Fii I b li1b 1 Mother Consults the Doctor at the Urgent Request of the Family u 11JLS InLJlbvAY OClOiiJiK Lv 1910 TTi1 OP THE TIMES DAILY FASHION TALK TO READERS 1 By FRANCES CARROLL milk wont make you sick Only fit for MRS HUME LOQUITUR M surprised at you Honry being so calves and babies The Idea Children stop laughing This is a Right Wore the chiI impatient do you expect me serious matter How oan you laugh lI dren tOOt Howwhen bats that Llewellyn What are to train them you going to oat white father has tho Yes I saw Dr Borum Henry babys food O dear me how do you expect me to tell you what he said when you all three You and Virginia are going to hne the same thing I had a long talk talk at once and never give me a Just with Dr Borum about you Llewellyn chance to get a word In edgewise him all about your trouble and Virginia Cant you be still a single I told he says that I have done very wrong to minute indulge you at night by giving you I am afraid I am a little tired Henry heavy suppers There is nothing so No I dont need you to help me Ill healing for you as hot milk You hate hot milk have supper ready In just a minute Thats only your imagination After Virginia you may slice the bread while you have drunken it a few times you will like it I know what Im talk ¬ I light the oven Well make some toasta- ing about because Gladys Wynn had Oh yes Llewellyn Dr Borum is on It for months to she got We man I had to wait over an hour so she preferred It to anything else In the office before I could see him His Youd rather die on to live It on it offices wore Just lined with people was terrible to sit there and watch their Doctor Gives and their painstricken Time To Llewellyn deformities countenances I ¬ That wasnt nice of you Llewellyn Didnt Care Think of all the time Dr Borum gave In listening to all your symptoms and About Deformities for you Henry Why you ought to be ashamed prescribing Supper Is ready now Dont of yourself to ay you dont want ds-to that big bowl all of steaming milk smell hear about peoples suffering and good though Now honestly chil- ¬ lormitles dren dont It How can you expect the children to be give Well well It a try anyway sympathetic when you say such things Yes Llewellyn I suppose you can Just as Interested in crumble Dr Borum wasHenry your toast In your milk It you as could be What did he know about you trouble Is not a very nice thing to do Your Why I told him all about the father thinks some concession is due es I told him you under with your eyes Yes the circumstances but I everything from the beginning He Is Virginia dont interrupt mother sure it Is from your nerves He saidan Really you children never give me Madam your husband doesnt need eyo doctor Ho needs common sense ¬ a chance to say a word without being How can you be so dis- Interrupted Well If you simply respectful to your father as to laugh cant drink any more of your milk this time Dont send him to his roommoan suppose I will have to let you off to be I Henry Im sure he didnt disrespectful this time The next time you will The doctor said you would just have do bettor wont you dearto give up coffee Henry He wants you I talked to Doctor Borum about to drink a pint of hot milk every night you too You have looked pale and for your supper Instead of eating heavy languid lately He gave me some 4ood and drinking quantities of coffee you had last medicine for you I told him about the fall soon spring and th trouble that be Is to taken It after each meaL utter with your eyes Nerves madam You will find it In my bag Better nerves he said get it and take the nrst dose now I do so want the children to Hot Milk Henry You be well and strong Better Than Prescriptionknow what Prof Knowles said at the stupid children and health about Oh yes he gave me a prescription club And Henry I told Doctor Borum for you too Henry but the hot milk about awful pain you have been that at night and a cup of hot water before having in your that What did you say breakfast in the morning will do the most good More than the medicine he Henry You thought I went In to eo Doc ¬ Is sure tor Borum about myself Certainly you can have all the toast What did he say was the matter you want with me Why nonsense Harry Of course hot Why dear I forgot to ask him Fathers Love Letter i Paves Way for New Hat Cost of This Gown In Three Kinds of Materials I J I ti Persian Crepe and Satinyds 36In Satin for Underdress at L23 8 yds 20ln Crops for Waist and Overaklrt at53o 3 yd 13In allover lace at 93c yd 6 yds gold lace banding at 69c yd 5i yd 22in satin for girdle at Toe yd yd 36ln lining for sleeves at 25c yd Ladles Home Journal pattern No 8512 g Daughter Long WantedBy 1 32 DOROTHY DIL