SA M PL E SE T Pre-K-12 Level 1 - Severe Disabilities Level 2 - Moderate Disabilities Level 3 - Mild Disabilities Equals Overview Table of Contents Equal’s Overview contains information regarding the research which supports the program as well as a complete scope and sequence of essential math skills. Educators are provided a pacing guide for insruction of students with mild, moderate or severe disabilities, accompanied by easy beginning steps to the program. AbleNet Equals Math is divided into chapters, sections, and lessons. The table of contents in the overview manual lists chapters, sections, and lessons for the entire program. Find the same table of contents for individual chapters in each Teacher’s Guide. Each chapter presents clear instructional methods that meet the unique needs of students with differing abilities. We welcome you to Equals where all students can achieve their best in math education! Table of Contents Overview Table of Contents Equals Teacher Guides Introduction Guiding Principles Equals Overview Pacing Guide Scope and Sequence How to Use Materials Before You Begin Bibliography and References Appendix A: Assessment and Scoring Appendix B: Glossary. Appendix C: Calendar Activities & Reproducibles. Appendix D: Action Dictionary 1 Overview © Copyright by AbleNet Inc. Reproduction Prohibited. Equals Teacher Guides Table of Contents Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Section A: Attending and Exploring Lesson 1.A.1 visually attend Lesson 1.A.2 attempt to touch or tolerate math manipulatives Lesson 1.A.3 explore math manipulatives Lesson 1.A.4 choose a number song or book Lesson 1.A.5 demonstrate understanding of cause and effect Lesson 1.A.6 participate in simple problem solving activities Section A: Counting 1 and 2 Lesson 2.A.1 recognize 2 is more than 1 Lesson 2.A.2 match sets of 1 and 2 Lesson 2.A.3 identify amounts of 1 and 2 Lesson 2.A.4 count to 5 Lesson 2.A.5 identify numerals 0-5 Lesson 2.A.6 construct a set to match 1 and 2 Lesson 2.A.7 write numerals 1 and 2 to match sets Section B: Patterns Lesson 1.B.1 enjoy or tolerate clapping patterns, actions, rhymes, songs, or raps Lesson 1.B.2. attempt to imitate or join in clapping patterns, actions, rhymes, songs, or raps Lesson 1.B.3 follow routine Lesson 1.B.4 anticipate holiday or event based on season Lesson 1.B.5 follow as schedule is read and anticipate favorites Section C: Matching and Sorting Lesson 1.C.1 match objects to duplicates Lesson 1.C.2 match objects by color Lesson 1.C.3 sort objects by color Lesson 1.C.4 identify primary colors Lesson 1.C.5 identify secondary colors Lesson 1.C.6 sort objects by size Lesson 1.C.7 find objects that share 1 attribute Section D: More About Attributes Lesson 1.D.1 match two-dimensional shapes Lesson 1.D.2 sort duplicate two-dimensional shapes Lesson 1.D.3 sort similar two-dimensional shapes Lesson 1.D.4 choose one attribute to sort shapes Lesson 1.D.5 identify two-dimensional shapes Lesson 1.D.6 locate two-dimensional shapes in environment Lesson 1.D.7 anticipate special event on calendar Lesson 1.D.8 identify 4 seasons Lesson 1.D.9 match appropriate clothing to temperature 2 Overview Section B: Counting 3 and 4 Lesson 2.B.1 demonstrate 1:1 correspondence Lesson 2.B.2 match sets of 3 and 4 Lesson 2.B.3 identify sets of 3 and 4 Lesson 2.B.4 construct a set to match 3 and 4 Lesson 2.B.5 write numerals 3 and 4 to match sets Lesson 2.B.6 demonstrate cardinality of number Section C: Counting 5 and 6 Lesson 2.C.1 count to 10 Lesson 2.C.2 identify numerals 6-10 Lesson 2.C.3 identify sets of 5 and 6 Lesson 2.C.4 construct a set to match 5 and 6 Lesson 2.C.5 write numerals 5 and 6 to match sets Section D: Zero, More, Equal, and Less Lesson 2.D.1 demonstrate understanding of concept of zero Lesson 2.D.2 write 0 Lesson 2.D.3 identify a set that is more Lesson 2.D.4 identify 2 sets that are equal Lesson 2.D.5 identify a set with less Lesson 2.D.6 join and separate sets Section E: Counting 7-10 Lesson 2.E.1 identify sets of 7 and 8 Lesson 2.E.2 construct a set to match 7 and 8 Lesson 2.E.3 write numerals 7 and 8 to match sets Lesson 2.E.4 identify sets of 9 and 10 Lesson 2.E.5 construct a set to match numerals 9 and 10 Lesson 2.E.6 write numerals 9 and 10 to match sets Lesson 2.E.7 identify number words one through five © Copyright by AbleNet Inc. 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Equals Teacher Guides Table of Contents Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Section A: Ordering Numbers Lesson 3.A.1 use ordinal numbers from first to sixth Lesson 3.A.2 locate numbers 1-10 on number line Lesson 3.A.3 place numbers 1-10 in order Lesson 3.A.4 identify relative position of numbers 1-10 Lesson 3.A.5 compare numbers 1-10 Lesson 3.A.6 identify number words six through ten Lesson 3.A.7 state one more than given number, 1-10 Lesson 3.A.8 state one less than given number, 1-10 Section A: Compose and Decompose Numbers 2-10 Lesson 4.A.1 identify dice patterns Lesson 4.A.2 play simple board game with dice Lesson 4.A.3 compose and decompose sets of 2-4 Lesson 4.A.4 compose and decompose sets of 5-6 Lesson 4.A.5 compose and decompose sets of 7-8 Lesson 4.A.6 compose and decompose sets of 9 Lesson 4.A.7 compose and decompose sets of 10 Section B: Patterns and Units Lesson 3.B.1 match AB patterns Lesson 3.B.2 duplicate AB patterns Lesson 3.B.3 extend AB patterns Lesson 3.B.4 describe AB patterns Lesson 3.B.5 record AB patterns Lesson 3.B.6 count units in a pattern Lesson 3.B.7 compare equivalent patterns Section C: Calendar Lesson 3.C.1 name days of the week Lesson 3.C.2 find days of the week on a calendar Lesson 3.C.3 name months Lesson 3.C.4 find a given date on calendar Lesson 3.C.5 use calendar to count days to event Lesson 3.C.6 identify 4 seasons given name of month Section D: Object Graphs and Pictographs Lesson 3.D.1 use words same and different to describe attributes Lesson 3.D.2 use a Venn diagram to sort objects Lesson 3.D.3 find object that doesn’t belong Lesson 3.D.4 construct bars in an object bar graph Lesson 3.D.5 construct pictograph bars Lesson 3.D.6 interpret a bar graph by comparison Section E: Predictions and Bar Graphs Lesson 3.E.1 make a simple prediction about amounts in a set Lesson 3.E.2 tally data of amounts in a set Lesson 3.E.3 place data in simple bar graph with symbolic representation Lesson 3.E.4 compare amounts on bar graph with symbolic representation Lesson 3.E.5 use data from bar graph to solve simple problem 3 Overview Section B: Addition and Subtraction to 10 Lesson 4.B.1 solve addition problems to sums of 5 Lesson 4.B.2 solve addition problems with counting on, number line Lesson 4.B.3 count backwards from any number 