DC Machines Lab CHRISTU JYOTI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE (Affiliated to JNTU Hyderabad), Colombonagar, Janagoan : 506167 DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING ELECTRICAL machines - I LAB MANUAL Website: http://www.cjits.org/ Ph no: 08716 202101 08716 E mail ID: [email protected] Year/Semester Branch HOD EEE : II/II : EEE Principal __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs -1- DC Machines Lab PREFACE The significance of the Electrical machines Lab-1 is renowned in the various fields of engineering applications. For an Electrical Engineer, it is obligatory to have the practical ideas about the Electrical DC machines. By this perspective we have introduced a Laboratory manual cum Observation for Electrical machines lab-I. The manual uses the plan, cogent and simple language to explain the fundamental aspects of Electrical DC machines in practical. The manual prepared very carefully with our level best. It gives all the steps in executing an experiment. __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs -2- DC Machines Lab GUIDELINES TO WRITE YOUR OBSERVATION BOOK 1. Experiment Title, Aim, Apparatus, Procedure should be on right side. 2. Circuit diagrams, Model graphs, Observations table, Calculations table should be left side. 3. Theoretical and model calculations can be any side as per your convenience. 4. Result should always be in the ending. 5. You all are advised to leave sufficient no of pages between experiments for theoretical or model calculations purpose. DO’S AND DON’TS IN THE LAB DO’S:1. Proper dress has to be maintained while entering in the Lab. (Boys Tuck in and shoes, girls with apron) 2. All students should come to the Lab with necessary tools. (Cutting Pliers 6”, Insulation remover and phase tester) 3. Students should carry observation notes and record completed in all aspects. 4. Correct specifications of the equipment have to be mentioned in the circuit diagram. 5. Student should be aware of operating equipment. 6. Students should be at their concerned experiment table, unnecessary moment is restricted. 7. Student should follow the indent procedure to receive and deposit the equipment from the Lab Store Room. 8. After completing the connections Students should verify the circuits by the Lab Instructor. 9. The reading must be shown to the Lecturer In-Charge for verification. 10. Students must ensure that all switches are in the OFF position, all the connections are removed. 11. All patch cords and stools should be placed at their original positions. DON’Ts:1. Don’t come late to the Lab. 2. Don’t enter into the Lab with Golden rings, bracelets and bangles. 3. Don’t make or remove the connections with power ON. 4. Don’t switch ON the supply without verifying by the Staff Member. 5. Don’t switch OFF the machine with load. 6. Don’t leave the lab without the permission of the Lecturer In-Charge. __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs -3- DC Machines Lab JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD II Year B.Tech. EEE-II Semester L T/P/D C 0 -/3/- 2 (54602)ELECTRICAL MACHINES LAB-1 The following experiments are required to be conducted Compulsory experiments. 1. Magnetization characteristics of DC shunt generator. Determination of critical field resistance and critical speed. 2. Load test on DC Shunt Generator. Determination of characteristics. 3. Load test on Dc series Generator .Determination of characteristics 4. Load test on Dc Compound Generator .Determination of characteristics 5. Hopkinson’s test on Dc Shunt generator .predermination of Efficiency 6. Field’s test on Dc series machines. predermination of Efficiency 7. Swinburne’s test and Speed Control of DC shunt motor . Pre-determination of Efficiency 8. Brake test on DC Compound motor. Determination of performance curves. In addition to the above experiments, atleast any two of the experiments from the following list are required to be conducted. 9. Brake test on DC Shunt motor. Determination of performance curves 10. Separation of losses in DC shunt motor. 11. Retardation test on DC shunt motor. Determination of losses at rated speed. 12. Parallel operation of two DC shunt machines __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs -4- DC Machines Lab S.NO NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PAGE NO Magnetization characteristics of DC Shunt Generator. Brake test on DC Shunt motor Brake test on DC compound motor. Load test on DC Shunt generator. Load test on DC Series generator. Speed control DC Shunt motor, and Swinburne’s test on DC shunt machine Load test on DC Compound generator. Field’s test on two identical Series machines. 