Let ITIL bright your life, ITIL now! http://www.itil123.cn ITIL v3 Foundation Certification in Q&A with explanations Table of contents 2011 100 ITIL v3 exam sample questions German Let ITIL bright your life, ITIL now! http://www.itil123.cn 1.Which three data are necessary a process be able describe a. What is the procedure? How does the information flow go? How do the responsibilities of the people concerned lie? b.What is the procedure? Who in the process it has been involved? What is the tasks of people concerned? c. What is the aim? What is the activities? What is the results of these activities? d. What is the aim? Which resources are available? How do the powers of the people concerned lie? 2. Equipment, system -and application software and data communication facilities belong to the IT infrastructure. Which are other components considered as a component of the IT infrastructure? 1 procedures 2 documentation 3 staff a. 1 and 2 b. 1 and 3 c. 2 and 3 d. 1, 2 and 3 3. A user rings the helpdesk with the complaint that there acts at the use of a certain application always wrongly, as a result of which its connection with network is broken. Which process is responsible for the detection of the cause? a. helpdesk b. netwerkbeheer c. probleembeheer d. systeemontwikkeling 4.Which of examples mentioned below is NO example of a configuration item? a. a description of the procedure b. an user-manual Let ITIL bright your life, ITIL now! http://www.itil123.cn c. organization of company d. an unique indentification code 5. A user calls with the complaint that the display device black remains, whereas the PC. pleases. He speaks suspecting from which the monitor piece is. Which process is responsible for the detection of the cause? a. configuration control b. service level management c. helpdesk d. problem management 6. To remedy ups in network a problem with making back, must a new disk entity installed and must the procedures for making back ups be adapted. By which process does have be given formally approval for carrying about these adaptions? a. configuration control b. network management c. problem management d. change management 7. What is the best description of an incident? a. Each event which deviates of the expected standard functioning of IT service b. Each verstoring of a service of which the cause is still unknown c. Each question, observation or complaint which is communicated by a user to the helpdesk 8 .For the processing of a certain application it is important that on each computer in network the same version of software is installed. Which process is for this responsible? a. Configuration Management b. Network management c. Program peering management and distribution d. Chage management 9. By which factors of outside finished the IT service are regularly influenced? Let ITIL bright your life, ITIL now! http://www.itil123.cn a. Incidents solve, modifications carry out and carry out software distribution b. Technological, social and economic developments c. Strategic, tactical and operational decisions 10. Which influences of within a company lead to the use of resources to aim to reach? a. lead strategy and policy to the use of resources to aim to reach b. tasks and activities lead to the use of resources to aim to reach c. main principles and alternatives determine leads to the use of resources to aim to reach 11. A user of network rings the helpdesk that he already a number of keren problems has has at storing files. He gets always the communication that there insufficient disk space available is. He says that he has rather communicated already a number of keren to this error to the helpdesk. He asks if he can more disk space acquire, so that the problem no longer appears. Which terms applies to this situation? a. incident b. Known Error c. Problem d. Request for Change (RFC) 12. A user acquires a new pc. which is coupled to network. Its old PC. is installed as a print server for local network. Which process is responsible for registering this modification? a. Configuration Management b. Network Management c. Problem Management d. Change Management 13. A number will be installed soon new PC's. Within the IT organisation does himself now the question for for which configuration control is not now, however, and responsible. For which of activities mentioned below isn't configuration control responsible? Let ITIL bright your life, ITIL now! http://www.itil123.cn a. monitoring of completeness and correctness of the data concerning PC's b.monitoring of the function of PC’s c.naming and fixing the data concerning PC’s d. recording and guarding of the status of the PC data 14. For which of activities mentioned below is the helpdesk among others responsible? a. introducing modifications in the infrastructure b. retrieving the causes of incidents c.identifying the lying behind problems of the incidents d. removing deviations or incidents 15. The IT manager of an insurance company asks to problem management for a compact report concerning the verstoringen which have acted the last month. The Executive Board of the verzekeringsmaatschap¬pij the IT manager many complaints has communicated of customers to have received. Which report can produce problem management best to the Executive Board to give insight in the functione¬ren of the computercen¬trum, in relation to the complaints of users? a. A report concerning the nature and the number of verstoringen about which has complained the