Contract Encumbrance Number: _______________________________________ PROJECT MANUAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS 8900 Pena Boulevard Denver. CO 80249-6363 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NUMBER: CE 201207652 Task Order 05 SPECIFICATIONS ISSUE FOR BID November 2013 Prepared by: J. F. Sato and Associates 5898 South Rapp Street Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 797-1200 Fax: (303) 797-1187 Job # 1233 CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER DEPARTMENT OF AVIATION KIM DAY, MANAGER OF AVIATION TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 PARKING GARAGE ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS – TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (Include all On-Call Construction Contract for all other Division 1 Sections and CCD Department of Aviation Standard Specifications for Construction, General Contract Conditions) 01010 – Summary of work 01014 – Work Sequence and Constraints DIVISION 02 - SITE CONSTRUCTION 02070 – Selective Structural Demolition DIVISION 03 - CONCRETE 03200 – Concrete Reinforcement 03300 – Cast-In-Place Concrete DIVISION 04 – MASONRY 04200 – Unit Masonry DIVISION 06 – WOOD, PLASTIC, AND COMPOSITE 06100 – Rough Carpentry DIVISION 07 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 07910 – Sealants, Caulking & Seals 07270 – Firestopping DIVISION 09 - FINISHES 09900 – Painting Material DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL 15010 – Basic Mechanical Requirements 15050 – Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods 15072 – Mechanical Removals and Demolition 15140 – Supports and Anchors 15190 – Mechanical Identification 15245 – Vibration Isolation 15410 – Plumbing Piping 15782 – Package Terminal Air Conditioning Units and Heat Pumps 15890 – Ductwork 15910 – Ductwork Accessories 15990 – Testing Adjusting and Balancing DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES TOC - 1 Revision No. 0000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 16010 – Basic Electrical Requirements 16015 – Electrical Demolition 16110 – Raceways and Fittings 16120 – Wires and Cables 161135 – Wiring Devices 161190 – Supporting Devices and Seals 161195 – Electrical Identification 161470 - Panelboards END OF TABLE OF CONTENTS ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES TOC - 2 Revision No. 0000 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 1 – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 01010 – SUMMARY OF WORK CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DIVISION 1 – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01010 SUMMARY OF WORK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION A. The Work specified in this contract consists of furnishing all management, supervision, labor, materials, tools, equipment, services, testing and incidentals for the construction of the Work indicated in the contract documents including lump sum items and unit price items. B. Contractor to follow City and County of Denver Department of Aviation Standard Specifications for Construction General contract Conditions, DIA Master Specifications, meet the intent of the design including but not limited to Manufacturer’s recommendations, code and industry standards and Contractor’s means and methods. C. Scope of Work includes: D. 1. Removal and replacement of 8” reinforced masonry electrical room walls with height of approximately 13 feet. 2. Partial removal and replacement of a 8” reinforced masonry walls of varying height. 3. Installation of fire-rated expansion joints at top of electrical room walls directly below precast double tee slab system. 4. Shoring and support of masonry as necessary during masonry wall replacement. 5. Shoring and support of electrical panels, conduit, etc. during masonry wall replacement as necessary. 6. New expansion joint construction at new slab on grade located inside the electrical rooms. 7. Finish new construction to match existing conditions (paint, material, etc). 8. All work shown in the construction drawings. 9. Electrical work associated with these repairs to be done according to electrical notes located on the drawings. 10. All electrical rooms to have exterior CMU, door frames and doors painted to match existing color; for existing and repaired CMU locations. 11. Any broken or missing locksets for electrical room doors to be replaced with DIA standard Best locksets and coordinated with DIA Locksmith for keying. 12. Provide electrical room identification signage that is missing to match with existing room and door designation signs. The Work in this Contract may impact operations of Denver International Airport. The Contractor shall bid, plan and execute the Work so as to minimize disruption of operations and inconvenience to the public. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES Revision No. 000 01010 - 1 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 1 – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 01010 – SUMMARY OF WORK CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ E. Bidding the Task Orders 1. The contractor will be required to submit a proposal for each task order. The proposal will either be negotiated or, at the discretion of the City, it may be submitted as part of a competitive process where the “low responsive bid” will be accepted. 2. Upon successful negotiation or award, and the Task order is approved, the contractor shall commence with the work. The contractor may request payment for completed work related to that Task Order as part of its monthly Application for Payment. The Application’s Schedule of Values shall be updated with the new Task Order accordingly. 3. In the case of a lump sum Task Order, payment will be made on the percentage of acceptable work completed by the pay application cut-off date. In the case of a unit price Task Order, payment will be based on verifiable quantities installed. 1.2 WORK BY OTHERS A. The Contractor is hereby notified that there may be other construction activities now and in the future within the project areas and adjacent to the worksites throughout the duration of this contract. The Contractor is responsible for keeping apprised of other projects and worksites and how they may affect the work. B. The Contractor shall maintain contact with the City and with other contractors to schedule work to minimize the effect of such construction activities on other site activities. The Contractor shall also maintain, at the direction of the DIA Construction Project Manager, contact with tenants to ensure minimal disruption to tenant operations. 1.3 FUTURE WORK A. The Contractor is hereby notified that there may be other future construction activities within the project and adjacent to the worksites that are scheduled after completion of this contract. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to keep apprised of such projects and how they may affect the Work. 1.4 SITE CONDITIONS A. The Contractor acknowledges satisfaction as to the nature and location of the Work, all of the general and local conditions, particularly those bearing upon availability of transportation, access to the site, disposal, handling and storage of materials, availability of labor, water, power, roads, and uncertainties of weather, or similar physical conditions at the site, the conformation and conditions of the ground, the character of equipment and facilities needed preliminary to and during work, and all other matters that can in any way affect the work or the cost thereof under this contract. B. The Contractor further acknowledges, by submission of a bid and on each Work Request bid, satisfaction as to the character, quality and quantity of all surface and subsurface materials and all features on top of the surface or at worksites that would be encountered from his inspection of the site and from reviewing available records of exploratory work furnished by the City. Failure by the Contractor to become acquainted with the physical conditions of the sites and all the available information will not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for properly estimating the difficulty or cost of performing the Work. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES Revision No. 000 01010 - 2 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 1 – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 01010 – SUMMARY OF WORK CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ C. The Contractor warrants that as a result of examination and investigation of all the aforesaid data and the site, that the Contractor can perform the Work in a good and workmanlike manner and to the satisfaction of the City. The City assumes no responsibility for any representations made by any of its officers or agents during or prior to the execution of this contract unless such representation is expressly stated in the contract. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 CONTRACTOR'S DUTIES A. Except as otherwise specified, furnish the following to the full extent required by the contract: 1. Labor, superintendence, supervision and products. 2. Construction equipment, tools, machinery and materials. 3. Utilities required for construction and related activities. 4. Other facilities and services necessary to properly execute and complete the Work, including security for worksite, testing and storage and protection of all materials awaiting incorporation into the Work, providing a safe working environment for workers, City and County of Denver representatives, and the public in accordance with all local, state and federal requirements. B. Prosecute the Work as specified and in a timely manner. Submit a schedule of Work that will be performed at times other than during the eight-hour working day of Monday through Friday, daylight hours. Submit this schedule five working days prior to the beginning of Work to the DIA Construction Project Manager for review and acceptance. Approval to work at night may be obtained after Contractor presents a written program outlining special precautions to be taken to control the extraordinary hazards presented by night work. That program shall include, but not limited to, supplementary lighting of work areas, availability of medical facilities, security precautions and noise limitations. 3.2 COORDINATION A. Coordinate prosecution of the Work with those public utilities, governmental bodies, private utilities and other contractors performing work on and adjacent to the worksites. Eliminate or minimize delays in the Work and conflicts with those utilities, bodies and contractors. Schedule governmental, private utility and public utility work that relies upon survey points, lines and grades established by the Contractor to occur immediately after those points, lines and grades have been established. Confirm coordination measures for each individual case with the City in writing. B. In the coordination effort of work by others, the Contractor shall obtain and refer to equipment locations and other layouts, as available, to avoid interface problems. C. The City reserves the right to permit access to the site of the Work for the performance of work by other contractors and persons at such times that the City deems proper. The exercise of such reserved right shall in no way or to any extent relieve the Contractor from liability for loss and damage to the work due to or resulting from its operations or from responsibility for complete _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES Revision No. 000 01010 - 3 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 1 – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 01010 – SUMMARY OF WORK CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ execution of the Contract. The Contractor shall cooperate with other contractors and persons in all matters requiring common effort. D. Contractor to coordinate with DIA to provide alternate route for exiting purposes during construction. 3.3 CONTRACTOR USE OF WORKSITE A. All workers must have security badge to work in this area. B. Confine worksite operations to areas permitted by law, ordinances, permits and the contract. C. Consider the safety of the Work and that of the people and property on and adjacent to the worksite when determining amount, location, movement and use of materials and equipment on worksite. D. Do not load worksite with equipment and products that would interfere with the Work. Only equipment, tools or materials required for this Work may be stored at the worksite. E. Protect products, equipment and materials stored on worksite. F. Relocate stored products, equipment and materials which interfere with operations of City, government bodies, public and private utilities, and other contractors. PART 4 - MEASUREMENT 4.1 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT A. No separate measurement shall be made for work under this Section. PART 5 - PAYMENT 5.1 METHOD OF PAYMENT A. No separate payment will be made for work under this section including any and all necessary relocations requested by the City. The cost of the work described in this section shall be included in the applicable multiplier or bid items contract price. END OF SECTION 01010 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES Revision No. 000 01010 - 4 PART II - TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01014 - WORK SEQUENCE AND CONSTRAINTS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 SECTION 01014 WORK SEQUENCE AND CONSTRAINTS PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 OTHER WORK A. Other concurrent construction contracts with which the Contractor must interface are described in the Special Conditions and elsewhere in the Contract Documents. 1.02 WORK SEQUENCE A. 1.03 The work sequence shall be in compliance with the Construction Schedule developed by the Contractor and approved by the DIA Construction Project Manager. WORK CONSTRAINTS A. SITE CONSTRAINTS - GENERAL 1. Access Instructions: Nothing in the access instructions shall be interpreted as superseding established Denver International Airport Driving and Security Regulations. The Contractor shall provide monitoring and escorts as required by DIA Operations in the area of each task. This activity shall be in compliance with Technical Specifications Sections 01015 and 01016. 2. Contractor’s Staging Areas: Staging areas will be determined at Pre-construction meeting with DIA Construction Project Manager. The Contractor shall submit in a timely manner any requests for additional staging areas to the Project Manager for approval. Transit between any staging and work areas shall be included in the Traffic Control Plan (reference Technical Specification Section 01576). The Contractor shall provide lockable enclosure fencing at the Staging Area. Entrance gates to the Main Staging Area shall be equipped with a combination of locks to include a lock provided by the City for its use in accessing emergency equipment, should that need arise. The location, size and other physical characteristics of the Contractor's staging areas must be approved by the City prior to its installation. Unless specifically required by the Contract Documents and with the exception of the fenced operations area described above, the Contractor shall install no fences or other physical obstructions on or around the project work area without the written approval of the City. 3. Contractor Employee Parking: On-site parking will not be provided for the Contractor’s employees. The Contractor shall coordinate transfer of employees to work areas in the Contractor’s vehicles, appropriately registered with DIA. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 01014 - 1 Revision No. 000 PART II - TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01014 - WORK SEQUENCE AND CONSTRAINTS B. DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 4. Protection of Existing Finishes / Surfaces: The Contractor shall provide plywood or other protective materials acceptable to the Project Manager for protection of existing finishes and / or surfaces. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for meeting all safety requirements of all ramps and / or stairs. 5. Traffic Protection: The Contractor shall provide traffic barriers with battery operated flashing lights for the protection of the Contractor’s employees doing work in areas immediately adjacent to vehicular traffic. 6. Hazardous Weather Notification: The Contractor shall have in each location where personnel are working, a minimum of one person able to be in constant telephone or radio contact with DIA Operations. The Contractor shall bear sole responsibility for keeping apprised of weather conditions and moving personnel to safety in the event of hazardous weather. 7. Emergency Contact: The Contractor shall designate and maintain a party who will be constantly available by telephone when work is not being conducted. This party shall have authority and resources available to remedy any emergency situation that might arise such as leaks, mishandled material, etc. 8. The Contractor shall provide and maintain adequate portable toilet facilities for its personnel. The Contractor shall be liable to furnish communications, equipment, etc. necessary for the operation of the work. The Contractor shall then be liable to furnish all power, lighting, communications, and equipment, (etc.) necessary for the project task. SITE CONSTRAINTS - SPECIFIC 1. Material Deliveries: a. Deliveries to the Staging Area may take place at any time. However, the Contractor is advised to obtain and maintain coordination with DIA Construction Project Manager. b. Deliveries of large quantities of materials to staging area may only take place between the hours of 9:00 pm and 6:00 am. Contractor shall give DIA Construction Project Manager a minimum of seventy-two (72) hours notice of such deliveries. d. Debris may be temporarily staged in covered dumpsters located in the staging area. Exact locations shall be coordinated and approved by DIA Construction Project Manager. Maximum allowable dumpster size must be maneuverable in parking structure or staging area. Dumpster(s) will not be allowed to remain in areas not adjacent to active construction and must be regularly emptied or replaced. Debris shall be conveyed to the dumpsters in such a manner as to maintain control as described in paragraph 01014 1.03 B 4 b. At no time will debris be allowed outside of the dumpsters. Debris may not be staged and stored at the interior of ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 01014 - 2 Revision No. 000 PART II - TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01014 - WORK SEQUENCE AND CONSTRAINTS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 the Concourse, but is again subject to the provisions of 01014 1.03 B 4 b. The use of debris chutes is acceptable, but must first be coordinated with DIA Construction Project Manager. 2. 3. C. Material Storage and Handling: a. Materials may be stored in the Staging Area, subject to provisions outlined in other portions of the Contract Documents. The Contractor is wholly responsible for security in the Staging Area and may provide lockable fencing at their option. If a lock is maintained, DIA shall be furnished a key. b. The Contractor shall maintain strict control of all materials at all times and at no time allow solid materials, liquid spills, and / or liquid overspray onto the airfield. Should the Contractor loose control of any materials, sufficient steps must immediately be taken to remedy the situation. The Contractor shall be liable for any damages to buildings, equipment or aircraft. c. At no time may any construction materials be stored in the interior of any building. All rags soaked in noxious chemicals must be removed from the worksite at the end of each shift and properly disposed of off-site. e. The Contractor shall give DIA seventy-two (72) hours notice of any operation that will use noxious chemicals within any HVAC intake. To prevent impacting tenant operations, all such work must take place between the hours of 9:00 pm and 6:00 am. All intake louvers must be blanked off in coordination with DIA Construction Project Manager if work is desired during daylight hours. If the Contractor is not able to satisfactorily prevent odor infiltration, then work around the intakes will only be accomplished at night. Tools: Nothing contained in these Technical Specifications shall be interpreted as lessening the Contractor’s obligation to furnish such tools as is necessary for the timely prosecution of the Work (Reference Technical Specification Section 01015 1.03 C for Tool Policy). a. All tools shall be staged directly to the project site. b. A copy of the tool inventory shall be included with each daily report. Operations at Denver International Airport 1. Full airport operations are underway adjacent to this project. Contractors are required to obtain a Contractor Participant Manual from the Security Manager and must follow the guidelines in the manual. Copies of the Contractor section of the manual are available for review at the Denver International Airport Access Services Office. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 01014 - 3 Revision No. 000 PART II - TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01014 - WORK SEQUENCE AND CONSTRAINTS a. DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 All Work associated with this project takes place in the parking structure. D. Contractor activities shall comply with Airport Operations and Regulation 130 TRAFFIC and 20 CONDUCT OF PERSONS USING THE DENVER MUNICIPAL AIRPORT SYSTEM shall be followed. These regulations are available from Airport Operations at Denver International Airport. E. All work shall be accomplished in accordance with FAA Advisory Circular AC150/5370-2C, "Operational Safety on Airports During Construction", FAR Part 139 and FAR Part 107 except as herein modified. F. CLEANING EQUIPMENT AND SPOILS: Discharge of water, liquids, or chemicals into the building waste, drain systems or storm drainage systems is prohibited. The Contractor shall comply with all Federal, State, and Local requirements for disposal of chemicals. The Contractor shall maintain and service in work areas containers for discharge of water from cleaning of any construction equipment or removal of water from excavations. G. RADIO AND CELL PHONE USE: Radio equipment shall be submitted to DIA for approval of use at least 14 days prior to intended use. Radio equipment frequencies shall be submitted to DIA for approval. H. KEYS: The Contractor shall be required to Contact DIA Maintenance Control to procure keys for access to all rooms having locks in order to gain access. Keys may be checked out at the beginning of each work shift by the Contractor and shall be returned to DIA Maintenance Control at the end of each work shift. I. System Interruptions: A written request shall be submitted for all system interruptions by the Contractor on approved forms to DIA Maintenance Control any written requests for system interruptions such as Gate operations, fire alarm, HVAC, electrical, water systems or other systems. System interruptions shall not be considered if the interruptions interfere with airport operations or tenant operations. The use all appropriate Shutdown Request Forms is found in Technical Specification Section 01999. 1. The request forms shall be submitted only during the normal work week (Monday through Friday) between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. 2. Upon approval of a system shutdown, the Contractor representatives and the individuals performing the work shall remain at the worksite and shall remain in contact with Maintenance Control until such time as the system is restored to working condition. The requesting party shall assume liability for the system until the system is restored to proper working order. 3. Fire Systems, HVAC, and Plumbing: Submit requests two working days prior to the time of requested interruption. 4. Electrical System Interruptions: Submit requests five working days prior to the time of requested interruption. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 01014 - 4 Revision No. 000 PART II - TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01014 - WORK SEQUENCE AND CONSTRAINTS 1.04 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 COORDINATION A. The Contractor will designate a contact person for coordination with the DIA Construction Project Manager. The contact person shall have the authority to make decisions for the Contractor firm and shall have binding signatory power for changes in work. The contact person shall be on site at all times during work activity. B. No additional costs shall be considered for coordination activities throughout this project. The Contractor shall include in his bid costs for coordination of all activities. PART 2: PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3: EXECUTION (NOT USED) PART 4: MEASUREMENT 4.01 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT A. No separate measurement shall be made for work under this Section. PART 5: PAYMENT 5.01 METHOD OF PAYMENT A. No separate payment will be made for work under this Section. The cost of the work described in this Section shall be included in the applicable unit price item, work order or lump sum bid item. END OF SECTION 01014 ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 01014 - 5 Revision No. 000 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 02 – SITE CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS SECTION 02070 – SELECTIVE STRUCTURE DEMOLITION CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 02070 SELECTIVE STRUCTURE DEMOLITION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes demolition and removal of the following: 1. Demolition of only selected portions of a building or structure as shown on Drawings. 2. Repair procedures for selective demolition operations. 1.2 DEFINITIONS A. Remove: Detach items from existing construction and legally dispose of them off-site, unless indicated to be removed and salvaged or removed and reinstalled. B. Remove and Salvage: Detach items from existing construction and deliver them to Owner. C. Remove and Reinstall: Detach items from existing construction, prepare them for reuse, and reinstall them where indicated. D. Existing to Remain: Existing items of construction that are not to be removed and that are not otherwise indicated to be removed, removed and salvaged, or removed and reinstalled. 1.3 MATERIALS OWNERSHIP A. Except for items or materials indicated to be reused, salvaged, reinstalled, or otherwise indicated to remain Owner property, demolished materials shall become Contractor's property and shall be removed from Project site. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Proposed Control Measures: Submit statement or drawing that indicates the measures proposed for use, proposed locations, and proposed time frame for their operation. Identify options if proposed measures are later determined to be inadequate. Include measures for the following: 1. Dust control 2. Noise control 3. Shoring system B. Schedule of Selective Demolition Activities: Indicate detailed sequence of selective demolition and removal work, with starting and ending dates for each activity, interruption of utility services, and locations of means of egress. Final schedule must be approved by DIA Construction Project Manager prior to start of Work. C. Pre-demolition Photographs or Videotape: Show existing conditions of adjoining construction and site improvements that might be misconstrued as damage caused by selective demolition operations. Submit before Work begins. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES Revision No. 000 02070 - 1 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 02 – SITE CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS SECTION 02070 – SELECTIVE STRUCTURE DEMOLITION CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Demolition Firm Qualifications: An experienced firm that has specialized in demolition work similar in material and extent to that indicated for this Project. B. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with governing EPA notification regulations before beginning selective demolition. Comply with hauling and disposal regulations of authorities having jurisdiction. C. Standards: Comply with ANSI A10.6 and NFPA 241. D. Predemolition Conference: Conduct conference at Project site. 1.6 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Owner assumes no responsibility for condition of areas to be selectively demolished. 1. Conditions existing at time of inspection for bidding purpose will be maintained by Owner as far as practical. B. Hazardous Materials: It is not expected that hazardous materials will be encountered in the Work. 1. Hazardous materials will be removed by Owner before start of the Work. 2. If materials suspected of containing hazardous materials are encountered, do not disturb; immediately notify Owner. Hazardous materials will be removed by Owner under a separate contract. C. Storage or sale of removed items or materials on-site will not be permitted. D. Utility Service: Maintain existing utilities indicated to remain in service and protect them against damage during selective demolition operations. E. Pre-demolition Conference: Conduct conference at Project site. PART 2 – PRODUCTS 1.1 REPAIR MATERIALS A. Use repair materials identical to existing materials. 1. 2. If identical materials are unavailable or cannot be used for exposed surfaces, use materials that visually match existing adjacent surfaces to the fullest extent possible. Use materials whose installed performance equal or surpasses that of existing materials. PART 3 – EXECUTION 1.2 A. EXAMINATION Verify that utilities have been disconnected and capped where necessary. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES Revision No. 000 02070 - 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 02 – SITE CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS SECTION 02070 – SELECTIVE STRUCTURE DEMOLITION CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ B. Survey existing conditions and correlate with requirements indicated to determine extent of selective demolition required. C. Inventory and record the condition of items to be removed and reinstalled and items to be removed and salvaged. D. When unanticipated mechanical, electrical, or structural elements that conflict with intended function or design are encountered, investigate and measure the nature and extent of conflict. Promptly submit a written report to DIA Construction Project Manager. E. Engage a professional engineer to survey condition of building to determine whether removing any element might result in structural deficiency or unplanned collapse of any portion of structure. 1.3 UTILITY SERVICES A. Existing Utilities: Maintain services indicated to remain and protect them against damage during selective demolition operations. B. Do not interrupt existing utilities serving occupied or operating facilities unless authorized in writing by Owner and authorities having jurisdiction. Provide temporary services during interruptions to existing utilities, as acceptable to Owner and to authorities having jurisdiction. 1. Provide at least 72-hours notice to Owner if shutdown of service is required during changeover. C. Utility Requirements: Locate, identify, disconnect, and seal or cap off indicated utilities serving areas to be selectively demolished. 1. Cut off pipe or conduit in walls or partitions to be removed. Cap, valve, or plug and seal remaining portion of pipe or conduit after bypassing. 1.4 PREPARATION A. Site Access and Temporary Controls: Conduct selective demolition and debris-removal operations to ensure minimum interference with roads, and other adjacent occupied and used facilities. 1. Do not close or obstruct roads or other adjacent occupied or used facilities without permission from DIA Construction Project Manager and authorities having jurisdiction. Provide alternate routes around closed or obstructed traffic ways if required by governing regulations. 2. Erect temporary protection, such as walks, fences, railings, canopies, and covered passageways, where required by authorities having jurisdiction. 3. Protect existing site improvements and appurtenances to remain. B. Temporary Facilities: Provide temporary barricades and other protection required to prevent injury to people and damage to adjacent buildings and facilities to remain. C. Temporary Enclosures: Provide temporary enclosures for protection of existing building and construction, in progress and completed, from exposure, foul weather, other construction operations, and similar activities. Provide temporary weathertight enclosure for building exterior. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES Revision No. 000 02070 - 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 02 – SITE CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS SECTION 02070 – SELECTIVE STRUCTURE DEMOLITION CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ D. Temporary Shoring: Provide and maintain interior and exterior shoring, bracing, or structural support to preserve stability and prevent movement, settlement, or collapse of construction to remain, and to prevent unexpected or uncontrolled movement or collapse of construction being demolished. 1.5 POLLUTION CONTROLS A. Dust Control: Use water mist, temporary enclosures, and other suitable methods to limit spread of dust and dirt. Comply with governing environmental-protection regulations. 1. Prepare areas by using wet mop floors to eliminate track-able dirt, wipe down walls and doors of demolition enclosure, and vacuum carpeted areas. B. Disposal: Remove and transport debris in a manner that will prevent spillage on adjacent surfaces and areas. 1. Remove debris from elevated portions of building by chute, hoist, or other device that will convey debris to grade level in a controlled descent. C. Cleaning: Clean adjacent structures and improvements of dust, dirt, and debris caused by selective demolition operations. Return adjacent areas to condition existing before selective demolition operations began. 1.6 SELECTIVE DEMOLITION A. General: Demolish and remove existing construction only to the extent required by new construction and as indicated. Use methods required to complete the Work within limitations of governing regulations. 1. Neatly cut openings and holes plumb, square, and true to dimensions required. Use cutting methods least likely to damage construction to remain or adjoining construction. 2. Cut or drill from the exposed or finished side into concealed surfaces to avoid marring existing finished surfaces. 3. Do not use cutting torches until work area is cleared of flammable materials. At concealed spaces, such as duct and pipe interiors, verify condition and contents of hidden space before starting flame-cutting operations. Maintain portable firesuppression devices during flame-cutting operations. 4. Locate selective demolition equipment and remove debris and materials so as not to impose excessive loads on supporting walls, floors, or framing. 5. Dispose of Demolished items and materials promptly. B. Removed and Salvaged Items: 1. Clean salvaged items. 2. Pack or crate items after cleaning. Identify contents of containers. 3. Store items in a secure area until delivery to Owner. 4. Transport items to Owner storage area designated by DIA Construction Project Manager. 5. Protect items from damage during transport and storage. C. Removed and Reinstalled Items: 1. Clean and repair items to functional condition adequate for intended reuse. 2. Pack or crate items after cleaning and repairing. Identify contents of containers. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES Revision No. 000 02070 - 4 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 02 – SITE CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS SECTION 02070 – SELECTIVE STRUCTURE DEMOLITION CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. 4. Protect items from damage during transport and storage. Reinstall items in locations indicated. Comply with installation requirements for new materials and equipment. Provide connections, supports, and miscellaneous materials necessary to make item functional for use indicated. D. Existing Items to Remain: Protect construction indicated to remain against damage and soiling during selective demolition. When permitted by Owner, items may be removed to a suitable, protected storage location during selective demolition and reinstalled in their original locations after selective demolition operations are complete. 1.7 PATCHING AND REPAIRS A. General: Promptly repair damage to adjacent construction caused by selective demolition operations. B. Repairs: Where repairs to existing surfaces are required, patch to produce surfaces suitable for new materials. C. Finishes: Restore exposed finishes of patched areas and extend restoration into adjoining construction in a manner that eliminates evidence of patching and refinishing. 1.8 DISPOSAL OF DEMOLISHED MATERIALS A. General: Promptly dispose of demolished materials. Do not allow demolished materials to accumulate on-site. B. Burning: Do not burn demolished materials. C. Disposal: Transport demolished materials off Owner property and legally disposes of them. PART 4 4.01 MEASUREMENT METHOD OF MEASUREMENT A. B. PART 5 5.01 No separate measurement shall be made for work under this Section, except for Unit Price items. Measurement for Unit Price items shall be according to Section 01025 Measurement for Payment. PAYMENT METHOD OF PAYMENT A. B. No separate payment will be made for work under this Section. The cost of the Work described in this Section shall be included in the applicable bid items or lump sum contract price. Payment for Unit Price items shall be according to the applicable Unit Price bid item. END OF SECTION 02070 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES Revision No. 000 02070 - 5 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03200 - CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 SECTION 03200 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Scope of Work A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals required and install all concrete reinforcement complete as shown on the Drawings and as specified herein. B. Furnish only all deformed steel reinforcement required to be entirely built into concrete masonry unit construction. 1.02 Related Work A. Cast-in-Place Concrete is included in Section 03300. 1.03 Submittals A. B. Submit to the Engineer, in accordance with Section 01300, shop drawings and product data showing materials of construction and details of installation for: 1. Reinforcing steel. Placement drawings shall conform to the recommendations of ACI 315. All reinforcement in a concrete placement shall be included on a single placement drawing or cross-referenced to the pertinent main placement drawing. The main drawing shall include the additional reinforcement (around openings, at corners, etc.) shown on the standard detail sheets. Bars to have special coatings and/or to be of special steel or special yield strength are to be clearly identified. 2. Bar bending details. The bars shall be referenced to the same identification marks shown on the placement drawings. Bars to have special coatings and/or to be of special steel or special yield strength shall be clearly identified. Submit Test Reports, in accordance with Section 01300, of each of the following items as applicable. 1. Certified copy of mill test on each steel proposed for use showing the physical properties of the steel and the chemical analysis. 2. Certified copy of test reports for each foreign manufactured steel proposed for use in the fabrication of reinforcement. The tests shall be specifically made for this project at the expense of the Contractor by a domestic independent testing laboratory certified to perform the tests. The testing shall be for conformity to the applicable ASTM standard. 3. Welder's certification. The certification shall be in accordance with AWS D1.4 when welding of reinforcement required. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 03200-1 Revision No. 000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03200 - CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 1.04 Reference Standards A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 1. B. C. American Concrete Institute (ACI) 1. ACI 301 - Standard Specification for Structural Concrete 2. ACI 315 - Details and Detailing of Concrete Reinforcement 3. ACI 318 - Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 4. ACI SP-66 - ACI Detailing Manual Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI) 1. D. Manual of Standard Practice American Welding Society (AWS) 1. E. ASTM A615 - Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement AWS D1.4 - Structural Welding Code Reinforcing Steel Where reference is made to one of the above standards, the revision in effect at the time of bid opening shall apply. 1.05 Quality Assurance A. Provide services of a manufacturer's representative, with at least 2 years experience in the use of the reinforcing fibers for a preconstruction meeting and assistance during the first placement of the material. 1.06 Delivery, Handling, and Storage A. Reinforcing steel shall be substantially free from mill scale, rust, dirt, grease, or other foreign matter. B. Reinforcing steel shall be shipped and stored with bars of the same size and shape fastened in bundles with durable tags, marked in a legible manner with waterproof markings showing the same "mark" designations as those shown on the submitted Placing Drawings. C. Reinforcing steel shall be stored off the ground, protected from moisture, and kept free from dirt, oil, or other injurious contaminants. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 03200-2 Revision No. 000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03200 - CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 Materials A. Materials shall be new, and shall comply with the following material specifications. B. Deformed Concrete Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A615, Grade 60 deformed bars. 1. ASTM A615, Grade 60 for hot-rolled plain or deformed bars. C. Fabricated Deformed Steel Bar Mats: deformed bars. D. Reinforcing Steel Accessories E. 1. Plastic Protected Bar Supports: CRSI Bar Support Specifications, Class 1 Maximum Protection. 2. Stainless Steel Protected Bar Supports: CRSI Bar Support Specifications, Class 2 - Moderate Protection. Tie Wire 1. F. ASTM A184 and ASTM A615 Grade [60] Tie Wires for Reinforcement shall be 16-gauge or heavier, black annealed wire. Fiber Reinforcement 1. Synthetic reinforcing fiber for concrete shall be 100 percent polypropylene collated, fibrillated fibers as manufactured by Fibermesh Company of Synthetic Industries., Chattanooga, Tennessee - Fibermesh, or equal. Fiber length and quantity for the concrete mix shall be in strict compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations as approved by the Engineer. 2.02 Fabrication A. Fabrication of reinforcement shall be in compliance with the CRSI Manual of Standard Practice. B. Bars shall be cold bent. Bars shall not be straightened or rebent. C. Bars shall be bent around a revolving collar having a diameter of not less than that recommended by the ACI 318. D. Bar ends that are to be butt spliced, placed through limited diameter holes in metal, or threaded, shall have the applicable end(s) saw-cut. Such ends shall terminate in flat surfaces within 1-1/2 degrees of a right angle to the axis of the bar. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 03200-3 Revision No. 000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03200 - CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 Installation A. Surface condition, bending, spacing and tolerances of placement of reinforcement shall comply with the CRSI Manual of Standard Practice. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for providing an adequate number of bars and maintaining the spacing and clearances shown on the Drawings. B. Except as otherwise indicated on the Drawings, the minimum concrete cover of reinforcement shall be as follows: 1. Concrete cast against and permanently exposed to earth: 3-in 2. Concrete exposed to soil, water, sewage, sludge and/or weather: 2-in (including bottom cover of slabs over water or sewage) 3. Concrete not exposed to soil, water, sewage, sludge and/or weather: a. Slabs (top and bottom cover), walls, joists, shells and folded plate members - 1-in b. Beams and columns (principal reinforcement, ties, spirals and stirrups) 1-1/2-in C. Reinforcement that will be exposed for a considerable length of time after being placed shall be coated with a heavy coat of neat cement slurry. D. No reinforcing steel bars shall be welded either during fabrication or erection unless specifically shown on the Drawings or specified herein, or unless prior written approval has been obtained from the Engineer. All bars that have been welded, including tack welds, without such approval shall be immediately removed from the work. When welding of reinforcement is approved or called for, it shall comply with AWS D1.4. E. Reinforcing steel interfering with the location of other reinforcing steel, conduits or embedded items, may be moved within the specified tolerances or one bar diameter, whichever is greater. Greater displacement of bars to avoid interference, shall only be made with the approval of the Engineer. Do not cut reinforcement to install inserts, conduits, mechanical openings or other items without the prior approval of the Engineer. F. Securely support and tie reinforcing steel to prevent movement during concrete placement. Secure dowels in place before placing concrete. G. Reinforcing steel bars shall not be field bent except where shown on the Drawings or specifically authorized in writing by the Engineer. If authorized, bars shall be cold-bent around the standard diameter spool specified in the CRSI. Do not heat bars. Closely inspect the reinforcing steel for breaks. If the reinforcing steel is damaged, replace, ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 03200-4 Revision No. 000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03200 - CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Cadweld or otherwise repair as directed by the Engineer. Do not bend reinforcement after it is embedded in concrete. 3.02 Reinforcement around Openings A. Unless specific additional reinforcement around openings is shown on the Drawings, provide additional reinforcing steel on each side of the opening equivalent to one half of the cross-sectional area of the reinforcing steel interrupted by an opening. The bars shall have sufficient length to develop bond at each end beyond the opening or penetration. 3.03 Splicing Of Reinforcement A. Splices designated as compression splices on the Drawings, unless otherwise noted, shall be 30 bar diameters, but not less than 12-in. B. Tension lap splices shall be provided at all laps in compliance with ACI 318. Class A splices may be used when 50 percent or less of the bars are spliced within the required lap length. Class B splices shall be used at all other locations. 3.04 Accessories A. Determine, provide and install accessories such as chairs, chair bars and the like in sufficient quantities and strength to adequately support the reinforcement and prevent its displacement during the erection of the reinforcement and the placement of concrete. B. Use 6-in2 tempered masonite or 1/4-in plywood under the chairs where the reinforcing steel is to be supported over soil. C. Stainless steel bar supports or steel chairs with stainless steel tips shall be used where the chairs are set on forms for a concrete surface that will be exposed to weather, high humidity, or liquid (including bottom of slabs over liquid containing areas). Use of galvanized or plastic tipped metal chairs is permissible in all other locations unless otherwise noted on the Drawings or specified herein. D. Alternate methods of supporting top steel in slabs, such as steel channels supported on the bottom steel or vertical reinforcing steel fastened to the bottom and top mats, may be used if approved by the Engineer. 3.05 Inspection A. In no case shall any reinforcing steel be covered with concrete until the installation of the reinforcement, including the size, spacing and position of the reinforcement has been observed by the Contractor's independent testing laboratory and its release to proceed with the concreting has been obtained. The laboratory shall be given ample prior notice of the readiness of placed reinforcement for observation. The forms shall be kept open until the observations of the reinforcing steel are complete. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 03200-5 Revision No. 000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03200 - CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 PART 4 - MEASUREMENT 4.01 Method of Measurement A. No separate measurement shall be made for work under this Section. See Section 02775. PART 5 - PAYMENT 5.01 Method of Payment A. No separate payment will be made for work under this Section. The cost of the work described in this Section shall be included in the applicable unit price item, work order, or lump sum bid item. See Section 02775. END OF SECTION ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 03200-6 Revision No. 000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 SECTION 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. Furnish all labor and materials required and install cast-in-place concrete complete as shown on the Drawings and as specified herein. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Concrete Reinforcement is included in Section 03200. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit to the Engineer, in accordance with Section 01300, shop drawings and product data including the following: 1. Sources of cement, pozzolan, and aggregates. 2. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all concrete components and admixtures. 3. Air-entraining admixture. Product data including catalogue cut, technical data, storage requirements, product life, recommended dosage, temperature considerations, and conformity to ASTM standards. 4. Water-reducing admixture. Product data including catalogue cut, technical data, storage requirements, product life, recommended dosage, temperature considerations, and conformity to ASTM standards. 5. High-range water-reducing admixture (plasticizer). Product data including catalogue cut, technical data, storage requirements, product life, recommended dosage, temperature considerations, retarding effect, slump range, and conformity to ASTM standards. Identify proposed locations of use. 6. Concrete mix for each formulation of concrete proposed for use including constituent quantities per cubic yard, water-cementitious materials ratio, concrete slump, type, and manufacturer of cement. Provide either a. or b. below for each mix proposed. a. Standard deviation data for each proposed concrete mix based on statistical records. b. The curve of water-cementitious materials ratio versus concrete cylinder strength for each formulation of concrete proposed based on laboratory ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO AND ASSOCIATES 03300-1 Revision No. 000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 tests. The cylinder strength shall be the average of the 28-day cylinder strength test results for each mix. Provide results of 7 and 14 day tests if available. B. 7. Sheet curing material. Product data including catalogue cut, technical data, and conformity to ASTM standard. 8. Liquid curing compound. Product data including catalogue cut, technical data, storage requirements, product life, application rate, and conformity to ASTM standards. Identify proposed locations of use. Samples 1. C. D. Fine and coarse aggregates in 5-lb bags by type. Test Reports 1. Fine aggregates - sieve analysis, physical properties, and deleterious substance. 2. Coarse aggregates - sieve analysis, physical properties, and deleterious substances. 3. Cements - chemical analysis and physical properties for each type. 4. Pozzolans - chemical analysis and physical properties. 5. Proposed concrete mixes - compressive strength, slump, shrinkage, and air content. Certifications 1. Certify admixtures used in the same concrete mix are compatible with each other and the aggregates. 1.04 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 1. ASTM C31 - Standard Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field 2. ASTM C33 - Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates 3. ASTM C39 - Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens 4. ASTM C42 - Standard Test Method for Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of Concrete ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO AND ASSOCIATES 03300-2 Revision No. 000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE B. C. DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 5. ASTM C94 - Standard Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete 6. ASTM C143 - Standard Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic Cement Concrete 7. ASTM C150 - Standard Specification for Portland Cement 8. ASTM C157 - Standard Test Method for Length Change of Hardened HydraulicCement Mortar and Concrete 9. ASTM C171 - Standard Specification for Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete 10. ASTM C173 - Standard Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric Method 11. ASTM C231 - Standard Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method 12. ASTM C260 - Standard Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete 13. ASTM C309 - Standard Specification for Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete 14. ASTM C494 - Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete 15. ASTM C618 - Standard Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Concrete 16. ASTM C1017 - Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for use in Producing Flowing Concrete American Concrete Institute (ACI) 1. ACI 304R - Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing Concrete 2. ACI 305R - Hot Weather Concreting 3. ACI 306.1 - Standard Specification for Cold Weather Concreting 4. ACI 318 - Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 5. ACI 350R - Environmental Engineering Concrete Structures Where reference is made to one of the above standards, the revision in effect at the time of bid opening shall apply. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO AND ASSOCIATES 03300-3 Revision No. 000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Reinforced concrete shall comply with ACI 318, the recommendations of ACI 350R, and other stated requirements, codes, and standards. The most stringent requirement of the codes, standards, and this Section shall apply when conflicts exist. B. Only one source of cement and aggregates shall be used on any one structure. Concrete shall be uniform in color and appearance. C. Well in advance of placing concrete, discuss with the Engineer the sources of individual materials and batched concrete proposed for use. Discuss placement methods, waterstops and curing. Propose methods of hot and cold weather concreting as required. Prior to the placement of any concrete containing a high-range water-reducing admixture (plasticizer), the Contractor, accompanied by the plasticizer manufacturer, shall discuss the properties and techniques of batching and placing plasticized concrete. D. If, during the progress of the work, it is impossible to secure concrete of the required workability and strength with the materials being furnished, the Engineer may order such changes in proportions or materials, or both, as may be necessary to secure the desired properties. All changes so ordered shall be made at the Contractor's expense. E. If, during the progress of the work, the materials from the sources originally accepted change in characteristics, the Contractor shall, at his/her expense, make new acceptance tests of aggregates and establish new design mixes. F. Testing of the following materials shall be furnished by Contractor to verify conformity with this Specification Section and the stated ASTM Standards. G. 1. Fine aggregates for conformity with ASTM C33 - sieve analysis, physical properties, and deleterious substances 2. Coarse aggregates for conformity with ASTM C33 - sieve analysis, physical properties, and deleterious substances 3. Cements for conformity with ASTM C150 - chemical analysis and physical properties 4. Pozzolans for conformity with ASTM C618 - chemical analysis and physical properties 5. Proposed concrete mix designs - compressive strength, slump, and air content Field testing and inspection services will be provided by the Contractor. The cost of such work, except as specifically stated otherwise, shall be paid by the Contractor. Testing of the following items shall be by the Contractor to verify conformity with this Section. 1. Concrete placements - compressive strength (cylinders), compressive strength (cores), slump, and air content ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO AND ASSOCIATES 03300-4 Revision No. 000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 2. H. DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Other materials or products that may come under question All materials incorporated in the work shall conform to accepted samples. 1.06 DELIVER, STORAGE, AND HANDELING A. Cement: Store in weathertight buildings, bins, or silos to provide protection from dampness and contamination and to minimize warehouse set. B. Aggregate: Arrange and use stockpiles to avoid excessive segregation or contamination with other materials or with other sizes of like aggregates. Build stockpiles in successive horizontal layers not exceeding 3-ft in thickness. Complete each layer before the next is started. Do not use frozen or partially frozen aggregate. C. Sand: Arrange and use stockpiles to avoid contamination. Allow sand to drain to a uniform moisture content before using. Do not use frozen or partially frozen aggregates. D. Admixtures: Store in closed containers to avoid contamination, evaporation, or damage. Provide suitable agitating equipment to assure uniform dispersion of ingredients in admixture solutions that tend to separate. Protect liquid admixtures from freezing and other temperature changes that could adversely affect their characteristics. E. Pozzolan: Store in weathertight buildings, bins, or silos to provide protection from dampness and contamination. F. Sheet Curing Materials: Store in weathertight buildings or off the ground and under cover. G. Liquid Curing Compounds: Store in closed containers. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. The use of manufacturer's name and model or catalog number is for the purpose of establishing the standard of quality and general configuration desired. B. Like items of materials shall be the end products of one manufacturer in order to provide standardization for appearance, maintenance and manufacturer's service. 2.02 MATERIALS A. Materials shall comply with this Section and any applicable state or local requirements. B. Cement: Domestic portland cement complying with ASTM C150. Air entraining cements shall not be used. Cement brand shall be subject to approval by the Engineer ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO AND ASSOCIATES 03300-5 Revision No. 000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 and one brand shall be used throughout the Work. The following cement type(s) shall be used: 1. Class A, B, and D Concrete - Type V, Type II with the addition of fly ash resulting in C3A being below 5 percent of total cementitious content, or Type III limited to 5 percent C3A. C. Fine Aggregate: Washed inert natural sand conforming to the requirements of ASTM C33. D. Coarse Aggregate: Well-graded crushed stone or washed gravel conforming to the requirements of ASTM C33. Grading requirements shall be as listed in ASTM C33 Table 2 for the specified coarse aggregate size number. Limits of Deleterious Substances and Physical Property Requirements shall be as listed in ASTM C33 Table 3 for severe weathering regions. Size numbers for the concrete mixes shall be as shown in Table 1 herein. E. Water: Potable water free from injurious amounts of oils, acids, alkalis, salts, organic matter, or other deleterious substances. F. Admixtures: Admixtures shall be free of chlorides and alkalis (except for those attributable to water). When it is required to use more than one admixture in a concrete mix, the admixtures shall be from the same manufacturer. Admixtures shall be compatible with the concrete mix including other admixtures [and shall be suitable for use in contact with potable water after 30 days of concrete curing]. G. 1. Air-Entraining Admixture: The admixture shall comply with ASTM C260. Proportioning and mixing shall be in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 2. Water-Reducing Agent: The admixture shall comply with ASTM C494, Type A. Proportioning and mixing shall be in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 3. High-Range Water-Reducer (Plasticizer): The admixture shall comply with ASTM C494, Type F [or ASTM C1017, Type I] and shall result in nonsegregating plasticized concrete with little bleeding and with the physical properties of low water/cement ratio concrete. The treated concrete shall be capable of maintaining its plastic state in excess of 2 hours. Proportioning and mixing shall be in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 4. Admixtures causing retarded or accelerated setting of concrete shall not be used without written approval from the Engineer. When allowed, the admixtures shall be retarding or accelerating water reducing or high range water reducing admixtures. Pozzolan (Fly Ash) Pozzolan shall be Class C or Class F fly ash complying with ASTM C618 except the Loss on Ignition (LOI) shall be limited to 3 percent maximum. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO AND ASSOCIATES 03300-6 Revision No. 000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 H. Sheet Curing Materials. Waterproof paper, polyethylene film, or white burlappolyethylene sheeting all complying with ASTM C171. I. Liquid Curing Compound. Liquid membrane-forming curing compound shall comply with the requirements of ASTM C309, Type 1-D (clear or translucent with fugitive dye) and shall contain no wax, paraffin, or oil. 2.03 MIXES A. Development of mix designs and testing shall be by an independent testing laboratory acceptable to the Engineer engaged by and at the expense of the Contractor. B. Select proportions of ingredients to meet the design strength and materials limits specified in Table 1 and to produce concrete having proper placability, durability, strength, appearance, and other required properties. Proportion ingredients to produce a homogenous mixture that will readily work into corners and angles of forms and around reinforcement without permitting materials to segregate or allowing excessive free water to collect on the surface. C. Compression Tests: Provide testing of the proposed concrete mix or mixes to demonstrate compliance with the compression strength requirements specified in Table 1. Each design mix shall be based on one of the following test methods: 1. Standard deviation data of prior mixes with essentially the same proportions of the same constituents. 2. Mix developed by laboratory tests. Water content of the concrete shall be based on a curve showing the relation between water cementitious ratio and 7- and 24-day compressive strengths of concrete made using the proposed materials. The curves shall be determined by four or more points, each representing an average value of at least three test specimens at each age. The curves shall have a range of values sufficient to yield the desired data, including the compressive strengths specified, without extrapolation. The water content of the concrete mix to be used, as determined from the curve, shall correspond to a strength at least 16 percent greater than the required design strength. The resulting mix shall not conflict with the limiting values for maximum water cementitious ratio and net minimum cementitious content as specified in Table 1. D. Entrained air, as measured by ASTM C231, shall be as shown in Table 1. 1. E. If the air-entraining agent proposed for use in the mix requires testing methods other than ASTM C231 to accurately determine air content, make special note of this requirement in the admixture submittal. Slump of the concrete as measured by ASTM C143, shall be as shown in Table 1. If a high-range water-reducer (plasticizer) is used, the slump indicated shall be that measured before plasticizer is added. Plasticized concrete shall have a slump ranging from 7 to 10in. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO AND ASSOCIATES 03300-7 Revision No. 000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 F. Proportion admixtures according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Two or more admixtures specified may be used in the same mix provided that the admixtures in combination retain full efficiency, have no deleterious effect on the concrete or on the properties of each other, and are from the same manufacturer. G. Where fly ash is used in the mix, the fly ash content shall be between 15 and 25 percent of the total weight of cementitious materials contained in the mix. Design Strength (1) 2500 3000 4000 Class A B D W/C Ratio (5) 0.62 max. 0.54 max. 0.44 max. Class A B D TABLE 1 CONCRETE MIX REQUIREMENTS Fine Coarse Cement Aggregate Aggregate (2) (2) (3) C150 Type V C33 57 C150 Type V C33 57 C150 Type V C33 57 Fly Ash (6) 15 to 25 15 to 25 15 to 25 AE Range (7) 3.5 to 5 3.5 to 5 3.5 to 5 WR (8) HRWR (9) Yes Yes Yes No No No Cementitious Content (4) 440 min. 480 min. 564 min. Slump Range Inches 1-4 1-3 3-5 NOTES: (1) Minimum compressive strength in psi at 28 days (2) ASTM designation (3) Size Number in ASTM C33 (4) Cementitious content in lb/cu yd (5) W/C is Water-Cementitious ratio by weight (6) Percent fly ash required. (7) AE is percent air-entrainment (8) WR is water-reducer admixture (9) HRWR is high-range water-reducer admixture. HRWR is not required but may be used in any mix in accordance with the requirements specified herein and when approved by the Engineer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 MEASURING MATERIALS A. Concrete shall be composed of portland cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, water, and admixtures as specified and shall be produced by a plant acceptable to the Engineer. All constituents, including admixtures, shall be batched at the plant except a high-range water-reducer may also be added in the field. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO AND ASSOCIATES 03300-8 Revision No. 000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 B. Measure materials for batching concrete by weighing in conformity with and within the tolerances given in ASTM C94 except as otherwise specified. Scales shall have been certified by the local Sealer of Weights and Measures within 1 year of use. C. Measure the amount of free water in fine aggregates within 0.3 percent with a moisture meter. Compensate for varying moisture contents of fine aggregates. Record the number of gallons of water as-batched on printed batching tickets. D. Admixtures shall be dispensed either manually using calibrated containers or measuring tanks, or by means of an automatic dispenser approved by the manufacturer of the specific admixture. 1. Charge air-entraining and chemical admixtures into the mixer as a solution using an automatic dispenser or similar metering device. 2. Inject multiple admixtures separately during the batching sequence. 3.02 MIXING AND TRANSPORTING A. Concrete shall be ready-mixed concrete produced by equipment acceptable to the Engineer. No hand-mixing will be permitted. Clean each transit mix truck drum and reverse drum rotation before the truck proceeds under the batching plant. Equip each transit-mix truck with a continuous, nonreversible, revolution counter showing the number of revolutions at mixing speeds. B. Ready-mix concrete shall be transported to the site in watertight agitator or mixer trucks loaded not in excess of their rated capacities as stated on the nameplate. C. Keep the water tank valve on each transit truck locked at all times. Any addition of water must be directed by the Engineer. Added water shall be incorporated by additional mixing of at least 35 revolutions. All added water shall be metered and the amount of water added shall be shown on each delivery ticket. D. All central plant and rolling stock equipment and methods shall comply with ACI 318 and ASTM C94. E. Select equipment of size and design to ensure continuous flow of concrete at the delivery end. Metal or metal-lined non-aluminum discharge chutes shall be used and shall have slopes not exceeding 1 vertical to 2 horizontal and not less than 1 vertical to 3 horizontal. Chutes more than 20-ft long and chutes not meeting slope requirements may be used if concrete is discharged into a hopper before distribution. F. Retempering (mixing with or without additional cement, aggregate, or water) of concrete or mortar which has reached initial set will not be permitted. G. Handle concrete from mixer to placement as quickly as practicable while providing concrete of required quality in the placement area. Dispatch trucks from the batching plant so they arrive at the work site just before the concrete is required, thus avoiding ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO AND ASSOCIATES 03300-9 Revision No. 000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 excessive mixing of concrete while waiting or delays in placing successive layers of concrete in the forms. H. Furnish a delivery ticket for ready mixed concrete to the Contractor's independent testing laboratory as each truck arrives. Each ticket shall provide a printed record of the weight of cement and each aggregate as batched individually. Use the type of indicator that returns for zero punch or returns to zero after a batch is discharged. Clearly indicate the weight of fine and coarse aggregate, cement and water in each batch, the quantity delivered, the time any water is added, and the numerical sequence of the delivery. Show the time of day batched and time of discharge from the truck. Indicate the number of revolutions of the truck mixer. I. Temperature and Mixing Time Control 1. In cold weather, do not allow the as-mixed temperature of the concrete and concrete temperatures at the time of placement in the forms to drop below 40 degrees F. 2. If water or aggregate has been heated, combine water with aggregate in the mixer before cement is added. Do not add cement to mixtures of water and aggregate when the temperature of the mixture is greater than 90 degrees F. 3. In hot weather, cool ingredients before mixing to maintain temperature of the concrete below the maximum placing temperature of 90 degrees F. If necessary, substitute well-crushed ice for all or part of the mixing water. 4. The maximum time interval between the addition of mixing water and/or cement to the batch and the placing of concrete in the forms shall not exceed the values shown in Table 2. TABLE 2 MAXIMUM TIME TO DISCHARGE OF CONCRETE Air or Concrete Temperature (whichever is higher) Maximum Time 80 to 90 Degrees F (27 to 32 Degrees C) 45 minutes 70 to 79 Degrees F (21 to 26 Degrees C) 60 minutes 40 to 69 Degrees F (5 to 20 Degrees C) 90 minutes If an approved high-range water-reducer (plasticizer) is used to produce plasticized concrete, the maximum time interval shall not exceed 90 minutes. 