Format - 7 Admission Form: Agriculture Programs: 2014-15 Paste Passport size Photo (35 mm X 45 mm) Form No. (for RC) `ed§Vamd ÀmìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR> Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University Photo should not exceed the borders. Dnyangangotri, Nashik - 422 222, MS, India Name of Program: Program Code: ({ejUH«$_mMo Zmd) ({ejUH«$_ g§H$o Vm§H$) Name of Centre: Centre Code: (H¥${f {ejU H|$ÐmMo Zmd) ({ejUH|$Ð g§H$o Vm§H$) Name of the Bank Challan No. Amount in Rs. Important Instructions for Students ({dÚmÏ`mªgmR>r _hÎdmÀ`m gyMZm)… 1. Read prospectus carefully & use black ink ballpen to fill the form. 2. Fill in all fields in CAPITAL English letters only. (AO© ^aVmZm H°${nQ>b 3. Mark 9 in appropriate box. (`mo½` Ë`m Mm¡H$moZmV 9 Aer IyU H$am) nmgnmoQ>© gmB©OMm (35x45 _r._r.) AmH$mamMm \$moQ>mo {MH$Q>dm. Bank Transaction No. (_m{hVrnwpñVH$m dmMyZ àdoe AO© H$mù`m emB©Zo ^am) B§J«Or Ajam§MmM dmna H$am) ↑ darb Mm¡H$Q>rV H$mù`m emB©Zo 16 Digit PRN (if allotted) ñdmjar H$am. 16 A§H$s H$m`_ Zm|XUr H«$_m§H$ 1. Personal Information Section: (d¡`pŠVH$ _m{hVr) Last Name First Name (AmS>Zmd) Father’s/Husband’s Name (ñdV…Mo Zmd) Mother’s Name (d{S>bm§Mo/nVrMo Zmd) (AmB©Mo Zmd) Name of the Student (in English) {dÚmÏ`m©Mo Zmd (_amR>rV) Date of Birth OÝ_VmarI… D D M M Social Reservation (gm_m{OH$ AmajU g§dJ©) Parallel Reservation (g_m§Va Contact Details: Country AmajU àdJ©) Y Y Y Y Gender qbJ… Male nwéf SC ST VJ(A) NT(B) Women PAP PH FF Female ñÌr Mother tongue _mV¥^mfm… NT(C) NT(D) OBC SBC Open DP g§nH$m©gmR>r nÎmm… Xoe: Phone No. ( STD State amÁ`: ) District {Oëhm: Mobile Number: Email ID: 2. Program & Academic Qualification Section: ({ejUH«$_ Last College Attended Am{U e¡j{UH$ _m{hVr)… Imbrb VŠË`m_Yrb AmnUmg bmJy Agbobm EH$M aH$mZm ^am. eodQ>Mo H$m°boO/emim… Program Code & Name AmnU àdoemgmR>r {ZdS>bobm {ejUH«$_ C1D: Certificate in Gardening (_mir à{ejU à_mUnÌ) T12: Foundation in Agriculture PIN {nZ City eha: Tehsil VmbwH$m: Year… Academic Qualification Amnbr {dÚ_mZ e¡j{UH$ nmÌVm Std. 10th Pass/Fail (10dr Std. 12th Pass/Fail Roll No: Board/University ~moS>/© {dÚmnrR> nmg/Zmnmg) (12dr nmg/Zmnmg) (H¥${f A{Yð>mZ) T20: Diploma in Horticulture (CÚmZ{dÚm nX{dH$m) T14: Diploma in Agri-Business Management (H$¥{f-ì`dgm` ì`dñWmnZ nX{dH$m) P18: Diploma in Agro-Journalism (H$¥{f-nÌH$m[aVm nX{dH$m) T15: Diploma in Fruit Production (\$i~mJm CËnmXZ nX{dH$m) T16: Diploma in Vegetable Production (^mOrnmbm CËnmXZ nX{dH$m) Foundation in Agriculture (YCMOU) (H¥${f Diploma in Agriculture (SAU) (H¥${f T19: Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (H¥${f {dkmZ nXdr) T18. Bachelor of Science in Horticulture (CÚmZ{dÚm nXdr) Diploma in Agriculture (SAU) (H¥${f OR A{Yð>mZ) OR A{Yð>mZ) OR {dÚmnrR> nX{dH$m) T17: Diploma in Floriculture & Landscaping Foundation in Agriculture (YCMOU) (H¥${f (\w$beoVr d àm§JUCÚmZ nX{dH$m) A{Yð>mZ) {dÚmnrR> nX{dH$m) Foundation in Agriculture (YCMOU) (H¥${f Diploma in Agriculture (SAU) (H¥${f OR {dÚmnrR> nX{dH$m) Foundation in Agriculture (YCMOU) (H¥${f Diploma in Agriculture (SAU) (H¥${f A{Yð>mZ) {dÚmnrR> nX{dH$m) Foundation in Agriculture (YCMOU) (H¥${f Diploma in Agriculture (SAU) (H¥${f OR {dÚmnrR> nX{dH$m) Foundation in Agriculture (YCMOU) (H¥${f Diploma in Agriculture (SAU) (H¥${f A{Yð>mZ) A{Yð>mZ) OR {dÚmnrR> nX{dH$m) YCMOU CET Pass (_wŠV {dÚmnrR> nXdr àdoe narjm nmg) YCMOU CET Pass (_wŠV {dÚmnrR> nXdr àdoe narjm nmg) (1) 11 Year of Passing CÎmrU© df© Marks (%) àmá JwU (%) 3. Student's Other Information ({dÚmÏ`m©Mr BVa _m{hVr) Place of Birth OÝ_ {R>H$mU… Domicile of State Belong to Minority Class: Yes Blood Group (with Rh) Student Location No Rural J«m_rU Service Working Experience (Years) Urban Self-employed H$m_mMm AZw^d (dfo©)… Christian Sub-Caste CnOmV… Sikh Y_©… Parsi Nationality ehar Unemployed (ZmoH$ar) Caste OmV… Jain Religion Employment Status: Employed If Employed: If Yes: Muslim aŠVJQ>… a{hdmgmMo joÌ… a{hdmgr amÁ`… Nav-Baudh amï´>r`Ëd… Tribal Am{Xdmgr hþÔm/H$m_: Occupation Your Annual Inocme(Rs.): (Y§Xm) ------------------ Profession (ì`dgm`) Other (BVa) Marital Status Unmarried Married Divorced Widowed Deserted d¡dm{hH$ pñWVr A{ddm{hV {ddm{hV KQ>ñ\$mo{Q>V {dYdm/{dYwa n[aË`ŠVm YCMOU Employee’s Children 4. Enclosure: gmo~V Artist Person Sports Person at College/District/State/National/International level OmoS>bobr H$mJXnÌo 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. Declaration by the Student: {dÚmÏ`m©Mo h_rnÌ _r Ago Z_yX H$aVmo H$s, àdoemg§~§YrMo _m{hVr nwpñVHo$Vrb {Z`_ _r dmMbo AmhoV. àdoeAOm©Vrb ^abobr _m{hVr nyU©nUo Iar AgyZ H$mJXnÌo OmoS>bobr AmhoV. A§{V_ àdoe _w»`mb`mVyZ {ZpíMV Ho$bm OmB©b, VgoM ^abobo ewëH$ naV qH$dm dJ© Ho$bo OmUma Zmhr, `mMr _bm OmUrd Amho. {dÚmnrR>mZo KoVbobo àdoem~m~VMo {ZU©` d Ë`mV doimodoir Pmbobo ~Xb _bm ~§YZH$maH$ amhVrb. I hereby declare that, I have read the rules related to admission as given in the prospectus; and that the information furnished by me is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I am aware that my admission will be finalized by the University headquarters and that the admission fee will not be returned or transferred to next year. Place {R>H$mU… ---------------------------------------------Date {XZm§H$… Signature of the Student {dÚmÏ`m©Mr ñdmjar ---------------------------------------------- 6. Certificate from Agriculture Education Centre (H¥${f {ejU H|$ÐmMr {e\$mag) _r/Amåhr Ago à_m{UV H$aVmo H$s, Cn`©wŠV {dÚmÏ`m©À`m darb {ejUH«$_mÀ`m àdoemgmR>r gmXa Ho$bobr àdoe nmÌVm H$mJXnÌm§Mr VnmgUr Ho$br AgyZ gXa {dÚmWu Cn`©wŠV {ejUH«$_mÀ`m àdoemgmR>r nmÌ Amho. We hereby certify that, we have check all the admission eligibility documents of the student & found that he/she is eligible for the admission of the above program. 22 Place {R>H$mU… ---------------------------------------------Date {XZm§H$… Sign & Seal of Centre Head/Coordinator H|$Ðà_wI / H|$Ðg§`moOH$ ñdmjar d {eŠH$m ---------------------------------------------- Note : Student MUST retain photocopy of completely filled in admission form (both pages) for future reference. Information in this form will be required to activate his/her account on portal. nyU© ^aboë`m AOm©Mr (XmoÝhr ~mOy) EH$ àV {dÚmÏ`m©Zo ñdV…H$S>o R>odUo Amdí`H$ Amho. øm AOm©darb _m{hVrÀ`m AmYmaoM "B©-gw{dYm' AH$mD§$Q> da A°pŠQ>ìhoQ> H$aVm `oB©b. (2)
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