customers b. A report of incidents, problems and recognised errors c. A report of the new incidents, problems and recognised errors with high impact 16. In an insurance company burst out by a flow jamming local network and all PC's. Because of this the klantenaccep¬tatiesysteem and the recording system for schadeclaims are not beschik¬baar. After an hour the stroomsto¬ring have been remedied and the situation of by the stroom¬sto¬ring have repaired. Which impact has this incident on the service had? a.This had a restricted impact on the service, because the customers were asked call back over an hour and they showed term for the situation b.This had a large impact on the service, because the normal level of dienstverle¬ning could not be realised. The image of the company was damaged seriously because of this Let ITIL bright your life, ITIL now! http://www.itil123.cn c.This had no impact on the service, because everything could be registered on paper and later in the system could be processed 17. In a company one wants inventory which questions and problems live there at users with respect to the use of a certain software parcel. Which process is responsible for conducting zo'n investigation? a Service Level Management b helpdesk c Problem Management d relation management consumers 18. The users of a network are faced repeatedly with the communication on their baffle that insufficient disk space available are. Because partly this problem to do has with the scope of software, the diskruimte of the hardware must be extended. In which process does have be given formal approval for this adaptation? a Configuration Management b Network Management c Problem Management d Change Management 19. programme peering management wants soon install a new application on network server, but needs for that information on the capacity of the server. Which information of capacity management is in this case necessary? a. The required memory space for the application b. the available memory space for the application c. the memory space which the users have necessary 20. It is decided to experience a start with the doorbelasting of of the IT infrastructure, for in any case the connection time in the network to the users at bereke¬nen. Which process is responsible for the drawing up of the tax credit method ? a.Available Management b.Capacity Management Let ITIL bright your life, ITIL now! http://www.itil123.cn c.Cost Management d Network Management 21. All data concerning the IT infrastructure have been set out, after a complete inventory, in the configuratiebeheerdataba¬se (CBDB). When is the first configuration audit kept? a. directly after the helpdesk is implemented? b. directly after completion of the CBDB c. approximately two months after completion of the CBDB d. as soon as appears that the information in the CBDB is no longer up-to-date 22. At the implementation of new release of a software parcel a number of tekortko¬mingen appear action. In spite of that it is decided the new introduce release. Which process is responsible for registering the observed tekortkomin¬gen? a.Configuration Management b.Problem Management c.programme peering management d.Change Management 23. What is the consequence of a too small range of configuration Management? a. stipulated parts of the infrastructure can insufficiently be checked and managed b. certain problems cannot be analysed because the available information is inadequate c. there is insufficient guarantee that the supplied information is a correct reflection of reality d. all called impact is correctly 24. Consider the statements mentioned below . * Hierarchical escalation means an escalation to hierarchically higher functiona¬ris, because these more knowledge or expertise has to solve an incident . * Functional escalation means that an expert is involved within the organisation, which has more knowledge or expertise to solve an incident. Its these statements correct? Let ITIL bright your life, ITIL now! http://www.itil123.cn a. only the first b. only the second c. both d. none the both 25. Which process is there for responsible employees who are their guard word forget the occasion of giving a new guard word to choose? a. Confoguration Management b. helpdesk c. Network Management d. Change Management 26. Why is it necessary that the helpdesk employees have insight in on the one hand the different groups users and on the other side the services which are provided by the automation department? a.by the user incident identified can be remedied then by the helpdesk more rapidly b.the IT services can be coordinated then better on the individual needs of the users c.the helpdesk can as a result, prevent that there certain incidents appear at the users d. all called reasons are correctly 27. Concerning the planned installation of new software releases network server must be extended. Which process is responsible for conducting an investigation to the necessary disk space of the network server? a.Capacity Management b.Network Management c. programme peering management d.Change Management 28. Consider statements mentioned below . -* A service level agreement (service Level agreement) is a contract in which the Let ITIL bright your life, ITIL now! http://www.itil123.cn measurable levels of service have been fixed . * The users guarantees give to a service level agreement that the most important applications are always available. Its these statements correct? a. only the