Highlands Local Learning & Employment Network School Leaver’s Manual 2014 - 2015 BALLARAT Centre Against Sexual Assault ABN 39 089 584 391 Free and confidential Contact information: 5320 3933 (business hours) AFTER HOURS CRISIS CARE 1800 806 292 VR1962566 Support for Victim/Survivors of past or recent sexual assault Who are Young Carers? Young Carers are people under 25 who provide regular and sustained care to a family member with a disability, mental health issue or are in need of support because they are frail aged or have a chronic illness. Sam helps care for her dad who has a disability Michael cares for his Mum who has a mental illness What do Young Carers do? To find out more about the support available for Young Carers, call Carers Victoria on 1800 242 636 or Carer Respite and Support Services on 1800 059 059. VR1966720 No two caring roles are the same. Some Young Carers provide physical care including bathing, dressing, cooking, administering medication, whilst others may provide mental and emotional support – being there to listen, supporting and keeping an eye on someone. Young Carers make a huge contribution to their families and their communities. It’s important Young Carers know they are not alone and receive the support and information they need to help them with their caring role. Do you need advice? If you are 16 years or older you can phone for a confidential appointment to speak to a counsellor. If you: • want to chat about what’s going on in your life and your relationships • need advice about your relationship with a friend, family member or others • are feeling isolated or alone then counselling could be for you. We won’t tell you what to do or what decisions to make. Instead, we will guide you to talk about your feelings, experience and options. Ground Floor 1025 Sturt St. Ballarat VICTORIA VR1966548 Call Relationships Australia Victoria now on 5337 9222 or email [email protected] Contents Career Voyage 3 Community Agencies 31 Centrelink Services 4 Becoming Independent 35 Banking Job Services Australia 5 Information for Students 9 with Disabilities Medicare Renting Driving Voting McCallum DiVine When You Are Employed 38 National Disability Coordinator Disability Support at FEDUni Awards, Conditions & Payslips WDEA Discrimination Karden Job Watch Axis Employment Paying Tax & a Tax File Number Superannuation Local Government 16 Centre For Multicultural Youth Problems At Work Unions City of Ballarat Helpful Websites Golden Plains Central Goldfields Shire CYBA/Highlands Hotspot 42 Hepburn Moorabool Pyrenees Australian Apprenticeships 21 Contents Further Education & Training 2 41 23 Federation University Australian Catholic University Ballarat Group Training SkillsPlus BRACE Bacchus Marsh Community College Work & Learning Centre Worldskills Australia Learn Local Centres Volunteering 43 Notes 44 ABOUT CAREER VOYAGE Designed as a tool to effectively and efficiently work with you, Career Voyage delivers excellent results. This carefully designed and researched software helps young people and adults make the best career decisions. In five easy steps you gain invaluable insights and reports including a personal profile, specific job suggestions (with accompanying occupational information), action planning and Resume/CV writing. Easy to use and suitable for all levels of ability, Career Voyage is highly reliable and also offers the possibility to detach inconvenient occupations for people living with disabilities. Career Voyage takes you through a five stage process: 1. S e ct ion Cho ice You choose the appropriate level of education and training by selecting one of five levels. These levels range from minimum education and training to university graduate level. The language used, items presented and jobs suggested have been thoroughly researched to suit each level. 2. Oc cupational Interest Guide An interactive questionnaire asks you about your occupational interests as they relate to the world of work. An occupational interest profile is produced for you with clear, specific and supportive graphical and text information. The practitioner can enter the Adviser screen and check your results for problems needing attention. The Adviser report outlines any particular concerns and suggests appropriate courses of action. Printable interest profile reports for both you and the adviser are available.. 3. J o b Sugge stions You move on to a second interactive questionnaire involving a further eighty job factors (including working conditions, health, talents, working hours, etc). Completion of this section leads to twenty job suggestions, based on what you have said about yourself. Each job suggestion has key information about that job. Using software features such as ‘Pros and Cons’ of each job, ‘Similar Jobs’, ‘Other Jobs’ (ie those not originally listed as suggestions), together with the flexibility to change aspects of the results, you can interrogate the jobs database and develop realistic career plans. 5. Re sum e Writing You read and discover the important and necessary sections of successful resumes. There are sample cover letters and resumes to download along with helpful tips and information on what information to include, and more importantly what to leave out. If you would like to book in a FREE session, please contact Lisa Howlett on 5336 5018, 0419 512 027 or [email protected] Care er Voy age 4. Re sea rc h a nd A ction Planni n g 3 3 Centrelink Services OPTIONS TO KEEP IN MIND If you are under 21, have left school before completing Year 12, and you don’t plan to do further study or training, you will be assessed for your eligibility to receive income support from Centrelink. If you can’t find a job you will need to consider whether you’ll be better off going back to school or doing some other study or training course. Make sure you talk through your options with your parents, a teacher you relate to well, your MIPs co-ordinator, school counsellor, careers advisor or youth service staff. These contacts are still available even after you leave school. CENTRELINK AT YOUR SERVICE Centrelink is an agency which delivers a range of government services to the Australian community including jobseekers, students, people who are sick or those who have a disability. It also provides a range of payments to families. Centrelink offers young people a ‘one stop shop’ for information and assistance including income support and employment assistance, career information and job search facilities. CENTRELINK YOUTH & STUDENT SERVICES Centrelink offers a range of services to meet the different needs of young people. Whether you’re studying, training, doing an apprenticeship or looking for work, Centrelink’s Youth and Student Services can help you. Making decisions about your future can be daunting. There are so many things to think about. Do you want to return to school? Do you want to do a course at TAFE or go to uni? Are you ready for work? What sort of work do you want to do? How do you go about finding work? Centr elink Se rv ice s 4 Whatever you decide to do after school, Centrelink can help you. Even if you don’t know what you want to do, Centrelink can still help you to work through your options and reach a decision. Centrelink offers a weekly visiting service at Highlands LLEN Career Hub - Career Information Centre at Ballarat Learning Exchange (BLX), 36 Camp Street, Ballarat. If you would like advice in regards to income support, employment, education and training options, or would like to find out more - To book an appointment please call Centrelink Youth and Student Services on 13 2490 and request an appointment at the Ballarat Learning Exchange (BLX). YOUTH ALLOWANCE Financial help exists for people aged 16 to 24 years who are studying full-time, undertaking a full-time Australian Apprenticeship, training, looking for work or sick. ELIGIBILITY BASICS 16 to 21 years old and looking for full-time work or undertaking approved activities 18 to 24 years old and studying full-time 16 or 17 years old and have completed year 12 or equivalent; or undertaking full time secondary study and need to live away from home in order to study; or are considered independent for Youth Allowance, or 16 to 24 years old and undertaking a full-time Australian Apprenticeship ABSTUDY Helps with costs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians who are studying or undertaking an Australian Apprenticeship. ELIGIBILITY BASICS Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander enrolled in an approved course or undertaking an Australian Apprenticeship not receiving any other government assistance to study or do an apprenticeship or traineeship SPECIALIST SERVICES Centrelink and other agencies have professional social workers who can help you with personal counselling and give you support through difficult times. They may be able to help you find accommodation and assist with advice about budgeting. They can also provide referrals to other services and community support programs. CONCESSION CARDS Newstart Allowance Abstudy Parenting Payments Sickness Allowance Mobility Allowance Youth Allowance Carer Allowance Family Tax Benefits Special Benefits Exceptional Circumstance Payment Contact Centrelink to confirm your eligibility or look online IMPORTANT Even if you don’t think that you are eligible for an income support payment it is a good idea to register at Centrelink as you still may be eligible for a range of services or able to get some extras, like a Health Care Card. Centr elink Se rv ice s Some payments entitle you to a Health Care Card. You are eligible for this if you are a low income earner or you receive the following benefits: 5 5 CENTRELINK CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBERS Tel ephon e : 132 490 Youth Allowance and most other queries for young people and students 132 317 ABSTUDY 132 850 Employment Services Website: www.humanservices.gov.au CENTRELINK CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTRES Ballarat 12 Albert Street Ballarat VIC 3350 Highlands LLEN Career Hub 36 Camp St Ballarat VIC 3350 Job Services Australia Jobs Ser vic es Australia From 1 July 2009, new employment services were introduced in Australia. These are known as Job Services Australia. 6 Job Services Australia is a national network of organisations dedicated to helping job seekers to find and sustain employment. Assistance provided by Job Services Australia includes the following: Gathering vacancies from employers and matching the skills and experience of job seekers to job vacancies New Enterprise Incentive Scheme which helps job seekers with ideas for a viable business to establish their own business. The Department of Employment contracts organisations to provide Job Services Australia assistance. Not all Job Services Australia members provide the full range of services outlined above. JOB SERVICES AUSTRALIA Job Services Australia organisations are government agencies available to help you find work. Tracy The Placement People 22 Camp Street Ballarat VIC 3350 t: 5333 3212 www.tracys.com.au Western District Employment Access 219 Mair Street Ballarat VIC 3350 t: 5331 6566 www.wdea.org.au CVGT 118 Armstrong Street South Ballarat VIC 3350 t: 5336 7000 f: 5336 7070 www.cvgt.com.au BRACE 602 Urquhart Street Ballarat VIC 3350 t: 5337 9000 www.brace.com.au MatchWorks 21-23 Gell Street Bacchus Marsh VIC 3340 t: 5367 3611 www.matchworks.com.au Centacare Employment PO Box 2537, Bakery Hill 3354 p: 5337 8950 f: 5332 4465 e: [email protected] www.centacareemployment.org.au Sureway Employment and Training Office 1, Floor 1, 41/43 Mundy Street Bendigo VIC 3550 t: 5445 2400 www.sureway.com.au Bendigo Access Employment 29-33 Mundy Street Bendigo VIC 3550 t: 5445 9800 f: 5441 7088 www.accessemployment.com.au Job Serv ice s Australia Interact Employment and Training 205 Dana Street Ballarat VIC 3350 t: 5327 1900 f: 5327 1999 e: [email protected] www.interactaust.com.au 7 7 Job Serv ice s Australia EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 8 People @ Work 32 Doveton Street North Ballarat VIC 3350 t: 5333 5730 e: [email protected] www.peopleatwork.com.au MOJO Consulting PO Box 146W Ballarat VIC 3350 t: 0407394406 e: [email protected] www.mojoconsulting.com.au JK Personnel 22 Armstrong Street North Ballarat VIC 3350 t: 5332 9955 e: [email protected] www.jkpersonnel.com.au Adecco Employment Level 16, 28 Freshwater Place Southbank, VIC 3006 t: 9954 2400 f: 9954 2199 www.adecco.com.au BGT Employment Lot 1/14 Hill Street Ballarat VIC 3350 t: 5333 1707 f: 5333 3922 e: [email protected] www.bgt.org.au Pinnacle Hospitality & Travel People 390 Flinders Street Melbourne VIC 3004 t: 8624 1777 e: [email protected] www.pinnaclepeople.com.au Skilled 7 Lydiard St Sth Ballarat VIC 3350 t: 5333 2200 www.skilled.com.au Hays Recruitment 16/240 Pakington Street Geelong West VIC 3218 t: 5226 8000 f: 5222 7280 e: [email protected] www.hays.com.au Online Personnel Recruitment House 21 Main Rd Bakery Hill VIC 3354 t: 9915 8600 Drake International Suite 1, 38A Williamson Street Bendigo VIC 3550 t: 5441 6655 e: [email protected] au.drakeintl.com Bayside Group Level 5, 7 Bowen Crescent Melbourne VIC 3004 t: 9864 6000 www.baysidegroup.com.au Regan Consulting 384 Church Street Richmond VIC 3121 t: 9428 9600 McCallum McCallum’s aim is to provide a responsive range of programs and services to people with a disability to maximise opportunities in community life. McCallum will help you develop a plan that will address individual needs, skill development and personal goals in: Pre-vocational job skills Access to further education Participate in personal development and communication skills Access a wide range of recreation & leisure options Living skills development Develop and support community options McCallum 29 Learmonth St, Ballarat VIC 3350 t: 5334 1921 f: 5334 1925 e: [email protected] www.mccallum.org.au Information fo r Stud ents w ith Disabilities Who can I contact? 9 9 W HA T IS D I VI N E ? DiVine is an online community. It is for and by people with a disability. The website is published by the Victorian Government. DiVine covers a wide range of topics. You can send us your own articles. You can also leave comments. DiVine has been designed to meel the highest standards in accessibility. DiVine is an online community for and by people with a disability. The website is published by Ihe Victorian Government’s Office for Disability in the Department of Human Services I n c lusive community DiVine aims to inform, engage and entertain. It is a vibrant, inclusive community that encourages participation. We can all learn from each other. And we can have fun, too. The website provides the opportunity for you to share your passion and unique perspective with thousands of other Victorians. Information fo r Stud ents w ith Disabilities Range of interests 10 One-in-five Victorians has a disability. The wide range of topics covered on DiVine reflects the wide range of in terests of people with a disability. You are encouraged to join in the discussion and submit your own articles for publication on the site. We would also love to hear any ideas you might have for DiVine. A cc e s s ibility The DiVine website has been designed to meet the Level AAA standard of the W3C (World-Wide Web Consortium) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, Version 1.0 See DiVine’s Accessibility (http://www.divine.vic.gov.au/footer/intemal-links/ accessibility) page for more Information. How to us e DiVine DiVine has created a guide to help you use DiVine. It is called How do I use the DiVine website (http://www.divine.vic.gov.au/footer/internal-links/how-do-l-use-thedivine-website) ? Who can I contact? DiVine t: 9096 0574 e: [email protected] www.divine.vic.gov.au info found at: www.divine.vic.gov.au/main-site/what-is-divine NATIONAL DISABILITY COORDINATOR The National Disability Coordination Program (NDCO) was established by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations in late 2007. The aim of this program is simple. It is to enhance access to further education, training and employment for people with a disability. The program targets school leavers through to mature age students with a disability. Development and distribution of relevant information. Facilitation transition from school to further education, training and/or employment. Facilitation of transition from further education and/or training to employment. Facilitating the coordination of services and the sharing of information across the region. Provision of advice and possible solutions concerning the needs of people with a disability to the Australian Government in relation to further education and employment. All over the world and