tJ. ZoL-NElro vIC fl _-:: -----". j·o,~ t . I I. ~ l 98-004C ©Intel Corp. 1974, 1975, 1976 'vJ. Z.o_L-NERo_y IC fl Rev. C .. il ~ (0' !I II !I !I I! ".,tl !; . l :. 1l i! :! l I -- _j -U (_) .,, '· -,., ··; t:/ This manual describes the assembly language format, and how to write assembly language programs for the lntef!>8080 microprocessor. Detailed information on the operation of specific assemblers. is. available in the Operator's Manual and Installation Guide fqr: -.. . ' ' each specific assembler. ' u l 98-004C Rev. C ------ ··-- -~ TERMS DESCRIPTION Address A 16-bit number assigned to a memory location corresponding to its sequential position. Bit The smallest unit of information which can be represented. (A bit may be in one of two states, represented by the binary digits 0 or 1). Byte A group of 8 contiguous bits occupying a single memory location. Instruction The· smallest single operation that the computer can be directed to execute. Object Program A program which can be loaded directly into the computer's memory and which requires no alteration before execution. An object program is usually on paper tape, and is produced by assembling (or compiling) a source program. Instructions are represented by binary machine code in an object program. Program A sequence of instructions which, taken as a group, allow the computer to accomplish a desired task. Source Program A program which is readable by a programmer but which must be transformed into object program format before it can be loaded into the computer and executed. Instructions in an assembly language source program. are represented by their assembly language mnemonic. System Program A program written to help in the process of creating user programs. User Program A program written by the user to make the computer perform any desired task. Word A group of 16 contiguous bits occupying two successive memory locations. nnnnB nnnn repr-esents a number in binary format. nnnnD nnnn represents a number in decimal format. nnnnO nnnn repres":!nts a number in octal format. nnnnO nnnn represents a number in octal format. nnnnH nnnn represents a number in hexadecimal format. A representation of a byte in memory. Bits which are fixed as 0 or 1 are indicated by 0 or 1; bits which may be either 0 or 1 in different circumstances are represented by letters; thus rp represents a three-bit field which contains one of the eight possible combinations of zeroes and ones. ii Z OLNEtroti-IC f/ 0 n· INTRODUCTION (_) CHAPTER 1 COMPUTER ORGANIZATION WORKING REGISTERS MEMORY PROGRAM COUNTER STACK POINTER INPUT /OUTPUT COMPUTER PROGRAM REPRESENTATION ·IN MEMORY MEMORY ADDRESSING Direct Addressing Register Pair Addressing Stack Pointer Addressing Immediate Addressing Subroutines and Use of the Stack for Addressing CONDITION BITS Carry Bit Auxiliary Carry Bit Sign Bit Zero Bit Parity Bit CHAPTER 2 JHE 8080 INSTRUCTION SET ; ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE How Assembly Language is Used Statement Syntax Label Field Code Field Operand Field Comment Field TWO'S COMPLEMENT REPRESENTATION OF DATA DATA STATEMENTS DB Define Byte(s) of Data DW Define Word (Two Bytes) of Data DS Define Storage (Bytes) CARRY BIT INSTRUCTIONS STC Set Carry v 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 REGISTER OR MEMORY TO ACCUMULATOR INSTRUCTIONS ADD Add Register or Memory to Accumulator ADC Add Register or' Memory to Accumulator With Carry 4 4 5 17 17 18 SUB Subtract Register or Memory From Accumulator SBB Subtract Register or Memory Fr·om Accumulator With Borrow ANA Logical And Register or Memory With Accumulator XRA Logical Exclusive-Or Register or Memory With Accumulator (Zero Accumulator) ORA Logical Or Register Or Memory With Accumulator CMP Compare Register or Memory With Accumulator 5 6 6 .6 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 18 19 19 19 20 20 ROTATE ACCUMULATOR INSTRUCTIONS R LC Rotate Accumulator Left ARC Rotate Accumulator Right RAL Rotate Accumulator Left Through Carry RAR Rotate Accumulator Right Thr.ough Carry 9 12 12 REGISTER PAIR INSTRUCTIONS :, PUSH Push Data Onto Stack POP Pop Data Off Stack DAD Double Add INX Increment Register 'Pair DCX Decrement Register Pair 13 13 14 14 14 14 iii Ih___. 14 14 CMC Complement Carry SINGLE REGISTER INSTRUCTIONS IN R Increment Register or Memory OCR Decrement Register or Memory CMA Complement Accumulator DAA Decimal Adjust Accumulator NOP INSTRUCTION DATA TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS MOV Instruction ST AX Store Accumulator LDAX Load Accumulator 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 23 24 24 24 Rev. C II XCHG Exchange Registers XTH L Exchange Stack SPH L Load SP From H and L IMMEDIATE INSTRUCTIONS LXI Load Register Pair Immediate MVI Move Immediate Data ADI Add Immediate to Accumulator ACI Add Immediate to Accumulator With Carry SUI Subtract Immediate From Accumulator SBI Subtract Immediate From Accumulator With Borrow ANI And Immediate With Accumulator XRI Exclusive-Or Immediate With Accumulator ORI Or Immediate With Accumulator CPI Compare Immediate With Accumulator DIRECT ADDRESSING INSTRUCTIONS STA Store Accumulator Direct LOA Load Accumulator Direct SHLD Store Hand L Direct LHLD Load Hand L Direct JUMP INSTRUCTIONS PCHL Load Program Counter JMP Jump JC Jump If Carry JNC Jump If No Carry JZ Jump If Zero JNZ Jump If Not Zero JM Jump If Minus JP Jump If Positive JPE Jump If Parity Even JPO Jump If Parity Odd CALL SUBROUTINE INSTRUCTIONS CALL Call cc Call If Carry CNC Call If No Carry cz Call If Zero CNZ Call If Not Zero CM Call If Minus CP Call If Plus CPE Call If Parity Even CPO Call If Parity Odd RETURN FROM SUB,ROUTINE INSTRUCTIONS RET Return RC Return If Carry RNC Return If No Carry RZ Return If Zero RNZ Return If Not Zero RM Return If Minus RP Return If Plus APE Ret~rn If Parity Even RPO Return If Parity Odd RST INSTRUCTION INTERRUPT FLIP-FLOP INSTRUCTIONS Enable Interrupts El 01 0 isable Interrupts INPUT/OUTPUT INSTRUCTIONS Input IN OUT Output 24 25 25 25 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 HL T HALT INSTRUCTION PSEUDO-INSTRUCTIONS ORG Origin EOU Equate SET END End of Assembly IF AND ENOl F Conditional Assembly MACRO AND ENDM Macro Definition TITLE Page Title 39 39 39 40 40 41 41 41 41 CHAPTER 3 PROGRAMMING WITH MACROS WHAT ARE MACROS? MACRO TERMS AND USE Macro Definition Macro Reference or Call Macro Expansion Scope of Labels and Names Within Macros Macro Parameter Substitution REASONS FOR USING MACROS USEFUL MACROS Load Indirect Macro Other Indirect Addressing Macros Create Indexed Address Macro 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 47 48 48 CHAPTER 4 PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES BRANCH TABLES PSEUDO-SUBROUTINE SUBROUTINES Transferring Data to Subroutines SOFTWARE MULTIPLY AND DIVIDE MULTIBYTE ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION DECIMAL ADDITION DECIMAL SUBTRACTION ALTERING MACRO EXPANSIONS 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 36 37 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 38 38 39 u 49 49 50 51 53 55 56 57 58 CHAPTER 5 INTERRUPTS WRITING INTERRUPT SUBROUTINES 59 60 APPENDIX A INSTRUCTION SUMMARY VI u APPENDIX B INSTRUCTION EXECUTION TIMES, BIT PATTERNS, AND OPERATION CODES XVI APPENDIX C ASCII TABLE XX APPENDIX D BINARY-DECIMAL-HEXADECIMAL CONVERSION TABLES XXII LIST OF FIGURES iv Automatic Advance of the Program Counter as Instructions are Executed 2 Assembler Program Converts Assembly Language Source Program to Hexadecimal Object Program 8 Rev. C .\J u This manual has been written to help the reader pro® gram the INTE[ 8080 microcomputer in assembly language. Accordingly: this manual assumes that the reader has a good understanding of logic, but may be completely unfamiliar with programming concepts. subroutine nesting and full capability • u 8-bit parallel CPU on a single chip • 78 instructions, including extensive memory referencing, flexible jump-on-condition capability, and binary and decimal arithmetic modes • Direct addressing for 65,536 bytes of memory • Fully programmable stacks, allowing unlimited cross assembler. The resident assembler is one of several system programs available to the user which run on the 8080. The cross assembler runs on any computer having a FORTRAN compiler whose word size is 32 bits or greater, and generates programs which run on the 8080. The experienced programmer should note that the assembly language has a macro capability which allows users to tailor the assembly language to individual needs. u '· '. ·~·· I Seven 8-bit registers There are two ways in which programs for the 8080 may be assembled; either via the resident assembler or the For those readers who do understand programming concepts, several features of the INTEL 8080 microcomputer are described below. They include: • interrupt handling v Il ·t I I I 0 (_j l ~-) u This section provides the programmer with a functional overview of the 8080. Information is presented in this section at a level that provides a programmer with necessary background in order to write efficient programs. These seven working registers are numbered and referenced via the integers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7; by convention, these registers may also be accessed via the letters B, C, D, E, H, L, and A (for the accumulator), respectively. To the programmer, the computer is represented as consisting of the following parts: Some 8080 operations reference the working registers in pairs referenced by the letters B, D, Hand PSIN. These correspondences are shown as follows: ( 1l (2) Memory, which may hold program instructions or data and which must be addressed location by location in order to access stored information. (3) The program counter, whose contents indicate the next program instruction to be executed. (4) The stack pointer, a register which enables various portions of memory to be used as stacks. These in turn facilitate execution of subroutines and handling of interrupts as described later. (5) () Seven working registers in which all data operations occur, and which provide one means for addressing memory. Input/Output, which is the interface between a program and the outside world. WORKING REGISTERS The 8080 provides the programmer with an 8-bit accumulator and six additional 8-bit "scratchpad" registers. Register Pair Registers Referenced B D H Band C (0 and 1) D and E (2 and 3) H and L (4 and 5) PSW A and Flags (see below) Register pair PSW (Program Status Word) refers to register A (7) and a special byte which reflects the current status of the machine flags. This byte is described in detail in Chapter 2. MEMORY The 8080 can be used with read only memory, programm<!ble read only memory and read/write memory. A program can cause data to be read from any type of memory, but can only cause data to be written' into read/write memory. The programmer visualizes memory as a sequence of bytes, each of which may store 8 bits (represented by two hexadecimal digits). Up to 65,536 bytes of· memory may be Rev. C has been selected to represent the instruction RAR (rotate the contents of the accumulator right through carry); thus, the value 1 FH stored in a memory byte could either repre,sent the instruction RAR, or it could represent the data value 1 FH. It is up to the logic of a program to insure that data is not misinterpreted as an instruction code, but this is simply done as follows: Every program has a starting memory address, which is the memory address of the byte holding the first instruction to be executed. Before the first instruction is executed, the program counter will automatically be advanced to address the next instruction to be executed, and this procedure will be repeated for every instruction in the program. 8080 instructions may require 1, 2, or 3 bytes to encode an instruction; ·in each case the program counter is automatically advanced to the start of the next instruction, as illustrated inFigure1-1. present, and an individual memory byte is addressed by its sequential number from 0 to 65,535D=FFFFH, the largest number which can be represented by 16 bits. The bits stored in a memory byte may represent the encoded form of an instruction or may be data, as described in Chapter 2 in the section on Data Statements. PROGRAM COUNTER The program counter is a 16 bit register which is ac· cessible to the programmer and whose contents indicate the address of the next instruction to be executed as described in this chapter under Computer Program Representation in Memory. STACK POINTER A stack is an area of memory set aside by the programmer in which data or addresses are stored and retrieved by stack operations. Stack operations are performed by several of the 8080 instructions, and facilitate execution of subroutines and handling of program interrupts. The programmer specifies which addresses the stack operations will operate upon via a special accessible 16-bit register called the stack pointer. Memory Address 0212 0213 0214 0215 0216 0217 0218 0219 021A 0218 021C 0210 021E 021F 0220 0221 INPUT/OUTPUT To the 8080, the outside world consists of up to 256 input devices and 256 output devices. Each device communicates with the 8080 via data bytes sent to or received from the accumulator, and each device is assigned a number from 0 to 255 which is not under control of the programmer. The instructions which perform these data transmissions are described in Chapter 2 under Input/Output Instructions. COMPUTER .PROGRAM REPRESENTATION IN MEMORY A computer program consists of a sequence of instructions. Each instruction enables an elementary operation such as the movement of a data byte, an arithmetic or logical operation on a data byte, or a change in instruction execution sequence. Instructions are described individually in Chapter 2. Instruction Number j } I, 2 3 Program Counter Contents 0213 0215 0216 0219 4 5 021A 6 021C 021 F r-· \) 7 8 9 10 0220 0221 0222 Figure 1-1. Automatic Advance of the Program Counter as Instructions Are Executed In order to avoid errors, the programmer must be sure that a data byte does not follow a'n instruction when another instruction is expected. Referring to Figure 1-1, an instruction is expected in byte 021 FH, since instruction 8 is to be 1 executed after instruction 7. If byte 021 FH held data, th program would not execute correctly. Therefore, when writing a program, do not store data in between adjac·ent instructions that are to be executed consecutively. A program will be stored in memory as a sequence of bits which represent the instructions of the program, and which we will represent via hexadecimal digits. The memory address of the next instruction to be executed ·is held in the program counter. Just before each instruction is executed, the program counter is advanced to the address of the next sequential instruction. Program execution proceeds sequentially unless a transfer-of-control instruction (jump, call, or return) is executed, which causes the program counter to be set to a specified address. Execution then continues sequentially from this new address in memory. e NOTE: If a program stores data into a location, that location should not normally appear among any pr9: gram instructions. This is because user programs are (normally) executed from read-only memory, into which data cannot be stored. A class of instructions (referred to as transfer-of-co~ trol instructions) c~use program execution to branch to an instruction that may be anywhere in memory. The memory . ' Upon examining the contents of a memory byte, there is no way of telling whether the byte contains an encoded instruction or data. For example, the hexadecimal code 1 FH 2 0 Rev. C () which will load the accumulator with the contents of mem· ory byte 1 F2A would appear as follows: address specified by the transfer of control instruction must be the address of another instruction; if it is~ the address of a memory byte holding data, the program will not execute correctly. For example, referring to Figure 1-1, say instruc· tion 4 specifies a jump to memory byte 021 FH, and say instructions 5, 6, and 7 are replaced by data; then following execution of instruction 4, the program would execute cor· rectly. But if, in error, instruction 4 specifies a jump to memory byte 021 EH, an error would result, since this byte now holds data. Even if instructions 5, 6, and 7 were not replaced by data, a jump to memory byte 021 EH would cause an error, since this is not the first byte of the instruction. Upon reading Chapter 2, you will see that it is easy to avoid writing an assembly language program with jump in· stru'ctions that have erroneous memory addresses. lnforma· tion on this subject is given rather to help the programmer who is debugging programs by entering hexadecimal codes directly into memory. Memory B Instruction being executed ~ i '' D ! E I ·1 F H I By now it will have become apparent that addressing specific memory bytes constitutes an important part of any computer program; there are a number of ways in which this can be done, as described in the following subsections. "2A L I A In addition, there are two 8080 instructions which use either the B and C registers or the D and E registers to address memory. As above, the first register of the pair holds the most significant 8 bits of the address, while the second register holds the least significant 8 bits. These instructions, STAX and LDAX, are described in Chapter 2 under Data Transfer Instructions. Direct Addressing· With direct addressing, an instruction sup pi ies an exact memory address. The instruction: "Load the contents of memory address 1 F2A into the accumulator" Stack Pointer Addressing Memory locations may be addressee via the 16-bit stack pointer register, as described below. is an example of an instruction using direct addressing, 1 F2A being the direct address. There are only two stack operations which may be performed; putting data into a stack is called a push, while retrieving data from a stack is called a pop. · This would appear in memory as follows: Memory Address Memory NOTE: any+ 1 In order for stack push operations to operate, stacks must be located in read/write memory. STACK PUSH OPERATION any 16 bits of data are transferred to 'a memory area (called a stack) from a register pair or the 16 bit program counter during any stack push operation. The addresses of the memory area which is to be accessed during a stack push operation are determined by using the stack pointer as follows: instruction being executed any+ 2 The instruction occupies three memory bytes, the second and third of which hold the direct address. (1) The most significant 8 bits of data are stored at the memory address one less than the contents ·of the stack pointer. (2) The least significant 8 bits of data are stored at the memory address two less than the contents of the stack pointer. (3) The stack pointer is automatically decremented by two. Register ~air Addressing 0 c 7E f----1 MEMORY ADDRESSING 0 Registers ·A memory address may be specified by the contents of a register pair. For almost all 8080 instructions, the H and L registers must be used. The H register contains the most significant 8 bits of the referenced address, and the L register contains the least significant 8 bits. A one byte instruction 3 For example, suppose that the stack pointer contains the address 13A6H, register B contains 6AH, and register C contains 30H. Then a stack push of register pair B would operate as follows: I I Before Pop Memory Address After Pop 1507 0 FF SP -+ Before Push Memory Address 1508 33 - 1509 After Push OB ----:FF +- 150A 13A3 13A4 +- H SP B 0 ~ l EJ 0 13A5 SP SP ----:- H l 0 0 13A6 c 0 B 0 'I c The programmer loads the stack pointer with any 9esired value by using the LXI instruction· described in Chap~er 2 under load Register Pair-Immediate. The programmer must initialize the stack pointer before performing a stack operation, or erroneous results will occur. 0 Immediate Addressing An immediate instruction· is one -that,contains data. The following is an example of immediate addressing: "load the accumulator with the value 2AH." The above instruction would be coded in memory as follows: STACK POP OPERATION 16 bits of data are transferred from a memory area (called a stack) to a register pair or the 16-bit program counter during any stack pop operation. The addresses of the memory area which is to be .accessed during a stack pop operation are determined by using the stack pointer as follows: (1) (2) (3) .. _Memory . ' +- load accumulator immediate +- Value to be lo.aded into accumulator The second r.egister of the pair, or the least significant 8 bits of the program counter, are loaded from the memory address held in the stack pointer. Immediate _instructions do not reference memory; rather they contain data in the m_e(Tiory byte following the instruction code byte. The first register of the pair .. or the most significant 8 bits of the program counter, are loaded from the memory address one greater than the address held in the stack pointer. Subroutines and Use of the Stack for Addressing Before understanding the purpose or effectiveness _of the stack, it is necessary to understand the concept of: a subroutine. Consider a frequently used operation such as muftiplication. The 8080 provides instructions to add one byte of data to another byte of data, but what if you wish l~o multiply these numbers? This will require a number of instructions to be executed in sequence. It is quite possiole that this routine may be required many times within one program; to repeat the identical code every time it is need~d is possible, but very wasteful-of memory: The stack pointer is automatically incremented by two. For example, suppose that the stack pointer contains the address 1508H, memory location 1508H contains 33H, and memory location 1509H contains OBH. Then a stack pop into register pair H would operate as follows: _4 Rev. B / ..-\ \_) - - - - - - - - - --------------------~---------~.,.-..,..,.,.~.,\~~ Program Routine I Program 1 Routine Memory Address Instruction OC02 OC03 OC04 OC05 OC06 CALL SUBROUTINE 02 OF NEXT INSTRUCTION Push address of next instruction (OC06H) onto the stack and branch to subroutine starting at OF02H Program OFOO OF01 OF02 Routine etc FIRST SUBROUTINE INSTRUCTION +- OF03 A more efficient means of accessing the routine would be to store it once, and find a way of accessing it when needed: Body of subroutine OF4E OF4F Pop r~turn address (OC06H) off stack imd return to next instruction RETURN Program Program _ Subroutines may be nested up to any depth limited only by the amount of memory available fo'r the stack. For example, the first subroutine could itself call some other subroutine and so on. An examination of the sequence of stack pushes and pops will show that the return path will always be identical to the call path, even if the same sub· routine is called at more than one level. -~-_,f---~ Routine I Program u CONDITION BITS Main Program Five condition (<?r status) bits are provided by the 8080 to reflect the results of data operations. All but one of these bits (the auxiliary carry bit) may be tested by program instructions which affect subsequent program execu· tion. The descriptions of individual instructions in Chapter 2 specify which condition bits are affected by the execution of the instruction, and whether the execution of the instruction is dependent in any way on prior status of condition bits. Call instruction-.....__ In the following discussion of condition bits, "setting" a bit causes its value to be 1, while "resetting" a bit causes its value to be 0. A frequently accessed routine such as the above is called a subroutine, and the 8080 provides instructions that call and return from subroutines. When a subr·outine is executed, the sequence of events may be depicted as follows: --......_ Subroutine Carry Bit Next instruction ------- The Carry bit is set and reset by cert,ain data operations, and its status can be directly tested by a program. The operations which affect the Carry bit are addition, subtraction, rotate, and logical operations. For example, addition of two one-byte numbers can produce a carry out of the high-order bit: -1- The arrows indicate the execution sequence. When the "Call" instruction is executed, the address of the "next" instruction (that is, the address held in the program counter). is pushed onto the stack, and the subroutine is executed. The last executed instruction of a subroutine will usually be a "Return Instruction," which pops an address off the stack into the program counter, and thus causes program execution to continue at the "Next" instruction as illustrated below: Bit No. 7 6 5 4 3 2 AE= 1 0 + 74= 0 1 122[ 0 0 carry-out 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 = 1, sets Carry Bit =1 I 5 I Rev. C An addition operation that results in a carry out of the high-order bit will set the Carry bit; an addition operation that could have resulted in a carry out but did not will reset the Carry bit. NOTE: Sign Bit As described in Chapter 2 under Two's Complement Representation, it is possible to treat a byte of data as having the numerical range -128 10 to +127 10 . In this case, by ·convention, the 7 bit will always represent the sign of the number; that is, if the 7 bit is 1, the number is in the range -128 10 to -1. If bit 7 is 0, the number isintherangeOto Addition, subtraction, rotate, and logical operations follow different rules for setting and resetting the Carry bit. See Chapter 2 under Two's Complement Representation and the individual instruction descriptions in Chapter 2 for details. The 8080 instructions which use the addition operation are ADD, ADC, AD I, ACI, and DAD. The instructions which use the subtraction operation are SUB, SBB, SUI, SBI, CMP, and CPl. Rotate operations are RAL, RAR, RLC, and RRC. Logical operations are ANA, ORA, XRA, ANI, OR I, and XRI. +12710· At the conclusion of certain instructions (as specified in the instruction description sections of Chapter 2}, the Sign bit will be set to the condition of the most significant bit of the answer (bit 7). Zero Bit This condition bit is set if the result generated by the execution of certain instructions is zero. The Zero bit is reset if the result is not zero. Auxiliary Carry Bit The Auxiliary Carry bit indicates carry out of bit 3. The state of the Auxiliary Carry bit cannot be directly tested by a program instruction and is present only to enable one . instruction (DAA, described in Chapter 2) to perform its function. The following addition will reset the Carry bit and set the Auxiliary Carry bit: Bit No. 7 6 5 4 3 2 A result that has a carry but a zero answer byte, as illustrated below, will also set the Zero bit: Bit No. 7 6 Lcarry=O o L 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 + 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 ]] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J Carry ouy of bit 7. 