Operations Manual Raising The Awareness of Nurse Practitioners in Saskatchewan SRNA Professional Practice Group Developed January 2014 Approved by Membership _____ 2014 Page 1 of 27 Table of Contents Constitution and Bylaws ARTICLE 1 – Title/Name of Professional Practice Group 4 ARTICLE 2 – Definition of the Nurse Practitioner 4 ARTICLE 3 – Vision, Mission, Goals 4 ARTICLE 4 – Categories of Membership 5 ARTICLE 5 – Membership Year and Membership Fees 7 ARTICLE 6 – Affiliation 7 ARTICLE 7 – Executive Committee 8 Officers Qualifications Term of office Vacancies Duties of officers Provincial Executive Past Chair Chair Vice-Chair Secretary Treasurer Communications Director Mentorship Director Research and Education Director Web Manager Nurse Practitioner Student Representatives Vacancies 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 Chairs of Standing Committees Election of Officers 11 12 ARTICLE 8 – Standing Committees and Ad Hoc Committees Communications Committee Membership and Nominations Committee Nurse Practitioner Mentorship Committee Research and Education Committee Ad Hoc Committees Developed January 2014 Approved by Membership _____ 2014 12 12 12 12 12 13 Page 2 of 27 ARTICLE 9 – Annual General Meeting General Membership Meetings Executive Meetings 13 13 13 ARTICLE 10 – Finance and Audit 14 ARTICLE 11 – Parliamentary Authority 14 ARTICLE 12 – Amendments to the Constitution & Bylaws 14 ARTICLE 13 – Dissolution 15 Policies 16 Education Bursary Protocol Education Bursary Application Form Graphics Standards Policy SRNA Ethics Guidelines for Industry Sponsorships Advertising Policy Website Policy 17 18 19 20 23 24 Appendices 25 AGM Agenda Template NPOS Consent for Photographs SRNA Consent for Photographs Expense Claim Form 26 27 28 29 Developed January 2014 Approved by Membership _____ 2014 Page 3 of 27 Constitution and Bylaws of the Nurse Practitioners of Saskatchewan Effective _________ 2013 ARTICLE 1 – Title/Name of SRNA Professional Practice Group 1.0 1.01 The name of this Professional Practice Group shall be "Nurse Practitioners of Saskatchewan", (NPOS), a membership unit of the Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association. In the interpretation of this Constitution and Bylaws, the feminine gender used herein shall mean and include the masculine. No bias is intended. ARTICLE 2 – Definition of the Nurse Practitioner 2.01 “A Nurse Practitioner is a registered nurse whose practice is focused on providing services to manage the health needs of individuals, families, groups and communities. The nurse practitioner role is grounded in the nursing professions’ values, knowledge, theories and practice. Nurse Practitioners integrate into their practice, elements such as diagnosing and treating health problems and prescribing medications. Nurse practitioners work autonomously, from initiating the care process and monitoring health outcomes to collaborating with other health care professionals. Nurse practitioners practice in a variety of community, acute care and long-term care settings. These include, but are not limited to, community health centers; nursing outposts; specialty units and clinics; longterm care facilities.” (adopted from Canadian Nurses Association Position Statement on the Nurse Practitioner, March 2002). Regulation through the Registered Nurses Act permit Nurse Practitioners to perform these services. ARTICLE 3 – Vision, Mission, Goals 3.01 Vision Statement: The health of the population of Saskatchewan is supported by Nurse Practitioners who provide high quality health care services. Through practice in diverse settings, Nurse Practitioners demonstrate leadership in health care organizations and through collaboration with individuals, families, communities, interdisciplinary health care teams and stakeholders. Founded in 2001 as a membership unit of the Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association (SRNA), NPOS advocates for accessible health care in our province through education on the scope of practice of Nurse Practitioners thereby influencing the integration of RN(NP)s across the health care system. 3.02 Mission Statement: NPOS primary purpose is to raise awareness of the RN(NP) role and scope of practice. NPOS supports the creation of an accessible and effective health care system that meets the health care needs of the Saskatchewan people and provides a strong foundation for interdisciplinary teamwork and evidence-informed Nurse Practitioner practice. Developed January 2014 Approved by Membership _____ 2014 Page 4 of 27 3.03 Goals: To provide a forum and network for nurse practitioners to meet for the purpose of: a) Discussing, exploring and exchanging information in aspects related to the role of the nurse practitioner. b) Research access and support to facilitate improvements in nursing practice and health care. c) Facilitation in the development of the role and scope of practice of Nurse Practitioners in