SLM102 – Operational Manual USER’S MANUAL SLM102 0.2 Class Multifunction Power and Energy meter This document contains the latest technical information about SLM102 which is a micro-controller based 0.2 Class Multifunction Power and Energy meter. The unit is tested against latest "MTE" Standard Model PRS400.3 having basic accuracy of 0.02%, traceable upto International Standards derived using appropriate ratio techniques. The product, SLM102 is sophisticated electronic equipment, and the user is advised to read this User’s Manual carefully before attempting to install or operate the equipment. Published on:-----Document Version: 1.0 TRINITY [1] SLM102 – Operational Manual Warranty statement Trinity warrants to the original retail purchaser of the Trinity product enclosed with this limited warranty statement that the product, if purchased new and used in the India conforms to the manufacturer’s specifications and will be free from defects in workmanship and materials for a period of one year from the date of original purchase, unless expressly stated otherwise by Trinity, in a written format. Should your Trinity product prove defective during the warranty period, please bring the product securely packaged in its original container or an equivalent, along with proof of the date of original purchase, to our Trinity Dealer or Factory. You are responsible for all costs (shipping, insurance, travel time) in getting the product to the service location. Trinity will, at its option, repair or replace on an exchange basis the defective unit, without charge for parts or labor. When warranty service involves the exchange of the product or of a part, the item replaced becomes Trinity property. The replacement unit may be new or refurbished to the Trinity standard of quality, and at Trinity’s option, the replacement may be another model of like kind and quality. Trinity’s liability for replacement of the covered product will not exceed the original retail selling price of the covered product. Exchange or replacement products or parts assume the remaining warranty period of the product covered by this limited warranty. What This Warranty Does Not Cover: This warranty does not apply to refurbished or reconditioned products. This warranty covers only normal use in India. This warranty does not cover damage to the Trinity product caused by parts or supplies not manufactured, distributed or certified by Trinity. This warranty is not transferable. This warranty does not cover third party parts, components or peripheral devices added to the Trinity product after its shipment from Trinity. Trinity is not responsible for warranty service should the Trinity label or logo or the rating label or serial number be removed or should the product fail to be properly maintained or fail to function properly as a result of misuse, abuse, improper installation, neglect, improper shipping, damage caused by disasters such as fire, flood, and lightning, improper electrical current, interaction with non-Trinity products, or service other than by an Trinity Authorized Service. The warranty and remedy provided above are exclusive and in lieu of all other express or implied warranties including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In the event, the remedies above fail, Trinity’s entire liability shall be limited to a refund of the price paid for the Trinity product covered by this limited warranty. Except as provided in this written warranty, neither Trinity Energy Systems Pvt. Ltd. nor its affiliates shall be liable for any loss, inconvenience, or damage, including direct, special, incidental, or consequential damages, resulting from the use or inability to use the Trinity product, whether resulting from breach of warranty or any other legal theory. TRINITY [2] SLM102 – Operational Manual Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................ 4 Main Features Available in the Unit ...................................................................... 4 Technical Specifications ....................................................................................... 7 Installation and Commissioning ............................................................................. 11 3P4W Installation Mode ...................................................................................... 11 3P3W Installation Mode ...................................................................................... 13 Connection Scheme ............................................................................................ 14 RS485 Connection .............................................................................................. 15 Operational Details................................................................................................... 16 Programming Mode ................................................................................................ 17 Setting CT-Primary and date according to RTC ................................................. 17 Setting PT Ratio and Time according to RTC .................................................... 18 Setting Log Duration, Demand Window and Unit Address ................................. 19 Selecting Demand On, Installation type and CT-Secondary .............................. 20 Setting Four Alarm Relays, Alarm On, Alarm Value and Alarm Hysteresis ....... 21 Setting Four Events, Event On, Event Value and Event Hysteresis .................. 23 Selecting Baud Rate for RS485 Port and Changing Password.......................... 24 Setting IP Address .............................................................................................. 24 Setting MAC Address .......................................................................................... 25 Resetting Demand Manually / Daily/Monthly ...................................................... 27 Resetting Energy................................................................................................. 28 Resetting Minimum and Maximum Parameters .................................................. 28 Resetting KW Demand and KVA Demand ......................................................... 29 Resetting Log ...................................................................................................... 30 Resetting Events Logging ................................................................................... 30 Resetting All Parameters .................................................................................... 31 Run Mode ............................................................................................................... 32 Run Mode Displays ............................................................................................. 32 Communications ...................................................................................................... 47 MODBUS RTU on RS485 Port ........................................................................... 47 Ethernet TCP/IP Communication ........................................................................ 48 SLM102 connected as Mini Web Server to a web browser. ....................... 48 Data Logging and USB Port................................................................................ 49 Installing the USB Software ................................................................................ 49 Installation of USB driver .................................................................................... 50 Handling the Logger Window .............................................................................. 53 Downloading the Logged data ............................................................................ 53 Exporting the Logged Data including Min/Max Events and Harmonics Data ..... 54 Graph Representation ......................................................................................... 55 Plotting a Graph for Logged data. ....................................................................... 55 Programming Mode Using USB Utility ................................................................ 57 Control Outputs ........................................................................................................ 59 Alarm Action ........................................................................................................ 59 SLM102 as a Demand Management .................................................................. 60 Appendix ................................................................................................................... 