0 2E= 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 + 74= A2 ---o-~o=--o:........,o...........::'----C..o o 5 4 3 2 o o· Zero answer Zero bit set to 1. Parity Bit Byte "parity" is checked after certain operations. The number of 1 bits in a byte are counted, and if the total is odd, "odd" parity is flagged; if the total is even, "even" parity is flagged. Auxiliary Carr'y=1 The Auxiliary Carry bit will be affected by all addition, subtraction, increment, decrement, and compare instructions. The Parity bit is set to to 0 for odd parity. 6 for even parity, and is reset Rev. B --..... , 1 \.._.) G This section describes the 8080 assembly language instruction set. Assuming that registers H and L contain 14H and C3H respectively, the program operates as follows: For the reader who understands assembly language pro'gramming, Appendix A provides a complete summary of the 8080 instructions. Byte 1432 specifies that the accumulator is to be loaded with the contents of byte 14C3. Bytes 1433 through .1435 specify tha! execution is to continue with the instruction starting at byte 14C4. For the reader who is not completely familiar with assembly language, Chapter 2 describes individual" instructions with examples and machine code equivalents. Bytes 14C4 and 14C5 specify that the L register is to be loaded with the number 36H. Byte 14C6 specifies that the contents of the accumulator are to be stored in byte 1436. ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE (j How Assembly Language is Used Now suppose that an error discovered in the program logic necessitates placing an extra instruction after byte 1432. Program code would have to change as follows: Upon. examining the contents of computer memory, a program would appear as a sequence of hexadecimal digits, which are interpreted by the CPU as instruction codes, addresses, or data. It is possible to write a program as a sequence of digits (just as they appear in memory), but that is slow and expensive. For example, many instructions reference .memory to address either a data byte or another L, ' • Hexadecimal Memory Address ' ins~ruction: 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 14C3 14C4 14C5 14C6 14C7 Hexadecimal Memory Address 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 14C3 14C4 14C5 14C6 Old Code 7E C3 C4 14 . . FF 2E 36 77 New Code tJd New Instruction C3 C5 14 . . FF 2E 37 77' Most instructions have been moved and as a result many must be changed to reflect the new memory addresses of instructions or data. The potential for making mistakes is very high and is aggravated by the complete unreadability of the program. 0 Writing programs in assembly language is the first and most significant step towards economical programming; it 7 provides a readable notation for instructions, and separates the programmer from a need to know or specify •bsolute memory addresses. The assembler takes care of the fact that a new in· struction will shift the rest of the program in memory. Statement Syntax Assembly language programs are written as a sequence of instructions which are converted to executable hexadeci· mal code by a special program called an ASSEMBLER. Use of the 8080 assembler is described in its operator's manual. Assembly language program written by programmer Assembly language instructions must adhere to a fix:ed set of rules as described in this section. An instruction has four separate and distinct parts or fields. Field 1 is the LABEL field. It is a name used to reference the instruction's address. Field 2 is the CODE field. It specifies the operation that is to be performed. Executable ASSEMBLER machine PROGRAM ~ code SOURCE PROGRAM Field 3 is the OPERAND field. It provides any ad· dress or data information needed by the CODE field. Field 4 is the COMMENT field. It is present for the programmer's convenience and is ignored by the assembler. The programmer uses comment fields to describe the ope,ra· tion and thus make the program more readable. OBJECT PROGRAM The assembler uses free fields; that is, any number of blanks may separate fields. Figure 2-1. Assembler Program Converts Assembly Language Source Program to Object Program Before describing each field in detail, here are some general examples: As illustrated in Figure 2-1, the assembly language program generated by a programmer is called a SOURCE PROGRAM. The assembler converts the SOURCE PROGRAM into an equivalent OBJECT PROGRAM, which con· sists of a sequence of binary codes that can be loaded into memory and executed. Label Code Operand HERE: MVI c.o THERE: DB 3AH ; Create data ; constant LOOP: ADD E For example: One Possible Version of the Object Program Source Program NOW: MOV CPI JZ LER: MOV NOTE: A,B 'C' ~ is converted LER by the Assembler to M,A ~ RLC 78 FE43 CA7C3D 77 0 ; Rotate the accumulator left Here are some examples of valid label fields: LABEL: F14F: M,A ?ZERO: 8 L___ _ ; Add contents of E register· to the accumulator This is an optional field, which, if present, may be from 1 to 5 characters long. The first character of the label must be a letter of the alphabet or one of the special characters@ (at sign) or ? (question mark). A colon (:) must follow the last character. (The opera~ion codes, pseudo· instruction names, and register names are specially defined within the assembler and may not be used as labels. Opera· tion codes and pseudo-instructions are given later in this chapter and Appendix A. A,B MOV (New instruction inserted here) CPI 'C' JZ LER MOV o· Label Field In this and subsequent examples, it is not necessary to understand the operations of the individual instructions. They are presented only to illustrate typical assembly language statements. Individual instructions are described later in this chapter. @HERE: LER ; Load the C register with NOTE: These examples and the ones which follow are intended to illustrate how the various fields appear in complete assembly language statements. It is not necessary at this point to understand the operations which the statements perform. Now if a new instruction must be added, only one change is required. Even the reader who is not yet familiar with assembly language will see how simple the addition is: NOW: 0 0 There are four types of information [(a) through (d) below I ·that may be requested as items· of an operand field, and the information may be specified in nine ways [(11 through (9) below), as summarized in the following table, and described in detail in the subsequent examples. Here are some invalid label fields: 123: begins with a decimal digit LABEL is not followed by a colon ADD: is an operation code END: is a pseudo-instruction The following label has more than five characters; only the first five will be recognized: INSTRUCTION: OPERAND FIELD INFORMATION will be read as INSTR: Since labels serve as instruction addresses, they cannot be duplicated. For example, the sequence: HERE: JMP THERE THERE: MOV C,D THERE: CALL LOOP1: lu MOV C,D JMP LOOP1 JMP (a) Register (b).Register Pair (c) Immediate Data (d) 16-bit Memory Address ( 1) Hexadecimal Data (2) Decimal Data (3) Octal Data (4) Binary Data (5) Location Counter ($) (6) ASCII Constant (7) Labels assigned values (8) Labels of instructions (9) Expressions ( 1) ; First label Hexadecimal data. Each hexadecimal number must be followed by a letter 'H' and must begin with a numeric digit (0-9), ; Second label Example: LOOP2 Label Code HERE: MVI Comment C,OBAH Each JMP instruction will cause program control to be transferred to the same MOV instruction. (2) Code Field This field contains a code which identifies the ma· chine operation (add, subtract, jump, etc.) to be performed: h~nce the term operation code or op code. The instructions described later in this chapter are each identified by a mnemonic label which must appear in ·the code field. For example, since the "jump" instruction is identified by the letters "JMP," these letters must appear in the code field to identify the instruction as. "jump." JMP HERE: JMPTHERE ; Load register C with the ; hexadecimal number BA Decimal data. Each decimal number may optionally be followed by the letter 'D,' or may stand alone. Example: I (3) There must be at least one space following the code field. Thus, HERE: t I The nine ways of specifying information are as follows: One instruction may have more than one label, how· ever. The folloWing sequence is valid: (j Ways of specifying SUB is ambiguous; the. assel"(lbler cannot determine which ad· dress is to be referenced by the JMP instruction. LOOP2: Information required Label Code Operand ABC: MVI E,105 Comment ; Load register E with 105 Octal data. Each octal number must be followed by one of the letters '0' or 'Q.' Example: THERE is legal, but: Label is illegal. Code LABEL: MVI Operand Field· This field contains information used iri conjunction with the code field to define precisely the operation tci be performed by the instruction. Depending upon the code field, the operand field may be absent or may consist of one item or two items separated by a comma. (4) Operand A,720 · Comment ; Load the accumulator with ; the octal number 72 Binary data. Each binary number must be followed by the letter 'B.' Example.: .. 9 Rev. C Label Code NOW: MVI 108,111101108 ; Load register two ; (the D register) with ;OF6H JMP 00101110111110108 ; Jump to ; memory ; address 2EFA JUMP: Operand Comment (8) Label - Code - Operand A1: A2: A3: MVI MVI MVI D, VALUE 2, 9FH 2, VALUE Labels that appear in the label field of another instruction. Example: (5) The current location counter. This is specified as the character '$' and is equal to the address of the current instruction. Label - Code -- Operand Comment HERE: JMP THERE ; Jump to instruction ; at THERE Example: ---- Label Code Operand GO: JMP $+6 THERE: (9) The instruction above causes program control to be transferred to the address 6 bytes beyond the first byte of the current instruction. (6) An ASCII constant. This is one or more ASCII characters enclosed in single quotes. Two successive single quotes must be used to represent one single quote within an ASCII constant. Appendix C contains a list of legal ASCII characters and their hexadecimal representations. Code CHAR: MVI (7) Operand E,'*' D,9FH Arithmetic and logical expressions involving data types ( 1) to (8) above connected by the arithmetic operators (+) (addition). - (unary minus and subtraction), * (multiplication). I (division), MOD (modulo), the logical operators NOT, AND, OR, XOR, SHR (shit~ right). SHL (shift left), and left and right parentheses. All operators treat their arguments as 16-bit unsigned quantities, and generate 16-bit quantities as their result. The operator + produces the arithmetic sum of its operands. The operator - produces the arithmetic difference of its operands when used as subtraction, or the arithmetic negative of its operand when used as unary minus. Example:· Label MVI The operator • produces the arithmetic product of its operands. Comment ; Load theE register with the ; eight-bit ASCII representa; tion of an asterisk The operator I produces the arithmetic integer quotient of its operands, discarding any remainder; The operator MOD produces the integer remainder obtained by dividing the first operand by the second. The operator NOT complements each bit of its operand. Labels that have been assigned a numeric value by the assembler. The following assignments are built into the assembler and are therefore always active: The operator AND produces the bit-by-bit logical AND of its operands. The operator OR produces the bit-by-bit logical ()R. · of its operands. 8 assigned to 0 representing register 8 " 1 c D " 2 D E " 3 E H " 4 H L " 5 L M " 6 a memory reference " 7 A register A c The operator XOR produces the bit-by-bit logical EXCLUSIVE-OR of its operands. The SHR and SHL operators are linear shifts which shift their first operands right or left, respectively, by the number of bit positions specified by their second operands: Zeros are shifted into the high-order or low-order bits, respectively, of their first operands. Example: Suppose VALUE has been equated to the hexadecimal number.9FH. Then the following instructions all load the D register with 9FH: The programmer must insure that the result generate<:!, by any operation fits the requirements of the operation: being coded. For exampl~, th.e second operand of an MVI. 10 Rev. C instruction must be an 8-bit:value. (34+64)/2=49 into the D register. The operator~ Moo: 'SHL, SHR, NOT, AND, OR, and XOR must b~ 'separated from their operands by at least one blank. Thus the instruction: Therefore the instruction: u IU MVI H,NOTO' is invalid, since NOT 0 produces the 16'bit hexadecimal number FFFF. However, the inst~uction: MVI is invalid. MVI H,NOT 0 AND OFFH Using some or all of the above nine data specifications, ' be requested: the following four types of information may is valid, sin_ce. the most significant 8 bits of the result are insured to be 0,. and 'the result cari' th-erefore be represented in 8 bits. NOTE: C, VALUE ANDOFH (a) An instruction in parentheses is a legal expression in an operand field. Its value is the leftmost byte of t~e encoding of J;he .instruction. The same syntax rules for instructio.ns apply when the instr~c tions are parenthesized. A register (or code indicating memory reference) to serve as the source or destination in a data operationmethods 1, 2; 3, 4, 7. or 9may be used to specify the register or ·memory reference, but the ·specifications must finally evaluate to one of the numbers 0-7 as follows: Examples: Register Value Label Code H_ERE: ,MVI Operand Arbitrary Memory Address C, HERE SHR 8 Operand NEXT: ·MVI D, 34+4 OH/2 Code Qperand INS: DB (ADDC) E H L Memory Reference A (accumulator) 7 Example: The above instruction will load the value 34+ (64/2) = 34+32 = 66 into the D register.Label ·'·o 2 3 4 5 6 The above instruction loads the hexadecimal number 2EH (16-bit address qf HERE shifted right 8 bits) into the C register. .Code c 1 2E1 A Label ·B 0 Label Code Opera~d INS1: INS2: INS3: MVI MVI MVI REG4; 2EH 4H, 2EH 8/2, 2EH I Assuming REG4 has been equated to 4, all the above instructions will load the value 2EH into register 4 (the H register). The above instruction defines a byte of value 81 H (the encoding of an' ADD C instruction) at focation INS. Operators cause expressions to be evaluated in the following order: (b) 1. Parenthesized expressions 2. *./MOD, SHL, SHR 3. +, -(unary and binary) 4. NOT 5.AND 6. OR, XOR A register pair to serve as the source or destination in a data operation. Register pairs are specified as follows: Specification In the case of parenthesized expressions, the most deeply parenthesized expressions are evaluated first: Example: B D H Registers B and C Registers D and E Registers H and. L PSW Two bytes containing R~gister A and the state of the condition bits The 16-bit stack pointer register The instruction: MVI SP D. (34+40H)l2 Register Pair will load the value 11 Rev. C NOTE: The binary value representing each register pair varies from instruction to instruction. Therefore, the programmer should always specify a register pair by its· alphabetic designation. TWO'S COMPLEMENT REPRESENTATION· OF DATA This section describes ways in which data can qe SJiecified in and interpreted by a program. Any B-bit byte contains one of the 256 possible combinations of zeros an'd ones. Any particular combination may be interpreted in various ways. For instance, the code 1 FH may be interpreted as a machine instruction (Rotate Accumulator, Rig~t Through Carry), as a hexadecimal value 1 FH=31 D, or berejy as the bit pattern 00011111. · Arithmetic operations performed by the ass~mbler and hardware are done on a modular basis. That is:) arithmetic performed on 1-byte quantities is done modulo 256 and arithmetic performed on 2-byte quantities is done modulo 65,536. Neither run-time arithmetic (performediby the 8080 hardware instructions) nor assembly-time arithmetic generates overflow indications. Arithmetic instructions assume that the data bytes upon which they operate are in a special format called '"two's complement," and the operations performed on these bytes are called "two's complement arithmetic." Using two's complement notation for binary numbers, any subtraction operation becomes a sequence of bit complementations and additions. Therefore, fewer circuits need be built to perform subtraction. When a byte is interpreted as a signed two's compl~ ment number, the low-order 7 bits supply the magnitude of the number, while the high-order bit is interpreted as the sign of the number (0 for positive numbers, 1 for negative). Example: Label Code Operand Comment PUSH D INX SP ; Push registers D and ; E onto stack ; Increment 16-bit ; number in the stack ; pointer L (c) Immediate data, to be used directly as a data item. Example: ~el Operand Code H, DATA LRE: MVI Comment ; Load the H register with ; the value of DATA Here are some examples of the form OAT A could take: ADDR AND OFFH (where ADDR is a 16-bit address) 127 ... The range of positive numbers that can be represented in signed two's complement notation is, therefore, from 0 to 127: VALUE (where VALUE has been equated to a number) 3EH=10/2 (2 AND 2) (d) u 0 = 000000008 = OH_ 1 = 00000001 B = 1 H A 16-bit address, or the label of another instruction in memory. 1260 = 011111108 = 7EH 1270 = 01111111 B = 7 FH Example: To change the sign of a number represented in two's complement, the following rules are applied: \ Label Operand Code THERE ; Jump to the instruction ; at THERE 2EADH ; Jump to address 2EAD HERE: .JMP L Comment JMP The only rule governing this field is that it must begin with a semicolon (;). MVI Complement each bit of the number (producing the so-called one's complement. (b) Add one to the result, ignoring any carry out of the high-order bit position. Example: Comment Field HERE: (a) Produce the two's complement representation of -100. Following the rules above: +100 = 000010108 Complement each bit: 111101018 Add one : 111101108 C, OADH ; This is a comment A comment field may appear alone on a Iine: Therefore, the two's complemen~ representation of -100 is F6H. (Note that the sign bit is set, indicating a negative number). ; Begin loop here 12 Rev.C u . Example: 12D = 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 = OCH -15D = 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 = OF1 H carry out ~ 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 = -3D Since the carry out of bit 7 = 0, indicating that the answer is negative and in its two's complement form, the subtract operation will set the Carry bit indicating that a ·"borrow" occurred. What is the value of 86H interpreted as a signed two's complement number? The high-order bit is set, indicating that .this is a negative numt?er. To obtain its value, again complement each bit and add one. 0 86H = 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 B Complement each bit : 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 B : 0' 1 1 1 1 0 1 0-8 Add one NOTE: The 8080 instructions which perform the subtraction operation are SUB, SUI, SBB, SBI, CMP, a·nd CMI. Although the same result will be obtained by addition of a complemented number or subtraction of an uncomplemented number, the resulting Carry bit will be different. EXAMPLE: If the result -3 is produced by performing an "ADD" operation on the numbers +12D and -15D, the Carry bit will be reset; if the same result is produced by performing a "SUB" operation ~>n the numbers :+-12D and +15D, the Carry bit will be set. Both operations in· dicate that the result is negative; the programmer must be aware which operations set or reset the Carry bit: "ADD" +12D and -15D Thus, the value of 86H is -7 AH = -122D The range of negative num~ers that can be represented in signed two's complement notation is from -1 to -128. -1 = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 B = FFH -2 = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0. B = F EH '-127 D =; 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 B = 81 H -128D = 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B = 801-;1 To perform t.he subtraction 1 AH-OCH, the following operations are performed: Take the two's complement of OCH=F4H Add the result to the minuend: +12D = 0 0 0 0 1 1 .0 0 +(-: 15D) = !__!__!__l_ 0 0 0 1 (] 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 = -3D causes car'ry . . to: . be reset . .. 1 AH = 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 +(-OCH) = F4H = 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0000111,0=0EHtt)ecorrestansw!!r "SUB" +15D from +12D. When a byte is interpr~ted as an unsigned two's complement number, its value is considered positive and in the range 0 to 255 1 0 : +12D =0000 1100 -(+15D) = 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 jJ 1 1 1 1 1 1 0, 1 =' -3D causes carry to. be s'et All assembly-time arithmetic is performed assuming unsigned 16-bit operands (that is, signed arithmetic is. not implemented). In a user's assembly-language program·, the program logic may be written to interpret numbers as either signed or unsigned quantities depending on the application. 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B = OH 1 =00000001 B=1H 127D=01111111 B=7FH 128D = 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B = SOH DATA STATEMENTS 255D = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 B = FFH The operands of data statements that reserve a variable number of bytes (DB and DS) must be defined before the data statement is encountered. These operands may not make forward references. Two's complement arithmetic is still valid. When performing an addition operation, the Carry bit is set when the result is greater than 255D. When performing subtraction, the Carry bit is reset when the result is positi~e. If the Carry bit is set, the result is negative and present in its two's complement form. Thus, the Carry bit when set indicates the DB Define Byte(s) of Data occurrence of a "borrow." Example: Subtract 98D from 197D using unsigned two's complement arithmetic. Since the carry out of bit 7 = 1, indicating that the answer is correct and positive, the subtract operation will reset the Carry bit to 0. Example: Code Operand oplab: DB Iist "list" is a list of either: 19.7[>,; 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 = C5H -98D = 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 = 9EH carry out ~ ]] 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 = 63H = 99D 0 Label (1) Arithmetic and logical expressions involving any of the arithmetic and logical operators, which evaluate to eight-bit data quantities (2) Strings of ASCII characters enclosed:·in quotes Description: The eight-bit value of each expression, or the eight-bit ASCII representation of ~ach character is stored in the next available byte of memory starting with the byte addressed by "oplab." (The most significant bit of each ASCII character is always = 0). Subtract 15D from 12D using unsigned two's complement arithmetic. 13 Rev. C 1·- Example: Examples: Instruction HERE: WORD1: WORD2: STR: MINUS: NOTE: DB DB DB DB DB Assembled Data (hex) OA3H 5*2, 2FH-OAH 5ABCH SHR 8 'STRINGSpl' -03H A3 OA25 5A 535452494 E4 7 2031 FD HERE: DS DS 10 ; Reserve the next 10 by,tes 10H ; Reserve the next 16 bytes CARRY BIT INSTRUCTIO NS In the first example above, the hexadecimal value A3 must be written as OA3 since hexadecimal numbers must start with a decimal digit. This section describes the instructions which operate directly upon the Carry bit. I n~tructions in this class occupy one byte as follows: OW Define Word (Two Bytes) of Data Format: Label Code Operand oplab: DW list !o 1o 11 ,jxj1l1l1j 1 tL..____o for STC 1 for CMC "list" is a list of expressions which evaluate to 16 bit data quantities. The general assembly language format is: Label Description: The least significant 8 bits of the expression are stored in the lower address memory byte (oplab), and the most significant 8 bits are stored in the next higher addressed byte (oplab +1 ). This reverse order of the high and low address bytes is normally the case when storing addresses in memory. This statement is usually used to create address constants for the transfer-of-contr ol instructions; thus LIST is usually a list of one or more statement labels appearing elsewhere in the program. LABEL: L COMP FILL 3C01 H, 3CAEH .1 not used ·sTCorCMC Optional instruction label Label Code oplab: CMC ol Operand I Assembled Data (hex) DW DW DW t_ Format: Assume COMP addresses memory location 3B 1 CH and FILL addresses memory location 3EB4H. ADD1: ADD2: ADD3: OP CMC Complement Carry Examples: Instruction Code Description: If the Carry bit bit = 1, it is reset to 0. 