Premier Elysion *2006-03-22 Emancypacja Till avelstjänst 2011! Och se hur jag lossar stjärnorna fäller ankaret och kröner mig själv till Vindarnas Konung Adonis Elysion erövrade titeln Junior reserv Champion Stallion, Turbo Star International 2009. Nu gör han här sin debut inom dressyr. Till hans ära har vi instiftat vandringspriset Kullatorp Elysion Trophy som delas ut till bästa inom Show & Performance. CE Magnum Zan Zebasthian *2007-03-09 Zsa Zsa Gazelle Till avelstjänst 2011! Jag är det läskande i vattnet är glansen uti solen och uti månen eterns dallring och mannakönets manlighet är jag och jordens doft är jag och eldens glans och livet i allt levande. Foton: Anette Mattsson Bhagavadgita Show Schedule Friday 18.30 Handler meeting and afterwards mingle party at the cafeteria. Saturday 09.00 Class 4: Stallions 1 year Class 5: Stallions 2 years Class 6: Stallions 3 years Class 3: Mares 3 years Class 2: Mares 2 years Sunday 09.00 Class 21: Foals 1 month and older Class 13: Stallions 4-7 years Class 14: Stallions 8-11 years Class 15: Stallions 12 years and older Class 16-17: Geldings 1 years and older Champion Gelding Junior Champion Stallion Junior Champion Mare Champion Mare Champion Stallion 12 –13 LUNCH Most Classic Head & Movements Class 1: Mares 1 year Class 7-8: Mares 4-7 years Class 9-10: Mares 8-11 years Class 11-12: Mares 12 years and older Class 20: Amateur handler AWARDS CEREMONY 19.00 Dinner A Big Thank You to Our Patron Sponsors: Kullatorp Arabian Stud Naples Arabians Paradise Arabians Turbo Star Arabians Welcome to Näsbyholm Turbo Star International C-show 2010 June 11-13 Judges: Mrs Christina Wale, Sweden Mrs Titti Gagliani, Italy Mrs Anna Stojanowska, Poland Mrs Sue Woodhouse, Great Britain Stables: Greger Paus & Petra Strömstedt DC: Anne Svensson Judge’s hostess: Anette Mattsson Showcoordinator: Madeleine Haag, Turbo Star Arabians Stenängens gård 710 41 Fellingsbro +46 (0)70-320 11 90 Computers: Helena Karlsson Vet: Hannah Kullin Photographer: Anette Mattsson Farrier: Cecilia Ekeberg Print: Grafo-Tryck, Simrishamn Speaker: Stefan Spak Music: Linda Söderberg Show office: Elisabeth Holmberg Catalogue: Helena Karlsson & Anette Mattsson Ringmasters: Louise Wale & Cecilia Ekeberg Välkommen till Unas Araber Black Turbo #MBDLTUBMMJPOCPSO /7#FBV#FZY#MBDL4JML 4$*%BOE$"DMFBS 5VSCP4UBS"SBCJBOT 'BNJMZ)BBH 4UFOÊOHFOT(ÌSE 'FMMJOHTCSP 1IPOF &NBJMUVSCPTUBSBSBCJBOT!MJWFTF !DDESIGN!NETTE-ATTSSON #SFFEJOHJOGPSNBUJPO "OFUUF.BUUTTPO XXXGPUPHSBGNBUUTTPODPN EKSPERANZO EKSTERN PL RA COOL ELYGANCE CA- fri SCID-fri Tillgänglig för avel! Adora Alpacka Gård! Ny uppfödare av alpackor! Vi välkomnar till Sverige! Import Australien Ambersun Romelius WA Fame Eksperanzo Filozofia (Eldon PL – Fontanna PL) Unghästar Till Salu! Till Salu! Adora´s Marwan Alpackor till Salu Årets klippning är klar – Råull till salu! Alpacka Gödsel – Perfekt till blommor, växter o träd – Till Salu! Wilza Arabstuteri Stormursvägen 29 81022 ÅRSUNDA 026-273196 070-311 61 80 [email protected] Adora Alpacka Gård Stormursvägen 29 810 22 ÅRSUNDA 026-273196 070-311 61 80 Anette Mattsson - Arabian Horse Photographer "ESÚKMINHEMSIDA 3ALUHËSTAR (INGSTAR &OTO'ALLERIER !RTIKLAR 7ISZULA 4ILL3A LU SKMSTOFÚDD EFTER%CAHO0EPTON%TRURIA0ALAS UNDAN7IONA!NGOR7ARSZULA0ALAS *AGREPRESENTERARFÚLJANDEHINGSTARI%UROPAOCH3KANDINAVIENHÚRGËRNAAVERFÚRMERINFORMATIONOMHINGSTARNAOCHDERAS AVKOMMOR(INGSTARNAFINNSTILLGËNGLIGAVIAFRUSENSEMINOCHFÚRFLERAAVDEMHARVISEMINLAGRATI3VERIGEELLERI%UROPA $REAMCATCHER3-&""4HEE2ENEGADE3HAIA %CAHO0EPTON%TRURIA %L.ABILA"+UBINEC%LF,AYLA7ALAYLA" %&+INGSTON0ADRONS0SYCHE4HE$REAMSPINNER ($#)BN'AZALALSHAQAB'AZAL!L3HAQAB%MIRIA -AJESTIC.OBLE3-&-ARQUIS).AGDA /M%L%XQUISIT3ANADIK%L3HAKLAN/M%L"INT3HAINA /M%L3HAHMAAN3ANADIK%L3HAKLAN/M%L3HAINA Anette Mattsson Lilla Aspeboda 106 791 93 Falun +46-23-31075, +46-70-7531075 [email protected] KGA Sir Algot (Algorytm-Gainesha) Gazella Empira (Emperator-Gainesha) Gainesha El Cheyenne (Preference-Golda) (El Shajal-Ashibi) Gazella Empira KGA Sir Algot ad design: El Cheyenne Gainesha Elisabeth Möller & Annika Karlsson Kalbovägen 90 610 14 Rejmyre Tel. 011-702 27 [email protected] 1 MT Grace bay 2009 FA 61/10 by: SF Verify US (Marwan al Shaqab x Veronica GA) out of: Gilda (Bomarc x Gabriella Light) Breeder: Magnus Tingshagen Exh: Snazzys Arabians Plac: 2 Silencia grey 2009 under reg by: Ecaho PL (Pepton x Etruria) out of: Salaterka (Elton x Sapala) Breeder: Anette Mattsson Exh: Anette Mattsson Plac: 3 Czirenzia bay 2009 FA 249/09 by: Eksperanzo BE (Ekstern x RA Cool Elygance) out of: Czimera (Ffatal Attraction x Campanja) Breeder: Therese Uggeldahl Exh: Therese Uggeldahl & Daniel Rosén Plac: 4 Believe grey 2009 FA 290/09 by: Niezze (Emrod x Niedziela) out of: Belle (Metat x Ballerina) Breeder: WoW Arabians Exh: Madeleine Sundin Plac: 5 Naples Belitze ch 2009 FA 60/10 by: Rohara Bacara US (Padron Psyche x Sidia) out of: Rohara Bask Melody US (Baske Afire x Louisiana) Breeder: Naples Arabians Exh: Naples Arabians Plac: 6 TA Kachina dbay 2009 223/09 by: TA Nox (WPB Minstril's Bayar x Narinne) out of: Kaiserinne (Medalj x Kurosza) Breeder: Tärenäs Arabstuteri Exh: Tärenäs Arabstuteris Plac: Points Movements Legs Body & Topline Arab type Presented by: Turbo Star Arabians Prize donated by Agria Judge Ston 1 år/Fillies 1 year Head & Neck Klass 1/Class 1 7 GBA Euhazna Adeeba ch 2009 FA 7/10 by: Crown Prince (Salaa el Dine x The Egyptian Princess) out of: Eurytmia (Algorytm x Eurazja) Breeder: Ann-Sofi Öryd Exh: Gröna Backa Arabians 8 GS Karezz grey 2009 FA 291/09 by: Ege (Europejczyk x Etruska) out of: Illuztra (Lamark x Imppaala) Breeder: Olivia Ekeberg Exh: Granö Stall - Olivia Ekeberg 9 Purissima grey 2009 FA 102/10 by: El Amin BE (Psytadel x RA Cool Elygance) out of: Prognoza PL (Etogram x Palestra) Breeder: Kullatorp Arabian Stud Exh: Kullatorp Arabian Stud 10 Briseis ch 2009 FA 17/10 by: Eurythmics (Wadim x Emancypacja) out of: JB Balalinka (CE Magnum x Britny) Breeder: Linnea Karlsson Exh: Linnea Karlsson 11 QA Biianca grey 2009 FA 309/09 by: Perignon Al Amar DE (Om El Bendigo x Pomposa) out of: Berninna (Chock x Bernatka) Breeder: Q-Arabians - Mikael & Ewa Jacobson, SE Exh: Q-Arabians & TC Arabians Plac: Plac: Plac: Plac: Plac: Glöm inte att köpa lotter med chans att vinna fina priser! Points Movements Legs Body & Topline Head & Neck Judge Ston 1 år/Fillies 1 year Arab type Klass 1/Class 1 forts/continued Movements Points Movements Points Legs Body & Topline Arab type Presented by: Turbo Star Arabians Prize donated by M Sundin, Judge Ston 2 år/Fillies 2 years Head & Neck Klass 2/Class 2 12 EH Astra bay 2008 FA 28/09 by: Ege (Europejczyk x Etruska) out of: Asteroida (Glaz x Aikida) Breeder: Unas Araber - Elisabeth Holmberg Exh: Unas Araber - Elisabeth Holmberg Plac: 13 Mashans Aisha grey 2008 FA 237/09 by: MC Cashmere DE (Kasachstan x Lady Komtessa) out of: Marczewka (Moses el Din x Miroczka) Breeder: Sara Eklund Exh: Fam. Eklund Plac: 14 GS Witezz bay 2008 FA 42/09 by: Ege (Europejczyk x Etruska) out of: Illuztra (Lamark x Imppaala) Breeder: Olivia Ekeberg Exh: Granö Stall - Olivia Ekeberg Plac: Tot: Plac: Tot: Plac: Tot: 15 Magnuszka grey 2008 FA 