Saskatchewan. d) Promoting and reviewing established and changing standards of nursing practice for nurse practitioners. e) Assisting in the development of future standards for the evolving role of nurse practitioners in Saskatchewan and Canada in collaboration with the SRNA. f) Linking with other nurse practitioner groups throughout the country and the Canadian Association of Advanced Practice Nurses. g) Contributing to the SRNA as a resource for exploring NP practice concerns and issues. h) Providing support to the SRNA in promoting NP efforts and to partner with SRNA in NP promotional activities and initiatives. i) Educating the public, government and other health care professionals about the role of Nurse Practitioners collaboratively with SRNA and independently as a PPG, but always in agreement with the legislation, regulations or bylaws under which SRNA operates, and to the objectives, vision, mission, values or positions of SRNA. ARTICLE 4 – Categories of Membership Membership in the professional practice group consists of the following categories: a) b) c) d) e) 4.01 Practicing NP Graduate NP Associate Member Life Time and Honorary members NP Student Member Practicing NP Membership: Shall be open to Nurse Practitioners (NPs) who have an active registration in the NP category with the Saskatchewan Registered Nurses’ Association (SRNA) and have a commitment to the advancement of the Nurse Practitioner Role in Saskatchewan. Membership is accepted through payment of the NPOS Practicing NP Membership fee. Privileges of Practicing NP Membership include: a) the right to vote b) the right to receive NPOS publications and communications c) the right to represent NPOS as elected or appointed by the Executive; and d) the right to hold office Developed January 2014 Approved by Membership _____ 2014 Page 5 of 27 4.02 Graduate NP Membership Shall be open to nurses with a graduate NP license with the SRNA and have a commitment to the advancement of the Nurse Practitioner Role. Membership is accepted through payment of the NPOS Graduate NP Membership fee. Privileges of Graduate NP Membership include: a) the right to vote b) the right to receive NPOS publications and communications c) the right to represent NPOS as elected or appointed by the Executive; and d) the right to hold office 4.03 Associate Membership: a) Associate membership shall be granted to Nurse Practitioners from other provinces/territories, who are registered with and maintain registration in good standing with the professional/regulatory association of their province/territory. Membership is accepted through payment of the NPOS Associate Membership fee. b) Shall be open to any registered nurse registered with the SRNA or registered in another province/territory with a commitment to the advancement of the Nurse Practitioner Role. Membership is accepted through payment of the NPOS Associate Membership fee. Privileges of Associate Membership include: a) the right to receive NPOS publications and communications b) the right to represent NPOS as elected or appointed by the Executive Privileges of Associate Membership DO NOT include the right to vote or hold executive office. 4.04 Life Time and Honorary Membership: Life Time and Honorary Memberships are awarded by the NPOS executive committee to RN(NP) or RN members who have contributed to the advancement of RN(NP) education and practice in the province of Saskatchewan. a) A free lifetime membership shall be open to retired NPOS members who have applied for, or are nominated by an NPOS member. Applicants will be approved by the NPOS executive on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the executive committee. b) A free honorary membership shall be open to NPOS members who have applied for, or nurses who are nominated by an NPOS member. Applicants will be approved by the NPOS executive on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the executive committee. Developed January 2014 Approved by Membership _____ 2014 Page 6 of 27 Privileges of Life Time and Honorary Membership include: a) the right to receive NPOS publications and communications b) the right to represent NPOS as elected or appointed by the Executive Privileges of Life Time and Honorary Membership DO NOT include the right to vote or hold executive office. 4.05 Student Memberships: Shall be free and open to all students in a Nurse Practitioner Programs of study recognized by the SRNA. Privileges of Student Membership include: a) the right to vote b) the right to receive NPOS publications and communications c) the right to represent NPOS as elected or appointed by the Executive; and d) the right to hold office ARTICLE 5 – Membership Year and Membership Fees 5.01 The membership year begins July first (1st) and ends May thirty first (31st). 5.02 Membership in NPOS shall be renewed each fiscal year provided the applicant qualifies under the membership requirements and the annual membership fee is received. 