uncontrolled if printed DISCLAIMER The mention of trade names or commercial products in this manual is for illustration purposes only and does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use by the Environmental Protection Agency. uncontrolled if printed Analytical Support Branch Ethics Policy “It shall be the policy of the Region 4 Laboratory to conduct all business with integrity and in an ethical manner. It is a basic and expected responsibility of each staff member and each manager to hold to the highest ethical standard of professional conduct in the performance of all duties and to adhere to EPA's Principles of Scientific Integrity, dated November 24, 1999.” ii uncontrolled if printed Table of Contents Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 4 of 12 Table of Contents Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Mission of the EPA Regional Laboratory 1.3 Operations Policy 1.3.1 Safety 1.3.2 Data Integrity and Laboratory Ethics 1.3.3 Quality 1.3.4 Service 1.4 Accreditation 1.5 Hierarchy Chapter 2 ORGANIZATION/FACILITIES/EQUIPMENT 2.1 Organization 2.1.1 Analytical Support Branch – Staffing 2.2 Educational, Experience and Training Requirements 2.3 Roles and Responsibilities 2.3.1 Branch Chief 2.3.2 Branch Quality Assurance Manager (QAM) 2.3.3 Deputy QA Officer 2.3.4 Section Chief 2.3.5 Analytical Staff 2.3.6 Environmental Services Assistant Team (ESAT) Laboratory Support 2.3.7 ASB Staff – ESAT Work Assignments 2.4 Facilities 2.5 Equipment 2.5.1 Inventory 2.5.2 Maintenance/Service Figure 2-1 Analytical Support Branch Organization Chart Figure 2-2 Science and Ecosystem Support Division Organization Chart Chapter 3 SAMPLE SCHEDULING, HANDLING, STORAGE AND DISPOSAL 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Sample Collection 3.2.1 Procedures uncontrolled if printed Table of Contents Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 5 of 12 3.2.2 Containers and Holding Times 3.3 Sample Scheduling 3.3.1 Initial Scheduling 3.3.2 Sample Acceptance 3.3.3 Canceled Projects 3.4 Sample Receipt 3.4.1 Sample Acceptance Policy 3.4.2 Sample Receiving Procedure 3.4.3 Sample Receipt Guidelines for Organics with Short Holding Times 3.4.4 Acceptance of Samples Known or Suspected to Contain Dioxin 3.5 Sample Logging and Storage 3.5.1 Assignment of Numbers 3.5.2 Storage of Samples 3.6 Custody 3.6.1 Custody Room Access 3.6.2 Custody Room Housekeeping 3.6.3 Documentation of Custody 3.6.4 Assuming Custody for Analysis (for samples other than volatiles and UTL mercury) 3.6.5 Tracking of Sample Extracts and Digests 3.6.6 Transfer of Custody from ASB 3.7 Review of Custody Records Table 3-1 Recommended Preservation & Holding Times Chapter 4 GENERAL LABORATORY PRACTICES and PROCEDURES 4.1 Good Lab Practices 4.1.1 Policy 4.1.2 Corrections to Records 4.1.3 Following SOPs/LOQAM 4.1.4 Manual Peak Integration 4.1.5 Check Lists - Primary Analyst/Secondary Analyst Review 4.2 Document Control/File Management 4.2.1 Policy 4.2.2 Internal Chain-of-Custody 4.2.3 COC Receipt Form 4.2.4 Instrument/Analysis/Preparation Logbooks 4.2.5 Instrument Maintenance Logbooks 4.2.6 ASB Laboratory Operations and Quality Assurance Manual 4.2.7 Standard Operating Procedures/Methods uncontrolled if printed Table of Contents Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 6 of 12 4.2.8 Project Files 4.2.9 Confidentiality of Data 4.2.10 General Correspondence 4.2.11 Training Files 4.2.12 QA/QC Records 4.2.13 Document/Forms Revisions 4.2.14 Records Management/Disposition 4.3 Laboratory Apparatus and Instruments 4.3.1 General Policy 4.3.2 Incubators 4.3.3 Waterbaths 4.3.4 Refrigerators /Freezers/Drying Ovens 4.3.5 Autoclaves 4.3.6 Balances 4.3.7 Thermometers 4.3.8 Mechanical Dispensing Devices 4.3.9 Records of NIST Traceability 4.3.10 Major Instrumentation 4.4 Laboratory Supplies 4.4.1 General 4.4.2 Glassware 4.4.3 Chemicals, Reagents, Solvents, Standards, Gases 4.4.4 Procurement of Chemicals and Chemical Inventories 4.4.5 Laboratory Pure Water 4.5 Laboratory Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste Handling and Disposal Procedures 4.5.1 Procedures for Satellite Hazardous Waste Accumulation 4.5.2 Satellite Storage - Acutely Hazardous Wastes (P-Listed Wastes) 4.5.13 Disposal of Outdated or Waste Chemicals/Chemical Containers 4.5.4 Non-P-Listed Chemicals 4.5.5 Waste Minimization 4.6 Laboratory Cleanliness Chapter 5 PERFORMANCE QUALITY CONTROL and DATA HANDLING 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Terminology 5.3 Essential Quality Control Requirements 5.3.1 Demonstration of Capability (DOC) uncontrolled if printed Table of Contents Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 7 of 12 5.3.2 Limit of Detection (LOD) 5.3.3 Instrument Calibration 5.3.4 Acceptance Criteria 5.3.5 Negative Controls 5.3.6 Positive Controls 5.4 Data Handling 5.4.1 Holding times 5.4.2 Minimum Reporting Limits (MRL) 5.4.3 Reporting data between the LOD and MRL 5.4.4 Units 5.4.5 Significant Figures 5.4.6 Rounding Rules 5.4.7 Determination of Outliers 5.4.8 Uncertainty 5.5 Data Reporting 5.5.1 Procedures for entering and verifying data in Element® 5.5.2 Analytical Data Qualifiers 5.5.3 Report Narative 5.5.4 Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) Registry Numbers and EPA Identifiers (EPA ID) 5.5.5 Opinons and Interpretations 5.6 Data Management and Data Security 5.7 Annual Analytical Performance Summary 5.8 QC Study Plan 5.9 Complaints/Inquiries 5.10 Corrective Actions 5.10.1 Technical Corrective Action (TCA) 5.10.2 Formal Corrective Action (FCA) 5.11 Preventive Actions and Improvements 5.12 Control of Nonconforming Testing Work 5.13 Annual Management Review Chapter 6 LABORATORY SAFETY 6.1 Introduction 6.1.1 Summary 6.1.2 Policy 6.2 General Safety Information 6.2.1 Training 6.2.2 Personal Protective Equipment 6.2.3 Containers uncontrolled if printed Table of Contents Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 8 of 12 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Chapter 7 6.2.4 Chemicals 6.2.5 Prohibited Practices 6.2.6 Electrical Equipment 6.2.7 Facility Impact Statement 6.2.8 Safety Inspection 6.2.9 Cleanliness Sample Receiving and Logging Compressed Gases Radioactivity Laboratory Waste Disposal Practices METHODOLOGY 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 General Method Information Minimum Reporting Limits Land Disposal Restrictions Table 7-1 Capability for Potable Waters - Inorganics Table 7-2 Capability for Potable Waters - Organics Appendix 1 – Metals Analyte List Minimum Reporting Limits by Matrices Appendix 2 - Nutrients and Classicals Analyte List Minimum Reporting Limits by Matrices Appendix 3 – Volatile Organics (VOAs) Target Analyte List Minimum Reporting Limits by Matrices Appendix 4 - Semivolatile Organics (SemiVOAs) Target Analyte List Minimum Reporting Limits by Matrices Appendix 5 – Routine Pesticide Target Analyte List Minimum Reporting Limits by Matrices Appendix 6 – Special Request Pesticide Target Analyte List Minimum Reporting Limits by Matrices Appendix 7 – Carbamate Pesticide Target Analyte List Minimum Reporting Limits by Matrices Appendix 8 – Perfluorinated Compound (PFC) Target Analyte List Minimum Reporting Limits by Matrices Chapter 8 ORGANIC ANALYSIS, PERFORMANCE QUALITY CONTROL AND ANALYTICAL uncontrolled if printed Table of Contents Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 9 of 12 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Organic Methodology and Reagents 8.2.2 Standardized Methodology 8.2.3 Method Modifications 8.2.4 Safety 8.2.5 Reagent Water 8.2.6 Reagents and Standards 8.2.7 Instrument Records 8.3 General QC Guidance 8.3.1 Guidance 8.3.2 Special Circumstances 8.3.3 Demonstration of Capability (DOC) 8.4 Holding Times 8.4.1 Definition 8.4.2 Objective 8.4.3 Criteria 8.4.4 Evaluation 8.4.5 Action/Data Qualification 8.5 Initial Calibration (ICAL) 8.5.1 Objective 8.5.2 Criteria 8.5.3 Evaluation 8.5.4 Action/Data Qualification 8.6 Calibration Check Standard (Second-Source Standard) 8.6.1 Objective 8.6.2 Criteria 8.6.3 Evaluation 8.6.4 Action if Criteria not Met 8.6.5 Qualification 8.7 Calibration - Continuing Verification (CCV) 8.7.1 Objective 8.7.2 Criteria 8.7.3 Evaluation 8.7.4 Action 8.7.5 Data Qualification 8.8 Method Blanks 8.8.1 Definition 8.8.2 Procedures 8.8.3 Method Blank Evaluation Criteria and Corrective Action 8.8.4 Non-Target Analytes 8.8.5 Special Consideration uncontrolled if printed Table of Contents Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 10 of 12 8.8.6 Sampling Equipment Contaminants 8.8.7 Chlorinated Waters Extracted with Methylene Chloride 8.9 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) Evaluation Criteria and Corrective Action 8.9.1 Definition 8.9.2 Objective 8.9.3 Procedure 8.9.4 Criteria 8.9.5 Marginal Exceedances 8.9.6 Evaluation 8.9.7 Action 8.9.8 Data Qualification 8.10 Surrogates 8.10.1 Definition 8.10.2 Procedure 8.10.3 Evaluation Criteria and Corrective Action 8.10.4 Data Qualification 8.11 Matrix Spikes (MS) Evaluation Criteria and Corrective Action 8.11.1 Definition 8.11.2 Objective 8.11.3 Procedure 8.11.4 Preparation Criteria 8.11.5 Evaluation 8.11.6 Action 8.11.7 Data Qualification 8.12 Laboratory Matrix Duplicates 8.12.1 Definition 8.12.2 Objective 8.12.3 Procedure 8.12.4 Criteria and Evaluation 8.12.5 Action and Qualification 8.13 Internal Standards 8.13.1 Definition 8.13.2 Objective 8.13.3 Criteria 8.13.4 Evaluation 8.13.5 Action/Data Criteria 8.14 MRL Verification 8.14.1 Definition 8.14.2 Objective 8.14.3 Criteria 8.14.4 Entering MRL Verification in Element® uncontrolled if printed Table of Contents Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 11 of 12 8.15 8.16 8.17 8.18 Chapter 9 8.14.5 Evaluation 8.14.6 Action Limit of Detection/Minimum Detection Limit Preparation, Storage, and Use of Organic Analytical Standards 8.16.1 Definitions 8.16.2 Sources 8.16.3 Handling and Verification of Standards 8.16.4 Pesticide/PCB and Semivolatile Standards 8.16.5 Volatile Standard Solutions 8.16.6 Standard Records 8.16.7 Standard Documentation 8.16.8 Element® Standard Entry 8.16.9 Evaluating Standards Used by the Extraction Lab Data Verification and Reporting 8.17.1 Data Verification 8.17.2 Manual Integration 8.17.3 Data Reporting 8.17.4 Reporting Facts 8.17.5 Target Analyte Calculation and Reporting 8.17.6 Target Analyte Qualitative Identification 8.17.7 Tentative Identifications – GC/MS Compounds Logbooks, Records and Data Packages 8.18.1 Extraction Logbook and Element® Benchsheet 8.18.2 Labeling Sample Extracts and Spikes 8.18.3 Extract Handling 8.18.4 Analytical Logbooks 8.18.5 Data Packages 8.18.6 Archiving Data INORGANIC ANALYSIS, PERFORMANCE QUALITY CONTROL AND ANALYTICAL OPERATION 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Inorganic Methodology 9.2.1 General 9.2.2 Method Selection 9.2.3 Standardized Methodology and Modifications 9.2.4 Safety 9.2.5 Reagent Water 9.2.6 Reagents and Standards 9.2.7 Expired Standards and Reference Materials uncontrolled if printed Table of Contents Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 12 of 12 9.2.8 Instrument Records 9.2.9 Instrument and Equipment Usage 9.2.10 Electronic Data Transfer and File Backup 9.3 General QC 9.3.1 Guidance 9.3.2 QC Requirements 9.4 Guidance for Data Review 9.4.1 Reviewing/Verification/Recording 9.4.2 Holding Time 9.4.3 Method Blanks 9.4.4 Calibration - Initial (ICAL) 9.4.5 Calibration Check Standard 9.4.6 Calibration - Continuing Verification (CCV) 9.4.7 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) - Defining Method Bias 9.4.8 Matrix Spikes/Matrix Spike Duplicates/Matrix Duplicates 9.4.9 Calculating/Reporting of Analytes 9.5 Reporting Conventions 9.5.1 Less Than Values 9.5.2 Significant Figures 9.5.3 Rounding 9.5.4 Reporting 9.5.5 Raw Data Corrections and Changing Reported Data 9.6 Metals 9.6.1 General 9.6.2 Drinking Water 9.6.3 NPDES Monitoring 9.6.4 Other Programs and Matrices 9.6.5 High Volume Air Filters 9.7 Nutrients and Classicals 9.7.1 General 9.7.2 Drinking Water 9.7.3 NPDES Monitoring 9.7.4 RCRA and Superfund 9.7.5 Other Programs and Matrices 9.7.6 QC Requirements for Nutrients and Classicals 9.7.7 Data Review 9.7.8 Acid Addition for Nutrient Analyses Figure 9- 1 Levels of Concern for Various Programs Figure 9- 2 Drinking Water Methods Figure 9- 3 NPDES Methods Figure 9- 4 Nutrients/Classicals Methods uncontrolled if printed Chapter 1 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 1 of 3 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this manual, entitled Laboratory Operations and Quality Assurance Manual (LOQAM) is to document the quality assurance policies and procedures of the USEPA, Region 4 Analytical Support Branch (ASB) laboratory. A defined system of quality assurance practices and operational policies (a quality system) is essential for ensuring that data generated from analytical processes are well defined and defensible. While the design and development of a quality assurance program is a management function, each individual staff member shares the responsibility for maintaining knowledge of the quality system and for following established quality control procedures. Meeting the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 17025 standard, “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories”, and continually improving quality system effectiveness is a principle objective of the laboratory. 1.2 Mission of the EPA Regional Laboratory The mission of the ASB is to provide environmental chemistry data for decision making in EPA’s media programs for protecting the environment and human health. This is achieved by maintaining a fully equipped environmental laboratory and a technically skilled, properly trained and dedicated staff that produces physical and chemical data of a known and defensible quality. ASB provides environmental data at the request of data users within the Agency, no data are reported to outside clients. All requests for analyses must originate with an EPA manager or staff person with the authority to request services from ASB. As an EPA laboratory, ASB is not permitted to operate as a fee-for-service laboratory. 1.3 Operations Policy It is a basic policy of the ASB to conduct all activities with four guiding principles: (1) Safety (2) Integrity (3) Quality and (4) Service. All of these items must be present for successful operations. 1.3.1 Safety The primary consideration in all laboratory operations must be safety. There is no assignment for which safety should ever be compromised. Safety takes priority over all considerations and it is the responsibility of each staff person to have a clear understanding of the basic safety rules and, in particular, how to safely perform operations within their area of responsibility. It is the responsibility of each individual to maintain a constant vigilance over safe operations and to notify their supervisor and the branch Safety Officer of any unsafe conditions. ASB employees must never initiate an action, procedure, or method if they are unsure of the appropriate safety procedures. If unsure of the safety of any method, procedure, or operational activity, it is the responsibility of each employee to contact their uncontrolled if printed Chapter 1 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 2 of 3 supervisor to obtain additional information or instructions on the proper safety procedures. 1.3.2 Data Integrity and Laboratory Ethics It is the policy of the Region 4 Laboratory to conduct all business with integrity and in an ethical manner. It is a basic and expected responsibility of each staff member and each manager to hold to the highest ethical standard of professional conduct in the performance of all duties and to adhere to EPA's Principles of Scientific Integrity, dated November 24, 1999 as well as a Presidential Memorandum dated March 9, 2009 on the same subject. The quality system of the branch has data integrity and ethical behavior at its very foundation. It is absolutely essential that every employee of the branch understand and adhere to these ethical standards in order to preserve the basic integrity of all work products. Data integrity, defined in its most simple terms as “the state of being unimpaired”, concerns the ability to define and defend that the entire analytical process has been “unimpaired” and performed in accordance with appropriate practices and procedures. The ability to defend the integrity of the data is through complete documentation of actions and activities which includes such items as: maintaining chain of custody and security of the samples; clear documentation of the activities performed in the preparation and analysis of the samples and in the final data reduction, review, and reporting; and, by maintaining complete and clear files of these records. 1.3.3 Quality It is the policy of ASB that all data generated by the branch is of the quality required to meet or exceed the data quality objectives of each project. Managers and analysts of the branch share the responsibility of ensuring that analytical methods, instruments, parameter detection and quantitation are such that the data produced is scientifically sound and well documented. It is of utmost importance that the quality of all data produced by ASB be well defined and communicated to the end-user(s) of the data. This policy is implemented by: Having in place and following a complete and systematic process of quality control activities to assist in defining data quality; Ensuring that data quality is documented and communicated to all users of the data by assigning appropriate qualifiers according to prescribed procedures; and Having a cross-check system review process to verify that data are generated in accordance with sound and appropriate technical procedures and to ensure that all activities associated with the analyses, calculations and data reduction are complete and accurate. 1.3.4 Service ASB is a service organization and as such, management and staff must maintain an awareness of customer needs and regulatory requirements as related to satisfaction with work products. Service is built upon the following two important principles. Communication Communication between the lab’s staff and its clients is required to fully define a project’s measurement and data quality objectives and to assist the customer in understanding analytical capabilities and limitations. Communications uncontrolled if printed Chapter 1 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 3 of 3 also enhance the ability to learn of emerging needs and to plan accordingly. ASB management and staff must be proactive in initiating these discussions and will make every effort to inform customers of the advantages and disadvantages of requested methods and quality control procedures. Laboratory management reserves the right to determine the most appropriate analytical methodology and quality control procedures based on the data quality objectives provided by the customer. Timeliness Timing of final work products and reports are often critical and are a vital part of the overall service performed. While it is ASB’s policy to never compromise safety, integrity or quality for the sake of timeliness, timeliness is often the most important factor contributing to customer satisfaction. All staff must maintain a high degree of attention toward providing the data in a timely manner as established by project objectives. In the event circumstances result in late reports, the customer must be contacted and kept up-to-date on the issues surrounding the late data and abreast of the progress of project completion. 1.4 Accreditation EPA issued a policy directive on February 23, 2004, that all Agency laboratories shall maintain competency by documenting and maintaining a quality system which meets the requirements of EPA Order CIO 2105.0, (formerly 5360.1 A2) May 2000. The policy requires EPA laboratories to participate in an appropriate, recognized laboratory accreditation program when available. ASB received ISO 17025 accreditation on June 27, 2012 for chemistry in the areas of air, potable water, non-potable water, solid and chemical waste, and tissue. ASB’s objective is to seek and maintain accreditation for the methods and analytes which it performs on a routine basis. A list of the methods for which ASB is currently accredited is available from the ASB Quality Assurance Manager (QAM). Refer to the most current copy of ACLASS’s certificate and scope of accreditation AT-1691. ASB will not use an accrediting organization’s logo (such as the ACLASS logo) on data reports and does not conduct any advertising which might show an accrediting organization’s logo. A statement indicating the accrediting body and the accreditation status of individual tests will be included on all test reports issued by ASB. 1.5 Hierarchy This manual describes the policies and general procedures that are the basis of ASB’s quality system. Specific technical and operational details are contained in technical and administrative SOPs. On occasion, an analytical method or procedure may require deviation from some of the policies contained in this manual for specific technical reasons. These deviations will be documented in the individual SOPs. As such, instructions in SOPs take precedence over this manual on those occasions. When there are differences in analytical method, LOQAM and accreditation standard requirements, ASB will follow the strictest, except as specifically noted. When it is unclear which of the three is strictest, method requirements will be followed. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 2 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 1 of 13 CHAPTER 2 STAFFING, FACILITIES, and EQUIPMENT 2.1 Organization Below is a listing of all ASB Staff and their major area(s) of responsibility. The ASB organizational structure is shown in Figure 2-1. Figure 2-2 depicts ASB as it fits into the total operation of the Science and Ecosystem Support Division (SESD). In the event that the Branch Chief, Section Chief, or Quality Assurance Manager (QAM) is absent for a period of a week or more, the appropriate management official within the branch or section shall appoint a deputy to act on behalf of the individual who is absent. Staff signatures and initials are kept on file by the ASB QAM. 2.1.1 Analytical Support Branch – Staffing Immediate Office Name Danny France Jeannie Williamson Mike Beall Sallie Hale Principal Duties Branch Chief ASB Quality Assurance Manager (QAM), ASB Safety Officer, and Acting Safety, Health and Environmental Manager (SHEM) Sample Custodian (SEE Employee) National Expert, VOA Air Analyses Inorganic Chemistry Section Name Jeffrey Hendel Daniel Adams Pam Betts Curtis Callahan Anthony Carroll Megan DeJesus Roberta Howes Brittany Stuart Francine VanCuron Earnest Walton Terri White Principal Duties Section Chief-Technical Director Inorganic Analyses Regional Technical Authority for Nutrients Nutrients Nutrients/Classicals/Metals Regional Technical Authority for Mercury; Hexavalent Chromium Nutrients/Classicals/Metals Regional Technical Authority for Metals ICP Nutrients/Classicals/Metals; ChemShare Program Coordinator, Divisional EMS Coordinator Regional Technical Authority for Metals ICP Group Leader Metals Regional Technical Authority for ICP-MS Metals uncontrolled if printed Chapter 2 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 2 of 13 Organic Chemistry Section Name Floyd Wellborn Principal Duties Section Chief-Technical Director Organic Analyses; Regional Technical Authority for Volatiles in Air Diana Burdette Group Leader Semivolatiles; Regional Technical Authority for Extraction; LC/MS/MS Jason Collum Group Leader Pesticides/PCBs Sam Dutton Regional Technical Authority for Extractions ; Semivolatiles John Giles Group Leader Extraction; Semivolatiles, LC/MS/MS Lilia Melendez Semivolatiles Janet Muse Regional Technical Authority for Semivolatiles; Volatiles in Air Elaine Seymour Volatiles; SESD Chemical Hygiene Officer Brian Shuhler GC/MS High Resolution, Pesticides/PCBs Scott Sivertsen Special Technical Analytical Group Leader; Regional Technical Authority for Pesticides; LC-MS/MS Kristin Trapp Group Leader/Regional Technical Authority for Volatiles Stephanie Wimpey Volatiles; Property Officer 2.2 Educational, Experience and Training Requirements 2.2.1 EPA operates its hiring procedures under the federal government’s Office of Personnel Management (OPM) regulations. OPM issues qualification and classification standards for all general schedule (GS) positions. Chemistry laboratory professionals and technicians fall within the GS-1300 standard for professional physical science work (see http://www.opm.gov/qualifications/index.asp). The OPM qualification and classification standards describe the educational and experience requirements which a potential employee must meet to satisfy the OPM requirements for a specific job series and grade. Before a laboratory employee is hired, EPA’s Shared Service Center for Personnel Management verifies that the applicant meets the OPM education and experience requirements for the appropriate GS series and grade. After the verification process is complete, ASB managers are allowed to hire an applicant who meets the OPM requirements from a certificate of eligible candidates. 2.2.2 Prior to hiring an EPA contract employee, an EPA Contracting Officer or Contracting Officer’s Representative describes to the contractor in general terms the educational and experience requirements needed to perform the work. Contractor employees’ experience and education are verified by the contractor’s Human Resources department. 2.2.3 ASB has developed a set of basic training modules for each employee. Each new staff member shall take the training during their first year and periodic refresher sessions shall be required for all staff. Documentation of training is maintained on a staff training sign-up sheet. (See file located on the K: drive at K:\ASB\Current Documents\ Forms\Branch.) Signed training participation and acknowledgement forms are maintained by the QAM in ASB’s training files. Additional training procedures are detailed in SOP ASB 108G. An uncontrolled if printed Chapter 2 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 3 of 13 ongoing goal of ASB’s training program is to ensure that personnel are aware of the importance of their activities and how they contribute to the overall mission and goals of the Agency. The following training modules are required: Title of Training When Required Familiarization and Review of During first 6 months of the LOQAM employment and anytime changes are made Person(s) Responsible ASB Management Familiarization and Review of During the first 6 months of ASB Management the SHEM Procedures and employment and anytime Policy Manual changes are made that pertain to laboratory operations Data Integrity During first 6 months of employment and annually thereafter ASB Management Laboratory Safety Initial 24-hour training during first quarter of employment and 4-hour refresher annually thereafter ASB Safety Officer Management and Purchasing of Chemicals During first 6 months of employment and every 2 years thereafter ASB Safety Officer Handling, Disposal and Minimization of Waste During first 6 months of employment and every 2 years thereafter ASB Management/Waste Disposal Officer Proper Usage and Storage of Materials in the HAZMAT Facility During first 6 months of employment and every 2 years thereafter ASB Management/Waste Disposal Officer 2.2.4 Data integrity training topics will be documented in writing and include: Organizational mission and its relationship to the critical need for honesty and full disclosure in all analytical reporting; How and when to report data integrity issues, including confidentiality of reporting any issues; Record-keeping as it relates to ensuring data integrity; Procedures to ensure data integrity; uncontrolled if printed Chapter 2 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 4 of 13 Data integrity training documentation; In-depth data monitoring; and Documentation procedures to ensure data integrity. 2.3 Roles and Responsibilities 2.3.1 Branch Chief Has the overall management responsibility, including hiring, budgeting, and policy development for the branch. Has ultimate responsibility for the development, implementation, approval, and continued operation of the branch quality assurance system. The authority and responsibility for day-to-day management of the quality system is delegated to the branch QAM. The authority and responsibility for the daily oversight of quality control activities is delegated to Section Chiefs and Group Leaders. Provides leadership that promotes a work culture that stresses the importance of safety, integrity, data quality and customer service. Assures that qualified analysts and support staff are assigned to the laboratory and that all staff are properly trained to perform their duties. Assures that communication takes place regarding the effectiveness of the quality system. Is authorized to offer opinions and interpretations. Makes overall decisions relating to staffing, personnel management, work assignments, laboratory capability and capacity in consultation with laboratory supervisors and staff. 2.3.2 Branch Quality Assurance Manager (QAM) Is independent from all laboratory operations, reports directly to the Branch Chief and has the delegated responsibility and authority for the implementation, management, and maintenance of the quality system for the branch. Ensures compliance with all laboratory accreditation requirements. Serves as the focal point for all QA/QC activities within the branch. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 2 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 5 of 13 Initiates and leads annual technical system reviews (TSR) of work units within the branch. Works with Section Chiefs in determining the adequacy of corrective and preventive actions. Performs periodic spot checks (in addition to or in conjunction with the annual TSR) of project files to ensure that all proper documentation and QC activities were performed. The spot checks shall be documented and any problems communicated with the appropriate Section Chief and appropriate technical staff. Maintains QA files with all appropriate documentation to include: Special Issue Studies (e.g., troubleshooting blank contamination); New method/technology validation studies; Documents requiring QAM signature/approval; Copies of all audit reports; Performance testing records; Files of NIST traceability for weights/thermometers/volumetric syringes/etc.; and Records and Documentation: Demonstration of Capability (DOCs) Method Detection Limits (MDLs) and Limits of Detection (LODs) Instrument Detection Limits (IDLs) Summaries of updates for acceptance limits in the LIMS for spikes, replicates, surrogates, and other QC data Signature and initials of all employees Training files to include: Documentation of Continued Proficiency in each analytical technology in which an analyst currently works; and Certification of annual data integrity training. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 2 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 6 of 13 Corrective Action reports Note: Raw analytical data used in the generation of the above documentation shall be transferred to the QAM, if not included in a project file. Files will then be periodically transferred to Central Records as specified in SOP ASB 107G; Document Control. Performs periodic verification of primary standard prep and external verification of the standards. (A separate check or in conjunction with the periodic TSRs.) Reviews and approves all branch SOP and QA manual updates and submits to Branch Chief for final approval. Initiates and coordinates external proficiency test studies for all branch analytical operations. Advises branch management concerning QA/QC issues. Is authorized to give opinions and interpretations. 2.3.3 Deputy QA Officer Serves as permanent support of the QA management and LIMS administration functions of the ASB and may assume any of the duties in 2.3.2 as requested by management. 2.3.4 Section Chief Serves as the Technical Director and is responsible for all data produced by the analytical groups within the section. Ensures that a final overview of each work product (e.g., data, written reports, etc.) is performed so that all quality control information is complete, properly utilized, documented and maintained within the various analytical work units of the section. Reports final data produced by the section to the customer or delegates to authorized staff. Monitors all section work activities with the help of Group Leaders where designated. Ensures that appropriate actions are taken as a result of QC indicators. Ensures that appropriate corrective actions are taken within the analytical work groups as a result of internal and external audits. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 2 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 7 of 13 Reviews and approves all section SOP and QA Manual updates and then submits to QAM and Branch Chief for final approvals. Monitors and coordinates section workload and acceptance of work. Ensures that individual project files are generated and maintained in accordance with branch policies and other appropriate file management requirements. Is authorized to offer opinions and interpretations on analyses under their technical direction as well as authorize other qualified individuals under their supervision to offer opinions and interpretations on specific technical areas. Communicates with customers to ensure that needs are met and to solicit feedback on ASB’s services. Ensures compliance with all laboratory accreditation requirements. 2.3.5 Analytical Staff General Analytical staff are responsible for: Having a general knowledge of the branch and divisional policies and procedures including health and safety, data integrity, and waste disposal; Having a working knowledge of analytical methodologies used within their work areas; Having a working knowledge of all policies, procedures, and QC activities within their respective work areas and ensuring that documentation of work performed is complete, accurate, and that analytical data are properly reported; Notifying their immediate supervisor of any issues/problems with any work products; and Maintaining and following appropriate SOPs for their work areas. Group Leader Each section of the branch is comprised of work groups. For each analytical work group there may be a Group Leader appointed by the Section Chief. This is not a supervisory position; however, Group Leaders are assigned technical responsibilities to assist the Section Chief and may be called upon to assist the Section Chief with work scheduling issues. The Section Chief will fill the role of Group Leader during periods for which there is no one so designated. Serves as the primary technical contact on analytical issues or questions pertaining to their specific expertise. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 2 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 8 of 13 Provides daily direction of the technical activities within their work unit; ensures that QA/QC actions are in accordance with sound technical practices and follows policies and procedures of the ASB Lab Operations and Quality Assurance Manual (LOQAM). Ensures that appropriate corrective actions are taken based on quality indicators from the analyses within their work unit. Communicates regularly with QAM and other Group Leaders on technical issues and problems. Primary Analyst Defined as the staff analyst performing a test on a given date and time. The primary analyst shall ensure that: Appropriate analytical methodologies and standard procedures are followed; Appropriate QC activities are performed as designated by the method and/or the LOQAM; Analytical activities are properly documented as specified by the method and/or the LOQAM; Appropriate actions are taken when QC indicators do not meet established criteria and assures that necessary corrective action is implemented; Individual analytical data points are completely and accurately recorded; Data qualifier flags and explanatory footnotes are properly placed; and All appropriate items on the data review/verification checklist are properly documented. Typically, the primary analyst performs initial data reduction and transfer of data to the LIMS. However, this task may also be performed by another analyst competent to perform the analysis. Secondary Analyst (Data Verification) may be the Group Leader or another staff analyst that is qualified to perform data review for the analysis being checked. It is the responsibility of the secondary analyst to perform a thorough review of all important details associated with the data being verified. The Secondary Analyst shall ensure that: Appropriate analytical methodologies and standard procedures were followed; uncontrolled if printed Chapter 2 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 9 of 13 Appropriate QC activities were performed as designated by the method and/or the LOQAM; Analytical activities were properly documented as specified by the method and/or the LOQAM; Appropriate actions were taken as a result of QC indicators; Analytical data qualifiers were accurately recorded and that all qualifier flags and explanatory footnotes are properly placed on the data; and All appropriate items on the data review/verification checklist are properly documented. 2.3.6 Deputies who are acting on behalf of a management official within the branch or section assume the duties and responsibilities of that individual under the quality system. Specific duties and responsibilities may be assumed by different individuals, either a member of ASB management or a staff member, as appropriate. Any deputy will be notified of their temporary assumption of duties and responsibilities and must be familiar with and capable of executing the applicable requirements of the quality system. 2.3.7 Environmental Services Assistance Team (ESAT) Laboratory Support Analytical support is often obtained through the ESAT contract. The ESAT team is located on site within the ASB laboratory areas with space assigned specifically to them. Work is assigned by EPA Work Assignment Managers to ESAT staff through technical direction documents following all contractual rules and regulations. ESAT personnel are expected to be familiar with the LOQAM, follow its policies and practices, and to follow analytical SOPs approved by EPA management. 2.3.8 ASB Staff - ESAT Work Assignments Section Chiefs may designate certain ASB staff to assign work to ESAT. As needed, these staff members will direct work to ESAT via the ESAT Tracking System on the LAN. ESAT assignments will normally require communication with the Section Chief to assure that the EPA/ESAT workload is evenly distributed. Under the existing contract, only the EPA ESAT Project Officer or Alternate Project Officer(s) may issue work to ESAT. ASB staff that assign work to ESAT must follow all rules and regulations of the contracting process. They are also responsible for receiving the work products from the ESAT staff, performing an appropriate review of the work performed and insuring that it is appropriately entered into the LIMS and subsequently reported. In those cases where secondary review is performed by ESAT a reduced level of final overview by EPA may be appropriate. Each data package should be reviewed at a minimum to ensure that: uncontrolled if printed Chapter 2 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 10 of 13 Appropriate analytical methodologies and standard procedures were followed; Appropriate QC activities were performed as designated by the method and/or the LOQAM; Analytical activities were properly documented as specified by the method and/or the LOQAM; Appropriate actions were taken as a result of QC indicators; Complete and accurate recording of all individual analytical data points and that data qualifier flags and explanatory footnotes are properly placed; Project file contains, or references, location of all necessary information including raw data, calibrations, extraction logs, standards, run logs, and dilutions; and Data have been entered and verified in LIMS and if qualified contain the appropriate remarks to show reason(s) for qualification. 2.4 Facilities The current facilities were completed and occupied at the end of 1996. The facility includes a full service analytical laboratory operation with all supporting equipment and space. The total facility consists of approximately 55,000 net usable square feet, a little less than a third of which is occupied by the Analytical Support Branch. The facility is a build-lease through the General Services Administration and is rented for 20 years with 2 additional 10-year options. Operation and maintenance of the facility is the responsibility of the lessor through GSA. SESD (not within ASB) has one or more staff members dedicated to facility issues, coordinating maintenance and operations with GSA and the lessor. 2.5 Equipment 2.5.1 Inventory ASB has an inventory of state-of-the-art analytical equipment. A listing of major analytical instrumentation for the branch is maintained on the EPA, K:\ASB\Current Documents. 2.5.2 Maintenance/Service Proper maintenance of laboratory instrumentation is a key ingredient to both the longevity of the useful life of the instrument, as well as, providing reliable analyses. Maintenance and service requires an alert analytical staff that recognizes the need for equipment maintenance coupled with support services provided either by inhouse staff or by vendor technicians. All staff members have the responsibility for ensuring uncontrolled if printed Chapter 2 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 11 of 13 that primary maintenance is carried out on instrumentation. The primary elements of the equipment maintenance program include: A daily check of all major equipment for such things as cooling fan operation, pump operation, indicator readings, mechanical checks, clean air filters, etc.; Routine preventive maintenance on all major equipment as needed; Records in maintenance logs for all repairs; Instrument utilization records maintained in the form of analysis logs; A conservative inventory of critical spare parts maintained for high-use instrumentation; and Vendor-produced operation and maintenance manuals (where available) maintained for all laboratory instrumentation. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 2 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 12 of 13 Figure 2-1 Immediate Office Danny France, Chief Jeannie Williamson M. Beall (SEE) Sallie Hale Inorganic Section Organic Section Jeffrey Hendel, Chief Floyd Wellborn, Chief B. Stuart D. Burdette E. Seymour F. VanCuron J. Collum B. Shuhler E. Walton S. Dutton S. Sivertsen T. White J. Giles K. Trapp M. DeJesus L. Melendez S. Wimpey R. Howes J. Muse D. Adams P. Betts C. Callahan A. Carroll uncontrolled if printed Chapter 2 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 13 of 13 Figure 2-2 Science and Ecosystem Support Division Mike Peyton Director Antonio Quinones Deputy Director Marilyn Vidmar Secretary Analytical Support Branch Danny France Chief Enforcement and Investigations Branch Vacant Chief Ecological Assessment Branch John Deatrick Chief Inorganics Section Organics Section Enforcement Section Superfund & Air Section Water Quality Section Jeffrey Hendel Chief Floyd Wellborn Chief Mike Bowden Chief Laura Ackerman Chief Stacey Box Chief Management and Technical Services Branch Bobbi Carter Chief ESAT Contract Aquatic Biology Section Quality Assurance Section Program Support Section Vacant Chief Marilyn Maycock Chief Cindy Kesler Chief uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 3 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 1 of 16 CHAPTER 3 SAMPLE SCHEDULING, HANDLING, STORAGE AND DISPOSAL 3.1 Introduction Complete documentation of the sample collection and handling process is an extremely important aspect of producing defensible laboratory data. Chain-of-custody procedures provide a record of sample traceability, accountability, and serve to validate sample integrity. All samples for chemical analysis received by ASB are controlled with documented custody procedures. Custody and handling procedures for field operations are detailed in the Field Branches Quality System and Technical Procedures. 3.2 Sample Collection 3.2.1 Procedures Samples are collected using standard field sampling techniques consistent with the parameter being determined. Sampling procedures are followed that minimize the possibility of sample adulteration by either the sample collector or sampling device. Field sample collection procedures are detailed in the Field Branches Quality System and Technical Procedures. ASB staff does not routinely perform field sampling activities. 3.2.2 Containers and Holding Times Selection of sample container types and preservation techniques are guided by the method being applied. Guidance is available in such references as Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, ASTM, EPA Methods for Chemical Analyses of Water and Waste, 40 CFR 136, and others. Table 3-1 includes analysis, sample matrices, preservatives, and recommended holding times. 3.3 Sample Scheduling 3.3.1 Initial Scheduling On July 1, 2006 ASB began using ELEMENT®, a commercial laboratory information management system (LIMS) for the management and reporting of analytical data. However, because of the versatile and powerful project scheduling features of the existing in-house Region 4 LIMS (R4LIMS), it is being actively maintained for project scheduling. Projects requiring chemical analyses are routinely scheduled into R4LIMS directly by project leaders; occasionally, the scheduling of the samples may be made directly with the Regional Sample Control Coordinator (RSCC). Each time samples are scheduled, a project number is assigned automatically by R4LIMS. If sample delivery to the lab is expected to occur over more than one calendar week, a new project number is required for each week. The R4LIMS project number is ‘passed through’ to ELEMENT® and is used in conjunction with the ELEMENT® work order number for tracking of the analyses. An additional feature of R4LIMS is a function called “Project Notes” which allows project leaders and lab management to communicate on the project’s analytical needs. The laboratory will not accept samples that arrive without first being scheduled in R4LIMS prior uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 3 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 2 of 16 to receipt. If this situation occurs, laboratory management will contact the project requestor and/or their management to determine if the samples must be analyzed and what priority will be assigned. 3.3.2 Sample Acceptance Review of Requested Analyses The ASB Section Chiefs routinely review scheduled projects to determine if there is internal lab capacity to accept a project, or if the project should be contracted outside the laboratory through the national contracts such as the Superfund Contract Laboratory Program (CLP). Normally all samples in support of criminal projects will be analyzed within the ASB laboratories or sent to the National Enforcement Investigations Center (NEIC) for analysis. Sample Acceptance Responsibility and Considerations The acceptance of samples into the ASB laboratories is the responsibility of the Section Chiefs, Branch Chief, or designated alternate(s). Factors considered by ASB management when accepting samples for analysis include whether lab staff have the necessary skills and expertise to perform the environmental tests requested, a demonstration of capability is on file, and the laboratory has accreditation for a specific method/analyte when an accredited test result is requested. If the consideration of the above factors indicates any deficiency, lack of accreditation, or inability to perform the work, laboratory management will notify the data requestor, either verbally or in writing, and resolve any differences in methodology, quality control, or scope of work to be performed. Special Project Needs The requirement for management to review laboratory capability, capacity, and accreditation status in no way limits management’s ability to develop new testing methods or accept projects requiring unique or unusual analytes. Occasionally, the laboratory receives requests to perform analyses for non-routine analytes or matrices. As a support laboratory for various EPA programs, the laboratory must maintain the flexibility to accept and perform analyses using methods and for analytes for which it is not accredited. The region’s Emergency Response program is an example where the laboratory may be called upon to perform unique analyses in order to protect public health or the environment. If the laboratory is requested to perform analyses for non-accredited analytes, the data requestor will be informed that the laboratory may not have all quality control requirements in place to meet accreditation requirements. Any limitations on data usability will also be explained. If the requestor directs the laboratory to proceed with the analyses this decision will be documented in an email, R4LIMS project note, or other suitable permanent record. Refer to ASB SOP 110G for additional quality control requirements. Potable Water On occasion, ASB receives requests for the analysis of potable water samples. Most requests are not in support of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) found at 40 CFR Part 141. If there is any doubt as to whether the request is in support of SDWA regulations, the Section Chief or designee will contact the requestor to determine the purpose of the analysis. uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 3 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 3 of 16 If the request is in support of SDWA regulations, analyses must be performed by approved methods found at 40 CFR Part 141. Tables 7-1 and 7-2 list primary drinking water contaminants, including analytical method requirements. As indicated in Table 7-2, ASB does not analyze for the full list of primary drinking water contaminants. If the requestor requires the analysis of a primary contaminant which ASB does not analyze, the RSCC will assist the requestor in locating a laboratory that has the capability and proper accreditation. If the request is not in support of SDWA regulations, then ASB may choose to use alternate methods which meet the project’s measurement quality objectives. NPDES Analyses These analyses requested in support of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) regulations at 40 CFR Part 136 require the use of approved methods; however, they do not require the laboratory to be accredited for those methods. When a project is requested in support of NPDES regulations, the requestor will include this information in R4LIMS Project Notes. If for any reason ASB is unable to use that method or must make some deviation from it, ASB will notify the requestor through Project Notes of the deviation and why it needs to be made. The requestor can respond back through Project Notes or verbally if this is not acceptable. Communication should be documented in Project Notes by the Section Chief if information is given verbally. This communication process can be used either prior to receiving the samples, or once the samples have been received by ASB and analyses are in progress. Request for Use of Specific Analytical Methods The usual procedure for booking samples for analysis includes information from the requestor as to the Minimum Reporting Limits (MRL) required for the project (either routine levels, or special request). Knowing the required Measurement and Data Quality Objectives (DQO), ASB chooses an appropriate analytical method to meet the client’s needs. On occasion, ASB may receive a request to use a specific analytical method. These requests typically initiate a conversation with the requestor as to the ultimate DQOs and whether the specified method is the most appropriate choice for the requestor’s needs. When a requestor must have a specific method and ASB is unable to use it or must make some deviation from the method, ASB will notify the requestor of the deviation and why it needs to be made. The requestor can respond back if this is not acceptable. The communication process can be used either prior to receiving the samples, or once the samples have been received by ASB and analyses are in progress, but should be documented to be included in the project file. Communicating Special Requirements Special requirements for projects will be detailed in the R4LIMS booking and Project Notes. When a note is added to a project, R4LIMS generates an email notifying the Section Chief and Project Leader of the addition for their review. The Section Chief will forward these notes to the analysts to review as needed. uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 3 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 4 of 16 Quick Turn-Around analyses R4LIMS shows the scheduled projects in blue in the projects report until they have been officially accepted by ASB. Scheduling of the samples generally includes an estimate of numbers, matrices, requested analyses and turn-around time (TAT) requirements. TATs other than the standard of 35 calendar days (or 45 calendar days for projects with TCLPs) must also be included in discussions with ASB mangers for acceptance. While it is important that the RSCC/designee communicate all issues that may arise concerning the samples for a specific project, it is especially critical that quick turn-around samples be monitored for receipt and communicated to managers and analysts so that analyses may begin as soon as possible in order to accommodate the TAT request. Requests for changes to booked projects Occasionally, sample numbers and tests may need to be changed from the original request. When this occurs the procedures below must be followed. Project managers must communicate changes for project requests immediately to the appropriate ASB manager and SCC in order to discuss issues that may arise as a result of the changes. It is the responsibility of the individual ASB person receiving the change request to ensure that the change is communicated to all affected parties and documented in the project file. Additionally, the ASB manager or SCC will follow up with all communications of change to assure that any and all proper documentation for the change is submitted to ASB and filed as appropriate. The chain-of-custody must always reflect the analytical requests (including any changes made prior to or during the study) and will be the final authority used for the analytical work performed. When changes are requested in parameters after receipt at the laboratory, they must be negotiated with the appropriate ASB manager. If the change can be accomplished, the project leader or group leader must submit it in writing along with the reason (email is acceptable) to the SCC. The SCC will ensure that all the documentation is included in hard copy for the project files. 3.3.3 Canceled Projects The RSCC notes in R4LIMS projects that were scheduled and subsequently canceled. The electronic record also tracks these changes. 3.4 Sample Receipt 3.4.1 Sample Acceptance Policy Samples requested for analysis within ASB are typically from internal Agency sampling organizations directly supporting EPA Region 4 Programs. As such, it would be a rare circumstance that a sample directed for analysis within ASB would be refused based on issues related to field sampling (e.g., preservatives, temperature, improper containers, etc.). Any sampling anomalies for a specific project must be evaluated on individual merit for the impact upon the results and the data quality objectives of the project. When sampling irregularities do exist, ASB managers and the QAM must be uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 3 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 5 of 16 engaged, who in turn will discuss recommended courses of action with project leaders. Most often the decision will be to proceed with the analyses with proper documentation and communication of the sampling anomaly and any known or suspected impacts on data quality. Documentation of the issue and the final decision for action shall be included in the project file. Due to waste handling and sample disposal considerations, ASB’s policy is not to provide storage for samples which have been or are to be analyzed by other laboratories. Exceptions to this policy may be made on a case-by-case basis by laboratory management. 3.4.2 Sample Receiving Procedure Samples are received by the sample custodian or a designated alternate. Samples that are delivered after hours by EPA and/or ESAT field personnel will be secured in the custody room by the field personnel and the sample custodian or designee will receive them the next business day. In the uncommon event that a sample delivery occurs after hours via commercial vendor or other shipment, the facility security guard on duty will secure the samples within the custody room and will make provisions to notify the sample custodian for receipt the next business day. Detailed sample receiving procedures are documented in the most current revision of SOP ASB 105G, Sample Receiving and Custody. 