28/10 by: Emiliusz PL (Laheeb x Emocja) out of: Magnolika (Emrod x Mandala) Breeder: Sinus Arabstuteri Exh: Magnuszka Partnership 16 Neishaa bay 2008 FA 258/08 by: Mambo BE (Khidar x J&J Aquina) out of: Nistraa (Om El Tanam x Niwa) Breeder: Anna-Lena Stenegren Exh: Anna-Lena Stenegren 18 Ayla bay 2008 FA 235/09 by: MC Cashmere DE (Kasachstan x Lady Komtessa) out of: MA El Leah (El Yashmir x Lilia) Breeder: Torbjörn Eklund Exh: Fam. Eklund Plac: Tot: Legs Plac: Body & Topline Head & Neck Arab type FA 310/09 by: Ege (Europejczyk x Etruska) Klass 2/Class 2 forts/continued out of: Nieszpora (Chock x Nianka) Ston 2 år/Fillies 2 years Breeder: Turbo Star Arabians Exh: Turbo Star Arabians Judge 17 TS Niexessa grey 2008 Tot: Movements Points Movements Points Legs Body & Topline Arab type Presented by: Turbo Star Arabians Prize donated by Agria Judge Ston 3 år/Fillies 3 years Head & Neck Klass 3/Class 3 19 Meiya grey 2007 FA 121/08 by: Mambo BE (Khidar x J&J Aquina) out of: Menova (Garanti x Mepala) Breeder: Wilza Arabstuteri Exh: Secura Nova HB Plac: Tot: Plac: Tot: Plac: Tot: 20 Pryzmatic grey 2007 FA 396/07 by: CE Magnum BE (Magnum Psyche x RA Cool Elygance) out of: Polifonia PL (Primo x Pepesza) Breeder: Arvak Nord - Kristina Lindfors Exh: Arvak Nord - Kristina Lindfors 21 VMO Nakhira grey 2007 Arab type Judge Presented by: Naples Arabians Prize donated by Agria Head & Neck Klass 4/Class 4 Hingstar 1 år/Colts 1 year 22 Pachacamac ch 2009 FA 47/10 by: El Amin BE (Psytadel x RA Cool Elygance) out of: Paradisia (Alt x Prognoza) Breeder: Kullatorp Arabian Stud Exh: Kullatorp Arabian Stud Plac: 23 TA Kureish grey 2009 FA 222/09 by: TA Nox (WPB Minstril's Bayar x Narinne) out of: TA Karibia (MC Cashmere x Kaiserinne) Breeder: Tärenäs Arabstuteri Exh: Tärenäs Arabstuteri Plac: 24 SH Zakir bay 2009 FA 73/10 by: Black Turbo US (NV Beau Bey x Black Silk) out of: TS Cimadonna (Pakistan x Cindy) Breeder: Turbo Star Arabians Exh: Sarah Norberg 25 WF Benjamiin grey 2009 FA 100/10 by: Chopin DK (Etat x Cesanne) out of: QA Berdiina (Om El Extreem x Berninna) Plac: Legs Breeder: Veronika Miedl-Ohlsson Exh: Veronika Miedl-Ohlsson Body & Topline FA 79/08 by: El Yashmir DK (El Mokari x Yashmak) out of: Nakhara Bint Nizr AU (Anaza El Nizr x Natalja Bint Mahabi) Exh: Tärenäs Arabstuteri 30 Sture grey 2009 FA 276/09 by: Patriarch (Lekier x Prognoza) out of: Sakaia (Exodus x Saldara) Breeder: Johan Håkansson & Maria Holgersson Exh: Johan Håkansson & Maria Holgersson 31 SA Akbar bay 2009 FA 241/09 by: Thee Apprentice US (Versace x Legacys Diva) out of: Aihnoa US (Czarnolas x Algorada) Breeder: Christina Wale Exh: Ida Apelqvist 32 Splendid Majesty ch 2009 under reg by: El Amin BE (Psytadel x RA Cool Elygance) out of: Shanelle (Proceder x Shantie) Breeder: Anne-Lie Wretman - Paradise Arabians Exh: Anne-Lie Wretman - Paradise Arabians Body & Topline Legs Movements Points Body & Topline Legs Movements Points Head & Neck Arab type Plac: Plac: Head & Neck Plac: Arab type 26 Eragon el Safir ch 2009 FA 62/10 by: 216/09 Rohara Bacara US (Padron Psyche x Sidia) FA out of: Imminna x Immilija) by: Alazio (Firitzio(Sudan S.A x Ailicja) Breeder: Smedgårdens Arabstuteri AB out of: Woffla (Satyryk x Wisnia) Exh: Smedgårdens Arabstuteri AB Breeder: Birgitta Lundgren 30 Sture grey 2009 Exh: Li Sundén FA 276/09 27 MM Marc Jacobs bayx2009 by: Patriarch (Lekier Prognoza) FA out243/09 of: Sakaia (Exodus x Saldara) Breeder: Johan & Shaqab Maria Holgersson by: QR Marc USHåkansson (Marwan Al x Swete Dreams) Klass 4/Class 4 forts/continued Exh: Johan Håkansson & Maria Holgersson