61 Address map of RS485 Port for various parameters of both 3P4W and 3P3W. 61 TRINITY [3] SLM102 – Operational Manual Introduction SLM102 is a micro-controller based 0.2 Class Multifunction Power and Energy meter which not only measures a host of electrical parameters to display three rows of eight digits, of Red Seven Segment LEDs display along with eighteen LED indicators. The unit acts as a comprehensive load managing device due to its four numbers of outputs relay contacts. These outputs are individually field programmable for both the parameter on which to generate an alarm as well as the values on which to activate an alarm and deactivate it. The unit is meant for use in three phase four wire and three phase three wire systems. The installation type, CT Ratios and PT Ratios are site selectable. The unit can also be used as Load Manager with its four relay contacts as well as Demand Controller. The method of Demand calculation i.e. Sliding window, Fixed window can also be selected at site. SLM102 has three ports for communication i.e. RS-485 for connection to SCADA/EMS, USB 2.0 for downloading of logged data and programming of field parameters, and Ethernet Port with TCP/IP protocol support for connection with LAN/Internet. It has 2 MB of memory for data logging of all measured parameters, min-max values and events. SLM102 is a versatile meter, with all the features needed to implement a robust electrical load management system. It can be configured to suit most control and communication needs. Main Features Available in the Unit Exceeds class 0.2 revenue accuracy in Power & Energy Metering. On board Ethernet port supporting TCT/IP protocol. Acts as a small webserver. Also supports MODBUS TCP/IP. RS485 port with MODBUS-RTU protocol. Demand Measurement: Fixed or Sliding for KW or KVA. Predictive Demand for Fix 30 minutes Window Harmonics measurement: All six waveforms upto 29th including THD. Bright Red LED display. Three rows of 8-digits each ensure unbroken display even large energy register values. Four relay outputs for Alarm & Trip. Limits are field programmable. Event definition and logging. Data logging of all parameters for load pattern analysis. 2 MB memory onboard. USB 2.0 port to download logged data. USB 2.0 port based programming of field selectable parameters. TRINITY [4] SLM102 – Operational Manual Comprehensive and Accurate Measurement: 3Φ Voltage (L-N), 3Φ Voltage (L-L), 3Φ Current KW (3Φ and Total), KVAR (3Φ and Total), KVA (3Φ and Total), PF (3Φ and Total) Bidirectional KWh, KVAh, KVARh, Frequency, THD and Demand & MD Advance Measurement Features: SLM102 also measures the minimum & maximum values and also allows definition of events, so that the user can define the parameter of interest, event definition value and related time. Voltage min/max. - 3Φ L-N Voltage min/max. - 3Φ L-L (applicable only for 3P3W) Current min/max. - 3Φ. Hz min/max. Active Power min/max. - 3Φ & Σ system Apparent Power min/max. - 3Φ & Σ system Harmonic Measurement SLM102 measures the odd harmonics for 3Φ voltages and 3Φ currents upto 29th, including THDs for each waveform. Relay Outputs Options • Programmable relays for alarm or trip. • Alarm relays are individually configurable for different parameters. • Maximum Demand measurement in Sliding Window, or fixed window modes for effective management of demand Data Logging • ON board 2 MB of Memory. • Logs all Min. /Max. Values. (Voltage, Current, Watt, VA, System Watt, System VA, PF and Frequency). • Logs all electrical parameters, real-time and integrated (energies and demands) and harmonics to get complete Energy system snap-shot. • Events Logging: 4 Events can be programmed by the user for: Each event log consists of parameter of interest, date and time of event occurred. TRINITY [5] SLM102 – Operational Manual Communications • • • • USB port for downloading of logged Data and Programming of field parameters. Supports MODBUS-RTU protocol on RS485 Ethernet (TCP/IP). Also supports MODBUS-TCP/IP protocol Acts as a mini web-server Display • • • Easy user interface through four push buttons switches. Bright Red LED Display. Three rows of 8-digits each ensure unbroken display of even large energy register values Two LEDs for Active and Reactive Energy (1000 impulse / KWh or KVARh) SLM102 TRINITY [6] SLM102 – Operational Manual Technical Specifications True RMS Basic Parameters Parameter Type Mode Statistics Direct Voltage Input PT Ratio Voltage (Volts L-N) Range of Reading Accuracy Direct Voltage Input PT Ratio Voltage (Volts L-L) Range of Reading Accuracy Secondary Current Input CT Ratio Current (Amps Ir, Iy, Ib) Range of Reading Accuracy Line Frequency 45 to 55 Hz, Accuracy Symbol 3P4W 3P3W Vr √ - Vy √ - Vb √ - Vry √ √ Vbr √ - Vby √ √ : 1A or 5A Ir √ √ : Programmable 5A to 5000A : 0.00 to 5000A : 0.2% of Reading (0.02 Ib< I < 1.2 Ib) Iy √ - Ib √ √ Hz √ √ : 0 to 300V AC : Programmable up to 66KV : 0.0 to 66KV : 0.2% of Reading :(50 < V < 300) : 0 to 450V AC : Programmable up to 66KV : 0.0 to 66KV : 0.5% of Reading :(85 < V < 545) : 0.5% of Reading Power Parameter Type Mode Statistics 3P4W 3P3W (P) R-Phase (P) Y-Phase (P) B-Phase (Q) R-Phase (Q) Y-Phase (Q) B-Phase (S) R-Phase (S) Y-Phase (S) B-Phase Symbol √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ - ∑-P √ √ : See Table-1 ( 0.5 < SINǾ < 0.8 ) ∑-Q √ √ : 0.3% of Reading (0.01 Ib ≤ I < Imax) ∑-S √ √ PF R-Phase PF Y-Phase PF B-Phase System PF √ √ √ √ √ Active Power (P) Accuracy : See Table-1 ( 0.5 < COSǾ < 0.8 ) Reactive Power (Q) Accuracy : See Table-1 ( 0.5 < SINǾ < 0.8 ) Apparent Power (S) System Active Power (P) System Reactive Power (Q) Apparent Power (S) Power Factor Accuracy : 0.3% of Reading (0.01 Ib ≤ I < Imax) Accuracy : See Table-1 ( 0.5 < COSǾ < 0.8 ) Accuracy Accuracy 0.5 % for 0.5 < |PF| < 0.8, (0.05 Ib < I < 1.2 Ib) TRINITY [7] SLM102 – Operational Manual Table 1- Percentage Error Limits for Power Value of Current Power Factor 0.01 Ib ≤ I < 0.05 Ib 0.05 Ib ≤ I ≤ Imax 0.02 Ib ≤ I < 0.1 Ib 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.8 0.1 Ib ≤ I ≤ Imax Percentage Error Limits 1.0 1.0 Lagging Leading Lagging Leading ±0.4 ±0.2 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.3 ±0.3 Energy Parameter Type Mode Statistics 3P4W 3P3W Total Active Energy (KWh) Range of reading Accuracy : 0 to 9999999.9 MWh : 0.2S as per IS14697:1999. √ √ Total Reactive Energy (KVARh) Range of Reading Accuracy : 0 to 9999999.9 MVARh : 0.2S as per IS 14697:1999. √ √ Total Apparent Energy (KVAh) Range of Reading : 0 to 9999999.9 MVAh √ √ Demand Parameter Mode Statistics Active Power (KW) Demand Apparent Power (KVA) Demand Symbol : Sliding & Fixed Selectable : Sliding & Fixed Selectable 3P4W 3P3W KWDMND √ √ KVADMND √ √ Power Quality Mode Parameter 3P4W 3P3W Harmonics for Voltages(3 to 29 ) √ √ Harmonics for Currents(3rd to 29th ) √ √ THD for each voltage √ √ THD for each current √ √ rd th TRINITY [8] SLM102 – Operational Manual Minimum-Maximum Parameter SYSTE M VA SYSTEM WATT VA WATT HZ CURRENT VOLTS Type Min-Max Volts (Volts L-N) (Volts L-L) Min-Max Current (Amps Ir, Iy, Ib) Min.–Max. Line Frequency Min.-Max. Active Power (P) Min.-Max. Apparent Power (S) Min.-Max. System Active Power (P) Min.-Max. System Apparent Power (S) Symbol Vr Vy Vb Vry Vbr Vby 3P4W √ √ √ - 3P3W √ √ Ir √ √ Iy √ - Ib √ √ Hz √ √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ - √ - √ - ∑-P √ √ Minimum System Apparent Power ∑-Q √ √ Maximum Demand Value. KW or KVA √ √ Fix-30 minutes Window KW or KVA √ √ Minimum Value of Volt Minimum Current Value Minimum Line Frequency Predictive Demand (P) R-Phase (P) Y-Phase (P) B-Phase (S) R-Phase (S) Y-Phase (S) B-Phase Minimum Active Power Minimum Apparent Power Minimum System Active Power DEMAND Max. Demand Mode Statistics TRINITY [9] SLM102 – Operational Manual Input Specifications Supply : Three Phases and Neutral of a 3P4W system / three phases of a 3P3W system Voltage Direct Voltage Input : Up to 480V L-L and 300V L-N PT Ratio : Programmable up to 66KV Site selectable. Range of Reading : 1-66KV Burden : 0.5VA Input : 5A or 1A Range of Reading : 5A – 5000A Burden : < 1.0VA Overload : 5A CT = 6A RMS Continuous Current Secondary Current 1A CT = 5A RMS Continuous Power Supply: Self Power. Unit has in-built 3 phase supply with an operating range of 50VAC 480 VAC, 50-60 Hz. Output Specifications Programmable Relay Output Relay outputs : 4. Relay rating : 3A @ 230 VAC, Resistive load. TRINITY [10] SLM102 – Operational Manual Installation and Commissioning The SLM102 supports two installation modes – 3P4W and 3P3W. The installation processes of these modes are described below: 3P4W Installation Mode Follow these steps to install / commission the unit. 1. Push the unit into the panel and mount using the clamps provided. The unit is not required auxiliary supply as unit has in-built 3 phases supply with an operating range of 50VAC - 480VAC, 50-60 Hz. 2. Connect the three phases with the phase sequence being R-Y-B to the terminals marked U1, U2 and U3 respectively. Make sure that the three phases coming to the unit come through control fuses of 1.0 Amp rating. This will protect the electronics inside from damage due to severe over voltages or phase faults in the system. 