3.4.3 Sample Receipt Guidelines for Organics with Short Holding Time Requirements Some organic samples such as waters requiring analysis for semivolatiles, pesticides/PCBs, and unpreserved volatiles require quick shipping to SESD due to the short holding time of 7 days from sample collection to extraction. Also, there is a 48-hour holding time requirement from collection to preservation for VOA soil samples collected in coring devices or 40-mL containers. Therefore, the following sample shipping guidelines should be observed by field sampling organizations. Semivolatiles, Pesticides/PCBs, unpreserved VOA waters Water samples collected during the week must be shipped to the lab within 48 hours of collection and cannot be driven back to the lab on a Friday if collected on Monday or Tuesday. Samples collected on Monday should not be held for shipping later in the week, especially before a Monday holiday. Samples with 7-day holding times can be “walked in” by samplers to the lab if they arrive by Thursday; Wednesday if the following Monday is a holiday. VOA soils These samples generally must be shipped (or “walked in”) daily to meet the 48-hour holding time. However, if the soils are collected in 40-mL vials (with or without water/methanol) and then frozen at -7 to -20C in the field, quick delivery is not necessary. Freezing coring devices in the field does not extend the 48-hour holding time. Note: Dry ice may not be used to freeze the samples because the temperature in the cooler may be < -20C. 3.4.4 Acceptance of Samples Known or Suspected to Contain Dioxin Environmental samples (soil, sediment, groundwater, and surface water) known or suspected to be contaminated with listed RCRA dioxin-containing hazardous waste uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 3 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 6 of 16 will not be accepted by ASB. This policy has been implemented because of the special waste handling and disposal restrictions placed upon listed RCRA dioxin-containing hazardous waste. If capacity is available, ASB will accept other environmental samples including those samples suspected of being contaminated with polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), as long as the suspected PCDD and PCDF contamination is not due to listed RCRA dioxin-containing wastes. Scheduling Samples When project leaders schedule samples known or suspected to contain dioxin into R4LIMS for routine analyses, the requestors are required to indicate to the best of their knowledge whether the samples are or are not contaminated with listed RCRA dioxin-containing wastes. Because the laboratory has limited, if any, knowledge of site or facility history, it is the project leaders’ responsibility to determine to the best of their ability whether samples are contaminated with the listed RCRA wastes. The references cited in references 1 and 2 may be consulted for additional information on the management of RCRA wastes. 1 Management of Contaminated Media, EPA Region 4, September 7, 1999 2 Management of Remediation Wastes under RCRA, EPA 530-F-98-026, October 1998 Sample Disposal ASB will depend upon samplers’ knowledge of site conditions concerning listed RCRA dioxin containing wastes. ASB will not knowingly accept samples with the dioxin listed waste codes. Environmental samples containing dioxin but which do not contain dioxin listed wastes do not require disposal as RCRA hazardous wastes. Such samples will be disposed as ordinary environmental samples unless they are hazardous by other RCRA characteristics or are a listed waste. 3.5 Sample Logging and Storage 3.5.1 Assignment of Numbers Each sample (and container) is assigned a unique identification by ELEMENT® based on the following pattern. EYYWWNN-AN-L where EYYWWNN represents a ‘Work Order’ number, analogous to an R4LIMS project number and –AN-L is a sample number within the work order. The letter E is a non-changing designation for the EPA lab. YY is a two-number designation for the calendar year. WW is a two-letter designation for the week of the calendar year (01 through 52). uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 3 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 7 of 16 NN is a two-number designation (01 through 99) representing an incremental number of the work order received for that week. The sample number AN-L is a twodigit sample number (01 through 99) or alpha character (AA through ZZ) and –L is a unique letter designation assigned to each container received from a particular sampling location. 3.5.2 Storage of Samples When all numbers are assigned, samples are secured within the custody room walk in coolers or other specifically designated sample storage locations The temperature of the custody room coolers and freezer is monitored and recorded using a certified wireless temperature sensor which interfaces with a receiver and software installed on a custody room computer. The software records and sends email and ‘pop-up’ alerts if the cooler temperature exceeds the specified range. These sensor thermometers serve as the ‘official’ thermometers of the coolers and freezer. Charted data from the wireless cooler and freezer temperature sensors are used to assess the extent and duration of any temperature excursions and assist in determining if any samples may have been affected by the temperature excursion. The acceptable temperature range for the coolers is 0-6°C. The freezer should maintain ≤ -10°C. The coolers and freezer are monitored periodically at night by security personnel. Any temperature excursions outside acceptance criteria will initiate an investigation to determine whether any samples may have been affected. The ASB Sample Control Coordinator (SCC), QAM and other appropriate personnel will meet to discuss the extent of the excursion, which samples may have been affected and whether it warrants notifying sampling personnel. When notification is warranted, the project manager will be notified in writing (email is acceptable) listing the samples affected and the extent of the excursion (temperature and duration). A copy of the communication will be placed in the project file. Criteria to be considered include duration of the excursion and analysis requested on the samples. 3.6 Custody Custody records on all samples received by ASB are maintained within the LIMS. Reports can be generated on each work order which detail the custody transactions for each sample bottle. 3.6.1 Custody Room Access Key card entry controls access to the main custody room area. Authorized entry is coordinated with the facility representative by each Branch Chief submitting a memo listing all staff authorized for entry. This list should be updated whenever there is a change of personnel. It is the responsibility of the facility representative to ensure that authorized names are properly entered into the computer. 3.6.2 Custody Room Housekeeping The sample custodian or designee monitors all areas of the custody room to ensure it is maintained in a clean, orderly and secure manner. Areas needing attention shall be brought to the attention of the Section Chief (Organic or Inorganic) uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 3 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 8 of 16 for which the area is designated for use. Facility cleaning staff does not routinely enter the custody room. The custody room is cleaned only by special coordination and scheduling through the facility representative. 3.6.3 Documentation of Custody Documentation of sample custody is accomplished by the use of COC seals that are secured by field sampling personnel, a COC form initiated at the time of sample collection, field log books, individual analysis logs, the LIMS and sample disposal memos and records. The original field custody form, along with a computer printout of the requested analytical tests, is maintained in the SESD Project files. A copy of the field custody form and a copy of the computer print-out are sent to the EPA/SESD personnel responsible for sample collection. It is the project leader’s responsibility to check the computer print-out against the chain-of-custody record for accuracy as it relates to analyses requested for the project and the sampling station identification information. 3.6.4 Assuming Custody for Analysis (other than VOAs and UTL mercury) ASB utilizes the LIMS to perform a check-out, check-in system of sample accession from their storage locations. To receive samples for analysis, an analyst must assume custody of the samples (including those ‘aliquoted’ in the custody room such as frozen tissue). The following actions are required. (For volatiles see 3.5.3; UTL mercury, 3.5.4) The analyst must access the custody module in the LIMS and change the location of the samples which are taken for processing and/or analysis. The analyst will return the samples to the custody room when finished with the analysis. In no case will the original samples (less the aliquot required for analysis) remain outside the custody room or designated satellite storage area during nonduty hours. When the samples are returned, the analyst will note the date and time returned in the custody module of the LIMS. ELEMENT runs a query nightly to check for any samples with a custody status of ‘Out’. When any samples are identified with an ‘Out’ status, an email is immediately generated identifying the sample number and the analyst checking the sample out. The email is sent to the QAM and the analyst responsible for the sample. Upon receiving the email, the analyst shall return the samples to the custody room if they are still out and set the status to “Checked in”. If the samples were returned to the custody room, but the custody status was not updated in ELEMENT, the custody status shall be set to ‘Available-In’ at the current date/time. In both cases, an explanatory note shall be entered in the Work Order Notes area describing the reason for the samples having a custody status of ‘Out’ overnight. 3.6.5 Tracking of Sample Extracts and Digests Each batch of samples prepared for analysis, or taken for direct analysis, is assigned a unique Batch ID number for tracking purposes. Batch IDs are assigned automatically by ELEMENT® and are in the format ‘YYMMnnnn’ where: uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 3 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 9 of 16 ‘YY’ is a two-digit number identifying the year of the batch, ‘MM’ is a two-digit number identifying the month and ‘nnnn’ is a four-digit number representing the incremental batch created that month. If a batch of samples requires re-extraction or re-digestion, the samples are rebatched within ELEMENT®. Batch IDs are also used for tracking QC data associated with a batch. That is, any method blank, LCS data or matrix QC data associated with a particular batch of samples is assigned a unique ID associating it with the batch. 3.6.6 Transfer of Custody from ASB On occasion, after ASB has assumed custody of the samples, there may be requests for samples to be transferred to other individuals or organizations. Samples shall only be removed from ASB custody by transferring official custody using appropriate COC forms. All custody transfers of this nature must be coordinated through the sample custodian or designee. 3.7 Review of Custody Records Review of custody information will be performed by the Branch Management, QAM or designee(s). These reviews typically are performed along with the annual technical system review of custody procedures and will include an examination of custody documentation of randomly selected samples for traceability, completeness, and accuracy. uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 3 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 10 of 16 Table 3-1 Recommended Preservation & Holding Times Soil/Sediment 1 Water 1, 2 and Waste Water Waste Tissue Pres3 Amt4 Container Type5 Hold6 Pres3 Amt4 Container Type5 Hold6 Pres3 Amt4 Container Type5 Hold6 Pres3 Amt4 Container Type5 Hold6 NA NA 14 days NA NA NA NA NA NA 14 days NA NA NA NA NA NA Ice-4oC 500 mL P, FP Fill completely and cap tightly Ice-4oC 500 mL P, FP Fill completely and cap tightly NA NA NA NA 48 hrs NA NA NA NA 48 hrs NA NA NA NA NA NA 28 days NA NA NA NA Ice-4oC 8 oz G Not specified 28 days NA NA NA NA None 8 oz G NA Not specified NA 28 days NA NA NA NA Immed NA NA NA NA NA NA 48 hrs NA NA NA NA NA NA Ice-4oC 2 L P, FP Ice-4oC 1 gal(x2)15 P, FP Ice-4oC 500 mL P, FP Ice-4oC H2SO4 to pH<2 500 mL P, FP None 500 mL P, FP None 500 mL P Ice-4oC 1L P,G, FP Ice-4oC 500 mL P, FP Not Specified NA NA NA None 8oz G NA 28 days NA NA NA NA Ice-4oC 8 oz G Extract 1 month Analysis 4 days7 24 hrs 28 days if buffered3 None 8oz G Extract 1 month Analysis 4 days7 NA NA Cyanide Ice-4oC 8 oz G Not specified 14 days None 8oz G Not specified NA NA Dissolved P, total NA NA 28 days NA NA NA NA Fluoride Not specified Not Specified NA 28 days NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Hardness None 8 oz G None 8oz G NA Filter immed.9 Ice-4oC 1L P, FP Buffer to extend HT3 NaOH to pH>12, ascorbic acid8, Ice-4oC 500 mL P, FP Filter immed.9 Ice-4oC H2SO4 to pH<2 500 mL P, FP None 500 mL P NA NA NA NA NA NA 180 days 6 months Immed NA Iron (Fe2+) HNO3 to pH<2 500 mL P, FP None 1L P, FP NA NA NA NA Analytical Group Inorganics Acidity Alkalinity Ash Content BOD5 BOD - Long Term Bromide Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Chloride Chlorine Residual Color Conductivity Chromium VI (hexavalent) Grain Size uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 3 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 11 of 16 Table 3-1 Recommended Preservation & Holding Times Soil/Sediment 1 Water 1, 2 and Waste Water Waste Tissue Pres3 Amt4 Container Type5 Hold6 Pres3 Amt4 Container Type5 Hold6 Pres3 Amt4 Container Type5 Hold6 Pres3 Amt4 Container Type5 Hold6 Mercury Ice-4oC 8 oz G 28 days HNO3 to pH<2 1L P, FP 28 days None 8oz G 180 days Not specified Mercury - TCLP None 8 oz G 28 days 56 days10 None 1L P, FP or 1 gal. P, FP, G if multiphase (>0.5% and <10%solids) 28 days None 8oz G or 1 gal P,G if multiphase (>0.5% and <10% solids) None 8oz G 28 days 56 days10 Freeze, 5 g 8 oz G, Al foil or plastic NA Not specified Analytical Group 56 days10 NA Mercury - UTL Ice-4oC 8 oz G 90 days HCl to pH<2 1L FP 90 days Metals, except mercury Ice-4oC 8 oz G 6 months HNO3 to pH<2 1L P, FP 180 days 6 months None 8oz G 6 months Dissolved Metals, except mercury NA NA 180 days NA NA Metals - TCLP (except mercury, see above) None 8 oz G 180 days 360 days11 Filter immed.9 , HNO3 to pH<2 1L P, FP None 1L P, FP or 1 gal. , P, FP,G if multiphase (>0.5% and <10% solids) Freeze, 5 g 8 oz G, Al foil or plastic Freeze, 15 g 8 oz G, Al foil or plastic NA 360 days11 NA NA Nitrate (requires two containers: one unpreserved and a 2nd preserved) Ice-4oC 8 oz G Not specified 48 hrs NA NA NA Nitrite Ice-4oC 8 oz G Ice-4oC 8 oz G Not specified Not specified 48 hrs NA NA NA NA 28 days NA NA NA NA NA NA 28 days NA NA NA NA Oxygen-dissolved NA NA Immed NA NA NA NA Ortho-P NA NA 48 hrs NA NA NA NA Ortho-P (when equating dissolved with Ortho-P) Phenols (4AAP Colorimetric) NA NA 48 hrs NA NA NA NA NA NA Ice-4oC 500 mL P, FP AND 2nd container Ice4oC, H2SO4 to pH<2 500 mL Ice-4oC 500 mL P, FP Ice-4oC, H2SO4 to pH<2 500 mL/paramtr or 1L total P,FP Ice-4oC, HCl or H2SO4 to pH<2 1L (Triple volume required for 1 per 20 samples), G None 40 mL G Ice-4oC 500 mL P, FP Filter immed9, Ice-4oC 500 mL P, FP Ice-4oC, H2SO4 to pH<2 500 mL G None 8 oz G or 1 gal. P,G if multiphase (>0.5% and <10% solids) NA 28 days NA NA NA NA Nutrients (ammonia, TKN, NO3+NO2 -N, total phosphorus) Oil & Grease 6 months 180 days 360 days 11 Not specified Not specified NA uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 3 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 12 of 16 Table 3-1 Recommended Preservation & Holding Times Soil/Sediment 1 Water 1, 2 and Waste Water Waste Tissue Pres3 Amt4 Container Type5 Hold6 Pres3 Amt4 Container Type5 Hold6 Pres3 Amt4 Container Type5 Hold6 Pres3 Amt4 Container Type5 Hold6 pH None 8 oz G Not specified None 500 mL P, FP Immed except 24 hrs for RCRA12 None 8 oz G NA NA Settleable Solids NA NA 48 hrs NA NA NA Solids Series (TS, TSS, TDS, TVSS, etc.) Sulfates NA NA Ice-4oC 1 L P, FP Ice-4oC 1L P, FP 24 hrs for aqueous, otherwise not specified NA 7 days NA NA NA NA Ice-4oC 8 oz G Ice-4oC 8 oz G Not specified Not specified 28 days NA NA NA NA 7 days None 8 oz G Not specified NA NA Temperature NA NA Immed NA NA NA NA TOC Ice-4°C 8 oz G Not Specified 28 days NA NA NA NA Dissolved TOC NA NA 28 days NA NA NA NA Turbidity NA NA Ice-4oC 500 mL P, FP 2ml Zn Acetate & NaOH to pH >9, Ice- 4oC 500 mL P, FP None 500 mL P, FP Ice-4oC, H2SO4 to pH<2 500mL P, FP Filter immed9 , Ice 4oC, H2SO4 to pH<2 500mL, P, FP Ice-4oC 500 mL P, FP 48 hrs NA NA NA NA Analytical Group Sulfides uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 3 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 13 of 16 Table 3-1 Recommended Preservation & Holding Times Soil/Sediment 1 Water 1, 2 Waste and Waste Water Tissue Pres3/ Amt4/ Container Type5 Hold6 Pres3/ Amt4/ Container Type5 Hold6 Pres3/ Amt4/ Container Type5 Hold6 Pres3/ Amt4/ Container Type5 Hold6 Alcohol - Percent NA NA 365 days None 8 oz G Ice-4°C 8 oz G Not Specified 365 days NA Ice-4°C 8 oz G Not Specified 365 days NA Dioxin/ Dibenzofurans (EPA 1613) TCLP Extractables (Pesticides, Herbicides, Semivolatiles) Extractables (Pesticides/PCBs, Herbicides, Semivolatiles) Extractables/ Pesticides/PCBs residual chlorine present Ice 1gal.G/ Ice (0-40C) 1 L (x2) G/A Ice & Freeze 30 g Al Foil 365 days Ice-4oC 8 oz G 61 days13 Ice-4oC 1 L (x2 per fraction)15 G/A 61 days13 None 8 oz G 61 days13 NA NA Ice-4oC 8 oz G 54 days14 Ice-4oC 1 L(x2 per fraction)15 G/A 47 days16 None 8 oz G 54 days14 Ice & Freeze 30 g Al Foil Not specified NA NA 44 days17 NA NA NA NA Flashpoint NA NA 3 ml of 10 % sodium thiosulfate per gallon 1 L (x2 per fraction)15 G/A NA NA NA NA NA 14 days NA NA Org Halide (TOX) Ice-4oC 8 oz G 28 days 28 days NA NA NA NA Perfluorocarbons NA NA HCL (pH<2), Ice-4oC 40 mL(x3)15 G/S Ice-4oC H2SO4 to pH<2 1 L G/A Ice-4-15oC lab ambient+ 10-40 % acetonitrile Not specified NA NA Methane/Ethane/ Ethene None 8 oz G NA 194 days27 NA NA NA NA Analytical Group Organics 125-mL Polypropylene (x2) Carbamates NA NA Phenols (analyzed as semivolatile compounds) Ice 4oC 8 oz G 54 days14 Ice-4oC 60-mL G/A (x2) Ice-4oC 1 L(x2)15 G/A 14 days28 47 days16 None 8 oz G 54 days14 Ice & Freeze 30 g Al Foil Not specified NA NA Ice-4oC 8-oz G26 14 days21 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Volatile Organics Volatile Organics Method 5035A Volatile Organics Method 5035A Ice-4oC 5 g (x3)18 E or equivalent19 Ice-4oC 5 g (x3)18 into tared 40mL VOA vials19 48 hours iced/14 days frozen20 48 hours iced/14 days frozen20 uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 3 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 14 of 16 Table 3-1 Recommended Preservation & Holding Times Soil/Sediment 1 Water 1, 2 Waste and Waste Water Tissue Pres3/ Amt4/ Container Type5 Hold6 Pres3/ Amt4/ Container Type5 Hold6 Pres3/ Amt4/ Container Type5 Hold6 Pres3/ Amt4/ Container Type5 Hold6 Ice-4oC 5 g (x3)18 into tared 40mL VOA vials containing 5 mL water19, 22 -7 to -20oC 5 g (x3)18 into tared 40mL VOA vials19, 22 -7 to -20oC 5 g (x3)18 into tared 40mL VOA vials containing 5 mL water19, 22 Ice-4oC 5 g (x3) into tared 40-mL VOA vials containing 5 mL methanol 19 NA 48 hours iced/14 days frozen20 NA NA NA NA NA NA 14 days frozen NA NA NA NA NA NA 14 days frozen NA NA NA NA NA NA 14 days NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Ice-4oC 40 mL (x3)15 G/S 7 days NA NA NA NA Volatile Organics no residual chlorine present Volatile Organics residual chlorine present NA NA 14 days NA NA NA NA NA NA 14 days23 NA NA NA NA Volatile Organics TCLP Ice-4oC 2 oz G 28 days24 0.2 mL 1+1 HCL (pH<2), Ice-4oC 40 mL (x3)15 G/S 3mg Na2S203, 0.2 mL 1+1 HCl (pH<2), Ice-4oC 40 mL (x3)15G/S NA Ice 4oC 40 mL (x3)15G/S NA 28 days24 Ice-4oC 8 oz G26 If <10% solids, 4x 8oz G 28 days24 NA NA 14 days Ice-4oC 1 gal, P,C, G NA 36 hours NA NA 14 days NA NA NA Ice-4oC -20oC Freeze 2L, P 48 hours 90 days Ice-4oC 1 gal, P, G Ice-4oC 2.5 gal, P NA 14 days AGPT Ice- 4oC 1 gal, P, G Ice-4oC 2.5 gal, P NA NA NA NA Chlorophyll Ice-4oC25 24 days Filter immed9, Ice-4oC GF/F, Freeze 24 days NA NA Ice-4oC25 4 oz G, P, Filter in lab, Freeze 24 days Analytical Group Volatile Organics Method 5035A Volatile Organics Method 5035A Volatile Organics Method 5035A Volatile Organics Method 5035A Volatile Organics no residual chlorine present Biological Toxicity Bioaccumulation 14 days NA General Notes: uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 3 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 15 of 16 NA = Not applicable Pres = Preservation Immed = Immediate Footnotes: 1 ASB’s policy is that where the sample preservation is specified at 4˚C, the acceptable temperature range for samples during shipping and storage is from above the freezing point of water to 6°C. 2 Consult 40 CFR Part 136 Table II: Required Containers, Preservation Techniques, and Holding Times for latest NPDES requirements. 3 Preservatives: Ice - Sufficient ice must be placed in the shipping/transport container to ensure ice is still present when the samples are received at the lab. HCl - Hydrochloric Acid used as a preservative must be present at concentrations ≤ 0.04% by weight (pH about 1.96 or greater) as specified in 40 CFR 136.3, Table II, footnote 3. The proper amount of HCl is added to the sample container at the laboratory prior to sampling. H2SO4 - Sulfuric Acid used as a preservative must be present at concentrations ≤ 0.35% by weight (pH about 1.15 or greater), as specified in 40 CFR 136.3, Table II, footnote 3. Approximately 5 ml. of the laboratory-prepared preservative is added to the sample. NaOH - Sodium Hydroxide) used as a preservative must be present at concentrations ≤ 0.080% by weight (pH about 12.30 or less), as specified in 40 CFR 136.3, Table II, footnote 3. Four tablets are added to the sample after collection. HNO3 - Nitric Acid used as a preservative must be present at concentrations ≤ 0.15% by weight (pH about 1.62 or greater), as specified in 40 CFR 136.3, Table II, footnote 3. Approximately 5 ml. of the laboratory prepared preservative is added to the sample. Chromium VI buffer – A concentrated buffer is used to extend the holding time for hexavalent chromium samples from 24 hours to 28 days and uses constituents as allowed by EPA guidance found at: http://water.epa.gov/scitech/methods/cwa/questions-cr6.cfm. The sample preservation buffer is prepared by carefully dissolving 330 g ammonium sulfate and 50 g sodium hydroxide in about 500 mL of deionized water. The solution is allowed to cool and 260 mL of 29% ammonium hydroxide is added and solution is diluted with deionized water to a final volume of 1L. In house studies revealed that the equivalent of 1% of buffer volume is needed to preserve samples to attain the pH range (pH 9.3 to 9.7, 10 mL buffer for a 1 L sample) as specified in 40 CFR 136.3 Table II. Adding preservative to sample bottles prior to shipment to the fieldis recommended to minimize sampler contact with the buffer. NA - Not Applicable. No sample preservation is required. 4 Amount: The amounts listed must be considered approximate requirements that are appropriate for most media. If a particular medium to be sampled is very light, more sample volume may be required to obtain the necessary mass for the analysis. 5 Container Type: G = Glass P = Polyethylene FP = Fluoropolymer E = Coring device C = Cubitainer S = Septum Seal A = Amber W = Whirl-Pak TM GF/F = Glass Fiber Filter PP = Polypropylene 6 Holding Time - Stated in days unless marked otherwise. A holding time of “immed” (immediate), indicates that the sample is to be analyzed within 15 minutes (40 CFR 136 Table II). “Not Specified” indicates no holding time is specified in the method or by the related program. 7 Chromium VI (hexavalent) - 1 month until extraction, 4 days to analysis of extract. Store at 4±2°C until analyzed (SW-846, Table 3-1). 8 Use ascorbic acid only if the sample contains residual chlorine. To test for residual chlorine, place a drop of sample on potassium iodide-starch test paper. If the test paper turns blue, residual chlorine is present. Add a few crystals of ascorbic acid and re-test until the paper no longer turns blue. Add an additional 0.6 grams of ascorbic acid for each liter of sample. 9 Filter on-site. Use 0.45 µm-filter for dissolved parameters. 10 TCLP Mercury - 56 days: 28 days to TCLP extraction plus 28 days to analysis of extract (SW-846, Method 1311, Section 8.5). 11 TCLP Metals - 360 days: 180 days to TCLP extraction plus 180 days to analysis of extract (SW-846, Method 1311, Section 8.5). uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 3 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 16 of 16 12 pH - Aqueous RCRA samples only - a 24-hour holding time from receipt is allowed. 13 TCLP Extractables - 61 days: 14 days to TCLP extraction, 7 days to solvent extraction, 40 days to analysis of extract (SW-846, Method 1311, Section 8.5). 14 Extractables - 54 days: 14 days to extraction, 40 days to analysis of extract (SW-846, Table 4-1). 15 Collect double volume for MS/MSD analyses at one station per 20 or one per project if < 20 samples in project or Sample Delivery Group (SDG). 16 Extractables, water, no residual chlorine present - 47 days: 7 days to solvent extraction, 40 days to analysis of extract (SW-846, Table 4-1). 17 Extractables - Drinking water, residual chlorine present: 14 days to extraction, 30 days to analysis of extract (EPA 525.2). 18 Collect triple volume (9 vials) for MS/MSD analyses at one station per 20 samples or one per project if < 20 samples in project or SDG. 19 Volatile Organics Soil Samples - A separate 2-ounce glass container or 40-mL vial is needed in order to determine percent solids for soil samples. Alternatively, an extra coring device will suffice. Do not freeze percent solids container!! 20 Volatile Organics Soil Samples - Contents of coring device must be analyzed or transferred to VOA vial containing organic-free water and preserved within 48 hours. Preservation is accomplished by sealing and freezing the VOA vial. The sample must be analyzed within 14 days of collection date. Soil samples received in VOA vials must be analyzed within 48 hours or frozen and analyzed within 14 days of collection date. Refer to Method 5035A, July 2002, Table A1 for additional details. 21 Wastes are dissolved in methanol at the analytical lab. 22 One 40-mL vial should be empty so that a methanol extraction can be performed if a high-level VOA is needed. Alternately, one tared 40-mL vial may contain 5 mL methanol. 23 Volatile Organics Waters - 14 days for acid preserved, 7 days if not preserved (40 CFR 136 Table II). 24 TCLP Volatile Organics - 28 days: 14 days to TCLP extraction plus 14 days to analysis of extract, or 7 days to analysis of extract if not preserved following extraction). 25 Collect in 50-mL plastic centrifuge tube. Keep sample in the dark. Freeze for up to 24 days. 26 Waste samples collected for volatile analysis are transported in secondary containment. 27 Perfluorocarbons - Water: 14 days to preparation, 180 days to analysis of extract. 28 Sampled to analyzed uncontrolled if printed Chapter 4 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 1 of 21 CHAPTER 4 GENERAL LABORATORY PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES 4.1 Good Lab Practices 4.1.1 Policy Following good laboratory practices in all is intrinsic to the production of quality analytical data. Recognizing the necessity of maintaining control over general laboratory operations, the subsequent sections outline provisions for maintaining quality in all laboratory practices and procedures. 4.1.2 Corrections to Records Corrections to hard-copy records shall be made using a single line-out with the date and the signature or initials of the analyst making the corrections. No changes shall be made with any technique that obliterates the original such as erasures or correction fluid. All records and corrections shall be in ink. Pencil shall not be used on analytical records. When corrections are due to reasons other than transcription errors, the reason for the correction shall be documented. Corrections to final data must be done by reprinting and re-transmitting final data report forms with the corrected results. Corrected results shall be transmitted with a case narrative explanation that the report is to correct data previously reported. The original report name should be included in the case narrative. An official copy of all corrected data must be retained in the project file and must contain clear documentation as to why the corrections were necessary. 4.1.3 Following SOPs/LOQAM It is the policy of the ASB that the laboratory’s standard operating procedures (SOPs) and the quality assurance manual (LOQAM) be followed by all ASB staff and by ESAT contractors. Documentation will be maintained in each employee’s training file that he/she has read, understood and agreed to follow the latest version of SOPs and LOQAM. Significant deviations from the LOQAM or SOP shall be coordinated with the appropriate supervisor and ASB Quality Assurance Manager (QAM) and the rationale for the deviation shall be clearly documented and included in the project file. In those instances where it is determined prior to receipt of samples that standard procedures will need to be modified for a specific project, these proposed deviations will be documented in R4LIMS project notes for review by the project manager. Current revisions of SOPs are located on the LAN at K:\ASB\Current Documents\SOPs. SOPs no longer in use are moved to an ‘Archived’ folder with the archived date indicated by a watermark on each page of the document. The effective date (which is in the SOP header and incorporated into the unique name of the SOP) and the archived date serve to document the date range during which the SOP was effective. 4.1.4 Manual Peak Integration Electronic data reduction is used for several of the more complex instrumental analysis systems. Analysts are required to review the electronic data uncontrolled if printed Chapter 4 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 2 of 21 processing for accuracy and consistency with appropriate data reduction techniques. Some electronic reduction can result in incorrect actions by the system software and for these instances manual override and correction of the electronic processing is appropriate. Examples of this may be such items as integration of an incorrect peak, errors in calculations, or misplacement of baseline in peak integration. Guidance related to manual integrations is documented in individual workgroup Data Review Guidelines. When manual override of the electronic process is deemed appropriate, analysts shall document on the hard-copy instrument printout the action taken and why. The action should be concurred by the Secondary Review Analyst. Concurrence is documented by a secondary reviewer dating and initialing the data review form. Manual override actions are appropriate only to correct inaccuracies and shall be done in accordance with sound analytical procedures. 4.1.5 Checklists-Primary Analyst/Secondary Analyst Review Analytical data reduction activities for both the primary analysis and the secondary review shall be documented using the appropriate data review check list. Checklists are designed for the procedure(s) being performed. The individual data review check lists for organic and inorganic analyses are maintained on the Region 4 SESD’s local network drive (K: drive) in appropriate subdirectories of K:\ASB\Current Documents\Forms\OCS\ and K:\ASB\Current Documents\Forms\ ICS\. 4.2 Document Control/File Management 4.2.1 Policy It is the policy of ASB to maintain complete and accurate records which document all laboratory activities in a readily accessible and understandable manner. These records shall include (but not be necessarily limited to): equipment, analytical methods and related activities such as sample receipt, preparation, data verification and transfer of custody. Additionally, it is the policy of ASB that all documents issued as part of ASB’s Quality System shall be controlled in the following way. All documents are reviewed and approved by an authorized approving official prior to being issued. Approving officials are Section Chiefs, Branch Chief and the QAM. Authorized revisions shall be available to all personnel at the point-of-use. A master list shall be maintained which identifies the current revision (or equivalent) and its distribution status. Documents shall be periodically reviewed for suitability or needed revisions. Obsolete documents shall be removed from the point(s)-of-issue (or marked as obsolete). Archived documents shall be marked as such. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 4 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 3 of 21 ASB’s procedures for document control are detailed in SOP ASB 107G, SOP for Document Control. 4.2.2 Internal Chain-of-Custody (COC) ASB analysts check samples in/out of the Custody Room through the LIMS (see Chapter 3). 4.2.3 COC Receipt Form The sample custodian/designee receives a COC record with every shipment of samples. The COC is initiated by field sampling personnel and includes every sample received within the shipment, indicates analyses requested, and serves as the custodial transfer of the samples by signature to the ASB sample custodian or designee. The forms/formats used are generated and maintained by the sampling organizations. This record shall be maintained by the ASB sample custodian until such time as the project is complete and then shall be transferred by the custodian/designee for inclusion in the appropriate SESD Central Records project file. 4.2.4 Instrument/Analysis/Preparation Logbooks Each analysis area maintains records using logbooks which are kept within the laboratory work areas when active or in the appropriate records archive. At a minimum, instrument logs shall indicate the unique instrument ID, date of analysis and samples which have been analyzed. For analyses that can be performed under different instrumental parameters, the logbook shall contain or reference a record of which options or analytical conditions were used. Preparation logs shall document all information to reconstruct the preparation such as weights, volumes, reagents used, preservation checks and any cleanup procedures. When full, these logbooks shall be maintained by the section chief, group leader or designee. The logbooks will be transferred to SESD Central Records when they are no longer in use. Ultimate retention and disposal will be according to Agency rules and regulations for records retention. Where appropriate, instrument acceptance criteria (e.g. tune criteria, sensitivity checks) should be noted in the logbook. All entries in instrument, sample preparation and other logs are made legibly in ink at the time of the observation or performance of the operation. If a logbook is discontinued prior to using all the pre-printed pages, a single line shall be drawn through the first vacant page and a note added stating that the logbook has been discontinued. This note shall be dated and initialed by the analyst. Electronic records, including spreadsheets which contain original measurements, may be used to create logbooks if all the required information can be captured by the instrumental software; however, a sequential analysis log must still be created and maintained. This is accomplished by printing a copy of the electronic record and including it in a notebook. These sequential logs must also include failed runs, or sequences which were abandoned prior to completion. When a pre-determined number of pages has been accumulated (e.g., 50 pages), the individual records are combined into a single bound logbook and retained as specified above. Any electronic records must accurately reflect actual analytical information. Spreadsheets or other calculating software used as logbooks or used in support of data generation in ASB analyses will be controlled. All cells, except information input cells, will be locked to prevent alteration of a formula or essential static information, such uncontrolled if printed Chapter 4 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 4 of 21 as the unique identifier. The entire spreadsheet will be password protected. The password will be assigned by the QAM at the time of posting. Copies of any spreadsheet used must be obtained from the password protected official posted version on the K: drive. Prior to posting and use, all calculations in spreadsheets will be hand-validated by the responsible party and submitted through the technical director to the QAM for approval and documentation retention. 4.2.5 Instrument Maintenance Logbooks Each major instrument shall have a maintenance logbook. At a minimum, instrument serial number and unique name shall be included in the log. Major service and repair records are maintained in these logbooks. Active logbooks are maintained within the laboratory where the instrument is located and should be maintained with the instrument throughout its useful life. At such time the instrument is removed from service the logbook is transferred to Central Records storage and maintained as all other records for a minimum of five years. Preventive maintenance schedules should be noted in the log, or in a separate maintenance log. If a logbook is discontinued prior to using all the pre-printed pages, a single line shall be drawn through the first vacant page and a note added stating that the logbook has been discontinued. This note shall be dated and initialed by the analyst. 4.2.6 ASB Laboratory Operations and Quality Assurance Manual The most current version of the ASB LOQAM is maintained electronically by the QAM. The manual is available to all EPA and ESAT staff as “read-only” on the K: drive at K:\ASB\Current Documents\QA Manual. While hard copies of the manual may be printed, it is the responsibility of each individual to ensure that they are using the most current version. The ASB LOQAM shall be maintained as described below: The quality manual will be reviewed in total at least once each year. The annual total review of the manual shall be completed as near as possible to the anniversary of the most recent fully reviewed manual date. The annual review and versions of less comprehensive reviews, as described in section below, that are in use for any given period of time will be tracked by date. Revisions resulting from less than total review of the manual do not reset the annual review clock. The next full review shall commence at an appropriate date in order to maintain the annual full review schedule described in section above. To keep the manual as up to date as possible, changes may be made at any time deemed appropriate during the calendar year. When this occurs, a change authorization page will be placed at the front of each chapter for each change that is made and documented using the LOQAM Change Authorization Form maintained on the K: drive at K:\ASB\Current Documents\Forms\Branch. The authorization page will include a brief description of the change(s) and reference the affected sections of the chapter. The original hard copy of the change authorization form, with signatures, will be maintained by the QAM. Signatories for the change authorization will be Organic and Inorganic Section Chiefs, QAM, and the Branch Chief. The effective date of the change will be the signature date of the Branch Chief. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 4 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 5 of 21 When the annual review of the entire manual is completed, the update will be noted as specified above and any change authorization pages completed during the year may be removed. Historical changes made will be maintained electronically by the QAM. The QAM will also maintain a file of the hard copy Change Authorizations that are removed at the time of the full manual review/update cycle. This will facilitate future reference to historical manuals and their changes that were in effect during any given period of time. Change Procedure for the LOQAM Any ASB staff person may suggest changes either during the annual review cycle or at any time during the calendar year. The following procedure should be used. The individual making the suggested change should request from the QAM the most current Word version of the chapter within which the change is to be proposed. The proposed change should be made using the ‘Track Changes’ option of Word. The proposed change should then be forwarded by email to the immediate supervisor with the entire chapter(s) containing the proposed change(s) as a Word attachment. For easy reference, the specific section(s) containing the changes(s) should be listed in the email and a brief explanation about the rationale for the change. If necessary, the supervisor will discuss the change with the recommending individual and others as appropriate. If the supervisor concurs, the entire chapter with the change(s) will be forwarded electronically to the QAM. The hard copy of the Change Authorization will be forwarded to the QAM with the Section Chief signature. The QAM will evaluate the change(s) and clarify any issues as necessary. If the QAM concurs, he/she will sign the hard copy of the Change Authorization form and will forward to the Branch Chief for final approval/signature. When all approvals are complete, the QAM will make the changes to the official manual on the LAN. The final concurrence signature of the Branch Chief will constitute the effective date. If the QAM is not available, the change is normally delayed until the QAM has had an opportunity to review and initiate the change. If, however, the change is deemed necessary for immediate application, the Branch Chief will authorize and make the change. The Branch Chief will present all the documentation to the QAM upon his/her return. Once the change is completed, the QAM (or alternate) will send an email to all ASB staff and the Project Officer (PO) for the ESAT contract as official notification of the change. It is the responsibility of the ESAT PO to ensure that all appropriate ESAT staff is notified. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 4 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 6 of 21 It is the responsibility of all staff to review the change and to become familiar with how it may affect their individual operation. 4.2.7 Standard Operations Procedures (SOPs)/Methods SOPs shall be written based on agency guidance EPAQA/G-6 “Guidance for the Preparation of Standard Operating Procedures for Quality Related Documents”. Detailed policies and procedures for the preparation, review and change of both administrative and technical SOPs are found in ASB 106G (SOP for the Preparation of Standard Operating Procedures.) Analytical SOPs for the various methods in use in each laboratory may be placed within the lab for reference purposes; however, the official copy of each SOP resides on the LAN in the K:\ASB\Current Documents\SOPS folder. SOPs external to ASB pertinent to the quality system include: SESD Records Management Standard Operating Procedures. Each branch secretary maintains a copy as does the QAM. SESD Safety Health and Environmental Program Manual located on the SESD Intranet under ‘SHEMP’. External SOPs are reviewed on an annual basis to ensure that any updates to these external SOPs that are pertinent to ASB are incorporated into this LOQAM. 4.2.8 Project Files A project file is all pertinent information and documentation related to a group of samples that are associated with a unique identifier (project number) assigned by the division’s R4LIMS software. Each analytical project has a “project file” which contains when possible, originals of all the information. In some instances, such as bound logbooks, it may be necessary to make copies; however, it is essential that the copy placed in the file be the exact copy of the original. If corrections are deemed necessary to the original after the project file has been completed, the primary analyst or group leader will ensure that a copy of the corrected page(s) are placed in the file and the incorrect copy removed. If the final data reports, either in part or in total, must be corrected or clarified and reported again, a new memo shall be generated for transmittal of the correction, explaining the nature of the correction and placed into the project file along with the corrected data. The project file contains all data (or copies thereof) used to produce the final data report. For example, if an analytical run is not used because of a calibration failure, it need not be retained in the project file. However, if the failed run was used to determine the level of dilution required by a sample in the final run, it should be maintained. At a minimum, the following hard-copy information is retained in the project file. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 4 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 7 of 21 COC record(s) Final production data reports complete with transmittal memos All raw data used in the decision making process of obtaining reported results including, but not limited to the items below Laboratory sample ID Date of analysis (For analyses with holding times < 72 hours, or when time-critical or method-specified times are included in the analysis, the time of analysis must also be recorded.) Instrument ID and operating conditions Analysis type Documentation of any manual calculations, including manual integrations A record of who performed the analysis indicated by the analyst’s initials or signature Standard traceability and reagent preparation (or references which would include enough information to locate the traceability records) QA/QC information Secondary review check lists Chromatograms Raw quantitation reports Special notes concerning the project Copies of logbook pages Correspondence (memos or electronic mails or other documents relevant to the project) The analytical information is maintained by analysts while the project is in progress. When completed, the raw data is transferred by the group leader or designee to central records for inclusion into the project file. Ultimate retention and disposal will be according to Agency record management rules and regulations as detailed in ‘Records Management Standard Operating Procedures, Science and Ecosystem Support Division.” uncontrolled if printed Chapter 4 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 8 of 21 All records are maintained for ten years in SESD Central Records. Documents related to the Superfund program are transferred to Federal archives for maintenance until disposition after thirty years. NOTE: While data work-up is in progress, raw data may be logged out of the SESD facility for review at a teleworking location. A log will be maintained in the project file indicating which data package(s) were removed from the SESD facility, the responsible party and the return date. Under no circumstances will any portion of a project file be removed from the SESD facility for teleworking purposes after the data has been reported. If any data is maintained in electronic-only format, it shall be stored to allow retrieval of the information for at least five years after completion of the project. Any software supporting electronic-only data must be also available for this period of time, even if the software/instrumentation has been removed from routine service. It is absolutely essential that the hard copies placed into project files exactly reflect the electronic data. Because the hard copy project file is the official record it is not necessary to store or maintain e-data for an extended period of time. All ASB files relating to analytical data (including supporting documentation) are assigned to one of two file classifications of the EPA record retention schedule which can be found at http://www.epa.gov/records/index.htm. Superfund records are classified under record series 018 with disposition schedules ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’ or ‘e’, all of which are thirty years after the file break. All other records are classified under record series 223 with a disposition schedule of ten years after the file break. 4.2.9 Confidentiality of Data ASB does not, under normal operations, accept samples considered to require the use of Confidential Business Information (CBI) procedures. Therefore, most of the information generated by ASB is accessible under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The exception is data from all criminal investigation projects; it is not subject to release and will not be reported to anyone other than project managers leading the criminal investigations or to individuals that are authorized by ASB management. Criminal projects are so noted when logged into R4LIMS. Data transmittal memos contain a confidentiality notice stating the data is only for the use of the specific individual addressee(s). ASB does not release data to anyone other than the project manager and those approved by the project manager to receive results. 4.2.10 General Correspondence All general written correspondence (e.g., memos, letters) from ASB technical staff to any party external to ASB but internal to SESD shall be reviewed and approved by the respective supervisor and shall have the supervisor as a “THRU” signatory. All correspondence external to the Division shall also include the Branch Chief as a “THRU” signatory. All correspondence should be submitted to the Branch uncontrolled if printed Chapter 4 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 9 of 21 Secretary to put on proper letterhead and format. Correspondence related to a specific project shall be filed in the project file. General correspondence (other than thank you memos/letters) shall be filed according to the ASB Divisional File Plan for general correspondence. 4.2.11 Training Files A training file shall be maintained for each ASB and contract staff member by the ASB QAM. The file shall contain all training documentation, including conference and seminar participation. Training files may be maintained in hard copy, electronic format, or a combination of both. 4.2.12 QA/QC Records Maintained within SESD either in the project file or by the QAM. The following raw QA/QC data are typically associated with a project and are found in the project file. DOCs, IDLs, MDLs, etc. Records of all spikes, replicates, and surrogates and updates of acceptance limits for each Data related to validation of new methods/techniques. The following QA/QC documents shall be maintained by the QAM. General quality assurance records such as performance testing, copies of acceptance limits and updates of acceptance limits Certification of thermometers and weights Internal and external audit records and responses Copies of method validation studies Special issue investigations Summaries of QC data Summaries of DOCs; IDLs; MDLs Summaries of acceptance limits for QC parameters 4.2.13 Document/Forms Revisions Many forms and documents (e.g., SOPs, logbooks, data review check lists, extraction/preparation logs, etc.) are generated within ASB. All forms will be maintained by the QAM in the appropriate subdirectory at K:\ASB\Current Documents\Forms\. These forms shall be reviewed and revised as necessary. Changes to these forms are authorized by the Branch Chief or Section Chiefs by sending an email to the uncontrolled if printed Chapter 4 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 10 of 21 QAM denoting approval and with a copy of the changes. The QAM shall then post the changed copy to the K: drive and notify all appropriate staff of the change completion. Forms will be assigned a version number by the QAM and the most current version will always be listed in the appropriate subdirectory at K:\ASB\Current Documents\Forms\. It is the responsibility of each staff member to ensure the current version as listed on the K: drive is being used. If there is ever any question, confirmation with the QAM is required. Specific document control procedures are detailed in SOP ASB 107G. 4.2.14 Records Management/Disposition ASB records will be managed in accordance with the Records Management Standard Operating Procedures of the Science and Ecosystem Support Division. In the event that the SESD and ASB organizations are eliminated, all records would be maintained as required by U.S. government regulations for records retention in force at the time of the discontinuation. 4.3 Laboratory Apparatus and Instruments 4.3.1 General Policy It is the policy of ASB that all laboratory apparatus and instruments meet or exceed any method-specified tolerances to ensure results are reported within acceptable uncertainty levels. Environmental Management System goals (e.g., reduction in chemical use or more energy efficiency) should be considered when evaluating new equipment for purchase, but may not always be the deciding factors. If any equipment becomes defective or is suspected of being defective, it will either be removed from the work area or marked as out-of-service. In general, all ASB laboratory apparatus and instruments remain under the control of ASB at all times. However, if equipment leaves the direct control of ASB (e.g., loaned to another agency), it shall be verified to be operating properly prior to being placed back into service at ASB. 4.3.2 Incubators If an automatic temperature recorder is not used for incubators, place a verified thermometer (preferably within a bottle of water) on a central shelf and record temperature at least once each working day (more frequently if required by methods/SOPs) when the incubator is in use. “In use” shall be defined as when the unit contains materials for which a specified temperature is required by method, policy, or procedure. Verification of operation within the correct temperature range may be documented in an alternate fashion if it can be demonstrated that the unit did not exceed its minimum or maximum permissible level (e.g., with a min/max temperature record). If a unit is not being used for this purpose, it should be so noted in the temperature record log and daily checks will not be necessary. To place a unit back into use, a current temperature measurement must be taken for verification that it is at the proper temperature. This must be documented in the temperature recording log indicating that the unit has been placed back into active service and then daily checks must resume. Check temperature variations when incubators are loaded to capacity and document this check in the analysis log or temperature log, whichever is appropriate. When an automatic temperature recorder is used, it is designated as the official record; any other thermometers in use are for convenient quick checks. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 4 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 11 of 21 4.3.3 Water Baths Monitor and record temperature in the analysis log at least once each working day while in use or as may be specified by the method/SOP. Verification of operation within the correct temperature range may be documented in an alternate fashion if it can be demonstrated that the unit did not exceed its minimum or maximum permissible level (e.g., with a min/max temperature record). Drain and clean water baths periodically as recommended by manufacturer, by methods or by accepted practice. Be sure to check temperature variations when water baths are loaded to capacity and document this check in the analysis log or temperature log, whichever is appropriate. When an automatic temperature recorder is used, it is designated as the official record; any other thermometers in use are for convenient quick checks. 4.3.4 Refrigerators/Freezers/Drying Ovens Check and document the temperature each working day that the refrigerator, freezer or drying oven is “in use”. “In use” shall be defined as when the unit contains materials for which a specified temperature is required by method, policy, or procedure. Verification of operation within the correct temperature range may be documented in an alternate fashion if it can be demonstrated that the unit does not exceed its minimum or maximum permissible level (e.g., with a min/max temperature record). If a unit is not being used for this purpose, it should be so noted in the temperature record log and daily checks will not be necessary. If a piece of equipment never requires temperature checks, a sign will be placed on the unit stating it isn’t used for maintaining required temperatures. In order to place a unit back into use, a current temperature measurement must be taken for verification that it is at the proper temperature. This must be documented in the temperature recording log indicating that the unit has been placed back into active service and daily checks must resume. Alternatively, temperature checks for an apparatus which is not used on a daily basis (e.g., drying ovens for percent moisture determinations) may be recorded directly into analysis log(s). When an automatic temperature recorder is used, it is designated as the official record; any other thermometers in use are for convenient quick checks. Due to the relatively small volume of refrigerators, freezers and ovens it is expected that the units will go outside of normal operating temperatures for a period of time after loading, unloading or other activities where the door may be open to the ambient environment. Additionally, freezers may undergo defrost cycles where the temperature is above the maximum for a period of time during the cycle. These deviations are unavoidable and will not trigger an out-of-control situation. To account for these normal temperature variations, a recovery time of 2hours is allowed for units equipped with automatic temperature recording devices. Exceedances lasting longer than 2hours will trigger an alert which will require evaluation and potential corrective action. The evaluation will include consideration of the material under temperature control, as well as the intent of the temperature control. For example, while a method or manufacturer may include instructions for refrigeration of the material, it is recognized that the material is usually shipped at ambient temperature, brought to room temperature before use and/or left on autosamplers at room temperature for several hours before analysis. In these cases, it is obviously the intent of the refrigeration requirement to uncontrolled if printed Chapter 4 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 12 of 21 maintain a colder than ambient temperature for long term storage to prevent degradation over time rather than to maintain a specific temperature for all times. As such, temperature exceedances for these types of materials would be allowed as long as the device returns to normal operating temperature. Temperature exceedances will be monitored for trends to indicate whether a device requires service or replacement. Outdated materials in refrigerators and/or freezers are properly disposed of when no longer needed. Do not store food in any laboratory refrigerator or freezer. Drying ovens should never be used to warm food or for drying eating utensils. 