SAMPLE BALLOT Pend Oreille County, Washington Primary Election August 17, 2010 OFFICIAL BALLOT BALLOT17, 2010 PrimaryOFFICIAL Election, August Primary Election, August 17, 2010 11 11 A PEND OREILLE COUNTY, WASHINGTON B PRIMARY ELECTION C AUGUST 17, 2010 A PEND OREILLE COUNTY, WASHINGTON B PRIMARY ELECTION C AUGUST 17, 2010 INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS How to Vote Use Howatoblack Voteor blue ink pen to completely fill ovalorprovided thetoleft of your Usein athe black blue ink to pen completely choice. fill in the oval provided to the left of your choice. 21 21 22 22 How to Correct a Mistake Cross the entire candidate name or How toout Correct a Mistake ballot response. You name then have Cross measure out the entire candidate or the option of making another choice. ballot measure response. You then have the option of making another choice. Optional Write-In To add a candidate, Optional Write-In fill in the oval to the left of the blank line and To add a candidate, fill inprint the the ovalname to the clearly on blank the line. left of the line and print the name clearly on the line. 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 46 Vote for only one choice for each the office or only ballotone measure, Vote for choice unless for each office specifically states unless the officeororballot ballotmeasure measure, otherwise. More than one vote for an office or ballot measure specifically states office or ballot measure willvote be an otherwise. More than one for an overvote and no votes forwillthat office or ballot measure be office an or ballot measure be counted. overvote and nowill votes for that office or ballot measure will be counted. READ: Each candidate for partisan office state a political that READ:may Each candidate for party partisan he or she prefers. A candidate's office may state a political party that preference does notA imply that the he or she prefers. candidate's candidate is nominated or endorsed preference does not imply that the by the party, or that the party candidate is nominated or endorsed approves of or with that by the party, orassociates that the party candidate. approves of or associates with that candidate. FEDERAL - Partisan office FEDERAL - Partisan office United States Senator 6 Year Term United States Senator Vote for One 6 Year Term Vote for One Norma D. Gruber (Prefers Republican Party) Norma D. Gruber (Prefers Republican Party) Mohammad H. Said (Prefers Centrist Party) Mohammad H. Said (Prefers Centrist Party) Goodspaceguy (Prefers Democratic Party) Goodspaceguy (PrefersThe Democratic Mike Mover Party) (Prefers Democratic Party) Mike The Mover (Prefers Democratic Party) Paul Akers (Prefers Republican Party) Paul Akers (PrefersLatimer Republican Party) Mike (Prefers Republican Party) Mike Latimer (Prefers Republican Party) James (Skip) Mercer (States No Party Preference) James (Skip) Mercer (StatesDidier No Party Preference) Clint (Prefers Republican Party) Clint Didier (Prefers Republican Schalk Leonard Party) (States No Party Preference) Schalk Leonard (StatesMurray No Party Preference) Patty (Prefers Democratic Party) Patty Murray (Prefers Democratic Party) Bob Burr (Prefers Democratic Party) Bob Burr (Prefers Democratic Party) William Edward Chovil (Prefers Republican Party) William Edward Chovil (Prefers Republican Party) Dino Rossi (Prefers Republican Party) Dino Rossi (Prefers Republican Charles Allen Party) (Prefers Democratic Party) Charles Allen (Prefers Democratic Party) Will Baker (Prefers Reform Party) Will Baker (Prefers Reform Party) 51 53 U. S. Representative, Congressional District #5 U. S. Representative, 2 Year Term Congressional District #5 Vote for One 2 Year Term Vote for One Randall Yearout (Prefers Constitution Party) Randall Yearout (PrefersRomeyn Constitution Party) Daryl (Prefers Democratic Party) Daryl Romeyn (PrefersR. Democratic David Fox Party) (Prefers Democratic Party) David R. Fox (PrefersCordero Democratic Party) Clyde (Prefers Democratic Party) Clyde Cordero (Prefers Democratic Barbara