9 Hopkinson’s test. 10 Separation of losses in a DC shunt machine Additional Experiments:11 Retardation test on DC shunt motor. Determination of losses at rated speed 12 Parallel operation of two DC shunt machines __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs -5- DC Machines Lab 1. Magnetization Characteristics of DC Shunt Generator Aim: To conduct an experiment on a D.C shunt generator and draw the magnetization characteristics (OCC) and to determine the critical field resistance and critical speed. Name plate details: (To be noted Down from the Machine) S. No Parameters 1 2 3 4 5 Rated voltage Rated current Rated speed Rated power Rated field current Motor Generator Apparatus: S. No Apparatus 1 2 3 4 Voltmeter Ammeter Rheostats Tachometer Type Range Qty Theory: Open circuit characteristics or magnetization curve is the graph between the generated emf and field current of a dc shunt generator. For field current is equal to zero there will be residual voltage of 10 to 12V because of the residual magnetism present in the machine .If this is absent there the machine can not build up voltage to obtain residual magnetism the machine is separately excited by a dc source from OCC we can get critical field resistance and critical speed. __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs -6- DC Machines Lab Circuit diagram DPST Switch 3 point starter A L F + Fr1 + 230 V DC 230V Supply DC Supply A A Fr2 F M F − FF FF V −A G M AA AA Fuse 20A DPST Switch + + A 230 v DC supply − P.D − Fuse 5A Shunt Field Resistance (Rsh):DPST FUSE 5A + + A 230 V DC Supply − F + V FF − − __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs -7- DC Machines Lab Procedure: 1. Connect the circuit as per circuit diagram shown in above figure. 2. Set the potential divider to zero and output keeping the motor field rheostat in minimum position. 3. Switch on the supply and start the motor with 3-point starter. Check the speed of the motor, if below the rated speed then adjust the speed by controlling the field rheostat. Bring the speed to the rated speed. 4. The speed of the motor should be maintained constant over the experiment. 5. Note down the voltmeter reading s at zero field current If. 6. Increase the Ish of the generator in steps by changing the potential divider position up to little higher value than the rated voltage of the generator. 7. Take the readings of the If and Eg at each step by increasing and decreasing values of the potential divider. 8. Make all the equipment to initial positions and open the DPST. Graph: Eg (V) A C O B Z Y If (A) Y If v/s Eg __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs -8- DC Machines Lab Tabular column: S.NO Field current If Generated Voltage (Eg) Decreasing Increasing (If) (If) Average Eg 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Calculations: Critical field resistance (Rc) = OA/OY Field resistance (Rf) = The maximum voltage the Generator can induce With this field resistance. = Critical Speed = YZ/BZ * N Result: a. The OCC of a DC shunt generator has been observed b. Critical field resistance=400Ω c. Critical speed=1035rpm __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs -9- DC Machines Lab 2. BRAKE TEST ON DC SHUNT MOTOR. DETERMINATION OF ITS PERFORMANCE CURVES Aim: To conduct brake test on DC Shunt motor. And to determine its performance characteristic curves. Name plate details: (To be noted Down from the Machine): S. No 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Rated voltage Rated current Rated speed Rated power Rated field current Motor Apparatus: S. No Equipment 1 2 3 4 5 6 Voltmeter Ammeter Ammeter Rheostat Tachometer Connecting wires Range Type Qty Theory: When if is required to determine directly efficiency if comparatively small motors, the motor is loaded directly by means of Mechanical Break. Hence in the case of shunt motor there is no drastic change in speed. The Torque T = (S1 ~ S2) g. r – Nm. where S1 S2 is the spring balance reading, r = Break drum Radius and g=9.81. P = Power developed. Efficiency of DC motor = Po/ Pi x 100 __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 10 - DC Machines Lab Circuit diagram: DPST Switch + + A − 3 point starter L F A Fr1 S1 + 230 V DC Supply V −A + A Fr2 A − M F − FF -AA _ Fuse 20A Procedure:1. 