Document 2942

We would like to thank all the PCT screening leads and commissioners and other staff who
generously gave their time to talk with us and provided valuable guidance and direction.
We would also like to thank all the many programme leads, mainly based in the community or in
hospital trusts who also provided considerable time to assist with our enquiries.
Thanks also go to Marie Coughlin from ChaMPs, Helen Lowey from NHS Wirral, Keith Osborn, Conan
Leavey and other staff at the Centre for Public Health, Liverpool John Moores University for guidance
and support.
Executive summary ................................................................................................................................. 5
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Screening............................................................................................................................................. 7
ChaMPs ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Background ........................................................................................................................................... 11
Methodology .......................................................................................................................................... 11
General overview .................................................................................................................................. 12
Breast screening ................................................................................................................................... 14
Cervical screening ................................................................................................................................. 18
Bowel cancer screening ........................................................................................................................ 21
Antenatal and newborn screening ........................................................................................................ 24
Diabetic retinopathy .............................................................................................................................. 29
The NHS Health Check for vascular risk .............................................................................................. 31
Chlamydia screening ............................................................................................................................. 44
Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening ....................................................................................... 45
Summary of main points for consideration ............................................................................................ 47
Appendix 1: Diagrams of screening programme activity across Cheshire and Merseyside primary care
trusts...................................................................................................................................................... 50
References ............................................................................................................................................ 59
The burden of ill health experienced by the population of Cheshire and Merseyside
continues to shift towards chronic conditions such as heart disease and cancers that cause
considerable disability as well as death. Many of these lifestyle related diseases have a long
latency period, during which time the disease is developing, but there are as yet no clinical
signs or symptoms.
Screening for a disease involves applying a test to the population at risk, in an attempt to
detect those at increased risk of developing the disease. Screening is not diagnostic, and
people who receive a positive result on a screening test are offered further evaluation or
diagnostic investigations.
An implicit assumption associated with screening is that early detection before the
development of symptoms will lead to better health outcomes, with reduced disability or
lowered mortality; but the risks and costs associated with screening and the further
diagnostic tests involved must be carefully weighed against the benefits. For example, a
recent review of cervical cancer screening has determined that the age for initial cervical
screening will remain at 25 years, and that to screen at an earlier age does more harm than
good (DH 2009a).
The number of screening programmes implemented across the North West is high and
growing. Many of the national programmes that have been running for decades have quality
assurance guidelines and continuous monitoring in place. However, similar guidelines and
monitoring are not in place for other programmes.
For screening to be successful, programmes need to achieve high standards in relation to
coverage and processes. Quality assurance systems offer guidance on how standards can
best be monitored, and what data need to be collected to provide evidence of good practice.
Ideally quality assurance systems should be developed before any screening is launched, so
that the data needed to monitor and evaluate the programme are collected from the start.
Monitoring systems are only effective if they are well managed and pick up any issues so
that following intervention they can provide evidence to demonstrate improvement.
Standards will only improve if appropriate resources are provided to tackle any problems
Since the introduction of the NHS breast screening programme in 1988 some
five million women have been screened, more than 100,000 breast cancers
detected and an estimated 1,400 lives per year saved due to screening (NHS
cancer screening programmes, 2008a).
Since the introduction of the NHS cervical screening programme in 1988 there
have been 64 million screenings, with 400,000 significant abnormalities detected
and an estimated 4,500 lives per year saved due to screening (NHS cancer
screening programmes 2008a).
For every 400 women regularly screened by the NHS breast screening
programme over a ten year period, one woman fewer will die from breast cancer
than would have died without screening. Among women who are routinely
screened and diagnosed with breast cancer, one in eight women would not have
had their breast cancer diagnosed if they had not gone for screening. Since
screening detects breast cancer earlier than it otherwise would have been
found, one in eight women with breast cancer is spared the need for a
mastectomy; and one in eight fewer women will die from breast cancer than
would have died had they not been screened (NHS cancer screening
programmes 2006).
About one in 20 people in the UK will develop bowel cancer during their lifetime
making it the third most common cancer in the UK. It is the second leading
cause of cancer deaths with over 16,000 people dying from it each year.
Regular bowel cancer screening has been shown to reduce the risk of dying
from bowel cancer by 16 percent (NHS cancer screening programmes 2009).
Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness for people of working age
in the UK. People with diabetes are up to 20 times more likely to go blind than
people without diabetes. There are at least 2.3 million people with diabetes in
the UK (Diabetes UK 2008).
The NHS Health Check for cardiovascular risk will identify people in the 40-74
age group at heightened risk of a range of conditions including heart disease,
the leading cause of death in the UK, as well as stroke, diabetes and kidney
disease. It is estimated that the Health Checks could potentially save up to
2,000 lives per year and prevent 9,500 heart attacks and strokes. It should also
detect at least 25,000 cases of diabetes or kidney disease earlier and thus allow
individuals to better manage their condition and improve their quality of life (DH
The eight primary care trusts (PCTs) in Cheshire and Merseyside commission screening
programmes that save lives and improve the quality of life for thousands of people every
year. These programmes target people across the whole lifespan and range from antenatal
and newborn programmes at the start of life to breast cancer screening for middle aged
women and Health Checks for cardiovascular risk for those in their seventies. Given the
range of screening programmes on offer, the diversity of the sub-region stretching from
relatively rural eastern Cheshire through to urban Merseyside and the heterogeneous nature
of the PCTs involved, it is not surprising to find that there is a complex web of activities and
responsibilities that this report seeks to capture and summarise. Interviews with public health
screening leads, commissioners and providers have provided a wealth of information about
screening programmes across the sub-region and form the basis for this report. There is a
series of indicative diagrams (see Appendix 1) that are intended to show the similarities and
differences in the structures for screening across the PCTs. The diagrams do not present a
complete outline of all organisations and people involved with screening across Cheshire
and Merseyside rather than to provide a comprehensive list of all people involved with
screening programmes. There is an associated database of contacts that accompanies this
report that provides contact details for people involved with screening across Cheshire and
The roles and responsibilities of public health staff with responsibility for screening
programmes vary across the PCTs but the established screening programmes for breast
and cervical cancer are always at the core of their work. The breast screening programme is
currently undergoing an age extension and a transition to digital mammography that is
providing a series of challenges across the sub-region. The cervical screening programme
has had several years of declining coverage rates but with the death of Jade Goody in
March 2009 there has been an increase in demand that has put some strain on the
laboratory system. Both programmes have established quality assurance processes that
operate well but there are longstanding concerns about inequalities in uptake that have been
addressed through a variety of awareness and social marketing approaches.
The bowel cancer screening programme, the most recently introduced, has also experienced
marked inequalities in uptake between and within PCTs. The process of calling people by
age rather than by area has made it difficult to geographically target initiatives to address
these inequalities. The quality of data from the hub at Rugby was poor but has improved
recently making it more feasible to actively manage the programme in the future when it is
decentralised to the PCTs; although the financial ramifications of this transfer are uncertain.
The quality assurance process for this programme is under development but at the moment
is not as well structured as the breast or cervical screening programmes.
PCT based public health staff have very little input into the range of antenatal and newborn
screening programmes. These programmes tend to be grouped together and viewed by
public health professionals as routine elements of maternity care, and primarily the
responsibility of obstetricians. Consequently while there are some concerns about the
availability of the most suitable screening test for Down‟s syndrome, the general view is that
these programmes operate satisfactorily and can largely, be left to look after themselves
unless there is a change in their routine operation. The support and opportunities for networking that used to be provided by regional co-ordinators in the specialist commissioning
team was highly valued and most practitioners would like to see this service restored in
some way or other.
The organisational responsibility and operational effectiveness of the diabetic retinopathy
programme is somewhat variable and there are serious concerns about the developing
quality assurance process being repetitious and too bureaucratic. Staff in some PCTs feel
that it has required an unreasonable level of operational involvement from the public health
consultant. To promote efficiency, PCTs are advised to work together and offer the service
across a sufficiently large population. Where this has happened, joint working with other
PCTs is generally considered satisfactory; although the programme that is run across a
three PCT footprint is currently undergoing a turnaround programme after a quality
assurance visit.
The NHS Health Checks programme for determining cardiovascular disease risk is a major
initiative covering 40-74 year olds. It has the potential to save many lives and improve the
quality of life for even more. The programme assesses each individual‟s risk of developing a
cardiovascular condition and provides advice and support to undertake lifestyle changes that
could significantly improve that person‟s health and life chances.
There are many lessons to be learned from organisations that have already implemented
Health Checks around the country. Their experience highlights the importance of clinical
engagement from general practitioners and having the capacity to deliver stop smoking,
weight management and physical activity services on a sufficiently large scale, as well as the
absolute necessity of setting up appropriate IT systems. There is considerable variation in
the implementation of Health Checks across the sub-region with some PCTs having
established and well funded programmes whereas others have yet to roll out the programme
and are facing considerable resource constraints. The usual method of implementation is to
have a locally enhanced service with general practitioners, supplemented by the provision of
screening in the community, although there is an alternative system operating in Warrington
that has opted for using the out of hours polyclinic to systematically call people from across
the whole PCT. It is clear that all PCTs will need to make a step change in the scale of
provision in order to screen all of the people in the target age range over the next five years.
Most screening programmes appear to be working well across Cheshire and Merseyside but
more lives could be saved and the quality of life improved if more people could be
persuaded to participate. Championing screening and supporting PCTs in their
commissioning through facilitating the sharing good practice and the experiences of
collaborative working should be at the core of the work for the ChaMPs screening lead.
Whenever there are changes in screening practices, such as the age extension for breast
screening, or the introduction of abdominal aortic aneurysm screening, there are challenges
that need to be met and the ChaMPs screening lead can play an important role in assisting
and supporting PCTs. Identifying and focusing on a number of key issues such as health
promotion and social marketing for screening or assisting in making the case for the
introduction of the most appropriate Down‟s syndrome test while working with public health
screening leads and commissioners would seem to be the most productive role.
The NHS in England offers a wide variety of screening programmes ranging from antenatal
screening through to programmes for newborn infants as well as Health Checks and breast
screening for people in their seventies. The full range of screening and early detection
programmes referred to in this review includes the following:
 NHS fetal anomaly screening programme
 NHS infectious and non infectious diseases in pregnancy screening programme
 NHS sickle cell and thalassaemia screening programme
 NHS newborn and infant physical examination screening programme
 NHS newborn blood spot screening programme
 NHS newborn hearing screening programme
 National screening programme for diabetic retinopathy
 National chlamydia screening programme
 NHS cervical screening programme
 NHS Health Check for vascular risk
 NHS breast screening programme
 NHS bowel cancer screening programme
 NHS abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening programme
Some of these programmes, such as chlamydia screening and the NHS Health Check (for
vascular risk) are not UK National Screening Committee approved systematic population
screening programmes, but are included here because of their clear links to these schemes.