first b. only the second c. both d. none of both 29. There does a modification have be introduced in the version of programmatuur item in which surroundings can these programmatuur exclusively modified become? a.exploitation surroundings b.ontwikkelomgeving c.test surroundings 30. What is not definitely the reason to a modification application? a.the solution of a problem b. the introduction of a new or modified CI(Configuration Items) c. the result of a service level agreement d. the result of modified circumstances 31.From what stipulating the correct details of the CBDB is dependent? a.the assessment between the quantity work and the exact of the information b.the criteria which are put from the helpdesk and problem management to the information c.the information which has an organisation necessary the put aims reach d.the number of systems and the relations which have these with the infrastructure 32. Consider the statements mentioned below . - An incident with a high urgency has a high priority by definition . Let ITIL bright your life, ITIL now! http://www.itil123.cn - An incident a low impact such as it a small deviation of the normal has only caused level of service. Its these statements correct? a. only the first b. only the second c. both d. none of both 33.What is the main reason a problem register as soon as it is identified ? a.this promotes setting priorities at problem settlement b. this makes a faster incident settlement possible c.this makes progress monitoring of the problem settlement possible d. this provides information on weak components in the infrastructure 34. Why after identification of a problem it is always proceeded to classification of the problem? a.because it is important have insight in the frequency with which the problem arises b.because it is important is able go on which manner the problem is remedied c.because one gets as a result insight in the consequences of the problem on the service d. because one can stipulate with that the priority for solving the problem 35. Which steps must be taken successively modifications in the IT infrastructure to be checked to leave gone? a. acceptance - classification - appraisal and planning - coordination - report b.categorization - impact and urgency provision - planning - implementation - locking c. identification - recording - allocation - research - report d. recording - detection - classification - diagnosis and solution - locking 36. With a user clear agreements have been made concerning the quantity disk space that he available have on the network server for storing 'eigen' files. Which process is there for responsible that this disk space is also really available? a Availability Management b Capacity Management Let ITIL bright your life, ITIL now! http://www.itil123.cn c Network Management d Program peering management 37. When a jamming is communicated, it is important that the IT service with minimum consequences on the consumer are repaired. This to realize hears as a task particularly to ...... a. Configuration Management b. helpdesk c. Problem Management d. Relation management consumers 38.What is meant with effectively and efficient work? a.hard work within the determined time b. the good things do do, the good things well c. the ITIL implement processes and with that work 39.Which steps of the modification management belong to the control of this process? a. Request for Change(RFC) submits, the consultation in the WAC b. Request for Change(RFC) submits, builds, tests and implements c. to accept/classify, plans/authorise, vrijgave, evaluation 40. What is the aim of the process programme peering management and - distribution? a. software distributes to local It b. responsibly is for the management and physical the rise, transfer, distribution and implementation of software items c. setting up and managing definite software Library (DSL) 41. A manager of a company communicates jammings indicate which seem on wrong in the IT an infrastructure at the helpdesk a serial. As long as unknown true these are wrong are themselves and what the cause of the undesirable situation there is is talk of (1).....; as soon as the cause is retrieved one speaks of (2) .... Let ITIL bright your life, ITIL now! http://www.itil123.cn a. (1) incident, (2) Known Error b. (1) incident, (2) problem c. (1) problem, (2) Known Error 42. What is the best working method a good harmonisation of the wishes and requires of users with the IT reach service? a.the appointment of a service manager b.establishing a helpdesk c.the drawing up of service level agreements (SLA's) d.the regular consultations to hold between the users and the IT service providers 43. A medium organization decides one time in the 6 months carry out the checking of the configuration database. Checking one time in the 6 months is sufficient? a. yes, in a medium organization it is not necessary that more often to carry out b. no, checking must take place after every modification of the IT infrastructure c. about that no pronouncement can be done 44. Consider the following statements . * For defining the impact codes the necessary insight have in the way is in which the IT services are built and how these supportive is to the companies processes - The criteria of the impact provision are determined in consultation between the organisation. -At stipulating the impact the relations between the different components in the infrastructure play an important role. Are the