5.03 Practicing and Graduate NP and Associate fees are levied on an annual basis. 5.04 Membership fees shall be set by the general membership at the time of the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Members are notified of fee changes. 5.05.1 A member suspended by the SRNA shall automatically be suspended by NPOS; when reinstated by the SRNA, the member shall be eligible to be reinstated as a member of NPOS, providing the requirements for membership are met. 5.06 The number of associate members shall not exceed the number of practicing NP members. 5.07 The NPOS will provide CAAPN portion of active membership fees collected during its membership year timeframe on an annual basis. CAAPN fees are submitted by NPOS to CAAPN in September each year. Developed January 2014 Approved by Membership _____ 2014 Page 7 of 27 ARTICLE 6 – Affiliation 6.01 6.02 NPOS is a Professional Practice Group of the SRNA. NPOS shall be a Provincial Partner Affiliate with the Canadian Association of Advanced Practice Nurses (CAAPN) and will recognize the conditions set out in the provincial affiliate agreement. ARTICLE 7 – Executive Committee 7.01 OFFICERS a) The affairs of the NPOS shall be managed by a Provincial Executive composed of the following positions. The total number of members to be elected to the executive is nine. Past Chair Chair Vice-Chair Secretary Treasurer Communications Director Mentorship Director Research and Education Director Web Manager Nurse Practitioner Student Representatives Chairs of Standing Committees: Communications Committee (Communications Director) Membership and Nominations Committee (Past Chair) Research and Education Committee (Research & Education Director) Ad Hoc Committees (At call of Executive Committee) 7.02 QUALIFICATIONS Only licensed NP members, licensed graduate NPs and student NPs of the professional practice group, NPOS, who are in good standing with the SRNA may hold elected positions on the Executive Committee. Developed January 2014 Approved by Membership _____ 2014 Page 8 of 27 7.03 TERM OF OFFICE a) b) c) d) e) f) 7.04 VACANCIES a) b) c) 7.05 The term of office for all executive positions will be for two (2) years from the conclusion of the AGM at which they are elected to the conclusion of the next ensuing AGM as appropriate. An officer may serve in the same office for no more than three (3) consecutive terms of office, but may serve in other executive position. Nurse Practitioner Student representatives shall serve a two-year term of office Any Executive Committee member may resign her/his office by giving notice in writing to the Executive Committee. Any Executive Committee member who shall for any reason cease to hold office shall forthwith turn over to the Provincial Executive documents, assets, and property of NPOS in her/his possession. In the 2013 – 2014 electoral year beginning at the 2013 AGM: i) The Chair, Secretary, Director Research and Education and Web Manager will be elected in even years. ii) The Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Communications Director and Mentorship Director will be elected in odd years. iii) One Nurse Practitioner Student Representative will be elected annually and hold a two year term. There will be a total of two Nurse Practitioner Student Representatives. In the event the Chair is unable to complete a term of office, the Vice-Chair shall complete the remainder of the term of office. In the event the Vice-Chair is unable to complete a term of office, the position will remain vacant until the next AGM when a new Executive Member will be elected. In the event that any other officer is unable to complete a term of office, the Executive may appoint a replacement of office for the remainder of that term of office. DUTIES OF OFFICERS Duties of the Provincial Executive shall be as follows: a) Provincial Executive (All NPOS Executive Members): i) Shall have and exercise all the powers and perform the normal functions of the organization between the AGMs of the organization and agree on an agenda for the AGM. ii) Will appoint chairpersons of all Standing Committees. Committee Chairpersons will be responsible for selection of committee members. iii) Shall arrange for annual auditing of the financial statement (as per SRNA requirements for Professional Practice Groups). Developed January 2014 Approved by Membership _____ 2014 Page 9 of 27 Duties of the Executive and Officers shall be as follows: b) Past Chair: i) Acts in an advisory capacity, to the Chair and Executive Committee. ii) Chairs the Membership and Nomination Committee. c) Chair: i) Presides at all meetings of the organization and of the Executive Committee. ii) Acts as a coordinator between Provincial Executive and Standing Committees, and the SRNA. iii) Acts as liaison person with other professional and community groups. iv) Is an ex officio member on all committees. v) Delegates responsibilities to Vice-Chair and other