Disease screening is regarded as ill health prevention and accountability for programmes
falls under the director of public health who delegates responsibility to a nominated
screening lead, usually a public health specialist in each primary care trust (PCT).
Longstanding cancer screening programmes undoubtedly receive most attention, whilst the
newer programmes as well as the antenatal and newborn screening programmes are largely
overlooked by busy public health staff.
The regional director of public health asked for an analysis of the current situation to inform
future strategic development of the screening programmes and of their quality assurance
systems. In addition, the Cheshire and Merseyside directors of public health asked for a
more specific situation analysis in the sub-region. A new post was created in the Cheshire
and Merseyside public health network to support screening across the area. This study was
commissioned to assist with the sub-regional analysis, and to provide recommendations to
guide the work of the new post holder.
The Centre for Public Health at Liverpool John Moores University was commissioned to
undertake the work, and a service level agreement was drawn up to guide the review.
A team of experienced researchers interviewed the screening leads and commissioners of
public health screening programmes in each PCT. Those responsible for antenatal and
newborn screening programmes who sit outside the PCT in hospitals and the community
were also surveyed. Staff with responsibility for the governance of the various groups that
support screening programmes such as the cancer networks were also interviewed to gain a
full picture of the situation. Throughout, the emphasis has been on exploring and analysing
the responsibility of the PCT. Laboratory services have their own clear quality assurance
procedures in place, but these are outside the scope of this study and have not been
considered here. This review has concentrated on those programmes that are actively
managed by the PCT.
The information gathered from all these various sources was synthesised to produce this
report and the recommendations.
It may be worth mentioning that responsibility for screening across the Cheshire and
Merseyside PCTs is complex and resembles a web rather than a series of linear
relationships. There are undoubted benefits to developing services to meet local needs, but
the corollary of this is that the diversity of systems that ensues makes it difficult to
understand the web of responsibilities, and subsequently to share and learn from good
There is wide variation in responsibilities, structures and processes in relation to screening
programmes across the eight PCTs in Cheshire and Merseyside. This is to be expected
given the differences in organisational history, priorities, capacities and personnel in a group
of PCTs that covers a diverse population of more than two million people ranging from rural
eastern Cheshire to urban Merseyside. There are similarities and differences in how
responsibilities for screening programmes operate at both a strategic and operational level
and produce a complex and variable picture that reflects this diversity across the sub-region.
It is commonplace for the three major screening programmes covering breast, cervical and
bowel cancer to be grouped together and to be regarded as a core part of the responsibility
of the public health team. Within these three cancer detection programmes, the most
recently introduced programme of bowel screening is viewed in a different light compared to
the well-established breast and cervical screening programmes that are commissioned by
the PCTs and involve cyclical quality assurance processes. The particular issues relating to
each of the three major cancer screening programmes will be discussed in more detail later
in the report.
Similarly, it is usual for the variety of antenatal and newborn screening programmes to be
bundled together and viewed by public health professionals as something over which they
have limited input and influence because they are an integral part of the maternity care
pathway. The extent to which a public health professional could provide strategic oversight
and be involved in actively managing these programmes is generally considered to be much
more limited compared to the cancer screening programmes.
There are important differences in the range of screening programmes covered by public
health screening leads and the amount of time they are able to spend on this area of their
work. Some public health screening leads are responsible for all screening programmes and
spend more than a day per week on average on this area of their work. In other PCTs,
different patterns of responsibility are apparent and staff are able to spend far less time
working on monitoring and advising on screening programmes. The director of public health
(DPH) has responsibility for screening and the work associated with the various services is
delegated to public health staff who work in partnership with colleagues in the
commissioning arm of the PCT. The most notable exception to this general rule is Liverpool
PCT where the aim is to move beyond this traditional approach by making screening a
corporate responsibility that belongs with the appropriate care pathway. The potential
tensions and challenges in local implementation through the traditional channel of the
director of public health, who lacks the mechanisms to exercise accountability even though
they are formally responsible for screening programmes, rather than through the developing
world class commissioning route are acknowledged by other public health professionals.
There are also differences in the level of involvement with the launch of vascular Health
Checks and also in relation to the operation of the diabetic retinopathy programme with
some public health professionals being (too) heavily involved with operational issues while
others have only peripheral involvement. Widely differing views on the importance of
screening; the role of quality assurance processes; the value of collaborative support
networks and the need for additional support in relation to this area of work are apparent
among those working in this area.
There is a complex picture in relation to screening programmes across the eight PCTs in
Cheshire and Merseyside that reflects a complicated pattern of responsibilities, structures
and processes.
The breast screening programmes across the PCTs in Cheshire and Merseyside face a
number of issues, both general and specific, that will need to be addressed in the next few
the implementation of the age extension announced in the Cancer Reform Strategy
in December 2007 to cover women from 47 to 73 years of age
the roll out of digital mammography that will improve the work of the breast screening
the inequalities in screening coverage between women living in the more affluent and
deprived areas within PCTs
The capacity of the individual PCT‟s to cope with these challenges will vary and their ability
to maintain coverage levels above the national target of 70 percent is a cause for concern.
Number of
women (aged
53 to 70)
March 2007
(less than 3
years since
last test) (%),
March 2007
Number of
women (aged
53 to 70)
March 2008
(less than 3
years since
last test) (%),
March 2008
Central and Eastern
Halton & St Helens
Western Cheshire
North West SHA
Source: NHS breast screening programme statistics accessed from:
The breast screening coverage rate is highest in Central and Eastern Cheshire at 82 percent
and lowest in Knowsley at 69 percent although according to the most recent data (March
2008) coverage has increased across all the PCTs compared to the previous year. It is
interesting to note that both the coverage rate and the absolute number of women in the
target population who are screened are highest in relatively affluent and rural Central and
Eastern Cheshire. In contrast, the coverage rate and the total number of women screened in
relatively deprived and urban Knowsley are both the lowest in the sub-region. Both PCTs
have somewhat complex patterns of service delivery from local providers with breast
screening for Knowsley‟s population being largely provided (about 80 percent of the breast
screening commissioned by Knowsley PCT) at the Liverpool breast screening unit where
Liverpool PCT is the major commissioner; with the remaining 20 percent of breast screening
services provided at Whiston hospital, where Warrington PCT is the major commissioner of
the service. This configuration of service provision gives Knowsley PCT less scope to
influence the direction of the breast screening service than other commissioners with whom
they have „interesting conversations‟ from time to time. Consequently it is felt that
Knowsley‟s ability to influence service provision and coverage is comparatively low, despite
the positive work that the PCT has undertaken with general practitioners, women in and near
to the target population and with the breast screening unit. In contrast, Central and Eastern
Cheshire PCT‟s breast screening service is provided by the East Cheshire NHS Trust at
Macclesfield District General Hospital who also provide mobile breast screening services to
women who live in areas covered by neighbouring Stockport PCT. The capacity for breast
screening provision in eastern Cheshire is encouraging but even in a PCT where coverage
rates are high there are concerns about how the costs of age-range expansion, estimated to
be £11,000 per 1,000 eligible women, will be met when there is already a sizeable deficit
projected for the PCT.
In addition to providing services to Knowsley, Liverpool‟s breast screening unit also provides
services to Liverpool and Sefton. Digital mammography is provided at the breast screening
unit‟s base at the Liverpool Women‟s hospital but not by mobile units that serve this patch.
The willingness of people to travel to Liverpool Women‟s hospital from outlying parts of
Knowsley and Sefton makes the equitable provision of accessible services particularly
challenging for these PCTs. A potential solution to this problem that is under consideration in
Sefton is to move from mobile units to multiple static sites, although this will be difficult to
achieve because of capacity and cost issues. Similarly, there are difficult decisions to be
made about introducing mobile digital mammography which will be expensive and may not
be cost-effective. These are issues that the public health screening lead in Sefton will have
an important advisory input into, but are ultimately a matter for commissioners in the PCT to
Breast screening programmes work relatively well across the Cheshire and Merseyside
PCTs. Women are invited by practice on a three yearly cycle using a system that has been
in operation for more than two decades. The work of public health professionals in
monitoring performance, working to improve overall coverage rates and tackling inequalities
between areas is universal and continues to develop.
Knowsley developed a report covering the three yearly cycle of breast screening for
a cluster of general practices in order to better understand patterns of participation.
Although developing interventions to increase uptake is difficult given the armslength provision of the service from primary care.
In Halton & St. Helens women who had not attended were contacted with a
questionnaire asking why they had not gone for breast screening and what could
be done to encourage them to participate. There were a variety of reasons given
but interestingly, when they were asked if they would now like an appointment,
about half of the women who returned the questionnaire said that they would and
then went on to actually follow this through and attend for screening. The simple
nudge provided by the questionnaire elicited an improvement in coverage. This
work was done with some „soft money‟ from the PCT‟s budget so a repeat of this
exercise is dependent on other commitments, although it would be preferable for
this sort of local activity to be part of the main contract so that it becomes a routine
part of screening practice.
Breast screening services for Wirral are provided at Clatterbridge Hospital. There
were concerns about falling coverage rates caused by women having difficulty
attending appointments. In response to these issues, a more flexible service that
includes an easy facility to change appointments and more after working hours
provision has been developed which has helped to improve coverage rates and
women‟s experience of the service.
Most PCTs do not have a screening co-ordinator although this role is highly valued by those
public health consultants and others who work with one. Both Sefton and Knowsley have
such a post that provides the link between the public health department‟s strategic oversight
and the day-to-day operational activities of service providers. The screening co-ordinators
focus on cancer screening programmes and contribute to relieving some of the pressures on
the public health consultants who have a wide range of other responsibilities. The absence
of such a linking co-ordinator is particularly acknowledged in Halton & St Helens where
information analysts produced excellent performance reports on cancer screening
programmes, highlighting areas for improvement, but there was insufficient capacity to work
with general practitioners across the patch to „win hearts and minds‟ and ensure that best
practice was implemented as widely as might have been possible otherwise.
There are interesting differences in collaborative working across PCT boundaries that
highlight the diversity across Cheshire and Merseyside. Knowsley, Warrington and Halton &
St. Helens from the eastern sector of the Merseyside and Cheshire cancer network have a
cancer oversight group that meets about three times a year (or when it is needed) to provide
a strategic public health overview of these programmes across this sizeable footprint. This
arrangement arose due to historical organisational factors and the good relationships
between public health professionals in the three PCTs and is considered to be a useful
forum for developing and improving the screening programmes and should continue. The
other PCTs do not participate in such collaborative arrangements. Central and Eastern
Cheshire belongs to both the Merseyside & Cheshire and the Greater Manchester &
Cheshire cancer networks but feels it is on the geographical periphery of both for public
The regional quality assurance (QA) processes directed by Ellis Friedman are regarded as
robust and the quality assurance visits are welcomed as part of the necessary processes
needed to maintain the good performance of the breast screening programme in each PCT.