1-10 Lesson 4.B.4 solve subtraction problems with corresponding sums of 5 Lesson 4.B.5 solve subtraction problems with counting back, number line Lesson 4.B.6 solve addition problems with sums of 6-9 Lesson 4.B.7 solve subtraction problems with corresponding sums 6-9 Lesson 4.B.8 solve addition and subtraction problems with sums of 10 Section C: Make Ten, More Addition and Subtraction Lesson 4.C.1 find missing addend to make 10 Lesson 4.C.2 write addition and subtraction equations Lesson 4.C.3 use a calculator to add and subtract sums to 10 Lesson 4.C.4 use doubles to solve subtraction problems with corresponding sums 2-10 Lesson 4.C.5 use learned strategies to solve a simple word problem Lesson 4.C.6 count 1-20 Chapter 5 Section A: Counting to 20 Lesson 5.A.1 identify numerals 11-15 Lesson 5.A.2 identify sets of 11-15 Lesson 5.A.3 construct a set to match 11-15 Lesson 5.A.4 write numerals 11-15 to match sets Lesson 5.A.5 identify numerals 16-20 Lesson 5.A.6 identify sets of 16-20 Lesson 5.A.7 construct a set to match 16-20 Lesson 5.A.8 write numerals 16-20 to match sets © Copyright by AbleNet Inc. 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Equals Teacher Guides Table of Contents Chapter 5 continued Section B: Time Lesson 5.B.1 tell time to the hour Lesson 5.B.2 tell time to 1/2 hour Lesson 5.B.3 tell time to 1/4 hour Lesson 5.B.4 match analog and digital time Lesson 5.B.5 use common language to tell time Section C: Comparison of Numbers 11 to 20 Lesson 5.C.1 compare quantities 11-20 Lesson 5.C.2 locate numbers 11-20 on number line Lesson 5.C.3 count backwards from any number 11-20 Lesson 5.C.4 place numbers 11-0 in order Lesson 5.C.5 state one more than given number 11-20 Lesson 5.C.6 state one less than given number 11-20 Section D: Geometric Shapes and Figures Lesson 5.D.1 identify a line, side, angle, and vertex Lesson 5.D.2 draw a rectangle Lesson 5.D.3 place two-dimensional shapes to fill an area Lesson 5.D.4 use attribute blocks to re-create a block shape or design Lesson 5.D.5 find and match three-dimensional shapes in environment Lesson 5.D.6 identify three-dimensional shapes Chapter 6 Section A: Categorical Data Graph Lesson 6.A.1 choose a survey question Lesson 6.A.2 make a prediction about opinion-based data Lesson 6.A.3 tally categorical data from opinion survey Lesson 6.A.4 use categorical data chart to organize answers Lesson 6.A.5 make a bar graph with categorical data Lesson 6.A.6 communicate conclusions drawn from bar graph Section B: Numbers to 50, Place Value Lesson 6.B.1 compare sets 11 - 20 using words: greater, fewer, most and least Lesson 6.B.2 order quantities from most to least, least to most Lesson 6.B.3 count 1 - 50 Lesson 6.B.4 skip count by tens to 100 Lesson 6.B.5 count and groups objects into tens and ones Lesson 6.B.6 demonstrate understanding of place value to 50 Lesson 6.B.7 use number patterns to locate 21 - 50 on hundreds chart Lesson 6.B.8 identify numbers 21 - 50 Lesson 6.B.9 write numerals 21 - 50 4 Overview Chapter 6 continued Section C: Measuring Tools, Money Lesson 6.C.1 identify common elements between measurement tools Lesson 6.C.2 identify measurement tools Lesson 6.C.3 match measurement attributes to tools Lesson 6.C.4 match measurement tools to everyday situations Lesson 6.C.5 compare measurement attributes Lesson 6.C.6 identify uses for money Lesson 6.C.7 name coins Lesson 6.C.8 name coin amounts Lesson 6.C.9 combine 4 quarters to make a dollar Chapter 7 Section A: Addition and Subtraction to 20 Lesson 7.A.1 identify ten more than given number 20-50 Lesson 7.A.2 identify ten less than given number 20-50 Lesson 7.A.3 choose method to solve addition problems to sums 11-15 Lesson 7.A.4 choose method to solve subtraction problems to corresponding sums 11-15 Lesson 7.A.5 choose method to solve addition problems to sums 16-20 Lesson 7.A.6 choose method to solve subtraction problems to corresponding sums 16-20 Section B: Solving Addition and Subtraction Problems Lesson 7.B.1 use addition to solve word problems joining 2 groups Lesson 7.B.2 use subtraction to solve word problems with removal Lesson 7.B.3 use subtraction to solve word problems with comparison Lesson 7.B.4 use subtraction to solve word problems with missing part of a set Lesson 7.B.5 choose correct operation to solve simple word problem Lesson 7.B.6 demonstrate commutative property of addition © Copyright by AbleNet Inc. 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Equals Teacher Guides Table of Contents Chapter 7 continued Chapter 8 continued Section C: Adding and Subtracting Doubles, Adding 3 Numbers Lesson 7.C.1 identify and solve doubles addition problems to sums 11-18 Lesson 7.C.2 solve subtraction problems with corresponding sums 11-18 using doubles Lesson 7.C.3 add single digit numbers Lesson 7.C.4 demonstrate associative property of addition Lesson 7.C.5 use a calculator to add 3 single-digit numbers Section B: Rounding and Estimating, Regrouping Lesson 8.B.4 round numbers to hundreds place value Lesson 8.B.5 round numbers to estimate sums and difference to hundreds place value Lesson 8.B.6 add and subtract 2-digit numbers, with regrouping Lesson 8.B.7 add and subtract 3-digit numbers, with regrouping Section D: 2-Digit Numbers, Place Value Lesson 7.D.1 count 1-100 Lesson 7.D.2 group objects to build numbers to 100 Lesson 7.D.3 demonstrate understanding of place value from 51-99 Lesson 7.D.4 use number patterns to locate numbers 51-100 on hundreds chart Lesson 7.D.5 identify numbers 51-99 Lesson 7.D.6 write numbers 51-99 Lesson 7.D.7 identify ten more than given number 51-99 Lesson 7.D.8 identify ten less than given number 51-99 Lesson 7.D.9 estimate number to represent familiar sets with 1- and 2-digit numbers Chapter 8 Section A: 3-Digit Place Value, Adding and Subtracting 2- and 3-Digit Numbers Lesson 8.A.1 demonstrate understanding of place value to 100 Lesson 8.A.2 identify 3-digit numbers Lesson 8.A.3 write 3-digit numbers Lesson 8.A.4 add and subtract 10 from 2-digit number Lesson 8.A.5 add and subtract 100 from 3-digit number Lesson 8.A.6 make 100 using multiples of 10 Lesson 8.A.7 use a calculator to add and subtract 2and 3-digit numbers Lesson 8.A.8 add and subtract 2-digit numbers, no regrouping Lesson 8.A.9 add and subtract 3-digit numbers, no regrouping Section B: Rounding and Estimating, Regrouping Lesson 8.B.1 estimate number to represent familiar sets up to 3-digit numbers Lesson 8.B.2 round numbers to tens place value Lesson 8.B.3 round numbers to estimate sums and difference to tens place value 5 Overview Section C: Larger Numbers, Place Value Lesson 8.C.1 demonstrate understanding of place value to 1000 Lesson 8.C.2 identify 4-digit