VE Just aede aa interesting dis- ¬ P f covery said the jollylooking girl with the twinkle in her eye and Its ttilfrthat your fatheris much easier to confide in than your mother He Is also more amusing There are several reasons or this One is that your mother bar been a girl herself and is on to you so to speak while your father Isnt Anoth ¬ er Is that if your mother wants you to get married and thinks any man good enough for you wfaUe your father doesnt want you to marry ar thinks that the only man that you joeld look at would be a modem Sir Galahad wbo would come rolling up In a 55000 automobile and with a certified check for a million or so concealed about his tins serious Jte is a youth who plays balfbftdc oe the var team I WeD I wish yen could hear rather 2 5on Jim He says descant is a raya 57 tery to him why some manit with ¬ nary common sense never comes toordi10 see me before that he would and have 16 the house filled up and do with twang ¬ lag mandolin playing idiots 1913 that looked a plate of cold slaw had been emptied over their heads or Marquisettewith creatures looked like Bowery that I toughs that he would De an old mrd Size 3G requires 10 yards 37ln marquisette at SL3D yd513JO spend and yam socks time knitting his 57 a yd yd silver net for yoke at J2 for the Hottentots I3So yd Chantilly at lace 5 yds Does Not Approve57 as yd 20ln silk girdle at Tic a yd Of Modem Courtship 20 a yd at lining sleeves 2c yd 36In for And he doe at approve f the mod15 8612 No pattern Ladles Home Journal ern method of courtship Father says 1714 that there was none of tills nonsensical lovemaking in lila time A maa knew armor plate Chiffon Cloth at once whether he wasted a girl or Since Ive found out what a jolly not and asked her right off the reel Size K requires S yds S6te satin for foundationdress rye pal my having father k been before he impoverished her family burn- ¬ 1832at L2S yd great my telling him about all of Inn ing out electricity wore out the 3U yds 44ln chiffon sloth far waist g d drapery at 51 hypothet- parlor furniture Noandsays papa love affairs and give 350 ical matrimonial propositions to him plain spokes ho tbearted ayd 15 young men of his day who wasted no 1S1a lace for tucker at SIC a yd 1A yd As Mice Poor talking poetry or writing love let¬ a 6 yds metal bawUng at c a yd tees meant business and who i When They Married came to the point at once yde 22ln Liberty satin for girdle at TSa yd You know that when my father and 1 accidentally happened that going It yd 36ln lining fcr sleeves at JTC a yd mother were married they were poor t an old trunk In the garret L j5Ladles Home Journal pattern No 8812 as the traditional church mice Father had come across a bundle of old let ¬ ters I that Papa bad written Xamma 17S1 worked like a dray horse and mother were married So one cooked and sewed and made over her before night when Papa came home I was wedding finery until there wasnt a discovered In the library with two or of scrap of it left and by and by they got bllleUdoux la my hands GRACEFUL draped gown Is displayed In this Hlustrathe a little start itat grew into a compe- I affected to be much embarrassed ties Ute drapery carrying sut the surplice effect offront and to hide them and of course he tence arid then into a and crosses in oa them at once I wouldnt welrt which te aWrred on the should ni 4The thr Ugh hard places together pounced surplice may- pulled let him have them but I compromisedand came to love each with that on over a Vshaped tuekcr pC princess lee reading one It was the warmest sleeves close affection tt at ealypeepJe feel who ver lace The be finished with a frill of sold or or sentiment ou ever heard have enflur i Aid suffered and enjoyed 1 and them over section draped a own I began reading wIth onee owneat puff are short together for a lifetime can be everything groaned is a common enough American ex- ¬ Father It the skirt is in seven gores slightly gathered Isand Although it Is but two hours since knotted at perience and as It generally ends so I I mode with or without pannier drapery which angelic presence I read crepe well I dont re why American parents on it your depth Persian flounce ordinary seems a year To think that each side at about b i so violently opposed to seeing waist should more hours a very eter- ¬ their children try it They are how ¬ twentytwo In Alice blue or copper color could be used for the undernity elapse must ¬ I can again ever and my fatner tone for the ett me no I hold that little handbefore In mine and gaze and overskirt with satin in a harmonizing one doubt gorgeous on sentiments sub of this his the of sun be weuld Into beavea the of those blue eyes skirt or