", ,NCÈEc-CK‰_-M—Cc-l…c-ÅÈE-Cc`-n…-\“_-îP-CPU-GÈc-I…N-Pc-\“_Oÿ-T±…Cc-R-©P-É]Ã-GÈ-C-TËhG]Ã-G”-î‡P-T[÷Cc-cÈ,, A Mind Treasure Found within the Sky of Dharma: “A Stream of Lapis Lazuli” A Medicine Buddha Sadhana ITRODUCTIO TO THE PRACTICE #;P-UÈ-U-dÔÆ-‘ V-XÓÂ-^; ]N…-`-]XÍU-P-©P-É]Ã-Z`-ME-UOÿP-Oÿ-Z…-T]Ã-UGÈN-R-Uó`-cÈ Cc-F-…]qÈ_-TaUc-Rc-WÍÈCc-äÈCc; Namo. Maha Bekandzeya. If they are available, arrange in front of a Menla thangka as many peaceful offerings as you can, such as a mandala and so forth. In this way the accumulations are completed. U‰N-P-U.P-T´‰N-PU-UB_-NU…Cc-`; UGÈN-R-^…N-l…c-≥„`-GÈC-Rc-F…-^E-U…NCÈc-cÈ; ,]N…-É-U‰N-`“Cc-^…P-Rc- If these are not available, it is enough to make mental offerings while imagining the front visualization in the sky—nothing else is needed. Since this is the anutaratantra ]NÈP-UBP-a-GE-ßE-T-NE-t‹c-NE-GT-cÈCc-CVE-¥-U…-NCÈc; ]ÈP-lE-]N…]Ã-NTE`“E-P…-E‰c-R_-MÈT-NCÈc-K‰; the practitioner need not refrain from meat and alcohol nor perform the rituals of purification, such as taking the blessing of pure water. It is definitely necessary, however, to receive the empowerment and reading transmission for this practice, É-U‰N-CcE-¢Cc-`“Cc-^P… -R]Ã-p_… -_È; TNC-UOÿP-Oÿc-CF…C-`-T´‰N-R-ã…E-U]Ã`“Cc-^…P-Rc-cÈ-cÈ_-U…-NCÈc-cÈ; as it belongs to the anutara tradition. Since it belongs to the "yingma tradition, the self and frontal visualizations are simultaneously generated; it is not necessary to create them separately. ã…E-U-n‰_-T°ÈU-^…P-Rc-WÀC-NÈP-^…N-l…c-T°ÈU-Z…E; As it is chanted meditation of the "yingma, your mind should meditate on the meaning of the words. This text by Karma Chagme These notes are taken from Thrangu Rinpoche’s book Medicine Buddha Teachings which is a line-by-line explanation of this practice available from Namo Buddha Publications. The Medicine Buddha is a sutra teaching as well as a trantric practice so one can practice the Medicine Buddha without an empowerment. However, receiving the empowerment from a qualified lama, receiving the reading transmission, and gettng direct instruction is best. This introduction is not not chanted, but it explains what kind of practice it is and that it contains the visualization of one’s self as the Medicine Buddha but also involves visualizing simultaneously the Medicine Buddha in front of of us. In the Medicine Buddha sutra the Buddha was surrounded by a whole array of beings as well as deities. Manjushri arose and staying in the refuge posture said to the Buddha, “Many beings are tained by Karma. How can they be purified of this karma that results in illness and shortness of life.” Karma Chagme was a master of the Nyingma and Kagyu lineages. This Medicine Buddha practice therefore belongs to both linages. A Medicine Buddha Sadhana (A Stream of Lapis Lazuli) Page 1 ", ,CcÈ`-]N‰Tc-P…, THE SUPPLICATIO ", ,P-UÈ-Æ‘V/—-U-dÔ-_Ó-X-^‰; AMO BEKEDZE MAHA RADZAYE Homage to the great King of Medicine TcÈN-PUc-^ÈP-KP-î-UWÍ]Ã-CK‰_-UE]-Z…E-, , SO AM YÖ TE GYA TSÖI TER GA ZHIG [1]You are endowed with an oceanic treasury of qualities and merit; TcU-IA?-3A-mT-M—Cc-ä‰]Ã-q…P-ÖTc-l…c, , SAM GYI MI KHYAB THUG JEY JI LAB KYI By the blessing of your inconceivable compassion ]uÈ-T]Ã-•‡C-T•`-COÿE-T-Z…-UXN-R, , DRO WAY DUG GAL DUG WA ZHI DZE PA You calm the suffering and torment of sentient beings. TËgÔG]Ã-]ÈN-`-CcÈ`-T-]N‰Tc, , BE DUR YA I Ö LA SÖL WA DEB I supplicate you, Light of Lapis Lazuli. a…P-Lfi-c‰_-¶-xC-RÈc-_T-TF…E-Rc, , SHI TU SER A DRAK PÖ RAB CHIG PE [2] Those bound by very intense greed ^…-ªCc-CPc-?-´‰-T]Ã-´‰-TÈ-^…c, , YI DAG E SU KYE WAY KYE WO YI are born in the hungry ghost realm. THE SUPPLICATION This supplication was written by Jamgon Kongtrul. On the Medicine Buddha CD Thrangu Rinpoche skips this supplication and begins with Refuge and Bodhichitta (on page 6). Lama Pema says that the supplication is goo but that is always how they do it in the monastery. Mudra: Palms to heart Visualize: Medicine Buddha over your head. The first line begins with a Sanskrit mantra rather than Tibetan to show respect to India where this practice came from. We have placed the verse number in [ ] which is not part of the practice. The first verse says that the Medicine Buddha can help sentient beings, including ourselves because of the intense compassion the Medicine Buddha accumulated. One of the names of the Medicine Buddha is Skt. Vaidurya or Bendurya (Tib). The Medicine Buddha is blue. FIRST BENEFIT OF THE PRACTICE Even if you are a hungry ghost (one of the six realms of samsara), your greed can be pacified by intense faith in the Medicine Buddha. A Medicine Buddha Sadhana (A Stream of Lapis Lazuli) Page 2 mÈN-UWP-MÈc-P-U…_-´‰-Æ…P-R-NC], , CHÖ TSE THÖ A MIR KYE JI PA GA If they hear your name, they’re born human and take delight in your generosity. TFÈU-úP-©P-n…-É-`-CcÈ`-T-]N‰Tc, , CHOM DE ME GYI LA LA SOL WA DEB I supplicate you, victorious Menla. 5`-t……Uc-]G`-NE-CZP-`-C>J-T˛ÈP-Rc, , TSUL TRIM CHAL DAG ZHE LA SHI TSÖ PE [3] Violating morality and abusing others, NM`-T_-´‰-T]Ã-]uR-T-]N…-NC-C…c, , YAL WAR KYE WAY DRO WA DI DAG GI beings are born in the hell realms. “Hear your name” means here to study and keep in mind constantly. Menla is Tibetan for “medicine” and Sangye Menla is the Medicine Buddha. 