Productivity Enhancement for Sample Preparation Using Accelerated Solvent Extraction with In-cell Clean-up and Complementary Batch Evaporation S. Henderson, R. Carlson, E. Francis, B. Murphy, B. Dorich, J. Peterson, and B. Richter Thermo Fisher Scientific, Salt Lake, UT, USA Improved sample preparation techniques can reduce sample handling Many sample preparation techniques lack consistency between steps. A system designed to combine sample prep tasks such as extraction, filtration, and clean-up can reduce sample handling and speed up the total sample preparation process. Specifically, reduced sample handling can: • Minimize sample ID recording errors • Minimize quantitative transfer and minimize analyte loss • Eliminate additional processing steps such as post-extraction clean-up • Decrease labor and improve throughput • Reduce consumable expenditure and waste What Is ACCELERATED SOLVENT EXTRACTION? Load Cell Pump Solvent Fill with solvent 0.5–1 min Purge Valve Heat and pressurize Static Extraction 5 min Oven Extraction Cell 5 min Cycle N2 Flush with 0.5 min fresh solvent Purge with nitrogen 1–2 min Extract ready Total 12–18 min Nitrogen Static Valve Collection Vial 17567-01 Figure 1. Accelerated solvent extraction schematic. Accelerated solvent extraction is an automated extraction technique that uses liquid solvents and solvent mixtures including organic solvents, aqueous buffers, and water to extract solid or semisolid samples including soils, sludges, sediments, vegetation, tissues, plastics, polymers, tablets, and consumer products. Accelerated solvent extraction uses elevated temperatures (40–200 °C) and pressures (500–3000 psi) to increase diffusion rates of analytes from the matrix to the solvent. Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ ASE™ 100 Accelerated Solvent Extractor Dionex ASE 200 Accelerated Solvent Extractor Dionex ASE 300 Accelerated Solvent Extractor Dionex SE 500 and SE 400 Extractors 1 ACCELERATED SOLVENT EXTRACTION BENEFITS Time/Labor Comparison of Accelerated Solvent Extraction versus Sonication for Extraction of Soils • Recovery of compounds listed under U.S. EPA Method 8270C, spiked at 100 ppb: results from Laboratory Control Samples (LCS) 16 matrix spike compounds – Recoveries for sonication: average 70.2%; 12.9% RSD – Recoveries for accelerated solvent extraction: average 69.8%; 6.8% RSD Table 1. Sonication vs. ASE Sonication—Non-Dionex Sonication 3550 (Four Horns) Accelerated solvent extraction —Dionex ASE 200 Extractor Weigh Mix and Spike 3 min per sample; labor intensive 3 min per sample; labor intensive Extract with Solvent 4 samples in 15 min; labor intensive 1 sample in 15 min; automated Filtration 10 min per sample; labor intensive Included in extraction; automated Concentration on TurboVap® II/SE 500 Transfer 2 min per sample; 300 mL to 1 mL; 90 min for 12 samples No transfer required; 50 mL to 1 mL; 30 min for 12–24 samples Total Time for 12 Samples 315 min; 255 min labor 256 min; 66 min labor Time and Labor Comparison for Extraction of Perchlorate in Soil with In-Cell Clean-Up • Perchlorate recoveries by sonication; avg. 11.5 µg/kg; RSD 0.4% • Perchlorate recoveries by accelerated solvent extraction; avg. 12.7 µg/kg; RSD 0.2% Extraction Sample and Dispersant Absorbents added to cell to retain interferences Table 2. Extraction of Perchlorate in Soil Sonication Bath and Cartridge Clean-Up Weigh Mix and Spike 3 min per sample; labor intensive Add absorbent to cell; 5 min per sample; labor intensive Vortex Samples 12 samples in 15 min; labor intensive — Extract with Solvent 12 samples in 30 min; sonication 1 sample in 15 min; automated Centrifuge 4 samples in 15 min; — Filtration and Clean-Up Prep C18 cartridges; run extract through cartridge; 10 min per sample; labor intensive; Included in extraction; automated Total Time for 12 Samples 251 min; labor intensive labor = 221 min 250 min; automation; labor = 60 min EXPERIMENTAL Sample Preparation with Integrated Clean-Up and Compatible Solvent Evaporation for Polybrominated Flame Retardants (PBDE) Integrated Clean-up of Salmon Extracts; Accelerated Solvent Extraction PBDE Results Salmon fillets were spiked with known quantities of BPDE compounds and allowed to sit overnight. They were then extracted using Dionex ASE Extraction and in-cell clean-up followed by solvent evaporation to 1 mL. Accelerated Solvent Extraction PBDE Recoveries Accelerated solvent extraction recoveries range from 36% to 105%. 