However, there were occasional concerns expressed about the role of the regional quality
assurance group. Sometimes the quality assurance assessors act as if they are
commissioners responsible for directing operations rather than providing advice and support
for good practice. At times the directions given by the regional quality assurance group were
at odds with those from the commissioners who had based their decisions on a better
understanding of local operational and financial constraints and do have the ultimate
responsibility for monitoring services. There are obvious sensitivities around these various
roles and responsibilities and therefore it is important that the ChaMPs screening lead is
aware of these and works with care and understanding to support PCTs.
The breast screening programmes are running smoothly across Cheshire and
Merseyside, and quality assurance activity is undertaken regularly. There are significant
differences in coverage rates between and within PCTs.
There are some innovative interventions being employed to increase coverage rates and
reduce inequalities in uptake. Collaborative cross-PCT work around breast cancer and
screening between Knowsley, Warrington and Halton & St Helens seems to be mutually
The presence of a screening co-ordinator at the PCT level is important for providing the
linkage between public health professionals and commissioners, and the operational
activities of service providers. Whilst it is eminently feasible for PCTs to provide
screening programmes for their populations without this, there appears to be a clear
advantage in having someone in this intermediate role.
There is a lack of clarity and some tension between those with responsibility for
undertaking quality assurance and commissioners of services.
The cervical screening programme is well-established and generally works satisfactorily
across the PCTs and the transition to liquid based cytology has been successfully
completed. There are two main issues in relation to this programme:
the decline in coverage rates over the last few years, particularly among younger
women, is a long-standing concern. However, the „Jade effect‟ has led to an increase
in demand for cervical screening and has put some strain on the ability of the
laboratories to process tests
the persistent inequalities in cervical screening coverage, which along with declining
coverage, have provided the impetus for considerable work including social
marketing initiatives and developments to enhance local services
Coverage Coverage Eligible
population (<3.5
(<5 years population
since last (000s)
since last adequate
Coverage Coverage
(<5 years
since last
since last adequate
North West
Central and
Halton & St
Source: NHS cervical screening programme statistics accessed from:[ns]
The coverage rates for cervical screening are highest in Central and Eastern Cheshire and
lowest in Liverpool reflecting the differences between relatively affluent and deprived
communities in England. Interestingly, Central and Eastern Cheshire despite having the
highest level of coverage also reported some information technology (IT) difficulties with the
administration of the calling system which was moved to Preston following the introduction of
remote management of the system during the last year. Public health leads are particularly
concerned about the gradual decline in coverage that has affected all PCTs over recent
years and they have seen coverage fall below the 80 percent level in most areas. The
differences in coverage rates between younger women living in deprived areas compared to
older women from more affluent districts are of particular concern since initial entry or nonparticipation into the screening programme at a young age influences a woman‟s behaviour
in the longer term and therefore coverage rates both now and in the future. However, the
death of Jade Goody from cervical cancer has greatly increased the demand for cervical
screening, particularly among younger women, and there are some concerns about the
ability of the system to cope with such a significant increase in the number of women
participating in the programme. So far this challenge had been met but it is acknowledged
that although parts of the system, notably the laboratory service, have been put under
pressure they have performed admirably. Uncertainty about the recent decision to
reorganise laboratory services into larger units is causing a great deal of anxiety, particularly
for staff working in smaller laboratories, some of whom now face the prospect of relocating
or leaving.
Commissioners, service providers from primary care, laboratory services and other staff
involved in cervical screening programmes usually meet regularly three or four times per
year. These meetings are used to monitor performance and to develop ways of improving
the operation of the system particularly in relation to increasing coverage levels. In addition
to regular meetings, there is a system of quarterly performance management reports that go
through the director of public health to the PCT‟s Board. For example, in Knowsley a four
page fixed format system of reports using national data and local real time data from central
operations Mersey has been running for more than two years and is distributed through the
screening co-ordinator to every general practice to give information on performance and on
ways to improve coverage. Knowsley also worked with the third sector organisation „Jo‟s
Trust‟ to develop post card sized leaflets that raise awareness of cervical screening among
young women who are approaching the age for entry into the programme. By arrangement
with central operations Mersey, Knowsley sends all young women a „soft‟ post card in the
month before they receive an invitation letter for cervical screening and this process seems
to be having a positive impact. Knowsley has also recently targeted the 2,000 women who
have missed two calls for screening with a similar one-off mail shot that has prompted at
least a further 100 women to attend for screening.
Another example of work in this area is in Sefton, where the PCT is working with the
Improvement Foundation by focusing on five general practices with particularly low levels of
uptake. This has involved a considerable amount of work for the public health consultant and
the screening co-ordinator, for example in developing screening cards so that any health
professional can discuss screening issues with a patient and point them in the right direction,
and again appears to be having a positive effect. This work also involves training issues for
staff working with people who have learning disabilities to improve the uptake of screening in
this group. Halton and St Helens is keen to improve their cervical screening coverage in light
of the fact that their local laboratory reported that 12 of the 19 women who were diagnosed
with established cervical cancer in the last year had never previously attended for screening.
In contrast, cervical screening appears to be a lower priority for Liverpool PCT which
acknowledges that the area has low coverage rates, but staff have taken the position that
there are other more pressing priorities in Liverpool and the costs of increasing participation
are relatively high compared with the potential benefit in terms of years of life lost due to
premature death.
The quality assurance process for cervical screening is regarded as being very good for
focusing attention on areas where the programme could be improved. As part of the
process, several public health consultants have worked with the regional quality assurance
team visiting other PCTs. This provides consultants with an opportunity to observe good
practice and later apply any new ideas to their own situation. The quality assurance process
for cervical screening has both a core as well as a section that is more flexible allowing the
process to accurately reflect the local situation. The cancer screening implementation group
(part of the Merseyside and Cheshire cancer network) meets regularly and their work is
highly commended, in particular for providing a forum for bringing people together and
providing an opportunity for learning from both positive and negative experiences, across the
Cheshire and Merseyside area.
The cervical screening programmes are running relatively smoothly across Cheshire
and Merseyside although there are significant differences in coverage rates between
and within PCTs. The decline in coverage over recent years has been arrested due to
the „Jade effect‟ and the system is coping well with the increased demand.
Some novel interventions to increase coverage rates and reduce inequalities in uptake
are being implemented across the area. Social marketing initiatives in Knowsley and
Sefton appear to be going well, although it will be difficult to determine how effective
they are and whether they should continue in the long term because of the interference
caused by the Jade effect.
The inequalities in screening coverage have proven to be persistent despite concerted
efforts to reduce them. This is an area in which more work will be needed although the
Jade effect has „turned the tide‟ for cervical screening after several years of declining
The most recently introduced cancer screening initiative is viewed much less sanguinely by
public health professionals than the breast and cervical screening programmes. The early
implementation of bowel cancer screening across Cheshire and Merseyside is causing quite
a few difficulties for public health professionals in PCTs. The main challenge in relation to
bowel cancer screening are:
the decision to call people by age rather than by practice area created a „scattergun
approach‟ that produced anomalies that hindered the initial stages of the
implementation of the programme
the regional hub in Rugby did not provide full postcode data that would allow PCTs
and general practitioners to actively manage initiatives to increase uptake according
to population group in small geographic areas. Following encouragement by National
Office, data from Rugby have improved in recent months, so that targeted social
marketing campaigns are now feasible
the acceptability of the faecal occult blood (FOB) test process to people in their
sixties coupled with limited public awareness of the risks and symptoms of bowel
cancer appears to contribute to the lower levels of uptake compared to other cancer
screening programmes
the considerable distances involved in travelling across Cheshire to a hospital with an
accredited unit for further screening or treatment is problematic, although this
situation will be relieved when the Countess of Chester is able to offer appropriate
care services
the transition of the programme to the PCTs at some point in the future is going to
present a range of organisational and financial challenges that will require active
collaboration across commissioning organisations
The bowel cancer screening programme produced particularly strong views from public
health professionals, possibly because it has proven to be extremely frustrating for them to
actively manage it in any meaningful way. Initial implementation of the programme was
described as having been „a nightmare‟ and „a bit semi-detached‟. The quality assurance for
the screening programme is still developing and is not well understood, but once fully
implemented should serve to improve the performance of the whole programme. The major
issues that public health professionals have with the bowel screening programme relate to
the decision made centrally to call people by age rather than practice area and the lack of
adequate uptake data within PCTs. Although it was accepted that a decision had to be made
to call people for screening by some method, most professionals thought that calling people
by age was not the best decision that could have been taken because it produced anomalies
such as husbands and wives or next door neighbours being called to participate in the
programme at different times.
The gradual implementation of the programme across the PCTs in Cheshire and Merseyside
could have allowed a more traditional practice area based approach to be adopted that
would have engaged PCTs and general practitioners more directly with the operation of the
programme. Although a primary care health inequalities group was established to guide the
implementation process, it is acknowledged that some of the PCTs in the initial wave of
implementation undoubtedly benefited much more from the publicity and social marketing
activity that boosted their participation rates than those PCTs who began later. The PCTs
that joined later could not ride this initial wave of activity and consequently are more likely to
have lower coverage rates. There are social marketing activities in Knowsley, Liverpool,
Sefton and Wirral that have been designed to increase uptake in the programme but it is
very difficult to target these initiatives where they are needed most, because of the system of
calling people by age from across the PCT.
In addition to this difficulty the lack of adequate uptake data from the hub in Rugby has
greatly hampered the input that public health professionals could have made to the
programme. The general view is that data from Rugby is of poor quality, although it is
acknowledged that there are always difficulties setting up any new service and in recruiting
appropriate personnel. Another complaint was that progress reports are not sent out often
enough. Their release was even compared to the frequency of the sitting of the Preston
Guild, although it was acknowledged that data from Rugby had improved in the last six
months. There is undoubtedly still scope for improvement with better information needed on
trends and comparisons across areas.
It was also acknowledged that the bowel screening programme is always going to be a more
difficult system to operate because of the self-administered nature of the faecal occult blood
test. The effort required and barriers to be overcome to produce a sample and then to send it
in the post for analysis is always going to prevent a sizeable proportion of people from
participating in the programme. The variation in coverage between and within areas is of
concern to public health professionals because it can serve to increase health inequalities.
Data issues also make it difficult to obtain an accurate picture of the patterns of uptake etc.
Coverage rates range markedly from about 25 percent in some wards to nearly 60 percent in
others, indicating the large variations in uptake for bowel screening that present a challenge
and will be extremely difficult to change even when the PCTs take over the commissioning
role in the future. A related but slightly different concern is the limited provision of accredited
hospital units in Cheshire. The prospect of a cohort of older people being called to a distant
hospital for a colonoscopy is fraught with difficulties as a proportion may well have to travel
long distances and undoubtedly as a result may decline the offer. Any delay in diagnosis
leads to more invasive and less successful treatment regimes for those individuals, and
could reduce the apparent effectiveness of the programme.
