INDEX INSIDE THIS PACK YOU WILL FIND THE FOLLOWING: SCHOOL CAMP Ltd. CLIENT INFORMATION PACK SAMPLE SCHOOL JULY 2012 o OUTLINE OF YOUR REQUIREMENTS o ACTIVITY PROGRAM o SAMPLE MENU o MAP OF LOCATION(s)TO BE USED o COPY OF OUR MEDICAL / CONSENT FORM o COPY OF OUR LIABILITY INSURANCE. o COPY OF OUR ADVENTURE ACTIVITIES LICENCE. o ALLOCATION OF RESPONSIBILITY / DUTY OF CARE o ACTIVITY EQUIPMENT LISTS o PAYMENT / CONFIRMING A BOOKING o GROUP BOOKING TERMS AND CONDITIONS o BOOKING FORM o COPY OF GROUP PERMISSION FORM IF ANY OF THE INFORMATION IS MISSING OR YOU REQUIRE ANY FURTHER INFORMATION THEN PLEASE CONTACT US AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. PREPARED FOR Sample School Address : Sample High School, Old Lane, Newtown. Tel : 0800 1223124 Mr Robin Smith and Mrs Jane Brown PREPARED BY Ieuan Starks on Jan 05 2011 PAGE 2 SCHOOL CAMP Ltd. WWW.SCHOOLCAMP.CO.UK ACTIVITIES PROGRAMME OUTLINE OF YOUR REQUIREMENTS This proposal is based on the following understanding of your needs. Please let us know if we have misunderstood any of your requirements. EVENT OBJECTIVES o Fun activity week event / develop inter year group relationships, and self-confidence through adventure and challenge. DATES o 19th – 22nd July 2011 DEPARTURE AND RETURN TIMES o Departure Tuesday 9am to arrive 11am – location within approx 2 hrs journey o Return - Friday for 15.00 STAFFING o Free teacher places, o 1 teacher to accompany every 10 students STUDENTS o Mix of sexes and mix of year groups NUMBERS o Target of 40 young persons DAY AM PM EVENING DAY 1 TRAVEL TO LOCATION MOUNTAIN WALK INTO SITE TEAM TASKS / WOOD CHUCK / CAMPFIRE DAY 2 *CANOEING AND KAYAKING *VISIT LOCAL VILLAGE / CASTLE – FREE TIME (with instructor) LIGHT MY FIRE / BUSH TUCKER TRIALS DAY 3 *CLIMBING AND ABSEILING *RAFT BUILDING ARCHERY / FLYING PANTS DAY 4 THE FINAL CHALLENGE! TRAVEL HOME *ACTIVITIES ON ROTATION - GROUPS WILL ROTATE ALL ACTIVITIES NB. THIS PROGRAMME IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AS REQUIRED BY THE WEATHER. ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS WILL WHEREVER POSSIBLE HAVE THE SAME CHALLENGES AND SENSE OF ADVENTURE AS THOSE THEY REPLACE. ACCOMMODATION o Camping. o Site to be booked and paid for by School Camp Ltd. FOOD o All food to be provided by School camp Ltd. o Students to be involved in the preparation and self catering as part of the challenge of the trip. EQUIPMENT o All activity equipment to be provided by School Camp Ltd. o All tents to be provided by the School Camp Ltd. ACTIVITIES o School are particularly fond on abseiling o 2 or 3 other outdoor adventurous activities (Climbing , Flat water, Canoeing and Kayaking, raft building and mountain walking) OTHER o No School transport available – site to be walking distance to activities or school camp Ltd to provide transport if required. o ‘Im a celebrity’ themed camp - students will earn stars and play for luxury deserts. PAGE 3 PAGE 4 SCHOOL CAMP Ltd. WWW.SCHOOLCAMP.CO.UK SCHOOL CAMP Ltd. WWW.SCHOOLCAMP.CO.UK SAMPLE MENU MAP OF LOCATION(s) TO BE USED Our menus are flexible and we can include certain meals at your request (although when camping some cooking methods are less feasible). Our menus are designed to allow flexibility so minor alterations can be made in order to cater for all needs and tastes. Your camp will be located at Llangatock in the Brecon Beacons National Park. The proposed campsite will be on land owned by Park Farm, Llangattock, Powys, Wales, NP8 1HT. DAY BREAKFAST DAY 1 LUNCH OWN PACKED LUNCH EVENING MEAL SUPPER BBQ (subject to weather) Sausages, Beef Burgers, Salad, Rolls. Pudding Drinking chocolate, Tea, Coffee. Cake or biscuits FACILITIES There will be chemical toilets available for use on the field campsite, there will also be a toilet and shower block on the main campsite around 400m away. Students will be able to use these facilities to shower after wet activities. Staff will be able to use these throughout the trip. LOCATION DAY 2 Cereal, bacon and eggs rolls. Bread and jam. Tea, Coffee. Various sandwiches, Crisps, Cereal bar and fruit. Squash. Pasta with Bacon and tomato sauce / cheese topping. Pudding Drinking chocolate, Tea, Coffee. Cake or biscuits DAY 3 Cereal, sausages, tomatoes and beans. Bread and jam. Tea, Coffee. Various sandwiches, Crisps, Cereal bar and