out of: Halleluja GB (Maleik el Kheil x Hashemiya) Hingstar 1 år/Colts 1 year Breeder: & Moëll AB 31 SA AkbarMoëll bay 2009 FA 241/09 Exh: Roy Svensson by: Thee Apprentice US (Versace x Legacys Diva) 28 VMO Nadal bay 2009 out of: Aihnoa US (Czarnolas x Algorada) FA 265/09 Breeder: Christina Wale by: MC Exh: IdaCashmere Apelqvist DE (Kasachstan x Lady Komtessa) out of: Nakhara Bint Nizr AU (Anaza El Nizr x Natalja Bint Mahabi) 32 Splendid Majesty ch 2009 Breeder: Veronika Miedl-Ohlsson under reg Exh: Veronika Miedl-Ohlsson by: El Amin BE (Psytadel x RA Cool Elygance) 29 Iliganze grey 2009 out of: Shanelle (Proceder x Shantie) FA 62/10Anne-Lie Wretman - Paradise Arabians Breeder: by: Rohara Bacara US (Padron Psyche x Sidia) Exh: Anne-Lie Wretman - Paradise Arabians out of: Imminna (Sudan x Immilija) Breeder: Smedgårdens Arabstuteri AB Exh: Smedgårdens Arabstuteri AB Plac: Plac: Plac: Judge FA 73/10 by: Black Turbo US (NV Beau Bey4x forts/continued Black Silk) Klass 4/Class out of: TS Cimadonna (Pakistan x Cindy) Hingstar 1 år/Colts 1 year Breeder: Turbo Star Arabians Exh: Sarah Norberg 28 VMO Nadal bay 2009 25 WF Benjamiin grey 2009 FA 265/09 FA 100/10 by: MC Cashmere DE (Kasachstan x Lady Komtessa) by: DK (Etat x Cesanne) Bint Nizr AU (Anaza El Nizr x Natalja Bint Mahabi) out Chopin of: Nakhara out of: QA BerdiinaMiedl-Ohlsson (Om El Extreem x Berninna) Breeder: Veronika Breeder: Madelene Wikstén Exh: Veronika Miedl-Ohlsson Exh: Madelene Wikstén 29 Iliganze grey 2009 Judge 24 SH Zakir bay 2009 Plac: Plac: Plac: Plac: Plac: Plac: Plac: Plac: 33 WW Royal Storm BE bay 2008 FA 80/10 by: Royal Colours US (True Colours x Xtreme Wonder) out of: Is Saphira DE (Saphir III x Shams Isis) Breeder: W-Arabians - Veronica Mann-Wernsten Exh: W-Arabians - Veronica Mann-Wernsten Plac: 34 Sharahm grey 2008 FA 84/09 by: Gharam SE (Ffatal Attraction x Gemini) out of: Sorella SE (Wadim x Szansa) Breeder: Susanne Paus Exh: Susanne Paus Plac: 35 Zaraghasse grey 2008 FA 127/09 by: Eurythmics (Wadim x Emancypacja) out of: Zoee (Khidar x Zalotna) Breeder: Linnea Karlsson Exh: Veronica Rehn Plac: Tot: Plac: Tot: Plac: Tot: Plac: Tot: 36 Cry Me No River dbay 2008 FA 260/08 by: Jazz (Glaz x Jutrzenka) out of: Eloutzica (Pakistan x Elizbieta) Breeder: Ann-Charlotte Höjer Exh: Ann-Charlotte Höjer 37 FW Wahid bay 2008 FA 41/09 by: Thee Apprentice US (Versace x Legacys Diva) out of: Witia (Garanti x Wielizcka) Breeder: Håkan Wikström Exh: Håkan Wikström 38 Baqir AA IL grey 2008 FA 166/09 by: Nader Al Jamal US (Ansata Sinan x Savannah CC) out of: Al Baraqai AA IL (Baahir x The Vision HG) Breeder: Ariela Arabians Ltd. IL Exh: Lönhult Arabstuteri Points Movements Legs Body & Topline Arab type Presented by: Naples Arabians Prize donated by M Sundin, Judge Hingstar 2 år/Colts 2 years Head & Neck Klass 5/Class 5 41 Zan Zebasthian dbay 2007 FA 114/08 by: CE Magnum BE (Magnum Psyche x RA Cool Elygance) out of: Zsa Zsa Gazelle (Gazal Al Shaqab x Zalotna) Breeder: Kullatorp Arabian Stud Exh: Kullatorp Arabian Stud Plac: Tot: Plac: Tot: Plac: Tot: 42 Sa'mire ch 2007 FA 264/08 by: Cala d'Or ES (Garbo x Opalina) out of: Sa'tasha (Sa'fed x Kareefah) Breeder: Jan Cederholm Exh: Anna Hyvönen 43 Don Geronimo grey 2006 FA 34/08 by: Rohara Bacara US (Padron Psyche x Sidia) out of: Chaquira (Kubinec x Lekiliza) Breeder: Kristina Nawarro Exh: Marie Andersson & Catharina Holmgren Points Points Tot: Movements Legs Body & Topline Head & Neck Plac: Movements Judge Presented by: Naples Arabians Prize donated by Agria Arab type Klass 6/Class 6 Hingstar 3 år/Colts 3 years Tot: Legs 40 Carwyn bay 2008 FA 108/09 by: Kaiser (Medalj x Kurosza) out of: Czimera (Ffatal Attraction x Campanja) Breeder: Therese Uggeldahl Exh: Therese Uggeldahl & Daniel Rosén Plac: Body & Topline 39 Balenciaga grey 2008 FA 126/09 by: ML Khadir (Khidar x Wanetta) out of: JB Balalinka (CE Magnum x Britny) Breeder: Linnea Karlsson Exh: Linnea Karlsson Head & Neck Judge Arab type Klass 5/Class 5 Hingstar 2 år/Colts 2 years ECAHO Rules for Conduct of Shows – Blue Book 2010 Rules for Conduct of Shows 1. By participating at a show, show organisers, judges, exhibitors, owners and handlers agree that they will unconditionally submit themselves and the persons accompanying them to the "Rules or Conduct of Shows" and, as regards veterinary matters and drug misuse, to the relevant FEI Veterinary Regulations. The accompanying persons include e.g. trainers or persons representing the show organizer as well as assistants of any of those persons. They will accept the jurisdiction of the Disciplinary Committee (DC), the Standing Disciplinary Committee (SDC) and the ECAHO Appeals Committee (EAC). Show organisers are not permitted to introduce rules which are in conflict with the EAHSC "Rules for Conduct of Shows". The person who has signed the entry form will be considered to be the person responsible for the horse in question. These Rules will be interpreted when necessary under the provisions of the laws of Switzerland. 2. Horses must be accompanied at the show by a horse passport containing all vaccination records. Those horses coming from a country that does not issue a passport, must be accompanied by an official Registration document which includes a graphic description and all vaccination records. The show organizer 3. The show organiser reserves the right to refuse an entry, but must give the reason for refusal in writing. 4. The show organizer will issue a printed show catalogue. The name of every horse has to be printed in the show catalogue, as well as the names of sire and dam, (and maternal grandsire if possible) date of birth, colour, the names of the breeder and the owner. Should a horse’s name not be mentioned in the catalogue, its participation at the show will be allowed only if the exhibitor cannot be blamed for the omission; it will be for the DC to decide. The show catalogue shall furthermore contain: • The Rules for Conduct of Shows, • The judging system used, the rules for ties and the rules for championships • For Shows outside Europe (as defined by the Constitution of ECAHO, Art. 3.2 ) where prize money is allowed, the total amount and distribution of prize money. 5. No class may be split unless there are more than 16 horses entered. Combination of a class with the next age group of the same sex is permitted if the number of entries for the class is below three. 6. a) No announcement indicating the identity, breeding or past performance of exhibits, or the identity of their owners will be made during judging. It is, however, permissible for this information to be given out after the judges score sheets have been collected for each exhibit. b) Show organisers will not release details of competitors or their exhibits to the press at any time prior to the catalogue being put on sale at the showground. Catalogues will not be offered for sale, published or posted on internet more than one day before the commencement of the show. 7. No member of the show organising team may judge. 8. The show organizers will ensure a proper rotation of judges. 