in Australia, people with disability are achieving amazing things. The NDCO program aims to ensure MORE people with a disability achieve their full potential. Who can I contact? NDCO: Building F - Room F216 Pam Anderson National Disability Coordination Officer Western Region of Victoria m: 0418 108 555 e: [email protected] Information fo r Stud ents w ith Disabilities The NDCO program does this through the: 11 11 D ISABILIT Y L I AI SO N U N IT A T F E D E R A T IO N U N IV E R SITY AUS TRA L I A ( F E D U N I ) If you have a medical condition, mental health condition or disability that may impact on your ability to access the University or participate in coursework, the Disability Liaison Unit at FedUni may be able to help. Disability Liaison Officers work with FedUni students and prospective students with disabilities to tailor services to individual needs. The range of support services can include: Information fo r Stud ents w ith Disabilities 12 Assistance with application and/or enrolment procedures. Orientation to campus. Assistance with access requirements. Provision of adaptive study materials and equipment. Provision of direct learning support. Negotiating alternative learning and assessment tasks. Provision of information and support to other University staff. Negotiating alternative arrangements for examinations. Information about and referral to community support services. Information and advocacy about disability discrimination and equal opportunity. For general enquiries or to make an appointment, unless you are an apprentice or trainee, please phone Ballarat & Wimmera Campuses (03) 5327 9470, Gippsland Campus (03) 5122 6425 or send an email to [email protected]. Apprentices and trainee students, all campuses, please contact: Andrea Iles on tel: (03) 5327 8323 or email: [email protected] Information for Students with Disabilities WESTERN DISTRICT EMPLOYMENT ACCESS Western District Employment Access is a provider of Disability Employment Services (DES) in Ballarat and Ararat. Disability Employment Services helps people with a disability get ready to look for a job, find and keep a job in the open labour market. Pre-employment services include: Regular one-on-one contact with a Case Manager experienced in Disability Services Support to prepare an application letter and resume Interview skills and techniques training Access to training and skills preparation programs Practical support prior to employment. Job Search Assistance includes: Assistance with Internet-based job searching Approaching and negotiating with potential employers on behalf of clients Negotiating wage subsidy assistance to employers. Regular on-the-job support to the client and employer. Workplace Modifications – a scheme offering financial assistance to buy or hire specific equipment in the workplace to assist workers with disabilities. Who can I contact? Western District Employment Access 219 Mair Street, Ballarat VIC 3350 t: 5331 6566 f: 5331 6157 [email protected] www.wdea.org.au Information fo r Stud ents w ith Disabilities Job Placement and support includes: 13 13 KARDEN DISABILITY SUPPORT FOUNDATION KDSF provide services in: Direct Support Service Co-ordination Person Centred Planning They work with the community and help them understand that a person with a disability is primarily that – A person first. Services Karden offers; Individualised flexible Support Services enables people to access their community or receive the support they require at home, or both! Information fo r Stud ents w ith Disabilities Service Coordination provides support to help you to access appropriate services that meet your needs and help make your life more fulfilling. 14 Person Centred Planning is an important key to providing great services and involves continual listening and learning. Karden focuses on what is important to you and in the future and act on this in combination with your family, friends and other support networks. Essential Life Planning assists to identify and separate what is important to you, from what others see as important for you. Picket Fences offers you the opportunity to express your interest in living independently within your local community. The program also offers the prospect of sharing household costs and supports with the people you choose to live with. Picket Fences is a proactive way to introduce people with similar interests and support needs with other people who are actively seeking alternative accommodation. Who can I contact? 35 Mair Street Ballarat VIC 3350 t: 5331 7924 f: 5338 7992 www.karden.org.au AXIS Employment is a not for profit, community-based disability employment service which provides employment solutions to job seekers and employers in regional Victoria and South Australia. For over 20 years AXIS Employment has placed job seekers with barriers to employment into meaningful, sustainable employment. Axis builds and maintains excellent relationships with employers, with an emphasis on finding the right person for the right job and by providing superior post placement support. AXIS Employment provides support via the Disability Employment Service for eligible schoolleavers wishing to make the transition from school to employment as smooth as possible. If you are in your last 12 months of school and have a disability or health condition you may be eligible to register with AXIS Employment and receive support from an Employment Consultant while still at school. Career guidance and planning A comprehensive employment plan that will focus on your abilities, interests and aspirations. Professional assistance to find a suitable job, including tailored marketing to employers Support to prepare resumes and application letters Referral; and support to access training opportunities On the job support Ongoing support for the duration of your employment specific equipment in the workplace to assist workers with disabilities. Information fo r Stud ents w ith Disabilities What will Axis Employment provide? 15 15 CENTRE FOR MULTICULTURAL YOUTH (CMY) CMY’s purpose is to ensure that young people have every opportunity to succeed in Australia. Through a combination of specialist support services, training and consultancy, knowledge sharing and advocacy, they work to remove the barriers young people face as they make Australia their home. The young people CMY works with say they prefer not to be defined by labels. It is important however, to explain that most of the work focuses on young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds, 12-25 years old, with a particular priority on those who are newly-arrived to Australia. Young people can encounter significant barriers as they try to settle in Australia. Alongside the challenges of growing up, they are figuring out how things are done and adjusting to unfamiliar cultural, academic and social expectations. Their sense of wellbeing and belonging can be considerably diminished by factors such as racism and discrimination. These barriers are often compounded and magnified by services and systems that are ill-quipped to provide the specialist support needed. Local Go vern men t Youth Services Despite these complex issues, CMY knows that young people have the enterprise, resilience and optimism to contribute to the continued prosperity of Australia. By engaging you as experts in your own lives and focusing on your strengths, you can be empowered to adapt and thrive. 