Sample of Peer-Reviewed Publications Using NIRx Systems/Software 2000-2014 Year 2014 2014 Publication Application(s) I.W. Selesnick, H.L. Graber, D.S. Pfeil, and R.L. Barbour, "Simultaneous low-pass filtering and total variation Alogrithmic data analysis denoising," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, in press. Copyright Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, filtering for NIRS Inc, Vol. 85, pp. 64 neuroimaging S.K. Piper, C. Habermehl, C.H. Schmitz, W.M. Kuebler, H. Obrig, J. Steinbrink, and J. Mehnert, "Towards whole-body fNIRS fluorescence imaging fluorescence imaging in humans," PLoS ONE, Vol. 8, e83749 (2014) using indocyanine green N.F. Schreiter, N. Volkwein, P. Schneider, M.H. Maurer, S.K. Piper, *C.H. Schmitz, and A. Poellinger, “Optical imaging 2013 of breast cancer using hemodynamic changes induced by Valsalva maneuver,” Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Breast cancer Röntgenstrahlen und der bildge Helmich, R. Rein, N. Niermann, and H. Lausberg, “Hemispheric differences of motor execution: A near-infrared 2013 spectroscopy study, “Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 789, 59-64, doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-7411-1_9 Cognitive motor control (2013). S.K. Piper, A. Krueger, S.P. Koch, J. Mehnert, C. Habermehl, J. Steinbrink, H. Obrig, and *C.H. Schmitz, “A wearable 2013 multi-channel fNIRS system for brain imaging in freely moving subjects,” Neuroimage, doi:pii: S1053-8119(13)00700-3. 10.1016/j.neuroimage. Freely moving studies with NIRSport J. Mehnert, M. Brunetti, J. Steinbrink, M. Niedeggen, and C. Dohle, “Effect of a mirror-like illusion on activation in the 2013 precuneus assessed with functional near-infrared spectroscopy,” J. Biomedical Optics 18(6), 066001. doi: Stroke therapy 10.1117/1.JBO.18.6.066001 ( 2013 J. Mehnert, A. Akhrif, S. Telkemeyer, S. Rossi, *C.H. Schmitz, J. Steinbrink, I. Wartenburger, H. Obrig, and S. Neufang, Child studies – early “Developmental changes in brain activation and functional connectivity during response inhibition in the early childhood cognitive childhood brain,”Brain development M.L. Flexman, H.K. Kim, J.E. Gunther, E. Lim, M.C. Alvarez, M.C. Alvarez, E. Desperito, K. Kalinsky, D. Hershman, and 2013 A, H. Hielscher, “Optical biomarkers for breast cancer derived from dynamic diffuse optical tomography,” J. Biomedical Optics 18(9), 0960 Z.J. Lin, M. Ren, L .Li, Y. Liu, J. Su, S.H. Yang, and H. Liu, “Interleaved imaging of cerebral hemodynamics and blood 2013 flow index to monitor ischemic stroke and treatment in rat by volumetric diffuse optical tomography,” Neuroimage, in press. (2013) 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 Small animal – rat studies for stroke Brain Computer Interface – controller”, PLoS ONE 8(7), e69541 (2013). Neurofeedback M. Aqila,, K.-S. Hong, M.-Y. Jeong, and S.S. Ge, “Cortical brain imaging by adaptive filtering of NIRS signals,” Neuroscience Letters 514, 35-41 (2012). Alogrithmic data analysis filtering for NIRS neuroimaging V.C. Kavuri, Z.-J. Lin, F. Tian, and H. Liu, “Sparsity enhanced spatial resolution and depth localization in diffuse optical tomography,” Biomedical Optics Express 3(5), 943-957 (2012). Alogrithmic data analysis filtering for NIRS neuroimaging M. Aqil, K.-S. Hong, M.-Y. Jeong, and S.S. Ge, “Detection of event-related hemodynamic response to neuroactivation by Event related behavior dynamic modeling of brain activity,” NeuroImage 63, 553-568 (2012). modeling X.-S. Hu, K.-S. Hong, and S.S. Ge, “fNIRS-based online deception decoding,” J. Neural Engineering 9, 026012 (2012). Lie-deceit detection S. Fazli, J. Mehnert, J. Steinbrink, G. Curio, A. Villringer, K.R. Müller, and B. Blankertz, “Enhanced performance by a hybrid NIRS-EEG brain computer interface,” Neuroimage59(1), 519-529, doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2011.07.084 (2012). Brain Computer Interface C. Habermehl, S. Holtze, J. Steinbrink, S.P. Koch, H. Obrig, J. Mehnert, and *C.H. Schmitz, “Somatosensory activation of Finger-tapping study shows two fingers can be discriminated with ultrahigh-density diffuse optical tomography,” NeuroImage 59, 3201-3211 (2012). benefits of NIRS tomography S. Waldert, L. Tüshaus, C.P. Kaller, and C. Mehring, “fNIRS exhibits weak tuning to hand movement direction,” PLoS ONE 7(11): e49266. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049266 (2012). Interpretation of neurofeedback during movement studies J. W. He, F. Tian, H. Liu, Y.B. Peng, “Cerebrovascular responses of the rat brain to noxious stimuli as examined by Small animal – rat studies for functional near-infrared whole brain imaging,” J. Neurophysiology 107, 2853-2865 (2012). pain J.D. Nichols, and M.E. Pflieger, “A programmable laboratory testbed in support of evaluation of functional brain activation and con 2012 biomarkers in breast imaging M M. DiStasio and J. T. Francis, “Use of frontal lobe hemodynamics as reinforcement signals to an adaptive *R.L. Barbour, *H.L. Graber, Y. Xu, Y. Pei, *C.H. Schmitz, D.S. Pfeil, A. Tyagi, R. Andronica, D.C. Lee, *S.-L. S. Barbour, 2012 Optical tomography: *A. Ewald, S. Aristei, G. Nolte, and R. Abdel Rahman, "Brain oscillations and functional connectivity during overt language production," Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 3, Article 166 (2012). NIRx technology platform for NIRS imaging Language study X.-S. Hua, K.-S. Hong, and S.S. Ge, “Recognition of stimulus-evoked neuronal optical response by identifying chaos Recognition of the NIRS fast levels of near-infrared spectroscopy time series,”Neuroscience Letters 504, 115-120 (2011). signal F. Tian, H. Niu, B. Khan, G. Alexandrakis, K. Behbehani, and H. Liu, “Enhanced functional brain imaging by using Alogrithmic data analysis adaptive filtering and a depth compensation algorithm in diffuse optical tomography,” IEEE Transactions on Medical filtering for NIRS Imaging 30, 1239-1251 (2011 neuroimaging Page 1 of 3 Rev. 2014-02-05 Sample of Peer-Reviewed Publications Using NIRx Systems/Software 2000-2014 Year 2011 Publication H. Niu, S. Khadk, F. Tian, Z.-J. Lin, C. Lu, C. Zhu, and H. Liu, “Resting-state functional connectivity assessed with two diffuse optical tomographic systems,” J. Biomedical Optics 16(4); 046006 (2011). G. Litscher, G. Bauernfeind, X. Gao, G. Mueller-Putz, L. Wang, W. Anderle, I. Gaischek, D. Litscher, C. Neuper, and R.C. 2011 Niemtzow, “Battlefield acupuncture and near-infrared spectroscopy—Miniaturized computer-triggered electrical stimulation of battlefiel 2011 2011 2011 2010 activation during use of battlefield acupuncture fNIRS fluorescence imaging using indocyanine green M.L. Flexman, M.A. Khalil, R. Al abdi, H.K. Kim, C.J. Fong, E. Desperito, D.L. Hershman, *R.L. Barbour, and A.H. Optical tomography: breast Hielscher, “Digital optical tomography system for dynamic breast imaging,” J. Biomedical Optics 16, 076014 (2011). imaging R. Al abdi, *H.L. Graber, Y. Xu, and *R.L. Barbour, “Optomechanical imaging system for breast cancer detection,” J. Optical tomography: breast Optical Society of America A 28, 2473-2493 (2011). imaging near-infrared breast imaging using indocyanine green for detection and characterization of breast lesions,” Fortschritte Optical tomography: breast imaging X.-S. Hu, K.-S. Hong, S.S. Ge, and Myung-Yung Jeong, “Kalman estimator- and general linear model-based on-line brain Real-time NIRS processing - activation mapping by near-infrared spectroscopy,”BioMedical Engineering OnLine 9, 82-96 (2010). Kalman Estimator and GLM F.C. Robertson, T.S. Douglas, and E.M. Meintjes, “Motion artifact removal for functional near infrared spectroscopy: A NIRS analysis methodology: comparison of methods,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 57(6), 1377-1387 (2010). maximizing SNR resolution optical functional mapping of the human somatosensory cortex,” Frontiers in Neuroenergetics 2, Article 12 (2010). 2009 NIRS imaging of Brain human brain using ICG,” Optics Express 19, 18636-18644 (2011). S.P. Koch, C. Habermehl, J. Mehnert, *C.H. Schmitz, S. Holtze, A. Villringer, J. Steinbrink, and H. Obrig, “High2010 with fMRI C. Habermehl, *C.H. Schmitz, and J. Steinbrink, “Contrast enhanced high-resolution diffuse optical tomography of the auf dem Gebiet 2010 analysis in NIRS compared (electrical stimulation) P. Schneider, S.K. Piper, *C.H. Schmitz, N.F. Schreiter, N. Volkwein, L. Lüdemann, U. Malzahn, A. Poellinger, “Fast 3D 2011 Application(s) Functional connectivity High-resolution NIRS imaging G.W. Wylie, *H.L. Graber, G.T. Voelbel, A.D. Kohl, J. DeLuca, *Y. Pei, *Y. Xu, and *R.L. Barbour, “Using co-variations in Visual activation analysis the Hb signal to detect visual activation: A near infrared spectroscopic imaging study,” NeuroImage 47, 473-481 (2009). with NIRS A.V. Medvedev, J. Kainerstorfer, S.V. Borisov, *R.L. Barbour, and J. VanMeter, “Event-related fast optical signal in a 2008 rapid object recognition task: Improving detection by the independent component analysis,” Brain Research 1236, 145- Visual object recognition 158 (2008). 