1C3B B43E 013CAE3C = 0, it is set to 1. If the Carry Condition bits affected: Carry STC Set Carry Note that in each case, the data are stored with the least significant 8 bits first. Format: OS Define Storage (Bytes) Label Code oplab: STC Operand Format: Label oplab: Code DS lolol1j1j011 11111 Operand exp Description: The Carry bit is set to one. "exp" is a single arithmetic or logical expression that can be evaluated at assembly time. Its value can range from OH to OFFFFH. Description: The value of EXP specifies the number of memory bytes to be reserved for data storage. No data values are assembled into these bytP.s: in particular the programmer should not assume that they will be zero, or any other value. The next instruction will be assembled at memory location oplab+EXP (oplab+10 or oplab+16 in the example below). Condition bits affected: Carry SINGLE REGISTER INSTRUCTIO NS This section describes instructions which opera'te on a single register or memory location. If a memory reference is specified, the memory byte addressed by the H and L regi,~ ters is operated upon. The H register holds the most signi~i cant 8 bits of the address while the L register holds the lea~t significant 8 bits of the address. ' 14 Rev. C INR Increment Register or Memory illustrate: . DC R M references registers Format: u Label Operan~ Code oplab: INR Ia Ia I H and reg 'i B,C,D,E,H,L,M orA reg !1 [i;J"GU lo lo I Memory after .DCR·M Memory before OCR M .;nd~§g ~000 for register B 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 L for register C for register D for_ register E for register H for-register L for memory ref. M for register A memory location 3A7C CIVIA. Complem~nt Accumul~tor Format:': Label oplab: Operand Code i' CMA .. Description: The specified register or memory byte i~ incremented by one. Condition bits affected: Zero, Sign, Parity, Auxiliary Carry (Carry not affected) Description: Each bit of the contents o'f' the accumulator is complemented (producing the one's complement). Example: If register C contains 99H, the instruction: Condition bits affected: None INR C will cause register C to contain 9AH Example: If the accumulator contains 51 H. the instructionCMA will cause the accumulator to contain OAEH. OCR Decrement Register or. Memory Accumulator= 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 =51 H Format: Accumulator = 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 = AEH Label oplab: Code DCR · reg . ~, reg I 11 0 11 DAA Decimal Adjust Accumulator - Format: B,C,D,E,H,L,M or A I. tL___ 000 for Code oplab: DAA Operand Register B · 001 for register C 01 0 for register D 011 for register E 100 for register H 101 for register L 110 for memory ref. M 111 for register A Description: The specified register or memory byte is decremented by one. _ Description: The eight-bit hexadecimal number in the accumulator is adjusted to form two four-bit binary-codeddecimal digits by the following two step process: Condition bits affected: Zero, Sign, Parity, Auxiliary Carry (Carry not affected) Example: If the H register contains 3AH, the L register contains 7CH, and· memory location 3A7CH contains 40H, the instruction: OCR Label ( 1) If the least significant four bits of the accumulator represents a number greater than 9, or if the Auxiliary Carry bit is equal to one, the accumulator is incremented by six. Otherwise, no increm~nting occurs. (2) If the most significant four bits of the accumulator now represent a number greater than-9, or if the normal carry bit is equal to one; the mos~,significant four bits of the accumulator are incremented by six. Otherwise, no incrementing occurs. If a carry out of the least significant' four bits occurs during Step ( 1 l, the Auxiliary Carry bit is set; otherwise it is reset. Likewise, if a carry out of the most significant four M will cause memory location 3A7CH to contain 3FH. To 15 Rev_ C bits occurs during Step (2), the normal Carry bit is set; otherwise, it is unaffected: src NOTE: This instruction is used when adding decimal numbers_ It is the only instruction whose operation is affected by the Auxiliary Carry bit. t.__OOO for 001 for 010 fo_r 011 for 100 for 101 for 110 for 111 for 'Condition bits affected: -Zero, Sign, Parity, Carry, Auxiliary Carry - Example: Suppose the accumulator contains 9BH, and both carry bits= 0. The DAA instruction will operate as follows: ( 1) 1 (_b) 1 0 1 1 = 9BH 0 1 10 0001=A1H \ 0 for register pair Bt 1 for register pair D - Auxiliary Carry = 1 76543210 Label MOV dst, -or- NOP INSTRUCTION Label oplab: The NOP instruction occupies one byte. Format: Code Operand OP rp \ oplab NOP A,B,C,D,E,H,L, or M (dst and src not both= M) Optional instruction label For an example of decimal addition using the DAA instruction, see Chapter 4. Code src tL-----1---t L Thus, the accumulator will now contain 1, and both Carry bits will be = 1. Operand _ "-Bor D STAX or LDAX \ Optional instruction label Ia 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 I _ MOV Move Instruction Format: Description: No operation occurs. Execution proceeds with the next sequential instruction. Condition bits affected: None Label Code oplab: MOV Operand c---- dst DATA TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS I _ __,dst, src JC" . src Description: One byte of data is moved from the register specified by src (the source register) to the register specified by dst (the destination register). The data replaces the contents of the destination register; the source remains unchanged. This section describes instructions which transfer data between registers or between memory and registers. Instructions in this class occupy one byte as follows: (a) Operan~ Code oplab: 1 Label 0 for ST AX 1 for LDAX The general assembly language format is:- Accumulator= 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 =A 1 H +6=0110 Il 00000001 ~Carry= "" When a memory reference is specified in the MOV instruction, the addressed location is specified by the- H and L registers. The L register holds the least significant 8 bits of the address; the H register holds the most significant 8 bits. Since bits 4-7 now are greater than 9, add 6 to these bits. This addition will generate a carry out of the upper four bits, setting the Carry bit. Bit No. For the reni aining instructions: 7 6 54 3 2 1 0 Accumulator= 1 0 0 _1 +6 1010 (2) NOTE: dst and src cannot both = 11 OB Since bits 0-3 are greater than 9, add 6 to the accumulator. This addition will generate a carry out of the lower four bits, setting the Auxiliary Carry bit. Bit No. register B register C register D register E register' H register L memory reference M register A For the MOV instruction: I ! !j 1: t 16 Rev. C •. \ \...../ C~ndition bits ~tfected: None ·Condition bits affected: None Example 1: Example: If register D contains 93H and register E contains 8BH, the instruction: Label Code Operand Comment LDAX MOV MOV A,E ; Move contents of the E ; register to the A register · ; Move contents of the ; D register to the D ; register, i.e., this is a ; null operation D;D D will load the accumulator from memory location 938BH. REGISTER OR MEMORY TO· ACCUMULATOR INSTRUCTION_S This section describes the instructions which operate on the accumulator using a byte fetched from another register or memory. Instructions in this class occupy one byte as follows: NOTE: Any of the null operation.instructions MOV X,X can also be specified as NOP (no-operation). MOV M,M is not permitted, however. Example 2: Assuming that the H register contains 2BH and th(! L register contains E9H, the instruction: MOV .M,A ST AX Store Accumulator Format: Label ·oplab: Code Operand ·:S~.rp 001 for register C 01 0 for register D 01 1 for register E 1 OO.for register. H. 101 for register L. 1 10 for memory reference M 1 1 1 for: register A 1 1 1 for CMP -. Instructions in this class operate on the accumulator using the byte in the register specified by REG. If a memory reference is specified, the instructions use the byte in the memory location addressed by registers H and L. The H register holds the most significant 8 bits of the address, while the L register holds the least significant 8 b,its of the address. The specified byte will remain unchanged by any of the in· structions in this class; the result will replace the contents of the accumulator. ·Description: The contents of the accumulator are stored in the memory location addressed by registers B ·and C, or by registers D and E. Condition bits affected: None Example: If register B contains 3FH and register C contains 16H, the instruction: The general assembly language instruction format is: Label STAX B Code Operand reg oplab: . op will store the contents of the accumulator at memory location 3F16H. \ LDAX Load Accumulator \ "'- A,B,C,D,E,H,L, or M ADD, ADC, SUB, SBB, ANA, XRA, ORA or CMP Optional instruction label Format: (j t 000 for register B 000 for ADD - - - - - ' 001 for ADC 010 for SUB 01 1 for SBB 100 for ,A.NA 101 for XRA 110for0RA will store. the contents of the accumulator at memory location 2BE9H. Label Code oplab: LDAX Operand .. ADD Add Register or Memory to Accumulator . / rp k'---- Format: Description: The contents of the memory location addressed by registers B and C, or by registers D and E, replace the contents of the accumulator. Label Code oplab: ADD + reg . 17 I Rev. C Description: The specified byte is added to the contents of the accumulator using two's complement arithmetic. If the Carry bit had been one at the beginning of the example, the following would have occurred: Condition bits affected: Carry, Sign, Zero, Parity, Auxiliary Carry 3DH = 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 42H = 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 CARRY= 1 RESULT= 1 0000000=80H Example 1: Assume that the D register contains 2EH and the accumulator contains 6CH. Then the instruction: Accumulator Carry Sign Zero Parity Aux. Carry ADD D will perform the addition as follows: 2EH = 00101110 6CH = 01101100 9AH = 1001.1010 The Zero and Carry bits are reset; the Parity and Sign bits are set. Since there is a carry out of bit A 3 , the Auxiliary Carry bit is set. The accumulator now contains 9AH. SOH 0 1 0 0 '1 -' SUB Subtract Register or_ Memory From Accumulator Example 2: Format: The instruction: ADD A will double the accumulator. Label Code oplab: S~B I Operand ~reg I I I ~egl 1 0 0 1 0 1 ADC Add Register or Memory to Accumulator With Carry 1 I Description: The specified byte is subtracted from the accumulator using two's complement arithmetic. Format: Label Code oplab: ACD Operand 1 1°, 0 1°1 1 1 If there is no carry out of the high-order bit position, indicating that a borrow occurred, the Carry bit i~ set; otherwise it is reset. (Note that this differs from an add operation, which resets the carry if no overflow occurs). ~reg + 1 reg I Condition bits affected: Carry, Sign, Zero, Parity, Auxiliary Carry I Example: Description: The specified byte plus the content of the Carry bit is added to the contents of the accumulator. Assume that the accumulator contains 3EH. Then the instruction: Condition bits affected: Carry, Sign, Zero, Parity, Auxiliary Carry SUB A Example: will subtract the accumulator from itself producing a result of zero as follows: Assume that register C contains 3DH, the accumulator contains 42H, and the Carry bit= 0. The instruction: 3EH = 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 +(-3EH) = 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 negatear:~d add one . li ' + 1 to produce two's _ _ _ _ _ complement· carry __. ]) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Result = 0 ADC C will perform the addition as follows:· 3DH = 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 42H = 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 CARRY= 0 RESULT=01111111 =7FH Since there was a carry out of the high-order bit position, and this is a subtraction operation, the Carry bit will be reset. The results can be summarized as follows: Accumulator Carry Sign Zero Parity Aux. Carry Since there was a carry out of bit A 3 , the Auxiliary Carry bit will be set. 7FH 0 0 0 0 0 The Parity and Zero bits will also be set, and the Sign bit will be reset. Thus the SUB A instruction can be used to reset th~, Carry bit (and zero the accumulator). 18 L ____. 0 Rev. C 0 Example: SBB Subtract Register or Memo,.Y From Accumulator With Borrow u Since any bit ANDed with a zero produces a zero and any bit ANDed with a one remains unchanged, the AND function is often .used to zero groups of bits . Format: Label Code oplab: SBB .Operand + 1 1 1 .1 1°1°1 1 1 Assuming that the accumulator contains OFCH and the C register contains OFH, the instruction: ~reg reg I I ANA C I will act as follows: Accumulator = 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 = OFCH C Register =0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 = OFH Result in . Accumulator =0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 = dCH Description: The Carry bit is internally added to the contents of. the specified byte. This value is then subtracted from the accumulator using two's complement arithmetic. This instruction is most useful when performing subtractions. It adjusts the result of subtracting two bytes when a previous subtraction has produced a negative result (a bor· row). For an example of this, see the section on Multibyte Addition and Subtraction in Chapter 4 .. This particular example guarantees that the high-order four bits of the accumulator are zero, and the low-order four . bits are unchanged. XRA Logical Exclusive-Or Register or Memory With Accumulator (Zero Accumulator) Condition .bits affected: Carry, Sign, Zero, Parity, Auxiliary Carry (see last section for details), Format: Example: Assume that register L contains 2, the accumulator contains 4, and the Carry bit= 1. Then the instru!=tion SBB L will act as follows: Label Code oplab: XRA -¥ 1 02H + Carry = 03H Two's Complement of 03H = 11111101 u 1 1°1rl 1 1 Accumulator = 04H = 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 11111101 TI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 = 01 H = Result ·carry out = 1 causing the Carry bit to be reset Condition bits affected: Carry, Zero, Sign, Parity, Auxiliary Carry Example 1: The final result stored in the accumulator is·one, caus: ing. the Zero bit to be reset; The Car!y bit is reset since this is a subtract operation and there was a carry out of the high· order bit positio!l. The Auxiliary Carry bit is set since there wa~ a carry out of bit A 3 . The Parity and the Sign bits are reset. Since any bit EXCLUSIVE·ORed with itself produces zero, the EXCLUSIVE-OR can be used to zero the accumulator. ANA Logical And Register or Memory With Accumulator Label Format: oplab: ANA Operand ~ ~ 1 (J 1 1°, 1°1°1 '- Operand XRA MOV MOV B,A .C,A A These instructions zero the A, B, and C registers: Example 2: reg I Any bit EXCLUSIVE-ORed with a one is comple· mented (0 XOR 1 = 1, 1 XOR 1 = 0). Description: The specified byte is logically ANDed bit by 'bit with the contents of the accumulator. The Carry bit is reset to zero. The logical AND function of two bits is 1 if and only if both the bits equal 1. Therefore if the accumulator contains all ones (OFFH), the instruction: Condition bits affected: Carry, Zero, Sign, Parity, Auxiliary Carry. will produce the one's complement of the B register in the accumulator. XRA B 19 l Code reg ..--T==;==, 1 reg· The EXCLUSIVE-OR function of two bits equals 1 if and only if the values of the bits are different. iC Code --r· reg Description: The specified byte is EXCLUSiVE-ORed bit by bit with the contents of the accumu,iator. The Carry bit is reset to zero. · Adding this to the accumulator procedures: Label 0 1 Operand Rev. C Example 3: Description: The specified byte is logically ORed bit by bit with the contents of the accumulator. The carry bit is reset to zero. Testing for change of status. Many times a byte is used to hold the status of several (up to eight) conditions within a program, each bit signifying whether a condition is true or false, enabled or disabled, etc. The logical OR function of two bits equals zero if and only if both the bits equal zero. Condition bits affected: Carry, Zero, Sign, Parity, Auxiliary Carry. Example: The EXCLUSIVE-OR function provides a quick means of determining which bits of a word have c,hanged from one time to another. Label Code Operand LA: LB: CHNG: MOV INX MOV XRA A,M H B,M 8 STAT:· ANA 8 STAT2: STAT1: OS OS Since any bit ORed with a one produces a one, and any bit ORed with a zero remains unchanged, the OR function is often used to set groups of bits to one. Assuming that register C contains OFH and the accumulator contains 33H, the instruction: ; STAT2 to accumulator ; Address next location ; ST AT1 to 8 register ; EXCLUSIVE-OR ; STAT1 and STAT2 ; AND result with STAT1 ORA C acts as follows: Accumulator = 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 = 33H C Register = 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 = OFH Accumulator= 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 = 3FH· Result= This particular example guarantees that the low-order four bits of the accumulator are one, and the high-order four bits are unchanged. CMP Compare Register or Memory With Accumulator Assume that logic elsewhere in the program has read the status of eight conditions and stored the corresponding string of eight zeros and ones at ST AT1 and at some later time has read the same conditions and stored the new status at ST AT2. Also assume that the H and L registers have been initialized to address location STAT2. The EXCLUSIVE-OR at CHNG produces a one bit in the accumulator wherever a condition has changed between ST AT1 and ST AT2. Format: Label oplab: Code Operand CMP reg ,...----r={-=;:=::::::::::~=, 11101111111 u reg I I For example: Bit Number 76543210 STAT1 = 5CH = STAT2 = 78H = EXCLUSIVE-OR, 01011100 01111000 00 100 100 Description: The specified byte is compared to the contents of the accumulator. The comparison is performed by. internally subtracting the contents of REG from the accumulator (leaving both unchanged) and setting the condition bits according to the result. In particular, the Zero bit is set if the quantities are equal, and reset if they are unequal. Since a subtract operation is performed, the Carry bit will be set if there is no carry out of bit 7, indicating that the contents of A EG are greater than the contents of the accumulator, and reset otherwise. This shows that the conditions associated with bits 2 and 5 have changed between STAT1 and STAT2. Knowing this, the program can tell whether these bits were set or reset by ANDing the result with STAT1. Result STAT1 AND 0 00 10 0 10 0 = 0 10 11100 = 00000 100 NOTE: · Since bit 2 is now one, it was .set between ST AT1 and STAT2; since bit 5 is zero it is reset. Condition bits affected: Carry, Zero, Sign, Parity, Auxiliary Carry Example 1: ORA Logical Or Register or Memory With Accumulator Assume that the accumulator contains the number OAH and the E register contains the number 05H. Then the instruction CMP E performs the following internal subtractions: Format: Label Code oplab: ORA Operand 1 1 1 1 1°1 1 1°1 Accumulator /reg {- K' + (-E Register) OAH -5H .-----Il L reg I If the two quantities to be compared differ in sign, the sense of the Carry bit is reversed. 0 000 10 10 111110 11 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 =result carry = 1, causing the Carry bit to be reset I 20 Rev. C Description: The .Carry bit is set equal:to tile high· order bit of the accumulator. The contents of the accumu· lator are rotated one bit position to the left, with the high· order bit being transferred to the low-order bit ·position of the accumulator. The accumulator still contains OAH and the E register still contains 05H; h_owever, the Carry bit is reset and the zero bit reset, indicating E le~s than A. (_) I Example- 2: · · If the acc~mulator had contained the number 2H, the interna} subtr;ac~ion would have produced the following: Assume that· the accumulator· contains OF2H. Then the instruction: 11 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 = result 01 ;-,I Example: o6 o0 0 0 1 o Accurn'ulator: - .02H -5H +.. (-E .Register) 'F Condition bits affected: Carry . RLC c-arry ; 0, Carry bit = 1 The Zero bit would be reset and the Carry bit set, indicating E greater than A. acts as follows: Before R LC is executed: .Carry Accumulator Example 3: Assume that the accumulator contains -1 BH. The internal subtraction now produces the following: After RLC is executed: = 11·100101 Accumulator --1BH =· · 1 1 1 1 1 0 l 1 -5H + (-E Register) .----Il 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 L Carry = 1 carry= 1, causing_ carry to be reset Since the two numbers to be compared differed in sign, the resetting of the Carry bit now indicates E greater than A. A= OE5H RRC Rotate Accumulator Right ,.. Format: ' INSTRUCTIONS ACCUMULATOR ROTAT.E . . . ... ' u ' Label Code· _oplab:_ RRC Operand ' · · · This section destribes the instructions which rotate . the contents :of the accumulator. No memory locations or other registers are referenced. Io, lo Iol'o 11 11 ll 11 I Instructions in this class occupy one byte as follows: Description: The carry bit is set equal to the l~w-order bit of the accumulator. The contents of the accumulator are rotated one bit position to the right, with the low-order bit being transferred to the high-order bit position of the accumulator. L---------OOfprRLC 01 for RRC 10 for RAL 11 for RAR The general assembly language Label label: \ Code instru~tion Condition bits affected: Carry format is: Example: Operand Assume that the accumulator contains OF2H. Then the instruction: op ~ · · not used RRC RLC, RRC, RAL, or RAR acts as follows: Optional instruction label Before RRC is executed: Accumulator Carry RLC Rotate Accumulator Left Format: u Label Code oplab: RLC Operand After R RC is executed: "'· A= 79H 21 Carry,=O RAL Rotate Accumulator Left .Through Carry Before RAR is executed: :Accumulator . Carry Format: Label Code oplab: RAL i- Operand_ After RAR is executed: 11 1°1 1 11 1°1 1 1°1 1 1 - A= OB5H REGISTER PAl R INSTRUCTIONS Description: The contents of the accumulator are rotated one bit position to the left. This section describes instructions which operate on pairs of registers. The high-order bit of the accumulator replaces the Carry bit, whi_le the Carry bit replaces the low-order bit of the accumulator. ·condition bits I I Ii I I affect~d: Carry=O PUSH Push Data Onto Stack Format: Carry Example: Assume that the accumulator contains OB5H. Then the instruction: Label Code Operand oplab: PUSH rp ~-----B,D,H,orPSW RAL ~ acts as follows: Before RAL is executed: Carry 11 11 I rp I0 11 I0 11 I Accumulator _ ~00 fqr registers B and C I 01 for registers D and E 10 for registers H and L · 11 for registerA and flags After RAL is-executed: r.1, ~ lol111lol1lo l1lol · Carry=1 Description: The contents of the specified register pair are saved in two bytes of memory indicated by the stack pointer SP. A= 6AH The contents of the first register are saved at the memory address one less than the address indicated by the stack pointer; the contents of the second reg!stcr are saved at the address two less than the address indicated by the stack pointer. If register pair PSW is specified, the first byte of information saved holds the contents of the A register; the second byte holds the settings of the five condition bits, i.e., Carry, Zero, Sign, Parity, and Auxiliary Carry. The format of this byte is: RAR Rotate Accumulator Right Through Carry Format: Label oplab: . Code Operand RAR + 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Is lz Ia ~~~o IP l1lc I Description: The contents of the accumulator are rotated one bit position to the right. State of Sign bit/ State of Zero bit always 0 The low-order bit of the accumulator replaces the carry bit, while the carry bit replaces the high-order bit of the accumulator. Condition bits affected: Carry Jl \ \ • ate of Carry bit ways 1 State of Parity bit L State of auxiliary Carry bit Example: ' - - - - - - always 0 . In any case, after the data has been saved, the stack pointer is decremented by two. Assume that the accumulator contains 6AH. Then the instruction: RAR Condition bits affected: None acts as follows: Example 1: 22 Rev.C indicated by the stack pointer is loaded· into' the se~onci register of the register pair; the byte of data aqhe.address one greater than the address indicatec:1 by the stack pointer is loaded into the·'first register of: th-e pair. If register pair PSW is specified, the byte of data indicated by the contents of the stack pointer· is. used to restore the values of the five condition bits (Carry, Zero, Sign, Parity, and Auxiliary Carry), using the format described-in the· last section. Assume .that register D contains BFH, register E contains 9DH, and the stack pointer contains ·3A2CH: Then the instruction: PUSH D stores the. D register at memory address 3A2BH, stores the E register at memory address 3A2AH, and then decrements the stack pointer by two, leaving the stack pointer equal to 3A2AH. Before PUSH In any case, after the datahas been restored, the stack pointer is incremented by two. After PUSH HEX. MEMORY ADDRESS Conditio-n bits affected: If register pair PSW is specified, Carry, Sign, Zero, Parity, and Auxiliary Carry may be changed. Otherwise, none are affected. MEMORY 3A29 3A2A +-- SP . Example 1: 3A2B ~ SP Assume that memory 'locations 1239H and -123AH contain 3DH and' 93H, respectively, and· that the stack pointer contains 1239H. Then tbe.-instr.uctipn: 3A2C POP H D E D E ~ ~ [EJ ~ loads register L with tbe va_l_ue .3DH frqm,,loc(!tio.n: l239H, loads. ,register H with the ·value 931:1 from ..location 123AH. and increments the stack pointer by twQ .. I,f! .it !!qual to 123BH. Example 2: (j '··Assume that the accumulator contains 1 F H, the stack pointer contains 502AH, the Carry, Zero and Parity bits all equal 1, and the Sign and Auxiliary Carry bits all equal 0. Then the instruction: PUSH PSW Before POP · . After POP HEX "' MEMORY: :ADDRESS MEMORY ' stores the accumulator ( 1 FH) at locatio~ 5o29H. stores the value 47H, corresponding to the flag settings, at location 5028H, and decrements the stack pointer to the value 5028H. SP 1238 1239 123A 1238 ~ L L [ill [][] POP Pop Data Off Stack Format: Label Code '· · Operand oplab: Example 2: Assume that memory .locations 2COOH and 2C01 H contain C3H and FFH respectively, and that the stacl<. pointer contains 2COOH. Then the instruction: POP PSW . ~ bOtor registers B and C . I will load the accumulator with. FFH and set the condition . I bits as follows: 01 for registers D and E 10 for registers H.and L 11 for·flags and register A (J - I . Description: The contents of the specified register pair are restored from two bytes of memory indicated by the stack pointer SP. The byte of data at .the memory address . s;gn b;t " 1 : . • · Zero bit = 1 Aux. Carry bit= 0 23 IIII C3H= 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 I : C.ny b; t " 1 Parity bit = 0 Rev. C DAD. Double. Add Description: The 16-bit number held in the specified register pair is incremented by one. Format: Label Code. Operand oplab: DAD- ...!:£.._ Condition Bits affected: None -.. Example: If registers D and E contain 38H and FFH respectively, the instruction: ~ "'- B,D,H, or SP INX D will cause register D to contain 39H and register E to contain OOH. ~ 00 f~r registers B and C If the stack pointer SP contains FFFFH, instruction: 01 for registers D and E 10 for registers H and L 11 for register SP INX SP will cause register SP to contain OOOOH. Description: The 16-bit number in the specified register pair is added to the 16-bit number held in the H and L registers using two's complement arithmetic. The result replaces the contents of the H and L registers. liI the DCX Decrement Register Pair Format: Condition bits affected: Carry Label Code Example 1: oplab: DCX Operand Assume that register B contains 33H, register C contains 9FH, ·register H contains A 1 H, and register L contains 7BH. Then the instruction: DAD B performs the following addition: I! I ,.