statements correctly? a.only the first and the Second b. only the first and the third c. only the Second and the third d.all three 45. You work in an organization on a helpdesk. A user rings you with the communication that is Let ITIL bright your life, ITIL now! http://www.itil123.cn or its terminal does not function. This is....... a incident b Known Error c problem d Request for Change(RFC) 46. Which processes belong to ITIL service support? a. service support and service delivery, problem management, Change management b. applications management, file management and distribution, Configuration Management, Release Management, Change management c. Configuration Management, helpdesk, problem management, Change management, Release Management 47. What is a Problem? a. A deviation in the system behavior in the eyes of the user b. A condition which it is characterized by a significant incident or by repeated incidents, he who indicate on wrong, of which the cause and also the solution are not confessed c. a condition which it is characterized by wrong of which the solution is not confessed and examined must become 48. Which person or agency signs for vrijgave of a modification? a. constituent b. Change Manager c. Change Advisory Board(CAB) 49.On which moment the software of release is placed in the DSL? a. the moment the development of software starts b. at the moment of transfer of development to test c. the moment programma-testen are carried out in the ontwikkelomgeving 50.On which two moments release are built from the DSL? Let ITIL bright your life, ITIL now! http://www.itil123.cn a. the moment the test surroundings and the production surroundings must be built b. the moment the ontwikkelsoftware are ready and is transferred c. the moment the ontwikkelsoftware are tested ready and 51. Which processes belong to ITIL service delivery? a.availability management, capacity management, uitwijkbeheer, cost management and service level management b. configuration Management, problem management, capacity management and helpdesk c. strategic management, tactical management and operational-behavior 52.Which manner of is react necessary in a flexible organization? a. anticipate on matter therefore proactively busy is b. the ITIL implement processes and also carry out c. determine quality and kwantiteit of the activities 53. What is the aim of Configuration Management? a. under control total It-infrastructure bring of and information available It-organization put to b. fixing all configuration items after purchase of equipment has been realized c. available putting information on configuration items to the IT organization 54.Which of inferred aims mentioned below do not belong to the process configuration control ? a. registering names.4 versions and relations of all items within IT infrastructure b. stipulating the range and the detail of configuration Management c. identifying the current status and the recent history of all items within IT infrastructure d. identifying and managing the definite authorized specifications items which are bought or are developed Let ITIL bright your life, ITIL now! http://www.itil123.cn 55. What isn't the aim of the Service Desk process? a. ensuring less incidents and problems at the customers b. the daily contact point to be between the customers and IT organisation c. responsibly Itdienstverlening are for the answer and settlement of questions and problems of users in the field of 56. What is an incident? a. a deviation of the system behaviour in the eyes of the user b. an unexpected event which has an unfavourable influence on It-dienstverlening c. a problem for which solution still no has been defined 57.Welk van onderstaande fasen behoort niet tot het incidentenbeheer? a. detection and recording, research and diagnosis b. impact appraisal, escalation, settlement of incidents with high priority c. solution and convalescence, conclude incident 58.With what foutbeheer do not occupy themselves? a.het corrigeren van bekende fout b.het onderzoeken van de oorzaak van een probleem. c.het voorbereiden van een wijzigingsverzoek 59. Noem drie punten die op de agenda van de WAC moeten voorkomen? a.wijzigingen die afgekeurd zijn, de oplostijden van wijzigingen, de vergadertijd van de WAC b.wijzigingen die door de wijzigingsbeheerder zijn behandeld, nieuwe wijzigingsaanvragen, wijzigingsaanvragen die zijn behandeld c.problemen die leiden tot wijzigingsverzoeken, incidenten die afgehandeld zijn, de rapportage aan het management 60. Op welk niveau kan een release-unit worden gedefinieerd? Let ITIL bright your life, ITIL now! a op het niveau van applicatie of systeemsoftware b op het laagste niveau van een configuratie item c op systeem-, programma-, of module-niveau http://www.itil123.cn 61. Wat is het verschil tussen taak en functie? a de taak is het resultaat wat in de functie wordt omschreven b de taak is flexibel en snel werken, de functie is de wegen en middelen beschikbaar stellen c de taak is het werk en de activiteiten, de functie is het resultaat daarvan naar de omgeving 62. a Welke 5 deelprocessen kent het proces configuratiebeheer? definiëren van de basis configuratie, indentificeren van de elementen, bepalen vaflanten, bepalen bereik en bepalen naamgevingconventies b incidentenbeheer, probleembeheer, fout oplossen, wijziigingsaanvraag en rapportage c Iientificatie, verificatie, status bewaking, beheer en management informatie 63. Welke 5 stappen moeten in het