2ND BENEFIT OF THE PRACTICE Even if you have committed grave crimes that send you to the hell realms at death, by holding the Medicine Buddha in your thoughts, you can become altruistic and then avoid the lower realms. mÈN-UWP-MÈc-P-3MÈ-_…c-´‰-T_-Cc“Ec, , CHÖ TSE THÖ A THŌ RI KYE WAR SUG Hearing your name, they’ll be born in the higher realms, it is said. ©P-n…-î`-RÈ-N‰-`-CcÈ`-T-]N‰Tc, , ME GYI GYAL PO DE LA SOL WA DEB I supplicate you, King of Medicine. CE-NC-Nq‰P-NE-z-U-Oÿ-U-^…c, , GAG DAG YE DAG TRA MA DU MA YI [4] Whoever by repeated dissension and slander _T-Lfi-]q‰N-F…E-`“c-~ÈC-z`-T-NC , RAB TU JE CHIG LÜ SOG TRAL WA DAG creates deep schisms and takes life. 3RD BENEFIT OF THE PRACTICE If those who engage in the nonvirtuous behavior of jealousy, causing discord (especially in the sangha), or killing self or others, but truly hold the Medicine Buddha in their heart will be purified of these deeds. A Medicine Buddha Sadhana (A Stream of Lapis Lazuli) Page 3 mÈN-UWP-MÈc-P-N‰-NC-]WÂ-U…-Q÷c, , CHÖ TSE THÖ A DE DAG TSE MI Ü Hearing your name, they cannot harm others. ©P-n…-î`-RÈ-N‰-`-CcÈ`-T-]N‰Tc, , ME GYI GYAL PO DE LA SOL WA DEB I supplicate you, King of Medicine. UWP-`‰Cc-Cc‰_-T\E-x…-U‰N-¶E-T-NE, , TSE LEG SER ZAG DRI ME AG WA DAG [5] TShen Lek, Ser Zang Drime Nangwa, r-EP-U‰N-UGÈC-NR`-NE-GÈc-T±Cc-NqEc, , YA GE ME CHOK PAL DAG CHÖ DRAK YAG Nya Ngen Me Chok Pa, Cho Drak Yang, UEÈP-Um‰P-î`-RÈ-±-NqEc-î`-RÈ-NE-, , GÖ KHYE GYAL PO DRA YAG GYAL PO DAG Ngon Khyen Gyalpo, Dra Yang Gyalpo, bl]Ã-î`-RÈ-éUc-`-CcÈ`-T-]N‰Tc, , SHA KYAY GYAL PO AM LA SOL WA DEB and Shakya Gyalpo, supplicate you all. ]HU-NR`-´Tc-uÈ`-pC-P-çÈ-ä‰-]XÀP, , JAM PAL KYAB DRÖL CHAG A DORJE DZI [6] Manjushri, Kyabdrol, and Vajrapani WEc-NTE-Tî-q…P-pÈCc-TZ…]Ã-î`-RÈ-TZ,… , TSAG WAG GYA JI CHOK ZHI GYAL PO ZHI Brahma, Indra, the Four Kings of the Four Directions Even someone who tries to do great harm to others by sowing discord by slander and dissention will will change to one who does not harm other if they think about the Medicine Buddha. SUPPLICATION TO THE MEDICINE BUDDHA MANDALA The seven brothers of the Medicine Buddha are describe in the Sutra of the Eight Medicine Buddhas. They are: 1. Tshen Lek “Excellent name” 2. Ser Zang Dri Me Nangwa “appearance of Stainless Fine Gold” 3. Nya Ngen Me Chok Pal “Glorious Sumpreme One Free of Misery” 4. Cho Drak Yang “Resounding Dhama Melody” 5. Ngon Khyen Gyalpo “King of Direct Knowledge” 6. Dra Yang Gyalpo “King of Melody” 7. Shakya Gyalpo “King of the Shakyas” Buddha Shakamuni See the Cover for these seven brother Buddhas. Visualize the rest of the Medicine Buddha Mandala 1. The sixteen bodhisattvas of which Manjushri (deity of wisdom), Kyabdrol and Vajrapani (Deity of protection) are mentioned. 2. The ten protectors including Brahma and Indra of Hindu pantheon. 3. The four Guardian Kings of the four directions. 1.Dhritarashtra in the East 2.Virudhaka in the South 3.Virupaksha in the West 4.Vaishravana in the North See Figure 1 for picture of these four protectors A Medicine Buddha Sadhana (A Stream of Lapis Lazuli) Page 4 CPÈN-Æ…P-•‰-NRÈP-G‰P-RÈ-TF“-CI…c-cÈCc, , Ö JI DE PÖ CHE PO CHU YI SOG the twelve great Yaksha chiefs, and others, Nl…`-]BÈ_-^ÈEc-c“-äÈCc-`-CcÈ`-T-]N‰Tc, , KYIL KHOR YOG SU DZOG LA SOL WA DEB I supplicate you, entire and perfect mandala. N‰-TZ…P-Ca‰Cc-R-TN—P-n…-©ÈP-`U-UNÈ, , DE ZHI SHEG PA DÜ GYI MÖ LAM DO [7] The Sutra of the Seven Tathagatas’ Aspirations, The 12 Yakshas are in the mythology of India, a class of generally benevolent nature spirits who are the custodians of treasures that are hidden in the earth and in the roots of trees. Principal among the yakshas is Kubera, who is the god of wealth. SUPPLICATION TO DHARMA These are the two sutras that are the main sutras discussing the Medicine Buddha. ©P-n…-ü-^…-UNÈ-•‰-I…N-NE-P…, , ME GYI LHA YI DO DE YI DAG I and the Sutra of the Medicine Buddha, UBP-G‰P-Z…-T-]WÍc-UXN-C[÷E-`-cÈCc, , KHE CHE ZHI WA TSÖ DZE ZHUG LA SOG the treatise by the great abbot Shantarakshita, and so forth NU-(R?-ljCc-TU-WÍCc-`-CcÈ`-T-]N‰Tc, , DAM CHÖ LEG WAM TSOK LA SÖL WA DEB I supplicate all the volumes of the genuine Dharma, TÈ-}≥-c∫-t…-~ÈE-ú‰]“-TVP-cÈCc, , BO DHI SA TO TRI SOG DEU TSE SOG [8] Bodhisattva Shantarakshita, Trisong Deutsen, and others, `È-RP-î`-ÉÈP-qE-G”T-c‰Uc-NR]-NE-, , LO PE GYAL LÖ JAG CHUB SEM PA DAG translators, scholars, kings, ministers, bodhisattvas, A treatise of Shantirashita during the first intoduction of Buddhism to Tibet (7th century) refers to one of the oldest sutras of the Medicine Buddha practice. SUPPLICATION OF THE LINEAGE Shantirakshita brought the Medicine Buddha to Tibet from India and bestowed the empowerment on the Dharma King Trisong Deutsen. He then distributed the Medicine Buddha to his ministers and the bodhisattvas of Tibet. A Medicine Buddha Sadhana (A Stream of Lapis Lazuli) Page 5 Tî‡N-R]Ã-É-U-NU-R-MUc-FN-NE-, , GYÜ PAY LAMA DAM PA THAM CHE DAG and all