____ 00 for registers B and C 01 for. registers D ~nd E 10 for register~ H and l;. 11 for register SP Registers B and C = 339F + Registers Hand L = A17B New contents of H and L = D51 A Register H ·now contains D5H and register L now contains 1 AH. Since no carry out was produced, the Carry bit is reset = 0. · Description: The 16-bit number held in the specified register pair is decremented by one. Condition bits affected: None Example 2: Example: The instruction: If register H contains 98H and register L contains OOH, the instruction: DAD H will double the 16-bit number in the H and L registers (which is· equivalent to shifting the 16 bits one position to the left). DCX H will cause register H to contain 97 H and register L to contain FFH. INX Increment Register Pair XCHG Exchange Registers Format: ·Format: Label Code Operand oplab: INX · ....!:£__ / Label Code oplab: XCHG Operand ""-- B,D,H, or SP "'....___ 00 for registers B and C Description.: The 16 bits of data held in the H and L registers are exchanged with the 16. bits of. data held in the Dand E registers. 01 for registers D and· E 10 for registers H and L 11 for register SP Condition bits affected: ·None 24 I 01 Example: c~ SPH L Load SP From H And L If register H contains OOH, register L contains FFH, register D .contains 33H and register E contains 55H, the instruction· XCHG will perform the following operation: Before XCHG D '£ [lL] ~ .H L [QQJ [ffJ I I I I I I Format: After XCHG D E ~ [ill H L [liJ ~ :; Operand Label Code oplab: SPHL Description: The 16 bits of data held in the Hand L registers replace the contents of the stack pointer SP. The contents of the H and L registers are unchanged. Condition bits affected: None Example: XTH L Exchange Stack If registers Hand L contain 50H and 6CH respectively, the instruction SPH L will load the stack ~pointer with the value 506CH. ' Format: Label Code oplab: XTHL Operand IMMEDIATE INSTRUCTIONS 0 This section describes instructions which perform operations using a byte or bytes of data which are part of the instruction itself. Description: The contents of the L register are exchanged with the contents of the memory byte whose address is held in the stack pointer SP. The contents of the H register are exchanged with . the cc;>ntents of the memory byte whose address is one greater than that held in the stack pointer. Instructions in this class occupy two or three bytes as follows: Condition bits affected: None (a) For the LXI data instruction (3 bytes): Example: lo I lo 10 If register SP contains lOADH, registers Hand L contain OBH and 3CH respectively, and memory locations lOADH and lOAEH contain FOH and ODH respectively, the instruction XTHL will perform the following operation: Before XTHL I MEMORY SP HEX ADDRESS 101011 I.~~~'d'a;a, I1 h1i~h.~a1t~ I .,.___00 for 01 for 10 for 11 for After XTHL registers B and C registers D and E registers Hand L register SP (b) For the MVI data instruction (2 bytes): MEMORY lOAC lOAD lOAE lOAF -+ rp L L []U @] " ' - - - - 000 for 001 for 01 0 for 011 for 100 for 101 for 110 for 111 for 25 register B register C register D register E register H register L memory ref. M register A Rev. B I: I! (c) For the remaini~g instructions (2 bytes)~ LXI Load Register Pair Immediate Format: Label oplab: "'--ooo for ADI Operand rp, data The following instruction lo-ads the stack ·pointer with the value 3ABCH: Optional instruction label LXI SP,3ABCH . -orCode . Operand L MV-1 Move Immediate Qata ---reg, data Format: Label B-b;t doto quont;ty oplab: ·Code Code oplab: A,B,C,D,E,H,L, or M Ia 1°1 Optional' instruction label ..../reg, dita reg I I 11I 1 1 0 I. ,. data I I Description: The byte of immediate data is stored in the specified register or memory byte. Operand OP MVI O(!erand +- -orLabel ..,, Example 2: B,D,H,orSP \' II LXI H,103H LXI H,259 ' LXI H,STRT· ""'--ts-b;t dot• quont;ty MVI II Assume that instruction label STAT refers to memory location 103H (=259). Then the following instructions will each load the .H register with .OlH and the L register . with 03H: ·L \ oplab: II NOTE: The immediate data for this instruction is a 16-bit quantity. All other immediate instructions require an 8-bit data value. _. Example 1: ·< · The general assembly language instruction format is: Label Operand Condition bits affected: None The remaining instructions in this class operate on the accumulator using one byte of immediate di!ta. The _result replaces the contents of the accumulator. LXI . Description: The third byte of the instruction (the most significant 8 bits of the 16-bit immediate datal· is loaded into the first register of the specified pair, while the second byte_of the instruction (the least sigl"!ificant 8 hits of the 16-bit immediate data) is loaded into the second. register of the specified pair. If SP is specified as the register pair, the second byte of the instruction replaces the least significant 8 bits of the stack pointer, while- the third byte of the in: struction replaces the most significant 8 bits of the. stack pointer. The MVI instructipn operates on the register specified by. REG using one byte of immediate data. If a memory refer~nce is specified, ttie instruction operates-~n the me~ ory location addressed by registers H and L. The H register holds the most significant 8 bits of the address, while the L register holds the least significant 8 bits of the address. oplab: 0 0 0 1 0 0 The LXI instruction operates on the register pair specified by RP using two bytes of immediate data. Code Code I I I rr I I I 1 I ~~t~ I. :~a.t~ I '001'for ACI 010 for SUI 01 1for'SBI . 100 for ANI . 10.1 for ..X R I 110 for ORI 111 for CPI Label . ~ _rp; \ Condition· bits affected: None data Example I L "'-...,.._B-bit data quantity ADI,ACI,SUI,SBI,AN I,XRI,ORI, or CPI .___ _ _ _ Optional 'instruction label 26 Label Code Operand M1: M2: M3: MVI. MVI MVI H,3CH L, OF4H M,OFFH Assembled Data · 26EC 2EF4 36FF ·• Rev.C ACI Add Immediate To Accumulator With. Carry The instructions at Ml loads the H register with the byte of data at M1 + 1, i.e .• 3CH. Format: ·• Likewise,. the instruction· at M2 loads the -L register with OF4H. The instruction at M3 causes the data at M3 + 1 (OF FH) to be stored at memory location 3CF4H. The memory location is obtained. by concatenating the contents of the H and L registers into a 16-bit address. Label Code oplab: ACI Operand· ..t"data ~. J.-.L.d_.a_ta. ._'/-. . .J· L......J........JT, 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 L.I..J.I...... .L.I...JI_. ._1.....JIL......J...I_ a...LI L..' NOTE: The instructions at M1 and M2 above could be replaced by the single instruction: Description: )he by_te of immedi~te,_data is _added to the contents o! the, the_c.pntent~ p~Jh!! carry bit. LXI H, 3CF4H Condition bits affected: ~arry,, Sign, ~erq, _eariw. Auxiliary Carry ADI Add Immediate To Accumulator Format: Label oplab: Code ----ADI Operand Label ~data ! code Operand· ., C1: C2: C3: MVI ACI ACI -66 66 . ··.: ~ ~ . Ill. .. :~cu~ulat~r' ;= _1:41-·( Carry ·ADL AD2: ,AD3:_ MVIADI ADI A, 20· 66 -66 ·J -:-··-::.-·- ·.:. That is·: Example: Operand .. 3E56 CEBE CE4Z Assuming that the Carry bit = 0 just before the instructionat C2 is executed, this-instruction will p~oduce the same result as instruction AD3 in the example of Section 3.10.3. ,:,,~'! Condition bits affected> Carry, Sign, Zero, Parity, Auxiliary Carry Code . fi,. A, 56H 1- Description: The byte of immediate data is added to the contents of the accumulator using two's complement arithmetic. Label Assembled bata I,, { i ; ' ~ -~ .;,,(. =1 .. I ' ( . .. - -~ The instruction at C3 then performs the following <!ddition:. -. -· . ' ~ ;· ... ' . . . ' -~ .Accumulator '7 141-i_= 009.1010() C3 Immediate Data =.42H =. 01000010 .. .. ' Carry bit =: 1 1 01 0Hl11 ,-,;, 57 H Resuft = ,, , .. ;.;' Assembled Data 3E14 C642 C6BE ....· SUI Subtract Immediate From ACcuh,lJiator The instruction at AD1 loads the accumulator with 14H. The instruction at AD2 performs the following addition: Format: oplab: Accumulator = 14H = 00010100 AD2 Immediate Data= 42H = 01000010 Result = 01010110 = 56H = New accumulator Code .,... S_UI ;; ·Operand. ;.data._ : j ·' ·. data· .. The parity bit is set. Other status bits are reset. Description: The byte of immediate data is subtracted from the co~tEmi:s of the ac~umulator usi~g· iwo·~ ~orhplement arithme~ic. · The instruction at AD3 restores the original contents of the accumulator by performing the following addition: (j .. Label Accumulator= 56H = 01010110 AD3 lmmedi,ate Data = OBEH = 1011-1110 Result= 00010100 = 14H Since this is a subtraction operation: the carry bit is set, indicating a borrow, if there is no car~y out of the highorder bit position, and reset if there is a ca~ry out. Condition bits affecte~: Carry. Sigr:', Zero, Parity. Auxiliary Carry The Carry, Auxiliary Carry, and Parity bits are set. The Zero and Sigri bits are reset. 27 ·Immediate Data + Carry = 01 H ·Two's Complement of 01 H = 11111111 Example: This instruction can be used as the equivalent of the DCA instruction. Label _ - Code MVI SUI 51: Adding this to the accumulator produces: Accumulator= OH = 00000000 11111111 .-------11111111 = -1H =Result carry out= 0 causing the Carry bit to Assembled Data Operand C: 3EOO D601 A,O 1 be set The Carry bit is set, indicating a borrow. The ZeFo arld Auxiliary Carry bits are reset, while the Sign and Parity bits are set. The MVI instruction loads the accumulator with zero. The SUI instruction performs the following subtraction: l_f, however, the Carry bit is one, the SBI instructio'n will perform the following operation: Accumulator = OH = 00000000 -51 Immediate Data= -1 H = 11111111 two's complement = 11111111 = -1 H Result ~ion, 0 Immediate Data+ Carry= 02H Two's Complement of 02H = 11111110 Since there was no carry, and this is a subtract operathe Carry bit is set, indicating a borrow. Adding this to the accumulator produces: Accumulator = OH = 00000000 11111111 11111110=-2H =Result 0 ~ausing the Carry bit out= lcarry The Zero _and Auxiliary Carry bits are also reset, while the Sign and Parity bits are set. SBI Subtract Immediate from Accumulator With Borrow t~'be set This time the Carry and sign .. bits are set, while the zero, parity, and auxiliary Carry bits are reset. -Format: Label oplab: -Code ANI And Immediate With Accumulator Operand ~SBI Format: ..., I d~ta~ Label oplab: I l111l1 Description: The Carry bit is internally added to the byte of immediate data. This·value is then subtracted from the accumulator using two's complement arithmetic. II II Example: Assembled Data XRA SBI A AF DE01 data 0 .I I h". Example: Condition bits affected: Carrv., Sign, Zero, Parity, Auxiliary Carry· Operand o oj1 1 oj 1 1 1 1 II' data Condition bits affected: Carry, Zero, Sign, Parity, Auxiliary Carry. Since this is a subtraction operation, the carry bit is set if there is no earry out of the high-order position, and reset if there is a carry out. Code ~ANI Operand Description: The byte of immediate data is logically ANDed with the contents of the accumulator; The Carry bit is reset to ·zero. This instruction and the SBB instruction are most useful when performing multibyte subtractions. For an example of this, see the section on Multi byte Addition and Subtraction _in Chapt_er4. Label Code Label Code Operand A1: MOV ANI A,C OFH Assembled Data 79 E60F The contents of the C register are moved to the accumulator. The AN I instruction then zeroes the high-order four bits, leaving the low-order four bits unchanged. The Zero bit will be set if and only if the low-order four bits were originally zero. If the C register contained 3AH, the ANI would perform the following: Accumulator= 3AH = 00111010 AND (A1 Immediate Data)= OFH = 00001111 . 00001010 = OAH Result = The X RA instruction will zero the accumulator (see example earlier in this chapter). If the Carry bit is zero, the SBI instruction will then perform the following operation: - 28 0 If the C register contained OB5H, the ORI would perform the following: XRI Exclusive-Or Immediate With Accumulator Format: Label oplab: Code . · .. · · k~~~ulator= OB5H = 10.ll01 01 Operand OR (OR1 Immediate da~a) = OFH = OOp<lJ11l Result= 10111111 = OBFH . data ....----X A I .. J data L CPI Com·pare Immediate With_ Accumulator I. Format: Description: The byte of immediate data is EXCLUSI'V E-OR.ed with the contents of the accumulator .,The carry bit is set to zero. oplab: --- Condition bits affected: .Carry, Zero, Sign, Parity, Auxiliary Carry. Example: .Y data CPI ,,,11111111111101 _ , Since any bit _EXCLUSIVE-ORed with a one is complemented, a~d any bit EXCLUSIVE-OAed with a zero is unchanged, this instruction can be used to complement specific bits of the accumulator. For instance; the instruction: Operanq Code Label )/ I d~~ I I I I Description: The byte of immediate data is compared to the contents of the accumulator. The comparison is performed by internally subtracting the data from the accumulator using two~s complement arithmetic, leaving the accumulator unchanged· but setting the condition bits by the result. '' . XRI 81H will complement the least and most significant bits of the accumulator, leaving the rest unchanged. If the accumulator contained 3BH, the process would work as follows: In particular, the zero bit is set if the quantities are equal, and reset if they a·re unequal. Accumulator = 3BH = 00111011 XRI Immediate data= 81 H = 1000000.!_ Result= 10111010 Since a subtract operation is performed,. the Carry bit will be set if there is no carry out of bit 7, indicating the immediate data is greater than the contents of the accumu· lator, and reset otherwise. OR I Or Immediate With Accumulator . ·. NOTE: If the two quantities to be compared dit.fer in sign, the sense of the Carry bit is reversed. 'F:ormat: label Code oplab: ORI Ope ran~ 1 e· I d:t~~ Condition bits affected: Carry, Zero, Sign, Parity, Auxiliary Carry data Example: I Label Description: The byte of immediate data is logically ORed with the contents of the accumulator. The result is stored in the accumulator. The Carry bit is reset to zero, while the Zero, Sign, and Parity bi~sare set' according to the result. OR1: (_) MOV ORI Operand A,C OFH Operand Assembled Data MVI CPI A,4AH 40H , , 1 FE40 The CPI instruction performs the following operation: Condition bits affected: Garry, Zero, Sign, Parity, Auxiliary Carry. Example: Label ·Code Code Accumulator= 4AH= 01001010,[ +(-Immediate data)= -40H= 11000000 · - . IJ 00001010 ',;, Res.ult Assembly Data carry out= 1 causing ·the Carry bit to be reset 79 The accufT!ulator still contains 4AH, but the zero bit is reset indicating that the quantities were• unequal, and the carry bit is reset indicating DATA .is less than the accumulator. F60F The contents of the C register are moved to the accumulator. The ORI instruction then sets the low-order four bits to one, leaving the high-order four bits unchanged. 29 Rev. C DIRECTADORESSING INSTRUCTIONS LOA Load Accunn.ilator Direct Format: This . section describes instructions which reference memory by a'two-byte ·address which is part of the instruction itself. ·l~structions 'in this class occupy three bytes as follows: Ia I0-11,.C?IP,01110,1owadd _, I I I I I I I hi i!dq I I I I I I I Label Code · Operand· oplab: LOA' i/ adr '>I · 0 I t t most.significant 8 bits.of _a memory address Description: The byte at the-memorv address formed by concatenating HI ADD with LOW ADD replaces the coritents of the accumulator. .least significant 8 bits of a memory address . Condition bits affected: None Example: The following instructio~s Will. eacti'rej:>lace the accumulator contents with the· data held at location 300H: 10 for STA 11 for LOA 00 for.SHLD 01 _f()r LH Lp ' ..... LOA 300H LOA _ 3*(16*16) LOA · . 200H+256 GET: Note that the' is. held least· si~)n ificant byte first. The general assembly languag~ format is: code Label label: . .L _. op ·L_ . Operand ', S~A, ... SH LD Store H and L Direct exp -~ ~ . Format:· A 16. -bit _mem_.ory,.ad_dress LOA, SHLD·, or LHLD Label Code Operand oplab: SHLD i/ adr '>I ...··' ~-· _ Optional instruction label, STA Store Accumulator Direct . Format: Label Operand oplab: .., STA. i/ . - ·Description: The contents of the L register are.stored at the memory address. formed. by C()ll.catenati~_g HI ADD with LOW ADD. The contents of the H register are stored at the next higher memory address: adr' ,.. Condition bits affected: None .. ,·,.·. : ., If the H and L registers contain AEH and 29H respectively, the-instruction:· ~. Description: The ~onte!1~s of the. accumulator replace the byte at the 'memory addr~ss formed by concatenating HI ADd with LOW Am( SHLD 10AH will perform the following operation: I . Cor;~ditjon bi~s Memory Before SHLD af.fected: None Example: ; The following instructions will each store the contents .of the accumulator at' memory address 5B3H: SAC: LAB: ST A 5B3H STA 1459 STA 01!)1101J0011B.. 30 . HEX .: ADDRESS 109 lOA 10B 10t Memory After SHLD I~~ v LHLD Load H And Formaf · ..- ..:. Label u represented in the Jump instructions. L Direct ·oplab: -·------"rl'---·~·- Code Operand LHLD k!' The three-byte instructions in this class cause a transfer of program control depending upon certain specified conditions. If the specified condition is true, program execution will' continue at the memory address formed by concatenating the 8 bits of HI ADD (the third. byte cit. the instruction) yvith the 8 bits of LOW ADD (the second byte of the instruction). If the specified condition is false, program execution will continue with the next sequential instruction. .. --~ . -~ ··-· adr '>I .. Description; The byte at th~ memory address formed by concatenating HI ADD with LOW ADD replaces the contents of the L register. The byte at the next higher memory address replaces the contents of the H register .. The general assembly language format is: Condition bits affected: None Example:. Label Code oplab: PCHL If memory locations 25BH and 25CH contain FFH and 03H respectively, the instruction: LHLD will load· the .L ter with 03H. . 25BH register with FFH, and.~will load the H. regis- L Operand . '--not used Optic>nal i~struction label -orLabel · JUMP INSTRUCTIONS label: This section describes instructions which alter the norm~i execution sequence of instructions. Instructions in this class occupy one or three bytes as follows: ·Code op tL~ (a) For the PCH L instruction (one byte): !:· ·'''·· !' .'.. -!': Operand EXP ~A 16-bit address JMP,JC,JNC,JZ,JNZ,JM,JP,JPE,JPO Optional instruction label (b) For the remaining instructions (three bytes): • 1111lxl~·lxlo11lxllowadd I I I I I I I I I hi add I I I I I PCHL. Load Program Counter Format: .I I ·Label oplab: 1 ) PCHL Description: The contents of the H register replace the most significant 8 bits of the program counter, and the con:tents of the L register replace the least significant 8 bits of the program counter. This causes program execution to continue at the address contained in the Hand L registers. 1 for JMP, 0 otherwise u ·operand most significant 8 bits of a memory address. least signific'ant8'bits of a memory address· L Code· • 000 for JMP or JNZ .001 for JZ 010 for JNC 011 for JC 100 for JPO 101 for JPE 110forJP 111 for JM Condition bits affected: None Example 1: If the H register contains 41 H and the L register contains 3EH, the instruction: PCHL will cause program execution to continue with the instruc1. tion at memory address413EH. Note that, just as addresses are normally stored in memory with the low-order byte fi r'st, so are the addresses 31 Example 2: Arbitrary Memo,ry Address Label 40CO. ADR: · c 4100 STRT: .... ,, The JMP instruction·pt 3COQH replaceqhe·cqf\ten~s of the program counter with 3EOOH. The next ..instruction · ,_., executed is the XRA at CLR, clearing the accumulator. The JMP at 3E01 H is then executed:: Assembled Data . Code. . Operand LOC. DW The program counter is set'to-·3DOOH, and the MVI at this address the. at . . . . loads .. . accumulator .. . . . . .. with ... 3... The JMP 'I 3D02H sets the program counter to 3C03H, causing tli~ ADI . . ·'f'· instruc!ion to tle.executel '0042 .. LHLD ADR PCHL : From here, normal program execution continu11s with the inst.ri.icti~n at 3C05H. ·. . . . 2AC040 E9 JC Jump If Carry 4200 LOC: '00 NOP Format: Program execution begins at.STRT. The LHLCf instruction loads registers H and L from locations 40C1 H and 40COH; that is, with 42H and OOH, respectively. The PCH L instruction then loads the pr,ogram counter with 4200H, causing program execution to continue at location LOC. Label Code oplab: JC Operand adr ~ .· ">~.,· ~ ,!. . Description:_lf .the Carry. bit i.s one,. program execu, tion continues at the memory add~ess adr. Condition bits affected: None For .a programming example, see the. section on JPO later in this chapter. JMP Jump·· JNC Jump If No Carry . Format: Label Code 'operand oplab: JMP adr ~ Format: Label ">> oplab: II :; . ·, ' I . .. O~erand ,. . ">> ,. JZ Jump If Zero Assembled· Data· ·., Label. C.ode · 3COO 3C03 AD: JMP CLR ADJ. .2 3DOO 3D02 LOAD: MVI JMP A, 3 3C03H c3o33c 3EOO 3E01 CLR: A $-101 H AF C3003D XRA JMP ~ For a pwgr&mming example see the section on JPO later in this chapter. Example: Arbitrary. , Memory. Address. 'JNC Condi.tiori bits affected: ·None Condition bits· a'!:' None I Operand. · · adr Description·: If the Carry bit is zero, program execu- , tion continues at the memory address adr. Description: Program execution -continues uncondi· tionally at memory ,address· adr. · I Code Format: C3003E C602 Label . .. ~ .· Operand oplab: 3E03 ., ~ adr ~ Description: If the zer~ bit' is one, program execution continues at the memory (ldd~ess ad_r .. The execution sequence ol this example is as follow.s: Condition bits affected: None 32 0 JNZ Jump If Not Zero Condition bits affected:· None JPO Ju!Iut I(Parity Format: Label Code. oplab: JNZ , Operand Label Code oplab: JPO adr tl Odd Format: \ Operand· adr ~::. Description: If the Zero bit is zero, program execution continues at the memory address adr. Description: If the Parity bit is zero (indicating a result with odd parity). program execution -~oritinues at the memory address adr. .:~ . Condition bits affected: None JM Jump If Minus Condition bits affected: None · Format: ·Examples of jump instructions: Label Code oplab: JM ·Operand This example shows three different. but equivalent methods for jumping _to one of two points in. a program based upon whether or not the.Sign bit of a number. is set. Assume that the byte to be tested is in the Cregister. adr IE \ Description: If the Sign bit is one (indicating a negative result), program execution continues at the memory address adr. Label Code Operand ONE: MOV ANI JZ JNZ A,C SOH PLUS MINUS MOV RLC JNC JMP A,C Condition bits affected: None TWO: JP Jump If Positive Format: Label Code . Operand oplab: JP adr I THREE: \i PLUS: MINUS: Description: If the sign bit is zero (indicating a positive or zero result). program execution continues at the memory address adr. Format: Operand adr ~ IE I I ~ow-add I 1.1 1.1 11 1011 o 1·1 1-o - .•.....• I I I I I I I. I hi add I I I I E680 CAXXXX C2XXXX 79 07 .PLUS .MINUS D2XXXX C3XXXX 79 A,C 0 MINUS SIGN BIT RESET C600 FAXXXX SIGN BIT SET · JPE Jump If Parity Even JPE 79 II" • . The AND immediate instruction in block ONE zeroes all bits of the data byte except the Sign bit, which remains unchanged. If the Sign bit was zero, the Zero condition bit will be set, and the JZ instruction _will cause program control to be transferred to the instruction at PLUS. Otherwise, the JZ instruction will merEly update the program counter by three, and the JNZ instruction will be executed, causing control to ·ba transferred to the instruction at MINUS. (The Zero bit is unaffected by all jump instructiqns). Condition bits affected: None oplab: MOV ADI JM Assembled Data The RLC instruction in block TWO causes the Carry bit to be set equal to the Sign bit of the 9,ata byte. If the Sign bit was reset, the JNC instruction causes a jump to PLUS. Otherwise the JMP instruction is executed, unconditionally transferring control to MINUS. (Note that, in this instance, a JC instruction could be substiWted for the unconditional jump with identical results). ~- I I. Description: It the parity bit is one (indicating a result with even parity), program executioncontin ues at the memory address adr. 33 Rev. C l The add immediate instruction· ih "block THREE: causes the condition bits to be set. If the sign bit was set; the JM instruction causes program control to be transferred to MINUS. Otherwise, program control flows automatically into the PLUS routine; continues at memory address SUB, formed by concatel")atirig the 8 bits of HI ADD with the 8 bits of LOW .ADD . .If the specified condition is false, program execution continues with the next sequential instruction. 0 CALL -Call. Format: CALL SUBROUTINE INSTRUCTIONS This section describes the instructions which call sub· routines. These instructions operate like the jump instruc· tions, causing a transfer ofprogram control. In addition, a return address is pushed onto the stack for use by the RETURN instructions (see Return From Subroutine In· structions later in this chapter). Label Code oplab: CALL ·Operand sub Instructions in this class occupy three bytes as follows: Description: A call operation is unconditionally per· formed to subroutine sub. Condition bits affected: None t I For programming examples see t most significant 8 bits of a memory address Chapt~r 4. CC Call If Carry Format: least significant 8 bits of a ·memory address Label Code cc oplab: Operand sub u 1 for CALL, 0 otherwise 000 for 001 for 010 for 011 for 100 for 101 for 110 for 111 for CNZ CZ or CALL CNC CC CPO CPE CP CM Description: If the Carry bit is one, a call operation is performed to subroutine sub. Condition bits affected: None For programming examples- using subroutines, see Chapter 4. Note that, just as addresses are normally stored in memory with the low-order byte first, so are the addresses represented in the call instructions. CNC Call If No Carry The general assembly language instruction format is: Label \label: Code ~ \ Format: Operand sub . ~ A 16-b;t momo'y odd'"' Label Code Operand oplab: CNC sub CALL,CC,CNC,CZ,CNZ,CM,CP,CPE,CPO \ Optional instruction label Instructions in this class call subroutines upon certain specified conditions. If the specified condition is true, a re· turn address is pushed onto the stack and program execution Description: If the Carry bit is zero, a call operation :i's performed to subroutine sub. 34 Rev. B Condition bits affected: None CP Call l_f Plus For programming examples using subroutines, see Chapter 4. Format': Label Code Operand oplab: CP sub CZ Call If Zero Format: Label Code Operand oplab: cz sub Description: ff the Sign bit is zero (indicating a positive result), a call operati~n; is performed to subroutine sub. Condition bits affected: None For programming examples using subroutines, see Chapter 4. Description:. If the Zero bit is set (= 1). a call operation is performed to subroutine sub. C~E · Condition bits affected: None Call If Parity Even Format: For programming examples using subroutines, see Chapter 4. Label Code Operand oplab: CPE sub CNZ Call If Not Zero Format: Label Code Operand oplab: CNZ sub ,, 11 ,, 11 ,, I0 11 ,, I0 I0 0 I aldld I I Descriptio.n: If the Parity bit is one'' (indicating even Parity), a call operation is performed to subroutine sub. . Condition bits affected:. None I 1 1 10 I I, l~f, a1d~ I, ~i, ~~d, I 0 0 0 ,, I ~~~~ LI?