9. The show organiser will provide appropriate transport, accommodation and meals during the show, for the judges, DC members, ring master and any other ECAHO show officials. If a judge, DC member or ring master cancels the invitation after the travel arrangements have been made, he will pay all the costs arising out of this booking. 10. No gifts in the form of fees or money are allowed to be paid or given by the organiser, nor accepted by the judges, DC members and ring masters. Material gifts are allowed. Judges 11. EAHSC listed judges and judges invited to judge at ECAHO affiliated shows agree to judge with integrity and honesty and to carry out their judging duties solely with the objects of ECAHO and the welfare of the horses in mind. 12. Judges will not consult the show catalogue before or during the show at which they are judging. 13. a) Judges appointed at a show will not knowingly judge horses concerning which there may be an actual or apparent conflict of interest. No judge appointed at the show may exhibit, ride, drive or handle an entered horse. b) Exhibitors will declare on the entry form any actual or apparent conflict or interest with any of the judges invited for the show. Any exhibitor not declaring an existing conflict of interest will forfeit all entry fees and will be prevented from showing the horse. c) Organisers will not accept any entries for which any actual or apparent conflict of interest with one of the appointed judges has been indicated, unless a reserve judge is available. 14. An actual or apparent conflict of interest may occur if a horse is judged that: • has been bought or sold by the judge either as owner or agent, • is owned in whole or part by the judge or by a member of the judge's family, or business partner in an Arab horse business venture, • has been leased by the judge, at any time • has been bred by the judge or is the property of a breeding organization in which the judge is or was an employee, • has been regularly trained, examined or treated by the judge in a professional capacity, • is the subject of an on-going negotiation to buy or lease, or a provisional purchase condition to which the judge is a party. In case of doubt, the DC’s decision will prevail. 15. In the show ring, all communication between judges and handlers prior to the presentation of prizes will be through the ring master. 16. Judges may withhold any award if in their opinion the exhibit does not merit such an award. Conduct of Halter Classes 18. All handlers at A and Title Shows must be in possession of a valid handlers permit in order to participate. 19. Handlers will be neatly dressed. They may wear any costume normally worn in their country of origin. Handlers will not wear clothes carrying any form of advertising which discloses the connection of the horse they are handling. 20. The judge(s) may request that the ringmaster order unruly horses to be withdrawn. 21. The judge(s) may request that the ringmaster ask a handler to open a horse's mouth or pick up its feet for inspection. 22. Exhibits are to be judged standing, walking and trotting. Handlers who do not comply with the ring master's instructions regarding the above may be given a Yellow/Red card by the ring master. The judges may request that the ring master show a handler a yellow or red card. 23. a) Horses will appear in the collecting ring no less than 10 minutes before the start of the class. b) Exhibits that appear late (missing the walk around the ring) will be excluded from the class. 24. Stallions and colts aged three years and over must be shown wearing bridles and bits that are both secure and comfortable for the horse. All bridles without bits are equally to be both secure and comfortable for the horse. 