16 Who can I contact? Ballarat Office Unit 12, 707 Lydiard Street South Ballarat VIC 3350 t: 5317 7172 w: http://cmy.net.au CITY OF BALLARAT Byou provides young people with the opportunity to participate in a variety of groups that run events and activities. The groups are a great way to meet new people, learn about local government, have fun, learn new skills and to get involved in your community. The following are provided: Programs/Activities: Youth Council Zaque FreeZa-Sonika BYGA Bordem Breakers Youth Service Register NXUS Who can I contact? GOLDEN PLAINS Golden Plains Shire – providing a range of services for young people living in the area FreeZA – Music, events for youth across the Shire – free transport provided Youth Voice – Youth advocacy Group of 7-10 young people who develop local projects and act as leaders for their community. Contact [email protected] National Youth Week – Events and celebrations Writers’ Festival, Youth activities/events Youth Moves – Free transport during school holidays Referral, advocacy and information on youth services/groups Who can I contact? Youth Services Team at Golden Plains Shire PO Box 111, Bannockburn VIC 3331 t: 5220 7111 e: [email protected] www.goldenplains.vic.gov.au Local Go vern men t Youth Services City of Ballarat Youth Services Library & Community Hub, Doveton Street, North Ballarat t: 5320 5140 w: www.youthservicesballarat.com.au 17 17 CENTRAL GOLDFIELDS SHIRE Central Goldfields Shire Council provides young people and their families with the opportunity to try new things, meet new people, and actively participate in a variety of programs, activities and events within the community. Engage Youth Space Youth Website Youth Committees FReeZA - drug, alcohol and smoke free events for young people 12-25yrs old. Teenage Holiday Program has more activity-based programs run from the youth space with only a few trips away. Activities such as Fashion Week, comic book creation and art projects. For more information about any of the above services, contact Penny on the details below. Local Go vern men t Youth Services Who can I contact? 18 Penny Wilson Youth Engage/Freeza Worker Central Goldfields Shire Council PO Box 22 12-22 Nolan Street Maryborough, VIC 3465 t: 5461 0614 f: 5461 0666 m: 0417 600 148 e: [email protected] w: www.allforyouth.com.au HEPBURN SHIRE H OW WE WO RK WITH YOUNG P E OPL E Cl o s e to H ome Project The Close to Home Project supports the development of youth groups in community spaces across the Hepburn Shire. Funded by the Victorian Government, Close to Home works with locals in Trentham. Oaylesford. Creswick and Clunes to bring community adults and young people together for youth events and activities. Supporting youth groups is a safe and effective way for communities to ensure they have great relationships with young people, provides pathways for youth into community groups and supports young people to become happy and healthy adults. Community orgainsations or individuals interested in volunteering at or supporting thief local youth group can contact the group directly in thier community: Trentham Youth Group, Monday nights at Trentham Neighbourhood Centre-5424 1354 Oaylesford Youth Group. monthly events throughDaylesford Community Church-5348 3222 Creswick Youth Group. Thursday Nights at Creswick Neighbourhood Centre-5345 2356 Clunes Youth Group. Saturday mornings at Clunes Library-5345 3359 H e p b urn F R e e ZA YOUth FilmFest runs Twilight Cinemas in Creswick, Clunes, Daylesford and Trentham each December. If you are a person aged 12-25 living in these communities and would like to volunteer to help plan and run these events please contact the Youth development Co-ordinator. DreamFest is an annual music festival featuring local and regional bands as well as a range of other activities and stalls. Each year a young person is employed to be the Event Manager for DreamFest, recruiting a committee of young people to plan and organise the whole DreamFest Event. To get involved in DreamFest please contact the Youth Development Co-ordinator. H e p b urn L2P L2P is a partnership project between Hepburn Shire Council Transport Connections Program, Hepburn Health Services and Daylesford Neighbourhood Centre to assist disadvantaged young people to get their 120 hours driving experience. L2P provides young people with driving lessons and matches them with community volunteers who have trained to be come driving mentors for young people. To find out more about L2P contact the L2P Co-ordinator al Hepburn Hepburn Health Service on (03) 5321 6556. Local Go vern men t Youth Services Hepburn FReeZA runs over summer - with local events YOUth Film Fest and DreamFest designed and delivered by young people each year. 19 19 MOORABOOL The Youth Services unit works closely with all providers that operate in the Moorabool Shire. Moorabool Council Youth Services is committed to delivering a range of youth engagement / youth led programs in partnership with young people, schools, agencies and sporting and community groups in the shire. These programs aim to increase young people’s connection to the community and family, promote leadership and increase wellbeing. Programs change from time to time in response to youth needs, but include: The Youth Action Group ACTIV8 - a mental health program FReeZA Youth Awards Youth Week Activities Pop-up Youth Events Because programs do change from time to time, contact Moorabool Shire Council Youth Services on 5336 7100 or find “Moorabool Youth Services” on Facebook for more information Who can I contact? Local Go vern men t Youth Services Moorabool Youth Services John Perham Darley Community Hub 182 Halletts Way, Darley VIC 3340 t: 5366 7100 20 PYRENEES Pyrenees Shire Youth Services operates within the Community Development area of Council. Youth focused activities take place throughout the shire. Biannual Youth Forums provide a means for young people to express their ideas, issues and plans. Young people are encouraged to participate through online Pyrenees Youth Network forums and in local and shire wide activities. Programs and activities may be run in conjunction with partner agencies and include the following: FReeZA Discos Youth Week Activities BMX Workshops Youth Forums Arts & Culture Who can I contact? Pyrenees Shire t: 5349 1100 Australian Apprenticeships APPRENTICESHIPS AND TRAINEESHIPS An apprenticeship is a training contract between an employer and an employee in which the employer provides training and the apprentice learns the occupation/trade. Apprenticeships include both traditional trade apprenticeships and traineeships. Apprentices must be at least 15 years of age and may already hold a qualification. There is no maximum age.Training can be developed to suit specific needs of the business. It may be totally on-the-job or a combination of on and off-the-job programs. Apprentices can be employed on a full time or a part time basis. There are over 500 apprenticeships and traineeships in all types of industries. When all competencies have been achieved, the apprentice gains a nationally recognised qualification. Apprentices/Trainees may be eligible for living away from home allowances and Trade Support Loans. Tuition fees and charges – assistance is often given to the apprentice/trainees. Concessions and exemptions are available depending on eligibility. AUSTRALIAN APPRENTICESHIPS AT SCHOOL Many schools now offer the option for students to start an Australian Apprenticeship while at school. Contact your school Careers Advisor or your local Australian Apprenticeship Centre, to find out if this is possible in your area. Who can I contact? www.australianapprenticeships.gov.au www.education.vic.gov.au/training/learners/apprentices Austr alian App rentice ships Australian School Based Apprenticeships enable you to start a vocational qualification while continuing school studies. 21 21 AUSTRALIAN APPRENTICESHIP CENTRES (AAC) For advice on Australian Apprenticeships contact: WorkCo 110 Lydiard Street North Ballarat VIC 3350 t: 5322 4500 Central Victoria Group Training (AUSNAC) 118 Armstrong Street South Ballarat VIC 3350 t: 5336 7000 VECCI 305a Dana Street Ballarat VIC 3350 t: 5327 7190 e: [email protected] www.vecci.org.au Austr alian App rentice ships Apprenticeships and Traineeships 22 MEGT - Australia Pty Ltd 95 Mair St East Ballarat VIC 3350 t: 5333 8388 e: [email protected] www.megt.com.au Skills Victoria Apprenticeship Field Officers t: 5327 8266 e: [email protected] Employer + Employee + Registered Training Organisation (RTO) Training Contract Australian Apprenticeship Centre (AAC) Further Education & Training FEDERATION UNIVERSITY AUSTRALIA (FEDUni) TAFE AND DEGREE PROGRAMS FEDUni offers a range of courses for you. From Business to Nursing, Hospitality to Horticulture and Psychology to Performing Arts, FedUni has a perfect course to suit your needs. The relaxed and friendly environment of the University’s 6 regional campuses enables your interests, talents and goals to be captured, nurtured and developed. MT HELEN CAMPUS The Mt Helen campus is set on 110 hectares of natural bushland and offers both undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Thousands of students study a variety of specialised areas in Science and Engineering, Nursing, Business, Education, Behavioural