3.03 CONCRETE APPEARANCE A. Concrete mix showing either poor cohesion or poor coating of the coarse aggregate with paste shall be rejected. B. Concrete for the work shall provide a homogeneous structure which, when hardened, will have the required strength, durability and appearance. Mixtures and workmanship shall be such that concrete surfaces, when exposed, will require no finishing. When concrete ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO AND ASSOCIATES 03300-10 Revision No. 000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 surfaces are stripped, the concrete, when viewed in good lighting from 10-ft away, shall be pleasing in appearance, and at 20-ft shall show no visible defects. 3.04 PLACING AND COMPACTING A. Placing 1. Verify that all formwork completely encloses concrete to be placed and is securely braced prior to concrete placement. Remove ice, excess water, dirt, and other foreign materials from forms. Confirm that reinforcement and other embedded items are securely in place. Have a competent workman at the location of the placement who can assure that reinforcing steel and embedded items remain in designated locations while concrete is being placed. Sprinkle semi-porous subgrades or forms to eliminate suction of water from the mix. Seal extremely porous subgrades in an approved manner. 2. Deposit concrete as near its final position as possible to avoid segregation due to rehandling or flowing. Place concrete continuously at a rate which ensures the concrete is being integrated with fresh plastic concrete. Do not deposit concrete that has partially hardened or has been contaminated by foreign materials or on concrete that has hardened sufficiently to cause formation of seams or planes of weakness within the section. If the section cannot be placed continuously, place construction joints as specified or as approved. 3. Pumping of concrete will be permitted. Use a mix design and aggregate sizes suitable for pumping and submit for approval. 4. Remove temporary spreaders from forms when the spreader is no longer useful. Temporary spreaders may remain embedded in concrete only when made of galvanized metal or concrete and if prior approval has been obtained. 5. Do not place concrete for supported elements until concrete previously placed in the supporting element (columns, slabs, and/or walls) has reached adequate strength. 6. Where surface mortar is to form the base of a finish, especially surfaces designated to be painted, work coarse aggregate back from forms with a suitable tool to bring the full surface of the mortar against the form. Prevent the formation of excessive surface voids. 7. Slabs a. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 After suitable bulkheads, screeds, and jointing materials have been positioned, the concrete shall be placed continuously between construction joints beginning at a bulkhead, edge form, or corner. Each batch shall be placed into the edge of the previously placed concrete to avoid stone pockets and segregation. J.F. SATO AND ASSOCIATES 03300-11 Revision No. 000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 8. b. Avoid delays in casting. If there is a delay in casting, the concrete placed after the delay shall be thoroughly spaded and consolidated at the edge of that previously placed to avoid cold joints. Concrete shall then be brought to correct level and struck off with a straightedge. Bullfloats or darbies shall be used to smooth the surface, leaving it free of humps or hollows. c. Where slabs are to be placed integrally with the walls below them, place the walls and compact as specified. Allow 1 hour to pass between placement of the wall and the overlying slab to permit consolidation of the wall concrete. Keep the top surface of the wall moist so as to prevent cold joints. Formed Concrete a. B. DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Place concrete in forms using tremie tubes and taking care to prevent segregation. Bottom of tremie tubes shall preferably be in contact with the concrete already placed. Do not permit concrete to drop freely more than 4-ft. Place concrete for walls in 12- to 24-in lifts, keeping the surface horizontal. If plasticized concrete is used, the maximum lift thickness may be increased to 7-ft and the maximum free fall of concrete shall not exceed 15-ft. Compacting 1. Consolidate concrete by vibration, puddling, spading, rodding, or forking so that concrete is thoroughly worked around reinforcement, embedded items, and openings and into corners of forms. Puddling, spading, etc., shall be continuously performed along with vibration of the placement to eliminate air or stone pockets, which may cause honeycombing, pitting, or planes of weakness. 2. All concrete shall be placed and compacted with mechanical vibrators. The number, type, and size of the units shall be approved by the Engineer in advance of placing operations. No concrete shall be ordered until sufficient approved vibrators (including standby units in working order) are on the job. One standby unit shall be provided for each three vibrators in use, one minimum. 3. A minimum frequency of 7000 rpm is required for mechanical vibrators. Insert vibrators and withdraw at points from 18 to 30-in apart. At each insertion, vibrate sufficiently to consolidate concrete, generally from 5 to 15 seconds. Do not over vibrate so as to segregate. 4. Concrete Slabs: Concrete for slabs less than 8-in thick shall be consolidated with powered vibrating screeds; slabs 8- to 12-in thick shall be compacted with internal vibrators and (optionally) with vibrating screeds. Vibrators shall always be placed into concrete vertically and shall not be laid horizontally or laid over. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO AND ASSOCIATES 03300-12 Revision No. 000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 5. Walls and Columns: Internal vibrators (rather than form vibrators) shall be used unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. In general, for each vibrator needed to melt down the batch at the point of discharge, one or more additional vibrators must be used to densify, homogenize, and perfect the surface. The vibrators shall be inserted vertically at regular intervals, through the fresh concrete and slightly into the previous lift, if any. 6. Amount of Vibration: Vibrators are to be used to consolidate properly placed concrete but shall not be used to move or transport concrete in the forms. Vibration shall continue until: a. Frequency returns to normal b. Surface appears liquefied, flattened, and glistening c. Trapped air ceases to rise d. Coarse aggregate has blended into surface, but has not disappeared 3.05 CURING AND PROTECTION A. Protect all concrete work against injury from the elements and defacements of any nature during construction operations. B. Curing Methods 1. Curing Methods for Concrete Surfaces: Cure concrete to retain moisture and maintain specified temperature at the surface for a minimum of 7 days after placement. Curing methods to be used are as follows: a. Water Curing: Keep entire concrete surface wet by ponding, continuous sprinkling or covered with saturated burlap. Begin wet cure as soon as concrete attains an initial set and maintain wet cure 24 hours a day. b. Sheet Material Curing: Cover entire surface with sheet material. Securely anchor sheeting to prevent wind and air from lifting the sheeting or entrapping air under the sheet. Place and secure sheet as soon as initial concrete set occurs. c. Liquid Membrane Curing: Apply over the entire concrete surface except for surfaces to receive additional concrete. Curing compound shall NOT be placed on any concrete surface where additional concrete is to be placed, where concrete sealers or surface coatings are to be used, or where the concrete finish requires an integral floor product. Curing compound shall be applied as soon as the free water on the surface has disappeared and no water sheen is visible but not after the concrete is dry or when the curing compound can be absorbed into the concrete. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO AND ASSOCIATES 03300-13 Revision No. 000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Application shall recommendations. 2. be in compliance with the manufacturer's Specified applications of curing methods a. Slabs for Water Containment Structures: Water curing only. b. Slabs on Grade and Footings (not used to contain water): Water curing, sheet material curing or liquid membrane curing. c. Structural Slabs (other than water containment): Water curing or liquid membrane curing. d. Horizontal Surfaces which will Receive Additional Concrete, Coatings, Grout or Other Material that Requires Bond to the substrate: Water curing. e. Formed Surfaces: None if nonabsorbent forms are left in place 7 days. Water cure if absorbent forms are used. Sheet cured or liquid membrane cured if forms are removed prior to 7 days. Exposed horizontal surfaces of formed walls or columns shall be water cured for 7 days or until next placement of concrete is made. f. Concrete Joints: Water cured or sheet material cured. C. Finished surfaces and slabs shall be protected from the direct rays of the sun to prevent checking and crazing. D. Cold Weather Concreting: 1. "Cold weather" is defined as a period when for more than 3 successive days, the average daily outdoor temperature drops below 40 degrees F. The average daily temperature shall be calculated as the average of the highest and the lowest temperature during the period from midnight to midnight. 2. Cold weather concreting shall conform to ACI 306.1 and the additional requirements specified herein. Temperatures at the concrete placement shall be recorded at 12-hour intervals (minimum). 3. Submit a cold weather work plan with the Engineer. The discussion shall encompass the methods and procedures proposed for use during cold weather including the production, transportation, placement, protection, curing, and temperature monitoring of the concrete. The procedures to be implemented upon abrupt changes in weather conditions or equipment failures shall also be discussed. Cold weather concreting shall not begin until the work plan is acceptable to the Engineer. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO AND ASSOCIATES 03300-14 Revision No. 000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 4. E. DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 During periods of cold weather, concrete shall be protected to provide continuous warm, moist curing (with supplementary heat when required) for a total of at least 350 degree-days of curing. a. Degree-days are defined as the total number of 24 hour periods multiplied by the weighted average daily air temperature at the surface of the concrete (e.g., 5 days at an average 70 degrees F = 350 degree-days). b. To calculate the weighted average daily air temperature, sum hourly measurements of the air temperature in the shade at the surface of the concrete taking any measurement less than 50 degrees F as 0 degrees F. Divide the sum thus calculated by 24 to obtain the weighted average temperature for that day. 5. Salt, manure, or other chemicals shall not be used for protection. 6. The protection period for concrete being water cured shall not be terminated during cold weather until at least 24 hours after water curing has been terminated. Hot Weather Concreting 1. "Hot weather" is defined as any combination of high air temperatures, low relative humidity, and wind velocity that produces a rate of evaporation estimated in accordance with ACI 305R, approaching or exceeding 0.2 lb/sq ft/hr). 2. Concrete placed during hot weather, shall be batched, delivered, placed, cured, and protected in compliance with the recommendations of ACI 305R and the additional requirements specified herein. 3. a. Temperature of concrete being placed shall not exceed 90 degrees F and every effort shall be made to maintain a uniform concrete mix temperature below this level. The temperature of the concrete shall be such that it will cause no difficulties from loss of slump, flash set, or cold joints. b. All necessary precautions shall be taken to promptly deliver, to promptly place the concrete upon its arrival at the job, and to provide vibration immediately after placement. c. The Engineer may direct the Contractor to immediately cover plastic concrete with sheet material. Submit to the Engineer a work plan describing the methods and procedures proposed to use for concrete placement and curing during hot weather periods. Hot weather concreting shall not begin until the work plan is acceptable to the Engineer. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO AND ASSOCIATES 03300-15 Revision No. 000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 3.06 REMOVAL OF FORMS A. Except as otherwise specifically authorized by the Engineer, forms shall not be removed before the concrete has attained a strength of at least 30 percent of its specified design strength, nor before reaching the following number of day-degrees of curing (whichever is the longer): TABLE 3 MINIMUM TIME TO FORM REMOVAL Forms for Degree-Days Beams and slabs 500 Walls and vertical surfaces 100 (See definition of degree-days in paragraph 3.05D above). B. Shores shall not be removed until the concrete has attained at least 70 percent of its specified design strength and also sufficient strength to support safely its own weight and construction live loads. 3.07 INSPECTION AND FIELD TESTING A. The batching, mixing, transporting, placing, and curing of concrete shall be subject to the inspection of the Engineer at all times. The Contractor shall advise the Engineer of his/her readiness to proceed at least 24 hours prior to each concrete placement. The Engineer will inspect the preparations for concreting including the preparation of previously placed concrete, the reinforcing steel, and the alignment, cleanliness, and tightness of formwork. No placement shall be made without the inspection and acceptance of the Engineer. B. Sets of field control cylinder specimens will be taken by the Contractor (or inspector) during the progress of the work, in compliance with ASTM C31. The number of sets of concrete test cylinders taken of each class of concrete placed each day shall not be less than one set per day nor less than one set for each 50 cu yd of concrete nor less than one set for each 5,000 sq ft of surface area for slabs or walls. C. 1. A "set" of test cylinders consists of four cylinders: one to be tested at 7 days and two to be tested and their strengths averaged at 28 days. The fourth may be used for a special test at 3 days or to verify strength after 28 days if 28-day test results are low. 2. When the average 28 day compressive strength of the cylinders in any set falls below the specified design strength or below proportional minimum 7-day strengths (where proper relation between 7- and 28-day strengths have been established by tests), proportions, water content, or temperature conditions shall be changed to achieve the required strengths. Cooperate in the making of tests by allowing free access to the work for the selection of samples, providing an insulated closed curing box for specimens, affording protection to ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO AND ASSOCIATES 03300-16 Revision No. 000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 the specimens against injury or loss through the operations and furnish material, and labor required for the purpose of taking concrete cylinder samples. Curing boxes shall be acceptable to the Engineer. D. Slump tests will be made in the field immediately prior to placing the concrete. Such tests shall be made in accordance with ASTM C143. If the slump is greater the specified range, the concrete shall be rejected. Verify slump before placement. E. Air Content: Test for air content shall be made on fresh concrete samples. Air content for concrete made of ordinary aggregates having low absorption shall be made in compliance with either the pressure method complying with ASTM C231 or by the volumetric method complying with ASTM C173. If lightweight aggregates or aggregates with high absorptions are used, the latter test method shall be used. Verify air content before placement. F. The Engineer may have cores taken from any questionable area in the concrete work such as construction joints and other locations as required for determination of concrete quality. The results of tests on such cores shall be the basis for acceptance, rejection, or determining the continuation of concrete work. G. Cooperate in obtaining cores by allowing free access to the work and permitting the use of ladders, scaffolding, and such incidental equipment as may be required. Repair all core holes. The work of cutting and testing the cores will be at the expense of the Owner. 3.08 FAILURE TO MEET REQUIREMENTS A. Should the strengths shown by the test specimens made and tested in compliance with the previous provisions fall below the values given in Table 1, the Engineer shall have the right to require changes in proportions outlined to apply to the remainder of the work. Furthermore, the Engineer shall have the right to require additional curing on those portions of the structure represented by the test specimens which failed. The cost of such additional curing shall be at the Contractor's expense. In the event that such additional curing does not give the strength required, as evidenced by core and/or load tests, the Engineer shall have the right to require strengthening or replacement of those portions of the structure which fail to develop the required strength. The cost of all such core borings and/or load tests and any strengthening or concrete replacement required because strengths of test specimens are below that specified, shall be entirely at the expense of the Contractor. In such cases of failure to meet strength requirements the Contractor and Engineer shall confer to determine what adjustment, if any, can be made in compliance with Sections titled "Strength" and "Failure to Meet Strength Requirements" of ASTM C94. The "purchaser" referred to in ASTM C94 is the Contractor in this Section. B. When the tests on control specimens of concrete fall below the specified strength, the Engineer will permit check tests for strengths to be made by means of typical cores drilled from the structure in compliance with ASTM C42 and C39. In the case of cores not indicating adequate strength, the Engineer, in addition to other recourses, may require, at the Contractor's expense, load tests on any one of the slabs, beams, piles, caps, ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO AND ASSOCIATES 03300-17 Revision No. 000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 and columns in which such concrete was used. Tests need not be made until concrete has aged 60 days. C. Should the strength of test cylinders fall below 60 percent of the required minimum 28-day strength, the concrete shall be rejected and shall be removed and replaced. 3.09 PATCHING AND REPAIRS A. It is the intent of this Section to require quality work including adequate forming, proper mixture and placement of concrete and curing so completed concrete surfaces will require no patching. B. Defective concrete and honeycombed areas as determined by the Engineer shall be repaired as follows: 1. Remove fractured, loose, deteriorated, and unsound concrete by saw cutting, bush hammering, chipping, or other appropriate means. Restore area to original limits or as shown using mortar in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. C. As soon as the forms have been stripped and the concrete surfaces exposed, fins and other projections shall be removed; recesses left by the removal of form ties shall be filled; and surface defects which do not impair structural strength shall be repaired. Clean all exposed concrete surfaces and adjoining work stained by leakage of concrete, to approval of the Engineer. D. Immediately after removal of forms remove plugs and break off metal ties as required by Section 03100. Promptly fill holes upon stripping as follows: Moisten the hole with water, followed by a 1/16-in brush coat of neat cement slurry mixed to the consistency of a heavy paste. Immediately plug the hole with a 1 to 1.5 mixture of cement and concrete sand mixed slightly damp to the touch (just short of "balling"). Hammer the grout into the hole until dense and an excess of paste appears on the surface in the form of a spiderweb. Trowel smooth with heavy pressure. Avoid burnishing. E. When patching exposed surfaces the same source of cement and sand as used in the parent concrete shall be employed. Adjust color if necessary by addition of proper amounts of white cement. Rub lightly with a fine Carborundum stone at an age of 1 to 5 days if necessary to bring the surface down with the parent concrete. Exercise care to avoid damaging or staining the virgin skin of the surrounding parent concrete. Wash thoroughly to remove all rubbed matter. F. Where in-place reinforcing steel is to be incorporated in a repair, the reinforcing steel shall be cleaned by mechanical means to remove all loose material and products of corrosion before proceeding with the repair. If more than half of the diameter of the reinforcing steel is exposed, chip out behind the steel. The distance chipped behind the steel shall be a minimum of 1/2-in. Reinforcing to be left in place shall not be damaged during the repair operation. It shall be cut, bent, or lapped to new reinforcing steel as directed and provided with 1-in minimum cover all around. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO AND ASSOCIATES 03300-18 Revision No. 000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 3.10 SCHEDULE A. The following (Table 4) are the general applications for the various concrete classes and design strengths: TABLE 4 CONCRETE SCHEDULE Design Strength (psi) 2,500 3,000 4,000 Class A B D Description Concrete fill and duct encasement Concrete overlay slabs and pavements Walls, slabs on grade, suspended slab and beam systems, columns, grade beams and all other structural concrete PART 4 - MEASUREMENT 4.01 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT A. No separate measurement shall be made for work under this Section. See Section 01025. PART 5 - PAYMENT 5.01 METHOD OF PAYMENT A. No separate payment will be made for work under this Section. The cost of the work described in this Section shall be included in the applicable unit price item, work order, or lump sum bid item. END OF SECTION ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO AND ASSOCIATES 03300-19 Revision No. 000 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 4 – MASONRY AND STONE ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS SECTION 04200 – UNIT MASONRY CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 04200 - UNIT MASONRY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary for the completion of masonry work as shown on the Drawings and herein specified. B. Build into masonry all bolts, anchors, reinforcing, frames and accessories required for completion of the Work. C. Related requirements 1. Section 02070: Selective Structure Demolition. 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Chapter 21 of the 2006 International Building Code. B. Fire Performance Characteristics: Comply with the requirements for materials and installation established by governing authorities for the construction and fire-resistance rating indicated or required by Code. Provide materials and construction identical to those assemblies whose fire endurance has been determined by testing in compliance with ASTM E119 or as acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. Fire-resistance rating shall be 2-hour minimum. C. Mortar Mix Design: Test the proposed design mortar mixes for each type of mortar to be used. Test mortar mix designs for water retentivity and 28 day compressive strength in accordance with ASTM C 270. D. Efflorescence: Protect masonry construction to prevent efflorescence. Take all necessary measures to eliminate moisture from entering incomplete walls at all times during construction. Remove all efflorescence prior to applying water repellents. E. Comply with the requirements and criteria of the National Concrete Masonry Association, ASTM C-90, ASTM C216 and ACI 530.1 for masonry finish and appearance, dimension tolerances, tolerances of construction, joint tolerances and wall plumb tolerances. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Prior to fabrication of masonry units, submit (3) samples of each type of masonry unit to Owner for review. Review is for color and texture only. B. Submit product literature for masonry, reinforcing, ties and all other accessories. C. Submit certificates stating compliance with specifications for masonry unit grades, types and classes. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES Revision No. 000 04200 - 1 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 4 – MASONRY AND STONE ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS SECTION 04200 – UNIT MASONRY CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ D. Submit the proposed design mortar mixes for each type of mortar to be used. Provide test results from an independent testing laboratory certifying conformance to water retentivity and 28-day strength requirements. E. Submit mix designs for grout for masonry reinforcement. Provide test results from an independent testing laboratory certifying conformance to specified grout strength. F. Sample area: Prior to constructing walls, construct a sample area demonstrating typical wall construction for review by the Owner. The panel shall be a minimum of 1'-4" high and 4'-0" wide with all types of masonry to be provided to illustrate the mortar color, extremes of masonry color and texture ranges, and mortar jointing work. The sample area is to be part of the permanent construction. Approved panel area shall indicate quality of, and shall be the basis for acceptance of permanent masonry construction. 1. Demonstrate construction within required tolerances for wall plumb, joint construction and bond pattern. Demonstrate installation of reinforcing, all other accessories and joint finishing. 2. Do not commence permanent masonry work until acceptance of the sample area. 1.4 PROJECT/SITE CONDITIONS A. Cold weather preparation: Before beginning work, remove ice or snow formed on top of foundation wall or base construction upon masonry will set. Carefully apply heat until top surface is dry to the touch. B. Cold weather construction requirements: Implement cold weather construction procedures when any of the following conditions exist: 1. The ambient temperature falls below 40 F. 2. The temperature of masonry units is below 40 F. 3. Do not lay masonry units having a temperature below 20 F. Remove visible ice on masonry units before unit is laid. 4. Heat mortar sand or mixing water to produce mortar temperatures between 55 F. and 120 F. at the time of mixing. Maintain mortar above 40 F until used in masonry. 5. When ambient temperature is between 25 F and 20 F, use heat sources on both sides of the masonry under construction and install wind breaks when wind velocity is in excess of 15 mph. 6. When ambient temperature is below 20 F, provide an enclosure for the masonry under construction and use heat sources to maintain temperatures above 32 F within the enclosure. 7. When mean daily temperature is between 40 F and 25 F protect completed masonry from rain or snow by covering with a weather resistive membrane for 24-hrs. after construction. 8. When mean daily temperature is between 25 F and 20 F, completely cover completed masonry with insulating blankets or equal protection for 24-hrs. after construction. 9. When mean daily temperature is below 20 F, maintain masonry temperature above 32 F for 24-hrs. after construction by enclosure with supplementary heat. 10. Remove and replace work which has been frozen or damaged by freezing conditions. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES Revision No. 000 04200 - 2 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 4 – MASONRY AND STONE ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS SECTION 04200 – UNIT MASONRY CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. Failure to follow cold weather procedures shall be prima facie evidence that masonry has frozen. Such masonry shall be removed and replaced. C. Cold weather grouting requirements: Temperature of masonry to be grouted must be greater than 35 F when grout is placed. Place grout in masonry at a minimum temperature of 70 F and a maximum temperature of 120 F. Maintain grouted masonry above 35 for 24 hrs. following placement of grout. D. Hot weather construction requirements for all masonry construction: Implement hot weather construction procedures when the ambient air temperature exceeds 95 F, or 90 F with a wind velocity greater than 8 mph. Comply with requirements of Construction Recommendations of TEK 3-1A (1995) of the National Concrete Masonry Association TEK Manual and BIA Tech Notes. 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Store all masonry units and materials off the ground in a manner to prevent damage, deterioration, contamination, or wetting by rain, snow or ground water. Reject cement which has become caked, partially set or otherwise deteriorated, or any material which has become damaged or contaminated. Cover all masonry materials at all times to protect from elements. Provide preblended mortar mix manufacturer's OSHA approved dispensing equipment for storage and controlled dispensing of the dry pre-blended mortar mixture. 1.6 PROTECTION OF WORK A. Protect facing material and all adjoining work against staining. Keep tops of walls covered with non-staining waterproof covering when work is not in progress. Extend cover 24" down face of wall, hold cover securely in place. When work is resumed, clean top surface of work of all loose mortar. B. Prevent grout or mortar from staining the face of exposed masonry. Protect all sills, ledges, projections and adjacent materials from damage. C. Be responsible for the protection and bracing of the masonry during construction to prevent damage or loss due to wind. D. Do not apply loads for at least three days after building masonry columns or walls. 1.7 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS A. Reuse/Recyclability/Disposal: Deliver pre-blended mortar mix in reusable packages. Mark packages with the blended mortar mix manufacturer's name. Return empty packages, pallets, and shipping covers to pre-blended mortar mix manufacturer after use. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES Revision No. 000 04200 - 3 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 4 – MASONRY AND STONE ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS SECTION 04200 – UNIT MASONRY CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 ASSEMBLY A. Design Criteria: f’m 2,000 min. psi. 2.2 MASONRY A. Furnish or cut special shapes for corners, jambs, lintels, and other areas as required. Special units shall match color and texture of standard units. End of units exposed to view shall match and have a surface that matches color and texture of unit face. B. Concrete Masonry Units (CMU): Light weight load-bearing units conforming to ASTM C90 for hollow units and solid units, Grade N, Type I, 2,800 psi 28 day compressive strength. Comply in all respects with the block requirements of the National Concrete Masonry Association. 2.3 MORTAR A. General: Provide SPEC/MIX pre-blended lime, cement mortar, sand and color mix manufactured by Quikrete Colorado, Inc. 6200 Bryant Street, Denver Colorado, 80221 or approved equal. 1. Under controlled conditions in a factory weigh the dry mortar mix materials including cementitious material, aggregate, color, and admixtures if approved. Completely dry and pre-blend all ingredients of the mortar material off the jobsite. 2. Add only clean, potable water at the jobsite. 3. Admixtures: Not permitted unless approved by the Owner prior to construction. B. Mortar Color: For colored masonry: Pure Mineral oxide pigment; Selected by the Owner from a full range of SGS "A" or "H" Series colors. C. Design Criteria: Comply with ASTM C270; Type S, 2,500 min. psi D. Delivery, Storage, and Handling: Deliver to the jobsite in bulk sacks weighing 2600 or 3000 pounds. Store mortar mix in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions to prevent contamination by extraneous chemicals. E. Mixing: Thoroughly mix in quantities needed for immediate use. Mix mortar for a period of time not less than 5 minutes nor more than 10 minutes in a mechanical mixer with the amount of water required for the desired workability. F. Use: Use mortar within 2 hours of mixing at temperatures over 80 F. and 2-1/2 hours at temperatures under 50 F. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES Revision No. 000 04200 - 4 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 4 – MASONRY AND STONE ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS SECTION 04200 – UNIT MASONRY CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.4 GROUT A. Grout: Conform to ASTM C476. Provide grout with a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 3,000 psi unless otherwise indicated on the drawings. 1. Fine grout proportions: One part portland cement; not more than 1/10 part hydrated lime; 2-1/4 to 3 parts (by volume) damp loose sand. 2. Course grout proportions: One part portland cement; not more than 1/10 part hydrated lime; 2 to 3 parts (by volume) damp loose sand, and not more than 2 parts (by volume) pea gravel. 3. Proportion water to produce a consistency which will allow pouring without segregation of components. Provide grout slump of 9 inch plus or minus one inch. Provide cohesive and homogeneous grout. B. Transit-Mixed Grout: May be used. Continually rotate at idle speed from the time the water is added until the grout is discharged. 2.5 STEEL A. Reinforcement Bars: Carbon steel deformed bars, uncoated finish, ASTM A615, Grade 60. 2.6 MASONRY ACCESSORIES A. Horizontal reinforcing: Standard truss or ladder fabricated from 9 gage cold-drawn steel wire conforming to ASTM A82, with deformed continuous side rods and plain cross-rods. Use prefabricated corners and tee sections at all building corners and intersections. Provide with one longitudinal side rod for each bed joint. Provide overall width approximately 2" less than the thickness of wall; Manufactured by Dur-O-Wal, Inc. or an approved equal. 1. Single wythe walls: Dur-O-Wal 320 Ladur. 2. Coating: Hot-dipped galvanized per ASCE/ACI 530.1 coating requirements, ASTM A 153, Class B2, 1.5 ounces of zinc per square foot. B. Reinforcing Bar Positioners: D/A 812, 811, or 816 as required, 9 gage wire with mill galvanized finish, sizes to fit masonry unit as manufactured by Dur-O-Wal, Inc. or an approved equal. 2.7 CLEANING MATERIALS A. ProSoCo "Sure-Klean 600", "101", or "Vana Trol" as suited to surfaces and conditions and other types as recommended and necessary to clean particular stains or surfaces. Use "Heavy Duty Concrete Cleaner" for natural colored CMU. Use of muriatic acid is prohibited. 2.8 MORTAR AND GROUT MATERIALS A. Portland Cement: Type I. Provide low alkali, portland cement conforming to ASTM C150. Masonry cements or plastic cements are not permitted. Provide white portland cement meeting same requirements where called for. Do not use fly ash. Maximum percentage of alkali shall be as specified in Table 1A of ASTM C150 for low alkali cement. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES Revision No. 000 04200 - 5 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 4 – MASONRY AND STONE ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS SECTION 04200 – UNIT MASONRY CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ B. Hydrated Lime: For masonry purposes - Type S conforming to ASTM C 207. C. Mortar Aggregate: Sand - ASTM C 144; clean, dry, protected against dampness, freezing, and foreign matter. D. Grout Aggregates - ASTM C 404 size 1 for fine aggregate, 3/8" maximum for coarse aggregate. E. Water: Clear potable water. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSPECTION A. Examine substrates to which construction attaches or abuts, with mason present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of construction of the work of this section. B. Report conditions contrary to contract requirements that would prevent a proper installation. Do not proceed with the installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. C. Failure to call attention to defects or imperfections will be construed as acceptance and approval of substrate conditions. Installation indicates acceptance of substrates with regard to conditions existing at the time of installation and full responsibility for completed work. 3.2 GENERAL A. Construction practices: Cover the wall cavity and masonry unit cores when work is not in progress to keep water from entering the wall cavity or cores. Provide sufficient ballast to keep cover in place. 1. Scaffold planks next to the wall should be pulled back to avoid splash on the wall. Tip planks daily to remove excess mortar and dirt. 2. Remove mortar droppings before they harden. Light brushing when mortar has taken its initial set will help with cleaning. After mortar set wall must be brushed daily. 3. Remove grout spills immediately by washing and brushing. 4. When floors or adjacent concrete slabs are placed prior to masonry work, place sand on floor next to wall and against the wall to keep mortar from sticking to the wall and concrete. 5. Mix masonry palettes to prevent any horizontal or vertical banding and to blend varying colors throughout all of the exposed masonry construction. Horizontal and vertical banding or distinct lines of color changes from one area to another are cause for rejection of masonry construction. 6. When Split Face CMU is specified, discard any block face varying 1” or more from the plumb of the average line of face of block. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES Revision No. 000 04200 - 6 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 4 – MASONRY AND STONE ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS SECTION 04200 – UNIT MASONRY CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.3 ERECTION A. Built-in Members: Ascertain from various trades and coordinate where all chases or opening for vents, pipes, wires, ducts, etc., are to go and construct all such chases as shown or required. 1. Build in all anchors, bolts, flashing, wall plugs, nailing strips, beams, etc., as may be required. Place these materials according to directions of those who furnish them. 2. Coordinate with electrical trades so outlets are centered on or aligned with masonry joints in exposed work. 3. Fully grout steel door frames set into masonry as wall is being built. B. Bond: Lay all masonry in running bond unless otherwise shown on the Drawings. 1. Lay all masonry so that only finished faces are exposed to view. C. Joining of Work: Where fresh masonry joins masonry that is partially set, clean and lightly wet the exposed surface of the set masonry so as to obtain the best possible bond with the new work. Remove all loose masonry and mortar. 1. When it becomes necessary to "stop off" a horizontal run of masonry, rake back in each course and, if grout is used, stop the grout 4 in. back of the rake. Toothing is not permitted for joining new work. 2. The foundation surface which is to receive masonry shall be clean and damp, and all laitance shall be removed. 3. In grouted construction when grouting is stopped for 1 hour or longer, stop the grout pour 1-1/2" below the top of the last course. 4. Where joining new work to existing or repairing or finishing walls where selective demolition has exposed unfinished masonry or left a void in the masonry, remove existing surrounding masonry and tooth in new masonry to extent required so that all adjacent parallel and perpendicular masonry surfaces have continuous and unbroken, finished masonry appearance. D. Joints: All joints in masonry shall be slightly concave, almost flush, tooled with an approved jointer, 3/8" nominal thickness, unless indicated otherwise. 1. Steel jointers may be used except that stainless steel jointers must be used where white or a light colored mortar is used. 2. The use of a minimum 16" long sled runner is required at horizontal joints. 3. Fill joints in masonry work and joints between masonry work and other material required in connection therewith, with mortar as each course is laid. All bed and head joints shall be solidly filled with mortar. The thickness of mortar joints shall be uniform and true to dimensions, consistent with masonry unit dimensional tolerances. 4. Joints that will remain concealed may be struck flush. E. Laying: Lay all masonry units plumb and true to lines with completely filled head and bed joints. Furrowing of bed joints is not permitted. Closures shall be rocked into place with the head joint mortar thrown against the two adjacent units in place. All masonry shall be shoved at least 1/2" into place. 1. Prevent grout or mortar from staining the face of masonry to be left exposed. If grout or mortar does contact the face of such masonry, remove immediately. Protect adjacent construction from damage during construction. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES Revision No. 000 04200 - 7 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 4 – MASONRY AND STONE ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS SECTION 04200 – UNIT MASONRY CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Keep cavity or air space and face of masonry free of mortar droppings. F. Tolerances for Construction: Variation from the plumb in the lines and surfaces of columns, walls and arises shall not exceed 1/4" in 10', 3/8" in a story height of 20' maximum. Variation from plumb for external corners, expansion joints and other conspicuous lines, shall not exceed 1/4" in any story or 20' maximum. 1. Variation from the level of the grades indicated on the Drawings for exposed lintels, sills, parapets, horizontal grooves and other conspicuous lines shall not exceed 1/4" in any bay or 20', or 1/2" in 40' or more. 2. Variation of the linear building line from its established position in plan and related portion of columns, walls and partition shall not exceed 1/2" in any bay or 20' maximum, nor 3/4" in 40' or more. 3. Variation in cross-sectional dimensions of columns and thickness of walls shall not exceed minus 1/4", nor plus 1/2" from the dimensions indicated on the Drawing. 4. Joints shall be straight, clean, with a uniform thickness of 3/8". G. Reinforcement: Refer to Drawings for principal horizontal and vertical reinforcing. All reinforcement shall be continuous. Use continuous horizontal joint reinforcement in multi-wythe construction for bond tie between wythes unless noted otherwise on the drawings. 1. Reinforcement Bars: Accurately position and secure against displacement from the location shown on the Drawings. In splicing vertical reinforcement, or attaching to dowels, the bars shall be placed in contact and wired. Provide a minimum splice length per IBC 2107.5 and as shown on the drawings. Horizontal reinforcement may be placed as the work progresses. Use bar positioners for vertical reinforcing bars. Locate positioners at top of first masonry course, 1 course below the top of the wall and a minimum of 192 bar diameters in between. 2. Horizontal Reinforcement: Installed in the first and second bed joints immediately above lintels and below sills at openings, and in bed joints at 16" vertical intervals elsewhere. Extend joint reinforcement a minimum of 24" past edge of opening except where control joints occur adjacent to openings. All other reinforcement shall be continuous except that it shall not pass through vertical masonry control joints, except where so noted on Drawings. Side rods shall be lapped at least 6" at splices. Reinforcement shall be so placed as to assure a 5/8" mortar cover measured from outside face of mortar joint at faces exposed to exterior and not less than 1/2" elsewhere. Use prefabricated corners at wall intersections and pilasters. H. Grouting 1. General: a. Grout spaces less than 2" in width use fine grout. Grout spaces greater than 2" in width use coarse grout. b. Grout lifts shall not exceed 6 times the width of the grout space, with a maximum of 48 inches high. Use low-lift grouting techniques. 2. Placement: Place as indicated on drawings. Where not otherwise indicated, provide 1-#5 vertical each side of each opening with a 2 ft. minimum extension past sill and head, and 1-#5 vertical full height at all unsupported edges and each side of each control and/or expansion joint. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES Revision No. 000 04200 - 8 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 4 – MASONRY AND STONE ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS SECTION 04200 – UNIT MASONRY CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Construct with vertical alignment of cells and other spaces to be grouted to provide continuous unobstructed openings. Mortar in bed joints shall be struck flush to faces of masonry unit adjacent to grout spaces. Keep mortar droppings out of grout space. Use a mechanical vibrator when grouting to insure proper consolidation of the grout in cells. Reconsolidate grout after water absorption into masonry units. When the grouting is stopped for one hour or longer, stop pouring of grout 1-1/2" below the top of the uppermost unit. Use grout screen below all through wall brick or open bond beams to control flow of grout into insulated cells below. I. Curing: At least 3 days shall elapse before applying a concentrated load to walls such as beams, metal joists, trusses or girders. 1. Wall construction may proceed continuously above door, window and other wall opening lintels. 3.4 CLEANING A. Preparation: Point all holes in exposed masonry, and cut out and repoint defective joints. Remove efflorescence using the appropriate specified cleaner, but in a very diluted mixture. Consult cleaner manufacturer for appropriate dilution rates. B. Protection: Provide coverings and masking to protect plant materials and other non-masonry surfaces from damage due to cleaning operations. Protect landscape and lawn areas by keeping them as wet through the use of a soaker hose which provide a slow but steady mist of water to areas adjacent to masonry being cleaned. C. Environmental conditions: Ambient and substrate temperature must be above 40 F to proceed with cleaning operations without special requirements. If either the ambient or substrate temperatures are below 40, water must be heated to a minimum of 120 and a maximum of 200 to achieve acceptable cleaning environmental conditions. 1. Cleaning operations must be conducted at a time such that the masonry surfaces will have adequate time to thoroughly dry without fear of freezing. D. Test: Test cleaning methods on sample wall panel or portion of building wall as directed by the Owner. Test area must be located in an unobtrusive location on representative staining conditions. 1. The fundamental consideration for cleaning procedures is to do minimal or no damage to the masonry substrates while achieving a wall clean of mortar, grout or dirt. 2. Test samples of adjacent non-masonry materials that cannot be protected for possible reaction with the cleaning materials. 3. Test procedures will include evaluation of materials and techniques proposed for cleaning procedures and protection of surrounding and adjacent non-masonry surfaces from cleaning solutions and rinse waters. 4. Obtain Owner’s approval of sample cleaning before proceeding with cleaning of masonry. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES Revision No. 000 04200 - 9 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 4 – MASONRY AND STONE ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS SECTION 04200 – UNIT MASONRY CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ E. Clean all exposed unglazed masonry on which no green efflorescence appears. Clean exposed masonry surfaces after mortar and grout is fully cured and as recommended by BIA "Technical Notes 20 Revised". Use cleaning materials specified and in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. F. Pre-wetting and rinsing: Thoroughly pre-wet all surfaces with clear water prior to application of cleaners. The purpose of pre-wetting (do not saturate) is to limit the activity of the cleaning solution to the masonry surface and prevent the cleaning solution from being too readily absorbed by dry masonry units. 1. Use high pressure equipment for pre-wetting and rinsing procedures using 400 to 800 PSI and a flow rate of four to six gallons per minute. Flow down the wall using a flared nozzle. High pressure application of cleaning materials is not permitted. G. Cleaning process: Scrape off excess mortar deposits with wooden scrapers or other nonmetallic scraping devices. 1. Thoroughly pre-wet (DO NOT SATURATE) a large area of the masonry surface to be cleaned. 2. Using a densely packed soft-fiber masonry washing brush or low pressure spray (50 PSI maximum), apply the prepared (diluted) cleaning solution freely. 3. Allow the cleaning solution to stay on the wall for one to three minutes depending upon drying conditions. (Do not allow the cleaning solution to dry in.) 4. Scrape off excess mortar deposits and reapply the cleaning solution. 5. Rinse treated surfaces thoroughly with fresh water, flowing downward. Remove all cleaning compounds, dirt, etc. 6. Reapply as necessary. 3.5 CLEAN UP A. Remove all debris and excess material resulting from the work and legally dispose of it. B. As masonry work progresses, keep clean with burlap or brush and at completion thoroughly clean all masonry work. C. Protect all adjacent surfaces susceptible to damage due to masonry installation. Thoroughly clean these surfaces upon completion of masonry work to render to new condition. PART 4 4.01 MEASUREMENT METHOD OF MEASUREMENT A. B. No separate measurement shall be made for work under this Section, except for Unit Price items. Measurement for Unit Price items shall be according to Section 01025 Measurement for Payment. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES Revision No. 000 04200 - 10 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 4 – MASONRY AND STONE ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS SECTION 04200 – UNIT MASONRY CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PART 5 5.01 PAYMENT METHOD OF PAYMENT C. D. No separate payment will be made for work under this Section. The cost of the Work described in this Section shall be included in the applicable bid items or lump sum contract price. Payment for Unit Price items shall be according to the applicable Unit Price bid item. END OF SECTION 04200 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES Revision No. 000 04200 - 11 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 06 – WOOD AND PLASTICS SECTION 06100 – ROUGH CARPENTRY DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 SECTION 06100 ROUGH CARPENTRY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Types of work in this section include rough carpentry for: 1. 1.02 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.03 1.04 A. Section 03300: Cast-In-Place Concrete B. Section 05120: Structural Steel REFERENCE STANDARDS Comply with the requirements of the reference standards noted herein, except where more stringent requirements are listed herein or otherwise required by the Contract Documents. A listing of applicable reference standards is contained in Section 01091. DEFINITIONS A. 1.06 Drawings, general and special conditions, general requirements and other applicable technical specifications apply to work of this Section. RELATED SECTIONS A. 1.05 Wood grounds, nailers and blocking. Rough carpentry includes carpentry work not specified as part of other sections and which is generally not exposed, except as otherwise indicated. SUBMITTALS A. Material Certificates: Submit listing of species and grade selected for each use. B. Manufacturer to provide a certificate that he has not less than 5 years experience in the manufacturing of the types of products specified and that all materials are per contract requirements. C. Installer to provide a certificate that he has not less than 3 years experience in the installation of types of products specified. D. Warranty: Installer to provide a 2 year warranty for materials and workmanship. E. Wood Treatment Data: Submit chemical treatment manufacturer's instructions for handling, storing, installation and finishing of treated material. 1. Preservative Treatment: For each type specified, include certification by treating plant stating type of preservative solution and pressure process used, net amount of preservative retained and conformance with applicable standards. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 06100 - 1 Revision No. 000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 06 – WOOD AND PLASTICS SECTION 06100 – ROUGH CARPENTRY 1.07 2. For water-borne treatment include statement that moisture content of treated materials was reduced to levels indicated prior to shipment to project site. 3. Fire-Retardant Treatment: Include certification by treating plant that treated material complies with specified standard and other requirements. PRODUCT HANDLING A. Delivery and Storage: Keep materials under cover and dry. Protect against exposure to weather and contact with damp or wet surfaces. Stack lumber, provide for air circulation within and around stacks and under temporary coverings including polyethylene and similar materials. 1. 1.08 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 For lumber pressure treated with waterborne chemicals, space between each course to provide air circulation. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Coordination: Fit carpentry work to other work; scribe and cope as required for accurate fit. Correlate location of furring, nailers, blocking, grounds and similar supports to allow attachment of other work. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 2.02 LUMBER, GENERAL A. Lumber Standards: Manufacture lumber to comply with PS 20 "American Softwood Lumber Standard" and with applicable grading rules of inspection agencies certified by American Lumber Standards Committee's (ALSC) Board of Review. B. Grade Stamps: Factory-mark each piece of lumber with grade stamp of inspection agency evidencing compliance with grading rule requirements and identifying grading agency, grade, species, moisture content at time of surfacing, and mill. C. Nominal sizes are indicated, except as shown by detail dimensions. Provide actual sizes as required by PS 20, for moisture content specified for each use. 1. Provide dressed lumber, S4S, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Provide seasoned lumber with 19 percent maximum moisture content at time of dressing and shipment for sizes 2" or less in nominal thickness, unless otherwise indicated. MISCELLANEOUS LUMBER A. Provide wood for support or attachment of other work including bucks, nailers, blocking, furring, grounds, stripping and similar members. Provide lumber of sizes indicated, worked into shapes shown. B. Moisture content: 19 percent maximum. C. Grade: Standard Grade light framing size lumber of any species or board size lumber as required. No. 3 Common or Standard grade boards per WCLIB or WWPA rules or No. 3 boards per SPIB rules. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 06100 - 2 Revision No. 000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 06 – WOOD AND PLASTICS SECTION 06100 – ROUGH CARPENTRY 2.03 2.04 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Fasteners and Anchorages: Provide size, type, material and finish as recommended by Federal Specifications FF-B-561C, FF-B-575C, FF-N-105B, FF-N-836D, FF-S-111D, FF-S325 and FF-W-92B for nails, staples, screws, bolts, nuts, washers and- anchoring devices. Provide metal hangers and framing anchors of the size and type recommended by the manufacturer for each use including recommended nails. B. Miscellaneous blocking: 16 gauge x 6" wide galvanized sheet metal. C. Tempered Hardboard: Medium density tempered hardboard. WOOD TREATMENT BY PRESSURE PROCESS A. B. Preservative Treatment: All lumber used in contact with roofing or flashing to be treated, comply with applicable requirements of AWPA Standards C2 (Lumber and C9 (Plywood) and of AWPB Standards listed below. Mark each treated item with the AWPB Quality Mark Requirements. 1. Pressure-treat items with water-borne preservatives to comply with AWPB LP-2. After treatment, kiln-dry lumber to a maximum moisture content of 19 percent. Treat all of the following: a. Wood cants, nailers, curbs, equipment support bases, stripping, and similar members in connection with roofing, flashing, vapor barriers and waterproofing. 2. Complete fabrication of treated items prior to treatment, where possible. If cut after treatment, coat cut surfaces with heavy brush coat of same chemical used for treatment and to comply with AWPA M4. Inspect each piece of lumber after drying and discard damaged or defective pieces. Fire-Retardant Treatment: All lumber used on the interior of the building to be pressure impregnated lumber with fire-retardant chemicals to comply with AWPA C20 and C27. Identify lumber with appropriate classification marking of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., U.S. Testing, Timber Products Inspection or other testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 1. Untreated wood: Not allowed except for temporary construction. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Discard units of material with defects which might impair quality of work, and units which are too small to use in fabricating work with minimum joints or optimum joint arrangement. B. Set carpentry work to required levels and lines, with members plumb and true to line and cut and fitted. C. Securely attach carpentry work to substrate by anchoring and fastening as shown and as required by recognized standards. D. Use common wire nails, except as otherwise indicated. Select fasteners of size that will not penetrate members where opposite side will be exposed to view or will receive finish materials. Make tight connections between members. Install fasteners without splitting of wood; predrill as required. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 06100 - 3 Revision No. 000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 06 – WOOD AND PLASTICS SECTION 06100 – ROUGH CARPENTRY 3.02 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 WOOD GROUNDS, NAILERS, IN-WALL BLOCKING AND SLEEPERS A. Provide wherever shown and where required for screeding or attachment of other work. Form to shapes as shown and cut as required for true line and level of work to be attached. Coordinate location with other work involved. Wood used as in-wall blocking: minimum 2x6 size, fire retardant treated. B. Attach to substrates as required to support applied loading. Countersink bolts and nuts flush with surfaces, unless otherwise indicated. Build into masonry during installation of masonry work. Where possible, anchor to formwork before concrete placement. C. Install in-wall blocking for support of handrails, toilet and bath accessories, wall-mounted door stops, wall cabinets and other wall-mounted accessory items. Set true to line, level or plumb, well secured in stud wall and flush with back of drywall or other wall finish. PART 4 - MEASUREMENT FOR PAYMENT 4.01 UNITS OF MEASURE A. No separate measurement shall be made under this section. PART 5 - METHOD OF PAYMENT 5.01 PAYMENT A. No separate payment shall be made under this section. The cost of work described in this section shall be included in the lump sum contract price. END OF SECTION 06100 ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 06100 - 4 Revision No. 000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 07 – THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION SECTION 07270 – FIRESTOPPING DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 SECTION 07270 FIRESTOPPING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. B. 1.02 1.04 1. Openings between exterior walls and connecting floors. 2. All pipes, ductwork or conduit penetrating a fire rated wall, floor assembly or roof assembly. 3. Head of wall firestopping at fire rated full height partitions. Fire stop mortar not allowed. RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.03 This Section includes firestop sealant and safing insulation for the following locations: Drawings, general and special conditions, general requirements and other applicable technical specifications apply to work of this Section: SUBMITTALS A. Product Data from manufacturers for each joint firestop sealer grout or safing insulation product required, including instructions for joint preparation and joint sealer application and insulation installation instructions. B. Certified Test Reports: With product data, submit copies of certified test reports showing compliance with specified performance values, including r-values (aged values for plastic insulations), densities, compression strengths, fire performance characteristics, perm ratings, water absorption ratings and similar properties. C. Certificates from manufacturers of joint firestop sealers and safing insulation attesting that their products comply with specification requirements and are suitable for the use indicated. D. Certificates: Submit certificates from manufacturer and installer. E. Product test reports for each type of joint firestop sealer evidencing compliance with requirements. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturers Certificate: Not less than 5 years experience manufacturing types of product specified. B. Installer Certificate: Engage an Installer who has successfully completed within the last 3 years at least 3 sealer applications similar in type and size to that of this Project and is approved by manufacturer for this type of installation. C. Pre-installation conference to be attended by installer, contractor and Resident Engineer and representatives from affected trades. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 07270 - 1 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 07 – THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION SECTION 07270 – FIRESTOPPING 1.05 1.06 D. Warranty: Installer to warrant that the firestopping system will provide a permanent installation. E. Install firestopping materials to comply with the following: 1. Openings between walls and connecting floors shall be per ASTM E 119 and comply with Underwriters laboratories designs J-900, U-900. 2. Openings around all pipes, ductwork, conduit or similar penetrating a rated wall, floor or roof assembly shall comply with ASTM E 814. 3. Head of wall firestopping at fire rated full height partitions shall comply with ASTM E 119 and Underwriters laboratories design U. 4. The Denver Building Code. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver materials to Project site in original unopened containers or bundles with labels informing about manufacturer, product name and designation, expiration period for use, pot life, curing time, and mixing instructions for multicomponent materials. B. Store and handle materials in compliance with manufacturers' recommendations to prevent their deterioration or damage due to moisture, high or low temperatures, contaminants, or other causes. C. General Protection: Protect insulations from physical damage and from becoming wet, soiled, or covered with ice or snow. Comply with manufacturer's recommendations for handling, storage and protection during installation. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. B. 1.07 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Environmental Conditions: Do not proceed with installation of firestop joint sealers under the following conditions: 1. When ambient and substrate temperature conditions are outside the limits permitted by manufacturers. 2. When substrates are wet due to rain, frost, condensation, or other causes. Joint Substrate Conditions: Do not proceed with installation of firestop joint sealers until contaminants capable of interfering with their adhesion are removed from joint substrates. OVERSTOCK A. Provide minimum two gallons of each type of sealant. Store as directed by Resident Engineer. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 FIRE-RESISTANT JOINT SEALERS A. General: Provide manufacturer's standard fire-stopping sealant, with accessory materials, having fire-resistance ratings indicated as established by testing identical assemblies per ASTM E 814 by Underwriters Laboratory, Inc. or other testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. B. Foamed-In-Place Fire-Stopping Sealant: Two-part, foamed-in-place, silicone sealant ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 07270 - 2 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 07 – THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION SECTION 07270 – FIRESTOPPING DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 formulated for use in a through-penetration fire-stop system for filling openings around cables, conduit, pipes and similar penetrations through walls and floors. C. One-Part Fire-Stopping Sealant: One part elastomeric sealant formulated for use in a through-penetration fire-stop system for sealing openings around cables, conduit, pipes and similar penetrations through walls and floors. D. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products which may be incorporated in the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: E. 2.02 1. Foamed-In-Place Fire-Stopping Sealant: a. "Dow Corning Fire Stop Foam"; Dow Corning Corp. b. "Pensil 851"; General Electric Co. 2. One-Part Fire-Stopping Sealant: a. "Dow Corning Fire Stop Sealant"; Dow Corning Corp. b. "3M Fire Barrier Caulk CP-25"; Electrical Products Div./3M. c. "RTV 7403"; General Electric Co. d. "Fyre Putty"; Standard Oil Engineered Materials Co. e. "Fyre Shield"; Tremco f. "Fyre-Sil"; Tremco (High Movement) g. "Metalcaulk 950"; Metalines Accessory Materials for Fire-Stopping Sealants: Provide forming, joint fillers, packing and other accessory materials required for installation of fire-stopping sealants as applicable to installation conditions indicated. FIRESTOPPING INSULATING MATERIALS A. General: Provide insulating materials which comply with requirements indicated for materials, compliance with referenced standards, and other characteristics. B. Semi-Refractory Fiber Board Safing Insulation: Semi-rigid boards designed for use as a firestop at openings between edge of slab and exterior wall panels at tops of rated walls and as shown, produced by combining semi-refractory mineral fiber manufactured from slag with thermosetting resin binders to comply with ASTM C 612, Class 1 and 2; nominal density of 4.0 lbs. per cu. ft.; passing ASTM E 136 for combustion characteristics; r-value of 4.0 at 75 deg. F (23.9 deg. C), meeting point exceeding 2000 deg. F. Supports to be 26 gauge galvanized steel. C. Manufacturers of Semi-Refractory Fiber Insulation: 1. United States Gypsum Co. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. 3.02 Examine surfaces indicated to receive joint sealers, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for joint configuration, installation tolerances and other conditions affecting joint sealer performance. Do not proceed with installation of joint sealers until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. PREPARATION ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 07270 - 3 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 07 – THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION SECTION 07270 – FIRESTOPPING A. B. 3.03 3.04 Surface Cleaning of Joints: Clean out joints immediately before installing joint sealers to comply with recommendations of joint sealer manufacturers and the following requirements: 1. Remove all foreign material from joint substrates which could interfere with adhesion of joint sealer, including dust; paints, except for permanent, protective coatings tested and approved for sealant adhesion and compatibility by sealant manufacturer; old joint sealers; oil; grease; waterproofing; water repellents; water; surface dirt; and frost. 2. Clean concrete, masonry, unglazed surfaces of ceramic tile and similar porous joint substrate surfaces, by brushing, grinding, blast cleaning, mechanical abrading, or a combination of these methods to produce a clean, sound substrate capable of developing optimum bond with joint sealers. Remove loose particles remaining from above cleaning operations by vacuuming or blowing out joints with oil-free compressed air. 3. Remove laitance and form release agents from concrete. Joint Priming: Prime joint substrates where recommended by joint sealer manufacturer based on preconstruction joint sealer-substrate tests or prior experience. Apply primer to comply with joint sealer manufacturer's recommendations. Confine primers to areas of joint sealer bond, do not allow spillage or migration onto adjoining surfaces. INSTALLATION A. General: Comply with manufacturers' printed installation instructions applicable to products and applications indicated, except where more stringent requirements apply. B. Installation of Fire-Stopping Sealant: Install sealant, including forming, packing, and other accessory materials to fill openings around mechanical and electrical services penetrating floors and walls to provide fire-stops with fire resistance ratings indicated for floor or wall assembly in which penetration occurs. Comply with installation requirements established by testing and inspecting agency. C. At full height fire rated walls: Install firesafing insulation as shown on the drawings at wall head condition and as required to meet Denver Building Code requirements. D. Protect all fire safing insulation by installing 22 gage galvanized sheet metal closure at top and bottom, which complies with the DBC for protection of fire safing insulation. E. Tool exposed surfaces of mortar or sealants. F. At plastic pipes penetrating floors provide a gauge galvanized steel sleeve around pipes, fire stop sealant within sleeve. G. At opening between exterior walls and floors/roofs install firesafing insulation per DBC requirements and in accordance with AAMA Tir-A3 CLEANING A. 3.05 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Clean off excess sealants or sealant smears adjacent to joints as work progresses by methods and with cleaning materials approved by manufacturers of joint sealers and of products in which joints occur. PROTECTION ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 07270 - 4 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 07 – THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION SECTION 07270 – FIRESTOPPING A. DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Protect joint sealers and insulation from contact with contaminating substances or from damage resulting from construction operations or other causes so that they are without deterioration or damage at time of Substantial Completion. If, despite such protection, damage or deterioration occurs, cut out and remove damaged or deteriorated joint sealers immediately and installations with repaired areas indistinguishable from original work. PART 4 - MEASUREMENT 4.01 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT A. No separate measurement will be made for work under this Section. PART 5 - PAYMENT 5.01 METHOD OF PAYMENT A. No separate payment will be made for work under this Section. The cost of the work described in this Section shall be included in the lump sum contract price. END OF SECTION 07270 ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 07270 - 5 Revision No. 2012 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 7 – THERMAL & MOISTURE PROTECTION ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS SECTION 07910 – SEALANTS, CAULKING & SEALS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 07910 – SEALANTS, CAULKING & SEALS PART 1 – GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION A. EMSHIELD WFR2 SYSTEM – Watertight, energy-efficient, 2-Hour rated expansion joint by EMSEAL Joint Systems for expansion joints and isolation joints in walls. EMSHIELD WFR2 SYSTEM shall be located at the horizontal and vertical expansion joints located within the masonry stairwell shaft walls, and all vertical joints indicated as fire-rated on the construction drawings. System shall perform waterproofing, fire-rating, movement-accommodation functions as well as contribute to thermal insulation and sound attenuation as the result of a single installation and without the addition of ancillary fire-blankets, mineral wool, cover plates, etc. 1.2 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 04200 – Unit Masonry 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer's Instructions: In addition to requirements of these specifications, comply with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations for all phases of work, including preparation of substrate, applying materials, and protection of installed units. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Product data in the form of manufacturer's product specifications, installation instructions, and details for each type of expansion joint sealant system indicated. B. Samples of same materials to be used in work including certification by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) that product has been tested and certified for UL 2079 and meets the requirements of ASTM E1966, ASTM E119 and ASTM E1399.” 1.5 B. PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING Deliver materials as factory packaged, sealed, and labeled. Handle and protect as necessary to prevent damage or deterioration during shipment, handling and storage. C. Follow any special instructions by manufacturer or manufacturer’s representative. 1.6 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Substrate Condition: Proceed with work only when substrate construction and preparation work is complete and in condition to receive sealant system. This includes fire-rating any adjacent material such as steel beams or steel plates. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES Revision No. 000 07910 - 1 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 7 – THERMAL & MOISTURE PROTECTION ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS SECTION 07910 – SEALANTS, CAULKING & SEALS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers known to be able to supply materials as specified: 1. EMSEAL JOINT SYSTEMS, LTD, 25 Bridle Lane Westborough, MA 01581-2603, Toll Free: 800-526-8365 or PH: 508-836-0280, FX: 508-836-0281, 2.2 MATERIALS A. EMSHIELD WFR2 SYSTEM – Sealant system shall be comprised of three components: 1) fireretardant-impregnated foam pre-coated on both sides with an intumescent fire-proofing material and pre-coated at the top layer with waterproof silicone; 2) field-applied epoxy adhesive primer, 3) field-injected silicone sealant bands. Impregnation agent to have proven non-migratory characteristics. Silicone coating to be low-modulus, waterproof silicone applied to the impregnated foam sealant at a width greater than maximum allowable joint extension and which when cured and compressed will form a bellows. Product must be proved to have been tested and UL/ULC certified by Underwriters Laboratories to the joint-cycling and fire testing standards of UL 2079. B. EMSHIELD WFR2 foam seal to be installed into manufacturer-supplied field-applied epoxy adhesive. The EMSHIELD WFR2 SYSTEM is to be installed slightly recessed from the surface wall such that when the field-applied injection band of silicone is applied at the installation side between the substrates and the foam-and-silicone-bellows, the system will be essentially flush with the substrate surface. Material shall be capable of movements of +25%, -25% (50% total) of nominal material size. Standard sizes from 1” (25 mm) to 6” (150mm). Depth of seal is 4” (100mm). C. Substitute candidates in addition to having been certified by UL according to UL2079, shall provide certification in writing to be free in composition of any waxes or asphalts, wax compounds or asphalt compounds. All substitute candidates shall be certified in writing to be: a) capable of withstanding 150°F (65°C) for 3 hours while compressed down to the minimum of movement capability dimension of the basis of design product (-25% of nominal material size) without evidence of any bleeding of impregnation medium from the material; and b) that the same material after the heat stability test will self-expand to the maximum of movement capability dimension of the basis-of-design product (+30% of nominal material size) within 24 hours at room temperature 68°F (20°C). D. Factory-fabricated universal-90-degree transition units shall be used to transition all joints into horizontal plane surfaces (decks, floors, etc). Universal-90-degree transitions pieces to be single units containing minimum 12-inch long leg and 6-inch long leg on each side of the direction change unless modified at the factory for custom installation sizes. Both outward-facing surfaces of the entire unit to be continuously coated with both the intumescent bellows and over that, waterproof silicone bellows. Factory-fabricated units to be field-joined to straight lengths in accordance with manufacturer’s prescribed methods and supplied joining materials. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES Revision No. 000 07910 - 2 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 7 – THERMAL & MOISTURE PROTECTION ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIRS SECTION 07910 – SEALANTS, CAULKING & SEALS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.1 INSPECTION A. Joint surfaces to receive seal shall be sound, smooth, straight, parallel, clean, dry and free of all visible contaminants. Applications of non-visible coatings or contaminants to surfaces of joint interface area prior to installation of seal shall be controlled by the Owner in consultation with the expansion joint manufacturer. B. The joint configuration and the joint surfaces shall be as detailed in the drawings and in accordance with the contract specifications and in compliance with requirements in the current material Tech Data available from the Manufacturer. All known detrimental conditions shall be reported immediately in writing. Field measurements of the depth and width of the joint shall be supplied to manufacturer before material is ordered. 3.2 A. INSTALLATION Do not proceed with the installation of joint sealer if the joint is other than designed, until written notification of these conditions is submitted to the manufacturer and design professional, and a written acknowledgement with an order to proceed is provided. B. Do not proceed with the installation of joint sealer under adverse weather conditions when joint to be sealed is damp, wet or frozen, or when temperatures are below or above the manufacturer's recommended limitations for installation. Consult manufacturer for specific instructions before proceeding. C. Joint sealer/expansion joint material to be installed in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and the advice of their official representative. 3.3 A. CLEANING AND PROTECTION Remove all waste materials from site. Leave work in a condition satisfactory to the Owner. PART 4 MEASUREMENT 4.01 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT A. No separate measurement will be made for the work under this section. PART 5 PAYMENT 5.01 METHOD OF PAYMENT A. No separate payment will be made for the work under this section. The cost of work described in this section shall be included in the applicable bid items. END OF SECTION 07910 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES Revision No. 000 07910 - 3 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 09 – FINISHES SECTION 09911 – PAINTING DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 DIVISION 9 - FINISHES SECTION 09911 PAINTING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.02 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. This Section includes surface preparation and field painting of exposed exterior items and surfaces. 1. B. Paint exposed surfaces, except where these Specifications indicate that the surface or material is not to be painted or is to remain natural. If an item or a surface is not specifically mentioned, paint the item or surface the same as similar adjacent materials or surfaces. If a color of finish is not indicated, Architect will select from standard colors and finishes available. 1. C. 1.03 Painting includes field painting of exposed bare and covered pipes and ducts (including color coding), hangers, exposed steel and iron supports, and surfaces of mechanical and electrical equipment that do not have a factory-applied final finish. Do not paint prefinished items, concealed surfaces, finished metal surfaces, operating parts, and labels. 1. Prefinished items include the following factory-finished components: a. Finished mechanical and electrical equipment. b. Light fixtures. 2. Labels: Do not paint over UL, FMG, or other code-required labels or equipment name, identification, performance rating, or nomenclature plates. DEFINITIONS A. General: Standard coating terms defined in ASTM D 16 apply to this Section. 1. 1.04 Surface preparation, priming, and finish coats specified in this Section are in addition to shop priming and surface treatment specified in other Sections. Flat refers to a lusterless or matte finish with a gloss range below 15 when measured at an 85-degree meter. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each paint system indicated. Include block fillers and primers. 1. Material List: An inclusive list of required coating materials. Indicate each material and cross-reference specific coating, finish system, and application. Identify each material by manufacturer's catalog number and general classification. 2. Manufacturer's Information: Manufacturer's technical information, including label analysis and instructions for handling, storing, and applying each coating material. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 09911 - 1 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 09 – FINISHES SECTION 09911 – PAINTING B. C. 1.05 1.06 Samples for Verification: For DIA Off-white paint to be applied, with texture to simulate actual conditions, on representative Samples of the actual substrate. 1. Provide stepped Samples, defining each separate coat, including block fillers and primers. Use representative colors when preparing Samples for review. Resubmit until required sheen, color, and texture are achieved. 2. Submit two Samples on the following substrates for Architect's review of color and texture only: a. Concrete Unit Masonry: 4-by-8-inch two Samples of masonry, with mortar joint in the center, for each finish and color. Qualification Data: For Applicator. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicator Qualifications: A firm or individual experienced in applying paints and coatings similar in material, design, and extent to those indicated for this Project, whose work has resulted in applications with a record of successful in-service performance. B. Source Limitations: Obtain block fillers and primers for each coating system from the same manufacturer as the finish coats. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. B. Deliver materials to Project site in manufacturer's original, unopened packages and containers bearing manufacturer's name and label and the following information: 1. Product name or title of material. 2. Product description. 3. Manufacturer's stock number and date of manufacture. 4. Contents by volume, for pigment and vehicle constituents. 5. Thinning instructions. 6. Application instructions. 7. Color name and number. 8. VOC content. Store materials not in use in tightly covered containers in a well-ventilated area at a minimum ambient temperature of 45 deg F. Maintain storage containers in a clean condition, free of foreign materials and residue. 1. 1.07 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Protect from freezing. Keep storage area neat and orderly. Remove oily rags and waste daily. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Apply waterborne paints only when temperatures of surfaces to be painted and surrounding air are between 50 and 90 deg F. B. Apply solvent-thinned paints only when temperatures of surfaces to be painted and surrounding air are between 45 and 95 deg F. C. Do not apply paint in snow, rain, fog, or mist; or when relative humidity exceeds 85 percent; ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 09911 - 2 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 09 – FINISHES SECTION 09911 – PAINTING DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 or at temperatures less than 5 deg F above the dew point; or to damp or wet surfaces. 1.08 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Furnish extra paint materials from the same production run as the materials applied and in the quantities described below. Package with protective covering for storage and identify with labels describing contents. Deliver extra materials to Owner. 1. Quantity: Furnish Owner with an additional 3 percent, but not less than 1 gal., or 1 case, as appropriate of each material and color applied. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. 2.02 Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide DIA Standard off-white color paint for exterior wall, doorframe and doors to electrical rooms, or one of the products listed mixed to match existing color. 1. Benjamin Moore & Co. (Benjamin Moore). 2. Coronado Paint Company (Coronado). 3. ICI Paints. 4. Kelly-Moore Paint Co. (Kelly-Moore). 5. M. A. Bruder & Sons, Inc. (M. A. B. Paint). 6. PPG Industries, Inc. (Pittsburgh Paints). 7. Sherwin-Williams Co. (Sherwin-Williams). PAINT MATERIALS, GENERAL A. Material Compatibility: Provide block fillers, primers, and finish-coat materials that are compatible with one another and with the substrates indicated under conditions of service and application, as demonstrated by manufacturer based on testing and field experience. B. Material Quality: Provide manufacturer's best-quality paint material of the various coating types specified that are factory formulated and recommended by manufacturer for application indicated. Paint-material containers not displaying manufacturer's product identification will not be acceptable. 1. C. 2.03 Proprietary Names: Use of manufacturer's proprietary product names to designate colors or materials is not intended to imply that products named are required to be used to the exclusion of equivalent products of other manufacturers. Furnish manufacturer's material data and certificates of performance for proposed substitutions. Colors: Use DIA Standard off-white color; or match existing conditions; submit color chart of Manufacturer’s standard colors. CONCRETE UNIT MASONRY BLOCK FILLERS A. Concrete Unit Masonry Block Filler: Factory-formulated high-performance latex block fillers. 1. Benjamin Moore; Moorcraft Super Craft Latex Block Filler No. 285: Applied at a dry film thickness of not less than 8.1 mils. 2. Coronado; 946-11 Super Kote 5000 Commercial Latex Block Filler: Applied at a dry ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 09911 - 3 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 09 – FINISHES SECTION 09911 – PAINTING DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 film thickness of not less than 8.4 mils. 2.04 ICI Dulux Paints; Bloxfil 4000-1000 Interior/Exterior Heavy Duty Acrylic Block Filler: Applied at a dry film thickness of not less than 7.0 to 14.5 mils. 4. Kelly-Moore; 521 Fill and Prime Acrylic Block Filler: Applied at a dry film thickness of not less than 10.0 mils. 5. M. A. B. Paint; Block Kote No. 1000 Acrylic Latex Block Filler 064-145: Applied at a dry film thickness of not less than 12.0 mils. 6. Pittsburgh Paints; 6-7 SpeedHide Interior/Exterior Masonry Latex Block Filler: Applied at a dry film thickness of not less than 6.0 to 12.5 mils. 7. Sherwin-Williams; PrepRite Interior/Exterior Block Filler B25W25: Applied at a dry film thickness of not less than 8.0 mils. 8. <Insert manufacturer's block filler.> EXTERIOR PRIMERS A. 2.05 3. Exterior Concrete and Masonry Primer: Factory-formulated alkali-resistant acrylic-latex primer for exterior application. 1. Benjamin Moore; Moore's Latex Exterior Primer No. 102: Applied at a dry film thickness of not less than 1.4 mils. 2. Benjamin Moore; Moorwhite Primer No. 100: Applied at a dry film thickness of not less than 2.1 mils. 3. Coronado; 48-11 Elast-O-Meric Acrylic Masonry Sealer: Applied at a dry film thickness of not less than 1.2 mils. 4. ICI Dulux Paints; 2001-1200 Dulux Exterior Latex Primer: Applied at a dry film thickness of not less than 1.6 mils. 5. Kelly-Moore; 247 Chem-Guard Acrylic Masonry Primer: Applied at a dry film thickness of not less than 1.9 mils. 6. M. A. B. Paint; Lok Tite Latex Masonry Primer 056-125: Applied at a dry film thickness of not less than 1.5 mils. 7. Pittsburgh Paints; 6-603 SpeedHide Interior/Exterior Acrylic Latex Alkali Resistant Primer: Applied at a dry film thickness of not less than 1.5 mils. 8. Sherwin-Williams; Loxon Exterior Masonry Acrylic Primer A24W300: Applied at a dry film thickness of not less than 3.0 mils. EXTERIOR FINISH COATS A. Exterior Flat Acrylic Paint: Factory-formulated flat acrylic-emulsion latex paint for exterior application. 1. Benjamin Moore; MoorLife Latex House Paint No. 105: Applied at a dry film thickness of not less than 1.5 mils. 2. Coronado; 10-Line Premium Gold Collection Acrylic One Coat Flat House Paint: Applied at a dry film thickness of not less than 1.4 mils. 3. ICI Dulux Paints; 2201-XXXX Dulux Ultra Latex Flat Finish: Applied at a dry film thickness of not less than 1.4 mils. 4. Kelly-Moore; 1240 Acry-Shield Exterior Acrylic Flat Finish: Applied at a dry film thickness of not less than 2.0 mils. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 09911 - 4 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 09 – FINISHES SECTION 09911 – PAINTING DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 5. M. A. B. Paint; Sea Shore/Four Seasons Acrylic Latex House Paint 061 Line: Applied at a dry film thickness of not less than 1.8 mils. 6. Pittsburgh Paints; 10 Line Pitt-Cryl Exterior Water Base Paint: Applied at a dry film thickness of not less than 1.5 mils. 7. Pittsburgh Paints; 72 Line Sun-Proof Exterior Flat Latex House Paint: Applied at a dry film thickness of not less than 1.5 mils. 8. Sherwin-Williams; SuperPaint Exterior Latex Flat House and Trim Paint, A80 Series: Applied at a dry film thickness of not less than 1.4 mils. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. 3.02 Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Applicator present, for compliance with requirements for paint application. Comply with procedures specified in PDCA P4. 1. Proceed with paint application only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected and surfaces receiving paint are thoroughly dry. 2. Start of painting will be construed as Applicator's acceptance of surfaces and conditions within a particular area. PREPARATION A. General: Remove hardware and hardware accessories, plates, machined surfaces, lighting fixtures, and similar items already installed that are not to be painted. If removal is impractical or impossible because of size or weight of the item, provide surface-applied protection before surface preparation and painting. 1. B. Cleaning: Before applying paint or other surface treatments, clean substrates of substances that could impair bond of the various coatings. Remove oil and grease before cleaning. 1. C. Schedule cleaning and painting so dust and other contaminants from the cleaning process will not fall on wet, newly painted surfaces. Surface Preparation: Clean and prepare surfaces to be painted according to manufacturer's written instructions for each particular substrate condition and as specified. 1. D. After completing painting operations in each space or area, reinstall items removed using workers skilled in the trades involved. Cementitious Materials: Prepare concrete, concrete unit masonry, cement plaster, and mineral-fiber-reinforced cement panel surfaces to be painted. Remove efflorescence, chalk, dust, dirt, grease, oils, and release agents. Roughen as required to remove glaze. If hardeners or sealers have been used to improve curing, use mechanical methods of surface preparation. a. Use abrasive blast-cleaning methods if recommended by paint manufacturer. b. Determine alkalinity and moisture content of surfaces by performing appropriate tests. If surfaces are sufficiently alkaline to cause the finish paint to blister and burn, correct this condition before application. Do not paint surfaces if moisture content exceeds that permitted in manufacturer's written instructions. Material Preparation: Mix and prepare paint materials according to manufacturer's written instructions. 1. Maintain containers used in mixing and applying paint in a clean condition, free of foreign materials and residue. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 09911 - 5 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 09 – FINISHES SECTION 09911 – PAINTING 3.03 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 2. Stir material before application to produce a mixture of uniform density. Stir as required during application. Do not stir surface film into material. If necessary, remove surface film and strain material before using. 3. Use only thinners approved by paint manufacturer and only within recommended limits. APPLICATION A. B. General: Apply paint according to manufacturer's written instructions. Use applicators and techniques best suited for substrate and type of material being applied. 1. Paint colors, surface treatments, and finishes are indicated in the paint schedules. 2. Do not paint over dirt, rust, scale, grease, moisture, scuffed surfaces, or conditions detrimental to formation of a durable paint film. 3. Provide finish coats that are compatible with primers used. 4. The term "exposed surfaces" includes areas visible when permanent or built-in fixtures, grilles, convector covers, covers for finned-tube radiation, and similar components are in place. Extend coatings in these areas, as required, to maintain system integrity and provide desired protection. 5. Finish exterior doors on tops, bottoms, and side edges the same as exterior faces. Application Procedures: Apply paints and coatings by brush, roller, spray, or other applicators according to manufacturer's written instructions. 1. Brushes: Use brushes best suited for type of material applied. Use brush of appropriate size for surface or item being painted. 2. Rollers: Use rollers of carpet, velvet-back, or high-pile sheep's wool as recommended by manufacturer for material and texture required. C. Minimum Coating Thickness: Apply paint materials no thinner than manufacturer's recommended spreading rate to achieve dry film thickness indicated. Provide total dry film thickness of the entire system as recommended by manufacturer. D. Block Fillers: Apply block fillers to concrete masonry block at a rate to ensure complete coverage with pores filled. E. Prime Coats: Before applying finish coats, apply a prime coat, as recommended by manufacturer, to material that is required to be painted or finished and that has not been prime coated by others. Recoat primed and sealed surfaces where evidence of suction spots or unsealed areas in first coat appears, to ensure a finish coat with no burn-through or other defects due to insufficient sealing. F. Pigmented (Opaque) Finishes: Completely cover surfaces as necessary to provide a smooth, opaque surface of uniform finish, color, appearance, and coverage. Cloudiness, spotting, holidays, laps, brush marks, runs, sags, ropiness, or other surface imperfections will not be acceptable. G. Completed Work: Match approved samples for color, texture, and coverage. Remove, refinish, or repaint work not complying with requirements. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 09911 - 6 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 09 – FINISHES SECTION 09911 – PAINTING 3.04 CLEANING A. Cleanup: At the end of each workday, remove empty cans, rags, rubbish, and other discarded paint materials from Project site. 1. 3.05 After completing painting, clean glass and paint-spattered surfaces. Remove spattered paint by washing and scraping without scratching or damaging adjacent finished surfaces. PROTECTION A. Protect work of other trades, whether being painted or not, against damage from painting. Correct damage by cleaning, repairing or replacing, and repainting, as approved by Architect. B. Provide "Wet Paint" signs to protect newly painted finishes. After completing painting operations, remove temporary protective wrappings provided by others to protect their work. 1. 3.06 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 After work of other trades is complete, touch up and restore damaged or defaced painted surfaces. Comply with procedures specified in PDCA P1. EXTERIOR PAINT SCHEDULE A. Concrete Unit Masonry: Provide the following finish systems over exterior concrete unit masonry: 1. Flat Acrylic Finish: Two finish coats over a block filler. a. Block Filler: Concrete unit masonry block filler. b. Finish Coats: Exterior flat acrylic paint. PART 4 - MEASUREMENT 4.01 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT A. No separate measurement will be made for work under this Section. PART 5 - PAYMENT 5.01 METHOD OF PAYMENT A. No separate payment will be made for work under this Section. The cost of the work described in this Section shall be included in the lump sum contract price. END OF SECTION 09911 ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 09911 - 7 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15010 - BASIC MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 DIVISION 15 – MECHANICAL SECTION 15010 BASIC MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.02 1.03 The General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Division 1, General Requirements apply to this Section, Section 15050 - Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods and Contractor shall review and adhere to all requirements of these Documents. WORK INCLUDED A. Basic requirements common to the work in general of Division 15 and other Divisions and Sections of the Specification where referenced. B. Provide, unless specified otherwise, all labor, materials and equipment necessary for completely finished and operational mechanical systems described and specified under other Sections of this Division 15. C. Provide all minor incidental items such as offsets, fittings, and accessories required as part of the work even though not specified or indicated. D. Inspection: Inspect work preceding or interfacing with work of Division 15 and report any known or observed defects that affect the Work to the General Contractor. Do not proceed with the work until defects are corrected. REFERENCES A. General. 1. For products or workmanship specified by association, trade, or Federal Standards, comply with requirements of the standard, except when more rigid requirements are specified or are required by applicable Codes. 2. The date of the standard is that in effect as the date of the Contract Documents, except when a specific date is specified. 3. When required by individual Specifications Section by means of reference for cleaning or installation requirements, etc.; obtain a copy of the standard. Maintain the copy at job site during work until substantial completion. Copy may be in electronic format. 4. Schedule of Referenced Organizations: The following is a list of the acronyms of organizations referenced in these Specifications: Acronym AABC ABMA ACGIH ACI ADA ASA ADC ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 Organization Associated Air Balance Council American Bearing Manufacturers Association American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists American Concrete Institute Americans with Disabilities Act American National Standards on Acoustics and Vibrations Air Diffusion Council J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15010 - 1 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15010 - BASIC MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS ASME ASTM AMCA AGA ANSI API ASHRAE ASME ARI ATA AWS AWWA EPA ETL CISPI CTI FM HI IBC IFC ISA MSS NACE NAPCA NEMA NEBB NFPA NIST NSF SMACNA SSPC STI UL WH 1.04 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 American Society of Mechanical Engineers American Society for Testing of Materials Air Movement and Control Association American Gas Association American National Standards Institute American Petroleum Institute American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers American Society of Mechanical Engineers American Refrigerants Institute Air Transport Association of America American Welding Society American Water Works Association Environmental Protective Agency Electrical Testing Laborotories Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute Cooling Tower Institute Factory Mutual Insurance Association Hydronics Institute International Building Code International Fire Code Instrument Society of America Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry National Association of Corrosion Engineers National Association of Pipe Coating Applicators National Electrical Manufacturers Association National Environmental Balancing Bureau National Fire Protection Association National Institute of Science and Technology National Sanitation Foundation. Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractor's National Association The Society for Protective Coatings Steel Tank Institute Underwriters' Laboratories Warnock Hersey DEFINITIONS A. Conform to Division 1: These Specifications are of abbreviated, simplified or streamlined type and include incomplete sentences. Singular words will be interpreted as plural and plural words will be interpreted as singular where applicable and where full context of the Contract Documents so indicates. B. The following words are re-defined and/or elaborated on for the context of Division 15 work: 1. Furnish: Except as otherwise defined in greater detail, term "furnish" is used to mean supply and deliver to Project site, ready for unloading, unpacking, assembly, installation, etc., as applicable in each instance. 2. Install: Except as otherwise defined in greater detail, term "install" is used to describe operations at Project site including unloading, unpacking, assembly, erection, placing, anchoring, applying, working to dimension, finishing, curing, protecting, cleaning and similar operations, as applicable in each instance. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15010 - 2 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15010 - BASIC MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS 1.05 1.06 3. Provide: Except as otherwise defined in greater detail, term "provide" means furnish and install, complete and ready for intended use, as applicable in each instance. 4. General Contractor: The term "General Contractor" used in Division 15 and elsewhere in the Contract Documents means the party with whom the Owner has executed the Owner-Contractor Agreement. QUALITY CONTROL A. Conform to Division 1. Materials and apparatus required for the work to be new and of firstclass quality; to be furnished, delivered, erected, connected and finished in every detail; and to be so selected and arranged so as to fit properly into the building spaces and also provide the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance clearance. Where no specific kind or quality of material is given, a first-class standard article shall be furnished. B. Unless otherwise specifically indicated, equipment and materials to be installed in accordance with the recommendations of the Manufacturer. This includes the performance of tests as recommended by the Manufacturer. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. 1.07 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Comply with latest editions of all applicable Codes, Standards, Ordinances and Regulations in effect as of the date of the Contract Documents adopted by the City and County of Denver (CCD), Building Department (BD), and Fire Department (FD), including but not necessarily limited to the following: 1. National Electrical Code NFPA-70. 2. NFPA. 3. ASHRAE. 4. SMACNA. 5. Underwriters Laboratories. B. If discrepancies occur between the Contract Documents and any applicable Codes, Guidelines, Ordinances, Acts, or Standards, the most stringent requirements shall apply. C. Where hourly fire ratings are indicated or required, provide components and assemblies meeting requirements of the American Insurance Association, Factory Mutual Insurance Association and listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. PRODUCT OPTIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONS A. Substitutions: Refer to Division 1, General Requirements. B. Some materials and equipment are specified by Manufacturer and catalog numbers. The Manufacturer and catalog numbers are used to establish a degree of quality and style for such equipment and material. C. When alternate or substitute materials and equipment are used, Contractor shall be responsible for space requirements, configurations, performance, changes in bases, supports, structural members and openings in structure, electrical changes and other apparatus and trades that may be affected by their use. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15010 - 3 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15010 - BASIC MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS 1.08 D. When providing a product and/or service under the qualification of "acceptable equal," Contractor shall be entirely responsible for additional costs incurred due to modifications to the civil, Architectural, structural, mechanical, and electrical design that may be required to accommodate the "acceptable equal." E. Substitute materials and equipment are only allowed to be provided from the Manufacturers listed as approved. SHOP DRAWINGS AND PRODUCT DATA A. General: Comply with the General Conditions of the Contract and with Division 1 - General Requirements. 1. 1.09 All documents shall be submitted in electronic format. Each submittal shall be in a single security free PDF document. PDF documents shall be compatible with Adobe Acrobat 8.0 or newer. All as-built documents shall be submitted in AutoCAD 2007 or newer format and PDF plot files of the project. CONTRACT RECORD DOCUMENTS A. 1.10 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 General: Comply with the General Conditions of the Contract and with Division 1 - General Requirements, OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE DATA A. Division 15 Contractor shall submit one (1) CD-ROM containing a single searchable PDF file of the entire maintenance manual to the DIA Project Manager, General Contractor for their approval. B. The manual shall have: C. 1. Alphabetical list of all system components including the name, address, and 24-hour phone number of the company responsible for servicing each item during the first year's operation. 2. Operating instructions for complete system, including emergency procedures for fire or failure of major equipment and procedures for normal starting/operating/shutdown and long-term shutdown. 3. Maintenance instructions, including valves, valve tag and other identified equipment lists, proper lubricants and lubricating instructions for each piece of equipment and necessary cleaning/replacing/adjusting schedules. 4. Manufacturer's data on each piece of equipment, including: a. Installation instructions. b. Drawings and specifications (approved shop drawings). c. Parts lists. d. Complete wiring and temperature control diagrams (approved shop drawings). 5. Each piece identified on any schedule shall be bookmarked in the electronic file by its scheduled tag ID (IE: AHU-1) In addition to the maintenance manual, and keyed to it, the equipment shall be identified and tagged as specified elsewhere. Insert a copy. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15010 - 4 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15010 - BASIC MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS 1.11 1.12 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 1. Identify all starters, disconnect switches, and manually operated controls, except integral equipment switches with permanently applied, legible markers corresponding to operating instructions in the "Maintenance Manual". 2. Tag all manual operating valves with 1-1/2" diameter brass tags attached with chains. Tags are to be sequence numbered with legible metal stamps. 3. Provide a typed tag list or schedule mounted under glass in the room designated by DIA Project Manager stating number, location, and function of each tagged item. Insert a copy of tag list in each "Maintenance Manual". D. Division 15 Contractor shall be responsible for scheduling instructional meetings for maintenance personnel on the proper operation and maintenance of all mechanical systems, using the maintenance manual as a guide. These meetings must be scheduled through the Project Manager, and General Contractor far enough in advance so that all personnel can be notified. E. Division 15 Contractor shall provide proof of performance certification of all Mechanical Equipment and Systems to demonstrate that all Mechanical Equipment and Systems are operating to the intent of the design. FINAL OBSERVATION A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1 and the following. B. Prior to the request for final observation, all Work under the contract shall be completed, all systems shall be in proper working order and placed in operation (System Startup of 48 hours). C. All HVAC systems shall be properly balanced with quantities shown on the Drawings, and all water circuits shall be adjusted to provide the proper flows. D. All equipment shall be cleaned, including but not limited to, plumbing fixtures. All debris and construction materials shall be removed from the DIA property to a suitable landfill offairport. E. Pumps shall be tested in accordance with Sections 15990, 15995 and 15996 and shall be in proper working order and placed in operation. F. The temperature control system shall be complete and in proper working order. All instruments shall be properly and accurately field calibrated. G. At the request of the Project Manager, a representative of the Contractor who is thoroughly familiar with the Project and operation of the various systems shall be present during the final observation to demonstrate proper operation of the equipment and controls. If requested by the Project Manager, the Contractor shall have representatives from his subcontractors present to assist during final observation. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Accessibility. 1. Division 15 Contractor shall be responsible for the sufficiency of the size of shafts and chases and the adequate clearance in double partitions and hung ceilings for proper installation of his work. He shall cooperate with Contractors of other Divisions of the ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15010 - 5 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15010 - BASIC MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Work whose work is in the same space and shall advise the General Contractor of his requirements. Such spaces and clearances shall, however, be kept to the minimum size required. B. 2. Division 15 Contractor shall locate all equipment, which must be serviced, operated, or maintained in fully accessible positions. Such equipment shall include (but not be limited to) valves, shock absorbers, traps, cleanouts, motors, controllers, switchgear, and drain points. If required for better accessibility, furnish access doors for this purpose. Minor deviations from Drawings may be allowed to provide for better accessibility. Any changes shall be approved by the Project Manager prior to making the change. 3. Division 15 Contractor shall provide the General Contractor with the exact locations of access doors for each concealed valve, shock absorber control, damper, or other device requiring service. Locations of these doors shall be submitted in sufficient time to be installed in the normal course of work. All access doors shall be coordinated with architectural finishes and surfaces. Where walls and/or ceilings are fire rated, Contractor shall provide rated access doors equal to the rating of the wall and/or ceiling. 4. Provide carpentry, masonry, concrete and metal work required for work of this Division where not specifically called for under other Sections. Fabrication. 1. C. Freeze Protection. 1. D. Do not run lines in outside walls, or locations where freezing may occur. Piping next to outside walls shall be in furred spaces with insulation between the piping and the outside wall. Insulation of piping shall not be considered freeze protection. Scaffolding, Rigging and Hoisting. 1. 1.13 Before any ductwork is fabricated and before running and/or fabricating any lines of piping or ductwork, the Contractor shall assure himself that they can be run as contemplated in cooperation with Contractors of other Divisions of the Work and the physical constraints of existing conditions and new Structural and Architectural Work. Provide all scaffolding, rigging, hoisting and services necessary for erection and delivery into the premises of any equipment and apparatus furnished; remove same from premises when no longer required. Conform to OSHA requirements and standards. COORDINATION A. General: Coordinate and order the progress of mechanical work to conform to the progress of the work of the other trades. Complete the entire installation as soon as the condition of the building will permit. B. Coordination with Electrical Work: Comply with Division 16.. C. Existing System Interruptions: Comply with Division 1. D. Cutting and Patching: Section 15050 and Division 1. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15010 - 6 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15010 - BASIC MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS 1.14 1.15 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 E. Drawings and Specifications: The Mechanical Drawings indicate the general design and arrangement of lines, equipment, systems, etc. Information shown is diagrammatic in character and does not necessarily indicate every required offset, fitting, etc. Do not scale the Drawings for dimensions. Take dimensions, measurements, locations, levels, etc., from the Architectural Drawings and equipment to be furnished. F. Discrepancies: Examine Drawings and Specifications for other parts of the work, and if any discrepancies occur between the plans for the work of this Division and the plans for the work of others, report such discrepancies to the Project Manager and obtain written instructions for any changes necessary. G. Order of Precedence: The precedence of mechanical construction documents are as Specified in Article 4 of the General Conditions. START-UP PROCEDURES A. Before start-up, manufacturer’s shipping blocks and other similar materials shall be removed, each piece of equipment comprising a part of the system shall be checked for proper lubrication, drive rotation, belt tension, proper control sequence, and any other condition, which may cause damage to equipment or endanger personnel. B. Ensure that all control systems are fully operational in automatic mode. C. If systems are not to continue in use following the start-up procedures, steps should be taken to ensure against accidental operation or operation by unauthorized personnel. Contractor shall follow OSHA Standards for lockout/tag out procedures to secure equipment not yet placed in operation. D. Factory personnel shall be notified as appropriate to start systems requiring their services. E. Notify the DIA Project Manager in writing a minimum of 48 hours prior to start-up of all major mechanical equipment and systems. F. Should there be any equipment found which had not been properly started up, it will be the responsibility of the Contractor to arrange for the appropriate personnel to start up the equipment at his expense and at a time as scheduled by the DIA Project Manager. SCHEDULE OF TESTING A. Provide testing in accordance with the General Conditions of the Contract. B. A schedule of testing shall be drawn up by the Division 15 Contractor in such a manner that it will show areas tested, test pressure, length of test, date, time and signature of testing personnel. C. Notify the DIA Project Manager, DIA Mechanical Inspector and DIA Mechanical Engineer in writing a minimum of 72 hours prior to testing of any mechanical equipment and systems. D. All testing must be performed in the presence Project Manager and or his designated representative; his signature for verification of the test must appear on the schedule. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15010 - 7 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15010 - BASIC MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS 1.16 1.17 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 E. All testing must be performed in accord with the procedures set forth in Division 15 and other Sections of the Specifications where referenced. At completion of testing, the test reports shall be then submitted in triplicate to the Project Manager. F. Make all specified tests on piping, ductwork and related systems as necessary. G. Make sure operational and performance tests are made on seasonal equipment. H. Complete all tests required by Code Authorities, such as health codes, building codes, and safety codes. I. After test runs have been completed and systems have been demonstrated to be satisfactory and ready for permanent operation, all permanent pipeline strainers and filters shall be cleaned, air filters cleaned or replaced, valve and pump packing properly adjusted, belt tensions adjusted, drive guards secured in place, lubrication checked and replenished if required. CLEANING AND FINISHING A. Provide cleaning in accordance with the General Requirements of the Contract B. Cleaning shall include but not be limited to removing grease, dirt, dust, stains, labels, fingerprints and other foreign materials from sight-exposed piping, ductwork, equipment, fixtures and other such items installed under Division 15 of the work. If finishes have been damaged, refinish to original condition and leave everything in proper working order and of intended appearance. C. Clean HVAC Piping Systems in accordance with [Section 15510 - Hydronic Piping] [15545 Chemical Water Treatment]. D. Clean Domestic Water Systems in accordance with Section 15410 - Plumbing Piping. WARRANTIES A. Conform to Division 1: Provide a written warranty covering the entire mechanical work to be free from defective materials, equipment and workmanship for a period of two years after date of acceptance. During this period provide labor and materials as required to repair or provide labor and materials required to repair or replace defects. Provide certificates for such items of equipment, which have or are specified to have warranties in excess of one year. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT USED) PART 4 - MEASUREMENT 4.01 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT A. No separate measurement shall be made for work under this Section. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15010 - 8 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15010 - BASIC MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 PART 5 - PAYMENT 5.01 METHOD OF PAYMENT A. No separate payment will be made for work under this section. The cost of the work described in this section shall be included in the applicable unit price item, work order or lump sum bid item. END OF SECTION 15010 ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15010 - 9 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15050 - BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 SECTION 15050 BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following basic mechanical materials and methods to complement other Division 15 Sections. 1. Piping materials and installation instructions common to most piping systems. 2. Dielectric fittings. 3. Mechanical sleeve seals. 4. Sleeves. 5. Escutcheons. 6. Nonshrink grout for equipment installations. 7. Flowable backfill for underground piping. 8. Field-fabricated metal equipment supports. 9. Concrete bases 10. Installation requirements common to equipment specification Sections. 11. Mechanical demolition. B. Cutting and patching. 1. C. 1.02 1.03 Touch up painting and finishing. Pipe and pipe fitting materials are specified in piping system Sections. RELATED SECTIONS A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and the Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. B. Section 15010 – Basic Mechanical Requirements C. Division 2 - Trenching and Backfilling D. Section 05999 - Welding E. Section 15190 - Mechanical Identification: Labeling and identifying mechanical systems and equipment is specified in Division 15 Section "Mechanical Identification." DEFINITIONS A. Pipe, pipe fittings, and piping include tube, tube fittings, and tubing. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15050 - 1 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15050 - BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS 1.04 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 B. Finished Spaces: Spaces other than mechanical and electrical equipment rooms, furred spaces, pipe and duct shafts, unheated spaces immediately below the roof, spaces above ceilings, unexcavated spaces, crawl spaces, and tunnels. C. Exposed Interior Installations: Exposed to view indoors. Examples include finished occupied spaces and mechanical equipment rooms. D. Exposed Exterior Installations: Exposed to view outdoors, or subject to outdoor ambient temperatures and weather conditions. Examples include rooftop locations. E. Concealed Interior Installations: Concealed from view and protected from physical contact by building occupants. Examples include above ceilings and in duct shafts. F. Concealed Exterior Installations: Concealed from view and protected from weather conditions and physical contact by building occupants, but subject to outdoor ambient temperatures. Examples include installations within unheated shelters. SUBMITTALS A. General: Submit the following according to the Conditions of the Contract and Division 1 Specification Sections. B. Shop drawings detailing fabrication and installation for metal and wood supports and anchorage for mechanical materials and equipment. Wood supports are only allowed in roof equipment curbs. Supports inside the building shall be constructed entirely of metal. C. Prepare coordination drawings according to Division 1 Section "Submittals" to a 1/4 inch equals 1 foot scale or larger. Detail major elements, components, and systems of mechanical equipment and materials in relationship with other systems, installations, and building components. Show space requirements for installation and access. Show where sequence and coordination of installations are important to the efficient flow of the Work. Include the following: 1. Clearances for servicing and maintaining equipment, including space for equipment disassembly required for periodic maintenance. 2. Pump metal support details. D. Welder certificates signed by Contractor certifying that welders comply with requirements specified under the Quality Assurance Article. E. Floor x-rays and/or ground penetrating radar reports. F. “As Built” Plans shall be provided in the same format and manner as described above. Each set shall be equipped with a plan holder equal to “Stacor Plan Clamps” for the appropriate size drawing. G. Contractor shall submit fully dimensioned spool drawings for all welded piping work. Drawings shall indicate all weld types, sizes and materials to be used. The spool drawing size shall match the full size contract documents of either 24x36 or 34x44. Spool drawings shall be submitted in the latest version of AutoCAD (dwg) and the latest version of Adobe Acrobat (pdf). Adobe Acrobat files shall not contain security. Other file formats will not be accepted. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15050 - 2 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15050 - BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS H. 1.05 Field Test Reports: Written reports of each pressure tests specified in Division 15 Sections. Include the following: 1. Test procedures used. 2. Test results that comply with requirements. 3. Failed test results and corrective action taken to achieve requirements. QUALITY CONTROL A. Equipment Selection: Equipment of greater or larger power, dimensions, capacities, and ratings may be furnished provided such proposed equipment is approved in writing by the DIA Project Manager and connecting mechanical and electrical services, circuit breakers, conduit, motors, bases, and equipment spaces are increased. No additional costs will be approved for these increases, if larger equipment is approved. If minimum energy ratings or efficiencies of the equipment are specified, the equipment must meet the design requirements and commissioning requirements. B. Electronic Equipment Compliance: 1. C. 1.06 1.07 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Contractor warrants that all equipment, devices, items, systems, software, hardware, or firmware provided shall properly, appropriately, and consistently function and accurately process date and time data (including without limitation: calculating, comparing, and sequencing). This warranty supersedes anything in the Specifications or other Contract Documents which might be construed inconsistently. This warranty is applicable whether the equipment, device, item, system, software, hardware, or firmware is specified with or without reference to a manufacturer's name, make, or model number. Unless specified otherwise, all materials and equipment shall be of domestic (USA) manufacture and shall be of the best quality used for the purpose in commercial practice. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver pipes and tubes with factory-applied end-caps. Maintain end-caps through shipping, storage, and handling to prevent pipe-end damage and prevent entrance of dirt, debris, and moisture. B. Protect stored ductwork, pipes and tubes from moisture and dirt. Elevate above grade. When stored inside, do not exceed structural capacity of the floor. C. Store plastic pipes protected from direct sunlight. Support to prevent sagging and bending. D. Protect flanges, fittings, and piping specialties from moisture and dirt. E. Deliver ductwork and fittings with plastic sheeting to protect it from elements. Inspect duct liner for exposure to dirt and tears. SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A. Coordinate mechanical equipment installation with other building components. B. Coordinate the installation of required supporting devices. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15050 - 3 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15050 - BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 C. Sequence, coordinate, and integrate installations of mechanical materials and equipment for efficient flow of the Work. D. Coordinate connection of electrical services. E. Coordinate installation of identifying devices after completing covering and painting where devices are applied to surfaces. PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.01 2.02 PIPE AND PIPE FITTINGS A. Refer to individual piping system specification Sections for pipe and fitting materials and joining methods. B. Pipe Threads: ASME B1.20.1 for factory-threaded pipe and pipe fittings. JOINING MATERIALS A. Refer to individual piping system specification Sections in Division 15 for special joining materials not listed below. B. Grooved Mechanical Couplings: Acceptable only for fire protection piping; not acceptable for any other applications. Refer to section 15510 Hydronic Piping. C. Pipe Flange Gasket Materials: Suitable for the chemical and thermal conditions of the piping system contents. 1. D. Solder Filler Metal: ASTM B 32. 1. E. Alloy Sn95 or Alloy Sn94: Tin (approximately 95 percent) and silver (approximately 5 percent) – Not industry standard, usually 5% antimony. Brazing Filler Metals: AWS A5.8. 1. BCuP Series: Copper-phosphorus alloys. 2. BAg1: Silver alloy. F. 2.03 ASME B16.21, nonmetallic, flat, asbestos-free, 1/8-inch maximum thickness, except where thickness or specific material is indicated. a. Full-Face Type: For flat-face, Class 125 cast-iron and cast-bronze flanges. b. Narrow-Face Type: For raised-face, Class 250 cast-iron and steel flanges. Welding Filler Metals: Comply with AWS D10.12 for welding materials appropriate for wall thickness and chemical analysis of steel pipe being welded. All welding rod is to be kept in a operable rod oven at all times. PIPING SPECIALTIES A. Dielectric Fittings: Assembly or fitting having insulating material isolating joined dissimilar metals to prevent galvanic action and stop corrosion. 1. Description: Combination of copper alloy and ferrous; threaded, solder, plain, and weld neck end types and matching piping system materials. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15050 - 4 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15050 - BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.04 2. Insulating Material: Suitable for system fluid, pressure, and temperature. 3. Dielectric Waterway Fittings: Dielectric fittings designed to effectively separate dissimilar metals exposed to water or other electrolytes, conforming to NSF and ASTM F492 standards for continuous use at temperatures up to 225 degrees F and pressures up to 300 psi. Fittings to have electro-zinc-plated steel casings providing for maintained exterior electrical continuity, threaded or flanged ends as applicable, and inert linings. 4. Dielectric Flanges: Factory-fabricated, companion-flange assembly for 150- or 300-psig minimum pressure to suit system pressures. 5. Dielectric-Flange Insulation Kits: Field-assembled, companion-flange assembly, full-face or ring type. Components include neoprene or phenolic gasket, phenolic or polyethylene bolt sleeves, phenolic washers, and steel backing washers. a. Provide separate companion flanges and steel bolts and nuts for 150- or 300-psig minimum working pressure to suit system pressures. MECHANICAL SLEEVE SEALS A. 2.05 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Description: Modular sealing element unit, designed for field assembly, to fill annular space between pipe and sleeve. 1. Manufacturers: a. Metraflex Co. b. Pipeline Seal and Insulator, Inc. c. PSI-Thunderline/Link-Seal. d. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 15010. 2. Sealing Elements: [EPDM] [NBR] <Insert other> interlocking links shaped to fit surface of pipe. Include type and number required for pipe material and size of pipe. 3. Pressure Plates: [Plastic] [Carbon steel] [Stainless steel]. Include two for each sealing element. 4. Connecting Bolts and Nuts: [Carbon steel with corrosion-resistant coating] [Stainless steel] of length required to secure pressure plates to sealing elements. Include one for each sealing element. SLEEVES A. Galvanized-Steel Sheet: 0.0478-inch (18 gage) minimum thickness; round tube closed with welded longitudinal joint. B. Steel Pipe: ASTM A53, Type E, Grade B, Schedule 40, galvanized, plain ends. C. Cast Iron: Cast or fabricated "wall pipe" equivalent to ductile-iron pressure pipe, with plain ends and integral waterstop, unless otherwise indicated. D. Stack Sleeve Fittings: Manufactured, cast-iron sleeve with integral clamping flange. Include clamping ring and bolts and nuts for membrane flashing. 1. E. Underdeck Clamp: Clamping ring with set screws. Molded PE: Reusable, PE, tapered-cup shaped, and smooth-outer surface with nailing flange for attaching to wooden forms. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15050 - 5 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15050 - BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.06 ESCUTCHEONS A. Description: Manufactured wall and ceiling escutcheons and floor plates, with an ID to closely fit around pipe, tube, and insulation of insulated piping and an OD that completely covers opening. B. One-Piece, Deep-Pattern Type: Deep-drawn, box-shaped brass with polished chromeplated finish. C. One-Piece, Cast-Brass Type: With set screw. 1. D. Finish: [Polished chrome-plated] [Rough brass] [Polished chrome-plated and rough brass]. Split-Casting, Cast-Brass Type: With concealed hinge and set screw. 1. 2.07 Finish: [Polished chrome-plated] [Rough brass] [Polished chrome-plated and rough brass]. E. One-Piece, Stamped-Steel Type: With [set screw] [spring clips] [set screw or spring clips] and chrome-plated finish. F. Split-Plate, Stamped-Steel Type: With [concealed] [exposed-rivet] hinge, [set screw] [spring clips] [set screw or spring clips], and chrome-plated finish. G. One-Piece, Floor-Plate Type: Cast-iron floor plate. H. Split-Casting, Floor-Plate Type: Cast brass with concealed hinge and set screw. GROUT A. 2.08 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Nonshrink, Nonmetallic Grout: ASTM C 1107, Grade B. 1. Characteristics: Post-hardening, volume-adjusting, dry, hydraulic-cement grout, nonstaining, noncorrosive, nongaseous, and recommended for interior and exterior applications. 2. Design Mix: 5000-psi, 28-day compressive strength. 3. Packaging: Premixed and factory-packaged. BACKFILL A. Flowable Backfill: Designed in accordance with ASTM C 94 and ASTM D 4832. 1. Refer to Division 2 and Division 3 sections for material and installation requirements. 2. Minimum Requirements: a. Compressive Strength: 50-100 psi b. Slump: 6-8 inches. 3. Required for all piping and ductwork installed below concrete slabs, apron paving and roadways. PART 3 - EXECUTION ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15050 - 6 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15050 - BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.01 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 PIPING SYSTEMS - COMMON REQUIREMENTS A. General: Install piping as described below, except where system Sections specify otherwise. Individual piping system specification Sections in Division 15 specify piping installation requirements unique to the piping system. B. General Locations and Arrangements: Drawings indicate general location and arrangement of piping systems. Indicated locations and arrangements were used to size pipe and calculate friction loss, expansion, pump sizing, and other design considerations. Install piping as indicated, except where deviations to layout are approved on coordination drawings. C. Install piping at indicated slope. D. Install piping free of sags and bends. E. Install piping plumb and at right angles and plumb or parallel to building walls. Diagonal runs are prohibited, except where indicated. F. Install piping tight to slabs, beams, joists, columns, walls, and other building elements. G. Install fittings for changes in direction and branch connections. H. Install couplings according to manufacturer's printed instructions. I. Piping Joint Construction: Join pipe and fittings as follows and as specifically required in individual piping system Sections. 1. Ream ends of pipes and tubes and remove burrs. Bevel plain ends of steel pipe. 2. Remove scale, slag, dirt, rust, and debris from inside and outside of pipe and fittings before assembly. 3. Threaded Joints: Thread pipe with tapered pipe threads according to ASME B1.20.1. Cut threads full and clean using sharp dies. Ream threaded pipe ends to remove burrs and restore full inside diameter. Join pipe fittings and valves as follows: a. Note the internal length of threads in fittings or valve ends, and proximity of internal seat or wall, to determine how far pipe should be threaded into joint. b. Apply appropriate tape or thread compound to external pipe threads (except where dry seal threading is specified). c. Align threads at point of assembly. d. Tighten joint with wrench. Apply wrench to valve end into which pipe is being threaded. e. Damaged Threads: Do not use pipe or pipe fittings having threads that are corroded or damaged. Do not use pipe sections that have cracked or open welds. J. Piping Connections: Except as otherwise indicated, make piping connections as specified below. 1. Install unions in piping 2 inches and smaller adjacent to each valve and at final connection to each piece of equipment having a 2-inch or smaller threaded pipe connection. 2. Wet Piping Systems: Install dielectric coupling and nipple fittings to connect piping materials of dissimilar metals. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15050 - 7 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15050 - BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS K. 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Piping below apron, concrete slabs or paving shall be encased in flowable backfill. Refer to Division 2 and Division 3 sections for material and installation requirements. EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION - COMMON REQUIREMENTS A. Install equipment to provide the maximum possible headroom where mounting heights are not indicated. B. Install equipment according to approved submittal data. Portions of the Work are shown only in diagrammatic form. Refer conflicts to the Project Manager. C. Install equipment level and plumb, parallel and perpendicular to other building systems and components in exposed interior spaces, except where otherwise indicated. D. Install mechanical equipment to facilitate servicing, maintenance, and repair or replacement of equipment components. Connect equipment for ease of disconnecting, with minimum of interference with other installations. Extend grease fittings to an accessible location. E. Install equipment giving right-of-way to piping systems installed at a required slope. F. Install equipment allowing for usage during operation of surrounding equipment at all portions of operations. In no instance shall an appurtenance block operation of any equipment (Example: A valve handle open position shall not block access to a PT plug). PAINTING AND FINISHING A. Refer to Division 9 Section "Painting" for field painting requirements. Paint color schedule shall conform to ASME A13.1-1996, ”Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems.” B. Damage and Touch Up: Repair marred and damaged factory-painted finishes with materials and procedures to match original factory finish. C. All rooftop equipment exposed to public or aircraft view shall be painted flat white or grey in accordance with Division 9. CONCRETE PENETRATIONS A. Refer Division 1 for core drilling and saw cutting requirements. B. All penetrations required through completed concrete construction shall be core drilled or saw cut at minimum size required. All penetrations in concrete require an x-ray or ground penetrating radar to determine if the location is clear of reinforcing steel and embedded systems. Precautions shall be taken when drilling to prevent damage to structural concrete. The Contractor shall provide an interpretation of the x-rays or radar shot and obtain written acceptance from the DIA Project Manager before proceeding with drilling. CONCRETE BASES A. Concrete Bases: Anchor equipment to concrete base according to equipment manufacturer's written instructions and according to seismic codes at Project. 1. Construct concrete bases of dimensions indicated, but not less than 4 inches (100 mm) larger in both directions than supported unit. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15050 - 8 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15050 - BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 2. Install dowel rods to connect concrete base to concrete floor. Unless otherwise indicated, install dowel rods on 18-inch (450-mm) centers around the full perimeter of the base. 3. Install epoxy-coated anchor bolts for supported equipment that extend through concrete base, and anchor into structural concrete floor. 4. Place and secure anchorage devices. Use supported equipment manufacturer's setting drawings, templates, diagrams, instructions, and directions furnished with items to be embedded. 5. Install anchor bolts to elevations required for proper attachment to supported equipment. 6. Install anchor bolts according to anchor-bolt manufacturer's written instructions. 7. Use [3000-psi] <Insert other>, 28-day compressive-strength concrete and reinforcement as specified in DIVISION 3. WELDING A. Qualify welding processes and operators for structural steel according to AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code - Steel. See Division 5 for additional requirements. B. All welding shall be inspected in process by a contractor provided, Certified, Independent Testing Agency by an AWS certified welding inspector. C. Qualify welding processes and operators for piping according to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX, Welding and Brazing Qualifications. 1. Comply with provisions of ASME B31 Series "Code for Pressure Piping." 2. Certify that each welder has passed AWS qualification tests for the welding processes involved and that certification is current. ERECTION OF METAL SUPPORTS AND ANCHORAGE A. Refer to DIVISION 5 for structural steel. B. Cut, fit, and place miscellaneous metal supports accurately in location, alignment, and elevation to support and anchor mechanical materials and equipment. C. Field Welding: Comply with AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code - Steel, as referenced in Part1. ERECTION OF WOOD SUPPORTS AND ANCHORAGES A. Cut, fit, and place wood grounds, nailers, blocking, and anchorages to support, and anchor mechanical materials and equipment. B. Select fastener sizes that will not penetrate members if opposite side will be exposed to view or will receive finish materials. Tighten connections between members. Install fasteners without splitting wood members. C. Attach to substrates as required to support applied loads. DEMOLITION ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15050 - 9 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15050 - BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.10 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 A. Refer to DIVISION 1 for general demolition requirements and procedures. B. Where pipe, ductwork, insulation, or equipment to remain is damaged or disturbed, remove damaged portions and install new products of equal capacity and quality. C. Temporary Disconnection: Remove, store, clean, reinstall, reconnect, and make operational equipment indicated for relocation. D. Disconnect, demolish, and remove mechanical systems, equipment, and components indicated to be removed. 1. Piping to Be Removed: Remove portion of piping and associated supports indicated to be removed, provide a shutoff valve with plug or cap in pressurized systems and cap or plug remaining piping with same or compatible piping material. No piping shall be abandoned in place. Repair insulation. 2. Ducts to Be Removed: Remove portion of ducts and associated supports indicated to be removed and plug remaining ducts with same or compatible ductwork material. No ductwork shall be abandoned in place. Repair insulation. 3. Piping to Be Abandoned in Place: Drain piping and cap or plug piping with same or compatible piping material. 4. Ducts to Be Abandoned in Place: Cap or plug ducts with same or compatible ductwork material. 5. Equipment to Be Removed: Disconnect and cap services and remove equipment. 6. Equipment to Be Removed and Reinstalled: Disconnect and cap services and remove, clean, and store equipment; when appropriate, reinstall, reconnect, and make equipment operational. 