LampertParty) (Prefers Democratic Party) Barbara Lampert (PrefersMcMorris Democratic Rodgers Party) Cathy (Prefers Republican Party) Cathy McMorris Rodgers LEGISLATIVE - Partisan office LEGISLATIVE - Partisan office State Senator, District #7 4 Year Term StateforSenator, District #7 Vote One 4 Year Term Vote for One Bob Morton (Prefers Republican Party) Bob Morton (Prefers Republican Barbara MowreyParty) (Prefers Democratic Party) Barbara Mowrey (Prefers Democratic Party) State Representative, District #7, Position #1 State Representative, District #7, 2Position Year Term #1 Vote for One 2 Year Term Vote for One Shelly Short (Prefers Republican Party) Shelly Short (Prefers Republican Party) State Representative, District #7, Position #2 State Representative, District #7, 2 Year Term Position #2 Vote for One 2 Year Term Vote for One Joel Kretz (Prefers Republican Party) Joel Kretz (Prefers Republican Party) COUNTY - Partisan office COUNTY - Partisan office County Assessor 4 Year Term County Assessor Vote for One 4 Year Term Vote for One James W. McCroskey (Prefers Republican Party) James W. McCroskey (Prefers Republican Party) County Auditor 4 Year Term County Auditor Vote for One 4 Year Term Vote for One Marianne Nichols (Prefers Republican Party) Marianne Nichols (Prefers Republican Party) County Clerk 4 Year Term County Clerk Vote for One 4 Year Term Vote for One Tammie Ownbey (Prefers Republican Party) Tammie Ownbey (Prefers Republican Party) County Commissioner, District #2 4 Year Term County Prosecuting Attorney Vote for One 4 Year Term Vote for One Laura Merrill (Prefers Republican Party) Thomas A. Metzger (PrefersStratton Democratic Party) Brad (Prefers Democratic Party) (Prefers Republican Party) County Prosecuting Attorney 4 Year Term Vote for One rty) D Tammie Ownbey James McCroskey (Prefers W. Republican Party) arty) rty) ED County Sheriff 4 Year Term Vote for One Election of-- Partisan Political Party Precinct COUNTY officeoffice JUDICIAL Nonpartisan (Prefers Republican Party) COUNTY - Partisan office hovil arty) rty) County Sheriff Commissioner, District #2 County County Auditor 4 Year Term arty) rty) Year Term Term 44Vote Year for One One Vote for for Vote One arty) rty) LauraFroman Merrill Ron Marianne NicholsParty) (Prefers Republican arty) (Prefers Republican IndependentParty) Party) (Prefers odgers Brad A. Stratton Alan BotzheimParty) (Prefers Democratic arty) (Prefers Republican Party) Jack Hall County Clerk (States No Party Preference) Committee Officer Ron Froman County Sheriff Precinct Committee Officer is a position in State Supreme Court Justice, (Prefers 4 Year Term each major politicalIndependent party. ForParty) this office Position #1 One 6Vote Year Term only: Iffor you consider yourself a Democrat or Alan A. Botzheim Vote for One Republican, you may vote for a candidate (Prefers Republican Party) of that party. Ron Jack Froman Hall Stan Rumbaugh (Prefers Independent Party) (States No Party Preference) VOTE FORNonpartisan ONLY ONE Alan A. "Bob" Botzheim Robert Wilson Jim Johnson (Prefers Republican Party)party. Nonpartisan For a write-in candidate, include Jack Hall rty) rty) (Prefers Democratic Party) Nonpartisan 4 Year Term Vote for One Karen J. Skoog Republican Party Candidate JUDICIAL - Nonpartisan office Terri Miller Norris King State Supreme Court Justice, (Prefers Democratic Party) Party Candidate Position Republican #6 6 Year Term StateforSupreme Court Justice, Vote One Position #1 SOUTH PEND OREILLE 6 Year Term JUDICIAL - Nonpartisan office Bryan ChushcoffFIRE Vote for One PROTECTION DISTRICT Nonpartisan C rty) / 012503-14 © Election Systems & Software, Inc. 1981, 2002 NUE rty) VOTING. odgers rty) Position #1 6 Year Term County Prosecuting Attorney Vote for One 4 Year Term Vote for One Stan Rumbaugh Nonpartisan D E Jim Johnson Thomas A. Metzger Nonpartisan (Prefers Democratic Party) COUNTY - Partisan office State Supreme County Sheriff Court Justice, Position #5 Typ:01 Seq:0015 Spl:02 Year Term C4 6Vote YearforTerm One Vote for One / 012503-14 © Election Systems & Software, Inc. 1981, 2002 UE VOTING. Barbara Madsen Ron Froman Nonpartisan (Prefers Independent Party) Alan A. Botzheim (Prefers Republican Party) State Supreme Court Justice, Jack Hall (States No Party Preference) Position #6 6 Year Term Robert "Bob" Wilson Vote for One (Prefers Republican Party) Bryan Chushcoff Nonpartisan 4 Year Term Vote for One Richard B. Sanders Nonpartisan Terri Miller (Prefers Democratic Party) Jim Johnson PROPOSITION AUTHORIZING State of Supreme Court Justice, Court Appeals Judge, Division 3, Nonpartisan PROPERTY TAX LEVY Position#1, #5Position District #1 Year Unexpired Term 26 Year Term Party Precinct Election of Political The ofOfficer Commissioners of South Voteboard forOne One Vote for Committee Pend Oreille Fire & Rescue adopted Barbara Madsen Laurel Siddoway State Supreme Court Justice, Resolution No. 05-13-2010 a Precinct Committee Officer isconcerning a position in Nonpartisan Position #5 proposition to increase regular each majorNonpartisan political party.itsFor this office 6 Year Term property tax levy for maintenance and or only: If you consider yourself a Democrat Harvey Dunham Vote for One operations to anmay amount exceed Nonpartisan Republican, you votenot for to a candidate per $1,000.00 of assessed of$0.98 that party. Madsen State Supreme Court valuation toBarbara be levied in Justice, 2010 for Nonpartisan Position #6 collection in 2011. The VOTE FOR ONLY ONE maximum 6 Year Term allowable levy in 2010 shall serve as the Vote for base for One computing subsequent levy For a write-in candidate, include party. limitations as provided by chapter 84.55 Bryanthis Chushcoff State Supreme Court Justice, RCW. Should Nonpartisanproposition be: Position #6 6 Year Term COMMITTEE OFFICER PRECINCT Charlie Wiggins Approved Vote for One Partisan office Nonpartisan Bryan RichardChushcoff B. Sanders Precinct Rejected Committee Officer Nonpartisan 01 CAMDEN 02 Camden 2 Year TermCharlie Wiggins Laurel Siddoway Special Election Nonpartisan Proposition #1 Harvey Dunham SubmittedNonpartisan by: SOUTH PEND OREILLE FIRE & RESCUE – BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Jim Johnson Nonpartisan State Supreme Court Justice, Position #5 6 Year Term Vote for One 01 CAMDEN 02 Barbara Madsen Nonpartisan Rejected E F Republican Party Candidate Laurel Siddoway State Supreme Court Justice, Nonpartisan Position #1 6 Year Term Harvey Dunham Nonpartisan Approved Richard Sanders Court of Karen Appeals Judge, Division 3, J. B. Skoog NonpartisanParty Candidate Republican District #1, Position #1 2 Year Unexpired Term Norris King Vote for One Laurel Siddoway Court of Appeals Judge, Division 3, Nonpartisan District #1, Position #1 2 Year Unexpired Term SOUTH PEND OREILLE Harvey DunhamFIRE Vote for One PROTECTION DISTRICT Nonpartisan Stan Rumbaugh F Approved Special Election Proposition #1 SOUTH PEND OREILLE FIRE Rejected PROTECTION Submitted by: DISTRICT SOUTH PEND OREILLE FIRE & RESCUE – BOARD OF Special Election COMMISSIONERS Proposition #1 PROPOSITION AUTHORIZING Submitted SOUTH PROPERTYby: TAX LEVY PEND OREILLE FIRE & RESCUE – BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The board of Commissioners of South Pend Oreille Fire & Rescue adopted PROPOSITION AUTHORIZING Resolution No. 05-13-2010 concerning a PROPERTY LEVYits regular proposition toTAX increase property tax levy for maintenance and The board of South operations to Commissioners an amount not toofexceed Pend Fire & Rescue adopted $0.98 Oreille per $1,000.00 of assessed Resolution 05-13-2010 concerning a valuation toNo. be levied in 2010 for proposition increase its regular collection into2011. The maximum property levy for maintenance allowabletax levy in 2010 shall serve and as the operations to an amount not to exceed base for computing subsequent levy $0.98 per $1,000.00 of by assessed limitations as provided chapter 84.55 valuation to be this levied in 2010 for RCW. Should proposition be: collection in 2011. The maximum allowable Approved levy in 2010 shall serve as the base for computing subsequent levy