genuine lamas of the lineage, The Medicine Buddha Practice was then passed on guru (lama) to student up to the present right up to Thrangu Rinpoche. GÈc-l…-NTE-pŸC-cÈCc-`-CcÈ`-T-]N‰Tc, , Chokyi Wangchuk was Karma Chagme’s Guru. N‰-õ_-CcÈ`-T-TKT-R]Ã-q…P-ÖTc-l…c, , These four lines were added by Thrangu Rinpoche and may not appear in other texts. CHÖ KYI WAG CHUK SOK LA SOL WA DEB Chokyi Wangchuk, and others, I supplicate you. DE TAR SÖL WA TAB PAY JI LAB KYI [9] Through the blessing of this supplication, CPc-ˇTc-PN-NE-]H…Cc-R-¶-WÍCc-Z…, , E KAB E DAG JIG PA A TSOK ZHI may all variety of disease and dangers of this life be pacified. You are making the wish that by doing this supplication you will receive the blessing which will pacify diseases, dangers, fear of death, and being reborn in a lower realm. ]G…-WÂ-EP-cÈE-]H…Cc-R-AÿP-Z…-Pc, , CHI TSE GE SOG JIG PA KÜ ZHI E At death, may all fear of the lower realms be allayed. TN‰-T-FP-Oÿ-´‰-T_-q…P-n…c-ÖÈTc, , DEWA CHE DU KYE WAR JI GYI LŌP Grant your blessing that we are then born in Sukhavati. REFUGE AD RAISIG BODHICHITTA P-UÈ; N@ÈP-UGÈC-Cc“U-NE-˛-T-Cc“U; AMO KÖ CHOK SUM DAG TSA WA SUM [10] To the sources of refuge, the three jewels ´Tc-CPc-éUc-`-´Tc-c“-UG…; KYAB E AM LA KYAB SU CHI and the three roots, I go for refuge. Sukavati is a pure land of Amitabha that ordinary beings can enter at death and perfect their Dharma practice there. REFUGE Mudra: Palms to Heart The purpose of taking refuge is to prevent one’s spiritual practice going on the incorrect path. The three jewels are the Buddha, the Dharma, and the sangha. The three roots are guru (the source of our instruction), the yidams or meditational deities (the source of siddhis) and the dharma protectors (who help remove obstacles to practice). A Medicine Buddha Sadhana (A Stream of Lapis Lazuli) Page 6 ]uÈ-AÿP-cEc-îc-`-]CÈN-p…_; DRO KÜ SAG GYE LA GÖ CHIR To establish all beings in Buddhahood, qE-G”T-UGÈC-Lfi-c‰Uc-T´‰N-NÈ; JAG CHUB CHOK TU SEM KYE DO I awaken the mind of supreme enlightenment. `P-Cc“U, (Repeat 3 times) @-NC-ÅÈE-Pc-3`-R-^…; KA DAG LOG E TRÜL PA YI [11] From the expanse of primordial purity come forth CPU-c-CE-T]Ã-UGÈN-R]Ã-≥…P; AM SA GAG WAY CHÖ PAY TRI clouds of offerings filling the earth and sky U°`-î`-~…N-ü-UÈ_-TFc; MA DAL GYAL SI LHA MOR CHE with mandalas, articles of royalty, and goddesses. \N-U‰N-nŸ_-F…C-Rê-X-dÈ; ZE ME GYUR CHIK PU DZA HO May they never be exhausted. PUD DZA HO. [ Bell ] ]uÈ-AÿP-TN‰-úP-•‡C-T¢`-{`; DRO KÜ DE DE DUG GAL DRAL May all beings be happy and free of suffering. TN‰-`c-IUc-U‰N-TKE-£ÈUc-aÈC; DE LE YAM ME TAG YOM SHOG [12] May their happiness not diminish. May they abide in equanimity. RAISING BODHICHITTA Bodhichitta is the desire to help all sentient beings (humans, animals, ghosts, and beings in hell) achieve the permanent happiness of enlightenment. Mudra: No palms THE CONSECRATION OF OUR PRACTICE PLACE Visualize: A place you are practicing is a completely pure realm. It is filled with innumerable pure objects which have been there forever, but you haven’t seen them because of your impure mind. The articles of royalty are related to a universal ruler (chakravartin) and are symbolically related to the seven limbs of the path of enlightenment. These are: 1. precious jewel (faith) 2. Dharma wheel (prajna) 3. Consort (samadhi) 4. Minister (joy of first bodhisattva level) 5. horse (diligence) 6. Elephant (mindfulness) 7. General (equanimity that has overcome the kleshas) See Figure 2 for a visual representation THE FOUR IMMEASUREABLES These are the four attitudes that we must always embrace. They are immeasurable because the desire to wish this for all beings is unlimited. In Medicine Buddha this is “may all beings be free from illness and causes of illness.” A Medicine Buddha Sadhana (A Stream of Lapis Lazuli) Page 7 <-√-ÆÊ-Y-b÷t:cè-}ê:√-ÆÊ-Y-b÷t’Id'; OM SOBHAWA SHUDDHA SARWA DHARMA SOBHAWA OM nature pure all phenomea nature The essence (or nature) of all phenomena is embodiment of purity. SHUDDHO HAM pure embodiment THE VISUALIZATIO §ÈE-R-I…N-Oÿ-nŸ_; Visualize: Everything impure disolves into emptiness. This mantra is for purifying our perception of the whole world and ourself. Visualize: Everything disappears. We visualize everything as being emptiness which is the nature of all phenomena. Visualize: Then from this emptiness arises a vast palace. The short visualization is to visualize oneself as the Medicine Buddha in the center of the palace. TOG PA YI DU GYUR [13]Everything becomes emptiness. §ÈE-R]Ã-EE-`c-§ÈE-Cc“U-].A; TOG PAY AG LE TOG SUM DI From its depth, this triple universe becomes õ-P-•‡C-C…-SÈ-{E-Oÿ-nŸ_-R]Ã-PE-Oÿ; TA A DUG GI PHO DRAG DU GYUR PAY AG DU the Exquisite Palace, where c‰E-C‰]Ã-t…-RN-Ñ-cÈ-cÈ]Ã-§‰E-Oÿ; SEG GEI TRI PE DA SO SÖI TEG DU on lion thrones, each with a lotus and moon disk on top _E-I…N-NE-UOÿP-T´‰N-l…-CVÍ-TÈ]Ã-c-TÈP-d˛%-UM…E-B-`c; RAG YI DAG DÜ KYE KYI TSO WÖI SA BÖ HUG TIG KHA LE Appear deep blue HUNGs, the seed syllable of myself and the main figure visualized in the front, - d˛% HUNG Visualize: The long visualization suggested