~;a~d~ I For programming examples using subroutines, see Chapter 4. 1 1 Description: .If the Zero bit is reset (=0), a call operation is performed to subroutine sub; CPO Call If Parity Odd Format: Condition bits affected: None For programming examples using .subroutines, see Chapter 4. Label Code Operand oplab: CPO sub CM Call If Minus Format: Label Code Operand oplab:· CM sub ~ Description: If the Parity bit is zero (indicating odd parity), a call operation is performed to subroutine sub .... ··-· ~ Condition bits affected: None ., I, I1I1I1I1I, 1010 l.'~:v.•,d~.l. ~::~~'I For programming examples using subroutines, see Chapter 4. Description: If the Sign bit. is one (indicating a minus result), a call operation is performed to subroutine sub. RETURN FROM SUBROUTINE INSTRUCTIONS This section describes the instructions used to return from subroutines. These instructions pop the last address saved on the stack into the program counter, causing a transfer of program contr.<~l. to that address .. Condition bits affected: None For programming examples using subroutines, see Chapter 4. 35 Rev. C Instructions in this class occupy one byte as follows: Description: If the carry bit is one, a return operation is performed. I \ 000 for 001 for . 010 for .. Ol1 for . '· ~ 1 for RET, RNC Return If No Carry 0 otherwise Format: RNZ RZ or RET RNC RC . Label Code oplab: RNC oplab: op ~ \ Operand t The general assembly language instruction format is:· Code () For programming examples, see Chapter 4. 100 forRPO 101 for APE 110 for RP 111forRM Label "t!' Condition bits affected: None XXX I Description: If the carry bit is zero, a return ope,ration is performed. Operand Condit ion bits affected: None For programming examples, see Chapter 4. \. '-__ not u,.d . .ET,RC!RNC,RZ,RNZ,RM,RP,RPE,RPO RZ Return If Zero _Optional ,sta~einent label Format: Instructions in this class perform RETU AN operations upon certain s~ecif,ied conditions'. If the specified condition is true, a return operation i.s performed. Otherwise, program execution continues with the next sequential instruction. Label Code oplab: RZ Operand u ~- RET Return' Format: Label Code oplab: RET Operand Description: If the Zero bit is one, a return operation 1 is performed. ·· ~ Condition bits affected: None For programming examples, see Chapter 4. RNZ Return If Not Zero Description: A return operation is unconditionally performed. Format: Thus, execution proceeds with the instruction immediately following the last call instruction. Label Code oplab: RNZ Operand ~ Condition bits affected: None RC Return If Carry Format: Label Cod_e·· oplab: RC Operand Description: If the 2ero bit is zero, a return operation is performed. ~ Condition bits affected: None For programming examples, see Chapter 4. 36 Rev: B l RM R.eturn lfMiiius ... Descrip.tion:. lf:·the_.Parity:bi,t:· (indica.ti~g oeld. parity), a return operation is performed . ·-: Fbrmat: label Code . . ... ;}!Pial:l: . Condition bits~ffected: :Non~· Operand For programming examples, see Cl)apter 4 . RM '.~ l - RST INSTRUCTION This section describes the RST (restart) instruction, which is a special purpose subroutine jump. This instruction occupies 'one byte. · ··i~n: If the Sign bit is one (indicating a minus result). a return operation is performed. Format: Condition bits affected: None label Code For programm,ing e~amples, se.e ~hapter 4. oplab: RST Operand / .. exp RP Return If Plus Format: label -.-.· i·. Code oplab: exp Operand I I 11 11 11 I RP NOTE: "exp" must evaluate to a number in the range OOOB to 111 B. t Description: The contents of the· program counter·' are pushed onto the stack, providing a return address for later use by a RETURN instruction. Program e·xecution continues'at memory address: Description: If the Sign bit is zero (indicating a positive result). a return operation is performed. 0000\0000\00 E ..: Condition bits affected: None '· For programming examples, see Chapter 4. ; .. APE Return If. Parity Even Format: label. · •. oplab: Cod~ A RETURN instruction .then ,causf!.S the program which was originally runni~g to resume e~ecution ~t the instruction where the interrupt occurred. RPE .·1 X\P,OOO~~~ Normally, this instruction is used in conjunction with up to eight eight-byte rputines in' the lower 64 words of memory in order to service interrupts to the processor. The interrupting device causes a partic.ular RST instruction to be. executed, transferring control to. a. subroutine which . . r: . .. . .. deals with the situation as described in Section 5. \· Condition bits affected: None Example: Description: If the Parity bit is one (indicating even parity). a return operation is performed. Label Code Condition bits affected: None Operand, RST 10 - 7·- RST E SHl1 RST RST 8 ;Call the subroutine at ; address 24 (011000Bl, ; Call the subroutine at ; address 48 ( 11 00008). E ; is equated 'to 1'18. ; Invalid instruction -~F>wd-&.. .{,7 ; Call the subroutine at ; address 24 (0110008) For programming examples, see Chapter 4. RPO Return If Parity Odd ·.' Formaf: label -:-; oplab: () .. Code 3 RPO ~ '-----·-·------ For detailed. Chapter 5. 37 Comment --------------' _e)(~!T'ples of interrupt handli~g. see Rev. C INTERRUPT FLIP-FLOP INSTRUCTIONS This section describes the instructions which operate directly upon the Interrupt Enable flip-flop INTE. Instructions in this class occupy one byte as follows: t 8-bit device number 0 ""' . "-----1 for El . The device number is a-hardware characteristic of the input or output device, not under the programmer's COr;Jtrol. 0 for Dl ..::: I . - . _, . . . ~.- . . ~· ·. ·• The general assembly language format is: Label Code label: Operand op The general assembly language format is: .• ,. ' Label "----- not u"d \ Code label: Operand .·· "',; exp op El or Dl \ ~ An 8-b;t d";" numb" \ Optional instruction label IN or OUT \ El Enable Interrupts Optional instruction label Format: Label Code oplab: El Operand IN Input Format: Description: This instruction sets the INTE flip-flop, enabling the CPU to recognize and respond to interrupts. The interrupt is acknowledged after a 1-instruction wait. Label Code Operand oplab: IN exp l Condition bits affected: None. exp I Dl Disable Interrupts Code oplab: Dl I I I Description: An eight-bit data byte is read from input device number exp and replaces the contents of the accumulator. Format: Label I Operand Condition bits affected: None Example: Descript-ion: This instruction resets the INTE flip-flop, causing the CPU to ignore all interrupts. Condition bits affected: None Label Code INPUT/OUTPUT INSTRUCTIONS This section describes the instructions which cause data to be input to or output from the 8080. Instructions in this class occupy two bytes as follows: Comment Operand IN 0 IN 10/2 ; Read one byte from input ; device# 0 into the ; accumulator ; Read one byte from input · ; device·# 5-into the ; accumulator I _ __ 38 _ -~-·' ___J_~) Rev. C It acts merely to provide the assembler with information to be used subsequently while generating object code. OUT Output Format: Label Code oplab: OUT. Operand The general assembly language format of a pseudoinstruction is: ·code Label name. op exp \ I Description: The contents of the accumulator are sent to output devic!! nymber exp. Condition bits affected: None Comment Operand opnd \ ' - Operand, may be optional ORG,EOU,SET,END,I F ,Ef'.!D IF ,MACRO, ENDM, TITLE name may be required, optional, or illegal· Example: ._:. . l ~·-. ;.·- Label Code NOTE: Names on pseudo-instructions are not followed by a colon, as are labels. Names are required in the label field of MACRO, E_OU, a~d SET pseudoinstructions. The label fields of." the remaining· pseudo-instructions may contain 9ptional labels, exactly like the labels on machine' instructions. In this case, the label refers to the memory location immed.iately .following the last previously i!Ssem.bled inaehine instruction: If present, names may . II: be 1 to 5 characters long. · Co~ment Operand 10 OUT ; Write the contents of the ; accumulator to output ·· ;·device# 10 1FH ; Write ttie contents of the . • ; accumulator to output ... ··;;device.# 31: · ORG Origin G ··.; Format: HL T H~_LT INSTRUCTION Label Code This section describes the HLJ instruction, Which oc· cupies one byte. oplab:· ORG Operand exp. t Format: •·' A 16-bit address Label Code oplab: HLT Operand Description: The assembler's location counter is set to the value of exp, which must be a valid 16-bit memory address. The next machine instruction or data byte(s) .generated wi II be assembled at address exp, exp+ 1, etc. If no 0 RG appears before the first machine instruction or data byte in the program, .assembly will begin at location 0. "Exp" must be defined before the ORG statement is. encountered. · t· ' . ... .- not used Description: The program· counter is incremented to the address of the~ next sequential. instruction. The CPU then enters the STOPPED state and no furthe~ activity takes place until an interrupt occurs. Example 1: Hex Memory Address Label 1000 1001 1003 PSEUDO - INSTRUCTIONS This section describes pseudo-instructions recognized by the assembler. A pseudo-ln~truction is written in the same fashion as the machine' instructions describ~d earlier in this chapter, but does not cause any object code to be generated. 1050 39 Code ORG MOV ADI JMP HERE: ORG NEXT: XRA Operand 1000H A,C 2 NEXT 1050H A Assembled Data 79 C602. C35010 AF Rev. C II --------- - - - - - - - - - - - - The first ORG pseudo-instruction informs the assem- · bier that the object program will begin at memory address 1000H. The second ORG tells the assembler to set its location counter to 1050H and continue assembling machine instructions or data bytes from that point. The label HERE refers to memory location 1 006H, since this is the address immediately following the jump instruction. Note that the range of memory from 1006H to 104FH is still included in the object program, but does not contain assembled data. In particular, the programmer should not assume that these locations will contain zero, or any other value. The OUT instruction in this example is the statement: ~<;ll:liva_lent- to--. OUT 8 0 If at some later time the programmer wanted the name PTO to refer to a different "ciutput port, --it would be necessary only to change the EQU statement, not every OUT statement. SET Example 2: Format: The ORG pseudo-instruction can perform a function equivalent to the DS (define storage) instruction (see the section on DS earlier in this chapter). The following two sections of code are exactly equivalent: Memory Address Label Code Operand Label -- -- MOV JMP DS NEXT: XRA 2COO 2C01 2C04 2C10 -- A,C NEXT 12. A Code Operand Code name SET \ Assbl. Data ----- -- MOV A,C JMP NEXT $+12 ORG NEXT: XRA A Label t ,._ '•, _.,"; An· expression f!eq,uired name . '' . '~ .' Des~ription: The _symbol "nam~"- is assigned the value of exp by. the ~ss~mbler, Whenever the symbol "name" is encountered subsequently in the assembly, this value will be 79 C3102C AF used unless changep by.. another SET instruction._:: This is· identical to the EQU equation, except that symbols may be defined more than once. Multiple ORGs need riot be listed in ascending order, but this practice creates potential seginen.t overlapping problems. Example 1: EQU Equate Format: Label Code Qperan9 name EQU exp \ Label Code - .·. --- .. Qperand IMMED SET ADI SET ADI 5 IMMED 10H-6 IMMED IMMED t An expression .. i ·c605 ...,:' - C6QA· ·, - .~' . ; ._ Required name Example 2: Before every assembly. the 'ass~mbler perforr~s the following SET statements: Description: The symbol "name" is assigned the value by EXP by the assembler. Whenever the symbol "name" is encountered subsequently in the assembly, this value will be used. Label Code 8 NOTE: Assembled Data A symbol may appear in the n'ame field of only one EQU pseudo-instruction; i.e., an EQU symbol may not be redefined. Example: Label Code PTO EQU Operand M SET. SET - : SET SET SET" SET ·sEt A PSW. SP SET SET SET c D E .H L Assembled Data _ _._ 0 1 2 3 " 4 . - -· C; =· 5 6 7 6 6 . " 8 Mov OUT Qperanc:!_ PTO D;A' would be invalid, forGing th_e. programr;ner to. wri_te:. D308 MOV 2,7 40 Rev. C ' END End Of Assembly MACRO AND ENDM Macro Definition Format: Format: Label Code Operand Label Code oplab: END exp name MACRO Required name statements oplab: One and only one END statement must appear in every assembly, and it must be the (physically) last statement of the assembly. The operand field can contain an expression representing the starting address for a loader that performs a "load and go" function. The address field of the listing and the end record of the object code will contain this starting address. If the expression is omitted, zero is assumed. The assembler accepts the statements hetween MACRO and ENDM as the definition of the macro named "name." Upon encountering "name" in the code field of an instruction, the assem bier substitutes the parameters specified in the operand field of the instruction for the occurrences of "list" in the macro definition, and assemble~ the Format: IF ENDM Description: For a detailed explanation of the definition and use of macros, together with programming examples, see Chapter 3. IF AND END IF Conditional Assembly oplab: A Iist of expressions, normally ASCII constants J Description: The END statement signifies to the assembler that the physical end of the program has been reached, and that generation of the object program and (possibly) listing of the source program should now begin. Code Iist t t an expression Label Qperand statements. t NOTE: The pseudo-instruction MACRO may not appear in the list of statements between MACRO and ENDM. That is, macro definitions may not be nested. However, macro calls can be nested up to five levels in resident assemblers and up to nine levels in the cross assembler. an expression statements END IF oplab: Description: The assembler evaluates exp. If exp evaluates to zero, the statements between IF and ENDIF are ignored. Otherwise the intervening statements are assembled as if the IF and ENDIF were not present. IF-ENDIF pseudo-instructions can be nested to eight levels. TITLE Page Title Format: (j Code oplab TITLE Operand string '-v-' ol String ASCII characters enclosed in quotation marks Example: Label Code COND SET IF MOV END IF SET IF MOV ENDIF XRA COND Label Operand OFFH COND A,C Assembled Data l 79 Description: The string of up to 66 characters specified in the TITLE pseudo-instruction is printed beneath the page header on all pages following the specification of the title Ltntil a new title is specified. The absence of this pseudo-instruction in a program forces a blank line below the page header on each page. The first instance of TITLE forces the string specified to appear on page 1 and all succeeding pages until a new title request is encountered. 0 COND A,C c A9 41 Rev. C 0 42 The definition specifies the instru~tion sequence that is to be represented by the macro name. Thus: Macros (or macro instructions) are an ·extremely important tool provided by the assembler. Properly utilized, they will· increase the efficiency of programming and the readability of programs. It is strongly suggested that the user become familiar with the use of macros and utilize them to tailor programming to suit his specific needs. label Code SHRT MACRO RRC ANI 7FH ENDM WHAT ARE MACROS? G A macro is a means of specifying to the assembler that a symbol (the macro name) appearing in the code field of a statement actually stands for a group of instructions. Both the macro name and the instructions for which it stands are chosen by the programmer. is the definition of SHRT, and specifies that SHRT stands for the two instructions: Consider a simple macro which shifts the contents of the accumulator one bit position to the right, while a zero is shifted into the high-order bit position. We will call this macro SHRT, and define it by writing the following instructions in the program: Every macro must be defined once and only·once in a program before it is referenced. RRC ANI Code SHRT MACRO RRC 7FH label ; Rotate accumulator ; right ; Clear high-order bit Code Operand lDA SHRT TEMP label ; load accumulator which would be equivalent to writing: label Code Operand lDA RRC ANI TEMP Code Operand lDA SHRT STA TEMP ; Macro expansion TEMP The expansion of a macro is the complete instruction sequence represented by the macro reference: We can now reference the macro by placing the following instructions later in the same program: label 7FH The reference is the point in a program where the macro is referenced. A macro may be referenced in any number of statements by inserting the macro name in the code field of the statements: Operand label ANI ENDM (j Operand Code Operand lDA RRC ANI STA TEMP 7FH TEMP I; Mocm oxpon•;on · The macro expansion will not be present in a source program, but its machine language equivalent will be generated by the assembler in the object program. ; load accumulator 7FH Now consider a more complex case, a macro that shifts the accumulator right by a variable number of bit positions . specified by the D register contents. The example above illustrates the three aspects of a macro: ~he definition, the reference, and the expansion. 1• 43 Rev. C This macro is named SHV, and defined as follows: label Code SHV,. LOOP: MACRO RRC ANI 7FH OCR D JNZ LOOP ENDM Label Operand LOOP: ; Rotate right once ; Clear the high-order bit ; Decrement shift counter ; Return for another shift Code Operand LOA MVI SHV STA TEMP 0,3 Label LOA MVI LOOP: RRC ANI DCA JNZ STA C,5 SHV Label TEMP , .. TEMP 0,3 7FH D LOOP TEMP The defined, is equivalent macro will Operand E, 2 Code Operand MVI ARC ANI DCA JNZ E,2 7FH E LOOP previous section explains how a macro must be then referenced, and how every reference has· an· expansion. Each of these three aspects of a be described in the following subsections .. Macro Definition A better method is to write a macro which uses an arbitrary register into which it loads its own shift amount using macro parameters. (Such a macro is defined as follows: Format: Label Code Operand name MACRO plist m MACRO REG,AMT MVI REG,AMT LOOP MACRO TERMS AND USE Note that the D register contents will change whenever the SHV macro is re.ferenced, since it is used to specify shift count. SHV -·0 7FH c While the preceding examples will provide a general idea of the efficiency and capabilities of macros, a rigorous description of each aspect of macro programming is given in the next section. Operand Code !r and the equivalent expansion: ; Specify 3 right shifts label ., ; Assume Register E is free, and a 2-place shift is needed The above instruction sequence is equivalent to the expression: Code MVI ARC ANI DCA JNZ Code LOOP: label Operand Here is.another example of an SHV reference: The SHV mac;:ro may then be referenced as follows: label Code a c r o b 0 d y Operand ENDM LOOP: RRC ANI DCA JNZ ENDM 7FH REG ; Load shift count ; into register ; specified ; by REG ; Perform right rotate ; Clear high-order bit ; Decrement shift ; counter Description: The macro definition produces no assembled data in the object program. It merely indicates to the assembler that the symbol "name" is to be considered equivalent to the group of statements appearing between the pseudo instructions MACRO and ENDM (see Chapter 2 MACRO and ENDM Macro Definition). This group of statements, called the macro body, may consist of assembly Ian· guage instructions, pseudo-instructions (except MACRO or ENDM). comments, or references to other macros. LOOP "plist" is a list of unquoted character strings identifying the dummy parametel'l appearing in the· body of 'the macro definition. Subsequent macro references or calls specifying the actual parameters to be substituted for the dummy parameters must adhere to the positionality of the parameters as indicated in "plist." SHV may now be referenced as follows: label Code Operand LOA TEMP ; Assume Register Cis free, and a 5-place shift is needed SHV C, 5 Example: the expansion of which is given by: The following macr·o takes the memory address of the 44 Rev. C G label specified by the macro reference, loads the most significant 8 bits of the address into the C register, and' loads the least significant 8 bits of the address into the B register. (Th_is is the opposite of what the instruction LXI B,ADDR would do). If more parameters appear in the reference than the definition, the extras are ignored. - · Example: Given the macro definition: Label Code Operand Label Code Operand LOAD MACRO MVI MVI ENDM ADDR C, ADDR SHR 8 B, ADDR AND OFFH MAC1 MACRO XRA DCA ENDM P1, P2, COMMENT P2 P1 COMMENT Code Operand MAC1 C, D, ';.DECREMENT C' LABEL: The reference: INST: The reference: Code Operand LOAD LABEL Code Operand Code Operand XRA DCA D C ; DECREMENT C MVI MVI C, LABEL SHR 8 B, LABEL AND OFFH Code I Operand MAC1 E,B Code Operand LOAD INST is equivalent to the expansion: is equivalent to the expansion: The reference: The reference: is equivalent to the expansion: is equivalent to the expansion: Code (j Operand MVI C, INST SHR 8 MVI B, INST AND OFFH The MACRO and ENDM statements inform the assembler that when the symbol LOAD appears in the code field of a statement, the characters appearing in the operand field of the statement are to be substituted everywhere the 'symbol ADDR appears in the macro body, and the two MVI instructions are to be inserted into the statements at that point of the program and assembltld. Operand XRA DCA B E Macro Expansion The result obtained by substituting the macro parameters into the macro body is called the macro expansion. The assembler assembles the statements of the expansion exactly as it assembles any other statements. In particular, every statement produced by expanding the_ macro must be a legal assembler statement. Example: Macro Reference Or Call Given the macro definition: Format: Label Code Operand oplab: name pi ist Operand Label Code MAC MACRO PUSH ENDM P1 P1 MAC B "oplab" is an optional label for the macro call. () Code .."name" must be the name of a macro; that is, "name" appears in the label field of a MACRO pseudo-instruction. the reference: "plist" is a list of expressions. Each expression is substituted into the macro body as indicated by the operand field of the MACRO pseudo-instruction. Substitution proceeds left to right; that is, the first string of "pi ist" replaces every occurrence of the first dummy parameter in the macro body, the second replaces the second, and so on. will produce the legal expansion: PUSH B MAC C but the reference: will produce the illegal expansion: If fewer parameters appear in the macro reference than in the definition, a null string is substituted for the remaining expressions in the definition. PUSH C which will be flagged as an error. 