fruit. Squash. Sausage casserole, peas and potatoes. Pudding Drinking chocolate, Tea, Coffee. Cake or biscuits DAY 4 Cereal, fried egg, bread and bacon. Bread and jam. Tea, Coffee. Sandwiches and various snacks for way home. NB. VEGETARIAN AND HALAL OPTIONS WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR THOSE WHO HAVE INDICATED THIS REQUIREMENT IN ADVANCE OF THE TRIP PAGE 5 PAGE 6 SCHOOL CAMP Ltd. WWW.SCHOOLCAMP.CO.UK SCHOOL CAMP Ltd. WWW.SCHOOLCAMP.CO.UK COPY OF OUR MEDICAL / CONSENT FORM SCHOOL CAMP Ltd. EVENT CONSENT FORM Participant name: _______________________________________________ Sex : M / F Event : ___________________________ Date : ____________________________ Location : ________________________ Date of Birth : __________________________________ Address : _____________________________________________________ Address : _____________________________________________________ Postcode : ____________________________________________________ Contact number : ______________________________________________ This form must be completed by a parent / guardian if the participant is under 18 years of age. Emergency contact during the event Medical Details Name : _______________________________________ Address : _______________________________________ Relationship to participant : ________________________________ Address : _______________________________________ Landline : ____________________________________ Address : _______________________________________ Mobile : ______________________________________ Postcode : ______________________________________ Please provide details of any medical conditions, allergies, medication being taken, disabilities or injuries (present and past)... Have you ever experienced.. Joint / Muscle pain Broken bones Back problems Do you suffer from.. Asthma Diabetes Epilepsy Hay fever Heart conditions If you have ticked any box above, please detail left or on the reverse of form Date of Last tetanus injection if known : or within Last 10 years? Y / N Dietary Needs (Residential events only) Please provide details of any Dietary requirements or allergies. Water confidence Please provide details of swimming ability by ticking one of the following statements right... Confident Swimmer (Able to swim 200m without aid) Basic Swimmer (Can swim 50m with ease unassisted) Non swimmer (25m or less or requires assistance) Activity Consent I am aware of the nature of the proposed adventurous activities and fully understand the risks involved. By signing this form I give consent for the above person to participate in the activities. I / we understand that such activities require a strict behaviour code and the ability to follow instructions. Should I / my child fail to meet these requirements then I understand that I / they may be removed from the activity without refund. I agree that any employee of school camp Ltd leading the activity may perform first aid to the person named on this form and that they can give permission for the person named on this form to receive emergency service medical treatment in the case of a medical emergency. On occasion photographs may be taken by the company and used for promotional purpose on leaflets, emails and our websites. All photos taken by the company, emailed to the company or uploaded to Facebook by participants or clients become authorised for company use. If you do not wish for any photos containing the facial image of the person name on this form to be used in this way please contact the company. I have completed this form honestly and to the best of my knowledge. I know of no undisclosed condition that will impede the person named on this form during what can be physical and emotional challenging activities. If medical circumstances of the person named on this form changes before the activity I agree to inform the company directly. School camp Ltd accepts no liability for further injury or discomfort caused by any undisclosed condition. Signed : ______________________________________________ Date : ________________________ Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ PAGE 7 PAGE 8 SCHOOL CAMP Ltd. WWW.SCHOOLCAMP.CO.UK COPY OF OUR AALA ACTIVITIES LICENCE ALLOCATION OF RESPONSIBILITY / DUTY OF CARE DURING EVENTS SCHOOL CAMP LTD WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR o The