by the text is to visualize a square palace arising from emptiness which has four gateways. You visualize yourself as the Medicine Buddha in the center of the palace and also visualize another Medicine Buddha higher in front of you in a palace also. On top of the throne is a lotus and on this is a moon disk and yourself as the Medicine Buddha sits on top of this. Then visualize a blue HUNG which radiates out with offering goddeses at tip and making offerings Medicine Buddha in pure land and these come back and disolve into oneself purifying the whole world and instenteouly turning one into the Medicine Buddha. A Medicine Buddha Sadhana (A Stream of Lapis Lazuli) Page 8 ©P-É-ˇ‡-UNÈC-TËhG-õ-T“-]ÈN-\‰_-]zÈ-T]Ã-ˇ‡-FP; ME LA KU DOK BE DUR YA TA BU ÖZER TRO WAY KÜ CHE [15]from which arises Menla, his body is the color of lapis lazuli and radiating light. GÈc-CÈc-Cc“U-n…c-TŇTc-R; CHÖ GÖ SUM GYI LUB PA [16] He is clothed in the three Dharma robes. pC-C^c-UGÈC-Æ…P-e-_“-_-NE-; CHAG YE CHOK JI A RU RA DAG His right hand in the mudra of supreme generosity holds an arura. C^ÈP-UIU-TZC-ü‚E-T\‰N-]XÀP-R; YÖ YAM ZHAG LHUG ZE DZI PA His left hand in meditation mudra holds a begging bowl. UWP-NR‰-íÈCc-a…E-çÈ-ä‰-´…`-s⁄E-C…c-T[÷Cc-R; TSE PE DZOG SHIG DORJE KYIL TRUG GI ZHUK PA With the major and minor marks complete, he sits in the vajra posture. mN-R_-Oÿ-UOÿP-T´‰N-l…-]NT-U-éUc-`; KYE PAR DU DÜ KYE KYI DAB MA AM LA [17] In particular, on the lotus petals of the front visualization are the M—T-NTE-`-cÈCc-R]Ã-cEc-îc-TOÿP-NE-GÈc-R“-§…; THUB WAG LA SOG PAY SAG GYE DÜ DAG CHÖ PU TI seven Buddhas, Shakyamuni and the others, and Dharma texts. N‰-îT-c‰Uc-NR]-TF“-x⁄C; DE GYAB SEM PA CHU DRUK Surrounding them are the sixteen bodhisattvas, .See Figure 3 for a discussion on visualization and details of this visualization. The Medicine Buddha does not have all the jewelry and finery of yidams, but just the three dharma robes of red and yellow. The arura or myrobalan plant fruit of the Terminalia chebula, it possesses all the six primary tastes, eight potencies and seventeen properties making it a treatment for many different kinds of illnesses. The left hand represents mental stability. The 32 minor and 80 major marks on the body represents the purity of his form. Visualize: For the front visualization there is a 16 petaled lotus on which sit all the 16 bodhisattvas. In the center is a lion’s throne on a 8-petaled lotus. The front lotus has a Dharma book and the 7 other petals have the 7 brother Medicine Buddhas. Visualize: On the 16 petals are the 16 bodhisattvas who reveived the Medicine Buddha teachings directly from the Medicine Buddha. A Medicine Buddha Sadhana (A Stream of Lapis Lazuli) Page 9 N‰-îT-]H…C-å‰P-´ÈE-T-TF“-NE; DE GYAB JIG TE KYOG WA CHU DAG surrounding them are the ten protectors of the world, •‰-NRÈP-G‰P-RÈ-TF“-CI…c-cÈ-cÈ]Ã-]BÈ_-NE-TFc-R; DE PÖ CHE PO CHU YI SO SÖI KHOR DAG CHE PA and the twelve great chiefs with their respective retinues. °È-TZ…-`-î`-RÈ-G‰P-RÈ-TZ…-NE-TFc-R]Ã; GO ZHI LA GYAL PO CHE PO ZHI DAG CHE PAY The Four Great Kings are at the four gates. CPc-Cc“U-^…-C‰-Cc“U-NE-M—Cc-@]Ã-d˛%-`c-]ÈN-]zÈc-Rc; E SUM YI GE SUM DAG THŪG KAY HUG LE Ö TRÖ PE [18] From the three syllables in their three places and the HUNG in their hearts, lights radiate, a_-pÈCc-l…-cEc-îc-cÈ-cÈ]Ã-Z…E-BUc-Pc; SHAR CHOK KYI SAG GYE SO SÖ ZHIG KHAM E invoking from the eastern Buddha realms, ^‰-a‰c-R-NRC-Lfi-U‰N-R-≠P-xEc-Pc-TNC-UOÿP-éUc-`-M…U-R_nŸ_; YE SHE PA PAG TU ME PA CHE DRAG E DAG DÜ AM LA THIM PAR GYUR countless wisdom deities which dissolve into myself and the one visualized in front. The 10 protectors are the protectors of the 10 directions-North, South, East, West, NE, NW, SE, SW, up and down. The 12 Yakshas are in the mythology of India, a class of generally benevolent nature spirits who are the custodians of treasures that are hidden in the earth and in the roots of trees. Principal among the yakshas is Kubera, who is thought to be a god of wealth. The palace of the Medicine Buddha has four entrances in each of the 4 directions. Each is guarded by the King of that direction. These are 4 protectors shown in Figure 1. See Figure 4 for full description. To counteract doubt about whether we are actually the Medicine Buddha, we Visualize: White OM at the forehead, red AH at throat, and blue HUNG at the heart of yourself as the Medicine Buddha. The light goes to the pure realm of the Medicine Buddha and comes back with blessings from these realms and enters the front and self visualization. See Figure 5 for full visualization of these three syllables. A Medicine Buddha Sadhana (A Stream of Lapis Lazuli) Page 10 >; ©P-É-UG‰N-TîN-ü-WÍCc-U-`“c-éUc; HUG ME LA CHE GYE LHA TSOK MA LÜ AM [19] HUNG. The eight Menla brothers and all deities without exception Visualize: You invite the eight Medicine Buddhas and their retinue to your palace and ask them to bestow blessings. CPc-]N…_-≠P-]x‰P-q…P-G‰P-NTT-O—-CcÈ`; E DIR CHE DRE JI CHE AB DU SÖL I invite here to this place. Please rain upon us your great blessings. ˇ`-úP-NN-úP-TNC-`-NTE-UGÈC-Tˇ‡_; KAL