2007 2007 2007 2006 J.M. Lasker, J.M. Masciotti, M. Schoenecker, *C.H. Schmitz, and A.H. Hielscher, "Digital-signal-processor-based dynamic imaging system for optical tomography," Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 78, 083706 (2007). Digital NIRS system overview and comparison to analog Y. Xu, H.L. Graber, and *R.L. Barbour, "An image correction algorithm for functional 3D DOT brain imaging," Applied NIRS analysis methodology: Optics, Vol. 46, pp. 1693-1704 (2007). image correction algorithm H.L. Graber, Y. Xu, and *R.L. Barbour, "An image correction scheme applied to functional DOT scattering images," Applied Optics, Vol. 46, pp. 1705-1716 (2007). NIRS analysis methodology: linear algorithm for enhancing tomography C.H. Schmitz, H.L. Graber, and *R.L. Barbour, "Peripheral Vascular Noninvasive Measurements," in Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation, 2nd Edition, J. G. Webster, Ed. (Wiley-Interscience, Hoboken, NJ 2006). Monitoring peripheral vasculature, perpheral vasculature disease. C.H. Schmitz, D.P. Klemer, R.E. Hardin, M.S. Katz, Y. Pei, H.L. Graber, M.B. Levin, R.D. Levina, N.A. Franco, W.B. 2005 Solomon, and R.L. Barbour, “Design and implementation of dynamic near-infrared optical tomographic imaging Breast imaging instrumentation for simultaneous 2005 2005 C.H. Schmitz, H.L. Graber, Y. Pei, M.B. Farber, M. Stewart, R.D. Levina, M.B. Levin, Y. Xu, and R.L. Barbour, “Dynamic studies of small animals with a four-color DOT imager,”Review of Scientific Instruments 76, 094302 (2005). Y. Xu, Y. Pei, H.L. Graber, and R.L. Barbour, "Image quality improvement via spatial deconvolution in optical Optical Tomography tomography: Time-series imaging," J. Biomedical Optics, Vol. 10, 051701 (2005) methodology Y. Xu, H.L. Graber, Y. Pei, and R.L. Barbour, "Improved accuracy of reconstructed diffuse optical tomographic images 2005 by means of spatial deconvolution: two-dimensional quantitative characterization," Applied Optics, Vol. 44, pp. 21152139 (2005). 2005 2004 Animal imaging Optical Tomography methodology H.L. Graber, Y. Xu, Y. Pei, and R.L. Barbour, "Spatial deconvolution technique to improve the accuracy of reconstructed Optical Tomography three-dimensional diffuse optical tomographic images," Applied Optics, Vol. 44, pp. 941-953 (2005). methodology R.L. 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Barbour, "Influence of systematic errors in reference states on image quality and on stability of derived information for DC optical imaging," Applied Optics, Vol. 40, pp. 5755-5769 (2001). R.L. Barbour, H.L. Graber, Y. Pei, S. Zhong, and C.H. Schmitz, "Optical tomographic imaging of dynamic features of dense-scattering media," J. Optical Society of America A, Vol. 18, pp. 3018-3036 (2001). A.Y. Bluestone, G. Abdoulaev, C.H. Schmitz, R.L. Barbour, and A.H. Hielscher, "Three-dimensional optical tomography of hemodynamics in the human head," Optics Express, Vol. 9, pp. 272-286 (2001). instrumentation overview Optical Tomography: evaluation of imaging accuracy Optical Tomography: highcontrast images in densescattering media Optical tomography: first localization of vascular reactivity in the brain Optical Tomography DC optical tomography," Optics Express, Vol. 9, pp. 97-109 (2001). methodology L. S. Barbour, and R.L. Barbour, "Instrumentation and calibration protocol for imaging dynamic features in densescattering media methodology: NIRS Y. Pei, H.L. Graber, and R.L. Barbour, "Normalized-constraint algorithm for minimizing inter-parameter crosstalk in C.H. Schmitz, H.L. Graber, H. Luo, I. Arif, J. Hira, Y. Pei, A. Bluestone, S. Zhong, R. Andronica, I. Soller, N. Ramirez, S.- 2000 Optical Tomography Page 3 of 3 Optical Tomography methodology Rev. 2014-02-05
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