2. 3. 4. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram shown in the figure. Keep the field regulator Rsh at minimum position. Check the belt is very loose so that there is no load on the motor. Start the motor with the 3-point starter; check the speed of the motor with the help of a tachometer. If the speed is below the rated speed then adjust the field regulator. So that the motor runs at rated speed. 5. Apply the load on the motor by slowly by tightening the belt. 6. Take the readings of the voltmeter ammeter and the spring balance weights readings at each of increasing the load up to the rated current of the motor 7. Cool the break drum by pouring the water in it though out the loading period. __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 11 - S2 DC Machines Lab Tabular column: S.No Voltage (V) Current (I) Speed (N) Spring Balance Readings S1 S2 Torque= 9.8 1(S1 -S2) .r Nm Pout = 2 NT/60 Watts Pin = VI Watts Eff = Pout / Pin x100. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Graphs: 1. Plot the graph between torque(T) versus current(I) 2. Plot the graph between speed(N) versus current(I) 3. Plot the graph between speed(N) versus torque(T) 4. Plot the graph between efficiency() versus output(Pout ) EXPECTED GRAPHS: Y T a T X 0 I __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 12 - DC Machines Lab X N 0 N v/s I I Y X N T N v/s T Y X η Y O/P Vs O/P __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 13 - DC Machines Lab Calculations: 1. Total torque T=9.81 (S1-S2) r n-m 2. Power output Pout = 2NT/60 3. Power input Pin = VI Result: The performance of DC shunt motor is obtained by brake test Efficiency = __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 14 - DC Machines Lab 3.BRAKE TEST ON DC COMPOUND MOTOR DETERMINATION OF PERFORMANCE CURVES Aim: To conduct brake test on dc compound motor and to determine the performance curves. Name plate details (To be noted Down from the Machine) S. No 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Rated voltage Rated current Rated speed Rated power Rated field current Motor Apparatus: S. No Equipment 1 2 3 4 5 Voltmeter Ammeter Rheostat Tachometer digital Connecting wires Range Type Quantity Theory: A Compound motor has a shunt field winding as well as series field winding. If the series field mmf and shunt field mmf help each other it is a cumulative compound motor. If the series and shunt fields appose each other it is a differentially compound motor. The operation of differential compound motor is unstable In a cumulative compounded motor the fluxes are add each other at light loads the shunt field is stronger than series field so motor behaves shunt motor. At high loads series field is stronger than shunt field so the characteristics like nearly to series motor __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 15 - DC Machines Lab Circuit diagram: 3 point starter DPST Switch + + A L − F A Y Fr1 S1 + 230 V DC Supply V −A YY + A Fr2 A − M F − FF AA Fuse 20A Procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Connect the circuit as shown in the circuit figure. Keep the D.C compound motor field rheostat at minimum. Check that pulley should be very loose so that there is no load. Start the motor with the help of a 3-point starter check the speed with the help of the tachometer, of the speed is below the rated speed, adjust the field regulator, so that motor is rotating at rated speed. Increase the load by tightening the belt slowly up the the ratrd current of the motor. Note down the readings of the voltmeter, ammeter and spring balance. In the breaking arrangement entire power is eliminated in the form of heat at the brake drum, so pore the water in it. Make all the equipment to initial values and open the DPST. __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 16 - S2 DC Machines Lab Tabular columns: S. No Voltage (V) Current (I) Speed (N) Spring balance readings S1 S2 Torque= 9.81x(S1-S).r Nm Output power 2πNT/60 Watts Input power VI Watts Efficiency Pout/Pin x 100. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Graph: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Draw graphs O/P Vs Speed, Draw graphs O/P Vs Current, Draw graphs O/P Vs Torque, Draw graphs O/P Vs Efficiency. Draw graphs speed(N) Vs current(I) Draw graphs torque(T) Vs current(I) Draw graphs speed(N) Vs torque(T) Y Cum Diff N X 0 T N v/s I a __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 17 - DC Machines Lab X Diff T Cum Y 0 I T v/s I X N Cum Diff Y T N v/s T __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 18 - DC Machines Lab X Η I T N I Cum Diff T N O/P Y v/s O/P Result: The performance of DC compound motor is obtained by brake test Efficiency = __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 19 - DC Machines Lab 4. LOAD TEST ON DC SHUNT GENERATOR. Aim: To conduct a load test on the given DC Shunt generator and to obtain the following performance characteristics. 1. Internal characteristics (Eg v/s Ia) 2. External characteristics (V v/s IL) Name plate details: (To be noted Down from the Machine): S. No 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Rated voltage Rated current Rated speed Rated power Rated field current Motor Generator Apparatus required: S. No Equipment 1 Ammeter 2 Voltmeter 3 4 5 6 5 Rheostat Rheostat Load Tachometer Connecting wires Range & Type Qty Theory: By conducting load test on DC shunt generator we can get load characteristics i.e, Internal & External characteristics. By exciting the m/c, the field current increases and voltage build up. After the machine has attained 220V the rated load is switched on. With increase in load, the voltage will be dropped. __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 20 - DC Machines Lab Circuit diagram: Armature 3 point starter L DPST Switch F DPST Switch A + A + Fr1 − 230 V DC Suppl y A Fr2 A M FF F AA A Fr1 + Fr2 V G AA F − FF Resistive Load − Fuse 20A Fuse 20A Resistance (Ra):DPST FUSE 5A + + A − A + 230 V DC Supply M V − AA − Procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. Connect the circuit the circuit as shown in the figure Start the motor with the help of 3-point starter Adjust the field regulator of the motor so that the motor runs at rated speed. And adjust the potential divider so that rated voltage is obtained at its terminals. 5. Gradually apply the load on the generator in steps and note down readings of the load as given on the name plate details of the generator keeping the speed constant by adjusting the field regulator of the motor. 6. Plot the external and internal characteristic graph. __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 21 - DC Machines Lab 7. Determine the armature resistance experimentally using the circuit diagram. 8. Take at least six readings of the voltmeter and ammeter by varying the load resistance and determine the average value of armature resistance Observations: S. No Load current(IL) Field current (If ) Ia= IL+If Terminal voltage (Vt) Eg=Vt+IaRa 1 2 3 4 5 6 Graph: Y Armature reaction drop V Eg Armature resistance drop 0 IL, Ia X Result: Internal and external characteristics are ploted by conducting load test on DC shunt generator. __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 22 - DC Machines Lab 5.LOAD TEST ON DC SERIES GENERATOR Aim: To conduct load test on the given DC series generator and to obtain its performance characteristics. Nameplate Details: (To be noted Down from the Machine) S. No 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Rated voltage Rated current Rated speed Rated power Rated field current Motor Generator Apparatus required: S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 Equipment Range Type Qty Ammeter. Voltmeter. Rheostat Load Tachometer Theory: The load characteristics curve of DC series generator shows the relation b/w its terminal voltage and load current. The characteristics are rising in nature and excitation increases with load. At large values of load current, the terminal voltage must be start decreasing owing to the saturation of the machine iron & rapidly increasing voltage drop of armature and armature resistance. __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 23 - DC Machines Lab Circuit diagram:- + DPST Switch 3 point starter L F A DPST Switch A YY Fr1 Y 230 V DC Supply Fr2 A A G M F + V − FF AA AA Resistive Load − Fuse 20A Fuse 20A Armature Resistance (Ra):DPST FUSE 5A + + A − + A 230 V DC Suppl y M V − AA − Series Field Resistance (Rse):DPST FUSE 5A + + A 230 V DC Suppl y Y − + V YY − − __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 24 - DC Machines Lab Procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Connect the circuit the circuit as shown in the figure Start the motor with the help of 3-point starter Adjust the field regulator of the motor so that the motor runs at rated