3. Connect the neutral to the terminal marked U4. 4. Connect the two wires from the R-phase CT to terminals marked M1 & L1 such that S1 from CT goes to M1 on the unit. Connect the two wires from the Y-phase CT to terminals marked M2 & L2 such that S1 from CT goes to M2 on the unit. Connect the two wires from the B-phase CT to terminals marked M3 & L3 such that S1 from CT goes to M3 on the unit. 5. Switch on the three phase supply as well as Auxiliary supply. The unit will come alive and display power information such as factory location for about three seconds and then, it will display the first page of Run Mode. 6. If there is very little current or no current in the CT circuits, the unit may show PFs as 0.999 or 1.000. This will go away as soon as the current builds up in the CTs, above 0.4 % of rated CT. TRINITY [11] SLM102 – Operational Manual 7. Now, the unit needs to be programmed for the various parameters which are field programmable. For this refer to next section “OPERATIONAL DETAILS” 8. The unit is ready for operation. TRINITY [12] SLM102 – Operational Manual 3P3W Installation Mode Follow these steps to install / commission the unit. 1. Push the unit into the panel and mount using the clamps provided. The unit is not required auxiliary supply as it has in-built 3 phase supply with an operating range of 50VAC - 480 VAC, 50-60 Hz. 2. Connect the three phases with the R phase to terminal U1, B phase to terminal U3 and Y phase to terminal U4. Make sure that the three phases coming to the unit come through control fuses of 1.0 amp rating. This will protect the electronics inside from damage due to severe overvoltages or phase faults in the system. 3. Connect the two wires from the R-phase CT to terminals marked M1 & L1 such that S1 from CT goes to M1 on the unit. Connect the two wires from the B-phase CT to terminals marked M3 & L3 such that S1 from CT goes to M3 on the unit. 4. Switch on the three phase supply. The unit will come alive and display power receiving information such as factory location for about three seconds and then, it will display the first page of Run Mode. 5. If there is very little current or no current in the CT circuits, the unit may show PFs as 0.999 or 1.000. This will go away as soon as the current builds up in the CTs, above 0.4 % of rated CT. 6. Now, the unit needs to be programmed for the various parameters which are field programmable. For this refer to next section “OPERATIONAL DETAILS”. 7. The unit is ready for operation. TRINITY [13] SLM102 – Operational Manual Connection Scheme TRINITY [14] SLM102 – Operational Manual RS485 Connection TRINITY [15] SLM102 – Operational Manual Operational Details The load manager SLM102 is a versatile meter, with all the features needed to implement with a robust electrical load management system. It can be configured to suit most control and communication needs. The unit is achieved by making as many parameters field programmable, as much as possible. There are basically three Modes of operation: 1. Programming Mode 2. Programming Mode using USB Utility 3. Run Mode For Programming Mode using USB Utility, refer to last section, ”Data Logging and USB Port”. After supplying power (50 VAC - 480 VAC) to the three phases, the unit displays immediately power receiving information such as Factory name, RTC and then, enters into first page of Run Mode with the following display. Now, user will enter into Programming Mode to define for all the desire parameters and can also operate the Run Mode by pressing keys provided with the following: TRINITY [16] SLM102 – Operational Manual Programming Mode The unit is designed with a default password protection,”1947”. The password is also changeable from 0 to 9 according to user’s desire (see in the next section, programmable parameter, “Change Password”). The user will therefore enter a password before entering into Programming Mode. Now, press key for about 4 seconds and then, the password display will prompt with a four digits of zeroes of which first zero will be blinking. To enter the password, press key one time to set for 1; press second digit; Press again nine times to set for 9, press 3rd digit and press key four times to set for 4 and then, press 4th digits and press key to shift into key again to shift into key to shift into key seven times to set for 7. If any digit entered is wrong and needs to enter again, press key several times till the digit becomes bilking and set as above steps. After entering the default password, press Programming Mode (the display is shown in the next section). key to enter into Hence, if the unit is in Programming Mode and keys are not operated for about 4 minutes, unit will return into Run Mode. Setting CT-Primary and date according to RTC CT-Primary The CT Primary should be set to give actual current values for CT operated meter and is also freely programmable from 5A to 5000A. Date The date is RTC and can also be set with the format of date, month and year. i.e., DD/MM/YYYY format. To set CT Primary and Date, proceed the following instructions. TRINITY [17] SLM102 – Operational Manual 1. After entering the password as before, the unit will prompt with the following display. 2. In the above first row, CT-Primary displays along with character ‘C’ blinking that shows the parameter is selected for setting. Press key that will start blinking with the first digit of a value. Set CT-Primary by pressing keys and press also return. 3. Press key to confirm the setting so that the blinking character will key that starts blinking DATE(dd) in second row which shows DATE is selectable. Press key that blinks digit (i.e., 10) in third row. Set and keys as per current date. Press DATE by pressing confirm the setting so that the blinking character will also return. 4. Press and key to key to set MONTH that will start blinking with character (MM) in second row. press key that will start blinking with digit in third row. Set MONTH by pressing and keys. Press key to confirm the setting so that the blinking character will also return. 5. If the setting is completed press key for about four seconds to return into Run Mode. Otherwise, press parameter. key to enter into next programmable Setting PT Ratio and Time according to RTC PT Ratio The PT-Ratio should be set so as to give actual voltage for PT-operated meter. The PT Ratio is selectable from any one of the following: 1, 30, 60, 100, 200, 300 and 600. Time The Time is RTC and can also be set with the format of TRINITY [18] SLM102 – Operational Manual To set PT Ratio and Time, proceed the following instructions. 1. In previous programmable parameters, press enters such as shown below. key till the next display 2. Set PT Ratio and TIME such as previous steps of CT Primary and DATE setting. Setting Log Duration, Demand Window and Unit Address Log Duration For data logging, the Log Duration can be specified from 1 to 60 minutes. SLM102 has the capability to log data on its own Non-volatile RAM. This data is logged in an FIFO buffer. Once the buffer (23271 records) is full, the oldest data is discarded and the newest data is filled into the buffer. This data can then be downloaded by using a software utility provided by Trinity, into a PC, record by record. Demand Window The unit supports two types of demand window for the calculation of demand such as Fixed window or Sliding window. In case of Sliding Window, the method is selectable to either 30 minutes interval or 15 minutes interval. In case of Fixed Window, the method is 30 minutes interval only and hence, Predictive Demand will also display in Run Mode. Unit Address The unit address is for RS485 communication port only. For communicating in between the unit and host, the same unit address should be set from 1 to 255 accordingly. To set the Log Duration, Demand Window and Address, proceed the following instructions. 