numerals Lesson 8.C.3 write 4-digit numerals Lesson 8.C.4 estimate number to represent familiar sets up to 4-digit numbers Lesson 8.C.5 use a calculator to add and subtract 4-digit numbers Lesson 8.C.6 identify 5- and 6-digit numerals Lesson 8.C.7 write 5- and 6-digit numerals Lesson 8.C.8 compare large numbers up to 6-digits Section D: Number Patterns Lesson 8.D.1 duplicate ABB pattern Lesson 8.D.2 extend ABB pattern Lesson 8.D.3 skip count by 5s Lesson 8.D.4 skip count by 2s Lesson 8.D.5 identify odd and even numbers Lesson 8.D.6 determine missing unit in pattern Lesson 8.D.7 determine missing unit in number pattern Section E: Time, Money Lesson 8.E.1 tell time to 5 minutes Lesson 8.E.2 use common language to tell time at 5-minute intervals Lesson 8.E.3 match coin equivalencies Lesson 8.E.4 count common coin combinations Lesson 8.E.5 name dollar amounts Lesson 8.E.6 round up money amounts Lesson 8.E.7 match types of items to general prices Lesson 8.E.8 choose correct number of dollars to purchase item(s) Lesson 8.E.3 match coin equivalencies Lesson 8.E.4 count common coin combinations Lesson 8.E.5 name dollar amounts Lesson 8.E.6 round up money amounts Lesson 8.E.7 match types of items to general prices Lesson 8.E.8 choose correct number of dollars to purchase item(s) © Copyright by AbleNet Inc. 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Equals Teacher Guides Table of Contents Chapter 9 Section A: Weight and Length Lesson 9.A.1 use balance scale to demonstrate equal Lesson 9.A.2 weigh objects in pounds and ounces Lesson 9.A.3 identify 2 common weights Lesson 9.A.4 identify length with lines and pictured ruler Lesson 9.A.5 measure line in inches Lesson 9.A.6 measure line in feet Lesson 9.A.7 measure line in meters Section B: Two-Dimensional and Congruent Shapes Lesson 9.B.1 match two-dimensional shape to threedimensional face Lesson 9.B.2 identify congruent shapes Lesson 9.B.3 predict and confirm results of transformations Lesson 9.B.4 describe motion(s) to prove congruency Lesson 9.B.5 identify symmetrical shapes Lesson 9.B.6 locate line of symmetry Section C: Angles, Polygons Lesson 9.C.1 identify right angle Lesson 9.C.2 identify acute and obtuse angles Lesson 9.C.3 identify polygons and quadrilaterals Lesson 9.C.4 identify rhombus, hexagon, and octagon Lesson 9.C.5. use a table to organize two-dimensional shapes Section D: Three-Dimensional Shapes Lesson 9.D.1 identify three-dimensional faces, vertices, and edges Lesson 9.D.2 count three-dimensional faces, vertices, and angles Lesson 9.D.3 use a table to organize three-dimensional shapes Lesson 9.D.4 count sides and vertices on two-dimensional net Lesson 9.D.5 build, identify, and compare threedimensional shape to net Lesson 9.D.6 sort polyhedral shapes from other shapes Chapter 10 Section A: Line Plot Graphs Lesson 10.A.1 collect data on hand size to nearest inch Lesson 10.A.2 order numerical data Lesson 10.A.3 plot data on line plot graph Lesson 10.A.4 determine range Lesson 10.A.5 determine median Lesson 10.A.6 compare median of 2 data sets Lesson 10.A.7 describe graph shape, including mode and least values 6 Overview Chapter 10 Section B: Probability, Change Over Time Lesson 10.B.1 predict probability of outcomes Lesson 10.B.2. describe outcome of experiment Lesson 10.B.3 describe variable and result Lesson 10.B.4 find coordinate points on a graph Lesson 10.B.5 interpret line graph Lesson 10.B.6 predict probability regarding change over time Lesson 10.B.7 collect data from experiment Lesson 10.B.8 plot data on line graph Lesson 10.B.9 communicate conclusions drawn from line graph Section C: Missing Addends, Variables, Constant Rate of Change Lesson 10.C.1 use notation for equivalent expression Lesson 10.C.2 complete problem with missing addend Lesson 10.C.3 solve addition equation with a variable Lesson 10.C.4 identify equal and equivalent sets Lesson 10.C.5 extend number pattern with constant increment Lesson 10.C.6 use a table representing constant rate of change Lesson 10.C.7 describe number pattern in table with constant rate of change Chapter 11 Section A: Multiplication Models Lesson 11.A.1 demonstrate multiplication with repeated sets Lesson 11.A.2 use manipulatives to solve multiplication problems Lesson 11.A.3 use 10:1 or 2:1 relationships to solve a multiplication problem Lesson 11.A.4 skip count to solve multiplication problems Lesson 11.A.5 solve multiplication problems with factors 6-9 Section B: Solving Multiplication Problems Lesson 11.B.1 write a multiplication equation Lesson 11.B.2 solve multiplication problems with factor of 10 Lesson 11.B.3 multiply with 10 and 100 Lesson 11.B.4 use multiplication to solve word problem with repeated addition problem Lesson 11.B.5 solve two-digit multiplication problem with calculator Lesson 11.B.6 demonstrate commutative property of multiplication © Copyright by AbleNet Inc. 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Equals Teacher Guides Table of Contents Chapter 11 continued Chapter 12 Section C: Division Models Lesson 11.C.1 identify sets that can be divided into equal groups Lesson 11.C.2 demonstrate division with array and grouping Lesson 11.C.3 use manipulatives to solve division problems Lesson 11.C.4 solve division problems with corresponding factors 6-9 Lesson 11.C.5 use inverse relationship to solve division problems Section A: Fractions and Wholes Lesson 12.A.1 sort equal fraction pieces Lesson 12.A.2 show half of object and array Lesson 12.A.3 assemble and name matching fraction pieces Lesson 12.A.4 identify 2 ways to make a square into fourths Lesson 12.A.5 define meaning of numerator and denominator Lesson 12.A.6 write fraction name Lesson 12.A.7 identify half, third, and fourth of a set Section D: Solving Division Problems Lesson 11.D.1 write a division problem Lesson 11.D.2 solve division problems with divisor of 10 Lesson 11.D.3 use division to solve word problem with equal sets Lesson 11.D.4 divide by 10s and 100s Lesson 11.D.5 solve division problem with 2-digit divisor using calculator Lesson 11.D.6 choose multiplication or division to solve word problem Lesson 11.D.7 identify multiples and factors Section E: Measurement and Geometry Lesson 11.E.1 measure perimeter Lesson 11.E.2 measure area Lesson 11.E.3 make rectangular arrays Lesson 11.E.4 determine volume of a box Lesson 11.E.5 identify dry and liquid cup measured amounts Lesson 11.E.6 identify measuring spoon amounts Lesson 11.E.7 measure dry ingredients with cups Lesson 11.E.8 measure liquid ingredients with cups Lesson 11.E.9 measure dry and liquid ingredients with spoons 7 Overview Section B: Common Fractions Lesson 12.B.1 identify fractions with numerator greater than 1 Lesson 12.B.2 