Social Sciences and Humanities, Information Technology and Mathematical Sciences, and Human Movement and Sport Sciences. GIPPSLAND CAMPUS The Gippsland Campus is located in the township of Churchhill in the foothills of the Strzelecki Ranges. Study is available on the Arts, Art and Design, Business, Education, Engineering, IT, Nursing, Midwifery and Science, with many online learning options also available. Located in the centre of Ballarat, the SMB Campus provides modern teaching facilities within an attractive, historic environment dating back to 1870. In addition, other TAFE facilities within Ballarat include the Primary Industries Training Centre, the Building and Construction Training Centre in Grant Street, the Federation College based in Grant Street and the Ballarat Horticulture Centre. The SMB Campus (plus Mt Helen campus) provides TAFE programs in Leadership and Management, Hospitality and Tourism, Information Technology, Primary Industries, Children’s Services, Community Services, Humanities and Further Education, Health and Personal Services, Food and Allied Sciences, Building and Construction and Engineering and Automotive. Further Tra ining SMB CAMPUS 23 23 CAMP STREET CAMPUS Located in the heart of Ballarat, the Camp Street Campus is the home of the Arts Academy and the majority of the university’s Visual and Performing Arts students, staff and programs. Camp Street Campus is an integration of both old and new buildings which has a dynamic and vibrant arts and cultural environment. Programs are offered in the performing arts and visual arts areas. FedUni also has a number of campuses outside Ballarat. For information about application procedures, course outlines, campus tours or any course related enquiries please contact Student Recruitment on the Course Infoline. Who can I contact? University & Vocational Education t: 1800 633 864 *Free to call from landline, $1 per minute on mobiles e: [email protected] Australian Catholic U niversity (ACU National) Further Tra ining Australian Catholic University is a national and publicly owned university with campuses in QLD, NSW, ACT, VIC and SA. Its two campuses in Victoria are situated in Melbourne and Ballarat. ACU is a specialist university offering first-class undergraduate programs in education, arts, business, law, health, theology and philosophy. ACU produces professional and highly skilled graduates who are ready to enter the workplace, graduates are committed to building and maintaining strong links with industry and their community. Many ACU graduates undertake professional experience during their studies and a number secure excellent employment opportunities before graduating. The ACU Ballarat campus offers courses in nursing, nursing/paramedicine, primary teaching, early childhood education and theology. 24 Who can I contact? Australian Catholic University Ph: 1300 ASK ACU (1300 275 228) e: [email protected] www.acu.edu.au *Free to call from landline, $1 per minute on mobiles Ballarat Group Training BGT is a Group Training company which places apprentices and trainees with a range of small and large host businesses who provide on the job training. Trainees and apprentices are in demand in a wide variety of industries, such as retail, hospitality, building, manufacturing, electrical, agricultural and many more. By providing a solution to business, BGT manages all of the costs associated with managing an apprentice or trainee including recruitment, training, supervision, payroll, industrial relations, OH&S, recognition and government incentives. Each apprentice and trainee is assigned a field officer who individually mentors, supports and monitors them throughout their time in the apprenticeship or traineeship. BGT provide flexibility so the business is not locked into a long term training contract and apprentices and trainees can be changed and moved to suit business needs. If you are interested in becoming an apprentice or trainee, register your interest by completing a registration form at www.bgt.org.au You can list your areas of interest and BGT will contact you for an interview with one of their field officers. They will discuss your chosen area of interest and likely opportunities suggesting any pretraining courses available which may assist you to prepare for an apprenticeship or traineeship. BGT is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) that provides a wide range of training and assessment services. Trainers and assessors are fully qualified and have industry experience in their fields of expertise, at the same time delivering quality training based on sound knowledge and a personalised approach. BGT provides training in the following: Manufacturing Business Community Services Aged Care Retail Hospitality Transport & Logistics Training and Assessment Responsible service of alcohol Welding Panel beating Food safety Engineering Who can I contact? BGT 14 Hill Street Ballarat VIC 3350 t: 5333 1707 e: [email protected] www.bgt.org.au 27 Further Tra ining Short courses are also offered in the following: 25 25 SKILLSPLUS SkillsPlus is a not-for-profit organisation that provides individualised, client focused services in employment, training and education. If you have finished school and you’re looking for work, SkillsPlus can help you to make the first step. The experienced team at SkillsPlus is able to provide tailored services matched to your individual needs. The team at SkillsPlus can give you advice and help with: Work Experience Work Trials Volunteer Work Writing a resume Access to training How to look for a job; and What jobs are available in your local area For eligible individuals, SkillsPlus can also fund the essentials to get you started at work i.e. Clothing and Licenses. With a focus on developing your skills for the future, SkillsPlus is dedicated to making sure you get the opportunities you need now. Further Tra ining Who can I contact? 26 SkillsPlus BRACE 602 2 East Urquhart Street South, Street BALLARAT Ballarat VIC Vic 3350 3350 t: 1800 ph: 03 5329 101 808 1600 e:03 f: [email protected] 5333 2481 www.brace.vic.edu.au e: [email protected] BRACE BRACE Education & Training is a provider of a range of accredited and nonaccredited training, Skills for Education and Employment and the New Enterprise Incentive Scheme (NElS) programs, supporting individuals to engage in learning that develops the knowledge and skills that they need to secure employment, undertake further study or increase their participation in the community. BRACE Education and Training offer a variety of on-campus nationally recognised training courses including; Administration/Business Aged Care Home and Community Care Health Services Assistance Early Childhood Education and Care Disability Services Education Support Small Business Management Training and Assessment In addition to accredited training courses, BRACE also offers short industry courses including; Responsible Service of Alcohol Responsible Service of Gambling (RSG) Food Safety for both handlers and supervisors Coffee making First Aid, CPR and Anaphylaxis Management Construction Induction Card Medical Terminology Microsoft software courses from introductory to advanced level MYOB courses from introductory to advanced level Who can I contact? BRACE BRACE 602 602 Urquhart Urquhart Street Street Ballarat VIC Vic 3350 BALLARAT 3350 PO Box 626W t: 1800 101 808 Ballarat West 3350 e: [email protected] t: 03 5337 9000 www.brace.vic.edu.au f: 03 5332 8087 e: [email protected] www.brace.com.au Further Tra ining BRACE is also a provider of the New Enterprise Incentive Scheme (NElS), a Commonwealth Government funded initiative which assists eligible unemployed people to set up their own commercially-viable small business by providing accredited small business training, business advice and mentoring for eligible job seekers, as well as ongoing income support for up to 39 weeks. 