1. In the previous programmable parameter, press enters such as shown below key till the next display TRINITY [19] SLM102 – Operational Manual 2. In the above first row, Log Duration displays along with character ‘L’ blinking that shows the parameter is selected for setting. Press blinking with first digit. Set Log Duration by pressing press return. key that will start and keys and key to confirm the setting so that the blinking character will also 3. Press key to set for seond row, Dimand Window that Window will start blinking with its first character, ‘w’ and now set as above steps of Log duration. Similalry set Unit Address also. 4. If the setting is completed press key for about four seconds to return into Run Mode. Otherwise, press parameter. key to enter into next programmable Selecting Demand On, Installation type and CT-Secondary Demand On Both the two KW Demand and KVA Demand can be set according to user’s desire for the calculation of Demand to either KVA or KW with an integration period of 30 or 15 minutes. Installation Types Unit supports two types of Electrical Installation such as 3P4W and 3P3W. User should select the installation type accordingly. CT-Secondary The CT Secondary can be selected to either 1 or 5 and the user should select the CT Secondary to give actual current value for CT operated meter. To set the above parameters, proceed the following instructions TRINITY [20] SLM102 – Operational Manual 1. In the previous programmable parameter display, press display enters such as shown below key till the next 2. In the above first row, DEMAND (DMD) displays along with character ‘D’ blinking that shows the parameter is selected for setting. Press key that will start blinking to either KW (W) or KVA(VA) . Set DEMAND by pressing keys and press key to confirm the setting so that the blinking and character will also return. While selecting the Demand to KVA or KW, LED indicator will glow such as above solid circled parameters respectively. 3. Press key to set for second row, INSTALLATION (INS) that the character (i) will start blinking and set as steps above. Similalry set Unit Address also. key for about four seconds to return into 4. If the setting is completed press Run Mode. Otherwise, press parameter. key to enter into next programmable Setting Four Alarm Relays, Alarm On, Alarm Value and Alarm Hysteresis Alarm Relay The unit has four relay contacts, which are individually field programmable from 1 to 4. However, the Delay for each Alarm relay can be programmed from 5 to 120 seconds using USB Logger utility only. In case of Demand, the Delay is fixed with 2 seconds. This Delay programming is applicable only for USB utility. Refer last section, “Programming Mode Using USB Logger Utility”. If user is not desired USB programming utility, Alarm Delay will be 5 seconds by default only. TRINITY [21] SLM102 – Operational Manual Alarm On There are seven alarm parameters: Avg. Volts(VOLT), Avg. Amps(AMPS), KVA(VA), KW(VATT), KVAR(VAR), Demand(DMD), PF(PF) and None(NONE). These parameters are programmable for each alarm relay according to user’s requirement. In case, any Alarm parameter is not desired, NONE should be selected. Alarm Value Alarm values are freely programmable from 1 to 9999. In case of VOLT, the value is freely programmable from 1 to 99999. The value indicates the level at which the relay will close. E.g. If the Alarm On has been selected to KW, and the value is set to 450, the relay will close when the KW exceeds 450 and remains so for 1 minute. Also, the switching ON logic for PF is reversed. For all parameters, the relay closed when the parameter value exceeds that defined by Value for more than one minute. In case of PF however, the relay will close when the PF falls below the Value and remains so for more than one minute. Also, the PF Value is entered with a multiplication factor of 1000. e.g. If Second Relay is programmed for which ALARM ON is set to PF and ALARM VALUE is 955, then the second relay should close when the PF value falls below 0.955. Alarm Hysteresis The last parameter called Hysteresis defines the opening point for the relay which has closed in response to an alarm condition. This is specified as % of the Value. Thus, setting Hysteresis of 2 implies that the relay which closes when the parameter reaches Value, will open when the parameter falls below 0.98 x Value. This is done to prevent frequent operation / nuisance operation of the relay near the Value. To set the Alarm Parameters, proceed the following instructions. 1. In the previous programmable parameter display, press display enters such as shown below. TRINITY [22] key till the next SLM102 – Operational Manual 2. In the above first row, Relay (RL) displays along with character ‘R’ blinking that shows the Relay is selected for setting. Press key that will start blinking digit (i.e., 2). Set Relay by pressing and keys and press confirm the setting so that the blinking character will also return. 3. Press key to key to set for Alarm Parameter that the character ‘d’ will start key and set as steps above. While selecting the Alarm blinking and press parameters, LED indicator will glow such as above solid circled parameters respectively. 4. Press key to set for second row that blinks ‘V'. Press key that the digit start blinking. Set the Alarm Value such as steps above. Similalry set Hysteresis also. Setting Four Events, Event On, Event Value and Event Hysteresis As previous Relays, unit has also four events which are individually field programmable from 1 to 4. There are 16 Logs that can be stored for each event. So that there are 64 logs for all four events. Each log stores event type and date-time of event occurrence. Event On Same as “Alarm On”. Event Value Same as “Alarm Value”. Event Hysteresis Same as “Alarm Hysteresis”. 1. In the previous programmable parameter display, press display enters such as shown below. TRINITY [23] key till the next SLM102 – Operational Manual 2. Set all the Event parameters such as same steps of Relays before . Selecting Baud Rate for RS485 Port and Changing Password Baud Rate In case of RS485 connection, the baud rate is settable to either 9600 or 19200 for the speed of downloading. User can download live data to a host using software utility. Password The numerical password used can be changed according to user’s desire from 0 to 9. In case, the PASSWORD is not desired, set zero only for all four digits. In the PASSWORD prompt, just press key only to enter into Programming Mode! To set Baud Rate and password change, proceed the following instruction 1. In the previous programmable parameter display, press display enters such as shown below. key till the next 2. In the above first row, Baud Rate displays along with character ‘B’ blinking that shows the parameter is selected. Press key that will start blinking digit (i.e., 9). Set Baud Rate by pressing and keys and press confirm the setting so that the blinking character will also return. 3. Press key to enter into next row, PASSWORD that character ‘P’ will also blink. Now, press pressing key to key that will start blinking first digit ‘0’ and set by key only and then, press key to shift to next digit and set by key only. Similay, Set for rest digits also. If any set digit is pressing key several times to return onto the supposed to change again, press desired digit. Setting IP Address TRINITY [24] SLM102 – Operational Manual The IP Address consists of four bytes. This IP address is necessary when PC is connected to the LAN or Internet. IP Address is a location of a given computer for network devices. Each byte can be set from 000 to 255. 1. In the previous programmable parameter display, press display enters such as shown below. key till the next 2. In the above first row, IP displays along with character ‘ip’ blinking that shows the parameter is selected. Press key that first byte starts blinking. Set first byte by pressing key only and press key to shift to next IP address. Set such as same steps for third IP address and fourth IP address also. 3. If the setting is completed press key for about four seconds to return into Run Mode. Otherwise, press parameter. key to enter into next programmable Setting MAC Address User can enter 6 bytes of MAC address. In a local area network (LAN) or other network, the MAC (Media Access Control) address is computer's unique hardware number (on an Ethernet LAN, it's the same as Ethernet address). The MAC address is used by the Media Access Control sub layer of the Data-Link Layer of telecommunication protocols. Each byte can be set from 000 to 255. 1. In the previous programmable parameter display, press display enters such as shown below. TRINITY [25] key till the next SLM102 – Operational Manual 2. In the above first row, MAC Address displays along with character ‘m’ blinking that shows the parameter is selected. Press key. The characters, MAC ADDRESS shown above will be replaced by first byte and second byte such as diplay below. 3. In the first row, first digit of the fist byte will start blinking. Now set by pressing key only and press key to shift to second byte. Set second byte by pressing key only and press key to shift onto third byte in second row and set it also such as same steps. Similarly, set fourth, fifth and sixth byte also. After setting all six bytes, press first display. 4. If the setting is completed press Run Mode. Otherwise, press parameter. key to confirm that will return such as key for about four seconds to return into key to enter into next programmable TRINITY [26] SLM102 – Operational Manual Resetting Demand Manually / Daily/Monthly Reset Demand can be specified such as whether the demand will be reset automatically or manually. In case of automatic reset, there are two options: auto day (auto dd) or auto month (auto mm). If user selects auto day then MD will reset for every 24 hrs at 12:00 a.m. and if user selects auto month then MD will reset on 1st of every month at 7:00 a.m. To Reset Demand, proceed the following instructions. 