match equivalent fractions with models Lesson 12.B.3 identify fractions of set with numerator greater than 1 Lesson 12.B.4 order common fractions Lesson 12.B.5 compare common fractions Lesson 12.B.6 identify fractions of linear measurement Section C: Adding and Subtracting Fractions Lesson 12.C.1 identify fractions with common denominator Lesson 12.C.2 add and subtract fractions with common denominator Lesson 12.C.3 add fractions to total of 1 Lesson 12.C.4 identify mixed numbers in recipe Lesson 12.C.5 solve addition problem with models that results in mixed number Section D: Fractions, Decimals, and Percents Lesson 12.D.1 use models to identify fractions in tenths Lesson 12.D.2 convert fractions to decimals Lesson 12.D.3 read decimals to tenths place Lesson 12.D.4 read decimals in money terms Lesson 12.D.5 add and subtract decimals in money terms Lesson 12.D.6 match decimals and fractions and relate to time and money Lesson 12.D.7 match fractions to percentages © Copyright by AbleNet Inc. Reproduction Prohibited. Algebra Patterns and Units. Chapter 1 : Section B enjoys or tolerates clapping patterns, actions, rhymes, songs or raps Chapter 1 : Section B attempts to imitate or join in clapping patterns, actions, rhymes, songs or raps Chapter 1 : Section B follows routine placing/retrieving personal items in same place daily Chapter 1 : Section B anticipates holidays or events based on season Chapter 1 : Section B anticipates favorite or regularly scheduled school activities with a smile or sigh and/or shows disappointment when routine is changed Chapter 3: Section B match ABAB patterns using objects (shapes or colors) sound, movement or numbers Chapter 3: Section B duplicate ABAB patterns in 2 ways using objects (shapes or colors) sound, movement or numbers Chapter 3: Section B extend ABAB patterns using objects (shapes or colors) sound, movement or numbers Chapter 3: Section B describe ABAB patterns using objects (shapes or colors) sound, movement or numbers Chapter 3: Section B record ABAB patterns Chapter 3: Section B count number of units represented in a pattern Chapter 3: Section B compare equivalent patterns uence @ q e s d n a e p o c s duplicate ABBABB pattern e Get the complet als u q /e m o c . c n ii t e Chapter 8: Section D extend ABBABB pattern w.ablen ww Chapter 8: Section D Chapter 8: Section D problem solving Number Patterns Chapter 8: Section D skip count by 5’s Chapter 8: Section D skip count by 2’s Chapter 8: Section D identify odd and even numbers Chapter 8: Section D determine a missing unit in a pattern using shapes, colors objects, or numbers 1 © 2009 Copyright by AbleNet Inc. Reproduction Prohibited. 3-B 2 Getting Ready OBJECTIVE: Student will duplicate ABAB patterns. Materials Warm Up • • • • • Vocabulary card (similar) big and little circles plastic bag All-Turn-It spinner Shape cards Explore • • poster (At Home) attribute blocks Warm Up A. VOCABULARY REVIEW: similar Show/give Concrete Connection: Place circle shapes in bag. Label “similar.” Show “similar” Vocabulary card. Say, “Read it.” Students locate and show examples of similar objects using past work, pictures from home, or books. B. FUN & GAMES: Shape Up PREPARATION Make three columns on the board. Make headings with shapes: circle, square, and triangle and draw five horizontal lines under. Place similar shapes on the All-Turn-It spinner. Place shape cards face up in center of the table. DIRECTIONS Each player spins for a shape. Player locates a similar shape and sorts under the correct heading. Player who fills the last spot in a column wins. Explore A. POSTER: At Home Point out things are similar on the poster, e.g. bananas, pop, sponges, eggs, etc. Discuss what you see on the poster and personal experiences; use information from home. B. TOOLS & MANIPULATIVES Say, “Let’s explore similar shapes.” Model making similar patterns. Show a circle, triangle pattern, then repeat it in a different size or with different colors. Students hold and explore shapes. © Copyright by AbleNet Inc. Reproduction Prohibited. Chapter 3 • Section B • Lesson 2 41 OBJECTIVE: Student will duplicate ABAB patterns. Lesson 2 3-B Materials Introduce and Connect • • • • Teach poster (At Home) Vocabulary card (duplicate) red and blue cubes plastic zipper bag • • • • cubes algebra/patterns pic-symbols (pizza, cookie, orange, apple) paper tiles gel board • • Step-by-Step attribute blocks Introduce and Connect A. EXPLORE POSTER: At Home Show/give student(s) Concrete Connections: Place red and blue cubes in row to fit snugly in bottom of bag and label “pattern.” Model the pattern, saying “red, blue, red, blue.” Direct students to find similar pattern on the poster, e.g. utensils. P At Home B. SHOW & TELL Ask, “What do you know about duplicating a pattern?” Students tell what they see on the poster and what they know. Write comments on Number Notes poster with numbers, math symbols, words, pic-symbols, objects, etc. Use past student work or items from home when possible. Note: Objects or pictures can be fastened to the Number Notes poster. C. VOCABULARY: duplicate Show “duplicate” Vocabulary card. Say, “This says duplicate. Read it.” Students say, “duplicate” three times. Duplicate means to make similar. Duplicate the pattern means to make the same pattern with different units. Sensing Math • Give each student a different instrument. Play an ABAB pattern with tap-clap. Choose two students to use their instruments to duplicate a pattern, taking turns. Level Guide 42 1 = Severe Chapter 3 • Section B • Lesson 2 2 = Moderate 3 = Mild © Copyright by AbleNet Inc. Reproduction Prohibited. Lesson 2 Teach A. VISIBLE THINKING Use cubes and pic-symbols to show what you are thinking. Demonstrate each CSA level twice. C Place yellow and blue cubes in a simple ABAB pattern. Say, “Duplicate this kind of pattern.” Use green and red to show the same pattern (ABAB) with different colors. Tap-clap the pattern to show same pattern in different way. S Place pizza and cookie pic-symbols in a simple ABAB pattern. Say, “Duplicate this kind of pattern.” Use apples and oranges to replicate it. Stand up, sit down to show the same pattern in a different way. A Write numerals 1 and 2 on the whiteboard in a simple ABAB pattern. Say, “Duplicate this kind of pattern.” Use and 4 to make the pattern. Hum high note, low note to show the same pattern in a different way. B. TRY IT: Skill Drill Worksheet Students practice duplicating patterns on worksheet with pic-symbols, numbers, and/or objects. Problem Solving A. DEMO : a pattern on a t-shirt. How can she duplicate the pattern on her t-shirt? Kerri saw Place four stripes on gel board using paper tiles in red and green. B. SOLVE IT Record, “Bleep. Tick. Bleep. Tick.” on Step-by-Step. Jeanne is making a shirt. She is following this pattern (play Step-by-Step.) How can she duplicate this pattern with colors? Place paper tiles on table. 