27 27 BACCHUS MARSH COMMUNITY COLLEGE - THE LAURELS Is a registered training provider and provides a broad range of accredited and non-accredited learning opportunities, including: Business, Retail, Children’s Services, Hospitality, Horticulture, Community Services, Information Technology, Floristry and Training and Assessment Certificates in General Education for Adults (English & Maths), Responsible Service of Alcohol. They also provide individual assistant to develop skills for entry to the forces. Who can I contact? Further Tra ining Bacchus Marsh Community College - The Laurels 229 Main Street Bacchus Marsh VIC 3340 t: 5367 1061 www.thelaurels.org.au 28 WORK & LEARNING CENTRES N e e d H elp Finding Work? Next Steps Work and Learning Centre is a program designed to support people in receipt of Centrelink benefits into work and training. This is a free service and it is voluntary to join. Working in collaboration with Job Service Agencies, training providers and local business, Next Steps offers: Job search support Access to training Work experience support Interview skills and resume preparation Access and connection to local employers Referrals to related support services Links to traineeships and apprenticeships Next Steps Work and Learning Centre is a Brotherhood of St Laurence initiative, delivered in partnership with the Ballarat Neighbourhood Centre and Highlands LLEN, funded by the Victorian Government. Drop in or call Next Steps today to make an appointment with their friendly staff Who can I contact? Further Tra ining Next Steps Work and Learning Centre Ballarat Ballarat South Community Hub Tuppen Drive Sebastopol VIC 3350 t: 5329 3275 29 29 WorldSkills Australia is the Nation’s premier showcase of youth skill and trade excellence for apprentices and trainees. WorldSkills Australia Inc. is a dynamic, non-for profit organisation that has been actively celebrating and promoting the standards and status of vocational training and skills excellence for over 25 years. WorldSkills Australia competitions operate on a two year cycle. Regional competitions flow into the National competition. National competition winners may become members of the international team (the Skillaroos) and represent Australia at the WorldSkills International Competition –The Skill Olympics 74 World-wide Member Countries, where Australia has consistently ranked in the top 10 in the World. Perth will showcase Australia’s best and most talented young people across over 50 different trade and skills categories, including VET in Schools. The medallists of the WorldSkills National Competition are rightfully titled AUSTRALIA’S BEST in their vocational training and educational field. If you would like further information, please contact the Ballarat/Wimmera Regional Contact Lisa Howlett. Who can I contact? Further Tra ining Lisa Howlett Level 1, 36 Camp Street Ballarat VIC 3350 m: 0419 512 027 e: [email protected] 30 LEARN LOCAL ORGANISATIONS Learn Local Organisations run a variety of training. No matter what level of education or what training you have had in the past, Learn Local can help. Community organisations in the Learn Local network offer education and training with a focus on individual needs and tailoring programs for the learner. There are over 300 government-registered Learn Local organisations in Victoria offering a large choice of adult community education and training programs statewide. There are 23 Learn Local Organisations in the Grampians region. Courses range from basic computer skills to Certificates (including VET and VCE/VCAL) and Diplomas in all types of ares such as business, community services and trades. The range of courses include: Courses Courses Courses Courses to help you start work, go back to work, change jobs or keep your job that provide you with nationally recognised vocational qualifications to help you get back into learning for your own interest and personal development. Who can I contact? Community Ag encie s DEECD - Regional Office 5a Little Ryrie Street Geelong VIC 3220 t: 5225 1063 f: 5225 1099 31 31 Community Ag encie s LEARN LOCAL ORGANISATIONS 32 Bacchus Marsh Community College 229 Main Road, Bacchus Marsh 3340 Ph: 03 5367 1061 Fax: 03 5367 6452 [email protected] Daylesford Neighbourhood Centre 13 Camp Street, Daylesford 3460 Ph: 03 5348 3569 Fax: 03 5348 3873 [email protected] Ballan & District Community Health 143 Inglis Street, Ballan 3342 Ph: 03 5368 1934 Fax: 03 5368 1 934 [email protected] Futures Community College - Finding Futures 998 Norman Street, Ballarat 3350 Ph: 5339 9551 [email protected] Ballarat Neighbourhood Centre Ballart South Community Hub Tuppen Drive, Sebastopol 3350 Ph: 03 5329 3273 [email protected] Haddon Community Learning Centre 396 Sago Hill Road, Haddon 3351 Ph: 03 5342 7050 Fax: 03 5342 7013 [email protected] Beaufort Community House & Learning Centre 72 Neill Street, Beaufort 3373 Ph: 03 5349 1184 Fax: 03 5349 2933 [email protected] Meredith Community Centre 4 Russell Street MEREDITH 3333 Ph: 03 5286 1348 [email protected] BRACE Education Training & Employment 602 Urquhart Street, Ballarat 3350 Ph: 03 5333 3700 Fax: 03 5332 8087 [email protected] Darley Neighbourhood House 33 Jonathan Drive, Darley 3340 Ph: 03 5367 4390 Fax: 03 5367 7597 [email protected] Skills Plus 602 Urquhart Street BALLARAT 3350 Ph: 03 5337 9000 Fax: 03 5332 8087 [email protected] Wendouree Neighbourhood House 14 Violet Grove, Wendouree 3354 Ph: 03 5339 5069 Fax: 03 5339 9185 Community Agencies (Most of these services are provided for free, unless otherwise stated) DRUG & ALCOHOL SERVICES Ballarat Community Health Drug & Alcohol Services - t: 5338 4500 Uniting Care Outreach Drug & Alcohol Programs - t: 5332 1286 Drug information - www.druginfo.adf.org.au Headspace - www.headspace.org.au/ballarat - t: 5304 4777 EMERGENCY ACCOMMODATION - HOUSING Lisa Lodge Housing Program (Single Women & Youth) - t: 5331 3838 Salvation Army - Karinya (Mothers with Children) - t: 5329 1100 Uniting Care Outreach (Families with Children) - t: 5332 1286 Peplow House (Single Men 18 and over) - t: 5332 4466 Ballarat Community Health Centre - Youth Housing - t: 5338 4500 FOOD PARCELS Uniting Care Outreach - t: 5332 1286 (need to ring at 9.00am in the morning and arrange an appointment for a food parcel that day) St. Vincent de Paul - 5348 3862 (they will arrange a worker to come and see you and assess your needs) Breezeway Meals in Dana Street - t: 5332 1286 (through Uniting Care Outreach - a hot midday meal is served daily between 12.00 noon - 2.00 pm to people who are homeless or living in accommodation without cooking facilities. Need to show your Health Care Card Neighbours Place Inc Bacchus Marsh - t: 5367 6222 Current ID required (Moorabool Shire residents only, open Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9.30am - 3.00pm) Salvation Army - t: 5337 0600 (ring to make an appointment) ANGER MANAGEMENT Child & Family Services Men’s Behaviour Change Program - t: 5337 3333 Central Highlands Community Legal Centre - t: 5331 5999 FINANCIAL ADVICE Child & Family Services - t: 5337 3333 SEXUAL HEALTH SERVICES Sexual Health Clinic - t: 5338 4541 (open to all ages for Sexual Health & Family Planning) Headspace - www.headspace.org.au/ballarat - t: 5304 4777 RELATIONSHIP COUNSELLING Relationships Australia - t: 5337 9222 or 1300 364 277* Community Ag encie s LEGAL SERVICES *Free to call from landline, $1 per minute on mobiles (Fees are charged, but they are negotiated based on the client’s income) 33 33 GAMBLING Gamblers Help - t: 1800 858 858* www.gamblinghelponline.org.au *Free to call from landline, $1 per minute on mobiles VIOLENCE & SEXUAL ASSAULT Centre Against Sexual Assault (CASA) - t: 5320 3933 or 1800 806 292* (ah) *Free to call from landline, $1 per minute on mobiles Child & Family Services Family Violence Prevention Program - t: 5337 3333 Women’s Resource Information & Support Centre - Domestic Violence Outreach Centre (WRISC) - t: 5333 3666 Child Protection - t: 5333 6530 Child Protection Notification - t: 5333 6530 FAMILY & GENERAL COUNSELLING Uniting Church Outreach Centre - t: 5332 1286 Ballarat Community Health Centre: youth housing, sexual health, counselling and support - t: 5338 4500 Daylesford Community Health Centre - t: 5321 6560 Child & Family Services - t: 5337 3333 Bacchus Marsh Child and Family Services - t: 5367 9900 Centrecare - t: 5337 8999 Sebastopol Community Health Centre - t: 5338 4500 Wendouree Community Health Centre - t: 5338 4500 Creswick Community Health Centre - t: 5345 8165 Counselling online - www.kidshelp.com.au MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES There are a large number of private psychiatrists and psychologists in the yellow pages under Medical Practitioners, fees will apply, (however a large proportion