1. In the previous programmable parameter display, press display enters such as shown below. key till the next 2. In the above first row, Demand Reset displays along with character ‘d’ blinking that shows the parameter is selected. Press key that reset type, e.g Auto Daily ‘A’ starts blinking. Select the reset types by pressing and key and then, press key to confirm the setting. 3. If the setting is completed, press key for about four seconds to return into Run Mode. Otherwise, press parameter. key to enter into next programmable TRINITY [27] SLM102 – Operational Manual Resetting Energy The three energies-KWh, KVAh and KVARh can be reset to zeroes according to user’s requirement. To reset Energies, proceed the following instructions 1. In the previous programmable parameter display, press display enters such as shown below. key till the next 2. In the above first row, Reset Energy displays along with character ‘R’ blinking key that that shows the parameter is selected. Press will blink to a parameter in second row. Select the Energy by pressing and key where LED indicator will glow onto KWh, KVAh and KVARh respectively. Now, press key to confirm the setting. Simultaneously, the unit will also reset and return into Run Mode. Resetting Minimum and Maximum Parameters All the minimum and maximum parameter values can be reset. To Reset Minimum and Maximum, proceed the following instructions. 1. In the previous programmable parameter, Reset Energy display, Select the Minimum(min) by pressing and key such as same steps of Reset Energy where LED indicator will glow onto KW(WATT), HZ, KVA(VA), KVAR(VAR), VOLT, current(AMPS), Minimum(MIN) and Maximum(Max) such as shown below. TRINITY [28] SLM102 – Operational Manual 2. Now, press key to confirm the setting. Simultaneously, the unit will also restart and return into Run Mode. Resetting KW Demand and KVA Demand Both KW Demand and KVA Demand can be reset. To reset both demand, proceed the following instructions. 1. In the previous programmable parameter, Reset Energy display, Select the Demand(DEMAND) by pressing and key such as same steps of Reset Energy where LED indicator will glow onto Demand (DMND) such as shown below. 2. Now, press key to confirm the setting. Simultaneously, the unit will also restart and return into Run Mode. TRINITY [29] SLM102 – Operational Manual Resetting Log The logged data can be reset. To reset Log, proceed the following instructions. 1. In the previous programmable parameter, Reset Energy display, Select the Log(LOG) by pressing such as shown below. and key such as same steps of Reset Energy 2. Now, press key to confirm the setting. Simultaneously, the unit will also restart and return into Run Mode. Resetting Events Logging All the four Events under which the desired parameters have been logged can be reset. To reset Events Logging, proceed the following instructions. 1. In the previous programmable parameter, Reset Energy display, Select the Demand(DEMAND) by pressing and key such as same steps of Reset Energy where LED indicator will glow onto Demand (DMND) such as shown below. TRINITY [30] SLM102 – Operational Manual 2. Now, press key to confirm the setting. Simultaneously, the unit will also restart and return into Run Mode. Resetting All Parameters All the parameters can be reset. To reset all parameter, proceed the following instructions. 1. In the previous programmable parameter, Reset Energy display, Select the All (ALL) by pressing and the following display. key such as same steps of Reset Energy with 2. Now, press key to confirm the setting. Simultaneously, the unit will also restart and return into Run Mode. TRINITY [31] SLM102 – Operational Manual Run Mode In the Run Mode, the various parameters measured and calculated by the meter are displayed on different pages; on a “seven segment LED” display. The pages will automatically scroll one by one at every 4 to 5 seconds. Press enter key to freeze the page. Freeze LED indicator will glow. In freeze condition, user can change the page using up or down key. The measured or calculated values displayed will auto scale to Mega from Kilo and to Kilo from value, once the value crosses 10,000. e.g., Once Wh ≥ 10000.0, it will show as 10.000 KWh and if value crosses 10000000 then it shows 1.000000 MWh. If the user has selected a PT-Ratio (PT-Primary/PT-Secondary)>1.0, voltages will auto scale to KV. SLM102 shows measured and calculated values on following different pages: Run Mode Displays The first page shows phase to neutral voltage in three phases. The LED indicator glows onto VOLT and PHASE which indicates that R-Phase, Y-Phase and B-Phase display in first row, second row and third row respectively. In case of 3P3W, the page will show phase to phase Voltage with R-phase in first row and B-phase in third row. TRINITY [32] SLM102 – Operational Manual The second page shows individual current in three phases. The LED indicator glows onto AMPS and PHASE which indicates that R-Phase, Y-Phase and B-Phase display in first row, second row and third row respectively. The third page shows Active Power (KW) in three phases. The LED indicator glows onto WATT and PHASE which indicates that R-Phase, Y-Phase and B-Phase display in first row, second row and third row respectively. TRINITY [33] SLM102 – Operational Manual The fourth page shows Apparent Power (KVA) in three phases. The LED indicator glows onto VA and PHASE which indicates that R-Phase, Y-Phase and B-Phase display in first row, second row and third row respectively. This page is not applicable for 3P3W. The fifth page shows Reactive Power (KVAR) in three phases. The LED indicator glows onto VAR and PHASE which indicates that R-Phase, Y-Phase and B-Phase display in first row, second row and third row respectively. TRINITY [34] SLM102 – Operational Manual The sixth page shows PF in three phases. The LED indicator glows onto PF and PHASE which indicates that R-Phase, Y-Phase and B-Phase display in first row, second row and third row respectively. This page is not applicable for 3P3W. The seventh page shows system powers. The LED indicator glows onto WATT, VA and VAR which indicates that Active Power (KW), Apparent Power (KVA) and Reactive Power (KVAR) display in first row, second row and third row respectively. TRINITY [35] SLM102 – Operational Manual The eight page shows system PF with lagging PF and Frequency (Hz). The LED indicator glows onto PF and HZ which indicates that PF and Frequency display in first row and second row respectively. The ninth page shows three Energies. The LED indicator glows onto Wh, VAh and VARh which indicates that Active Energy (KWh), Apparent Energy (KVAh) and Reactive Energy (KVARh) display in first row, second row and third row respectively. The tenth page shows individual Voltage in three phases. The LED indicator glows onto VOLT which indicates that R-Phase, Y-Phase and B-Phase display in first row, second row and third row respectively. This page is not applicable for 3P3W. TRINITY [36] SLM102 – Operational Manual The eleventh page shows THD Voltage in three phases. The LED indicator glows onto VOLT, THD and PHASE which indicate that THD voltage in R-Phase, Y-Phase and B-Phase display in first row, second row and third row respectively. The twelfth page shows THD current in three phases. The LED indicator glows onto THD, AMPS and PHASE which indicate that THD current in R-Phase, Y-Phase and B-Phase display in first row, second row and third row respectively. The thirteenth page shows minimum voltage in three phases. The LED indicator TRINITY [37] SLM102 – Operational Manual glows onto VOLT, MIN and PHASE which indicate that minimum voltage in R-Phase, Y-Phase and B-Phase display in first row, second row and third row respectively. The fourteenth page shows minimum current in three phases. The LED indicator glows onto AMPS, MIN and PHASE which indicate that minimum current in RPhase, Y-Phase and B-Phase display in first row, second row and third row respectively. The fifteenth page shows minimum Active Power in three phases. The LED indicator glows onto WATT, PHASE and MIN which indicate that minimum WATT in R-Phase, Y-Phase and B-Phase display in first row, second row and third row respectively. TRINITY [38] SLM102 – Operational Manual The sixteenth page shows minimum Apparent Power (KVA) in three phases. The LED indicator glows onto VA, PHASE and MIN which indicate that minimum Apparent Power in R-Phase, Y-Phase and B-Phase display in first row, second row and third row respectively. The seventeenth page shows minimum system of Active Power, Frequency (Hz) and Apparent Power. The LED