45 Rev. C If in the macro definition, LOOP had been followed !I by two successive colons, LOOP would be generated a~1 a global label by the first reference to TMAC,. while the second l reference would be flagged as an error. Scope of Labels and Names Within Macros In this section, the terms global and local are important. For our purposes, they will be defined as follows: A symbol is globally defined in a program if its value is known and can be referenced by any statement in the program, whether or not the statement was produced by the expansion of a macro. A symbol is locally defined if its value is known and can be referenced only within a particular macro expansion. "Equate" Names: Names on equate statements within .a macro are always local, defined.only within the expansion in which they are generated. For example, consider the following macro definition: Instruction Labels: Normally a symbol may appear in the label field of only one instruction. If a label appears in the body of a macro, however, it will be generated whenever the macro is referenced. To avoid multiple-label conflicts, the assembler treats labels within macros as local labels, applying only to a particular expansion of a macro. Thus, each "jump to LOOP" instruction generated in the first example of the chapter refers uniquely to the label LOOP generated in the local macro expansion. Conversely, if the programmer wishes to generate a . global label from a macro expansion, he must follow the label with two colons in the macro definition, rather than one. Now, this global label must not be generated more than once, since it is global and therefore must be unique in the program. Code TMAC MACRO Code Operand EOMAC VAL MACRO EOU DB ENDM 8 VAL The following program section is valid: For example, consider the macro definition: Label Label Operand Label Code Operand VAL DB1: EOU DB EOMAC EQU DB DB 6 VAL DB2: Assembled Data 06 VAL 8 08 06 VAL VAL LOOP: JMP ENDM VAL. is first defined globally with a value of 6. Therefore the reference to VAL at DB 1 produces a byte equal to 6. The macro reference EOMAC generates a symbol VAL defined only within the macro expansion w_ith a ~alue or 8; therefore the reference to VAL by the second statement of the macro produces a byte equal to 8. Since this statement ends the macro expansion, the reference to VAL at DB2 re: fers to the global definition of VAL. The statement at DB2 therefore produces a byte equal to 6. LOOP If two references to TMAC app!!ar in a program, the label LOOP will be a local label and each JMP LOOP instruction will refer to the label generated with in its own expansion: Program "Set" Names: Suppose that a "set" statement is generated by a macro. If its name has.already been defined globally by another set statement, the generated statement will change the global value of the name for all subsequent references. Otherwise, the name is defined locally, applying only within the current macro expansion. These cases.are illustrated as follows: TMAC LOOP: JMP Consider the macro definition: TMAC LOOP: JMP LOOP] Label Code Operand STMAC SYM MACRO SET DB ENDM 5 SYM The following program section is valid: 46 0 Then the macro reference: (j Label Code SYM DB1: SET DB STMAC SET DB DB SYM DB2: Operand Assembled Data MAC4 0 will cause the assembler to evaluate ABC and to substitute the value 3 for parameter P1, then produce the expansion: 00 SYM ABC 5 05 05 SYM SYM SET DB MAC4 Operand STMAC SET DB DB SYM DB3: Expansion produced: ABC 05 The use of macros is an importan,t.programming tech· nique that can substantially ease the user's task in the fol· lowing ways: **ERROR** (a) Example: Suppose that the following macro MAC4 is defined at the beginning of the program: Label Code Operand MAC4 ABC MACRO SET DB ENDM P1 14 P1 Often, a small group of instructions must be repeated many times throughout a program with only .minor changes for each repetition. Macros can reduce the tedium (and resultant increased chance for error) associated with these operations. The ~alue qf macro parameters is determined and passed into the macro body at the time the macro is refer· enced, before the expansion is produced. This evaluation may be delayed by enclosing a parameter in quotes, causing the actual character string to be passed into the macro body. The string will then be evaluated when the macro expansion is produced. (b) If an error in a macro definition is discovered, the pro· gram can be corrected by changing the definition and reassembling. If the same routine had been repeated many times throughout the prqgram without using macros, each qccurrence would have to be located and changed. Thus debugging time is decreased. (c) Duplication of effort between programmers can be re· duced. Once the most efficient coding of a particular function is discovered, the macro definition can be made available to all other programmers. (d) As has been seen with the SHRT (shift right) macro, new and useful instructions can be easily simulated. USEFUL MACROS Load Indirect Macro The following macro, LIND, loads register Rl indirect from memory location INADD. Further suppose that the statement: (j 14 ABC ;:Assembles as 14 REASONS FOR USING MACROS 5 SYM SYM Macro Parameter Substitution SET SET DB Assembled Data Since in this case SYM is first defined in a macro ex· pansion, its value is defined locally. Therefore the second (and final) statement of the macro expansion produces a byte equal to 5. The statement at DB3 is invalid, however, since SYM is unknown globally. ABC 'ABC' the assembler would evaluate the expression 'ABC,' produc· ing the characters ABC as the value of parameter P1. Then the expansion is produced, and, since ABC is altered by the first statement of the expansion, P1 will now produce the value 14. Using the. same macro definitipn .as above, the follow· ing program section is invalid: Code 14 3 If, however, the user had instead written the macro reference: SYM is first defined globally with a value of zero, causing the reference at DB1 to produce a byte of 0. The macro reference STMAC resets this global value to 5, causing the second statement of the macro to produce a value of 5. AI· though this ends the macro expansion, the value of SYM re· mains equal to 5, as shown by the reference at DB2. Label ABC 3 That is, location INADD will be assumed to hold a two-byte memory address (least significant byte first) from which register Rl will be loaded. has been written before the first reference to MAC4, setting the value of ABC to 3. 47. Rev. B II .Example: Other Indirect Addressing Macros Indicates address of data - Refer to the Ll NO macro definition in.the last section. Only the MOV R I,M instruction need be altered to cre:ate any other indirect addressing macro: For example, substituting MOV M,R I will create a "store indirect" macro. Rro.viding R I is the accumulator, substituting ADD M will create an "add to accumulator indirect" macro. Rl As an alternative to havihg load indirect, store indirect, and other such indirect macros, we could have a "create indirect address" macro, followed by selected instructions. This alternative approach is illustrated for indexed addressing in the next section. Hex Mamory Address 134C 50 ; 1340 13 134E 134F 1350 0 Create Indexed Address Macro· FF The following macro, IXAD, loads registers H and L with the base address BSADD, plus the 16-bit index-formed by register pair REGPR (REGPR=B,D,H, or SP). If the address of I NAD D is 134CH, register R I will be loaded from the address held in memory locations 134CH and 134DH, which is 1350H. Macro definition: Opera~<!_ Label Code LIND MACRO Rl, INADD LH LD I NADD MOV ENDM Rl, M Comment Label Code Operand IXAD MACRO LXI DAD REGPR, BSADD H, BSADD ; Load the base address REGPR ; Add index to base ; address ---- Macro reference: Label Code ; The address created in Hand L by the following macro ; call will be Label+ 012EH Code Operand ; Load register C indirect with the contents of memory ; location LABEL. LIND C, LABEL Code Operand LHLD MOV LABEL C, M MVI MVI IX AD D, 1 E,2EH D,LABEL Code Opera~ MVI MVI LXI DAD D, 1 E,2EH H, BSADD D Macro expansion: Label Macro expansion: Label Comment ENDM ; Load indirect address ; into H and L registers : Load data into R I Macro reference: Label Macro definition: u Rev, C u This section describes some techniques other than macros which may be of help. to the programmer. Jump to routine 1 if the accumulator holds 00000001 2 00000010 3 00000100 4 00001000 5 00010000 6 00100000 7 01000000 ·" , 8 10000000 BRANCH TABLES PSEUDO-SUBROUTINE Suppose a program consists of several separate rou!ines, any of which may be executed depending upon some ·initial condition (such as a number passed in a register). One w~~Y to code this waul d be to check each condition sequentially and branch to the routines accordingly as follows: A program that provides the above logic is given at the end of this section. The program is termed a "pseudo-subroutine" because it is treated as a subroutine by the programmer (i.e., it appears just once in memory), but it is entered via a regular JUMP instruction rather than via a CALL inshu~tion. This is possible bec~use the branch routine controls subsequent execution, ·and will never return to the instruction following the call: CONDITION= CONDITION 1? IF YES BRANCH TO ROUTINE 1 CONDITION= CONDITION 2? IF YES BRANCH TO ROUTINE 2 BR-ANCH TO ROUTINE N ~ain Program Branch Table Program Jump Routines A sequence as above is inefficient, and can be improved by using a branch table. The logic at the beginning of the branch table program computes a pointer into the branch table. The branch table itself consists of a list of starting addresses for the routines to be branched to. Using the pointer, the branch table program loads the selected routine's starting address into the address bytes of a jump instruction, then executes the jump. For example, consider a program that executes one of eight routines depending on which bit of the accumulator is set: 1 normal subroutine return sequence not followed by branch table program 49 Rev. 8 Label Code Operand START: LXI H,BTBL ; Registers Hand L will ; point to branch table. GTBIT: RAR JC INX INX GET AD H H JMP MOV INX GTBIT E,M H MOV XCHG D,M GET AD: causes the top address in the stack to ,be popped into the program counter, causing program execution to continue with the instruction following the CALL. Thus, one copy of a subroutine may be called from many different points in memory, preventing duplication of code-.Example: ; (H,L)=(H,L)+2 to ; point address ; in branch table. Subroutine MINC increments a 16-bit number held least-significant-byte first in two consecutive memory locations, and then returns to the instruction following the last CALL statement executed. The address of the number to be incremented is passed in the Hand L registers. ; A one bit was found. ; Get address in D and ; E. Label Code Qperand MINC: INR RNZ M INX INR RET H M ; Exchange D and E ; with Hand L. ; Jump to routine ; address. PCHL Comment ; Increment low-order byte ; If non-zero, return to ; calling routine ; Address high-order byte ; Increment high-order byte ; Return unconditionally Assume M INC appears in the following program: BTBL: DW DW ROUT1 ROUT2 DW DW DW ROUT3 ROUT4 ROUT5 ROUT6 ROUT7 ROUTS ow DW DW ; Branch table. Each ; entry is a two-byte ; address ; held least significant ; byte first. Arbitrary Memory Address Arbitrary Jl.:1emory Address The control routine at START uses the Hand L regis:· ters as a pointer into the branch table (BTB L) corresponding to the bit of the accumulator that is set. The routine at GET AD then transfers the address held in the correspond irig branch table entry to the H and L registers via the D and E registers, and then uses a PCHL instruction, thus transferring control to the selected routine. 2COO 2C03 CALL MINC 2EFO 2EF3 CALL MINC .ry When the first call is executed, address 2C03H is pushed onto the stack indicated by the stack pointer, and control is transferred to 3COOH. Exec1,1tion qf. either R ETURN statement in MINC will cause the top entry to be popped off the stack into the program counter, causing execution to continue at 2C03H (since the CALL statement is three bytes long). Stack After Stack Before Stack While RETURN CALL MINC Executes is Performed SUBROUTINES Frequently, a group of instructions must be repeated many times in a program. As we have seen in Chapter 3, it is sometimes helpful to define a macro to produce these groups. If a macro becomes too lengthy or must be repeated many times, however, better economy can be obtained by using subroutines. A subroutine is coded like any other group of assembly language statements, and is referred to by its name, which is the label of the first instruction. The programmer references -a subroutine by writing its name in the operand field of a CALL instruction. When the CALL is executed, the address of the next sequential instruction after the CALL is pushed onto the stack (see the section on the Stack Pointer in Chapter 1), and program execution proceeds with the first instruction of the subroutine. When the subroutine has completed its work, a RETURN instruction is executed, which Low Addr +-Stack Pointer +-Stack Pointer +-Stack Pointer High Addr 50 Rev. C When the second call is executed, address 2EF3H is pushed onto the stack, and control is again transferred to MINC. This time, either RETURN instruction will cause ex!!cution to resume at 2EF.3H. Note that MINC could have called another subroutine during its execution, causing another address to be pushed onto the stack. This can occur as many times as necessary, limited only by the size of memory available for the stack. The first time ADSUB is called, it loads the A and B registers from PLIST and PLIST +1 respectively, adds them, and stores the result in PLIST+2. Return is then made to the instruction at RET1. First call to ADSUB: ADSUBD Note also that any subroutine could push data onto the stack for temporary ssorage without affecting the call and return sequences as long as the same amount of data is popped off the stack before executing a RETURN statement. Transferring Data To Subroutines A subroutine often requires data to perform its operations. In the simplest case, this data may be transferred in one or more registers. Subroutine MINC in the last section, for example, receives the memory address which it requires in the H and L registers. Sometimes it is more convenient and economical to let the subroutine load its own registers. One way to do this is to place a list of the required data (called a parameter list) in some data area of memory, and pass the address of this list to the subroutine in the Hand L registers. For example, the subroutine ADSUB expects the address of a three-byte parameter list in the Hand L registers. It adds the first and second bytes of the list, and stc;>res the result in the third byte of the list: Label I 0 I Code Operand LXI H, PLIST ; Load H and L with ; addresses of the param; eter Iist ADSUB ; Call the subroutine ! CALL ~ PLIST 08 PLIST+I OEH PLIST+2 The second time ADSUB is called, the Hand L registers point to the parameter list LIST2. The A and B registers are loaded with 10 and 35 respectively, and the sum is stored at LIST2 + 2. Return is then made to the instruction at RET2. Second call to ADSUB: Comment H L CJ CJ RET1: PLIST: 06 '·, DB DB 6 8 OS ; First number to be added ; Second number to be ;added ; Result will be stored here LXI CALL H, LIST2; Load Hand L registers ADSUB ; for another call toADSUB DB DB OS 10 35 MOV INX A,M H MOV ADD INX B, M B H MOV M,A , ' OA LIST2 23 LIST2+1 20 LIST2+2 RET2: LIST2: ADSUB: () L RET Note that the parameter lists PLIST and LIST2 could appear anywhere in memory without altering the results pro: duced by ADSUB. This approach does have its limitations, however. As coded, ADSUB must receive a list of two and only two num: bers to be added, and they must be contiguous in memory; Suppose we wanted a subroutine (GENAD) which would add an arbitrary number of bytes, located anywhere in mem: ory, and leave the sum in the accumulator. ; Get first parameter ; Increment memory ; address ; Get second para meter ; Add first to second ; Increment memory ; address ; Store result at third ; parameter store ; Return unconditionally ) This can be done by passing the subroutine a param; eter Iist which is a Iist of addresses of parameters, rather. than the parameters themselves, and signifying the end of the parameter list by a number whose first byte is FFH (assuming t~at no parameters will be stored above address FFOOH). 51 I f ooo. Call to GENAD: H GENAD: As implemented below, GENAD saves the current sum (beginning with zero) in the C register. It then loads the address of the first parameter into the D and E registers. If this address is greater than or equal to FFOOH, it reloads the accumulator with the sum held in the C register and returns to the calling routine. Otherwise, it loads the parameter into the accumulator and adds the sum in the C register to the accumulator. The routine then loops back to pick up the remaining parameters. L ~GJ ,· PARM1 ...----.) ~ PARM4 . ~ FFFF Label PARM3 §] PARM2 Code Operand LXI SP, 1000H ; Assume this stack size is adequate LXI CALL H, PLIST GENAD ; Calling prograrn Comment HALT PLIST: ow ow ow DW ow . PARM1 ; List of parameter addresSes PARM2 PARM3 PARM4 OFFFFH PARMl: PARM4: DB DB 6 . 16 . PARM3: DB 13 ; Terminator ., PARM2: DB 82 GENAD: LOOP: XRA MOV' MOV A C,A E, M INX MOV H A,M CPI JZ MOV LDAX OFFH BACK' D. A D ~DD c · I.NX BACK: JMP MOV RET END ; Clear accumulator ; Save current total in C ; Get low order address byte ; of first parameter ; Get high order address byte ; of first parameter ; Compare to F F H ; If equal, routine is complete ; D and E now address parameter ; Load accumulator with parameter ; Add previous total ; Increment H and L to point ; to next parameter address ; Get next parameter ; Routine done-restore total ; Return to calling routine H LOOP A,C 52 Rev. C v 0 Note that GENAO could add any combination of the parameters with no change to the parameters themselves. II ~~ .u SOFTWARE MULTIPLY AND DIVIDE The multiplication of two unsigned 8-bit data bytes may be accomplished by one of two 'techniques: repetitive addition, or use of a register shifting operation. The sequence: I PLIST: LXI CALL H, PLIST GENAO ow ow ow PARM4 PARM1 OFFFFH Repetitive addition provides the simplest, but slowest, form of multiplication. For example, 2AH· 74H may be generated by adding 74H to the (initially zeroed) accumulator 2AH times. Using shift operations provides faster multiplication. Shifting a byte left one bit is equivalent to multiplying by 2, and shifting a byte right one bit is equivalent to dividing by 2. The following process will produce the correct 2-byte result of multiplying a one byte multiplicand by a one byte multiplier: would cause PARM1 and PARM4 to be added, no matter where in memory they might be located (excluding addresses above FFOOH). (a) Many variations of parameter passing are possible. For example, if it was necessary to allow parameters to be stored a"t any address, a calling program could pass the total number of parameters as the first parameter; the subroutine would load this first parameter into a register and use it as a counter to determine when all parameters had been accepted. (b) (c) Test the least significant bit of the multiplier. If zero, go to step b. If one, add the multi pi icand to the most significant byte of the result. .~Shift the entire two-byte result right one bit position. Repeat steps a and b until all 8 bits of the multiplier have been tested. For example, consider the multiplication: 2AH·3CH=9D8H HIGH-ORDER BYTE Start LOW-ORDER BYTE MULTIPLIER MUL TIPLICANO OF RESULT OF RESULT 00111100 00101010 00000000 .00000000 00000000 00000000 oboooooo SMp1a~-------------------------------------- b Step 2 a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - b Step 3 a -----------------------------~--------~ b Step 4 a ________ _:______________________________ 00101010 00010101 001 1 1 1 11 b SMp5a-------------------------------- ------b Step 6 a--------------------~----------~------b SMp7a-------------------------------- ------b 00011111 01001001 00100100 01001110 00100111 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 10000000 10000000 11000000 ' 11000000 01100000 00010011 .10110000 00001001 1101 1000 SMp8a-------------------~--~--~----·-----~--- b 53 I Step 1: Test multiplier O-bit; it is 0, so shift 16-binesult right one bit. a number of important programming techniques, a sample program is given with comments. Step 2: Test multiplier 1-bit; it is 0, so shift 16-bit result right one bit. The program uses the B register to hold the most significant byte of the result, and the C register to hold the least significant byte of the result. Step 3: Test multiplier 2-bit; it is 1, so add 2AH to highorder byte of result and shift 16-bit result right one bit. The 16-bit right shift of the result is performed by two rotate-right-through -carry instructions: Zero carry and then rotate 8 Step 4: Test multiplier 3-bit; it is 1, so add 2AH to highorder byte of result and shift 16-bit result right one bit. c Step 5: Test multiplier 4-bit; it is 1, so add 2AH to highorder byte of result and shift 16-bit result right one bit. D Step 6: Test multi pi ier 5-bit; it is 1, so add 2 AH to highorder byte of resu_lt and shift 16-bit resu It right one bit. Step 7: Then rotate C to complete the shift Test multi pi ier 6-bit; it is 0, so shift 16-bit result right one bit. c B Step 8: Test multiplier 7-bit; it is 0, so shift 16-bit result right one bit. D The result produced is 0908. The process works for the following reason: The result of any multiplication may be written: Register D holds the multiplicand, and register C originally holds the multiplier. Equation 1: BIT7·MCND·2 7 + BIT6·MCND·2 6 + ... +BITO·MCND·2° where BITO through B ITB are the bits of the multiplier (each equal to zero or one), and MCND is the multiplicand. MUL T: MVI For example: MULTIPLICAND -00001010 MVI MULTO: MOV RAR MOV OCR JZ MOV JNCADD MULTIPLIER 00000101 O·OAH·2 7 + O·OAH·2 6 + O·OAH·2 5 + O·OAH·2 4 + O·OAH· 2J + 1· OAH· 22 + O·OAH· 21 + 1·0AH· tJ 00101000 + 00001010 = 00110010 = 5010 Adding the multi pi icand to the high-order byte of the result is the same as adding MCND· 2 8 to the full 16-bitresult; shifting the 16-bit result one position to the right is equivalent to multiplying the result by 2·1 (dividing by 2). MULT1: RAR Therefore, step one above produces: (BITO • MCND • 2 8 ) • 2- 1 MOV JMP Step two produces: ((BITO • MCND • 2 8 ) • 2- 1 + (BIT1 • MCND • 2 8 )) • B, 0 ; Initialize most significant byte ; of result E, 9 ; Bit counter A, C ; Rotate least significant bit of ; multiplier to carry and shift C, A ; low-order byte of result E DONE ; Exit if complete A,B MULT1 D ; Add multiplicand to high; order byte of result if bit ; was a one ; Carry=O here; shift high; order byte of result B,A MULTO DONE: 2- 1 = BITO • MCND • 2 6 + BIT1 • MCND • 2 7 An analogous procedure is used to divide an unsigned 16-bit number by an unsigned 16-bit number. Here, the process involves subtraction rather than addition, and rotate-left instructions instead of rotate-right instructions. And so on, until step eight produces: BITO • MCND • 2° + BIT1 • MCND • 2 1 + ... +BIT7 • MCND • u"· 27 The following reentrant program uses the B and C registers to hold the dividend and quotient, and the D and E registers to hold the divisor and remainder. The H and L registers are used to store data temporarily. which is equivalent to Equation 1 above, and therefore is the correct result. Since the multiplication routine described abo_ye uses 54 Rev. C 0 lJ DIV: MOV CMA MOV MOV CMA MOV INX LXI MVI DVO: PUSH DAD JNC XTHL DV1: POP PUSH MOV RAL MOV MOV RAL MOV MOV RAL MOV MOV RAL MOV POP OCR JNZ A,D The E register holds the length of each number to be added .(in this case, 3). .. : . ·... . . ; Neg~te the divisor : D,A A,E to be added are storedJ. from low-order The numbers • • • byte . to high-order .. byte beginning at memory . .. . . ' . locations FIRST and SECND, respectively. l -·~· E,A D · H,O A,17 H D DV1 H PSW A,C ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; C,A · A,B For two's complement initial value for remainder initialize loop counter Save remainder subtract divisor (add negative) under flow, restore H L Save loop counter (A) 4 register left shift with carry CY - > C - > B - > L - - The result will be stored from low-order byte to highorder byte beginning at memory location FIRST, replacing the original contents of these locations. Memory Location before after FIRST >H ) carry FIRST+1 J carry FIRST+2 B,A A,L L,A _ A,H H,A PSW A DVO SEC NO SECND+1 ; Restore loop counter (A) ; decrement it ; keep looping SECND+2 ; Post-divide clean up ; shift remainder right and return in DE u ORA MOV RAR MOV MOV RAR MOV RET END Label Code A A,H MADD: D,A A,L LOOP: LXI LXI XRA LDAX ADC E,A MUL TIBYTE ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION The carry bit and the ADC (add with carry) instructions may be used to add unsigned data quantities of arbitrary length. Consider the following addition of two threebyte unsigned hexadecimal numbers: FIRST: u An I carry =1 90 I 6A carry 90H OBAH 84H BAH OAFH 32H Since none of the instructions in the program loop affect the carry bit except ADC, the addition with carry will proceed correctly. SA BA B,FIRST ; Band C address FIRST H,SECND; H and L address SECND A ; Clear carry. bit B ; Load byte of FIRST M ; Add byte of SECND ; with carry STAX B ; Store result at FIRST DCA E ; Done if E = 0 JZ DONE INX B ; Point to next byte of ; FIRST INX H ; Point to next byte of ;SECND JMP LOOP ; Add next two bytes DB DB DB SECND: DB DB DB the resulting carry to the two next-higher-order bytes, and so on: 3n Comment DONE: 32AF8A + 84BA90 B76A1A This addition may be performed on the 8080 by adding the two low-order bytes of the numbers, then adding 84 B7 Operand 1A When location DONE is reached, bytes FIRST through. FIRST+2 will contain 1A6AB7, which is the sum shown at the beginning of this section arranged from low-order to high-order byte. =1 The following routine will perform this multibyte addition, making these assumptions: 55 I _j . The car~y (or b~r~ow) bit a'~d th~ SBB (subtract with borrow) instruction may be used to subtract unsigned data quantities of arbitrary length. Consider the following subti<action of two tiivo'byte unsigned hexadecimai numbers: . . . . To perform the deCimal addition: 2985 +4936 7921 1301 -·0503 ODFE 0 the process works as follows: · ( 1) Clear. the Carry and addthe two lowest-order. digits of each number (remember that each 2 decimal digits are . represented by one byte). This subtraction may be p~rformed on the 8080 by subtracting the two low-order bytes of the numbers, then using the resulting carry bit to adjust the difference of the two higher-order bytes if a borrow occurred (by using the S88 instruction) . . 85 = 100001018 36 = 001101108 carry. 0 01101110118 Low.:order subtraction (carry bit = 0 indicating no borrow): / ·~ 00000001 =01 H !!_111101 = -(03H+c1my) 11111110 = OFEH, the low-order result carry out= 0, setting the Carry = 1, indicating a borrow . Auxiliary Carry =:0 Carry= 0 The accumulator now contains BBH. (2) Perform a DAA operation. Since the rightmost four bits are;;;;. 100, 6 will be added to the accumulator. Accumulator 6 High-order subtraction: 00010011 = 13H . 11111010=-(05H+carry) 00001101 = 10111011 B = 01108 11000001 B Since the leftmost 4 bits are now 910, 6 will be added to these bits, setting the Carry bit. carry out= 1, resetting the Carry bit indicating no borrow Accumulator = 11000001 B 6=0110 B. IJ 00100001 B Whenever a borrow has occurred, the S88 instruction increments the subtrahend by one, which is equivalent to borrowing pne from the minuend. "" Carry bit = 1 . The accumulator now contains 21.H. Store these two • digits. a i"n order to create ml.iltibyte subtraction routine, it is necessary oi11y to duplicate the multi byte addition routine of this· settion, changing the ADC instruction to an SB8 instruction. The program will then subtract the· number beginning at SECND from the number beginning at FIRST, placing the result at FIRST. (3) Add the next group of two digits: 29 = 001010018 49 = 010010018 carry = 1 OJ 011100118 DECIMAL ADDrTION 7f Carry = 0 Any 4-bit data quantity may be treated as a decimal number as long as it represents one of the decimal digits from 0 through 9, and does not contain any of the bit patterns representing the hexadecimal digits A through F. In order to preserve this decimal interpretation when performing addition, the value 6 must be added to the 4-bit quantity whenever the addition produces a result between 10 and 15. This is because each 4-bit data quantity can hold 6 more combinations of bits than there are decimal digits. '\ / "..A , . ·1· . C ux1 1ary . arry = 1 The accumulator now contains 73H. (4) Perform a DAA operation. Since the Auxiliary Carry bit is set, 6 will be added to the accumulator. Accumulator = 011100118 6= 01108 01111 oo1 s a "'\carry bit = 0 Decimal addition is performed on the 8080 by letting . each 8-bit byte represent two 4-bit decimal digits. The bytes are summed in the accumulator in standard fashion, and the DAA (decimal adjust accumulator) instruction is then used as in Section 3, to convert the 8-bit binary result to the correct representation of 2 ·decimal digits. The settings of the carry and auxiliary carry bits also affect the operation of the DAA, permitting the addition of decimal .numbers longer than two digits. Since the leftmost 4 bits are <1 0 and the Carry bit is reset, no further action occurs. Thus, the correct decimal result 7921 is generated in two bytes. A routine which adds decimal numbers, then, is exactly analogous to the multi byte addition routine MADD of the last section, and may be produced by inserting the instruction DAA after the ADC M instruction of. that example. 