1 Show blue, yellow, yellow paper tiles. Play Step-by-Step. Say, “Yellow is ‘bleep. Duplicate.” Students choose and record on worksheet. Repeat for “tick.” Remind students of colors assigned to sounds. 2 Place color choices in a row. Students play Step-by-Step and place tiles one at a time. Students choose tiles and record on worksheet. Challenge: Direct students to duplicate same pattern with shapes. 3 Students play Step-by-Step and make pattern. Students choose and record on worksheet. Challenge: Students choose two new sounds to record an ABAB pattern and duplicate with shapes. C. TRY MORE: Problem Solving Worksheet Students color, stamp or glue to duplicate patterns. Close A. SHOW ME, SHOW OTHERS: I Learned... Review what students have learned. Ask students to demonstrate skill, share their worksheets or read their Number Notes. It is essential that students have a meaningful way to communicate what they have learned. B. NUMBER NOTES Model writing vocabulary “duplicate” and on Teacher Number Notes. Students write “duplicate” in Number Notes using numbers, math symbols, words, pic-symbols, or objects. Option: Place math pics on Number Notes page and circle or stamp the pic-symbols that represent what you have learned.. © Copyright by AbleNet Inc. Reproduction Prohibited. Chapter 3 • Section B • Lesson 2 43 Follow Up 3-B 2 OBJECTIVE: Student will duplicate ABAB patterns. Real Life Problem Solving CLASSROOM: Students make a similar pattern to the one around the bulletin board and replace it. CALENDAR: Students duplicate days of the week pattern using colors (this is a challenge activity. Ex: blue, red, red, red, red, red, blue. blue = weekend, and red = weekday). COMMON: Students look for patterns in classroom, on clothing, or in hallways. Think of ways to duplicate patterns found using different shapes, colors, or sounds. Play music; try to pick out the beat and play the pattern with clapping or instruments. Point out the repeated refrains in a song. Workstations MATERIALS / PREPARATION Place attribute blocks (square, circle, triangle, rectangle), counting tray, number pic-symbols, and writing tools (rubber stamp, gel board with stylus, pencil, paper) in workstation. Record, “Duplicate the pattern: triangle, rectangle, triangle, rectangle” on Step-by-Step. 1 Place square, circle, square, circle. on counting tray. Give students triangle and rectangle blocks. Students activate Step-by-Step and place ABAB pattern with new shapes under square, circle pattern. 2 Place square and circle attribute blocks in an ABAB pattern. Give the students triangle and rectangle attribute blocks. Students place the attribute blocks to duplicate the ABAB pattern with new shapes. 3 Place number pic-symbols 2 and 4 in an ABAB pattern. Students will duplicate the pattern by writing or using number cards 5, 8, 5, 8. Games A. VOCABULARY: Spinning for Duplicate MATERIALS / PREPARATION Place At Home game board on table. Place pic-symbols (duplicate, blank) on All-Turn-It spinner. Give each student a pawn. GAME DIRECTIONS Player spins All-Turn-It spinner. If player spins “duplicate” he/she moves the pawn to the next space. If player spins a blank, he/she loses a turn. Player to reach end of the board first wins. B. SKILL: Similar Pattern Bingo MATERIALS / PREPARATION Place simple ABAB pattern on gel board with tiles across six spaces. Fasten three different colored tiles on All-Turn-It spinner. Place remaining tiles in center of table. GAME DIRECTIONS Player spins, finds tile in the pile and places it to start a new pattern. Players continue, duplicating ABAB pattern placed at the top. Patterns must be made in order left to right. First to finish the pattern wins. 44 Chapter 3 • Section B • Lesson 2 © Copyright by AbleNet Inc. Reproduction Prohibited. Three levels provided for each Skill Drill worksheet! Identify Relative Name : Position of Num bers 1-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 is 7 8 _____ _____ 9 10 ____ 4. Circle 1. before 2. 8 is ___ or sta mp yo ur ans wers. betwe en _____ _____ _7 and after 9. 15 Identify Sets of 11Name: Count er. m to the numb d match the the vehicles an before 3. 3 11 1. is ___ betwe en _____ after _____ before _4 © 2011 C Distrib opyright b y u any un tion of this AbleNet Inc. materi autho al ri distrib ution o zed reprodu is limited so ction, f lely to expre ssly p content to transf er, an buyer; rohibite other d/o part d. ©20 11 Jup ies for any r further iter Im p ages C urpose is orpora Duplicate ABAB Patterns tion. betwe en 12 2. after Skill D rill 3-A-4 LEVEL 2 Name: 13 3. Look at this pattern. duplicate EQUALS VOCAB CARDS . . 15 4. Inc. ht by AbleNet buyer; ©2011 Copyrig limited solely to this material is r, and/or further Distribution of uction, transfe rod rep ed purpose is oriz any unauth er parties for any poration. content to oth Images Cor distribution of . ©2011 Jupiter ited hib pro sly expres 1. Color and ll 5-A-2 Skill Dri . duplicate the pattern duplicate EQUALS VOCAB CARDS below. LEVEL 3 . © 2009 Copyright by AbleNet Inc. Reproduction Prohibited. © 2009 Jupiter Images Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 3-B-2 LEVEL 1 22 Three levels provided for each Problem Solving worksheet! Duplicate ABAB Patte rns Name: Look at this patte rn. . 1. Duplic ate the pa ttern be low. . . Look at Place Data in Simple Bar rn. resentation Graph with Symbolic Rep 2. Duplic ate the pa Name: 1. Graph the data for this patte Tiago’s food using Record how many ttern. the workmat. donuts: _______ © 2009 Co pyright by © 2009 Jupiter Im AbleNet Inc. Re ages Co rporation production Proh ibited. . All Righ ts Rese rved. pretzels: _______ Follow Rout ine 3-B-2 LEVEL 2 Name: bananas: _______ ” to show es below. Use an “X 2. Graph the pictur the amounts. 