of the costs can be claimed through Medicare). You are encouraged to visit your regular doctor / GP for advice. Headspace - www.headspace.org.au/ballarat - t: 5304 4777 Child & Adolescence Mental Health Services (CAMHS) - t: 5320 4100 Grampians Psychiatric Services - t: 1300 661 323* (24hr) *Free to call from landline, $1 per minute on mobiles Community Ag encie s www.beyondblue.org.au OTHER SERVICES Ballarat & District Aboriginal Co-op - t: 5331 5344 Lifeline - t: 131 114 Kids helpline - t: 1800 551 800 *Free to call from landline, $1 per minute on mobiles Ballarat Taxis - t: 131 008 Davis Buslines - t: 5331 7777 Emergency Department - Ballarat Health Services - t: 5320 4000 Emergency Department - St John of God Health Care - t: 5320 2126 (Ask for emergency department) EMERGENCY - 000 POLICE, AMBULANCE, FIRE 34 Becoming Independent BANKING Ta k i n g control of your money At some stage you will need to consider setting up a bank account. The bank should be able to help you take control of your money and help you to save. Th i n g s to re member: Know your rights It’s your money Don’t get sucked in, and Ask questions - don’t be embarrassed If you’re getting any sort of income, whether a wage or allowance, you need to have a bank account. Most work places and Centrelink forward your wages directly into your account. There are many different types of bank accounts and many different banks, credit unions and building societies. But there is an easy way to choose your account, there are two main types of accounts, a Passbook account (which you will need to go into a bank to withdraw money) and an ATM card account (which gives you an option of using an ATM or EFTPOS machine). W h a t do I ne e d to do to open an a c c o u n t ? Tax File Number Proof of permanent address ID - check with the bank to find out what ID you need Money - these days you only need a $1 to open an account MEDICARE Me d i c a re Card To have a medicare card you can be any age, although if you are under the age of 16 you must have parental consent. If you need a medicare card you can pick up a form from any medicare office near you. Becoming Indepen de nt 35 35 RENTING When you have decided you would like to rent it is worth while contacting the local Real Estate Agents. Use the Yellow Pages, the local newspaper or the net to contact local Real Estate Agencies. Once you have made contact with a Real Estate Agent it is worthwhile to view their properties to make sure that the rental property is what you are looking for.You can also view properties on the internet with some Real Estate Agents. Most Real Estate Agents will get you to complete a Tenancy Application Form and this will need to be approved. In order to process your tenancy application, you will normally need to provide the following: 1. Fully completed and signed tenancy application form, including your acknowledgment of the Privacy Act 2. Photo identification - Health Care Card, Drivers Licence or Passport 3. Three current references. References from friends or family may not be accepted 4. Confirmation of current residential address ie Bank account, telephone account etc 5. Next-of-kin details in case of an emergency You may need a guarantor if under 18. A guarantor is someone over 18 who agrees to be legally responsible for unpaid bills or rent. Remember, when seeing a Real Estate Agent, look the part and dress smart - you may get a better reception. Becoming Indepen de nt BOND 36 Once you have signed the lease, you will usually have to pay a bond (usually equivalent to one month’s rent) and one month’s rent in advance. If you are looking to attend University / TAFE they often have a counsellor to help you with accommodation or alternatively its worth checking the notice boards in the Student Union area. You can also find accommodation in the Wanted to Rent section of the local newspaper. The good days to check this are on a Wednesday or a Saturday. Also local church notice sheets often have rooms available so well worth a look. VOTING It is compulsory for all Australian Citizens over the age of 18 years to enrol to vote. Enrol today if you are over 18 and not yet enrolled. It is compulsory to vote in State, Federal and local council elections once you are 18. You will be fined if you don’t vote. Who can I contact? Australian Electoral Commission t: 132 326 www.aec.gov.au or any local post office will have the correct forms DRIVING You can apply for a learner’s permit to drive a car when you are 16, and a motorbike permit when you are 18 years old. You can apply for a licence to drive a car when you are 18 provided you have had a learner’s permit for a period of a minimum of twelve months, and have completed at least 120 hours of supervised driving in a variety of conditions, including 10 hours at night. This driving experience must be recorded in an official learner logbook that is signed by you, the learner driver, and your supervising driver. For any learner driver over 21 years of age, there is no need to complete 120 hours of supervised driving or submit a learner logbook. After you pass your tests you will be issued with either a P1 or P2 probationary licence which allows you to drive under the following restrictions. P1 Probationary licence restrictions: You must display red P plates at all times (plates measuring approximately 150mm square with a white letter P on a red background) You must not have any alcohol in your blood when driving You must not use a mobile phone, hand held, hands free or messaging of any kind You are not permitted to drive a high powered vehicle You cannot tow a caravan or trailer (unless for work at the request of the employer, under instruction with an experienced driver sitting beside you or you are using the vehicle in connection with agriculture, horticulture, dairying, pastoral or other like pursuits like commercial fishing) You are not allowed to carry more than one passenger aged between 16 and 21 years of age If you pass your drive test in an automatic vehicle, you will be restricted to driving automatic vehicles while you hold a probationary licence You must carry your licence at all times while driving You must display green P plates at all times (plates measuring approximately 150mm square with a white letter P on a green background) You must not use a hand held mobile phone while driving You are not permitted to drive a high powered vehicle You must not have any alcohol in your blood when driving If you pass your drive test in an automatic vehicle, you will be restricted to driving automatic vehicles while you hold a probationary licence You must carry your licence at all times while driving Who can I contact? Vic Roads t: 131 171 www.vicroads.vic.gov.au Having trouble getting your licence? Ballarat East Community House t: 5331 4107 Wendouree Community House t: 5339 5069 United Way L2P Program t: 5331 5555 (Driving assistance for disadvantaged youth) Becoming Indepen de nt P2 Probationary licence restrictions: 37 37 When you are employed AWARDS, CONDITIONS AND PAY SLIPS There are Federal awards which set out the terms and conditions of employment you’re entitled to receive for particular industries. Awards cover: Pay Rates The process that must be followed if you are sacked Long Service Leave Overtime Rates Maternity and Paternity Leave To check your award or to find out if you are being paid properly ring the Department of Employment. Who can I contact? Fairwork Ombudsman 131 394 www.fairwork.gov.au DISCRIMINATION Victoria’s Equal Opportunity Commission can advise you about whether or not you have been unlawfully discriminated against. The Commission has the power to investigate complaints of unlawful discrimination How Long Have I Got To Lo d g e A Co m p la in t ? You have 12 months from the date you believe that the discrimination occurred to lodge a complaint. Who can I contact? When You Ar e Employed Victoria’s Equal Opportunity Commission t: 9032 3583 or 1300 292 153 *Free to call from landline, $1 per minute on mobiles 38 JOB WATCH Job Watch is a consumer watchdog which monitors exploitation in employment and training. Job Watch assists people experiencing exploitation at work or while looking for work. Job Watch is a community legal centre that provides a free and confidential telephone information and referral service. If you feel suspicious about a job