56 Rev. B Each iteration of the program loop will add two decimal digits (one byte) of the numbers. Accumulator = 100110018 0 = 000000008 Carry u DECIMAL SUBTRACTION (4) Each 4-bit data quantity may be treated as a decimal number as long as it represents one of the decimal digits 0 through 9. The OAA (decimal adjust accumulator} instruction may be used to permit subtraction of one byte (representing a 2-digit decimal number) from another, generating a 2-digit decimal result. In fact, the OAA permits subtraction of multidigit decimal numbers. (5) Set the Carry bit = 1 indicating no borrow. (2) Load the accumulator with 99H, representing the number 99 decimal. (3) . Add zero to thq accumulator with carry, producing either 99H or 9AH, and resetting the Carry bit. (4) Subtract the subtrahend digits from the accumulator, producing either the 99's or 1OO's complement. (5) Add the minuend digits to the accumulator. · (6) ;< Carry= 0 / •. Auxiliary Carry = 1 OAA converts accumulator to 96H (since Auxiliary Carry = 1) and leaves Carry bit = 0 indicating that' a borrow occurred. (7) Load accumulator with 99H . (8) .Add zero with carry to accumulator, leaving accumulator= 99H. (9) Subtract the subtrahend digits 13H from the accuml.JIator. Accumulator = 100110018 13H = 111011018 Ill 00001108 Use the OAA instruction to make sure the result in the accumulator is in decimal format, and to indicate a. borrow in the Carry-bit if one occurred. ( 10) Add the minuend digits 43H to the accumulator. Accumulator= 100001108 43H=010000118 .. OJ 110010018 = c9H If there are more digits to subtract, go to step 2. Carry= 0 / Otherwise, stop·. ( 11) .· \ (6) Save this result. (7) Add the minuend digits 58H to the accumulator. Accumulator = 001110008 58H = 010110008 D100100008 = 90H . In detail, the procedure for subtracting one multi-digit decimal from another is as follows: ( 1) Subtract the subtrahend digits 62H from the accumulator. Accumulator = 100110108 !)2'H = 100111108 Il 001110008 . The process consists of generating the. hundred's complement of the subtrahend digit (the difference between the subtrahend digit and 100 decimal), and adding the result to the minuend digit. For instance, to subtract 340 from 560, the hu~dred's complement of 340 ( 1000-340=660) is added to 560, producing 1220, which when truncated to 8 bits gives 220, the correct result. If a borrow was generated by the previous subtraction,. the 99's complement of the subtrahend digit is produced to compensate for the borrow. G 1 100110108 = 9AH 'Example: 43580 - 13620 29960 Set carry = 1. (2) Load accumulator with 99H. I OAA converts accumulator to 29H and sets the carry I bit= 1, indicating no borrow occu~red . Therefore, the result of subtracting 13620 from 43580 is 29960. Perform the decimal subtraction: (1) \Auxiliary Carry = 0 The following subroutine will subtract one 16· digit decimal number from ·another' using the following assumptions: The minuend is stored least significant (2) digits first beginning at location MINU. · The subtrahend is stored least significant (2) digits first beginning at location SBTRA. . (3) · Add zero with carry to the accumulator, producing 9AH. The result will be stored least significant (2) digits first, replacing the minuend. 57 Label Code Oeerand DSUB: LXI LXI D,MINU ; D and E address minuend H,SBTRA ; H and L address subtra; hend ; Each loop subtracts 2 ; digits (one byte), ; therefore program will ; subtract 16 digits. ; Set Carry indicating ; no borrow A, 99H ; Load accumulator ; with 99H. 0 ; Add zero with Carry M ; Produce complement ; of subtrahend ; Switch D and E with ; Hand L M ; Add minuend ; Decimal adjust ; accumulator M,A ; Store result ; Reswitch D and E ; with Hand L ; Done if C = 0 DONE D ; Address next byte ; of minuend H ; Address next byte ; of subtrahend LOOP ; Get next 2 decimal digits MVI STC LOOP: MVI ACI SUB XCHG ADD DAA MOV XCHG DCA JZ INX INX JMP DONE: NOP Label Code FIRST SET SBMAC MACRO Operand Comment . '· OFFH .(. c. a FIRST CALL SUBR IF SET JMP 0 () FIRST OUT SUBR:: OUT: RET NOP END IF ENDM The symbol FIRST is set to FFH, then the macro SBMAC is defined. The first time SBMAC is referenced, the expa·nsion produced will be the following: Code Operand Label SBMAC c FIRST CALL SUBR IF SET JMP FIRST 0 OUT SUBR: RET NOP Since FIRST is non-zero when encountered during this expansion, the statements between the IF and END IF ·are assembled into the program. The first statement thus assembled sets the value of FIRST to 0, while the remaining statements are the necessary subroutine SUBR and a jump around the subroutine. When this portion of the program is executed, the subroutine SUBR will be called, but program execution will not flow into the subroutine's definition. On any subsequent reference to SBMAC in the pro: gram, however, the following expansion will be produced: Label Code Operand OUT: ALTERING MACRO EXPANSIONS This section describes how a macro may be written such that identical references to the macro produce different expansions. As a useful example of this, consider a macro SBMAC which needs to call a subroutine SUBR to perform its function: One way to provide the macro with the necessary subroutine would be to include a separate copy of the subroutine in any program which contains the macro. A better method is to let the macro itself generate the subroutine during the first macro expansion, but skip the generation of the subroutine on any subsequent expansion. This may be accomplished as follows: SBMAC CALL SUBR IF FIRST Since FIRST is now equal to zero, the IF statement ends the macro expansion and does not cause the subroutine to be generated again. The label SUBR is known during this expansion because it was defined globally (followed by two colons in the definition). Consider the following program section which consists of one global set statement and the definition of SBMAC (dashes indicate those assembly language statements necessary to the program, but irrelevant to this discussion): 58 0 When the CPU recognizes an interr~pt request from an external device, the following actions occur: Often, events occur external to.the central processing unit which require immediate action by the CPU. For example, suppose a device is receiving a string of 80 characters from the CPU, one at a time, at fixed intervals. There are two ways to handle such a situation: (a) '( 1) (2) The interrupt enable bit, INTE, is reset= 0. (3) The interrupting device supplies, via hardw11re, one instruction which the CPU executes. This instruction does not appear anywhere in memory. and the programmer has no control over it, since it is a function of the interrupting device's controller design. The program counter is not incremented before this instruction. The instruction supplied by the interrupting device is normally an RST instruction (see Chapter·2), since this is an efficient one byte call to one of 8 eight-byte subroutines located in the first 64 words of memory. For instance,. the teletype may supply the instruction: A program could be written which inputs the first character, waits until the' next character is ready (e.g., executes a timeout by incrementing a sufficiently large· counter), then inputs the next character, and proceeds in this fashion until the entire 80 character string has been received. This method is referred to as programmed Input/ Output. (b) The instruction currently being executed is completed;·· .The device controller could interrupt the CPU when a character is ready to be input, forcing a branch from the executing program to a special interrupt service routine. RST OH The interrupt sequence may be illustrated as follows: with each teletype input interrupt. T~en the subroutine which processes data transmitted from the teletype to the CPU will be called into execution via a~ eight-byte instruction sequence at memory locations OOOO!:f to 0007H. INTERRUPT ,I A digital input device may supply t,he instruction: RST 1H Normal ----------+L------------------~Pr~~~~am~+ ~r<?gram Execution !=xecution Continues Then the subroutine that processes the ~igital input signals will be called via a sequence of instq.Jctions occupying memory locations 0008H to-OOOFH. Transfers Device "a" control to Supplies RST OH Interrupt Service Routine .U l ,I 0000 0007; The 8080 contains a bit named INTE which may be set or reset by the instructions E I and Dl described in Chapter 2. Whenever INTE is equal to 0, the entire interrupt handling system is disabled, and no interrupts will be accepted. Device "b" Supplies RST 1 H Transfers control to .. 0008' OOOF:I . 59 Beginning of subroutine for device "a"· Beginning of subroutine for device "b" Rev. C \ Device "x" Transfers control to 0038] Supplies RST 7H 003F j I I I: For example, suppose a program is interrupted just prior to the instruction: Beginning of subroutine for device "x" JC LOC and the carry bit equals 1. If the interrupt subroutin11 hapc pens to zero the carry bit just before returning to the i'nterl rupted program, the jump to LOC which should have occurl red will not, causing the interrupted program to produce erroneous results. Note that any of these 8-byte subroutines may in turn call longer subroutines to process the interrupt, if necessary. Any device may supply an RST instruction (and indeed may supply any 8080 instruction). The following is an example of an Interrupt sequence: ARBITRARY MEMORY ADDRESS 3COB 3COC INSTRUCTION MOV MOV C,B E,A llntonupt fmm D";" 1 ~ Device 1 supplies RST OH Program Counter= 3COC pushed onto the stack. 0000 ~ A B Control transferred to 0000 0 Instruction 1 Instruction 2 RET ~ Stack popped into program counter Device 1 signals an interrupt as the CPU is executing the instruction at 3COB. This instruction is completed. The program counter. remains set to 3COC, and the instruction RST OH supplied by device 1 is executed. Since this is a call to location zero, 3COC is pushed onto the stack and program control is transferred to location OOOOH. (This subroutine may perform jumps, calls, or any other operation.) When the RETURN is executed, address 3COC is popped off the stack and replaces the contents of the program counter, causing execution to continue at this point. c Like any other subroutine then, any interrupt subroutine should save at least the condition bits.and restore them before performing a RETURN operation. (The obvious and most convenient way to do this is to save the data in the stack, using PUSH and POP operations.) Further, the interrupt enable system is automatically disabled whenever an interrupt is acknowledged. Except in special cases, therefore, an interrupt subroutine sho4.ld include an El instruction somewhere to permit detection and handling of future interrupts. One instruction after an E I is executed, the interrupt subroutine may itself be interrupted. This process may continue to any level, but as long as all pertinent data are saved and restored, correct program execution will continue automatically. WRITING INTERRUPT SUBROUTINES In general, any registers or condition bits changed by an interrupt subroutine must be restored before returning to the interrupted program, or errors will occur. A typical interrupt subroutine, then, could app~~r as. ,. follows: 60 Rev. C u Code Operand PUSH PSW El Comment ; Save condition bits and accumulator ; Re-enable interrupts ; Perform necessary actions to service ; the interrupt POP RET PSW ; Restore machine status ; Return to interrupted program (J 61 '~ 62 ,' This appendix provides a summary. of 8080 assembly language instructions. Abbreviations used are as follows: -, A The accumulator (register A) Bit n o.f the accumulator contents, where n may have any value from 0 to 7 and 0 is the least significant (rightmost) bit 0 0 ADDR Any memory address Aux. carry The auxiliary carry bit Carry The carry bit CODE An operation code DATA 8 bits (one byte) of data DATA 16 16 bits (2 bytes) of data DST Destination register or memory byte EXP A constant or mathematical expression INTE The 8080 interrupt enable flip-flop LABEL:. Any instruction label M A memory byte Parity The parity bit PC Program Counter PCH The most significant 8 bits of the program counter PCL The least significant 8 bits of the program counter REGM Any register or memory byte -·, vi i ·I I REGPR A register pair. Legal register pair symbols are: B for registers B and C 0 for registers 0 and E H for registers H and L SP for the 16 bit stack pointer PSW for register A and flag bits RP1 The first register of register pair RP RP2 The second register of register pair R P Sign The sign bit SP The 16·bit stack pointer register SRC Source register or memory byte Zero The zero bit XY The value obtained by concatenating the values X and Y An optional field enclosed by brackets ( ) Contents of register or memory byte enclosed by parentheses Replace value on lefthand side of arrow wit~ value on righthand side of arrow $ Present contents of program counter CARRY BIT INSTRUCTIONS Format: [LABEL:] CODE DESCRIPTION CODE STC (Carry) +-1 Set carry CMC (Carry) +-(Carry) Complement carry .. j Condition bits affected: Carry SINGLE REGISTER INSTRUCTIONS Format: [LABEL:] [LABEL:] [LABEL:] [LABEL:] INR -orOCR -orCMA -orDAA REGM REGM vii Rev. C CODE r-----------+------D_E_sc_R_I_P_T_Io_N________________________________________ ________ L' INR {REGM) +- (REGM)+1 ·Increment register REGM OCR (REGM) +- (REGM)-1 Decrement register R EGM CMA (A) (A) Complement accumulator DAA If (A 0 -A 3 ) > 9 or(Aux.Carry)=1, Convert accumulator (A) (A)+6 contents to form +- +- Then if (A 4 -A 7 ) 1 > 9 or(Carry)= (A) = (A) + 6 • 2 Condition bits affected: INR,DCR CMA DAA 4 _,I two decimal digits Zero, sign, parity, aux. carry None Zero, sign, parity, carry, aux. carry NOP INSTRUCTION Format: [LABEL:) [ CODE L___ N __ o_P______ NOP DESCRIPTION ~ ______N __ o_o_p_er_a_ti_o_n____________________ ~--------------------------------~ Condition bits affected: None DATA TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS Format: [LABEL:) MOV -orCODE [LABEL:) DST,SRC REGPR NOTE: SRC and DST not both = M NOTE: RP = B or D CODE DESCRIPTION MOV (DST) STAX LDAX () (SRC) Load register DST from register SRC (A) Store accumulator. at memory location referenced by the specified register pair +- ((REGPR)) Load accumulator from memory location referenced by the specified register pair +- ((REGPR)) +- (A) Condition bits affected: None viii Rev. C REGISTER OR MEMORY TO ACCUMULATOR INSTRUCTIONS Format: [LABEL:) CODE REGM CODE DESCRIPTION ADD (A) ~ (A)+(REGM) Add REGM to accumulator ADC (A) ~ (A)+(R EGM)+(Carry) Add REGM to accumulator with carry SUB (A) ~ (A)-(REGM) Subtract REGM from accumulator SBB (A) ~ (A)-( A EGM)-(Carry) Subtract REGM from accumulator with.. borrow ANA (A) ~ (A) AND (REGM) AND accumulator with REGM XRA (A) ~ (A) XOR (REGM) EXCLUSIVE-ORaccumulator with REGM ORA (A) ~ (A) OR (REGM) OR accumulator with REGM CMP Condition bits set by (A)-(REGM) Compare REGM with accumulator Condition bits affected: ADD, ADC, SUB, SBB: Carry, Sign, Zero, Parity, Aux. Carry ANA, XRA, ORA: Sign, Zero, Parity. Carry and Aux. Carry are reset. CMP: Carry, Sign, Zero, Parity, Aux. Carry. Zero set if (A)=(REGM) Zero reset if (A)* (REGM) Carry set if (A)< (REGM) Carry reset if (A) ;;?; (A EGM) Note: CMP treats (A) and (REGM) as unsigned 8-bit quantities. ROTATE ACCUMULATOR INSTRUCTIONS Format: [LABEL:) CODE . CODE DESCRIPTION ALC (Carry) ~ A 7, An+ I• ~An, A 0 ~ A 7 Set Carry = A 7 , rotate accumulator left ARC (Carry) ~ Ao. An ~An+!• A7 ~Ao Set Carry = A 0 , rotate accumulator right RAL An+ 1 ~An, (Carry)~ A 7, A 0 ~(Carry) Rotate accumulator left through the Carry RAR An ~An+ I• (Carry)~ A 0 , A7 .,.._(Carry) Rotate accumulator right through Carry Condition bits affected: Carry ix Rev. C REGISTER PAIR INSTRUCTIONS Format: [LABEL:) REGPR CODE1 -orCODE2 [LABEL:) NOTE: For PUSH and POP, R EGPR=B, D, H, or PSW For DAD, INX, and DCX, REGPR=B, D, H, or SP CODE1 DESCRIPTION PUSH ((SP)-1) ~ ~ (REGPR1), ((SP)-2) (REGPR2), (SP) (REGPR1) POP (J ~ ~ ((SP)), (SP) ~ Save REGPR on the stack (SP)-2 R EGPR•PSW saves accumulator and condition bits ((SP)+1). (REGPR2) ~ (SP)+2 Restore R EGPR from the stack R EGPR•PSW restores accumulator and condition bits DAD (HL) +- (HL) + (REGPR) Add REGPR to the 16-bit number in Hand L INX (REGPR) +- (REGPR)+1 Increment REGPR by 1 DCX (REGPR) +- (REGPR)-1 . Decrement REGPR by 1 CODE2 DESCRIPTION XCHG (H) +-+(D), (L) +-+(E) Exchange the 16 bit number in H and l with that in D and E XTHL (L) +--+ ((SP)), (H)+--+ ((SP)+1) Exchange the last values saved in the stack with H and L SPHL (SP) +- (H):(L) Load stack pointer from H and L .. : - Condition bits affected: PUSH, INX, DCX, XCHG, XTHL, SPHL: None POP : If REGPR=PSW, all condition bits are restored from the stack, otherwise none are affected .. DAD : Carry IMMEDIATE INSTRUCTIONS Format: [LABEL:) [LABEL:] [LABEL:] (J REGPR, DATA16 LXI -orMVI -orCODE REGM, DATA REGM NOTE: REGPR=B,D,H,orSP X I. Rev.C CODE DESCRIPTION LXI (REGPR) +-DATA 16 Move 16-bit immediate Data into REGPR MVI (REGM) +-DATA Move immediate DATA into REGM ADI (A) +-(A)+ DATA Add immediate data to accumulator ACI (A) +-(A)+ DATA+ (Carry) Add immediate data to accumulator. with Carry SUI . " (A) +-(A) -DATA 0 , -Subtract immediate data from-accumulator SBI (A) +-(A) -DATA- (Carry) Subtract immediate data from accumulator with borrow ANI (A) +-(A) AND DATA AND accumulator with immediate data XAI (A) +-(A) XOR DATA EXCLUSIVE-OR accumulator with immediate data ORI (A) +-(A) OR DATA OR accumulator with immediate data CPI Condition bits set by (A)-DATA Compare immediate data with accumulator Condition bits affected: LXI, MVI: None ADI, ACI, SUI, SBI: Carry, Sign, Zero, Parity, Aux. Carry ANI, XRI, ORI: Zero, Sign, Parity. Carry and Aux. Carry are reset. CPI: Carry, Sign, Zero, Parity, Aux. Carry. Zero set if (A) = DATA * Zero reset if (A) OAT A Carry set if (A) < DATA Carry reset if (A) ~ OAT A Note: CPI treats (A) and OAT A as unsigned 8-bit quantities. DIRECT ADDRESSING INSTRUCTIONS Format: [LABEL:) CODE ADDR CODE DESCRIPTION STA (ADDR) +- (A) Store accumulator at location ADD A LOA (A) +- (ADDR) Load accumulator from location ADDR SHLD (ADDR) +- (L). (ADDR+1) +-(H) Store Land H at ADDR and ADDR+1 LHLD (L) +- (ADDR). (H) +- (ADDR+!) Load L and H from ADDR and ADDR+1 Condition bits affected: None JUMP-INSTRUCTIONS Format: [LABEL:) [LABEL:) PCHL -orCODE ADDR xi Rev. C c~ CODE DESCRIPTION PCHL (PC) +-(HLI Jump to location specified by register H and L JMP (PC) +-ADDR Jump to location ADDR JC If (Carry) If (Carry) = 1, (PC) +- ADDR = 0, (PC) +- (PC)+3 Jump to ADDR if Carry set If (Carry) If (Carry) = 0, (PC) +-ADDR = 1, (PC) +- (PC)+3 Jump to ADDR if Carry reset If (Zero) If (Zero) = 1, (PC) +- ADDR = 0, (PC) +- (PC)+3 Jump to ADD R if Zero set If (Zero) If (Zero) = 0, (PC) +- ADDR = 1, (PCI +- (PCI-+;3 Jump to ADD R if Zero reset If (Sign) If (Sign)' = 0, (PC) +- ADDR = 1, (PC) +-(PC)+3 Jump to ADDR if plus If (Sign) If (Sign) = 1, (PC) +-ADDR = 0, (PC) +- (PCI+3 Jump to ADDR if minus .. JNC JZ JNZ JP JM JPE JPO 0 If (Parity) = 1, (PC) +- ADDR If (Parity) = 0, (PC) +- (PCI+3 Jump to ADDR if parity even If (Parity) = 0, (PC) +- ADDR If (Parity) = 1, (PC) +-(PC)+3 Jump to ADDR if parity odd Condition bits affected: None CALL INSTRUCTIONS Format: CODE CALL cc -0 [LABEL: I CODE DESCRIPTION ADDR ((SP)-1 I +- (PCH), ((SP)-2) +- (PCL), (SP) +- (SP) -2, (PC) +- ADDR Call subroutine and push return address onto stack If (Carry)= 1, ((SPI-11 +-(PCHI, ((SPI-21 +-(PCL), (SPI +- (SPI ...:2,(PCI +-ADDR If (Carry) = 0, (PC) +- (PC)+3 Call·subroutine if Carry set CNC If (Carry) = 0, ((SP)-1 I +- (PCH). ((SPI-21 +- (PCLI, (SP) +- (SP) -2, (PC) +- ADDR If (Carry)= 1, (PC) +- (PC)+3 Call subroutine if Carry reset cz If (Zero)= 1, ((SPI-11 +- (PCH), ((SPI-21 +- (PCLI. (SP) +- (SP) -2,(PC) +- ADDR If (Zero) = 0, (PC) +-(PC)+3 Call subroutine if Zero set CNZ If (Zero)= 0, ((SPI-11 +- (PCHI, ((SPI-21 +- (PCLI, (SPI +- (SPI -2,(PCI +- ADDR If (Zero)= 1, (PC) +- (PC)+3 Call subroutine if Zero reset CP If (Sign)= 0, ((SPI-11 +- (PCHI. ((SPI-21 +- (PCLI, (SPI +- (SPI -2. (PC) +- ADDR · If (Sign)= 1, (PC) +- (PC)+3 Call subroutine if Sign plus CM If (Sign) = 1, ((SPI-11 +- (PCHI, ((SP)-2) +- (PCLI, (SP) +- (SPI -2, (PC) +- ADDR If (Sign)= 0, (PC) +- (PC)+3 Call subroutine if Sign minus CPE lf(Parity) = 1, ((SPI -11 +-(PCHI, ((SPI-21 +-(PCL), (SPI +-(SP)-2,(PC):+-ADDR If (Parity) = 0, (PC) +- (PC)+3 Call subroutine if Parity even CPO If (Parity) = 0, ((SP)-1 I +- (PCH). ((SPI-21 +- (PCLI, (SPI +- (SP) -2,(PCI +- ADDR If (Parity) = 1, (PC) +- (PC)+3 Call subroutine if Parity odd Condition bits affected: None xii Rev. C RETURN INSTRUCTIONS Format: [LABEL:] CODE CODE DESCRIPTION RET (PCL) +-((SP)). (PCH) +-((SP)+l), (SP) +-(SP)+2 Return from subroutine RC If (Carry)= 1, (PCL) +-((SP)), (PCH) +-((SP)+l), (SP) +-(SP) +2 If (Carry) = 0, (PC) +- (PC)+1 Return if Carry set RNC If (Carry) = 0, (PCL) +- ((SP)). (PCH) +- ((SP)+1 ), (SP) +- (SP)+2 If (Carry)= 1, (PC)+- (PC)+1 Return if Carry reset RZ If (Zero)= 1, (PCL) +-((SP)), (PCH) +-((SP)+1), (SP) +-(SP)+2 If (Zero) = 0, (PC) +- (PC)+1 Return if Zero set RNZ If (Zero) = 0, (PCL) +- ((SP)), (PCH) +- ((SP)+1 ), (SP) +- (SP) +- (SP)+2 If (Zero)= 1, (PC)+- (PC)+1 Return if Zero reset AM If (Sign)= 1, (PCL) +-((SP)), (PCH) +-((SP)+1), (SP) +-(SP)+2 If (Sign) = 0, (PC) +- (PC)+1 Return if minus RP If (Sign) = 0, (PCL) +- ((SP)). (PCH) +- ((SP)+1 ), (SP) +- (SP)+2 If (Sign) = 1, (PC) +- (PC)+ 1· Return if plus APE If (Parity) = 1, (PCL) +-((SP)), (PCH) +-((SP)+1), (SP) +-(SP)+2 If (Parity) = 0, (PC) +- (PC)+1 Return if parity even RPO If (Parity) = 0, (PCL) +- ((SP)). (PCH) +- ((SP)+1 ), (SP) +- (SP)+2 If (Parity) = 1, (PC)+- (PC)+1 Return if parity odd .0 ' ' Condition bits affected: None 0 RST INSTRUCTION Format: [LABEL:] RST EXP NOTE: OOOB ,;;;; EXP,;;;; 111 B CODE DESCRIPTION RST ((SP)-1) +- (PCH), ((SP)-2) +- (PCL), (SP) +- (SP) -2 (PC) ~ OOOOOOOOOOEXPOOOB Call subroutine at address specified by EXP Condition bits affected: None I~TERRUPT FLIP-FLOP INSTRUCTIONS Format: [LABEL:] CODE CODE DESCRIPTION El (INTEl +-1 Enable the interrupt system Dl (INTEl +-0 Disable the interrupt system 0 Condition bits affected: None xiii Rev. B ·INPUT/OUTPUT 11\iSTRUCTIONS · .. Format: I -I ·' c I [l.ABEL:] CODE CODE. DESCRIPTION IN (A) OUT output device +- ,I EXP ... .. input device +- Read a byte from device EXP into the accumulator (A) Send the accumulator contents to device EXP Condition bits affected: None HL T INSTRUCTION Format: [LABEL:] CODE HLT DESCRIPTION HLT Instruction execution halts until an interrupt occurs Condition bits affected: None PSEUDO - INSTRUCTIONS ORG PSEUDO - INSTRUCTION 0 I F=ormat: ORG EXP CODE DESCRIPTION ORG LOCATION COUNTER +- EXP Set Assembler location counter to EXP "- EOU PSEUDO - INSTRUCTION Format: NAME EOU CODE DESCRIPTION EOU NAME +- EXP EXP Assign the value EXP to the symbol NAME SET PSEUDO- INSTRUCTION Format: NAME SET CODE DESCRIPTION SET NAME +- EXP EXP Assign the value EXP to the symbol NAME, which may have been previously SET. xiv END PSEUDO - INSTRUCTION Format: END - CODE DESCRIPTION END End the assembly I !l CONDITIONAL ASSEMBlY PSEUDO - INSTRUCTIONS Format: IF EXP -andENDIF CODE DESCRIPTION IF If EXP = 0, ignore assembler statements until END IF is reached. Otherwise, continue assembling statements ENDIF End range of preceding IF i : MACRO DEFINITION PSEUDO - INSTRUCTIONS Format: NAME MACRO LIST -andENDM CODE DESCRIPTION MACRO Define a macro named NAME with parameters LIST ENDM End Macro definition TITLE PSEUDO- INSTRUCTION Format: TITLE 'STRING' CODE DESCRIPTION TITLE Define 'title' to appear beneath page header. XV Rev. C / l__) . This appendix summarizes the bit patterns and number of time states associated with every 8080 CPU instruction. . The instructions are listed in both mnemonic (alphabetical) and operation code (numerical) sequence.- . When using this summary, note the following symbology: DDD represents a destination register. SSS represents a source registeL Both DDD and SSS a·re interpreted as follows:· . 1) DOD or SSS Interpretation 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 (J Register B Register C Register D Register E Register H Register L A memory register The accumulator Instruction execution time equals number of time periods multiplied by the duration of a time period. 2) A time period may vary from 480 nanosecs to 2 J1sec. Where two numbers of time periods are shown (eq. 5/11 ), it means that the smaller number of time periods will be required if a condition is not met, and the larger number of time periods will be required if the condition is met. MNEMONIC o, 06 Ds 04 03 02 Dl Do CALL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 cc CNC cz ,. ·.• CNZ CP CM CPE CPO RET RC RNC RZ RNZ RP RM RPE RPO .- 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NUMBER OF TIME PERIODS 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' ' 00 . 17 11/17 11/17 11/17 11/17 11/17 11/17 11/17 11/17 10 5/11 5/11 5/11 5/11 5/11 5/11 5/11 5/11 -, ·~· xvi. • Rev. C ,o;' ._ ':··· . ' MNEMONIC 07 06 RST IN OUT LXIB LXID LXIH LXI SP PUSH B PUSH D PUSH H PUSH PSW POP B POP D POPH POP PSW STA LOA XCHG XTHL SPHL PCHL DAD B DADO DAD H DAD SP STAX B STAX D LDAX B LDAX D INX B INX D INX H INX SP MOVr 1 ,r 2 MOV M, r MOV r, M HLT MVI r MVI M INA DCA INA A DCA A INA M DCA M ADD r ADCr SUB r SBB r AND r XRAr ORAr CMPr ADDM ADCM 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·"--- Ds A 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 D 1 D 1/ D 1 D D 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 04 03 02 Dl. Do A 1 1 0 1 .0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 D 1 D 1 D 1 D D 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 A 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 D 0 D 0 D 0 D D 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 I 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s s 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s 1 1 1 1 0 0 xvii s s NUMBER OF TIME PERIODS 11 10 . 