DE DE DE DAG LA WAG CHOK KUR Bestow the supreme empowerment on those who are worthy and faithful. `ÈC-]x‰P-WÂ-^…-T_-GN-Tc`-Oÿ-CcÈ`; We then ask them for an empowerment of the Medicine Buddha which will dispel obstacles and a short life span. LOG DRE TSE YI BAR CHE SAL DU SÖL Dispel false guides and obstacles to long life. P-UÈ-UdÔ-Æ‘˚/—-c-R-_…-YÓ-_-T0-c-U-^-X:X: AMO MAHA BEKEDZE SAPARI WARA BEDZA NAMO great king of medicine and your retinue vajra SAMAYA DZA DZA vow DZA DZA T0-c-U-^-+A-MüP; BEDZA SAMAYA TIKTRA LE [19] unchanging commitment remain stable <->-vÔ%-ÄÔ…:eÓ:e-Æ≥˚‰-O->: The end of this mantra: BENDZA SAMAYA DZA DZA means “bless me because I have commited myself to do so.” Mudra: Palms at Heart Visualize: The body, speech and mind of you (as the Medicine Buddha) are indivisible with the body, speech, and mind of the Medicine Buddha.. Visualize: Your white OM(head), red AH (throat) and blue HUNG (heart) radiates out and invites the five Buddhas from pure lands. Pure amrita fills your body washing away your obscurations. See Figure 5 for details. A Medicine Buddha Sadhana (A Stream of Lapis Lazuli) Page 11 OM HUG TRAM HRI AH ABHIKHETSA HUG empowerment of all 5 buddhas empowerment HUNG >; U‰-KÈC-TOÿC-ßÈc-U_-U‰-x…; HUG ME TOK DUG PÖ MAR ME DRI [20] HUNG Flowers, incense, lights, scents, Z`-\c-_È`-UÈ-`-cÈCc-NE; ZHAL ZE RÖL MO LA SOG DAG food, music and so forth, C\“Cc-±-x…-_È-_‰C-q-GÈc; ZUK DRA DRI RO REG JA CHÖ forms, sounds, smells, tastes, touch, and all dharmas, TNC-C…c-ü-`-UGÈN-R-]T“`; Mudra: Do five mudras around head for 5 Buddhas. See Figure 6 for Mudras OM=Vairocana HUM= Akshobya TRAM Ratnasambhava HRI= Amitabha AH= Amoghasiddi THE ACCUMULATION OF MERIT Visualize: The self visualization presents offerings to the front visualization. Light rays from your heart with the ends of the rays have offering goddesses holding substances presented to all deities of front visualization. These are the offerings of the eight offering goddesses. See Figure 7 for what is being offered. DAG GI LHA LA CHÖ PA BUL I offer to the deities. TNC-FC-WÍCc-CI…c-íÈCc-R_-aÈC; DAG CHAG TSOK YI DZOG PAR SHOG May we perfect the two accumulations. <-T0-e8'- RÓ{'- 0PJ- }ÙR‰- eÓ-`È-@‰- Cñ–- PËT{–- OM BEDZA ARGHAM PADYAM PUPE DHUPE ALOKE GEDHE EWIDYE OM VAJRA drinking water, wash water, flowers, incense, light, perfume, food aß- _ê-R- aß- Cñ–- _-c- ßH–- y-K…-(- >; SHABDA RUPA SHABDA GEDHE RASA SAPARSHE The two accumulations are the accumulation of merit and the accumulation of wisdom These offerings are the same as the seven offering bowls on the shrine and are related each to an Indian offering goddess. See Figure 7 again. Making these offerings to the Medicine Buddha is increasing our accumulation of merit. A Medicine Buddha Sadhana (A Stream of Lapis Lazuli) Page 12 PRATITSA HUG music, mirror, music, smell, food, touch, each of these HUNG >; Ts-a…c-CVÍ-TÈ-íc-TîN-N‰; HUG TRA SHI TSO WO DZE GYE DE [21] HUNG. The eight foremost auspicious substances, CVÍ-UGÈC-î`-RÈ-^“Ec-N@_-cÈCc; TSO CHOK GYAL PO YUG KAR SOG the best royal white mustard seed, and the others, TNC-C…c-ü-`-UGÈN-R-]T“`; DAG GI LHA LA CHÖ PA BUL I offer to the deity. WÍCc-CI…c-^ÈEc-c“-íÈCc-R_-aÈC; TSOK YI YOG SU DZOG PAR SHOG May the two accumulations be perfected. UE-`'-e;-c…t≥->; OFFERING THE 8 AUSPICIOUS SUBSTANCES Each of these is connected to an event in the origin of the Buddhist Dharma. 1. conch shell(encouraging theBuddha to teach) 2. yogurt 3. durva grass (he reached enlightenment on a seat of this) 4. vermillion 5. bilvu fruit 6. mirror 7. givam 8. white mustard seed See Figure 8 for their significance. The two accumulations are the accumulation of merit and the accumulation of wisdom. MAGALAM ARTHA SIDDHI HUG >; Ts-a…c-CVÍ-TÈ-åCc-TîN-N‰; HUG TRA SHI TSO WO TAG GYE DE [21] HUNG. The eight foremost auspicious symbols, CVÍ-UGÈC-î`-RÈ-T“U-R-cÈCc; TSO CHOK GYAL PO BUM PA SOG the peerless royal vase and all others, TNC-C…c-ü-`-UGÈN-R-]T“`; DAG GI LHA LA CHÖ PA BUL I offer to the deities. OFFERINGS THE 8 AUSPICIOUS SYMBOLS. Each symbol is associated with part of the Buddha’s body. The 8 auspicious symbols are: 1. parasol 2. fish 3. vase 4. conch 5. victory banner 6. eternal knot 7. lotus 8. auspicious wheel See Figure 9 for their significance. A Medicine Buddha Sadhana (A Stream of Lapis Lazuli) Page 13 c‰Uc-FP-WÍCc-CI…c-íÈCc-R_-aÈC; SEM CHE TSOK YI DZOG PAR SHOG May sentient beings perfect the two accumulations. UE`'-Aÿ#->; MAGALAM KUMBHA HUG >; ]NÈN-^ÈP-CVÍ-TÈ-_…P-G‰P-TOÿP; HUG DÖ YÖ TSO WO RI CHE DÜ [22] HUNG. The sources of pleasure, the seven precious articles, CVÍ-UGÈC-î`-RÈ-PÈ_-T“-cÈCc; TSO CHOK GYAL PO OR BU SOG the most excellent royal one, the jewel, and the others, TNC-C…c-ü-`-UGÈN-R-]T“`; DA GI LHA LA CHÖ PA BUL I offer to the deity. SEVEN ROYAL ARTICLES These related to a universal ruler (chakravartin) and are symbolically related to the seven limbs of the path of awakening. These are: 1. Precious jewel (faith) 2. Dharma wheel (prajna) 3. Consort (samadhi) 4. Minister (joy of 1 bodhisattva level) 5. Horse (diligence) 6. Elephant (mindfulness) 