more elaborate joeL papa Blithering Fool So to when new broeaded satins In rose color and gold with underskirt confided the other I may be of one mate- ¬ day that Billy Hawkins who hasnt a of satin crepe If preferred the dress may be of penny to bless himself with had asked Is Papas Epithet rial such am chiffon cloth beaded net or the skirt me to marry him I was prepared for The blithering feel Papa howled nwrqateette of dad having a fit of apoplexy Liberty satin with watet and overskirt 38 Do you mean to tell me Mary that 42 Inches fand It 31 you marry 32 Well him to Ii This pattern cornea in sizes Why hes got nothing you would let anybody capable of all tile nerve writing suck driveling rot hang bust measure oft eagh Bet even a good can be SH2 and pattern No around your eut vcrathfuny ny Irate parent It Is Ladles Home Journal gge Co He would have me I ted Why Papa I saM 1 think that Is obtained at S Kaiin Sons Two beggars snorted papa just too sweet for anything Listen to We could work I said thto It to twelve pages Calls about that little cold had when I was Work bowled papa Work a woman to kept in the house twoI days himself a roan marry him and go to wsrk for him Twelve about a coldi Wants to turn you into a cook I sup ¬ shrieked Papa pose hey Wants you to sew buttons And he says I went OB that be on Isis measly shirt Wet of eli would cut off his whole arm to save me D the the pain of a needle Drick in ay linger Ian t that tender and touching Papa Raises Papa raved It is His Sleepyland Adventures with Davy and Doily Its nauseating 4 Strenuous Objections tiDg thing I ever heart the moat my BAILEY life ia No people talk wonder Suppose I love hInt I murmured BY ROY RUFHCRPORD about the degeneracy of the times when rolling say eyes up sentimentally fool writes that kind of idiocy to a a to girL Idiocy by Jove that any jury Good heavens cried papa Cpyricat USe try Boy Rutherford BallwJ think I should ever have a daughter would convict a xaaa of on andgirl Instead of being disgusted and with little enough seose to even talk athrowing i a such letter the fire in 7 on is love love marrying What ee about t ally treasures it and reads it aria One through the air he looked as if he had Can you pay your grocery bills with Ing I tell you straight Mary and that red keg of Lit solemnly little at cried < looked Mr Ticklemott exchange in they love love Wilt take up put ¬ is wont I that bright a with an red patch that foolish- ¬ WHY the seat un sewed I longer If the writer of that and Dorty softly when paint and scratched the gray head subject of this weeks contest of hie pants only pants wore some ¬ for potatoes and onions In the mar- ¬ ness any funny little der OP Jacks sickening awake did the Government make that stuff ever comes here the merry mice had wished then ket to have touched a sensi ¬ y not said Dorfy thing Willy never bothered his merry love Well I should legal lender tot money Marry on again Ill throw him out ThIs Is no How funny you look Prizes Offered Puzzle about spot In the masculine breast crazy howe for people with pareets by Jove it nicest kind are the You stoutly love Youre willy Jut grInned now over The legs Ticklemouse his hind Doeent he helped You did it I retorted and It lentil teat that letter for many men have joined our pomied CH sot Mr Ticklemouse that ever a lorur bough so hE could Wlshlngmouae Solvers over iothe letter I handed That little by to have worked out all right with you signed It iras circle in an effort to Drove that the acYoure go- ¬ paws troubles painted and of out folks their brush and the Tommy least mamma quick Papas too at name Is Tick Uncle fits busily on smiling at the antics of the cusation that chivalry is dead is a fal ing to take us with you of courser ¬ we Tompkins were Oh mutter gave different be Jefferson He Jacket and the as for twentyfour Dorfy hours Davy and soon laty Among the many letters received For the best ten answers to the Why yes deans if youll both be playful three and then he asked me what on one look at it turned to the date and to Willy held his shaking skies and how to balance themselves on ed evening signature and in the silence you could done the people with had earth wood I scare to the from them this morning Is one from not quiet sos question Are There Men In Real laughed till he big when the lees rolled over and ever on they and said it was a hard thins hear the hall cleek tick enough and to sail flutter papera man Harris Marsfion which reads arent used to human cLUluns you them small Life A Gallant As Heroes on the the nursery rug And when he did speak he said couldnt lay a paper down helped them into their lag to the ground like regular young