The developing system of quality assurance for the programme is poorly thought out with
those involved suggesting that there is too much attention on clinical performance indicators
and too little on public health considerations. A quality assurance process can have clear
benefits in focusing attention on processes and systems within the programmes that should
as a consequence then evolve and improve more rapidly. The existing system of feeding
views through the Merseyside and Cheshire group to the national level is not thought to be a
particularly effective way of working by some public health practitioners, especially when
compared to the manner in which other good quality assurance systems could and should
The decentralisation of bowel screening to the PCTs in the future is also going to provide a
major challenge to the operation of the programme. The original Cheshire and Merseyside
screening centre covering a population of about 2.3 million people was considered too large
to be managed as a single unit by the NHS Cancer Screening Programmes. Consequently,
a division along county lines has been introduced producing a larger population footprint for
urban and densely populated Merseyside and a smaller population for the more rural and
sparsely populated county of Cheshire. This division required the speedy establishment of
services at Leighton which is problematic given the distances involved in travelling there
from outlying parts of the county, although these problems should be reduced when the
Countess of Chester Hospital is accredited to provide appropriate services. The lack of
consultation about the decision and the speed of the division of the service was not
appreciated by public health professionals in Cheshire.
The decentralisation of commissioning to the PCTs is in the planning phase, but what that
will involve, particularly in relation to resources, is not yet clear. The position of public health
practitioners who took a view was that given the system appears to be operating reasonably
well, it would probably be wise to try and make Rugby work more effectively rather than
„reinvent the wheel‟ with a hub that is geographically located within one or other of the local
The bowel cancer screening programme is operating generally satisfactorily from the
perspective of public health screening leads although there are large inequalities in
? and within PCTs that need to be addressed.
rates between
is contributing to saving lives by identifying cancers earlier than they
would otherwise have been diagnosed. The performance of the hub in Rugby in
providing data to the PCTs has improved in the last six to twelve months although it is
still not performing optimally.
The decentralisation of commissioning to the PCTs will pose major challenges for the
organisation and operation of the programme. There are inequalities in screening
coverage between and within PCTs that are already established and are likely to present
a major challenge to tackle in the future.
This section relates to the following programmes;
 NHS fetal anomaly screening programme, including screening for Down‟s syndrome,
and spina bifida
 NHS infectious and non infectious diseases in pregnancy screening programme.
These programmes are primarily designed to pick up health issues in the mother that
might affect the developing fetus and include screening for anaemia as well as a
range of infectious diseases such as syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B, and rubella
 NHS sickle cell and thalassaemia screening programme
 NHS newborn and infant physical examination screening programme
 NHS newborn blood spot screening programme for several serious but rare
conditions such as phenylketonuria, hypothyroidism, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell
 NHS newborn hearing screening programme. Although this can be considered part
of the newborn physical exam, it is often managed differently and regarded as a
separate programme.
There are some organisational differences in responsibility for antenatal and newborn
screening programmes across the PCTs. In most PCTs the consultant or specialist
nominated as screening lead also has responsibility for providing public health input into this
set of screening programmes, but in Knowsley and Liverpool they are dealt with separately
from cancer and other screening programmes. The main issues in relation to antenatal and
newborn screening programmes are:
there is much less active public health involvement with these programmes because
they tend to be grouped together, rather than being seen as separate entities, and
they are regarded as being part of routine maternity care
public health professionals are largely content to leave these programmes to „look
after themselves‟ because they are perceived to be operating satisfactorily. The
public health role is to influence and inform commissioners, to help them to improve
their relationships with service providers and to react to any incidents that affect the
operation of the programme
the advisory and supportive role previously provided through the specialist
commissioning unit at the regional level is missed
Source: Screening tests for you and your baby, UK National Screening Committee, 2008
The screening tests conducted or offered during the antenatal and newborn period take
place during a time when women are, or should be, experiencing intensive contact with
health service providers. This makes antenatal and newborn screening programmes
somewhat different in nature to cancer screening programmes that are based on intermittent
contact with people. Figure 1 shows the optimal time for screening tests during the course of
pregnancy and after the birth of a child indicating the range of services involved in the
provision of screening in maternity care pathways. That PCTs are likely to have contracts
with several acute trusts, which may well then sub-contract with other service providers
serves to increase the level of complexity in the commissioning and provision of antenatal
and newborn screening services. Such complexity makes the active management of such
programmes particularly challenging for public health professionals and commissioners.
Public health professionals generally have far less input into antenatal and newborn
screening than they do with other programmes. This is partly because they are viewed as
being a routine part of maternity care and come under the auspices of obstetricians and
other clinicians working in practice. There is also a general reluctance to commit too much
time to programmes that are deemed to be operating satisfactorily. As one public health
professional said: “You can‟t have a meeting every week or be looking over people‟s
shoulders. Once you‟ve set up a programme and agreed that this is how it‟s going to be
monitored then you expect people to behave like responsible adults.”
In contrast to cancer screening programmes where there are invariably established and
detailed processes for monitoring performance and quality including concerns about
equitable coverage, there are relatively few instances when public health professionals
reported being pro-actively involved with these programmes. As one public health screening
lead commented: “If we knew in depth for each of these screening programmes what we
know about the three cancer programmes then I‟d feel much more confident about talking to
people about them but we lump them together because they‟re too big and it overwhelms
you.” Consequently, public health input into antenatal and newborn screening programmes
is often reactive and occasional. To overcome these barriers, in this case, would require a
considerable organisational shift in public health attention and probably additional resources
at the PCT level which is unlikely to happen given the financial and other pressures faced by
many public health departments. Although there will always be concerns about the relative
performance of some maternity units compared to others, there is a very strong sense that
these programmes are working well. This may be a correct perception or a misapprehension
coming from the lack of any thorough quality assurance process that might highlight
The major role that public health practitioners assume is to inform and influence
commissioners by keeping them up to date with the periodic changes in testing procedures
or the requirements of the laboratory service to process results. For example, developments
in Down‟s syndrome testing were mentioned as an issue that was of concern because of an
inability of acute trusts to provide the best available test and the requirement for laboratories
to process larger numbers of tests. The rationalisation of the laboratory service in pursuit of
economies of scale was acknowledged as causing some local disruption to the operation of
some services. For example, Warrington was well served by a laboratory that processed a
smaller number of tests than was deemed likely to lead to good performance and so now
have Down‟s syndrome blood test samples sent to Liverpool for processing at a greater
financial cost and involving a process which is more difficult to monitor. There are minor
concerns about the performance of some service providers and around data collection
needed to ensure that outcomes and transitions through a care pathway can be easily
quantified and measured but these are more than balanced by positive views of the good
work of the maternity care staff in relation to screening provision and confidence that
systems are working well. Since pregnant women tend to be in regular contact with services,
issues about follow up are perceived to be easier than for programmes where an individual
comes in for a specific test and is not likely to return unless a positive result ensues and this
is followed up.
Nationally there has been a trend in recent years towards actively managing screening
programmes and this has led to the extension of slightly more formal quality assurance
processes into antenatal and newborn screening programmes. However, none are fully
developed nor as well-established as those for breast and cervical cancer screening
programmes. The leads responsible for each programme area feel strongly that their
screening services are working well, but few can provide evidence to support this.
Information about audit type assessments can be found on the newly formed UK national
screening portal web hub, where there is a section dedicated to these programmes. The
process for auditing Down‟s syndrome screening is the best developed, and could easily be
used to create a good quality assurance programme. There are also clear standards for the
thalassaemia and haemophilia screening programmes that with very little effort could be
developed into proper quality assurance systems. However, there is considerable variation
in the way audits and evaluations are being implemented and although some programme
leads are using them to monitor, assess and improve their own services; there are no clear
expectations, nor performance management systems in place to ensure consistency. There
is no compulsion to use these tools and nobody is called to task if they do not.
Public health professionals take a positive view of risk management and quality assurance
processes in the newborn hearing screening programme and suggest that where visits have
taken place, they have really helped to focus practitioners minds on the operation of the
system and have positively demonstrated that it is working well. This positive affirmation of
the quality of provision stands in contrast to the view that these programmes must be
operating satisfactorily because there are no children reaching school age who are unable to
hear, speak or interact, which is acknowledged as a somewhat unsatisfactory default
indicator that developmental problems are being picked up by screening. There are also
some steps towards more active management of these programmes, with Central and
Eastern Cheshire PCT having a commitment to change commissioned health visitor work in
a way that will lead to the development of capacity to implement and actively manage
developing quality assurance programmes across newborn screening programmes.
The current staffing problems have resulted in a lack of leadership, and inadequate provision
of advice and support for these programmes and are a major concern mentioned by several
respondents. This role used to be provided by regional co-ordinators in the specialist
commissioning team at the Strategic Health Authority. There is currently a temporary
administrator holding the fort. Although this individual is doing well and forwards information
on to programme leads and even organised a successful regional forum to explore
programme issues, it is not adequate. Given that there is a slight reluctance for public health
departments to become involved with the operation of these programmes, the absence of
advice and support from the regional co-ordinators is something that both public health staff
and practitioners themselves feel needs to be addressed. For example, support on Down‟s
syndrome screening from the Strategic Health Authority is being actively sought across the
North Merseyside footprint of Sefton, Liverpool, Knowsley and St. Helens because staff
realise that there are deficiencies with the current arrangements. Similarly, plans to establish
a North Mersey maternity commissioning group potentially provide a forum for antenatal and
newborn screening issues to be part of the agenda when they need to be discussed.
Ante-natal and newborn screening programmes are generally perceived by public health
screening leads and commissioners to be operating satisfactorily across Cheshire and
Merseyside although there are some minor concerns. There is no hard evidence to
support this view. There is very little and highly inconsistent active management of these
screening programmes because many are seen as being a routine part of maternity care.
There have been very few problems with the routine operation of these screening
programmes and there are well-established maternity care pathways across Cheshire
and Merseyside. This robust performance has continued despite the re-organisation of
the laboratory service across the region that has required some changes to practice.
The complexity and diversity of screening programmes makes active involvement by
public health screening leads, who have a range of other responsibilities, problematic.
The advice and support from the specialist commissioning team was highly valued but
changes in personnel and uncertainty over continuing funding for these posts is an issue
of concern among staff in provider units as well as PCTs.