indicator glows onto Active Power (WATT), Frequency (HZ) and Apparent Power (VA) which indicate that Active Power, Frequency and Apparent Power display in first row, second row and third row respectively. TRINITY [39] SLM102 – Operational Manual The eighteenth page shows Maximum Voltage in three phases. The LED indicator glows onto VOLT, MAX and PHASE which indicate that maximum voltage in RPhase, Y-Phase and B-Phase display in first row, second row and third row respectively. The nineteenth page shows minimum current in three phases. The LED indicator glows onto AMPS, MIN and PHASE which indicate that minimum Current in RPhase, Y-Phase and B-Phase display in first row, second row and third row respectively. TRINITY [40] SLM102 – Operational Manual The twentieth page shows maximum current in three phases. The LED indicator glows onto AMPS, MAX and PHASE which indicate that maximum current in RPhase, Y-Phase and B-Phase display in first row, second row and third row respectively. The twenty-first page shows maximum Active Power in three phases. The LED indicator glows onto WATT, PHASE and MAX which indicate that maximum Active Power in R-Phase, Y-Phase and B-Phase display in first row, second row and third row respectively. TRINITY [41] SLM102 – Operational Manual The twenty-second page shows maximum Apparent Power in three phases. The LED indicator glows onto Apparent Power (VA), PHASE and MIN which indicate that maximum Apparent Power in R-Phase, Y-Phase and B-Phase display in first row, second row and third row respectively. The twenty-third page shows maximum Active Power, Frequency, Apparent Power. The LED indicator glows onto Active Power (WATT), HZ, VA and MAX which indicate that maximum Active Power, Frequency and Apparent Power display in first row, second row and third row respectively. TRINITY [42] SLM102 – Operational Manual The twenty-fourth page shows Sliding Active Power Demand for 15 minutes. In case user defined demand is Apparent Power, the display will show “DMD-VA" in second row. The LED indicator glows onto WAT and DMND which indicate that Demand window is Active Power. The twenty-fifth page shows maximum Active Power Demand occurrence with date and time. The LED indicator glows onto WATT, DMND and MAX for Active Power Demand. However, LED indicator will glow onto VA, DMND and MAX if user defined demand is Apparent Power. In fact, the demand is registered with following: In case of fixed window selection, the demand is integrated over 30 minutes. In case of sliding window, it is integrated over 15 or 30 minutes, as selected by the user. If the demand is calculated by the meter, based on sliding window technique, then unlike utility installed demand meters, this demand figure does not reset to zero at the end of the 30 minute integration window. If the user has initially selected KVA as demand parameter, the figure in the TRINITY [43] SLM102 – Operational Manual Maximum Demand register is that of KVA demand. If later, the user changes the parameter to KW, the Maximum Demand register does not change. It continues to show the highest Demand reached to date, which was in KVA. This is because there is only one Maximum Demand register. The twenty-sixth page shows last maximum Demand occurrence and status of the logging buffer. The demand displayed is the last maximum demand. If present maximum demand is 400 KVA and reset it and then, maximum Demand will become zero and Last maximum Demand will hold as 400 KVA. The twenty-seventh page shows Predictive Demand. The LED indicator glows onto VA and DMND which shows Predictive Demand is for VA. If user selectable parameter is Watt (W), the LED indicator will glow onto WATT and DMND. TRINITY [44] SLM102 – Operational Manual The twenty-eighth page shows alarm relays programmed for desired parameters. It also display the relays switch on with the futures 1, 2 and 3 whereas relay 4 is switched off. The twenty-ninth page shows four events logging under which event 1 stores 10 logs; event 2 stores 12 logs; event 3 stores 11 logs; and event 4 stores 16 logs. This event logging can be seen to the USB data downloading. The maximum Log is 16 for each event. Once the Log is overflow, the event will start logging from 1 and OVERFLOW will show YES. TRINITY [45] SLM102 – Operational Manual The thirtieth page shows number of logs with RTC date and time. The maximum log for all the parameters is 23271 records. TRINITY [46] SLM102 – Operational Manual Communications In addition to the industry standard RS-485 communication port, several other communication options are also available in SLM102. These options make it possible for a user to select SLM102 to provide power and energy information into a variety of existing or new control systems and communication networks. Each communication option supports data transfer with external devices or applications. Metering measurement, logged data, configuration and status data may be accessed via communication. SLM102 supports USB 2.0 for downloading of logged data, MODBUS-RTU on RS485 port and an Ethernet port supporting TCP/IP protocol, which can be used as a small web-server and also in MODBUS-TCP/IP mode to connect to a SCADA application. MODBUS RTU on RS485 Port The SLM102 support an isolated RS485 port, for half duplex multi-drop communication using MODBUS-RTU protocol. This makes it easy to integrate SLM102 to any EMS/SCADA application. The station id for every meter is site selectable, and so is the baud rate. The data which can be read using MODBUS query # 3 (Read Holding Registers) is provided in an address map, with the applicable multiplication factors, vide Appendix in last section. Communication line parameters: 9600 or 19200/8/N/1. TRINITY [47] SLM102 – Operational Manual The register map is described in Appendix. All addresses are in decimal whose parameters are unsigned long. If illegal address is sent in query or the host, tries to read more than 64 bytes of data in one query exception message is generated. Reserved values are for future use, which are transmitted as zeroes. Ethernet TCP/IP Communication Ethernet-TCP/IP connection, Multiple sockets Ethernet connectivity enables the unit to respond to as many as 12 different requests. The SLM102 can act as a small web-server. This on-board web-sever, offers quick and easy access to basic measurement, without special software. Built-in web pages display a range of power, energy and basic power quality information through any web enabled device. It also supports MODBUS-TCP/IP protocol. To access the Ethernet TCP/ IP communication, connect the RJ45 Ethernet cable into the port provided at the bottom of the unit and enter your protocol in the address bar and then, the web page will open such as shown below. SLM102 connected as Mini Web Server to a web browser. User can browse four pages such as Home, Individual parameters, Minimum and Maximum parameters and system values. TRINITY [48] SLM102 – Operational Manual Data Logging and USB Port SLM102 has a 2 MB non-volatile memory. This memory is used to store the minimum and maximum values of important parameters, events as defined by the user and the snapshot of the entire electrical system where all instantaneous and integrated parameters along with Harmonic data are saved. Maximum numbers of such electrical snapshots are 23271. While the electrical snapshots as saved in the logs can give a good idea of the overall behavior of the system, the Event Log feature captures time-stamped records of important power system occurrences that can be aligned with corresponding production effects to better understand and optimize energy use and cost. The log maintains a time-stamped record of 26 parameters. One can monitor values over a day, a week, a month or any period to record the highest and lowest values of voltage, current, power factor including Event parameters. SLM102 supports USB 2.0 for downloading logged data. Users are provided a CD for USB software installation along with the purchase of SLM102. Before installing the software, users are advised to read carefully Read Me document in the Logger disc for a list of minimum system requirements to be installed, if uninstalled before. If your system does not meet the minimum system requirements, installation of SLM102 software will not be possible. Installing the USB Software 1. Insert the Logger setup CD into the CD-ROM drive of your computer after windows is started. 2. Double click on the Logger and select Logger Setup or Setup and then, double click on any of the setup to install. A wizard will welcome for Logger Setup. To proceed the installation, click Next and then, the wizard will show the following dialog box for the location. TRINITY [49] SLM102 – Operational Manual 3. Before selecting the location, user can also check the disk space for each drive clicking Disk Cost. The Logger Setup has also two options such as Everyone and Just me of which Everyone is selected by default. User can select Just me accordingly. 