7. General (equanimity that has overcome the kleshas) See Figure 2 for details. OFFERING TO MEDICINE BUDDHA OF THE MANDALA TNC-P…-WÍCc-CI…c-íÈCc-R_-aÈC; We now make “an offering produced through aspiration” ie. offering something too vast to even imagine. <-U-j…-_V->; This is Mount Meru and all the surrounding continents. Mount Meru is thought to be the center of the universe and it is surrounded by four continents and a number of subcontinents. Our world rests on just one continent called Jambudvipa. DAG I TSOK YI DZOG PAR SHOG May I perfect the two accumulations. OM MAI RATA HUG OM jewel precious HU"G >-AÿP-n…-CVÍ-TÈ-_…-_T-Ç…E; HUG KÜ GYI TSO WO RI RAB LIG [23] HUNG. The foremost of all, Mount Meru A Medicine Buddha Sadhana (A Stream of Lapis Lazuli) Page 14 _…-_T-Ç…E-TZ…-Ç…E-zP-TFc; RI RAB LIG ZHI LIG TRE CHE with its four continents and subcontinents TNC-C…c-ü-`-UGÈN-R-]T“`; DAG GI LHA LA CHÖ PA BUL I offer to the deity. WÍCc-CI…c-^ÈEc-c“-äÈCc-R_-aÈC; TSOK YI YOG SU DZOG PAR SHOG May the two accumulations be perfected. <-_V-U°`->; OM RATA MADALA HUG >-TNC-C…c-x…-úP-x…-GT-l…c; We offer the entire universe which is vaster than we can immagine to develop generosity. OFFERING OF SCENTED WATER Visualize: Light rays emanating from your heart. On the tips of rays are offering goddesses holding vases filled with amrita. We now offer scented water to the Medicine Buddha to develop purification of all wrong doings of sentient beings. HUG DAG GI DRI DE DRI CHAB KYI [24]HUNG. With scented water TN-‰$>J$?-ˇ‡-`-ˇ‡-t‹c-CcÈ`; DE SHE KU LA KU TRÜ SÖL I bathe the sugata’s body. ü-`-x…-U-U…-UE]-^E; LHA LA DRI MA MI GA YAG Although you, the deity, is flawless, •…C-±…T-NC-R]Ã-å‰P-]{‰`-Tn…; DIG DRIB DAG PAY TE DREL GYI this creates the auspicious connection for purifying all wrongs and obscurations. A Medicine Buddha Sadhana (A Stream of Lapis Lazuli) Page 15 <-cè-K-MÓ-C-K-e-Æ≥-˙‰-@-K‰-c-U-^-}Ò…-^…->: OM SARWA TATHAGATA ABIKHEKATE SAMAYA SHRIYE OM all tathagats ablution vows splendid HUG HU"G >-_c-N!_-]HU-x…-úP-R-^…c; HUG RE KAR JAM DRI DE PA YI [25] HUNG With a scented, soft white cloth DRYING OF BODIES OF DEITIES IN THE MADALA The drying of the deity’s body represents removing all the suffering of sentient beings. î`-T]Ã-ˇ‡-I…N-p…-T_-Tn…; GYAL WAY KU YI CHI WAR GYI I dry the victor’s body. ˇ‡-`-x…-U-U…-UE]-^E-; KU LA DRI MA MI GA YAG Though your body is flawless, •‡C-T¢`-{`-T]Ã-å‰P-]{‰`-Tn…; DUG GAL DRAL WAY TE DREL GYI this creates the auspicious connection for freedom from suffering. <-A-^-T…-¬-}-P…->; OM KAYA BISHO DHAI HUG >; P-T\]-UXÂc-úP-E“_-µ…C-]N…; HUG A ZA DZE DE GUR MIG DI [26] HUNG. With these beautiful saffron robes î`-T]Ã-ˇ‡-`-CcÈ`-T_-Tn…; GYAL WAY KU LA SOL WAR GYI I clothe the victor’s body. ˇ‡-`-Tc…`-T-U…-UE]-^E; OFFERING MANDALA DEITIES ROBES By offering robes to the Medicine Buddhas, we are symbolically offering vitality and physical splendor. Visualize: The offering goddesses emanate from your heart singing praises of the body, speech and mind of the Medicine Buddha and his retinue. A Medicine Buddha Sadhana (A Stream of Lapis Lazuli) Page 16 KU LA SIL WA MI GA YAG Although your body is never cold, TsC-UNEc-]S‰`-T]Ã-å‰P-]{‰`-Tn…; TRAG DAG PHEL WAY TE DREL GYI this creates the auspicious connection for vitality to flourish. <-T0-Yg-eÓ:>; OM BEDZA WATRA AH HUG OM Vajra Robes AH HU"G >; ˇ‡-UNÈC-TËhG-^…-_…-TÈ-]x; HUG KU DOK BE DUR YA YI RI WO DRA [27] HUNG Your body is like a mounain, the color of lapis lazuli ]uÈ-T-c‰Uc-FP-PN-l…-•‡C-T¢`-c‰`; DRO WA SEM CHE E KYI DUG GAL SEL You dispel the suffering of illness in sentient beings. qE-G”T-c‰Uc-NR]-TîN-l…-]BÈ_-n…c-TˇÈ_; JAG CHUB SEM PA GYE KYI KHOR GYI KOR Surrounded by a retinue of eight bodhisattvas, 1. PRAISES OF MEDICINE BUDDHAS We address the Medicine Buddhas. These eight bodhisattvas are the major Bodhisattvas, not the attending Medicine Buddhas. They represents praise for the Buddha. 1. Manjushri (Jampelyang) 2. Vajrapani (Chana Dorje) 3. Avalokiteshvara (Chenrezi) 4. Maitreya (Jampa) 5. Kshitigarbha (Sai Nyingpo) 6. Nivarana-vishva-kambin 7. Akashagarbha 8. Samantabhadra (Kuntuzangpo) PRAISE OF MEDICINE BUDDHA ACTIVITY These are the Seven Medicine Buddha brothers and this represents praise for the Dharma. _…P-G‰P-©P-]XÀP-ü-`-pC-]W`-T!RN; RI CHE ME DZI LHA LA CHAG TSAL TÖ Holder of Medicine, precious deity, I praise and prostrate to you. 3WP-`‰Cc-_…P-Ñ-Cc‰_-T\E-r-EP-U‰N; TSE LEG RI DA SER ZAG YA GE ME [28] Excellent Name, Precious Moon, Fine Gold, Free from Misery A Medicine Buddha Sadhana (A Stream of Lapis Lazuli) Page 17 GÈc-T±Cc-î-UWÍ-GÈc-ÉÈ-bl-M—T; CHÖ DRAK GYAMTSO CHÖ LO SHA KYA THŪB Resounding Dharma Ocean, Dharma Mind, Shakyamuni NU-R]Ã-GÈc-NE-c‰Uc-NR]-TF“-x⁄C-cÈCc; DAM PAY CHÖ DAG SEM PA CHU DRUK SOG The genuine Dharma, the sixteen bodhisattvas, and others, N@ÈP-UGÈC-_…P-G‰P-Cc“U-`-pC-]W`-T§ÈN; KÖ CHOK RI CHE SUM LA CHAG TSAL TÖ to the precious Three Jewels, I offer praise and prostrate. WEc-NE-Tî-q…P-î`-G‰P-pÈCc-´ÈE-TF“; [29]TSAG DAG GYA JI GYAL CHE CHOK KYOG CHU To Brahma, Indra, the Great Kings, the Protectors of the Ten