The diabetic retinopathy screening programme in England is offered to more than two million
people over the age of 11 who have diabetes in order to reduce their risk of sight loss
caused by damage to the blood vessels in the retina. In 2007-08, nearly 1.7 million people
with diabetes were offered screening that would detect diabetic retinopathy at an early and
treatable stage (Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Trust and Department of Health 2008). The
structures of responsibility for diabetic retinopathy vary across the PCTs in Cheshire and
Merseyside and there are important challenges facing this screening programme.
a quality assurance visit identified shortcomings in the programme covering Halton &
St Helens, Knowsley and Warrington that necessitated the introduction of a
turnaround programme and makes forthcoming visits to other PCTs a cause for
the quality assurance process, although recognised as necessary for the operation of
the programme, is considered to be somewhat repetitious and onerous
The diabetic retinopathy programme is a particularly significant issue in Halton & St Helens
which acts as the lead commissioner for Knowsley and Warrington PCTs; and Sefton, which
shares the operation of this screening programme with West Lancashire. The programme
led by Halton & St Helens has experienced operational difficulties with diabetic retinopathy
due to a number of factors. The screening programme and associated care pathway is
moving towards being an integrated system but problems have arisen because of the lack of
a programme lead until recently. There are continuing difficulties with incompatible IT
systems. South Sefton and Ormskirk both operate the nationally used IT system whereas
Southport does not, and this makes it impossible to extract meaningful data to actively
manage the programme. With a quality assurance visit for the programme on the horizon,
the PCT has recently recruited a part-time programme lead working two days a week to
provide operational leadership and establish a programme board to provide strategic
guidance. These developments should take some of the pressure off the responsible public
health consultant who has been committing too much time to this programme. The changes
that have now been put in place will eventually lead to rationalisation of the IT system and
enable the production of performance monitoring reports that will go some way to satisfying
the requirements of quality assurance inspections.
Halton & St Helens is the lead commissioner for both Knowsley and Warrington PCTs as
well as itself. The combined population of about 700,000 people makes it a suitable size for
an integrated screening and treatment programme. Along with other PCT‟s around the
country that have undergone a quality assurance visit, the programme was found wanting
although the shortcomings were not sufficiently serious to warrant closure. The main failing
of the screening programme is the lack of an ability to demonstrate the accurate and
consistent grading of retinal photographs and this has prompted the introduction of a
turnaround programme chaired by Dr. Daniel Seddon. This has begun to make changes to
the operation of the programme including a focus on developing activity dashboards to
provide an early warning system of any potential problems. There is confidence across the
three PCTs that the turnaround programme is bringing about changes that will lead to an
improved service.
The diabetic retinopathy programme appears to be somewhat more peripheral to the public
health concerns of screening programmes and it was noticeably more difficult to identify who
was responsible for this programme within each PCT. It was common for the public health
screening lead to either not be responsible for the diabetic retinopathy programme or to have
only a perception of it functioning satisfactorily and therefore for it not to require their
The introduction of the NHS Health Check to assess the risk of people developing heart
disease, stroke, diabetes, and kidney disease is an important step in preventing premature
deaths, disability associated with these long-term conditions and the resulting health
inequalities. These circulatory conditions claim the lives of more than 170,000 people each
year; are responsible for a fifth of all hospital admissions and affect the health and wellbeing
of more than four million people in England. The Health Checks cover people in the 40 to 74
years of age range and have been estimated to have the potential to save up to 2,000 lives
each year, prevent 9,500 heart attacks and strokes and 4,000 people a year from developing
diabetes by detecting at least 25,000 cases of diabetes or kidney disease early enough to
take preventative action (DH 2008). The prevention and management of these chronic
health conditions is a major public health challenge that is forecast to increase as the
population ages and levels of obesity increase. It is estimated that by 2025 some 18 million
people in England will be suffering from at least one such long-term condition1, an increase
of more than 3 million people from the current situation (The Cabinet Office 2009).
The Health Check takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes to conduct and involves a
questionnaire covering age, gender, smoking status, physical activity, family history and
ethnicity. It also involves a body mass index calculation, a cholesterol test and a blood
pressure measurement leading to a filter for diabetes and an individual cardiovascular
disease risk assessment calculation using the Framingham or QRISK2 algorithm. People are
given advice about healthy living with those at high risk of developing cardiovascular disease
in the next 10 years referred to their general practitioner for further assessment and
treatment as well as to appropriate NHS services to stop smoking, manage their weight or
increase their level of physical activity.
Chronic long-term conditions defined as heart disease, diabetes and asthma.
(Source: Putting prevention first. NHS Health Check vascular risk assessment and management best practice guidance, Department of Health, 2009b)
The Health Check programme has been launched in a number of pilot areas in a variety of
ways since 2008 and is being extended to cover all people in the 40 to 74 age range in
England over the next five years with implementation scheduled for completion by 2012-13
(NHS Choices 2009a). There are a number of important issues that need to be considered in
the light of the experiences of pilot areas which have developed a number of models to
deliver Health Checks.
The NHS Health Check can be delivered in a variety of settings ranging from general
practice, pharmacies, and community settings to mobile practices by nurses or health care
assistants following a defined protocol. Basing the service in general practices, and using a
team of dedicated nurses as in Sandwell (Sandwell PCT 2009) or by health care assistants
as in Tower Hamlets (Tower Hamlets PCT 2009), provides a link to the existing structure of
primary care and the potential for continuity of care if an individual is at high or even
moderate risk of cardiovascular disease. However, in the view of commissioners from PCTs
at an NHS improvement workshop event, provision through general practices runs the risk of
Health Checks being „medicalised‟ and therefore problematic in the eyes of the general
public who are thought to be reluctant to go to their general practitioner when they are not ill
(DH and NHS Improvement 2009). In order to reach groups who are reluctant to go to their
general practitioner, the provision of Health Checks in the community can be considered
either as an alternative or a complementary means of delivery.
Community Health Checks have been extensively provided in pharmacies in areas such as
Hull and Blackburn (DH and NHS Improvement 2009); in Birmingham initially in partnership
with Lloyds pharmacy and now with other pharmacies (Birmingham health and wellbeing
partnership 2009); and in Manchester in ten pharmacies in the most deprived areas of the
city (NHS Manchester 2009). The provision of the NHS Health Check by suitably trained
pharmacists is an attractive option given the type of environment and the levels of trust and
accessibility that a pharmacy provides, particularly in areas of deprivation where it is likely
that there will be a large number of people at high risk of cardiovascular disease who may be
reluctant to go to their general practitioner. Another variation is to deliver Health Checks in
community venues where there is potential for large numbers of people to pass by and to be
opportunistically risk assessed. This approach has been widely used in Bolton where
supermarkets, betting shops and places of worship have all been used to provide a service
delivered largely by health trainers to supplement the systematic provision of Health Checks
running from 8am to 8pm through general practices via a local enhanced service (NHS
Bolton 2009). In contrast, community Health Checks provided in association with the blood
pressure association by nurses in a mobile practice unit are the mainstay of provision that
began in March 2009 in Barking and Dagenham. This service provides Health Checks in
shopping and community centres across the area, places of worship including mosques and
Pentecostal churches as well as public events that draw large crowds such as the East
London Mela. However, this service is only scheduled to deliver Health Checks for 36 days
over a 12 month period for an area with a total population of 173,000 people with one of the
highest levels of cardiovascular disease in the country (NHS Barking and Dagenham 2009).
This is some way from the „industrial scale‟ of provision being provided in Bolton where takeup of the scheme is on track having reached almost two thirds of the initial target population
for the first year by September 2008 (NHS Bolton 2009).
The provision of Health Checks through general practices allows a more systematic
approach to be adopted assisted by various forms of software. Packages such as Oberoi
used in Leeds (NHS Leeds 2009) and Stoke on Trent (NHS Stoke on Trent 2009) or
bespoke systems that were developed for Manchester (NHS Manchester 2009) and
Nottingham (Happy Hearts Nottingham 2009) have been used to identify patients on general
practitioner‟s lists who are likely to be at an elevated risk of cardiovascular disease and to
write to them inviting them for a Health Check. This approach offers a systematic approach
for calling patients who are potentially at high risk of cardiovascular disease and involves
sending a pro-forma letter to patients. Opportunistic Health Checks, which are usually
offered in the community, can attract groups who are reluctant or find it difficult to go to their
general practitioner as well as people who are concerned about their health and want to be
„fully engaged‟ in it.
However, there are major challenges in transferring the results of opportunistic Health
Checks conducted in the community on to the patient records held at the general practice.
There has been a lack of compatibility between IT systems commonly used in general
practice, EMIS, and those used during community Health Checks in a number of PCTs. This
is because EMIS is not compatible with third party software systems and so this has required
the use of paper copies or the double entry of results into two IT systems at the point of
delivering the Health Check. For example, Doncaster PCT‟s „Test Your Heart‟ scheme aimed
at people living in the most deprived communities has a stand-alone IT system that does not
link with any other NHS organisation. Results then need to be sent to other organisation via
hard copy pro-forma (Doncaster PCT, 2009). In Manchester, the results of Health Checks
conducted in pharmacies are faxed through to the appropriate general practice which has a
standard template in the bespoke software that allows for the simple translation of the
information from the fax to the patient record (NHS Manchester, 2009). This process is
acknowledged as a challenge to the operation of the programme and it is difficult to
comment on the suitability of this model of data transfer without observing it in operation but
it seems unlikely to be a viable, secure long-term solution. Both of these systems appear to
be preferable to the situation in pharmacies in Birmingham where results are recorded on a
secure IT programme developed by a private company called „North 51‟ with two copies of
the results printed by the pharmacy. One copy is for the patient to keep and the other is for
the patient to give to their general practitioner, although it is unlikely that every patient or
even a high proportion of them will comply with this instruction (DH and NHS Improvement
2009). Even a programme such as Nottingham‟s „happy hearts‟ that provides Health Checks
in general practices using dedicated clinical health care assistants and a bespoke
cardiovascular disease risk assessor software requires the double entry of results into two IT
systems, and although this takes a little extra time, it does ensure that the general
practitioner‟s patient record is up to date (Happy Hearts Nottingham 2009).
Providing Health Checks is not simply a matter of providing a service and then expecting
people to use the service because they should benefit from it. People can be very reluctant
to engage with issues of health and lifestyle because of fears about the results of a Health
Check along with a sense of fatalism and uncertainty about their ability to do anything about
their risk of cardiovascular disease. There are also issues of denial about the impact of
lifestyle on a person‟s health and a sense that they may be asked to give up all the things
that they enjoy doing. There may also be a lack of knowledge about the impact of lifestyle
choices on a person‟s long-term health and issues about the (in)accessibility of the Health
Check and other NHS services. Therefore, it is widely regarded as important for local
commissioners to use social marketing techniques first to gain a better understand of the
needs and values of their populations when making decisions about the design of Health
Check services.
For example, NHS Leeds decided to plan the whole programme of Health Checks as a
social marketing intervention to reduce health inequalities related to cardiovascular disease.