advertisement, an interview situation or any other work related problem, Job Watch is a good organisation to contact. Job Watch is a useful starting point if you are unsure who to speak to or what you should do about any concerns or issues relating to looking for work or while in employment. Who can I contact? Job Watch t: 9662 1933 or 1800 331 617 *Free to call from landline, $1 per minute on mobiles www.jobwatch.org.au PAYING TAX AND A TAX FILE NUMBER No matter how old you are, if you are working full-time or part-time and earn more than $18,000 in one year, then you should put in a tax return. The first $18,000 you earn is tax free. This is called the ‘tax free threshold’. You can only have the tax free threshold applied to one source of income (eg if you work part-time and receive Youth Allowance, you can only claim the tax free threshold for either your part-time income or your Youth Allowance income). Your employer will send you a Payment Summary after the end of the financial year (ie after June 30). This summary will set out how much you have earned and how much tax you have paid. If you earn less than $18,000 and you have had tax taken from your pay you should lodge a tax return to get that money back. This is called a ‘tax refund’. If you are under 18 and you earn money from investments, you have to put in a tax return if you earn more than $416 in one year. The Taxation Office offers a free online tax return lodgement called “E-Tax” each year which will help you complete in your tax return. You need a Tax File Number when you: Are over 16 Become a tertiary student on HECS Receive Government payments Lodge a tax return Earn income To apply for a tax file number you must collect a form from your nearest taxation office. You will have to prove your identity ie with a Birth Certificate. If you have any questions about tax, ring the Australian Taxation Office t: 132 861. If you are applying for Centrelink payments, Centrelink can assist you to apply for a Tax File Number. Forms are also available from Post Offices. All employees in Australia must receive a superannuation contribution from their employer except: Employees under 18 years old who work less than 30 hours per week Employees who are paid less than $450 (before tax) within any calendar month Employees who do domestic work less than 30 hours per week So , I f I a m not in the above ca t e g o r ie s , c a n I g e t it ? If you have never signed a form to join a super fund, and you are eligible to be paid Super, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) can hold the money you are owed, or they can get the employer to start to pay it. Who can I contact? Superannuation Information Line t: 131 020 When You Ar e Employed SUPERANNUATION 39 39 PROBLEMS AT WORK? What Is The Fair Work Commission? The Fair Work Commission (the Commission) is the national workplace relations tribunal. It is an independent body with power to carry out a range of functions including: Providing a safety net of minimum conditions, including minimum wages in awards Facilitating good faith bargaining and the making of enterprise agreements Granting remedies for unfair dismissal Regulating the taking of industrial action Resolving a range of collective and individual workplace disputes through conciliation, mediation and in some cases arbitration Functions in connection with workplace determinations, equal remuneration, transfer of business, general workplace protections, right of entry and stand down. The work of the Fair Work Commission is carried out by Commission members with the support of administrative staff. Who can I contact? Fairwork Australia t: 1300 799 675 *Free to call from landline, $1 per minute on mobiles www.fwc.gov.au UNIONS - BALLARAT TRADES HALL Union membership can give you more power during employer and employee negotiations because you are part of what’s called collective bargaining power. When You Ar e Employed What Is Collective Bargaining? 40 Collective bargaining power means that your employer has to negotiate with the union that represents a group of workers. It can give you more industrial support when you have problems at work, or when you’re trying to negotiate better conditions, such as more money. Who Is Eligible To Join The Union? All Australian employees are eligible to join a union. Who can I contact? ACTU Member Connect t: 1300 362 223 *Free to call from landline, $1 per minute on mobiles www.actu.asn.au Industrial Advice and Union Referrals Helpful Websites www.jobsearch.gov.au www.careersonline.com.au www.vtac.edu.au www.shortcourses.vic.gov.au www.homeworktips.about.com www.seek.com.au www.freeza.vic.gov.au www.kidshelp.com.au www.youthgas.com www.ballarat.vic.gov.au www.vicroads.vic.gov.au www.chatfirst.com.au www.cybersmart.gov.au www.familiesaustralia.org.au www.youthcentral.vic.gov.au au.reachout.com www.myfuture.edu.au www.headspace.org.au/ballarat www.leap.vic.edu.au www.beyondblue.org.au www.lifeline.org.au Helpful Websites & Ed ucation Contacts www.federation.edu.au/programfinder 41 41 42 CYBa/Highla nd s Ho tspo t Volunteering Leaving School is an interesting stage and journey in every young person’s life. There are many options to consider: a gap year, employment, traineeship, apprenticeship or volunteering in order to gain experience, new skills and make a contribution. Whatever your decision just remember life itself is an education. Go Volunteer e: [email protected] www.govolunteer.com.au United Way Ballarat Level 1, 92 Bridge Mall (Entrance off Peel Street) PO Box 50, Ballarat VIC 3353 t: 5331 5555 f: 5331 8618 e: [email protected] www.unitedwayballarat.com.au Ballarat Community Health 12 Lilburne Street, Lucas t: 5338 4500 e: [email protected] www.bchc.org.au/volunteers.php Uniting Care Ballarat 105 Dana St Ballarat VIC 3350 PO Box 608 Ballarat VIC 3353 t: 5332 1286 f: 5332 1055 www.unitingcareballarat.com.au Volunteering If you decide volunteering to develop your skills or contribute to your community is the way to go, the following might be helpful: 43 43 Notes Note Your Long Term Goals 44 Notes Note Your Long Term Goals 45 45 Notes Note Your Long Term Goals 46 Do you Want to be a Chef? Talk to Culinary Skills Australia we can organize Traineeships, Apprenticeships and State Government funding is available for eligible students. On the job training, classes and workshops available Certificate II and Certificate III Courses available TOID21857 VR1966580 Contact us for more information www.culinaryskillsaustralia.com.au • 1300 933 330 Is Working with Children your kind of job? Long Day Care or After School Hours Care? Practical Outcomes delivers quality Early Childhood Education training that will have you working in the industry and achieving your goals while earning money at the same time. Certificate III, Diploma and Advanced Diploma level qualifications in Early Childhood and School Age Care TOID21857 Contact us for more information www.practicaloutcomes.com.au • 1300 799 610 IS HAIRDRESSING THE CAREER FOR YOU? Start your career in the New Year at ICP Hair Academy t Free training for eligible students * t Industry recognised and award winning trainers t Modern salon classroom * Material fees may apply. To find out if you are eligible for government funding contact ICP on 03 5333 6160. ENROL NOW FOR 201145 XXXJDQFEVBVt03 5333 6160 This training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding 1FPQMFXJUIEJTBCJMJUJFTBSFFODPVSBHFEUPBQQMZt*$1&EVDBUJPOBM*OTUJUVUF50*% VR1971966 All under one roof Monday to Friday 9am-5pm Wednesday and Thursday 9am-7pm For more info check out A. 28 Camp Street, Ballarat P: 5304 4777 E:[email protected] W:www.headspaceballarat.org.au/ballarat F:www.facebook.com/headspaceballarat Headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation Ltd is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing under the Youth Mental Health Initiative Program. Putting young people first VR1966555 headspace Ballarat is about young people 12-25 and provides no cost, accessible services • General health including Doctors • Mental Health • Alcohol & other Drugs • Education, employment & training youthservicesballarat.com.au BYou check out our website for all the latest news, events, blogs and more. @ballaratyouth P: 5320 5140 B’You Ballarat Youth Services VR1962413
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