4.3.5 Autoclaves Check and document the temperature each time the unit is in use and/or as required in the analytical methods. At a minimum, record the date, sterilization time, and temperature for each cycle. 4.3.6 Balances A list of ASB balances and the unique identification assigned to each balance is located on the LAN. All balances are serviced/calibrated annually (+/- 30 days). Accuracy Balance accuracy shall be validated with NIST-traceable weights at the time of use, or on the same day of use, against the following criteria. Method-or SOP-specified criteria take precedence over other criteria. If a method specifies the accuracy of a balance to be used in the procedure, (e.g. a balance capable of weighing to the nearest 0.01 g), the accuracy check at the time of use should be within ±1 in the final place. In the absence of method specified accuracy criteria, the accuracy of the balance at the time of use should meet the criteria stated in SOP ASB 101G: Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the Certification of Laboratory Weights. The unique identification of the balance and the check weight shall be documented for each weighing. Verification The verification should be documented in the appropriate analysis log. Weights are verified annually and should meet ASB’s analytical specifications as stated in SOP ASB101G. This is required on an annual basis with re-certification coordinated by the QAM. Maintenance Clean and level balances as required and continue annual maintenance services contract and records of the maintenance performed. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 4 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 13 of 21 4.3.7 Thermometers Unless otherwise specified by regulatory methodology, it is the policy of ASB to use only non-mercury containing thermometers in all laboratory operations. All thermometers used within ASB will be NIST-traceable. This is required on an annual basis and re-certification is coordinated by the QAM as detailed in SOP ASB 100G. 4.3.8 Mechanical Dispensing Devices Mechanical volumetric dispensing devices (except Class A glassware) shall be checked for accuracy on at least a quarterly basis. Glass microliter syringes are exempt from this requirement; however, syringes used for volumetric dispensation must have been demonstrated for accuracy as documented by the manufacturer. Acceptance criteria are located in SOP ASB 102G: Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the Certification of Laboratory Pipets, Syringes, or Automated Diluters. Autotitrator dispensing accuracy is verified through analytical quality control samples (e.g., laboratory control sample) and are not checked as mechanical dispensing devices. The liquid is dispensed by computer control in microliter quantities. These volumes are too small to be accurately checked gravimetrically. 4.3.9 Records of NIST Traceability Records of NIST-traceability for thermometers, weights, and analytical syringes shall be maintained by the QAM. All staff members are responsible for ensuring that they coordinate with the QAM each time new supplies for these items are ordered and/or any time a recertification of any of these items occurs. Staff will ensure that the QAM is furnished originals of any documentation received with new purchases or recertification. The accuracy of check weights and thermometers is verified on an annual basis using NIST-traceable references. Records received from the vendor will be retained for all standards to ensure traceability and to keep relevant information intact. These records include the vendor, Certificate of Analysis, date of receipt, any recommended storage conditions, expiration date and a cross reference to the Element® ID assigned to the standard. Certificates of analysis for purchased standards are maintained in individual laboratories for a minimum of five years after the date of last use. 4.3.10 Major Instrumentation These instruments include but are not limited to the Inductively Coupled Plasma; ICP/Mass Spectrometer (ICP/MS); Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer (GC/MS); Gas Chromatograph (GCs); Liquid Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer/Mass Spectrometer (LC/MS/MS); Auto-analyzers; Accelerated Solvent Extractors; Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC). Major instrumentation shall be maintained in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and operational guidance. Maintenance records shall be kept updated on each instrument. Additional details on maintenance, calibration and troubleshooting uncontrolled if printed Chapter 4 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 14 of 21 procedures are contained in Chapter 8 (Organic Analysis) and Chapter 9 (Inorganic Analysis). A list of all major instrumentation, including unique IDs, is maintained on the LAN:ASB directory. 4.4 Laboratory Supplies 4.4.1 General Laboratory supplies shall be maintained in an uncluttered, clean, and organized fashion. Supplies are monitored so that they are ordered before depletion occurs which could cause work stoppages due to lack of supplies routinely kept in the lab. Contract personnel cannot order supplies with EPA funds, but are still responsible for monitoring supplies that they use. Contractors must fill out an order form and submit it to an EPA Group Leader or Section Chief. Alternatively, if it is customary in a work area to maintain a list of supplies needing to be purchased (a list that is monitored by EPA personnel) the contractor may use this avenue for ordering supplies as needed. A list of suppliers that have furnished acceptable supplies and services is maintained on the LAN. Additional vendors may be added to this list if their supplies and services prove to be acceptable. 4.4.2 Glassware Glassware used in general laboratory operations must be high quality borosilicate glass, e.g., "Pyrex" or "Kimax”. Volumetric glassware must be Class "A" quality. Clean glassware in accordance with individual SOPs. . If a new washing compound or cleaning application is used, tests shall be performed to ensure that the glassware is free of interferences before routine analyses are begun. 4.4.3 Chemicals, Reagents, Solvents, Standards, Gases The quality of chemicals, reagents, solvents and standard gases is determined by the sensitivity and specificity of the analytical techniques being used. Reagents of lesser purity than specified by a method will not be used. When not specified by the method, analytical reagent grade materials should be used. Suitability of routine reagents is documented through method blanks. A clean method blank documents that all reagents used in the associated batch are suitable for use. A contaminated method blank requires corrective action to uncontrolled if printed Chapter 4 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 15 of 21 determine whether the contamination is the result of unsuitable reagents, or contamination introduced in the sample handling process. Records shall be maintained to document the purity of any material requiring additional verification of its suitability for use in a test method (e.g., suitability of acid for ultra-trace mercury analysis). Hard copies of Certificates of Analysis are kept for five years after the expiration or consumption of standards. If any consumables, supplies or services evaluated through the above procedures prove to be unsuitable for use, the person making that determination shall document the issue in an email to the QAM. The documentation should include a description of the item, the deficiency and the vendor. Where possible, a copy of the purchase request should be transmitted to the QAM. The QAM will compile all occurrences of unsuitable consumables, supplies or services and determine what further action may be necessary. Reagents, chemicals, solvents, and standard reference materials (excluding highdemand items) should be purchased in small quantities to minimize extended shelfstorage. Date all reagents, chemicals, solvents, and standard reference materials when received and when opened or prepared, and discard when outdated, or when evidence of deterioration is detected. All materials should have an expiration date recorded on the original container. For those materials received without a manufacturer’s expiration date, an expiration date is not required. All material containers must be properly labeled with contents and with the appropriate HMIS rating label. See ASB’s Safety Officer for labels. Guidance on determining ratings for chemicals can be found at K:\ASB\Current Documents\Safety. To determine the specific rating for a chemical, use information found at http://jr.chemwatch.net/chemgold3. Materials prepared and used within the same day (or discarded the same day as prepared) are required to have identification of the contents on the container and HMIS labeling. Expiration dates may be documented on the container as either: ‘Expires Daily’ or ‘Expires Today’. Intermediate materials that are immediately consumed or promptly added to another labeled container do not need any identification. These intermediate preparations must be labeled if they are not consumed or added to the labeled container within 15 minutes of the preparation of the intermediate. The person making these intermediate preparations must have possession of the material and must label it if he or she leaves the material unattended. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 4 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 16 of 21 Records shall be maintained on reagent, standard and reference material preparation. These records shall indicate traceability to purchased stocks or neat compounds, reference to the method of preparation, date of preparation, expiration date and preparer’s initials. A unique ID shall be assigned to each prepared reagent and standard. Procedures for achieving traceability are documented either in the individual method SOPs or stand-alone documents for procedures which may apply across a variety of methods. The unique ID and expiration date shall be recorded on each standard, reference material and reagent container. A cross-reference to the Element® ID shall be recorded in standard preparation records and on the Certificate of Analysis. Reagents which are not deemed critical to the success of the analysis, or those that are used in negligible quantities do not have to be tracked. For example, acids and solvents used in rinsing glassware prior to use typically would not require reagent traceability. Storage of large quantities of some chemicals is required in the Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) Facility. This includes such items as concentrated acids and organic solvents. Access to the HAZMAT facility is restricted to the following procedure. If anyone within ASB needs to place items into the HAZMAT, he/she must contact an “authorized” individual to coordinate the placement. Staff members Anthony Carroll and John Giles are the primary contacts and if they are not available, ASB supervisors should be contacted. In ALL INSTANCES the placement of items INTO the facility will be coordinated with the SESD Waste Control Officer. Chemicals that need to be retrieved from the HAZMAT facility may be done by any ASB analyst. However, personnel retrieving chemicals from the facility must ensure that only the items needed are removed and nothing else disturbed. 4.4.4 Procurement of Chemicals and Chemical Inventories Chemical inventories within SESD must be controlled and monitored. These controls are particularly critical for P-Listed hazardous chemicals which must be tracked from the point of purchase to final disposal. The documentation of the chemical inventories is the responsibility of the SESD CHO who is on the staff of the ASB. Only persons who have been trained in the proper handling of P-Listed chemicals will be authorized to use them. The training will be conducted by the CHO and/or the Safety, Health and Environmental Manager (SHEM) or a designee. Each individual taking the training will be required to sign documentation confirming that they have completed the training and that they understand the proper procedures for ordering, use, storage, and disposal. The CHO will coordinate with the QAM on the maintenance of the files for training on P-List chemicals handling. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 4 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 17 of 21 All P-Listed chemicals will be tracked using the “Chemical Tracking Form” that is maintained on the K:\ASB\Current Documents\Forms\Branch\ and following the procedure as outlined below. The CHO will maintain the files of the Tracking Forms. Ordering of Chemicals Purchase orders for chemicals should be prepared separately from other supplies according to the following procedures. The analyst determines the proper grade/purity of supplies required for the application, ensures that the correct vendor catalog number is recorded on the order form and routes to the respective Section Chief for approval. The analyst’s signature on the order form indicates that the proper grade of supply has been requested. The Section Chief will review the order form prior to approval. A check mark will be placed next to the vendor name which confirms that the Section Chief ensured that the vendor is on the approved supplier list. After required approvals from management, procurement requests for ALL chemicals (both P-Listed and non-P-listed) will be routed to the CHO. Chemicals for delivery to the Field Equipment Center may be ordered by EIB-designated individuals. Alternatively, the branch Safety Officer may sign in place of the CHO, copy the order and place it on her desk so the chemical may be ordered. The SESD purchasing representative will place the order and subsequently transmit all information about the order to the CHO. The CHO will screen the orders and will initiate the tracking system for PListed chemicals as appropriate. The CHO will also maintain a pending file for all chemical orders to ensure against inappropriate redundancy, to monitor for delivery/receipt of all chemicals into the laboratory, and to maintain chemical inventories of all chemicals. Questions and/or issues that may arise will be coordinated by the CHO with the appropriate analyst and/or manager. Laboratory analysts are responsible for ensuring that ALL CHEMICALS are maintained within the designated storage areas. The Hazardous Materials Building serves as temporary storage for bulk shipments of acids and solvents until the individual containers are needed by lab personnel. The CHO must be notified and all tracking documentation updated if the materials need to be moved and/or stored in a different room within the laboratory. Notification of the CHO is not required when acids and solvents are transferred from the Hazardous Materials Building to a laboratory room. For laboratories containing flammable solvents, the maximum allowable amount is posted in the room and may not be exceeded. Because of fire safety considerations it is acceptable to have less than the posted amount, but never more. For other chemicals, the maximum amount is determined by the volume which can be stored and used within a reasonable amount of time within an individual lab. If a new chemical needs to be added to the inventory or if inventories must be increased, coordinate with the CHO. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 4 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 18 of 21 Receipt of Chemicals The CHO will be listed on the purchase as the person to receive all laboratory chemicals delivered to SESD. If the CHO is not available for an extended period of time, the Branch Safety Officer will serve as an alternate to receive, track and distribute chemicals. When chemicals are received, the supply room clerk will immediately notify the CHO (or designee if appropriate). The shipment will be placed in lab E107 for pick-up. An exception is that bulk shipments of acids and solvents are placed in the Hazardous Materials Building upon receipt until the individual containers are needed in the laboratory. The CHO will check the order, place a barcode on the container, and initiate all appropriate documentation. For bulk shipments of acids and solvents temporarily stored in the Hazardous Materials Building, barcodes will be placed with the shipping box for analysts to place on individual containers when the chemicals are transferred to the main laboratory building. The CHO will notify the requestor/analyst of the receipt and will coordinate transfer of the order to the analyst. Analysts will record their initials and the date on the individual containers of chemicals with the receipt date and also when first opened for use. Upon receipt of an order of P-Listed chemicals, the CHO will: Log the material into the chemical inventory; Initiate the P-List tracking system documentation; Place the date of receipt on the bottle; Label the container (s) with a red “P”; and Notify the requestor/analyst that the order has been received. The shipment will be placed in Lab E107 for pick-up by the CHO or by the appropriate analyst; P-Listed chemicals are transferred to the requestor/analyst after the tracking form is signed and should be stored for use only within the designated area as recorded on the tracking form. 4.4.5 Laboratory Pure Water uncontrolled if printed Chapter 4 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 19 of 21 The laboratory pure water system consists of a deionization supply followed in individual labs by exchange modules and other modules capable of supplying high quality (18 megaohm) water suitable for the application. Change system modules as recommended by the manufacturer or as indicated by water quality. Date modules when changed. Water purity is verified by the analysis of laboratory blanks and is determined acceptable for specific analyses as prescribed in the individual method SOPs. HMIS labeling is not required for containers of DI water. 4.5 Laboratory Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste Handling and Disposal Procedures 4.5.1 Procedures for Satellite Hazardous Waste Accumulation Many laboratory operations necessitate the generation of hazardous wastes (e.g., solvents, acids, etc.) which are routinely accumulated near the point of generation. The in-laboratory "satellite" accumulation of such waste should be carefully controlled by the laboratory analyst(s) working with the HWCO so as to avoid creating an unsafe situation and also comply with RCRA temporary storage requirements. Laboratory managers or designees shall conduct periodic walk-through inspections to ensure the proper application of temporary waste accumulation procedures. The quarterly safety inspection by the branch Safety Officer serves this purpose. The RCRA regulations (40 CFR 262.34(c)(1)) permit temporary accumulation of hazardous waste or acutely hazardous wastes at or near the point of generation. Waste accumulated in this manner is considered to be in “satellite accumulation”. The following procedures apply to satellite accumulation of hazardous waste in ASB. All waste containers must be clearly marked with a red "Hazardous Waste" label. These labels are available from the HWCO. The identification of the specific contents of the container must be marked on the label. All satellite storage containers must be closed except during periods of waste transfer. Some operations (e.g., AA, LC, ICP, etc.) may require using a container lid with a hole for introducing the waste via a tube. Waste collection vessels requiring zero back-pressure may be fitted with an open-to-the-air absorbent trap (e.g., carbon-filled). The volume of waste accumulated in the laboratory should not exceed 8 gallons. Exceptions would be instrument (i.e., AA, ICP) waste acid reservoirs and TCLP process waste. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 4 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 20 of 21 Volatile and/or flammable wastes should be temporarily stored in laboratory fume hoods nearest the points of generation. Caution must be exercised by analysts to avoid creating incompatible and/or reactive waste mixtures. Waste removed from "satellite" storage for disposal will be handled according to the procedures contained in the SHEMP, Procedures and Policies Manual. All satellite accumulation containers must be placed in secondary containment. Notify the HWCO when satellite accumulation containers are 80% full so that pick up and replacement with a new container can be arranged. 4.5.2 Satellite Storage-Acutely Hazardous Wastes (P-Listed Wastes) Acutely hazardous wastes are those listed in 40 CFR 261.31-261.33 and must be accounted for separately from non-acute wastes. The following procedures apply to the satellite storage of acutely hazardous wastes. The acute hazardous waste must be collected in separate containers from the nonacute hazardous waste. The containers must be labeled as containing acute hazardous waste. Accumulation of acute hazardous waste cannot exceed one quart and remain in the laboratory. In coordination with the SESD HWCO, once the volume reaches one quart, the waste container must be dated and removed to the permanent hazardous waste storage area within seven days. Except for the labeling and accumulation limits, acute hazardous wastes will be handled in the same manner as hazardous wastes. 4.5.3 Disposal of Outdated or Waste Chemicals/Chemical Containers It is the individual analyst’s responsibility to ensure that all appropriate procedures are followed when disposing of outdated chemicals, chemicals that are no longer in use, or empty containers of spent chemicals. As a general policy, no chemicals or solvents shall be disposed of by evaporation or by pouring down the sink. The SESD HWCO should be consulted to verify appropriate procedures. P-Listed Chemicals When any unused chemical and/or the empty container(s) for a P-Listed Chemical are ready for disposal, the analyst will notify the CHO and coordinate transfer of the items to the CHO. [Special note: If a P-Listed chemical is transferred as a single component to other containers (and remains as a single component in the new container), then each container becomes “P-Listed” for disposal purposes and must be tracked and accounted for.] The CHO will document as appropriate in the Chemical Inventory system. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 4 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 21 of 21 The CHO will transfer the material to the HWCO for proper disposal. This transfer will also be noted by signature on the tracking form. The HWCO will coordinate disposal following all applicable laws, policies, and procedures. 4.5.4 Non-P-Listed Chemicals Follow all Standard Procedures for disposal as specified in the “SHEMP, Procedures and Policy Manual” and the ASB, “Laboratory Operations and Quality Control Manual”. Any questions about disposal of unused chemicals should be referred to the appropriate supervisor or the HWCO for SESD. 4.5.5 Waste Minimization ASB is an active participant in pollution prevention activities. Each staff member is responsible for monitoring and identifying the waste stream generated by the analyses they perform and for seeking ways to minimize the wastes generated. Ideas to minimize waste generation should be brought to the attention of the employee’s supervisor. All appropriate solid wastes are recycled. Currently SESD has a recycling program for cardboard, aluminum cans, mixed paper and plastics. This accounts for a large amount of the total waste stream generated by the Branch and Division. Branch management is responsible for ensuring that staff adhere to all Region 4 waste handling and disposal requirements for all laboratory operations. This includes the implementation of procedures (i.e., technical and/or management) designed to minimize the generation of hazardous wastes. Waste minimization should be a prime consideration of initial experimental design and investigation planning. The degree to which waste minimization is achieved ultimately impacts the operational and cost effectiveness of our overall hazardous waste management program. 4.6 Laboratory Cleanliness Each analyst is responsible for keeping the laboratories clean and orderly. The work area should be cleaned after each use in a timely manner to prevent the accumulation of used glassware, reagent spillage, or other conditions which may create unsafe working conditions. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 1 of 39 CHAPTER 5 PERFORMANCE QUALITY AND DATA HANDLING 5.1 Introduction Every component of environmental data acquisition from sample collection to final data reporting, has associated with it degrees of error. This laboratory does not attempt to quantify total error, since it includes both sampling and analytical error. The purpose of a laboratory quality assurance program is to determine when the analytical measurement error has exceeded acceptance limits for precision and bias. The operating procedures and quality control checks practiced in this laboratory and outlined in this manual are implemented to minimize the analytical error associated with data generation and to identify situations when the acceptance limits for precision and bias data quality indicators are not met. Analyses are performed in support of EPA Programs such as RCRA, Superfund, NPDES, Drinking Water, Air Toxics, CERCLA, and other initiatives. The methods used for analysis are based primarily on EPA approved methods, some of which are guidance (e.g., most RCRA methods). Modifications may have been made to increase quality, efficiency, or to support specific requests of the various programs. All performance quality control data (Organic and Inorganic Sections) are transferred from the log books and forms to the appropriate quality control logs, data entry forms, or directly into ASB’s Laboratory Information Management System (Element®). 5.2 Terminology 5.2.1 Acceptance Criteria/Limits: specified limits placed on characteristics of a quality control item as defined in required methods. These limits are either statistically defined by historical method performance or by specific method requirements. 5.2.2 Accuracy: degree of agreement between an observed value and an accepted reference value. Accuracy includes a combination of random error (precision) and systematic error (bias) components which are due to sampling and analytical operations; a data quality indicator. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.3 Analyst: designated individual who performs the "hands-on" analytical methods and associated techniques and who is the one responsible for applying required laboratory practices and other pertinent quality controls to meet the required level of quality. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.4 Analytical Uncertainty: a subset of Uncertainty of Measurement that includes all laboratory activities performed as part of the analysis. (TNI 2009) 5.2.5 Assessment: evaluation process used to measure or establish the performance, effectiveness, and conformance of an organization and/or its systems to defined criteria. (NELAC 2003) uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 2 of 39 5.2.6 Audit: systematic evaluation to determine the conformance to quantitative and qualitative specifications of some operational function or activity. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.7 Batch: environmental samples that are prepared and/or analyzed together with the same process and personnel, using the same lot(s) of reagents. A preparation batch is composed of one to 20 environmental samples of the same matrix, meeting the above mentioned criteria and with a maximum time between the start of processing of the first and last sample in the batch to be 24 hours. An analytical batch is composed of prepared environmental samples (extracts, digestates or concentrates) which are analyzed together as a group. An analytical batch can include prepared samples originating from various environmental matrices and can exceed 20 samples. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.8 Bias: consistent deviation of measured values from the true value, caused by systematic errors in a procedure. (Standard Methods (SM) for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition) 5.2.9 Blank: sample that has not been exposed to the analyzed sample stream in order to monitor contamination during sampling, transport, storage or analysis. The blank is subjected to the usual analytical and measurement process to establish a zero baseline or background value. (NELAC 2003) Bottle Blank: empty bottle which is filled with a volume of analyte-free media in the laboratory and analyzed for contaminants. Results are typically reported in µg/bottle or mg/bottle. Equipment Rinse Blank: sample of analyte-free media which has been used to rinse common sampling equipment to check effectiveness of decontamination procedures. (NELAC 2003) Field Blank: blank prepared in the field, (or in some cases, prepared in the lab and carried to the field) by filling a clean container with pure de-ionized water and appropriate preservative, if any, for the specific sampling activity being undertaken. (NELAC 2003) Instrument Blank: clean sample (e.g., distilled water) processed through the instrumental steps of the measurement process; used to determine instrument contamination. (NELAC 2003) Method Blank: sample of a matrix similar to the batch of associated samples (when available) that is free from the analytes of interest, which is processed simultaneously with and under the same conditions as samples through all steps of the analytical procedures, and in which no target analytes or interferences are present at concentrations that impact the analytical results for sample analyses. (NELAC 2003) uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 3 of 39 Reagent Blank (method reagent blank): sample consisting of reagent(s), without the target analyte or sample matrix, introduced into the analytical procedure at the appropriate point and carried through all subsequent steps to determine the contribution of the reagents and of the involved analytical steps. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.10 Blind Sample: sub-sample for analysis with a composition known to the submitter. The analyst/laboratory may know the identity of the sample but not its composition. It is used to test the analyst’s or laboratory’s proficiency in the execution of the measurement process. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.11 Calibration: determination, by measurement or comparison with a standard, of the correct value of each scale reading on a meter, instrument, or other device. The levels of the applied calibration standard should bracket the range of planned or expected sample measurements. (NELAC 2002) 5.2.12 Calibration Curve: graphical relationship between the known values, such as concentrations, of a series of calibration standards and their instrument response. (NELAC 2003) See Initial Calibration Curve. 5.2.13 Calibration Method: defined technical procedure for performing a calibration. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.14 Calibration Standard: substance or reference material used to calibrate an instrument. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.15 Certified Reference Material (CRM): reference material one or more of whose property values are certified by a technically valid procedure, accompanied by or traceable to a certificate or other documentation which is issued by a certifying body. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.16 Chain of Custody: record that documents the possession of the samples from the time of collection to receipt in the laboratory. This record generally includes: the number and types of containers; the mode of collection; collector; time of collection; preservation; and requested analyses. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.17 Check Standard: reference standard used to verify the concentration of the calibration standard and which is obtained from a source that is independent of the calibration standard. 5.2.18 Confirmation: verification of the identity of a component through the use of an approach with a different scientific principle from the original method. These may include, but are not limited to: second column confirmation, alternate wavelength, derivatization, mass spectral interpretation, alternate detectors, or additional cleanup procedures. (NELAC 2003) uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 4 of 39 5.2.19 Conformance: affirmative indication or judgment that a product or service has met the requirements of the relevant specifications, contract, or regulation; also the state of meeting the requirements. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.20 Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV): analysis of an analytical standard or reference used to verify the initial calibration curve. 5.2.21 Corrective Action: action taken to eliminate the causes of an existing nonconformity, defect or other undesirable situation in order to prevent recurrence. (NELAC 2003) Formal Corrective Action: higher level corrective action that includes a multistep process of describing the issue, performing a root cause analysis leading to a proposed action, acceptance and closure. Technical Corrective Action: routine action taken in the laboratory, or elsewhere, to correct expected occasional deviations from method acceptance criteria, instrument malfunctions, or other causes. Trends or frequent re-occurrences of technical corrective actions will initiate a formal corrective action. 5.2.22 Data Audit: qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the documentation and procedures associated with environmental measurements to verify that the resulting data are of acceptable quality (i.e., that they meet specified acceptance criteria). (NELAC 2003) 5.2.23 Data Quality Objective (DQO): statement of data quality required from an investigation as established by the end user during the planning phase of a project requiring laboratory support. The DQO is a qualitative and/or quantitative statement of the quality of data required to support specific decisions or regulatory actions. 5.2.24 Data Reduction: process of transforming raw data by arithmetic or statistical calculations, standard curves, concentration factors, etc., and collation into a more useable form. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.25 Deficiency: unauthorized deviation from acceptable procedures or practices, or a defect in an item. (NELAC 2002) 5.2.26 Demonstration of Capability (DOC): procedure to establish the ability of the analyst to generate acceptable accuracy. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.27 Detection Limit: lowest concentration or amount of the target analyte that can be identified, measured, and reported with confidence that the analyte concentration is not a false positive value. (NELAC 2003) See Method Detection Limit. 5.2.28 Document Control: act of ensuring that documents (and revisions thereto) are proposed, reviewed for accuracy, approved for release by authorized personnel, distributed properly and controlled to ensure use of the correct version at the location where the prescribed activity is performed. (NELAC 2003) uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 5 of 39 5.2.29 Estimated Detection Limit: based on 40CFR Part 136 Appendix B, an estimate of the detection limit using one of the following: Concentration value that corresponds to an instrumental signal/noise ratio in the range of 2.5 to 5; Concentration equivalent of three times the standard deviation of replicate instrumental measurements of the analyte in reagent water (or matrix of interest); Region of the standard curve where there is a significant change in sensitivity, i.e., a break in the slope of the standard curve; and Instrumental limitations. 5.2.30 Estimated Value: calculated value based on a reasonable approximation of the true value. 5.2.31 Field of Accreditation: NELAC’s approach to accrediting laboratories by matrix, technology/method and analyte/analyte group. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.32 Holding Time: period of time (usually in hours or days) from sample collection until sample preparation or analysis. The initial time is when a grab sample is collected or the time the last aliquot of a composite is collected. The final time is when sample preparation or analysis begins. This time requirement can be expressed in various units (i.e., hours, days, weeks, etc.). Holding times are evaluated in the same units as specified. Samples may be analyzed after the holding time has expired; however, results should be flagged with an appropriate remark. For those analyses with both a preparation and analytical holding time, the LIMS calculates the analytical holding time from the beginning of the sample preparation time. 5.2.33 Initial Calibration Curve (ICAL): calibration curve with concentrations bracketing the range of interest performed at the beginning of the analytical process and again each day prior to sample analysis or at a frequency required by a specific method. 5.2.34 Internal Standard: known amount of standard added to a test portion of a sample as a reference for evaluating and controlling the precision and bias of the applied analytical method. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.35 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS): sample matrix, free from the analytes of interest, spiked with verified known amounts of analytes or a material containing known and verified amounts of analytes. It is generally used to establish intra-laboratory or analyst specific precision and bias or to assess the performance of all or a portion of the measurement system. (NELAC 2003) uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 6 of 39 5.2.36 Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD): replicate laboratory control sample prepared in the laboratory and analyzed to obtain a measure of the precision of the recovery for each analyte. 5.2.37 Laboratory Replicate Analyses: measurements of the variable of interest performed identically on two or more sub-samples of the same samples within a short time interval. A laboratory duplicate is a subset of laboratory replicates. For example, in addition to a laboratory duplicate (performed as a matrix duplicate), four replicate analyses are performed for a Demonstration of Capability and seven replicates are performed for an MDL study. (NELAC 1999) 5.2.38 Laboratory Duplicate: aliquots of a sample taken from the same container under laboratory conditions and processed and analyzed independently. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.39 Limit of Detection (LOD): estimate of the minimum amount of a substance that an analytical process can reliably detect. An LOD is analyte-and matrix-specific and may be laboratory-dependent. (NELAC 2003) See also Method Detection Limit. 5.2.40 Limit of Quantitation (LOQ): see Minimum Reporting Limit. 5.2.41 Management System Review: qualitative assessment of an organization’s overall quality system and the effectiveness of its implementation. 5.2.42 Marginal Exceedance (ME): term that is used to describe an LCS recovery that is beyond the LCS control limit (three standard deviations), but within ME limits which are between three and four standard deviations from the mean. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.43 Matrix: substrate of a test sample. (NELAC 2003) Field of Accreditation Matrix: these matrix definitions shall be used when accrediting a laboratory (see Field of Accreditation). (NELAC 2003) Drinking Water: any aqueous sample that has been designated a potable or potential potable water source. (NELAC 2003) Non-Potable Water: any aqueous sample excluded from the definition of Drinking Water matrix. Includes surface water, groundwater, effluents, water treatment chemicals, and TCLP or other extracts. (NELAC 2003) Solid and Chemical Materials: includes soils, sediments, sludges, products and by-products of an industrial process that results in a matrix not previously defined. (NELAC 2003) Biological Tissue: any sample of a biological origin such as fish tissue, shellfish, or plant material. Such samples shall be grouped according to origin. (NELAC 2003) uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 7 of 39 Air and Emissions: whole gas or vapor samples including those contained in flexible or rigid wall containers and the extracted concentrated analytes of interest from a gas or vapor that are collected with a sorbent tube, impinger solution, filter, or other device. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.44 Matrix Spike (spiked sample or fortified sample): sample prepared by adding a known mass of target analyte to a specified amount of matrix sample for which an independent estimate of the target analyte concentration is available. Matrix spikes are used, for example, to determine the effect of the matrix on a method’s recovery efficiency. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.45 Matrix Spike Duplicate (spiked sample or fortified sample duplicate): second replicate matrix spike prepared in the laboratory and analyzed to obtain a measure of the precision of the recovery for each analyte. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.46 May: denotes permitted action, but not required action. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.47 Measurement Quality Objective (MQO): desired sensitivity, range, precision, and bias of a measurement. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.48 Method: a body of procedures and techniques for performing an activity (e.g. sampling, chemical analysis, quantification), systematically presented in the order in which they are to be executed. (TNI 2009) 5.2.49 Method Blank: sample of a matrix similar to the batch of associated samples (when available) that is free from the analytes of interest, which is processed simultaneously with and under the same conditions as samples through all steps of the analytical procedures, and in which no target analytes or interferences are present at concentrations that impact the analytical results for sample analyses. (NELAC 1999) 5.2.50 Method Detection Limit: minimum concentration of a substance (an analyte) that can be measured and reported with a 99% confidence that the analyte concentration is greater than zero and is determined from analysis of a sample in a given matrix containing the analyte. (40 CFR Part 136, Appendix B) 5.2.51 Minimum Reporting Limit (MRL): concentration level below which the variance of the results for a particular analyte (element or compound) exceeds the acceptable quality control criteria. This value corresponds to the lowest quantitative point on the calibration curve or the lowest demonstrated level of acceptable quantitation. The MRL is samplespecific and accounts for preparation weights and volumes, dilutions, and moisture content of soil/sediments. 5.2.52 Must: denotes required action. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 8 of 39 5.2.53 Non-target Analyte: compound that is detected by an analytical system, but is not specifically targeted by the method as a parameter. In this instance there would not be a calibration standard used to calibrate the analytical system specifically for this analyte. (This most often occurs with analyses for organic parameters.) The identification (qualitative analysis) of the non-target analyte is generally based on a comparison to known or published information (e.g., spectra from published libraries) and is usually considered as tentative or provisional. The amounts reported are calculated relative to known concentrations of other reference materials and as reported are considered to be estimated. These analytes are also often referred to as tentatively identified compounds (TICs). 5.2.54 Organic Free Water: reagent water without organic compounds that might interfere with the extraction or analysis of samples. 5.2.55 Outlier: observation (or subset of observations) which appears to be inconsistent with the remainder of that set of data. (Barnett, V.; Lewis, T. Outliers in Statistical Data, 3rd ed.; John Wiley & Sons; New York, 1994; p.7.) 5.2.56 Precision: degree to which a set of observations or measurements of the same property, obtained under similar conditions, conform to themselves; a data quality indicator. Precision is usually expressed as standard deviation, variance or range, in either absolute or relative terms. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.57 Preservation: refrigeration and/or reagents added at the time of sample collection (or later) to maintain the chemical and/or biological integrity of the sample. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.58 Preventive Action: pro-active process to identify opportunities for improvement rather than a reaction to the identification of problems or complaints. 5.2.59 Proficiency Test Sample (PT): a sample, the composition of which is unknown to the analyst and is provided to test whether the analyst/laboratory can produce analytical results within specified acceptance criteria. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.60 Pure Reagent Water: shall be water (defined by national or international standard) in which no target analytes or interferences are detected as required by the analytical method. (NELAC 1999) 5.2.61 Quality Control Sample: sample used to assess the performance of all or a portion of the measurement system. QC samples may be Certified Reference Materials, a quality system matrix fortified by spiking, or actual samples fortified by spiking. (NELAC 2003) Quality control samples may be Certified Reference Materials, Standardized Reference Materials or second-source materials. 5.2.62 Quality System: defined system of quality assurance practices and operational policies. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 9 of 39 5.2.63 Quantitation Limits: levels, concentrations, or quantities of a target variable (e.g., target analyte) that can be reported at a specified degree of confidence. (NELAC 2002) See Minimum Reporting Limit. 5.2.64 Range: difference between the minimum and the maximum of a set of values. (NELAC 2002) 5.2.65 Raw Data: any original factual information from a measurement activity or study recorded in a laboratory notebook, worksheets, records, memoranda, notes, or exact copies thereof necessary for reconstruction and evaluation of the report of activity or study. Raw data may include photography, computer printouts, magnetic media, and recorded data from automated instruments. If exact copies of raw data have been prepared (e.g., tapes transcribed verbatim, data copied and verified accurate by signature), the exact copy or exact transcript may be submitted. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.66 Reference Material: material or substance one or more properties of which are sufficiently well established to be used for the calibration of an apparatus, the assessment of a measurement method, or for assigning values to materials. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.67 Reference Method: method of known and documented accuracy and precision issued by an organization recognized as competent to do so. (NELAC 2002) 5.2.68 Reference Standard: standard, generally of the highest metrological quality available at a given location, from which measurements made at that location are derived. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.69 Reporting Limit: also known as the Minimum Reporting Limit (MRL) in Analytical Support Branch data reporting. 5.2.70 Sample: particular aliquot of a certain matrix (soil/sediment, water, air, etc.) collected at a specific location, date, and time (grab or composite). This aliquot could be distributed over several different size or type containers depending on the analytical and/or preservation requirements. 5.2.71 Second-Source Material: term typically applied to a quality control sample used to verify a standard curve. Second source refers to a stock standard obtained from a different vendor than that used for the calibration standards. Alternatively, if a second vendor is not readily available, a different lot number from the same vendor may be used if the vendor verifies that the lots were prepared independently from different source material. 5.2.72 Selectivity: (Analytical chemistry) the capability of a test method or instrument to respond to a target substance or constituent in the presence of non-target substances. (NELAC 2003) uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 10 of 39 5.2.73 Sensitivity: capability of a method or instrument to discriminate between measurement responses representing different levels (e.g., concentrations) of a variable of interest. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.74 Shall: denotes a requirement that is mandatory whenever the criterion for conformance with the specification requires that there be no deviation. This does not prohibit the use of alternative approaches or methods for implementing the specification so long as the requirement is fulfilled. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.75 Should: denotes a guideline or recommendation whenever noncompliance with the specification is permissible. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.76 Spike: known mass of target analyte added to a blank sample or sub-sample; used to determine recovery efficiency or for other quality control purposes. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.77 Standardized Reference Material (SRM): certified reference material produced by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology or other equivalent organization and characterized for absolute content, independent of analytical method. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.78 Target Analyte: individual analyte specifically targeted for analysis by using a method designed and validated for the analyte. The technique will include calibration standards and other quality control parameters to calibrate and document the ability of the analytical system to successfully analyze for the target analyte. 5.2.79 Technical System Review: assessment of analytical procedures, record keeping, data verification, data management and other technical aspects within an organization. 5.2.80 Tentatively Identified Compound (TIC): see Non-Target Analyte. 5.2.81 Traceability: property of a result of a measurement whereby it can be related to appropriate standards, generally international or national standards, through an unbroken chain of comparisons. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.82 Uncertainty of Measurement (Uncertainty): parameter, associated with the result of a measurement that characterizes the dispersion of the values that could reasonably be attributed to the measurand. (International Vocabulary of Basic and General Terms in Metrology, 1993) 5.2.83 Verification: confirmation by examination and provision of evidence that specified requirements have been met. (NELAC 2003) 5.2.84 Work Cell: defined as a group of analysts (more than one individual) that share responsibility for a specified analysis. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 11 of 39 5.3 Essential Quality Control Requirements 5.3.1 Demonstration of Capability (DOC) Performed initially (prior to the independent analysis of any samples) and with a significant change in instrument type, personnel, matrix, or test method where applicable. Each analyst will have a DOC on file for the portion of the analysis that they work on. Procedures for performing a DOC are detailed in SOP ASB 110G: Standard Operating Procedure for Initial Test Method Evaluations, Demonstrations of Capability and Continuing Demonstrations of Proficiency. When performing an analyst DOC, method requirements take precedence. If analyst DOC requirements are not specified in the method, then SOP requirements are followed. If analyst DOC requirements are not specified in the SOP then the requirements of SOP ASB 110G are followed. If employees have not performed a DOC/CDOP within a three year time frame, a training form and DOC must be conducted again. In special cases, the Technical Director and QAM may approve an alternative to a DOC, but it will be evaluated on a case by case basis. DOC and the Work Cell ASB employs the work cell concept in the organic extraction laboratory. Because the nature of the workflow is such that multiple extractions may be in process at any time, a single analyst usually does not perform the entire extraction start-to-finish, but rather in a shared manner. Each analyst must have a DOC on file for each extraction, and they must have participated in the extraction. When a new analyst joins the extraction lab work cell, either a new DOC must be performed which includes participation of the new analyst, or a DOC must be compiled from four consecutive LCSs. Continuing Demonstrations of Proficiency (CDOP) Procedures for documenting analyst CDOPs (or ongoing DOC) are documented in SOP ASB 110G. CDOPs are documented by technology. For example, an analyst CDOP using Method 8081 (GC-ECD technology) has demonstrated continuing proficiency for all GC-ECD methods for which the analyst has performed an initial DOC. 5.3.2 Limit of Detection (LOD) Performed initially (prior to the analysis of any samples) and with a significant change in instrument type, personnel or test method where applicable. The LOD shall be considered current as long as it has been performed at a frequency required by the method or program. In those instances where an LOD is highly dependent on analyst technique (as opposed to instrumental sensitivity), or is required by method or regulation, Branch Management or the QAM may require LODs to be performed by individual analysts on a case-by-case basis. Procedures for performing an LOD are detailed in SOP ASB 110G. ASB performs two types of LOD studies: 1) MDL studies as specified at 40CFR Part 136 Appendix B and 2) modified MDL studies, hereafter referred to as LOD studies. MDL Studies Performed by ASB when specifically mandated by a test method. In general, this only applies to Initial Demonstrations of Capability (however named) for drinking water methods. LOD Studies ASB only reports non-detects at the LOD by special request. As such, the primary function of LOD studies is in setting Minimum Reporting Levels uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 12 of 39 (MRLs) at a level greater than the LOD. LOD studies in ASB consist of a simple modification to the MDL study in that strict adherence to the LOD to spike concentration ratio of 1:10 is not required (with concurrence of the Section Chief and QAM as detailed in SOP ASB 110G). (When performing an MDL study as specified at 40CFR Part 136 Appendix B for multi-analyte methods, it is highly unlikely that all analytes will meet the requirement that the calculated MDL must be greater than or equal to 0.1 times the concentration chosen for spiking. This typically results in an extensive use of resources performing multiple iterations of the study at varying concentration levels.) 5.3.3 Instrument Calibration Initial Calibration Curve (ICAL) Standard curve with concentrations bracketing the range of interest must be performed prior to sample analysis. Unless otherwise specified in the method, the following items are essential elements of initial instrument calibration: Details of the ICAL procedure shall be documented in the method SOP. Refer to SOP ASB 106G for details. Raw data records shall be retained to permit reconstruction of the ICAL. Records shall include: calibration date, method, unique instrument ID, analysis date, each analyte name, analyst’s initials or signature, concentration and response, calibration curve or response factor; or unique equation or coefficient used to reduce instrument responses to concentration. Sample results must be calculated from the ICAL unless otherwise required by regulation, method or program. All ICALs shall be verified with a second source standard, where available. Traceability shall be to a national standard, when commercially available. Acceptance criteria for the ICAL shall be established which are appropriate to the calibration technique being used. The lowest (non-zero) calibration standard shall be at or below the MRL. Any data reported below the MRL shall be considered to have an increased quantitative uncertainty and shall be reported with a qualifier. The highest calibration standard shall be at or above the highest concentration for which quantitative data is reported. Any data above the calibration range shall be considered to have an increased quantitative uncertainty and shall be reported with a qualifier. For instrument technology (such as ICP-OES or ICP-MS) with a validated technique by the manufacturer or method using standardization with a zero point and a single point calibration the following criteria will apply: uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 13 of 39 The Linear Dynamic Range (LDR) of the instrument shall be established as described in the method if quantitative data is to be reported that is at a concentration higher than the calibration standard. The LDR may also be verified in an analytical sequence by analyzing a standard equal to or higher than the highest concentration in a sample to be reported. A standard corresponding to the MRL shall be analyzed with each analytical sequence. If ICAL results are outside of established acceptance criteria, corrective action shall be performed and all associated samples shall be reanalyzed. If recalibration and/or reanalysis is not possible, data associated with the unacceptable ICAL shall be appropriately qualified. If the method does not specify the number of calibration standards, at least three points shall be used for the calibration. Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV) An analytical reference standard at a concentration near the mid-point of the initial curve, or as specified by the method, is to be analyzed at the beginning of each analytical batch and on a frequency determined by the analytical method utilized. Calibration Standard Verification A check standard obtained from a source that is independent of the calibration standard is used to verify the concentration of the calibration standard on a frequency determined by method requirements or by a specified frequency to be established in SOPs. 5.3.4 Acceptance Criteria All methods in use must have acceptance criteria against which all QC results are evaluated. When method-specific acceptance criteria are not specified or available, in-house acceptance criteria must be developed. A minimum of 20 results will be required for developing acceptance limits. After the initial limits are determined, they should be updated again as needed or as soon as practical. The time period over which limits are calculated may vary depending on the number of data points collected. Limits are calculated from data stored in Element®. Acceptance limits for recovery (bias) are set at ± three standard deviations from the mean recovery. Precision limits are calculated as relative percent difference (RPD) and are set at zero to three standard deviations of the data set above the mean bias. Recovery limits will not be set tighter than ± 10% around the mean recovery. Precision limits will not be set tighter than an RPD of 10. Limits supplied with SRMs and purchased LCS/QC materials will be used as follows. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 14 of 39 Values supplied with SRMs (such as those purchased from NIST) are supplied with a true value, and an uncertainty range around that true value, which are not meant to be acceptance criteria. In-house acceptance criteria shall be determined for these materials as described above. Matrix-specific QC materials are sometimes purchased for use as an LCS (such as nutrients in soil). These materials are typically received with vendor recommended acceptance criteria. Because limits may be dependent on the actual material received, these QC samples will be designated as ‘Reference’ materials in Element® and vendor-supplied limits will be used for the life of the material rather than attempting to generate specific in-house limits. (The Section Chief and/or QAM may set acceptance criteria tighter than those supplied by the vendor based on experience with the specific analytical method.) Designating these as ‘Reference’ materials will facilitate segregating results of these samples from LCSs which have been prepared in reagent water or other analyte-free matrix for control charting purposes. While it is desirable to use matrix-specific LCS materials when possible, it is actually quite difficult to locate materials that contain all the analytes of interest at concentrations amenable to use as an LCS. For this reason, results for these materials are kept separate from the routine LCS database. When 20 data points are not available, interim limits must be established using one of the following guidance procedures. Setting Interim Bias (Recovery) Limits If at least seven spiked samples are available, interim limits may be calculated against these seven data points. Statistics indicate when at least seven data points are available, the likelihood of producing representative acceptance limits increases. Recovery limits should be recalculated once 20 data points have been collected. If seven data points are not available, one of the following options should be used. If guidance on recovery control limits is provided in the referenced method, these control limits should be utilized until at least seven spike values are generated. If the referenced method does not provide recovery acceptance limits, the acceptance limits from an alternate source may be used. These may include: the acceptance limits from the most recent PT sample for the matrix being analyzed, or limits from a method/analyte expected to perform similarly (e.g., Method 8270C limits could be used for Method 8270D until enough data points have been generated.) If there are no existing guidelines for limits, arbitrary limits will be established and used until such time that seven spike values are generated and interim limits can be calculated. In most instances, limits for inorganic analyses should be set at 85-115% and limits for organic analyses at 70-130%. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 15 of 39 Setting Interim Precision Limits Set at an RPD of 20 for most analyses until enough data points are available to generate acceptance criteria. At the discretion of the QAM or Section Chief, interim RPD limits of 30 may be set for historically difficult analyses such as tissue or waste. 5.3.5 Negative Controls Method Blanks Performed at a frequency of at least one per batch of samples per matrix type per sample preparation method. Results of the method blank analysis are used to assess potential contamination of the associated sample batch. See the specific 5.3.6 Positive Controls Bias Refers to the difference between an estimate based on the data and the true value of the parameter being estimated. Bias is expressed as percent recovery (%R) and calculated by formulas below for both LCS and matrix spikes. Formulas Spike Samples %R ZX (100) T Reference Materials Or %R Y (100) T Where: X = Concentration in unspiked sample. Y = Measured concentration Z = Concentration in spiked sample. T = True concentration of spike added or of analyte in reference material. Laboratory Control Samples (LCS) Performed at a frequency of one per batch of samples per matrix type per sample preparation method. The LCS is to be carried through the entire analytical process. Control limits should be established as specified in the section on Acceptance Criteria in this chapter. The LCS is generally used to establish intra-laboratory or analyst-specific precision and bias or to assess the performance of all or a portion of the measurement system (NELAC 2002). ASB uses the LCS to serve as a “best case” indicator of the overall performance of the analytical system. LCS spikes may be prepared using reference materials (including performance evaluation or proficiency testing samples) or internally-prepared spiking mixtures. Clean matrices such as reagent grade water and sand are used to provide consistency for determining system performance. When clean matrices are not available, an alternate clean matrix such as reagent water shall be used as a substitute. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 16 of 39 Components to be spiked shall be as specified by the mandated test method. Any permit specified analytes or client requested analytes shall also be included. If there are no specified components, the laboratory shall spike per the following instructions. For components that interfere with an accurate assessment such as spiking simultaneously with technical chlordane, toxaphene and PCBs, the spike should be chosen that represents the chemistries and elution patterns of the components to be reported. For test methods that have extremely long lists of analytes, a representative number may be chosen. Analytes selected should be representative of all analytes reported. The following criteria shall be used for determining the minimum number of analytes to be spiked. For methods that include 1-10 target analytes, spike all analytes. For methods that include 11-20 target analytes, spike at least 10 or 80%, whichever is greater. For methods with more than 20 target analytes, spike at least 16 analytes. Over a period of 2 years, all routine target analytes must have been included in the LCS spike. All analyte concentrations shall be within the calibration range of the methods. The LCS is to be carried through the entire analytical process. Control limits should be established as specified in the section on Acceptance Criteria in this chapter. Due to some constraints of Element®, the LCSs for some methods are designated as Standard Reference Materials (SRM or REF) in order to correctly evaluate recoveries. For example, pH buffers are designated as SRMs because they are evaluated at ± 0.1 standard pH unit around the true value, which is not a true %R calculation Bottle blanks, equipment rinse blanks and other in-house QC analyzed for the field branches will be performed with a reduced level of QC due to the nature of the matrix which is reagent water. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 17 of 39 Samples which can be analyzed by direct analysis (e.g., metals and nutrients by autoanalyzer) do not require a separate LCS or matrix spike. The ICV for the analytical run serves as both an LCS and matrix spike (reagent water spiked with analytes of interest.). Acceptance criteria for ICVs are always equal to or tighter than LCS and matrix spike acceptance criteria. Samples requiring some type of preparation step prior to analysis (e.g., extraction of equipment rinse blanks or solvent reduction of bottle rinsate blanks) require a LCS. However, the LCS will also serve as the matrix spike because the matrix for the LCS is the same as for the sample (reagent water or solvent). Acceptance criteria for an LCS are always equal to or tighter than matrix spike requirements. Matrix spike duplicates are not required for reagent water matrices because long-term precision in reagent water can be viewed in the control charting function of the LIMS for LCSs. Matrix Spike (MS) Frequency of the analysis of MS samples shall be determined as part of the systematic planning process (e.g., DQOs) or as specified by the required mandated test method. Unless otherwise allowed by the analytical SOP, a minimum of at least one MS shall be prepared per batch of samples for all methods amenable to performing a MS. MS recoveries may be used only to assess the sample matrix which was spiked and not to evaluate matrix effects of non-spiked samples in the associated sample batch. ASB does not qualify any batch results based on the MS analysis. Only the sample spiked is flagged if QC results are outside of the MS limits for that sample. The analytes to be spiked shall be as specified by the mandated test method. Any permit-specified analytes or client-requested analytes shall also be included. If there are no specified analytes, the laboratory shall spike per the following. For analytes that interfere with an accurate assessment such as spiking simultaneously with technical chlordane, toxaphene and PCBs, the spike should be chosen that represents the chemistries and elution patterns of the analytes to be reported. For test methods that have extremely long lists of analytes, a representative number may be chosen. The analytes selected should be representative of all analytes reported. The following criteria shall be used for determining the minimum number of analytes to be spiked. For methods that include 1-10 targets analytes, spike all analytes. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 18 of 39 For methods that include 11-20 target analytes, spike at least 10 analytes or 80%, whichever is greater. For methods with more than 20 target analytes, spike at least 16 analytes. All analyte concentrations shall be within the calibration range of the methods. Over a period of 2 years, all routine target analytes must have been included in the MS. Surrogate Spike Surrogate spiking compounds are added, when appropriate, to each sample just prior to preparation, i.e., extraction or purging. Surrogate standards are normally utilized in organic analyses. Recovery of the surrogate standard is used to monitor for unusual matrix effects, gross sample processing errors, etc. and is evaluated by determining whether the measured concentration falls within an established statistical acceptance limit. Sample results with surrogate limits that fall outside acceptance criteria are qualified appropriately. Acceptance limits are calculated at the same time that control limits for the LCS and MS/MSD are calculated. Surrogate recovery acceptance limits are calculated by Element® in the control chart function of the application. Only results from sample analyses are used to calculate surrogate acceptance criteria. (Note: Blanks and LCS results are not to be used in the calculation of limits; however, surrogate recoveries for these batch QC samples can be viewed in the Element® database and evaluated for trends for use in preventive actions or corrective actions.) Obvious outliers can be flagged for exclusion from the Element® database by using an appropriate ‘X-series’ qualifier. Any data flagged with an ‘X’ qualifier will be not be used in determining surrogate control limits if after review, the QAM determines there is a legitimate reason for excluding the data point. Limits are established in the Control Chart function of Element® and are set at ± three standard deviations of the data around the mean recovery of the surrogate. Proficiency Test Sample (PT sample) ASB will participate in independent Proficiency Testing Studies as required for accreditation or more often as deemed necessary by ASB management or the QAM. Performance in these studies further indicates the effectiveness of the laboratory's day-to-day quality control procedure. When analyzing a PT sample, this laboratory shall employ the same calibration, laboratory quality control and acceptance criteria, sequence of analytical steps, uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 19 of 39 number of replicates and other procedures as used when analyzing routine samples. Neither management nor staff shall communicate with another laboratory concerning an open PT study or attempt to obtain the assigned value of a PT sample prior to the close of the study. Special Handling Procedures Due to the unique nature of PT samples, the following special handling procedures are used. Holding times Most PT samples are received as concentrates in sealed ampules from which whole volume samples are prepared for analysis. Holding times are evaluated against the preparation date of the whole volume, since an actual collection date is not available or practical. An explanatory data qualifier will be added to the data explaining any holding time excursions. Percent Solids Many analyses for soil samples require the use of a wet sample, with conversion of results to a dry-weight basis based on the % solids content of the sample. Most soil PT samples do not contain enough soil for a % solids determination. Experience has shown that these samples are close enough to 100% solids to allow for that assumption to be made. For those analyses which require a % solids number to be entered into Element® for calculation of final results (e.g. cyanide, volatiles, hexavalent chromium), the PT sample numbers will be batched along with a set of samples being prepared for % solids determination, and a result of 100% solids will be entered into Element® even though an actual determination has not been performed. Note: An exception to this policy occurs in the case of PT soil metals samples. Since metals analyses consume a much smaller amount of sample in the digestion process, and drying of the sample prior to digestion is the normal procedure for other samples, metals’ PT samples are dried prior to digestion and an actual % solids value is entered into Element®. Preservation Aliquots for calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium are received unpreserved in ‘Hardness’ and ‘Mineral’ samples for WP PTs. These samples are not preserved prior to preparation and analysis as the preservation aliquot could impact other analytes contained in these samples. Instructions Where PT instructions differ from ASB’s normal protocols, the PT instructions will be followed. Examples include significant figures and reporting conventions. Additional documentation requirements Many PT samples are received that require preparation steps in addition to the steps required by normal environmental samples. These additional steps are allowed as follows. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 20 of 39 If the PT sample is received as concentrates from which whole volume samples are prepared, the analyst shall document that either the whole volume was prepared according to PT instructions or state exactly how the whole volume was prepared. For those samples received as concentrates, custody is maintained on the concentrate only. Air PTs are received in high pressure lecture bottles and must be stepped down to a pressure into a canister that is able to be analyzed. Due to the orders of magnitude difference in pressure from the lecture bottle to the analysis can, multiple attempts at a usable canister pressure are sometimes required. The analyst shall document in the sample preparation/dilution log all attempts including necessary adjustment steps until the final canister for analysis is prepared. Canisters outside of normal initial pressure ranges may be analyzed only if necessary and only if all preparation steps are properly documented in the log. Ancillary Test Hexavalent chromium analysis in soil requires additional tests to confirm the presence of the analyte. Typically, there is not enough material to perform all of these tests. pH and ORP analyses may be dropped if there is not enough sample to perform these tests. Record Retention Requirements In addition to record retention requirements listed elsewhere in this manual, a copy of all reporting forms and a summary of on-line data entry shall be maintained in the project file. Reporting Requirements For some analyses, the PT Reporting Limit (PTRL) may be less than the routine MRL. If analyte is present at greater than the PTRL, but less than the MRL, report the data as less than the MRL as would be done for routine samples. When the laboratory receives a performance score of ‘not acceptable’ a formal corrective action shall be performed. Standard Reference Materials (SRM) and Certified Reference Materials (CRM) These reference materials will be utilized to determine method/analytical performance as deemed appropriate. Precision Refers to the level of agreement among repeated measurements of the same analyte or property. Results may be compared to historical ASB limits or the acceptance criteria as published in the mandated test method. Components of precision are described below. Laboratory Replicate Analyses The frequency of analysis of matrix replicates may be determined as part of a systematic planning process (e.g., DQOs) or uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 21 of 39 as specified by the mandated test method. Replicates analyses are usually part of LOD/DOC studies, recovery studies, or in method development studies. Replicates are performed on replicate aliquots of actual samples, matrix spikes, or an LCS. Precision of replicates is expressed as % relative standard deviation and is calculated by the formula: % RSD s 100 X Where: s = Standard Deviation X = Mean For replicate analysis (any number >2): s X X ) 2 n 1 Where: X = individual observations X = mean n = number of observations. Do not use this formula for n = 2. (See Section for precision calculation when n = 2.) Matrix Duplicate Analyses Frequency of the analysis of matrix duplicates may be determined as part of a systematic planning process (e.g. Data Quality Objectives) or as specified by the mandated test method. At a minimum, either a matrix duplicate or MS duplicate (see below) shall be prepared with each batch of samples where the method is amenable to performing one. The results from matrix duplicates are primarily designed to assess the precision of analytical results in a given matrix. ASB does not qualify any batch results based on the matrix duplicate analysis. Only the sample which was duplicated is flagged if QC results are outside of the matrix duplicate limits for that sample. Precision of duplicates is expressed as relative percent difference (RPD) and is calculated by the formula: RPD D 100 X Where: D = Difference between measurements X = Mean uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 22 of 39 Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) A LCS may be prepared in duplicate at a frequency of one per batch of samples per matrix type per sample preparation method. An LCSD is optional unless mandated by the method or project specific DQOs. The results of the LCSDs are primarily designed to assess the precision of analytical results for a specific batch. Results are compared to established limits for that specific matrix if available. If precision results from an LCS pair are outside of established acceptance criteria, all results for that analyte in the batch, both detects and non-detects, are qualified as estimated: “J” and an appropriate explanatory qualifier. Precision of the LCSD is expressed as relative percent difference (RPD). Acceptance criteria are calculated as specified above in the section on Acceptance Criteria. Matrix Spike Duplicates (MSD) The frequency of analysis of MSDs may be determined as part of a systematic planning process (e.g., Data Quality Objectives) or as specified by the mandated test method. At a minimum, either a matrix duplicate (see above) or MSD shall be prepared with each batch of samples where the method is amenable to performing one and adequate sample volume is received to perform the analysis. The results from MSDs are primarily designed to assess the precision of analytical results in a given matrix. Results are compared to established limits for that specific matrix if available. Precision of MSDs is expressed as RPD. MSD acceptance limits are calculated as specified above in the section on Acceptance Criteria. ASB does not qualify any batch results based on the MSD analysis. Only the sample which was spiked is flagged if QC results are outside of the matrix spike duplicate limits for that sample. Internal Standards Added to each organic sample extract as appropriate as well as samples analyzed for metals by ICP and ICP-MS. See specifics in the Organic chapter of this manual as well as Inorganic data review documents. 5.4 Data Handling 5.4.1 Holding Time Results are considered to be within holding times if the preparation and/or analysis are performed within the recommended period of time. Holding times are evaluated in the same units as the Maximum Holding Time Requirements (e.g., Holding uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 23 of 39 times specified in terms of hours will be evaluated based on the hour of collection. Holding times specified in terms of days will be evaluated based on the day of collection.) If analyses are performed outside defined recommended maximum holding times, results will be “J”qualified and an appropriate explanatory qualifier added. Element® measures holding times in either hours or days as specified in individual methods in the following manner. Sampled to Prepared Holding time is measured from the date (and time) of collection as listed on the Work Order/Sample page to the beginning of sample preparation as recorded on the bench sheet. Prepared to Analyzed Holding time is measured from the preparation time listed on the bench sheet to the date (and time) of analysis as either entered manually in the data entry and review screen or imported electronically through DataTool. Sampled to Analyzed Holding time is measured from the date (and time) of collection as listed on the Work Order/Sample page to the date (and time) of analysis as either entered manually in the data entry and review screen or imported electronically through DataTool®. 5.4.2 Minimum Reporting Limit (MRL) Results are considered to be within acceptable quantitative accuracy if analyses are performed within the appropriate quantitation range as defined by the calibration curve. Results reported outside these limits will be qualified with the “J”-flag or otherwise as appropriate. A remark describing the reason for the qualifier will be added to the report. An alternative acceptable procedure, when not prohibited by the method, is to analyze a low level check standard at the MRL (or reporting limit) as a sample after the instrument has been calibrated to demonstrate that the instrument is quantitating within acceptance criteria. (This approach is used, for example, in ICP analysis when the instrument is calibrated with a blank and a high standard.) The MRL is established at a level that: Is greater than the LOD; Will meet or exceed the majority of DQO requests for routine projects; Will accommodate convenient preparation of standards and/or check samples (e.g., 5, 10, 20); and Will promote efficient laboratory operations. 5.4.3 Reporting data between the LOD and MRL As a matter of routine practice, ASB’s reporting level policy is as follows. Organic GC/MS data Because GC/MS analysis uses both retention time and a spectral match, there is qualitative evidence for the presence of these analyses at uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 24 of 39 concentrations between the LOD and MRL from the target analyte mass spectrum produced during the analysis. Non-detects are reported as less than the MRL. Detects between the LOD and the MRL are reported with a ’J‘-qualifier. Any requests for non-detects to be reported as less than the LOD must be approved by the Section Chief or QAM who will verify that a current LOD study or LOD verification is in place that will meet the needs of the data user. All other data Non-detects are reported as less than the MRL. Any detects between the LOD and the MRL are reported as less than the MRL. Requests for results to be reported between the MRL and LOD, must be approved by the Section Chief or QAM who will verify that a current LOD study or LOD verification is in place that will meet the needs of the data-user. Any requests for non-detects to be reported as less than the LOD must be approved by the Section Chief or QAM who will verify that a current LOD study or LOD verification is in place that will meet the needs of the data user. 5.4.4 Units Sediment/Soil Percent solids must be determined on all samples unless otherwise specified by the sample requestor. All soil/sediment samples shall be reported on a dryweight basis. Waste (aqueous and non-aqueous) Reported on a wet-weight (wt/wt) basis unless otherwise specified by the sample requestor. RCRA wastewaters as defined at 40 CFR 268.2(f) analyzed in support of LDR constituents (40 CFR 268.48) are reported in mg/L. Tissue samples Reported on a wet-weight basis unless otherwise specified by the sample requestor. 5.4.5 Significant Figures The number of digits in a reported result that are known definitely as justified by the accuracy of the analysis with one additional figure that may have some degree of uncertainty. For example for a result reported at “75.6" mg/L the analyst would be certain of the “75" , but may be uncertain as to whether the “.6 “should be “.5" or “.7", because of unavoidable uncertainty in the analytical procedure. Digits beyond this last figure uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 25 of 39 are not significant; therefore in the example, analysts reporting to 3 significant figures would report “75.6". Only figures justified by the accuracy of the analysis (significant figures) shall be reported. (Based on Standard Methods (SM) for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition) Because the accuracy and/or uncertainty of every procedure is not always precisely known, it is the general practice of ASB to report most analytical results to two significant figures. Refer to Chapters 8 and 9 for details on exceptions to this rule. 5.4.6 Rounding Rules Manual Rounding Round numbers by dropping digits that are not significant. If the digit 6, 7, 8, or 9 is dropped, increase preceding digit by one unit; if the digit 0, l, 2, 3, or 4 is dropped, do not alter preceding digit. If the digit 5 is dropped, round off preceding digit to the nearest even number: thus 2.25 becomes 2.2 and 2.35 becomes 2.4. Use only the digit beyond the last significant figure for rounding. Rounding should be performed only after arriving at the final result in the calculation. (Based on Standard Methods (SM) for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition) Rounding in the LIMS Element® follows the above rounding rules when all digits following the 5 are zero. Any numbers transferred to Element® with digits following the 5 that are not zero are interpreted as a result greater than 5 and thus are rounded up. Values that are below the MRL, but when rounded up to the MRL are reported as detects. That is, if the MRL is 0.5 and the result is 0.4986, Element® will round the result to 0.50 and report the value as detected at 0.50. 5.4.7 Determination of Outliers Data points may not be discarded as outliers without a proper explanation or valid justification. This applies to all data points collected (e.g. LCS, LOD, linear curves, DOC, duplicates, etc.). Justifiable reasons for removing outliers include: Known and documented laboratory error and Use of an appropriate statistical outlier test. Standard deviation from the mean - typically useful for large data sets Calculate the mean and the standard deviation of all the data. Database outliers are established by summarizing all the data in the database and then applying one standard deviation beyond the statistical confidence level required. For example, assuming the statistical confidence level required is 95% (2 standard deviations around the mean), any result greater than 3 standard deviations around the mean would be an outlier Studentized deviation from the mean - t test uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 26 of 39 Calculate the sample mean (x ¯) and the standard deviation (s) of the data including the suspect extreme value. Calculate the ratio tcalc = │ suspect value - ¯x │ s Apply the following decision rule. If the calculated value of t (tcalc) is greater than the critical value (tcritical) at a given level of confidence, then the suspect value is an outlier and should be removed from the data set. Critical values of t as a function of sample size, n, at the 95% level of confidence (level of significance, α =0.05) are given in Table 5-1. Example MDL rep 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Lead (µg/L) 40.3 41.0 40.1 38.0 40.7 41.3 41.1 For the extreme low value, the calculated value of T is: t calc suspect X s 38.0 40.3571 2.09 11252 . The critical value of t for 0.05 and for n=7 is 2.02. The calculated value of t is greater than the critical value of t (e.g. tcalc > tcritical). Thus the suspect value is an outlier and should be removed. Dixon’s Q test Sort the n data values in ascending order: x1 < x2 < ... < xn-1 < xn uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 27 of 39 Where x1 is the extreme low value (or xn is the extreme high value) suspected of being an outlier. Calculate the absolute difference between the suspect value and the measurement that is nearest in magnitude (e.g., the next higher or lower value.) Calculate the range of the entire data set including the suspect value, which is one of the extreme values. Calculate the value of Q: suspect value nearest neighbor Qcalc range of entire data set x1 x 2 x n x1 x n xn 1 x n x1 Apply the following decision rule: If the calculated value of Q (Qcalc) is greater than the critical value (Qcritical) at a given level of confidence, then the suspect value is an outlier and should be removed from the data set Critical values of Q as a function of sample size, n, at the 95% level of confidence (level of significance, α = 0.05) are given in Table 5-2. Example MDL Rep 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Lead (µg/L) 40.3 41.0 40.1 38.0 40.7 41.3 41.1 The data sorted in ascending order are: MDL Rep Lead (µg/L) 4 38.0 3 40.1 1 40.3 5 40.7 2 41.0 7 41.1 6 41.3 uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 28 of 39 For the extreme low value, the calculated value of Q is: Q calc 38.0 401 . 2 .1 0.636 413 . 38.0 3.3 The critical value of Q for α=0.05 and for n=7 is 0.568. The calculated value of Q is greater than the critical value of Q (e.g. Qcalc > Qcritical). Thus the suspect value is an outlier and should be removed. 5.4.8 Uncertainty Differs from error in that it takes the form of a range of values as opposed to error which is the difference from a true value and is represented by a single value. In most cases ASB uses well-recognized test methods which specify limits to major sources of uncertainty (e.g., a balance accurate to ± 0.1 g) and provide data reporting instructions so that the reported results do not give the wrong impression of the uncertainty. For most purposes, customers can use the quality control results reported with each final report as an estimate of the uncertainty of the results of their dataset. If ASB is requested to provide a more rigorous estimate of the uncertainty of a test result, the analyst in consultation with the Section Chief and QAM will use one of the following two options. Estimation of Uncertainty using Laboratory Control Samples (adapted from: Georgian, 2000, Environmental Testing and Analysis). This method uses the limits of historical LCS data to estimate results to a 99% confidence interval using the following equation: 100( c / R )(1 L / R ) Where: c = measured concentration of the analyte R = mean historical LCS recovery L = the half width of the control range, that is, (UCL-LCL)/2 Because the LCS is a measure of the performance of the entire analytical process, including instrument calibration, this is the preferred method of estimating uncertainty because it can estimate the uncertainty of the entire analytical process with actual analytical results. Standard Methods 1030B Measurement Uncertainty 5.5 Data Reporting All analytical data generated by ASB will be entered into and reported from Element®. 5.5.1 Procedures for entering and verifying data in Element® uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 29 of 39 ® All samples must be batched in Element in order for analyses to proceed. All QC data associated with a batch of samples will be identified by the batch ID assigned by Element®. Data are entered into Element® either manually or electronically through the ‘DataTool’ interface. Element® will then calculate a final result for the sample/analyte based on the preparation weights/volumes entered into the batch bench sheet and other calculation parameters established in the analysis. Calculation algorithms are documented in the Element® software, as well as on ASB’s K drive: ASB/LIMSElement. The primary analyst generating the results and a secondary analyst are responsible for entering, proofing, and verifying the results in Element®. The primary or secondary analyst is responsible for producing a Draft Report of the results for the Section Chief (or designee). This serves as notification to the Section Chief (or designee) that the project has been completed and is ready for final review and reporting. The Section Chief or designee reviews data for completeness and accuracy, setting the status of data to ‘Final Review’ and then producing a Final Report. Once the data is released, an e-mail notification, with the data attached in a nonalterable file format (.pdf), is sent to the project leader and/or requestor of the analyses. The “file” hard copy of the final data is sent to SESD’s Central Records for inclusion in the appropriate project file and is the official record. A hyperlink to a Customer Survey Form on the Region 4 Intranet is included on each email notification of released data. Responses to the survey are delivered to the QAM who forwards them to the appropriate managers. The QAM summarizes the responses for quarterly reports and the annual management review. If a correction or change needs to be made to reported and transmitted data, the Section Chief is responsible for insuring corrected data is produced and re-transmitted to the customer. A new memo should be created transmitting the corrected data. The report narrative is used to describe the changes to the customer. 5.5.2 Analytical Data Qualifiers Added to data in an effort to best describe the quality of the data to the end-user. These flags are applied during data reduction by primary analysts based on appropriate QC criteria. There are two levels of qualifiers: (1) a descriptive qualifier which denotes a broad qualifier, such as ‘J-the result is an estimated value’; and an explanatory qualifier, which as the name implies, explains why the general descriptive qualifier was applied. Explanatory qualifiers are applied to many, but not all of the general descriptive qualifiers. Below are the general descriptive qualifiers used by ASB. ‘U’ - The analyte was not detected at or above the reporting limit. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 30 of 39 The reporting limit for Region 4 laboratory data is the "minimum reporting limit (MRL)". Every sample has a concentration level below which the variance of the results for a particular analyte (element or compound) exceeds the acceptable QC criteria. This value corresponds to the lowest quantitative point on the calibration curve or the lowest demonstrated level of acceptable quantitation. This level is the MRL and is reported as the value preceding the ’U’. The MRL is determined from sample size, dilution required, and instrument sensitivity. The value often varies from analyte to analyte within a sample. Normally, an explanatory qualifier will not be appended to a ‘U’- qualifier. ‘J’ - The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. Estimated Value--Every sample analysis has quality control criteria associated with the quantitative data which have been established based on similar analyses. When these criteria are exceeded, the value for that analyte or similar analytes is reported as an estimated value. Normally, an explanatory qualifier is appended to the J qualifier to note the reason for the ‘J’-qualifier. Examples include but are not limited to: Calculated values below or above an appropriate linear range as defined by calibration curve; Analytical holding times for analysis exceeded; Surrogate recovery limits exceeded; No known QC criteria for an analyte; and Other QC criteria exceeded. ‘N’ -There is presumptive evidence that the analyte is present; the analyte is reported as a tentative identification. Tentative Identification--There is an indication that the analyte reported is present. The quality control requirements necessary for confirmation were not met. See several examples below. A specific list of compounds is analyzed for in every organic analysis by GC/MS. Other compounds are often present and their spectra are compared to published mass spectral data. If a qualitative determination is made, the compound is reported as tentatively identified. The presence of analytes is often indicated, but there is evidence of possible interferences. There is presumptive evidence that the analyte is present; therefore, it is reported as tentatively identified. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 31 of 39 ‘A’ - The analyte was analyzed in replicate. The reported value is an "average value" of the replicates. Average Value-- Although many samples are analyzed in replicate (matrix duplicates), ASB’s normal practice is to report the value of the ‘original’ sample and use the matrix duplicate to evaluate matrix precision. Some methods, however, require reporting average results of replicates (e.g. BOD). The ‘A’-qualifier will be appended to these results to denote the use of an average of all replicates. ‘K’ -The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value may be biased high. The actual value is expected to be less than the reported value. Less Than Values--The analyte is present, but the amount of the analyte is determined to be below an acceptable level for quantitation. QC measurements indicate a high bias for the sample result reported or an accurate result can not be calculated, but is determined to be less than the value given. Examples are not intended to be all inclusive. “10 µg/L K” means that the analyst has determined that the analyte is present at some undetermined amount <10 µg/L. “25.6°C K” indicates the sample flashed at a temperature lower than 25.6°C. ‘L’ - The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value may be biased low. The actual value is expected to be greater than the reported value. Greater Than Values--The analyte is present, but the amount of the analyte is determined to be above an acceptable level for quantitation. QC measurements indicate a low bias for the sample result reported or an accurate result can not be calculated, but is determined to be greater than the value given. Example: “500 µg/kg L” means that the analyte is present at some undetermined amount > 500 µg/kg. ‘R’ -The presence or absence of the analyte can not be determined from the data due to severe quality control problems. The data are rejected and considered unusable. Rejected Data-Some or all of the QC data for the analyte are outside criteria. The presence or absence of the analyte can not be determined from the data. Resampling and reanalysis are necessary to confirm or deny the presence of the analyte. An explanatory qualifier will almost always be appended to the ‘R’-qualifier. ‘UJ’ -The analyte was not detected at or above the reporting limit. The reporting limit is an estimate. This is a combination of the ’U‘ and ’J‘ codes. An explanatory qualifier is usually appended to the ‘UJ’-qualifier. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 32 of 39 ‘NJ’ - There is presumptive evidence that the analyte is present; the analyte is reported as a tentative identification. The reported value is an estimate. This is a combination of the ’N‘ and ’J‘ codes. ‘RU’ - The analysis did not indicate the presence of the analyte. The data is rejected and the reported value is the Reporting Limit. Re-sampling and reanalysis are necessary to confirm or deny the presence of the analyte. This is a combination of the ’R’ and ’U‘ codes 5.5.3 Report Narrative Additional explanatory remarks about the data can be added by the Section Chief (or designee) in the Case Narrative section of the data report. Analysts will add any necessary explanatory remarks about their analyses in the ‘Work Order Notes’ section of Element® and the Section Chief (or designee) will summarize any pertinent information that needs to be transmitted to the data user in the final report through the report narrative. Where applicable, a statement on the estimated uncertainty of measurement will be included, such as when it is relevant to the validity of the test result, when requested by the customer or when the uncertainty may affect compliance to a regulatory limit. ASB routinely reports quality control data with each final report (both specific batch QC results and acceptance criteria) which the customer may use to estimate uncertainty. If a more rigorous treatment is requested by the customer, ASB will use the approach detailed in this manual. Note: Though the Report Narrative is identified as such on the Final Report, in Element® on the reporting screen, it is called the Case Narrative. 5.5.4 Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) Registry Numbers and EPA Identifiers (EPA ID) Each analyte reported from Element® is also reported with the analytes corresponding CAS number. Where a CAS number is not appropriate, an EPA ID number is reported with the analyte. EPA’s Substance Registry System (SRS) is the source of CAS numbers and EPA IDs reported with all data. The SRS data base is located at: http://www.epa.gov/srs. ASB will assign a unique internal ‘R4’ code to any analyte for which there is neither a CAS number nor EPA ID available in EPA’s SRS. 5.5.5 Opinions and Interpretations ASB rarely, if ever, offers opinions and interpretations of the reported data. However, if included with a laboratory report, both the basis upon which the opinion or interpretation was made shall be included in the report. Any opinions or interpretations shall be clearly marked as such. 5.6 Data Management and Data Security 5.6.1 Data is managed using both the Region 4 Laboratory Information Management System (R4LIMS) a commercially available software package from Promium called Element®. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 33 of 39 ® R4LIMS is used for project scheduling and Element is used for analytical data management. R4LIMS is an in-house developed Sybase PowerBuilder® application. All data is stored in an Oracle database residing on an SESD Windows 2003 Server. Console-level access to the Oracle Server is limited to the SESD LAN Administrator, the Region 4 LAN Administrator, and the R4LIMS Database Administrator (DBA), an SESD computer specialist responsible for R4LIMS application development and database administration. Backups of the Oracle database (and the entire LAN) to magnetic tape are performed Monday through Saturday evenings using a redundant network backup system. One backup is conducted remotely from the ERD computer center and another locally from the SESD computer center. After successful backups, the daily tapes located at SESD are placed in a fire-proof media safe and a copy of the Friday evening backup is rotated to the Atlanta EPA office for offsite storage. Detailed backup procedures can be found in the ‘ADP Disaster Recovery Plan for Region 4’ dated June 10, 2004 (and any future updates). The custodian of this document is the Region 4 Information Security Officer in the Atlanta office. An electronic copy is available from the Athens LAN administrator, and a hard copy is located in the safe in room B107. 5.6.2 Direct access to the Oracle database table space is restricted to a Contract Programmer (for R4LIMS application development), the SESD LAN Administrator, and the R4LIMS DBA. Access by the Contract Programmer is limited and on an as-needed basis. The Contract Programmer only has rights to a development database and not the active R4LIMS database. The SESD LAN Administrator and R4LIMS DBA have unrestricted rights to the database. End-user access to the database is controlled through the compiled R4LIMS Powerbuilder application, Element® DataSystem and the Adobe/Macromedia Coldfusion® web server (currently limited to read-only access of “public”data). All R4LIMS and Element® application users are required to login to the system using an R4LIMS or Element® application USERID and PASSWORD. An R4LIMS PUBLIC account and the Coldfusion web server, both with limited access as described later are the only exceptions to this requirement. Otherwise, access is controlled by USERID, with varying rights assigned to each user. Access to the EPA network and an account in R4LIMS or Element® is required for access to data for entry or reporting purposes. Rights are assigned to each R4LIMS or Element® user upon request by their supervisor. Telephone requests will not be accepted. Rights are assigned by the ASB R4LIMS coordinator, the SESD LAN Administrator, or the R4LIMS DBA. Users are restricted to certain functions within R4LIMS and Element® based on their need and job function. Immediate supervisors generally have rights equivalent to or greater than their subordinates as deemed appropriate. The R4LIMS DBA has the overall responsibility for security and functionality both databases. The uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 34 of 39 ASB R4LIMS coordinator has the responsibility of security, accuracy, and integrity of the data in the database. Project log entry in R4LIMS is restricted to the Sample Custodian (or those officially trained as such), the Region 4 Waste Division technical liaison, project leaders and their supervisor, the QAM, and other project custodians as deemed necessary. Modifications to project log entries are restricted to sample custodians the QAM after the project has been entered. Sample logging in Element® is restricted to sample custodians (or those officially trained as such), the QAM and Section Chiefs. Data entry in Element® is restricted to those users who have been given analyst rights. Reporting of final data is restricted to Section Chiefs or their designees. 5.6.3 After data has been reported it cannot be modified without the status of the data being set from ‘Reported’ to a lower level by the QAM (or someone with QA Administrator rights in Element®) or designee. A searchable audit trail which tracks any change to the data or analyses in the database is maintained within Element®. 5.7 Annual Analytical Performance Summary Control charts for each analysis are compiled and reviewed on a quarterly basis and any significant observations are documented in the QAM’s Quarterly QA Report. Review of the control charts may initiate either Corrective Actions or Preventive Actions as appropriate. On an annual basis, the QAM will note any highlights from the Quarterly Reports as well as document all methods for which limits and/or LODs/MDLs have been updated. 5.8 QC Study Plans 5.8.1 A QC Study Plan is developed when planning a non-routine LOD/DOC study, method development studies, evaluating a new/modified analytical method, or addressing a nonroutine QC issue/problem for corrective action. The most recent form for documenting this QC Study Plan is located in a subdirectory on the EPA Region 4 LAN at K:\ASB\Current Documents\Forms\Branch. It should be noted that for routine studies with a limited focus a QC Study Plan is not required. The decision to develop a QC Study Plan will be made by the group leaders in consultation with the QAM and Section Chief. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 35 of 39 5.8.2 For studies requiring a QC Study Plan the appropriate analysts will convene to discuss the issue, define the objective(s), and develop the study procedure. The QAM may be involved in the study planning depending on the nature and complexity of the issue. The final QC Study Plan will be approved by the QAM, Section Chief, and where appropriate peer review by other analysts. A report summarizing the study results will be prepared for the QAM’s comments as needed. At times, it may be appropriate to update a Study Plan as the study progresses. Changes should be communicated to all participants as needed. 5.9 Complaints/Inquiries All complaints shall be reviewed by management. Those which are identified as departures from ASB’s policies or procedures will enter the corrective action process. All others will be considered as opportunities for improvement. The customer will be informed of the resolution to the complaint/inquiry, which shall be maintained by the QAM. 5.10 Corrective Actions A corrective action is any action or procedure to rectify non-conformity. There are two types of corrective actions: Technical Corrective Action and Formal Corrective Action. 5.10.1 Technical Corrective Action (TCA) Routine action taken in the laboratory, or elsewhere, to correct expected occasional deviations from method acceptance criteria, instrument malfunctions, or other causes. Examples include re-running an LCS because the recovery was outside of acceptance criteria, or recalibrating an instrument and re-analyzing samples because of a CCV failure. TCAs shall be documented on Data Review/Verification Forms. No further action is required if the TCA is random. If the analyst recognizes a trend in the occurrence of a TCA, a Formal Corrective Action (see below) shall be initiated. On a periodic basis, the QAM (or designee) will review LCS Marginal Exceedances and Control Charts in Element®. If a trend is suspected, a Formal Corrective Action will be initiated. Not all actions in the lab are TCAs. Routine maintenance such as changing pump tubing on an auto-analyzer, or cleaning the interface on a mass spectrometer should be recorded in maintenance or instrument logs, and not classified as TCAs. 5.10.2 Formal Corrective Action (FCA) A higher level of corrective action than TCA. FCAs can be initiated by anyone in response to a trend in TCAs, a customer complaint, data inquiries, sample receipt issues, SOP deficiencies, non-conforming work or any other issue that may recur which requires a corrective action. FCAs are documented on a ‘Formal Corrective Action Form’ located on the K: drive. The corrective action procedure is detailed in SOP ASB 116G. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 36 of 39 5.11 Preventive Actions and Improvements Preventive Actions consist of pro-active processes to prevent problems or complaints and are used as opportunities for improvement. Preventive action procedures and/or opportunities for improvement include: 5.11.1 Review of control charts on a quarterly basis which may reveal trends that can be corrected prior to QC failures occurring; 5.11.2 Opportunities for improvement noted/suggested during technical system reviews; 5.11.3 Annual review of the LOQAM; 5.11.4 Responses to customer feedback/complaints; and 5.11.5 Goals established during the annual management review. 5.12 Control of Nonconforming Testing Work Nonconforming work is any work which does not meet stated laboratory standards, either with respect to mode of execution or outcome, i.e., data quality. Nonconforming work can be identified at various times during the analytical process. When nonconforming work is identified, the following actions must occur (refer to ASB SOP 116G): Management must be informed and they will stop work if necessary. A formal corrective action may be initiated if it is determined that the nonconforming work may recur. If work has been stopped, the work process may be resumed only when the formal corrective action has been implemented and the quality assurance manager and laboratory management have determined and documented that the FCA will result in a resolution. 5.13 Annual Management Review During the first quarter of each fiscal year, branch management (Branch Chief and Section Chiefs) and the QAM conduct an annual review of the quality system and environmental testing activities to verify their continued effectiveness and plan for any needed improvements to the system. The review will be documented and maintained by the QAM and will cover the branch’s overall quality objectives, to include at a minimum the items below. 5.13.1 Managerial and supervisory personnel reports uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 37 of 39 5.13.2 Reports from internal audits and assessments by external bodies 5.13.3 Results of proficiency tests, interlaboratory comparisons, etc. 5.13.4 Corrective and preventive action reports 5.13.5 Changes in the volume and type of work 5.13.6 Customer complaints and feedback 5.13.7 An evaluation of the previous review cycle’s action items 5.13.8 Development of an action plan for any issues or proposed improvements arising from the review process with a designated lead and target completion date. Changes and improvements shall be planned and implemented in a manner that ensures the integrity of the quality system is maintained. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 38 of 39 TABLE 5-1 Critical values of the studentized deviation t for testing whether a single point should be rejected as an outlier ( a = 0.05, two-sided test).1 1 Sample size, n Critical value (tcritical) 3 1.15 4 1.48 5 1.71 6 1.89 7 2.02 8 2.13 9 2.21 10 2.29 11 2.36 12 2.41 13 2.46 14 2.51 15 2.55 16 2.59 17 2.62 18 2.65 19 2.68 20 2.71 21 2.73 22 2.76 23 2.78 24 2.80 25 2.82 Pearson, E. S.; Hartley, H.O., Eds, Biometrika Tables for Statisticians, Vol. I, 3rd ed., Cambridge University Press, London, 1966. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 5 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 39 of 39 TABLE 5-2 Critical values of the Q in Dixon’s Q-test for testing whether a single point should be rejected as an outlier ( a = 0.05, two-sided test).1 1 Sample size, n Critical value (Qcritical) 3 0.970 4 0.829 5 0.710 6 0.625 7 0.568 8 0.526 9 0.493 10 0.466 11 0.444 12 0.426 13 0.410 14 0.396 15 0.384 16 0.374 17 0.365 18 0.356 19 0.349 20 0.342 21 0.337 22 0.331 23 0.326 24 0.321 25 0.317 Rorabacher, D. B., “Statistical treatment for rejection of deviant values of Dixon’s ‘Q’ parameter and related sub-range ratios at the 95% confidence level,’ Anal. Chem. 1991, 63, 139-146 uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 6 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 1 of 7 CHAPTER 6 LABORATORY SAFETY 6.1 Introduction 6.1.1 Summary This chapter highlights some general guidelines and rules that specifically apply to laboratory operations and serve only to supplement or highlight the SESD Safety, Health and Environmental Management Program (SHEMP), Procedures and Policy Manual. Obviously, no set of rules can cover all possible situations. Therefore, in addition to adhering to these policies, each person is expected to exercise good judgment in all situations and to maintain a high level of safety consciousness. 6.1.2 Policy It is the policy of the ASB that all activities be conducted in a manner that promotes a safe work environment. Safety takes priority over all other considerations. While ASB management and the ASB Safety Officer are responsible for ensuring that safety is a priority in the policy of operations, all ASB employees must accept responsibility for following safety rules and practices and for reporting any observed safety hazards. 6.2 General Safety Information 6.2.1 Training ASB employees are required to complete initial laboratory safety training prior to working in the lab. In addition to the required initial lab safety training, it is the responsibility of the Section Chief and Group Leaders to familiarize new employees with safety practices, the location of safety equipment, and any possible hazards in the areas in which they will be working. ASB employees are also required to attend safety refresher training annually. The annual training is comprised of fire extinguisher safety, hazardous communication, ASB laboratory safety and ergonomics. Each employee must sign the following forms after attending the annual refresher: Proper Usage and Storage of Materials in the HAZMAT Facility; Handling, Disposal and Minimization of Waste; and Management and Purchasing of Chemical Inventories. If an employee is unable to attend, they must contact the Safety Officer for completion of safety requirements. ASB employees must complete a Defensive Driving Course every three years. ASB employees must complete individual laboratory safety training for each lab they will be working in. They must complete the Work Control Plan supplement and review the job hazard analysis associated with the area. The signed form should be submitted to the ASB Safety Officer, where it will be kept in the employee’s safety training file. The ASB Safety Officer will retain a training folder for all ASB employees. uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 6 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 2 of 7 A record of employee safety training will be maintained in the SESD Training Management System (TMS). 