This involved generating insights about the significance of cardiovascular disease to the
lives of the local people. Given that cardiovascular disease is the biggest killer but cancer is
considered to be a much more feared disease this work helped the NHS staff understand
people‟s attitudes a lot better and design a programme tailored to their needs. It also
included the likely responses to invitations to attend for a Health Check, factors that would
motivate attendance and expectations of the service. These social marketing insights
informed the large-scale pilot involving a local enhanced service (LES) with 42 general
practices that each had at least 30 percent of their patients coming from the most deprived
areas. The LES included training in motivational interviewing to encourage people to have a
Health Check (NHS Leeds 2009). A similar process of social marketing and training in
motivational interviewing for staff delivering the Health Checks took place in Nottingham
based on qualitative research designed to develop the service and improve on the initial 65
percent response rate to the invitation for assessment (Happy Hearts Nottingham 2009). In
Barking and Dagenham, social marketing processes informed the development of targeted
health promotion material. This work was carried out in partnership with the blood pressure
association who have considerable experience in providing services to disparate groups
such as Somali Muslims and Nigerian Pentecostalists who are often incorrectly grouped
together as part of the African and Caribbean community as if this was a homogeneous
group. Social marketing can really make a difference to the effectiveness of services by
helping practitioners understand what factors motivate people and how to reach them. An
example of a social marketing insight that is worthwhile noting is that there was a
considerable increase in take-up of Health Checks in Birmingham when patients were
contacted by telephone instead of receiving an invitation letter; with participation increased
to 80 percent having typically been 20 percent (Birmingham health and wellbeing partnership
Clinical engagement from general practitioners is a key factor in successfully introducing
Health Checks although there has been considerable controversy in the pages of Pulse (one
of the UK's leading medical weekly publications, counting more than 70% of general
practitioners among regular readers) over many months about the implementation of the
£332 million programme. The implementation of the programme has been criticised as
„chaotic‟ with vast differences in how PCTs are planning to introduce Health Checks
representing a „recipe for postcode medicine‟ across the country and as „localism gone mad‟.
There are fears that this approach will undermine the notion that this is a clinically driven
intervention that can be assessed for cost effectiveness like other NHS initiatives (Pulse,
2009a). The concerns of general practitioners were also shared, to an extent, by the House
of Commons Select Committee on Health in their report on health inequalities. The report
urged the Government to take great care in implementing Health Checks suggesting that
there was a risk they would not contribute to reducing health inequalities because of
differences in take-up between relatively affluent and deprived groups (House of Commons
Health Select Committee 2009). There are also continuing concerns about the choices made
by PCTs about whether to use the modified Framingham or the QRISK2 method of
assessing cardiovascular disease risk that may have implications for the work of general
practitioners (Pulse, 2009b). While concerns among general practitioners about the impact
of the implementation of the programme are entirely understandable, it could be argued that
PCTs are in the invidious position of commissioning additional services from general
practices leading to concerns from the medical profession about the associated increase in
workload or adopting alternative community based provision that prompts complaints from
general practitioners about the quality of the results and cost in terms of time and
subsequent treatment of referrals (Pulse, 2009c).
Clinical engagement from general practitioners is needed to move beyond Health Checks
into the provision of continuing care, particularly for those people at high risk of
cardiovascular disease. A positive example of this was the appointment in Stoke on Trent of
a general practitioner as a clinical champion for the scheme to work with other clinicians,
including the deputy director of public health and two project nurses who led on the
identification of high risk patients. This group visits practice nurse forums and practice
based commissioning groups as well as the Professional Executive Committee (NHS Stoke
on Trent 2009). Clinical engagement was considered central to the success of the „Big
Bolton‟ Health Check, where the chair of the Professional Executive Committee and the
project manager visited every practice to discuss and engage with the whole practice team
thereby building up good channels of communication (NHS Bolton 2009). This type of
commitment should encourage practices to level up to the best and will minimise the risk of
large scale variation between general practitioners in their commitment to primary prevention
and reducing health inequalities. The provision of financial incentives through a locally
enhanced service is another means of ensuring clinical engagement with the Health Checks
programme although not every general practice may choose to participate in such
It is commonplace for PCTs to introduce a locally enhanced service (LES) to provide
incentives that will encourage general practitioners to participate in the Health Checks
programme. The structure of a LES can be as varied as the provision of Health Checks but
there are some clear examples of how a PCT can seek to influence the behaviour of general
practitioners. NHS Bolton‟s LES includes a logarithmic incentivisation scheme for each
practice so that more complete testing results in a disproportionately increased payment
(NHS Bolton 2009). The aim of this provision is to reward excellence rather than average
performance or reaching a minimum target that could act as a ceiling rather than a floor in
terms of conducting Health Checks. The LES in Leeds provides three tiers of incentives
starting with an initial lump sum for compiling the list of patients and having a member of
staff attend a two-day training course on vascular risk assessment and motivational
interviewing skills. This is followed by a flat rate payment of £10 for each patient they assess
and a further sum for managing the patient effectively based on the quality and outcomes
framework (QOF) model that has been locally adapted (NHS Leeds 2009). The locally
enhanced services in Manchester (NHS Manchester 2009) and Doncaster (Doncaster PCT
2009) also incentivise the establishment of a cardiovascular disease register and the
continuing provision of appropriate treatment with an annual review for people identified as
being at high risk.
There is a potential risk that a PCT that develops a LES for Health Checks will be paying for
services that are already rewarded under the quality and outcomes framework (QOF) or
under an existing LES for long-term conditions. This is because although the Health Check
as a whole are not part of the structure of the QOF there are parts of it, such as the
recording of blood pressure in patients aged 45 and over in the last five years, or those with
a Body Mass Index greater than 30 in the last 15 months, that are included. Therefore, PCTs
could be paying twice for services provided by general practitioners. They have been
advised of this risk by the Department of Health and “…may wish to be aware of this in order
to factor it into their arrangements and avoid double payments (DH, 2009b).” It is interesting
and pertinent to note that when this issue was raised at a vascular checks workshop event in
July 2008, Bolton PCT took the stance that they were not prepared to pay for follow-up
activity required after a check as this should be done by general practitioners anyway as part
of their core work and contract. In contrast, Knowsley PCT‟s LES with general practitioners
offered additional payments for this follow-up activity because it was viewed as the
pragmatic way to get the programme moving forward (DH and NHS Improvement 2009).
There are pros and cons to both stances and it is a matter for local commissioners in PCTs
to decide upon the most appropriate course of action for their locality as the Health Checks
programme develops. However, it would seem unlikely to be sustainable in the longer-term
for PCTs to commission services that are covered by both QOF points and a LES when
there are likely to be greater budget constraints for PCTs in the future.
There is no doubt that the full implementation of Health Checks is going to increase the
workload in primary care because it covers a large group of the population, typically about
40 percent of the total population depending on the age structure of the locality although
only perhaps a fifth of this group will be at high risk of cardiovascular disease. Even in areas
such as Bolton, Leeds, Birmingham (who have invited 36,000 men since December 2007
and tested more than 9,500 by June 2008) and Ashton, Leigh and Wigan that have had
relatively large pilot programmes running for some time, there are acknowledgements of the
„industrial scale‟ of the challenges ahead due to the number of people to be seen. There is
going to be a step-change in the level of activity associated with Health Checks if the
commitment to offer it to all people in the 40 to 74 age range is to be achieved in the next
five years. In addition to the number of people entitled to have a Health Check, there are
also issues associated with „hard to reach‟ patients who are likely to need this service the
most. It will require considerable resources to entice these people in for a Health Check and
then support them through a change in lifestyle programme.
There is a substantial risk with regard to workload issues both in conducting the Health
Checks and the capacity of lifestyle services related to stopping smoking, weight
management and being more physically active to cope with the increased demands that will
be placed upon them. Manchester is determined to have referral pathways, services and a
system for monitoring high risk patients in place before launching Health Checks (NHS
Manchester 2009) and this sentiment is apparent in other pilot areas where workload and
capacity issues are often mentioned. For example, Ashton, Leigh and Wigan‟s „find and
treat‟ initiative began with assessments in general practices with practice nurses managing
the process, but it very quickly became apparent that this additional work was limiting the
number of Health Checks that could be conducted. Consequently, the PCT trained 37 health
care assistants at Bolton University to undertake the Health Checks following a very clear
protocol. In the first 18 months of the programme from October 2007 to March 2009, nearly
9,400 patients were invited to attend one of the 31 nominated general practices for a „find
and treat‟ Health Check and just over 5,400 attended. Even the earliest practice to join the
programme has still only screened about one third of eligible patients due to a number of
factors. These include patients not responding to the invitation, the provision of Health
Checks being limited to normal practice hours which restricts access for those in paid
employment and the limited amount of space available for a consultation (Ashton, Leigh and
Wigan PCT 2009). There was a national assumption that 47 percent of patients identified as
being at high risk of cardiovascular disease would already be known to general practitioners
but analysis of initial results in Leeds shows that only 21 percent of the high risk patients in
first tranche of participants were already in the system. This suggests a much higher level of
undiagnosed cardiovascular disease in the locality than was expected and indicates that
more resources will need to be allocated if patients are to receive the optimal level of
treatment. These capacity and workload issues have been commonly reported issues in pilot
areas and are certain to intensify as Health Checks are implemented in all PCTs.
 most programme will probably revolve around a mixture of primary care and
community based Health Checks although the form and balance between these two
elements will vary with each PCT and over time
 transferring the results of Health Checks in the community into primary care is a
potential weak point in the system. General practitioners need to have confidence in
the results from community Health Checks and their serious concerns about the
implementation of the programme need to be addressed
 workload issues: providing Health Checks to all 40-74 year olds over a five year
period is going to require provision on an industrial scale that is only getting up to
speed in some of the early implementing PCTs. There will have to be a step-change
in activity levels that is going to place a strain on primary care and lifestyle services.
 capacity issues: there is likely to be uncertainty about the capacity of lifestyle
services such as stop smoking, weight management and physical activity to cope
with the increased demands that will result from improved identification of those at
high risk of cardiovascular disease
 there is a risk of double payments to general practitioners through a locally
enhanced service for Health Checks and the quality and outcomes framework. While
this position may be acceptable during the initial implementation stage it is unlikely
to be sustainable given the financial pressures that PCTs face.
There are considerable variations in the stage of development that PCTs have reached in
implementing Health Checks, although this is hardly surprising given the host of differences
between areas. It is also important to emphasise that the process of implementation is rather
fluid, and is a time when elements of the programme will develop and change in the light of
experience so the contents of this section are a mixture of the general principles informing
the approach to Health Checks along with specific examples to highlight salient points.