speed. And adjust the potential divider so that rated voltage is obtained at its terminals. Gradually apply the load on the generator in steps and note down readings of the load as given on the name plate details of the generator keeping the speed constant by adjusting the field regulator of the motor. Plot the external and internal characteristic graph. Determine the armature resistance experimentally using the circuit diagram. Take at least six readings of the voltmeter and ammeter by varying the load resistance and determine the average value of armature resistance Graph: Plot the graph b/w terminal voltage and load current by taking ‘V’ on Yaxis and ‘IL’ on X-axis, and Eg on Y axis and Ia on X axis. X OCC Eg & V Internal External Ia = Ise Y Eg&V v/s Ia=Ise __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 25 - DC Machines Lab Observations: S.no Terminal voltage (V) Load current IL=Ia=Ise Eg=V+IaRa+IaRa 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Result: Internal and external characteristics are ploted by conducting load test on DC series generator. __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 26 - DC Machines Lab 6.SPEED CONTROL OF DC SHUNT MOTOR Aim: To conduct speed controls on DC shunt motor. The methods are 1. Armature voltage control method 2. Flux control method Nameplate Details (To be noted Down from the Machine) S.No 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Rated voltage Rated current Rated speed Rated power Rated field current Motor Apparatus: S.No 1 Equipment Range Type Qty Ammeter 2 3 Voltmeter Rheostats 4 5 Tachometer Connecting Wires Theory: i) Armature voltage control method: For a load of constant Torque, the speed is proportional to the applied to the armature. Therefore speed voltage characteristic is linear and is a straight line. As the voltage is decrease across the armature the speed falls. This method gives speeds less than rated speeds. Eb α ΦN Eb α N V-Ia(Ra+R) α N As the voltage is decreased speed decreases. __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 27 - DC Machines Lab Flux Control Method: ii) With rated voltage applied to the motor, the field resistance is increased i.e field current is decreased. I t is observed that speed increases. Eb/Φ α N N α Eb/If The characteristics If Vs N is inverse (or) if it is hyperbola. Circuit diagram: DPST Switch F L A Ar1 Ar2 + - A Fr1 230 V DC Supply A + Fr2 M F − FF V − AA Fuse 5A Armature Resistance (Ra):- DPST FUSE 5A + + A 230 V DC Suppl y −−_- A + M AA V − − __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 28 - DC Machines Lab Procedure: i) Armature Voltage Control Method 1) Make connections as per the circuit diagram. 2) Keeping both rheostats at minimum, Start the motor with the help of starter and by adjusting field rheostat bring the motor to rated speed. 3) By increasing armature circuit rheostat in steps note down voltage, Ia and speed at every step. 4) The corresponding graph is draw between armature Voltage Vs speed. ii) Flux Control method: 1) Make connections as per the circuit diagram. 2) Keeping both rheostats at minimum, Start the motor with the help of starter and by adjusting field rheostat bring the motor to rated speed. 3) By increasing field circuit rheostat in steps note down current, If and speed at every step. 4) The corresponding graph is draw between field current Vs speed Tabular Column: Armature Voltage Control Method: S. No Armature Voltage in volts Speed in RPM 1 2 3 4 5 Flux Control Method: S. No 1 2 3 4 5 Field Current in amps Speed in RPM Expected graphs:__________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 29 - DC Machines Lab Y N O X If(I) N Vs If Y N O X Va(V) N Vs Va Result: The variation of speed with armature voltage and field current in case of DC shunt motor is studied. __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 30 - DC Machines Lab 6. SWINBURNE’ S TEST ON DC SHUNT MACHINE PREDETERMINATION OF EFFICIENCIES Aim: To perform no load test on dc motor and to predetermine the efficiencies of the machine acting as a motor and generator. Name plate details: (To be noted Down from the Machine) S. No 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Rated voltage Rated current Rated speed Rated power Rated field current Motor Equipment: S.No 1 2 Apparatus Voltmeter Voltmeter 3 Ammeter 4 Ammeter 5 Rheostats Type Range qty Theory: It is simple indirect method in which losses are measured separately and the efficiency