6.2.2 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Lab coats and safety glasses must be worn at all times in laboratories when performing chemical operations. The exception to this is when personnel are working at computer terminals, microscopes or performing clerical work in the laboratory. Remove lab PPE (e.g., lab coats, gloves, and other personal protective equipment) before leaving the lab. Chemical resistant gloves should also be worn to prevent exposure to toxic substances. Refer to a chemical’s MSDS for more information about disposable glove recommendations. Gloves should be removed and hands washed prior to exiting the lab. Open-toed shoes and shorts should not be worn in laboratories. 6.2.3 Containers All containers are properly labeled, with particular care to note corrosive or hazardous materials. Refer to Chapter 4 of this manual for additional guidance on labeling of reagents, standards, reference materials and waste containers. Hazardous waste should be stored in appropriate containers designated by the Safety, Health and Environmental Manager (SHEM). Waste containers should also be stored in secondary containers. Some vented cabinets do not allow for secondary containers due to space constraints, but when possible waste should be stored with secondary containment. Waste containers must have a fixed cap. Caps may be vented and have instruments lines running into the fixed caps. Glassware that is chipped but still usable must be fire-polished before use; otherwise it must be discarded. 6.2.4 Chemicals An inventory of all chemicals maintained in the laboratory will be updated on a quarterly basis. The updated inventory can be accessed at SESD’s main entrance and at the guard’s desk. Laboratory analysts are responsible for insuring that all chemicals are maintained within the area designated for use and storage by the chemical inventory and tracking system. The Chemical Hygiene Officer (CHO) must be notified and all tracking documentation updated if the materials are moved and/or stored in a different location. The CHO must also be notified when chemicals are disposed of. Refer to Section 2.5 of the SHEMP manual. uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 6 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 3 of 7 Return all chemicals to their proper storage areas after use. Most ASB labs contain placards that denote the amount of solvents allowable within the room. The placards refer to the solvent capacity (in gallons) that is allowed in that particular lab. When staff members are unloading chemical shipments or retrieving chemicals from the hazardous waste building (HWB), they must transport the chemicals in some form of secondary containment to help prevent accidental breakage. The original packaging (cardboard boxes) should be suitable if intact; otherwise, additional protective packaging will need to be provided. The cart chosen for transport should be in good overall condition; when more than four bottles are transported, two staff members must be present to ensure the cart’s stability. Access to the HWB is limited to authorized ASB staff members only. Benzene will not be used as a solvent in the laboratories of ASB. No perchloric acid or perchlorate salts will be stored in ASB. Hydrofluoric acid will not be used by analysts in ASB labs. If at any time these chemicals are required in a method, special precautions will be necessary and should be coordinated with the Inorganic or Organic Chemistry Section Chief. All stock standards of a toxic nature should be prepared in a hood and stored in designated areas. Only personnel familiar with the toxicity and required safety precautions should handle these standards. 6.2.5 Prohibited Practices Eating, drinking, and/or chewing tobacco/smoking are not allowed in the labs. Lab glassware should not be used as a container for food or drinks. Food or drink containers should not be taken into the lab. Pipetting by mouth is not allowed. Work of a hazardous nature will not be performed in a laboratory after normal business hours when only one person is present. Please notify the security guard when working in the lab after business hours. 6.2.6 Electrical Equipment When conducting routine maintenance of electrical equipment, observe all shock hazard warnings displayed on the instrumentation. 6.2.7 Facility Impact Statement (FIS) uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 6 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 4 of 7 ASB employees must complete an FIS for each piece of equipment purchased and/or acquired. The SHEM should approve the safety portion of the form prior to the equipment purchase. The FIS form is posted on the SESD intranet. 6.2.8 Safety Inspection The Branch Safety Officer or designee shall conduct safety inspections of ASB laboratories at least quarterly. Additionally, branch management and/or the Safety Officer may conduct unscheduled walk-through inspections as general oversight for ensuring safe operations. 6.2.9 Cleanliness Housekeeping is an important aspect of maintaining a safe work environment. Work areas should be cleaned at the end of each work day. All spills should be cleaned up immediately. Spill kits are located throughout the lab area: E118A and E107. Look for the spill kit signs located outside the entrance of the areas listed above. 6.3 Sample Receiving, Logging and Storage 6.3.1 When possible, determine the source of the samples and any special hazards that might be associated with them. 6.3.2 Broken sample containers should be handled with gloves and disposed of immediately in accordance with appropriate disposal procedures. 6.3.3 Some samples, especially domestic waste, will build up pressure when sealed in containers. Care should be taken in handling these samples. Also, gloves, lab coats and safety glasses should be worn during prep and analysis, due to the possibility of the transmission of a variety of human enteric pathogens that cause diseases. Hepatitis vaccinations are available for analysts that work with wastewater samples. 6.3.4 A small percentage of samples received by ASB may be characterized as waste either known to be “hazardous” or “potentially hazardous”. It is the responsibility of field sampling personnel to determine the potential hazard through field testing and/or through personal knowledge of the site under study. Samples that exhibit a strong chemical odor should be treated as potentially hazardous. 6.3.5 “Hazardous” or “potentially hazardous” samples should be in a primary container having been cleaned by field personnel to ensure the exterior of the sample container is not contaminated. The samples should then be tagged, sealed and placed within a sealed bag that is secure. They will then be placed within a transport bucket that has a secure top as described in the EIB Standard Operating Procedures. There should be documentation and/or labeling of the containers that describes the hazardous nature of the samples. It is the uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 6 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 5 of 7 SCC/designee’s responsibility to ensure that the hazardous nature of the samples is communicated to ASB staff. Waste samples that require no preservation or refrigeration may be stored within their properly sealed buckets on shelves located outside the coolers. When concentrated waste samples are received the following procedure should be followed for their storage and handling. Samples will be signed out of the designated storage area and COC maintained as with routine environmental samples. (See SOP ASB 105G) The samples will be transported unopened and placed in the appropriate preparation area within a fume hood. Note: Hazardous samples should never be transported to and from a fume hood unless they are sealed within a secondary containment vessel. Samples which are designated hazardous due solely to pH may be handled outside of a fume hood with proper precaution and appropriate personal protective equipment. Slag-type or other solid non-flammable, non-volatile inert materials may also be cautiously handled outside of a fume hood if there is no danger of sample dust becoming airborne. Transferring samples from the original secondary containment bucket to a sealed, alternate secondary containment vessel for transporting for preparation and analysis should be performed under the fume hood to minimize exposure to possible toxic fumes. Once inside the hood, the secondary containment may be opened and individual sample processing may begin. Care should be taken to retain the secondary containment vessel so that the original sample may be repacked after completion of preparation for analysis. All sample processing and manipulation should be accomplished within the hood. At no time should the raw sample be removed from the hood without being properly repacked within the primary and secondary containment vessels. At the completion of sample processing, the original samples shall be repacked into the primary and secondary containment with care to ensure that there is no waste material on the exterior of the primary containment vessels. When properly repacked, the sample shall be returned to the designated storage area in the custody room and custody is returned by logging the sample back in through the LIMS custody module. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), refer to Chapter 4 for details on PPE requirements for potentially hazardous samples. 6.3.6 Samples Exhibiting Strong Chemical Odors - When samples are received by ASB that are not sealed within the screw top secondary containment buckets, but exhibit a strong chemical odor upon opening of the ice chest, take the following precautions. uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 6 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 6 of 7 Close the ice chest immediately. Place samples in a hood or well-ventilated area and contact project leaders to determine the origin/nature of the samples and the potential need for re-packing as waste hazardous samples. Using appropriate PPE and working in a fume hood, place the samples in plastic bags, secure and place in screw top secondary containment buckets. The ASBSCC or designee will maintain a small supply of the bags and buckets within the custody room for such purposes. Notify ASB management of the problem. When the samples have been re-packaged, treat as “potentially hazardous” for analytical activities and follow the previously described procedures. Maintain the samples within properly sealed buckets and place in the appropriate storage area. Only open within fume hoods. 6.4 Compressed Gases 6.4.1 Compressed gases should be handled in accordance with the SHEMP Procedures and Policy Manual. Refer to Section 2.5 for additional information. 6.4.2 It is the responsibility of each section to maintain an inventory of compressed gases used within their labs. 6.4.3 When using pressurized systems, take care to tighten restraints before pressurizing the system; depressurize the system before loosening restraints. 6.4.3 Observe all cryoprotective warnings regarding cylinders and sample storage areas. In order to prevent injury from the accidental release of cryogenic materials, gloves and face shields must be worn when analysts are performing tasks that could cause contact with cryogenic material. This includes operating the valves at the tank and when connecting and disconnecting lines. Analysts are not required to wear face shields and gloves if the vendor connects the lines and/or tanks to the instruments. 6.5 Radioactivity 6.5.1 Radioactivity Leak Tests - Electron Capture Detectors (ECDs) require wipe tests biannually. 6.5.2 The ASB Safety Officer (or designee) shall perform wipe tests biannually, maintain a record of the results, and report results to the SESD SHEM. 6.5.3 No ASB staff shall open or attempt to perform cleaning or maintenance on ECDs. Service shall be performed by a qualified vendor. uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 6 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 7 of 7 6.5.4 Radioactivity signs are posted at the entrance of the labs that contain ECDs. 6.6 Laboratory Waste Disposal Practices ASB is subject to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) regulations as contained in the Georgia Rules for Hazardous Waste Management for handling, storage, and disposal of laboratory related wastes. While knowledge of the hazardous waste handling and disposal regulations is the primary responsibility of the SESD SHEM, each ASB staff member should become familiar with the basic policies and procedures for waste disposal as it pertains to his/her area. An inventory of ASB’s hazardous waste is posted on the K: drive and is maintained by the ASB Safety Officer. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 7 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 1 of 28 CHAPTER 7 METHODOLOGY 7.1 General Methods used by the Analytical Support Branch are guided by data quality objectives of specific projects and by program requirements. In Element®, methods are associated with an analysis name. Analysis names include an analyte or group of analytes, and Element® identifies a specific analytical method for each analysis name. 7.2 Method Information Each time an analysis is performed, the appropriate method ID is assigned to analysis logs and bench sheets within Element®. This establishes a definitive record of the technique used. Details on method applications and limitations are found within the SOPs. (Any reference to an analytical method refers to the current version of ASB’s SOP for that method.) Acceptance criteria for precision and bias are documented in Element® and stored within the database for all analyses. 7.3 Minimum Reporting Limits Reporting units and minimum reporting limit (MRL) tables for routine target analytes analyzed by ASB are maintained within Element® for each matrix and method. The metals, classical/nutrients, volatiles, semivolatiles, pesticides/PCBs and perfluorinated compounds MRL values are summarized in Appendices 1 through 7 respectively of this chapter. Any needs for specific quantitation (reporting) or detection levels should be requested as detailed in the section on ‘Scheduling’ in Chapter 3 or through direct communication with the ASB Section Chief(s). Chapter 9 contains more information concerning MRLs regarding Drinking Water and NPDES analyses. Tables 1 and 2 in this chapter summarize SESD’s capabilities with respect to promulgated drinking water methods. These tables also list ASB’s capability to analyze drinking water-type samples using non-approved methods as well. The MRLs listed in the appendices are those which are routinely achievable. However, sample-specific MRLs may be higher or lower. Some factors which may influence MRLs are listed below. 7.3.1 The amount of sample used (either volume or weight) will raise or lower specific MRLs. 7.3.2 Dilutions due to high amounts of target analytes or interferences will raise samplespecific MRLs. 7.3.3 Solid samples corrected for percent moisture content and reported on a dry-weight basis will have higher MRLs. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 7 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 2 of 28 7.4 Land Disposal Restrictions (LDR) 7.4.1 During field investigations for the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program, samples may be collected and analyses requested to determine whether the medium being sampled meets the treatment standards under Land Disposal Restrictions (LDR). The RCRA LDR program is intended to ensure that hazardous waste cannot be placed on the land until the waste meets specific treatment standards to reduce the mobility or toxicity of its hazardous constituents. Requirements are covered in 40 CFR Part 268 and are quite complex. Analyses supporting the LDR regulations must meet certain MRLs in order to demonstrate whether the sample being tested has met the applicable treatment standard. The level of concerns for LDR regulations are presented in Figure 7-1. 7.4.2 When placing requests for LDR, sufficient lead time will be needed. LDR analyses require special reporting conventions that are not routine for ASB’s LIMS. The laboratory will need to prepare for additional analyses required for sample characterization and to ensure that results are reported in accordance with RCRA Land Ban requirements. Project leaders should consult ASB Section Chiefs when planning such projects. 7.4.3 Figure 7.2 is a flowchart which provides a decision tree applicable to LDR samples. In addition to following the flowchart, analysts should consult their Section Chief and/or the ASB QAM when analyzing samples for LDR purposes. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 7 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 3 of 28 Figure 7-1 Levels of Concern for Various Programs PARAMETER Antimony DRINKING WATER 40 CFR 141.13 and 141.62 MCLs RCRA TCLP (40CFR 261.24 Table 1) and pH (40CFR 261.22) 6µg/L ALTERNATIVE RCRA LAND BAN LIMITS FOR SOIL 40 CFR 268.49 RCRA LAND BAN LIMITS 40CFR 268.48 Table UTS Wastewater (<1% TSS & <1% TOC by weight CFR268.2) Nonwastewater 1.9 mg/L 1.15 mg/L TCLP 11.5 mg/L TCLP Arsenic 10 µg/L * proposed in 2002 5.0 mg/L 1.4 mg/L 5.0 mg/L TCLP 50.0 mg/L TCLP Barium 2000 µg/L 100.0 mg/L 1.2 mg/L 21 mg/L TCLP 210 mg/L TCLP Beryllium 4 µg/L 0.82 mg/L 1.22 mg/L TCLP 12.2 mg/L TCLP Cadmium 5 µg/L 1.0 mg/L 0.69 mg/L 0.11 mg/L TCLP 1.1 mg/L TCLP 100 µg/L 5.0 mg/L 2.77 mg/L 0.60 mg/L TCLP 6.0 mg/L TCLP 1.2 mg/L 590 mg/kg (by 9010 or 9012) 5900 mg/kg (by 9010 or 9012, inferred) 0.86 mg/L 30 mg/kg (by 9010 or 9012) 300 mg/kg (by 9010 or 9012, inferred) 35 mg/L NA NA 0.69 mg/L 0.75 mg/L TCLP 7.5 mg/L TCLP NA 0.20 mg/L TCLP 2.0 mg/L TCLP 0.15 mg/L 0.025 mg/L TCLP 0.25 mg/L TCLP 3.98 mg/L 11 mg/L TCLP 110 mg/L TCLP Chromium Copper Cyanides (Total) Lead 200 µg/L 4.0 mg/L 15 µg/L * See 40CFR 141.80 5.0 mg/L Mercury (non wstwtr/retort) Mercury 2 µg/L 0.2 mg/L Nickel Nitrate Nitrite Nitrate + Nitrite 10 mg/L 1 mg/L 10 mg/L pH Selenium < 2 and > 12.5 50 µg/L Silver Sulfide Thallium 2 µg/L Turbidity 1 NTU Vanadium Zinc * See publication at www.epa.gov/ost/pc/r evcom.pdf 1300 µg/L * See 40CFR 141.80 Cyanides (Amenable) Fluoride WATER QUALITY STANDARDS * 1.0 mg/L 0.82 mg/L 5.7 mg/L TCLP 57 mg/L TCLP 5.0 mg/L 0.43 mg/L 0.14 mg/L TCLP 1.4 mg/L TCLP 14 mg/L NA NA 1.4 mg/L 0.20 mg/L TCLP 2.0 mg/L TCLP 4.3 mg/L 1.6 mg/L TCLP 16 mg/L TCLP 2.61 mg/L 4.3 mg/L TCLP 43 mg/L TCLP uncontrolled if printed Chapter 7 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 4 of 28 START Ask project manager for waste code; analyze accordingly for regulated hazardous constituents based on wastewater limits @ 40CFR268.40 1, A Yes Yes Is sample a RCRA wastewater (<1% TSS & <1% TOC)? Is sample a listed waste or treatment residue per project manager? Ask project manager for waste code; analyze accordingly for regulated hazardous constituents based on non wastewater limits @ 40CFR268.40.1 NOTE: Some limits require TCLP extraction. No No Analyze original sample for regulated hazardous constituents requested by project manager. Can original sample theoretically fail TCLP limits ? No Yes Is sample a characteristic D001 D003 (ignitable, corrosive, reactive waste) ? Perform TCLP extraction per Method 1311 and analyze extract for regulated hazardous constituents Yes Yes Is sample a RCRA wastewater? (<1% TSS & <1% TOC)? Did any regulated hazardous constituents fail TCLP? Analyze original sample for regulated hazardous constituents requested by project managers using wastewater UTS limits @ 40CFR 268.48.1 Note lower DLs required. For regulated hazardous constituents, analyze using nonwastewater UTS limits @ 40CFR 268.48. 1, B, C, * May require TCLP extraction. No STOP No STOP Were total analyte MQLs less than 40CFR 268.48 1 wastewater limits? Yes Yes No Yes Report TCLP results as “cannot fail” TCLP limits for hazardous constituents No Is original sample a RCRA wastewater (<1% TSS & <1% TOC)? No Compare TCLP or original results to nonwastewater limits @ 40CFR 268.48 1 If necessary, reanalyze original sample to get MQLs below wastewater limits. uncontrolled if printed Figure 7-2: Decision Tree for Analysis of Samples for Land Disposal Restriction Chapter 7 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 5 of 28 Footnotes for Figure 7-2 1 A See SESD LAN Directory K:\ASB\Current Documents\Miscellaneous Documents for LDR tables contained in 40CFR268.40 and .48. At 40CFR 268.48 the D009 Wastewater concentration limit requires TCLP extraction for mercury. B A TCLP extraction is required for carbon disulfide, cyclohexanone, methanol, and metals because non-wastewater UTS limits for these analytes are expressed as TCLP extract concentrations. C Non-wastewater cyanide for LDR is performed by special request only. Because the non-wastewater cyanide LDR limits @ 268.48 are expressed in units of mg/kg, do not perform a TCLP extraction for cyanide but instead analyze the original sample for cyanide. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 7 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 6 of 28 Table 7-1 Capability for Potable Waters-Inorganics SDWA Analyte SDWA MCL (mg/L) SDWA Method Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium 0.006 0.010 2 0.004 0.005 200.8 200.8 200.7 or 200.8 200.7 or 200.8 200.7 or 200.8 ASB SDWA MRL (mg/L) 0.0005 0.0005 0.005 0.003 0.0002 5 200.7 or 200.8 0.01 200.7 or 200.8 0.005 200.8 0.0005 245.1 0.0001 200.8 0.001 200.8 0.0005 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ASB Routine Method 200.8 200.8 200.7 or 200.8 200.7 or 200.8 200.7 or 200.8 ASB MRL for routine low level request (mg/L) 0.0005 0.0005 0.005 0.003 0.00025 Copper 1.3 200.7 or 200.8 0.01 Chromium 0.1 200.7 or 200.8 0.005 Lead 0.0153 200.8 0.0005 Mercury 0.002 245.1 0.0001 Selenium 0.05 200.8 0.001 Thallium 0.002 200.8 0.0005 Asbestos2 7MF/L>10u NA NA 2 Bromate 0.010 NA NA 2 Chlorite 1.0 NA NA Residual detectable NA NA 2 Disinfectant Cyanide 0.2 335.4 0.015 335.4 0.015 Fluoride 4.0 300.0 0.05 300.0 0.05 Nitrate 10 300.0 or 353.2 0.05 300.0 or 353.2 0.05 Nitrite 1 300.0 or 353.2 0.05 300.0 or 353.2 0.05 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 10 300.0 or 353.2 0.05 353.2 0.05 pH 6.5-8.54 NA1 NA1 9040C 1.04 Actual MRL may be higher due to variability of analytical instrument conditions or sample interferences. 1 Not available using SDWA Methods. Please contact Section Chief for more information. 2 Not available from ASB. Please contact Section Chief for options. 3 This is an action level, not the MCL. See 40CFR 141.80(c). 4 The units of the reported numbers are in pH units and not mg/L. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 7 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 7 of 28 Table 7-2 Capability for Potable Waters - Organics SDWA Analyte SDWA MCL (mg/L) SDWA Method (special request) ASB SDWA MRL (mg/L) ASB Routine Low-Level Method Benzene Carbon Tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethane cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene Methylene chloride 1,2-Dichloropropane Ethylbenzene Styrene Tetrachloroethylene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Trichloroethylene Toluene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,1-Dichloroethylene 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Vinyl Chloride Xylenes (Total) Trihalomethanes (Total) 0.005 0.005 0.1 0.6 0.075 0.005 0.07 0.1 0.005 0.005 0.7 0.1 0.005 0.2 0.005 1 0.07 0.007 0.005 0.002 10 0.08 524.4 524.4 524.4 524.4 524.4 524.4 524.4 524.4 524.4 524.4 524.4 524.4 524.4 524.4 524.4 524.4 524.4 524.4 524.4 524.4 524.4 524.4 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0015 0.007 8260C 8260C 8260C 8260C 8260C 8260C 8260C 8260C 8260C 8260C 8260C 8260C 8260C 8260C 8260C 8260C 8260C 8260C 8260C 8260C 8260C 8260C ASB MRL for routine low-level request (mg/L) 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0015 0.002 2,3,7,8-TCDD (dioxin) 3x10-8 NA2 NA2 NA2 NA2 2,4-D Alachlor Atrazine Benzo(a)pyrene Carbofuran Chlordane Dalapon bis(2-ethylhexyl)adipate bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate Dibromochloropropane (DBCP) Dinoseb 0.07 0.002 0.003 0.0002 0.04 0.002 0.2 0.4 0.006 0.0002 0.007 NA1 NA1 NA1 525.2 NA2 NA1 NA1 525.2 525.2 NA1 NA1 NA1 NA1 NA1 0.0002 NA2 NA1 NA1 0.001 0.001 NA1 NA1 8151A 8141A 8141A 8270D SIM3 NA2 8081A3 8151A3 NA 8270D 8011/8260C3 8151A3 0.000025 0.00005 0.000025 0.0001 NA2 0.000125 0.0000125 NA 0.006 0.00005 0.0000125 uncontrolled if printed Chapter 7 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 8 of 28 Capability for Potable Waters - Organics ASB MRL for routine low-level request (mg/L) Diquat 0.02 NA2 NA2 NA2 NA2 Endothall 0.1 NA2 NA2 NA2 NA2 Endrin 0.002 525.2 0.002 8081A 0.00004 1 1 3 Ethylene dibromide (EDB) 0.00005 NA NA 8011/8260C 0.00005 Glyphosate 0.7 NA2 NA2 NA2 NA2 Heptachlor 0.0004 525.2 0.0004 8081A 0.000015 Heptachlor Epoxide 0.0002 525.2 0.0002 8081A 0.00002 Hexachlorobenzene 0.001 NA1 NA1 8270D 0.001 1 1 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 0.05 NA NA 8270D 0.05 Lindane (gamma-BHC) 0.0002 525.2 0.0002 8081A 0.00001 Methoxychlor 0.04 525.2 0.015 8081A 0.0001 2 2 2 Oxamyl (Vydate) 0.2 NA NA NA NA2 PCBs (as Decachlorobiphenyl) 0.0005 NA2 NA2 8082-Aroclors 0.00025 1 1 Pentachlorophenol 0.001 NA NA 8270D 0.001 Picloram 0.5 NA1 NA1 8151A3 0.0000125 2 2 2 Simazine 0.004 NA NA NA NA2 1 1 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 0.05 NA NA 8151A 0.0000125 1 1 Toxaphene 0.003 NA NA 8081A 0.002 2 2 2 HAA5 0.060 NA NA NA NA2 Actual MRL may be higher due to variability of analytical instrument conditions or sample interferences. SDWA Analyte SDWA MCL (mg/L) SDWA Method (special request) ASB SDWA MRL (mg/L) ASB Routine Low-Level Method 1 Not available from ASB using SDWA Method. Please contact Organic Chemistry Section Chief for more information. 2 Not available from ASB. Please contact Organic Chemistry Section Chief for options. 3 Analysis available upon request with sufficient lead-time. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 7 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 9 of 28 ASB LOQAM Chapter 7 Appendix 1 Metals Analyte List Minimum Reporting Limits by Matrices ANALYTE ASB Routine Analytical Method4 Water µg/L (ppb) 3 Soil/Sed mg/kg (ppm) 1, 3 Waste mg/kg (ppm) 1 Tissue mg/kg (ppm) 2, 3 Antimony EPA 200.8 1.0 0.25 0.25 0.05 Arsenic EPA 200.8 1.0 0.25 0.25 0.05 Aluminum EPA 6010C 100 10 10 2 Barium EPA 6010C 5.0 0.5 0.5 0.1 Beryllium EPA 6010C 3.0 0.3 0.3 0.06 Cadmium EPA 200.8 0.50 0.125 0.125 0.025 Calcium EPA 6010C 250 25 25 5 Cobalt EPA 6010C 5.0 0.5 0.5 0.1 Chromium EPA 6010C 5.0 0.5 0.5 0.1 Chrom., Hexavalent SM 3500 CR B (20th ed) 10 5.0 5.0* NA Chrom., Hexavalent, Dissolved EPA 218.6 1.0, 0.025* NA NA NA Copper EPA 6010C 10 1.0 1.0 0.2 Iron EPA 6010C 100 10 10 2.0 Lead EPA 200.8 1.0 0.25 0.25 0.05 Magnesium EPA 6010C 250 25 25 5 Manganese EPA 6010C 5.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 EPA 245/74735 0.10 0.02 0.02 0.05 Hg, Ultra-trace EPA 1631E 0.5 ng/L 0.05 µg/kg NA 0.05 µg/kg Molybdenum EPA 6010C 10 1.0 1.0 0.2 Nickel EPA 6010C 10 1.0 1.0 0.2 Potassium EPA 6010C 1000 100 100 20 Selenium EPA 200.8 2.0 0.5 0.5 0.10 Sodium EPA 6010C 1000 100 100 20 Strontium EPA 6010C 5.0 0.5 0.5 0.1 Silver EPA 6010C 5.0 0.5 0.5 0.1 Tin EPA 6010C 15 1.5 1.5 NA* Titanium EPA 6010C 5.0 0.5 0.5 0.1 Thallium EPA 200.8 1.0 0.25 0.25 0.05 Mercury uncontrolled if printed Chapter 7 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 10 of 28 ASB LOQAM Chapter 7 Appendix 1 Metals Analyte List Minimum Reporting Limits by Matrices ANALYTE ASB Routine Analytical Method4 Water µg/L (ppb) 3 Soil/Sed mg/kg (ppm) 1, 3 Waste mg/kg (ppm) 1 Tissue mg/kg (ppm) 2, 3 Vanadium EPA 6010C 5.0 0.5 0.5 0.1 Yttrium EPA 6010C 3.0 0.3 0.3 0.06 Zinc EPA 6010C 10 1.0 1.0 0.2 Boron ** EPA 6010C 50 5.0 5.0 1.0 Silicon ** Uranium ** SESD routinely performs TCLP extractions and analyses. MRLs may increase due to variability of interferences that make sample dilutions necessary. Sample sizes required for achieving the routine quantitation limits are listed below. 1 Reporting limits are based on 1.0 g of sample (dry-weight basis, % moisture will increase MRLs). 2 Reporting limits are based on 5.0 g of sample. 3 Units as specified unless otherwise noted. 4 Routine methods may be changed at the time of analysis due to sample-specific characteristics. The actual analytical method used will be listed on the final report. 5 Mercury methods - Water: 245.1; Soil, Waste, and Tissue: 7473 * This level or matrix is a special request and will need to be discussed with Section Chief on a case by case basis. Consult laboratory for more information. ** These parameters are not usually requested or part of our routine scans. However, if the need arises, please contact ASB personnel. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 7 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 11 of 28 ASB LOQAM Chapter 7 Appendix 2 Nutrients and Classicals Analyte List Minimum Reporting Limits by Matrices ANALYTE Acidity Alkalinity Analytical Method 5 Water mg/L (ppm)1 Soil/Sed mg/kg (ppm) Waste mg/kg (ppm) Tissue mg/kg (ppm) SM 2310 10 NA NA NA SM 2320B 1.0 NA NA NA 2 2 NA Ammonia EPA 350.1 0.05 2.5 BOD/CBOD SM 5210B 2.0 NA NA NA Bromide EPA 300.0 0.1 1.0 NA NA Chloride EPA 300.0 0.1 1.0 NA NA Cyanide SM 335.4 0.015 0.75 0.75 NA Fluoride EPA 300.0 0.10 1.0 NA NA Hardness, Calc SM 2340B 1.654 NA NA NA Nitrate EPA 300.0/EPA 353.2 0.05 0.5 0.5 NA Nitrite EPA 300.0/EPA 353.2 0.05 0.5 0.5 NA EPA 353.2 0.05 0.5 0.5 NA EPA 1664A 5.0 NA NA NA EPA 9040/EPA 9045 1.0 pH units Phosphorus, Total EPA 365.1 0.01 1.254 1.254 NA Phosphorus, Ortho EPA 365.1 0.01 1.254 1.254 NA Total Dissolved Solids USGS I-3765-85 40 NA NA NA Total Solids SM 2540B-1997 40 NA NA NA Total Suspended Solids USGS I-1750-85 4.0 NA NA NA Sulfate EPA 300.0 0.1 1.0 NA NA Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) EPA 351.2 0.05 6.254 6.254 NA SM5310/ASB 107C 1.0 12,000 NA NA SM 5210C 2.0 NA NA NA Nitrate+Nitrite Oil and Grease pH Total Organic Carbon (TOC) UBOD 6 2.5 1.0 pH units 1.0 pH units 1.0 pH units uncontrolled if printed Chapter 7 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 12 of 28 ASB LOQAM Chapter 7 Appendix 2 Nutrients and Classicals Analyte List Minimum Reporting Limits by Matrices ANALYTE Analytical Method 5 Water mg/L (ppm)1 Soil/Sed mg/kg (ppm) Waste mg/kg (ppm) Tissue mg/kg (ppm) MRLs may increase due to variability of interferences that make dilutions of sample necessary. Sample sizes required for achieving the routine quantitation limits are listed below. 1 Units as specified unless otherwise noted. 2 Calculated using 1.0 g of sample (dry-weight basis, % moisture will increase MRLs). 3 Calculated using 5.0 g of sample (dry-weight basis, % moisture will increase MRLs). 4 Calculated using 0.2 g of sample (dry-weight basis, % moisture will increase MRLs). 5 Routine methods may be changed at the time of analysis due to sample specific characteristics. The actual analytical method used will be listed on the final report. 6 Analysis available upon request with sufficient lead-time. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 7 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 13 of 28 ASB LOQAM Chapter 7 Appendix 3 Volatile Organics (VOAs) Target Analyte List Minimum Reporting Limits (MRLs) by Matrices Water1 µg/L (ppb) Soil/Sed2 µg/kg (ppb) Waste3 mg/kg (ppm) Air4 ppbv (µg/m3) Analytical Method Routine Level Routine Level (Encore®/ Tared Vial) Routine Level Routine Level EPA TO-156 Acetone EPA 8260C 4.0-10 10-20 1.6-4.0 0.20 Acrylonitrile EPA 8260C NA NA 0.20 EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM NA 0.50 0.05 1.0 0.20 0.20 EPA 8260C NA NA NA 0.20 EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM 0.50 0.050 0.50 0.015 0.50 0.015 1.0-4.0 0.10 1.0 0.20 NA 1.0 0.20 NA 1.0 0.20 0.20 2.0-10 0.40-1.6 0.20 Bromomethane EPA 8260C 2.0-5.0 2.0 0.80-2.0 0.20 1,3-Butadiene EPA 8260C NA 0.50 0.05 0.50 0.05 0.50 0.05 0.50 0.05 NA NA 0.20 1.0 0.20 NA 1.0 0.20 NA 1.0-2.0 0.20 NA 1.0 0.20 0.20 2.0 0.80 0.20 1.0 0.20 0.20 2.0 0.80-2.0 0.20 1.0 0.20 0.20 ANALYTE Benzene Benzyl Chloride Bromobenzene Bromochloromethane Bromodichloromethane Bromoform n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene tert-Butylbenzene Carbon Tetrachloride Carbon Disulfide EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C 2.0 0.50 0.05 Chlorobenzene EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM Chloroethane EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM Chloroform EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM 0.05 0.50 0.015 EPA 8260C 0.50 1.0 0.20 0.20 EPA 8260C NA NA NA 0.20 Chloromethane 3-Chloroprene(2-Chloro-1,3- butadiene) 2.0-5.0 uncontrolled if printed Chapter 7 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 14 of 28 ASB LOQAM Chapter 7 Appendix 3 Volatile Organics (VOAs) Target Analyte List Minimum Reporting Limits (MRLs) by Matrices Water1 µg/L (ppb) Soil/Sed2 µg/kg (ppb) Waste3 mg/kg (ppm) Air4 ppbv (µg/m3) Analytical Method Routine Level Routine Level (Encore®/ Tared Vial) Routine Level Routine Level EPA TO-156 0.50 0.05 0.50 0.05 0.50 0.05 0.50 0.015 1.0-10 0.10 1.0 0.025 0.50 0.05 0.50 0.05 0.50 0.05 0.50 0.05 0.50 0.015 0.50 0.015 0.50 0.015 0.50 0.015 0.50 0.015 0.50 0.015 0.50 0.015 0.50 0.015 1.0 0.20 NA 1.0 0.20 NA 1.0 0.20 0.20 1.0 0.20 0.20 2.0-10 0.40-4.0 NA 1.0 0.20 0.20 1.0 0.20 NA 1.0 0.20 0.20 1.0 0.20 0.20 1.0 0.20 0.20 1.0 0.20 0.20 1.0 0.20 0.20 1.0 0.20 0.20 1.0 0.20 0.20 1.0 0.20 0.20 1.0 0.20 0.20 1.0 0.20 0.20 1,3-Dichloropropane EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM 1.0 0.20 NA 2,2-Dichloropropane EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM 0.50 1.0 0.20 NA ANALYTE o-Chlorotoluene p-Chlorotoluene Cyclohexane Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane7 (DBCP) 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)7 Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane (R12) 1,1-Dichloroethene7 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene7 1,1-Dichloroethane7 1,2-Dichloroethane7 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.050 uncontrolled if printed Chapter 7 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 15 of 28 ASB LOQAM Chapter 7 Appendix 3 Volatile Organics (VOAs) Target Analyte List Minimum Reporting Limits (MRLs) by Matrices Water1 µg/L (ppb) Soil/Sed2 µg/kg (ppb) Waste3 mg/kg (ppm) Air4 ppbv (µg/m3) Analytical Method Routine Level Routine Level (Encore®/ Tared Vial) Routine Level Routine Level EPA TO-156 EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM 0.50 0.015 0.50 0.05 1.0 0.20 NA 1.0 0.20 0.20 EPA 8260C NA NA NA 0.20 EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM 0.50 0.050 1.0 0.20 0.20 1,4-Dioxane EPA 8260C NA NA NA 0.20 Ethyl acetate EPA 8260C NA NA NA 0.20 Ethyl benzene EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM 0.50 0.05 1.0 0.20 0.20 4-Ethyltoluene (1-Ethyl-4-methyl benzene) EPA 8260C NA NA NA 0.20 Heptane EPA 8260C NA NA 0.20 EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM NA 0.50 0.05 1.0 0.20 0.20 Hexane EPA 8260C NA NA NA 0.20 Isooctane (2,2,4Trimethylpentane) EPA 8260C NA NA NA 0.20 Isopropanol EPA 8260C NA NA 0.20 EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C NA 0.50 0.05 0.50 0.05 0.50 1.0 0.20 NA 1.0-2.0 0.20 NA 2.0 0.40 NA Methyl cyclohexane EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM 0.50 0.05 1.0 0.20 NA Methylene chloride EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM 0.50 10 0.20 0.20 5.0-10 0.40 0.20 5.0-10 1.6-4.0 0.20 ANALYTE 1,1-Dichloropropene cis-1,3-Dichloropropene Dichlorotetrafluoroethane (R114) trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Hexachlorobutadiene Isopropylbenzene p-Isopropyltoluene Methyl acetate (Dichloromethane) 0.050 1.0 Methyl butyl ketone EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM 0.10 Methyl ethyl ketone EPA 8260C 4.0-10 uncontrolled if printed Chapter 7 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 16 of 28 ASB LOQAM Chapter 7 Appendix 3 Volatile Organics (VOAs) Target Analyte List Minimum Reporting Limits (MRLs) by Matrices Water1 µg/L (ppb) Soil/Sed2 µg/kg (ppb) Waste3 mg/kg (ppm) Air4 ppbv (µg/m3) Analytical Method Routine Level Routine Level (Encore®/ Tared Vial) Routine Level Routine Level EPA TO-156 Methyl isobutyl ketone EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM 1.0 5.0-10 0.40 0.20 Methyl-t-butyl ether EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM 1.0 0.20 0.20 Naphthalene5 EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM 1.0-10 0.20-2.0 0.20 1.0 0.20 NA 1.0 0.20 0.20 1.0 0.20 NA 1.0 0.20 0.20 1.0 0.20 0.20 NA NA 0.20 1.0 0.20 0.20 1.0 0.20 NA 1.0 0.20 0.20 1.0 0.20 0.20 1.0 0.20 0.20 1.0 0.20 0.20 1.0 0.20 0.20 1.0-2.0 0.20 NA 1.0 0.20 0.20 1.0 0.20 0.20 ANALYTE n-Propylbenzene Styrene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane7 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane7 Tetrachloroethene Tetrahydrofuran Toluene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane7 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane (R11) 1,2,3-Trichloropropane Trichlorotrifluoroethane (R113) 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM 0.10 0.50 0.015 0.50-5.0 0.05 0.50 0.05 0.50 0.05 0.50 0.05 0.50 0.05 0.50 0.05 NA 0.50 0.05 0.50 0.05 0.50 0.05 0.50 0.05 0.50 0.015 0.50 0.015 0.50 0.015 0.50 0.05 0.50 0.015 0.50 0.05 uncontrolled if printed Chapter 7 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 17 of 28 ASB LOQAM Chapter 7 Appendix 3 Volatile Organics (VOAs) Target Analyte List Minimum Reporting Limits (MRLs) by Matrices Water1 µg/L (ppb) Soil/Sed2 µg/kg (ppb) Waste3 mg/kg (ppm) Air4 ppbv (µg/m3) Analytical Method Routine Level Routine Level (Encore®/ Tared Vial) Routine Level Routine Level EPA TO-156 EPA 8260C EPA 8260C SIM 0.50 0.05 1.0 0.20 0.20 Vinyl acetate EPA 8260C NA NA NA 0.20 Vinyl bromide (Bromoethene) EPA 8260C NA NA NA 0.20 ANALYTE 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene EPA 8260C 0.50 1.0 0.20 0.20 Vinyl chloride7 EPA 8260C SIM 0.015 EPA 8260C 0.50 o-Xylene 1.0 0.20 0.20 EPA 8260C SIM 0.05 EPA 8260C 1.0 (m- and/or p-) Xylene 2.0 0.40 0.40 EPA 8260C SIM 0.10 MRLs may increase due to variability of interferences necessitating sample dilutions. 1 Water - 5 mL from septum-sealed vial. 2 Routine Level Soil - 5 g in water (reported on dry-weight basis). 3 Waste - 1 g dissolved in 5-mL methanol and 62.5 uL of resulting extract purged. 4 Air - 500 cc from 6-L passivated canister - nominal values. MRLs in µg/m3 units depend on molecular weight and vary depending on the analyte and the standard lot. 5 Naphthalene not routinely reported by VOC 8260 or TO-15analysis but available upon request. 6 MRLs don't account for the ~2x pressurization dilution of canisters after arrival at the lab. 7 SIM MRLs available for waters upon special request. NA = Not Available uncontrolled if printed Chapter 7 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 18 of 28 ASB LOQAM Chapter 7 Appendix 4 Semivolatile Organics Target Analyte List Minimum Reporting Limits by Matrices Water1 µg/L (ppb) Soil/Sed2 µg/kg (ppb) Waste3 mg/kg (ppm) Tissue4 mg/kg (ppm) Analytical Method Routine Level Routine Level Routine Level Routine Level 1-Methylnaphthalene EPA 8270D 2.0 33 10 0.033 1,1'-Biphenyl EPA 8270D 2.0 33 10 0.033 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 2-Nitrophenol EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 2-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 2,4-Dimethylphenol EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 2,4-Dinitrotoluene EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 2,4-Dinitrophenol EPA 8270D 10 - 20 330 - 660 100 - 200 0.33 – 0.66 2-Methylphenol EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 2-Nitroaniline EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 2-Chlorophenol EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 2-Methylnaphthalene EPA 8270D 2.0 33 10 0.033 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 2-Chloronaphthalene EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 2,6-Dinitrotoluene EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 2,4-Dichlorophenol EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 (3- and/or 4-) Methylphenol EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 3-Nitroaniline EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 4-Chloroaniline EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 4-Nitroaniline EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 4-Nitrophenol EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 ANALYTE uncontrolled if printed Chapter 7 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 19 of 28 ASB LOQAM Chapter 7 Appendix 4 Semivolatile Organics Target Analyte List Minimum Reporting Limits by Matrices Water1 µg/L (ppb) Soil/Sed2 µg/kg (ppb) Waste3 mg/kg (ppm) Tissue4 mg/kg (ppm) Analytical Method Routine Level Routine Level Routine Level Routine Level Acenaphthene EPA 8270D 2.0 33 10 0.033 Acenaphthylene EPA 8270D 2.0 33 10 0.033 Acetophenone EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 Anthracene EPA 8270D 2.0 33 10 0.033 Atrazine EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 Benzo(a)anthracene EPA 8270D 2.0 33 10 0.033 Benzo(a)pyrene EPA 8270D 2.0 33 10 0.033 Benzo(b)fluoranthene EPA 8270D 2.0 33 10 0.033 Benzo(k)fluoranthene EPA 8270D 2.0 33 10 0.033 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene EPA 8270D 2.0 33 10 0.033 Benzaldehyde EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 Benzyl butyl phthalate EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 Bis(chloroethoxy)methane EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 Bis(chloroisopropyl) ether EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 Caprolactam EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 Carbazole EPA 8270D 2.0 33 10 0.033 Chrysene EPA 8270D 2.0 33 10 0.033 Di-n-butyl phthalate EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 Di-n-octyl phthalate EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene EPA 8270D 2.0 33 10 0.033 Dibenzofuran EPA 8270D 2.0 33 10 0.033 Diesel Range Organics (C10-C28) EPA 8015C 20 670 200-SA5 0.67-SA5 Diethyl phthalate EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 Dimethyl phthalate EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 Fluoranthene EPA 8270D 2.0 33 10 0.033 ANALYTE uncontrolled if printed Chapter 7 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 20 of 28 ASB LOQAM Chapter 7 Appendix 4 Semivolatile Organics Target Analyte List Minimum Reporting Limits by Matrices Water1 µg/L (ppb) Soil/Sed2 µg/kg (ppb) Waste3 mg/kg (ppm) Tissue4 mg/kg (ppm) Analytical Method Routine Level Routine Level Routine Level Routine Level Fluorene EPA 8270D 2.0 33 10 0.033 Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 Hexachlorobutadiene EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (HCCP) EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 Hexachloroethane EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene EPA 8270D 2.0 33 10 0.033 Isophorone EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 Naphthalene EPA 8270D 2.0 33 10 0.033 Nitrobenzene EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 Nitroso-di-n-propylamine EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 Pentachlorophenol EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 Phenanthrene EPA 8270D 2.0 33 10 0.033 Phenol EPA 8270D 10 330 100 0.33 Pyrene EPA 8270D 2.0 33 10 0.033 ANALYTE MRLs may increase due to possible interferences necessitating sample dilutions and moisture content of soil samples. 1 Water - 1000 mL; final extract volume 1 mL. 2 Soil - 30 g extracted (reported as dry-weight); final extract volume 1 mL. 3 Waste - 1 g extracted (reported as wet-weight); final extract volume 10 mL. 4 Fish or biological tissue - Same as soil. 5 SA = Special Analysis requiring additional QC currently not in place. Contact OCS Section Chief. Tentative MRL. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 7 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 21 of 28 ASB LOQAM Chapter 7 Appendix 4 Semivolatile Organics SIM Analyte List – Low Level Minimum Reporting Limits by Matrices Water1 µg/L (ppb) Soil/Sed2 µg/kg (ppb) Waste mg/kg (ppm) Tissue mg/kg (ppm) Analytical Method SIM Level SIM Level SIM Level SIM Level 1-Methylnaphthalene EPA 8270D SIM 0.1 3.33 NA NA 2-Methylnaphthalene EPA 8270D SIM 0.1 3.33 NA NA Acenaphthene EPA 8270D SIM 0.1 3.33 NA NA Acenaphthylene EPA 8270D SIM 0.1 3.33 NA NA Anthracene EPA 8270D SIM 0.1 3.33 NA NA Benzo(a)anthracene EPA 8270D SIM 0.1 3.33 NA NA Benzo(a)pyrene EPA 8270D SIM 0.1 3.33 NA NA Benzo(b)fluoranthene EPA 8270D SIM 0.1 3.33 NA NA Benzo(k)fluoranthene EPA 8270D SIM 0.1 3.33 NA NA Benzo(g,h,i)perylene EPA 8270D SIM 0.1 3.33 NA NA Carbazole EPA 8270D SIM 0.1 3.33 NA NA Chrysene EPA 8270D SIM 0.1 3.33 NA NA Dibenz(a,h)anthracene EPA 8270D SIM 0.1 3.33 NA NA Fluoranthene EPA 8270D SIM 0.1 3.33 NA NA Fluorene EPA 8270D SIM 0.1 3.33 NA NA Hexachlorobenzene3 EPA 8270D SIM SA-0.1 SA-3.33 NA NA Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene EPA 8270D SIM 0.1 3.33 NA NA Naphthalene EPA 8270D SIM 0.1 3.33 NA NA Pentachlorophenol EPA 8270D SIM 0.2 6.67 NA NA Phenanthrene EPA 8270D SIM 0.1 3.33 NA NA ANALYTE EPA 8270D SIM 0.1 3.33 NA NA Pyrene MRLs may increase due to interferences necessitating smaller extraction amounts, dilutions and moisture content of soil samples. The above analytes can also be analyzed by full scan GC/MS at the stated MRLs.NA = Not available 1 Water - 1000 mL; final extract volume 1 mL. 2 Soil - 30 g extracted (reported as dry-weight); final extract volume 1 mL. 3 SA = Special Analysis requiring additional QC currently not in place. Contact OCS Chief. Tentative MRL. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 7 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 22 of 28 ASB LOQAM Chapter 7 Appendix 5 Routine Pesticide/PCB Target Analyte List Minimum Reporting Limits (MRLs)* by Matrices Water1 µg/L (ppb) Soil/Sed2 µg/kg (ppb) Waste3 mg/kg (ppm) Tissue4 mg/kg (ppm) Analytical Method(s) Routine Level Routine Level Routine Level Routine Level Aldrin EPA 8081A 0.05 1.7 SA5-0.50 0.020 Heptachlor EPA 8081A 0.05 1.7 SA5-0.50 0.020 Heptachlor epoxide EPA 8081A 0.05 1.7 SA5-0.50 0.020 α-BHC EPA 8081A 0.05 1.7 SA5-0.50 0.020 β-BHC EPA 8081A 0.05 1.7 SA5-0.50 0.020 ANALYTE γ-BHC EPA 8081A 0.05 1.7 SA -0.50 0.020 δ-BHC EPA 8081A 0.05 1.7 SA5-0.50 0.020 Endosulfan I EPA 8081A 0.05 1.7 SA5-0.50 0.020 Dieldrin EPA 8081A 0.10 3.3 SA5-0.50 0.020 p,p’-DDT EPA 8081A 0.10 3.3 SA5-0.50 0.020 5 p,p’-DDE EPA 8081A 0.10 3.3 SA -0.50 0.020 p,p’-DDD EPA 8081A 0.10 3.3 SA5-0.50 0.020 Endrin EPA 8081A 0.10 3.3 SA5-0.50 0.020 Endosulfan II EPA 8081A 0.10 3.3 SA5-0.50 0.020 Endosulfan sulfate EPA 8081A 0.10 3.3 SA5-0.50 0.020 5 5 Endrin aldehyde EPA 8081A 0.10 3.3 SA -0.50 0.020 Endrin ketone EPA 8081A 0.10 3.3 SA5-0.50 0.020 Methoxychlor EPA 8081A 0.5 17 SA5-1.0 0.050 γ-Chlordane EPA 8081A 0.05 1.7 SA5-0.50 0.020 α-Chlordane EPA 8081A 0.05 1.7 SA5-0.50 0.020 5 5 Aroclor 1221 EPA 8082 1.0 SA -33 SA -5.0 0.20 Aroclor 1232 EPA 8082 1.0 SA5-33 SA5-2.5 0.10 Aroclor 1242 EPA 8082 SA5-1.0 SA5-33 SA5-2.5 0.10 Aroclor 1016 EPA 8082 1.0 33 SA5-2.5 0.10 Aroclor 1248 EPA 8082 SA5-1.0 SA5-33 SA5-2.5 0.10 5 5 Aroclor 1254 EPA 8082 1.0 SA -33 SA -2.5 0.10 Aroclor 1260 EPA 8082 1.0 33 SA5-2.5 0.10 uncontrolled if printed Chapter 7 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 23 of 28 ASB LOQAM Chapter 7 Appendix 5 Routine Pesticide/PCB Target Analyte List Minimum Reporting Limits (MRLs)* by Matrices Water1 µg/L (ppb) Soil/Sed2 µg/kg (ppb) Waste3 mg/kg (ppm) Tissue4 mg/kg (ppm) Analytical Method(s) Routine Level Routine Level Routine Level Routine Level Aroclor 1262 EPA 8082 1.0 SA5-33 SA5-2.5 0.10 Aroclor 1268 EPA 8082 SA5-1.0 SA5-33 SA5-2.5 0.10 EPA 8081A SA5-5.0 SA5-170 SA5-20 SA5-1.0 ANALYTE Toxaphene MRLs may increase due to possible interferences necessitating sample dilutions and moisture content of soil samples. 1 Water - 1000 mL extracted; 8081/8082A, final extract volume 10 mL. 2 Soil - 25 g extracted (reported as dry-weight); 8081/8082A, final extract volume 10 mL. 3 Waste - 1 g extracted (reported as wet-weight); final extract volume 10 mL. 4 Fish or biological tissue - 10 g extracted (reported as wet-weight); final extract volume 10 mL. 5 SA = Special Analysis requiring additional QC currently not in place. Contact OCS Chief. Tentative MRL. *Pesticide/PCB water and soil MRLs set by ASB at CLP reporting levels. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 7 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 24 of 28 ASB LOQAM Chapter 7 Appendix 6 Pesticide/PCB Analyte List Performed by SPECIAL REQUEST ONLY Minimum Reporting Limits (MRLs) by Matrices Water1 µg/L (ppb) Soil/Sed2 µg/kg (ppb) Waste3 mg/kg (ppm) Tissue4 mg/kg (ppm) Analytical Method Routine Level Routine Level Routine Level Routine Level Technical Chlordane6 EPA 8081A SA5-1.5 SA5-50 SA5-1.5 SA5-0.050 β-Chlordene EPA 8081A SA5-0.50 SA5-20 SA5-0.50 SA5-0.020 Chlordene EPA 8081A SA5-0.50 SA5-20 SA5-0.50 SA5-0.020 α-Chlordene EPA 8081A SA5-0.50 SA5-20 SA5-0.50 SA5-0.020 trans-Nonachlor EPA 8081A SA5-0.50 SA5-20 SA5-0.50 SA5-0.020 cis-Nonachlor EPA 8081A SA5-0.50 SA5-20 SA5-0.50 SA5-0.020 Dicofol EPA 8081A 0.080 5.0 NA NA 4,4’-Dichlorobenzophenone EPA 8081A 0.080 5.0 NA NA Chlorobenzilate EPA 8081A SA5-0.020 SA5-0.67 NA NA 2,4’-DDT EPA 8081A SA5-0.040 SA5-1.3 NA SA5-0.0013 2,4’-DDE EPA 8081A SA5-0.020 SA5-0.67 NA SA5-0.0067 2,4’-DDD EPA 8081A SA5-0.040 SA5-1.3 NA SA5-0.0013 PCB (as Congeners) – Green List EPA 8082 0.020 1.0 SA5-0.20 SA5-0.0010 PCB (as Congeners) –Green List EPA 1668a 100 pg/L SA5-17 ng/kg SA5-50 ng/kg 10 ng/kg ANALYTE 500 pg/L for DCB PCB (as all 209 Congeners) EPA 1668a 100 pg/L 20 ng/kg for DCB SA5-17 ng/kg SA5-50 ng/kg 500 pg/L for DCB 10 ng/kg 20 ng/kg for DCB Diazinon EPA 8270D SA5-1.0 SA5-33 SA5-2.5 SA5-0.050 Methyl Parathion EPA 8270D SA5-1.0 SA5-33 SA5-2.5 SA5-0.050 Trithion (Carbophenothion) EPA 8270D SA5-1.0 SA5-33 SA5-2.5 SA5-0.050 Malathion EPA 8270D SA5-1.0 SA5-33 SA5-2.5 SA5-0.050 Guthion EPA 8270D SA5-1.0 SA5-33 SA5-2.5 SA5-0.050 Dichlorvos (DDVP) EPA 8270D SA5-1.0 SA5-33 SA5-2.5 SA5-0.050 Vernolate EPA 8270D SA5-1.0 SA5-33 SA5-2.5 SA5-0.050 Dimethoate EPA 8270D SA5-1.0 SA5-33 SA5-2.5 SA5-0.050 uncontrolled if printed Chapter 7 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 25 of 28 ASB LOQAM Chapter 7 Appendix 6 Pesticide/PCB Analyte List Performed by SPECIAL REQUEST ONLY Minimum Reporting Limits (MRLs) by Matrices Water1 µg/L (ppb) Soil/Sed2 µg/kg (ppb) Waste3 mg/kg (ppm) Tissue4 mg/kg (ppm) Analytical Method Routine Level Routine Level Routine Level Routine Level Dursban (Chlorpyrifos) EPA 8270D SA5-1.0 SA5-33 SA5-2.5 SA5-0.050 Phorate EPA 8270D SA5-1.0 SA5-33 SA5-2.5 SA5-0.050 Ronnel EPA 8270D SA5-1.0 SA5-33 SA5-2.5 SA5-0.050 Atrazine EPA 8270D SA5-1.0 SA5-33 SA5-2.5 SA5-0.050 Alachlor EPA 8270D SA5-1.0 SA5-33 SA5-12.5 SA5-0.25 Stirofos EPA 8270D SA5-1.0 SA5-33 SA5-2.5 SA5-0.050 2,4,5-T EPA 8151 0.25 SA5-0.83 SA5-0.25 NA 2,4-D EPA 8151 0.25 SA5-0.83 SA5-0.50 NA Silvex (2,4,5-TP) EPA 8151 0.25 SA5-0.83 SA5-0.25 NA Dalapon EPA 8151 1.25 SA5-4.2 SA5-1.25 NA Dicamba EPA 8151 0.25 SA5-0.83 SA5-0.25 NA Pentachlorophenol EPA 8151 0.25 SA5-0.83 SA5-0.10 NA Picloram EPA 8151 0.25 SA5-0.83 SA5-0.25 NA Toxaphene (as Congeners except Parlar 62) EPA 8276 0.0010 0.033 SA5-0.005 0.0001 Toxaphene Parlar 62 EPA 8276 0.0050 0.17 SA5-0.0250 0.0005 ANALYTE uncontrolled if printed Chapter 7 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 26 of 28 ASB LOQAM Chapter 7 Appendix 6 Pesticide/PCB Analyte List Performed by SPECIAL REQUEST ONLY Minimum Reporting Limits (MRLs) by Matrices ANALYTE Analytical Method Water1 µg/L (ppb) Soil/Sed2 µg/kg (ppb) Waste3 mg/kg (ppm) Tissue4 mg/kg (ppm) Routine Level Routine Level Routine Level Routine Level MRLs may increase due to interferences necessitating smaller extraction amounts and dilutions. Percent moisture content of soil samples also affects MRLs. 1 Water - 1000 mL extracted: 8081A/8082/8151, final extract volume 10 mL; 8276/8141, final extract volume 1 mL; 1668a, final extract volume equals 0.02 mL. - 35 mL extracted: 8011, final extract volume 2 mL. 2 Soil - 30 g extracted (reported on dry-weight basis); 8081A/8082/8151, final extract volume 10 mL; 8141 final extract volume 1 mL; 1668a, final extract volume equals 0.02 mL. 3 Waste - 1 g extracted (reported on wet-weight basis); final extract volume 10 mL. 4 Fish or biological tissue - 10 g extracted (reported on wet-weight basis); final extract volume 10 mL; 1668a, final extract volume equals 0.02 mL; Toxaphene congeners: 10 g extracted (reported on wet-weight basis); final extract volume 1.0 mL. 5 SA = Special Analysis requiring additional QC currently not in place. Contact OCS Section Chief. Tentative MRL. 6 For TCLP samples, Chlordane must be specifically requested if it is an analyte of interest. 7 See Appendix 3 VOA MRLs – 8260 SIM method NA = Not Available uncontrolled if printed Chapter 7 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 27 of 28 ASB LOQAM Chapter 7 Appendix 7 Carbamate Pesticide Target Analyte List Minimum Reporting Limits (MRLs) by Matrices Water1 µg/L (ppb) Soil/Sed µg/kg (ppb) Waste mg/kg (ppm) Tissue mg/kg (ppm) Analytical Method Routine Level Routine Level Routine Level Routine Level Aldicarb ASTM D7645-10 1.0 NA NA NA Aldicarb sulfone ASTM D7645-10 1.0 NA NA NA Aldicarb sulfoxide ASTM D7645-10 1.0 NA NA NA Carbofuran ASTM D7645-10 1.0 NA NA NA Methomyl ASTM D7645-10 1.0 NA NA NA Oxamyl ASTM D7645-10 1.0 NA NA NA Thiofanox ASTM D7645-10 1.0 NA NA NA ANALYTE MRLs may increase due to interferences necessitating smaller sample amounts and dilutions. 1 Water - 2-uL direct injection of sample. NA = Not Available uncontrolled if printed Chapter 7 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page 28 of 28 ASB LOQAM Chapter 7 Appendix 8 Perfluorinated Compound (PFC) Target Analyte List Minimum Reporting Limits (MRLs) by Matrices Water1 µg/L (ppb) Soil/Sed µg/kg (ppb) Waste mg/kg (ppm) Tissue mg/kg (ppm) ANALYTE Analytical Method Routine Level Routine Level Routine Level Routine Level Perfluoro-n-hexanoic acid Perfluoro-n-heptanoic acid Perfluoro-n-octanoic acid (PFOA) Perfluoro-n-nonanoic acid Perfluoro-n-decanoic acid Perfluoro-n-butanesulfonate Perfluoro-n-hexanesulfonate Perfluoro-n-octanesulfonate (PFOS) ASB 100S 0.050 NA NA NA ASB 100S ASB 100S ASB 100S ASB 100S ASB 100S ASB 100S ASB 100S 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA MRLs may increase due to interferences necessitating smaller sample amounts and dilutions. 1 Water - 10-uL direct injection of sample. NA = Not Available uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 1 of 37 CHAPTER 8 ORGANIC ANALYSIS, PERFORMANCE QUALITY CONTROL AND ANALYTICAL OPERATIONS 8.1 Introduction This chapter is a discussion of the analytical operations and quality control (QC) procedures used in the Analytical Services Branch (ASB) by the Organic Chemistry Section (OCS) to measure, assess and record analytical performance. Chapter 8 is intended to include elements of QC, introduced in Chapter 5 in more detail, and provide general guidance for organic analytical chemistry operations. Specific standard operating procedures and methods provide further detail for QC requirements. Note: Henceforth, “of this manual” will be implied whenever a LOQAM chapter is cited. 8.2 Organic Methodology and Reagents 8.2.1 Various EPA programs, including RCRA, NPDES, Drinking Water, Air Toxics, and CERCLA, require or recommend the use of specific analytical methods associated with these programs. Organic methods are selected by the analysts in consultation with the appropriate Group Leader and/or Section Chief based on information provided when samples are scheduled for the lab. The Group Leader for extractions, in consultation with the pesticide and semivolatile Group Leaders, will select the appropriate extraction and clean-up procedures based on matrix type, required method reporting limit (MRL), and known or suspected interferences. The official copies of the OCS Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) reside on the LAN in the K:\ASB\Current Documents\SOPs\OCS SOPs folder. Hardcopies of the SOPs for the methods in use may be placed within the laboratories for reference purposes. It is the analysts’ responsibility to ensure that they have the most recent versions of the SOPs in the laboratory. Analysts must be knowledgeable of the SOPs for the determinations they perform. 