7. Equipment to Be Removed and Salvaged: Disconnect and cap services and remove equipment and deliver to Owner. 8. If pipe, insulation, or equipment to remain is damaged in appearance or is unserviceable, remove damaged or unserviceable portions and replace with new products of equal capacity and quality. 9. Repair structure [floor, ceilings, roof, slabs] from removed supports in accordance with [Division 3], [Division 5], [and Division 9] GROUTING A. Mix and install grout for mechanical equipment base bearing surfaces, pump and other equipment base plates, and anchors. B. Clean surfaces that will come into contact with grout. C. Provide forms as required for placement of grout. D. Avoid air entrapment during placement of grout. E. Place grout, completely filling equipment bases. F. Place grout on concrete bases and provide smooth bearing surface for equipment. G. Place grout around anchors. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15050 - 10 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15050 - BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS H. 3.11 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Cure placed grout. ELECTRIC WIRING A. Furnish equipment requiring electrical connections to operate properly and deliver full capacity at electrical service available. B. All control wiring to be in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations; all wiring shall be color coded to facilitate checking. C. Unless otherwise indicated, all mechanical equipment motors and controls shall be furnished, set in place, and wired in accordance with the schedule contained herein. Contractor should note that the intent of this electric wiring schedule is to have the Division 15 Contractor responsible for coordinating all control wiring as outlined, whether or not specifically called for by the Mechanical or Electrical Drawings and Specifications. Comply with the applicable requirements of Division 16 for electrical work of this Division 15, which is not otherwise specified. No extras will be allowed for Contractor's failure to provide for these required items. The Division 15 Contractor shall refer to the Division 16 Specifications and plans for all power and control wiring and shall advise the Project Manager of any discrepancies prior to bidding. Table 3.11-1 Item Furnishe d By 15 Equipment Motors Set By 15 Power Wiring 16 Control Wiring 15 Fused and Unfused Disconnect Switches, 16 16 16 --Thermal Overloads and Heaters Control Relays and Transformers (See Note 1) 15 15 16 15 Pushbutton Stations Pilot Lights, Manual 15 15 16 15 Switches, not carrying Load Currents Thermostats, line voltage control components 15 15 --15 Temperature Control Systems 15 15 16 15 NOTES: a. * 15 = Mechanical Contractor Under Division 15 of the Work b. * 16 = Electrical Contractor Under Division 16 of the Work c. Control wiring is any voltage required to accomplish sequence specified. Contractor listed is responsible. d. Control relays and control transformers shall be furnished under Division 15 except where furnishing such items are specifically required under Division 16 Specifications and/or Drawings. PART 4 - MEASUREMENT 4.01 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT A. No separate measurement shall be made for work under this Section. PART 5 - PAYMENT 5.01 METHOD OF PAYMENT ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15050 - 11 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15050 - BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS A. DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 No separate payment will be made for work under this Section. The cost of the work described in this Section shall be included in the applicable unit price item, work order or lump sum bid item. END OF SECTION 15050 ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15050 - 12 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15072 - MECHANICAL REMOVALS AND DEMOLITIONCONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 SECTION 15072 MECHANICAL REMOVALS AND DEMOLITION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 SECTION INCLUDES A. Removal of designated building equipment and fixtures. B. Removal of designated construction. C. [Disposal of materials.] [Storage of removed materials.] D. Identification of utilities. RELATED SECTIONS A. Division 1 for Summary of Work, Demolition, and Construction Facilities and Temporary Controls. B. Section 15010 - Basic Mechanical Requirements. SUBMITTALS A. Project Record Documents: Accurately record actual locations of capped utilities, subsurface obstructions, and [________]. B. “As Built” Plans shall be provided in the same format and manner as described above. Each set shall be equipped with a plan holder equal to “Stacor Plan Clamps” for the appropriate size drawing. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Do not disable or disrupt building fire or life safety systems without [5] [____] business days prior written notice and written acceptance of DIA Project Manager and DIA Life Safety Team. B. Conform to procedures applicable when hazardous or contaminated materials are discovered. SCHEDULING A. 1.06 Schedule Work to coordinate with work of other trades [and new construction.] PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Conduct demolition to minimize interference with adjacent [and occupied] building areas. B. Cease operations immediately if structure appears to be in danger and notify DIA Project Manager. Do not resume operations until directed. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15072 - 1 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15072 - MECHANICAL REMOVALS AND DEMOLITIONCONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 3.02 PREPARATION A. Provide, erect, and maintain temporary [barriers] [[insulated] partitions] at locations indicated. B. Erect and maintain weatherproof closures for exterior openings. C. Protect existing materials and systems, which are not to be demolished. D. Notify affected utility companies before starting work and comply with their requirements. E. Mark location and termination of utilities. DEMOLITION A. Disconnect [remove,] [cap,] and identify designated utilities within demolition areas. B. Demolish in an orderly and careful manner. Remove all unused piping, ductwork or tubing back to source and cap. No piping, ductwork, or tubing is to be abandoned in place. C. Remove demolished materials from site except where specifically noted otherwise. Do not burn or bury materials on site. D. Remove materials as Work progresses. Upon completion of Work, leave areas in clean condition. E. Remove temporary Work. PART 4 - MEASUREMENT 4.01 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT A. No separate measurement will be made for work under this Section. PART 5 - PAYMENT 5.01 PAYMENT A. No separate payment will be made for work under this section. The cost of the work described in this section shall be included in the Lump Sum Contract price. END OF SECTION 15072 ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15072 - 2 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15140 - SUPPORTS AND ANCHORS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 SECTION 15140 SUPPORTS AND ANCHORS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. 1.02 1.03 1. Steel pipe hangers and supports. 2. Trapeze pipe hangers. 3. Metal framing systems. 4. Thermal-hanger shield inserts. 5. Fastener systems. 6. Pipe stands. 7. Pipe positioning systems. 8. Equipment supports. WORK FURNISHED BUT NOT INSTALLED UNDER THIS SECTION A. Furnish hanger and support [inserts] [sleeves] to Division 3 contractor for placement into formwork. B. Placement of roofing [pipe] [duct] supports. C. Placement of equipment roof supports. D. Placement of roof sleeves, vents, and curbs. PRODUCTS INSTALLED BUT NOT FURNISHED UNDER THIS SECTION A. 1.04 This Section includes the following hangers and supports for mechanical system piping and equipment: Roofing [pipe] [duct] [equipment] supports for placement by this Section. RELATED SECTIONS A. [Division 3] [Division 1]: Concrete equipment bases.] B. Division 1: Firestopping; Joint seals for piping and duct penetration of fire rated assemblies. C. Division 1: Painting. D. Section 15010 - Basic Mechanical Requirements. E. Section 15050 - Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods. F. Section 15121 - Piping Expansion Compensation G. Section 15245 - Vibration Isolation. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15140 - 1 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15140 - SUPPORTS AND ANCHORS 1.05 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 H. Section 15260 - Piping Insulation. I. Section 15280 - Equipment Insulation. J. Section 15310 - Fire Protection Piping. K. Section 15410 - Plumbing Piping. L. Section 15510 - Hydronic Piping. M. Section 15535 - Refrigerant Piping and Specialties. REFERENCES A. Materials and workmanship shall conform to the latest issue of all industry standards, publications, or regulations referenced in this section and with the following references as applicable. Refer to Section 15010 for listing of issuing organizations or agencies. B. Applicable Standards: 1. American Welding Society (AWS): a. D1.1 - Structural Welding Code - Steel. b. D1.2 - Structural Welding Code - Aluminum. c. D1.3 - Structural Welding Code - Sheet Steel. d. D1.4 - Structural Welding Code - Reinforcing Steel. 2. ASME International (ASME): a. B31.1 - Power Piping. b. B31.9 - Building Services Piping. 3. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code: Section IX, "Welding and Brazing Qualification". 4. ASTM International (ASTM): a. A36/A37M - Carbon Structural Steel. b. A780 - Practice for Repair of Damaged and Uncoated Areas of Hot-Dip Galvanized Coatings. c. C533 - Calcium Silicate Block and Pipe Thermal Insulation. d. C552 -Cellular Glass Thermal Insulation. e. C1107 - Packaged Dry, Hydraulic-Cement Grout (Nonshrink). 5. The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO): a. PS42 - Pipe Alignment and Secondary Support Systems. 6. International Fire Code (IFC) with the Denver Amendments 7. International Building Code (IBC) with the Denver Amendments. 8. Manufacturers Standardization Society of The Valve and Fittings Industry Inc. (MSS SP): a. 58 - Pipe Hangers and Supports - Materials, Design and Manufacture. b. 69 - Pipe Hangers and Supports - Selection and Application. c. 89 - Pipe Hangers and Supports - Fabrication and Installation Practices. d. 90 - Guidelines on Terminology for Pipe Hangers and Supports. 9. Metal Framing Manufacturers Association (MFMA): a. 3 - Metal Framing Standards Publication. b. 102 - Guidelines for the Use of Metal Framing. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15140 - 2 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15140 - SUPPORTS AND ANCHORS 1.06 10. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) a. NFPA 13 - Installation of Sprinkler Systems. b. NFPA 14 - Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems. 11. The Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC): a. PA1 - Paint Application Specification No. 1: Shop, Field , and Maintenance Painting of Steel. 12. Underwriters' Laboratories (UL) a. UL 203 - Pipe Hanger Equipment for Fire Protection Service. SUBMITTALS A. A. B. 1.07 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Product Data: For the following: 1. Steel pipe hangers and supports. 2. Thermal-hanger shield inserts. 3. Powder-actuated fastener systems. 4. Pipe positioning systems. Shop Drawings: Signed and sealed by a qualified professional engineer. 1. Design Calculations: Calculate requirements for selecting vibration isolators and seismic restraints. 2. Include plans, elevations, sections, details, and attachments to other work. 3. Wiring Diagrams: Power, signal, and control wiring. Show fabrication and installation details and include calculations for the following: 1. Trapeze pipe hangers. Include Product Data for components. 2. Metal framing systems. Include Product Data for components. 3. Pipe stands. Include Product Data for components. 4. Equipment supports. C. Design Data: Indicate load carrying capacity of trapeze, multiple pipe, and riser support hangers. D. Refer to Section 15010 for coordination requirements. E. “As Built” Plans shall be provided in electronic format in accordance with Section 15010. F. Welding certificates. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Welding: Qualify procedures and personnel according to AWS D1.1 [AWS D1.4] [ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code: Section IX.] B. Welding: Qualify procedures and personnel according to the following: 1. AWS D1.1. 2. AWS D1.2. 3. AWS D1.3. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15140 - 3 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15140 - SUPPORTS AND ANCHORS C. DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 4. AWS D1.4. 5. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code: Section IX. Professional Engineer Qualifications: A professional engineer who is legally qualified to practice in jurisdiction where Project is located and who is experienced in providing engineering services of the kind indicated. Engineering services are defined as those performed for installations of piping and equipment supports and anchors that are similar to those indicated for this Project in material, design, and extent. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. In other Part 2 articles where titles below introduce lists, the following requirements apply to product selection: 1. 2.02 2.03 STEEL PIPE HANGERS AND SUPPORTS A. Description: MSS SP-58, Types 1 through 58, factory-fabricated components. Refer to PART 3 "Hanger and Support Applications" Article for where to use specific hanger and support types. B. Manufacturers: 1. Anvil International 2. Bergen-Power Pipe Supports. 3. B-Line Systems, Inc.; a division of Cooper Industries. 4. PHS Industries, Inc. 5. Piping Technology & Products, Inc. 6. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 15010. C. Galvanized, Metallic Coatings: Pre-galvanized or hot dipped. D. Nonmetallic Coatings: Plastic coating, jacket, or liner. E. Padded Hangers: Hanger with fiberglass or other pipe insulation pad or cushion for support of bearing surface of piping. TRAPEZE PIPE HANGERS A. 2.04 Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the manufacturers specified. Description: MSS SP-69, Type 59, shop- or field-fabricated pipe-support assembly made from structural-steel shapes with MSS SP-58 hanger rods, nuts, saddles, and U-bolts. METAL FRAMING SYSTEMS A. Description: MFMA-3, shop- or field-fabricated pipe-support assembly made of steel channels and other components. B. Manufacturers: 1. B-Line Systems, Inc.; a division of Cooper Industries. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15140 - 4 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15140 - SUPPORTS AND ANCHORS 2.05 2.06 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 2. Power-Strut Div.; Tyco International, Ltd. 3. Unistrut Corp.; Tyco International, Ltd. 4. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 15010 C. Coatings: Manufacturer's standard finish, unless bare metal surfaces are indicated. D. Nonmetallic Coatings: Plastic coating, jacket, or liner. THERMAL-HANGER SHIELD INSERTS A. Description: 100-psig- minimum, compressive-strength insulation insert encased in sheet metal shield. B. Manufacturers: 1. Carpenter & Paterson, Inc. 2. PHS Industries, Inc. 3. Pipe Shields, Inc. 4. Value Engineered Products, Inc. 5. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 15010. C. Insulation-Insert Material for Cold Piping: [Water-repellent treated, ASTM C533, Type I calcium silicate] [Water-repellent treated, ASTM C533, Type I calcium silicate or ASTM C552, Type II cellular glass] [ASTM C552, Type II cellular glass] with vapor barrier. D. Insulation-Insert Material for Hot Piping: [Water-repellent treated, ASTM C533, Type I calcium silicate] [Water-repellent treated, ASTM C533, Type I calcium silicate or ASTM C552, Type II cellular glass] [ASTM C552, Type II cellular glass]. E. For Trapeze or Clamped Systems: Insert and shield shall cover entire circumference of pipe. F. For Clevis or Band Hangers: Insert and shield shall cover lower 180 degrees of pipe. G. Insert Length: Extend 2 inches beyond sheet metal shield for piping operating below ambient air temperature. FASTENER SYSTEMS A. Powder-Actuated Fasteners: Threaded-steel stud, for use in hardened portland cement concrete with pull-out, tension, and shear capacities appropriate for supported loads and building materials where used. 1. B. Manufacturers: a. Hilti, Inc. b. ITW Ramset/Red Head. c. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 15010. Mechanical-Expansion Anchors: Insert-wedge-type [zinc-coated] [stainless] steel, for use in hardened portland cement concrete with pull-out, tension, and shear capacities appropriate for supported loads and building materials where used. 1. Manufacturers: a. B-Line Systems, Inc.; a division of Cooper Industries. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15140 - 5 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15140 - SUPPORTS AND ANCHORS b. c. d. 2.07 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Hilti, Inc. ITW Ramset/Red Head. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 15010. PIPE STAND FABRICATION A. Pipe Stands, General: Shop or field-fabricated assemblies made of manufactured corrosion-resistant components to support roof-mounted piping. B. Compact Pipe Stand: One-piece plastic unit with integral-rod-roller, pipe clamps, or Vshaped cradle to support pipe, for roof installation without membrane penetration. 1. C. Low-Type, Single-Pipe Stand: One-piece [plastic] [stainless-steel] base unit with plastic roller, for roof installation without membrane penetration. 1. D. E. F. Manufacturers: a. ERICO/Michigan Hanger Co. b. MIRO Industries. c. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 15010. Manufacturers: a. MIRO Industries. b. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 15010. High-Type, Single-Pipe Stand: Assembly of base, vertical and horizontal members, and pipe support, for roof installation without membrane penetration. 1. Manufacturers: a. ERICO/Michigan Hanger Co. b. MIRO Industries. c. Portable Pipe Hangers. d. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 15010. 2. Base: [Plastic] [Stainless steel]. 3. Vertical Members: Two or more cadmium-plated-steel or stainless-steel, continuousthread rods. 4. Horizontal Member: Cadmium-plated-steel or stainless-steel rod with plastic or stainless-steel, roller-type pipe support. High-Type, Multiple-Pipe Stand: Assembly of bases, vertical and horizontal members, and pipe supports, for roof installation without membrane penetration. 1. Manufacturers: a. Portable Pipe Hangers. b. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 15010. 2. Bases: One or more plastic. 3. Vertical Members: Two or more protective-coated-steel channels. 4. Horizontal Member: Protective-coated-steel channel. 5. Pipe Supports: Galvanized-steel, clevis-type pipe hangers. Curb-Mounting-Type Pipe Stands: Shop- or field-fabricated pipe support made from structural-steel shape, continuous-thread rods, and rollers for mounting on permanent stationary roof curb. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15140 - 6 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15140 - SUPPORTS AND ANCHORS 2.08 2.09 PIPE POSITIONING SYSTEMS A. Description: IAPMO PS 42, system of metal brackets, and clips for positioning piping in pipe spaces for plumbing fixtures for commercial applications. Straps shall not be used. Positioning systems shall not be used in lieu of support systems. B. Manufacturers: 1. C & S Mfg. Corp. 2. HOLDRITE Corp.; Hubbard Enterprises. 3. Samco Stamping, Inc. 4. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 15010. EQUIPMENT SUPPORTS A. 2.10 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Description: Welded, shop- or field-fabricated equipment support made from structural-steel shapes. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Structural Steel: ASTM A 6/A36M, steel plates, shapes, and bars; black and galvanized. B. Grout: ASTM C1107, factory-mixed and -packaged, dry, hydraulic-cement, nonshrink and nonmetallic grout; suitable for interior and exterior applications. 1. Properties: Nonstaining, noncorrosive, and nongaseous. 2. Design Mix: 5000-psi, 28-day compressive strength. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 PIPE HANGERS AND SUPPORTS A. Support horizontal piping as required and in accordance with spans and hanger rod sizes based on MSS SP-69 recommendations. Hanger rod sizes are based on single-rod hangers using ASTM A36-81A or ASTM A575-81 Gr 1020 steel. If local codes or special design considerations necessitate shorter spans or larger rod sizes, they shall govern. Contractor shall adjust requirements as necessary for conditions such as increase in loading caused by valves, fittings, or other conditions. B. Space steel piping supports to permit normal pitch of pipe lines with deflection and bending stress maintained at a minimum. Except as otherwise required by applicable codes, do not exceed the following support spacings: Nominal Pipe Size Water Service Gas, or Air Service Hanger Rod Min. (inches) Spacing (feet) Spacing (feet) Diameter (inches) 1/2 and Smaller 7 8 3/8 3/4 through 1-1/4 7 9 3/8 1-1/2 9 12 3/8 2 10 13 3/8 3 12 15 1/2 4 14 17 5/8 6 17 21 3/4 8 20 26 7/8 10 21 27 7/8 12 23 30 7/8 14 25 32 1 ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15140 - 7 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15140 - SUPPORTS AND ANCHORS Nominal Pipe Size (inches) 16 18 20 24 30 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Water Service Spacing (feet) 27 28 30 32 33 Gas, or Air Service Spacing (feet) 35 37 39 42 44 Hanger Rod Min. Diameter (inches) 1 1-1/8 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/2 C. Support cast iron piping at each joint and in accordance with applicable codes and standards. D. The maximum support spacing for thin wall aluminum, stainless steel, or copper lines is as follows: Nominal Pipe Size (inches) 1/2 3/4 through 1-1/4 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 E. Water Service Spacing (feet) 7 7 10 11 13 15 16 18 20 Gas, or Air Service Spacing (feet) 8 9 13 14 16 19 20 23 25 Support PVC piping system per the following requirements: Distance Between Supports (feet) Size (in.) Operating Temperatures ( degrees F) 60 80 100 Temp. 40 80 40 80 40 80 Schedule 1 5.5 6.0 5.0 5.5 3.5 4.5 1-1/2 6.0 6.5 5.5 6.5 5.0 5.5 2 6.0 7.0 5.5 6.5 5.0 6.0 3 7.0 8.0 7.0 7.5 6.0 7.0 4 7.5 9.0 7.0 8.5 6.5 7.5 6 8.5 10.0 8.0 9.5 7.5 9.0 8 9.0 11.0 8.5 10.5 8.0 9.5 10 10.0 11.5 9.0 11.0 8.5 10.5 12 11.5 12.5 10.5 12.0 9.5 11.5 F. Hanger Rod Min. Diameter (Inches) 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 5/8 3/4 3/4 3/4 120 40 3.0 3.5 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.5 80 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 6.0 6.5 9.5 10.5 140 40 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 4.5 5.0 5.5 80 3.0 3.5 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 8.0 8.5 Space CPVC piping supports per the following requirements: Distance Between Supports (feet) Sch. 80 Size Operating Temperatures ( degrees F) 80 100 120 140 (in.) 1/2 5 4.75 4.5 4.25 1 5.75 5.5 5.25 4.66 1-1/2 6.5 6.25 5.75 5.25 2 7.25 6.75 6.33 5.66 3 8.5 8.0 7.5 6.75 4 9.25 8.75 8.25 8.25 6 10.0 9.33 8.75 8.75 8 10.5 10.0 9.33 9.33 ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15140 - 8 160 3.66 4.33 4.75 5.25 5.66 6.5 7.0 7.75 180 3.25 3.5 4.0 4.25 5.0 5.33 6.0 6.5 200 2.5 2.66 3.25 3.25 3.33 4.0 4.75 5.25 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15140 - SUPPORTS AND ANCHORS G. DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Support PVDF piping per the following requirements based on pipe rated at 230 psi for diameters 2-inch through 2-1/2-inch, and 150 psi for diameters 3-inch and larger, at 68 degrees F: Maximum Distance Between Supports (feet) Pipe Size Operating Temperatures (degrees F) 68 86 122 Over 140 (inches) 1/2 3.0 2.5 2.0 Continuous support recommended 3/4 3.0 3.0 2.5 Continuous support recommended 1 3.5 3.0 3.0 Continuous support recommended 1-1/2 4.0 3.5 3.0 Continuous support recommended 2 4.5 4.0 3.5 Continuous support recommended 2-1/2 5.0 4.5 4.0 Continuous support recommended 3 5.5 5.0 4.0 Continuous support recommended 4 6.0 5.0 4.5 Continuous support recommended 6 7.0 6.0 5.0 Continuous support recommended H. Support Polypropylene piping per the following requirements based on pipe rated at 45 and 150 psi at 68 degrees F: Maximum Distance Between Supports (feet) Pipe Size (inches) Operating Temperatures ( degrees F) 68 86 104 Temp. 45 150 45 150 45 Rated Pressure 1/2 N/A 3.0 N/A 2.5 N/A 3/4 N/A 3.0 N/A 3.0 N/A 1 N/A 3.5 N/A 3.0 N/A 1-1/2 N/A 4.0 N/A 3.5 N/A 2 2.5 4.5 2.25 4.0 2.25 2-1/2 2.75 5.0 2.5 4.5 2.25 3 3.0 5.5 2.75 5.0 2.25 4 3.5 6.0 2.75 5.0 2.75 6 4.0 7.0 3.5 6.0 3.5 8 4.0 7.5 4.0 7.5 3.5 I. 150 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 122 45 N/A N/A N/A N/A 2.0 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.75 3.5 150 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Support distances for PVC, CPVC, PVDF, and PP systems are based on fluid specific gravity of 1.0. For fluids at higher density, multiply distances by following factors: SP Gravity Factor 1.0 1.0 1.1 0.98 1.2 0.96 1.4 0.93 1.6 0.90 2.0 0.85 2.5 0.80 J. Install hangers to provide minimum 1/2 inch space between finished covering and adjacent work. K. Place a hanger within 12 inches of each horizontal elbow. L. Use hangers with 1-1/2 inch minimum vertical adjustment. M. Install hangers for cast-iron soil piping with the following maximum horizontal spacing and minimum rod diameters: 1. NPS 1-1/2 and NPS 2: 60 inches with 3/8-inch rod. 2. NPS 3: 60 inches with 1/2-inch rod. 3. NPS 4 and NPS 5: 60 inches with 5/8-inch rod. 4. NPS 6: 60 inches with 3/4-inch rod. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15140 - 9 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15140 - SUPPORTS AND ANCHORS 3.02 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 5. NPS 8 to NPS 12: 60 inches with 7/8-inch rod. 6. NPS 15: 60 inches with 1-inch rod. 7. Spacing for 10-foot lengths may be increased to 10 feet. Spacing for fittings is limited to 60 inches. N. Support vertical piping at every floor. Support vertical cast iron pipe at each floor and at each hub. O. Where several pipes can be installed in parallel and at same elevation, provide multiple or trapeze hangers. P. Support riser piping independently of connected horizontal piping. Q. At changes in pipe flow direction, install piping sufficiently spaced to allow pipe movement without crushing insulation. R. Mechanical systems shall not share supports and/or hangers with any other systems. S. Fire Proofing: Where hangers require removal of fire proofing, remove minimum amount of fire proofing for hanger attachment. Repair fire proofing per Technical Specifications. Refer to Division 7 of the Technical Specifications. HANGER AND SUPPORT APPLICATIONS A. Specific hanger and support requirements are specified in Sections specifying piping systems and equipment. B. Comply with MSS SP-69 for pipe hanger selections and applications that are not specified in piping system Sections. C. Use hangers and supports with galvanized, metallic coatings for piping and equipment that will not have field-applied finish. D. Use nonmetallic coatings on attachments for electrolytic protection where attachments are in direct contact with copper tubing. E. Use padded hangers for piping that is subject to scratching. F. Horizontal-Piping Hangers and Supports: Unless otherwise indicated and except as specified in piping system Sections, install the following types: 1. Adjustable, Steel Clevis Hangers (MSS Type 1): For suspension of noninsulated or insulated stationary pipes, NPS 1/2 to NPS 30. 2. Yoke-Type Pipe Clamps (MSS Type 2): For suspension of 120 to 450F pipes, NPS 4 to NPS 16, requiring up to 4 inches of insulation. 3. Carbon- or Alloy-Steel, Double-Bolt Pipe Clamps (MSS Type 3): For suspension of pipes, NPS 3/4 to NPS 24, requiring clamp flexibility and up to 4 inches of insulation. 4. Steel Pipe Clamps (MSS Type 4): For suspension of cold and hot pipes, NPS 1/2 to NPS 24, if little or no insulation is required. 5. Pipe Hangers (MSS Type 5): For suspension of pipes, NPS 1/2 to NPS 4, to allow offcenter closure for hanger installation before pipe erection. 6. Adjustable Swivel Split- or Solid-Ring Hangers (MSS Type 6): For suspension of noninsulated stationary pipes, NPS 3/4 to NPS 8. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15140 - 10 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15140 - SUPPORTS AND ANCHORS G. H. DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 7. Adjustable, Steel Band Hangers (MSS Type 7): For suspension of noninsulated stationary pipes, NPS 1/2 to NPS 8. 8. Adjustable Band Hangers (MSS Type 9): For suspension of noninsulated stationary pipes, NPS 1/2 to NPS 8. 9. Adjustable Swivel-Ring Band Hangers (MSS Type 10): For suspension of noninsulated stationary pipes, NPS 1/2 to NPS 2. 10. Split Pipe-Ring with or without Turnbuckle-Adjustment Hangers (MSS Type 11): For suspension of noninsulated stationary pipes, NPS 3/8 to NPS 8. 11. Extension Hinged or 2-Bolt Split Pipe Clamps (MSS Type 12): For suspension of noninsulated stationary pipes, NPS 3/8 to NPS 3. 12. U-Bolts (MSS Type 24): For support of heavy pipes, NPS 1/2 to NPS 30. 13. Clips (MSS Type 26): For support of insulated pipes not subject to expansion or contraction. 14. Pipe Saddle Supports (MSS Type 36): For support of pipes, NPS 4 to NPS 36, with steel pipe base stanchion support and cast-iron floor flange. 15. Pipe Stanchion Saddles (MSS Type 37): For support of pipes, NPS 4 to NPS 36, with steel pipe base stanchion support and cast-iron floor flange and with U-bolt to retain pipe. 16. Adjustable Pipe Saddle Supports (MSS Type 38): For stanchion-type support for pipes, NPS 2-1/2 to NPS 36, if vertical adjustment is required, with steel pipe base stanchion support and cast-iron floor flange. 17. Single Pipe Rolls (MSS Type 41): For suspension of pipes, NPS 1 to NPS 30, from 2 rods if longitudinal movement caused by expansion and contraction might occur. 18. Adjustable Roller Hangers (MSS Type 43): For suspension of pipes, NPS 2-1/2 to NPS 20, from single rod if horizontal movement caused by expansion and contraction might occur. 19. Complete Pipe Rolls (MSS Type 44): For support of pipes, NPS 2 to NPS 42, if longitudinal movement caused by expansion and contraction might occur but vertical adjustment is not necessary. 20. Pipe Roll and Plate Units (MSS Type 45): For support of pipes, NPS 2 to NPS 24, if small horizontal movement caused by expansion and contraction might occur and vertical adjustment is not necessary. 21. Adjustable Pipe Roll and Base Units (MSS Type 46): For support of pipes, NPS 2 to NPS 30, if vertical and lateral adjustment during installation might be required in addition to expansion and contraction. Vertical-Piping Clamps: Unless otherwise indicated and except as specified in piping system Sections, install the following types: 1. Extension Pipe or Riser Clamps (MSS Type 8): For support of pipe risers, NPS 3/4 to NPS 20. 2. Carbon- or Alloy-Steel Riser Clamps (MSS Type 42): For support of pipe risers, NPS 3/4 to NPS 20, if longer ends are required for riser clamps. Hanger-Rod Attachments: Unless otherwise indicated and except as specified in piping system Sections, install the following types: 1. Steel Turnbuckles (MSS Type 13): For adjustment up to 6 inches for heavy loads. 2. Steel Clevises (MSS Type 14): For 120 to 450F piping installations. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15140 - 11 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15140 - SUPPORTS AND ANCHORS I. J. DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 3. Swivel Turnbuckles (MSS Type 15): For use with MSS Type 11, split pipe rings. 4. Malleable-Iron Sockets (MSS Type 16): For attaching hanger rods to various types of building attachments. 5. Steel Weldless Eye Nuts (MSS Type 17): For 120 to 450F piping installations. Building Attachments: Unless otherwise indicated and except as specified in piping system Sections, install the following types: 1. Steel or Malleable Concrete Inserts (MSS Type 18): For upper attachment to suspend pipe hangers from concrete ceiling. 2. Top-Beam C-Clamps (MSS Type 19): For use under roof installations with bar-joist construction to attach to top flange of structural shape. 3. Side-Beam or Channel Clamps (MSS Type 20): For attaching to bottom flange of beams, channels, or angles. 4. Center-Beam Clamps (MSS Type 21): For attaching to center of bottom flange of beams. 5. Welded Beam Attachments (MSS Type 22): For attaching to bottom of beams if loads are considerable and rod sizes are large. 6. C-Clamps (MSS Type 23): For structural shapes. 7. Top-Beam Clamps (MSS Type 25): For top of beams if hanger rod is required tangent to flange edge. 8. Side-Beam Clamps (MSS Type 27): For bottom of steel I-beams. 9. Steel-Beam Clamps with Eye Nuts (MSS Type 28): For attaching to bottom of steel Ibeams for heavy loads. 10. Linked-Steel Clamps with Eye Nuts (MSS Type 29): For attaching to bottom of steel Ibeams for heavy loads, with link extensions. 11. Malleable Beam Clamps with Extension Pieces (MSS Type 30): For attaching to structural steel. 12. Welded-Steel Brackets: For support of pipes from below, or for suspending from above by using clip and rod. Use one of the following for indicated loads: a. Light (MSS Type 31): 750 lb. b. Medium (MSS Type 32): 1500 lb. c. Heavy (MSS Type 33): 3000 lb. 13. Side-Beam Brackets (MSS Type 34): For sides of steel or wooden beams. 14. Plate Lugs (MSS Type 57): For attaching to steel beams if flexibility at beam is required. 15. Horizontal Travelers (MSS Type 58): For supporting piping systems subject to linear horizontal movement where headroom is limited. Saddles and Shields: Unless otherwise indicated and except as specified in piping system Sections, install the following types: 1. Steel Pipe-Covering Protection Saddles (MSS Type 39): To fill interior voids with insulation that matches adjoining insulation. 2. Protection Shields (MSS Type 40): Of length recommended in writing by manufacturer to prevent crushing insulation. 3. Thermal-Hanger Shield Inserts: For supporting insulated pipe. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15140 - 12 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15140 - SUPPORTS AND ANCHORS K. 3.03 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Spring Hangers and Supports: Unless otherwise indicated and except as specified in piping system Sections, install the following types: 1. Restraint-Control Devices (MSS Type 47): Where indicated to control piping movement. 2. Spring Cushions (MSS Type 48): For light loads if vertical movement does not exceed 1-1/4 inches. 3. Spring-Cushion Roll Hangers (MSS Type 49): For equipping Type 41 roll hanger with springs. 4. Spring Sway Braces (MSS Type 50): To retard sway, shock, vibration, or thermal expansion in piping systems. 5. Variable-Spring Hangers (MSS Type 51): Preset to indicated load and limit variability factor to 25% to absorb expansion and contraction of piping system from hanger. 6. Variable-Spring Base Supports (MSS Type 52): Preset to indicated load and limit variability factor to 25% to absorb expansion and contraction of piping system from base support. 7. Variable-Spring Trapeze Hangers (MSS Type 53): Preset to indicated load and limit variability factor to 25% to absorb expansion and contraction of piping system from trapeze support. 8. Constant Supports: For critical piping stress and if necessary to avoid transfer of stress from one support to another support, critical terminal, or connected equipment. Include auxiliary stops for erection, hydrostatic test, and load-adjustment capability. These supports include the following types: a. Horizontal (MSS Type 54): Mounted horizontally. b. Vertical (MSS Type 55): Mounted vertically. c. Trapeze (MSS Type 56): Two vertical-type supports and one trapeze member. L. Comply with MSS SP-69 for trapeze pipe hanger selections and applications that are not specified in piping system Sections. M. Comply with MFMA-102 for metal framing system selections and applications that are not specified in piping system Sections. N. Use [powder-actuated fasteners] [or] [mechanical-expansion anchors] instead of building attachments where required in concrete construction. O. Use pipe positioning systems in pipe spaces behind plumbing fixtures to support supply and waste piping for plumbing fixtures. HANGER AND SUPPORT INSTALLATION A. Steel Pipe Hanger Installation: Comply with MSS SP-69 and MSS SP-89. Install hangers, supports, clamps, and attachments as required to properly support piping from building structure. B. Trapeze Pipe Hanger Installation: Comply with MSS SP-69 and MSS SP-89. Arrange for grouping of parallel runs of horizontal piping and support together on field-fabricated trapeze pipe hangers. 1. Pipes of Various Sizes: Support together and space trapezes for smallest pipe size or install intermediate supports for smaller diameter pipes as specified above for individual pipe hangers. 2. Field fabricate from ASTM A36/A36M, steel shapes selected for loads being ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15140 - 13 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15140 - SUPPORTS AND ANCHORS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 supported. Weld steel according to AWS D1.1. C. Metal Framing System Installation: Arrange for grouping of parallel runs of piping and support together on field-assembled metal framing systems. D. Thermal-Hanger Shield Installation: Install in pipe hanger or shield for insulated piping. E. Fastener System Installation: F. 1. Install powder-actuated fasteners for use in lightweight concrete or concrete slabs less than 4 inches thick in concrete after concrete is placed and completely cured. Use operators that are licensed by powder-actuated tool manufacturer. Install fasteners according to powder-actuated tool manufacturer's operating manual. 2. Install mechanical-expansion anchors in concrete after concrete is placed and completely cured. Insert wedge type expansion shell or shield should be flush with concrete surface in which it is set. This requires the hole in the concrete to be of sufficient depth to accommodate total insertion. Install fasteners according to manufacturer's written instructions. Pipe Stand Installation: 1. Pipe Stand Types except Curb-Mounting Type: Assemble components and mount on smooth roof surface. Do not penetrate roof membrane. 2. Curb-Mounting-Type Pipe Stands: Assemble components or fabricate pipe stand and mount on permanent, stationary roof curb. Refer to DIVISION 7 for curbs. G. Pipe Positioning System Installation: Install support devices to make rigid supply and waste piping connections to each plumbing fixture. Refer to SECTION 15410 - PLUMBING FIXTURES for plumbing fixtures. H. Install hangers and supports complete with necessary inserts, bolts, rods, nuts, washers, and other accessories. I. Equipment Support Installation: Fabricate from welded-structural-steel shapes. J. Install hangers and supports to allow controlled thermal and seismic movement of piping systems, to permit freedom of movement between pipe anchors, and to facilitate action of expansion joints, expansion loops, expansion bends, and similar units. K. Install lateral bracing with pipe hangers and supports to prevent swaying. L. Install building attachments within concrete slabs or attach to structural steel. Install additional attachments at concentrated loads, including valves, flanges, and strainers, [NPS 2-1/2] <Insert other> and larger and at changes in direction of piping. Install concrete inserts before concrete is placed; fasten inserts to forms and install reinforcing bars through openings at top of inserts. M. Load Distribution: Install hangers and supports so piping live and dead loads and stresses from movement will not be transmitted to connected equipment. N. Pipe Slopes: Install hangers and supports to provide indicated pipe slopes and so maximum pipe deflections allowed by ASME B31.1 (for power piping) and ASME B31.9 (for building services piping) are not exceeded. O. Insulated Piping: Comply with the following: 1. Attach clamps and spacers to piping. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15140 - 14 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15140 - SUPPORTS AND ANCHORS a. b. c. 3.04 3.05 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Piping Operating above Ambient Air Temperature: Clamp may project through insulation. Piping Operating below Ambient Air Temperature: Use thermal-hanger shield insert with clamp sized to match OD of insert. Do not exceed pipe stress limits according to ASME B31.1 for power piping and ASME B31.9 for building services piping. 2. Install MSS SP-58, Type 39, protection saddles if insulation without vapor barrier is indicated. Fill interior voids with insulation that matches adjoining insulation. a. Option: Thermal-hanger shield inserts may be used. Include steel weightdistribution plate for pipe NPS 4 and larger if pipe is installed on rollers. 3. Install MSS SP-58, Type 40, protective shields on cold piping with vapor barrier. Shields shall span an arc of 180. a. Option: Thermal-hanger shield inserts may be used. Include steel weightdistribution plate for pipe NPS 4 and larger if pipe is installed on rollers. 4. Shield Dimensions for Pipe: Not less than the following: a. NPS 1/4 to NPS 3-1/2: 12 inches long and 0.048 inch thick. b. NPS 4: 12 inches long and 0.06 inch thick. c. NPS 5 and NPS 6: 18 inches long and 0.06 inch thick. d. NPS 8 to NPS 14: 24 inches long and 0.075 inch thick. e. NPS 16 to NPS 24: 24 inches long and 0.105 inch thick. 5. Pipes NPS 8 and Larger: Include wood inserts. 6. Insert Material: Length at least as long as protective shield. 7. Thermal-Hanger Shields: Install with insulation same thickness as piping insulation. EQUIPMENT SUPPORTS A. Fabricate structural-steel stands to suspend equipment from structure overhead or to support equipment above floor. B. Grouting: Place grout under supports for equipment and make smooth bearing surface. C. Provide lateral bracing, to prevent swaying, for equipment supports. METAL FABRICATIONS A. Cut, drill, and fit miscellaneous metal fabrications for [trapeze pipe hangers] [and] [equipment supports]. B. Fit exposed connections together to form hairline joints. Field weld connections that cannot be shop welded because of shipping size limitations. C. Field Welding: Comply with AWS D1.1 procedures for shielded metal arc welding, appearance and quality of welds, and methods used in correcting welding work, and with the following: 1. Use materials and methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and corrosion resistance of base metals. 2. Obtain fusion without undercut or overlap. 3. Remove welding flux immediately. 4. Finish welds at exposed connections so no roughness shows after finishing and ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15140 - 15 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15140 - SUPPORTS AND ANCHORS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 contours of welded surfaces match adjacent contours. 3.06 3.07 ADJUSTING A. Hanger Adjustments: Adjust hangers to distribute loads equally on attachments and to achieve indicated slope of pipe. B. Trim excess length of continuous-thread hanger and support rods to [1-1/2 inches] <Insert other>. PAINTING A. Touch Up: Clean field welds and abraded areas of shop paint. Paint exposed areas immediately after erecting hangers and supports. Use same materials as used for shop painting. Comply with SSPC-PA 1 requirements for touching up field-painted surfaces. 1. Apply paint by brush or spray to provide minimum dry film thickness of 2.0 mils. B. Touch Up: Cleaning and touchup painting of field welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas of shop paint on miscellaneous metal are specified in DIVISION 9. C. Galvanized Surfaces: Clean welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas and apply galvanizing-repair paint to comply with ASTM A780. PART 4 -MEASUREMENT 4.01 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT A. No separate measurement will be made for work under this Section. PART 5 - PAYMENT 5.01 PAYMENT A. No separate payment will be made for work under this section. The cost of the work described in this section shall be included in the Lump Sum Contract price. END OF SECTION 15140 ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15140 - 16 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15190 - MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 SECTION 15190 MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 SECTION INCLUDES A. Nameplates. B. Tags. C. Stencils. D. Pipe Markers. E. Valve Chart and Schedule. RELATED SECTIONS A. Division 9 - Painting: Identification painting. B. Section 15010 - Basic Mechanical Requirements. C. Section 15050 - Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods. REFERENCES A. Materials and workmanship shall conform to the latest issue of all industry standards, publications, or regulations referenced in this section and with the following references as applicable. Refer to Section 15010 for listing of issuing organizations or agencies. B. Applicable Standards: 1. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) a. ASME A13.1 - Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems. 2. International Building Code (IBC) with the Denver Amendments 3. International Fire Code (IFC) with the Denver Amendments SUBMITTALS A. Submit list of wording, symbols, letter size, and color coding for mechanical identification. B. Include valve chart and schedule, including valve tag number, location, function, and valve manufacturer's name and model number. C. Product Data: Provide manufacturers catalog literature for each product required. D. “As Built” Plans shall be provided in the same format and manner as described above. Each set shall be equipped with a plan holder equal to “Stacor Plan Clamps” for the appropriate size drawings. PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15190 - 1 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15190 - MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION A. DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Record actual locations of tagged valves. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. 2.02 Manufacturers: 1. W.H. Brady Co. 2. Panduit Corp. 3. Seton Name Plate Corp. 4. Marking Services, Inc. 5. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 15010. MATERIALS A. Color: Unless specified otherwise, conform with ASME A13.1. B. Plastic Nameplates: Laminated three-layer plastic with engraved black letters on light contrasting background color. C. Metal Tags: Brass or aluminum, with stamped letters; tag size minimum 1-1/2 inch diameter with smooth edges. D. Chart: Typewritten letter size list in anodized aluminum frame. E. Stencils: With clean cut symbols and letters of 2-1/2 inch size. F. Stencil Paint: In accordance with Division 9, semi-gloss enamel. G. Plastic Pipe Markers: Factory fabricated, flexible, semi-rigid plastic, preformed to fit around pipe or pipe covering; minimum information indicating flow direction arrow and fluid being conveyed. H. Underground Plastic Pipe Markers: 1. Bright colored continuously printed plastic ribbon tape of not less than 6 inch wide by 4 mil thick, manufactured for direct burial service. 2. For non-metallic buried piping provide printed foil type tape as manufactured by Marking Services Inc., enabling locating of runs by use of a metal detector. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 3.02 PREPARATION A. Degrease and clean surfaces to receive adhesive for identification materials. B. Prepare surfaces in accordance with Division 9 for stencil painting. INSTALLATION A. Plastic Nameplates: Install with corrosive-resistant mechanical fasteners and adhesive. B. Metal Tags: Install with corrosive-resistant chain. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15190 - 2 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15190 - MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 C. Stencil Painting: Apply in accordance with Division 9. D. Plastic Pipe Markers: Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. E. Underground Plastic Pipe Markers: Install 6 to 8 inches below finished grade or paving, directly above buried pipe. F. Controls: Identify control panels and major control components outside panels with plastic nameplates. Key to control schematics. G. Valves Identification: 1. Identify all valves, including fire protection valves, in main and branch piping located inside the building. Use tags secured with brass 'S' hooks or brass chains. 2. Stamp tags with a unique prefix to identify system to which applied, followed by a number (Example: CW-1, CW-2, etc.). In general, prefix shall match system abbreviations used on drawings where applicable. 3. Provide a typewritten listing of valves including: valve identification number, location, function, normal position, service, and area served. Mount list as specified and directed. Include additional copy in operation and maintenance manuals. 4. Show valve tag designations on the project record document drawings, including schematic flow diagrams where included with construction documents. 5. Contractor shall prepare and install where directed, in aluminum frames with clear plastic protective cover, a valve location diagram in the form of a series of flow diagrams with each automatic or manually actuated control or shut-off valve clearly identified in sequence with its individual valve tag number. Automatic control valves shall be tagged to match designations shown on the temperature control drawings, and the specified valve charts shall be installed adjacent to valve location diagrams. H. Piping: Identify piping, concealed or exposed, with plastic pipe markers. Tags may be used on ½” or smaller diameter non-insulated piping. Identify service, flow direction, and pressure. Install in clear view and align with axis of piping. Locate identification not to exceed 20 feet on straight runs including risers and drops, adjacent to each valve and "T", at each side of penetration of structure or enclosure, and at each obstruction. I. Ductwork: 1. Identify ductwork with plastic nameplates or stenciled painting. Identify as to air handling unit number, and area served. 2. Install duct markers with on air ducts in the following color codes: a. Green: For cold-air of general supply ducts. b. Yellow: For hot-air supply ducts. c. Blue: For exhaust-, outside-, relief-, return-, and mixed-air ducts. d. ASME A13.1 Colors and Designs: For hazardous material exhaust. e. Letter Size: Minimum 1/4 inch for name of units if viewing distance is less than 24 inches, 1/2 inch for viewing distances up to 72 inches, and proportionately larger lettering for greater viewing distances. Include secondary lettering twothirds to three-fourths the size of principal lettering. 3. Stenciled Duct Marker Option: Stenciled markers, showing service and direction of flow, may be provided instead of laminated-plastic duct markers, at Installer's option, if lettering larger than 1 inch (25 mm) high is needed for proper identification because of distance from normal location of required identification. 4. Locate markers near points where ducts enter into concealed spaces and at maximum intervals of 50 feet (15 m) in each space where ducts are exposed or concealed by ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15190 - 3 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15190 - MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 removable ceiling system and/or each side of a penetration of structure or enclosure and at each obstruction and at air-handling equipment. 3.03 EQUIPMENT A. Equipment: Identify air handling units, pumps, heat transfer equipment, tanks, and water treatment devices with plastic nameplates or stencil painting. Small devices, such as in-line pumps, may be identified with metal tags. At a minimum, the nameplate shall contain the following information: 1. Equipment Tag 2. Equipment location 3. Service Area 4. Flowrate (cfm/gpm) 5. Capacity (btuh/kw) 6. <Equipment owner> B. (nameplate example capacity and Owner not shown) Equipment and terminal devices above ceiling: provide adhesive backed plastic nameplate on ceiling grid support directly below equipment identifying unit tag and temperature control node number. 1. Example: VAV-01 C. NODE 067 Color code as follows: 1. Green - HVAC equipment. 2. Yellow – Heating only equipment 3. Red - Fire dampers/smoke dampers. 4. Orange - Plumbing valves/equipment. 5. Blue - Heating/cooling valves. 6. Brown – Energy reclamation equipment and components. 7. ASME A13.1 Colors and Designs: For hazardous material exhaust. 8. Letter Size\color: Minimum 1/4 inch for name of units if viewing distance is less than 24 inches, 1/2 inch for viewing distances up to 72 inches, and proportionately larger lettering for greater viewing distances. Include secondary lettering two-thirds to threefourths the size of principal lettering. Lettering color shall be black or white. White shall be used on dark backgrounds. D. Data: Distinguish among multiple units, indicate operational requirements, indicate safety and emergency precautions, warn of hazards and improper operations, and identify units. E. Include signs for the following general categories of equipment: 1. Main control and operating valves, including safety devices and hazardous units such as gas outlets. 2. Fuel-burning units, including boilers, furnaces, heaters, stills, and absorption units. 3. Pumps, compressors, chillers, condensers, and similar motor-driven units. 4. Heat exchangers, coils, evaporators, cooling towers, heat recovery units, and similar equipment. 5. Fans, blowers, primary balancing dampers, and mixing boxes. 6. Packaged HVAC central-station and zone-type units. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15190 - 4 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15190 - MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION 3.04 7. Tanks and pressure vessels. 8. Strainers, filters, humidifiers, water-treatment systems, and similar equipment. F. Stenciled Equipment Sign Option: Stenciled signs may be provided instead of laminatedplastic equipment signs, at Installer's option, if lettering larger than 1 inch high is needed for proper identification because of distance from normal location of required identification. G. Install access panel markers with screws on equipment access panels. VALVE CHART AND SCHEDULE A. 3.05 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Provide valve chart and schedule in aluminum frame with clear plastic shield. Install at location as directed. PIPING IDENTIFICATION SCHEDULE A. Pipe identification and color coding for general-use piping systems shall be in accordance with the following schedule: Classification Band Color Stenciled Legend Domestic Hot Water Yellow Domestic Hot Water Domestic Cold Water Green Domestic Cold Water Domestic Hot Water Circulation Yellow Domestic H W Circ. Chilled Drinking Water Green Ch. Drink Water Chilled Water Supply Green Ch. Water Supp. Chilled Water Return Green Ch. Water Ret. Condenser Water Supply Green Cond. Water Supp. Condenser Water Return Green Cond. Water Ret. Non-Potable Water Yellow Non-Potable Water Natural Gas* Yellow Nat. Gas L.P. Gas* Yellow L.P. Gas Gas Vent* Yellow Gas Vent Hot Water Heating Supply Yellow H.W. Htg. Supp. Hot Water Heating Return Yellow H.W. Htg. Ret. Soil and Waste Piping Green Soil & Waste Plumbing Vent Green Vent Plumbing Drain Green Drain Roof Drain Green Roof Drain Compressed Air Blue Comp. Air Snow Melting Supply Yellow Snow Melt Supp. Snow Melting Return Yellow Snow Melt Ret. Blow Down Yellow Blow Dn Refrigerant Hot Gas Green Refr. Hot Gas Refrigerant Liquid Green Refr. Liq. Refrigerant Suction Green Refr. Suction Water Treatment Green Water Trtmt. Humidifier Green Humidifier Expansion Tank No. Yellow Exp. Tank No. Fire Hose Cabinets: Outside Trim & Hose Bracket Red Enamel Interior White Enamel Fire Protection Piping Red Fire Line Fire Sprinkler Piping Red Fire Sprklr. Line Gasoline Yellow Gasoline Gasoline Vent Yellow Gasoline Vent Fuel Oil (heating) Yellow Fuel Oil Htg. Fuel Oil (generator) Yellow Fuel Oil Gen. Diesel Exhaust Yellow Engine Exh. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15190 - 5 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15190 - MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION Classification Soft Water Refrigerant Relief Condensate Return Lawn Sprinkler Supply B. DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Band Color Green Yellow Yellow Green Stenciled Legend Soft Water Refr. Relief Cond. Ret. Lawn Spr. Supp. Overflow condensate drain termination shall have an alarm and strobe/light in a nearby occupied area and a minimum 6”x6” placard that reads, “If water is observed from the pipe below, immediately contact Maintenance Control at (303) 342-2800”. 1. Placard shall have white background with red lettering. 2. Minimum lettering height shall be ½”. 3. Mount placard a minimum of 48” above finish floor. C. Paint exterior piping and duct systems to match wall colors. D. For fuel piping systems, piping identification shall conform to the following schedule: Fuel Type Band Colors Stenciled Legend Jet A Black/Black Band Jet A Jet A-1 Black/2 Black Bands Jet A-1 JP-4 (Jet B) Black/3 Yellow Bands JP-4 Avgas 115 Red/Purple Band Avgas 115 Avgas 100 Red/Green Band Avgas 100 Avgas 100LL Red/Blue Band Avgas 100LL Avgas 80 Red/Red Band Avgas 80 PART 4 -MEASUREMENT 4.01 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT A. No separate measurement will be made for work under this Section. PART 5 - PAYMENT 5.01 PAYMENT A. No separate payment will be made for work under this section. The cost of the work described in this section shall be included in the Lump Sum Contract price. END OF SECTION 15190 ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15190 - 6 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15245 - VIBRATION ISOLATION DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 SECTION 15245 VIBRATION ISOLATION PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 1.02 SECTION INCLUDES A. Inertia bases. B. Vibration isolation. PRODUCTS FURNISHED BUT NOT INSTALLED UNDER THIS SECTION A. 1.03 PRODUCTS INSTALLED BUT NOT FURNISHED UNDER THIS SECTION A. 1.04 1.05 1.06 Division 3: Supply of concrete for placement by this Section. RELATED SECTIONS A. Division 3 - Cast-in-Place Concrete. B. Section 15010 - Basic Mechanical Requirements. C. Section 15050 - Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods. D. Section 15121 - Piping Expansion Compensation. E. Section 15140 - Supports and Anchors. F. Section 16142 - Electrical Connections for Equipment REFERENCES A. Materials and workmanship shall conform to the latest issue of all industry standards, publications, or regulations referenced in this section and with the following references as applicable. Refer to Section 15010 for listing of issuing organizations or agencies. B. Applicable Standards: 1. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) a. ASHRAE - Guide to Average Noise Criteria Curves. 2. International Building Code (IBC) with the Denver Amendments 3. International Fire Code (IFC) with the Denver Amendments QUALITY ASSURANCE A. 1.07 Division 3 - Concrete: Placement of isolators in floating floor slabs. Maintain ASHRAE criteria for average noise criteria curves for all equipment at full load condition. SUBMITTALS ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15245 - 1 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15245 - VIBRATION ISOLATION 1.08 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 A. Shop Drawings: Indicate inertia bases and locate vibration isolators, with static and dynamic load on each. B. Product Data: Provide schedule of vibration isolator type with location and load on each. C. Manufacturer's Certificate: Certify that isolators are properly installed and adjusted to meet or exceed specified requirements. D. “As Built” Plans shall be provided in the same format and manner as described above. Each set shall be equipped with a plan holder equal to “Stacor Plan Clamps” for the appropriate size drawings. PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS A. Record actual locations of hangers including attachment points. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. 2.02 1. Mason Industries. 2. Amber/Booth Co. 3. Vibration Mountings & Controls, Inc. 4. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 15010. INERTIA BASES A. B. 2.03 Manufacturers: Structural Bases: 1. Design: Sufficiently rigid to prevent misalignment or undue stress on machine, and to transmit design loads to isolators and snubbers. 2. Construction: Welded structural steel with gusseted brackets, supporting equipment and motor with motor slide rails. Concrete Inertia Bases: 1. Mass: Minimum of 1.5 times weight of isolated equipment. 2. Construction: Structured steel channel perimeter frame, with gusseted brackets and anchor bolts, adequately reinforced, concrete filled. 3. Connecting Point: Reinforced to connect isolators and snubbers to base. 4. Concrete: Reinforced 3,000 psi concrete. VIBRATION ISOLATORS A. Closed Spring Isolators (Type A): 1. Spring Isolators: a. For exterior and humid areas, provide hot dipped galvanized housings and neoprene coated springs. b. Code: Color code springs for load carrying capacity. 2. Type: Closed spring mount with top and bottom housing separated with neoprene rubber stabilizers. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15245 - 2 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15245 - VIBRATION ISOLATION B. C. D. E. DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 3. Springs: Minimum horizontal stiffness equal to 75 percent vertical stiffness, with working deflection [between 0.3 and 0.6] [or other specify] of maximum deflection. Spring diameter not less than 80% of compressed height at rated load. 4. Housings: Incorporate neoprene isolation pad meeting requirements for neoprene pad isolators, and neoprene side stabilizers with minimum 0.25 inch clearance. Restrained Closed Spring Isolators (Type B): 1. Spring Isolators: a. For exterior or humid areas, provide hot dipped galvanized housings and neoprene coated springs. b. Code: Color code springs for load carrying capacity. 2. Type: Closed spring mount with top and bottom housing separated with neoprene rubber stabilizers. 3. Springs: Minimum horizontal stiffness equal to 75 percent vertical stiffness, with working deflection between [0.3 and 0.6] [or other specify] of maximum deflection. Spring diameter not less than 80% of compressed height at rated load. 4. Housings: Incorporate neoprene isolation pad meeting requirements for neoprene pad isolators, and neoprene side stabilizers with minimum 0.25-inch clearance and limit stops. 5. Restraint: Provide heavy mounting frame and limit stops. Spring Hanger (Type C): 1. Spring Isolators: a. For exterior and humid areas, provide hot dipped galvanized housings and neoprene coated springs. b. Code: Color code springs for load carrying capacity. 2. Springs: Minimum horizontal stiffness equal to 75 percent vertical stiffness, with working deflection [between 0.3 and 0.6] [or other specify] of maximum deflection. Spring diameter not less than 80% of compressed height at rated load. 3. Housings: Incorporate rubber hanger with threaded insert. 4. Misalignment: Capable of 20 degree hanger rod misalignment. Neoprene Pad Isolators (Type D): 1. Rubber or neoprene waffle pads. a. [30] [40] durometer. b. Minimum 1/2 inch thick. c. Maximum loading 40 psi. d. Height of ribs shall not exceed 0.7 times width. 2. Configuration: Single layer. Curb-Mounted Isolation Base (Type E): 1. Spring Isolators: Provide spring isolators (type A) as specified above. Static deflection shall be as scheduled in Part 3 of this section. 2. Frame: Provide extruded aluminum frame with continuously welded corners. 3. Gaskets: Provide neoprene gaskets for joints between isolation base and manufacturer's roof curb, and between equipment and isolation base. 4. Weather Seal: Provide continuous flexible EPDM weather seal between upper and lower base frames. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15245 - 3 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15245 - VIBRATION ISOLATION DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 F. Rubber Mount or Hanger: Molded rubber designed for 0.5 inches deflection with threaded insert. G. Glass Fiber Pads: Neoprene jacketed pre-compressed molded glass fiber. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Install isolation for motor driven equipment. C. Bases: 2. Set concrete inertia bases for 2-inch clearance between housekeeping pad and base. 3. Adjust equipment level. Install spring hangers without binding. E. On closed spring isolators, adjust so side stabilizers are clear under normal operating conditions. F. Prior to making piping connections to equipment with operating weights substantially different from installed weights, block up equipment with temporary shims to final height. When full load is applied, adjust isolators to load to allow shim removal. G. Provide pairs of horizontal limit springs on fans with more than 6.0-inch static pressure, and on hanger supported, horizontally mounted axial fans. H. Support piping connections to isolated equipment resiliently [for scheduled distance.] [to nearest flexible pipe connector.] [as follows:] 1. Up to 4 Inch Diameter: First three points of support. 2. 5 to 8 Inch Diameter: First four points of support. 3. 10 inch Diameter and Over: First six points of support. 4. Select three hangers closest to vibration source for minimum 1.0-inch static deflection or static deflection of isolated equipment. Select remaining isolators for minimum 1.0inch static deflection or 1/2 static deflection of isolated equipment. Connect wiring to isolated equipment with flexible hanging loop. MANUFACTURER'S FIELD SERVICES A. 3.03 Set steel bases for one-inch clearance between housekeeping pad and base. D. I. 3.02 1. Inspect isolated equipment after installation and submit report. Include static deflections. PIPE ISOLATION SCHEDULE Pipe Size (inches) 1 2 3 4 6 ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 Isolated Distance from Equipment (pipe diameters) 120 90 80 75 60 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15245 - 4 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15245 - VIBRATION ISOLATION DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Pipe Size (inches) Isolated Distance from Equipment (pipe diameters) 60 54 50 45 38 8 10 12 16 24 3.04 EQUIPMENT ISOLATION SCHEDULE Isolated Equipment Roof Mounted AHUs Roof Mounted AHU, MAU Fans Roof Mounted Fans. MAUs Chillers Cooling Towers Piping Base Roof Curb Steel Frame Roof Curb Concrete Pad E B D D Type Roof Curb N/A D C Static Deflection 2" 2" 0.1" 0.2" (provide 3/4" thick pads) 0.1" 0.5" PART 4 - MEASUREMENT 4.01 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT A. No separate measurement will be made for work under this Section. PART 5 - PAYMENT 5.01 PAYMENT A. No separate payment will be made for work under this section. The cost of the work described in this section shall be included in the Lump Sum Contract price. END OF SECTION 15245 ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15245 - 5 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15410 - PLUMBING PIPING DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 SECTION 15410 PLUMBING PIPING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 1.02 1.03 SECTION INCLUDES A. Pipe and pipe fittings. B. Valves. C. Sanitary sewer [and process waste] piping system. D. Domestic water piping system. E. Storm water piping system. RELATED SECTIONS A. Division 2 - Disinfection of Water Distribution System. B. Section 05999 - Welding C. Division 8 - Access Doors. D. Division 9 - Painting. E. Section 15010 - Basic Mechanical Requirements. F. Section 15050 - Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods. G. Section 15121 - Expansion Compensation. H. Section 15140 - Supports and Anchors. I. Section 15190 - Mechanical Identification. J. Section 15245 - Vibration Isolation. K. Section 15260 - Piping Insulation. L. Section 15430 - Plumbing Specialties. M. Section 15440 - Plumbing Fixtures. N. Section 15450 - Plumbing Equipment. REFERENCES A. Materials and workmanship shall conform to the latest issue of all industry standards, publications, or regulations referenced in this section and with the following references as applicable. Refer to Section 15010 for listing of issuing organizations or agencies. B. Applicable Standards: ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15410 - 1 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15410 - PLUMBING PIPING DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 1. American Society of Mechanical Engineers a. ASME - Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. b. ASME Sec. 9 - Welding and Brazing Qualifications. c. ASME - Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. d. ASME B16.1 - Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings Class 25, 125, 250 and 800. e. ASME B16.3 - Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings. f. ASME B16.4 - Cast Iron Threaded Fittings Class 125 and 250. g. ASME B16.22 - Wrought Copper and Bronze Solder-Joint Pressure Fittings h. ASME B31.8 – Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems. i. ASME B31.9 - Building Service Piping. 2. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): a. ASTM A 53 - Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped Zinc Coated, Welded and Seamless. b. ASTM A 74 - Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings. c. ASTM A 234 - Pipe Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Moderate and Elevated Temperatures. d. ASTM B 32 - Solder Metal. e. ASTM B 88 - Seamless Copper Water Tube. f. ASTM B 251 - Wrought Seamless Copper and Copper-Alloy Tube. g. ASTM C 14 - Concrete Sewer, Storm Drain, and Culvert Pipe. h. ASTM C 443 - Joints for Circular Concrete Sewer and Culvert Pipe, Using Rubber Gaskets. i. ASTM C 564 - Rubber Gaskets for Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings. j. ASTM F1545 - 97(2009) Standard Specification for Plastic-Lined Ferrous Metal Pipe, Fittings, and Flanges k. ASTM D 1785 - Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40, 80, and 120. l. ASTM D 2513 - Thermoplastic Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing and Fittings. m. ASTM D 2683 - Socket-Type Polyethylene Fillings for Outside DiameterControlled Polyethylene Pipe. n. ASTM D 3033 - Type PSP Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings. o. ASTM D 3034 - Type PSM Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings. p. ASTM F 477 - Elastomeric Seals (Gaskets) for Joining Plastic Pipe. 3. American Water Works Association (AWWA): a. AWWA C105 - Polyethylene Encasement for Ductile Iron Piping for Water and Other Liquids. b. AWWA C110 - Ductile - Iron and Gray - Iron Fittings 3 in. through 48 in., for Water and Other Liquids. c. AWWA C111- Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile Iron and Gray-Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings. d. AWWA C151 - Ductile-Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast in Metal Molds or Sand-Lined Molds, for Water or Other Liquids. e. AWWA C651 - Disinfecting Water Mains. f. M6 - Water Meters - Selection, Installation, Testing, and Maintenance. 4. American Welding Society (AWS): a. AWS A5.8 - Brazing Filler Metal. 