health and safety of the group through-out the scheduled activities. This includes the adventurous activities, setting up of camp and cooking activities. o Ensuring one first aider is always on hand for first aid support should this be necessary overnight. o Ensuring that our staff have been CRB checked in line with our company policy. o In the event of an emergency, and where your staff are not available you agree that our instructors will act in the best interests of the individuals involved. o In the event of an emergency we may provide emergency transportation for the casualty, were an ambulance is not required. This is not part of the paid service and permission will be granted by the adult acting in loco parentis for transportation under the drivers own insurance. YOUR STAFF ARE RESPONSIBLE PAGE 9 o For the arrangement and payment of your transport to and from the event o For the health and safety of your young people during transportation. o For the safety and well being of the young people outside of organised activities and overnight, supported by our 24h event manager. o For supplying medical information in line with our company own consent forms, including swimming ability. Medical information will be passed to the event manager before the expedition. o For ensuring that duty of care is maintained in line with your own procedures is throughout the trip. o For supplying one member of staff per activity group (10 persons) who must be able to acting in loco parentis should this be required in the case of an emergency. o For the transportation and safety of any young person that opts out of an activity or is removed from the activity for behavioural reasons. The instructor is empowered by the company to make any safety related decision during the activity session. o For ensuring all young people are equipped for the activity. Ill equipped individuals and groups may be denied access to the activity were their lack of equipment poses a safety threat to themselves or the group. The instructor is empowered by the company to make this decision. PAGE 10 SCHOOL CAMP Ltd. WWW.SCHOOLCAMP.CO.UK SCHOOL CAMP Ltd. WWW.SCHOOLCAMP.CO.UK ACTIVITY EQUIPMENT LISTS PAYMENT & CONFIRMING YOUR BOOKING YOUNG PEOPLE WILL NEED TO HAVE THE FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT FOR OUR RESIDENTIAL EVENTS. BEING ILL EQUIPPED CAN CAUSE SAFETY ISSUES AS WELL AS RUINING THE ENJOYMENT OF THE PLANNED ACTIVITIES. PLEASE ENCOURAGE PEOPLE TO BRING ALL ITEMS ON THE LIST.. JUST BECAUSE ITS THE SUMMER DOES NOT MEAN YOU MIGHT NOT WANT A HAT AND WARM COAT ON A WINDY RAINY MOUNTAIN DAY. Target number of young people : 40 (this is the number on which this proposal has been based) Minimum number : 30 We will agree the minimum number of clients for your trip. RESIDENTIAL TRIPS EQUIPMENT LIST o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o NUMBERS Waterproof trousers Waterproof jacket Warm coat. Sleeping bag Foam sleeping mat Small rucksack with straps on two shoulders – required for day activities and walks. Waterproof waking boots– These must give ankle support Water bottles (min 2 litres) Swimming shorts Complete set of clothes to get wet / including trainers - water sports Towel and wash kit Night clothes Trainers Trousers (only one pair to be jeans (tracksuits preferable) T-shirts Sweatshirts / jumpers Torch + Spare batteries Bowl, plate, mug, knife, fork and spoon (non breakable plastic or metal) Sun cream, sun hat and sun glasses Basic first aid kit and any Medication Optional - Inset repellent Staff places : You will receive one free staff place for every 10 young people attending the trip. PRICE We will supply and run the event including all the activities, equipment and accommodation outlined above for £185 per person. This would be based on a minimum of 30 persons attending the event. DEPOSIT Unfortunately we need to charge a deposit before we are able to book your accommodation and the staff for your trip. This deposit is non refundable once we have booked and paid out deposits on staffing and the campsite. Once you are ready to make your booking please email us and we will send out an invoice. Our deposit is normally 20% of the value of the minimum booking number. In the case of your camp this will be 30 person at £185 = £5550 / 20% so a £1110 DEPOSIT will