8.2.2 Standardized Methodology During sample data generation for organic parameters, it is the policy of the OCS to do the following. Apply acceptable laboratory practices. Use approved methodology when mandated by regulation and use standardized methodology, if possible. Fully document all operations associated with the generation of data when approved methodology is not applicable. Meet quality requirements designated in the methodology and in this manual. uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 2 of 37 8.2.3 Method Modifications Occasionally, matrices and samples present analytical challenges or are not amenable to standardized methodology. In these instances, modifications to standard protocols may have to be made to produce data that meet project objectives. Deviations from SOPs will be documented by the analyst and stored in the project files. Potable Water Analyses in support of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) regulations in 40 CFR Part 141 require a special request. (See Table 7-2 in Chapter 7 for a summary of ASB organics capability for potable water analyses.) It is the Project Leader’s responsibility to make the request. Whenever a project is scheduled which indicates potable water analyses or drinking water maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) are needed but it is unclear whether SDWA regulatory data is required, the Section Chief or Group Leader should check with the Project Leader to make sure a SDWA method is not needed. Project Notes in R4LIMS should reflect the decision. Requests for private potable waters that don’t require a SDWA method can be requested as a routine analysis. Note: ASB does not have the analytical capability to analyze every SDWA primary organic contaminant. Method Development or Modifications New instrumentation installation, method development or major method modifications will be performed or guided by Group Leaders and the Section Chief. Analysts should consult with the Section Chief and QAM about whether a method modification will trigger a demonstration of capability (DOC). At a minimum, verification consists of the following: Optimizing instruments and methods to perform analyses within the specific criteria and/or QC guidelines of this manual, Performing a DOC and limit of detection (LOD) or method detection limit (MDL), if necessary, Documenting that the verification was performed, and Filing the documentation and posting it in the appropriate K: drive folder. Documentation of Modifications Progression of method development and modifications shall be well documented. The analyst should test matrices and interferences relevant to the test method. As a final step, an SOP will be developed consistent with the ASB format when implementing a new method or revising an existing SOP after a method modification has been done. When the method SOP has been approved, the Section Chief will provide the SOP effective date on the title page. 8.2.4 Safety Precautions associated with the safe handling of chemicals, reagents, solutions and samples will be observed. Detailed safety procedures are found in Chapter 6 and in the Division SHEMP Procedures and Policy Manual located on the SESD Intranet. uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 3 of 37 8.2.5 Reagent Water Whenever water is used to prepare standards or QC samples (LCS, matrix spikes, method blanks, MRL verifications), it must meet or exceed the requirements for Type I grade water as specified by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM); Standard Practice D 1193. This grade is equivalent to Type I water as specified in Standard Methods 1080. The parameter measured to verify the quality of water is resistivity, with a requirement 18 MΩ-cm at 25°C. See also Section 2.2 of “Handbook for Analytical Quality Control in Water and Wastewater Laboratories,” (EPA 600/4-79-019, March l979), and any future updates of the manual. Extra steps are taken to further purify source water for some organic analyses; however, source water purity used for QC samples need only meet method blank criteria for the required analysis. 8.2.6 Reagents and Standards Reagents must be ACS reagent-grade quality or higher. Solvents used for organic extractions, calibration standards, spike solutions, standard reference solutions or any sample dilutions shall be pesticide residue analysis-grade, HPLCgrade, or equivalent. Research grade nitrogen (99.9997%) is used for dilutions, blanks, pressurization and standards preparation for VOA air analysis. Reagents and standards will be dated upon receipt and be properly disposed when the expiration date or shelf life has been reached. (See Chapter 4) Working solutions and mixtures made from stock reagents and standards will be used only for their appropriate working life. Standard Traceability Standard traceability logs are maintained in each laboratory where standards are prepared. The logs are designed to document the preparation procedure as well as allow for tracing the standard back to the original purchased stock and Certificate of Analysis (COA). Electronic traceability via Element® is an acceptable option for documenting standard preparation. Reagent Traceability Extraction solvent lot numbers are recorded on the extraction logbook page of each batch of samples. A reagent preparation log is also maintained in the extraction laboratory that documents the source and lot of the prepared reagent. Dilution solvent lot numbers are recorded either on the electronic injection log or on the preparation logbook page. 8.2.7 Instrument Records OCS shall keep records for repair and maintenance of each instrument in a bound logbook along with a sample injection logbook (See note in Section A logbook numbering convention exists for each instrument and a new number is assigned when the old sample injection logbook is filled and bound. Records shall be maintained according to retention schedules in SOP ASB 107G. An electronic sequence log can be generated from the instrument software for each day’s analytical sequence and used as a logbook. Footer information concerning sample projects and other specific instrument conditions are recorded on this page. These uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 4 of 37 are kept in a 3-ring notebook for each applicable instrument and a copy is included with the data. Note: Electronic logbooks aren’t bound until a predetermined number (e.g., 100) of pages are amassed. 8.3 General QC Guidance 8.3.1 Guidance QC results are used for making decisions about acceptability of analyses in terms of precision, bias, sensitivity, and contamination. Analysts should use the guidelines in this chapter and in Chapter 5 for accepting, rejecting, and qualifying results. These criteria include, but are not limited to, acceptance limits based on method requirements or historical data, guidelines developed in-house for the area of interest, and method-specific guidelines. Method-specific QC guidance generally takes precedence over other criteria. Note: A list of the qualifiers available for data qualification can be found in Element®. 8.3.2 Special Circumstances Occasionally the analyst will encounter a situation that is not addressed by available QC guidelines. The analyst should consult the Group Leader, QAM, and Section Chief in these cases. When possible, decisions will be based on the data quality objectives (DQOs) of the project. For example, if while duplicate analyses are being performed, the first result is > the minimum reporting limit (MRL) and the other is <MRL (but >LOD/MDL), it may be determined that the MRL is well below the regulatory level or study level of concern and thus the original result will be reported. If study requirements determine that results at the MRL are of importance, the primary analyst may be required to repeat the analyses to clarify or confirm the results. 8.3.3 Demonstration of Capability Before a new method may be used to report data, or whenever a significant change in instrument type, personnel, matrix or test method occurs, a DOC must be performed according to the method and the requirements set forth in Chapter 5 and ASB 110G SOP for ITME, DOC, LOD, MDL. Analysts should consult with the Section Chief and QAM about whether a method modification will trigger a DOC. Bias (recovery) data from the DOC may be compared with method recovery limits or with historical limits generated by ASB. If neither of these limits exists, 70-130% is usually set as the default acceptable range until enough data points are generated. Precision is either compared to historical limits or a benchmark of 20 % or 30 % depending on the method. 8.4 Holding Times 8.4.1 Definition Holding times (also known as technical holding times) are the maximum established times samples should be held prior to sample preparation or analysis. They begin when the sample is taken and are evaluated in the same time units in which they are specified, e.g., hours, days or weeks. uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 5 of 37 Note: ASB has chosen to follow the recommendation that holding time starts at the end of the composite period for composite samples. 8.4.2 Objective The actual age of the sample is the amount of time elapsed between the time the sample was taken and the time the sample was extracted or analyzed. Some methods have a holding time prior to sample preparation/extraction and another one for analysis of the extracts or prepared solutions and the lab. The lab’s objective is to meet all holding times. 8.4.3 Criteria Technical holding time criteria for various organic analyses are listed in Chapter 3. For matrices without established criteria, professional judgment must be used based on best available information and criteria available for similar matrices. In these instances, consult the QAM and Section Chief for guidance. 8.4.4 Evaluation Review the samples and extracts for the elapsed time in days for those analyses that have holding times defined in days and in hours for those analyses that have holding times defined in hours. Be sure to account for the decrease in holding times for any samples that are not preserved, e.g., volatiles in water (14 days for preserved; 7 days for unpreserved). For analyses that have a preparation/extraction step, holding times for each segment of the analysis must be evaluated. If any segment of the holding time is exceeded (i.e., time elapsed prior to extraction or time elapsed prior to analysis of the extract), then for purposes of this evaluation, consider the holding time for that sample to have been exceeded. 8.4.5 Action/Data Qualification For each sample exceeding holding time (including those with unknown sampling times), flag all analytes with a J (estimated) and the H-qualifier. If for any reason the exceeded holding time causes uncertainty about the validity of the analysis, MRLs should be qualified with R (rejected) and detects with J along with the appropriate explanatory qualifier. 8.5 Initial Calibration (ICAL) 8.5.1 Objective Before samples are analyzed, all instrumentation used for quantitation must have initial calibration standardization. Most often, this ICAL consists of a calibration curve over a concentration range as specified by the method and/or SOP. Additionally, accuracy of standards used for the ICAL must be verified by a calibration “check standard”/initial calibration verification (ICV). Also, each time a fresh stock standard is prepared or opened (if purchased), the resulting working standards are checked against the previous stock as a cross-check, if possible. Note: There are standards such as some of the Toxaphene congeners for which no calibration check standards are available. 8.5.2 Criteria Specific criteria for the multipoint calibrations are listed in the methods and/or SOPs and must be met for analyses to proceed. Additionally, criteria for calibration standard comparison to the calibration check standard must be met. With concurrence of the Group uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 6 of 37 Leader and Section Chief, special and rare circumstances may dictate that analyses should proceed even with criteria outside the established limits. 8.5.3 Evaluation Ensure that the ICAL is performed according to established methods or operational procedures and meets the established criteria. If analyses continue using an ICAL that does not meet criteria, there must be complete documentation of the process that includes clear justification for the action. The ICAL can be evaluated by a number of procedures including average response factors and alternate fits allowed by the methods. Note: The procedure used to evaluate the ICAL for a specific analyte (e.g., quadratic regression for bromoform) must be used to evaluate it for every CCV thereafter until a new ICAL is performed. 8.5.4 Action/Data Qualification For analytes exceeding established criteria, qualify results with J and QC-3. (All QC including the method blank should also be qualified, but with QC-3 only.) 8.6 Calibration Check Standard (Second-Source Standard) 8.6.1 Objective The calibration check standard (also called the second-source standard or ICV) is a standard material used to confirm the accuracy of the ICAL. The calibration check standard must be purchased from a different vendor than that of the ICAL standard, or if from the same vendor, must be from a different lot number and prepared independently. The calibration check standard must be analyzed each time an ICAL is generated (but not necessarily within the same 12- or 24-hour clock) and prepared at a minimum of one concentration in the calibration range covered by the ICAL standards. Unless the ICAL is prepared on a more frequent basis than quarterly, the calibration check standard must be analyzed at a minimum of once each quarter as a stability check on the ICAL stock. 8.6.2 Criteria When calculated against the ICAL, analytes in a calibration check standard must have acceptable recoveries as required by the SOPs for their method. 8.6.3 Evaluation Ensure that the ICAL standards have been appropriately validated by the check standard and are within acceptable limits. If an analyte’s % recovery exceeds the criteria, the ICAL standards must be investigated, problems corrected and/or the standards remade and the check repeated. If the Group Leader and Section Chief decide that analyses should proceed with criteria not met, details and justification shall be completely and clearly documented. 8.6.4 Actions if Criteria not Met First remake the calibration check standard and reanalyze. If it passes, proceed without qualification. uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 7 of 37 If it still fails, determine whether the second source is bad and a new one should be ordered. (In some cases, the second source may have degraded analytes indicated by low response.). If possible, analyze a reference sample with known true values against the ICAL. If % recovery of the reference standard meets 8.6.2 criteria, proceed without qualification and order a new second-source standard. If results do not meet criteria, redo the ICAL until successful validation is obtained, or proceed with qualification. When the new second source is made, reanalyze the calibration check standard as soon as possible to confirm the results from the reference. 8.6.5 Qualification Recovery outside limits For each analyte outside of established criteria, add J and the appropriate explanatory qualifier to all sample results (detects and MRLs) calculated against the ICAL. Recovery <10% If the calibration check standard indicates an analyte has recovery <10% (or >190%) of its recovery in the ICAL, add R and the appropriate explanatory qualifier. 8.7 Calibration - Continuing Verification (CCV) 8.7.1 Objective After an acceptable ICAL has been established and validated by the calibration check standard, the curve must be verified with a standard at approximately the mid-point of the ICAL as described by the SOP and/or method. This standard is called the continuing calibration verification (CCV) and is analyzed at specified intervals as required in the determinative method to monitor the stability of the standards and of the instrumental system. 8.7.2 Criteria The CCV must meet the acceptance variability criteria (e.g., % drift or % difference) as defined by the individual method and/or SOP. 8.7.3 Evaluation Once the CCV is deemed acceptable, analyses may proceed. If the CCV does not meet criteria, special circumstances may dictate analyses proceed if the Group Leader and Section Chief concur. 8.7.4 Action Investigate and correct any problems (such as retuning the GC/MS or remaking the CCV) and reanalyze the CCV. It may be necessary to remake and reanalyze the ICAL. 8.7.5 Data Qualification Qualifiers relating to CCV issues begin with QC- . uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 8 of 37 High Bias For analytes that exceed the acceptable variability criteria with a high bias, add J and the appropriate explanatory qualifier to detected compounds; MRLs may be reported without a qualifier. Low Bias For analytes that exceed the acceptable variability criteria with low bias, add J and the appropriate explanatory qualifier to detects and MRLs. Low Bias <10% If an analyte exceeds the acceptable variability criteria and has performed so poorly (<10% recovery) compared to the ICAL that the qualitative and quantitative analyses are questionable and there is a decision to proceed, qualify all data for that analyte with R and the appropriate explanatory qualifier. 8.8 Method Blanks 8.8.1 Definition A method blank is defined as a sample of a matrix (when available) similar to the batch of associated samples that is: Free from the analytes of interest, Processed simultaneously with and under the same conditions as samples through all steps of the analytical procedures and Used to verify the analytical procedures utilized in sample analyses are free from target analytes or interferences at concentrations that impact the analytical results. 8.8.2 Procedures Semivolatiles and Pesticide/PCBs When an extraction is performed or chemical waste samples are prepared by dissolution in a solvent, a method blank is prepared with every batch (i.e., samples prepared on the same day) and matrix type consisting of ≤20 samples. When processing the method blank, include all reagents, solvents, glassware and extraction equipment normally used in sample preparation. Water Blank Use organic-free water and all solvents at the same volume as in the extraction. Source water purity for QC samples should meet method blank criteria for the required sample analysis. Soil/Sediment/Tissue Blank Use the appropriate amount of Hydromatrix® (drying agent) and all solvents and reagents added to samples. Analyte-free sand (Ottawa Sand) is the material of choice for soil/sediment/tissue blanks. Waste and Air Blanks Use all solvents and reagents added to samples. uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 9 of 37 Volatile Blanks When an analysis is performed, a method blank is prepared with every batch (i.e., samples prepared on the same day) and matrix type consisting of 20 samples. When processing the method blank, include all reagents, solvents, and glassware normally used in the sample preparation. Water Reagent water (heated and purged with helium) at the same volume used for samples. Refer to Methods 8260C, 624.2 and 524.3 SOPs for additional details. Low-Level Soil Analyte-free sand and reagent-grade water. Waste and Medium-Level Soil Reagent-grade methanol diluted with reagent water. Air Research grade humidified nitrogen. Refer to Method TO-15 SOP for additional details. 8.8.3 Method Blank Evaluation Criteria and Corrective Action Objective A method blank is used to assess associated samples in a specific preparation batch for possible contamination during preparation and analysis. Note: Field, trip, and field equipment rinse blanks are used to determine potential contamination by field operations and by sampling organizations for internal QC activities. Trip blanks prepared by the VOA lab also assess lab preservatives (HCl and/or ascorbic acid) used in collecting water samples and containers used for soil and air sampling. These samples are reported to project leaders as any other sample. Generally, there are no trip blanks collected for SVOA and pesticide/PCB samples. ASB makes no analytical evaluation or data qualification based on contamination of field QC samples. Criteria The goal of all method blanks is to have no contamination >MRL detected for the target analytes. Evaluation Samples associated with a contaminated method blank must be evaluated for the appropriate corrective action. Due to the potential combinations of contaminants and analytes, it is impossible to outline all scenarios and provide prescriptive corrective actions. General guidance is provided below. Special attention should be given to target analytes detected in the blank; a consideration of the contaminant concentration relative to the target analyte concentration in the samples is crucial in the evaluation. Non-target analyte contaminants must also be evaluated. Action The primary corrective action for blanks when the contamination affects the qualitative and/or quantitative determination of a target analyte is to correct the problem and reanalyze/re-extract all affected samples. (In volatile analysis, the method blank may be remade before any other corrective action is taken.) However, other factors uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 10 of 37 that may prevent sample re-extraction and/or reanalysis have to be considered, such as insufficient sample volume or exceeded holding times. In each instance of blank contamination, all possible and practical steps must be taken to correct or minimize the problem. Root causes for contaminants appearing on a random basis may be difficult to determine, however an investigation should be undertaken. Systematic contamination occurring repeatedly in a number of method blanks must be investigated and resolved. If this guidance is not specific to the situation or if unique circumstances exist, professional judgment may be required to determine proper corrective action. Analysts should consult with the QAM and Section Chief when non-routine situations of blank contamination occur. If a decision is made not to reanalyze samples due to extenuating circumstances, the reasons must be completely documented. Data Qualification After evaluating blank contamination and the impact upon results, the analyst may deem it appropriate to report the data. A target analyte in a blank may be considered for reporting when found in an associated sample if present at a concentration ratio of ≥5:1, sample-to-blank. Some compounds are exceptions to this ratio. (See and Blank values are not subtracted from reported results unless directed by the method. Analyses where the associated blank is contaminated but analytical data must be reported use the following guidance. Note: Contamination in the method blank < MRL should include a Q-2 qualifier when a J is automatically added to the blank by Element®. If the sample analyte result is <MRL, report at the normal sample MRL. Example MRL = 10 U blank = 6.1 sample = 3.1 report = 10 U Example MRL = 10 U blank = 30 sample = 5.1 report = 10 U If the sample analyte result is >MRL, round the result up to the next highest integer (or fraction thereof for values less than 1) and qualify with U and B-2. A B-4 should be added to the analyte in the method blank. Example MRL = 10 U blank = 9.0 sample = 22 report = 23 U Example MRL = 0.5 U blank = 0.55 sample = 0.62 report = 0.63 U Example MRL = 5.0 U blank = 12 sample = 9.2 report = 9.3 U uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 11 of 37 If the sample does not contain the analyte present in the blank as contamination, no MRL adjustment is needed. A B-3 qualifier should be added to that analyte in the blank in Element® however. Example MRL = 10 U blank = 6.1 sample = 0 report = 10 U Example MRL = 10 U blank = 30 sample = 0 report = 10 U Ratios < 5:1 It may be appropriate to report data from an extraction batch containing contamination considering DQOs and the specific impact of the contamination upon results. For target analytes that are not common contaminants, data may be reported following the examples in this section using the 5:1 ratio if the blank contamination is <MRL. A target analyte found in a blank and also found in an associated sample at less than the required ratio may be considered for reporting upon consultation with the project leader. The reporting rationale if different from the 5:1 ratio shall be documented. 8.8.4 Non-Target Analytes Non-target contaminants must likewise be evaluated for direct impact on the results. Project DQOs must be considered in reporting data for non-target contamination or in further corrective action taken on the reanalysis of associated samples. Non-target contaminants that do not directly interfere with a specific analysis should always be considered because their very presence indicates an undesired intrusion of compounds. Efforts must be made to minimize or eliminate the problem. 8.8.5 Special Consideration Some common contaminants are target compounds or often reported TICs. The reporting rationale if different from the 5:1 ratio (10:1 is common) shall be documented. Volatiles Contamination from some volatile compounds is more common and they include, but are not necessarily limited to, methyl ethyl ketone, methylene chloride (dichloromethane), acetone and carbon disulfide. These compounds may be reported using a 10:1 ratio. However, it may be necessary to use even higher ratios before reporting the analyte detected in the sample. The Group Leader may choose to not report any or all of these analytes at < MRL if they are present in the method blank at any level. Semivolatiles These include several phthalate analytes: bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, diethyl phthalate, dibutyl phthalate, dimethyl phthalate, butylbenzyl phthalate and di-n-octyl phthalate. Silicones, octadecenamide, triphenylphosphine oxide and phthalic acid are also considered common contaminants. These analytes may be reported using a 10:1 ratio. However, it may be necessary to use even higher ratios before reporting these analytes in the sample. 8.8.6 Sampling Equipment Contaminants Butoxyethoxyethanol and similar compounds are known to be common contaminants of sampling equipment. Often, analytical method uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 12 of 37 blanks do not contain the contaminant but samples and field/rinse blanks do. These compounds are reported as any other “field contaminants” in order for the sampling organizations to be made aware of this issue. 8.8.7 Chlorinated Waters Extracted with Methylene Chloride Compounds formed when chlorinated water samples are extracted with methylene chloride should be carefully evaluated before being reported. These include chlorinated cyclohexenes, cyclohexanes, and cyclohexanols. If found in a sample, the analyst must try to determine from discussions with sampling personnel if chlorine was present during collection. Note: Cyclohexene is added as a preservative to methylene chloride used as the extraction solvent in the analysis of semivolatiles compounds, so it should not be reported as a contaminant in any samples analyzed for semivolatiles. 8.9 Laboratory Control Samples (LCS) Evaluation Criteria and Corrective Action 8.9.1 Definition A laboratory control sample (LCS) is defined as a sample matrix, free from the analytes of interest, spiked with verified known amounts of analytes; or a material containing known and verified amounts of analytes. It must be carried through the entire analytical process. The LCS duplicate (LCSD) is optional and if analyzed, is used for precision and bias. 8.9.2 Objective The LCS is used to assess the performance of all or a portion of the measurement system in the lab. ASB uses the LCS as the indicator of sample batch acceptability since it is the “best case” indicator of the overall performance of the analytical system. 8.9.3 Procedure LCSs are made using reference materials or internally-prepared spikes that contain some or all of the analytes being evaluated. (When only a portion of the analytes is spiked, a rotation plan must be in place to ensure all analytes are evaluated during a 2-year period.) For test methods with extremely long lists of analytes, a representative number may be chosen. Note: Exceptions to the spike rotation are permitted when the analytical method defines the subset of targets to spike for QC (e.g., Method 1668). The following criteria shall be used for determining the minimum number of analytes to be spiked. For methods that include 1-10 target analytes, spike all analytes. For methods that include 11-20 target analytes, spike at least 10 or 80%, whichever is greater. For methods with more than 20 target analytes, spike at least 16 analytes. uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 13 of 37 Note: Due to coelution of the 21 target pesticides analyzed by 8081A, the spike is divided into 2 solutions (P1 and P2) to avoid retention time overlap. An LCS duplicate (LCSD) may be prepared but is optional (unless there is not enough sample for a MS/MSD or MS/matrix duplicate) because precision can be obtained from the matrix spike pair. Clean matrices such as reagent-grade water and sand are used to provide consistency for determining system performance. LCS analytes should be as specified by test methods or project needs. Refer to Chapter 5 for details on the number of target analytes needed in the LCS and the procedure for calculating acceptance limits. The LCS can also be prepared from the primary standard used to perform the ICAL. This flexibility is particularly helpful in VOA analysis because the CCV can double as the LCS. 8.9.4 Criteria An LCS must be analyzed at a minimum of one per preparation batch. When no separate preparation method is used (e.g., volatiles in water), the batch shall be defined as samples that are analyzed together with the same method and personnel, using the same lots of reagents, not to exceed the analysis of 20 environmental samples (does not include QC samples) in a 12-hour period. 8.9.5 Marginal Exceedances LCS control limits are defined as 3 standard deviations around the mean % recovery. For evaluating whether a technical corrective action is necessary, upper and lower marginal exceedance (ME) limits for % recoveries will be established. The ME limits are defined as 4 standard deviations around the mean % recovery. The number of ME analytes allowed between the LCS and ME limits before a technical corrective action is necessary is based on the number of targets in the spike. Use the following guidance to judge the acceptability of the LCS for an associated batch: *Greater than 90 analytes in LCS, 5 analytes allowed within the ME limits *From 71-90 analytes in LCS, 4 analytes allowed within the ME limits *From 51-70 analytes in LCS, 3 analytes allowed within the ME limits *From 31-50 analytes in LCS, 2 analytes allowed within the ME limits *From 11-30 analytes in LCS, 1 analyte allowed within the ME limits *Less than 11 analytes in LCS, no analytes allowed within the ME limits Marginal exceedance is noted on the Marginal Exceedance Tracking Form which can be generated in Element. If at least 1 compound is outside ME QC Limits in the LCS (or LCSD), some kind of action must be taken (reanalysis, instrument maintenance, qualification, etc.) to correct the outlier(s). The MEs will be monitored to ensure they are random in nature and not indicative of a systemic problem. A control chart summary is uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 14 of 37 prepared quarterly by each Group Leader. If it is determined that a systemic problem exists, a Formal Corrective Action will be initiated to determine the root cause of the LCS failures. 8.9.6 Evaluation Review the LCS (and LCSD if analyzed) to ensure that the % recovery results are within the acceptance criteria. As the number of analytes in an LCS increases, it becomes more statistically likely that some target analytes will be outside acceptance limits due to random variability. This may not indicate the system is out-of-control, however. Note: Even though an LCS may be considered acceptable for batch acceptance criteria based on the guidance above, professional judgment must be used in gauging how the LCS results reflect the condition of the analytical system. For example, a situation could occur for which fewer than the maximum allowable number of analytes exceed recovery limits, yet in the experience of the Group Leader and/or Section Chief, the particular out-of-control analytes reflect a potentially serious system problem. On the other hand, situations may occur when special circumstances indicate that data be reported even if the LCS fails to meet the guidelines above. Such action should occur if the Group Leader and Section Chief concur. 8.9.7 Action Compare the LCS (and LCSD if analyzed) analyte % recovery (and RPD if an LCSD is analyzed) to historical ASB acceptance limits. If they don’t exist, compare to method-defined limits, if available. If an LCS fails batch acceptance criteria (Section 8.9.4), investigate, correct any problems found, and determine the best action: Reanalyze LCS (and LCSD) only or Re-extract and/or reanalyze entire batch along with new LCS (and LCSD) or Proceed with data reporting without re-extraction or reanalysis. 8.9.8 Data Qualification If data must be reported for samples associated with an LCS having more than the maximum allowable number of analytes outside acceptance limits, document with details and justify the decision to report the data. Reasons for reporting data with a failed LCS must be documented on the Data Verification Form. LCS qualifiers begin with QL-. Bias Any recovery limits that when calculated are tighter than 90-110% around the mean, will be automatically set to 90-110%. Other scenarios are below. >Upper Limit For analytes outside established recovery criteria with high bias, add J and the appropriate QL- qualifier to detect compounds; MRLs may be reported without a qualifier. <Lower Limit For analytes outside of the established recovery criteria with low bias, add J and the appropriate QL- qualifier to detects and MRLs. uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 15 of 37 Low and <10% If an analyte has recovery <10%, qualify its results with R and the appropriate QL- qualifier. Precision In methods where an LCSD is analyzed, for analytes outside of established criteria for RPD, add J and the appropriate QL- qualifier. Also, if the calculated RPD for an analyte is <10%, precision is considered 10% for criteria purposes. 8.10 Surrogates 8.10.1 Definition A surrogate standard is a compound behaving similarly to one or more target analytes and not expected to occur in the environmental sample to which the surrogate is added. The recovery of the surrogate standard is used as a data quality indicator for bias to monitor for unusual sample matrix effects, or gross sample processing errors. Note: Some instrument software and methods refers to surrogate standards as system monitoring compounds. 8.10.2 Procedure Surrogate standards are added to each sample, blank, LCS and MS just prior to sample preparation, i.e., extraction or purging, and are chosen to represent the various chemistries of the target analytes in the method or measurement quality objectives. Analytical software calculates recovery and generates a report and/or the analyst records it in the analysis logbook. The analyst then transfers the data to Element® and ensures the surrogate recovery is calculated correctly. Refer to the specific SOP for instructions on preparing and using surrogate standards. 8.10.3 Evaluation Criteria and Corrective Action Objective Surrogates are used to reflect the overall analytical system and method performance for bias in each sample matrix. For this reason the compounds are chosen to reflect the chemistries of the target analytes of the method and for their being unlikely to be naturally occurring in the sample. Evaluation Surrogates are reviewed to ensure that the results are within the acceptance criteria and, if not, that appropriate action is taken. Surrogates outside the acceptance criteria must be evaluated for the effect produced on the sample results. When guidance is not specific to the situation, or if unique circumstances exist, professional judgment may be required to determine the proper corrective action usually involving re-extraction and reanalysis or qualifying data. The Group Leader and/or Section Chief will determine the appropriate corrective action. In all cases, the corrective action chosen shall be documented. Surrogate recoveries in blanks, LCS/LCSD and MS/MSD will also be monitored by the QAM. Action Samples with surrogates determined to be out-of-control must be evaluated for appropriate next steps. Check for instrumental problems and make any necessary corrections. Re-dilute the extract (if necessary) and then reanalyze the sample. uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 16 of 37 If instrumental conditions are not a problem and failing surrogate recoveries are related to extraction/matrix issues, reanalysis of the sample(s) is not necessary. Professional judgment must be used to determine the most appropriate follow-up action; Group Leaders and/or the Section Chief should be consulted if there are questions about whether re-extraction is required. If samples are re-extracted/reanalyzed and acceptable results for all surrogates are obtained, the data should be reported from this batch and no surrogate qualifiers are necessary. 8.10.4 Data Qualification If reanalysis of surrogate standards produces unacceptable results or it is determined that data should be reported from any analysis with results outside acceptance windows, qualifiers (surrogate qualifiers begin with QS-) must be placed on the associated data as denoted below. Note: Any recovery limits that when calculated are tighter than 90-110% around the mean, will be automatically set to 90-110% around the mean. Semivolatiles Because semivolatile surrogates are classified as acids or baseneutral (B/N) compounds, several specific recovery situations need to be addressed. Low B/N Surrogate Recovery If two of the three B/N surrogates are less than the lower method control limit but 10% recovery, all associated B/N target analytes shall be qualified with J and the appropriate QS- qualifier. If any one B/N surrogate is less than the method control limit, no qualification is necessary. However, if it has <10% recovery, all detects and MRLs will be qualified with J and the appropriate QS- qualifier. Low Acid Surrogate Recovery Likewise, if two of the three acid surrogates are less than the lower method control limit but 10% recovery, all associated acid target analytes shall be qualified with J and the appropriate QSqualifier. If any acid surrogate is less than the method control limit, no qualification is necessary. However, if it has <10% recovery, all detects and MRLs will be qualified with J and the appropriate QS- qualifier. Recovery <10% If any 2 base-neutral or acid surrogates have recoveries of <10% and the samples cannot be re-extracted, all associated base-neutral or acid target analyte MRLs will be qualified with R and the appropriate QS- qualifier. Detects will be qualified with J and the appropriate QS- qualifier. High Recovery Sometimes, surrogates have recoveries higher than the method control limits due to incorrect spiking in the extraction lab or an undetermined cause. All associated detects may be qualified with J and the appropriate QS- qualifier but not necessarily. MRLs may or may not be qualified depending on the circumstances. Volatiles Surrogates are not target-analyte specific so qualification of all analytes must be considered if any one surrogate fails percent recovery. uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 17 of 37 Low Recovery If the recovery is less than the method control limit but 10% recovery, all detects and MRLs will be qualified with J and the appropriate QSqualifier. Recovery <10% If recovery is <10% or if there is insufficient sample to repeat the procedure, all associated MRLs shall be qualified with R and any detects with J and the appropriate QS- qualifier. High Recovery Sometimes, surrogates have recoveries higher than method control limits due to incorrect spiking or an undetermined cause. All detects (and possibly MRLs) may be qualified with J and the appropriate QS- qualifier but this action will be determined by the Group Leader and Section Chief. Pesticides/PCBs Surrogate data should not be used if interferences or required dilutions result in essentially invalid recovery data. However, if no surrogates are diluted out or interfered with, the data must then be qualified with J and the appropriate QSqualifier as described below. If one of the two surrogates fails but its recovery is >10%, no qualifications are needed for the target analytes. Both Surrogate Recoveries 10% Qualify all associated target analytes with J and the appropriate QS- qualifier. One Surrogate Recovery <10% Qualify MRLs and detects with J and the appropriate QS- qualifier. Both Surrogate Recoveries <10% Re-extract with reanalysis if possible or qualify MRLs with R and any detects with J plus the appropriate QS- qualifier for both. High Recovery Qualify detects only with J and the appropriate explanatory qualifier. MRLs may or may not need qualification depending on circumstances. 8.11 Matrix Spike (MS) Evaluation Criteria and Corrective Action 8.11.1 Definition A matrix spike (MS) and matrix spike duplicate (MSD) are defined as samples prepared by adding a known concentration of target analyte(s) to a specified amount of sample matrix for which an independent measurement of target analyte(s) concentration is available. 8.11.2 Objective ASB uses the MS/MSD as bias indicators to assess the effect of a particular sample matrix on recovery of target analytes spiked into that specific sample. An MS is not used to make judgments about the overall analytical system. The matrix spike duplicate uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 18 of 37 (MSD) is prepared and analyzed to monitor not only bias but also precision of the analysis in the specific spiked sample matrix. 8.11.3 Procedure An MS/MSD should be analyzed at a minimum of one for each preparation batch of each matrix type. Exceptions may occur and alternate procedures are defined in the analytical SOP. ASB separates matrix types into the quality system matrix types defined in Chapter 5. Refer to individual method SOPs for instructions on preparing matrix spikes. The MS/MSD should contain some or all analytes being evaluated. When only a portion of the analytes is spiked, a rotation plan must be in place to ensure all analytes are evaluated during a 2-year cycle. (Exceptions to the spike rotation are permitted when the analytical method defines the subset of targets to spike for QC as for example Method 1668).The following criteria shall be used for determining the minimum number of analytes to be spiked. For methods that include 1-10 target analytes, spike all analytes. For methods that include 11-20 target analytes, spike at least 10 or 80%, whichever is greater. For methods with more than 20 target analytes, spike at least 16 analytes. Note: Due to coelution of the 21 target pesticides analyzed by 8081A, the spike is divided into 2 solutions (P1 and P2) to avoid retention time overlap. Field personnel are directed to collect sufficient extra volume at one sampling station per 20 samples. For example, if a project has 30 samples, two of them must have enough volume collected for the lab to prepare an MS/MSD for each station. Conversely, if field personnel only collect 5 samples for a project, one must still be designated as an MS/MSD. 8.11.4 Preparation Criteria The matrix to be spiked should be controlled and known to be free of analytes of interest but this criterion is not always met when field personnel select the sample to be spiked. Below are several situations affecting frequency of matrix spikes and samples selected to be spiked in work orders. Note: The terminology “work order” is used once a project is received by ASB. After all analyses are completed and reported, data and all other relevant QC are transferred to the project file. Two Work Orders in One Prep Batch If two work orders are extracted in the same preparation batch of ≤20 samples, only one MS/MSD pair (from one of the work orders) need be prepared. uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 19 of 37 Several Batches for a Small Work Order If there are ≤20 samples in a work order but more than one batch for the preparation/extraction of the work order is required (i.e., it takes 2 days to extract or analyze the samples as with purge-and-trap of volatile samples) only one MS/MSD needs to be made. This situation occurs fairly often in the analysis of low-level soil volatiles where a limited number of containers for the sample are chosen by the field personnel. When this situation occurs in extractables, a one-liter sample is split into two 500-mL aliquots for the MS/MSD or one MS one-liter sample is prepared with an LCS/LCSD for the batch. Volatiles When no separate preparation method is used (e.g., volatiles in water), the batch shall be defined as environmental samples that are analyzed together with the same method and personnel, using the same lots of reagents, not to exceed the analysis of 20 environmental samples. In soil volatile analysis, if no MS/MSD is supplied, an LCS/LCSD is processed. Air Analysis In TO-15 air analysis, no MS/MSD is performed by ASB; a laboratory matrix (sample) duplicate is analyzed instead. Extractables When an MS/MSD cannot be done, such as insufficient sample is collected, the batch is for a PT, or a waste/soil is too contaminated, either an LCS/LCSD or a sample (matrix) duplicate must be included to meet batch QC requirements. 8.11.5 Evaluation Percent recovery and precision data should be compared to acceptance limits for the same matrix derived from historical data in ASB. If insufficient data exists to calculate limits based on historical data, method-defined limits for the MS/MSD may be used The following scenarios are situations where the MS/MSD should not be evaluated: High Background Sometimes the sample chosen for the MS has enough contamination to yield a high background that will interfere with evaluation of the spiked analytes’ recovery and precision. The curves’ linear ranges play an important role when determining acceptable ratios of sample background to spike. Note: If the source sample is analyzed prior to the MS/MSD and has high background levels of analytes, these QC samples need not be analyzed. Volatiles and Natural Attenuation If the MS/MSD result for one or more analytes is outside of the linear range of the curve, recovery results should not be applied to those analytes. If the ratio of sample background to MS/MSD is >10:1, do not evaluate the MS/MSD. Put an X-qualifier in Element®. Semivolatiles If the MS/MSD requires a dilution so large that the spiked compounds will be < MRL, the MS/MSD need not be analyzed. Typically, this occurs at dilutions of ≥10X. uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 20 of 37 Pesticides/PCBs by ECD If the ratio of sample background to MS/MSD is >4:1, do not evaluate the MS/MSD. Put an X-qualifier in Element®. Screened Volatile Samples If the screen indicates that the volatile sample chosen by field personnel for the MS must be diluted ≥10x for analysis, no MS/MSD is prepared and instead a laboratory matrix (sample) duplicate is analyzed. The sample chosen to be analyzed in duplicate should have some target analytes present to calculate precision. 8.11.6 Action If an MS/MSD fails the acceptance criteria, investigate the problem, correct any problems found, and determine if the best action is to: Reanalyze the MS/MSD only (if any remains), Re-extract and reanalyze the MS/MSD (if additional sample still exists) or Proceed with data reporting without re-extraction or reanalysis and qualify the data as indicated only for the specific sample that was spiked. Note: It is not uncommon for matrices such as soils to cause some compounds to recover poorly (e.g., 2,4-Dintrophenol due to water in the sample). 8.11.7 Data Qualification Percent Recovery Data qualification is determined by whether the recovery failure is biased high or low as shown below. However, any recovery limits that when calculated are tighter than 90-110% around the mean, will be automatically set to 90110% around the mean. MS/MSD qualifiers begin with QM- . High If recovery for an analyte is higher than the acceptance limits, qualify a detected target only (not if the result is an MRL) for that analyte with J and the appropriate QM- qualifier. Low and ≥10% If recovery for an analyte is lower than acceptance limits but still ≥10%, qualify either the MRL or detect in the sample with J and the appropriate QM- qualifier. Low and <10% If recovery for an analyte is <10%, qualify a detected target with J and the correct QM- qualifier but an MRL with R and the appropriate QM- qualifier. The MS recovery indicates a severe negative bias, which may have affected detection of the analyte in the particular sample matrix being evaluated. Precision If the RPD for a target analyte is greater than acceptance limits, qualify any result (detect or MRL) with J and the appropriate QM- qualifier. If the calculated RPD for an analyte is <10%, the precision criterion will be set at 10%. uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 21 of 37 8.12 Laboratory Matrix Duplicates 8.12.1 Definition A laboratory matrix duplicate (also called a sample duplicate) is the same sample prepared and analyzed in duplicate with identical QC. 8.12.2 Objective OCS does not perform laboratory matrix duplicate analyses as part of routine QC procedures though there are some situations where they are necessary. Matrix duplicates are used to gain precision data when no MS/MSD was supplied by the samplers or the sample required such a high dilution that the MS/MSD analytes would be diluted out. Occasionally, matrix duplicates are analyzed to verify a low-level detect in the first aliquot. Another use includes TO-15 air analysis that is not amenable to the MS/MSD. The frequency of the analysis of matrix duplicates may be determined as part of a systematic planning process (e.g., DQOs) or as specified by the mandated test method. 8.12.3 Procedure A second aliquot (or container) of the sample is extracted and analyzed in an identical manner to the original sample analysis. 8.12.4 Criteria and Evaluation The results from matrix duplicates are primarily designed to assess the precision of analytical results in a given matrix. Results may be compared to historical ASB limits or the acceptance criteria as published in the mandated test method. If the calculated RPD for an analyte is <10%, the precision criterion will be set at 10%. If no appropriate limits exist, set an RPD of 20 for most analyses until enough data points are available to generate acceptance criteria. At the discretion of the QAM or Section Chief, interim RPD limits of 30 may be set for historically difficult analyses such as tissue or waste. 8.12.5 Action and Qualification Below are several qualification scenarios which may require professional judgment and possibly consultation with the Section Chief and/or QAM. Considerations may include analyte concentration, existence of a valid mass spectral identification of the compound (if analyzed by GC/MS), and/or an obvious problem existing with one of the duplicate sample analyses. Site knowledge, if available, can be helpful. The laboratory matrix qualifier is QM-4. Detects A detected analyte with precision that exceeds the method control limit will be qualified with J and QM-4. Matrix Duplicate <MRL but >LOD/MDL If the compound concentration is >MRL in the original aliquot and <MRL but > LOD/MDL in the matrix duplicate, the compound may be reported from the original analysis without qualification unless it fails the precision limit and then it is qualified as in Matrix Duplicate Value <LOD/MDL However, if the matrix duplicate value is zero or <LOD/MDL, the analyte must be reported with J and a CR (custom remark) explanatory qualifier. A note should also be put in the Case Narrative addressing the discrepancy. uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 22 of 37 8.13 Internal Standard 8.13.1 Definition The internal standard (IS) is a compound (usually specified by the analytical method) spiked into the extracts (for semivolatiles and pesticides) or samples (e.g., volatiles) just prior to instrumental analysis, and therefore usually not subjected to the preparation step. Internal standards are also added to all calibration standards and QC samples (method blank, MS/MSD, LCS/LCSD, MRL verification). Most internal standards are not expected to occur in routine environmental samples. 8.13.2 Objective Internal standards are added to a test portion of a sample as a reference for evaluating and controlling precision and bias of the applied analytical method. They are used to evaluate the analytical system only, without including the variable of sample extraction (in volatiles Method 8260C, purge-and-trap is the extraction but internal standards are still added beforehand), and in the quantitation of target analytes for GC/MS analyses. Internal standards are not used in GC analyses with detectors other than the mass spectrometer. 8.13.3 Criteria Many GC/MS methods (e.g., 8270D) require sample IS response to be 50200% of the response for the same IS in the CCV. However, refer to the analytical method for acceptance criteria because some are different such as TO15, which has a 60-140% criterion. 8.13.4 Evaluation Internal standards must be evaluated after each analysis; responses outside established criteria indicate a problem with the analytical system. Responses that decline rapidly during the course of an analytical shift (usually 12 hours; refer to the specific method) indicate serious instrument problems that require immediate corrective action. 8.13.5 Action/Data Qualification Investigate and correct the problem and reanalyze the affected sample(s). If reanalysis continues to present failing results and/or it is determined by the Group Leader or Section Chief that the most appropriate action is to report the data from the original analysis, all associated data should be qualified with J and one of the QIqualifiers if the IS recovery is ≥10%. If the IS response is <10% of the expected value, associated data must be qualified with R and the appropriate QI- qualifier unless there is a matrix or other background effect. Consult with the Section Chief in these cases. There must be complete documentation of the details and justification of the decision to report such data. 8.14 MRL Verification 8.14.1 Definition A standard at or near (0.5X-2X) the MRL that has been processed through all steps (preparation and analysis) of the method. 8.14.2 Objective The MRL verification sample is used to verify the performance of the measurement system at ≤5X the MRL. uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 23 of 37 8.14.3 Criteria Frequency Unless otherwise specified in the method or SOP, a single MRL verification sample is prepared and analyzed with each batch of samples. For projects where multiple work orders are prepared and analyzed together, only a single MRL verification is required per day. Concentration MRL verifications shall be prepared alongside routine samples in each batch and identified in Element® by the batch-QC identifier of ‘PS’. The concentration of the MRL verification sample shall be at the MRL. Note: With Section Chief approval, it may be acceptable to evaluate an analyte at a concentration 0.5-2 times the MRL. For example, a multi-analyte method may have an MRL of 10 µg/L for most analytes. A few analytes may have an MRL of five and a single analyte may have an MRL of 20. In this case, it may be appropriate to analyze a single MRL verification at 10 µg/L (if the LOD for the 20 µg/L analyte is < 10 µg/L). Analyte Rotation For analyses (e.g., organochlorine pesticides by 8081A) where it is not possible for all method analytes to be contained in a single spike, rotate the different MRL spiking solutions among batches so that all analytes are evaluated during a 2-year period. Note: Exceptions to the spike rotation are permitted when the analytical method defines the subset of targets to spike for QC (e.g., Method 1668). 8.14.4 Entering the MRL Verification in Element® Bench Sheet Designation MRL verification is designated as “PS” on the bench sheet in Element®. Entering MRL Spike An MRL spiking solution is designated as a “Spike Mix” on the standards page in Element®. Control Limits Typically, the limits will be 20% wider than those for the LCS for that same matrix/method/analyte combination. In some instances, limits may be method-defined, or new control limits may be generated from ASB historical data. 8.14.5 Evaluation Assess MRL percent recoveries against the limits in Element® and only for analytes in the MRL sample in the correct concentration range (0.5X-2X). Be sensitive to any trends in the MRL verification results. uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 24 of 37 8.14.6 Action Data Qualification of the Samples For those analytes with recoveries outside of acceptance criteria, qualify the data as below. Sample MRL verification qualifiers begin with QR-. MRL Verification Fails Low - No detects in samples Qualify the sample results for those compounds in the PS with J and the appropriate QR- qualifier. MRL Verification Fails Low - Detects in samples Qualify detects up to and including 5X MRL with J and an explanatory QR- for those compounds in the PS. If the LCS concentration (or any other processed standard) is <5X MRL and meets acceptance criteria, only qualify data between the MRL and the successful LCS concentration. MRL Verification Fails High - No detects in samples Do not qualify the sample analyte result. MRL Verification Fails High - Detects in samples Qualify detects for those compounds in the PS up to and including 5X MRL with a J and QR-. If the LCS concentration (or any other processed standard) is <5X MRL, and meets acceptance criteria, only qualify data between the MRL and the LCS. MRL Verification Sample (PS) Qualification Add the appropriate matrixspecific qualifier only to those analytes in the spike being evaluated for MRL verification. PS qualifiers are located in Element® and begin with MRL-. MRL Verification Recoveries < LOD/MDL When results for MRL verification samples are < LOD/MDL, Element® stores these values as non-detected, even though the data is useful for calculating new LODs (SOP ASB 110G: Limits of Detection). In order to use this data for future LOD studies, set the IMDL for the MRL verification sample only to zero. Qualify the MRL verification result with the appropriate MRL qualifier (MRL-1, etc.). Note: Some analyses do not have established LODs. Until valid LODs are established in Element®, the IMDL may be set to zero to allow Element® to calculate recoveries for the MRL verification. 