. Hale's sub- operate, just tees on general Fair, arrangements, by the of given dimensions are journal which was repeatedly forced to actriangle angled Several bills were introduced, among them one by demands, and when the original outlay had law's command, or it will the door open for all legitiAgricultural Society. If this programme stitute leaves very difficult be Speaker Berry, to reduce the salaries ofall the State been liquidated would net from $40,000 to knowledge that ithad palmed gross lies 'off ; investigations, but imposes a check inevitably the same in Europe, Asia, is to be carried out, however, it is obvious the statutes the of our ! mate for, protection to.get ; truth, by officers and members of the Legislature one and that it had upon them for the Mr' $50,000 a year from the product of the Africa, or America. The United States has upon the committee by compelling them food fish obeyed. Itis clear that steps that the initial steps should be taken speedll.inna, for woman suffrage ;one :by Sir. Swift, to not only deceived them, but had slandered ) [ the power to ignore these laws, of course, ily. The appointment of the sub-commitpoudreMe. Speaking sewage, which is called 7 exthey demand prevent the circulation of bogus election tickets at must . be taken to compel the general ob- itheir neighbors or their friends. They | to show cause whenever exercised that power very elections; one by, Mr. Swift, in reference to registra- of the town-drainage part"of this plan, the servance of the close season, and to put a to have been already traordinary inquisitorialpowers. As, how- • and has could not stand against such ia law, in fact. past. But the effects tees indeed ought freely says : Itis undeniable referred to in the tion; one by Mr. Connolly, relative to the police article the business is course such judicious selections ever, manifestly the wholesale destruction of small I whole a Of " to made. stop force of San Francisco. The Assembly adjourned that it effectually overcomes all the evils fish, which seems to be principally effected It would compel them 'to purge, and live!, partisan trick, and nothing else, it will not of ignoring financial law have -been willhave to be made as willsecure really _ a. to-day. to meet at 11 jcleanly likegentlemen, or to quit the busi"of our present system. It puts an end precisely what they always were :that is representative men, and men who can be by the Chinese, who arc close and greedy, reflect any credit upon its supporters. much fuller from a ! say We this ness. "to sewer-gases, and thus makes the many to say, injurious and disastrous. The ex" upon to take good care of the special fishermen. The supply of salmon, above DEMOCRATIC RETALIATION. of adopting a special American relied of projects for sewer- ventilation all. is of so much importance from the food knowledge of journalism than any lawyer peqdexing periment THE INCOME TAX PROJECT. interests the respective counties. But " currency was pretty fully tested with if this polk is followed energetically, and Perhaps -in retaliation for Senator Rayperfectly superfluous. It absolutely standpoint, that the Legislature will be not a journalist is likelyto possess, and we J upon there is thrown light The more greenbacks, and a very costly an l 'commenced.: at once, we shall have the mond's bombshell, Senator Smith yester- "prevents the pollution of the soil, and fully justified in going to some expense to know that our statements willbe confirmed proposal to revive the the and day introduced a resolution indorsing the "fluctuation of subsoil water. Itprevents preserve and protect it. At this time it by allhonest and candid journalists. The Carter Harrison's experiment it proved. After [most complete, satisfactory, useful troublesome tax, the lee* defensible does itapannual exhibition that the 'enthusiastic be thought it might experience Southern policyand the CivilService reform "also, in the most certain manner, the seems probable that a Fishery Police of tendency of the Retraction law, moreover, , income an written a long such ha3ever seen. "pollution of streams, and accomplishes ;was shown in the clearest manner when it pear. Mr. Harrison has be no further demand for State policy of President Hayes, and rebuking ;his bill, and his main that there would some kind would be advisable, but we preof " in defense to letter the machine politicians who are fightspecial American ;currencies ; but some theso objects at a less cost thau our sume the Fish Commissioners have formu- was under discussion ;the opposition it position is that if the income tax is re- people NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ing him. It was mainly composed of " "present system, which pollutes the air, lated views upon this head, and willpre- .being confined almost exclusively to one are incapable of learning sense by vived the West, with Which he is identiSan which Francisco, at and paper, kind, published the a cerplatform extracts from of the soil, and "subsoil water, and the stream sent them in due season. The mere inflicexperience of the bitterest XTANTED- A SITUATION BY A GIRL TO deals in libel and slander and very little fied, willpay lex taxc3, and the East will tain venerable book remarks that though