be payable. FULL PAYMENT DAY ACTIVITY EQUIPMENT LIST o o o o o Full payment is required no less than 60 days before your event start date. We will send out an invoice for your payment less your deposit 10 weeks before your event. Waterproof trousers and jacket Warm coat /Jumper Water bottles (min 2 litres)and lunch Sun cream, sun hat and sun glasses Basic first aid kit and any Medication MAKING A PAYMENT Due to increased bank charges we prefer direct bank payments. Please make payments to sort code: 3080-76 account number: 21965360 account name: school camp ltd. (please email conformation of your transaction to - [email protected]) For Water Activities: o Swimming shorts / Towel o Complete set of clothes to get wet / including trainers Please make any cheques payable to ‘school camp ltd’ and send them to our office address SCHOOL CAMP Ltd. THE OLD MILL HOUSE, 2 BRYNAWEL ROAD, CRYNANT, NEATH, SA10 8SR. PAGE 11 PAGE 12 SCHOOL CAMP Ltd. WWW.SCHOOLCAMP.CO.UK SCHOOL CAMP Ltd. WWW.SCHOOLCAMP.CO.UK GROUP BOOKING TERMS AND CONDITIONS BOOKING FORM It is vital you read, understand and accept the following conditions prior to signing the attached booking Form Upon receipt of a signed and dated Booking Form, full terms and conditions will apply. PAYMENT 1. For School and groups bookings a 20% deposit is payable on receipt of the deposit invoice. SCHOOL CAMP Ltd. EVENT BOOKING FORM 2. The balance and confirmation of the final number of participants is due no later than 60 days prior to delivery of a programme. 3. School Camp Ltd. will invoice individuals or groups for any costs that accrue during the event. Such costs include but are not solely limited to; the loss or malicious damage to our property or other equipment; services or items ordered by your or your young people from a third party (campsite, food outlet etc) and invoiced incorrectly to us. Such invoices are due payable on receipt of the invoice. AMENDMENT OR CANCELLATION 4. Amendment. If a group or individual wishes to amend any of the booking details (including the event date) after payment of the deposit then we will endeavour to make the change, but cannot guarantee this. Please be assured we will do everything to assist in conforming to your wishes. In order to protect ourselves the following amendment terms apply a. School Camp Ltd can only accept written requests (mail or email) for amendments. b. School Camp Ltd cannot accept major amendments less than 4 weeks prior to delivery of a programme and reserves the right to revert to any original booking if necessary. c. Amendments are only confirmed once you have received written confirmation from the company. d. If there are any cost implications posed by the amendment, seasonal or otherwise, then you will be informed of this in writing and a written confirmation that you accept these costs will be required. e. At the time of booking a minimum number of places will be specified, and it will not be possible to amend the booking to less than this number. 5. Cancellation. a. If you wish to cancel an event booking then School Camp Ltd must receive formal notification in writing form an authorised person (mail or e-mail). b. Any cancellation takes effect from the date we receive notification. c. The following cancellation fees will apply. i. After payment of the 20% deposit and before full payment date (60 days before the event date) then the deposit will be lost or can be transferred to another booking. ii. 60-30 days prior to delivery 50% of the full event cost will be payable or this figure can be transferred to another date or booking (subject to availability). iii. 30-15 days prior to delivery 75% of the full event cost will be payable iv. 15 days or less, then 100% of the full event cost will be payable d. In the event of cancelling an event and transferring the booking within 60-30 days of the event date then the value of the new booking must be of a similar value to the cancelled booking. e. School Camp Ltd. reserves the right to charge a £50 administration fee to cover the cost of making any amendments and the issuing of new paperwork. Event : ___________________________ 9. In such circumstances, and subject to availability, School Camp Ltd will make every effort to offer an alternative event on the booked dates or offer an alternative product at a later date. HEALTH AND SAFETY 10. The booking client (school. Club etc) must be in the position to act in loco parentis for any client aged under 18 years. It is the role of the client to ensure that they and the parents of all those attending are aware of the event details and of the activities to be undertaken during the event. If using their own permission forms they must evidence to the company that they have sought the permission for each parent or guardian of any minors. 