4. To confirm the installation, click Next in the next wizard and wait for some time while proceeding the installation. After completing the installation, the wizard will ask the Logger Setup has been installed successfully. Now click Close to exit the wizard. Installation of USB driver Make sure that the USB cable is connected in between the PC and unit. If the USB connection is not all right, remove the USB cable and connect again. If the USB is connected for the first time, the wizard will show with following option. TRINITY [50] SLM102 – Operational Manual Select the option, Yes, This time only and click Next to proceed for the next wizard such as shown below. The wizard will ask if your hardware comes with an installation CD or floppy disk, insert it now. Select the wizard option, Installation from a list or TRINITY [51] SLM102 – Operational Manual specific location and click Next to give the following dialog box where the file is located. In the above dialog box, select option Search for the best drive in these location and click check box of Include this location in the search to specify path of usb drivers and then, click Next to get the path where the file is located. TRINITY [52] SLM102 – Operational Manual 5. Now click OK, to complete the wizard. 6. Wait for sometime while completing the wizard and then the wizard will prompt the new hardware gets completed. Now click Finish to complete the installation. Handling the Logger Window The Logger window consists of the following: Downing logged data, harmonic data, Graph representation onto Logger window and Exporting the Logged data in to a excel sheet. Downloading the Logged data 1. By default the utility will show Logger 1.0 on desktop. Double-click on the Logger icon. Now the Logger will open with the following window. TRINITY [53] SLM102 – Operational Manual 2. In the unit type list box, select the SLM102 and click OK and DOWNLOAD to start downloading the logged data with the following window. 3. In this LOG DATA window, click HARMONICS DATA at the bottom of the window to open the harmonics data window for all current and voltage. Exporting the Logged Data including Min/Max Events and Harmonics Data The logged data can also be exported into excel sheet so that the Min-Max &event logs including the Harmonics can also be obtained in it such as shown below. TRINITY [54] SLM102 – Operational Manual Graph Representation The graph plots for various selected parameters of Logged data as well as system data including harmonics distortion including date and time. Hence, the back ground color, Axis colors and Label colors can also be selectable. Plotting a Graph for Logged data. The logged data can be plotted to a graph with the selected parameters, date and time. To plot a graph, proceed the following instructions, 1. At the top of the Logger Windows, click Graph to show a graph window. 2. At the bottom of the of the graph window, enter starting date and time in the Start box, enter ending date and time in End box under Date and Time. There are also two type of Scale such as Auto scale and Manual scale. In case of Auto scale, it is already selected by default. In case of Manual scale, select Manual scale. 3. To select for the parameters to be plotted, double-click in check box which will display the parameter selected at right list such as shown below. TRINITY [55] SLM102 – Operational Manual 4. If the parameters selected are not desired, double-click again in the check box to remove for a selected parameter from the list. 5. To change the color of the selected parameters displayed at right side (e.g. Ir, Iy, Ib and KW) double-click on it, and then the color palette will show such as below. 6. Select the desired color and click Ok. Now, the selected parameter will plot with the selected color. Similarly, each selected parameter can also be plotted. Before plotting the parameters, the background color, axis color and label color should be specified by clicking as to represent along with the selected colors. 7. Now, click below. , and so to plot a graph for the selected parameters such as shown TRINITY [56] SLM102 – Operational Manual 8. The plotted graphs can be saved and printed by clicking respectively. Hence, to return into previous Logger Windows, click and . Programming Mode Using USB Utility All the users’ programmable parameters in Programming Mode of unit can also be programmed remotely using Logger Utility. Using utility, user can easily specify for all the programmable parameters which is also more convenient than the programming in unit. Make sure USB cable coming from the PC is connected to SLM102 where the USB port is provided at the top of the unit. To configure the Programming Mode using Logger utility, proceed the following instructions By default the utility will show Logger icon on desktop. Double-click on the Logger icon. Now the Logger will open with the following window. TRINITY [57] SLM102 – Operational Manual Click down arrow and select SLM102(Prog) in list box that will open the page such as shown below. By default the cursor will blink in password box which shows user will enter password and click to enter into above Programming Mode. After configuring respectively to confirm the settings. If each programmable parameter, click user selelcts Installation type and CT Ratio, the unit may restart. User will wait till the unit enters into Run Mode and then user will again enter password. In case, a message displays “Error In USB Communication” click OK and try again so that all the programmable parameter can be configured. TRINITY [58] SLM102 – Operational Manual Control Outputs The relay contacts provided in SLM102 are rated for 3A @ 230VAC. They are also protected by snubbers against fast voltage transients which occur when inductive loads are switched off. Thus, the following points are to be taken care of when using these relay contacts: 1. Use 230VAC coils only in the contactors. DO NOT use 440V AC coils. 2. DO NOT switch small loads like electronic Hooters, small relays with 230VAC coils etc. directly from the relay contact of SLM102. If done so, the small leakage current from the snubbers will not allow these loads to be switched off fully. Thus, the electronic hooters will give a low hum continuously, and the small relays will switch on but not switch off. Use these relay contacts to switch an Auxiliary contactor and put the load on the contactor contacts. Alarm Action Considering two alarm relays with previous section, ”Setting Four Alarm Relays, Alarm On, Alarm Value and Alarm Hysteresis” in Programming Mode, user can configure for a desired parameter for alarm control action such as shown below. Relay 1 Relay 2 TRINITY [59] SLM102 – Operational Manual All relays, from 1 to 4 are programmable with the following parameters, Avg. Volts, Avg. Amps, KVA, KW, KVAR, Demand and PF. The value indicates the level at which the relay will close. E.g. If the Alarm On has been selected to KW, and the value is set to 450, the relay will close when KW exceeds 450 and remains so for 1 minute. All parameters have this response time of 1 minute, except Demand which has a response time of 2 seconds. This is because Demand is already an integrated parameter. Also, the switching ON logic in case of PF is reversed. For all parameters, the relay closed when the parameter value exceeds that defined by Value for more than one minute. In case of PF however, the relay will close when the PF falls below the Value and remains so for more than one minute. Also, the PF Value is entered with a multiplication factor of 1000. e.g. when the second alarm is set for PF and alarm Value is set to 955, the relay should close when the PF value falls below 0.955 The last parameter called Hysteresis defines the opening point for the relay which has closed in response to an alarm condition. This is specified as % of the Value. Thus, setting Hysteresis of 2 implies that the relay which closes when the parameter reaches Value, will open when the parameter falls below 0.98 x Value. This is done to prevent frequent operation / nuisance operation of the relay near the Value. E.g. If the Value has been set to 400, and Hysteresis to 5%, the relay will close when the parameter reaches 400 and then, the relay opens when it falls below 380. The response times as outlined above for closing of relays also applies to opening of relays. Thus, the relay will open at 380 only if the parameter falls below 380 and remains so for 1 minute (2 seconds in case of Demand). If all four relays are programmed to close on Demand and different values for closing and opening are set by the user, SLM102 can be used effectively as a Maximum Demand Controller with four relay contacts! SLM102 as a Demand Management Each relay can be programmed separately to generate alarm on a specific parameter with its specific value. The value at which it should open is also programmable. Thus, user could have the first relay programmed to close when the avg. Voltage exceeds certain value, second when the Avg. Amps exceeds some level, third for KW, or KVAR or PF or Demand and so on. Before programming the relays, having a look into Run Mode for Predictive Demand value is true for Demand Management. This allows the user to deploy SLM102 as a true Demand manager, to generate alarm signals for four different conditions! TRINITY [60] SLM102 – Operational Manual Appendix Address map of RS485 Port for various parameters of both 3P4W and 3P3W. RS‐485 MAP FOR SLM102 If PF is Lead Side then PF and Var Value are Negative. 