limitations as provided by chapter 84.55 Rejected RCW. Should this proposition be: Vote for One Nonpartisan Court of Appeals Judge, Division 3, District #1, Position #1 2 Year Unexpired Term JUDICIAL Vote for One- Nonpartisan office Vote for One Nonpartisan D Stan Rumbaugh State Supreme Court Justice, Charlie Wiggins Special Election Nonpartisan Position Nonpartisan #1 Proposition #1 6 Year Term Jim Johnson Richard B. Sanders Vote for One Submitted by: SOUTH PEND OREILLE Nonpartisan Nonpartisan FIRE & RESCUE – BOARD OF Stan Rumbaugh COMMISSIONERS Nonpartisan D Charlie Wiggins County Treasurer Nonpartisan Precinct Officerof South The boardCommittee of Commissioners Camden Pend Oreille Fire & Rescue adopted PRECINCT 2 Year Term COMMITTEE OFFICER Resolution No. 05-13-2010 concerning a Partisan office Vote for One proposition to increase its regular property levy J.forSkoog maintenance and Karen Precincttax Committee Officer operations to an amount not to exceed Party Candidate Camden Republican $0.98 $1,000.00 of assessed 2 Yearper Term Norris King in 2010 for valuation to be levied Vote for One Republican Party Candidate collection in 2011. The maximum Skoog allowable Karen levy in J.2010 shall serve as the Republican Party Candidatelevy base for computing subsequent limitations as provided by chapter SOUTH PEND OREILLE FIRE 84.55 Norris King RCW. Should this proposition be: PROTECTION DISTRICT Republican Party Candidate PRECINCTRobert COMMITTEE OFFICER "Bob" Justice, Wilson County Treasurer State Supreme Court Partisan office (Prefers Republican Party) 4 Year Term Position #5 Vote forTerm One 6 Year Precinct Committee Officer Vote for One Camden 2 Year TermTerri Miller Barbara Madsen County Treasurer Vote for One COUNTY Tammie Ownbey (Prefers Republican Party) COMMISSIONERS Thomas A. Metzger County Treasurer (Prefers Democratic Party) 4 Year Term ONLY APPEAR WILL Vote for One County Commissioner, District #2 4 Year ONTermTerri THE OFFICIAL Vote for One Miller Seq:0015 (Prefers Typ:01 Democratic Party)Spl:02 BALLOT IN THEIR Laura Merrill Republican Party) OWN(Prefers DISTRICTS IN JUDICIAL Nonpartisan Brad Stratton office (Prefers Democratic Party) StateTHE SupremePRIMARY. Court Justice, F Precinct Committee Officer is a position in each major political party. For this office Election ofconsider Political Party Precinct SOUTH PEND OREILLE FIRE only: If you yourself a Democrat or Committeeyou Officer PROTECTION DISTRICT Republican, may vote for a candidate of that party. Precinct Special Committee Election Officer is a position in each major party. For this office Proposition #1 ONE VOTE FOR political ONLY only: If you consider yourself a Democrat or Republican, you may votePEND for a OREILLE candidate Submitted SOUTH For a write-inby: candidate, include party. ofFIRE that&party. RESCUE – BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS VOTE FOR ONLY ONE PRECINCT COMMITTEE OFFICER PROPOSITION AUTHORIZING Partisan office For a write-in candidate, include party. PROPERTY TAX LEVY (States No Party Preference) 4 Year Term County Prosecuting Vote for One Robert "Bob"Attorney Wilson 4 Year Term (Prefers Republican Party) Vote for One arty) FE PROPOSITION AUTHORIZING PROPERTY TAX LEVY LOCAL ELECTIONS WILL APPEAR ON THE OFFICIAL BALLOT ONLY IN THE AREA ELIGIBLE TO VOTE ON THEM. The board of Commissioners of South D 01 CAMDEN 02 Pend Oreille Fire & Rescue adopted Resolution No. 05-13-2010 concerning a proposition to increase its regular property tax levy for maintenance and not to 02 exceed EDoperations to an amount 01 CAMDEN $0.98 per $1,000.00 of assessed valuation to be levied in 2010 for collection in 2011. The maximum allowable levy in 2010 shall serve as the base for computing subsequent levy limitations as provided by chapter 84.55 RCW. Should this proposition be: E FE Typ:01 Seq:0001 Spl:02 F F SAMPLE BALLOT COMPILED BY: State Supreme Court Justice, MARIANNE NICHOLS, PEND OREILLE COUNTY AUDITOR Position #6 6 Year Term Vote for One Approved
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