11. The booking client must supply School Camp Ltd medical / permission forms for each and every over 18 attending the trip and must sign the consent form confirming that permission for every minor on the trip has been sought. 12. School Camp Ltd. must receive a copy of the medical and dietary information for each and every participant within 20 days of the event. This must include all accompanying adults. 13. School Camp Ltd accepts no responsibility for any ailment or further aggravation of any existing ailment suffered during or after a programme, disclosed or undisclosed. ____________________________________________________________ Postcode : ___________________________________________________ Contact number : _____________________________________________ Location : ________________________ Contact number (2) : __________________________________________ Email : ______________________________________________________ Fax : ________________________________________________________ YOUR PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER (IF REQUIRED) : Invoicing Details Person to whom invoice should be directed : _______________________________________________________________ Contact address : ______________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Postcode : ______________________________ Contact number : ________________________________________________ Email : _________________________________________________________ Fax : ___________________________________________________________ Any participant excluded from an activity or sent home by the company in conjunction with the booking client for behavioural, medical, social or emotional reasons will not be eligible for a refund. FORCE MAJEURE 8. School Camp Ltd. will not be liable to pay any compensation for the cancelation or change in any aspect of a programme due to circumstances beyond the companies’ control. This includes any issue that we or our suppliers would not have been able to reasonably foreseen. Such circumstances include, but are not limited to war or threat of war, terrorist activity, riots or civil strife, industrial disputes, natural or nuclear disasters, fire, extreme weather etc. Contact address : ____________________________________________ Date : ____________________________ NON ATTENDANCE OR NON COMPLETION OF THE ACTIVITY 6. In the case of non-attendance by any individuals or in the case of them opting out of the activities or going home before the end of the event then no refund will be made. 7. Group leader name: ___________________________________________ Booking Conformation BEFORE SIGNING THIS DOCUMENT IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU READ THE BOOKING TERMS AND CONDITIONS. I have read the booking terms and conditions and understand that once this booking form is submitted these conditions will be in force. I am happy with the proposed event as outlined in the client information pack and understand that should we wish to make any major changes to the event after the payment of the deposit then an additional fee may be payable. Signed : ______________________________________________ Date : ________________________ Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Submitting this form. Please note that this form must be signed by the booking organisation. The form can be signed and scanned and emailed to [email protected] or posted to our office - School Camp Ltd, 2 Brynawel Road, Crynant, Neath, SA10 8SR. You will then receive an invoice for the required deposit. 14. School Camp Ltd accepts no responsibility for any injury caused whilst participating in the activity in any other manner other than directed by the instructor. PAGE 13 PAGE 14 SCHOOL CAMP Ltd. WWW.SCHOOLCAMP.CO.UK SCHOOL CAMP Ltd. WWW.SCHOOLCAMP.CO.UK
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