Most PCTs have opted to commission a locally enhanced service with general practitioners
to provide the bulk of the Health Checks that will be needed over the next five years
although there are considerable variations in this process. For example, Wirral developed a
LES that most of the general practices signed up to when it began in April 2008 that
rewarded the development of a cardiovascular disease risk register with a focus on the 55 to
74 age group. A second version of the LES was introduced in June 2009 to run for a year
and focused on coverage of those with a high risk score. This version of the LES made an
initial payment to practices followed by coverage-related payments above a 50 percent floor
with incremental increases up to 90 percent coverage. This incentive structure weighted
rewards to those practices that achieved the highest levels of coverage although it is too
soon to say how the LES is influencing performance. To supplement this provision, Health
Works (a private contractor) was commissioned to provide 5000 community Health Checks
aimed at the difficult to reach and most deprived communities over a two year period ending
in March 2010. This branch of the service works in conjunction with the PCT‟s health trainers
who provide the most intensive support in health action areas, the five areas with the
greatest levels of deprivation. Newly recruited health trainers will increase the capacity of
„health challenge‟, Wirral‟s community programme by providing healthy lifestyle advice and
case finding outreach work to the difficult to reach groups. Awareness will be raised by social
marketing and health awareness campaigns in forthcoming months as the programme
continues to expand and momentum needs to be gained. As a site that was chosen for early
implementation, Wirral is well advanced in terms of provision of Health Checks but a stepchange in activity level is still likely to be required if adequate coverage of the 40 to 74 year
old population is to be achieved over the next few years.
In Liverpool, the implementation of Health Checks is set in the context of existing initiatives
to improve the standard of primary care and seeks to reward practices that reach and
exceed certain measures from the quality and outcomes framework. This „gold standard‟ in
primary care provides a focus and a foundation for commissioners of Health Checks that will
be built upon. However, the details of the implementation process for Health Checks have
yet to be completed by the multi-disciplinary steering group. There is an acknowledgement
that if existing primary care arrangements cannot provide a satisfactory level of service then
the programme will need to be extensively supplemented by alternative community based
screening such as the Kensington pharmacy project that provides Health Checks in one of
the most deprived regeneration areas of the City. Implementation will also include
strengthening links to existing cardiovascular disease priority areas and with practice based
commissioning consortia to build upon existing vascular risk registries as well as engaging in
social marketing activity to provide a suitable service for a diverse population. However,
financial constraints and the huge scale of the task to identify and provide appropriate
services to those at risk of cardiovascular disease is a particularly formidable challenge.
Sefton PCT had also established a LES with general practitioners as the main strand in a
four-pronged approach to Health Checks that became fully functional in July 2009. Rather
than waiting until people reached the age of 40, Sefton has decided to extend the coverage
of the Health Checks programme to people in the 35 to 74 age range, giving a target of
approximately 144,000 out of a total population of 280,000. The age range was extended in
Sefton because of an above average incidence and mortality from cardiovascular disease. In
addition to provision through general practices, Sefton PCT has also commissioned Health
Checks in the community at 10 pharmacies in the most deprived areas to provide increased
capacity for opportunistic checks for those groups or individuals who may be reluctant to go
to their general practitioner. Sefton PCT and Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council has also
been offering a „lift your lifestyle‟ programme since 2006 that targeted middle aged men in
the workplace and is being developed further so that it is fully compatible with the Health
Checks guidance. This strand of cardiovascular disease prevention and healthy lifestyle
promotion also provides scope and capacity to offer opportunistic Health Checks in the
community at venues such as shopping centres with a high footfall or larger local events.
The final strand, the healthy Sefton telephone line, provides advice and access to a range of
services such as stop smoking, community weight management programmes, alcohol and
mental health services. The overall approach in Sefton is to support general practitioners by
giving them freedom within boundaries to work on Health Checks with their own populations
with the PCT providing further advice and support to practices with lower levels of coverage.
Sefton has established multiple and flexible strands to provide Health Checks to its
population and has made the decision to widen the population covered to start at the age of
35 producing an additional tranche of people to be screened. Therefore, it is poised to
deliver Health Checks in a variety of ways and on the scale that will be required, although it
is too soon to assess how well the system is currently operating or will stand up over time.
Western Cheshire PCT is in the process of planning and implementing the Western
Cheshire Health Check for a launch in 2010. This will feature a LES that is weighted with
performance incentives for general practitioners, who were considered to offer a particularly
good standard of primary care to the local population, supplemented by Health Checks in the
community although the balance between these two elements is yet to be finally determined.
As Western Cheshire is not a spearhead PCT and has not developed a large scale proactive cardiovascular disease prevention programme there is an acknowledgement that
there is still a considerable amount of work to be done in this area. However, there is a
strong commitment to support lifestyle changes and reaching people in the most deprived
areas through community-based Health Checks and the provision of services, both from the
PCT and in partnership with other organisations such as the newly formed Cheshire West
and Chester Council as well as with third sector organisations. The redesign of existing
services to meet the demands of an expanded client base will be easier said than done.
Western Cheshire faces a number of challenges that are typical for a PCT when
implementing Health Checks, such as service development and engagement of both
clinicians and the target population, all of which will need to be addressed in the forthcoming
months and years.
The Health Checks programme in Knowsley has been running since October 2008 after
nearly 18 months of planning as part of a wider programme, „Knowsley at heart‟, which aims
to reduce the above national average level of cardiovascular disease and the contribution it
makes to health inequalities. The PCT has had a LES to develop cardiovascular disease risk
registers and has a LES for long-term conditions with general practitioners that incentivises
an annual health check. It could be argued that this sort of locally enhanced service provides
additional financial rewards to general practitioners who receive payments for some of the
work involved with Health Checks under the quality and outcomes framework but most
PCT‟s have taken the pragmatic decision that such potential double payment is acceptable.
In addition to provision in general practices, an extensive programme of community Health
Check provision has been developed in the light of experience of an earlier campaign, „pit
stop‟, which provided a health „MOT‟ for older men and a range of social marketing research
that informed the development of the service. Community Health Checks are provided by a
third sector provider, Optimal renal care, at scheduled venues and times across the PCT.
The service has provided nearly 3000 Health Checks although about two thirds have been
provided to females when public health intelligence indicates that men constitute three
quarters of the group who are likely to be at high risk of cardiovascular disease. This gender
imbalance in Health Checks is likely to be a function of the 9am to 5pm provision of the
Health Checks in the community although there is scope for opportunistic provision at large
scale community events that have proven to be successful in attracting men. Optimal renal
care, who were commissioned to provide the service ahead of the in-house Knowsley
integrated provider services, now work in conjunction with lifestyle advisers (health trainers)
who provide on the spot advice and support to people who have just had a Health Check.
The aim of the service is to improve the health and wellbeing of the individual through the
provision of a quality holistic service rather than simply reaching quantitative targets and
ticking boxes. There are also a variety of community engagement strategies, such as the
recruitment of community health champions and local taxi drivers, to spread by word of
mouth the value and benefit of having a Health Check. Although this programme is
advanced and operating smoothly there are still areas that could be improved such as a fully
functional electronic call and recall system and there is a need to track what happens to
people‟s engagement with services such as „stop smoking‟ and „activity for life‟ services after
a Health Check. Knowsley‟s programme of Health Checks has benefited from considerable
resources, commitment and imagination over a period of time and has learned many
valuable lessons about implementation. These lessons include the importance of social
marketing to service design and of communication by a variety of methods with both
clinicians and the target population as well as the provision of a high quality holistic service
that meets people‟s needs and expectations. Even in Knowsley there are still some
shortcomings but there is a strong commitment to learning lessons and improving the
provision of Health Checks.
In Halton and St. Helens there is a strong emphasis on prevention and early detection with a
significant commitment of £40 million over a five year period in the strategic plan for
commissioning. As part of this commitment, there are a range of activities and initiatives that
have been developed, often using social marketing techniques to inform them and contain
elements associated with the Health Checks programme. For example, in Widnes and
Runcorn there are advanced weighing machines in general practices that give weight, body
mass index, pulse and blood pressure as well as asking about smoking status. Results are
given to the patient and recorded on the patient record at the practice with patients with a
body mass index greater than 30 being called for a diabetes test. There are locally enhanced
services for diabetes and for cancer screening reflecting the commitment to early detection
and treatment of diseases responsible for premature deaths and health inequalities. Practice
based commissioning in Widnes and Runcorn will provide a „health bus‟ staffed by a range
of health care professionals who will offer Health Checks in the community. The „go‟ men‟s
health campaign offers free Health Checks, a personal health MOT, to any man over 40 but
with a particular emphasis on those living in more deprived neighbourhood +areas. A
workplace health programme that offers screening and healthy lifestyle advice is being
piloted and will also be rolled out with the intention of targeting those groups who are likely to
be at high risk of cardiovascular disease and poor health and who may be reluctant to go to
their general practitioner for a Health Check. The more comprehensive programme of Health
Checks will be extended to all in 2010 broadly following the Bolton model with patients being
called to their gernal practice but with this service complemented by an array of alternative
community based measures. Halton and St. Helens has an array of Health Check provision
available and is in the process of fully extending the programme in the context of a strong
commitment to prevention and early detection.
Only Warrington PCT is taking an alternative approach with the whole Health Check
programme commissioned through the equitable access centre, a Lord Darzi-style polyclinic
that opened in July 2009 to provide out of hours general practitioner cover for the local
population. The programme is due to commence in October 2009 and will systematically call
every person in the 40 to 74 age range for a Health Check. There will be an emphasis on
calling those most likely to be at high risk first by using an appropriate risk stratification tool
and because this is a pan-PCT initiative this should be more equitable because it will not
have the inevitable variations in performance that occurs when general practices are used to
deliver the programme. In addition to trying to secure greater equity, the rationale for this
approach is that it will in the long-run reduce the workload burden on general practitioners
who will receive the results and will provide continuing primary care to those patients who
have been identified as high risk of cardiovascular disease. Although general practices have
been „tetchy‟ about this approach and there have been operational issues about the
ownership and transfer of patient data, the programme will be piloted later this year although
full implementation could be influenced by the swine flu pandemic. In addition to this central
hub approach, health and wellbeing trainers working alongside volunteers will provide
opportunistic community Health Checks in the more deprived and difficult to reach areas.
This is a different approach to that adopted by most PCTs and has the appeal of offering an
equitable service across the whole PCT rather than the inevitable variations by general
practice that are the result of locally enhanced services. As with any new programme and
system, there are bound to be operational difficulties and issues that will need to be
addressed as they arise. There is understandable uncertainty about how this system will
function and how many more people will be identified as being at risk of cardiovascular
disease and referred to healthy lifestyle services. With regard to the capacity of these
services to cope with increased demands, Warrington as with all other PCTs, while not quite
commissioning in the dark, certainly has to plan in the gloom when the prospects for NHS
funding are looking somewhat bleaker than they have done in recent years.
 there are considerable differences in the implementation of Health Checks across
Cheshire and Merseyside. This is due to some PCTs having been selected as sites
for early implementation as well as longer-standing differences in emphasis on the
development of programmes to prevent and detect cardiovascular disease
 it is commonplace to provide Health Checks in primary care and community based
settings although the detail and scale of this provision is complex and will change
over time. While most PCTs have opted to use the existing system of primary care
as the mainstay for Health Check provision with the use of a locally enhanced
service, there are variations in the focus and structure of all of these LES protocols.