executive members as necessary. vi) Prepares a report for the AGM of the NPOS. vii) Prepares an annual report of organization activity for the SRNA when requested. d) Vice-Chair: i) Assists the Chair in the performance of duties. ii) Performs the necessary duties when the Chair is absent. iii) The Vice-Chair will be the NPOS representative to the NP Council of Canada & CAAPN. e) Secretary: i) Responsible for all correspondence and records. ii) Keep accurate minutes of all meeting of the association. iii) Notify the membership of all transactions of the organization affecting their membership. iv) Circulate notification of open meetings to membership. v) Notify Executive Committee members of vacant positions not less than ninety (90) days prior to circulation of ballots. vi) Submit notices of meetings and news for publication in NPOS website or the SRNA News Bulletin. vii) Circulate notification of the AGM to the membership not less than forty-five (45) days prior to the scheduled meeting. viii) Submits officer’s names and addresses annually to the Chair after the AGM Submits constitution amendments and NP practice correspondence to the SRNA. f) Treasurer: i) Receives all monies to NPOS including but not limited to membership fees at the beginning of each fiscal year. ii) Discharges all debts against the organization by means of cheques co-signed by the appointed executive member. iii) Communicates with the secretary regarding membership status of the members. Developed January 2014 27 Approved by Membership _____ 2014 Page 10 of iv) Supervise the collection of, and keep on deposit, the funds and securities of the NPOS. v) Prepare and present the Annual Financial Statement at the AGM. vi) Arrange for the financial audit within two (2) months of the AGM and submits a copy to the SRNA when requested vii) Attend to all financial affairs of the organization. viii) Select a suitable bank and make arrangements for signing authorities. ix) Prepare a projected budget for approval by the Executive. x) Serve as signing officer. xi) Maintains accurate membership records, including a current membership roster and updated contact information. xii) Compiles and provides a list of members to the Communications Chair which is posted on the NPOS web page – in the members section. g) h) i) j) Communication Director: i) Maintains other NPOS web-based communication formats (e.g., Facebook page/blog) with input from others from the NPOS executive. ii) Works with Treasurer and Education Chair to ensure membership and conference fees are organized. (2 year term) iii) Chairs Communication Committee iv) Assists Web Manager in keeping website up to date with new information. Mentorship Director i) Explores mentorship initiatives. ii) Organizes mentorship initiatives iii) Communicates with newly registered NPs. iv) Chairs Mentorship Committee. Research and Education Director: i) Chair and organize annual conference/education day. ii) Send education items to communications chair for website. iii) Recruit committee members to help with conference. (2 year term) iv) Work with outside agencies to collaborate on conference and education initiatives. v) Explores potential research initiatives for NPOS and in collaboration with SRNA. vi) Chairs Research and Education Committee. Web Manager: i) Oversees Website. ii) Updates website. iii) Assesses website content for relevance and organization iv) Suggests and overseas alterations to website. Developed January 2014 27 Approved by Membership _____ 2014 Page 11 of k) Nurse Practitioner Student Representatives: i) Represents the interests and concerns of student nurse practitioners in the province of Saskatchewan. ii) Communicates information from NPOS to students in their program. iii) Collaborates with executives on NPOS initiatives Chairs of Standing Committees: Assist all other officers in discussion and planning the functions of the NPOS and provide leadership for the Standing Committees. 7.06 Election of Officers Method of Nomination a) b) c) Nominations from the NPOS Practicing NP Membership will be accepted by the Chair beginning (30) days prior to the AGM and from the floor up to the time of elections at the AGM. Nominations shall be endorsed by two (2) practicing NP members of the NPOS, and shall be accompanied by verbal or written consent of the nominee. All nominates for office must have practicing membership in the NPOS and hold an active registration as a RN and/or RN(NP) with the SRNA. Election Procedure: a) b) c) The election of officers shall be by secret ballot or by show of hands/acclamation during the AGM. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. All elected officers shall assume the duties of their office at the conclusion of the AGM. ARTICLE 8 – Standing Committees and Ad Hoc Committees 8.01 Communications Committee shall be a standing committee. This committee will: a) b) c) d) Be responsible for keeping the membership informed on the main issues. Develop and distribute informational material in collaboration with the SRNA, relevant to nurse practitioners, to the public, healthcare providers, and government. Contributes new information pertinent to NP practice in Saskatchewan to NPOS members through the website, email and other methods. Assists Web Manager to post new information to website. Developed January 2014 27 Approved by Membership _____ 2014 Page 12 of 8.02 Membership and Nominations Committee This committee will: a) Works to identify and support new executive members and committee members for NPOS initiatives. 8.03 Nurse Practitioner Mentorship Committee shall be a standing committee. This committee will: a) b) c) d) 8.04 Scan for opportunities to promote the RN(NP) role; explore and develop avenues for mentorship of new and practicing RN(NP)s. Work on and identify barriers to mentorship. Work with the SRNA to create helpful alliances with other stakeholders. May work with other SRNA Specialty Practice Groups on certain mentorship topics. Research and Education Committee shall be a standing committee. This committee will: a) b) c) d) 8.05 Arrange and coordinate educational, evidence based practice and research opportunities for nurse practitioners. Liaise with educational institutions to promote accessible continuing education for nurse practitioners. Works to identify, develop and facilitate research and educational initiatives of the NPOS. Collaborates with the SRNA and outside agencies/stakeholders on initiatives that contribute to the growth of knowledge about NP practice in Saskatchewan. Ad Hoc Committees. These committees will: a) Be called and assume such duties as deemed advisable by the Executive Committee (e.g. archives review, educational bursary awards). Developed January 2014 27 Approved by Membership _____ 2014 Page 13 of ARTICLE 9 – Annual General Meeting 9.01 General Membership Meetings: a) b) c) d) 9.02 NPOS shall hold an AGM in the spring of each year. Additional general meetings of NPOS may be called by the Executive at their discretion. Notice of the meeting shall be made at least thirty (30) days in advance. Two-thirds (2/3) of members present who are eligible to vote at a meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Voting for general business shall be by a show of hands. A practicing NP member in good standing shall have the right to vote at any meeting that she/he attends in person, where in person also includes attendance by web-based or video conferenced/telehealth mediums. In all voting procedures the principle of one (1) vote per member shall pertain. Executive Meetings: a) b) c) d) e) f) A minimum of four (4) business meetings shall be held each fiscal year. Additional meetings of the Executive Committee may be called at the discretion of the Chair. Two-thirds (2/3) of the NPOS Executive shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Should a situation occur that does not permit a formal meeting, teleconference meeting, or a mail/email vote, the Chair will consult with available members of the executive committee and take such actions as deemed in the best interest of NPOS. The interim action shall be documented and subject to ratification at the next meeting of the Executive committee. Special meetings of NPOS may be called by the Chair on her own notion, and must be called by the Chair upon written request of the majority of the Executive Committee. Appoint representatives to the internal and external committees as required. ARTICLE 10 – Finance and Audit 10.01 The fiscal year of the NPOS shall be from May first (1st) to April thirtieth (30th). 10.02 The Provincial Executive will determine the maximum expenditure the treasurer may make without their prior approval. 10.03 Subject to available funds, Members of the Provincial Executive may be reimbursed for accommodation and travel expenses made necessary by their office (at a rate not exceeding the rates of the SRNA). 10.04 Annual audit and submission of the financial statements to the SRNA. Developed January 2014 27 Approved by Membership _____ 2014 Page 14 of ARTICLE 11 – Parliamentary Authority 11.01 Parliamentary authority shall be Roberts Rules of Order, newly revised. ARTICLE 12 – Amendments to the Constitution & Bylaws 12.01 This constitution and Bylaws may be amended or altered by a two-thirds majority vote at a meeting of NPOS. Thirty (30) days written notice specifying the intended resolution must be sent to the members. 12.02 Discussion of the proposed constitution and bylaw amendments shall occur at the AGM or a meeting of the NPOS membership. The constitution and bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the active members present at the meeting where the amendments are discussed. 12.03 Members vote in person at the meeting or as defined in 9.01(d). 