25. a) Any horse becoming loose in the collecting ring is subject to a penalty at the discretion of the DC. b) Any horse becoming loose in the show ring will immediately continue to be shown. Should the horse become loose a second time it will be disqualified. Soundness 27. Exhibits that appear to be lame may be assessed and placed by the judges. Judges may exclude any horse so lame that assessment will inflict pain. Disguising of Exhibits 29. No alteration of the basic colour of the skin, coat or hooves is permitted. Hoof paints, colourless varnishes, coat dyes, glitter spray and cosmetic operations including skin grafts are forbidden. Colourless hoof oils, Vaseline or oil and white chalk used on white legs may be accepted. 30. Artificial methods of dilating the eyes or affecting the natural action of the horse or otherwise influencing its action or behaviour by oxygenating the bloodstream or by the use of weights or artificially weighted shoes, or by electrical or chemical treatment of any kind at any time before or during exhibition are forbidden. Burns, cuts or other marks on the body of any exhibit in such places or positions as to indicate that prohibited methods have been used will be regarded as full and adequate grounds for exclusion of any exhibit from competition, at the discretion of the DC with veterinary advice. 31. a) In halter classes horses may be fully or partly body-clipped, subject to eyelashes being left uncut, hair inside the ears left unshaved and tactile hair left intact around the nose, muzzle and the eyes. Removing the hair around the eyes by shaving or any other means and the artificial colouring of the skin in that area is not permitted. Horses not fulfilling these criteria will not be allowed to participate. b) No equipment intended to alter the natural appearance of the horse is permitted in the stables, including necksweats, neck collars, tailracks, hobbles or weights. Anyone using such equipment on the showground may be suspended by the DC for the period of the show. Cruelty 33. Excessive whipping or shanking, excessive stimulation by noise or intimidation, excessive circling of the horse, use of electric shock devices or infliction of pain by any means is forbidden in all parts of the showground or stable areas, at all times. 34. The above offences are punishable by issue of a Yellow/Red card. Enforcement 35. Verbal warnings: DC members, ringmasters, stewards or show officials may issue verbal warnings. These are not recorded in the DC report. 36. Yellow and red cards may be issued by DCs in the collecting ring and the main ring. They are issued to a handler and are a visible and public warning of an offence having been committed. The date and offence will be recorded by the DC on the handlers licence and in the DC report and it will be made public by announcement at the show and on the ECAHO website. 37. A yellow Card may be issued if there is a further offence after a warning or it may be issued without such warning. 38. A red Card will be issued if the handler receives a second yellow card for having committed a further handling offense during the same show. The offender will then be banned from handling any horses for the rest of the show in which he receives the red card. The horse being shown by a handler when he receives a red card may be shown by another handler at the end of the class. In the event of a serious offence involving mistreatment or dangerous behaviour, DCs may issue a red card without prior warning. 