Sample of data supporting goal areas among all community members.

West Broadway Community Plan
Draft Goal Areas and Initiatives
Sample of data supporting goal areas
Goal Area:
Community Social Development
1. Plan and support community events that promote social connections
among all community members.
From Sacred Stories:
From Steering Committee:
Community events
Community events that connect
Getting to know residents/each other better
Events/activities to get to know your neighbour
Connections: social development – celebration, healing, respect
Ongoing engagement and community member involvement (volunteerism)
From community Forum:
Enabling/facilitating events/activities for people living in West Broadway to get to
know/interact with one another in healthy ways
Make neighbourhood more welcoming (i.e. – welcome wagon, assistance moving from and
to dwellings
Organize neighbourhood sporting activities (ex. apartment soccer tournament, tag)
Organize/arrange events to facilitate good neighbour relations (ex. – block parties,
neighbourhood clean-up, festivals, cooking lessons, show movies etc.)
Neighbourhood events – socializing, gardening, cooking, and work bees – to share connect,
West Broadway Community Plan
Draft Goal Areas & Initiatives 1
“Good Food Club” model extolled as being inclusive and wide-reaching.”
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2. Support development of multi-generational and inter-generational
programming with a particular emphasis on children and youth.
From Seniors’ PATH:
Senior/ teenage program with food, sharing circle and teaching
From Community Forum:
More parent & parent-child programming
More youth programming
Programs & people available to instill values such as respect and healthy social behaviour
From Sacred Stories:
From Steering Committee:
Programming for all ages
Space/programs for intergenerational connections
Senior centre (x2)
Youth activities
Youth programming; increased hours
Youth/children resources
Resources/animation across the life span: youth to senior
Family resource centre; open in the evening
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3. Support programs and activities that encourage the participation of
Aboriginal peoples, new comers to Canada, seniors and those who
live with mental or physical health challenges.
From Community Forum:
Enabling/facilitating events/activities for people living in West Broadway to get to
know/interact with one another in healthy ways
Make neighbourhood more welcoming (i.e. – welcome wagon, assistance moving from and
to dwellings
More support to seniors (ex. – seniors housing, reducing isolation, community shopping,
meeting spaces, seniors complex)
New programs for newcomers, language training, making people feel welcome.
An activity program for mental health consumers, building self-esteem and making them
welcome in the neighbourhood
From Seniors’ PATH:
Drop in/ visitors for seniors, especially shut ins
Senior’s help line, free, anonymous
Outings for seniors (ie Birds Hill Park)
Resources available in many languages
From Sacred Stories:
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4. Advocate for funding to enable longer operational hours for agencies
and programs.
From Seniors’ PATH:
Need drop in and place for food open evenings and weekends
From Community Forum:
Need for service agencies to have extended hours (evening, weekend, overnight) and
offering more resources (ex. – child care, community laundry facilities)
Child Care (more spaces needed and extended hours of service)
From Sacred Stories:
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Encourage increased recreational and sports activities development.
From Seniors’ PATH:
More music programs for children
From Community Forum:
Recreation and music opportunities (without financial barriers) are a great way to meet
Enabling/facilitating events/activities for people living in West Broadway to get to
know/interact with one another in healthy ways
-- Activities mentioned included an exercise program at New Life Ministries and Yoga at
West End Cultural Centre.
-- “Active living programs – done together = Safer and Healthier.
From Survey:
What would you like to see to improve community health and wellness (pick up to 3)?
More adult recreational classes at the community centre (BNC)
58.8% (154)
Youth, females, those living in WB < 2 years, and persons on low
income more likely to prioritize
More youth programs in the area
52.7% (138)
Sports leagues at the community centre (BNC)
48.5% (127)
 Youth more likely to prioritize
Community centre (BNC) open longer hours
44.7% (117)
Aboriginal persons, those with a disability, and persons on low
income more likely to prioritize
From Sacred Stories:
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From Steering Committee
Neighbourhood sports/games
Increased recreational activities
Out of the house activities
Recreation: leagues, adult recreation, extended hour
Recreation programs especially for adults, sports leagues
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Draft Goal Areas & Initiatives 9
Goal Area:
Housing and Accommodation
Continue to implement WBDC Housing Plan including local planning
and networking capacity, development of innovative and diverse
housing options and implementing initiatives that seek to minimize
vacant, abandoned or poor quality housing in the neighbourhood.
From Steering Committee:
Mix of housing types (x3)
From community Forum:
A great diversity in neighbourhood: home-owners, condos, rentals, row houses – keep the
mix active to prevent ghettoization and gentrification.