Warrington has chosen to adopt an alternative model for Health Checks that should
provide an interesting case study
 social marketing has played an important role in service design in those areas that
are more advanced in the process of implementation and will need to play a role in
areas that are developing services. Building and maintaining the momentum of each
Health Checks programme will require some social marketing input, health
promotion/awareness activity and a continuing flow of spending. With these
elements in place, achieving the desired result of lowering the overall level of
cardiovascular disease and reducing the health inequalities associated with it
 all of the Health Checks programmes will have to increase the level of activity if all
people in the target age range (which begins at 35 in Sefton) are to be covered in
the next five years. In some cases this level of increase will be relatively modest,
although it should not be under-estimated, while in those PCTs that are starting
implementation it will be considerable as Health Checks will need to be provided on
an „industrial scale‟ and reach the most reluctant populations if they are to achieve
their aims and objectives
 quality assurance procedures for the Health Checks have not been developed, but
will be needed if the programmes are to mainstreamed successfully in the future
Chlamydia is the most commonly diagnosed sexually transmitted infection in England and
rates have been increasing since the mid-1990s. Between 2007 and 2008, the number of
confirmed cases of chlamydia in England rose from 121,791 to 123,018 (NHS Choices
2009b). Chlamydia often has no symptoms but it can have serious long term health
implications, including infertility if it is not treated. The Health Protection Agency
recommends that anyone who is sexually active and under 25 years of age be tested for
chlamydia annually or on changing a sexual partner. Chlamydia tests are free and
confidential as part of the national chlamydia screening programme and involve giving a
urine sample or taking a swab and are self-administered (Health Protection Agency 2009).
Chlamydia screening is the responsibility of the sexual health services team in each PCT
and is supported by the Cheshire and Merseyside sexual health network, with data collated
by the Health Protection Agency (HPA). There is no recognised quality assurance
programme and it is rarely mentioned by public health screening leads because it invariably
falls outside their remit of responsibilities. The coverage of chlamydia screening is
essentially opportunistic and is usually relatively low in relation to the population of sexually
active 15 to 24 year olds. Warrington has run a local enhanced service with general
practices and they commissioned the Terence Higgins Trust to provide training and
undertake outreach work in the community. The resources and work committed to this area
of work has borne results and Warrington‟s coverage and national ranking are both high.
The table below shows the „vital signs‟ indicators for chlamydia across the eight PCTs in
Cheshire and Merseyside.
Total tests
% of population
Ranking nationally
Central and Eastern
Halton & St. Helens
Western Cheshire
North West SHA
Source: NHS Vital Signs, 2009/10
Most abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) are asymptomatic but mortality after rupture is high
with nearly a third of people dying before they reach a hospital. Even for those who undergo
emergency hospital treatment, the post operative mortality rate is around 50 percent giving a
case fatality rate after rupture of 82 percent. Ruptured AAA account for 2.1 percent of all
deaths in men aged 65 and over compared to 0.8 percent in women of the same age group.
The estimated period prevalence of AAA in men aged 65 to 80 is 7.6 percent compared to
1.3 percent for women and at the age 65 is around 3 percent in men and 0.8 percent in
women (National Screening Committee UK 2009).
Consequently, a national screening programme for abdominal aortic aneurysms in men aged
65 was announced for England at the start of 2008 and is to be implemented by 2012/13. It
will consist of ultrasound screening in the community; will call men for screening when they
reach the age of 65 and will be available on request for men over this age. Local screening
programmes will be developed to cover populations in the 800,000 to 2,500,000 range and a
suitable network of vascular specialists and practitioners will be put in place to treat patients
with detected AAA. Quality assurance between and within units will be an integral part of the
programme to reduce the probability of error and to help professionals and organisations
improve year on year (National Screening Committee UK 2009).
Given these population size recommendations, groups of Cheshire and Merseyside PCTs
will have to work in partnership with each other to form clusters to commission the AAA
screening programme, but it is possible that responsibility for this will be given to an
alternative organisation when the programme is implemented. Although public health
professionals acknowledge that this will fall on their plate, there is very little evidence of
public health screening leads preparing or planning for the introduction of AAA screening at
this point in time.
There is no early implementation site for AAA screening in Cheshire and Merseyside but
when the UK National Screening Committee invited the submission of proposals for early
implementation Greater Manchester was one of six successful sites identified as suitable by
their Strategic Health Authority and the national office. The five other early implementation
sites in the initial wave of pilot programmes covered West Sussex, Leicester, Gloucester,
South Devon and Exeter, and South West London.
A plan for the development of AAA screening in the south sector of the Greater Manchester
area based on service provision from the University Hospital of South Manchester NHS
Foundation Trust (Wythenshawe Hospital and Withington Community Hospital) has been in
operation since August 2008, with Bury PCT as the lead commissioner and screening office
host on behalf of the association for Greater Manchester PCTs. Bury PCT‟s director of public
health, Dr Peter Elton, along with Dr Soraya Meah of the Greater Manchester Public Health
Practice Unit and Elaine Whitby, the Greater Manchester screening lead, provide the
strategic leadership for the programme. The timetable was for implementation to commence
in April 2009 to provide an overarching programme for Greater Manchester with shared
management, clinical protocols, administrative processes, quality assurance and
performance monitoring processes. The AAA screening programme is linked to a vascular
service in each of the four geographic sectors within Greater Manchester to provide
appropriate care pathway services for patients picked up by screening.
There will undoubtedly be valuable lessons to be learned in relation to the operation and
social marketing of such a service from the experiences of these early implementation sites
around the country and Cheshire and Merseyside is fortunate to have a site so close at hand
within the North West region. Given that AAA screening is scheduled to provide national
coverage from April 2013, there is scope for evaluation research over the next couple of
years so that the lessons from early implementers can be considered and problems averted
when the programmes are put into operation across the region.
1. Screening programmes across Cheshire and Merseyside generally work well
although there are differences between trusts and persistent inequalities in the
uptake of invitations for screening. Early detection of disease saves lives but despite
the best efforts of public health and clinical staff there are still deaths and disabilities
occurring that would have been prevented if people could have been persuaded to
come forward earlier and be screened. The key role for the ChaMPs screening lead
is to champion the merits of screening across Cheshire and Merseyside, possibly
through the production of a short annual report highlighting good practice and
indicating lives saved as a result. This report could also be used to improve
communication and increase awareness of the differences in the way programmes
are developed and implemented and help staff to understand that if programmes are
not taken up by those in most need, they can serve to increase rather than decrease
health inequalities.
2. Directors of Public Health are responsible for screening programmes and PCTs
commission these services, although there are occasional or temporary exceptions to
this general rule. This organisational reality is unlikely to change and the role of a
public health network such as ChaMPs is to support relevant staff across Cheshire
and Merseyside by encouraging the sharing of good practice and learning from
experience. This will involve facilitating strategic co-operation when and where this is
appropriate and of mutual benefit to PCTs in their role as commissioners of health
services for their population. There is likely to be scope for representing the views of
Cheshire and Merseyside PCTs at a regional or national level and acting as a conduit
for information flowing downwards from these levels. There may be issues, such as
the reorganisation of laboratory services, which affect all Cheshire and Merseyside
PCTs that they cannot individually shape but collectively can influence.
3. When there are changes to screening programmes, such as age extension and the
introduction of digital technology in breast screening, there is likely to be an
enhanced role for the public health network in assisting PCTs during periods of
transition. There is likely to be a need for assistance and support for PCTs during the
introduction of the NHS Health Check for vascular risk within the framework of
responsibility for commissioning which resides with PCTs. The introduction of
abdominal aortic aneurysm screening in the near future will also provide an
opportunity for a strategic co-ordinating role that is appropriate for ChaMPs. There is
also likely to be scope for assisting in the development of programmes such as
diabetic retinopathy or chlamydia that appear to be less central to the concerns of
public health screening leads. These programmes could be considered to be
„Cinderella‟ services in comparison to the long established cancer screening
programmes and could benefit from championing across Cheshire and Merseyside.
4. Specific issues in antenatal and newborn screening, such as the capacity to offer the
most appropriate Down‟s syndrome test, should be the focus of activity for the
ChaMPs screening lead. The range of antenatal and newborn screening
programmes offered as part of maternity care is multifaceted but appears to be
operating smoothly. Working in conjunction with other NHS staff to help develop and
ensure consistency in quality assurance processes and procedures so that all trusts
can demonstrate that they provide the best available service choices to pregnant
women would seem to represent a sensible way forward rather than trying to
influence provision of all antenatal and newborn screening programmes.
5. There may be scope for enhanced social marketing and promotion of screening
services across Cheshire and Merseyside to supplement the work of PCTs. This
activity should not simply duplicate initiatives taken at the level of the PCT but should
provide a unified message that adds value to the resources being committed at a
local level. For example, recruiting and deploying individuals who have benefited
from the early detection of disease through screening (ChaMPs screening
champions) for social marketing campaigns in the local media could be a project that
would help to increase uptake and reduce inequalities
6. The quality assurance processes for the large national programmes, especially the
cancer screening services are well developed, and although there are minor issues,
all seem to be working well across Cheshire and Merseyside. However the same
cannot be said for the other screening programmes. It is of concern that many of the
newer screening programmes are being set up before quality assurance programmes
have been developed. This means that the data required to quality assure these
programmes are not being collected, which will make any rapid evaluation or quality
assurance virtually impossible. As a result, any good practice will be difficult to pick
up and share. One role that the ChaMPs screening lead could very usefully play
would be to help trusts work towards ensuring a greater level of consistency in how
quality assurance will be carried out across all the Cheshire and Merseyside PCTs
for the newer screening programmes and those where quality assurance is less well
developed, such as the antenatal and newborn programmes as well as the rapid
sharing of any good practice. This could be a challenge and the ChaMPs screening
lead will need to be seen to be supporting PCT commissioners as there could easily
be potential for tension and conflict to arise.
7. Whilst it is important for services to be developed that meet the needs of the local
population, a more strategic approach to issues such as IT and data collection would
be helpful across all the Cheshire and Merseyside PCTs. The ChaMPs screening
lead could assist in the development of a more consistent approach to issues such
as monitoring of programmes, setting up IT systems and data collection.
Please note that the primary aim of the following diagrams is to represent and highlight the similarities and differences in
organisational structures for screening programmes rather than to provide a complete list of all of the organisations and people
involved with these activities. There is a separate database of screening contacts associated with this report that provides a more
comprehensive list of organisations and people working in screening programmes across Cheshire and Merseyside.
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Published by
Centre for Public Health
Research Directorate
Faculty of Health and Applied Social Sciences
Liverpool John Moores University
Kingsway House
Hatton Garden
L3 2AJ
Tel: +44 (0)151 231 8758
e-mail: [email protected]
© November 2009
ISBN: 978-1-907441-11-0 (pdf version)