j"l housework.' Inquire at northVy do general Cincinnati Convention, and therefore "as well. Speaking of the pneumatic * jal2-U* tion of severer penalties does not strike us ;else, effect it of Eighth and « stn-ets. change this and which unmistakably recognized pay more. Inorder to be brayed in a mortar, yet *e* conier contained very orthodox Republican system, by which house-draining is as a very certain 2 and effective remedy, | should they taxes on and SiT v . lON BT A GERMAN whisky that the ANTED-A li. proposed its is infamous doctrine. The Republican members did effected, the same authority says, after unless some authority is charged with the the deadliest attack upon not their leading characteristics .woman to cook or do _ent'.ral housework in tobacco shall be lowered, ostensibly to would in that bill. modes of proceed currency; is lhotel or private family. Inquire at Mechanics. sound not fallinto the error of "jumping" it, as giving in detail some notable advantages from them. A depart fisheries, for it j stroet, betwe* n Front and Second. Exchange, I special observance of the join the tickle the West and South, and that then • 2 Wo are sorry that' we cannot sound financial j' "A careful consideration of . tho Democrats did Senator Haymond's presented: Jat2StV restored, to bleed one which is based upon may be safely assumed that the fishermen shall ' the in.ome tax be eulogy in his of impli: correspondent CH___P-_ST.AND THE It ha no geographical resolution, but we imagine that some of THE SHIRTS, principles. the above seven mail- features of the will not ;inform upon one another, and j Bidl-'ihif Congressman is not 2 Why . We use tlio liest of material, Senator Pierson's hew bill, but reflection the East. " 1 has del them must have felt rather uncomfortable "pneumatic system will show that every cations or connections. If it is sound it]and gi.ebeat. the best fitting SHIRT in the market. in the absence of police the new sympathy therefore own in not ashamed to himself would at anduridcr countries, Made to order, six for$10 of). t;_nt_* Niu'ht Shirt* willbe sound for all at being brought face to face with such a "requirement regarding the removal and law might prove a. . ineffective as the old.: convinces us that the measure that class of atrociously dishonest legisno also male. MRS. TEN EYCK, De Witt Hou-e. corand that with it is not sound situation, reach the If effectually all circumstances. Republicanism.. After allitis "treatment of putrescible matter is comall .!, test of their dIG-tt so. It is ner of Third and room 21. We hope no mistake will be miule about ; " too many op- lation which is rapidly giving his section special conditions can make ituniversally rooms, sample fair strategy on the part of Senator Smith, plied with. The complete impossibility this, for '. from present appearances two it would present altogether truths were lie time these familiar seeks popportunities for evasion. It provides that so disgraceful a notoriety. and we are a little curious to know what "of its contact, either as gas or liquid, 01 TUIRD AND J STItEErS, NEWLY itis certainly time that i more years of the kind of murderous fish- the defendant in libel cases shall be called ularity by brazenly proposing to plunder \u25a0comprehended, andundertakes fitted up, Keepa only the bust N't inc., Li(tuir_ to form and those Republicans who don't believe in "with anything outside the pipes, makes the which press, Cigars,' >>t I_>uia, tiutt.r>iiic ar.d Eoca wear. ing that has been going on lately would libelous the people of the East for the benefit of guide public opinion, should have aban- and Mussel, Hotday lunch from 11 a. v. to 1:30m.r. m. Hayes and Civil Service reform, and who "the system sanitarily perfect; the leave our "supply of food fish altogether be- upon to prove the truth of the fallacies as clam fraudulent medieval So Chines* obsolete, West. The and oyster roups from 8to12'• the the people of doned such published 2 that it ;was . without matter, the of j_.2-_plm policy Southern the Adreliability of the agencies brought into yond the remedial action of the Legislature abominate employ*!. , a special " American currency.' ' private malice," and for public and justifiable nature .of the proposition is still further J that of ministration, willdo about it. "play, coupled with the absence of all or any other power. ; .' \u25a0•\u25a0 . —— DRAINAGE AND SEWERAGE. THE DAILY KECORP-jJNIOfI. We present in our local columns this \u25a0••.lAr^AKYia,. IS7B. morning a statement of facts and authoriSATURDAY.i— ww^^^y Mammat^mmmmmmm mmmm^m tative opinions on the question of local .ikii-ITnios is issued drainage and sewerage, fully confirming all [A second edition of the at 2:30 r.m. each day. bringing up the news— eastern in that we have said in respect to the vital (amis) and local— to 'jxat hour. Subscribers Washington, and California.S. O^on andMontana KorlSeniCalifornia aad Idaho importance of the; subject. The health of ..\r Utah. .....\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 7 . ... : \u25a0 7 — - -1 . \u25a0 \u25a0 , i ; \u25a0 . — — n. \u25a0 ... \u25a0 . : \u25a0 \u25a0 . - ' * \u25a0 . KEEPS _______ J Corner \u25a0 : \u25a0
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