Directions, CPÈN-Æ…P-•‰-NRÈP-TF“-CI…c-C^ÈC-NE-TFc; Ö JI DE PÖ CHU YI YOK DAG CHE the twelve yaksha chiefs and all their assistants, ü-U…-©P-n…-_…C-]XÀP-xE-~ÈE-WÍCc; LHA MI ME GYI RIG DZI DRAG SOG TSOK Vidyadharas and Rishis of medicine, divine and human TOÿN-˛…-©P-n…-ü-`-pC-]W`-T§ÈN; DÜ TSI ME GYI LHA LA CHAG TSAL TÖ to the deities of ambrosial medicine, I offer praise and prostrate. PRAISE OF WORLDLY DEITIES IN MEDICINE BUDDHA MANDALA Now we praise the worldly gods who are still in Samsara in contrast to the deities or yidams who live in the pure lands beyond Samsara. The sixteen bodhisattvas represent the noble Mahayana sangha. Indra and Bhrama are the Hindu gods who asked the Buddha to begin teaching. The four kings protect the four directions of our world. The protectors of the 10 directions are the earth and water spirits that are found in all directions. The 12 Yakshas are in the mythology of India, a class of generally benevolent nature spirits who are the custodians of treasures that are hidden in the earth and in the roots of trees. Principal among the yakshas is Kubera, who is the god of wealth. The vidyadharas and rishis of Medicine are the past great human masters of medicine and we offer all their medicines to the Medicine Buddha. A Medicine Buddha Sadhana (A Stream of Lapis Lazuli) Page 18 TNC-UOÿP-M—Cc-@]Ã->%-`-¢Cc-z‰E-TˇÈ_-T_-I<- >% HUM {NU…Cc-`,} [30] DAG DÜ THUG KAY HUG LA GAG TREG KOR WAR GYUR The HUNG in the heart of the self and front visualizations is surrounded by the mantra garland. THE MATRA RECITATIO ]ÈN-\‰_-B-NÈC-¶-WÍCc-]zÈc-Rc-a_-pÈCc-TËhG-¶E-T]Ã-Z…E-BUc-Pc-©P-É-U GÈN-Rc-M—Cc-î‡N-Tˇ‡`-Pc, Through radiating many-colored light rays, offerings are made to Menla in the pure realm appearing in the East as the color of lapis lazuli. N‰-`c-©P-É-ˇ‡-G‰-G”E-Cc“E-¢Cc-]z‰E-M—Cc-pC-UWP-e-_“-_-ü‚E-T\‰N-TOÿN-˛…T@E-T-G_-õ_-TTc-Pc-_E-NE-UOÿP-´‰N`-M…U-R_-nŸ_, These lights invoke his mind stream, whence Menla’s bodies, large and small, his speech as the mantra garland, and his mind as the hand symbols of the arura and the begging bowl filled with amrita, all falling like rain, dissolve into myself and the front visualization. MANTRA RECITIATION Visualize: In both your self-visualization and the Medicine Buddha in front visualize a moon disk lying flat at the level of the heart. Standing on this is the seed syllable blue HUNG surrounded by a garland of the mantra. Light emanates forth from these while reciting the mantra. The garland is the Tibetan letters of the Medicine Buddha’s mantra in a ring with the letters facing outward. Then light goes from the heart of the self visualization to the front visualization and outwards to the pure realms. These return and dissolve into you. See Figure 10 for more details. +H-,; <-SN-F-!K-SN-F-!K-3-@-SN-F-!K-<-6-?-3;-+J-J-@; TAYATA OM BEKHADZE BEKHADZE MAHA BEKHADZE RADZA SAMUGATE SO HA &J?-&A-/?-2^?-/?-3)$-+ (Repeat as much as possible and then at the end:) •…C-v%-AÿP-TaCc-NC‰-T-qE-G”T-T¢È; A Medicine Buddha Sadhana (A Stream of Lapis Lazuli) Page 19 DIG TUG KÜ SHAG GE WA JAG CHUB GO I confess all wrongs and downfalls and dedicate all virtue to awakening. PN-$NÈP-•‡C-T¢`-{`-T]Ã-Ts-a…c-aÈC; E DÖ DUG GAL DRAL WAY TASHI SHOG May there be the auspiciousness of freedom from sickness, harmful spirits, and suffering. Ca‰Cc-CcÈ`-P…; THE FULFILLMET PRAYER ]H…C-å‰P-R-éUc-_E-CPc-T0-U—; JIG TE PA AM RAG E BEDZA MU The worldly ones return to their own places BENDZA MU ^‰-a‰c-NU-WÀC-ü-éUc-TNC-`-M…U; YE SHE DAM TSIK LHA AM DAG LA THIM The jnanasattva and samayasattva dissolve into me DISSOLUTION OF THE MANDALA (COMPLETION STAGE) Visualize: 12 Yahshas and 4 kings return to where they normally reside. At BENDZA MU (Skt. depart). These return to Samsara. Next dissolve the 8 Medicine Buddhas and 16 bodhisattvas in our own heart. Then our self who is visualized as the Medicine Buddha dissolves into light and then into emptiness. CONCLUSION OF PRACTICE We admit all our wrong-doings and defects. We dedicate the merit with this aspiration. @-NC-AÿP-T\E-ÅÈE-Oÿ-e‰-U-dÈ; KA DAG KÜ ZAG LOG DU E MA HO and I dissolve into primordial purity, the expanse of Samantabhadra. E MA HO. [END OF PRACTICE] Z‰c-R-NCÈEc-CK‰_-n…-\“_-îP-Oÿ-CPc-GÈc-I…N-Pc-T•‡c-K‰-_Ó-C-e-l–]Ã-T±…Cc-R-`-]C`-T-UG…c-P-ü-`-TaCc-a…E; This was compiled from a mind treasure found within the Sky-Dharma and was arranged by Raga Asya. If there are contradictions, I confess them before the deity. NC‰-Tc-c‰Uc-FP-MUc-FN-PN-`c-M_-Pc-rŸ_-Oÿ-©P-É]Ã-CÈ-]SE-MÈT-R_-nŸ_-F…C; UNÈ-GÈC-`-t‹c-CcÈ`-§ÈN-P-^ÈN-lE; Through this virtue, may all sentient beings, once freed from sickness, swiftly attain the level of Menla. Though the sutra rituals have the practice of washing [which is absent here], N‰-`c-UMÈ-T]Ã-é`-]qÈ_-î‡N-`-UH“C-Lfi-^ÈN-Rc-U…-]C`-`È; N‰-`-GÈ-C-]N…-`-M—Cc-NU-qc-P-SP-^ÈP-P…; TV“P-R-^…P-P- as this is a higher practice, found at the end of the [supreme] yoga tantra, there is no contradiction. If you take this as your regular practice, the benefits are the following. If you are ordained, A Medicine Buddha Sadhana (A Stream of Lapis Lazuli) Page 20 