1000 1002 1004 1006 1008 1010 1012 1014 1016 1018 1020 1022 1024 1026 1028 1030 1032 1034 1036 1038 1040 1042 1044 1046 1048 1050 1052 1054 1056 1058 1060 1062 1064 1066 1068 VOLT‐R AMPS‐R WATT‐R VA‐R VAR‐R PF‐R 3rd Har. Volt‐R 5th Har. Volt‐R 7th Har. Volt‐R 9th Har. Volt‐R 11th Har. Volt‐R 13th Har. Volt‐R 15th Har. Volt‐R 17rd Har. Volt‐R 19th Har. Volt‐R 21th Har. Volt‐R 23rd Har. Volt‐R 25th Har. Volt‐R 27th Har. Volt‐R 29th Har. Volt‐R VOLT ‐ THD‐R 3rd Har. Amps‐R 5th Har. Amps‐R 7th Har. Amps‐R 9th Har. Amps‐R 11th Har. Amps‐R 13th Har. Amps‐R 15th Har. Amps‐R 17th Har. Amps‐R 19th Har. Amps‐R 21th Har. Amps‐R 23rd Har. Amps‐R 25th Har. Amps‐R 27th Har. Amps‐R 29th Har. Amps‐R 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT 1070 AMPS ‐THD‐R 4 FLOAT 1072 VRY 4 FLOAT 148 148 1200 1202 1204 1206 1208 1210 1212 1214 VOLT‐Y AMPS‐Y WATT‐Y VA‐Y VAR‐Y PF‐Y 3rd Har. Volt‐Y 5th Har. Volt‐Y 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT TRINITY [61] SLM102 – Operational Manual 1216 1218 1220 1222 1224 1226 1228 1230 1232 1234 1236 1238 1240 1242 1244 1246 1248 1250 1252 1254 1256 1258 1260 1262 1264 1266 1268 7th Har. Volt‐Y 9th Har. Volt‐Y 11th Har. Volt‐Y 13th Har. Volt‐Y 15th Har. Volt‐Y 17rd Har. Volt‐Y 19th Har. Volt‐Y 21th Har. Volt‐Y 23rd Har. Volt‐Y 25th Har. Volt‐Y 27th Har. Volt‐Y 29th Har. Volt‐Y VOLT ‐ THD‐Y 3rd Har. Amps‐Y 5th Har. Amps‐Y 7th Har. Amps‐Y 9th Har. Amps‐Y 11th Har. Amps‐Y 13th Har. Amps‐Y 15th Har. Amps‐Y 17th Har. Amps‐Y 19th Har. Amps‐Y 21th Har. Amps‐Y 23rd Har. Amps‐Y 25th Har. Amps‐Y 27th Har. Amps‐Y 29th Har. Amps‐Y 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT 1270 AMPS ‐THD‐Y 4 FLOAT 1272 VYB 4 FLOAT 148 148 1400 1402 1404 1406 1408 1410 1412 1414 1416 1418 1420 1422 1424 1426 1428 1430 1432 1434 1436 1438 1440 1442 1444 1446 1448 1450 1452 1454 VOLT‐B AMPS‐B WATT‐B VA‐B VAR‐B PF‐B 3rd Har. Volt‐B 5th Har. Volt‐B 7th Har. Volt‐B 9th Har. Volt‐B 11th Har. Volt‐B 13th Har. Volt‐B 15th Har. Volt‐B 17rd Har. Volt‐B 19th Har. Volt‐B 21th Har. Volt‐B 23rd Har. Volt‐B 25th Har. Volt‐B 27th Har. Volt‐B 29th Har. Volt‐B VOLT ‐ THD‐B 3rd Har. Amps‐B 5th Har. Amps‐B 7th Har. Amps‐B 9th Har. Amps‐B 11th Har. Amps‐B 13th Har. Amps‐B 15th Har. Amps‐B 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT TRINITY [62] SLM102 – Operational Manual 1456 1458 1460 1462 1464 1466 1468 17th Har. Amps‐B 19th Har. Amps‐B 21th Har. Amps‐B 23rd Har. Amps‐B 25th Har. Amps‐B 27th Har. Amps‐B 29th Har. Amps‐B 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT 1470 AMPS ‐THD‐B 4 FLOAT 1472 VBR 4 FLOAT 148 148 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2060 SYS W SYS VA SYS VAR FREQUENCY SYS PF ALARM STATUS DEMAND Unit & DUMMY SYS WH SYS VAH SYS VARH MIN SYS W SECOND & MINUTE HOUR & DUMMY DATE & MONTH YEAR & DUMMY MIN SYS VA SECOND & MINUTE HOUR & DUMMY DATE & MONTH YEAR & DUMMY MIN FREQUENCY SECOND & MINUTE HOUR & DUMMY DATE & MONTH YEAR & DUMMY MAX SYS W SECOND & MINUTE HOUR & DUMMY DATE & MONTH YEAR & DUMMY MAX SYS VA SECOND & MINUTE HOUR & DUMMY DATE & MONTH YEAR & DUMMY MAX FREQ SECOND & MINUTE HOUR & DUMMY DATE & MONTH YEAR & DUMMY MAX DEMAND SECOND & MINUTE 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 4 2 FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT CHAR * 4 FLOAT CHAR*4 FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT CHAR*2 CHAR*2 CHAR*2 0 FLOAT CHAR*2 CHAR*2 CHAR*2 0 FLOAT CHAR*2 CHAR*2 CHAR*2 0 FLOAT CHAR*2 CHAR*2 CHAR*2 0 FLOAT CHAR*2 CHAR*2 CHAR*2 0 FLOAT CHAR*2 CHAR*2 CHAR*2 0 FLOAT CHAR*2 For Address 2010 and 2011 Alarm status, there are four bytes. First Three Bytes are zero. Fourth Byte shows Relay position. First Bit of this byte shows First relay status. If it is 1 then it shows First relay is on. Same as second, third and fourth bit is used for second, third and fourth relay. For Address 2014 and 2015. Unit is single Byte Parameter. First byte shows Unit value and other three are Dummy Bytes. Unit shows the unit of wh, Varh and Vah. If Unit =2 means value of wh, Vah and Varh are in Kilo. If Unit = 3 means value of wh, vah and varh are in Mega. If Unit = 1 means wh, vah and varh are not in kilo or mega range. TRINITY [63] SLM102 – Operational Manual 2061 2062 2063 2064 HOUR & DUMMY DATE & MONTH YEAR & DUMMY PRD DEMAND 2 2 2 4 CHAR*2 CHAR*2 0 FLOAT 132 132 3000 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 3038 3039 3040 3041 3042 3044 3045 3046 MIN VOLT‐R 4 SECOND & MINUTE 2 HOUR & DUMMY 2 DATE & MONTH 2 FLOAT CHAR*2 CHAR*2 CHAR*2 0 FLOAT CHAR*2 CHAR*2 CHAR*2 0 FLOAT CHAR*2 CHAR*2 CHAR*2 0 FLOAT CHAR*2 CHAR*2 CHAR*2 0 FLOAT CHAR*2 CHAR*2 CHAR*2 0 FLOAT CHAR*2 CHAR*2 CHAR*2 0 FLOAT CHAR*2 CHAR*2 CHAR*2 0 FLOAT CHAR*2 CHAR*2 CHAR*2 HOUR & DUMMY 2 DATE & MONTH 2 YEAR & DUMMY 2 MIN AMPS‐R 4 SECOND & MINUTE 2 HOUR & DUMMY 2 DATE & MONTH 2 3047 YEAR & DUMMY 2 0 YEAR & DUMMY 2 MIN WATT‐R 4 SECOND & MINUTE 2 HOUR & DUMMY 2 DATE & MONTH 2 YEAR & DUMMY 2 MIN VA‐R 4 SECOND & MINUTE 2 HOUR & DUMMY 2 DATE & MONTH 2 YEAR & DUMMY 2 MAX VOLT‐R 4 SECOND & MINUTE 2 HOUR & DUMMY 2 DATE & MONTH 2 YEAR & DUMMY 2 MAX AMPS‐R 4 SECOND & MINUTE 2 HOUR & DUMMY 2 DATE & MONTH 2 YEAR & DUMMY 2 MAX WATT‐R 4 SECOND & MINUTE 2 HOUR & DUMMY 2 DATE & MONTH 2 YEAR & DUMMY 2 MAX VA‐R 4 SECOND & MINUTE 2 96 TRINITY [64] SLM102 – Operational Manual 96 3300 3302 3303 3304 3305 3306 3308 3309 3310 3311 3312 3314 3315 3316 3317 3318 3320 3321 3322 3323 3324 3326 3327 3328 3329 3330 3332 3333 3334 3335 3336 3338 3339 3340 3341 3342 3344 3345 3346 MIN VOLT‐Y 4 MAX WATT‐Y 4 SECOND & MINUTE 2 HOUR & DUMMY 2 DATE & MONTH 2 YEAR & DUMMY 2 MAX VA‐Y 4 SECOND & MINUTE 2 HOUR & DUMMY 2 DATE & MONTH 2 FLOAT CHAR*2 CHAR*2 CHAR*2 0 FLOAT CHAR*2 CHAR*2 CHAR*2 0 FLOAT CHAR*2 CHAR*2 CHAR*2 0 FLOAT CHAR*2 CHAR*2 CHAR*2 0 FLOAT CHAR*2 CHAR*2 CHAR*2 0 FLOAT CHAR*2 CHAR*2 CHAR*2 0 FLOAT CHAR*2 CHAR*2 CHAR*2 0 FLOAT CHAR*2 CHAR*2 CHAR*2 SECOND & MINUTE 2 HOUR & DUMMY 2 DATE & MONTH 2 3347 YEAR & DUMMY 2 0 YEAR & DUMMY 2 MIN AMPS‐Y 4 SECOND & MINUTE 2 HOUR & DUMMY 2 DATE & MONTH 2 YEAR & DUMMY 2 MIN WATT‐Y 4 SECOND & MINUTE 2 HOUR & DUMMY 2 DATE & MONTH 2 YEAR & DUMMY 2 MIN VA‐Y 4 SECOND & MINUTE 2 HOUR & DUMMY 2 DATE & MONTH 2 YEAR & DUMMY 2 MAX VOLT‐Y 4 SECOND & MINUTE 2 HOUR & DUMMY 2 DATE & MONTH 2 YEAR & DUMMY 2 MAX AMPS‐Y 4 SECOND & MINUTE 2 HOUR & DUMMY 2 DATE & MONTH 2 YEAR & DUMMY 2 96 96 3600 MIN VOLT‐B 3602 SECOND & MINUTE 4 2 FLOAT CHAR*2 TRINITY [65] SLM102 – Operational Manual 3603 3604 3605 3606 3608 3609 3610 3611 3612 3614 3615 3616 3617 3618 3620 3621 3622 3623 3624 3626 3627 3628 3629 3630 3632 3633 3634 3635 3636 3638 3639 3640 3641 3642 3644 3645 3646 HOUR & DUMMY 2 DATE & MONTH 2 MAX VA‐B 4 SECOND & MINUTE 2 HOUR & DUMMY 2 DATE & MONTH 2 CHAR*2 CHAR*2 0 FLOAT CHAR*2 CHAR*2 CHAR*2 0 FLOAT CHAR*2 CHAR*2 CHAR*2 0 FLOAT CHAR*2 CHAR*2 CHAR*2 0 FLOAT CHAR*2 CHAR*2 CHAR*2 0 FLOAT CHAR*2 CHAR*2 CHAR*2 0 FLOAT CHAR*2 CHAR*2 CHAR*2 0 FLOAT CHAR*2 CHAR*2 CHAR*2 3647 YEAR & DUMMY 2 0 YEAR & DUMMY 2 MIN AMPS‐B 4 SECOND & MINUTE 2 HOUR & DUMMY 2 DATE & MONTH 2 YEAR & DUMMY 2 MIN WATT‐B 4 SECOND & MINUTE 2 HOUR & DUMMY 2 DATE & MONTH 2 YEAR & DUMMY 2 MIN VA‐B 4 SECOND & MINUTE 2 HOUR & DUMMY 2 DATE & MONTH 2 YEAR & DUMMY 2 MAX VOLT‐B 4 SECOND & MINUTE 2 HOUR & DUMMY 2 DATE & MONTH 2 YEAR & DUMMY 2 MAX AMPS‐B 4 SECOND & MINUTE 2 HOUR & DUMMY 2 DATE & MONTH 2 YEAR & DUMMY 2 MAX WATT‐B 4 SECOND & MINUTE 2 HOUR & DUMMY 2 DATE & MONTH 2 YEAR & DUMMY 2 96 TRINITY [66] SLM102 – Operational Manual P.O No. : ………………………………………………………………… Customer : ………………………………………………………………… Sr. No. : ………………………………………………………………… Routine and function tests conducted to relevant standards and our Specifications/Literature/O & M Manual. Traceability: tested against "MTE" Standard Model PRS400.3 having basic accuracy of 0.02% traceable upto International Standards derived using appropriate ratio techniques. Result of Test : ………………………………………………………………… Remarks : ………………………………………………………………… Test engineer : ………………………………………………………………… Date : ………………………………………………………………… TRINITY [67]
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