6 g alumina and 4 g of silica gel were used per 3.5 g of salmon tissue. (The amount of alumina and silica gel is critical for optimum lipid absorption.) Dionex ASE Extractor extracts required no additional clean-up. • Analyzed by Agilent Tech., (GC) 6890N, with a GCMate™ II (MS), ionization mode, electron-capture negative ionization (ECNI), monitoring bromines (79 and 81 m/z). • DB5-HT column (30 m). • Figure 4A is the calibration check. Fiqure 2. Schematics of in-cell clean-up for selective extractions. 2 Dionex ASE 200 Extractor with In-Cell Clean-Up Productivity Enhancements for Sample Preparation Using Accelerated Solvent Extraction with In-Cell Clean-Up and Complementary Batch Evaporation Table 3. Accelerated Solvent Extraction PBDE Recoveries PBDEs Target ng/mL BDE-28 57 %Recovery –47 57 71 –100 57 81 78 –99 57 78 –154 57 62 –153 57 61 –140 57 104 –183 57 56 –209 570 36 Figure 3. Extracts with and without in-cell clean-up of fish tissue using alumina, silica gel, and acidic silica gel (40% H2SO4). Figure 4. PBDE recoveries. (A) Calibration check and (B) salmon sample extract with in-cell clean-up. 3 Conclusions Acknowledgments Sample preparation time can be decreased by 10–30% using the Dionex ASE Accelerated Solvent Extractor due to improved consistency, reduced sample handling, and increased sample throughput. Labor for sample processing can be decreased by 50–75%. Additionally, reduced sample handling will minimize sample transfer errors and analyte loss. Rosanne Slingsby, Dionex Corporation (now part of Thermo Scientific); Don Cogswell, Utah Department of Health; Mark LaGuardia, Virginia Institute of Marine Science (PBDE extraction data); Dale Hoover, Axys Laboratory; Greg Hess, American West Analytical Laboratory. Minimize Labor • 50–75% reduction Reduce Sample Handling • Minimize transfer errors. • Reduce analyte loss due to quantitative transfers. ©2012 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. ISO is a trademark of the International Standards Organization. TurboVap is a registered trademark of Biotage AB. GCmate is a trademark of JEOL Ltd. All other trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries. This information is presented as an example of the capabilities of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. products. It is not intended to encourage use of these products in any manners that might infringe the intellectual property rights of others. Specifications, terms and pricing are subject to change. Not all products are available in all countries. Please consult your local sales representative for details. Thermo Scientific Dionex products are designed, developed, and manufactured under an ISO 9001 Quality System. Australia +61 3 9757 4486 Denmark +45 70 23 62 60 Japan +81 6 6885 1213 Switzerland +41 62 205 9966 Austria +43 1 333 50 34 0 France +33 1 60 92 48 00 Korea +82 2 3420 8600 Taiwan +886 2 8751 6655 Belgium +32Productivity 53 73 42 41 Enhancements Germany +49 6126 0 Netherlands +31 76 Using 579 55 55 UK/Ireland +44 1442 233555 4 for991 Sample Preparation Accelerated Solvent Extraction Brazil +55 11 3731 5140 India +91 22 2764 2735 Singapore +65 6289 1190 USA and Canada +847 295 7500 Batch+46 Evaporation China +852 In-Cell 2428 3282Clean-Up Italyand +39Complementary 02 51 62 1267 Sweden 8 473 3380 PN70435_E 12/12S with
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