8.15 Limit of Detection/Minimum Detection Limit 8.15.1 Depending on method requirements, a successful LOD or MDL study must be performed for all analytes. Data may not be reported at any concentrations <LOD/MDL. See Section 5.3.2 in Chapter 5 for more information. uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 25 of 37 8.15.2 Procedures for performing an LOD are detailed in SOP ASB 110G: Standard Operating Procedure for Initial Test Method Evaluations, Demonstrations of Capability and Continuing Demonstrations of Proficiency. 8.16 Preparation, Storage, and Use of Organic Analytical Standards 8.16.1 Definitions Stock Standard Concentrated standard prepared in the laboratory or purchased from a vendor, which is used to prepare less concentrated standards. Intermediate Standard Single standard solution, prepared from a stock standard, which is used to prepare standards at lower concentrations. Working Standards Diluted standards used for performing initial or continuing calibration of instrumentation. 8.16.2 Sources Use commercial sources for stock standards, if available, and request the grade appropriate to the analysis being performed. Standards should be purchased from ISO 9000-certified vendors and traceable to a national standard whenever possible. A COA of purity should accompany purchased standards. Consult the analytical method being used for standard purity requirements. Prepared Standards Ordered from commercial vendors with a known record of providing suitable standards. Check Standards Used for verification of primary standards and must be ordered from a vendor other than primary standards unless it is a different lot number from the same vendor and was prepared independently. Commercially Prepared Custom Standards Used at any concentration if they are certified by the manufacturer or by an independent source. If the purity of these standards is questionable, report the data based on these standards as estimated. 8.16.3 Handling and Verification of Standards Dated upon receipt and properly disposed of after the manufacturer’s expiration date unless recertified. Expired Stock Standard Verification of an expired material will be performed by comparison with the same material from a second source that is within the expiration date. (Materials may also be verified prior to expiration.) The materials being verified must be processed as is normally done when analyzing samples (cannot be taken straight to the instrument if this is not normally done when analyzing samples). Successful verification must be documented on the standard container and certificate of analysis by crossing through the vendor assigned expiration date, assigning a new expiration date one year from the date of verification, and adding the initials of the person who performed the uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 26 of 37 verification. Depending on the size of the container and label there may not be room to add a new expiration date along with initials. In those cases it may be necessary to add an additional sticker or label (firmly secured) with the new expiration date clearly marked. It is not necessary for a complete history of expiration dates to be on the container itself. The certificate of analysis must also include the new recertification date, the analyst’s initials, the analysis with which the standard was recertified (i.e., the project number or other analysis identification) and the initials of the Section Chief or QAM to show he or she reviewed the verification information and concurs that the material is still stable. The COA must show a complete history of all recertifications. The revised COA is rescanned into Element®. Acceptance Criteria for Verifying Expired Calibration Standard The stability of the expired calibration standard is considered to be verified if: The ICAL prepared using the expired standard meets method acceptance criteria and A calibration check standard prepared from a second-source that has not exceeded expiration meets the ICV acceptance criteria in the relevant SOP (e.g., VOA, air and pesticides 30% drift). Corrective Action If an expired standard material fails the verification test, it may be repeated. If it fails a second time, the expired standard material must be replaced or with the Section Chief’s approval, failing analytes must be properly qualified. 8.16.4 Pesticide/PCB and Semivolatile Standards Replace stock standards before they expire. Replacement that is more frequent may be required if specified by the analytical method. Consult the appropriate method or SOP for details on standard preparation. In certain circumstances where standards may need to be recertified, such as toxaphene parlars, Section 8.16.3 applies. 8.16.5 Volatile Standard Solutions Consult the appropriate method or SOP for details on standard preparation. Prepare stock standard solutions in methanol using assayed liquids or gases as appropriate; dilutions of these materials should be prepared in a hood. 8.16.6 Standard Records Surrogate, LCS, MS, and PS standards must be entered into Element® along with those used for DOC, LOD/MDL, and MRL studies. 8.16.7 Standard Documentation Each OCS group/lab has its own system for recording standard information. The identifying Element® code for the standard is carried over into the GC or GC/MS logbooks so that any standard used can be traced back to its origin. 8.16.8 Element® Standard Entry Standards used in any type of sample preparation must be entered into Element® so that the relevant information can be put into the Bench Sheet showing the QC spikes and surrogates. The Element® assigned number, identifying the standard, is carried over into the GC or GC/MS analysis logs. uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 27 of 37 Procedure The following are some helpful hints for entering standards in Element®. When using the New Standard screen under Laboratory, select either Button 1 for ’Specifying each analyte and its concentration‘ in stock standards or Button 2 for ’Combining and/or diluting existing standards.’ Then select the type of standard such as spike, reference, internal, surrogate, etc. and enter the required information. Standards for the extraction lab should be saved in the OCS EXT section; standards only used in the semivolatile or pesticide labs are stored in OCS SVOA or OCS Pest, respectively. All VOA standards are saved in the OCS VOA section. Record any additional information such as the standard lot number in the appropriate section. When naming a standard, use a descriptive name such as: Pest-TCMX Surrogate-Stock or BNA-8270-Acid Surrogate-Stock Editing a Standard Consult the analyst who originally entered the standard in Element® to make the change. Conferring with the originator may stave off further complications. (Because the Audit Trail on the Standard page may be incomplete, anonymous editing can occasionally create hard-to-decipher mistakes in all QC samples that use the affected standard.) Expired Standard Inactivation When a standard has reached its expiration date, inactivate it in Element® as time permits to reduce clutter and decrease standard query times. Unexpired Working Standards Occasionally, the stock standard expires but working standards have not. Element®, however, will automatically change their expiration date to that of the stock. The analyst can manually correct the working standards’ expiration dates in Element® to the originally calculated ones. 8.16.9 Evaluating Standards Used by the Extraction Lab Before spike standards mixed in ASB are used in extraction, they may be checked for accuracy in the semivolatile and pesticide labs. If pre-determined criteria are not met, the standard must be remade and rechecked. If it still does not agree, the Section Chief must be consulted for further action. If the extraction lab uses a standard that is also used in the analytical lab, the verification of its specific lot number by the procedures established in the analytical lab is sufficient. uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 28 of 37 The results are relayed to the extraction lab and if they are satisfactory, the standard may be used as required in the appropriate extraction batch. Note: Each analyst has the responsibility to inform the Extraction Group Leader and the Section Chief immediately if there is a problem with any spike or surrogate standard. Even if a standard has been checked, problems may arise casting the standard’s integrity in doubt. In this case, a new check standard must be prepared and the process above repeated. 8.17 Data Verification and Reporting 8.17.1 Data Verification The primary analyst’s goal is to correct mistakes and resolve all questionable issues before the results are submitted for verification and review to the second analyst. The second analyst should check that all required documentation is included with the raw data, proper QC protocols were followed, documentation of any excursions from analysis requirements (e.g., QC acceptability, method, etc.) were recorded, and calculations were performed correctly. At the discretion of the reviewer, the calculation check may be from minimal (for routine analyses, a check of one or more calculations) to 100% verification. Verification of the data shall be recorded (date and initials of the reviewer) and the primary and secondary analysts must complete a Project Data Verification Form (found on the LAN at K:\ASB\Current Documents\Forms\OCS Forms). Additionally, the Section Chief may perform spot checks of raw data on randomly selected projects. These spot checks are documented on the data package and filed with the raw data in the project file. Note: Much of the above review can be done using the instrument logbook page and the Data Entry and Review screen in Element®. More details on data review can be found in the individual data review guidelines for volatile, semivolatile and pesticides/PCB analysis found at K:\ASB\Current Documents\Data Review Guidelines. 8.17.2 Manual Integration Within ASB, there are several software systems used for the acquisition and reduction of GC data. Based on the quantitation routine set by the analyst, these software systems electronically determine retention times, select GC peaks, and integrate them. Primary and secondary analysts are responsible for verifying that the software system chooses the appropriate peak for integration based on the retention time, draws a proper baseline for the peak, and selects the proper peak area for calculating the response. At times, due to errors made by the software, it is appropriate for the analyst to make a correction of the integration, known as a manual integration. The software option for denoting a manual integration in the quantitation report must always be activated. The manual integration shall be documented with the analyst’s initials and the date on the quantitation report or chromatogram produced for the standard, QC sample, or field sample. The reason for the manual integration must also be documented by the primary analyst and verified by the secondary analyst. Refer to Chapter 4 for the ASB policy on manual integration. uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 29 of 37 8.17.3 Data Reporting All analytical data generated in the Branch will be entered into and reported from Element®. No final production data will be reported from Element® until all QC data has been evaluated and the sample data have undergone verification and final review. The steps for data reporting are as follows. The primary analyst is responsible for entering the data via DataTool, making any changes (e.g., such as adding qualifiers), proofing the data and setting the status to Analyzed. The secondary analyst is responsible for verifying the data and setting the status to Verified. The Group Leader, senior analyst or Section Chief will then look over the Draft Report from the viewpoint of “does it make sense?” and for completeness and accuracy; any necessary explanations to the Project Leader in the Case Narrative will be recorded. If any corrections must be made to the data in Element®, these are also noted on the Draft Report, initialed and dated by the Group Leader (or Section Chief). The Group Leader (or Section Chief) then updates the status of the data to Final Review and creates the Final Report. A PDF file is generated, printed and saved to the Element® Reporting folder on the M: drive. The Group Leader and Section Chief signs and dates the memo (1st page) and routes the Final Report for inclusion in the project file. Note: The file copy is the official record of the data. Element® transmits the PDF file electronically via e-mail to the project leader or customer and other participants identified when the project was scheduled and accepted by ASB. If a correction or change needs to be made to data that has been reported, the Section Chief or Group Leader is responsible for ensuring corrected data is produced and retransmitted to the customer. The Case Narrative must be expanded to describe the changes and a new Final Report created. The electronic transmission of the corrected PDF will instruct the customer to replace the previously reported data with the corrected data. A hardcopy of the corrections and the Cover page of the data will be placed in the project file. Note: It is not necessary to print a hardcopy of a new Final Report if the data is reissued due to D.A.R.T corrections (e.g., addition of missing station IDs). 8.17.4 Reporting Facts Dry-Weight (% Solids) Soil/sediment samples are reported on a dry-weight basis so % solids must be determined unless otherwise specified by the project leader. Non-aqueous waste and tissue samples are reported on a wet-weight basis. uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 30 of 37 Concentration Units Analysts must ensure data entered into Element® matches the concentration units specified for that matrix type. Total Constituents When reporting total constituents (e.g., Total DDT), qualify the total concentration with J and qualifier D-5 if the concentration of any individual constituent is estimated and it comprises >10% of the total value. MRL Significant Figures MRL is reported to 2 significant figures except for PTs which are reported to 3 significant figures. Data Between MRL and LOD/MDL When reporting target analytes between the MRL and LOD/MDL, report the calculated value (to 2 significant figures) with a J and Q-2. Dilutions Raise the MRL by the same factor as the reported dilution for that analyte or sample (i.e., if a 5X dilution is used, make sure that ‘5’ is entered in Element® in the Dilution column.) DQO Requirements Determine from the analytical request if a specific MRL is required. (This is especially important when analyzing samples for compliance monitoring, spill investigations, and drinking water investigations such as potable waters requiring the Safe Drinking Water Act lower levels.) TICs Report all GC/MS tentatively identified compounds (TICs) to one significant figure. Inorganic Compounds Do not report inorganic compounds such as sulfur, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, identified during GC/MS analysis. Two Columns in Pesticides For electron capture detector (ECD) analysis, only one data result is reported even though extracts are analyzed on 2 columns. However, sample and QC data from both columns may be imported into Element®. Note: When both columns have passing QC and there is no interference with a detect on either, the lower value is always reported. Non-Reported “Analytes” ’Total Volatiles’, ’Heptachlor + Heptachlor Epoxide’ and ’Total Phenols’ are never reported because they are only used for sample disposal. 8.17.5 Target Analyte Calculation and Reporting Objective The goal is to obtain sample results within the established working linear range of the instrument as established by the ICAL. uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 31 of 37 Criteria Concentration of each target analyte in a sample should be calculated within the established linear range of the system as defined by the ICAL. Target analytes above the highest concentration of the standard curve require dilutions when possible to bring them into the linear range (dilution into the mid-level of the ICAL preferred). Some samples may require analysis at the least possible dilutions (or none) to determine low concentrations and also at much greater dilutions to bring high concentrations within the linear range. Note: Target analytes with concentrations below the MRL (and above the LOD/MDL) are reported only from GC/MS analyses meeting qualitative criteria in 8.17.6. Evaluation Ensure all target analytes reported above the MRL are calculated within the linear range as established by the ICAL. Action/Data Qualification If all target analytes above the MRL are within the linear range as established by the ICAL, no qualifiers are necessary. Any data outside the curve requires J and the appropriate explanatory qualifier. Data reported between the LOD/MDL and MRL is qualified with J and Q-2 for GC/MS analysis. 8.17.6 Target Analyte Qualitative Identification Pesticides/PCBs by ECD Because the ECD is non-specific, 2 criteria must be met for qualitative identification. The sample component must elute within a retention time window of ±0.03 minutes based on absolute retention times of the ICAL. Confirmation on a second column or if concentrations are high enough, confirmation by GC/MS is an option. Semivolatiles/Volatiles/Pesticides by GC/MS The mass spectrometer is a specific detector so confirmation is not required if the following criteria are met. Elution of the sample component at the same GC relative retention time (RRT) as the standard component. The absolute or RRT of each target analyte, when compared against the daily calibration verification standard, should agree within established limits set by the particular SOP. These limits should be appropriate for reliable identification of the target analyte. For reference, the standard must be analyzed within 12 hours of the sample (24 hours for VOA air and drinking water analyses). The RRT should be assigned by using extracted ion current profiles for ions unique to the component of interest. uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 32 of 37 Correspondence of the sample analyte and calibration standard reference mass spectra when GC/MS is the analytical method. All ions present in the standard mass spectrum at a relative intensity >10% (most abundant ion in the spectrum equals 100%) should be present in the sample spectrum. Target analytes present at low concentrations may not meet this criterion. Responsibility for reporting these analytes rests with the professional judgment of the Group Leader. The relative intensities of ions specified above should agree within ±30% of those in the standard spectra. (Example: For an ion with 50% abundance in the standard reference spectra, the corresponding sample ion abundance must be 20-80%. Setting the Relative Response in Chemstation software to ‘Abs’ % Uncertainty satisfies this requirement.) Ions >10% intensity in the sample spectrum but not present in the standard spectrum must be considered and accounted for by the mass spectroscopist. The intensities of the characteristic ions of a compound must maximize in the same scan or within one scan of each other. Note: If analytes must be reported that do not meet all of the above criteria, the decision must be documented thoroughly. 8.17.7 Tentative Identification - GC/MS Compounds A library search shall be executed for non-target sample components called TICs. The most recent available versions of the NIST and Wiley Mass Spectral Libraries should be used. TICs identified in samples will be reported using primarily the NIST library, and as a secondary source the Wiley. Ranked by purity, the best probable match is selected by the mass spectroscopist from the best matches as chosen by the library search routine. Unless required by DQOs, do not report any TIC at a value <10 ng on-column for extractables or <10 µg/L for volatiles. Guidelines for Making Tentative Identifications Relative intensities of major ions of the reference spectrum (ions >10% intensity of the most abundant ion) should be present in the sample spectrum. However, if the mass spectrometer does not scan low enough to detect the mass of one of the major ions in the reference spectrum, tentative identification can still be made using professional judgment. (For example, acetaldehyde’s base peak has a mass of 29 but in VOA analysis, the mass spectrometer only scans down to mass 35.) The relative intensities of major ions should agree within ±30% except for VOA which must use ±20%. (For example in SVOA, for an ion with 50% abundance in the reference spectrum, the corresponding sample ion abundance should be 20-80) uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 33 of 37 Molecular ions present in the reference spectrum should be present in the sample spectrum. Ions present in the sample spectrum but not in the reference spectrum should be reviewed for possible background contamination or presence of coeluting compounds. Ions present in the reference spectrum but not in the sample spectrum should be reviewed for possible subtraction from the sample spectrum because of background contamination of co-eluting compounds. (Data system library reduction programs can sometimes create these discrepancies.) If no valid tentative identification can be made of one or more compounds, they should be reported as ’Unidentified compound(s)’. The only qualifier needed is J and the total concentration should be reported to one significant figure. When only 3 compound isomers exist and 2 are targets in the CCV, such as the volatile compounds 1,2,4- and 1,3,4-trichlorobenzene, the compound must be reported as ’1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene‘ but with J only. No N is necessary because it is not a tentative identification. When more than one isomer of a compound is identified, the total concentration should be reported under one name. The isomer name chosen for one sample of a project should be used in all samples for the project, where no distinguishable spectral differences are present. (For example, if the best match for C3-alkyl benzenes is methyl ethyl benzene instead of propyl benzene, report as ‘Methylethylbenzene’ in all applicable samples of the project.) Name alkyl-substituted analogs of target analyte isomers using the earliest eluting isomer (e.g., ‘Methylfluoranthene’ not methylpyrene). When the semivolatile analysis is also requested for a project, volatiles will only report aromatic TICs up through C9; C10-aromatics and above will be reported by the semivolatile lab. However, phenols or other acid compounds <C 9 may be reported as semivolatile TICs if not detected by the volatile analysis. In addition, volatiles will report alkanes >C9 if present in sufficient concentration. Nomenclature for TICs Aim for consistency in naming TICs entered into LIMS. Small discrepancies in naming compounds will result in searches or summaries for TICs returning inaccurate information. Isomers Library nomenclature should be stripped of numbers/letters that make the reported compound a specific isomer. (For example, the four isomers 1-, 2-, 4-, and 9-methyl phenanthrene should all be reported as ‘Methylphenanthrene’.) uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 34 of 37 Acids Always precede acids, esters, acetates, oxides, etc. with a space (e.g., ‘Benzoic acid’ or ‘Ethyl acetate’). Other compounds preceded with a space include imides, adipates, ethers, and sulfides/sulfates. Isomers and/or rearranged names When the library identifies a compound using dashes between numbers and words, such as 2-hexanone, 5-methyl3-methylene-, rearrange and combine to produce ‘Methylmethylenehexanone’. Alkyls No space is used (e.g., ‘Propylbenzene’). Esters Do not rearrange esters (e.g., ‘Dodecanoic acid, methyl ester’ not methyl ester of dodecanoic acid). Truncated Name Entry # is printed on the spectra of the TIC search. Element® also has limited space available (70 characters) for each TIC in the database. Long names with odd-looking endings should be verified. Hydrocarbon series Report homologous hydrocarbon series as ‘Petroleum Product’ with an N qualifier in the result field. Common Names The following commonly found compounds are changed from CAS names to common names. CAS Common Name 2-propanone 2-propanol 2-butanone 2-pentanone 3-methyl-2-butanone 4-methyl-2-pentanone thiobismethane acetic acid ethyl ester 1,1'-oxybisethane 2,2'-oxybispropane 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid ethenylbenzene acetone isopropanol methyl ethyl ketone methyl propyl ketone methyl isopropyl ketone methyl isobutyl ketone methyl sulfide ethyl acetate ethyl ether isopropyl ether phthalic acid styrene 8.18 Logbooks, Records, and Data Packages All logbook pages and forms can be found on the Region 4 SESD local network drive (K: drive) in appropriate subdirectories of K:\ASB\Current Documents\Forms\. uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 35 of 37 ® 8.18.1 Extraction Logbook and Element Bench Sheet Analysts who perform sample preparation (extraction) and clean-up procedures must observe the following procedures when making entries into the extraction logbook and bench sheet. All pertinent information requested on the extraction logbook sheet will be properly recorded prior to submittal to the analysts. Add the samples and their correct weights or volumes to the bench sheet. Also, enter the correct Element® standard number/reference for spikes and the correct amounts for the BS1, PS1, and MS1/MSD1 on the Bench Sheet. Enter the source sample for the matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate. Record unusual occurrences during sample preparation such as unusual appearance of sample, problems during extraction, losses of extract, precipitation, and/or increase in viscosity during final evaporation. All calculations must be checked by the secondary extraction analyst and initialed by both primary and secondary extraction analysts. 8.18.2 Labeling Sample Extracts and Spikes Labels are printed from Element® using the Batch screen with the following information. The Element® sample number (e.g., E062406-12 where the E062406 is the work order number), Batch #, and final volume along with the correct analytical method description (e.g., PCB Scan- 8082) should be recorded on the sample vial. The batch number plus the method description and final volume is included on the labels for blanks, LCS and MS spikes, and surrogate sample vials included with the sample batch. Re-extracted samples are labeled with the sample number + RE1 (e.g., E13240612RE1). 8.18.3 Extract Handling The analyst verifies that all sample extract vials are received from the extraction lab and then is responsible for the vials until analysis is complete, and the vials have been stored or have been discarded. The extract vials should be stored in the refrigerator designated for semivolatile or pesticide/PCB extracts when not in use. Recap all vials to be retained as soon as possible after puncturing the septum. You may discard all diluted extracts and standards after injection to avoid cluttering up the lab and extract boards. Dispose of vials according to procedures outlined in Chapter 4. uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 36 of 37 Store original sample extracts in boxes in designated refrigerators upon completion of the project until disposal. Criminal samples and occasionally some other samples may need to be stored for an extended period of time. 8.18.4 Analytical Logbooks The following information covers how to use logbooks and where they are located. Be sure all pertinent information requested is properly recorded on the logbook sheet or in the electronic sequence. All logbook pages and forms can be found on the Region 4 SESD local network in appropriate subdirectories of K:\ASB\Current Documents\Forms\. All analysts who make dilutions and/or load the autosamplers must record their names. This requirement includes analysts that add sample extracts at the end of the analysis to verify or check samples from other batches. Blanks and QC samples should be named with the appropriate Element®generated batch designation. Record identifying information concerning the analytical standard for traceability purposes. Record all information that is needed to identify the sample vials and extracts. Record all dilutions and how they were made including the lot number of any solvents used. 8.18.5 Data Packages Should contain the following information. The data package may contain the GC or GC/MS logbook number and page, project name, primary and secondary analysts and results of all QC calculations such as linearity check, percent breakdown, calibration verification, LCS/LCSD, MS/MSD and surrogate recoveries. The data verification form, extraction sheet, sample preparation report and screening chromatograms, when available, may also be included. See the Data Review Guidelines for more specific information. Individual chromatograms should contain information to identify the sample analyzed, volume and dilutions, and other pertinent information. A manual calculation to verify the Element® result is required for one sample in every analytical batch. The initialed Final Report must be included in the data package. uncontrolled if printed Chapter: 8 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 37 of 37 8.18.6 Archiving Data All raw data for samples, lab QC and methods should be archived by copying to an appropriate long term storage device. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 1 of 33 CHAPTER 9 INORGANIC ANALYSIS, PERFORMANCE QUALITY CONTROL AND ANALYTICAL OPERATION 9.1 Introduction 9.1.1 This chapter presents the analytical operations and quality control procedures used in this laboratory by the Inorganic Chemistry Section (ICS) to measure, assess, and record analytical performance. This chapter is intended to include elements of quality control, introduced in Chapter 5 of this manual, in more detail and provide general guidance for inorganic analytical chemistry operations. Specific methods and standard operating procedures provide further detail for QC requirements and generally take precedence over other guidance. 9.2 Inorganic Methodology 9.2.1 General The ICS uses an in-house contractor to assist in our work. Both EPA employees and contract employees are bound by the policy and guidance in this manual. EPA employees are responsible for keeping up with scheduled projects and the backlog. Analysts who are delegated the responsibility of assigning work to ESAT may request the support of the in-house contractor. Requests are submitted electronically and are considered for acceptance by the EPA Contracting Officer’s Representatives (COR). Requests are accepted mainly based on available funds. In order to meet project turnaround times, these requests must be submitted as soon as possible after samples have been delivered to the laboratory. In most cases work should be assigned to ESAT within five calendar days of sample receipt and designated as available in Element®. 9.2.2 Method Selection Various EPA programs, including RCRA, NPDES, Drinking Water, Air Toxics, and CERCLA, require or recommend the use of specific analytical methods associated with these programs. Inorganic methods are selected by the analysts in consultation with the Section Chief based on information provided when the samples are scheduled into the lab. Analytical Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the various methods in use in each laboratory may be placed within the lab for reference purposes, however, the official copy of each SOP resides on the LAN “K” drive in the K:/ASB/SOPS folder. Analysts must be knowledgeable of the SOPs for the determinations that they perform. 9.2.3 Standardized Methodology and Modifications During the course of generating data on samples for inorganic parameters, it is the policy of the Inorganic Chemistry Section to 1) apply acceptable laboratory practices 2) use approved methodology when mandated by regulation and use standardized methodology, if possible 3) when approved methodology is not applicable, fully document all operations associated with the generation of data and 4) meet certain quality requirements that will be designated in the methodology and in this manual. It should be noted, however, that occasionally certain matrices and samples present uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 2 of 33 analytical challenges, or are not amenable to standardized methodology. In these instances modifications to standard protocols may have to be made to produce data that meet project objectives. When this occurs, any deviations from standard operating procedures will be documented by the analysts and stored in the project files and referenced in Element® Work Order Notes. The versions of established SOPs used are identified by the analytical date in the associated project file. Current SOPs and forms used by the ICS are located on the Region 4 SESD’s local network drive (K: drive) in appropriate subdirectories of K:\ASB\Current Documents\SOPs\ICS and K:\ASB\Current Documents\Forms\ICS\ respectively. These are the most current approved procedures and forms. Supporting memos documenting method or procedural approvals are found at K:\ASB\Current Documents\Miscellaneous Documents. Hard copies of SOPs and any supporting memos documenting approval are retained by the ICS Chief. SOP references are found on the K:\ASB drive and/or listed in the document control inventory on the K drive. Methods listed in this chapter are for commonly requested parameters. Method Development or Modifications Any new instrumentation installation, development of methods, or major modifications will be performed or guided by the analyst or the Section Chief in consultation with the Branch Quality Assurance Manager (QAM). Analysts should consult with the Section Chief and QAM if there are questions about whether a method modification will trigger a demonstration of capability (DOC). At a minimum, verification consists of : 1) optimizing instruments and methods to perform analyses within the specific method criteria and/or QC guidelines of this manual 2) prepare a maintenance schedule if needed 3) performing a DOC and method detection limit (MDL), if necessary, (Note: some analyses, such as TVSS, are not amenable to a DOC or MDL) and 4) documenting that the verification was performed and storage of the documentation by the QAM. The DOC is reviewed and approved by the Section Chief and the QAM. The progression of method development and modifications shall be well documented. The analyst should test matrices and interferences which are relevant to the test method. As a final step, the analyst shall develop a standard operating procedure consistent with the format used by the ASB when implementing a new method, or shall revise the existing SOP when a method modification has been performed. The Section Chief will provide the SOP effective date on the SOP title page. Evaluating Calibration Method Every time a new instrument or instrument software is installed, evaluate the way the instrument software calibrates data. Linear regression calibration schemes are considered before choosing polynomial regression. In most cases, the standard deviation of the calibration concentrations is not of equal absolute magnitude throughout the calibration range (standard deviation is usually greater at lower concentrations). This is an indication that unweighted regression and average calibration factors should not be used. In these cases, use weighted regression if the instrument software supports this, or the next best fitting calibration scheme offered by the software, such as forcing the curve through zero. Polynomial regression should not be used to extend calibration beyond the detector saturation level. However, higher order uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 3 of 33 regressions are acceptable for curve fitting purposes especially where there is an “uptick” in the instrument response at the lower end of the calibration range, as has been observed in some of the instruments. Approval of the section chief is needed for using polynomial regression. 9.2.4 Safety Safety precautions associated with the safe handling of chemicals, reagents, solutions and samples shall be observed and are a primary responsibility of the analyst. The analyst will take the necessary precautions to prevent exposure or harm both to self and coworkers. 9.2.5 Reagent Water Water used to prepare calibration standards, spike solutions, standard reference solutions or any sample dilutions or mixtures must meet or exceed the requirements for High Quality grade water as specified by Standard Methods 1080 C (2011) unless otherwise noted in the method or SOP. Resistivity is the only measure needed to verify the quality of water for inorganic analysis, with a requirement of 18 megohm-cm at 25C or better. Silica (SiO2) is not routinely measured in the reagent water as a verification of the quality since it is not an interference for inorganics. Silica from high quality water may be measured for silica analysis if necessary. Water used for BODs and TOC (analysis of water samples) is either distilled or from a source that is low TOC. See also section 2.2 of “Handbook for Analytical Quality Control in Water and Wastewater Laboratories,” (EPA 600/4-79-019, March l979), and any future updates of the manual. 9.2.6 Reagents and Standards Reagents must be ACS reagent grade quality or better unless otherwise noted in the method or SOP. Reagents and standards will be dated upon receipt and when opened or prepared, and properly discarded when expired, or when evidence of deterioration is detected (see Chapter 4). Working solutions and mixtures made from stock reagents and standards will be used only for the appropriate working life of the solution. In the absence of specific guidelines for working reagents and standards, the primary analyst may choose to prepare these materials fresh each time the analysis is performed or use the sample holding times as a guide for the useful working life. The shelf life may be much longer for other materials that do not degrade easily (e.g., simple salts, solutions for metals analyses). 9.2.7 Expired Standards and Reference Materials Standards and reference materials are dated upon receipt and are properly disposed of after the expiration date. For materials that do not degrade easily (e.g., simple salts, solutions for metals analyses) the shelf life may be much longer than dates assigned by the vendor. It is acceptable to use a material past the expiration date if it is documented that the material has not degraded. The preference however, is to avoid this practice and instead purchase smaller quantities to be consumed before the expiration date. The following guidance for expired standard verification should only be performed on materials that are generally considered to be stable. Materials that require special environmental conditions for storage (e.g., materials that photodegrade) or are only stable for weeks or months are not well suited for this verification procedure. If there is any question of the suitability of a material for verification, the Section Chief must be consulted. Internal standards do not need to be recertified due to the nature of their use. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 4 of 33 Verification of an expired material will be performed by comparison with the same material from a second source that is within the expiration date. (Materials may also be verified prior to expiration.) The materials being verified must be processed as is normally done when analyzing samples (cannot be taken straight to the instrument if this is not normally done when analyzing samples). Successful verification must be documented on the standard container and certificate of analysis by crossing through the vendor assigned expiration date, assigning a new expiration date one year from the date of verification, and adding the initials of the person who performed the verification Depending on the size of the container and label there may not be room to add a new expiration date along with initials. In those cases it may be necessary to add an additional sticker or label (firmly secured) with the new expiration date clearly marked. It is not necessary for a complete history of expiration dates to be on the container itself. The certificate of analysis must also include the new recertification date, the analyst’s initials, the analysis with which the standard was recertified (i.e., the project number, sequence ID or other analysis identification) and the initials of the Section Chief or QAM to document he or she reviewed the verification information and concurs that the material is still stable. The certificate of analysis must show a complete history of all re-certifications. The revised COA is rescanned into Element®. Evaluation and Corrective Action Acceptance Criteria for Expired Standards In order to recertify an expired standard, it may be compared to a second source verification standard that is within the manufacturer’s expiration date. If the result of the expired standard is acceptable and the second source verification standard is within method acceptance criteria for a particular method, the stability of the standard is considered to be verified and acceptable. Corrective Action If an expired material fails the verification test, the test may be repeated. If it fails a second time, the material must be replaced. 9.2.8 Instrument Records Records for the repair and maintenance of instruments shall be maintained within the Section. The preference is to keep these records with the instrument in a bound log. All records must be kept for a minimum of five years (Records Room is an acceptable location) from generation of the last entry in the records. 9.2.9 Instrument and Equipment Usage The analyst must ensure instruments and equipment are suitable before using. For example, thermometers should be checked each time before use to ensure their certification has not expired. 9.2.10 Electronic Data Transfer and File Backup Results should be transferred from the instrument to Element® through DataTool®, wherever possible, in a timely fashion. Records may be maintained in either electronic or hard copy. If both electronic and hard copies exist, the hard copy serves as the official record, with the electronic serving as a backup. If the record is maintained in electronic-only format it is the official copy. 9.3 General QC uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 5 of 33 9.3.1 Guidance Quality control results are used for making decisions about analyses. Analysts have guidelines available for accepting, rejecting, and qualifying results. These criteria include, but are not limited to acceptance limits based on method requirements or historical data, guidelines developed in-house for the area of interest, and method specific guidelines. Specific method QC requirements generally take precedence over guidance from other sources (e.g., similar methods). In the absence of method guidance, use other guidance found in this chapter (general guidance can be found in Chapter 5 of this manual). The analyst has the prerogative to apply more QC than required so long as this does not impede throughput and is appropriate for the project. However, if additional QC is added to an analysis, it must be assessed and corrective actions taken based on the results if necessary. (Caution: Additional QC applied to PT samples may be viewed as improper. Please see Chapter 5 for more guidance on PT samples.) 9.3.2 QC Requirements Concentrations of elements and compounds are quantified in samples by comparing analytical results with results of known materials. This is usually done by generating a calibration curve or using calibration standards. The calibration itself is verified by analyzing materials of known concentrations that are from a different source (referred to as “second source”). A general strategy that is followed to ensure elements of quality control is presented in the subsections below. Additional quality control measures may be added as necessary. For analyses that include sample preparation (extraction, distillation, digestion, etc.): Include a method blank and laboratory control sample (LCS) in the preparation to assess method performance. The LCS should be of a matrix similar to the samples (when available). An LCS prepared in reagent water is acceptable for analysis when no LCS materials are available for other matrices, or when the LCS material is not at an appropriate concentration. For some parameters, there are no LCS materials available or some methods may not be amenable to an LCS analysis (e.g., TCLP extraction). LCSs should be matrix matched whenever possible. If a commercially available LCS is not available, spike reagent water for aqueous matrices and spike clean sand for solid matrices. If a water method is used for analyzing other matrices and this method has defined recovery (or bias) acceptance criteria for water LCSs, the lab may develop matrix specific acceptance criteria based on historical recoveries of LCSs that are different from the water criteria. There are no known sources of metals or nutrients-free sand at this time. Assess the effect of sample matrix on the method performance. Whenever possible (and reasonably easily done), a matrix spike and matrix spike dup must be analyzed with each batch or, at a minimum, with every 20 samples. If a sample matrix cannot be spiked, a sample duplicate must be analyzed with each batch of samples. In uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 6 of 33 some cases, neither can be done (e.g., oil and grease if extra volume is not collected by field personnel) and an LCS dup must be analyzed with each batch of samples. Analyzing LCS dups with every batch in addition to a matrix dup or matrix spike dup is optional. Do not reserve special glassware for the preparation of reagent blanks, calibration standards, and QC (e.g., for distillations and digestions). Do not reserve special locations for reagent blanks, calibration standards, and QC while prepping samples on a filter apparatus, hot block, digestion block, and etcetera. Rotate through positions and glassware to try to detect contamination or hot and cold spots. Beware of prepping samples with high concentrations of the analyte of concern along with samples with low concentrations. This may increase the possibility of cross contamination. Perform a calibration. Check the calibration with a reference material (second source as available). This is the check standard. If the samples were treated differently than the calibration standards (e.g., samples were digested, but standards were not), the calibration should be checked with a second material that is treated the same as the calibration standards (no digestion as in the previous example). If the samples were treated the same as the calibration standards (e.g., samples and standards were digested), the LCS may double as the calibration check. If the LCS/check standard is prepared from laboratory standards, they should be from a different source and/or lot than the standards used to prepare the calibration curve as required in for the check standard. (The LCS only needs to be from a second source when it is also used as a calibration check standard.) Continue to check the calibration periodically (the frequencies are defined by analyses) as well as at the conclusion of the run. (Refer to individual SOPs for details.) This is the continuing calibration verification (CCV) and can be done with materials of known concentration such as a calibration standard, check standard, LCS or the MRL check. Matrix spikes cannot double as CCV checks. The minimum reporting limit (MRL) is verified by using an MRL check. The MRL must be above the MDL. The MRL check material is usually the lowest calibration standard and is treated and analyzed as a sample. Acceptance criteria for MRL checks are assigned and are documented in SOPs. QC Blanks Rinse water from various equipment/operations and sampling bottles are routinely submitted for analyses to check for contamination. Containers with liquid are analyzed and reported as routine samples. Add water with the appropriate preservative determined by the analysis to empty containers (e.g., nitric acid for metals uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 7 of 33 and sodium hydroxide for CN) and record the volume. After analysis, Element® corrects for the volume of preservative water. Example: 250 mL of preservative water is added to the empty container and analyzed with a result of less than 2.0 g/L. 2.0 g/L x 0.250 L = 0.50 g The result is reported in Element® as 0.50U g/bottle. Note: The objective of the QC blank is to check for contamination. Matrix spiking is not required since the LCS is a spike into the same reagent water matrix. Bracketing Samples Reportable sample results should be bracketed by the calibration curve range, samples diluted to fall within the range of the calibration curve, or the calibration curve linearity shall be verified for samples that do not fall within this range (see Section regarding verifying sample concentrations above or below the calibration range). Unless otherwise specified in the method or SOP, any sample result (including matrix QC) greater than the highest calibration standard (after rounding) will require either dilution and reanalysis, or analysis of a higher, bracketing standard if allowed by the method. Materials of known concentration (reference samples, check standards, etc.) will be analyzed at the beginning and conclusion of the run to verify the calibration curve. In other words, an analytical run neither begins nor concludes with a sample, unless specifically allowed by the method or SOP. Standards and Reagent Traceability Upon receipt, stock standards are assigned a unique identifying number which is recorded in a log book and/or Element® LIMS along with other pertinent information (e.g., receipt date, lot number, vendor and concentration). Identification of standards allows for tracking intermediate and working standards back to an original stock. Electronic traceability via Element® is an acceptable option for documenting standard preparation as long as it is a direct observation. Procedures for standards traceability are located at K:\ASB in the SOP folder. Reagents may be traced the same as standards. Calibration checks, blanks, and LCSs are used to evaluate problems with reagents and standards and corrective actions are handled accordingly as described in specific SOPs. Refer to LOQAM Chapter 4 for documentation requirements on Certificates of Analysis. Element® IDs shall be recorded on the Certificates of Analysis and then scanned into Element®. Sample Analysis Records Log books will be maintained to record preparation of samples to include records of duplicates, spikes, sample numbers, dates, analyst, time of analysis (where required), etc. Some of this information (such as time) may be captured on the instrument data itself. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 8 of 33 Instrument Run Log Books These logs will be maintained at each instrument to record instrumental conditions and settings that could impact sample results during the analysis of samples. Data Records Raw data from instrumentation will be retained in a project file for future reference for a period of time consistent with Branch policy. Readings taken manually are considered raw data and are recorded in the appropriate log book. Other raw data used in decision making will also be retained in these files (see Chapter Four). Generation of Acceptance Limits In the absence of method defined acceptance limits, historical data are compiled to generate warning and control limits for accepting and rejecting data. Ideally, a minimum of 20 results will be required for developing acceptance limits (Chapter 5 has a complete discussion on developing acceptance limits). After the initial historically derived limits are determined, they should be updated again as needed. Only results free from obvious errors, such as accounting for a dilution, diluting out a spike or omission of a spike, will be used in the calculation of acceptance limits. Precision criteria are developed as follows: Relative Percent Difference (RPD) = (Range/Mean) x 100 Acceptance Limit (as RPD) = 3 x Standard Deviation of RPD Mean Or for three or more replicates Relative Standard Deviation (RSD) = Standard Deviation of Reps x 100 Mean Acceptance Limit (as RSD) = 3 x Standard Deviation of RSD Mean Bias Criteria are developed as follows: % Recovery = Spike Concentration - Unspiked Concentration x 100 Spike Added (True) Concentration Acceptance Limits = % Recovery Mean ± (3 x Std Dev of Recovery Mean) Accepting QC Results Data generated from duplicates, spikes, preparation blanks, and SRM preparations will be compared to acceptance limits for that particular analysis and sample matrix. Special Samples Samples received for analysis that are not amenable to the standard preparation techniques will be prepared according to the best judgment of the primary analyst (in consultation with the Section Chief for unique circumstances). These cases will require additional documentation such as details about methodology and quality control. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 9 of 33 Special Circumstances Occasionally, the primary analyst will encounter a situation that is not addressed by available guidelines. The analyst should consult the Section Chief in these cases. When possible, decisions will be based on the data quality objectives of the project. For example, if while performing duplicate analyses one result is above the MRL and the other is below (but above the MDL), it may be determined that the MRL is well below the regulatory level or study level of concern and thus the original of the two results will be reported (as is routine). If study requirements determine that results at the MRL are of importance, the primary analyst may be required to rerun the analyses to clarify or confirm the results. Communicating Special Requirements Special requirements for projects will be detailed in the R4LIMS booking and Project Notes. When a note is added to a project, the R4LIMS generates an email notifying the Section Chief and Project Leader of the addition for their review. The Section Chief will forward these notes for the analysts to review as needed. Special requirements will also be noted in the Element® Work Order Memo using the documenting format described in Communicating Special Issues The Element® Work Order Notes/Memo is used to document and/or communicate significant issues about results or the samples (e.g., not enough sample to perform matrix QC). The date, analyst’s initials, and work area are added before the narrative is written. The Section Chief then decides whether to carry the information forward in the Element® Case Narrative Memo that is reported to the customer. These memos are work order specific and can be seen and used by all that have access to the laboratory modules of Element®. Reanalysis If sample analysis is repeated due to failure to meet QC criteria, reanalysis is usually performed one time only. If QC fails on the reanalysis, data are reported with the appropriate qualifier(s). Occasionally, reanalysis may need to be performed more than once to locate the reason for QC failure. Monitoring QC Results QC results that approach the limits of acceptance criteria may be an indication of a decline in the quality of the analysis. The analyst should consult the control charts (if available for the particular QC) to determine if a trend is developing. If so, the analyst may try to locate the source of the problem and correct it. DOC Before a new method may be used for sample analysis, when a major method modification occurs, or when a new instrument is put into service that represents a new technology for the lab, a DOC must be performed according to the method or any requirements set forth in Chapter 5 and the Branch DOC SOP (ASB 110G). Analysts should consult with the Section Chief and QA Manager if there are questions about whether a method modification will trigger a DOC. Bias (recovery) data from the DOC may be compared with the bias limits from the method or with historical limits generated in ASB. An MRL check does not need to be performed with the DOC (the study is midlevel concentration). Note: Some analyses, such as TVSS, may not be amenable to a DOC. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 10 of 33 MRL Checks MRL checks must be matrix matched where possible and processed, just as samples are, at a frequency specified in individual SOPs (see ASB110G for specific requirements). Spike reagent water for aqueous matrices and spike clean sand for solid matrices (when compatible with the method/analytes). The MRL check must be in the range of 1 to 2 times the concentration of the MRL. Exceptions follow. When spiked sand cannot be used and a solid LCS cannot reasonably be prepped at 1 to 2 x the MRL, spiked reagent water prepped with the same reagents as solid matrices will satisfy the requirement of the MRL check for solids. For multi-analyte methods, all routine analytes must be in the MRL at a frequency of at least once a year. Preservation Samples received at the laboratory without adequate preservation are qualified and given an appropriate explanatory remark (see exceptions for metals at section If sample preservation includes an adjustment to the pH, the pH is checked, pH adjusted, if necessary, and this is documented by the analyst. Usually, short range pH test strips that can discern the pH range of interest are used for this check. 