From Survey:
What do you think should be done to help home owners in West Broadway? Most popular
Grants or loans to fix up the exterior of homes
66.0% (173)
 Renters less likely to prioritize
What type of actions would you like to see on housing? Pick up to 3 priorities:
Fix up deteriorating housing
56.1% (147)
Those with a university degree more likely to prioritize
Renters, Aboriginal persons and persons on low income less likely to
Build more low income housing
54.2% (142)
Youth, those with a disability, renters and persons on low income
more likely to prioritize
Support to moderate income persons to become homeowners
48.1% (126)
Those with a university degree more likely to prioritize
Those with a disability, renters, and persons on low income less likely
to prioritize
Supports to fight rent increases
42.7% (112)
Youth, females, Aboriginal persons, those with a disability, renters
and persons on low income more likely to prioritize
 Those with a university degree less likely to prioritize
Grants to low income tenants to remain in home if rent increases
39.7% (104)
Females, Aboriginal persons and renters more likely to prioritize
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Support resources, education, advocacy and funding for renters and
From Community Forum:
Pressure on landlords (eg. no welfare if building substandard) and incentives for landlords
that are achieving a particular standard
Importance of caretakers – support good ones
Obtain resources to alleviate housing crisis (ex. grants for tenants, controls on condo
conversions and rent increases)
Initiate and resource innovative ideas (ex. – boarders in private single family
homes/rooming house alternatives/shelters)
WBDC should provide education, information and advocacy support regarding poverty and
housing issues (including networking with organizations doing such advocacy)
From survey:
Caretaker/landlord education mentioned 11 times and Protection from landlords mentioned
10 times as an “other idea” for “What should be done to help renters/tenants in West
What do you think should be done to help landlords in West Broadway? Please pick up to 3
Grants or loans to fix up the interior of rooming houses/apartments
67.2% (176)
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 Seniors less likely to prioritize
Training for caretakers and landlords on working with tenants
65.3% (171)
 Females, Aboriginal persons and renters more likely to prioritize
Grants or loans to fix up the exterior of rooming houses/apartments
51.5% (135)
Information and education on energy/water improvement savings
35.9% (94)
Seniors less likely to prioritize
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Advocate for increased funding to address affordable housing issues.
From Community Forum:
Three main themes around which advocacy should be done: poverty, safety/police, housing
WBDC should be lobbying/doing more advocacy with government, private sector, and
increase whole community life.
WBDC could provide more networking opportunities for community members to collaborate
around these issues of advocacy. #s, petitions and media.
Province should be lobbied to either eliminate above guideline rent increases or provide
rent supplements for all below LICO.
We need to push for more low-income housing.
Address housing crisis – more affordable housing developments
Obtain resources to alleviate housing crisis (ex. grants for tenants, controls on condo
conversions and rent increases)
Initiate and resource innovative ideas (ex. – boarders in private single family
homes/rooming house alternatives/shelters)
From Survey:
What do you think should be done to help renters/tenants in West Broadway? Please pick up
to 3 priorities:
Lobbying to fight rising rents and gentrification
48.9% (128)
 Youth, females and renters more likely to prioritize
Information and resources to address bedbugs
44.3% (116)
Residents of WB and those living in WB < 2 years more likely to
Grants to low income tenants to combat rising rents
43.5% (114)
 Females more likely to prioritize
Advocacy for tenants on tenant issues
42.4% (111)
Information on tenant’s rights and responsibilities
37.8% (99)
 Renters and persons on low income more likely to prioritize
 Seniors less likely to prioritize
Grants to landlords to improve housing conditions
29.8% (78)
Females, those with a disability and renters less likely to prioritize
Affordable Housing ranked in the Top 3 priorities for 61.6% (135) of respondents
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Draft Goal Areas & Initiatives 13
Goal Area:
Increasing Income and Power for Well-Being
Improve community communication and networking.
From Steering committee:
Provision of information:
WBDC connect to low-income members of neighbourhood
Information hub
From the Community Forum:
WBDC needs to find ways that low income people can participate, not top-down but driven
by community members’ needs and energies.
WBDC needs collaboration of ALL community members
Need inclusive efforts to reach out to those in rooming houses and in other excluded
Board meetings held at 12 noon, not convenient for most residents. WBDC needs to be
more representative of people who live here.
WBDC to be more of an info sharing hub. We need to make more of an effort to get the info
out there
Notice boards/online community bulletin board/apartment bulletin boards with resident
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Enhance the respectfulness of government agencies, businesses
and organizations toward the community members they serve.
From community Forum:
-- “Personal connection rather than service providers – agency folks should be personally
invested in the community.”
From the Sacred Stories:
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Support the development of neighbourhood education and
training programs.
From the Community Forum:
Availability of educational resources: (ex. computer centres, adult education programs)
Support for parents (ex. education, removing barriers to accessing education, support
From Renters’ PATH:
Need for employment centre and help getting jobs and going back to school
Resource centres located in neighbourhood; more family centres, women’s resource
centres, employment centres, resources, legal services and computer courses needed
From Seniors’ PATH:
Free legal help/ rights/ education
Supports for youth to keep them in school and out of trouble
From comments received on paper/via email:
Free educational classes on money management and budgeting basics
From MB Housing Conversations:
English reading groups for newcomers
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Develop, implement and support mentorship strategies that
support community members in advocating for tenant, welfare
and housing issues.