identificatie-proces worden doorlopen a bepalen bereik, bepalen detailierings-niveau, bepalen varianten, bepalen relaties en naamgevingsconventies van CI's b bepalen moment van implementatie, bepalen aantal CI's, bepalen invloed van de CI's op wijzigingsbeheer, bepalen relaties tussen de processen en bepalen grootte van de CMDB 64. Waarmee wordt de oorzaak van een incident vergeleken, wanneer deze oorzaak bij incidentenbeheer wordt vastgesteld? a. met bestaande problemen en onderkende fouten b. met de gegevens in de configuratie database c. met de planning die voor het wijzigingsbeheer wordt gerealiseerd 65. Wanneer sluit incidentenbeheer een incident? a wanneer de oorzaak van het incident bekend is b bij een succesvolle oplossing Let ITIL bright your life, ITIL now! http://www.itil123.cn c wanneer het incident wordt overgedragen naar probleembeheer 66. Welke van onderstaande relaties met IT-beheerfuncties behoren bij het helpdeskproces? a netwerkbeheer, computerbeheer, probleembeheer, foutbeheer, configuratiebeheer, wijzigingsbeheer b netwerkbeheer, computerbeheer, foutbeheer, beschikbaarheidsbeheer, configuratiebeheer c netwerkbeheer. computerbeheer, probleembeheer, foutbeheer, wijzigingsbeheer, configuratiebeheer, klanten 67. Welk probleembeheer-proces verstrek de informatie als invoer aan de fase probleembeheer en naar welk proces verstrekt probleembeheer de eigen informatie als uitvoe@ a invoer komt uit configuratiebeheer en uitvoer gaat naar wijzigingsbeheer b invoer komt uit de helpdesk en uitvoer gaat naar incidentenbeheer c invoer komt van incidentenbeheer, uitvoer gaat naar foutbeheer 68. Wat is altijd het eindresultaat van het proces foutbeheer? a een request for change (wijzigingsaanvraag) b een opgelost probleem c een bekende fout 69. Welke drie categorieën onderscheiden we bij informatie over de kwaliteit van de dienstverlening? a informatie over de implementatie, de kosten en de hulpmiddelen b informatie over de dienstenkwaiiteit, de produktkwaiiteit en de ontwikkelkwaiiteit c informatie over de incidenten, de problemen en de wijzigingen 70. Welk van onderstaand bewering is juist? a deelnemers van de realisatie-stappen van wijzigingsbeheer hebben altijd zitting in de WAC b deelnemers van de realisatie-stappen van wijzigingsbeheer hebben nooit zitting in de WAC Let ITIL bright your life, ITIL now! c http://www.itil123.cn deelnemers van de realisatie-stappen van wijzigingsbeheer kunnen afgevaardigd worden naar de WAC 71. Beschouw de volgende beweringen. - Om een standaard-kostprijsberekening te kunnen opstellen is er inzicht nodig in de verwachte afname van de IT-diensten. - Een van de voorwaarden voor doorberekening van de kosten is dat de prestatie-eenheden herkenbaar en controleerbaar zijn voor de afnemers. Zijn de beweringen juist? a alleen de eerste b alleen de tweede c beide d geen van beide 72. Welk soort applicatief onderhoud hoort niet in onderstaande opsomming thuis? a systeemonderhoud b correctief onderhoud c perfectief onderhoud d adaptief onderhoud 73. Wat wordt er niet verstaan onder service level management? a het proces van afspraken maken met de klant en deze ook uitvoeren b het proces van service support en service delivery c het proces van het beheren van de kwaliteit van de dienstverlening, zoals afgesproken in een SLA 74. Cl is een…... a software systeem in de CMDB b onfiguratie Item Let ITIL bright your life, ITIL now! c 75. http://www.itil123.cn en geregistreerd item in de database Welke relatie heeft configuratiebeheer niet met probleem en wijzigingsbeheer? a het aantal problemen en wijzigingen inventariseren b nieuwe ci opvoeren, wijzigingen van ci's vastleggen c de status van ci's vastleggen 76. Welke van onderstaande problemen heeft geen relatie met het invoeren van configuratiebeheer? a een te gedetailleerd niveau van ci's b een te hoog niveau van ci's c een grote hoeveelheid incidenten van de ci's per dag d de kosten van registratie zijn hoger dan waarde van het ci 77. Welk probleem moet bij invoering van een helpdesk vanaf het eerste moment voorkomen worden en hoe gebeurt dat? a klanten bellen om de helpdesk heen de specialisten, voorkomen door terugverwijzing van specialisten naar de helpdesk b klanten kennen het helpdesknummer niet, voorkomen door dit op de pc's te plakken c klanten wijlen de helpdesk niet bellen, want ze lossen het zelf wei op, voorkomen door niet mee te werken aan vragen die er gesteld worden 78. Welk van onderstaande beweringen is juist ten aanzien van het uitvoeren van taken binnen het proces probleembeheer? a probleembeheer wordt gerealiseerd door het uitvoeren van reactieve en pro-actieve taken. b c probleembeheer is een onderdeel van de helpdesk-taken de taken van probleembeheer worden afgestemd in de wijzigingsadviescommissie Let ITIL bright your life, ITIL now! 79. http://www.itil123.cn Wat is de betekenis van de letters SMART in het kader van het bepalen van doelen? a doelen moeten specifiek, mogelijk, aantoonbaar, reëel zijn en tijdig worden aangekondigd b doelen moeten specifiek, meetbaar, aanwijsbaar, realiseerbaar zijn en de tijd moet bepaald zijn c doelen moeten spectaculair zijn, makkelijk realiseerbaar, aanwijsbaar, reproduceerbaar zijn en de tijd moet bepaald zijn 80. Welke persoon of instantie voert in eerste instantie de evaluatie van wijzigingen uit? a wijzigingsbeheerder b wijzigingsadviescommissie c de helpdesk d hoofd computerbeheer en hoofd netwerkbeheer
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