12.04 The Executive committee or any three (3) members may propose an amendment. Proposed amendments must be delivered to any member of the Executive Committee at least thirty (30) days prior to an AGM or with the requisition of a meeting of the membership as stated in Article 9. ARTICLE 13 – Dissolution 13.01 Upon dissolution of NPOS, all remaining assets of NPOS shall be distributed to the Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association with a request, that if possible, the assets be used to assist Nurse Practitioner education. Developed January 2014 27 Approved by Membership _____ 2014 Page 15 of Policies Developed January 2014 27 Approved by Membership _____ 2014 Page 16 of Nurse Practitioners of Saskatchewan Education Bursary Protocol Purpose: To assist in continuing professional development and education of members of the NPOS. To support attendance at NP Conferences both nationally and internationally. To support networking opportunities for NPs across Canada and internationally. Criteria: Current NPOS member Number of Bursaries: Up to 10 bursaries of $500 will be issued per year as long as funding is available. Only one application per member each year will be accepted. For the purpose of this bursary, the year will run from June 1 to May 31. Obligation of member receiving the Bursary: Application for the bursary must be received within 30 days of the conference. Copy of proof of attendance at a NP conference Share a 350 – 500 word report on an interesting topic from the conference to be posted on the NPOS website. Developed January 2014 27 Approved by Membership _____ 2014 Page 17 of Nurse Practitioners of Saskatchewan Education Bursary Application Name:___________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Email:___________________________________________________________ Fax:________________________________ Phone (W): __________________________ 1) Are you a NPOS Member? Phone (H):___________________________ ________________ 2) Have you attended an NP conference nationally or internationally? Where? __________________ i) Submit a copy of the Certificate of Attendance or Receipt for the conference. ii) Submit a 350 to 500 words report on an interesting topic from the conference. (electronic) 3) Send above information to the current NPOS Treasurer. I hereby declare that the above/attached information is accurate. I have read and understand the details of the bursary as specified by the NPOS Education Bursary Protocol. I understand that the value of this bursary is dependent on the availability of NPOS funds and will be limited to 10 individual members each year. Expenses incurred above the bursary amount are my responsibility. I agree to submit a Certificate of Attendance and a report to the NPOS Treasurer before the $500 bursary will be paid. ___________________________________ Applicant Signature Developed January 2014 27 _______________________________ Date Approved by Membership _____ 2014 Page 18 of Graphics Standards Policy Purpose To outline the standards and appropriate use of the NPOS logo in various print media. These graphic standards help the organization present a consistent graphic identity to our members, nursing colleagues, government, health care employees and the public. Statement of Policy Logo The NPOS logo is the graphic symbol of the organization. As a symbol of the NPOS, and Nurse Practitioners in this province, it is a source of pride. To maintain this integrity, it must be used with consistency, and as a component of good design. When using the logo, please adhere to the following guidelines. The NPOS logo should not be used alone without the name of the organization. The typeface for the organization name is Baskerville Old Face. All brochures, pamphlets and handouts must include the design elements of the NPOS logo and name on the cover. The NPOS logo, name, mailing address, phone and fax numbers and web address must appear on the back cover. Use the logo proportions given; do not distort the horizontal or vertical dimensions. Colors The official association colors are red and gold. The NPOS logo and name may also be printed in greyscale. Slogans Slogans developed by the Nurse Practitioners Of Saskatchewan may be used for promotional material. The slogan should be printed using one of the association colors or black should not include quotation marks. Usually the slogan will be in conjunction with the NPOS logo and name. Policy Implementation The graphic standards are for the use of all Executive, members, interest groups who have been granted permission, to ensure a prominent and consistent image of the NPOS in all print materials. Please contact/inform the Communications Chairperson before using the logo. Effective January 2013 Developed January 2014 27 Approved by Membership _____ 2014 Page 19 of Ethics Guidelines for Industry Sponsorships applying to RNs and RN(NP)s SRNA, 2006 Ethics guidelines for industry sponsorship applying to RNs and RN(NP)s have been developed by the SRNA (SRNA, 2006) and are available on the SRNA website