19 Circle or y stamp yo ur answer Match th e backp ac 5 --- k pictur e. 4 --3 --2 --1 --- x iPod AbleNet Inc. ©2011 Copyright by ly to buyer; material is limited sole or further Distribution of this duction, transfer, and/ repro zed is thori unau any es for any purpose parti r othe to ent distribution of cont Corporation. es Imag ter Jupi d. © 2011 expressly prohibite CD magazine -3 Problem Solving 3-E 3 LEVEL © 2011 Co py Distributio right by AbleNet In n unauthor of this material is c. ize limited so of conten d reproduction, lely to bu transfer, t to othe yer; any and/ r pa prohibite rties for d. © 2011 any purp or further distribu Jupiter Im ose is ex tion pressly ages Co rporation Problem Solving 1-B-3 LEVEL 1 s. Example: Assessment Sample page Example: AbleNet’s Math Action Dictionary count Name, recite or indicate numbers in order so as to identify number of units. Counting can take place across all subject areas and activities during the day. Other actions: sweep, slide, skip count. The student sweeps objects to count. INSTRUCTOR: The instructor places objects on counting tray. The instructor counts aloud as student sweeps. STUDENT: The student sweeps each object as the instructor counts, and stops at the appropriate amount to indicate the number of units. The student slides objects or tabs on the MathLine to count. INSTRUCTOR: The instructor fastens objects to MathLine with rough-side hook and loop material on tab and soft-side on object (placed so numeral on MathLine is visible.) The instructor counts aloud as student slides and points to total as needed. For skip counting, group tabs with tape. STUDENT: The student moves objects or tabs to the left on MathLine to count as instructor counts aloud. The student slides the tabs and finds the total on the MathLine. The student counts using a Step-by-Step communicator. INSTRUCTOR: The instructor records each number on each step in sequence on the Step-By-Step communicator.. The instructor moves or points to each item as student counts. For errorless counting, record a silent step or “stop” after the last number required. STUDENT: The student activates the Step-by-Step as instructor moves or points, and stops at the appropriate time. Errorless counting: Student activates and stops when reaches silent step or “stop” . The student uses a calculator to count. INSTRUCTOR: The instructor enters 1 + 1 = in calculator. For skip counting by tens, enter 10 + 10 =, for fives enters 5 + 5 = and twos enters 2 +2 = . The instructor or student says the numbers aloud. © Copyright by AbleNet Inc. Reproduction Prohibited. STUDENT: The student presses = sign for each number (or group of numbers, if skip counting), as student or instructor says the numbers aloud. 77 Example: AbleNet’s Math Action Dictionary enter to press numbers and symbols in sequence to match equation to solve a problem or to activate a switch, Step-by-Step, or other communication device. The student uses a calculator for counting, skip counting, and addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Other actions: press, operate, activate The student chooses the correct number or symbol from a display, locates on calculator, and presses. INSTRUCTOR: The instructor places three choices (two correct, one foil) of numbers/ symbols in pocket chart. The instructor points to number or symbol in equation and asks, “Which number (or symbol)?” Option: Place counting windows on choices on calculator. For errorless learning: Place all three correct choices. STUDENT: The student chooses the correct number or symbol and looks on calculator to locate it, or chooses on calculator with choices framed by counting windows. The student presses button with a tool or body part. INSTRUCTOR: The instructor broadens the width of an unsharpened pencil by wrapping adhesive back, foam weather stripping, foam pipe insulation or softside hook and loop material, with pencil eraser exposed. Option: for buttons with a larger surface, consult OT/PT for the optimal switch site to press a switch. STUDENT: The student grasps the tool and presses the eraser portion of pencil on calculator or other button. Option: For buttons with a larger surface, student uses body part and switch site for easiest access, as determined by consultation. The student gives directions with a Step-by-Step communicator or other device. INSTRUCTOR: The instructor records equation on Step-by-Step to be entered in the calculator, one number or symbol at a time. STUDENT: The student gives directions to peer or adult one step at a time for entering equation into calculator. The student uses calculator software to access the calculator. INSTRUCTOR: The instructor provides switch access with Hitch Switch Interface and calculator software options set. 92 STUDENT: The student uses scanning and switch or touchscreen to activate calculator software. © Copyright by AbleNet Inc. Reproduction Prohibited. 0 1 WORKMAt 17 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Example: AbleNet’s Workmat Equals Comprehensive Assessment Include 6 Sub-tests: E q u a ls A ss es sm en t S u m A = Adapta tion m a ry s • Attending & Exploring • Patterns & Algebra • Geometry • Data Analysis & Probability • Measurement • Numbers & Operations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ATTENDING & EXP LORING visu ally atte nds to mat h mat her ials tou ch mat h man ipu lati ves exp lore mat h man ipu lati ves cho ose a son g or boo k for enjo yme nt und erst and cau se and effe ct imi tate sim ple pro blem solv ing act ivit ies PA 23 . 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 36 . 37 . 38 . 39 . com mun icat e con clus ions -gra phs coll ect dat a to nea rest 10 . inch tell ana log ord er num eric tim e to the al dat a-s mal hou r 11 . lest to larg tell ana log plot dat a on est tim e to the a line plot 1/2 hou r 12 gra ph . tell ana log iden tify mea tim e to the sur eme nts -de 1/4 hou r 13 . term ine ran mat ch ana log/ det erm ine the ge dig ital tim es med ian of the TTERNS & ALG 14 . 1. on a cloc k dat a EBRA tell tim e as use the med tole ran ce of “qu arte r to” ian to com par kine sth etic 15 . - “qu arte r 2. /sou nd pat e afte r” iden tify com tern s des crib e the imi tate kine mon alit ies sha pe of the sth etic /sou in 16 nd pat tern mea 3. . gra sur ing tool ph (mo de) iden tify mea pre dict the rep eat a dai s sur eme nt tool pro bab ility ly rou tine 17 . of out com e s give n nam 4. mat ch mea des crib e the e kno wle dge sur eme nt attr of a sea son out com e of 18 . ibu tes to tool al eve nt an exp erim 5. mat ch mea ent des crib e the s ant icip ate sur sch edu led eme out com nt tool to usa ge e of app lyin 19 . eve nt 6. g var iab le com par e mea use x axis firs mat ch ABA sur eme nt attr B pat tern s t, the n y on 20 . 7. ibu tes a line gra ph iden tify use inte rpre t line dup lica te ABA s for mon ey gra ph- cha nge B pat tern s 21 . 8. in 2 way s ove r tim e nam e 4 diff mak e a pre exte nd ABA eren t coin s dict ion- cha B pat tern s 22 nge ove r tim 9. . nam e coin e coll ect dat a des crib e ABA amo unt s for on tab le-c han B pat tern s 23 . eac h coin nam 10 . ge ove r tim com bin e set plot dat a-li ed reco rd ABA e of 4 qua rter ne gra ph- cha B pat tern s 24 . s to mak e doll 11 . nge ove r tim tell tim e to talk /wr ite abo ar e cou nt num ber 5 min ute s on ut of con uni clus ts 25 . an ana log cloc in a pat tern ions (com par 12 . tell tim e: “alm ison s) com par e equ k ost” - 5 min ival ent pat GEOMETRY 26 . 