W”`-t…Uc-U…-IUc-a…E; C`-K‰-IUc-R-Z…C-^…P-lE; N‰]Ã-±…Tc-R-qE-Pc-EP-cÈE-Oÿ-U…-v%-T-NE; Nr`-T-NE-^…-ªCc-NE- your discipline will be maintained; though there might be an occasion when it is not, having purified this obscuration, you will not fall into the lower realms. Having purified the negative karma of being born as a hell being, a hungry ghost, OÿN-]uÈ_-´‰-T]Ã-`c-EP-MUc-FN-NC-Pc-N‰_-U…-´‰; C`-K‰-´‰c-lE-N‰-U-MC-Lfi-M_-Pc-TN‰-]uÈ-UMÈ-_…c-l…-UGÈC-Lfi-´‰-Z…E-_…Uor an animal, you’ll not take such a birth. Even if you do, immediately liberated, you’ll take a felicitous rebirth in a higher realm, and gradually n…c-cEc-îc-MÈT-R-NE; WÂ-]N…_-^E-\c-CÈc-WÂCc-U‰N-R_-]qÈ_-R-NE-úP-R-NE; PN-NE-$NÈP-NE-qN-@-NE-î`-RÈ]à attain awakening. In this life as well, you’ll easily obtain food and clothing and not be harmed by disease, GN-R-`-cÈCc-R]Ã-CPÈN-Rc-U…-W”Cc-R-NE; pC-P-çÈ-ä‰-NE-WEc-R-NE-Tî-q…P-NE-î`-RÈ-G‰P-RÈ-TZ…-NE; negative spirits, sorcery, or the punishments of rulers. You’ll be protected and guarded by VajrABani, Brahma, and mighty Indra the great kings of the four directions, CPÈN-.AP-n…-•‰-NRÈP-G‰P-RÈ-TF“-CI…c-C^ÈC-TOÿP-]T“U-NE-TFc-Rc-~⁄E-Z…E-´ÈT-§‰; Oÿc-U-^…P-R]Ã-]G…-T-TFÈ-TîN-NE; and the twelve great Yaksha chiefs each with their 700,000 assistants. You’ll be freed from all harm: Nu-NE-CFP-C\P-`-cÈCc-R]Ã-CPÈN-R-MUc-FN-`c-M_-Z…E; TcU-R-MUc-FN-^ÈEc-c“-íÈCc-R_-q‰N-R_-]nŸ_-T-cÈCc; from the eighteen kinds of untimely death, the harm of enemies, carnivorous beasts, and so forth. All your wishes will be fully realized, and so forth. îc-R-©P-É]Ã-UNÈ-CI…c-Pc-SP-^ÈP-TcU-n…c-U…-mT-R_-Cc“Ec-a…E; GÈc-S`-G‰_-`-´ÈP-UNÈCc-a…E-UDÿ-NC]-T-UBc- In the two more extensive sutras of Menla, the benefits are said to be inconceivable. In the great monastic centers, R]Ã-≈-c-G‰P-RÈ-qE-NU-_…E-NR`-]BÈ_-GÈc-•‰-`-cÈCc-UWP-I…N-l…-≈-c-MUc-FN-Pc-CcÈP-RÈ]Ã-ˇ‡-_…U-NE; such as Jang Damring Pelkhor Chöde, and their philosophical colleges, where the scholars find fault with most Dharma and are difficult to satisfy, only this Menla ritual for prolonging life and clearing away Ca…P-RÈ]Ã-±…T-ÆÈE-`-©P-É-U-CKÈCc-CZP-GÈ-C-U…-N_-Z…E; TÈN-^“`-çÈ-ä‰-CNP-ü-c-HÈ-TÈ]Ã-UOÿP-NE; the obscurations of death has spread widely. The ritual to be performed before the Jowo in Lhasa, Tibet’s Bodhgaya, and before the Great Awakened One at Samye TcU-^c-qE-G”T-G‰P-RÈ]Ã-U OÿP-Oÿ-TKT-î‡]Ã-GÈ-C-^E-©P-É]Ã-GÈ-C-^…P; is this ritual of Menla. You should trust that within any of the new and the ancient transmissions, the sutras and the tantras, nothing is more beneficial than Menla. N‰-õ_-T@]-Cc_-ã…E-UNÈ-¢Cc-CE-`-^E-©P-É-Tc-SP-^ÈP-G‰-T-U‰N-Rc-^…N-G‰c-R_-n…c; N‰-`-îc-T•‡c-UE-^E-]N…-WÀC-*E-`-NÈP-]M—c-R-NE; É-U]Ã-`“Cc-^…P-Rc-CVE-¥-U…-NCÈc; There are many extensive and concise versions; this one has few words and the full meaning. Since it belongs to anutara yoga, rituals of purification are not needed. ]N…-^…N-≥„`-^…P-Rc-CKÈ_-UGÈN-U‰N-lE-GÈC-R-AÿP-n…c-IUc-c“-`ÈEc-a…C; b÷Æ'-X-^ê∆,, Since the offerings are mental, it is all right not to offer tormas. Everyone should practice this. SHUBHAM DZAYE"TU. A Medicine Buddha Sadhana (A Stream of Lapis Lazuli) Page 21 Translated under the guidance of Thrangu Rinpoche and Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche by Michele Martin with assistance from "godrup Burkhar and reference to translations by Lama Yeshe Gyamtso and Sarah Harding, Woodstock, NY, 1984, 1999, Kathmandu. A Short Medicine Buddha Practice DEVELOPMENT OF THE VISUALIZATION CHOM DE DAY DE SHI SHEK PA DRA PA YAG DAK PAR DZOK PAY To you Bhagavan, Tathagata, arhat, perfect and fully SAG GYE ME GYI LA BE-DUR-YA Ö KYI GYEL PO LA CHAK TSEL LO Awakened Menla, King of Lapis Lazuli Light, I offer homage HUG KU DOK BE-DUR-YA YI RI WO DRA HUNG Your body the color of a mountain of lapis lazuli. DRO WA SEM CHE AY CHI DU GAL SEL You dispel suffering of disease from all sentient beings. CHAG CHUB SEM PA JAY CHI KOR JI DOR Your retinue of Eight Bodhisattvas surrounds you RI CHE ME DZI LHA LA CHAK TSAL TO I praise and pay homage to the Deity who holds the Precious Medicine MEDICINE BUDDHA MANTRA TAYATA OM BEKHADZE BEKHADZE MAHA BEKHADZE RAZA SAMUGATE SO HA (Say as many times as you can) SEM CHE AY PA JI YAY PA ASPIRATION PRAYER May the many sentient beings who are ill YUR TU AY LAY TAR JUR CHIK Quickly be freed from illness DRO WAY AY I MA LU PA And may all the illness of beings TAK TU JUG WA MAY PAR SHOK Never arise again. The visualization for the short form of the Medicine Buddha is to visualize the Medicine Buddha as completely as possible in front of one imagining that you are supplicating him. During the mantra recitation you can visualize the Medicine Buddha that is in front of you invoking the Medicine Buddha in the eastern pure land. This brings “Menla bodies, large and small, his speech as the mantra garland, and his mind as the hand symbols of the arura and begging bowl filled with amrita, all falling like rain, dissolve into myself and the front visualization.” A Medicine Buddha Sadhana (A Stream of Lapis Lazuli) Page 22
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