www.srna.org at the following link http://www.srna.org/images/stories/pdfs/communications/pdf/2006_ethical_guidelines.pdf Developed January 2014 27 Approved by Membership _____ 2014 Page 20 of Advertising Policy Purpose To outline the parameters for advertising in NPOS publications and at NPOS sponsored events, conferences and meetings. Statement of Policy No liquor or tobacco advertising No pharmaceutical advertising incompatible with SRNA philosophy or the practice of Nursing. No advertising that contributes to sexist or stereotypical portrayal of individuals, nurses or the nursing profession. No advertising directly competitive with NPOS, SRNA member benefits or promotions. Environmental impact to be considered. No direction from advertisers regarding NPOS content outside of their own advertisement. Effective: Developed January 2014 27 Approved by Membership _____ 2014 Page 21 of Website Policy (Draft) Purpose To clarify responsibilities and roles related to the website. Under the NPOS bylaws, the website and online media are the responsibility of the Web Manager and the Communication Committee. The Committee Chair may delegate Web Manager responsibilities to committee members. Website Manager Responsibilities (in consultation with Web Master) Post submissions from NPOS Executive to the website Clearly identify the source of all statements, articles and information Present ideas/suggestions for content and format Serve notice of deadline dates for submission of postings to NPOS Executive Assess and approve submissions for suitability of content and length (submissions may include events, announcements, files, web links and news items) Proof read postings for; spelling, grammar, names and titles, duplication Create reciprocal links Manage members only section by: Moderating forum discussions and chats Posting relevant events on calendar Enrolling/unenrolling members and issuing passwords Content Postings to the website are made by the Communications Chair or delegated committee member (Web Manager). Committees and Executive members supply information related to their activities (e.g. conference information, advocacy issues, proposed bylaw changes, newsletter). Website sections: Membership Mentorship Bursaries Education Conferences Links Employment opportunities Members only Executives Only The Member’s only section will contain information for NPOS members including: Operations manual (including Bylaws) Notice of proposed Bylaw changes Application form for Scholarships Draft documents for member feedback Developed January 2014 27 Approved by Membership _____ 2014 Page 22 of The Executive only section will contain information for NPOS executive members including: Operations manual (including Bylaws) In-camera meeting minutes Draft documents for member feedback Official NPOS logo Links Must represent a public organization Include information of interest to Nurse Practitioners Organizations requesting a link will reciprocate by adding a link to NPOS on their website, if one exists. Employment Opportunities Fees for advertising employment opportunities will be set by the Executive. Web Master The Executive contracts the post of Web Master to a professional web management company. Our current contract is with Oh! Media Domain name: npos.ca Effective January 2013 Developed January 2014 27 Approved by Membership _____ 2014 Page 23 of Appendices Developed January 2014 27 Approved by Membership _____ 2014 Page 24 of ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING DATE 1. Welcome – Call to Order 2. Attendance 3. Minutes for Previous AGM 3.1 Errors or Omissions 3.2 Adoption of Minutes 4. Executive Reports 4.1 Chair’s Address 4.2 Vice-Chair 4.3 Treasurer’s Report 4.4 Communications 4.5 Mentorship Director 4.6 Research and Education 4.7 Student Representation Report 5. Committee Reports 5.1 Membership and Nominations Committee 6. Election of Officers 6.1 List of Vacancies 6.1.1 Nominations for New Executive 6.1.2 Election of New Executive 7. Old Business 7.1 7.2 7.3 8. Business Arising 8.1 General Discussion/Membership Motions 9. Closing Remarks/Adjournment Developed January 2014 27 Approved by Membership _____ 2014 Page 25 of Nurse Practitioners of Saskatchewan Consent for Photographs I, ___________________________________________consent to have photographs of used by the Nurse Practitioners of Saskatchewan (NPOS) for displays, reports and/or other promotional materials. _____________________________ Name ______________________________________ Relationship to subject _____________________________ Signature ______________________________________ Date _____________________________ Witness ______________________________________ Witness-Signature Effective January 2013 Developed January 2014 27 Approved by Membership _____ 2014 Page 26 of Expense Claim Form Developed January 2014 27 Approved by Membership _____ 2014 Page 27 of
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