1. 13 . tern s to/a fter hou mat ch coin mat ch dup lica dup lica te an r equ ival enc te ABB 2D ABB sha ies 27 pat tern 2. pes 14 . . cou nt coin sort dup lica exte nd an ABB com te 2D sha pes bin atio ns to ABB pat tern 28 . 3. 15 . $1. 00 nam e doll ar sort 2D sha skip cou nt amo unt s: $1, pes -va ryin g by 5’s 29 . 4. size s/or ient 16 . $5, $10 , $20 6-d igit s rou nd mon ey atio n cho ose one skip cou ntpar e num ber s to , $50 attr ibu te to amo unt s to = to com by 2’s 30 lica tion 5. nex t $1- 2 sort sha pes 17 . use <, >,iden . ltip mu d mat iden tify tria ch sam ple ers tan tify w und 13 3. ngl e, circ le, item s to gen and eve n num s to shoodd 31 . 6. squ are , rect 18 . use = set st 1-5 , 0) era l pric es ber cho ose corr loca te 2D sha ang le eas t to mo det erm ines pro ms (fa cto rs s st/l 4. ble lea 13 ect to mis x doll ars to pur pes in the env sing uni t in ve Xs ies mo st ect s to 32 . 7. 19 . use objuse cha se item iron men t a use sam e obje ord er qua ntit iden tify a line shi ps to solpat tern . ations num rela tion 13 5. 76 . cts, bal anc pat , side , ang le tern s - mis Xs A = Adapt 1 or 2:1ber 33 . 8. e sca le- mak 20 . use 10: and vert ex to num ber use sca le, cou nt to 50 dra w a rect e equ al use not atio g by 5s, 2s, 10ssing 0-2 13 6. des crib e obje ang le 77 . n s to 100 era ls/s ets 34 . ct wei ght in 9. ski p cou ntin for an equ ival 6-9 21 cou nt by ten s to 100 giv en num . use ent p tors one ski “0” exp fac iden ce oz., lbs. ress and pla ms solv e an equ pla tify two com ce 2D sha pes ion ble ten s pro 13 7. 78 . atio mon wei ght obj ect s in to fill an are n with a mis tall y 19 . lica tion (•) 35 . 10 . 22 . ue to 50 s mu ltip a cou nt/ gro up mea sur e line add end use attr ibu to 10 solv e an equ ver tica lly/ hor izonsing , pla ce val wri te “0” 8. up ten s 1 . 13 set for 79 te leng m s re, bloc ks to crea th in inch es 20 . 10 one 36 . 11 . te x pro ble atio n withblea ms 23 . tha t is mo facletor of 10 var, iab wriiden te a sha pe (rul er) exc han ge mea sur e line loca te 3D sha to 10 pro ide ntif y set 21- 50 tify equlica 13 9. 80 . leng th in feet al, set s up ivaltion pes in the env ent and equ tern to find 21 . 37 . 12 . sol ve mu ltip 24 . (rul er, yard set s are equ iron men t al100 use 10s pat sets mea sur e line iden tify 3D stic k) exte nd num to 10 ide ntif y 2 s 21- 50 14 0. and 100 , to 81 . sha pes leng th in met s, set s up hber10pat it num ber 22 . tern with con 38 . 13 . t pro ble m tha t is les 25 . ers (me ter mu ltip ly wit ntif y 2 dig ducsta ide pro + ult mea nt mat stic k) ed use ide ntif y set res incr sur ch 2-D out line a tab le to e per ime ter e. 14 1. 82 . ve rep eat com par e 23 . to fac es of era ls 21- 50 39 . 14 . use x to sol det erm ine mis cal cul ato r 26 . 2. ate set s and a 3D obje ct wri te num ber 20- 50 mea sur e are cos t iden tify con join /se par des crib e num pro ble m wit hsing giv en num . 7 and 8 14 n of 83 a s tha gru x in . re ber 2 set ent uni ts 24 mo sha pes ns 40 . 15 . oun ts in sol ve 2-d igit pat tern in aty tab ide ntif y 10 ber 20- 50 mak e diff eren le atio pre dict /con 7 and 8 ide ntif y am per x equ DATA ANcom giv en num 14 3. 84 . num era ls firm resu ltst rect ang les tat ive pro mu 25 . les s tha n SIS 41 . o ALY 16 . mov ing 2D 1. 4. matdem from sam e / into eve nly / PROB set to ma tch ide ntif y 10 s 11- 15 , can det erm ine “cu sha pes tile s set s des crib e a ILInot con stru ct TY ch dup ve +, sum 14 set s canAB 85 . mot ion to pro 8 to ma tch bed ” volu me te ber n num 26 . obje cts tho d to sol 42 . 17 . ve sha pes con 2. 5. mat ide ntif ylica era ls 7 and usin g cub es 15 dem o div isio cho ose me 11to s 10 iden iden wri te num ing sum gru and tify tify sym met ch obje cts mo del /gr oup 9 ent 14 mea sur ing 86 . d to sol ve rica l 2D sha 27 . in set s of ay by colo r attr ibu 1 tho ts C, arr me 43 1/2 18 oun 1-5 3. . use 20 ose . C, 1/4 C ts am pes 10 cho ien s 16iden tify liqu loca te the line ide ntif y 6. sort obje cts by ble iso rs/qteuot . era ls 9 and ve +, sum 14 div sol 87 num id to ms mea d tch of 6-9 28 . colo sym met ry in sur ing 1 C, tho r attr ibu te rs/q uot ien ts 44 . 19 . 4. set to ma sol ve pro 1/2 C, 1/4 cho ose me 16- 20 a figu re set s iden tify T and iden tify a righ con stru ct C wit h div iso 14 7. iden tify prim ve + sum s 88 . 10 to ma tch tsp abb revi ary ble t ang le 29 . andmssec ond tho d to sol 45 . sol ve pro 20 . 5. atio ns era ls 9 and aryrs/q cho ose me uotrsien ts 1-9 colo h five mea sur e dry wri te num iden tify acu 2 gro ups 14 8. sort obje cts bye size 89 . one thr oug ing red . with te and obt use wit h div iso 30 . ble ms to join ) 46 . ber wor ds 21 . 6. 1 C, 1/2 C, inv ers (x) attr ibu te n usi ng ang les + wor d pro jec ts/p ics e line mea (ob 1/4 ide ntif y num iden l crib find 9. sur C atio tify ova des . 14 obje ct with ple / equ e liqu id with poly gon s and 90 1-6 to 31 . ) ble ms - rem size or colo 1 C, 1/2 C, 47 . qua dril ate ral r of 10 22 . wri te sim l num ber s 7. jec ts/p ics r attr ibu - wor d pro 1/4 C wit h div iso mea sur e liqu use ord ina line sub set iden tify poly des crib e attr par iso n (ob 15 0. 91 . n pro ble ms te on num ber id, dry with gon s: rho mbu ibu 32 . ble ms - com ics ) 8. div isio of two ve tes 23 . ber s 1-1 0 1 T, 1 tsp , 1/2 s, hex ago n, sets ble m wit h = set s - wor d pro t (ob jec ts/p loc ate num use a tab le 1. a Ven n sol octa gon tsp 15use NUMBERS & -m iss ing par 92 . ord er ve wor d pro to org ani ze dia gra 33 . ble m 9. pro ble ms set s ls 1-1 0 in / tomsol d # 1. to OP pro 24 y era sort d use 2D wor ER . ntif sha ATIONS wor num 0 obje ide pes 1-1 cts , by sol ve reco gni ze qua pla ce iden tify 3D . 152D2.sha pe doe s not by 100 s and 10s 93 n num era ls ion +/- to sha ntit itio rat 34 . pe y pos ope tor of fac 2 is mor e tha es, vert ices tive 2. ns 25 . 10 . div ide belo ng in set cho ose iso r-c alc ula , edg es + equ atio n div ide ntif y rela mat lan gua ge 1 ty cou 3. bui igit ch per nt and . ld 15 sets 3D 2-d = pro bar 94 sha pe fac es, >, s in an obje of 1 and 2 ms , 35 . mu tat ive pro ble m26 . 0 wit h <, 3. ctble vert ices , edg sum s 11- 18 11 . sol ve pro bar sho w com sol ve wor d ph h ten com par e 1-1 iden tify amo es use a tab le + pro ble ms bui s in a pictose ope ratgra ion x or / to 95 . six thr oug n unt s in sets to org ani ze/c e dou ble s 36 . 18 ogr ber wor ds 4. te to div isio27 . of 1 and 2 s of 11-12 lass ify 3D sha ide ntif y/s olv . ide ntif y num cou nt to 5 ber 1-1 0 cou nt side s, ble ms sum ltip les - rela 5.e dat a cho yaph com pes 15par 96 . din g - pro giv en num vert ices on fac tors , mu 37 . inide a ntif bar gra wh ole 28 . 