at any desired load can be predetermined. This test applicable to those machines in which flux is practically constant i.e. shunt and compound wound machines. The no load power input to armature consist iron losses in core, friction loss, windage loss and armature copper loss. It is convenient and economical because power required to test a large machine is small i.e. only no load power. But no account is taken the change in iron losses from no load to full load due to armature reaction flux is distorted which increases the iron losses in some cases by as 50%. __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 31 - DC Machines Lab Circuit diagram: DPST Switch + + A L − F A Ar1 Ar2 + - A Fr1 + 230 V DC Supply A V − + Fr2 M F − FF AA V − Fuse 5A Circuit diagram to find out Ra: + DPST Switch + A − 230 V DC Supply A + M AA − V A − Fuse 5A Procedure: 1. Make connections as per the circuit diagram. 2. Show the connections to the lab instructor. 3. Keeping both rheostats at minimum, Start the motor with the help of starter and by adjusting field rheostat bring the motor to rated speed. 4. Note down all the meter readings at no load.. 5. Do necessary calculations and find out the efficiency of the Machine as a motor and as a generator. 6. Draw the graphs between output Vs efficiency of the Machine as a generator and as a motor. __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 32 - DC Machines Lab Observations: vt IL If VtIf Iam =ILIf Iag = IL+If Iam2Ram Iag2Rag Wom Wc= Wom+ VtIf TLM Wc+ Iam2Ra TLG WC+ Iag2Ra O/Pg=I/Pm= VtIL I/Pg= O/Pg+ TLG O/Pm= VtILTLM Ƞm Expected graphs:- η ( % ) Generator Motor Efficiency v/s Output O Output Calculations: No load armature copper losses =Ia 2 Ra =(Il –If)2 Ra Constant losses Wc=V l–(Il-If)2 Ra Efficiency as a motor: I= Assumed load current Motor i/p=VI Ia=IL-If Motor armature losses=I2a .Ra Total losses=I2a Ra+ Wc Efficiency of motor= VI- I2a Ra+ Wc / VI x (100) Efficiency as generator: __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 33 - Ƞg DC Machines Lab I=assumed load current Generator O/P =VI Generator armature cu. Losses= I2a .Ra Total losses= I2a Ra+ Wc Efficiency of generator=VI / VI+ I2a Ra+ Wc x (100) Results: The Swinburne’s test has been performed on DC shunt machine and efficiency of both motor and generator is obtained. 7. LOAD TEST ON COMPOUND GENERATOR __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 34 - DC Machines Lab Aim: To conduct load test on DC compound generator and to determine its characteristics. Name plate details: (To be noted Down from the Machine) S. No Parameters Motor 1 2 3 4 5 Rated voltage Rated current Rated speed Rated power Rated field current Generator Apparatus: S. No Equipment 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 Voltmeter Ammeter Rheostats Tachometer Connecting wires Range Type Qty Theory: D.C. Compound generator consists of both series and shunt field windings. The shunt and series fields can be connected in two ways. 1. Short shunt. 2. Long shunt. When the MMF of series field opposes the MMF of shunt field, the generator is differentially compound. The terminal voltage decreases sharply with increasing load current. Evidently this connection is not used. In cumulative compound the connections of the two fields are such that their MMF’s added and help each other. If the series field is very strong, the terminal voltage may increase as the load current increases and it is called over compounding. When terminal voltage on full load and no load are equal, it is known as flat compounded generator. If the series field is not strong, the terminal voltage will decreases with increase in load current (under compound) Circuit diagram for cumulative compound generator: __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 35 - DC Machines Lab + DPST Switch 3 point starter A F L − + DPST DPSTSwitch Switch A Y + 230 V DC Supply YY A A M F A + V G FF AA AA F − FF Resistive Load − Fuse 20A Fuse 20A Armature Resistance (Ra):DPST FUSE 5A + + A − A 230 V DC Suppl y + M V − AA − Series Field Resistance (Rse):DPST FUSE 5A + + A 230 V DC Suppl y − Y + V YY − − Procedure: __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 36 - DC Machines Lab 1. Make the connections as shown in the figure 2. Keep the D.C motor field in minimum position and generator rheostat in minimum position initially load should not be connected to generator out put terminals and are open circuited. 