10" . 0 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 13 13 4 18 5 •5 10 10 10 10 7 7 7 7 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 10 5 5 5 5 10 10 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 7 7 Rev. B MNEMONIC D7 D6 Ds D4 . D3 SUB M SBB M ANDM XRAM ORAM. CMPM ADI ACI SUI SBI ANI XAI ORI CPI RLC ARC RAL RAR JMP JC JNC JZ JNZ JP JM JPE JPO. 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 .1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 ·' 1 1 1 :1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 - u DCX B DCXD D9)(H DCXSP CMA " STC CMC DAA SHLD LHLD El . I .. ~1 ~I • Dl NOP _, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 .• 0 0 0 0 0 " 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 o· 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 l D2 Dt Do 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1. 0 xviii NUMBER OF TIME PERIODS 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ' I 4 4 4 4 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5· 5 5- 4 4 4 4 16 16 4 4 .4 . - ' . '. u 8080 CPU INSTRUCTIONS IN OPERATION CODE SEQUENCE OP CODE MNEMONIC NOP LXI STAX INX INA OCR MVI RLC 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA 08 8,016 8 8 8 8 8,08 --- DAD LDAX DCX INA OCR MVI ARC --LXI STAX INX INA OCR MVI RAL --DAD LDAX DCX INA OCR MVI RAR oc OD OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 18 1C 10 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 08 OP CODE MNEMONIC 8 8 8 c c C,DS 0,016 D D D D 0,08 D D D E E E,DS --- LXI SHLD INX INA OCR MVI DAA H,D16 Adr H H H H,DS --DAD H LHLD Adr = 28 2C 20 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 38 3C 30 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 48 4C 40 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 DCX INA OCR MVI CMA H L L L,DS --- LXI SP,D1E STA Adr INX SP INA M OCR M MVI M,DS STC --- DAD LOA DCX INR OCR MVI CMC MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV SP Adr SP A A A,DS 8,8 B,C 8,0 B,E B,H B,L B,M B,A C,B C,C C,D C,E C,H C,L C,M C,A 0,8 D,C D,D D;E D,H D,L .OP CODE MNEMONIC 56 57 58 59 SA 58 5C 50 5E SF 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 68 6C 60 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 78 7C 70 7E 7F 80 MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV' MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV HLT MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV' MOV MOV MOV ADD D,M D,A E,B E,C E,D E,E E,H E,L E,M E,A H,B H,C H,D H,E H,H H,L H,M H,A L,B L,C L,D L,E L,H L,L L,M L,A M,B M,C M,D M,E M,H M,L OP CODE MNEMONIC 81 82 8~ 84 85 86 87 88 89 SA 88 ac 80 BE SF 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 : 9A 98 9C 90 9E 9F AO A1 · A2 A3 A4 AS A6 A7 AS· A9 AA AB M,A A,B A,C A,D A,E; A,H A,L A,M A,A 8 constant, or logical/arithmetic expression that evaluates, to an 8 bit data quantity. 016 ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADC ADC ADC ADC ADC ADC ADC ADC SUB SUB SUB SUB SUB SUB SUB SUB SBB SBB SBB. SBB SBB SBB SBB SBB ANA ANA ANA ANA ANA ANA ANA ANA XRA XRA XRA XRA = OP CODE MNEMONIC c AC AD AE AF 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 BA 88 BC BD BE SF D E H L M A 8 c D E H L M A 8 c D E H L M A 8 c D E H L M A 8 c D E H L M A 8 c D E - XRA XRA XRA XRA ORA ORA ORA ORAORA ORA ORA ORA CMP CMP CMP CMP CMP CMP CMP CMP co RNZ 'C1 POP C2 JNZ C3 JMP C4 CNZ C5 PUSH C6 ADI C7 RST ca RZ . C9 RET CA JZ CB - -- cc cz CD CE CF DO 01 02 03 04 05 06 H L M A 8 OP CODE ! MNEMONI~ 07 f3SJ: 2 I ! 08 RC 09 -- DA JC Adr DB IN Adr DC cc I I DO - - DE SBI D~ OF RST 3 ; EO RPO E1 POP H I E2 Jf?.0 Adrl E3 XTHL E4 CPO Adr E5 PUSH H E6 ANI D~ E7 RST 4 ES APE E9 PCHL EA JPE Aqr EB XCHG i EC CPE Adr I ED ·-"':.-I EE XAI 08 EF RST 5 i I FO RP 1 F1 POP Psw; F2 JP A& l F3 Dl I F4 CP AdrI F5 PUSH.PSW! F6 ORI 08 F7 RSJ 6 FS RM F9 SPHL FA JM Adr FB El FC CM Adr FD FE CPi 08 FF · RST 7 .. oa c D E H L M A 8 I l c D E H L M A I 8 Adr Adr Adr 8 08 0 Adr •Adr Adr CALL ACI · 08 RST 1 RNC POP D Adr JNC OUT 08 CNC AdrPUSH D SUI 08 ~ constant, or logical/arithmetic expression that evaluates to a 16 bit data quantity. Adr = 16-bit address. x_ix Rev. C l) . ' The 8080 uses the seven-bit ASCII code, with the. high-order eighth bit (parity bit) always reset. GRAP.HIC OR CONTROL (j NUL SOH STX ETX EOT ENQ ACK BEL BS HT LF VT FF CR so Sl OLE DC1 (X-ON) DC2 (TAPE) DC3 (X-OFF) DC4 fFAP8 NAK SYN ETB CAN EM SUB ESC FS GS RS ASCII (HEXADECIMAL) GRAPHIC OR CONTROL us 00 01 02 03 SP ,: # '04 05 06 07 08 09 OA OB $ % & I ( ) * + oc OD OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 18 1C 10 1E ASCII (HEXADECIMAL) 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 20 I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 < XX 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C GRAPHIC OR CONTROL > ? @ A B c D E F G H I J K L M N 0 p 0 R s T u v w X y z [ \ 1 /\ (t) ASCII (HEXADECIMAL) GRAPHIC OR CONTROL 30 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 48 4C 40 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 58 5C 50 5E (+--) \ a b c d e f g h j k I m n 0 p q ASCII (HEXADECIMAL) 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 68 6C 60 6E 6F 70 71 0 72 s u v w X y z { I } (ALT MODE) DEL (RUB OUT) 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 78 7C 70 7E -7F 0 .. 0 MJCi (j _, . . ( xxii . 0 POWERS 0 F TWO 1 2 4 8 0 1 2 3 1.0 0.5 0.25 0.125 16 32 64 128 4 5 6 7 0.062 0.031 0.015 0.007 256 8 0.003 512 9 0.001 1 024 10 0.000 2 048 11 0.000 1 2 4 9 5 25 625 812 5 906 953 976 488 25 125 562 5 281 25 4 8 16 32 096 192 384 768 12 13 14 15 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 244 122 061 030 140 070 035 517 625 312 5 156 25 578 125 65 131 262 524 536 072 144 288 16 17 18 19 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 015 007 003 001 258 629 814 907 789 394 697 348 062 531 265 632 5 25 625 812 5 1 2 4 8 048 097 194 388 576 152 304 608 20 21 22 23 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000·953 000 476 000 238 000 119 674 837 418 209 316 158 579 289 406 203 101 550 25 125 562 5 781 25 16 33 67 134 268 536 1 073 2 147 777 554 108 217 435 870 741 483 216 432 864 728 456 912 824 648 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 059 029 014 007 003 001 000 000 604 802 901 450 725 862 931 465 644 322 161 580 290 645 322 661 775 387 193 596 298 149 574 287 390 695 847 923 461 230 615 307 625 312 656 828 914 957 478 739 5 25 125 062 031 515 257 5 25 625 812 5 0 4 8 17 34 294 589 179 359 967 934 869 738 296 592 184 368 32 33 34 35 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 232 116 058 029 830 415 207 103 643 321 660 830 653 826 913 456 869 934 467 733 628 814 407 703 906 453 226 613 25 125 562 5 281 25 68 137 274 549 719 438 877 755 476 953 906 813 736 472 944 aaa 36 37 38 39 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 ooo· 000 000 000 ooo 014 007 003 .oo1 551 275 637 818 915 957 978 989 228 614 807 403 366 183 091 545 851 425 712 856 806 903 951 475 640 320 660 830 625 312 5 156 25 078 125 1 2 4 8 099 199 398 796 511 023 046 093 627 255 511 022 776 552 104 208 40 41 42 43 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 909 454 227 113 494 7.47 373 686 701 350 675 837 772 886 443 721 928 464 232 616 237 118 059 029 915 957 478 739 039 519 759 379 062 531 765 882 5 25 625 812 5 17 35 70 140 592 184 368 737 186 372 744 488 044 088 177 355 416 832 664 328 44 45 46 47 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 056 028 014 007 843 421 210 105 418 709 854 427 860 430 715 357 808 404 202 601 014 007 003 001 869 434 717 858 689 844 422 711 941 970 485 242 406 703 351 675 25 125 562 5 781 25 281 474 562 949 1 125 899 2 251 799 976 953 906 813 710 421 842 685 656 312 624 248 48 49 50 51 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 003 001 000 000 552 776 888 444 713 356 1'78 089 678 839 419 209 800 400 700 850 500 250 125 062 929 464 232 616 355 677 3B8 169 621 810 905 452 337 668 334 667 890 945 4 72 236 625 312 5 656 25 328 125 4 9 18 36 503 007 014 028 599 199 398 797 627 254 509 018 370 740 481 963 496 992 984 968 52 53 54 55 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 222 111 055 027 044 022 511" 755 604 302 151 575 925 462 231 615 031 515 257 628 308 654 827 913 084 042 021 510 726 363 181 590 333 166 583 791 618 809 404 702 164 082 541 270 062 031 015 507 5 25 625 812 5 72 144 288 576 057 115 230 460 594 188 376 752 037 075 151 303 927 855 711 423 936 872 744 488 56 57 58 59 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 013 006 003 001 877 938 469 734 787 893 446 723 807 903 951 475 814 907 953 976 456 228 614 807 755 377 188 094 295 647 823 411 395 697 848 924 851 925 962 481 135 567 783 391 253 676 813 906 906 950 476 738 25 125 562 5 281 25 152 305 611 223 921 843 686 372 504 009 018 036 606 213 427 854 846 693 387 775 976 952 904 808 60 61 62 63 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 867 433 216 108 361 680 840 420 737 868 434 217 988 994 497 248 403 201 100 550 547 773 886 443 205 602 801 400 962 981 490 745 240 120 560 280 695 347 173 086 953 976 988 994 369 684 342 171 140 570 285 142 xxiii 625 312 5 156 25 578 125 TABLE OF POWERS OF SIXTEEN 10 16-n n 0.10000 00000 00000 00000 X 10 16 0 1 0.62500 00000 00000 00000 X 10- 1 256 2 0.39062 50000 00000 00000 X 10- 2 4 096 3 0.24414 06250 00000 00000 X 10- 3 65 536. 4 0.15258 78906 25000 00000 X 10-4 1 048 576 . 5 0.95367 43164 06250 00000 X 10-6 777 216 6 0.59604 64477 53906 25000 X 10- 7 268 . 435 456 7 0.37252 90298 .·. 46191 40625 X 10-8 4 294 967 296 8 0.23283 06436 - 53869 62891 X 10-9 68 719 476 736 9' 0.14551 91522 83668 51807 X 10- 10 099 511 627 776 10 0.90949, '47017 72928 23792. X 10- 12 592 ·. 186 044 416 11 0.56843- 41886 08080 14870 X 10- 13 281 474 976 710 656 12 0.35527 - ·13678 80050 09294 X 10- 14 4 503 599 627 370 496- ._ 13 0.22204 '46049 25031 30808 X 10- 15 72 057 594 037 927 936 14 . 0.13877 78780 78144 56755 X 10- 16 1 52· 921 504 606 846 976 15 0.86736 . 17379 88403 54721 X 10- 18 16 17 TABLE OF POWERS OF TEN IN BASE 16 10-n n u 0 1.0000 0000 0000 0000 A 1 0.1999 9999 .· 9999 999A 64 2 0.28F5 C28F 5C28 F5C3 X 16- 1 3E8 3 0.4189 3748 C6A7 EF9E X 16- 2 2710 4 0.6808 88AC 710C 8296 X 16- 3 1 86AO 5 O.A7C5 AC47 1847 8423 X 16-4 F 4240 6' 0.10C6 F7AO 85EO 8037 X 16-4 98 9680 7 0.1 AD7 F29A 8CAF 4858 x 16- 5 5F5 E100 8 0.2AF3 1DC4 6118 738F X 16-6 389A CAOO 9 0.4488 2FAO 985A 52CC X 16-7 2 5408 E400 10 0.60F3 7F67 SEF6 EAOF X 16-8 17 4876 E800 11 O.AFE8 FF08 C824 AAFF X 16-9 E8 04A5 1000 12 9981 2QEA · 1119 -. 0.1197· x. 16-9 - 16-IO 918 4E72 AOOO 13 0.1C25 C268 4976 81C2 X 5AF3 107A 4000 14 3700 4:257 3604 X 3 · 807E A4C6 8000 15 0.2009 . 0.480E • 8E78 9058 5660 X 16- 11 · 16:_ 12 23 8652 6FC1 0000 16 0.734A CA5F 6226 FOAE X 16- 13 163 4578 508A 0000 17 0.8877 AA32 36A4 8449 X 16- 14 OEO- 8683 A764 0000 18 0.1272 5001 0243 A8A1 X 16- 14 2304 89E8 0000 19 -0.1083 C94F 8602 AC35 X 16- 15 8AC7 xxiv Rev. C HEXADECIMAL-DECIMAL INTEGER CONVERSION The table below provides for direct conversions between· hexadecimal integers in the range 0-FFF and decimal integers in the range 0-4095. For conversion of larger integers, the table values may be added to the following figures: 0 1 000 010 020 030 0000 0016 0032 0048 0001 00 17.· 0033 0049 040' 050 060 070 0064 0080 0096 0112 ; Hexadecimal Decimal 01 000 02 000 03 000 04 000 05000 06 000 07 000 08 000 09 000 OA 000 08 000 oc 000 OD 000 OE 000 OF 000 10 000 11 000 12 000 13 000 14 000 15 000 16 000 17 000 18 000 19 000 · 1A 000 18 000 1C 000 10 000 . 1 E 000 1 F 000 4 096 8 192 12 288 16 384 20 480 24 576 28 672 32 768 36 864 40 960 . 45 056 49 152 53 248 57 344 61 440 65 536 69 632 73 728 77 824 81 920 86 016 90 112 94 208 98 304 102 400 106496· 110 592 114 688 118 784 122 880 .126 976 Hexadecimal 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 AO 80 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 co 000 DO 000 EO 000 FO 000 100 000 200 000 300 000 400 000 ' 500 000 600 000 700 000 800 000 900 000 AOO 000 BOO 000 coo 000 DOO 000 EOO 000 FOO 000 1 000 000 2 000 000 131 072 196 608 262 144 327 680 393 216 458 752 524 288 589 824 655 360 720 896 786 432 851 968 917 504 983 040 1 048 576 2 097 152 3 145 728 4 194 304 5 242 880 6 291 456 7 340 032 8 388 608 9 437 184 10485760 11 534 336 12 582 912 13 631 488 14 680 064 15 728 640 16 777 216 33 554 432 F 0059 0012 0028 0044 0060 0013 0029; 0045 0061 0014 0030 0046 0062 0015 0031 0047 0063 0073 0089 0105 0121 0074 0075 0090 0091 0106 . 0107 0122 0123 0076 0092 ·0108 0124 0077 0093 0109 0125 0078 0094 0110 0126 0079 0095 011'1 0127 0136 0152 0168 0184 ' 0137 0153 0169 0185 0138 0154 0170 0186 0139 0155 0171 0187 0140 . 0156 0172 0188 0141 0157 0173 0189 0142 0158 0174 0190, 0143 0159 0175 0191 0200 0216 0232 0248 0201 0202 0203 0217 0218 0219 0233 0234 . 0235 0249 . 0250 0251 0204 0220 0236 0252 0205 0221 0237 02.53 0206 0222 0238 0254 0207 0223 0239 0255 8 9 A 0034 0050 0004 0020 0035. 0036 0051 . . 0052 0005 0021 0037 0053 0006 0022 0038 0054 0007 0023 0039 0055 0008 0024 0040 0056 0009 0025 0041 0057 0010 0026 0042 0058 0065 0081 0097 0113 0066 0082 0098 0114 0067 0083 0099 0115 0069 0085 0101 0117 0070 0086 0102 0118 0071 0087 0103 0119 0072 0088 0104 0120 080 0128 090· 0144 OAO 0160 080 0176 0129 0145 0161 0177 0130 0146 . 0162., 0178, 0131 0147 0163 0179 0132. 0133 0148 '0149 0164 0165 0180 0181 0134 0150 0166 OJ82 0135 0151 0167 0183 oco 0193 0209 0225 0241 0194 0210: 0226 0242 0195 . 0196 0211 0212 0227· 0228 0244 0.243 ODO OEO OFO 0192 0208 0224 0240 0002 0003 . 0018. 0019 0068 . 0084 0100 0116 0197 . 0198 0199 0213 0214 . 0215 0229 0230 0231 0245 0246 0247 XXV '0 E 7' 4 r D 6 3 ~ c 5 2 0 Decimal B 0011 0027 0043 ·. HEXADECIMAL-DEC IMAL INTEGER CONVERSION (Cont'd) 100 110 I 120 130 0 0256 0272 0288 0304 1 0257 0273 0289 0305 2 0258 0274 0290 0306 3 0259 0275 0291 0307 4 0260 0276 0292 0308 5 0261 0277 0293 0309 6 0262 0278 0294 0310 7 0263 0279 0295 0311 8 0264 0280 0296 0312 9 0265 0281 0297 0313 A 0266 0282 0298 03.14 8 0267 0283 0299 0315 c 0 0268 0284 0300 0316 0269 0285 0301 ··0317 140 150 160 170 0320 0336 0352 0368 0321 0337 0353 0369 0322 0338 0354 0370 0323 0339 0355 0371 0324 0340 0356 0372 0325 0341 0357 0373 0326 0342 0358 0374 0327 0343 0359 0375 0328 0344 0360 0376 0329 0345 0361 0377 0330 0346 0362 0378 0331 0347 0363 0379 0331 0348 0364 0380 Q333 ·0334 0335 i0349 0350 0351 0365 0366 0367 0381 0382 0383 180 . 0384 190 0400 1AO 0416 .J 180 0432 0385 0401 0417 0433 0386 0402 0418 0434 0387 0403 0419 0435 0388 0404 0420 0436 0389 0405 0421 0437 0390 0406 0422 0438 0391 0407 0423 0439 0392 0408 0424 04.40 0393 0409 0425 0441 0394 0410 0426 0442 0395 0411 0427 0443 0396 0412 0428 0444 0397 0413 ,0429 0445 1CO lEO 1FO 0448 0464 0480 0496 0449 0465 0481 0497 0450 0466 0482 :0498 0451' 0467. 0483 0499. 0452 0468 0484 0500 0453 0469 0485 0501 0454 0470 0486 0502 0455 0471 0487 0503 0456 . 0472 0488 0504 0457" 0473 0489 0505 0458 0474 0490 0506 0459 0475 0491 0507 0460 0476 0492 0508 P461 0462 0463 ,0477 •0478 0479 0493 0494 0495 0509 . J 0510 0511 200 210" 22p 230 . 0512 0528 0544 0560 0513 0529 0545 0561 0514 0530 0546 0562 0515 0531 0547 0563 0516 0532 0548 0564 0517 0533 0549 0565 0518 0534 0550 0566 0519 0535 0551 0567 0520 0521 0536 0537 . 0552 0553 0568 . 0569 0522 0538 0554 0570 0523 0539 0555 0571 0524 0525 0540 0541· 0556 0557. 0~72 0573 .0526 0542 0558 0574 0527 0543 0559 0575 0576 0592 0608 0624 0577 0593 0609 0625 0578 0594 0610 0626 0579 0595 0611 0627 0580 0596 0612 0628 0581 . 0582 0583 0584 0597 0598 0599. . 0600 0613 0614 0615 0616 0629 0630 0631 0632 0585 060.1 0617. 0633 0586. 0602 0618 0634 0587 0603 0619 0635 0588 0604 0620 0636 0589 0605 0621 0637 0590 0606 0622 0638 0591 0607 0623 0639 28!J 29p 2AO .286 0640 0656 0672 0688 0641 0657 0673 0689 06420658 0674 0690 . 0643 0659 0675' 0691 0644 0660 0676 0692 0645 0661 0677 0693 0646 0662 0678 0694 0647 0663 0679 0695 0648 0664 0680 0696 0649 0665 0681 0697 0650 ·0666 0682 0698 0651 0667 0683 0699 0652 0668 0684 0700 0653 0654 '0655 0669 0670 0671 0685 0686 0687 0701· 0702 0703 2CO ! 200 2EO 2FO 0704 0720 0736 0752 0705 0721 0737 0753 0706 0722 0738 0754 0707 0723 0739 0755 0708 0724 0740 0756 0709 0725 0741 0757 0710 0726 0742 0758 0711 0727. 0743 0759 0712 0728 0744 0760 0713 0729 0745 0761 0714 0730 0746 0762 0715 0731 0747 0763 0716 0732 0748 0764 0717 0733 0749 0765 0718 0734 0750 0766 0719 0735 0751 0767 300 310 320 330 0768 0784 0800 0816 0769 0785 0301 0817 0770 0786 0802 0818 0771 0787 0803 0819 0772 .0788 0804 0820 0773 0789 0805 0821 0774 0790 0806 0822 0775' 0791 0807 0823 0776 0792 0808 0824 0777 0793 0809 0825 0778 0794 0810 0826 0779 _..-- 0780 0781 0795 0796 0797 0811 0812 0813 0827 0828 0829 0782 0798 0814 0830 0783 0799 0815 0831 340 350 360 370 0832 0848 0864 0880 0833 0849 0865 0881 0834 0850 0866 0882 0835 0851 0867 0883 0836 0852 0868 0884 0837 0853 0869 0885 0838 0854 0870 0886 0839: 0855 0871 0887 0840 0856 0872 0888 0841 0857 08'73 0889 0842 0858 0874 0890 0843 0859 0875 0891 0844 0860 0876 0892 0845 0861 0877 0893 0846 0862 0878 0894 0847 0863 0879 0895 380 390 3AO 380 0896 0212 0928 0944 0897 0913 0929 0945 0898 0914 0930 0946 0899 0915 0931 0947 0900 0916 0932 0948 0901 0917 0933 0949 0902 0918 0934 0950 0903 0919 0935 0951 0904 0920 0936 0952 0905 0921 0937 0953 0906 0922 0938 0954 0907 0923 0939 0955 0908 0924 0940 0956 0909 0925 0941 0957 0910 0926 0942 0958 0911 0927 0943 0959 3CO 300 3EO 3FO 0960 0976 0992 1008 0961 0977 0993 1009 0962 0978 0994 1010 0963 0979 0995 1011 0964 0980 0996 1012 0965 0981 0997 1013 0966 0982 0998 1014. 0967 0983 0999 1015 0968 0984 1000 1016 0969 0985 1001 1017 0970 0986 1002 1018 0971 0987 1003 1019 0972 0988 1004 1020 0973 0989 1005 1021 0974 0990 1006 1022 0975 0991 '1007 1023 100. \ ·! L ' 24p 250 .. , 260I. 27p ' ' () xxvi E .0270" 0286 0302 0318 0398 0414 0430 0446 F 0271 0287 0303 0319 0399 04i5 0431 0447 HEXADECIMAL-DECIMAL INTEGER CONVERSION (Cont'dl 0 1024 1040 1056 1072 1 1025 1041 1057 1073 2 1026 1042 1058 1074 3 1027 1043 1059 1075 4 1028 1044 1060 1076 5 1029 1045 1061 1077 6 1030 1046 1062 1078 7 1031 1047 1063 1079 8 1032 1048 1064 1080 9 1033 1049 1065 1081 A 1034 1050 1066 1082 B c D 400 410 420 430 1035 1051 1067 1083 1036 1052 1068 1084 1037 1053 1069 .1085 440 450 460 470 1088 1104 1120 1136 1089 1105 1121 1137 1090 1106 1122 1138 1091 1107 1123 1139 1092 1108 1124 1140 1093 1094 1109 1110 1125 1126 1141 ' 1142 1095 1111 1127 1143 1096 1112 1128 1144 1097 1113 1129 1145 1098 1114 1130 1146 1099 1115 1131 114 7 1100 1116 1132 1148 1101 1117 1133 1149 1102 1118 1134 1150 480 490 4AO 480 1152 1168 1184 1200 1153 1169 1185 1201 1154 1170 1186 1202 1155 1171 1187 1203 1156 1172 1188 1204 1157 1173 1189 1205 1158 1174 1190 1206 1159 1175 1191 1207 1160 1176 1192 1208 1161 1177 1193 1209 1162 1178 1194 1210 1163 1179 1195 1211 1164 1180 1196 1212 1165 1181 1197 1213 1166 11~7 1182 1183 ., 1198 11~9 1214 12i5 4CO 400 4EO 4FO 1216 1232 1248 1264 1217 1233 1249 1265 1218 1234 1250 1266 1219 1235 1251 1267 1220 1236 1252 1268 1221 1222 1237 . 1238· 1253 '1254 1269 1270 1223 1239 1255 1271 1224 1240 1256 1272 1225 1241 1257 1273 1226 1242 1258 1274 1227 1243 1259 1275 1228 1244 1260 1276 1229 1245 1261 1277 ·' 1230 123,1 1246. 1247 I 1262 12~3 1278 127:~ 500 510 520 530 1280 1296 1312 1328 1281 1297 1313· 1329 1282 1298 1314 1330 1283 1299 1315 1331 1284 1300 1316 1332 1285 1301 1317 1333 1286 1302 1318 1334 1287 1303 1319 1335 1288 1304 1320 1336 1289 1305 1321 1337 1290 1306 1322 1338 1291 1307 1323 1339 1292 1308 1324 1340 1293 1309 1325 1341 1294 1310 1326 1342 '1295 I, :1311 1327 1343 540 550 560 570 1344 1360 1376 1392 1345 1361 1377 1393 1346 1362 1378 1394 1347 1363 1379 1395 1348 1364 1380 1396 1349 1365 1381 1397 1350 1366 1382 1398 1351 1367 1383 1399 1352 1368 1384 1400 1353 1369 1385 1401 1354 1370 1386 1402 1355' 1371 1387 1403· 1356 1372 1388 1404 1357 1373 1389 1405 1358 1374 1390 1406 1359 1375 1391 1407 580 590 SAO 580 1408 1424 1440 1456 1409 1425 1441 1457 1410 1426 1442 1458 1411 1427 1443 1459 1412 1428 . 1444 1460 1413 1429 1445 1461 1414 1430 1446 1462 1415 1431 1447 1463 1416 1432 1448 1464 1417 1433 1449 1465 1418 1434 1450 1466 1419 1435 1451 1467 1420 1436 1452 1468 1421 1437 1453 1469 1422 14~3 1438 1439 1454 1455 1470 1471 5CO 500 5EO 5FO 1472 1488 1504 1520 1473 1489 1505 1521 1474 1475 1490 .1491 1506 1507 1522 1523 1476 1492 1508 1524 1477 1493 1509 1525 1478 1494 1510 1526 1479 1495 1511 1527 1480 1496 1512 1528 1481 1497 1513 1529 1482 1498 1514 1530 1483 1499 1515 1531 1484 1500 1516 1532 1485 1501 1517 1533 1486 1502 1518 1534 600 610 620 630 1536 1552 1568 1584 1537 1553 1569 1585 1538 1554 1570 1586 1539 1555 1571 1587 1540 1556 1572 1588 1541 1557 1573 1589 1542 1558 1574 1590 1543 1559 1575 1591 1544 1560 1576 1592 1545 1561 1577 1593 1546 1562· 1578 1594 1547 1563 1579 1595 1548 1564 1580 1596 1549 1565 1581 1597 1550 15~;1 1566 1567 II 1582 1583 II 1598 1599 640 650 660 670 1600 1616 1632 1648 1601 1617 1633 1649 1602 1618 1634 1650 1603 1619 1635 1651 1604 1620 1636 1652 1605 1621 1637 1653 1606 1622 1638 1654 1607 1623 1639 1655 1608 1624 1640 1656 1609 1625 1641 1657 1610 1626 1642 1658' 1611 1627 1643 1659 1612 1628 1644 1660 1613 1629 1645 1661 1614 161:~ 1630 163,1 1646 164.7 1662 1663 680 690 6AO 680 1664 1680 1696 1712 1665 1681 1697 1713 1666 1682 1698 1714 1667 1683 1699 1715 1668 1684 1700 1716 1669 1685 1701 1717 1670 1686 1702 1718 1671 1687 1703 1719 1672 1688 1704 1720 1673.1674 1689 1690 1705 1706 1721 1722 1675 1691 1707 1723 1676 1692 1708 1724 1677 1693 1709 1725 6CO 600 6EO 6FO 1728 1744 1760 1776 1729' 1745 1761 1777 1730 1746 1762 1778 1731 1747 1763 1779 1732 1748 1764 1780 1733 1749 1765 1781 1734 1750 1766 1782 1735 1751 1767 1783 1736 1752 1768 1784 1737 1753 1769' 1785 1739 1755 1771 1787 1740 1756 1772 1788 1741 1757 1773 1789 E F 1038 1039 1054 .1055 t. 1070 101:;1 1086 1087 I· 1Hl3 1119 1135 I 1151 ji 11 : 'I xxvii L 1738 1754 1770 1786 'I 1487 1503 1519 1535 II . t! / 1678 167i~ 1694 16~5 1710 1711·1I'I! 1726 1727 1742 1758 1774 1790 II 174'3 II 1759 II 177-5 I' 179) Rev. B u HEXADECIMAL-DECIMAL INTEGER CONVERSION (Cont'd) 0 1 2 3 4 1792 1808 1824 1840 1793 1809 1825 1841 1794 1810 1826 1842 1795 1811 1827 1843 740 1856 1857 1858 750 1872 1873 1874 760 ···188"8. ''1889 1890 770 1904 1905 1906 780 790 7AO '1920 1936 1952 1968 1921 1937 1953 1969 ~co 1984 2000 2016 2032 8 1800 1816 1832 1848 9 1801 1817 1833 1849 A 1802 1818 1834 1850 8 1803 1819 1835 1851 c D E F 1796 1812 1828 1844 6 5 7 1797 1798 1799 1813 . 1814 1815 1829 1830, 1831 1845 1846 1847 1804 1820 1836 1852 1805 .1821 '1837 1853 1806 1822 1838 1854 1807 1823 1839 1855. 1859 1875 1891 1907 1860 1876 1892 1908 1861 1877 1893 1909 1862 1878 1894 1910 ' 1863 '-1879 1895 ·1911 1864 1880 1896 1912 1865 1881 1897 1913 1866 1882 1898 1914 1867 1883 1899 1915 1868 1884 ·1900 1916 1869 1885 . 1901 1917 1870 1886 1902 1918 1871 1887 1903 1919 1922 1938 1954 1970 1923 1939 1955 1971 1924 1940 1956 1972 1925 1941 1957 1973 1926 1942 1958 1974 ;l927 '1943 1959 1975 1928 -1944 1960 1976 1929 1945 1961 1977 1930 . 1931 1946 1947 1962 1963 1978 1979 1932 1948 1964 1980 1933 1949 1965 1981 1934 1950 1966 1982 1935 1951 1967 1983 1985 2001 2017 2033 1986 2002 2018 2034 1987 2003 2019 2035 1988 2004 2020 2036 1989 2005 2021 2037 1990 2006 2022 2038 1991 2007 2023 2039. 1992 2008 2024 2040 1993 2009 2025 2041" 1994 2010 2026 2042 1995 2011 2027 2043 1996 2012 2028 2044 ,1997 :2013 ;2029 2045 1998 2014 2030 2046 1999 . 2015 2031 2047 830 2048 2064 2080 2096 2049 2065 2081 2097 2050 2066 2082 2098 2051 2067 2083 2099 2052 2068 2084 2100 2053 2069 2085 2101 2054 2070 2086 2102 2055 2071 2087 2103 2056 2072 2088 2104 2057 2073 2089 2105 2058 ' 2059 2074 2075 2090 2091 2106 2107 2060 2076 2092 2108 2061 ,2077 2093 '2109 2062 2078• 2094 2110 :?063 . 2079. 2095 2111 840 8.50 f¥>0 870 2112 2128 2144 2160 2113 2129 2145 2161 2114 2130 2146 2162 2115 2131 2147 2163 2116 2132 2148 2164 2117 2133 2149 2165 2118 2134 2150 2166 2119 2135 2151 . 2167 . 2120 2136 2152 2168 2121 2137 2153 2169 2122 2138 2154 2170 2123 2124 2139. 2140 2155 . 2156 2171 2172 2125 2141 ' 2157 2173 2126 2142 2158 2174 2127 2143 2159 2175 880 2176 2192 2208 2224 2177 2193 2209 2225 2178 2194 2210 2226 2179 2195 2211 2227 2180 2196 2212 2228 2181 2197 .2213 2229 2182 2198 2214 2230 2183 2199 2215 2231 2184 2200 2216 2232 2185 2201 2217 2233 2186. 2202 2.218 2234 2187 2203 2219 2235 2188 . 2189 2204 2205 2220 2221 2236· 2237 2190 2206 2222 2238 2191 2207 2223 2239 8DO BED a'FO 2240 2256 2272 2288 2241 2257 2273 2289 2242 2258 2274 2290 2243 2259 2275 2291 2244 2260 2276 2292 2245 2261 2277 2293 2246 2262 2278 2294 2247 2263 2279 2295 2248 2264 2280 2296 2249 2265 2281 2297 2250 2266 2282 2298 2251 2267 2283 2299 2252 2268 2284 2300 2285 ' 2301 2254 2270 2286 2302 2255 2271 2287 2303 OOo 910 920 930 I. 2304 2320 2336 2352 2305 2321 2337 2353 2306 2322 2338 2354 2307 2323. 2339 2355 2308 2324 2340 2356 2309 2325 2341 2357 2310 2326 2342 2358 2311 2327 2343 2359 2312 2328 2344 2360 2:313 2329 2345 2361 . 2314 2330 2346 2362 2315 2331 2347 2363 2316 2332 '2348 2364 2317 2333 2349 I 2365 2318 2334 2350 2366 2319 2335 2351 2367 . 94o 9.50 960 970 2368 2384 2400 2416 2369 2385 2401 2417 2370 2386 2402 2418 2371 2387 2403 2419 2372 2388 2404 2420 2373 2389 2405 2421 2374 2390 2406 2422 2375 2376 2391 . 2392 2407 2408 2423 2424 2377 2393 2409 2425 2378 2394 2410 2426 2379 2395 2411 2427 2380 2396 2412 2428 2381 2397 2413 2429 98o 2432 2448 2464 2480 2433 2449 2465 2481 2434 2450 2466 2482 2435 2451 2467 2483 2436 2452 2468 2484 2437 2453 2469 2485 2438 2454 2470 2486 2439 2455 2471 2487 2440 2456 2472 2488 2441 2457 2473 2489 2442 2458 2474 2490 2443 2459 2475 2491 2444 2460 2476 2492 .2496 2497 2498 900 2512 2513 2514 9EO 2528 2529 2530 9,FO 2544 2545 2546 2499 2515 2531 2547 2500 2516 2532 2548 2501 2517 2533 2549 2502 2518 2534 2550 2503' 2519 2535 2551 2504 2520 2536 2552 2505 2521 2537 2553 2506 2522 2538 2554 2507 2523 2539 2555 100 (_) 7.10 720 730 iao 7.DO 7EO 7FO . 800 810 ~20 I ~90 B'AO 880 I .,, 990 9AO 980 I u !Jto· xxviii 1 .. 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I XXX Rev. B inter ........ --· INTEL CORPORATION, 3065 Bowers Avenue, Santa Clara, CA95051 (408) 246-7501 I, I I, I I I r ! T '' ' ' ~ .' ., jl ©1974, 1975,1976 Printed in U.S.A. MCS-908-0176/15K
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