that He know It Is easy enough for a man to per¬ Stage the following prizes will own house and find it again with- ¬ casually his squirrels ° by the way did you was lots more fun in It Jacket nothlngthte is a tunic Id sweaters for the night was cool Yes warrant form some act of great bravery in a a out search aid of the be awarded t that said the Tlckl raone h went on as they hurried across the than sliding down haystacks they YOU know Then another evening I took papa fiftydollar hat you were talking about moment excitement of tremendous found First prizeLower box for The have confided in him that I thought No Well you ad Dont you make frosty meadows Jack felt badly to But the most fun came wbti thy asiCe and Bishops see about it with a sly twinkle such A3 saving a woman In a big fire Girl In Waiting get were tomorrow you go downtown attentions up last nights were starting home and heard all the that Jim fun of my disguise YOU young raafcal think he oouldnt finish eo or from drownlnar but the time w en Second prize Upper box toed o it himself hes trees rustle clap theyre POOr Jacks Sundaygoton e t painting real chivalry and gallantry is put to tho Third prtxe Four seats you chnlun going to be- their leaves and laugh yesandreally are ow that tt st is In hi every day life laugh as If they were too tickled to while lm painting Next seven prizes Tiro seats forI inc clothes at PROTECTING TOWELS Bony had never hs rd the doing crawling said Jacks Airship races still till the four were out of sight NARROW STRIPES any performance of this play at I have the pleasure of the friendship on a himself before settling Dorfy speak and eager to know the reason hung Jack of a on limb TIcklemouse out To prevent fringed towels from ¬ of a man who has some sense of justhe Colombia Theater next week daehed with chap Just had a Mouse GOOD TRIMMING big Mat the IN back little and listened tearing up from the top of the fringe Jack Frost himself Poor old tice toward a woman He knows when One for the raonoy two for Jack Frost a wise old oak tree was so doubled ui > with rheumatics to-¬ red run a line of machine stitching across whispering to a young maple between the he leaves the house each morning that This contest closes at 3 oclock hes and house But Fine stripes are seen a good deal the end of towel using rather a long he cant stir out of the why thats no more Jack Look out there wet paint his wife has the children five in num- ¬ Friday afternoon and III open to nightwhole This is especially good on and when Frost than I am Hes just a cheerful chiefly in serges and linens The back ¬ stitch of BUlbs WQOds have got to his Uncles cry was too tate the ber to et ready for school the break- ¬ Turkish towels C up from the old Imitationjust nil render of Tho Washington WisMngmouse those of a soft Jolly I if Wcnder a old usually sunup white and the stripe weave the Jack ground is before painted be swoop sweeping exciting to mo fast dishes to wash the Times Mouse leafy grass after his now The color quite narrow and about or black a offer to foolish was prepare do lunch to clothes to make half an Inch apart T and mend and a thousand and one other Trinnnlnr with the stripe is often very consequence perform cleverly done For instance the stripes of duties to as a COCOANUTS USED Do Your very young on a foundation told me by HINTS FOR THE will run lengthwise through the body of which he tries to make an equable di ¬ > going around gown and be B Loudeen the IN vision of those duties left to the wife Mrs have TROPICAL CANDY- the 1 Ure In the form of a broad band 4M DAILY MENU Clothes Need never seen manknight but when his have been matched with hers thisI wee boy in blouseaand skirt attached to the bottom of the ¬ knlckerbock correspond will trimming waist The herwith The following is a sweet popular in and shares thorn BREAKFAST ore is my knight errant CleaningTthe material will be cut on The stars Incline but do not e sees to I that she has as much the tropo Obtain a large fresh cocoa Again Oranges The little girls mother had recently bias and form a contrast with the change of environment anti as much died to them prepare compel and nut Fishers and let as follows Grate the straight up and down lines ake Toast Broiled Bacon the boy was lover and careWm them He makes coooanut into a large deep dish pour recreation as he has throughout each taker and They were out in the ratn and Fried Farina with Maple Syrup Friday October 7 1810 specialty of highclass cleaninga on two glasses week and in spite of their very modest she was stooping the umbrella down it of hot water and stir BAGS DIAMOND SHAPED Percolated Coffee dyeing and pressing and can make your old