5. Cast-Iron Soil Pipe Institute (CISPI): ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15410 - 2 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15410 - PLUMBING PIPING a. 1.04 International Building Code (IBC) with the Denver Amendments 7. International Fire Code (IFC) with the Denver Amendments 8. National Certified Pipe Welding Bureau (NCPWB): a. NCPWB - Procedure Specifications for Pipe Welding. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Provide data on valves and accessories only. Provide manufacturers catalog information. Indicate valve data and ratings. B. “As Built” Plans shall be provided in the same format and manner as described above. Each set shall be equipped with a plan holder equal to “Stacor Plan Clamps” for the appropriate size drawings. C. Welders Certificate: Include welders certification of compliance with [ASME SEC 9] [AWS D1.1.] [________] and section 05999 - Welding D. Contractor shall submit fully dimensioned spool drawings for all welded piping work. Drawings shall indicate all weld types, sizes and materials to be used. The spool drawing size shall match the full size contract documents of either 24x36 or 34x44. Spool drawings shall be submitted in either the latest version of AutoCAD (dwg) or the latest version of Adobe Acrobat (pdf). Adobe Acrobat files shall not contain security. Other file formats will not be accepted. E. Pneumatic Leak Test for water systems: F. Disinfection and other Field Test Reports: Written reports of tests specified in Part 3 of this Section. Include the following: 1. Test procedures used. 2. Test results that comply with requirements. 3. Failed test results and corrective action taken to achieve requirements. Record actual locations of valves. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA A. 1.07 Contractor shall submit drawings and procedures of the pneumatic leak test to the DIA Mechanical Engineer no later that two weeks prior to testing. Contractor may not proceed with tests unless approved in writing by the DIA Mechanical Engineer or DIA Mechanical Inspector. PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS A. 1.06 CISPI 301 - Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings for Hubless Cast Iron Sanitary Systems. 6. 1. 1.05 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Maintenance Data: Include installation instructions, spare parts lists, exploded assembly views. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Valves: Manufacturer's name and pressure rating marked on valve body. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15410 - 3 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15410 - PLUMBING PIPING 1.08 1.09 1.10 B. Welding Materials and Procedures: Conform to ASME Code and applicable state labor regulations. C. Welders Certification: In accordance with ASME Sec 9. D. Unless specified otherwise, all materials and equipment shall be of domestic (USA) manufacture and shall be of the best quality used for the purpose in commercial practice. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Perform Work in accordance with City and County of Denver plumbing code. B. Conform to code for installation of backflow prevention devices. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store, protect and handle products under provisions of Section 15010 and Division 1. B. Accept valves on site in shipping containers with labeling in place. Inspect for damage. C. Provide temporary protective coating on cast iron and steel valves. D. Provide temporary end caps and closures on piping and fittings. Maintain in place until installation. E. Protect piping systems from entry of foreign materials by temporary covers, completing sections of the work, and isolating parts of completed system. ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. 1.11 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Do not install underground piping when bedding are wet or frozen. EXTRA MATERIALS A. Provide two repacking kits for each type and size valve. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 SANITARY SEWER PIPING, BURIED BEYOND 5 FEET OF BUILDING A. B. 2.02 PVC Pipe: ASTM D 3033 or D 3034, SDR 35. 1. Fittings: PVC. 2. Joints: ASTM F 477, elastomeric gaskets. PVC Pipe: Cellular-core, Schedule 40 1. Fittings: PVC socket fittings 2. Joints: solvent-cemented joints. SANITARY SEWER PIPING, BURIED WITHIN 5 FEET OF BUILDING A. ABS PIPING: 1. ABS Pipe: ASTM D2661, Schedule 40, solid wall. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15410 - 4 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15410 - PLUMBING PIPING a. B. 2.03 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 ABS Socket Fittings: ASTM D2661, made to ASTM D3311, drain, waste, and vent patterns. 2. Cellular-Core, ABS Pipe: ASTM F628, Schedule 40. a. ABS Socket Fittings: ASTM D2661, made to ASTM D3311, drain, waste, and vent patterns. 3. ABS Special Fittings: ASTM F409, drainage-pattern tube and tubular fittings with ends as required for application. PVC PIPING: 1. PVC Pipe: ASTM D2665, solid-wall drain, waste, and vent. a. PVC Socket Fittings: ASTM D2665, socket type, made to ASTM D3311, drain, waste, and vent patterns. 2. Cellular-Core, Schedule 40, PVC Pipe: ASTM F891, Schedule 40. a. PVC Socket Fittings: ASTM D2665, made to ASTM D3311, drain, waste, and vent patterns and to fit Schedule 40 pipe. 3. Cellular-Core, Sewer and Drain Series, PVC Pipe: ASTM F891, Series PS 100. a. PVC Socket Fittings: ASTM D2665, made to ASTM D3311, drain, waste, and vent patterns and to fit Series PS 100 sewer and drain pipe. 4. PVC Special Fittings: ASTM F409, drainage-pattern tube and tubular fittings with ends as required for application. SANITARY SEWER PIPING, ABOVE GRADE A. B. C. Cast Iron Pipe: ASTM A 74, service weight. 1. Fittings: Cast iron. 2. Joints: ASTM C 564, neoprene gasket system. Cast Iron Pipe: CISPI 301, hubless, service weight. 1. Fittings: Cast iron. 2. Joints: Neoprene gaskets and stainless steel clamp-and-shield assemblies. Steel Pipe: ASTM A 53, Schedule 40, galvanized. 1. D. Galvanized Cast Iron Fittings: ASME B16.1, flanges and fittings; ASME B16.4, screwed fittings. PVC PIPING: 1. PVC Pipe: ASTM D2665, plenum-rated, solid-wall drain, waste, and vent. a. PVC Socket Fittings: ASTM D2665, socket type, made to ASTM D3311, drain, waste, and vent patterns. 2. Cellular-Core, Schedule 40, PVC Pipe: ASTM F891, Schedule 40, plenum-rated. a. PVC Socket Fittings: ASTM D2665, made to ASTM D3311, plenum-rated, drain, waste, and vent patterns and to fit Schedule 40 pipe. 3. Cellular-Core, Sewer and Drain Series, PVC Pipe: ASTM F891, Series PS 100, plenum-rated. a. PVC Socket Fittings: ASTM D2665, made to ASTM D3311, , plenum-rated, drain, waste, and vent patterns and to fit Series PS 100 sewer and drain pipe. 4. PVC Special Fittings: ASTM F409, plenum-rated, drainage-pattern tube and tubular ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15410 - 5 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15410 - PLUMBING PIPING DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 fittings with ends as required for application. 2.04 WATER PIPING, BURIED BEYOND 5 FEET OF BUILDING A. B. C. CPVC PIPING: 1. CPVC Schedule [40] [80] Pipe: ASTM F441/F441M. a. CPVC Schedule 40 Fittings: ASTM F438, socket type. b. CPVC Schedule 80 Fittings: [ASTM F439, socket] [ASTM F437, threaded] [ASTM F439, socket type or ASTM F437, threaded] type. 2. CPVC Piping System: ASTM D2846/D2846M, SDR 11, pipe and socket fittings. 3. CPVC Tubing System: ASTM D2846/D2846M, SDR 11, tube and socket fittings. PEX PIPE AND FITTINGS: 1. PEX Distribution System: ASTM F877, SDR 9 tubing. a. Fittings for PEX Tube: ASTM F1807, metal-insert type with copper crimp rings and matching PEX tube dimensions. 2. Manifold: Multiple-outlet, plastic or corrosion-resistant-metal assembly complying with ASTM F877 and with plastic or corrosion-resistant-metal valve for each outlet. PVC PIPE AND FITTINGS: 1. 2.05 PVC Schedule [40] [80] Pipe: ASTM D1785. a. PVC Schedule 40 Fittings: ASTM D2466, socket type. b. PVC Schedule 80 Fittings: [ASTM D2467, socket] [ASTM D2464, threaded] [ASTM D2467, socket type or ASTM D2464, threaded] type. WATER PIPING, BURIED WITHIN 5 FEET OF BUILDING A. B. C. CPVC PIPING: 1. CPVC Schedule [40] [80] Pipe: ASTM F441/F441M. a. CPVC Schedule 40 Fittings: ASTM F438, socket type. b. CPVC Schedule 80 Fittings: [ASTM F439, socket] [ASTM F437, threaded] [ASTM F439, socket type or ASTM F437, threaded] type. 2. CPVC Piping System: ASTM D2846/D2846M, SDR 11, pipe and socket fittings. 3. CPVC Tubing System: ASTM D2846/D2846M, SDR 11, tube and socket fittings. PEX PIPE AND FITTINGS: 1. PEX Distribution System: ASTM F877, SDR 9 tubing. a. Fittings for PEX Tube: ASTM F1807, metal-insert type with copper crimp rings and matching PEX tube dimensions. 2. Manifold: Multiple-outlet, plastic or corrosion-resistant-metal assembly complying with ASTM F877 and with plastic or corrosion-resistant-metal valve for each outlet. PVC PIPE AND FITTINGS: 1. PVC Schedule [40] [80] Pipe: ASTM D1785. a. PVC Schedule 40 Fittings: ASTM D2466, socket type. b. PVC Schedule 80 Fittings: [ASTM D2467, socket] [ASTM D2464, threaded] [ASTM D2467, socket type or ASTM D2464, threaded] type. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15410 - 6 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15410 - PLUMBING PIPING 2.06 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 WATER PIPING, ABOVE GRADE A. B. C. D. E. Copper Tubing: ASTM B 88, Type L, hard drawn. 1. Fittings: ASME B 16.22, wrought copper and bronze. 2. Joints: ASTM B 32, solder, Grade 95TA. NPS 4 to NPS 12 Steel Pipe: ASTM A53/A53M, Type [E] [S] [E or S], Grade [A] [B] [A or B] <Insert grade>, Schedule [40], galvanized. Include ends matching joining method. 1. Steel Pipe Nipples: ASTM A733, made of ASTM A53/A53M or ASTM A106, Schedule 40, galvanized, seamless steel pipe. Include ends matching joining method. 2. Malleable-Iron Unions: ASME B16.39, Class 150, hexagonal-stock body, with balland-socket, metal-to-metal, bronze seating surface and female threaded ends. 3. Malleable-Iron, Threaded Fittings: ASME B16.3, Class 150, galvanized, standard pattern. 4. Cast-Iron Flanges: ASME B16.1, Class 125. 5. Cast-Iron, Flanged Fittings: ASME B16.1, Class 125, galvanized. 6. Steel-Piping, Grooved-End Fittings: ASTM A47/A47M, [galvanized, ]malleable-iron casting; ASTM A106, galvanized steel pipe; or ASTM A536, [galvanized, ]ductile-iron casting; with dimensions matching steel pipe. a. Grooved-End-Pipe Couplings: AWWA C606, for steel-pipe dimensions. Include ferrous housing sections, gasket suitable for water, and bolts and nuts. 7. Steel-Piping, Expansion Joints: Compound, galvanized steel fitting with telescoping body and slip-pipe section. Include packing rings, packing, limit rods, chrome-plated finish on slip-pipe sections, and flanged ends. 8. Steel-Piping, Double Expansion Joints: Compound, galvanized steel fitting with telescoping body and two slip-pipe sections. Include packing rings, packing, limit rods, chrome-plated finish on slip-pipe sections, and flanged ends. CPVC PIPING: 1. CPVC Schedule [40] [80] Pipe: ASTM F441/F441M, plenum-rated. a. CPVC Schedule 40 Fittings: ASTM F438, socket type, plenum-rated. b. CPVC Schedule 80 Fittings: [ASTM F439, socket] [ASTM F437, threaded] [ASTM F439, socket type or ASTM F437, threaded] type, plenum-rated. 2. CPVC Piping System: ASTM D2846/D2846M, SDR 11, pipe and socket fittings, plenum-rated. 3. CPVC Tubing System: ASTM D2846/D2846M, SDR 11, tube and socket fittings, plenum-rated. PEX PIPE AND FITTINGS: 1. PEX Distribution System: ASTM F877, SDR 9 tubing, plenum-rated. a. Fittings for PEX Tube: ASTM F1807, metal-insert type with copper crimp rings and matching PEX tube dimensions, plenum-rated. 2. Manifold: Multiple-outlet, plastic or corrosion-resistant-metal assembly complying with ASTM F877 and with plastic or corrosion-resistant-metal valve for each outlet. PVC PIPE AND FITTINGS: 1. PVC Schedule [40] [80] Pipe: ASTM D1785, plenum-rated. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15410 - 7 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15410 - PLUMBING PIPING a. b. 2.07 PVC Schedule 40 Fittings: ASTM D2466, socket type, plenum-rated. PVC Schedule 80 Fittings: [ASTM D2467, socket] [ASTM D2464, threaded] [ASTM D2467, socket type or ASTM D2464, threaded] type, plenum-rated. STORM WATER PIPING, BURIED BEYOND 5 FEET OF BUILDING A. B. 2.08 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 ABS PIPING: 1. ABS Pipe: ASTM D2661, Schedule 40, solid wall. a. ABS Socket Fittings: ASTM D2661, made to ASTM D3311, drain, waste, and vent patterns. 2. Cellular-Core, ABS Pipe: ASTM F628, Schedule 40. a. ABS Socket Fittings: ASTM D2661, made to ASTM D3311, drain, waste, and vent patterns. 3. ABS Special Fittings: ASTM F409, drainage-pattern tube and tubular fittings with ends as required for application. PVC PIPING: 1. PVC Pipe: ASTM D2665, solid-wall drain, waste, and vent. a. PVC Socket Fittings: ASTM D2665, made to ASTM D3311, drain, waste, and vent patterns. 2. Cellular-Core, Schedule 40, PVC Pipe: ASTM F891, Schedule 40. a. PVC Socket Fittings: ASTM D2665, made to ASTM D3311, drain, waste, and vent patterns and to fit Schedule 40 pipe. 3. Cellular-Core, Sewer and Drain Series, PVC Pipe: ASTM F891, Series PS 100. a. PVC Socket Fittings: ASTM D2665, made to ASTM D3311, drain, waste, and vent patterns and to fit Series PS 100 sewer and drain pipe. 4. PVC Special Fittings: ASTM F409, drainage-pattern tube and tubular fittings with ends as required for application. STORM WATER PIPING, BURIED WITHIN 5 FEET OF BUILDING A. ABS PIPING: 1. ABS Pipe: ASTM D2661, Schedule 40, solid wall. a. ABS Socket Fittings: ASTM D2661, made to ASTM D3311, drain, waste, and vent patterns. 2. Cellular-Core, ABS Pipe: ASTM F628, Schedule 40. a. ABS Socket Fittings: ASTM D2661, made to ASTM D3311, drain, waste, and vent patterns. B. ABS Special Fittings: ASTM F409, drainage-pattern tube and tubular fittings with ends as required for application. C. PVC PIPING: 1. PVC Pipe: ASTM D2665, solid-wall drain, waste, and vent. a. PVC Socket Fittings: ASTM D2665, made to ASTM D3311, drain, waste, and vent patterns. 2. Cellular-Core, Schedule 40, PVC Pipe: ASTM F891, Schedule 40. a. PVC Socket Fittings: ASTM D2665, made to ASTM D3311, drain, waste, and vent patterns and to fit Schedule 40 pipe. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15410 - 8 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15410 - PLUMBING PIPING 2.09 B. Cellular-Core, Sewer and Drain Series, PVC Pipe: ASTM F891, Series PS 100. a. PVC Socket Fittings: ASTM D2665, made to ASTM D3311, drain, waste, and vent patterns and to fit Series PS 100 sewer and drain pipe. 4. PVC Special Fittings: ASTM F409, drainage-pattern tube and tubular fittings with ends as required for application. Cast Iron Pipe: ASTM A 74 service weight. 1. Fittings: Cast iron. 2. Joints: ASTM C 564, neoprene gasket system. Cast Iron Pipe: CISPI 301, hubless, service weight. 1. Fittings: Cast iron. 2. Joints: Neoprene gaskets and stainless steel clamp-and-shield assemblies. FLANGES, UNIONS, COUPLINGS AND MECHANICAL JOINT RESTRAINT A. B. 2.11 3. STORM WATER PIPING, ABOVE GRADE A. 2.10 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Pipe Size 2 Inches and Under: 1. Ferrous pipe: 150 psig malleable iron threaded unions. 2. Copper tube and pipe: 150 psig bronze unions with soldered joints. Flanges for Pipe Over 2 Inches: 1. Ferrous Piping: 150 psig forged steel, slip-on or weld neck.. 2. Copper Piping: Bronze. 3. Gaskets: 1/16 inch thick non-asbestos preformed gaskets, aramid fibers with nitrile (NBR) binder; Durlon "8500 Green", Garlock "IFG 5500", or approved equal. C. Dielectric Waterway Fittings: Dielectric fittings designed to effectively separate dissimilar metals exposed to water or other electrolytes, conforming to NSF and ASTM F1545 standards for continuous use at temperatures up to 225 degrees F and pressures up to 300 psi. Fittings to have electro-zinc-plated steel casings providing for maintained exterior electrical continuity threaded or flanged ends as applicable, and inert linings. Provide "ClearFlow" units as manufactured by Perfection Corporation or approved substitute. D. Mechanical Joint Restraint for Piping: Mechanical joint restraint shall be incorporated in the design of the follower gland and shall include a restraining mechanism which, when actuated, imparts multiple wedging action against the pipe, increasing its resistance as the pressure increases. Flexibility of the joint shall be maintained after burial. Glands shall be manufactured of ductile iron conforming to ASTM A 536-80. Restraining devices shall be of ductile iron heat treated to a minimum hardness of 370 BHN. Dimensions of the gland shall be such that it can be used with the standardized mechanical joint bell and tee-head bolts conforming to AWWA A21.11 and AWWA C153/A21.53 of latest revision. Twist-off nuts, sized same as tee-head bolts, shall be used to insure proper actuating of restraining devices. The mechanical joint restraint device shall have a working pressure of at least 250 psi with a minimum safety factor of 2:1 and shall be EBAA Iron, Inc., SERIES 1100 MEGALUG or approved substitute. WATER SERVICE VALVES A. Acceptable Manufacturers - Valves ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15410 - 9 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15410 - PLUMBING PIPING 1. B. C. D. E. F. DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Subject to conformance with specified requirements, products of the following manufacturers are acceptable: a. Gate, Globe, Plug, Drain, Hose Bibbs - Crane, Hammond, Jenkins, Milwaukee, Powell, Stockham. b. Ball Valves - Apollo, Bray, Crane, Milwaukee, Nibco, Jenkins, Stockham,. c. Butterfly Valves – Bray, Nibco, Norris, Posi-Seal, Keystone/Tyco. Gate Valves 1. Up to 2 Inches: Bronze body, rising stem and handwheel, inside screw, single wedge or disc, solder or threaded ends. 2. Over 2 Inches: Iron body, bronze trim, rising stem and handwheel, OS&Y, single wedge, flanged ends. Globe Valves 1. Up to 2 Inches: Bronze body, rising stem and handwheel, inside screw, renewable composition disc, solder or screwed ends, with backseating capacity. 2. Over 2 Inches: Iron body, bronze trim, rising stem and handwheel, OS&Y, plug-type disc, flanged ends. Ball Valves 1. Up to 2 Inches: Bronze body, stainless steel full-port ball, teflon seats and stuffing box ring, lever handle and balancing stops, solder or threaded ends with union. 2. Over 2 Inches: Cast steel body, chrome plated steel ball, teflon seat and stuffing box seals, lever handle or gear drive handwheel for sizes 10 inches and over, flanged. 3. [CPVC] [PVC] [CPVC and PVC] Union Ball Valves: MSS SP-122, with full-port ball, [socket] [threaded] [socket or threaded] detachable end connectors, and pressure rating not less than [125 psig] [150 psig] at 73ºF 4. [CPVC] [PVC] [CPVC and PVC] Non-Union Ball Valves: MSS SP-122, with full- or reduced-port ball, socket or threaded ends, and pressure rating not less than [125 psig] [150 psig] at 73ºF. Plug Valves 1. Up to and including 2 Inches: Bronze body, bronze tapered plug, non-lubricated, teflon packing, threaded ends. 2. Over 2 Inches: Cast iron body and plug, non-lubricated, teflon packing, flanged ends. Butterfly Valves 1. Cast Iron Resiliently Seated Butterfly Valves 2" to 12": ASTM-A 126 Class B cast iron body to fit between ANSI Class 150 flanges, 250 psi bi-directional shutoff rating, lug style butterfly valve, extended neck, polished aluminum/bronze disc, EPDM replaceable seat rated for 250 degrees F, bi-directional stem seal, one-piece 316 or 416 SS stem, bronze upper and lower inboard bearings. Valves shall be installed by use of cap screws; threaded rod not acceptable. Tyco Keystone Figure 221/222 or equal. 2. Cast Iron Resiliently Seated Butterfly Valves 14" to 24": ASTM-A 126 Class B cast iron body to fit between ANSI Class 150 flanges, 150 psi bi-directional pressure rating (75 psi dead end service with removal of downstream flange), lug style butterfly valve, extended neck, polished aluminum/bronze disc, EPDM replaceable seat rated for 250 degrees F, bi-directional stem seal, one-piece 316 or 416 SS stem, bronze upper stem bushing. Valves shall be installed by use of cap screws; threaded rod not acceptable. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15410 - 10 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15410 - PLUMBING PIPING DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Tyco Keystone Figure AR1/AR2 or equal. 3. G. H. I. Flow Controls 1. Construction: Brass or bronze body with union on inlet, temperature and pressure test plug on inlet and outlet, blowdown/backflush drain. 2. Calibration: Control flow within 5 percent of selected rating, over operating pressure range of 10 times minimum pressure required for control, maximum minimum pressure 3.5 psig. Swing Check Valves 1. Up to 2 Inches: Bronze 45 degree swing disc, solder or screwed ends. 2. Over 2 Inches: Iron body, bronze trim, 45 or 22-degree swing disc, renewable disc and seat, flanged ends. 3. [CPVC] [PVC] [CPVC and PVC] Check Valves: Swing or ball-check design and pressure rating not less than 150 psig at 73ºF Spring Loaded Check Valves 1. J. K. L. Operator: 2" through 6" to have a 10-position lever handle; throttling valves to have infinite position lever handle with adjustable 2-way memory stop kit. Provide handwheel and gear drive for valves 8" and larger. Iron body, bronze trim, spring loaded, renewable composition disc, screwed, wafer, or flanged ends. Strainers 1. Size 2 inch and Under: Screwed brass or iron body for 175 psig working pressure, Y pattern with 1/32 inch stainless steel perforated screen. 2. Size 2-1/2 inch to 4 inch: Flanged iron body for 175 psig working pressure, Y pattern with 3/64 inch stainless steel perforated screen. 3. Size 5 inch and Larger: Flanged iron body for 175 psig working pressure, basket pattern with 1/8 inch stainless steel perforated screen. Water Pressure Reducing Valves 1. Manufacturers: a. Watts Regulator. b. Cash Valve Manufacturing Company. c. Substitutions: Under provisions in Section 15010. 2. Up to 2 Inches: Bronze body, stainless steel and thermoplastic internal parts, fabric reinforced diaphragm, strainer, threaded or soldered, and single union ends. 3. Over 2 Inches: Cast iron body, bronze fitted, elastomer diaphragm and seat disc, flanged. Relief Valves 1. Manufacturers: a. Amtrol, Inc. b. Crane Company. c. Watts Regulator Company. d. Substitutions: Under provisions in Section 15010. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15410 - 11 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15410 - PLUMBING PIPING 2. 2.12 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Bronze body, teflon seat, steel stem and springs, automatic, direct pressure actuated, capacities ASME certified and labeled. INSULATING JOINTS A. Except as otherwise specifically indicated, insulating joint assemblies shall be provided at all riser locations where buried metallic piping (other than copper piping 2 inches or smaller in size) transitions to above-ground extensions. Assemblies shall consist of dielectric fittings or insulating flange assemblies as appropriate for the application. Insulating flange assemblies shall be LineBacker Type "E" as manufactured by Pipeline Seal and Insulator, Inc., or approved substitute, and shall conform to the following requirements: 1. Flanged joints shall include full face insulating gaskets, insulating bolt sleeves and double quantity of insulating washers and stainless steel washers. 2. Insulating materials shall be as follows: a. Gasket: NEMA Grade G10 retainer conforming to ASTM D 229 with Teflon ring seal on each side of the retainer. Minimum dielectric strength shall be 500 volts per mil (VPM). Compressive strength shall be 50,000 psi. Water absorption shall be 0.05 percent (max.) b. Sleeves: Shall be 1/32-inch wall thickness, length to suit two class 150 lb. weld neck flanges, insulating gaskets and valve body thickness. Sleeve shall provide "full" insulation of studs; minimum dielectric strength shall be 500 VPM. Material shall be NEMA Grade G10. c. Insulating washers: NEMA Grade G10, 1/8-inch thick (minimum). B. Install insulating joints at the locations indicated on the drawings. Where not shown on the drawings, they shall be installed within 24 inches of the location at which underground piping transitions to above-ground or within-structure extension. C. Insulating assemblies shall provide a minimum resistance of 500,000 ohms when tested in PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. 3.02 3.03 3.04 Verify that excavations are to required grade, dry, and not over-excavated. PREPARATION A. Ream pipe and tube ends. Remove burrs. B. Remove scale and dirt, on inside and outside, before assembly. C. Prepare piping connections to equipment with flanges or unions. EXCAVATION A. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Division 2 requirements for work of this Section. B. All piping installed below concrete slabs, aprons or roadways shall be encased in flowable backfill. Refer to Section 15050. INSTALLATION A. Provide dielectric fittings wherever jointing dissimilar metals. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15410 - 12 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15410 - PLUMBING PIPING 3.05 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 B. Route piping in orderly manner and maintain gradient. C. Install piping to conserve building space and not interfere with use of space. Refer to Section 15010 for coordination requirements. D. Group piping whenever practical at common elevations. E. Install piping to allow for expansion and contraction without stressing pipe, joints, or connected equipment. F. Provide clearance for installation of insulation and access to valves and fittings. G. Provide access where valves and fittings are not exposed. Coordinate size and location of access doors with Division 8 installer. H. Slope water piping and arrange to drain at low points. I. Establish elevations of buried water piping outside the building at depth of not less than 12 inches below average local frost depth or as required under applicable codes. Consult with water supply utility company and provide [meter pits,] [curb stops,] [vaults,] meter bypass, and equipment as required. J. Where pipe support members are welded to structural building framing, scrape, brush clean, and apply one coat of zinc rich primer to welding. K. Provide support for utility meters in accordance with requirements of utility companies. L. Prepare pipe, fittings, supports, and accessories not prefinished, ready for finish painting. Refer to Division 9. M. Install valves with stems upright or horizontal, not inverted. N. Provide one plug cock wrench for every ten plug cocks sized 2 inches and smaller, minimum of one. Provide each plug cock sized 2-1/2 inches or larger with a wrench with set screw. O. Vents less than six inches above the flood level rim of the fixture shall be installed with approved drainage fittings and materials, and grade to drain. P. Lever handle valves: Install valve handle so that the handle opens in the direction of fluid flow. Q. Install a cleanout in the vertical riser (vent to drain transition) above the connection to each urinal to allow for individual cleaning of each fixture drain. R. Install ABS soil and waste drainage and vent piping according to ASTM D2661. S. Install PVC soil and waste drainage and vent piping according to ASTM D2665. T. Install underground [ABS] [and] [PVC] soil and waste drainage piping according to ASTM D2321. APPLICATION A. Provide and install unions downstream of valves and at equipment or apparatus connections. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15410 - 13 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15410 - PLUMBING PIPING 3.06 3.07 3.08 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 B. Provide and install brass male adapters each side of valves in copper piped system. Sweat solder adapters to pipe. C. Provide and install ball or butterfly valves for shut-off and to isolate all equipment, isolate connections to existing piping mains, part of systems as indicated, and/or vertical risers. D. Provide and install [globe] [ball] [butterfly] valves for throttling, bypass, or manual flow control services. E. Provide and install spring loaded check valves on discharge of water pumps. F. Provide and install flow controls in water recirculating systems where indicated. ERECTION TOLERANCES A. Establish invert elevations, slopes for drainage to [1/4] [_____] inch per foot ([2] [one] [_____] percent) minimum. Maintain gradients. B. Slope water piping and arrange to drain at low points. SERVICE CONNECTIONS A. Provide new services to the extent indicated on the drawings. Before commencing work check invert elevations required for sewer connections, confirm inverts and ensure that these can be properly connected with slope for drainage and cover to avoid freezing. B. Provide new water service complete with [reduced pressure backflow preventer and] water meter with by-pass valves [and sand strainer]. [Provide sleeve in wall for service main and support at wall with reinforced concrete bridge. Calk enlarged sleeve and make watertight with pliable material. Anchor service main inside to concrete wall.] C. Provide 18 gage galvanized sheet metal sleeve around service main to 6 inch above floor and 6 feet minimum below grade. Size for minimum of 2 inches of loose batt insulation stuffing. TESTING - PIPING SYSTEMS A. Perform all tests in the presence of the authorized City representative when required. Contractor shall provide inspector 48-hour prior notice of test; also notify DIA Project Manager. B. Test soil, waste, and vent and roof drainage and drain systems with a minimum of 10 foot hydrostatic head or in accordance with local and state codes governing plumbing and drainage work. C. Hydrostatic Leak Test: 1. Perform hydrostatic leak test on all piping systems prior to making final connections to fixtures and equipment. 2. Hydrostatic Leak Test Procedure: a. Leak test procedures shall comply with ASME B31.9. b. Fill piping systems with clear water, vent all air, and pressurize at 150% of operating pressure, (but not less than 100 psi or more than the pipe rating pressure) for 15 minutes. Test fails if leakage is observed, or pressure drop exceeds 5% of test pressure. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15410 - 14 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15410 - PLUMBING PIPING DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 D. No piping or joint shall be left untested. All leaks shall be repaired and the piping system shall be re-tested until satisfactory results are obtained. E. Pneumatic Leak Test 1. General: Pneumatic leak tests shall only be used on piping with restricted access, piping exposed to freezing conditions, or where water leakage would damage critical DIA operational equipment. Contractor shall submit a written request for test in accordance with the SUBMITTALLS paragraph of this specification section. 2. Pneumatic Test Procedure: a. Contractor shall submit safety plan for pneumatic testing prior to test. b. General: Compressed gas poses the risk of sudden release of stored energy. For that reason, pneumatic testing shall be used only within the following limitations. 1) The piping system does not contain cast iron pipe or plastic pipe subject to brittle failure. 2) The system does not contain soldered or solvent cement joints over NPS 2. 3) The test pressure does not exceed 150 psig. c. Test Medium: The gas shall be nonflammable and nontoxic. d. Preliminary Test. Prior to application of full pneumatic test pressure, a preliminary test of not more than 10 psig shall be applied to reveal possible major leaks. Pneumatic Test Pressure: 1) Except as limited in 2) below, the test pressure shall not exceed 1.25 times the design pressure. Pressure shall be applied in several stages, allowing time for the system to reach equilibrium at each stage. 2) The test pressure shall not exceed the maximum allowable pneumatic test pressure for any vessel, pump, valve, or other component in the system under test. e. Examination for Leakage: After the preliminary test, pressure shall be raised in stages of not more than 25% up to full pneumatic test pressure, allowing time for equalization of strains and detection of major leaks at each stage. Following the application of test pressure for at least 10 minutes, the pressure may be reduced to design pressure and examination shall be made for leakage of the piping. Leaks may be detected by soap bubble, halogen gas, scented gas, test gage monitoring, ultrasonic, or other suitable means. If leaks are found, pressure shall be vented, appropriate repair or replacement shall be made, and the pneumatic test repeated until no leakage is found. f. Contractor shall measure the surface temperature of the pipe for the duration of testing. The pneumatic test will be deemed successful only when the test pressure can be held at a constant pipe surface temperature for a period of no less than 10 continuous minutes. Record of the pipe temperatures and pressures during the duration of the test shall be submitted to the DIA Project Manager following completion of the test. F. Testing shall be witnessed by DIA Mechanical Inspector and Project Manager or Designated Representative. G. Repair piping systems which fail required piping test, by disassembly and reinstallation, using new materials to extent required to overcome leakage. Do not use chemicals, stopleak compounds, mastics, or other temporary repair methods. H. Drain test water from piping systems after testing and repair work that has been completed. I. Prepare written report of testing procedures and result. Submit in accordance with Section 15010. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15410 - 15 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15410 - PLUMBING PIPING 3.09 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 DISINFECTION OF DOMESTIC WATER PIPING SYSTEM A. Prior to starting work, verify system is complete, flushed and clean. B. Ensure PH of water to be treated is between 7.4 and 7.6 by adding alkali (caustic soda or soda ash) or acid (hydrochloric). C. Inject disinfectant, free chlorine in liquid, powder, tablet or gas form, throughout system to obtain 50 to 80 mg/L residual. D. Bleed water from outlets to ensure distribution and test for disinfectant residual at minimum 15 percent of outlets. E. Maintain disinfectant in system for 24 hours. F. If final disinfectant residual tests less than 25 mg/L, repeat treatment. G. Flush disinfectant from system until residual equal to that of incoming water or 1.0 mg/L. H. Take samples no sooner than 24 hours after flushing, from [10] [5] [2] percent of outlets and from water entry, and analyze in accordance with AWWA C651-99. PART 4 -MEASUREMENT 4.01 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT A. No separate measurement will be made for work under this Section. PART 5 - PAYMENT 5.01 PAYMENT A. No separate payment will be made for work under this section. The cost of the work described in this section shall be included in the Lump Sum Contract price. END OF SECTION 15410 ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15410 - 16 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15782 - PACKAGED TERMINAL AIR CONDITIONING UNITS AND HEAT PUMPSCONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 SECTION 15782 PACKAGED TERMINAL AIR CONDITIONING UNITS AND HEAT PUMPS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 1.02 1.03 SECTION INCLUDES A. Packaged terminal air conditioning units. B. Packaged terminal heat pump units. C. Wall sleeves and louvers. D. Controls. RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 15010 - Basic Mechanical Requirements. B. Section 15050 - Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods. C. Section 15952 - Controls and Instrumentation. D. Section [_____] - Installation of wall sleeves in finished wall assembly. E. Section 15952 - Controls and Instrumentation: Installation of thermostats and other control components. F. Section 16142 - Electrical Connections for Equipment: Installation of thermostats and other control components. G. Section 16142 - Electrical Connections for Equipment: Electrical characteristics and wiring connections. H. Section 16480 - Motor Controllers. I. Section 16486 - Electric Motors. REFERENCES A. Materials and workmanship shall conform to the latest issue of all industry standards, publications, or regulations referenced in this section and with the following references as applicable. Refer to Section 15010 for listing of issuing organizations or agencies. B. Applicable Standards: 1. American Refrigerants Institute (ARI) a. ARI 210 - Unitary Air-Conditioning Equipment. b. ARI 240 - Air Source Unitary Heat Pump Equipment. c. ARI 270 - Sound Rating of Outdoor Unitary Equipment. 2. International Building Code (IBC) with the Denver Amendments 3. International Fire Code (IFC) with the Denver Amendments ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15782 - 1 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15782 - PACKAGED TERMINAL AIR CONDITIONING UNITS AND HEAT PUMPSCONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 4. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Provide drawings indicating dimensions, rough-in connections, and electrical characteristics and connection requirements. B. Shop Drawings (required only for equipment other than the selections shown on drawing layouts and specified in detail by manufacturer/model number in equipment schedules): 1. C. 1.05 1.08 1.09 “As Built” Plans shall be provided in the same format and manner as described above. Each set shall be equipped with a plan holder equal to “Stacor Plan Clamps” for the appropriate size drawings. Include manufacturer's descriptive literature, operating instructions, installation instructions, and maintenance and repair data. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. 1.07 Show proposed physical layout of equipment relative to the space in which it is to be installed, to demonstrate: a. Coordination of piping, duct, venting and electrical connections (as applicable) in relationship to adjacent work and building elements. b. Acceptable clearances for servicing and maintaining equipment to be installed, including adjacent equipment not specified by this Section. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS A. 1.06 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) a. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code. Products Requiring Electrical Connection: Listed and classified by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. (or other testing agency acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction) as suitable for the purpose specified and indicated. MOCKUP A. Install one unit which includes inside cabinet, wall sleeve, and wall louver. B. Locate where directed. C. Mockup may [not] remain as part of the Work.] DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND PROTECTION A. Deliver, store and protect products under provisions of Section 15010 and Division 1. B. Protect finished cabinets from physical damage by leaving factory packing cases in place before installation and providing temporary covers after installation. WARRANTY A. Warranty of all equipment described in this Section shall meet warranty requirements of Section 15010 - Basic Mechanical Requirements. B. Provide a five year warranty to include coverage for refrigeration compressors. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15782 - 2 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15782 - PACKAGED TERMINAL AIR CONDITIONING UNITS AND HEAT PUMPSCONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. B. 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 Subject to compliance with specified requirements, products of the following manufacturers are acceptable. 1. Carrier. 2. Trane. 3. McQuay. 4. York International. 5. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 15010. Radiated noise shall not exceed: 1. NC 35 – In Office 2. NC 40 – Terminal/Concourse 3. NC 45 – Maintenance Facilities AIR CONDITIONING UNITS A. Description: Packaged, self-contained, through-the-wall [air] [water] cooled terminal [air conditioning] [heat pump] units, with [wall sleeve,] room cabinet, electric refrigeration system, [electric] [hot water] [gas fired] heating, [outside air louvers,] [built-in] [remote] temperature controls; fully charged with refrigerant and filled with oil. B. Electrical Characteristics: As indicated on the Drawings. CABINET A. Cabinet: [Wall mounted] [Floor mounted] [Sub-base mounted] of [18 gage] galvanized steel with [epoxy coated] [baked enamel] finish, removable front panel with concealed latches, [_____] color [as selected]. B. Discharge Grille and Access Door: [Removable] [Integral] [punched louver] [extruded aluminum] discharge grilles[,] [allowing 4-way discharge air pattern,] with hinged door in top of cabinet for access to controls. C. Wall Cabinet: Matching cabinet in construction and finish, allowing diversion of [40] [____] percent of unit air flow to adjoining room, with grille. WALL SLEEVES AND LOUVERS A. Wall Sleeves: [____] inches deep, [16 gage] galvanized steel with [protective mastic coating] [polyester finish]. B. Louvers: [Flush] [Companion flanged] [anodized] aluminum [with enamel finish], [________] color [as selected]. CHASSIS A. Refrigeration System: 1. Direct expansion [cooling] [indoor] coil. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15782 - 3 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15782 - PACKAGED TERMINAL AIR CONDITIONING UNITS AND HEAT PUMPSCONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2. Hermetically sealed compressor with internal spring isolation, external isolation, permanent split capacitor motor and overload protection. 3. Accumulator. 4. [Condenser] [Outdoor] coil and fan. 5. Coaxial tube in tube condenser with water regulating valve. 6. Capillary restrictor [and constant pressure expansion valve]. 7. Reversing valve. B. Air System: Centrifugal forward curved [tangential] [evaporator] [indoor] fans with [two speed] permanent split capacitor motor, permanent washable filters, positive pressure ventilation damper with concealed manual operator. C. Heating Coil: [Electric.] [Hot water.] D. Condensate Drain: Drain pan to direct condensate to [condenser] [outdoor] coil for reevaporation. E. [Condenser] [Outdoor] Fan: [Centrifugal, forward curved] [Propeller] type [with separate permanent split capacitor motor.] [driven by [evaporator] [indoor] fan motor.] F. Condensing coils shall be provided with steel hail guard. Hail guard shall be constructed to prevent the passage of one-half inch diameter hail. CONTROLS A. Control Module: [Unit] [Remote] mounted adjustable thermostat with heat anticipator, [heatoff-cool] [off-heat-auto-cool] switch, [high-low] fan switch. B. Low Ambient Lockout Control: Below [35] [___] degrees F, outdoor thermostat shall [prevent compressor operation] [and switch to heat mode]. PERFORMANCE A. Performance and capacities shall be as indicated on the Drawings. B. Scheduled performance: 1. Cooling capacity: ARI 210. 2. Reverse cycle heating capacity: ARI 240. 3. Unit sound number: ARI 270. SUPPLEMENTAL CONDENSATE DRAIN PANS A. Wherever units equipped for cooling service are installed above facilities such as electrical power equipment, computer equipment, data server or telecommunications equipment, or other electrical or electronic equipment susceptible to malfunction if exposed to water, Contractor shall provide a supplemental drain pan to serve as additional protection against leakage, overflow, or other failure of the primary drain pan normally comprising a part of the air conditioning equipment. 1. Supplemental drain pans to be constructed of 20 gauge (minimum) galvanized steel, minimum depth 2 inches, fabricated, braced, and supported so as to ensure stability. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15782 - 4 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15782 - PACKAGED TERMINAL AIR CONDITIONING UNITS AND HEAT PUMPSCONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 2. Provide drain piping conforming to provisions 15410 or 15510, as applicable, minimum size 3/4 inch, terminating as a visible sight drain discharging to a floor drain or service sink if feasible, or as may otherwise be directed or approved by the DIA Project Manager. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Coordinate installation of units with architectural, [mechanical,] and electrical work. C. On water coils, provide shut-off valve on supply line and [balancing valve] [flow control and shut-off valve] on return line. Provide [manual] [float operated automatic] air vents at high points complete with stop valve. PART 4 - MEASUREMENT 4.01 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT A. No separate measurement will be made for work under this Section. PART 5 - PAYMENT 5.01 PAYMENT A. No separate payment will be made for work under this section. The cost of the work described in this section shall be included in the Lump Sum Contract price. END OF SECTION 15782 ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15782 - 5 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15782 - PACKAGED TERMINAL AIR CONDITIONING UNITS AND HEAT PUMPSCONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 SECTION 15782 PACKAGED TERMINAL AIR CONDITIONING UNITS AND HEAT PUMPS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 1.02 1.03 SECTION INCLUDES A. Packaged terminal air conditioning units. B. Packaged terminal heat pump units. C. Wall sleeves and louvers. D. Controls. RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 15010 - Basic Mechanical Requirements. B. Section 15050 - Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods. C. Section 15952 - Controls and Instrumentation. D. Section [_____] - Installation of wall sleeves in finished wall assembly. E. Section 15952 - Controls and Instrumentation: Installation of thermostats and other control components. F. Section 16142 - Electrical Connections for Equipment: Installation of thermostats and other control components. G. Section 16142 - Electrical Connections for Equipment: Electrical characteristics and wiring connections. H. Section 16480 - Motor Controllers. I. Section 16486 - Electric Motors. REFERENCES A. Materials and workmanship shall conform to the latest issue of all industry standards, publications, or regulations referenced in this section and with the following references as applicable. Refer to Section 15010 for listing of issuing organizations or agencies. B. Applicable Standards: 1. American Refrigerants Institute (ARI) a. ARI 210 - Unitary Air-Conditioning Equipment. b. ARI 240 - Air Source Unitary Heat Pump Equipment. c. ARI 270 - Sound Rating of Outdoor Unitary Equipment. 2. International Building Code (IBC) with the Denver Amendments 3. International Fire Code (IFC) with the Denver Amendments ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15782 - 1 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15782 - PACKAGED TERMINAL AIR CONDITIONING UNITS AND HEAT PUMPSCONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 4. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Provide drawings indicating dimensions, rough-in connections, and electrical characteristics and connection requirements. B. Shop Drawings (required only for equipment other than the selections shown on drawing layouts and specified in detail by manufacturer/model number in equipment schedules): 1. C. 1.05 1.08 1.09 “As Built” Plans shall be provided in the same format and manner as described above. Each set shall be equipped with a plan holder equal to “Stacor Plan Clamps” for the appropriate size drawings. Include manufacturer's descriptive literature, operating instructions, installation instructions, and maintenance and repair data. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. 1.07 Show proposed physical layout of equipment relative to the space in which it is to be installed, to demonstrate: a. Coordination of piping, duct, venting and electrical connections (as applicable) in relationship to adjacent work and building elements. b. Acceptable clearances for servicing and maintaining equipment to be installed, including adjacent equipment not specified by this Section. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS A. 1.06 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) a. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code. Products Requiring Electrical Connection: Listed and classified by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. (or other testing agency acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction) as suitable for the purpose specified and indicated. MOCKUP A. Install one unit which includes inside cabinet, wall sleeve, and wall louver. B. Locate where directed. C. Mockup may [not] remain as part of the Work.] DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND PROTECTION A. Deliver, store and protect products under provisions of Section 15010 and Division 1. B. Protect finished cabinets from physical damage by leaving factory packing cases in place before installation and providing temporary covers after installation. WARRANTY A. Warranty of all equipment described in this Section shall meet warranty requirements of Section 15010 - Basic Mechanical Requirements. B. Provide a five year warranty to include coverage for refrigeration compressors. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15782 - 2 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15782 - PACKAGED TERMINAL AIR CONDITIONING UNITS AND HEAT PUMPSCONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. B. 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 Subject to compliance with specified requirements, products of the following manufacturers are acceptable. 1. Carrier. 2. Trane. 3. McQuay. 4. York International. 5. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 15010. Radiated noise shall not exceed: 1. NC 35 – In Office 2. NC 40 – Terminal/Concourse 3. NC 45 – Maintenance Facilities AIR CONDITIONING UNITS A. Description: Packaged, self-contained, through-the-wall [air] [water] cooled terminal [air conditioning] [heat pump] units, with [wall sleeve,] room cabinet, electric refrigeration system, [electric] [hot water] [gas fired] heating, [outside air louvers,] [built-in] [remote] temperature controls; fully charged with refrigerant and filled with oil. B. Electrical Characteristics: As indicated on the Drawings. CABINET A. Cabinet: [Wall mounted] [Floor mounted] [Sub-base mounted] of [18 gage] galvanized steel with [epoxy coated] [baked enamel] finish, removable front panel with concealed latches, [_____] color [as selected]. B. Discharge Grille and Access Door: [Removable] [Integral] [punched louver] [extruded aluminum] discharge grilles[,] [allowing 4-way discharge air pattern,] with hinged door in top of cabinet for access to controls. C. Wall Cabinet: Matching cabinet in construction and finish, allowing diversion of [40] [____] percent of unit air flow to adjoining room, with grille. WALL SLEEVES AND LOUVERS A. Wall Sleeves: [____] inches deep, [16 gage] galvanized steel with [protective mastic coating] [polyester finish]. B. Louvers: [Flush] [Companion flanged] [anodized] aluminum [with enamel finish], [________] color [as selected]. CHASSIS A. Refrigeration System: 1. Direct expansion [cooling] [indoor] coil. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15782 - 3 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15782 - PACKAGED TERMINAL AIR CONDITIONING UNITS AND HEAT PUMPSCONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2. Hermetically sealed compressor with internal spring isolation, external isolation, permanent split capacitor motor and overload protection. 3. Accumulator. 4. [Condenser] [Outdoor] coil and fan. 5. Coaxial tube in tube condenser with water regulating valve. 6. Capillary restrictor [and constant pressure expansion valve]. 7. Reversing valve. B. Air System: Centrifugal forward curved [tangential] [evaporator] [indoor] fans with [two speed] permanent split capacitor motor, permanent washable filters, positive pressure ventilation damper with concealed manual operator. C. Heating Coil: [Electric.] [Hot water.] D. Condensate Drain: Drain pan to direct condensate to [condenser] [outdoor] coil for reevaporation. E. [Condenser] [Outdoor] Fan: [Centrifugal, forward curved] [Propeller] type [with separate permanent split capacitor motor.] [driven by [evaporator] [indoor] fan motor.] F. Condensing coils shall be provided with steel hail guard. Hail guard shall be constructed to prevent the passage of one-half inch diameter hail. CONTROLS A. Control Module: [Unit] [Remote] mounted adjustable thermostat with heat anticipator, [heatoff-cool] [off-heat-auto-cool] switch, [high-low] fan switch. B. Low Ambient Lockout Control: Below [35] [___] degrees F, outdoor thermostat shall [prevent compressor operation] [and switch to heat mode]. PERFORMANCE A. Performance and capacities shall be as indicated on the Drawings. B. Scheduled performance: 1. Cooling capacity: ARI 210. 2. Reverse cycle heating capacity: ARI 240. 3. Unit sound number: ARI 270. SUPPLEMENTAL CONDENSATE DRAIN PANS A. Wherever units equipped for cooling service are installed above facilities such as electrical power equipment, computer equipment, data server or telecommunications equipment, or other electrical or electronic equipment susceptible to malfunction if exposed to water, Contractor shall provide a supplemental drain pan to serve as additional protection against leakage, overflow, or other failure of the primary drain pan normally comprising a part of the air conditioning equipment. 1. Supplemental drain pans to be constructed of 20 gauge (minimum) galvanized steel, minimum depth 2 inches, fabricated, braced, and supported so as to ensure stability. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15782 - 4 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15782 - PACKAGED TERMINAL AIR CONDITIONING UNITS AND HEAT PUMPSCONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 2. Provide drain piping conforming to provisions 15410 or 15510, as applicable, minimum size 3/4 inch, terminating as a visible sight drain discharging to a floor drain or service sink if feasible, or as may otherwise be directed or approved by the DIA Project Manager. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Coordinate installation of units with architectural, [mechanical,] and electrical work. C. On water coils, provide shut-off valve on supply line and [balancing valve] [flow control and shut-off valve] on return line. Provide [manual] [float operated automatic] air vents at high points complete with stop valve. PART 4 - MEASUREMENT 4.01 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT A. No separate measurement will be made for work under this Section. PART 5 - PAYMENT 5.01 PAYMENT A. No separate payment will be made for work under this section. The cost of the work described in this section shall be included in the Lump Sum Contract price. END OF SECTION 15782 ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15782 - 5 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15890 - DUCTWORK DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 SECTION 15890 DUCTWORK PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 SECTION INCLUDES A. Metal ductwork. B. Casing and plenums. C. Buried ductwork. D. Ductwork Liner E. Kitchen hood ductwork. F. Duct cleaning PRODUCTS INSTALLED BUT NOT FURNISHED UNDER THIS SECTION A. [Division 1 - Summary of Work] [_____]: Owner furnished kitchen range hoods. B. [Division 1] [Division 11]: Supply of kitchen range hoods for placement by this Section. RELATED SECTIONS A. [Division 1] [Division 3]: Concrete. B. [Division 1] [Division 9]: Weld priming, weather resistant, paint or coating. C. Section 05999 - Welding D. Section 15010 - Basic Mechanical Requirements. E. Section 15050 - Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods. F. Section 15140 - Supports and Anchors: Sleeves. G. Section 15290 - Duct Insulation: External insulation and duct liner. H. Section 15910 - Ductwork Accessories. I. Section 15930 - Air Terminal Units. J. Section 15940 - Air Inlets and Outlets. K. Section 15990 - Testing, Adjusting and Balancing. REFERENCES A. Materials and workmanship shall conform to the latest issue of all industry standards, publications, or regulations referenced in this section and with the following references as applicable. Refer to Section 15010 for listing of issuing organizations or agencies. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15890 - 1 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15890 - DUCTWORK B. DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Applicable Standards: 1. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): a. A36A/A36M - Carbon Structural Steel. b. A90 - Weight of Coating on Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Iron or Steel Articles. c. A167 - Stainless and Heat-Resisting Chromium-Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip. d. A366/A366M - Steel, Sheet, Carbon, Cold-Rolled, Commercial Quality. e. A480/A480M - General Requirements for Flat-Rolled Stainless and HeatResisting Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip. f. A525 - General Requirements for Steel Sheet, Zinc- Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dip Process. g. A527 - Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) by Hot-Dip Process, Lock Forming Quality. h. A568 - Steel, Sheet, Carbon, and High-Strength, Low-Alloy, Hot-Rolled and ColdRolled. i. ASTM A 569 - Steel, Carbon (0.15 Maximum, Percent), Hot-Rolled Sheet and Strip, Commercial Quality. j. A653/A653M - Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process. k. B209 - Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate. l. B209M - Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate (Metric). m. C411 - Test method for Hot-Surface Performance of High-Temperature Thermal Insulation. n. C534 - Preformed Flexible Elastomeric Cellular Thermal Insulation in Sheet and Tubular Form. o. C916 - Adhesives for Duct Thermal Insulation. p. C920 - Elastomeric Joint Sealants. q. C1071 - Thermal and Acoustical Insulation (Glass Fiber, Duct Lining Material). r. E84 - Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. s. G21 - Standard Practice for Determining Resistance of Synthetic Polymeric Materials to Fungi. 2. American Welding Society (AWS): a. D1.1 - Structural Welding Code - Steel. b. D1.2 - Structural Welding Code - Aluminum. c. D9.1 - Sheet Metal Welding Code. 3. International Building Code (IBC) with the Denver Amendments 4. International Fire Code (IFC) with the Denver Amendments 5. National Air Duct Cleaners Association (1518 K St., NW, Suite 503, Washington, DC 20005; 202-737-2926; (NADLA): a. 1992-01: Mechanical Cleaning of Nonporous Air Conveyance System Components. 6. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): a. 90A - Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems (ANSI). b. 90B - Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Systems (ANSI). c. 91 - Installation of Blower and Exhaust Systems for Dust, Stock and Vapor Removal or Conveying. d. 96 - Installation of Equipment for the Removal of Smoke and Grease-Laden Vapors from Commercial Cooking Equipment. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15890 - 2 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15890 - DUCTWORK e. 1.05 96 - Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations (ANSI). 7. The North American Insulation Manufacturers Association (NAIMA): a. AH124 - Fibrous Glass Duct Liner Standard. 8. Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association (SMACNA): a. Duct Cleanliness for New Construction. b. HVAC Air Duct Leakage Test Manual. c. HVAC Duct Construction Standards - Metal and Flexible. 9. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL): a. 181 - Factory-Made Air Ducts and air Connectors. b. 723 - Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. 1.06 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 No variation of duct configuration or sizes permitted except by written permission of the DIA Mechanical Engineer. Size round ducts installed in place of rectangular ducts in accordance with SMACNA [and] [or] ASHRAE table of equivalent rectangular and round ducts. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Indicate duct fittings, particulars such as gages, sizes, welds, and configuration for [duct materials] [duct liner] [duct connectors] [___________]. B. Test Reports: Indicate pressure tests performed. Include date, section tested, test pressure, and leakage rate, following SMACNA HVAC Air Duct Leakage Test Manual. C. Welding certificates. D. Shop Drawings: AutoCAD-generated and drawn to [1/4 inch equals 1 foot] [1/8 inch equals 1 foot] [_____] scale. Show fabrication and installation details for metal ducts. E. 1. <Insert lists of areas or systems requiring Shop Drawings.> 2. Fabrication, assembly, and installation, including plans, elevations, sections, components, and attachments to other work. 3. Duct layout indicating sizes and pressure classes. 4. Elevations of top and bottom of ducts. 5. Dimensions of main duct runs from building grid lines. 6. Fittings. 7. Reinforcement and spacing. 8. Seam and joint construction. 9. Penetrations through fire-rated and other partitions. 10. Equipment installation based on equipment being used on Project. 11. Duct accessories, including access doors and panels. 12. Hangers and supports, including methods for duct and building attachment, vibration isolation, and seismic restraints. 13. <Insert additional items.> Coordination Drawings: Reflected ceiling plans, AutoCAD-generated and drawn] to [1/4 inch ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15890 - 3 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15890 - DUCTWORK DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 equals 1 foot] [1/8 inch equals 1 foot] scale, on which the following items are shown and coordinated with each other, based on input from installers of the items involved: F. 1.07 1.09 1.11 2. Other systems installed in same space as ducts. 3. Ceiling- and wall-mounting access doors and panels required to provide access to dampers and other operating devices. 4. Ceiling-mounting items, including lighting fixtures, diffusers, grilles, speakers, sprinklers, access panels, and special moldings. “As Built” Plans shall be provided in the same format as described above. Each set shall be equipped with a plan holder equal to “Stacor Plan Clamps” for the appropriate size drawings. Record actual locations of ducts and duct fittings. Record changes in fitting location and type. Show additional fittings used. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform Work in accordance with SMACNA - HVAC Duct Construction Standards - Metal and Flexible. B. Maintain one copy of document on site. C. Welding: Qualify procedures and personnel according to [AWS D1.1 for hangers and supports] [AWS D1.2 for aluminum supporting members] [and] [AWS D9.1 for duct joint and seam welding]. Refer to Section 05999 – Welding for additional requirements. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. 1.10 Ceiling suspension assembly members. PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS A. 1.08 1. Construct ductwork to [NFPA 90A] [and] [NFPA 90B] [and] [NFPA 96] standards. ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Do not install duct sealants when temperatures are less than those recommended by sealant manufacturers. B. Maintain temperatures during and after installation of duct sealants. DEFINITIONS A. Duct Sizes: Inside clear dimensions. For lined ducts, maintain sizes inside lining. B. Low Pressure: 2 inch WG positive or negative static pressure and velocities less than 2,500 fpm. C. Medium Pressure: Three pressure classifications: 3 inch WG positive or negative static pressure and velocities less than 4,000 fpm, 4 inch WG positive static pressure and velocities greater than 2,000 fpm, 6 inch WG positive static pressure and velocities greater than 2,000 fpm. D. High Pressure: 10 inch WG positive static pressure and velocities greater than 2,000 fpm. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15890 - 4 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15890 - DUCTWORK E. 1.12 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Main duct pressure classification shall be determined by supply fan total static pressure + one inch water column. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store and protect products under provisions of Section 15010 and Division 1. B. Protect [________] from [_________] by [____________.] PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. General: Comply with SMACNA's "HVAC Duct Construction Standards--Metal and Flexible" for acceptable materials, material thicknesses, and duct construction methods, unless otherwise indicated. Sheet metal materials shall be free of pitting, seam marks, roller marks, stains, discolorations, and other imperfections. B. Steel Ducts: [ASTM A 525] [or] ASTM A 527] galvanized steel sheet, lock-forming quality, having zinc coating of 1.25 oz per sq ft for each side in conformance with ASTM A 90. C. Double-Wall Steel Ducts: Fabricate outer shell as required for single-wall ducts. Provide 1inch fiberglass internal insulation covered with inner wall of 24 gage perforated galvanized steel. D. Aluminum Ducts: ASTM B 209; aluminum sheet, alloy 3003-H14. Aluminum Connectors and Bar Stock: Alloy 6061-T6 or of equivalent strength. E. Flexible Ducts: 1. Insulated-Duct Connectors: UL 181, Class 1, 2-ply vinyl film supported by helically wound, spring-steel wire; fibrous-glass insulation; [polyethylene] [aluminized] vapor barrier film. a. Pressure Rating: 10-inch wg positive and 1.0-inch wg negative. b. Maximum Air Velocity: 4000 fpm. c. Temperature Range: Minus 10 to plus 160°F. d. Maximum length five (5) feet. 2. Insulated-Duct Connectors: UL 181, Class 1, black polymer film supported by helically wound, spring-steel wire; fibrous-glass insulation; [polyethylene] [aluminized] vapor barrier film. a. Pressure Rating: 4-inch wg positive and 0.5-inch wg negative. b. Maximum Air Velocity: 4000 fpm. c. Temperature Range: Minus 20 to plus 175°F. d. Maximum length five (5) feet. 3. Insulated-Duct Connectors: UL 181, Class 1, multiple layers of aluminum laminate supported by helically wound, spring-steel wire; fibrous-glass insulation; [polyethylene] [aluminized] vapor barrier film. a. Pressure Rating: 10-inch wg positive and 1.0-inch wg negative. b. Maximum Air Velocity: 4000 fpm. c. Temperature Range: Minus 20 to plus 210°F. d. Maximum length five (5) feet. 4. Insulated-Duct Connectors: UL 181, Class 1, aluminum laminate and polyester film ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15890 - 5 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15890 - DUCTWORK DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 with latex adhesive supported by helically wound, spring-steel wire; fibrous-glass insulation; [polyethylene] [aluminized] vapor barrier film. a. Pressure Rating: 10-inch wg positive and 1.0-inch wg negative. b. Maximum Air Velocity: 4000 fpm. c. Temperature Range: Minus 20 to plus 210°F. d. Maximum length five (5) feet. 5. 2.02 Medium- or High-Pressure Duct System Applications: UL Class 1, rated for 10 inches WG positive and negative pressure and 4000 fpm air velocity, constructed as interlocking spiral of galvanized steel or aluminum. [Insulation to be 1-inch thick fiberglass, maximum K-value of 0.23 at 75°F, covered with fire-retardant [polyethylene] [aluminized] vapor barrier jacket.] F. Flexible Duct Clamps: [Stainless-steel band with cadmium-plated hex screw to tighten band with a worm-gear action] [Nylon strap], in sizes 3 through 18 inches to suit duct size. G. Stainless Steel: ASTM A480/A480M, Type [316] [304], and having a [No. 2D] finish for concealed ducts and [Insert finish designation] for exposed ducts. H. PVC-Coated Galvanized Steel: Acceptable by authorities having jurisdiction for use in fabricating ducts with UL 181, Class 1 listing. Lock-forming-quality, galvanized sheet steel complying with ASTM A653/A653M and having [G60] [G90] coating designation. Factoryapplied PVC coatings shall be 4 mils thick on sheet metal surfaces of ducts and fittings exposed to corrosive conditions and 2 mils thick on opposite surfaces. I. Coating For Buried Ducts: Asphalt base or PVC coating. J. Concrete Ducts: ASTM C 14; hub and spigot concrete sewer pipe with ASTM C 443 joints, rubber gaskets. K. Fasteners: Rivets, bolts, or sheet metal screws. L. Sealant: Non-hardening, water resistant, fire resistive, compatible with mating materials; liquid used alone or with tape, or heavy mastic. M. Hanger Rod: Steel, galvanized; threaded both ends, threaded one end, or continuously threaded. DUCTWORK FABRICATION A. Fabricate and support in accordance with SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards Metal and Flexible, and as indicated. Provide duct material, gages, reinforcing, and sealing for operating pressures indicated, but not less than 1" WG positive and negative pressures. B. Construct T's, bends, and elbows with radius of not less than 1-1/2 times width of duct on centerline. Where not possible and where rectangular elbows are used, provide [air foil] turning vanes. Where acoustical lining is indicated, provide turning vanes of perforated metal with glass fiber insulation. C. Increase duct sizes gradually, not exceeding 15 degrees divergence wherever possible; maximum 30 degrees divergence upstream of equipment and 45 degrees convergence downstream. D. Fabricate continuously welded round and oval duct fittings two gages heavier than duct gages indicated in SMACNA Duct Construction Standards. Joints shall be minimum 4 inch cemented slip joint, brazed or electric welded. Prime coat welded joints. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15890 - 6 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15890 - DUCTWORK 2.03 2.04 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 E. Provide standard 45 degree lateral wye takeoffs. F. 90 degree conical tee connections (spin-in fittings) may only be used downstream of a VAV terminal. MANUFACTURED DUCTWORK AND FITTINGS A. Manufacture in accordance with SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards -Metal and Flexible, and as indicated. Provide duct material, gages, reinforcing, and sealing for operating pressures indicated. B. SMANCA Type 1 offset transitions shall not be allowed without written approval from DIA Mechanical Engineer or DIA Mechanical Inspector. C. Flat Oval Ducts: Machine made from round spiral lockseam duct with light reinforcing corrugations; fittings manufactured of at least two gages heavier metal than duct. D. Double Wall Insulated Flat Oval Ducts: Machine made from round spiral lockseam duct with light reinforcing corrugations, galvanized steel outer wall, 1 inch thick fiberglass insulation, perforated galvanized steel inner wall; fittings manufactured with solid inner wall. E. PVC Coated Steel Ducts: UL 181, Class 1, galvanized steel duct coated with polyvinyl chloride plastic, 4 mil thick on [outside and 2 mil thick on inside.] [both sides.] F. Slab Duct Ventilation System: ASTM A 527 galvanized steel, corrugated, in standard sizes with support brackets, connecting couplings, elbows, end caps, spin-in-collar, wall discharge head, and soffit discharge head; designed for installation in cast-in-place concrete floor assemblies. G. Double Wall Insulated Round Ducts: Round spiral lockseam duct with galvanized steel outer wall, 1 inch thick fiberglass insulation, [perforated] galvanized steel inner wall; fitting with solid inner wall. H. Transverse Duct Connection System: [SMACNA "E" rated] [SMACNA "F" rated] [or] [SMACNA "J" rated] rigidly class connection, interlocking angle and duct edge connection system with sealant, gasket, cleats, and corner clips. CASINGS AND PLENUMS A. Fabricate casings in accordance with SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards - Metal and Flexible and construct for operating pressures indicated. B. Panel Fabrication: Solid, galvanized sheet steel exterior shell and [solid] [perforated], galvanized sheet steel interior shell; with 2- or 4-inch space between shells, as indicated. 