9.4 Guidance for Data Review 9.4.1 Reviewing/Verification/Recording Data Review Guidelines (DRGs) are found at K:\ASB. These documents provide greater detail and more specific information about reviewing data. Specific method QC may supersede this guidance and will be documented in SOPs. Results will be reviewed/verified by another analyst (secondary analyst) qualified to perform the analysis. If a secondary analyst is not available that is qualified to perform the analysis, an analyst that is trained to review data for the particular analysis is acceptable. When the primary analyst is a contractor providing support for the Inorganic Chemistry Section, and secondary review is performed by another contractor, an EPA analyst should perform an overview of the contractor review to insure that primary and secondary review were performed with the appropriate level of scrutiny. The primary analyst shall to the best of his/her ability correct all mistakes and resolve all questionable issues before the results are submitted for verification. The secondary analyst should, at a minimum, check 1) that all required documentation is included with the raw data, 2) proper QC protocols were followed, 3) documentation of any excursions from analysis requirements (e.g., QC acceptability, method, etc.), 4) that manual calculations were performed correctly. The calculation check may be from minimal (for routine analyses, a check of one or more calculations) to 100% verification at the discretion of the secondary analyst 5) verification that a manual calculation of sample result was performed for each matrix to insure that data entry into Element® is correct and 6) a documented verification uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 11 of 33 ® of the IMRLs in Element to insure they are correct. Verification of the data shall be recorded (date and initials of the secondary analyst) on a checklist. If any errors are noted, the corrections shall show clearly on the raw data and shall have the initials of the reviewer and date of the correction. All documentation shall be placed in the project file. Manual data entry into Element® shall be 100% verified and documented. For example, Element® bench sheets should be printed by the primary analyst and signed by the secondary analyst verifying manual entries. Verification of data entry for instruments without DataTool® import utility shall be documented on the data review form. A manual calculation to verify the Element® result is required for each batch. If a revision to the original project packet needs to be made, the project packet should be returned to the primary analyst for correction. Additionally, the primary analyst may give verbal consent for the secondary analyst to make the necessary revisions. This agreement can be documented in the data packet. Every analysis has certain activities that are used as “indicators” of performance of the analytical system, generally referred to as “quality control” (QC). The results of each of the QC activities must be reviewed in order to determine the potential impact of the indicators on the associated data. While the following procedural outline is intended to promote consistency in actions resulting from quality control data, a thorough review must include professional judgment in the assessment and determination of appropriate corrective action(s). Method or SOP specific guidance takes precedence over the guidance presented here. It may very well be appropriate to take a path different from the guidance in this chapter; however, this should be done in consultation with the Section Chief and the Branch Quality Assurance Manager. Thorough documentation must be included in the project file concerning the rationale for alternate action. The quality of the data resulting from such a review is communicated to the users of the data by a formal system of data qualifiers and/or by the Report Narrative in the data report. The primary and secondary analysts must ensure parameter results are consistent with other requested chemistry in project. This is done by monitoring parameters possessing relational concentrations (e.g., TCLP < metals scan, NH3< TKN) or by comparing results of the same parameter that are concomitantly analyzed by different methods. 9.4.2 Holding Time Objective Holding time for any analysis is defined as the amount of time lapsed between when the sample was collected and the time the sample was analyzed or prepared for analysis. Some methods have holding times prior to sample prep and another period of time for analysis of the preparation. For composite samples, ICS follows the recommendation that holding time starts at the end of the composite period for composite samples (8/94 memo from Thomas Clarke, Director, EMSL, Cincinnati, K:/ASB/Current Documents/Miscellaneous Documents). uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 12 of 33 Criteria Holding time criteria are listed in the LOQAM Chapter 3 for the various analyses. For those matrices that do not have established criteria, professional judgment must be used based on the best available information and criteria available for similar matrices. In these instances consult the Branch QAM or Supervisor for guidance. The holding time for many analyses for soil and tissue matrices is not defined. However, they have to be declared in Element®. It is expected that analyses in these matrices will be completed in the same time frame as aqueous matrices to ensure that data reports are kept on schedule. Upon consultation with the Section Chief, these analyses may be performed outside this expected time frame in special cases. For aqueous RCRA samples only, a 24-hour holding time from sample receipt is allowed for pH (SW-846, Table 2-40(B) and correspondence documented on the K drive). Otherwise, pH should be analyzed within 15 minutes of sampling and is normally done at the sampling site. If a sample pH is between 2 and 12.5, the sample is not of general interest for regulatory purposes. But if the sample pH is ≤ 2 or ≥ 12.5, it has the potential of being regulated under RCRA as a hazardous waste since it exhibits the characteristic of corrosivity. Evaluation Review the samples for the elapsed time in days for those analyses that have holding times defined in days and in hours for those analyses that have holding times defined in hours based on the collection date or time. For analyses that have a preparation step, there may be defined holding times for each segment of the analysis that must be evaluated. If any segment of the holding time is exceeded (i.e., time lapsed prior to prep or time lapsed prior to analysis of the sample or prepped sample) then the holding time for that sample is considered to be exceeded. Results are considered to be within holding times if the preparation or analysis is begun within the recommended period of time. Holding times for aqueous samples are defined in 40 CFR Part 136, Table II by parameter. General guidelines for solid matrices and aqueous samples regulated by the RCRA program are defined in Table 3-2 in SW-846 (“Test Method for Evaluating Solid Waste,” EPA 1982) for inorganic parameters. See the table for holding times by parameter in Chapter 3 of this manual. Holding times specified in terms of hours will be evaluated based on the hour of collection. Action For each sample that exceeds the holding time, qualify all analytes with an explanatory remark that holding times were exceeded and a “J” where applicable. 9.4.3 Method Blanks Objective A method blank is used to assess the associated samples in a specific preparation batch for possible contamination during the preparation analysis procedure. It generally consists of a sample matrix similar to the batch of associated samples (when available) that is known to be free from the analytes of interest. The method blank shall be processed simultaneously with the samples through all steps of the procedure, using uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 13 of 33 the same reagents and conditions as those used for the samples. Contaminant-free matrix matching blank materials have not been located for metals and nutrients other than reagent water, which is used for all matrices for these analyses. Note: Field blanks, trip blanks, and field equipment rinse blanks are used to determine potential contamination by field operations and are used by the sampling organizations for their internal quality control activities. These samples should be treated and reported to project leaders as any other sample. ASB makes no analytical evaluation or data qualification based on contamination of field QC samples. Criteria The method blank shall be analyzed at minimum of one per preparation batch or method defined batch. When no separate preparation method is used the batch shall be defined as environmental samples analyzed together with the same method and personnel, using the same lots of reagents. Criteria for acceptable method blanks are found in the methods or SOPs. Evaluation Analyte contaminants in the blank are compared to associated samples and action is taken as described below. Action The primary corrective action for blanks when the contamination affects the qualitative and/or quantitative determination of a target analyte is to correct the problem and reanalyze all affected samples. However, in consideration of project objectives and the specific impact of the contamination, it may be appropriate to use the data. In each instance of blank contamination, all possible and practical steps must be taken to correct or minimize the problem. A target analyte found in a blank and also found in an associated sample may be considered for reporting when present at a specified ratio of sample to blank (check SOPs, DRGs, and Element® for these ratios). Notably, there are some specific components of special consideration (listed below) that are exceptions to the ratio. Blank values are not subtracted from reportable results unless directed by the method. For those analyses for which the associated blank has contamination, and it is determined that the data must be reported from that run, use the following guidance: Analytes < sample/blank ratio shall be reported in samples as follows: If the sample result is < MRL, report non-detect at the normal sample MRL: Example: MRL = 10U blank = 30 sample = 5 report = 10U If the sample result is > MRL, round the sample value up one integer (or fraction thereof for values less than1) and report with the “U” qualifier. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 14 of 33 Example: MRL = 0.50U blank = 0.55 sample = 0.62 report = 0.63U MRL = 5.0U blank = 12 sample = 9.2 report = 9.3U If the sample result is > MRL and the blank value is between the MRL and some specified fraction of the MRL (e.g., 0.5 x MRL), round the sample value up one integer (or fraction thereof for values less than 1) and report with the “U” qualifier. Example: MRL = 10U blank = 9.0 sample = 29 report = 30U If the sample result is greater than the MRL and the blank is less than the specified fraction of the MRL, no correction of the sample result is performed. If the SOP does not specify the fraction of the MRL for evaluating method blanks, use one half (0.5) the MRL as a starting point. Note: Some methods state that method blank (often referred to as LRB in the methods) “values that exceed the MDL indicate laboratory or reagent contamination should be suspected. When LRB values constitute 10% or more of the analyte level determined for a sample or is 2.2 times the analyte MDL whichever is greater, fresh aliquots of the samples must be prepared and analyzed again for the affected analytes after the source of contamination has been corrected and acceptable LRB values have been obtained.” (Quoted from EPA Method 200.8) The Inorganic Chemistry Section does not report unqualified results below the MRL and therefore places more emphasis on the MRL vs. MDL. As such, method blanks are required to be below the MRL (as specified in SOPs) and are not evaluated against the MDL. 9.4.4 Calibration - Initial (ICAL) Objective Before samples are analyzed, all instrumentation must have an initial standardization using calibration standards. Most often this initial calibration consists of a calibration over a concentration range as specified by the method, or SOPs. Additionally, the bias (or lack of bias) of the standards used for the calibration must be verified by a secondary “check standard” obtained from a source different from the initial calibration standard (if available). Criteria Specific criteria for the calibrations are listed in the methods and/or the SOPs. These established criteria must be met for analysis to proceed. In general, a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.995 or greater is acceptable for calibration curves. Additionally, criteria must be met for comparison to the check standard and the cross check analysis to the previous stock standard (See Section 9.4.5 Calibration Check Standard below). In special and rare circumstances, the analyst and the Section Chief uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 15 of 33 may determine that analyses should proceed even with criteria outside the established limits. If analyses continue using an ICAL that does not meet criteria there must be complete documentation of the decision process that includes all details and clear justification for the action. Evaluation Ensure that the initial calibration was performed according to established methods or operational procedures and that it meets the established criteria. If the acceptance criteria were not met and analyses did proceed, ensure that the appropriate documentation is in place for details and justification of the process. Action Appropriate calibration (as defined by routine acceptance criteria, method, or Data Quality Objectives (DQOs) of a specific project) must be established for analysis to proceed. Deviation from normal practices must be thoroughly documented and data qualified as appropriate. In general, if criteria are not met, the curve must be repeated. If the criterion is again not met, the primary analyst must find the source of the problem before proceeding with analyses. 9.4.5 Initial Calibration Verification (ICV) Standard Objective The initial calibration check standard (referred to as Initial Calibration Verification (ICV) in some methods) consists of a standard material used to verify the presence or absence of bias of the initial calibration standards. The standard(s) used for the initial calibration check should be purchased from a different vendor than the calibration standards or, if from the same vendor, must be from a different lot number if possible. The calibration check standard must be analyzed each time a new calibration curve is generated. Criteria Criteria for an acceptable comparison are found in the methods or SOPs. The general default when criteria are not specified by method or SOP is + 10%. If the calibration check is biased outside the acceptable range, the system must be investigated, problems corrected and the standards analysis repeated (unless the problem is with the check standard). The same criteria shall be applied for the check standard and the crosscheck to the previous stock analysis. Evaluation Ensure that the calibration has been appropriately verified by the check standard and is within acceptable limits. If it is the professional judgment of the analyst and the Section Chief that analyses should proceed (concurrence of both is required) with criteria not met, the details and justification of the decision to proceed shall be completely and clearly documented. Action Investigate the problem and take corrective actions which may include a recalibration and check. If the criteria are again not met, the primary analyst must find the source of the problem before proceeding with analyses. If there is a decision to proceed with unacceptable results, ensure that complete documentation of the details and justification of the decision to proceed is included. If the decision is to proceed, add the “J” or “R” qualifier (if warranted) and appropriate explanatory remark to the results. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 16 of 33 9.4.6 Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV) Standard Objective Once the initial calibration (ICAL) has been verified as acceptable by a check standard the CCV is run at specified intervals (as described by SOPs, methods, or the LOQAM) to monitor the stability of the standards and of the instrumental system. This standard is the continuing calibration verification (CCV). The CCV does not need to be second source, although it may be convenient to use the ICV as a CCV also. Criteria The CCV should be analyzed at specified intervals and meet acceptance criteria as defined by the individual methods, SOPs or the LOQAM. Once the CCV is determined to be acceptable, analysis may proceed. Evaluation Ensure that the CCV was analyzed at appropriate intervals and that criteria were met as specified by the method, SOP or LOQAM. If the CCV does not meet criteria, special circumstances may dictate, by professional opinion of the analyst and the Section Chief, that analyses should proceed. If the decision is to proceed using a CCV that does not meet criteria there must be complete documentation of the process with details and justification of the decision to proceed. If the acceptance criteria were not met and analyses did proceed, ensure that the appropriate documentation is in place for details and justification of the process. Action Investigate the problem, correct any problems found and re-analyze the CCV along with associated samples. Upon failure, it may be determined necessary to rerun the complete ICAL. If it is decided to report the data associated with the failed CCV, add the “J” or “R” qualifier to the results and an appropriate explanatory remark. 9.4.7 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) - Defining Method Bias Objective The LCS is used to evaluate the performance of the total laboratory system and is processed through all steps of the method for preparation and analysis. Establishing acceptance with the LCS defines that the method was in control as dictated by acceptance criteria from either historical data or from method requirements. An LCS duplicate (dup) is performed when sample matrix dups cannot be done or LCS dups may be optionally performed in addition to sample matrix dups for additional information on method precision. If an LCS dup is prepared and analyzed it must be assessed and appropriate action taken if it is not in control. Criteria LCSs are analyzed with each preparation batch. The matrix to be spiked should be controlled and known to be free of analytes of interest or alternatively the LCS may be a reference matrix of known and verified concentrations of analytes. NOTE: When an SRM or purchased matrix material is used as an LCS, use the value provided by the vendor on the SRM as the true value. In those cases where both a theoretical value and a mean value are provided, the analyst and Section Chief shall determine which is the appropriate value to use. This decision will be documented on the CoA and initialed by the Section Chief. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 17 of 33 Evaluation Review the LCS to ensure that the results are within the acceptance criteria. In the absence of current acceptance limits, use as guidance the best available estimation of limits from established methods or other sources. Judgments on data quality (e.g., adding qualifiers, etc.) will not be made solely on the basis of these estimated limits until such time as acceptance limits are appropriately determined. The basis for such estimations and judgments must be documented and should be consistent for similar circumstances. In these instances consult the Section Chief (or designee) and Branch QAM for guidance. While the LCS may be determined to be acceptable by definition, it is critical that professional judgment be used as well in judging how the LCS results reflect on the condition of the analytical system. Special circumstances may dictate, by professional opinion of the analyst and the Section Chief, that analyses should proceed even if the LCS is determined to be unacceptable by definition. LCS resultswill be entered in Element® for tracking purposes. Results outside the acceptance limits will be documented along with corrective actions. The preferred method of documentation will be on the data review forms and checklists. Corrective action is required when any analyte in an LCS exceeds control limits. Action In the event that the LCS fails acceptance criteria determine if the best action is to (1) re-analyze the LCS, (2) repeat the entire associated batch along with a new LCS or (3) proceed with analysis based on special circumstances of the individual situation. In general, where there are specified limits and these criteria are not met, the LCS and associated batch of samples must be repeated. For multi-analyte tests (metals), analysis may proceed if the analyte that failed is not critical to the project, and its results are appropriately qualified. Communication with project leader and/or Section Chief regarding the failed analyte must be documented. If the criteria are again not met, the primary analyst must find the source of the problem before proceeding with analyses. When troubleshooting, it is acceptable to confine repeats to the LCS (excluding samples) until the primary analyst has confidence that the samples may be repeated with success. If the decision is to proceed with an LCS that is out of control, there must be documentation of the process with details and justification of the decision to proceed. For all circumstances of reporting data associated with LCSs outside their established acceptance criteria, a “J” qualifier should be placed on all samples for that analyte from the associated batch along with an appropriate explanatory remark. In those cases where an LCS dup has been analyzed, if either of the LCS dups fail acceptance criteria for bias, the associated batch sample results will be qualified with a “J” and the appropriate explanatory remark added. There are specific exceptions to this action for bias that are found in data review guidelines at K:\ASB\ICS and in the analytical SOPs. 9.4.8 Matrix Spikes/Matrix Spike Duplicates/Matrix Duplicates Objective Spikes of reference materials into sample matrices provide an indication of the method performance relative to “bias” for the specific matrix spiked. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 18 of 33 When analyses are done in replicate there is the additional indicator of “precision.” However, due to differences in matrices it is not generally accepted practice to extrapolate this recovery to all samples in an analytical batch Criteria Criteria for matrix duplicates and matrix spike performance will be established using method criteria or may be established using historical data of similar matrices if sufficient data exists. Matrix spike data should be considered specific to the sample that is spiked. Since sample duplicates are required, a matrix spike dup must be analyzed with each batch of samples whenever possible and practical. If a sample matrix cannot be spiked, a sample duplicate must be analyzed with each batch of samples. In some cases, neither can be done (e.g., oil and grease when replicate volumes are not supplied) and an LCS dup must be analyzed with each batch of samples. Evaluation Matrix duplicates and spikes must be evaluated against acceptance windows as may be established by methods, SOPs, historical data, or as may have been established for a specific project. In Element®, the original sample is reported. Action “If recovery of any analyte falls outside the designated range and laboratory performance for that analyte is shown to be in control, the recovery problem encountered with the fortified sample is judged to be matrix related, not system related. The data user should be informed that the result for that analyte in the unfortified sample is suspect due to either the heterogeneous nature of the sample or an uncorrected matrix effect.” (Quoted from EPA Method 200.8. This same passage is found in other EPA methods.) Due to the specificity of information gathered by matrix dup and spike data, each instance of “unacceptable” recovery or precision must be evaluated. In general, do not use the matrix QC results as guidance for the bias and precision for batches. In instances of results outside expected criteria, qualifiers must be placed, at a minimum, on the affected spiked sample. If it is determined that the matrices of the entire batch are essentially identical it may be appropriate to qualify associated samples as well. Affected samples should be flagged with “J” if the recoveries are outside acceptance limits and the appropriate explanatory remark added. Precision In the event that a matrix spike dup or matrix dup fail acceptance criteria for precision, the original sample result (and in some cases including a nondetect in the original sample) will be qualified with a “J” and the appropriate explanatory remark added. In the event that an LCS dup fails acceptance criteria for precision, the associated batch sample results, including non-detects, will be qualified with a “J” and the appropriate explanatory remark added. Bias In general, if either of the matrix spike dups fail acceptance criteria for bias, the original sample result will be qualified with a “J” and the appropriate explanatory remark added. Some analyses require both MSDs to fail before qualifying the data. These exceptions are described in the specific SOP. In those cases where an LCS dup has been analyzed in place of an MSD if either of the LCS dups fail acceptance criteria for bias, the associated batch sample results will be qualified with a “J” and the appropriate explanatory remark added. There are specific uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 19 of 33 exceptions to this action for bias that are found in data review guidelines at K:\ASB\ICS and in the analytical SOPs. 9.4.9 Calculating/Reporting of Analytes Objective The objective of all analyses is to perform calculations of sample results within the established working range of the instrumental system as established by the calibration. Criteria The analyte must be calculated within the established range of the system as defined by the calibration. Analytes above the highest concentration of the standard curve require dilutions, where possible, to bring them into the linear range. Dilutions should be prepared to target the mid-level of the calibration range if practical. Alternatively, a high level standard may be run as a sample to demonstrate that the linear calibration range has not been exceeded. Recovery of the high level standard must be 10% of the true value to be considered linear. Analytes below the established minimum reporting limit are reported with a “U” qualifier. Alternatively, a low level standard may be run as a sample to demonstrate that the linear calibration range has not been exceeded on the low end. The analyst must first consult the most recent MDL study to verify that this is feasible and the concentration of the low-level single element standard used for confirmation must be greater than the calculated MDL. Recovery of the low level standard must meet the MRL criteria for that analyte to be considered valid. Consult SOP ASB 110G for details. Evaluation Ensure that all analytes reported above the minimum reporting limit were calculated within the acceptable range as established by the calibration. Action If analytes above the minimum reporting limit were within the range as established by the calibration, no qualifiers are necessary. Any results above the established acceptable range require the “J” qualifier with the appropriate explanatory remark. In the occasional event of reporting analytes below the minimum reporting limit, the results must have the “J” qualifier with the appropriate explanatory remark. 9.5 Reporting Conventions 9.5.1 Less Than Values If the concentration of an analyte is < MRL, report the MRL and Element will qualify the result as “U” (e.g., if the MRL is 50 mg/L and the analyte is not detected at or above this level, report 50 U mg/L). 9.5.2 Significant Figures See Chapter 5. Two significant figures are reported for all parameters except pH (report to the hundredths place). Special requests for other than two significant figures will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 9.5.3 Rounding See Chapter 5. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 20 of 33 ® 9.5.4 Reporting Results for sample analyses are reported through Element . A copy of the results is submitted to the Section Chief (or designee) for review and release. A Portable Document File (PDF) is generated by Element® after branch release and e-mailed to the project leader (and any other designated recipients). If holding times have been missed, or the data report will be late, every reasonable effort will be made to notify the Project Leader as soon as possible. The objective is to discuss the situation with the Project Manager well before the report is released. It is the responsibility of the primary analyst to notify the Section Chief immediately of missed holding times and anticipated submission of data beyond the established project turn-around time. 9.5.5 Raw Data Corrections and Changing Reported Data Corrections to raw data require initials (or signature) and date. The original incorrect data should be legible through the striking line. Corrections will be made to the original. Copies will reflect the original with corrections. When corrections that change the reported value are made after project reports have been branch released, new production copies and memos will be made with appropriate instructions to replace the previously reported data with the corrected data. 9.6 Metals 9.6.1 General Metals analyses are performed in support of various agency programs. Some programs mandate methods (e.g., Drinking Water at 40CFR Part 141.1 ff. and NPDES at 40 CFR Part 136), while others publish methods strictly as guidance (e.g., RCRA except for the Characteristic Tests in Subpart C of 40CFR Part 261) Subject to the restrictions in 9.2.2, mandated methodology will be used for those analyses requiring them. Guidance methods will be closely adhered to with the possibility of changes that are documented in the SOPs. In the case of one-time use methods, documentation of the procedure will be included in the project file along with the raw-data. Methods and procedures are documented with the data results in Element®. Different programs have quality standards or fail levels that are of interest or that may trigger an action. Figure 9-1 lists these various levels for common analytes and programs. This table represents analyses performed at this lab and is not a complete list of various programs’ analytes of concern. 9.6.2 Drinking Water Regulatory Authority National Primary Drinking Water Regulations are found at 40 CFR Part 141. National Secondary Drinking Water Regulations are found at 40 CFR Part 143. In general these regulations apply to Public Water Systems which are defined as "a system for the provision to the public of water for human consumption through pipes or, after August 5, 1998, other constructed conveyances, if such system has at least fifteen service connections or regularly serves an average of at least twenty-five individuals daily at least 60 days out of the year” (40 CFR Part 141.2). Historically, this uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 21 of 33 laboratory has analyzed few samples from public water systems as the states have been delegated the authority for monitoring public water supplies within their boundaries. However, this laboratory often analyzes samples from individual private potable wells. Therefore, while not legally obligated to adhere to the requirements of 40 CFR Part 141 for these samples, this lab has chosen to follow the requirements in Part 141 whenever possible when analyzing private potable wells. Identification of Samples Drinking water samples from public water systems will be booked into R4LIMS with the activity code HOH and logged into Element® with a matrix type of drinking water or potable water. (Activity codes can be found on the ‘Projects’ screen in R4LIMS by highlighting a specific project, pressing the ‘Info’ button. The activity code will be listed under ‘Program’.) The requirements of 40 CFR Part 141 must be adhered to for the analysis of these samples. Samples from individual potable wells may be received under any program element, the most common being RCRA (RCRP, RCRE, OR RCRU) or Superfund (SF or SFE). The samples will be identified on the sample log sheets as "Drinking Water or Potable Water." Requirements of 40 CFR Part 141 will be met whenever practicable. Often, project leaders request drinking water levels (MCLs), but not methods for potable well samples. In these cases, ICS will use routine methods that achieve the MCLs. The most common samples requiring drinking water methods are performance testing samples. Preparation and Analysis of Drinking Water Samples Any or all of the following methods in Figure 9-2 may be used by this laboratory for the analysis of drinking water and potable well samples. Prior to analysis samples will be digested using the procedure in the approved method. When using Methods 200.8 or 200.7, the digestion step may be omitted on those samples with a turbidity of less than 1 nephelometric turbidity unit (NTU) and a "direct analysis" may be performed. (“Technical Notes on Drinking Water Methods,” EPA 600/R-94-173, October 1994 as referenced in 40CFR 141.23). Direct analyses may be performed on blanks which by definition are prepared in water with less than 1 NTU turbidity. The digestion step for mercury may only be omitted when using Method 200.8. Sample Preservation Samples for metals analysis are usually preserved in the field, but may be preserved in the laboratory within two weeks (14 days) of collection. See September 9, 1994 memorandum from William L. Budde, Director of Chemistry Research Division, EMSL, Cincinnati, (K:\ASB\Current Documents\Miscellaneous Documents). The procedure for preserving samples in the lab is found in the Method 200.2 SOP. If a sample exhibits signs of being highly buffered and the pH cannot be lowered with 6 ml of concentrated acid per liter, consult the Section Chief on how to proceed with the sample. 9.6.3 NPDES Monitoring Regulatory Authority The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) is the national system for the issuance of permits under section 402 of the uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 22 of 33 Clean Water Act (CWA) of 1977 as amended. Test procedures for the analysis of pollutants are found at 40CFR Part 136. Identification of Samples Samples received by this laboratory will be logged into the data system under program elements WQU or WQE with one of the following associated activity codes NPCBI, NPCEI, NPCSI, NPDE, NPPAI or NPXSI. (Activity codes can be found on the ‘Projects’ screen in R4LIMS by highlighting a specific project, pressing the ‘Info’ button. The activity code will be listed under ‘Program’.) Preparation and Analysis of NPDES Samples Samples received in support of the NPDES program will be prepared and analyzed in accordance with the requirements at 40CFR 136. Figure 9-3 lists approved test procedures for metals analyses that may be used by this laboratory. Digestion is required prior to analysis for all metals. Sample Preservation Samples for metals analysis are usually preserved in the field, but may be preserved in the laboratory within two weeks (14 days) of collection. See September 9, 1994 memorandum from William L. Budde, Director of Chemistry Research Division, EMSL, Cincinnati, “Supplement I - Methods for the Determination of Metals in Environmental Samples.” The procedure for preserving samples in the lab is found in the Method 200.2 SOP. If a sample exhibits signs of being highly buffered and the pH cannot be lowered with 6 ml of concentrated acid per liter, consult the Section Chief on how to proceed with the sample. 9.6.4 Other Programs and Matrices This section provides general guidance for various programs including RCRA and Superfund which do not require specific methods (the exceptions are RCRA “Characteristics” found in SW-846 Chapter Eight, e.g., TCLP). Waters Monitoring well, ambient water, effluents, and other water samples are digested with nitric/hydrochloric acids according to Method 200.2. Usually, all digests are scanned by either ICP or ICP-MS. Where the detection/quantitation technique is specified by program requirements, some positive elements for the ICP scan may be verified by ICP-MS to satisfy the appropriate requirement. (in most cases, arsenic, selenium, antimony, cadmium, thallium, and lead will be verified/reported by ICP-MS.) Mercury analyses are performed according to EPA Methods1-245.1 or 1631 CVAF depending on detection limit requirements. Soil and Sediment Sample prep and digestion is conducted according to the SOP for % solids and Method 200.2 (or Method 30502 for those samples containing large amounts of organic matter) and made up to volume for analysis. Initial weights and final volumes may be adjusted depending on expected sample concentrations and detection level requirements. Mercury analysis of sediments will be conducted according to method 245.5 or 7473. Method 1631 Appendix is utilized for those samples requiring lower levels of detection. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 23 of 33 Final low level data for metals is generated by either of the following methods, alone or in combination: ICP (Method 200.7 or 6010) or ICP-MS (Method 200.8). Ultra Trace Level Mercury UTL mercury is performed according to methods 245.7 or 1631. Fish Whole fish are initially prepared with dry ice grinding followed by preparation by Method 200.3 (“Methods for the Determination of Metals in Environmental Samples, Supplement 1”: EPA/600/R-94/111.) Requests for analysis of individual organs or tissue can be satisfied by using the sample in its entirety or sub-sampling to obtain the maximum weight required for the analysis. The tissue should be kept frozen during sub-sampling and weighing to prevent fluid migration or drainage. Mercury analyses on fish tissue are performed according to the Method 245.6, 7473 (default method), or 1631 SOPs. Digestion of tissue for multi-element analyses is conducted according to Method 200.3 (nitric/peroxide) followed by ICP detection. Detection limit requirements are satisfied by manipulation of sample weight, final volume of digestate and in certain instances, detection by ICP-MS. Other Tissue Generally, other tissues will be prepared and analyzed the same as fish tissue. New matrices will be observed closely as an additional precaution to ensure proper digestion. If a new matrix does not respond to the digestion, consult the Section Chief for guidance. TCLP Extracts TCLP extracts will be prepared per Method 1311, digested by Method 3010, 200.2, or other appropriate method and analyzed by Method 6010, 200.8, or other appropriate method. Land Ban Limits When requests are received to analyze samples for Land Ban Constituents (40 CFR 268.48), it is important to work closely with the project manager to determine the exact analyses required. The analyses required depend on whether the sample is from a RCRA hazardous waste and, if so, the type of hazardous waste sampled. The sample will be treated differently if it is characterized as a ‘treatment residue’ (a sample which has been previously characterized as hazardous and has undergone treatment to remove that characteristic), or if no determination has yet been made as to whether the sample exhibits a RCRA waste characteristic. Only the project manager can supply this information. Consult Chapter 7 for an analysis flow chart. Oil and Oily Samples Oil emulsions and oil samples will be prepared in one of two ways on a wet weight basis. Those oil samples which are thin enough to disperse on heating, yet not cover the entire surface of the digestion fluid resulting in a superheated uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 24 of 33 solution will be prepared by Method 3050 or 200.2. Those samples not amenable to acid digestion will be prepared by the following method: The oil phase is weighed (l g) into a small crucible. The crucible is transferred to a muffle furnace and brought up to l25±5ºC for l hr. Increase the temperature to l75 ±10ºC for l hr. Increase to 250 ±25ºC for l hr. Increase to 350 ±25ºC for 1 hr, then increase to 450°C. The sample is ashed overnight at 450±50ºC maximum temperature. Note: Do not open the furnace during the procedure and until the furnace has cooled to l00°C. One mL of concentrated nitric acid and l mL of concentrated hydrochloric acid is added to the ash and warmed until ash is in solution. This solution is diluted to volume and is ready for analysis. 9.6.5 High Volume Air Filters Air filters are usually prepared for analysis by digesting a 1x8 inch strip of an 8x9 inch ‘high vol’ filter into a final volume of 50 mL according to the SOP ASB 100 M. Final volume may be adjusted to meet detection limits and DQOs. A minimum of two 1 x 8 strips are required by the lab for each sample to meet QC requirements. Depending on project needs results for samples are reported in g/m3, g /filter or g /filter strip. When results in g/m3 are requested samplers will supply the volume in m3 of the air passing through the sample filters during the study. Calculations are performed on the basis that each 1x8 strip represents 1/9 of an 8 x 9 filter. It is the responsibility of field personnel to communicate to the laboratory any time there is a deviation from this normal protocol, however it is ASB’s responsibility to make sure the field personnel are aware of this responsibility. Blank filter results are reported as g/m3 using a nominal air volume supplied by the samplers. The nominal air volume is equivalent to the volume of air during the study. For the preparation of ‘saturation’ filters, usually the entire filter is digested because of its small size. QC Requirements for Metals: Batch Preparation A method blank will be prepared with each batch of samples to monitor for contamination of reagents, glassware, and the laboratory. Detectable method blank levels up to at least 20 percent of the lowest sample concentration are permissible and are not an indication that the blank is out of control. A laboratory control sample (LCS), prepared from standard reference materials (or laboratory standards that have been confirmed by SRM) will be prepared with each batch of samples when materials are available and it is practical to perform. The LCS may serve several purposes: the solution verifies instrument calibration and monitors the digestion procedure. All routine batches will have at least one spiked sample. Projects with large numbers of samples will be spiked at the rate of one per 20 samples, or at a greater rate if specified by the method. While matrix spikes can provide valuable information, they usually would not be used for making QC decisions for batches. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 25 of 33 Calibration Standards Commercial single or multi-element standard solutions will be used for the preparation of instrument calibration solutions. These standards will be dated when received and their concentration verified upon use with standard reference materials from NIST or commercial sources where available. All commercial standards will undergo additional examination for trace contamination of elements other than the specified element by consulting the certificate of analysis (or by ICP or ICP-MS if warranted). Mixes of these single element standards are prepared according to the requirements of the instrument being used. Calibration All instruments will be calibrated with working standards diluted from commercial stock solutions that have been verified to contain their stated concentration with an external reference. Instruments will be calibrated to cover the range of concentrations found in the samples or the samples may be diluted to fall within the calibration range. The calibration must be verified each working day. Data Review See “Data Review Guidelines for Metals” found at K:\ASBfor specific instructions on reviewing metals data. Cleaning All reusable vessels will be either placed into a detergent soak immediately after use or run through a commercial dishwasher using a wash cycle designed for trace metals glassware. Labware should not be allowed to dry while dirty. If manually washed, after thoroughly soaking, all detergent is removed by rinsing, followed by a 20% nitric acid rinse and, finally, a thorough rinsing with DI water. Allow the vessel to drain on its side and seal with parafilm or a glass stopper before storage in an upright position. Pipets are rinsed immediately after use and placed in a detergent soak until moved to an automatic rinser with DI water. Alternatively, pipets may be washed in a commercial washer using the appropriate cycle and attachments. Labware used in ultra-trace analyses may require more rigorous specialized cleaning according to individual protocols. References 1. EPA Clean Water Act Website http://water.epa.gov/scitech/methods/cwa/index.cfm 2. SW846 On-Line http://www.epa.gov/epawaste/hazard/testmethods/sw846/online/index.htm 9.7 Nutrients and Classicals 9.7.1 General These analyses are performed in support of various agency programs. Some programs mandate methods (e.g., Drinking Water at 40CFR Part 141 ff. and NPDES at 40 CFR Part 136), while others publish methods strictly as guidance (e.g., RCRA except for the Characteristic Tests at 40CFR Subpart C Part 261.20 ff.) Subject to the restrictions in 9.2.2, mandated methodology will be used for those analyses requiring them. Guidance methods will be closely adhered to with the possibility of changes that are documented in the SOPs. In uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 26 of 33 the case of one-time use methods, documentation of the procedure will be included in the project file along with the raw-data. Methods and procedures are documented with the data results in Element®. Figure 9-4 lists parameters routinely analyzed in this laboratory and methods of analysis. Different programs have quality standards or fail levels that are of interest or that may trigger an action. Table 9-1 lists these various levels for common analytes and programs. This table represents analyses performed at this lab and is not a complete list of various programs’ analytes of concern. 9.7.2 Drinking Water Regulatory Authority National Primary Drinking Water Regulations are found at 40 CFR Part 141. National Secondary Drinking Water Regulations are found at 40 CFR Part 143. In general these regulations apply to Public Water Systems which are defined as "a system for the provision to the public of water for human consumption through pipes or, after August 5, 1998, other constructed conveyances, if such system has at least fifteen service connections or regularly serves an average of at least twenty-five individuals daily at least 60 days out of the year” (40 CFR Part 141.2). Historically, this laboratory has analyzed few samples from public water systems as the states have been delegated the authority for monitoring public water supplies within their boundaries. However, this laboratory often analyzes samples from individual private potable wells. Therefore, while not legally obligated to adhere to the requirements of 40 CFR Part 141 for these samples, this lab has chosen to follow the requirements in Part 141 whenever possible when analyzing private potable wells, unless directed by the project leader that drinking water methods are not required. Identification of Samples Drinking water samples from public water systems will be booked into R4LIMS with the activity code HOH and logged into Element® with a matrix type of drinking water or potable water. (Activity codes can be found on the ‘Projects’ screen in R4LIMS by highlighting a specific project, pressing the ‘Info’ button. The activity code will be listed under ‘Program’.) The requirements of 40 CFR Part 141 must be adhered to for the analysis of these samples. Samples from individual potable wells may be received under any program element, the most common being RCRA (RCRP, RCRE, OR RCRU) or Superfund (SF or SFE). The samples will be identified on the sample log sheets as " Drinking Water or Potable Water." Requirements of 40 CFR Part 141 will be met whenever practicable. The most common samples requiring drinking water methods are the performance testing samples. 9.7.3 NPDES Monitoring Regulatory Authority The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) is the national system for the issuance of permits under section 402 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) of 1977 as amended. Test procedures for the analysis of pollutants are found at 40CFR Part 136. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 27 of 33 Identification of Samples Samples received by this laboratory will be logged into the data system under program elements WQU or WQE with one of the following associated activity codes NPCBI, NPCEI, NPCSI, NPDE, NPPAI or NPXSI. (Activity codes can be found on the ‘Projects’ screen in R4LIMS by highlighting a specific project, pressing the ‘Info’ button. The activity code will be listed under ‘Program’.) Preparation and Analysis of NPDES Samples Samples received in support of the NPDES program will be prepared and analyzed in accordance with the requirements at 40CFR 136. 9.7.4 RCRA and Superfund Guidance for analysis of RCRA samples is found in “Test Methods for the Evaluating Solid Waste Physical/Chemical Methods” (US EPA SW-846; Office of Solid Waste). Currently, the only method frequently used by Nutrients and Classicals under this program is pH (40CFR, Part 261.22). Otherwise, the methods used for NPDES and Drinking Water programs are usually used to perform chemical analysis of RCRA and Superfund samples. 9.7.5 Other Programs and Matrices General Water Quality Methods used for NPDES and Drinking Water programs are usually used to perform chemical analysis of Water Quality samples. Sediments and Soils In the absence of EPA methods for the analysis of nutrient and classical parameters for sediments and soils, the ICS has compiled a series of SOPs used specifically by this laboratory that are found at K:\ASB\SOPs\ICS. EPA methods are followed when practicable (e.g., Method 300.0 and Method 9045). 9.7.6 QC Requirements for Nutrients and Classicals Batch Preparation A method blank will be prepared with each batch of samples to monitor for contamination of reagents, glassware, and the laboratory. Detectable method blank levels up to at least 20 percent of the lowest sample concentration are permissible and are not an indication that the blank is out of control. A laboratory control sample (LCS), prepared from standard reference materials (or laboratory standards that have been confirmed by SRM) will be prepared with each batch of samples when materials are available and it is practicable to perform. If the LCS doubles as the check standard and is prepared from laboratory standards, it should be from a different source and/or lot than the standards used to prepare the calibration curve as required for check standards. LCS preparations may serve several purposes: the solutions verify instrument calibration, monitor the digestion procedure, and supply bias information on each element present in the LCS. In other words, these samples are used to indicate whether an analytical procedure is in control and for analytical precision statements. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 28 of 33 All batches will have at least one spiked sample whenever possible. Projects with large numbers of samples will be spiked at the rate of one per 20 samples, or at a greater rate if specified by the method. While matrix spikes can provide valuable information, they usually would not be used for making QC decisions for batches (unless they reveal an obvious situation that is notable such as incorrect preservation). Calibration Standards Commercial single or multi-element standard solutions will be used for the preparation of instrument calibration solutions. These standards will be dated when received and their concentration verified when practicable with standard reference materials from NIST or commercial sources where available. Mixes of these single element standards are prepared according to the requirements of the instrument being used. Calibration All instruments will be calibrated with working standards prepared from commercial stock solutions or reagents that have been verified to contain their stated concentration. Instruments will be calibrated to cover the range of concentrations found in the samples or the samples may be diluted to fall within the calibration range, when appropriate. The calibration must be verified each working day. Reference Materials Sources outside the lab will be used for reference materials when available. As of the last update of this document, the following parameters do not have commercial sources known to this lab: settleable solids, acidity, and TVSS. 9.7.7 Data Review See “Data Review Guidelines for Classicals and Nutrients” found at K:\ASB for specific instructions on reviewing classicals and nutrients data. 9.7.8 Acid Addition for Nutrient Analyses Prepared standards for nutrient analyses are a combination of total phosphorus, nitrate/nitrite, and ammonia. Sulfuric acid is added to stock and working standards, aqueous reference materials, distillation receiving solutions, and wash water in order to minimize marked differences in pH between these materials and samples (see discussion on ammonia (4500-NH3) in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater). The concentration of the acid is usually 0.5 mL/L or matches the concentration of digested samples. Samples for nutrient analyses are usually preserved in the field with 0.5 to 1.0 mL/L sulfuric acid. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 29 of 33 Figure 9-1 Levels of Concern for Various Programs PARAMETER Antimony DRINKING WATER 40 CFR 141.13 and 141.62 MCLs RCRA TCLP (40CFR 261.24 Table 1) and pH (40CFR 261.22) 6µg/L ALTERNATIVE RCRA LAND BAN LIMITS FOR SOIL 40 CFR 268.49 RCRA LAND BAN LIMITS 40CFR 268.48 Table UTS Wastewater (<1% TSS & <1% TOC by weight CFR268.2) Nonwastewater 1.9 mg/L 1.15 mg/L TCLP 11.5 mg/L TCLP Arsenic 10 µg/L * proposed in 2002 5.0 mg/L 1.4 mg/L 5.0 mg/L TCLP 50.0 mg/L TCLP Barium 2000 µg/L 100.0 mg/L 1.2 mg/L 21 mg/L TCLP 210 mg/L TCLP Beryllium 4 µg/L 0.82 mg/L 1.22 mg/L TCLP 12.2 mg/L TCLP Cadmium 5 µg/L 1.0 mg/L 0.69 mg/L 0.11 mg/L TCLP 1.1 mg/L TCLP 100 µg/L 5.0 mg/L 2.77 mg/L 0.60 mg/L TCLP 6.0 mg/L TCLP 1.2 mg/L 590 mg/kg (by 9010 or 9012) 5900 mg/kg (by 9010 or 9012, inferred) 0.86 mg/L 30 mg/kg (by 9010 or 9012) 300 mg/kg (by 9010 or 9012, inferred) 35 mg/L NA NA 0.69 mg/L 0.75 mg/L TCLP 7.5 mg/L TCLP NA 0.20 mg/L TCLP 2.0 mg/L TCLP 0.15 mg/L 0.025 mg/L TCLP 0.25 mg/L TCLP 3.98 mg/L 11 mg/L TCLP 110 mg/L TCLP Chromium Copper Cyanides (Total) Lead 200 µg/L 4.0 mg/L 15 µg/L * See 40CFR 141.80 5.0 mg/L Mercury (non wstwtr/retort) Mercury 2 µg/L 0.2 mg/L Nickel Nitrate Nitrite Nitrate + Nitrite 10 mg/L 1 mg/L 10 mg/L pH Selenium < 2 and > 12.5 50 µg/L Silver Sulfide Thallium 2 µg/L Turbidity 1 NTU Vanadium Zinc * See publication at www.epa.gov/ost/pc/r evcom.pdf 1300 µg/L * See 40CFR 141.80 Cyanides (Amenable) Fluoride WATER QUALITY STANDARDS * 1.0 mg/L 0.82 mg/L 5.7 mg/L TCLP 57 mg/L TCLP 5.0 mg/L 0.43 mg/L 0.14 mg/L TCLP 1.4 mg/L TCLP 14 mg/L NA NA 1.4 mg/L 0.20 mg/L TCLP 2.0 mg/L TCLP 4.3 mg/L 1.6 mg/L TCLP 16 mg/L TCLP 2.61 mg/L 4.3 mg/L TCLP 43 mg/L TCLP uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 30 of 33 Figure 9-2 Drinking Water Methods ANALYTE MCL (mg/L)1 ICP ICP-MS Antimony 0.006 200.8 Arsenic 0.010 200.8 Barium 2 200.7 200.8 Beryllium 0.004 200.7 200.8 Cadmium 0.005 200.7 200.8 Chromium 0.1 200.7 200.8 Lead 0.0152 200.8 Mercury 0.002 200.8 Nickel NA3 Selenium 0.05 200.8 Thallium 0.002 200.8 200.7 CVAA 245.1 200.8 Footnotes: 1 40CFR 141.23. 2 40CFR 141.80. 3 The MCL for nickel was remanded in 1995. EPA is reconsidering the limit for nickel. uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 31 of 33 Figure 9-3 NPDES Methods ANALYTE Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Boron Cadmium ICP 200.7 200.7 200.7 200.7 200.7 200.7 200.7 ICP-MS 200.8 200.8 200.8 200.8 200.8 200.8 200.8 Calcium Chromium VI 200.7 200.8 200.8 Chromium Cobalt Copper Hardness Iron Lead Magnesium 200.7 200.7 200.7 200.7 200.7 200.7 200.7 200.8 200.8 200.8 200.8 200.8 200.8 200.8 Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Potassium Selenium Silica Silver Sodium 200.7 200.8 200.8 200.8 200.8 200.8 200.8 200.8 200.8 200.8 Thallium Tin Titanium Vanadium Zinc 200.7 200.7 200.7 200.7 200.7 200.7 200.7 200.7 200.7 200.7 200.7 OTHER CVAA-HG 218.6 and 3500Cr B1 245.1, 1631 200.8 200.8 200.8 200.8 200.8 uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 32 of 33 Figure 9-3 NPDES Methods ANALYTE ICP ICP-MS OTHER CVAA-HG Footnotes: 1 “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater.” American Public Health Association, (See SOP for current edition). uncontrolled if printed Chapter 9 Date: May 7th, 2014 Page: 33 of 33 Figure 9-4 Nutrients/Classicals METHODS ANALYTE NPDES Acidity Ammonia BOD Chloride Cyanide Fluoride Nitrate/Nitrite Nitrate Nitrite Oil and Grease % Solids pH SM23101 EPA 350.1 SM 5210B EPA 300 EPA 335.4 EPA 300 EPA 353.2 EPA 353.2 or EPA 300 EPA 353.2 or EPA 300 EPA 1664 Phosphorus EPA 365.1 Phosphorus, Ortho Solids Sulfate TKN TOC EPA 365.1 or EPA 300 USGS and SM2540 series EPA 300 EPA 351.2 SM 5310 DRINKING WATER OTHER PROGRAMS OR MATRICES SM4500-NH3 SM 5210C EPA 335.4 EPA 300 EPA 353.2 or EPA 300 EPA 353.2 or EPA 300 EPA 335.4 Sediment- EPA 300 Sediment- EPA 300 EPA 300 EPA 300 EPA 1664 ASB109M EPA 9040 or 9045 Sediment- ASB103C EPA 365.1 or EPA 300 USGS and SM 2540 series EPA 300 Sediment- ASB103C Sediment-EPA 300 EPA ASB107C Footnotes: 1 “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater.” American Public Health Association, (See SOPs for edition). uncontrolled if printed
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