From Community Forum:
WBDC should provide education, information and advocacy support regarding poverty and
housing issues (including networking with organizations doing such advocacy)
Mentorship programs – getting community people to help community people
From Renters’ PATH:
Want improved relations with landlord, a more responsive landlord with quality prompt
maintenance that does not involve increase in rent
Tenant advocate – someone with authority a “middle man”, impartial to help tenants deal
with issues with landlords. Don’t need education of tenants and tenants don’t want to
spend time chasing after landlords
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Encourage and support local hiring.
From Steering Committee:
Community Economic Development
Hiring community people
Hiring Aboriginal people
Increase businesses on Broadway and Sherbrook; especially locally owned
Mix of service (commercial, retail)
Local business; local jobs; local community initiatives
Economic development on Broadway
Sustainability support for business and non-profit sector
Economic development: celebrating, encouraging business activity in area
From Community Forum:
Employment training program – get people participating in the economy/job opportunities.
From survey:
What do you think should be done to help those living in poverty in our neighbourhood? Please
pick up to 3 priorities:
Education and training
63.7% (167)
 Seniors less likely to prioritize
Job creation
56.1% (147)
 Residents of WB more likely to prioritize
Lobbying the government to improve supports
50.0% (131)
 Renters more likely to prioritize
Research and action plan to understand who, why and supports
49.6% (130)
 Renters and those with a disability more likely to prioritize
 Those with a university degree less likely to prioritize
Other ideas?
Frequency Issue
Cooking Classes/Householder education
Welfare / EIA rate adjustment
Housing stuff
JJob Action
Poverty Reduction ranked in the Top 3 among 58.8% (127) of survey respondents.
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Draft Goal Areas & Initiatives 19
Goal Area:
Community Spaces and Environment
14. Continue to plan and support initiatives that maintain and
enhance community spaces in the West Broadway neighbourhood.
From Steering Committee mooshing meeting:
Green space development
Green space – active transport
Active transportation
Community spaces: especially green, garden and recreation; tot lot
Community spaces: maintain/enhance; litter and garbage
Green space access and usage
Beautification: waste and graffiti removal
Beautification: less tagging, more cleaning/sprucing up
Outdoor recreation spaces
From Community Forum:
Develop a dog park
Find community gathering places (ex. – partner with schools, other buildings not in regular
use 24/7)
Build neighbourhood pride by increasing the frequency of clean-ups – back lanes, first-ofmonth bins, graffiti removal, general garbage (enlist Tim Horton’s and McDonald’s to take
responsibility for their containers).
Back lane beautification projects
West Broadway needs more green space!
From Survey:
Actions to take on how West Broadway looks?
Garbage and bulk waste pick up
63.4% (166)
Females and residents of WB more likely to prioritize
Those living in WB < 2 years less likely to prioritize
In “other ideas” Gardens/Parks mentioned 12 times, litter issues/maintenance of public
space/snow removal mentioned 11 times, art installations, crime/safety, affordable housing
options also mentioned by several respondents.
Important environmental actions?
More green space and garden development
51.9% (136)
Youth and females more likely to prioritize
Litter issues/maintenance of public space/snow removal/recycling mentioned 10 times.
What would you like to see done with green spaces in West Broadway? Please pick up to 3
Access to the river
63.0% (165)
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Draft Goal Areas & Initiatives 20
 Seniors and renters less likely to prioritize
Tot lots (play spaces or structures for children)
56.1% (147)
 Persons on low income more likely to prioritize
More community orchards (fruit trees/shrubs)
55.3% (145)
 Youth and renters more likely to prioritize
More community gardens
55.0% (144)
Kids programming mentioned 7 times
What would help you use these green spaces more?
Frequency Issue
Crime safety
litter issues/maintenance of public space
Benches/beautification/picnic tables
river walk/River park
kids programming
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Goal Area:
15. Continue to implement the WBDC Safety Plan to enhance the
safety of the West Broadway area.
From Steering Committee mooshing meeting:
Safety issues: citizen patrols, lighting, block parents, perception
Safety: foot patrol
Safety connections and some/few specifics – priority for some
Crime and safety
Foot patrol: visible safety presence OK; but fun, visible, community presence better
Community Forum:
Bring back community policing (philosophy change), walk the streets and get to know
Night hours lots of folks don’t always feel safe going out.
Safety mandate is based on idea that there is a high crime rate in WB… Is this true?
CPTED (crime prevention through environmental design) to make neighbourhood safer,
increase visibility.
Helping residents/community members lobby for changes such as crosswalks/speed
bumps/traffic calming
Victimized by crime (even in broad daylight), don’t always report as it feels like “nothing’s
gonna happen” and police think the problem is where you live. System is not trying to
WBDC lobby WPS & fire dept. to restart community policing & community fire prevention.
Three main themes around which advocacy should be done: poverty, safety/police, housing
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