1. Fabricate with a minimum number of joints. 2. Weld exterior and interior shells to perimeter; to interior, longitudinal, galvanized-steel channels; and to box-end internal closures. Paint welds. 3. Exterior Shell Thickness: 0.040 inch minimum. 4. Interior Shell Thickness: 0.034 inch minimum. 5. Interior Shell Thickness: 0.034 inch minimum, with 3/32-inch perforations at 3/16-inch staggered spacing for 23% open area. 6. Fabricate perimeter and interior, longitudinal channel members with galvanized-steel shapes. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15890 - 7 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15890 - DUCTWORK Fill each panel assembly with insulating material that is noncombustible, inert, mildew resistant, and vermin proof, and that complies with NFPA 90A. 8. Fabricate panels with tongue-and-groove, continuous self-locking joints effective inside and outside each panel. Trim Items: Fabricate from a minimum of 0.052-inch galvanized sheet steel, furnished in standard lengths for field cutting. D. Access Doors: Fabricate personnel access doors at least 24 by 60 inches and other access doors in sizes indicated. F. 2.06 7. C. E. 2.05 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 1. Fabricate doors of same thickness as panels, with a minimum 0.040-inch solid, interior and exterior, galvanized sheet steel shell. 2. Install a minimum of two ball-bearing hinges and two wedge-lever-type latches, operable from inside and outside. Install doors to open against air pressure differential. Install neoprene gaskets around entire perimeters of door frames. 3. Fabricate windows in doors consisting of double-glazed, wire-reinforced safety glass with an air space between panes and sealed with interior and exterior rubber seals. Structural Performance: Fabricate plenum to be self-supporting and capable of withstanding internal static pressures as scheduled, without any panel joint exceeding deflection of L/200 where "L" is the unsupported span length within completed casings. 1. Fabricate outdoor casings to withstand wind load of 15 lbf/sq. ft. and snow load of 30 lbf/sq. ft.. 2. Acoustic Performance: Certified by an independent acoustical testing agency listing sound-absorption and transmission-loss characteristics of panel assemblies. 3. Thermal Conductivity (k-Value): 0.26 at 75°F mean temperature. Static-Pressure Classifications: Unless otherwise indicated, fabricate HVAC casings according to the following: 1. Before Fans: [2-inch wg] [3-inch wg] <Insert pressure class>. 2. After Fans: [2-inch wg] [3-inch wg] [4-inch wg] [6-inch wg] [10-inch wg] <Insert pressure class>. BURIED UNDERGROUND DUCTS A. Buried ducts may be [concrete encased sheet metal] [PVC jacketed sheet metal] [fiber glass reinforced plastic] [concrete] as indicated. B. Fabricate metal ductwork in accordance with SMACNA Low Pressure Duct Construction Standards, except as indicated. Fabricate using two gages heavier material than indicated for 2 inch WG pressure class. KITCHEN HOOD EXHAUST DUCTWORK A. Fabricate in accordance with SMACNA Low Pressure Duct Construction Standards, High Pressure Duct Construction Standards, and NFPA 96. B. Construct of 0.055-inch-thick carbon steel or 0.044-inch-thick stainless steel (minimum), using continuous externally welded joints. C. Grease Duct Supports: Duct bracing and supports shall be of noncombustible material securely attached to the structure and designed to carry gravity and lateral loads within the ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15890 - 8 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15890 - DUCTWORK DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 stress limitations of governing codes. Bolts, screws, rivets and other mechanical fasteners shall not penetrate duct walls. Provide duct clean-out openings as required by NFPA 96. 2.07 2.08 DISHWASHER HOOD DUCTWORK A. Fabricate in accordance with SMACNA Low Pressure Duct Construction Standards for [2] [3] inches negative pressure. B. Construct ductwork of type 304 stainless steel, 18 gage, with continuous externally welded joints and perimeter reinforcing. C. Slope duct runs at 0.125 inches per foot to low points, provide 1-1/2 inch diameter drain discharging, through trap, to floor drain or service sink. DUCT LINER A. 2.09 Fibrous-Glass Liner: Comply with NFPA 90A or NFPA 90B and with NAIMA AH124. 1. Manufacturers: a. CertainTeed Corp.; Insulation Group. b. Johns Manville International, Inc. c. Knauf Fiber Glass GmbH. d. Owens Corning. e. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 15010. 2. Materials: ASTM C1071; surfaces exposed to airstream shall be coated to prevent erosion of glass fibers. a. Thickness: [1/2 inch] [1 inch] [1-1/2 inches]. b. Thermal Conductivity (k-Value): 0.26 at 75F mean temperature. c. Fire-Hazard Classification: Maximum flame-spread index of 25 and smokedeveloped index of 50 when tested according to ASTM E84. d. Liner Adhesive: Comply with NFPA 90A or NFPA 90B and with ASTM C916. e. Mechanical Fasteners: Galvanized steel suitable for adhesive attachment, mechanical attachment, or welding attachment to duct without damaging liner when applied as recommended by manufacturer and without causing leakage in duct. 1) Tensile Strength: Indefinitely sustain a 50-lb-tensile, dead-load test perpendicular to duct wall. 2) Fastener Pin Length: As required for thickness of insulation and without projecting more than 1/8 inch into airstream. 3) Adhesive for Attaching Mechanical Fasteners: Comply with fire-hazard classification of duct liner system. f. Liner not to support microbial growth as tested in accordance with ASTM G21. SEALANT MATERIALS A. Joint and Seam Sealants, General: The term "sealant" is not limited to materials of adhesive or mastic nature but includes tapes and combinations of open-weave fabric strips and mastics. B. Water-Based Joint and Seam Sealant: Flexible, adhesive sealant, resistant to UV light when cured, UL 723 listed, and complying with NFPA requirements for Class 1 ducts. C. Solvent-Based Joint and Seam Sealant: One-part, nonsag, solvent-release-curing, polymerized butyl sealant formulated with a minimum of 75% solids. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15890 - 9 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15890 - DUCTWORK DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 D. Flanged Joint Mastic: One-part, acid-curing, silicone, elastomeric joint sealant complying with ASTM C920, Type S, Grade NS, Class 25, Use O. E. Flange Gaskets: Butyl rubber or EPDM polymer with polyisobutylene plasticizer. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Construct, install and seal ducts in accordance with SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards - Metal and Flexible, unless otherwise indicated. C. Refer to drawings for interpretation of duct dimensions shown on plans (whether outside or net inside clear dimensions). Where duct sizes are indicated as inside clear dimensions, maintain inside sizes for ducts with insulation lining. D. Provide openings in ductwork where required to accommodate thermometers and controllers. Provide pilot tube openings where required for testing of systems, complete with metal can with spring device or screw to ensure against air leakage. Where openings are provided in insulated ductwork, install insulation material inside a metal ring. E. Install round and flat-oval ducts in lengths not less than 12 feet unless interrupted by fittings. F. Install ducts with fewest possible joints. G. Install fabricated fittings for changes in directions, size, and shape and for connections. H. Install couplings tight to duct wall surface with a minimum of projections into duct. Secure couplings with sheet metal screws. Install screws at intervals of 12 inches, with a minimum of 3 screws in each coupling. I. Install ducts, unless otherwise indicated, vertically and horizontally and parallel and perpendicular to building lines; avoid diagonal runs. J. Install ducts close to walls, overhead construction, columns, and other structural and permanent enclosure elements of building. K. Install ducts with a clearance of 1 inch, plus allowance for insulation thickness. L. Locate ducts with sufficient space around equipment to allow normal operating and maintenance activities. M. Use crimp joints with or without bead for joining round duct sizes 8 inch and smaller with crimp in direction of air flow. N. Use double nuts and lock washers on threaded rod supports. O. Connect terminal units to supply ducts [directly or] with one foot maximum length of flexible duct. Do not use flexible duct to change direction. P. Connect diffusers or light troffer boots to low pressure ducts [directly or] with 5 feet maximum length of flexible duct held in place with strap or clamp. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15890 - 10 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15890 - DUCTWORK DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Q. Connect flexible ducts to metal ducts with adhesive and draw bands plus sheet metal screws. Secure with not less than 3 sheet metal screws per joint. R. Set plenum doors 6 to 12 inches above floor. Arrange door swings so that fan static pressure holds door in closed position. S. Provide residue traps in kitchen hood exhaust ducts at base of vertical risers with provisions for clean out. Use stainless steel for ductwork exposed to view and stainless steel or carbon steel for ducts where concealed. T. During construction provide temporary closures of metal or taped polyethylene on open ductwork to prevent construction dust from entering ductwork system at the end of each work shift. Protect duct interiors from the elements and foreign materials until building is enclosed. [Follow SMACNA's "Duct Cleanliness for New Construction."] U. Conceal ducts from view in finished spaces. Do not encase horizontal runs in solid partitions unless specifically indicated. V. Coordinate layout with suspended ceiling, fire- and smoke-control dampers, lighting layouts, and similar finished work. W. Seal all joints and seams. Apply sealant to male end connectors before insertion, and afterward to cover entire joint and sheet metal screws. X. Electrical Equipment Spaces: Route ducts to avoid passing through transformer vaults and electrical equipment spaces and enclosures. Y. Non-Fire-Rated Partition Penetrations: Where ducts pass through interior partitions and exterior walls and are exposed to view, conceal spaces between construction openings and ducts or duct insulation with sheet metal flanges of same metal thickness as ducts. Overlap openings on 4 sides by at least 1-1/2 inches. Z. Fire-Rated Partition Penetrations: Where ducts pass through interior partitions and exterior walls, install appropriately rated fire dampers, sleeves, and firestopping sealant. AA. Paint interiors of metal ducts that do not have duct liner, for 24 inches upstream of registers and grilles. Apply one coat of flat, black, latex finish coat over a compatible galvanized-steel primer. Paint materials and application requirements are specified in DIVISION 9. 3.02 DUCTWORK APPLICATION SCHEDULE A. General: All ductwork mains shall be medium pressure. All ductwork downstream of and including VAV or terminal boxes shall be low pressure. AIR SYSTEM DUCTWORK MATERIAL Low Pressure Heating Supply Galvanized Steel, Aluminum, Fibrous Glass Low Pressure Supply (System w/Cooling Galvanized Steel, Aluminum, Fibrous Glass Coils) Buried Supply or Return Galvanized Steel, Concrete, Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Medium and High Pressure Supply Galvanized Steel Return and Relief Galvanized Steel, Aluminum General Exhaust Galvanized Steel, Aluminum Kitchen Hood Exhaust Welded Steel, Stainless Steel Dishwasher Exhaust Welded Stainless Steel Fume Hood Exhaust Stainless Steel, Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Outside Air Intake Galvanized Steel ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15890 - 11 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15890 - DUCTWORK AIR SYSTEM Combustion Air Evaporative Condenser Emergency Generator 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 DUCTWORK MATERIAL Galvanized Steel Galvanized Steel Intake and Exhaust Steel Ventilation PVC-COATED DUCT, SPECIAL INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS A. Repair damage to PVC coating with manufacturer's recommended materials. B. Tape joints of PVC coated metal ductwork with PVC tape. UNDERSLAB DUCTS, SPECIAL INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS A. Verify undamaged condition of ducts before enclosure with fill or encasement. B. Protect ducts from damage by equipment used in placing fill materials and concrete on or around ducts. C. Protect duct openings from damage and prevent entrance of foreign materials. D. Slope underground ducts to plenums or low pump out points at l:500. Provide access doors for inspection. E. Paint buried metal ductwork without factory jacket with one coat [and seams and joints with additional coat] of asphalt base protective coating. F. Encase buried metal ductwork in 3 inch minimum of concrete. Provide adequate tie-down points to prevent ducts from floating during concrete placement. Introduce no heat into ducts for 20 days following placement of concrete. G. Insulate buried supply duct runs over 70 feet long with one inch thick insulation covered with plastic vapor barrier. Refer to Section 15250. RANGE HOOD EXHAUST DUCTS, SPECIAL INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS A. Install ducts to allow for thermal expansion through 2000 temperature range. B. Install ducts without dips or traps that may collect residues unless traps have continuous or automatic residue removal. C. Install access openings at each change in direction and at intervals defined by NFPA 96; locate on sides of duct a minimum of 1-1/2 inches from bottom; and fit with grease-tight covers of same material as duct. D. Do not penetrate fire-rated assemblies except as permitted by applicable building codes. DUCT LINER INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS A. Install duct liner according to manufacturer's written instructions; with smooth, straight, and even surfaces; free of voids throughout the length of ducts and fittings. B. Keep liner materials dry during application and finishing. C. Apply liner with black coated surface facing the airstream. D. Adhere liner to sheet metal with a minimum 90% coverage of adhesive; provide mechanical ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15890 - 12 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15890 - DUCTWORK DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 fasteners spaced per manufacturer's requirements. 3.07 E. Install metal nosing on leading edge of duct liner where duct liner is preceded by unlined metal, and at all upstream edges where velocity exceeds 2000 fpm. F. Install liner with longitudinal seams at corner joints only. G. Provide edge coating for all transverse joints, all cut in connections and branch connections that are not lined. H. Install duct liner in the following locations, and as indicated on the Drawings. 1. Return air ducts. 2. Outside air ducts. 3. Transfer air ducts. 4. Supply air ducts downstream of VAV boxes. SEAM AND JOINT SEALING A. Seal duct seams and joints according to SMACNA's "HVAC Duct Construction Standards-Metal and Flexible" for duct pressure class indicated. 1. B. 3.08 Seal ducts before external insulation is applied. HANGING AND SUPPORTING A. Support horizontal ducts within 24 inches of each elbow and within 48 inches of each branch intersection. B. Provide hangers and supports in accordance with Chapter 4 of SMACNA's "HVAC Duct Construction Standards--Metal and Flexible" for duct material specified. C. Provide a support with twelve inches of the end of a duct run, not including flexible duct. D. Support vertical ducts at maximum intervals of 16 feet and at each floor. E. Install upper attachments to structures with an allowable load not exceeding one-fourth of failure (proof-test) load. F. Install concrete inserts before placing concrete. G. Install powder-actuated concrete fasteners after concrete is placed and completely cured. 1. 3.09 For pressure classes lower than 2-inch wg, seal transverse joints. Do not use powder-actuated concrete fasteners for lightweight-aggregate concretes or for slabs less than 4 inches thick. CONNECTIONS A. Make connections to equipment with flexible connectors according to SECTION 15910 DUCTWORK ACCESSORIES. B. Comply with SMACNA's "HVAC Duct Construction Standards--Metal and Flexible" for branch, outlet and inlet, and terminal unit connections. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15890 - 13 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15890 - DUCTWORK 3.10 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Clean ductwork internally, unit-by-unit as it is installed, of dust and debris. Clean external surfaces of foreign substances, which might cause corrosive deterioration of metal or, where ductwork is to be painted, might interfere with painting or cause paint deterioration. B. Strip protective paper from stainless ductwork surfaces, and repair finish wherever it has been damaged. C. Temporary Closure: At ends of ducts, which are not connected to equipment or air distribution devices at time of ductwork installation, provide temporary closure of polyethylene film or other covering, which will prevent entrance of dust and debris until time connections are to be completed. D. Mark position of dampers and air-directional mechanical devices before cleaning, and perform cleaning before air balancing. E. Use service openings, as required, for physical and mechanical entry and for inspection. 1. Create other openings to comply with duct standards. 2. Disconnect flexible ducts as needed for cleaning and inspection. 3. Remove and reinstall ceiling sections to gain access during the cleaning process. F. Vent vacuuming system to the outside. Include filtration to contain debris removed from HVAC systems, and locate exhaust down wind and away from air intakes and other points of entry into building. G. Clean the following metal duct systems by removing surface contaminants and deposits: H. 1. Air outlets and inlets (registers, grilles, and diffusers). 2. Supply, return, and exhaust fans including fan housings, plenums (except ceiling supply and return plenums), scrolls, blades or vanes, shafts, baffles, dampers, and drive assemblies. 3. Air-handling unit internal surfaces and components including mixing box, coil section, air wash systems, spray eliminators, condensate drain pans, humidifiers and dehumidifiers, filters and filter sections, and condensate collectors and drains. 4. Coils and related components. 5. Return-air ducts, dampers, and actuators except in ceiling plenums and mechanical equipment rooms. 6. Supply-air ducts, dampers, actuators, and turning vanes. Mechanical Cleaning Methodology: 1. Clean metal duct systems using mechanical cleaning methods that extract contaminants from within duct systems and remove contaminants from building. 2. Use vacuum-collection devices that are operated continuously during cleaning. Connect vacuum device to downstream end of duct sections so areas being cleaned are under negative pressure. 3. Use mechanical agitation to dislodge debris adhered to interior duct surfaces without damaging integrity of metal ducts, duct liner, or duct accessories. 4. Clean fibrous-glass duct liner with HEPA vacuuming equipment; do not permit duct liner to get wet. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15890 - 14 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15890 - DUCTWORK 5. I. 3.11 3.13 Clean coils and coil drain pans according to NADCA 1992. Keep drain pan operational. Rinse coils with clean water to remove latent residues and cleaning materials; comb and straighten fins. Cleanliness Verification: 1. Visually inspect metal ducts for contaminants. 2. Where contaminants are discovered, re-clean and reinspect ducts. TESTING FOR LEAKAGE A. 3.12 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 For high pressure ductwork, after system is completed, test for duct leakage in accordance with SMACNA "High Pressure Duct Standards - 3rd Edition, Chapter 10 - Testing for Leakage." Repair leaks and repeat tests until total leakage is less than 1% of system design air flow. FINAL CLEANING A. Clean duct system and force air at high velocity through duct to remove accumulated dust. To obtain sufficient air, clean half the system at a time. Protect equipment, which may be harmed by excessive dirt with temporary filters, or bypass during cleaning. B. Clean duct systems with high power vacuum machines. Protect equipment, which may be harmed by excessive dirt with filters, or bypass during cleaning. Provide adequate access into ductwork for cleaning purposes. CLEANING EXISTING SYSTEMS A. Use service openings, as required, for physical and mechanical entry and for inspection. 1. Use existing service openings where possible. 2. Create other openings to comply with duct standards. 3. Disconnect flexible ducts as needed for cleaning and inspection. 4. Reseal rigid fiberglass duct systems according to NAIMA recommended practices. 5. Remove and reinstall ceiling sections to gain access during the cleaning process. B. Mark position of dampers and air-directional mechanical devices before cleaning, and restore to their marked position on completion. C. Particulate Collection and Odor Control: D. 1. When venting vacuuming system inside the building, use HEPA filtration with 99.97% collection efficiency for 0.3-micron size (or larger) particles. 2. When venting vacuuming system to the outside, use filtration to contain debris removed from HVAC system, and locate exhaust down wind and away from air intakes and other points of entry into building. Clean the following metal duct systems by removing surface contaminants and deposits: 1. Air outlets and inlets (registers, grilles, and diffusers). 2. Supply, return, and exhaust fans including fan housings, plenums (except ceiling supply and return plenums), scrolls, blades or vanes, shafts, baffles, dampers, and drive assemblies. 3. Air-handling unit internal surfaces and components including mixing box, coil section, ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15890 - 15 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15890 - DUCTWORK DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 air wash systems, spray eliminators, condensate drain pans, humidifiers and dehumidifiers, filters and filter sections, and condensate collectors and drains. E. F. G. 4. Coils and related components. 5. Return-air ducts, dampers, and actuators except in ceiling plenums and mechanical equipment rooms. 6. Supply-air ducts, dampers, actuators, and turning vanes. 7. Dedicated exhaust and ventilation components and makeup air systems. Mechanical Cleaning Methodology: 1. Clean metal duct systems using mechanical cleaning methods that extract contaminants from within duct systems and remove contaminants from building. 2. Use vacuum-collection devices that are operated continuously during cleaning. Connect vacuum device to downstream end of duct sections so areas being cleaned are under negative pressure. 3. Use mechanical agitation to dislodge debris adhered to interior duct surfaces without damaging integrity of metal ducts, duct liner, or duct accessories. 4. Clean fibrous-glass duct liner with HEPA vacuuming equipment; do not permit duct liner to get wet. Replace fibrous-glass duct liner that is damaged, deteriorated, or delaminated or that has friable material, mold, or fungus growth. 5. Clean coils and coil drain pans according to NADCA 1992. Keep drain pan operational. Rinse coils with clean water to remove latent residues and cleaning materials; comb and straighten fins. 6. Provide operative drainage system for washdown procedures. 7. Biocidal Agents and Coatings: Apply biocidal agents if fungus is present. Apply biocidal agents according to manufacturer's written instructions after removal of surface deposits and debris. Cleanliness Verification: 1. Verify cleanliness after mechanical cleaning and before application of treatment, including biocidal agents and protective coatings. 2. Visually inspect metal ducts for contaminants. 3. Where contaminants are discovered, re-clean and reinspect ducts. Verification of Coil Cleaning: Cleaning must restore coil pressure drop to within 10% of pressure drop measured when coil was first installed. If original pressure drop is not known, coil will be considered clean only if it is free of foreign matter and chemical residue, based on thorough visual inspection. PART 4 - MEASUREMENT 4.01 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT A. No separate measurement will be made for work under this Section. PART 5 - PAYMENT 5.01 PAYMENT ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15890 - 16 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15890 - DUCTWORK A. DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 No separate payment will be made for work under this section. The cost of the work described in this section shall be included in the Lump Sum Contract price. END OF SECTION 15890 ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15890 - 17 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15910 - DUCTWORK ACCESSORIES DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 SECTION 15910 DUCTWORK ACCESSORIES PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 1.02 1.03 SECTION INCLUDES A. Air turning devices/extractors. B. Backdraft dampers. C. Fire dampers. D. Smoke dampers. E. Combination fire and smoke dampers. F. Duct access doors. G. Duct test holes. H. Flexible duct connections. I. Volume control dampers. RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 15010 - Basic Mechanical Requirements. B. Section 15050 - Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods. C. Section 15245 - Vibration Isolation. D. Section 15890 - Ductwork. E. Section 15930 - Air Terminal Units: Pressure regulating damper assemblies. F. Section 16142 - Electrical Connections for Equipment: Electrical characteristics and wiring connections. REFERENCES A. Materials and workmanship shall conform to the latest issue of all industry standards, publications, or regulations referenced in this section and with the following references as applicable. Refer to Section 15010 for listing of issuing organizations or agencies. B. Applicable Standards: 1. Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc. (AMCA): a. AMCA 500D - Laboratory Methods for Testing Dampers for Rating. b. AMCA 511 - Certified Ratings Program for Air Control Devices. 2. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): a. ASTM A480/A480M - General Requirements for Flat-Rolled Stainless and HeatResisting Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15910 - 1 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15910 - DUCTWORK ACCESSORIES b. c. d. e. f. g. h. 1.04 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 ASTM A653/A653M - Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron AlloyCoated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process. ASTM B209 - Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate. ASTM B209M - Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate (Metric). ASTM B221 - Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Wire, Profiles, and Tubes. ASTM B221M - Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Wire, Profiles, and Tubes (Metric). ASTM E84 - Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. ASTM E477 - Test Method for Measuring Acoustical and Airflow Performance of Duct Liner Materials and Prefabricated Silencers. 3. American National Standards Institute (ANSI): a. ANSI 90A - Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems (ANSI). b. ANSI 90B - Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning System (ANSI). 4. International Building Code (IBC) with the Denver Amendments 5. International Fire Code (IFC) with the Denver Amendments 6. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): a. NFPA 92A - Smoke Control Systems. b. NFPA 92B - Smoke Control Systems in Atria, Covered Malls, and Large Areas. c. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code. d. NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code. 7. The North American Insulation Manufacturers Association (NAIMA): a. NAIMA AH116 - Fibrous Glass Duct Construction Standards. 8. Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association (SMACNA): a. SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards - Metal and Flexible. 9. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL): a. UL 33 - Heat Responsive Links for Fire-Protection Service b. UL 181 - Factory-Made Air Ducts and Air Connectors. c. UL 555 - Fire Dampers. d. UL 555C - Ceiling Dampers. e. UL 555S - Smoke Dampers. f. Fire Resistance Directory. SUBMITTALS A. Data: Provide for shop fabricated assemblies including [volume control dampers] [duct access doors] [and] [hardware used]. Include electrical characteristics and connection requirements. B. Fire, Smoke, and Combination Fire Smoke Dampers: Submit manufacturer’s product data. 1. Include UL ratings for leakage class (I, II, or III), velocity (2000, 3000, or 4000 fpm), differential pressure (4, 6, or 8 inches WG) and elevated temperature (250 or 350 degrees F). 2. Indicate materials, construction, and dimensions. 3. Verify conformance to NFPA, UL, and applicable building code. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15910 - 2 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15910 - DUCTWORK ACCESSORIES 1.05 1.08 Include pressure drop data for air flow in either direction for all damper sizes in accordance with AMCA 500-D test figures 5.2 (Ducted Inlet, Free Outlet), 5.3 (Ducted Inlet, Ducted Outlet) and 5.5 (Free Inlet, Free Outlet). 5. Include a copy of UL Installation Instructions. Damper access and identification label product data a sample. D. “As Built” Plans shall be provided in the same format and manner as described above. Each se shall be equipped with a plan holder equal to “Stacor Plan Clamps” for the appropriate size drawings. PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS Record actual locations of [access doors] [test holes] [__________]. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. 1.07 4. C. A. 1.06 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Products Requiring Electrical Connection: Listed and classified by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. (or other testing agency acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction) as suitable for the purpose specified and indicated. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store, protect, and handle products under provisions of Section 15010 and Division 1. B. Protect dampers from damage to operating linkages and blades. EXTRA MATERIALS A. Furnish extra materials described below that match products installed and that are packaged with protective covering for storage and identified with labels describing contents. 1. Fusible Links: Furnish quantity equal to [10] [_____] percent of amount installed or two of each type, which ever is greater. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 2.02 AIR TURNING DEVICES/EXTRACTORS A. Multi-blade device with blades aligned in short dimension; steel construction; with individually adjustable blades, mounting straps. B. Multi-blade device with radius blades attached to pivoting frame and bracket, steel construction, with [push-pull operator strap] [ceiling mounted rotary operator knob] [worm drive mechanism with 18 inch long removable key operator]. BACKDRAFT DAMPERS A. Manufacturers: 1. Greenheck. 2. Air Balance, Inc. 3. Louvers & Dampers, Inc. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15910 - 3 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15910 - DUCTWORK ACCESSORIES 4. 2.03 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 15010. B. Gravity Backdraft Dampers, Size [18 x 18 inches] [________] or Smaller, Furnished with Air Moving Equipment: Air moving equipment manufacturers standard construction. C. Multi-Blade, Parallel Action Gravity Balanced Backdraft Dampers: [16 gage thick galvanized steel], [or] [extruded aluminum], with [center pivoted] blades of maximum 6 inch width, with felt or flexible vinyl sealed edges, linked together in rattle-free manner with 90 degree stop, steel ball bearings, and plated steel pivot pin; adjustment device to permit setting for varying differential static pressure. FIRE DAMPERS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with specified requirements, products of the following manufacturers are acceptable. 1. Air Balance, Inc. 2. Greenheck Fan Corp. 3. Louvers & Dampers, Inc. 4. Mestek, Inc. 5. Pottorff; a division of PCI Industries, Inc. 6. Prefco Products, Inc. 7. Ruskin Mfg. Co. 8. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 15010. B. Fabricate in accordance with NFPA 90A and UL 555, and as indicated. C. Standards and Testing: Combination fire dampers shall be qualified to and listed under the following Underwriters' Laboratories standards: 1. D. UL 555 (Sixth Edition), Listing R13317, for [1-1/2 Hour] [3 Hour] Fire Endurance. Dampers shall meet requirements for fire dampers in accordance with: 1. NFPA 90A, 92A, 92B, and 101, as applicable. 2. Applicable Building Codes. E. Ceiling Dampers: Galvanized steel, 22 gage frame and 16 gage flap, two layers 0.125 inch ceramic fiber on top side [, and one layer on bottom side for round flaps], with locking clip. Configure with blades [in] [out] of air stream. F. Horizontal Dampers: Galvanized steel, 22 gage frame, stainless steel closure spring, and lightweight, heat retardant non-asbestos fabric blanket. G. Curtain Type Dampers: Galvanized steel with interlocking blades. Provide stainless steel closure springs and latches for [horizontal installations] [closure under air flow conditions]. Configure with blades out of air stream except for [1.0 inch] [____________] pressure class ducts up to 12 inches in height. H. Multiple Blade Dampers: 16 gage galvanized steel frame and blades, oil-impregnated bronze or stainless steel sleeve bearings and plated steel axles, 1/8 x 1/2 inch plated steel concealed linkage, stainless steel closure spring, blade stops, and lock. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15910 - 4 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15910 - DUCTWORK ACCESSORIES 1. Blade Stops: Each blade stop (at top and bottom of damper frame) shall occupy no more than 1/2” of the damper opening area to allow for maximum free area and to minimize pressure loss across the damper. I. Fusible Links: UL 33, separate at [135] [165] [212] [____] degrees F with adjustable link straps for combination fire/balancing dampers. J. Source Quality Control 1. 2.04 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Factory Tests: Factory cycle damper and actuator assemblies to assure proper operation. SMOKE DAMPERS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with specified requirements, products of the following manufacturers are acceptable. 1. Air Balance, Inc. 2. Greenheck Fan Corp. 3. Louvers & Dampers, Inc. 4. Mestek, Inc. 5. Pottorff; a division of PCI Industries, Inc. 6. Prefco Products, Inc. 7. Ruskin Mfg. Co. 8. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 15010. B. All automatically actuated smoke dampers shall be furnished and installed under this Section per the manufacturer's UL-conforming installation instructions. C. Standards and Testing: Smoke dampers shall be tested, rated, and labeled in accordance with Underwriters' Laboratories Standard UL 555S, Fourth Edition, listing R13447 for: 1. Leakage Class I (4 cfm/SF at 1 inch W.G.) performance after 30 minute exposure at [250 degrees F] [+350 degrees F]; required for applications in which supply fans rated for more than 3 inches W.G. of external static pressure serve more than one smoke control zone. 2. Leakage Class II (10 cfm/SF at 1 inch W.G.) performance after 30 minute exposure at [250 degrees F] [+350 degrees F]; suitable for applications in which supply or return fans rated for 3 inches W.G. or less of external static pressure serve more than one smoke control zone. D. Dampers shall bear the AMCA Certified Ratings Seal for Air Performance in accordance with AMCA 511. E. Dampers shall meet requirements for smoke dampers in accordance with: F. 1. NFPA 90A, 92A, 92B, and 101, as applicable. 2. Applicable Building Codes. Damper frames shall be constructed of [minimum #16 gauge galvanized steel channel] [or] [6063 T5 aluminum channel, 0.125 inch wall thickness,] and shall have flanges for duct mounting. All blade-to-blade linkage on each section shall be concealed within the damper frame. In no case shall the section linkage be exposed to the air stream. The maximum size of single section dampers shall be 60 inches or less in width and 72 inches or less in height. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15910 - 5 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15910 - DUCTWORK ACCESSORIES DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Larger dampers shall be made up of multiple damper sections, with each section not larger than 48 inches or less in width and 72 inches or less in height. The blades of multiple section dampers shall be interconnected with appropriate jackshafts. G. Damper blades shall not exceed 6 inches in width. Larger damper sections shall be of multiple blade type construction. Blades shall be constructed of [galvanized steel with minimum [#14] [#16] gauge equivalent thickness] [or] [6063 T5 extruded aluminum]. Blade pins and linkage shall be zinc-plated steel. Bearings shall be stainless steel or oilimpregnated sintered bronze. Blade seals shall be silicone rubber, compression type flexible steel, or a combination of both. H. Blade Stops: Each blade stop (at top and bottom of damper frame) shall occupy no more than 1/2” of the damper opening area to allow for maximum free area and to minimize pressure loss across the damper. I. Operators shall be mounted by the damper manufacturer at the time of damper fabrication and shall be provided with the damper as a single unit. Operators shall be qualified and labeled under UL 555S, latest version. Operators shall be [pneumatic, 20 psi, rated to 250 degrees F] [or] [electric, 120 VAC, rated to [250 degrees F] [350 degrees F]]. The operators shall be of sufficient demonstrated power to open the dampers from a fully-closed position against a [4] [6] [8] inch W.G. static pressure differential and to close the dampers from a fully-open flow rate of [2000] [3000] [4000] fpm. Operators shall be mounted outside of the air stream and shall be for [normally-open] [or] [normally-closed] damper operation [as shown on the drawings]. J. Source Quality Control 1. 2.05 Factory Tests: Factory cycle damper and actuator assemblies to assure proper operation. Assemblies shall have passed a 20,000-cycle test. COMBINATION SMOKE/FIRE DAMPERS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with specified requirements, products of the following manufacturers are acceptable. 1. Air Balance, Inc. 2. Greenheck Fan Corp. 3. Louvers & Dampers, Inc. 4. Mestek, Inc. 5. Pottorff; a division of PCI Industries, Inc. 6. Prefco Products, Inc. 7. Ruskin Mfg. Co. 8. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 15010. B. All automatically-actuated combination smoke/fire dampers shall be furnished and installed under this Section per the manufacturer's UL-conforming installation instructions. C. Standards and Testing: Combination smoke/fire dampers shall be qualified to and listed under the following Underwriters' Laboratories standards: 1. UL 555 (Sixth Edition), Listing R13317, for [1-1/2 Hour] [3 Hour] Fire Endurance. 2. UL 555S, Fourth Edition or later version for: ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15910 - 6 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15910 - DUCTWORK ACCESSORIES a. Leakage Class II (10 cfm/SF at 1 inch W.G.) at [250 degrees F] [350 degrees F], required for applications in which supply or return fans serve more than one smoke control zone. D. Dampers shall bear the AMCA Certified Ratings Seal for Air Performance in accordance with AMCA 511. E. Dampers shall meet requirements for fire/smoke dampers in accordance with: 1. NFPA 90A, 92A, 92B, and 101, as applicable. 2. Applicable Building Codes. F. Dampers shall be of multi-blade type construction. Damper frames shall be constructed of minimum #16 gauge galvanized steel channel and shall have flanges for duct mounting. The maximum size of single section dampers shall not exceed 60 inches in width or 72 inches in height. Larger dampers shall be made up of multiple damper sections, with each section no larger than 48 inches in width and 72 inches in height. The blades of multiple section dampers shall be interconnected with appropriate jackshafts. G. Damper blades shall not exceed 6 inches in width and shall be constructed of galvanized steel with minimum [#14] [#16] gauge equivalent thickness. Blade pins and linkage shall be zinc-plated steel. Bearings shall be stainless steel or oil-impregnated sintered bronze. Blade and jamb seals for smoke control shall be [silicone rubber,] [compression type flexible steel,] [metal-to-metal incorporated into the blade shapes,] [or] [a combination of] [both], UL 555S rated to [250 degrees F] [350 degrees F]. Flame seals shall be galvanized steel, rated to [1900 degrees F] [________]. H. Blade Stops: Each blade stop (at top and bottom of damper frame) shall occupy no more than 1/2” of the damper opening area to allow for maximum free area and to minimize pressure loss across the damper. I. Operators for smoke control shall be mounted by the damper manufacturer at the time of damper fabrication and shall be provided with the damper as a single unit. Smoke control operators shall be qualified to and labeled under UL 555S, September 1983 or later version. Operators shall be [pneumatic, 20 psi, rated to 250 degrees F] [or] [electric, 120 VAC, rated to [250 degrees F] [350 degrees F]]. The operators shall be of sufficient demonstrated power to open the dampers from a fully-closed position against a static pressure differential of 4 inches W.G. and to close the dampers against a fully-open flow rate of 3500 fpm. Operators shall be mounted [outside] [inside] of the air stream and shall be for [normally-open] [or] [normally-closed] damper operation [as shown on the drawings]. J. Provide damper operators with fusible link or a thermal disk which shall melt at [165 degrees F] [212 degrees F] [______] and cause the damper to fully close by spring action and lock in a closed position. Spring shall have sufficient demonstrated power to fully close the damper against a fully-open flow rate of [2000] [3000] [4000] fpm. Fusible link and spring actuator shall be mounted by the damper manufacturer at the time of damper fabrication and shall be provided with the damper as a single unit. K. Source Quality Control 1. 2.06 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Factory Tests: Factory cycle damper and actuator assemblies to assure proper operation. COMBINATION FIRE AND SMOKE DAMPERS (NON-ACTUATED) A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with specified requirements, products of the following manufacturers are acceptable: ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15910 - 7 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15910 - DUCTWORK ACCESSORIES 2.07 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 1. Air Balance, Inc. 2. Greenheck Fan Corp. 3. Louvers & Dampers, Inc. 4. Mestek, Inc. 5. Pottorff; a division of PCI Industries, Inc. 6. Prefco Products, Inc. 7. Ruskin Mfg. Co. 8. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 15010. B. Fabricate in accordance with NFPA 90A, UL555, UL555S - Class II, and as indicated by the current Uniform Building Code. C. Provide factory sleeve or collar for each damper. D. Horizontal Dampers: Galvanized steel, 22 gage frame, stainless steel closure spring, and light-weight, heat retardant, non-asbestos fabric blanket. Damper shall have a minimum leakage Classification III. E. Curtain Type Dampers: Galvanized steel with interlocking blades. Provide stainless steel closure springs and latches for horizontal installations. Configure with blades out of the air stream. Damper shall have a minimum leakage Class II. F. Fusible Links: UL33, separate at [165] [212] degrees F. G. Access doors with sheet metal screw fasteners are not acceptable. DUCT-MOUNTING ACCESS DOORS A. General Description: Fabricate doors airtight and suitable for duct pressure class. Fabricate in accordance with SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards - Metal and Flexible, and as indicated. B. Door: Double wall, duct mounting, and rectangular; fabricated of galvanized sheet metal with insulation fill and thickness as indicated for duct pressure class. Include vision panel where indicated. Include 1-by-1-inch butt or piano hinge and cam latches. 1. Manufacturers: a. American Warming and Ventilating. b. CESCO Products. c. Ductmate Industries, Inc. d. Flexmaster U.S.A., Inc. e. Greenheck. f. McGill AirFlow Corporation. g. Nailor Industries Inc. h. Ventfabrics, Inc. i. Ward Industries, Inc. j. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 15010. 2. Frame: Galvanized sheet steel, with bend-over tabs and foam gaskets. 3. Provide number of hinges and locks as follows: a. Less Than 12 Inches Square: Secure with two sash locks. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15910 - 8 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15910 - DUCTWORK ACCESSORIES b. c. d. C. 2.08 2.09 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Up to 18 Inches Square: Two hinges and two sash locks. Up to 24 by 48 Inches: Three hinges and two compression latches[ with outside and inside handles]. Sizes 24 by 48 Inches and Larger: One additional hinge. Door: Double wall, duct mounting, and round; fabricated of galvanized sheet metal with insulation fill and 1-inch thickness. Include cam latches. 1. Manufacturers: a. Flexmaster U.S.A., Inc. b. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 15010. 2. Frame: Galvanized sheet steel, with spin-in notched frame. D. Seal around frame attachment to duct and door to frame with neoprene or foam rubber. E. Insulation: 1-inch- thick, fibrous-glass or polystyrene-foam board. F. Access doors with sheet metal screw fasteners are not acceptable. DUCT TEST HOLES A. Temporary Test Holes: Cut or drill holes in ducts as required. Cap with neat patches, neoprene plugs, threaded plugs, or threaded or twist-on metal caps. B. Permanent Test Holes: Factory fabricated, air tight flanged fittings with screw cap. Provide extended neck fittings to clear insulation. FLEXIBLE DUCT CONNECTIONS A. B. Manufacturers: 1. Duro Dyne Corp. 2. Ventfabrics, Inc. 3. Ward Industries, Inc. 4. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 15010. General Description: Flame-retardant or noncombustible fabrics, coatings, and adhesives complying with UL 181, Class 1. 1. C. D. Metal-Edged Connectors: Factory fabricated with a fabric strip [3-1/2 inches] [5-3/4 inches] wide attached to two strips of 2-3/4-inch- wide, 0.028-inch- thick, galvanized sheet steel or 0.032-inch thick aluminum sheets. Select metal compatible with ducts. Indoor System, Flexible Connector Fabric: Glass fabric double coated with neoprene. 1. Minimum Weight: 26 oz./sq. yd.. 2. Tensile Strength: 480 lbf/inch in the warp and 360 lbf/inch in the filling. 3. Service Temperature: Minus 40 to plus 200°F. Outdoor System, Flexible Connector Fabric: Glass fabric double coated with weatherproof, synthetic rubber resistant to UV rays and ozone. 1. Minimum Weight: 24 oz./sq. yd.. 2. Tensile Strength: 530 lbf/inch in the warp and 440 lbf/inch in the filling. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15910 - 9 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15910 - DUCTWORK ACCESSORIES 3. E. F. 2.10 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Service Temperature: Minus 50 to plus 250°F. High-Temperature System, Flexible Connectors: Glass fabric coated with silicone rubber. 1. Minimum Weight: 16 oz./sq. yd.. 2. Tensile Strength: 285 lbf/inch in the warp and 185 lbf/inch in the filling. 3. Service Temperature: Minus 67 to plus 500°F. High-Corrosive-Environment System, Flexible Connectors: Glass fabric with chemicalresistant coating. 1. Minimum Weight: 14 oz./sq. yd.. 2. Tensile Strength: 450 lbf/inch in the warp and 340 lbf/inch in the filling. 3. Service Temperature: Minus 67 to plus 500°F. VOLUME CONTROL DAMPERS A. B. Manufacturers: 1. Air Balance, Inc. 2. American Warming and Ventilating. 3. Flexmaster U.S.A., Inc. 4. McGill AirFlow Corporation. 5. METALAIRE, Inc. 6. Nailor Industries Inc. 7. Penn Ventilation Company, Inc. 8. Ruskin Company. 9. Vent Products Company, Inc. 10. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 15010. General Description: Factory fabricated, with required hardware and accessories. Stiffen damper blades for stability. Include locking device to hold single-blade dampers in a fixed position without vibration. Close duct penetrations for damper components to seal duct consistent with pressure class. 1. C. Pressure Classes of 3-Inch or Higher: End bearings or other seals for ducts with axles full length of damper blades and bearings at both ends of operating shaft. Standard Volume Dampers: Multiple- or single-blade, parallel- or opposed-blade design as indicated, standard leakage rating,[ with linkage outside airstream,] and suitable for horizontal or vertical applications. 1. Steel Frames: Hat-shaped, [galvanized] [stainless] sheet steel channels, minimum of 0.064 inch thick, with mitered and welded corners; frames with flanges where indicated for attaching to walls and flangeless frames where indicated for installing in ducts. 2. Roll-Formed Steel Blades: 0.064-inchthick, [galvanized] [stainless] sheet steel. 3. Aluminum Frames: Hat-shaped, 0.10-inch- thick, aluminum sheet channels; frames with flanges where indicated for attaching to walls; and flangeless frames where indicated for installing in ducts. 4. Roll-Formed Aluminum Blades: 0.10-inch- thick aluminum sheet. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15910 - 10 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15910 - DUCTWORK ACCESSORIES D. E. 2.11 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 5. Extruded-Aluminum Blades: 0.050-inch- thick extruded aluminum. 6. Blade Axles: [Galvanized steel] [Stainless steel] [Nonferrous]. 7. Bearings: [Oil-impregnated bronze] [Molded synthetic] [Stainless-steel sleeve]. 8. Tie Bars and Brackets: Aluminum. 9. Tie Bars and Brackets: Galvanized steel. Low-Leakage Volume Dampers: Multiple- or single-blade, parallel- or opposed-blade design as indicated, low-leakage rating,[ with linkage outside airstream,] and suitable for horizontal or vertical applications. 1. Steel Frames: [Hat] [U] [Angle]-shaped, [galvanized] [stainless] sheet steel channels, minimum of 0.064 inch thick, with mitered and welded corners; frames with flanges where indicated for attaching to walls and flangeless frames where indicated for installing in ducts. 2. Roll-Formed Steel Blades: 0.064-inch- thick, [galvanized] [stainless] sheet steel. 3. Aluminum Frames: [Hat] [U] [Angle]-shaped, 0.10-inch- thick, aluminum sheet channels; frames with flanges where indicated for attaching to walls and flangeless frames where indicated for installing in ducts. 4. Roll-Formed Aluminum Blades: 0.10-inch- thick aluminum sheet. 5. Extruded-Aluminum Blades: 0.050-inch- thick extruded aluminum. 6. Blade Axles: [Galvanized steel] [Stainless steel] [Nonferrous]. 7. Bearings: [Oil-impregnated bronze] [Molded synthetic] [Stainless-steel sleeve] thrust or ball. 8. Blade Seals: [Felt] [Vinyl] [Neoprene]. 9. Jamb Seals: Cambered [stainless steel] [aluminum]. 10. Tie Bars and Brackets: [Galvanized steel] [Aluminum]. Jackshaft: 1-inch- diameter, galvanized-steel pipe rotating within pipe-bearing assembly mounted on supports at each mullion and at each end of multiple-damper assemblies. 1. Length and Number of Mountings: Appropriate to connect linkage of each damper in multiple-damper assembly. 2. Damper Hardware: Zinc-plated, die-cast core with dial and handle made of 3/32-inch thick zinc-plated steel, and a 3/4-inch hexagon locking nut. Include center hole to suit damper operating-rod size. Include elevated platform for insulated duct mounting. SPLITTER DAMPERS A. Material: Same gage as duct to 24 inches size in either direction, and two gages heavier for sizes over 24 inches. B. Blade: Fabricate of [single] [double] thickness sheet metal to streamline shape, secured with continuous hinge or rod. C. Operator: Minimum 1/4 inch diameter rod in self aligning, universal joint action, flanged bushing with set screw. D. Single Blade Dampers: Fabricate for duct sizes up to [6 x 30 inch.] [12 x 48 inch.] E. Multi-Blade Damper: Fabricate of opposed blade pattern with maximum blade sizes 8 x 72 ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15910 - 11 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15910 - DUCTWORK ACCESSORIES DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 inch. Assemble center and edge crimped blades in prime coated or galvanized channel frame with suitable hardware. 2.12 F. End Bearings: Except in round ductwork 12 inches and smaller, provide end bearings. On multiple blade dampers, provide oil-impregnated nylon or sintered bronze bearings. G. Quadrants: Provide locking, indicating quadrant regulators on single and multi-blade dampers. 2. On insulated ducts mount quadrant regulators on stand-off mounting brackets, bases, or adapters. 3. Where rod lengths exceed 30 inches provide regulator at both ends. END SWICTHES A. 2.13 1. Coordinate requirements for end switches on modulating dampers (control, fire/smoke, etc) with the Division 16 contractors. End switches shall be provided by the Division 16 contractor and installed by the Division 16 contractor. DUCT ACCESSORY HARDWARE A. Instrument Test Holes: Cast iron or cast aluminum to suit duct material, including screw cap and gasket. Size to allow insertion of pitot tube and other testing instruments and of length to suit duct insulation thickness. B. Adhesives: High strength, quick setting, neoprene based, waterproof, and resistant to gasoline and grease. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. 3.02 Verify that electric power is available and of the correct characteristics. INSTALLATION A. Install accessories in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, NFPA 90A, and follow SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards - Metal and Flexible. Refer to Section 15890 for duct construction and pressure class. B. Provide backdraft dampers on exhaust fans or exhaust ducts nearest to outside and/or where indicated. C. Provide duct access doors for inspection and cleaning before and after filters, coils, fans, automatic dampers, at fire dampers, combination fire and smoke dampers, and elsewhere as indicated. [Provide for cleaning kitchen exhaust ductwork in accordance with NFPA 96.] Provide minimum 8 x 8 inch size for hand access, 24 L x 24 W (or duct width minus three inches, whichever is larger) inch size for shoulder access, and as indicated. [Provide 4 x 4 inch for balancing dampers only.] Hand and balancing damper access doors shall not be located more than 18 inches from the device. Review locations with DIA Project Manager prior to fabrication. D. Provide duct test holes where indicated and/or required for testing and balancing purposes. E. Install backdraft dampers on exhaust fans or exhaust ducts nearest to outside and where ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15910 - 12 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15910 - DUCTWORK ACCESSORIES DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 indicated. F. Installation of Fire, Fire/Smoke, and Smoke Dampers: 1. Provide fire dampers [, combination fire and smoke dampers] [and smoke dampers] at locations indicated, where ducts and outlets pass through fire rated components [, and where required by authorities having jurisdiction]. Install with required perimeter mounting angles, sleeves, breakaway duct connections, corrosion resistant springs, bearings, bushings and hinges. 2. Install smoke dampers and combination smoke and fire dampers in accordance with NFPA 92A and 92B, as applicable. 3. Demonstrate re-setting of fire dampers to DIA Project Manager's representative. 4. Install dampers in accordance with manufacturer's UL Installation Instructions, labeling, and NFPA 90A at locations indicated on the drawings or required by Authority Having Jurisdiction. Any damper installation that is not in accordance with the manufacturer's UL Installation Instructions must be approved prior to installation. a. Dampers must be accessible to allow inspection, adjustment, and replacement of components. The Contractor shall furnish any access doors in ductwork or plenums required to provide this access, and arrange for any access doors required in walls, ceilings, or other general building construction. b. Install dampers square and free from racking. c. The Contractor shall provide and install bracing for multiple section assemblies to support assembly weight and to hold against system pressure. d. Do not compress or stretch the damper frame into the duct or opening. e. Attach multiple damper section assemblies together in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Install support mullions as reinforcement between assemblies as required. f. Handle dampers using the frame or sleeve. Do not lift or move dampers using blades, actuator or jackshaft. g. Install connections to actuators; refer to Section 15952. h. Attach multiple damper section assemblies together in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Install support mullions as reinforcement between assemblies as required. G. Provide flexible connections immediately adjacent to equipment in ducts associated with fans and motorized equipment [, and supported by vibration isolators. Refer to Section 15245 - Vibration Isolation]. H. For fans developing static pressures of 5.0 inches and over, provide enclosed spring isolators at each casing corner, rigidly mounted from casing flanges, to protect against blowout and restrain pressure-induced movement of fan section. Refer to Section 15245 Vibration Isolation for spring isolators. I. Provide balancing dampers at points on supply, return, and exhaust systems where branches are taken from larger ducts as required for air balancing. Install minimum 2 duct widths from duct take-off. J. Use splitter dampers only where indicated. K. Provide balancing dampers on high velocity systems where indicated. Refer to Section 15930 - Air Terminal Units. L. Provide balancing dampers on duct take-off to diffusers, grilles, and registers, regardless of whether dampers are specified as part of the diffuser, grille, or register assembly. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15910 - 13 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15910 - DUCTWORK ACCESSORIES 3.03 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 LABELING A. Provide identification and access labels for all fire dampers, smoke dampers and combination fire smoke dampers. B. Labels shall be plastic with pressure-sensitive, permanent-type, self-adhesive back. Font shall be Arial, with a minimum text height of half an inch. Font color shall be red, background color shall be white. C. Identification labels shall be located on the damper sleeve or frame on both side of the damper. The label shall indicate “FIRE DAMPER”, “SMOKE DAMPER” and/or “COMBINATION FIRE/SMOKE DAMPER”. D. Access labels shall be provided to indicate locations for access to reset and maintain the damper. The label shall indicate “FIRE DAMPER ACCESS”, “SMOKE DAMPER ACCESS” and/or “COMBINATION FIRE/SMOKE DAMPER ACCESS”. 1. Access label location shall be as follows: a. Damper in continuous duct with duct access with 12 inches of the damper: 1) Locate label on duct access door. 2) Locate label on suspended ceiling tile 3) Locate label on access door in hard ceiling. b. Damper with removable grille/register on one side: 1) Locate label on face of grille/register. c. Damper in wall with no duct connection: 1) Locate label on suspended ceiling tile 2) Locate label on access door in hard ceiling. PART 4 -MEASUREMENT 4.01 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT A. No separate measurement will be made for work under this Section. PART 5 - PAYMENT 5.01 PAYMENT A. No separate payment will be made for work under this section. The cost of the work described in this section shall be included in the Lump Sum Contract price. END OF SECTION 15910 ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15910 - 14 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 SECTION 15990 TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 GENERAL A. This section of the Specifications covers testing and balancing of environmental systems, including, but not limited to distribution systems and the connected equipment and apparatus. The testing and balancing of all environmental systems shall be the responsibility of a single Testing, Balancing, and Adjusting (TBA) firm. B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: General Requirements of Division One and Section 15010 "Basic Mechanical Requirements," pertain to and are hereby made part of the Work of this section of the Specifications. SECTION INCLUDES A. Testing, adjustment, and balancing of air systems (supply, exhaust and ventilation). B. Testing, adjustment, and balancing of hydronic [and refrigerating] systems. C. Measurement of final operating condition of environmental systems. D. Sound measurement of equipment under operating conditions. E. Vibration measurement of equipment under operating conditions. F. Space pressurization testing and adjusting. G. Vibration measuring. H. Verifying that automatic control devices are functioning properly. I. Reporting results of activities and procedures specified in this Section. RELATED SECTIONS A. Section [01005 - Administrative Provisions: Inspection and testing allowances] [01022 Inspection and Testing Allowances]. B. Section [01400 - Quality Control: Testing laboratory services:] [01410 - Testing Laboratory Services:] Employment of testing agency and payment for services. C. Section 01650 - Starting of Systems. D. Section 01660 - Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing of Systems. E. Section 15010 - Basic Mechanical Requirements. ALLOWANCES A. Cash Allowance: Include under provisions of Division 1. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15990 - 1 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 B. 1.05 Allowance includes testing, adjusting, and balancing of mechanical systems. Work is included in this section and is part of the Contract Sum/Price. DEFINITIONS A. Adjust: To regulate fluid flow rate and air patterns at the terminal equipment, such as to reduce fan speed or adjust a damper. B. AABC: Associated Air Balance Council. C. Balance: To proportion flows within the distribution system, including submains, branches, and terminals, according to indicated quantities. D. Barrier or Boundary: Construction, either vertical or horizontal, such as walls, floors, and ceilings that are designed and constructed to restrict the movement of airflow, smoke, odors, and other pollutants. E. Draft: A current of air, when referring to localized effect caused by one or more factors of high air velocity, low ambient temperature, or direction of airflow, whereby more heat is withdrawn from a person's skin than is normally dissipated. F. NC: Noise criteria. G. NEBB: National Environmental Balancing Bureau. H. Procedure: An approach to and execution of a sequence of work operations to yield repeatable results. I. RC: Room criteria. J. Report Forms: Test data sheets for recording test data in logical order. K. Smoke-Control System: An engineered system that uses fans to produce airflow and pressure differences across barriers to limit smoke movement. L. Smoke-Control Zone: A space within a building that is enclosed by smoke barriers and is a part of a zoned smoke-control system. M. Stair Pressurization System: A type of smoke-control system that is intended to positively pressurize stair towers with outdoor air by using fans to keep smoke from contaminating the stair towers during an alarm condition. N. Static Head: The pressure due to the weight of the fluid above the point of measurement. In a closed system, static head is equal on both sides of the pump. O. Suction Head: The height of fluid surface above the centerline of the pump on the suction side. P. System Effect: A phenomenon that can create undesired or unpredicted conditions that cause reduced capacities in all or part of a system. Q. System Effect Factors: Allowances used to calculate a reduction of the performance ratings of a fan when installed under conditions different from those presented when the fan was performance tested. R. TAB: Testing, adjusting, and balancing. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15990 - 2 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 1.06 1.07 S. TABB: Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing Bureau. T. Terminal: A point where the controlled medium, such as fluid or energy, enters or leaves the distribution system. U. Test: A procedure to determine quantitative performance of systems or equipment. V. Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing (TAB) Firm: The entity responsible for performing and reporting TAB procedures. REFERENCES A. Materials and workmanship shall conform to the latest issue of all industry standards, publications, or regulations referenced in this section and with the following references as applicable. Refer to Section 15010 for listing of issuing organizations or agencies. B. Applicable Standards: 1. Associated Air Balance Council (AABC): a. National Standards for Total System Balance. 2. Air Diffusion Council (ADC): a. Test Code for Grilles, Registers, and Diffusers. 3. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) a. ASHRAE 111 - Practices for Measurement, Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing of Building Heating, Ventilation, Air-conditioning, and Refrigeration Systems. 4. International Building Code (IBC) with the Denver Amendments 5. International Fire Code (IFC) with the Denver Amendments 6. National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB): a. Procedural Standards for Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing of Environmental Systems. 7. Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractor's National Association (SMACNA): a. HVAC Systems Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing. SUBMITTALS A. Submit name of adjusting and balancing agency for approval within [30] [____] days after award of Contract to ensure that the TAB firm has met the requirements this section of the Specifications and is on the project from the outset of construction. B. All TAB submittals shall be electronically submitted in PDF format to the DIA Project Manager and directly to the DIA Mechanical Engineer [Lee Walinchus, [email protected]]. C. LEED Submittal: 1. Air-Balance Report for LEED Prerequisite EQ 1: Documentation of work performed for ASHRAE 62.1, Section 7.2.2, "Air Balancing." D. Field Reports: Submit under provisions of Section 15010. E. Field Reports: Indicate deficiencies in systems that would prevent proper testing, adjusting, and balancing of systems and equipment to achieve specified performance. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15990 - 3 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 F. Prior to commencing work, submit report forms or outlines indicating adjusting, balancing, and equipment data required. G. Submit draft copies of report for review prior to final acceptance of Project. Provide final copies for DIA Project Manager and for inclusion in operating and maintenance manuals. H. Include detailed procedures, agenda, sample report forms [and copy of AABC National Project Performance Guaranty] [________________] prior to commencing system balance. I. Test Reports: Indicate data on AABC National Standards for Total System Balance forms, or forms prepared following ASHRAE 111, NEBB or TABB forms. When necessary, supplement with forms containing information indicated in Schedules. J. Final Report: At least fifteen (15) days prior to Contractor's request for final inspection, submit in letter size, a single PDF file of the final test report on applicable reporting forms for review. Each individual final reporting form must bear the signature of the person who recorded data and that of the reporting organization. Identify instruments of all types which were used and last date of calibration of each. Report shall include all items listed in PART 3- Execution. K. 1.08 Proposed resolutions to equipment that is performing outside of the specified performance ranges. “As Built” Plans shall be [24x36] [34x44] and provided in the same electronic format and manner as described above. Record actual locations of [flow measuring stations] [balancing valves and rough setting]. Perform total system balance in accordance with AABC National Standards for Field Measurement and Instrumentation, Total System Balance, or ASHRAE 111, or NEBB Procedural Standards for Testing, Balancing and Adjusting of Environmental Systems. QUALIFICATIONS A. 1.11 2. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. 1.10 A statement outlining all abnormal or notable conditions not covered in above data. PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS A. 1.09 1. TAB Contractor Qualifications: Engage a TAB entity with minimum of three years documented experience and certified by [AABC] [NEBB] [or] [TABB]. 1. TAB Field Supervisor: Employee of the TAB contractor and certified by [AABC] [NEBB] [or] [TABB] or registered Colorado Professional Engineer experienced in performance of this Work. 2. TAB Technician: Employee of the TAB contractor and who is certified by [AABC] [NEBB] [or] [TABB] as a TAB technician. COORDINATION A. Coordinate the efforts of factory-authorized service representatives for systems and equipment, HVAC controls installers, and other mechanics to operate HVAC systems and equipment to support and assist TAB activities. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15990 - 4 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 1.12 1.13 1.14 B. Notice: Notify the DIA Project Manager, DIA Mechanical Inspector and DIA Mechanical Engineer in writing a minimum of 72 hours prior to testing of any equipment and/or systems. Include scheduled test dates and times. C. Perform TAB after leakage and pressure tests on air and water distribution systems have been satisfactorily completed. PRE-BALANCING CONFERENCE A. Convene a conference [one] [_____] week prior to commencing work of this section. B. Attendance shall include representatives of all systems and equipment Installers having performed, or in the process of performing, project work subject to testing, balancing, and adjustment by the TAB firm. C. Conference agenda shall include review of status of installation and completion of each system requiring testing balancing and adjusting, for the purpose of confirming that the schedule of work to be performed will be planned so as to ensure readiness of systems. SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A. Sequence work to commence after completion of systems and schedule completion of work before Substantial Completion of Project. B. Schedule and provide assistance in final adjustment and test of [life safety] [smoke evacuation] [smoke control] system with Fire Authority. WARRANTY A. Warranty of all equipment described in this Section shall meet warranty requirements of Section 15010 - Basic Mechanical Requirements. B. National Project Performance Guarantee: Provide a guarantee on AABC's "National Standards for Testing and Balancing Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems" forms stating that AABC will assist in completing requirements of the Contract Documents if TAB firm fails to comply with the Contract Documents. Duration of Guarantee shall be [60] [90] [120] [365] days. Guarantee includes the following provisions: C. Special Guarantee: Provide a guarantee on NEBB forms stating that NEBB will assist in completing requirements of the Contract Documents if TAB firm fails to comply with the Contract Documents. Duration of Guarantee shall be [60] [90] [120] [365] days. Guarantee shall include the following provisions: 1. The certified TAB firm has tested and balanced systems according to the Contract Documents. 2. Systems are balanced to optimum performance capabilities within design and installation limits. PART 2 - PRODUCTS - NOT USED. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 AGENCIES A. Subject to conformance with specified requirements, the following agencies are acceptable: ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15990 - 5 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 3.02 3.04 Able Balance Corp. 2. Griffith Engineering Service. 3. Jedi Balancing, Inc. 4. JPG Engineering, Inc. 5. TAB Services, Inc. 6. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 15010. EXAMINATION A. 3.03 1. Verify that systems are complete and operable before commencing work. Ensure the following conditions: 1. Systems are started and operating in a safe and normal condition. 2. Temperature control systems are installed complete and operable. 3. Proper thermal overload protection is in place for electrical equipment. 4. Final filters are clean and in place. If required, install temporary media in addition to final filters. 5. Duct systems are clean of debris. 6. Fans are rotating correctly. 7. Fire, smoke and volume dampers are in place and open. 8. Air coil fins are cleaned and combed. 9. Access doors are closed and duct end caps are in place. 10. Air outlets are installed and connected. 11. Duct system leakage is minimized. 12. Return air paths are not obstructed (i.e. walls to structure). 13. Hydronic systems are flushed, filled, and vented. 14. Pumps are rotating correctly. 15. Proper strainer baskets are clean and in place. 16. Service and balance valves are open. B. Submit field reports. Report defects and deficiencies noted during performance of services, which prevent system balance. C. Beginning of work means acceptance of existing conditions. PREPARATION A. Provide instruments required for testing, adjusting, and balancing operations. Make instruments available to DIA Project Manager to facilitate spot checks during testing. B. Provide additional balancing devices as required. INSTALLATION TOLERANCES A. Set HVAC system airflow and water flow rates within the following tolerances: 1. Supply, Return, and Exhaust Fans and Equipment with Fans: minus 5 to plus 10%. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15990 - 6 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 B. 3.05 3.06 2. Air Outlets and Inlets: 0 to plus 10%. 3. Heating-Water Flow Rate: 0 to plus 10%. 4. Cooling-Water Flow Rate: 0 to plus 5%. Supply, return and exhaust air flow rate tolerances shall be identical for each system. (IE: If an AHU is balanced to 97% of design air flow rate, the corresponding exhaust fan should match this 97% tolerance.) ADJUSTING A. Ensure recorded data represents actual measured or observed conditions. B. Permanently mark settings of valves, dampers, and other adjustment devices allowing settings to be restored. Set and lock memory stops. C. After adjustment, take measurements to verify balance has not been disrupted or that such disruption has been rectified. D. Leave systems in proper working order, replacing belt guards, closing access doors, closing doors to electrical switch boxes, and restoring thermostats to specified settings. E. At final inspection, recheck random selections of data recorded in report. Recheck points or areas as selected and witnessed by the DIA Project Manager. F. Check and adjust systems approximately six months after final acceptance and submit report. TEMPERATURE CONTROLS A. Verify that controllers are calibrated and commissioned. B. Check transmitter and controller locations and note conditions that would adversely affect control functions. C. Record controller settings and note variances between set points and actual measurements. D. Check the operation of limiting controllers (i.e., high- and low-temperature controllers). E. Check free travel and proper operation of control devices such as damper and valve operators. F. Check the sequence of operation of control devices. Note air pressures and device positions and correlate with airflow and water flow measurements. Note the speed of response to input changes. G. Check the interaction of electrically operated switch transducers. H. Check the interaction of interlock and lockout systems. I. Check main control supply-air pressure and observe compressor and dryer operations. J. Record voltages of power supply and controller output. Determine whether the system operates on a grounded or nongrounded power supply. K. Note operation of electric actuators using spring return for proper fail-safe operations. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15990 - 7 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 L. M. 3.07 3.08 VAV Boxes (Fan Powered and Shut off): Verify the following and report any discrepancies to the responsible installer: 1. Velocity pressure sensor is receiving the proper signal and is then sending that signal to the regulator. 2. Primary air damper will allow design flows without going to end point settings. 3. Thermostats are calibrated. 4. Control pressure is compatible with the primary damper motor range, dead band range and heating electric P.E. or valve motor range. 5. Direct acting or reverse acting controls are properly installed. 6. Primary fan static pressure controls are receiving the proper signal in their installed location and transmitting this signal to the fan controller. Include a written certificate (include in balance report) that the above items are functioning properly. GENERAL PROCEDURES FOR TESTING AND BALANCING: A. Perform testing and balancing procedures on each system according to the procedures contained in [AABC's "National Standards for Testing and Balancing Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems"] [NEBB's "Procedural Standards for Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing of Environmental Systems"] [SMACNA's "HVAC Systems - Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing"] and this Section. B. Cut insulation, ducts, pipes, and equipment cabinets for installation of test probes to the minimum extent necessary to allow adequate performance of procedures. After testing and balancing, close probe holes and patch insulation with new materials identical to those removed. Restore vapor barrier and finish according to insulation Specifications for this Project. C. Mark equipment and balancing device settings with paint or other suitable, permanent identification material, including damper-control positions, valve position indicators, fanspeed-control levers, and similar controls and devices, to show final settings. D. Take and report testing and balancing measurements in inch-pound (IP) units. GENERAL PROCEDURES FOR BALANCING AIR SYSTEMS A. Prepare test reports for both fans and outlets. Obtain manufacturer's outlet factors and recommended testing procedures. Crosscheck the summation of required outlet volumes with required fan volumes. B. Prepare schematic diagrams of systems' "as-built" duct layouts. C. For variable-air-volume systems, develop a plan to simulate diversity. D. Determine the best locations in main and branch ducts for accurate duct airflow measurements. E. Check airflow patterns from the outside-air louvers and dampers and the return- and exhaust-air dampers, through the supply-fan discharge and mixing dampers. F. Locate start-stop and disconnect switches, electrical interlocks, and motor starters. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15990 - 8 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 3.09 3.10 G. Verify that motor starters are equipped with properly sized thermal protection. H. Check dampers for proper position to achieve desired airflow path. I. Check for airflow blockages. J. Check condensate drains for proper connections and functioning. K. Check for proper sealing of air-handling unit components. L. Check for proper sealing of air duct system. ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES FOR BALANCING BRANCH LINES ON EXISTING SYSTEMS A. Before any demolition work or duct work alterations are made, measure airflow, temperature, static pressure and electrical measurements on main equipment serving the branch line. VAV systems shall be ramped to 100% before measurements are taken. B. After all branch line ductwork modifications are complete and TAB services have been performed, measure airflow, temperature, static pressure and electrical measurements on main equipment serving the branch line. VAV systems shall be ramped to 100% before measurements are taken. PROCEDURES FOR CONSTANT-VOLUME AIR SYSTEMS A. Adjust fans to deliver total indicated airflows within the maximum allowable fan speed listed by fan manufacturer. 1. Measure fan static pressures to determine actual static pressure as follows: a. Measure outlet static pressure as far downstream from the fan as practicable and upstream from restrictions in ducts such as elbows and transitions. b. Measure static pressure directly at the fan outlet or through the flexible connection. c. Measure inlet static pressure of single-inlet fans in the inlet duct as near the fan as possible, upstream from flexible connection and downstream from duct restrictions. d. Measure inlet static pressure of double-inlet fans through the wall of the plenum that houses the fan. 2. Measure static pressure across each component that makes up an air-handling unit, rooftop unit, and other air-handling and -treating equipment. a. Simulate dirty filter operation and record the point at which maintenance personnel must change filters. 3. Measure static pressures entering and leaving other devices such as sound traps, heat recovery equipment, and air washers, under final balanced conditions. 4. Compare design data with installed conditions to determine variations in design static pressures versus actual static pressures. Compare actual system effect factors with calculated system effect factors to identify where variations occur. Recommend corrective action to align design and actual conditions. 5. Obtain approval from Engineer for adjustment of fan speed higher or lower than indicated speed. Make required adjustments to pulley sizes, motor sizes, and electrical connections to accommodate fan-speed changes. 6. Do not make fan-speed adjustments that result in motor overload. Consult equipment manufacturers about fan-speed safety factors. Modulate dampers and measure fan- ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15990 - 9 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 motor amperage to ensure that no overload will occur. Measure amperage in full cooling, full heating, economizer, and any other operating modes to determine the maximum required brake horsepower. B. C. Adjust volume dampers for main duct, submain ducts, and major branch ducts to indicated airflows within specified tolerances. 1. Measure static pressure at a point downstream from the balancing damper and adjust volume dampers until the proper static pressure is achieved. a. Where sufficient space in submain and branch ducts is unavailable for Pitot-tube traverse measurements, measure airflow at terminal outlets and inlets and calculate the total airflow for that zone. 2. Remeasure each submain and branch duct after all have been adjusted. Continue to adjust submain and branch ducts to indicated airflows within specified tolerances. Measure terminal outlets and inlets without making adjustments. 1. D. 3.11 Measure terminal outlets using a direct-reading hood or outlet manufacturer's written instructions and calculating factors. Adjust terminal outlets and inlets for each space to indicated airflows within specified tolerances of indicated values. Make adjustments using volume dampers rather than extractors and the dampers at air terminals. 1. Adjust each outlet in same room or space to within specified tolerances of indicated quantities without generating noise levels above the limitations prescribed by the Contract Documents. 2. Adjust patterns of adjustable outlets for proper distribution without drafts. PROCEDURES FOR VARIABLE-AIR-VOLUME SYSTEMS A. Compensating for Diversity: When the total airflow of all terminal units is more than the indicated airflow of the fan, place a selected number of terminal units at a maximum setpoint airflow condition until the total airflow of the terminal units equals the indicated airflow of the fan. Select the reduced airflow terminal units so they are distributed evenly among the branch ducts. B. Pressure-Independent, Variable-Air-Volume Systems: After the fan systems have been adjusted, adjust the variable-air-volume systems as follows: 1. Set outside-air dampers at minimum, and return- and exhaust-air dampers at a position that simulates full-cooling load. 2. Select the terminal unit that is most critical to the supply-fan airflow and static pressure. Measure static pressure. Adjust system static pressure so the entering static pressure for the critical terminal unit is not less than the sum of terminal-unit manufacturer's recommended minimum inlet static pressure plus the static pressure needed to overcome terminal-unit discharge system losses. 3. Measure total system airflow. Adjust to within indicated airflow. 4. Set terminal units at maximum airflow and adjust controller or regulator to deliver the designed maximum airflow. Use terminal-unit manufacturer's written instructions to make this adjustment. When total airflow is correct, balance the air outlets downstream from terminal units as described for constant-volume air systems. 5. Set terminal units at minimum airflow and adjust controller or regulator to deliver the designed minimum airflow. Check air outlets for a proportional reduction in airflow as described for constant-volume air systems. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15990 - 10 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 a. C. D. If air outlets are out of balance at minimum airflow, report the condition but leave outlets balanced for maximum airflow. 6. Remeasure the return airflow to the fan while operating at maximum return airflow and minimum outside airflow. Adjust the fan and balance the return-air ducts and inlets as described for constant-volume air systems. 7. Measure static pressure at the most critical terminal unit and adjust the static-pressure controller at the main supply-air sensing station to ensure that adequate static pressure is maintained at the most critical unit. 8. Record the final fan performance data. Pressure-Dependent, Variable-Air-Volume Systems without Diversity: After the fan systems have been adjusted, adjust the variable-air-volume systems as follows: 1. Balance systems similar to constant-volume air systems. 2. Set terminal units and supply fan at full-airflow condition. 3. Adjust inlet dampers of each terminal unit to indicated airflow and verify operation of the static-pressure controller. When total airflow is correct, balance the air outlets downstream from terminal units as described for constant-volume air systems. 4. Readjust fan airflow for final maximum readings. 5. Measure operating static pressure at the sensor that controls the supply fan, if one is installed, and verify operation of the static-pressure controller. 6. Set supply fan at minimum airflow if minimum airflow is indicated. Measure static pressure to verify that it is being maintained by the controller. 7. Set terminal units at minimum airflow and adjust controller or regulator to deliver the designed minimum airflow. Check air outlets for a proportional reduction in airflow as described for constant-volume air systems. a. If air outlets are out of balance at minimum airflow, report the condition but leave the outlets balanced for maximum airflow. 8. Measure the return airflow to the fan while operating at maximum return airflow and minimum outside airflow. Adjust the fan and balance the return-air ducts and inlets as described for constant-volume air systems. Pressure-Dependent, Variable-Air-Volume Systems with Diversity: After the fan systems have been adjusted, adjust the variable-air-volume systems as follows: 1. Set system at maximum indicated airflow by setting the required number of terminal units at minimum airflow. Select the reduced airflow terminal units so they are distributed evenly among the branch ducts. 2. Adjust supply fan to maximum indicated airflow with the variable-airflow controller set at maximum airflow. 3. Set terminal units at full-airflow condition. 4. Adjust terminal units starting at the supply-fan end of the system and continuing progressively to the end of the system. Adjust inlet dampers of each terminal unit to indicated airflow. When total airflow is correct, balance the air outlets downstream from terminal units as described for constant-volume air systems. 5. Adjust terminal units for minimum airflow. 6. Measure static pressure at the sensor. 7. Measure the return airflow to the fan while operating at maximum return airflow and minimum outside airflow. Adjust the fan and balance the return-air ducts and inlets as ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15990 - 11 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 described for constant-volume air systems. 3.12 3.13 GENERAL PROCEDURES FOR HYDRONIC SYSTEMS A. Prepare test reports with pertinent design data and number in sequence starting at pump to end of system. Check the sum of branch-circuit flows against approved pump flow rate. Correct variations that exceed plus or minus 5%. B. Prepare schematic diagrams of systems' "as-constructed" piping layouts. C. Prepare hydronic systems for testing and balancing according to the following, in addition to the general preparation procedures specified above: 1. Open all manual valves for maximum flow. 2. Check expansion tank liquid level. 3. Check makeup-water-station pressure gage for adequate pressure for highest vent. 4. Check flow-control valves for specified sequence of operation and set at indicated flow. 5. Set differential-pressure control valves at the specified differential pressure. Do not set at fully closed position when pump is positive-displacement type unless several terminal valves are kept open. 6. Set system controls so automatic valves are wide open to heat exchangers. 7. Check pump-motor load. If motor is overloaded, throttle main flow-balancing device so motor nameplate rating is not exceeded. 8. Check air vents for a forceful liquid flow exiting from vents when manually operated. PROCEDURES FOR HYDRONIC SYSTEMS A. Measure water flow at pumps. Use the following procedures, except for positivedisplacement pumps: 1. Verify impeller size by operating the pump with the discharge valve closed. Read pressure differential across the pump. Convert pressure to head and correct for differences in gage heights. Note the point on manufacturer's pump curve at zero flow and verify that the pump has the intended impeller size. 2. Check system resistance. With all valves open, read pressure differential across the pump and mark pump manufacturer's head-capacity curve. Adjust pump discharge valve until indicated water flow is achieved. 3. Verify pump-motor brake horsepower. Calculate the intended brake horsepower for the system based on pump manufacturer's performance data. Compare calculated brake horsepower with nameplate data on the pump motor. Report conditions where actual amperage exceeds motor nameplate amperage. 4. Report flow rates that are not within plus or minus 5% of design. B. Set calibrated balancing valves, if installed, at calculated presettings. C. Measure flow at all stations and adjust, where necessary, to obtain first balance. 1. D. System components that have Cv rating or an accurately cataloged flow-pressure-drop relationship may be used as a flow-indicating device. Measure flow at main balancing station and set main balancing device to achieve flow that is 5% greater than indicated flow. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15990 - 12 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 E. 3.14 3.17 Determine the balancing station with the highest percentage over indicated flow. 2. Adjust each station in turn, beginning with the station with the highest percentage over indicated flow and proceeding to the station with the lowest percentage over indicated flow. 3. Record settings and mark balancing devices. Measure pump flow rate and make final measurements of pump amperage, voltage, rpm, pump heads, and systems' pressures and temperatures including outdoor-air temperature. G. Measure the differential-pressure control valve settings existing at the conclusions of balancing. PROCEDURES FOR VARIABLE-FLOW HYDRONIC SYSTEMS Balance systems with automatic two- and three-way control valves by setting systems at maximum flow through heat-exchange terminals and proceed as specified above for hydronic systems. PROCEDURES FOR PRIMARY-SECONDARY-FLOW HYDRONIC SYSTEMS A. 3.16 1. F. A. 3.15 Adjust balancing stations to within specified tolerances of indicated flow rate as follows: Balance the primary system crossover flow first, then balance the secondary system. PROCEDURES FOR HEAT EXCHANGERS A. Measure water flow through all circuits. B. Adjust water flow to within specified tolerances. C. Measure inlet and outlet water temperatures. D. Measure inlet steam pressure. E. Check the setting and operation of safety and relief valves. Record settings. PROCEDURES FOR MOTORS A. B. Motors, 1/2 HP and Larger: Test at final balanced conditions and record the following data: 1. Manufacturer, model, and serial numbers. 2. Motor horsepower rating. 3. Motor rpm. 4. Efficiency rating. 5. Nameplate and measured voltage, each phase. 6. Nameplate and measured amperage, each phase. 7. Starter thermal-protection-element rating. Motors Driven by Variable-Frequency Controllers: Test for proper operation at speeds varying from minimum to maximum. Test the manual bypass for the controller to prove proper operation. Record observations, including controller manufacturer, model and serial numbers, and nameplate data. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15990 - 13 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 3.18 PROCEDURES FOR CHILLERS A. 3.19 3.21 3.22 1. Evaporator-water entering and leaving temperatures, pressure drop, and water flow. 2. If water-cooled chillers, condenser-water entering and leaving temperatures, pressure drop, and water flow. 3. Evaporator and condenser refrigerant temperatures and pressures, using instruments furnished by chiller manufacturer. 4. Power factor if factory-installed instrumentation is furnished for measuring kilowatt. 5. Kilowatt input if factory-installed instrumentation is furnished for measuring kilowatt. 6. Capacity: Calculate in tons of cooling. 7. If air-cooled chillers, verify condenser-fan rotation and record fan and motor data including number of fans and entering- and leaving-air temperatures. PROCEDURES FOR COOLING TOWERS A. 3.20 Balance water flow through each evaporator and condenser to within specified tolerances of indicated flow with all pumps operating. With only one chiller operating in a multiple chiller installation, do not exceed the flow for the maximum tube velocity recommended by the chiller manufacturer. Measure and record the following data with each chiller operating at design conditions: Shut off makeup water for the duration of the test, and verify that makeup and blowdown systems are fully operational after tests and before leaving the equipment. Perform the following tests and record the results: 1. Measure condenser-water flow to each cell of the cooling tower. 2. Measure entering- and leaving-water temperatures. 3. Measure wet- and dry-bulb temperatures of entering air. 4. Measure wet- and dry-bulb temperatures of leaving air. 5. Measure condenser-water flow rate recirculating through the cooling tower. 6. Measure cooling tower pump discharge pressure. 7. Adjust water level and feed rate of makeup-water system. PROCEDURES FOR CONDENSING UNITS A. Verify proper rotation of fans. B. Measure entering- and leaving-air temperatures. C. Record compressor data. PROCEDURES FOR BOILERS A. If hydronic, measure entering- and leaving-water temperatures and water flow. B. If steam, measure entering-water temperature and flow and leaving steam pressure, temperature, and flow. PROCEDURES FOR HEAT-TRANSFER COILS A. Water Coils: Measure the following data for each coil: ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15990 - 14 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 B. C. 3.23 1. Entering- and leaving-water temperature. 2. Water flow rate. 3. Water pressure drop. 4. Dry-bulb temperature of entering and leaving air. 5. Wet-bulb temperature of entering and leaving air for cooling coils. 6. Airflow. 7. Air pressure drop. Electric-Heating Coils: Measure the following data for each coil: 1. Nameplate data. 2. Airflow. 3. Entering- and leaving-air temperature at full load. 4. Voltage and amperage input of each phase at full load and at each incremental stage. 5. Calculated kilowatt at full load. 6. Fuse or circuit-breaker rating for overload protection. Refrigerant Coils: Measure the following data for each coil: 1. Dry-bulb temperature of entering and leaving air. 2. Wet-bulb temperature of entering and leaving air. 3. Airflow. 4. Air pressure drop. 5. Refrigerant suction pressure and temperature. PROCEDURES FOR COMMERCIAL KITCHEN HOODS A. Measure, adjust, and record the airflow of each kitchen hood. For kitchen hoods designed with integral makeup air, measure and adjust the exhaust and makeup airflow. Measure airflow by duct Pitot-tube traverse. If a duct Pitot-tube traverse is not possible, provide an explanation in the report of the reason(s) why and also the reason why the method used was chosen. 1. B. C. Install welded test ports in the sides of the exhaust duct for the duct Pitot-tube traverse. Install each test port with a threaded cap that is liquid tight. After balancing is complete, do the following: 1. Measure and record the static pressure at the hood exhaust-duct connection. 2. Measure and record the hood face velocity. Make measurements at multiple points across the face of the hood. Perform measurements at a maximum of 12 inches between points and between any point and the perimeter. Calculate the average of the measurements recorded. Verify that the hood average face velocity complies with the Contract Documents and governing codes. 3. Check the hood for capture and containment of smoke using a smoke emitting device. Observe the smoke pattern. Make adjustments to room airflow patterns to achieve optimum results. Visually inspect the hood exhaust duct throughout its entire length in compliance with authorities having jurisdiction. Begin at the hood connection and end at the point it ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15990 - 15 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 discharges outdoors. Report findings. D. 3.24 1. Check duct slopes as required. 2. Verify that duct access is installed as required. 3. Verify that point of termination is as required. 4. Verify that duct air velocity is within the range required. 5. Verify that duct is within a fire-rated enclosure. Report deficiencies. PROCEDURES FOR SPACE PRESSURIZATION MEASUREMENTS AND ADJUSTMENTS A. Before testing for space pressurization, observe the space to verify the integrity of the space boundaries. Verify that windows and doors are closed and applicable safing, gaskets, and sealants are installed. Report deficiencies and postpone testing until after the reported deficiencies are corrected. B. Measure, adjust, and record the pressurization of each room, each zone, and each building by adjusting the supply, return, and exhaust airflows to achieve the indicated conditions. C. Measure space pressure differential where pressure is used as the design criteria, and measure airflow differential where differential airflow is used as the design criteria for space pressurization. 1. For pressure measurements, measure and record the pressure difference between the intended spaces at the door with all doors in the space closed. Record the highpressure side, low-pressure side, and pressure difference between each adjacent space. 2. For applications with cascading levels of space pressurization, begin in the most critical space and work to the least critical space. 3. Test room pressurization first, then zones, and finish with building pressurization. D. To achieve indicated pressurization, set the supply airflow to the indicated conditions and adjust the exhaust and return airflow to achieve the indicated pressure or airflow difference. E. For spaces with pressurization being monitored and controlled automatically, observe and adjust the controls to achieve the desired set point. 1. Compare the values of the measurements taken to the measured values of the control system instruments and report findings. 2. Check the repeatability of the controls by successive tests designed to temporarily alter the ability to achieve space pressurization. Test overpressurization and underpressurization, and observe and report on the system's ability to revert to the set point. 3. For spaces served by variable-air-volume supply and exhaust systems, measure space pressurization at indicated airflow and minimum airflow conditions. F. In spaces that employ multiple modes of operation, such as normal mode and emergency mode or occupied mode and unoccupied mode, measure, adjust, and record data for each operating mode. G. Record indicated conditions and corresponding initial and final measurements. Report deficiencies. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15990 - 16 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 3.25 PROCEDURES FOR SOUND-LEVEL MEASUREMENTS A. Perform sound-pressure-level measurements with an octave-band analyzer complying with ANSI S1.4 for Type 1 sound-level meters and ANSI S1.11 for octave-band filters. Comply with requirements in ANSI S1.13, unless otherwise indicated. B. Calibrate sound meters before each day of testing. Use a calibrator provided with the sound meter complying with ANSI S1.40 and that has NIST certification. C. Use a microphone that is suitable for the type of sound levels measured. For areas where air velocities exceed 100 fpm, use a windscreen on the microphone. D. Perform sound-level testing after air and water balancing and equipment testing are complete. E. Close windows and doors to the space. F. Perform measurements when the space is not occupied and when the occupant noise level from other spaces in the building and outside are at a minimum. G. Clear the space of temporary sound sources so unrelated disturbances will not be measured. Position testing personnel during measurements to achieve a direct line-of-sight between the sound source and the sound-level meter. H. Take sound measurements at a height approximately 48 inches above the floor and at least 36 inches from a wall, column, and other large surface capable of altering the measurements. I. Take sound measurements in dBA and in each of the 8 unweighted octave bands in the frequency range of 63 to 8000 Hz. J. Take sound measurements with the HVAC systems off to establish the background sound levels and take sound measurements with the HVAC systems operating. 1. K. 3.26 Calculate the difference between measurements. Apply a correction factor depending on the difference and adjust measurements. Perform sound testing at <Insert number> locations on Project for each of the following space types. For each space type tested, select a measurement location that has the greatest sound level. If testing multiple locations for each space type, select at least one location that is near and at least one location that is remote from the predominant sound source. 1. Private office. 2. Open office area. 3. Conference room. 4. Hold rooms 5. Each space with an indicated noise criterion of NC 40 and lower that is adjacent to a mechanical equipment room or roof mounted equipment. 6. Inside each mechanical equipment room. 7. <Insert other spaces.> WATER SYSTEM PROCEDURE ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15990 - 17 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 3.27 A. Adjust water systems to provide required or design quantities. B. Hydronic Systems with Meters: Use calibrated [Venturi tubes, orifices, or other metered] fittings and pressure gages to determine flow rates for system balance. On completion of the balance, the following information shall be recorded in the report: Flow meter or calibrated valve size and brand, required flow rate and pressure drop, valve settings on meters or valves with a readable scale, flow rate in both full coil flow and full bypass modes. C. Hydronic Systems Without Meters: Where flow metering devices are not installed, base flow balance on temperature difference across various heat transfer elements in the system. On completion of the balance the following information shall be recorded in the report: Design entering and leaving water temperature/pressure drop, final balance entering and leaving water temperature/pressure drop. D. The hydronic system(s) shall be balanced being certain that the path to one terminal is fully open. Total system flow shall be adjusted at pump by restricting the discharge balance valve. Indicate final valve position on report. E. Adjust systems to provide specified pressure drops and flows through heat transfer elements prior to thermal testing. Perform balancing by measurement of temperature differential in conjunction with air balancing. F. Effect system balance with automatic control valves fully open to heat transfer elements. Control valve bypass loops shall be set with the balancing valve to provide equal flow in either mode. Confirm in writing. G. Effect adjustment of water distribution systems by means of balancing cocks, valves, and fittings. Do not use service or shut-off valves for balancing unless indexed for balance point. H. Where available pump capacity is less than total flow requirements or individual system parts, full flow in one part may be simulated by temporary restriction of flow to other parts. PROCEDURES FOR VIBRATION MEASUREMENTS A. B. C. D. Use a vibration meter meeting the following criteria: 1. Solid-state circuitry with a piezoelectric accelerometer. 2. Velocity range of 0.1 to 10 inches per second. 3. Displacement range of 1 to 100 mils. 4. Frequency range of at least 0 to 1000 Hz. 5. Capable of filtering unwanted frequencies. Calibrate the vibration meter before each day of testing. 1. Use a calibrator provided with the vibration meter. 2. Follow vibration meter and calibrator manufacturer's calibration procedures. Perform vibration measurements when other building and outdoor vibration sources are at a minimum level and will not influence measurements of equipment being tested. 1. Turn off equipment in the building that might interfere with testing. 2. Clear the space of people. Perform vibration measurements after air and water balancing and equipment testing is complete. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15990 - 18 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 3.28 E. Clean equipment surfaces in contact with the vibration transducer. F. Position the vibration transducer according to manufacturer's written instructions and to avoid interference with the operation of the equipment being tested. G. Measure and record vibration on rotating equipment over 3 hp. H. Measure and record equipment vibration, bearing vibration, equipment base vibration, and building structure vibration. Record velocity and displacement readings in the horizontal, vertical, and axial planes. 1. Pumps: a. Pump Bearing: Drive end and opposite end. b. Motor Bearing: Drive end and opposite end. c. Pump Base: Top and side. d. Building: Floor. e. Piping: To and from the pump after flexible connections. 2. Fans and HVAC Equipment with Fans: a. Fan Bearing: Drive end and opposite end. b. Motor Bearing: Drive end and opposite end. c. Equipment Casing: Top and side. d. Equipment Base: Top and side. e. Building: Floor. f. Ductwork: To and from equipment after flexible connections. g. Piping: To and from equipment after flexible connections. 3. Chillers and HVAC Equipment with Compressors: a. Compressor Bearing: Drive end and opposite end. b. Motor Bearing: Drive end and opposite end. c. Equipment Casing: Top and side. d. Equipment Base: Top and side. e. Building: Floor. f. Piping: To and from equipment after flexible connections. I. For equipment with vibration isolation, take floor measurements with the vibration isolation blocked solid to the floor and with the vibration isolation floating. Calculate and report the differences. J. Inspect, measure, and record vibration isolation. 1. Verify that vibration isolation is installed in the required locations. 2. Verify that installation is level and plumb. 3. Verify that isolators are properly anchored. 4. For spring isolators, measure the compressed spring height, the spring OD, and the travel-to-solid distance. 5. Measure the operating clearance between each inertia base and the floor or concrete base below. Verify that there is unobstructed clearance between the bottom of the inertia base and the floor. SCHEDULES A. Equipment Requiring Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing: ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15990 - 19 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 3.29 Fire Pumps 2. Sprinkler Air Compressor 3. Electric Water Coolers 4. Plumbing Pumps 5. HVAC Pumps 6. Water Tube Boilers 7. Packaged Steel Water Tube Boilers 8. Packaged Steel Fire Tube Boilers 9. Forced Air Furnaces 10. Direct Fired Furnaces 11. Reciprocating Water Chillers 12. Air Cooled Water Chillers 13. Centrifugal Water Chillers 14. Absorption Water Chillers 15. Induced Draft Cooling Tower 16. Blow Through Cooling Tower 17. Air Cooled Refrigerant Condensers 18. Packaged Roof Top Heating/Cooling Units 19. Packaged Terminal Air Conditioning Units 20. Unit Air Conditioners 21. Computer Room Air Conditioning Units 22. Air Coils 23. Evaporative Humidifier 24. Sprayed Coil Dehumidifier 25. Terminal Heat Transfer Units 26. Induction Units 27. Air Handling Units 28. Fans 29. Air Filters 30. Air Terminal Units 31. Air Inlets and Outlets 32. Controls Compressor ELECTRIC HEATERS A. 3.30 1. Check staging of heating devices and reset if required for proper operation. MOTOR STARTERS AND THERMAL HEATERS ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15990 - 20 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 A. 3.31 Coordinate the requirement for the exchange of thermal overloads as required for proper motor protection on magnetic and manual starters. Check for correct sizing and notify Installers responsible for supply of proper devices of corrections or replacements needed. REPORT OF WORK A. General: Typewritten, or computer printout in letter-quality font, on standard bond paper, in three-ring binder, tabulated and divided into sections by tested and balanced systems. B. Include a certification sheet in front of binder signed and sealed by the certified testing and balancing engineer. 1. C. D. Include a list of instruments used for procedures, along with proof of calibration. Final Report Contents: In addition to certified field report data, include the following: 1. Pump curves. 2. Fan curves. 3. Manufacturers' test data. 4. Field test reports prepared by system and equipment installers. 5. Other information relative to equipment performance, but do not include Shop Drawings and Product Data. General Report Data: In addition to form titles and entries, include the following data in the final report, as applicable: 1. Title page. 2. Name and address of TAB firm. 3. Project name. 4. Project location. 5. Architect and Engineer's name and address. 6. Contractor's name and address. 7. Report date. 8. Signature of TAB firm who certifies the report. 9. Table of Contents with the total number of pages defined for each section of the report. Number each page in the report. 10. Summary of contents including the following: a. Indicated versus final performance. b. Final performance percentage of design performance. c. Equipment system or zone service d. Notable characteristics of systems. e. Description of system operation sequence if it varies from the Contract Documents. 11. Nomenclature sheets for each item of equipment. 12. A set of contract document drawings indicating 'as-built' conditions shall be included in the report with all terminals (VAV boxes, outlets, inlets, coils, unit heaters, etc.) and thermostat locations clearly marked and all equipment designated. Locations of all tests shall be clearly indicated. 13. Data for terminal units, including manufacturer, type size, and fittings. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15990 - 21 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 E. F. 14. Notes to explain why certain final data in the body of reports varies from indicated values and proposed resolutions for equipment measured outside of the acceptable specified ranges. 15. Test conditions for fans and pump performance forms including the following: a. Settings for outside-, return-, and exhaust-air dampers. b. Conditions of filters. c. Cooling coil, wet- and dry-bulb conditions. d. Face and bypass damper settings at coils. e. Fan drive settings including settings and percentage of maximum pitch diameter. f. Inlet vane settings for variable-air-volume systems. g. Settings for supply-air, static-pressure controller. h. Other system operating conditions that affect performance. System Diagrams: Include schematic layouts of air and hydronic distribution systems. Present each system with single-line diagram and include the following: 1. Quantities of outside, supply, return, and exhaust airflows. 2. Water and steam flow rates. 3. Duct, outlet, and inlet sizes. 4. Pipe and valve sizes and locations. 5. Terminal units. 6. Balancing stations, locations, size, velocity and flow. 7. Position of balancing devices. Equipment measurements shall include the following information. 1. Instrument list including instrument, manufacturer, model, serial number, range, calibration date. 2. Data to be submitted for systems having electric motor drives, except as otherwise indicated, shall in all cases include the following to the extent applicable: a. Electric Motor data including manufacturer, HP, Voltage, phase, amperage (name plate, actual (in all operating modes), no load), service factor, efficiency, power factor, starter size (brand, model, enclosure type, installed thermal heaters and the rating of the heaters, required thermal heaters and the rating of the heaters if different than installed). b. For motors controlled by variable frequency controllers, test data shall include amperage at one-third, two-thirds, and full speed motor RPM. c. V-Belt Drive data including identification/location, required driven RPM; driven sheave (diameter and RPM), belt (size and quality), motor sheave (diameter and RPM), center to center distance (maximum, minimum and final). 3. Air Moving Equipment data including location, manufacturer, model, supply air flow (specified and actual), return air flow (specified and actual), outside air flow (specified and actual), total static pressure (specified and actual), inlet pressure, discharge pressure, fan RPM, motor and V-belt drive data. Include Manufacturer's fan curves. 4. Static pressure across each individual component of the system and the total system. 5. Exhaust Fan data including location, manufacturer, model, air flow (specified and actual), total static pressure (specified and actual), inlet pressure, discharge pressure (specified and actual), inlet pressure, discharge pressure, fan RPM, motor and V-belt drive data. Include Manufacturer's fan curves. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15990 - 22 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 6. Outside/Return Air data including identification/ location, supply air flow (specified and actual), return air flow (specified and actual), outside air flow (specified and actual), return air temperature, outside air temperature, mixed air temperature (specified and actual). 7. Air Terminal Device data including air terminal number, room number/location, terminal type, terminal size, area factor, design velocity, design air flow, test (final) velocity, test (final) air flow, percent of design air flow. 8. Terminal Unit data including manufacturer, type (constant, variable, dual duct, reheat, fan powered parallel, fan powered-series), identification/number, location, model, size, minimum static pressure, minimum air flow (specified and actual), maximum air flow (specified and actual), inlet static pressure, fan air quantity (specified and actual) on fan powered terminal units. Include discharge air temperature for maximum cooling air flow, and for maximum heating air flow for units equipped with heating coils. 9. Duct Traverse data including system zone/branch, duct size, area, design velocity, design air flow, test velocity, test air flow, duct static pressure, air temperature, air correction factor. 10. Air Monitoring Station data including identification/ location, system, size, area, design velocity, design air flow, test (final) velocity, test (final) air flow. 11. Total CFM (required and final) for each fan system, including cabinet heaters, fan coils, etc. 12. Electric Duct Heater data including manufacturer, identification number, location, model, design KW, number of stages, phase, voltage, amperage, test voltage (each phase), test amperage (each phase), air flow (specified and actual), temperature rise (specified and actual). 13. Pump data including identification/number, manufacturer, size/model, impeller, service, flow rate (specified and actual), pressure drop (specified and actual), discharge pressure, suction pressure, total operating head pressure, shut-off (discharge and suction pressures), shut-off (total head pressure), and motor data. Include manufacturer's pump curves. 14. Chiller data including identification/number, manufacturer, capacity, model, evaporator leaving water temperature (specified and actual), evaporator pressure drop (specified and actual), evaporator water flow rate (specified and actual), condenser entering water temperature (specified and actual), condenser leaving water temperature (specified and actual), condenser pressure drop (specified and actual), condenser water flow rate (specified and actual), motor amperage. 15. Cooling Tower data including tower identification number, manufacturer, model, rated capacity, entering air WB temperature (specified and actual), leaving air WB temperature (specified and actual), ambient air DB temperature, condenser water entering temperature, condenser water leaving temperature, condenser water flow rate, fan RPM, motor data, wind velocity and direction. 16. Air Cooled Condenser data including identification number, location, manufacturer, model, entering DB air temperature (specified and actual), leaving DB air temperature (specified and actual), number of compressors, and motor data. 17. Heat Exchanger data including identification/number, location, service, manufacturer, model, primary water entering temperature (specified and actual), primary water leaving temperature (specified and actual), primary water flow (specified and actual), primary water pressure drop (specified and actual), secondary water entering temperature (specified and actual), secondary water flow (specified and actual), secondary water pressure drop (specified and actual). ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15990 - 23 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 18. Boiler data including entering and leaving water temperature, gas flow rate, flue gas analysis (copy of manufacturer's analysis report), entering and leaving water pressures, and motor data (if applicable). 19. Cooling Coil data including identification/number, location, service, manufacturer, air flow (specified and actual), entering air DB and WB temperatures (specified and actual), leaving air DB and WB temperatures (specified and actual), water flow (specified and actual), water pressure drop (specified and actual), entering water temperature (specified and actual), leaving water temperature (specified and actual), air pressure drop (specified and actual). 20. Heating Coil data including identification/number, location, service, manufacturer, air flow (specified and actual), water flow (specified and actual), water pressure drop (specified and actual), entering and leaving water temperatures (specified and actual), entering and leaving air temperatures (specified and actual), air pressure drop (specified and actual). 21. Heat Release Equipment (i.e. unit heaters, cabinet heaters, finned tube radiation, etc.) data including identification/number, location, manufacturer, inlet and outlet water temperatures (specified and actual), inlet and outlet water pressures (specified and actual), entering and leaving air temperatures (specified and actual - where applicable), and motor data (where applicable). 22. Flow Measuring Station and Calibrated Balancing Valve data including identification, location, size, manufacturer, model, flow rate (specified and actual), pressure drop (specified and actual), station or valve calibrated setting. 23. Gas flow and pressure to each piece of mechanical equipment and gas pressure at meter under full flow. 24. Measurement of existing equipment data prior to new work start. a. Date of test on original equipment b. Equipment tag c. Inlet static pressure (inches WC) d. Outlet static pressure (inches WC) e. Outlet airflow (CFM) f. Coil entering air and water temperatures (F). g. Coil leaving air and water temperatures (F). h. Motor electrical data, HP, voltage and amperage at test time. 25. Measurement of existing equipment data upon completion of new work. a. Date of test on original equipment b. Equipment tag c. Inlet static pressure (inches WC) d. Outlet static pressure (inches WC) e. Outlet airflow (CFM) f. Coil entering air and water temperatures (F). g. Coil leaving air and water temperatures (F). h. Motor electrical data, HP, voltage and amperage at test time. 26. Sound Measurement: Record sound measurements on octave band and dBA test forms and on an NC or RC chart indicating the decibel level measured in each frequency band for both "background" and "HVAC system operating" readings. Record each tested location on a separate NC or RC chart. Record the following on the forms: a. Date and time of test. Record each tested location on its own NC curve. b. Sound meter manufacturer, model number, and serial number. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15990 - 24 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 c. d. e. f. g. h. i. 3.32 Space location within the building including floor level and room number. Diagram or color photograph of the space showing the measurement location. Time weighting of measurements, either fast or slow. Description of the measured sound: steady, transient, or tonal. Description of predominant sound source. Record measured octave bands with all area HVAC equipment off and all area HVAC equipment on. Sound data curves for measured equipment and/or spaces with baseline [NC-35] [NC-40] [NC-45] curves for compliance. 27. Vibration Test: Where vibration limitations are specified or shown on the drawings, work shall include measurement and reporting of as-installed systems performance, including the following data: a. Location of points: 1) Fan bearing, drive end 2) Fan bearing, opposite end 3) Motor bearing, center (if applicable) 4) Motor bearing, drive end 5) Motor bearing, opposite end 6) Casing (bottom or top) 7) Casing (side) 8) Duct after flexible connection (discharge) 9) Duct after flexible connection (suction) b. Test readings: 1) Horizontal, velocity and displacement 2) Vertical, velocity and displacement 3) Axial, velocity and displacement c. Normally acceptable readings, velocity and acceleration d. Unusual conditions at time of test e. Vibration source (if non-complying) 28. Indoor-Air Quality Measurement Reports for Each HVAC System: a. HVAC system designation. b. Date and time of test. c. Outdoor temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and wind direction at start of test. d. Room number or similar description for each location. e. Measurements at each location. f. Observed deficiencies. 29. Instrument Calibration Reports: a. Report Data: 1) Instrument type and make. 2) Serial number. 3) Application. 4) Dates of use. 5) Dates of calibration. 30. Measurements outside of tolerance: If the final measurements differ from the design measurements in the final report by more than the tolerances allowed, the measurements shall be noted as "FAILED." TAB firm shall provide recommendations and/or solutions for resolving all FAILED measurements. INSPECTIONS ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15990 - 25 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 A. B. 3.33 Initial Inspection: 1. After testing and balancing are complete, operate each system and randomly check measurements to verify that the system is operating according to the final test and balance readings documented in the Final Report. 2. Randomly check the following for each system: a. Measure airflow of at least 10% of air outlets. b. Measure water flow of at least 5% of terminals. c. Measure room temperature at each thermostat/temperature sensor. Compare the reading to the set point. d. Measure sound levels at two locations. e. Measure space pressure of at least 10% of locations. f. Verify that balancing devices are marked with final balance position. g. Note deviations to the Contract Documents in the Final Report. Final Inspection: 1. After initial inspection is complete and evidence by random checks verifies that testing and balancing are complete and accurately documented in the final report, request that a final inspection be made by DIA Project Manager, DIA Mechanical Engineer or their designated representative(s). 2. TAB firm test and balance engineer shall conduct the inspection in the presence of DIA Project Manager, DIA Mechanical Engineer or their designated representative(s). 3. DIA Project Manager, DIA Mechanical Engineer or their designated representative(s) shall randomly select measurements documented in the final report to be rechecked. The rechecking shall be limited to either 10% of the total measurements recorded, or the extent of measurements that can be accomplished in a normal 8-hour business day. 4. If the rechecks yield measurements that differ from the measurements documented in the final report by more than the tolerances allowed, the measurements shall be noted as "FAILED." 5. If the number of "FAILED" measurements is greater than 10% of the total measurements checked during the final inspection, the testing and balancing shall be considered incomplete and shall be rejected. 6. TAB firm shall recheck all measurements and make adjustments. Revise the final report and balancing device settings to include all changes and resubmit the final report. 7. Request a second final inspection. If the second final inspection also fails, Owner shall contract the services of another TAB firm to complete the testing and balancing in accordance with the Contract Documents and deduct the cost of the services from the final payment. ADDITIONAL TESTS A. Within 90 days of completing TAB, perform additional testing and balancing to verify that balanced conditions are being maintained throughout and to correct unusual conditions. B. Seasonal Periods: If initial TAB procedures were not performed during near-peak summer and winter conditions, perform additional testing, inspecting, and adjusting during near-peak summer and winter conditions. PART 4 - MEASUREMENT ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15990 - 26 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 4.01 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT A. No separate measurement will be made for work under this Section. PART 5 - PAYMENT 5.01 PAYMENT A. No separate payment will be made for work under this section. The cost of the work described in this section shall be included in the Lump Sum Contract price. END OF SECTION 15990 ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 15990 - 27 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16010 - BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 DIVISION 16 – ELECTRICAL SECTION 16010 BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 1.02 SUMMARY A. Certain labor, materials, and equipment may be furnished under other Sections of these specifications, by utility Companies or by the Owner. When this is the case, the extent, source and description of these items will be as indicated on the drawings or as described in the specifications. B. Where a panel is installed, at least 25% of panel capacity, including main panel capacity, shall remain as spare capacity after project completion. C. Where existing panels are used for additional work, when six (6) or less spaces remain a new panel shall be installed. D. All electrical/electronic circuits, including audio, video and fire alarm systems, shall be in an approved raceway system. No “wild circuits” will be accepted. E. The Designer of Record shall not design or specify and the Contractor shall not install rigid metal conduit, electrical metallic tubing, flexible steel conduit, liquid-tight flexible steel conduit, non-metallic rigid conduit or innerduct in any horizontal or vertical concrete wall or slab structures or portions thereof, e.g., cast-in-place concrete floor slab on steel decking; cast-in-place concrete slabs integral with concrete structural support systems; prestressed concrete slabs; post-tensioned concrete slabs; precast concrete construction with or without field applied or plant fabricated concrete topping slabs, slabs on grade, foundation walls or in concrete cast-in-place walls, etc. RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.03 Drawings, General and Special Conditions, Division 1 - General Requirements and other applicable technical specifications apply to work of this Section. RELATED SECTIONS A. Basic Electrical Requirements specifically applicable to all Division 16 Sections, in addition to Division 1 - General Requirements, and Division 15. B. All electrical/electronic circuits and equipment from any other Division shall meet the requirements of Division 16. C. Description: Work shall consist of furnishing all labor, equipment, supplies, and materials, unless otherwise specified, necessary for the installation of complete electrical systems as required by the specifications and as shown on the drawings, subject to the terms and conditions of the contract. The Work shall also include the completion of those details of electrical work not mentioned or shown which are necessary for the successful operation of all electrical systems. D. Temporary Power: See Division 1 for construction power constraints. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16010 - 1 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16010 - BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS 1.04 1.05 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. Comply with the requirements of the reference standards noted herein, except where more stringent requirements are listed herein or otherwise required by the Contract Documents. B. Latest editions of the following: 1. ANSI/NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code (as adopted and amended by the Denver Building Code). 2. Uniform Fire Code (as amended by the Denver Fire Department). 3. ANSI/IEEE C2 - National Electrical Safety Code. 4. OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration, as Amended 5. Underwriter’s Laboratory (UL) 6. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 7. Other references as listed elsewhere in these specifications. 8. IEEE standard 519- recommended practices and requirement for harmonic control in electrical power systems. DEFINITIONS A. "Furnish" or "Provide": To supply, install and connect complete and ready for safe and regular operation of particular work unless specifically otherwise noted. B. "Install": To erect, mount and connect complete with related accessories. C. "Supply": To purchase, procure, acquire and deliver complete with related accessories. D. "Work": Labor, materials, equipment, apparatus, controls, accessories, and other items required for proper and complete installation. E. "Wiring": Raceway, fittings, wire, boxes and related items. F. "Concealed": Embedded in masonry, concrete or other construction, installed in furred spaces, within double partitions or hung ceilings, in trenches, in crawl spaces, or in enclosures. G. “Or Equal. Or Approved Equal”: Refers to products that, in the opinion of the DIA Project Manager, are similar in all respect to products specified by proprietary brand name. (Refer to Section 01630 for procedures for submittal of proposed substitutions.) H. "Exposed": Not installed underground or "concealed" as defined above. I. "Indicated," "Shown" or "Noted": As indicated, shown or noted on drawings or specifications. J. "Similar" or "Equal": Same in materials, weight, size, design, construction, capacity, performance, and efficiency of specified product. K. "Reviewed," "Satisfactory," "Accepted," or "Directed": As reviewed, satisfactory, accepted, or directed by or to Project Manager. L. "Related Work" includes all "Work" required for a complete working system. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16010 - 2 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16010 - BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS 1.06 M. "Equipment": A general term including material, fittings, devices, appliances, fixtures, apparatus, and the like used as a part of, or in connection with, an electrical installation. N. "Busbar": A rigid metallic conductor, lug or bar used to make a common connection between more than one circuit. (Includes all termination assemblies.) O. "Shall": Mandatory requirements of this specification are characterized by the use of the word "shall". P. Refer to Article 100 of the currently adopted National Electrical Code for other definitions as applicable to this project. WORK SEQUENCE A. 1.07 1.08 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Construct Work in sequence under provisions of Division 1 where applicable. DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS A. The drawings indicate the general arrangement of circuits, outlets, panelboards and other work. Information shown on the drawings is schematic; however, re-circuiting will not be permitted without specific acceptance. In cases of conflict between specifications and drawings, the specification shall have precedence. Data presented on the drawings is as accurate as planning can determine, but accuracy is not guaranteed and field verification of all dimensions, locations, levels, etc., to suit field conditions is required. Review all of the contract documents and adjust all work to conform to all conditions shown therein. B. Prior to submitting a bid, a site visit is required to ascertain all conditions affecting the proposed installation and to adjust all work accordingly. Costs for providing for these adjustments, including response to site constraints, shall be itemized and listed in the bid proposal. C. Discrepancies between different plans, between plans and specifications, between specifications, or regulations and codes governing this installation shall be brought to the attention of the Project Manager in writing 72 hours before the date of bid opening. In the event such discrepancies exist, and the Project Manager is not so notified, the adjudication of responsibility shall be solely at the discretion of the Project Manager. COORDINATION A. Prior to fabrication or installation of any electrical work, participate in detailed coordination planning meetings with all other building utilities system trades, under the direction of the General Contractor, so as to completely establish routings, elevations, space requirements, and coordination of access, layout, and suspension requirements in relationship to the building structure and the work of all other trades. B. Any electrical work penetrating concrete walls or floors shall require saw cutting and/or core drilling and shall require approval by the Project Manager. The contractor shall submit shop drawings of any saw cutting or core drilling to the Project Manager prior to performing the work. Refer to Section 01410 - Cutting and Patching. Reference 3.02 C for additional information. C. Any power outages necessary to install or test electrical systems and/or equipment shall be coordinated with Denver International Airport Maintenance/Engineering A written shutdown request form shall be submitted to and approved by the Project Manager two weeks prior to the shutdown. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16010 - 3 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16010 - BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS 1.09 COORDINATION DRAWING A. 1.10 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Where the Contractor modifies the design, through selection of equipment differing from that shown, coordination drawings shall be provided by the Contractor in accordance with Division 1 to a scale of 1/4"=1'0" or larger for equipment rooms, details, congested areas and sections; other plans at a scale of 1/8"=1'0". These drawings are to detail major elements, components, and systems of electrical equipment and materials in relationship with other systems, installations, and building components. The Contractor shall indicate locations where space is limited for installation and access and where sequencing and coordination of installations are of importance to the efficient flow of the Work, including (but not necessarily limited to) the following: 1. Indicate the proposed locations of raceway systems, equipment, and materials. Include the following: a. Clearances for servicing equipment, including space for equipment disassembly required for periodic maintenance. b. Exterior wall and foundation penetrations. c. Fire-rated wall and floor penetrations. d. Equipment connections and support details. e. Sizes and location of required concrete pads and bases. f. Support details. 2. Indicate scheduling, sequencing, movement, and positioning of large equipment into the building during construction. 3. Floor plans, elevations, and appropriate details are required to indicate penetrations in floors, walls, and ceilings and their relationship to other penetrations and installations. SUBMITTALS (REFER TO SECTIONS 01300 AND 01340) A. Submit shop drawings, coordination drawings and product data in accordance with provisions of Division 1. Submit all required information under a given specification section together. Do not split out submittals under the same specification section. B. Prior to submission, shop drawings, material lists and catalog cut sheets or manufacturer's printed data shall be thoroughly checked for compliance with contract requirements, compatibility with equipment being furnished by the Contractor or Owner, accuracy of dimensions, coordination with work of other trades, and conformance with sound and safe practice as to erection of installation. Each submittal shall bear Contractor's signed statement evidencing such checking. C. Clearly mark each shop drawing as follows for purposes of identification: D. 1. Shop Drawing 2. Equipment Identification Used on Contract Drawings 3. Date 4. Name of Project 5. Branch of Work 6. Project Manager's Name 7. Contractor's Name Clearly mark printed material, catalog cut sheets, pamphlets or specification sheets, and shop drawings with the same designation shown on the contract document schedules. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16010 - 4 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16010 - BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS 1.11 E. Contractor agrees that submittals processed by the Project Manager are not change orders; that the purpose of submittals is to demonstrate to the Project Manager that the Contractor understands the design concept; and that the Contractor demonstrates this understanding by indicating which equipment and material he intends to furnish and install and by detailing the installation methods he intends to use. F. Contractor shall be responsible for dimensions (which he shall confirm and correlate at the job site), fabrication processes and techniques of construction, and coordination of his work with that of other trades. The Contractor shall check and verify all measurements and review shop drawings before submitting them. If any deviations from the specified requirements for any item of material or equipment exist, such deviation shall be expressly stated in writing and incorporated with the submittal. G. Maintain one copy of accepted shop drawings at the project field office until completion of the project, and make this copy available, upon request, to representatives of the Project Manager and Owner. H. No equipment or materials shall be installed or stored at the jobsite until submittals for such equipment or materials have been given review action by the Project Manager accepting their use. I. Shop drawings and manufacturer's published data shall be submitted for all equipment required for this project. RECORD DOCUMENTS A. 1.12 1.13 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Maintain a contract set of electrical drawings and specifications at the site. Neatly mark all changes, discoveries and deviations from the original drawings. Use a reproducible color that contrasts with the prints. This shall be a separate set of drawings, not used for construction purposes, and shall be updated daily as the job progresses and shall be made available for inspection by the Project Manager at all times. Upon completion of the contract, this set of record drawings shall be delivered to the Project Manager. Follow DIA CADD standards, to be furnished to the successful bidder. Record documents to be provided by the Contractor shall clearly and accurately show the following: 1. Provide horizontal and vertical dimensions for all raceway systems, size and location, for both exterior and interior; locations of control devices; distribution and branch electrical circuitry; and fuse and circuit breaker size and arrangements. 2. Equipment locations (exposed and concealed), dimensioned from prominent building lines. 3. Approved substitutions, Contract Modifications, and actual equipment and materials installed. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Obtain and pay for all permits, plan review, and inspections from authority having jurisdiction. B. The drawings and specifications take precedence when they are more stringent than codes, statutes, or ordinances in effect. Applicable codes, ordinances, standards and statutes take precedence when they are more stringent than the drawings and specifications. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS A. The equipment shall be designed and constructed to operate successfully at the rated values under the following environmental conditions: ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16010 - 5 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16010 - BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 1. Location (Indoors/Outdoors) 2. Altitude (5,500 feet above sea level) 3. Temperature range -30ºF to 120ºF PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT A. Materials and Equipment: Acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction as suitable for the use intended, except where more stringent requirements are indicated by the Contract Documents. B. All equipment and materials installed shall be new, unless otherwise specified. C. Defective or damaged materials shall be replaced or repaired, prior to final acceptance, in a manner acceptable to the Project Manager or Owner and at no additional cost to the Owner. D. All electrical "equipment" and assemblies shall be acceptable for installation only if labeled and listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory, such as UL or an equivalent.. E. All major equipment components shall have the manufacturer's name, address, model number, and serial number permanently attached in a conspicuous location. STORAGE AND PROTECTION A. Store products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, with seals and labels intact and legible. Store sensitive products in weather-tight enclosures; maintain within temperature and humidity ranges required by manufacturer's instructions. B. For exterior storage of fabricated products, place on sloped supports above ground. Cover products subject to deterioration with impervious sheet covering and provide ventilation to avoid condensation. C. Arrange storage to provide access for inspection. Periodically inspect to assure products are undamaged and are maintained under required conditions. PRODUCT OPTIONS A. Products Specified by Reference Standards or by Description Only: Any product meeting those standards. B. Products Specified by Naming One or More Manufacturers with a Provision for Substitutions: Submit a request for substitution for any manufacturer not specifically named with supporting documentation. PRODUCTS LIST A. 2.05 Within 15 days after date of Notice to Proceed, submit complete list of major products required for submittal under these specifications, with name of manufacturer, trade name, and model number of each product. SUBSTITUTIONS ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16010 - 6 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16010 - BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS A. 2.06 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Refer to DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, Section 01630 Substitutions. GUARANTEE A. The entire electrical system installed under this Contract shall be left in proper working order. Replace, at no additional cost to the Owner, any work, materials, or equipment which evidences defects in design, construction, or workmanship within two years, or any longer period specifically noted elsewhere in these specifications, from date of final acceptance. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 3.02 WORKMANSHIP A. Only quality workmanship will be accepted. Poor workmanship, improper layout of work and lack of coordination of work, as determined by the Project Manager, is not acceptable and shall be corrected at the contractors cost. B. Contractor shall include no more than one apprentice per Journeyman Electrician. Apprentices shall be under the direct supervision of a licensed electrician at all times. C. Any changes or deviations from the drawings and specifications must be accepted in writing by the Project Manager. All errors in installation shall be corrected at the expense of the Contractor. All specialties shall be installed as detailed on the drawings. Where details or specific installation requirements are not provided, manufacturer's recommendations shall be followed. D. Upon completion of work, all equipment and materials shall be installed complete, thoroughly tested, checked, correctly adjusted, and left ready for intended use or operation. All work shall be thoroughly cleaned and all residues shall be removed from surfaces. Exterior surfaces of all material and equipment shall be left in a perfect, unblemished condition. E. Contractor shall provide a complete installation, including all required labor, material, cartage, testing, insurance, permits, and taxes. CHASES, OPENINGS, CUTTING AND PATCHING A. Carefully lay out all work in advance so as to eliminate where possible, cutting, channeling, chasing, or drilling of floors, walls, partitions, ceilings and roofs. Any damage to the building, structure, piping, ducts, equipment or any defaced finish shall be repaired by skilled mechanics of the trades involved at no additional cost to the Owner and to the satisfaction of the DIA Project Manager. Any necessary cutting, channeling, drilling or welding as required for the proper support, concealment, installation or anchoring of raceways, outlets, or other electrical equipment shall be performed in a careful manner, and shall be pre-approved by the Project Manager. B. All openings made in fire-rated walls, floors, or ceilings shall be sealed and made tight in a manner to conform to the fire rating for the barrier penetrated. Reference specification section 07841 for additional information. C. All penetrations required through completed concrete construction shall be core drilled at minimum size required. All penetrations in concrete require an x-ray or ground penetrating radar to determine if the location is clear of reinforcing steel and embedded systems. Precautions shall be taken when drilling to prevent damage to structural concrete. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16010 - 7 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16010 - BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS 3.03 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS A. 3.04 Coordinate electrical systems, equipment, and material installation with other building components. If the Contractor furnishes equipment of a different size, the Contractor shall furnish and install the proper fuses, circuit breaker, disconnect switch, wire and conduit required for the equipment furnished, at no additional cost to the Owner, and as deemed acceptable by the DIA Project Manager. PROGRESS OF WORK A. 3.05 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Order the progress of electrical work to conform to the progress of the work of the other trades. Complete the entire installation as soon as the condition of the sites will permit. Any cost resulting from defective or ill-timed work performed under this Division shall be borne by the Contractor. ELECTRICAL COMPLETION A. Indoctrination of Operating and Maintenance Personnel: Furnish the services of a qualified representative of the supplier of each item or system itemized below who shall instruct specific personnel, as designated by the Owner, in the operation and maintenance of that item or system. 1. Instruction shall be given when the particular system is complete, shall be of the number of hours indicated, and at the time requested by the Owner. A representative of the Contractor shall be present for all demonstrations. Systems ------------------------------------- B. Hours Of Instruction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating and Maintenance Manuals and Parts Lists: Deliver three complete operating & maintenance manuals and parts lists in three ring binders to the Owner at the time of the above required indoctrination. The information shall be provided on the manufacturer’s original data sheets. Fully explain the contents of the manuals as part of required indoctrination and instruct the Owner's personnel in the correct procedure in obtaining service, both during and after the guarantee period. 1. The operating and maintenance manuals and parts lists shall give complete information as to whom the Owner shall contact for service and parts. Include address and phone number. Furnish evidence that an authorized service organization regularly carries a complete stock of repair parts for these items (or systems), and that the organization is available for service. Service shall be furnished within 24 hours after requested. C. Operating and Acceptance Tests: Provide all labor, instruments, and equipment for the performance of tests as specified below and elsewhere in these specifications for all applicable equipment furnished and installed as part of this contracts. Submit three copies of test reports to the Project Manager for his approval. D. Clean Up: Remove all materials, scrap, etc., relative to the electrical installation, and leave the premises and all equipment, lamps, fixtures, etc. in a clean, orderly condition. Clean all electrical equipment, such as switchboards, panel boards, luminaries etc. of construction dirt, dust, etc. and touch-up or repaint all scratches, blemishes, rust spots etc. to its original condition. Any costs to the Owner for clean up of the site will be charged against the Contractor. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16010 - 8 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16010 - BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 E. Acceptance Demonstration: Upon completion of the work, at a time to be designated by the Project Manager, the Contractor shall demonstrate for the Owner the operation of the entire installation, including all systems provided or modified under this contract. F. Final Acceptance by the Owner will not occur until all operating instructions are received and Owner's personnel have been thoroughly indoctrinated in the maintenance and operation of all equipment. PART 4 - MEASUREMENT 4.01 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT A. No separate measurement shall be made for work under this Section. PART 5 - PAYMENT 5.01 PAYMENT A. No separate payment will be made for work under this Section. The cost of the work described in this Section shall be included in the Lump Sum Contract price. END OF SECTION 16010 ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16010 - 9 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16015 - ELECTRICAL DEMOLITION DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 SECTION 16015 ELECTRICAL DEMOLITION PART 1 – GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. 1.02 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.03 Drawings, General and Special Conditions, Division 1 - General Requirements and other applicable technical specifications apply to work of this Section. RELATED SECTIONS A. 1.04 The work specified in this section consists of performing electrical demolition. Division 16 - All sections. REFERENCE STANDARDS A. Comply with the requirements of the reference standards noted herein and in Section 16010 except where more stringent requirements are listed herein or otherwise required by the Contract Documents PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 PRODUCT A. Provide construction tools, equipment materials and supplies of the type and quantities that will facilitate the timely execution of the work. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PROCEDURES A. Existing electrical systems shall not be abandoned in place except as authorized in writing by the Project Manager or as shown on the drawings. B. No area; new, remodeled, or existing shall be without a fully operational electrical system, except for scheduled outages. C. The contractor shall remove, relocate or replace any electrical equipment or systems as required for installation of any structural, mechanical or plumbing equipment, D. Maintain all existing electrical, control, communication and signaling systems to the extent required by the owner. E. Methods for maintaining the existing system in operation and for providing temporary systems shall be designed to assure complete safety. Requirements for protection, support and in-service maintenance of these systems shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16015 - 1 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16015 - ELECTRICAL DEMOLITION DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 F. Where remodel or demolition interferes with circuits outside of the work area, schedule outages to rework the circuits as required. G. All items that are removed and not designated by the Project Manager to be used or turned over to the owner shall be removed from the airport. PART 4 - MEASUREMENT 4.01 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT A. No separate measurement shall be made for work under this Section. PART 5 - PAYMENT 5.01 PAYMENT A. No separate payment will be made for work under this Section. The cost of the work described in this Section shall be included in the Lump Sum Contract price. END OF SECTION 16015 ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16015 - 2 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16110 - RACEWAYS AND FITTINGS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 SECTION 16110 RACEWAYS AND FITTINGS PART 1 – GENERAL 1.01 1.02 SUMMARY A. Rigid metal conduit and fittings. B. Intermediate metal conduit - Not Acceptable. C. Electrical metallic tubing and fittings. D. Flexible steel conduit and fittings. E. Liquid-tight flexible steel conduit and fittings. F. Non-metallic rigid conduit and fittings. G. Innerduct RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.03 1.04 Drawings, General and Special Conditions, Division 1 – General Requirements and other applicable technical specifications apply to work of this Section. RELATED SECTIONS A. Division 1 – Cutting and Patching. B. Division 16 – All sections. REFERENCE STANDARDS A. Comply with the requirements of the reference standards noted herein, except where more stringent requirements are listed herein or otherwise required by the Contract Documents. 1. ANSI C80.1 – Rigid Steel Conduit, Zinc-Coated. 2. ANSI C80.3 – Electrical Metallic Tubing, Zinc-Coated. 3. ANSI/NEMA FB 1 – Fittings and Supports for Conduit and Cable Assemblies. 4. FS WW-C-566 – Specification for Flexible Metal Conduit. 5. NEMA RN 1 – PVC Externally-Coated Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit and Electrical Metallic Tubing 6. NEMA TC-3 PVC fittings for use with rigid PVC conduits. 7. NEMA TC 15 PVC Fiber Optic Innerduct. 8. All equipment furnished under this section shall carry a listing from an independent testing lab such as UL or an equivalent. PART 2 - PRODUCTS ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16110 - 1 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16110 - RACEWAYS AND FITTINGS 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 RIGID METAL CONDUIT AND FITTINGS A. Rigid Steel Conduit B. PVC Externally Coated Conduit: rigid steel conduit with external 40 mil PVC coating and internal galvanized surface. C. Fittings and Conduit Bodies: threaded type, steel or malleable iron. PVC coated fittings and conduit bodies. ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING (EMT) AND FITTINGS A. EMT: galvanized tubing. B. Fittings, Conduit Bodies, couplings, and connectors: steel or malleable iron FLEXIBLE STEEL CONDUIT AND FITTINGS A. Conduit: steel. B. Fittings and Conduit Bodies: steel or malleable iron. LIQUID-TIGHT FLEXIBLE CONDUIT AND FITTINGS A. Conduit: Flexible steel conduit with PVC jacket. B. Fittings and Conduit Bodies: steel or malleable iron. NON METALLIC RIGID CONDUIT AND FITTINGS A. Conduit: Schedule 40 PVC. B. Fittings and Conduit Bodies CONDUIT SUPPORTS A. 2.07 Conduit Clamps, Straps, and Supports: Steel or malleable iron. In accordance with Section 16190 INNERDUCT A. 2.08 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Inner duct, meeting or exceeding the following requirements, shall be used to partition conduit 1. Melting point: 260¼ F., minimum. 2. Tensile yield strength: 3600 psi/sq. in., minimum 3. Brittleness temperature, maximum: -140¼ F. 4. Heat distortion temperature: 170¼ F minimum. PROHIBITED MATERIALS A. Intermediate conduits B. Aluminum conduit, Zinc Die Cast boxes and fittings ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16110 - 2 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16110 - RACEWAYS AND FITTINGS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 C. Power poles. D. Non metallic flexible conduit. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 3.02 CONDUIT SIZING, ARRANGEMENT, AND SUPPORT A. Size conduit for conductor type installed or for Type THHN conductors, whichever is larger; 3/4-inch minimum size, ½” minimum size for all tenant work. For communication 1 inch is the minimum B. Arrange conduit to maintain headroom and present a neat appearance. Refer to Section 16010 for coordination requirements. C. Arrange conduit supports to prevent distortion of alignment by wire pulling operations. Fasten conduit using galvanized straps, lay-in adjustable hangers, clevis hangers, or bolted split stamped galvanized hangers. D. Maintain a minimum of six inches (6”) between conduit and other piping. Maintain twelve inches (12”) clearance between conduit and a heat source such as heating pipes, exhaust flues and heating appliances. E. Group conduit in parallel runs where practical and use conduit rack constructed of steel channel with conduit straps or clamps. Provide space for 25 percent additional conduit. F. Do not support conduit from cable tray or cable tray supports. G. Support conduit at a maximum of 8 feet on center, within two feet of a box or fitting, and at each change of direction. H. All vibrating equipment such as motors, transformers, and generators shall be connected with flexible steel conduit, not to exceed six feet in length. I. Flexible conduit shall not be less than one-half (1/2) inch except when supplied with lighting fixtures. J. When anchoring to a dual sheet metal pan deck and concrete, anchors of any type when placed from below the deck shall be placed only in the lower pan form. No anchors shall be installed in the upper (high) pan. K. X-ray or ground penetrating radar studies shall be made of concrete floors, walls or CMU walls. CONDUIT INSTALLATION A. Use only factory cast hubs for fastening conduit to cast boxes, and use steel or malleable iron hubs for fastening conduit to sheet metal boxes or equipment in damp or wet locations. B. All exposed and concealed conduit runs shall be squared with the building lines. Use conduit bodies to make changes in direction around beams or columns. C. Avoid moisture traps where possible; where unavoidable, provide junction box with drain fitting at conduit low point. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16110 - 3 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16110 - RACEWAYS AND FITTINGS 3.03 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 D. Use suitable conduit caps to protect installed conduit against entrance of dirt and moisture during construction. E. Provide a 200 lb. Nylon measuring pull string in all empty conduits. F. Use PVC-coated rigid steel factory elbows for bends greater than 45 degrees in plastic conduit runs. G. Exposed conduits to be rigid steel to 8'-0" above floor, deck or grating except in electrical, communications and mechanical rooms. H. Conduit stubbed up shall be two inches above slab or house keeping pad and the empty conduits shall be capped. Under freestanding equipment conduits with conductors shall be sealed with duct seal. I. Flexible steel conduit runs shall not exceed 3’ in length when connecting equipment, 6' in length when connecting light fixtures or when fished in hallow spaces with written approval by Project Manager and shall contain a grounding conductor. J. Raceways shall not be installed in stairways or on the exterior of any building. K. Electrical installations in hollow spaces, vertical shafts, and ventilation or air-handling ducts shall be so made that the possible spread of fire or products of combustion will not be substantially increased. Openings around electrical penetrations through fire-resistantrated walls, partitions, floors or ceilings shall be fire stopped using UL approved, classified, listed or labeled material and/or methods to maintain the fire resistant rating. CONDUIT INSTALLATION SCHEDULE A. Underground Installations More Than Five Feet From Foundation Wall: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) conduit Schedule 40. All bends greater than 45 degrees in non-metallic conduit shall be galvanized rigid steel conduit with a factory coating of polyvinyl chloride (PVC). B. Installation In Concrete Slab: Not allowed. C. In Slab Above Grade: Not allowed. D. Wet Interior Locations: Rigid steel. E. Concealed Dry Interior Locations: Electrical metallic tubing. PART 4 - MEASUREMENT 4.01 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT A. No separate measurement shall be made for work under this Section. PART 5 - PAYMENT 5.01 PAYMENT A. No separate payment will be made for work under this Section. The cost of the work described in this Section shall be included in the Lump Sum Contract price. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16110 - 4 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16110 - RACEWAYS AND FITTINGS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 END OF SECTION 16110 ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16110 - 5 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16120 - WIRES AND CABLES DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 SECTION 16120 WIRES AND CABLES PART 1 – GENERAL 1.01 1.02 SUMMARY A. Building wire. B. Cable. C. Wiring connections and terminations. RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.03 RELATED SECTIONS A. 1.04 1.07 Comply with the requirements of the reference standards noted herein, except where more stringent requirements are listed herein or otherwise required by the Contract Documents. SUBMITTALS (REFER TO SECTIONS 01300 AND 01340) A. 1.06 Division 16 - All Sections. REFERENCE STANDARDS A. 1.05 Drawings, General and Special Conditions, Division 1 - General Requirements and other applicable technical specifications apply to work of this Section. Submit shop drawings and product data under the provisions of Division 1. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Verify that field measurements are as shown on Drawings. B. Where wire and cable routing is not shown, and destination only is indicated, determine exact routing and lengths required by field verification. COORDINATION A. Coordinate Work under provisions of Section 16010. B. Determine required separation between wiring and other work. C. Determine routing to avoid interference with other work. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 BUILDING WIRE A. All conductors shall be copper. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16120 - 1 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16120 - WIRES AND CABLES B. 2.02 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 All building wire and cable shall be installed in an approved raceway. REMOTE CONTROL AND SIGNAL CABLE A. Control Cable for Class 1 Remote Control and Signal Circuits: Copper conductor, 600 volt insulation, individual conductors twisted together, shielded, and covered with a PVC jacket. B. Control Cable for Class 2 or Class 3 Remote Control and Signal Circuits: Copper conductor, individual conductors twisted together, shielded, and covered with a PVC jacket; UL listed. C. All power, control, data, communication and signal wire or cable shall be installed in an approved raceway. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 3.02 3.03 GENERAL WIRING METHODS A. Minimum wire size shall be based on the over current protection device and as governed by the NEC. B. Size circuit conductor for 20 ampere, 120- volt and 277-volt branch circuit home runs for a maximum of 3% voltage drop. C. Place an equal number of conductors for each phase in the same raceway or cable. D. Neatly train and lace wiring inside boxes, equipment, and panel boards. Make temporary connections to panel board devices with sufficient slack conductor to facilitate reconnections required for balancing loads between phases. E. Where harmonic currents exist on circuits, that supply electric discharge lighting, data processing or similar equipment, a full size neutral conductor shall be provided for each single-phase circuit. F. Verify raceways are open, continuous and clear of debris before installing cables. WIRING INSTALLATION IN RACEWAYS A. Pull all conductors into a raceway at the same time. Use a listed wire pulling lubricant for pulling No. 4 AWG and larger wires. B. Install wire in raceway after interior of building has been physically protected from the weather and all mechanical work likely to injure conductors has been completed. C. Completely and thoroughly swab raceway system before installing conductors. D. Conductors shall not be pulled in concrete encased conduits before concrete is placed. CABLE INSTALLATION A. Provide protection for exposed cables where subject to damage. B. Use suitable cable fittings and connectors. C. All cable shall be racked and supported in manholes. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16120 - 2 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16120 - WIRES AND CABLES 3.04 3.05 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 D. Pulling winches and other necessary pulling equipment shall be of adequate capacity to ensure a continuous pull on the cable. Strain gages shall be used to monitor the cable pulling tension. E. Cable and Wire pulling lubricants that are non-corrosive and harmless to hands and clothes shall be used. Lubricants shall be compatible with cable jackets and insulation. WIRING CONNECTION AND TERMINATIONS A. Splice only in accessible junction and outlet boxes. B. For No. 8 AWG and smaller, use insulated spring wire connectors with plastic caps. C. Use irreversible compression for copper wire splices and taps, No. 6 AWG and larger. Tape un-insulated conductors and connectors with electrical tape to 150 percent of the insulation value of conductor – protect edges from wear. D. Thoroughly clean wires before installing lugs and connectors. E. All control cable and conductor splices shall be made on numbered terminal strips. Wire nuts are not acceptable for control cable and conductor splices. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Field inspection and testing will be performed under provisions of Division 1. B. Inspect wire and cable for physical damage and proper connection. C. Torque conductor connections and terminations to manufacturer's recommended values. D. Perform continuity test on all feeder and branch circuit conductors. Verify proper phasing connections. E. Verify cables are colored coded and labeled according to contract documents. F. Prior to energizing, all building service cables, feeders to and/or from transformers, switchboards and panel boards are to be tested with a 500-volt insulation megohm meter to determine insulation resistance levels. All field test data is to be recorded, corrected to a baseline temperature and furnished to the DIA Project Manager. A test is to include meggering for one minute between conductors and between each conductor and ground. Cables are to be meggered after installation with cables disconnected at both ends. Insulation test values shall meet or exceed the values given below. Conductor Size (AWG or k CMIL) 12-8 6-2/0 3/0-750 3.06 Resistance (Megohms-1,000 ft) 200-MOhms 100-MOhms 100-MOhms WIRE AND CABLE INSTALLATION SCHEDULE A. Concealed Interior Locations: in approved raceways. B. Exposed Interior Locations: in approved raceways. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16120 - 3 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16120 - WIRES AND CABLES 3.07 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 C. Above Accessible Ceilings: in approved raceways. D. Wet or Damp Interior Locations: in approved raceway. E. Exterior Locations: in approved raceways. F. Underground Locations: in approved raceways. G. Control data, Communication and signal cable (less than 48 volt): raceway and/or cabletray. H. MC cable, AC cable and Modular wiring are not permitted unless indicated otherwise in the contract documents or as approved by the Project Manager.. WIRE AND CABLE COLOR CODING A. Wire No. 6 AWG and smaller shall be factory color-coded. Wire No. 4 AWG and larger shall be color-coded by color taping of 6 inch length of exposed ends. 120/208 Volts 277/480 Volts A = Black A = B = Red B = C = Blue C = Neutral = White Neutral = Ground = Green Ground = Isolated Ground = Green with a yellow tracer B. Brown Orange Yellow Gray Green Fire Alarm wire and color coding: Reference Specification Section 16721. PART 4 - MEASUREMENT 4.01 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT A. No separate measurement shall be made for work under this Section. PART 5 - PAYMENT 5.01 PAYMENT A. No separate payment will be made for work under this Section. The cost of the work described in this Section shall be included in the Lump Sum Contract price. END OF SECTION 16120 ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16120 - 4 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16135 - ELECTRICAL BOXES AND BOX FITTINGS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 SECTION 16135 ELECTRICAL BOXES AND BOX FITTINGS PART 1 – GENERAL 1.01 1.02 SUMMARY A. Wall and ceiling outlet boxes. B. Floor boxes. C. Pull and junction boxes. RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.03 RELATED SECTIONS A. 1.04 1.05 Drawings, General and Special Conditions, Division 1 - General Requirements and other applicable technical specifications apply to work of this Section. Division 16 - Electrical, All Sections. REFERENCE STANDARDS A. Comply with the requirements of the reference standards noted herein, except where more stringent requirements are listed herein or otherwise required by the Contract Documents B. ANSI/NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Verify field measurements are as shown on Drawings. B. Verify locations outlets and small pull-boxes prior to rough in. C. Electrical and pull boxes are shown on Drawings in approximate locations unless dimensioned. Install at location required for box to serve intended purpose. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 OUTLET BOXES A. Sheet Metal Outlet Boxes: galvanized steel. B. Cast Boxes: Provide cover with gasket by box manufacturer. Provide threaded hubs. C. 2.02 FLOOR BOXES A. 2.03 Floor Boxes: fully adjustable. PULL AND JUNCTION BOXES ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16135 - 1 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16135 - ELECTRICAL BOXES AND BOX FITTINGS A. Sheet Metal Boxes: galvanized steel. B. Large Pull Boxes: Boxes larger than 100 cubic inches in volume or 12 inches in any dimension. C. 2.04 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 1. Interior Dry Locations: Use hinged covered enclosure. 2. Interior damp or wet locations: Use nema 3R hinged cover boxes. All boxes shall be NEMA rated for the location. EQUIPMENT AND TERMINAL BOXES A. Shall be hinged enclosures. B. All boxes shall be NEMA rated for the location. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install electrical boxes as shown on Drawings, and as required for equipment, terminal strips, splices, taps, wire pulling, equipment connections and compliance with regulatory requirements. B. Inaccessible Ceiling Areas: Install outlet and junction boxes no more than 6 inches from ceiling access panel or from removable recessed light fixture. C. Electrical installations in hollow spaces, vertical shafts, and ventilation or air-handling ducts shall be so made that the possible spread of fire or products of combustion will not be substantially increased. Openings around electrical penetrations through fire-resistantrated walls, partitions, floors or ceilings shall be firestopped using UL approved, classified, listed or labeled material and/or methods to maintain the fire resistant rating. D. Align adjacent wall-mounted outlet boxes for switches, thermostats, and similar devices with each other. E. Do not install flush mounting boxes back-to-back in walls; provide minimum 8 inch separation. F. Secure flush mounting box to interior wall and partition studs. Accurately position to allow for surface finish thickness. G. Use adjustable steel channel fasteners or all thread for hanging ceiling outlet box, support box from structure. H. Support boxes in the ceiling with ¼“ threaded rod as a minimum. I. Use appropriate gang box where more than one device is mounted together. J. Use 4 inch square box with plaster ring for single device outlets. K. Use malleable iron outlet box when surface mounted: on exterior of building, in wet location or damp location. L. Set floor boxes level. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16135 - 2 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16135 - ELECTRICAL BOXES AND BOX FITTINGS 3.02 3.03 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 M. Minimum junction and pull box size 4-11/16" x 4-11/16" x 2-1/8”. N. Minimum outlet box size 4" x 4" x 2-1/8” including feed through outlet boxes. O. Minimum junction box size for fire alarm pull stations, control module, monitor module, 4" x 4" x 2-1/8". Provide plaster ring at all pull station locations. P. Use flush mounting outlet boxes in finished areas. Q. Install knockout closure in unused box openings. INTERFACE WITH OTHER PRODUCTS A. Coordinate installation of outlet or equipment boxes for systems or products furnished under other sections. B. Coordinate mounting heights and locations of boxes or outlets so as not to be interfered with by grounding systems, electrical panels, or any other building accessory. ADJUSTING A. Adjust flush-mounting outlets to make front flush with finished wall material. B. Adjust floor box flush with floor finish. PART 4 - MEASUREMENT 4.01 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT A. No separate measurement shall be made for work under this Section. PART 5 - PAYMENT 5.01 PAYMENT A. No separate payment will be made for work under this Section. The cost of the work described in this Section shall be included in the Lump Sum Contract price. END OF SECTION 16135 ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16135 - 3 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16143 - WIRING DEVICES DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 SECTION 16143 WIRING DEVICES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 1.02 SUMMARY A. Wall switches. B. Receptacles. C. Device plates and box covers. RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.03 RELATED SECTIONS A. 1.04 Division 16 - Electrical: All Sections REFERENCE STANDARDS A. 1.05 Drawings, General and Special Conditions, Division 1 - General Requirements and other applicable technical specifications apply to work of this Section. Comply with the requirements of the reference standards noted herein, except where more stringent requirements are listed herein or otherwise required by the Contract Documents. SUBMITTALS (REFER TO SECTIONS 01300 AND 01340) A. Submit product data under provisions of Division 1. B. Provide product data showing grade, configurations, finishes, and dimensions. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 2.02 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS - WALL SWITCHES A. Hubbell B. Leviton C. Pass & Seymour D. Lutron E. General Electric WALL SWITCHES A. Wall Switches for Lighting Circuits: heavy-duty. B. Device Body: Plastic with toggle handle. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16143 - 1 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16143 - WIRING DEVICES 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 C. Voltage Rating: 120-277 volts, AC. D. 120/277 volt wall switches shall be specification grade, rated 20 ampere and totally enclosed case. E. Switch color to be gray, unless otherwise specified. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS - RECEPTACLES A. Hubbell B. Leviton C. Pass & Seymour D. General Electric RECEPTACLES A. Specification Grade grounding type Duplex Receptacles: Type 5, 20R, gray, unless otherwise specified. B. GFCI Receptacles: 20 Amp duplex convenience receptacle with integral ground fault current interrupter. C. Tamper Resistant NEMA 5-20R, UL Listed Hospital Grade. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS - WALL PLATES A. Hubbell B. Leviton C. Pass & Seymour D. Arrow & Hart E. General Electric WALL PLATES A. Decorative Cover Plate: Stainless steel SS#4 unless noted otherwise. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install wall switches 48 inches to bottom above finished floor, or as shown on drawings. B. Install convenience receptacles 18 inches to the top of box above finished floor with grounding pole on bottom. C. Install decorative plates on switch, receptacle, and blank outlets in finished areas ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16143 - 2 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16143 - WIRING DEVICES DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 D. Install devices and wall plates flush and level. E. All devices to be grounded to box with ground jumper except isolated ground receptacles. F. Install blank covers on all unused openings. G. Device plates shall be marked on the inside with adhesive label (Brady) or a fine point permanent marker indicating panel and circuit number that the device is connected to. END OF SECTION 16143 ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16143 - 3 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16190 - SUPPORTING DEVICES AND SEALS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 SECTION 16190 SUPPORTING DEVICES AND SEALS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 1.02 SUMMARY A. Raceway, cable tray and equipment supports. B. Fastening hardware. C. Wall and floor seals. RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.03 1.04 1.05 Drawings, General and Special Conditions, Division 1 - General Requirements and other applicable technical specifications apply to work of this Section. RELATED SECTIONS A. Refer to Section 16010 for coordination requirements. B. Division 16 - All Sections. REFERENCE STANDARDS A. Comply with the requirements of the reference standards noted herein, except where more stringent requirements are listed herein or otherwise required by the Contract Documents. B. NFPA - 70: National Electrical Code. QUALITY CONTROL A. Support systems shall be safe and adequate for weight of equipment and conduit, including wiring, that they carry. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIAL A. Support Channel: Hot dipped galvanized for damp or wet locations, dry locations only painted steel. B. Hardware: Corrosion-resistant steel PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Fasten hanger rods, conduit clamps, and outlet and junction boxes to building structure using precast insert system, expansion anchors, preset inserts, or beam clamps, and caddy type fasteners. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16190 - 1 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16190 - SUPPORTING DEVICES AND SEALS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 B. Use toggle bolts or hollow wall fasteners in hollow masonry, plaster, or gypsum board partitions and walls; expansion anchors or preset inserts in solid masonry walls; self-drilling anchors or expansion anchors on concrete surfaces; sheet metal screws in sheet metal studs; and wood screws in wood construction. C. Do not fasten supports to piping, ductwork, mechanical equipment, cable tray or conduit. D. Do not drill structural steel members. E. Fabricate supports from structural steel or steel channel, rigidly welded or bolted to present a neat appearance. Use hexagon head bolts with spring lock washers under all nuts. F. Install all freestanding electrical equipment on a 4" nominal concrete housekeeping pad. G. Install surface-mounted cabinets and panel boards with minimum of four anchors. H. Bridge studs top and bottom with channels to support flush-mounted cabinets and panel boards in stud walls. I. Where conduit penetrates fire-rated walls, concrete and/or masonry walls and floors, seal opening around conduit with a product listed for the purpose. J. Where conduit penetrates waterproofed floors or exterior walls subject to entry of moisture, seal annular space around conduit with a product UL listed for the purpose. K. Route conduit through roof openings provided for piping and ductwork where possible; otherwise, route through roof jack with sealant approved by the roofing manufacturer. L. Suspended conduit or box supports shall not be less than 1/4" diameter steel rod. Rod used as pedestal support is not acceptable. The contractor shall not use tie wire or wire of any type to support conduits, junction boxes or pull boxes. M. No more than five (5) 1/2" conduits, three (3) 3/4" conduits or two (2) 1" conduits shall be supported on a single 1/4" diameter steel rod. N. All conduits shall be supported by approved hangers. Supports installed and used by other trades such as duct hangers, pipe hangers, ceiling hangers, etc. shall not be used for conduit support. No conduit shall be hung from air handling duct of any type. O. Cable tray and cable tray supports shall not be used to support conduits or other equipment. Cable tray and cable tray supports “shall stand alone.” P. All light fixtures shall be independently supported at opposite corners from structure, or from trapeze supported from structure by the electrical contractor. Q. Wall-mounted fixtures shall be supported from building structure with backing support as approved by the Project Manager to prevent any damage to the wall. R. Use vibration isolation pads for vibrating equipment such as transformers. S. Plastic or fiber anchors are prohibited. T. Anchoring deeper than 1-1/2” in overhead cast in place, pre-tensioned or post-tensioned concrete is prohibited unless x-ray or ground penetrating radar study are performed and approved by the DIA Project Manager. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16190 - 2 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16190 - SUPPORTING DEVICES AND SEALS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 PART 4 - MEASUREMENT 4.01 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT A. No separate measurement shall be made for work under this Section. PART 5 - PAYMENT 5.01 PAYMENT A. No separate payment will be made for work under this Section. The cost of the work described in this Section shall be included in the Lump Sum Contract price. END OF SECTION 16190 ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16190 - 3 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16195 - ELECTRICAL IDENTIFICATION DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 SECTION 16195 ELECTRICAL IDENTIFICATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 1.02 SUMMARY A. Underground warning tape. B. Electrical power, control, signal, security, data, fiber optic, and communication conductors and raceways. C. Operational instructions and warnings. D. Danger signs. E. Equipment/system identification signs. RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.03 RELATED SECTIONS A. 1.04 Comply with the requirements of the reference standards noted herein, except where more stringent requirements are listed herein or otherwise required by the Contract Documents. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. 1.06 Division 16 - All Sections REFERENCE STANDARDS A. 1.05 Drawings, General and Special Conditions, Division 1 - General Requirements and other applicable technical specifications apply to work of this Section. Comply with "OSHA" sign standards for danger, caution, warning, etc. SUBMITTALS (REFER TO SECTIONS 01300 AND 01340) A. Submit product data under provisions of Division 1. B. Include schedule for all specified applications of electrical identification. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 ELECTRICAL IDENTIFICATION MATERIALS General: The manufacturer's standard products of categories and types required are to be used for each application. A. Underground Type Plastic Detectable Line Marker: ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16195 - 1 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16195 - ELECTRICAL IDENTIFICATION 1. B. C. 1. For wire/cables smaller than No. 2/0 use manufacturer's standard vinyl-cloth selfadhesive cable/conductor markers of wrap-around type, either pre-numbered plastic coated type, or write-on type with clear plastic self-adhesive cover flap are to be used and numbered to show circuit identification. 2. For cables No. 4 AWG and larger heat shrink sleeving is to be used for phase color coding. Plasticized Tags: Manufacturer's standard preprinted or partially preprinted accident-prevention and operational tags, on plasticized card stock with matte finish suitable for writing, approximately 3-1/4-inch x 5-5/8-inch, with brass grommets and wire fasteners, and with appropriate preprinted wording including large-size primary wording, e.g., DANGER, CAUTION, DO NOT OPERATE. Baked Enamel Danger Signs: 1. E. Manufacturer's standard permanent red, continuous-printed plastic tape with a metalized foil core, intended for direct-burial service; not less than 3 inches wide x 4 mils thick. Printing is required on tape that most accurately indicates type of service. Wire and Cable Marker: 1. D. DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Manufacturer's standard "DANGER" signs of baked enamel finish on 20-gauge steel; of standard red, black and white graphics; 14-inch x 10-inch size except where 10inch x 7-inch is the largest size which can be applied where needed; with recognized standard explanation wording, e.g., XXXX VOLTS, KEEP AWAY, BURIED CABLE, DO NOT TOUCH SWITCH, etc. Engraved Plastic-Nameplates: 1. All electrical equipment shall be identified unless stated otherwise. Nameplate shall be laminated phenolic black letters on a white background. Nameplate for emergency equipment shall be white letters on a red background. Nameplates shall be attached with a minimum of two stainless steel machine screws. Embossed plastic adhesive (dymo) tape will not be accepted for nameplates. 2. Thickness: 1/16”, for units up to 20 square inches or 8 inches in length, 1/8 inch for larger units. 3. Provide phenolic nameplates with a minimum letter height as indicated below. Examples are given below for the size of letters to use for a given application and this not a list of the equipment to be identified. All equipment is required to be identified. a. For equipment designation: switchboards and motor control centers: 1/2 inch, panel boards: 1/4 inch. For voltage, bus ampacity, feeder source, and circuit number: 1/8 inch. b. Individual circuit breakers and or motor starters in motor control centers: For equipment designation and section number: 1/4 inch, for load served and location of load: 1/8 inch. Inside the door, a typed label shall provide complete motor data including nameplate horsepower, full load amperes, code letter, service factor, and voltage/phase rating. c. Individual breakers in switchgears and switchboards: for breaker number (address number) and equipment designation; 1/4 inch, for breaker frame size and trip setting; 1/8 inch d. Individual circuit breaker and spaces in panel boards: for numbers (section number) 1/4 inch. e. Individual circuit breakers in distribution panel boards: 1/4 inch for panel being fed and 1/8 inch for its location. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16195 - 2 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16195 - ELECTRICAL IDENTIFICATION f. g. h. i. F. DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Transformers: 1/4 inch for equipment designation and size; 1/8 inch for primary and secondary voltages, primary source and circuit number, secondary load and its location. Individual remote indicating lights, meters, instruments and control switches: 1/8 inch, indicate unit, equipment, or fire detector being monitored and condition indicated by illumination. Individual switches and pilots: 1/8 inch, identify mechanical unit being served. Disconnects, relay panels, lighting contactors: 1/4 inch for 1/8 inch for voltage and source circuit number. 4. . 5. All branch circuit panel boards shall have a typed panel schedule indicating the type of equipment served and its location. Contractors name and date. Lettering and Graphics: 1. Numbers, lettering and wording as required or as recommended by manufacturer or as required for proper identification and operation/maintenance of electrical systems and equipment shall be used. Gothic letters shall be provided. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 APPLICATION AND INSTALLATION A. General Installation Requirements: 1. B. C. System Color Coding Schedule: 1. Where electrical emergency power is exposed, conduit shall be painted with “RED” stripes on each section every 5 feet of electrical conduit (visible from the floor or above a suspended ceiling) and within 3 feet of all equipment. ). All junction or pull boxes shall have the cover painted red. 2. Paging system conduits shall have “GREEN” bands painted, 5’ on centers for the entire length of conduit run. All junction or pull boxes shall have the cover painted green with the associated zone number written neatly on the box cover with permanent marker. 3. Security system conduits shall have “BLUE” bands painted, 5’ on centers for the entire length. All junction or pull boxes shall have the cover painted blue. 4. Temperature control conduits shall have “BROWN” bands painted, 5’ on centers for the entire length. All junction or pull boxes shall have the cover painted brown. 5. Closed circuit television (CCTV) conduits shall have YELLOW bands, painted 5’ on center for the entire length. All junction or pull boxes shall have the cover painted yellow. 6. Fire Alarm conduit shall be a continuous red factory finish Underground Conduit and Duct bank Identification: 1. D. Laminated plastic nameplates shall be fastened with two machine screws. During back-filling/top-soiling of each exterior underground conduit and ductbank, a continuous underground red detectable type line marker, located directly over conduit or duct bank at a maximum of 12 inches below finished grade or 4 inches below paving, shall be provided. Cable/Conductor Identification: ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16195 - 3 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16195 - ELECTRICAL IDENTIFICATION 1. E. F. 1. On the cover of each junction box or pull box: the panel name and circuit number(s) of the enclosed conductors are to be legibly written with a black permanent ink broad tip marking pen. The system shall be identified for: FO (fiber optics), CCTV (closed circuit television), PA (paging system), RF (radio frequency), FA (fire alarm) , EM (emergency work) TC (temperature control). 2. Covers for emergency system junction boxes and pull boxes shall be painted red. 3. Covers for the Fire Alarm System junction boxes and pull boxes shall be painted red. Operational Identification and Warnings: I. Wherever required to ensure safe and efficient operation and maintenance of electrical systems, and electrically connected mechanical systems and general systems and equipment, including prevention of misuse of electrical facilities by unauthorized personnel, self-adhesive plastic signs or similar equivalent identification, instruction or warnings on switches, outlets and other controls, devices and covers of electrical enclosures shall be provided. Where detailed instructions or explanations are needed, provide plasticized tags with clearly written messages adequate for intended purposes. Danger Signs: 1. H. The application of cable/conductor identification, with circuit number, on each wire / cable in each box/enclosure/cabinet is required. The identification shall match the marking system used in panel boards, shop drawings, and contract documents. Junction Box and Pull Box Identification: 1. G. DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Critical Switches/Controls: Danger signs shall be provided on switches and similar controls, regardless of whether concealed or locked up, where untimely or inadvertent operation could result in danger to persons, or damage to equipment, or damage to or loss of property. Caution Signs: 1. The following red caution sign is to be provided for all circuit breakers and switchboards where turning off a circuit will automatically start an emergency operation: a. "Caution Turning Off this Circuit will Automatically Start Emergency Operation” 2. The following red caution sign is to be provided for all automatic transfer switches, switches, circuit breakers, equipment, and emergency panels that are energized by the emergency power system: a. "Caution Automatically Energized by Emergency Power Supply System" Equipment/System Identification: 1. An engraved plastic-laminated sign is to be provided on each unit of electrical equipment furnished; including central or master unit of each electrical system including communication/control/signal/alarm systems. Provide single line of text, letter height as specified, black lettering on white field for normal and white letters on a red field for emergency. Provide text matching terminology and numbering of the contract documents and shop drawings. The sign shall include unit designation, source circuit number, circuit voltage, and other data specifically indicated. Also, the sign shall indicate normal source circuit number ("Fed from . . .") and emergency source circuit number when the equipment is a transfer switch or fed directly from a transfer switch. Include signs for each unit of the following categories of electrical work: List is not inclusive. a. Switchboards, panel boards (include main bus ampacity on sign), electrical ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16195 - 4 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16195 - ELECTRICAL IDENTIFICATION b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. J. 3.02 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 cabinets and enclosures. Access panel/doors to electrical facilities. Major electrical switchgear (include main bus ampacity on sign). Disconnect switch. Push buttons, selector switches, indicating lights. (Circuit number and voltage not required on sign). Power transfer equipment: Contactors and transfer switches. Transformers. (Include primary and secondary voltages) Battery racks. Power generating units. Telephone cabinets and switching equipment. (Circuit number and voltage not required on sign.) Fire alarm panels. Security monitoring master station. Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS). Relays Lighting contactors Individual distribution circuit breakers 2. The installation of signs are required at locations indicated or, where not otherwise indicated, at location for best convenience of viewing without interference with operation and maintenance of equipment. The sign shall be secured to the substrate with fasteners, except use adhesive where fasteners should not or cannot penetrate substrate. 3. All panel boards shall have a typed panel schedule indicating the date, contractor, type of equipment served and its location. Equipment Designation (See Next Page) ELECTRICAL PANEL NAMING CONVENTIONS NAMING ELECTRICAL PANELS for Grounds & Outlying Buildings Use DIA utility map for main and secondary grids Example: L-13F4TDEH1-A L-13 Utility map book page location choices: A through FF (West to East) and 1 through 31 (South to North) F4 Location grid on above page choices: A through J (West to East) and 1 through 10 (North to South) T Indicates AIRLINE TENANT, or R for Retail / Food and Beverage tenant or panel if appropriate choices: T or R [TENANT] or blank [no space] if DIA D Indicates distribution panel if appropriate choices: D [DISTRIBUTION] or blank [no space] if NOT DISTRIBUTION E Indicates panel feeder function choices: E [EMERGENCY] or ES[ESSENTIAL POWER] or U [UPS origin]. H Panel voltage choices: H = 600 or 480Y/277 or L = 208Y/120 or 240/120 1 Sequence number of this panel supplied from this source choices: 1…N -A Sub-fed panel suffix, if appropriate choices: -A …as required NAMING ELECTRICAL PANELS for Concourse Buildings and Tunnel System Example: B-AW1TDEL1-A B- Concourse letter choices: A through C (South to North) A Floor choices: T [tunnel] or B [basement] or A [apron] or C [concourse] or M [mezzanine] or 4 [fourth floor] or 5 [fifth floor] or R [roof] ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16195 - 5 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16195 - ELECTRICAL IDENTIFICATION W1 T D E L 1 -A DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 Core area choices: CE [center core east side] or CW [center core west side} or E1 … E3 [sub-core number east of center core] or W1 … W3 [sub-core number west of center core] Indicates AIRLINE TENANT, or R for Retail / Food and Beverage tenant or panel if appropriate choices: T or R [TENANT] or blank [no space] if DIA Indicates distribution panel if appropriate choices: D [DISTRIBUTION] or blank [no space] if NOT DISTRIBUTION Indicates panel feeder function choices: E [EMERGENCY] or ES[ESSENTIAL POWER] or U [UPS origin] Panel voltage choices: H = 600 or 480Y/277 or L = 208Y/120 or 240/120 Sequence number of this panel supplied from this source choices: 1…N Sub-fed panel suffix, if appropriate choices: -A …as required NAMING ELECTRICAL PANELS for Terminal, AOB & Parking Structures Example: 6-11CTDEL2-A Floor choices: T [tunnel] or 1 through 11, depending on building 611C Module designation (see Architectural designation) choices: 01 through 15 and A through D Indicates AIRLINE TENANT, or R for Retail / Food and Beverage tenant or panel if T appropriate choices: T or R [TENANT] or blank [no space] if DIA Indicates distribution panel if appropriate choices: D D [DISTRIBUTION] or blank [no space] if NOT DISTRIBUTION Indicates panel feeder function choices: E [EMERGENCY] or [ES ESSENTIAL POWER] E or U [UPS origin] Panel voltage choices: H = 600 or 480Y/277 or L = 208Y/120 or 240/120 L Sequence number of this panel supplied from this source choices: 1…N 2 -A Sub-fed panel suffix, if appropriate choices: -A …as required Naming Disconnects and Transformers Disconnects shall have the same as the equipment they serve. Transformers shall have the same name as the low-voltage panel they supply power to with the extension of -X PART 4 - MEASUREMENT 4.01 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT A. No separate measurement shall be made for work under this Section. PART 5 - PAYMENT 5.01 PAYMENT A. No separate payment will be made for work under this Section. The cost of the work described in this Section shall be included in the Lump Sum Contract price. END OF SECTION 16195 ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16195 - 6 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16470 - PANELBOARDS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 SECTION 16470 PANELBOARDS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 1.02 SUMMARY A. Distribution panelboards. B. Lighting and appliance branch circuit panelboards. C. Where a panel is installed, at least 25% of panel capacity, including distribution panel capacity, shall remain as spare capacity after project completion. D. Where existing panels are used for additional work, when three (3) or less spaces remain a new panel shall be installed. RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.03 RELATED SECTIONS A. 1.04 1.05 1.06 Drawings, General and Special Conditions, Division 1 - General Requirements and other applicable technical specifications apply to work of this Section. Division 16 - Electrical: All Sections. REFERENCE STANDARDS A. Comply with the requirements of the reference standards noted herein, except where more stringent requirements are listed herein or otherwise required by the Contract Documents. B. NEMA AB 1 - Molded Case Circuit Breakers. C. NEMA PB 1 - Panelboards. D. NEMA PB 1.1 - Instructions for Safe Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Panelboards Rated 600 Volts or Less. E. NFPA 70, National Electrical Code as amended by the Denver Building Code. SUBMITTALS (REFER TO SECTIONS 01300 AND 01340) A. Submit shop drawings and product data for equipment and component devices under provisions of Section 16010. B. Include outline and support point dimensions, voltage, main bus ampacity, integrated short circuit ampere rating, circuit breaker arrangement and sizes. SPARE PARTS A. Keys: Furnish a spare set of each to the Owner. PART 2 - PRODUCTS ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16470 - 1 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16470 - PANELBOARDS 2.01 2.02 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. Cutler Hammer. B. General Electric. C. Square-D. GENERAL A. Reference to Cutler Hammer Electric Corporation in this Section of the specifications is for the purpose of establishing a level of quality and features. Other manufacturers as listed or accepted by substitution provisions of Division 1, Section 01630 are acceptable provided that they comply with the criteria. B. Panelboards shall be bolt-on circuit breaker type conforming to NEMA PB1. Panelboards identified for use as service entrance equipment shall be labeled as service equipment. Panelboards shall be dead front, safety type with circuit breakers of the quantities, ratings, and types indicated on the drawings and specified herein. C. Enclosures shall be at least 20 inches wide made from galvanized sheet steel in the sizes and NEMA types indicated, code gauge, minimum 16 gauge thickness. Provide minimum gutter space in accordance with the National Electrical Code. Where feeder cables supplying the mains of a panel are carried through its box to supply other electrical equipment, the box shall be sized to include the additional required wiring space. At least four interior mounting studs with adjustable nuts shall be provided. Boxes shall be provided with removable blank ends. The same manufacturer as the panelboard shall fabricate enclosures. D. Interiors shall be completely factory assembled with bolt-on circuit breaker type devices. They shall be designed such that switching and protective devices can be replaced without disturbing adjacent units and without removing the main bus connectors. E. Full size insulated, copper, neutral busbars shall be provided. The neutral busbar shall be twice the size of the phase busbars on all non-linear load Panelboards with a corresponding increase in the size of the grounded conductor back to the supply. Neutral bussing shall have a suitable lug for each outgoing feeder requiring a neutral connection. F. All phase, neutral and ground busbars shall be plated copper and sized in accordance with UL standards to limit temperature rise on any current carrying part to a maximum of 50oC above an ambient of 40oC maximum (Includes all termination assemblies). Busbar taps for panels with single pole breakers shall be arranged for sequence phasing of the branch circuit devices. Any material substituted for copper will not be accepted. G. A copper ground busbar shall be included in all panels, switchboards and motor control centers. H. Panelboards feeding isolated ground receptacles shall contain copper phase busbars, copper neutral busbar, copper ground (equipment) busbar and isolated ground busbar. I. All panelboard and switchboard cabinets shall be provided with a steel door over all circuit breaker handles. Trims shall be of code thickness, complete with concealed butt hinges, and latch and lock assembly made of steel in the edge of the door trim. Each circuit section shall be provided with a permanently fixed engraved number. Panelboards shall have a typed written directory mounted within a metal frame with transparent protective covering ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16470 - 2 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16470 - PANELBOARDS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 inside of cabinet door. All panelboard enclosures shall be keyed alike. Doors over 48 inches in height shall have auxiliary fasteners. 2.03 2.04 J. Surfaces of the trim assembly shall be properly cleaned, and a finish coat of gray ANSI 61 paint applied. Surface trims shall be same height and width as box. Flush trims shall overlap the box by 3/4 of an inch on all sides. K. In all instances where a contractor installs or disconnects a circuit in any panel, a newly typed dated panel schedule with the contractors name shall be furnished. Circuit breakers or disconnect switches in distribution panelboards and switchboards shall have nameplates permanently attached with machine screws indicating the load being fed. L. In all cases where the conductor to be connected to the busbar is 1/0 or larger cable, the connection shall be made with a 2-hole compression lug. Torque all lug, wire and bus terminations to the manufacturers recommendation using a micrometer type wrench. M. Short circuit ratings shall be as shown on the drawings. N. All panelboards shall have National lock assembly, keyed to a number “WEM-2” key, and the latch and lock assembly shall be made of steel. DISTRIBUTION PANELBOARDS A. Distribution panelboards and the devices contained therein shall be fully rated, or (series / integrated rated as required to meet existing conditions). B. Bolt-on, molded-case, main and branch circuit breaker of the types specified herein, shall be provided for each circuit with toggle handles that indicate when the breaker has tripped. Where multiple-pole breakers are required, a factory installed common trip is required so an overload on one pole will trip all poles simultaneously. C. Circuit breakers shall provide complete circuit overcurrent protection by having inverse time and instantaneous tripping characteristics, and where applicable, be current limiting. Circuit breaker interrupting capacities shall be as indicated on the drawings or as specified hereinafter. Where applicable, circuit breakers shall be listed for series application. D. Breakers 600 ampere frame and below shall be thermal-magnetic trip with inverse time current characteristics and shall be Cutler Hammer Series C. E. Breakers with frame sizes above 600 amperes shall be Cutler Hammer Series C with solidstate trip complete with built-in current transformers, solid-state trip unit and flux transfer shunt trip. Breakers shall have trip rating plugs with ratings as indicated on the drawings. Rating plugs shall be interlocked so they are NOT interchangeable between frames and interlocked such that a breaker cannot be latched with the rating plug removed. F. Trip units shall have adjustable short time setting with a fixed instantaneous override for circuit protection. Main breakers shall be provided with additional short delay trip time adjustment for increased system coordination. G. Breakers shall have built-in test points for testing long delay, and instantaneous functions of the breaker by means of a 120 volt operated test kit. BRANCH CIRCUIT PANELBOARDS A. The Minimum Integrated Short Circuit Rating for branch circuit panelboards shall be indicated on the drawings. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16470 - 3 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16470 - PANELBOARDS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 B. Bolt-on type, heavy-duty, quick-make, quick-break, single- and multi-pole circuit breakers, of the types specified herein, shall be provided for each circuit with toggle handles that indicate when unit has tripped. C. Circuit breakers shall be thermal magnetic type with common type handle for all multiple pole circuit breakers. Circuit breakers shall be minimum 100-ampere frame and up through 100-ampere trip sizes shall take up the same pole spacing. Circuit breakers shall be UL listed as Type SWD for lighting circuits. D. 1. Circuit breaker handle locks shall be provided for all circuits that supply exit signs, emergency lights, energy management and control system (EMCS) panels and fire alarm panels. 2. Main circuit breaker, when shown, shall be vertical mounted top or bottom as required. Chassis mounted reverse fed main circuit breaker is not acceptable. Circuit breakers shall have a minimum interrupting rating of 10,000 amperes symmetrical at 240 volts and 14,000 amperes symmetrical at 480 volts. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Install panelboards plumb and flush with wall finishes, in conformance with NEMA PB 1.1. B. All new panelboards, switchboards and disconnects shall maintain a height of 6'-6" to the top unless matching height of existing equipment or approved otherwise. All electrical equipment shall be installed as close together as possible. C. Provide filler plates for unused spaces in panelboards. D. Provide a typed circuit directory frame and card with clear plastic cover for each panelboard clearly identifying the load on each circuit, equipment serviced and location. Revise directory to reflect circuiting changes required to balance phase loads. In all instances where a contractor installs or disconnects a circuit in any panel, a newly typed panel schedule shall be furnished. The new or revised panel schedule shall have the date and Contractor’s name typed at the top right hand corner. E. Stub 5 empty one-inch conduits to accessible location above ceiling out of each recessed panelboard. F. Floor mounted equipment shall be on a 4" concrete housekeeping pad. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Measure steady state load currents at each panelboard feeder. Should the difference between phases at any panelboard exceed 20 percent, rearrange circuits in the panelboard to balance the phase loads within 20 percent. Take care to maintain proper phasing and color code for all branch circuits. Correct panel schedule, as – built drawings, re-label all conductors and all "J" boxes containing circuits rearranged. B. Visual and Mechanical Inspection: Inspect for physical damage, proper alignment, anchorage, and grounding. Check proper installation and tightness of connections for circuit breakers, fusible switches, and fuses. C. Submit torque values for all connections with a torque schedule and witness signature. ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16470 - 4 Revision No. 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16470 - PANELBOARDS 3.03 DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELECTRICAL ROOM REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. CE 201207652 Task Order 05 PANELBOARD SCHEDULE A. Panelboards shall be furnished and equipped as follows, except as otherwise specified: Manufacturer 120/208V* 277/480V* 15-1200A** Cutler Hammer Square-D GE PRL-1 NQOB NLAB PRL-2 NEHB NHB PRL-3 or 4 Line CCB B. Panelboards may contain not more than one subfeed breaker with ratings in excess of 100A, but less than 225A. C. Distribution panelboard shall be scheduled where more than one subfeed breaker rated in excess of 100A is required, and for any panelboard containing breakers with ratings of 225A or more. PART 4 - MEASUREMENT 4.01 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT A. No separate measurement shall be made for work under this Section. PART 5 - PAYMENT 5.01 PAYMENT A. No separate payment will be made for work under this Section. The cost of the work described in this Section shall be included in the Lump Sum Contract price. END OF SECTION 16470 ISSUED FOR BID: NOVEMBER 2013 J.F. SATO & ASSOCIATES 16470 - 5 Revision No. 2012
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