and knead with the hands until it beBsons she Is thus not burdened with to his head He suddenly looked up at look 1W per cent Many of the newest bags are dia- ¬ comes better Suits coats skirts gowns quite LUNCHEON creamy laeplre SCueeze Work up to the very tweaking point as her shoulder the rain was dripping on stars SOW three fair hard composed of are shaped and mond curtains fancy vests and gloves are through a strainer until you have two The day with genial fire Cream of Tomato Soup is the case with so many mothers of It Said he with tears welling from the made to look fresh and new at large gteseee of the milk adding more soft shades In leather damascened in large families Graham Bread and Butter small cost brown eyes Precious if you dont hold gold benefic style with and are In Venetian Venus BRCURY and Cream water if necessary and discard the dry subdued colors Coffee Jelly with Plain Is not an inherent chivalry which the umbrella over you sos you wont In the stenciled w H FISHER Dyer aid leaner aspect with the Moon on this cocoanut Add the pound of sugar Sugar Wafers 1 to bags prompts this mans daily action of great- ¬ set wet Ill go right out Into the rain framework often the leather 2S th day and Uranus occupies a the mUk and put It on to bolL If you jeweled with cabochons and the 709 Ninth St X w er moment than the impulse of a mo- ¬ I promised your mother Id take care place favorable for many things PhonC Main 1152 DINNER can get a lime peel th Bkitt thinly In greatest care Is exercised In the¬ ments excitement which causes men to of you and Im going to do it harstones to colored t tile The Best sign fortune of DryCleaning Plant In ISA dominant Rice Belief Peppers one There piece without Green Stuffed cutting pulp Into the of hue the rlrtc their lives for the saving of others with leather ¬ the monize This touching little story proves that In love promising success to court land put it Into the candy It should Itself New Pickled Plums Like charity I believe that gallantry there are not only men In real life as ships and happiness in married life be taken out when you take the Candy Baked Chocolate Custard hould begin at home gallant as heroes of the stage but chil- ¬ a lime grate some Angels Food begun under this augurs the sign is off the fire Falling Mr Marsden and dren as well lemon rind and squeeze some of the i I quite agree with Coffee evil however for marriages for juice AfterDinner ¬ coninto the candy Boll without stir ¬ wish more little stories of domestic promising remaining position closing of The time until wealth or for ring until it thickens in water pour sideration and gallantry In the every ¬ tho contest Is very short the now The following recipes are both test ¬ quarrels and divorce The day Is ill out on a buttered dish and as soon as day home Ute had been submitted In this Is your answer among the many which- ed and extra fine ¬ cool enough pull until creamy inare people who married also for contest Two quarts clined to vex each other or to quarrel been received Pickles have Mixed Mustard FRANCES CARROLL Hers Is the story or gallantry founded I green tomatoes sliced throe quarts Women employes will profit today OLD TOWELS USEFUL cabbage chopped fine two quarts from tidiness and great accuracy In remains or plain linen towel The ¬ quarts caulitwo small white onions their work however trivial with no loose fluff may be joined to¬ flower sprigs Bring each of these Merchants salespeople and others gether and will make good cloths for to a boll separately in salted water dealing with women should push the dusting oilcloth and linoleum or polished KnowEdand drain Two quarts wax beans advantages of the day zealously for floors used slightly damp and old cooked until tender in salted water the sign Is good for all things con- ¬ tee clothE may be machined together and drained one stalk celery cut in nected with shopping best parts of them for II Note Every poem which will appear in this series is ono pieces and a few of the Persons of quick and subtle wit are dust cloths leaves chopped fine three large green under lucky signs except that the In ¬ that has brought a throb of hope a throb of courage a throb of happipeppers chopped three quarts small fluence Inclinea to make them say un ¬ MATCH AS BODKIN1 Commencing In clipping and saving ness or of inspiration to some human hoart cucumbers mere A of wooden sake things the for match or toothpick may kind Dressing for PicklesBring two smartness or the series you cannot afford to miss one number ¬ and also in- be made to replace the missing bod- ¬ Seamless Wiltons Royal Wiltons Body Brussels Axmin q quarts of vinegar to a boll and unfair advantage kin