5. cor res pon mo re tha n 13 a ke ve s 2D ph . one ma sol 0 ber cub te to e net num sta iden tify num bui ld/i den tify ber 1-1 mak 15e 6. sim ple pre dict 97 . ctio n pie ces sin gle -di git era fra giv en num a 38 . re n ls 0-5 al s cub mo tha ber equ e s or t from a 2D 6. 29 . les num14 . sor ion abo ut amo add 3 arr ay net sta te one + 1-d igit con and unt 7. sort ty tall stru s ect . 15 per poly y ct dat obj 98 pro hed a set to mat 1-6 a bas ed on w 1/2 of an ral sha pes ole ativ e 39 . ber s. ch num era ls e pat tern s 7. sho1 attr ibu te num15 n pie ces -wh sho w ass oci nt/ mo ve ide ntif y dic 1 and 2 writ e num era org ani thr ee 1-d igit 15ze8.dat a abo MEASUREME equ al fra ctio 99 . 1 die to cou ls 1 and 2 40 . ato r to add rth s ble , nam e NT (TIME & MO utass emcts gam e usi ng 8. obje to mat ch sets 16 . use cal cul are into fou1. ral set s 2-4 in bar grama pla y boa rd dem ons trat loca te holi day NEY) com par 15e 9. phke squ 10 0. obj ect /nu me e 1:1 corr esp on gra ph- “mo ntif y 2 wa ys to 41 . or birt hda y #s eco mp ose 9. 5-6 nt to 100 ide re, less , equ ond enc e tor 2. 2-d igit 17 s on cou ld ina . set cale com pos e/d bui om ral to nda den mat ch sets iden tify the al” r use gra16 10 1. ph 0. obj ect /nu me s in 10s ,1s of 3 and 4 /8) dat a to solv ine num era tor and sea 99 42 . ect ose 2-1 son obj 51mp (1/ s ue up eco 10 del 3. def gro e sim ple pro . ce val18 . ral set s 7-8 com pos e/d 1. iden tify amo blem e to ma tch mo mat ch clot hin 1 ten , pla cho ose sur 16vey 10 2. obj ect /nu me unt s in sets 43 . g to hot /col 10 one s for que stio n-2 fra ctio n nam eco mp ose 11 . on cha rt wri tepos 4. of 3 and 4 19 exc han ge d tem per atu ral set s 9 sibl e resp,. 1/4 of a set com pos e/d 2. con stru ct set find 51- 100 . nam e the day res mak e pre16 10 3. obj ect /nu me 1/3 dict ion- opin pat tern s to to mat ch num 44 . s of the wee eco mp ose tor > 1 ntif y 1/2 , 12 . idebas ion10 20 . k in ord er use num ber era ls 3 and com pos e/d ed dat a n mo del s, num era 5. 3. writ e num era me ral set s loca te the day ls 51- 99 tall y dat a 16 4. 4 /nu era 10 ect ctio num . obj fra tak en from ide ntif y ls 3 and 4 45 s of the wee eco mp ose iva len ts 13 ntif y 2-d igit to mat ch sets 6. oth ers 21 . equ ide k . on tch a 5 99 ma cale com pos e/d to 4. dem to 51nam e the 12 nda r use cat ego 16 ons trat e car 10 5. , sum s num era ls rica l dat a cha use fra ctio n mo del s 46 . mon ths in ord din alit y of n pro ble ms 14 . 7.tor > 1 loca era 22 wri te 2-d igit ber 51- 100 num ber rt-o rga nize er sol ve add itio cou nt to 10 a set , num to sol ve (+) giv en num . 6. use sym boli 16 5. ans in n te line wer 10 ns tha dat . s ber ctio re e s 1-1 47 mo c rep rese nta ide ntif y fra 0 on cur ren g on/ num 15 . 8. ring cup cou asu ide ntif y 10 tion -ba r gra ber 51- 100 t cale nda r 1-1 0 use cou ntin n wit h me iden tify num ph giv en num 16 6. nt with in 10 10 7. any num ber mo n fra ctio era ls 6-1 0 48 . les s tha n cale nda r day set s 5 kwa rds from 16 . ord er com ide ntif y 10 s to eve nt cou nt bac g sum s to 1/2 , 1 9. 2-d igit # for iden tify amo iden tify sea 16 7. 10 8. res pon din ctio ns- 0, son abl e 1-/ unt s in sets 49 . ue son for a give ble ms , cor com par e fra 17 . of 5 and 6 d, pla ce val est ima te rea n mon th 1/2 ”, 1/4 ” (-) dre ve ent sol ve (-) pro sol hun 8. , rem 1 con 9. 16 line asu for stru ct set to 10 50 . k/n um ber y line ar me ge 10 ten s mat ch num ns bac ntif han g ctio ide 18 exc ntin fra . era ls 5 and ina tor use cou s writ e num era 16 9. 6 11 0. , sum s 6-9 mo n den om 51 . igit num ber ls 5 and 6 n pro ble ms ide ntif y com to mat ch sets ide ntif y 3-d s 6-9 ctio ns fra sum sol ve add itio g tor 0. din ina 1. 17 s 11 res pon n den om num ber 52 . l 1 wh ole ble ms , cor s 10 +/- com mo wri te 3-d igit ns to tota din g) sum sol ve (-) pro 2. 17 1. om fra ctio 11 igit num ber den (co rres pon , n 2-d a ms 53 . mo ble pro rec ipe add com +/- 10 from sol ve +/ntit y of 10 ber am oun t in 17 2. 11 3. to ma ke qua ed num ber a 3-d igit num 54 . g add end ed num ber ide ntif y mix ke 100 +/- 100 from find mis sin m for a mix y/v erti cal ly g 10 to ma 17 3. 11 4. n + pro ble hor izon tall 55 . les of ma kin s equ atio ns sol ve fra ctio use mu ltip d am oun ts igit num ber 10 wri te +/rea 4. 3-d of to s 5. s 2-/ 17 del 11 to sum to +/56 . fra ctio n mo g cal cul ato r ato r to +/ima ls use pin cul dec use rou cal to reg use hou t 0-9 /10 17 5. 11 6. - pro ble ms ctio ns 1/1 57 . num ber s wit g s + to sol ve div ide fra +/- 2-d igit ths pla ce t reg rou pin ble m use dou ble 17 6. 11 7. in the ten ber s wit hou ve wor d pro s 58 . d dec ima ls teg y to sol s 3-d igit num mo ney term rea set stra +/for .99 ose # to cho igit 17 7. 11 8. ls from .01 son abl e 3-d 59 . rea d dec ima est ima te rea val ue as mo ney cou nt to 20 17 8. 11 9. ten s pla ce dec ima ls 60 . /su btr act era ls 11- 15 num ber s to ue add nd num val y rou ce ntif ns pla ide ctio 10s 17 9. 12 0. s of 11- 15 ima ls to fra sum s/d iff: 61 . oun ts in set ma tch dec rou nd to est ue ls 11- 15 ide ntif y am cen tag es s pla ce val 18 0. 12 1. tch num era ctio ns to per 62 . ber s to 100 s pla ce a set to ma ma tch fra rou nd num con stru ct ren ces : 100 Raw Score tch set s 18 1. 12 2. sum s/d iffe 63 . est 11- 15 to ma to ls nd ed . era rou g 6 wri te num h reg rou pin Categoryap ta tio ns we re us 3. wit ls s 12 ua ber . 20 Eq 64 num 26 if ad ploring era ls 16k g ec +/- 2-d igit pin Ch rou ide ntif y num reg A= 20 Ex 12 4. ber s wit h ding & set s of 1639 en 65 . num in ue Att ts igit val oun 3-d ce ra pla +/ide ntif y am & Algeb era ls 16- 20 one 100 0, 5. 29 rns ity for num 12 tte s bil . tch Pa ba 100 66 ten a set to ma sis & Pro exc han ge s 47 con stru ct s Data Analy 12 6. to ma tch set 67 . igit num ber era ls 16- 20 181 ide ntif y 4-d Geometry lan gua ge wri te num 12 7. >, = and ent num ber s 68 . 20 wit h <, Measurem Operations 8 wri te 4-d igit r set s 32 ilia line com par e 11fam ber 8. & 12 on num igit # to rep 69 . Numbers ber s 11- 20 est ima te 4-d cul ato r 11- 20 loc ate num wit h a cal 12 9. Total any num ber 70 . num era ls kwa rds from +/- 4-d igit s ber cou nt bac num er 0. 13 in ord 71 . and 6-d igit era ls 11- 20 ide ntif y 5pla ce num ber, 11- 20 ber s 13 1. giv en num 6-d igit num 72 . mo re tha n wri te 5- and , 11- 20 sta te one 13 2. en num ber 73 . st s tha n giv lea les st, one mo er, sta te gre ate r, few 0: 74 . 1-2 s com par e set E q u a ls A s s essment S u m m a ry 75 .
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