3. Motor started with the help of a 3-point starter and its field regulator is adjusted so that rated speed of motor obtained 4. The gen field rheostat is also adjust such that the rated voltage is obtained at the gen terminals. 5. By keeping the gen field excitation constant load is switched on varied in steps and meters readings are tabulated. 6. In each step of load variation readings are taken the motor is running at rated speed is achieved by adjusting motor field rheostat variation of load in speed is continued till the generator supplies rated current. 7. When the current exceeds gen rated current decrease the load to zero and open the DPST Tabular Column:S. No IL, Amps VT Volts If , Amps IA= IL+ If Eg = VT +IA (RA+Rsc) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Model graphs:__________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 37 - DC Machines Lab Internal characteristics Y Eg Cumulative Differential O X IA Eg v/s IA External characteristics Y V Cumulativ e Differential O IA X V v/s IA Result:By conducting load test the performance characteristics of DC compound generator are obtained. 8. FIELDS TEST ON TWO IDENTICAL DC SERIES __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 38 - DC Machines Lab MACHINES Aim: To determination the efficiency of two mechanically coupled series machines by conducting field’s test. Name Plate Details(To be noted Down from the Machine) S.No 1 2 3 4 Parameters Rated voltage Rated current Rated speed Rated power Motor Generator Apparatus: S.No 1. 2 3. 4. Equipment Voltmeter Ammeter Resistive load Connecting wires Range Type Qty Theory: This test is applicable for two series machines which are coupled mechanically. Series machines cannot be tested on no load conditions due to dangerous high speeds. One machine normally run as motor and drives generator whose output is wasted in a variable load R. The fields of two machines are connected in series in order to make iron losses of both the machines equal. Circuit diagram: __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 39 - DC Machines Lab DPST Switch + + A − 2 point starter L A DPST Switch − + A Y 230 V DC Supply + YY V + A + V − M M V _ AA − A G − AA Y YY Resistive Load Fuse 20A Armature Resistance (Ra):DPST FUSE 5A + + A − A 230 V DC Suppl y + M V − AA − Series Field Resistance (Rse):- + DPST FUSE 5A + A 230 V DC Suppl y − Y + V YY − − Procedure: __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 40 - DC Machines Lab 1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram. 2. There is always more than half load on the gen to avoid the dangerous speed. 3. Care must be taken while performing the experiments, because there are series machines, thus it has dangerous starting torque as well as speed to avoid the condition more than half load should be maintained on motor. 4. Start the D.C motor by using the 2-point starter while load on the gen should be adjusted to rated value by changing the load switch. 5. Tabulate the readings of the motor and gen using V & I should be rated values. 6. Open the DPST for stopping the machine. 7. Take readings of armature and series field resistance of machine by using DMM. Observations: V1 = 196V I1 = 12.3A RAM = 1Ω RseM = 1.1Ω V2 =230V I2 = 7.5A RAG = 2 Ω RseG = 1.2Ω V = 204V Calculations: V= voltage supplied V1 = motor input voltage V2 = generator output terminal voltage I1 = motor input current I2 = generator output current 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Power input of M-G set = VI1 watts Power output of M-G set = V2I2 watts. Total ohmic losses WC = I12 (RAM + RseG + RseM )+ I22 RAG Watts No load rotational losses in M-G set WO = W- WC Watts Rotational losses of each machine WS = WO/2 Watts Motor efficiency: Motor input = V1I1 Watts Motor losses = (RAM + RseM) I12+ WS Watts Efficiency = Motor input - Motor losses / (Motor input) Generator efficiency: __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 41 - DC Machines Lab Generator output = Field loss = Armature copper losses = Total losses WG = Efficiency = V2I2 Watts 2 I1 RseG Watts I22 RAG Watts I22 RseG+ I22 RAG+ WS Watts (output )/ output + losses Model graphs:η (%) Generat or Motor O Output Result: By conducting the field’s test we found the efficiency of series machines (motor and generator). __________________________________________________________________ Electrical & Electronics Department – CJITs - 42 -
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