by merely folding over Its point Two clines them tosotake thicken with the following sters Velvets Tapestry Brussels Savoys Burmas Hall Runners keen and bright as an end ot the tape or ribbon and then those not thirds cup of flour twothirds cup of of turning the stick so that its whole etc Worth White arc they Is wrapped It will then run mustard two teaspoons of tumeric Indolent persons are through is the casing without damage one teaspoon of cinnamon three cups Gluttonous This sale embraces over one hundred and fifty choice carpets it not well in this brief little jour- ¬ of It is worth while that we jostle a Wereney sugar one pint cold vinegar Mix likely to be more than usually offen- ¬ or loss to the ribbon ¬ principally in room sizes the collection of Seamless Wiltons and ex¬ brother they day exorcise vegetables to well prepared this unless sive all the Bearing his load on the rough road thor ¬ traordinary selfcontrol It Is how On over the isthmus down into the HOW TO Brussels Body being the largest and finest we have ever shown SHRINK BELT U put Makes jars seal oughly and in of life ever a day highly favorable for re- ¬ The tide ten quarts This magnificent collection of carpets is now orf exhibition best way to shrink a sewing ma ¬ ¬ tenIt is worth while that wo Jeer at oath We give particulars In the for these form him a fish instead of a serpent belt is to rub It thoroughly withother and we would be pleased to have you call and look them over is strong toward selfhelp and chine Delicious New Marmalade Twelve dency a cloth will oiled This will cause It to improvement of existing faults In blackness of heart that we war to Ere folding the hands to be and abide peaches one pears pineapple Each rug is warranted absolutely new and perfect just from the twelve sign Is over publicity tighten and hold more closely to the An Forever and aye In dust at his side the knife six oranges six lemons two quarts Teachers lecturers lawyers print- ¬¬ metal as the wheel turns looms bears its selling number so that you can readily locate God pity us ill in our pitiful strife au crabapples peeled and quartered ers and ministers are under Lqok at the roses saluting each other being favored fo of during the sale Friday any selection you may now make quartering measure Peel the after Look peace at at the on herds all the peaches word by Mercury God pity us ailas we Jostle each other and di ¬ thought and and We do not believe you will find another such collection of for¬ plain Herbal lore marks today as eighths Cut the pineapple carraway God pardon us all for the triumph we carrots parsley oats par I small pieces and handsome rugs in the city Be sure to see them Visitors always Man and man only rashes war on his meat in feel endive dill elecampane laven- ¬¬ lemon very thin Weigh all the fruit snip fern When a fellow SQCS down neath his mulberry marjoram valebrother sugar and der savory welcome as add threefourths caramint under and load on the heather And laughs in his heart at his peril simmer gently two hours Stir as lit- ¬ rian I A deposit will reserve any purchase for later removal Mercury as possible Pour in glasses Pierced to the heart Words are tle and pain Those whose birthdate this is are keener than steel Regular sale new furniture Saturday morning 1030 rub sign of with Libra the under I And mightier far for woe than for Shamed by the beasts that go down on FLANNEL CRIB COVERascending that tend to give great ¬ forecare a weal of lack the plain talents m A pretty crib cover may be made thought from a yard each of white and pale Children born today are under signs It is worth while that we battle to hum abruptneds blue or pink flannel On the colored that are held to nle a Quarrelsome though generous flannel embroider a flower and bow and Some poor fellow down into the dust on the white a conven- ¬ nature knot God pity us alL Time too soon will tional border and a large central tumble Ladies Attention monogram Bind the two together k by means of wide satin All of us together like leaves in gust Select Lily of the Valley Per ¬ and 1 a bow or one just In corner rosette flower Ask for fume is HWA led Indeed down into the dust with the colored side considered as free sample Christianl Drug Co 633 top JOAQUILEB 475 295 i 5 A Pz Men Puzzlers Offer Proof That Chivalry Is Not Dead THE TICKLE MOUSE 4 < Old Jack Ticklefrost TaE j 5 I 2 atl Horoscope I I J < M 1I1 NEW RUGS NfWRU6t Special Sale by Auction Poems Women Should hiday Morning October 7 itors Promptly 030 oClock It i I I I I i V 4j r mmm WILSON MAYERS Manufacturers Auctioneers Ill 1227 and 229 G St the Pa Avet Advt S A t V
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