39. Any handler disobeying the instructions of any DC member, judge, ring master or other official may be punished immediately by being shown a yellow or red card. Veterinary Matters 40. Horses with apparent clinical signs of a disease may not participate at the show at the discretion of the DC Veterinarian. If the DC Veterinarian diagnoses apparent clinical signs of a contagious disease, the horse must be immediately put into quarantine and may not participate at the show. 41. Vaccination regulations for shows will require 12 months intervals normally, or shorter where local/national authorities mandate it. Such shorter intervals to be shown on the entry form (see Addendum – Equine Influenza Vaccination page 35). 42. All Veterinary treatment necessary at the show ground must be carried out according to FEI Veterinary regulations. The person responsible for the horse will ask the vet who treats the horse to complete a treatment form and present it to the DC-vet at the show. 43. a) The administration of any substance not a normal nutrient (including irritants applied to the skin or mucous membranes or mydriatic drugs in the eyes), whether intentionally or unintentionally which may affect the performance, temperament or soundness of an exhibit is forbidden. b) The DC may order chemical tests on any exhibit. c) Judges may request the DC to test any horse. (See the section on “Medication Control” page 25). Complaints 44. A show organiser, appointed judge, ring master, exhibitor, owner or handler of a horse entered at the show may lodge a complaint alleging infringement of the rules of the EAHSC, contained in the “Blue Book”. A complaint concerning a horse or handler is to be made in writing within 1 hour of the alleged infringement occurring. Any other complaint, except concerning a complaint about a judge or any other official including show organisers, is to be made in writing before the end of the show. A deposit of € 200,- or equivalent in local currency will be lodged with the DC and may be retained if the complaint is considered frivolous, at the DC's discretion. Such forfeiture belongs to ECAHO. 45. Any complaint about a judge or any other official including the show organisers is to be made in writing and signed by two individuals. Such complaint must contain any evidence and be sent to the ECAHO executive Secretary (show section) within 3 days of the show. A deposit of € 300 must be paid in accordance with the instructions and deadline given by the Executive Secretary (show section). The procedure will be conducted in accordance with the Rules for Disciplinary Committees, articles 19 et seq. ECAHO Rules for Ties and Championships according to Blue Book 2010 Rules for Ties in Qualifying Places In the event of a tie in the qualifying places of a class, the higher place will be given to the horse with the most points for type. If there is still a tie, the higher place will be given to the horse with the most points for movement. Failing a decision on either of these, one judge chosen by ballot will name his preference. Rules for Championships 1. With the exception of shows judged under the single judge system, Championships will be judged as follows: a) The horses placed first in their class line up ordered according to age. The horses placed second in their class line up behind them in the same order. b) The first placed horses will be judged individually, standing and trotting. c) The judges will not discuss the horses. d) The Champion Gold medal winner is selected from amongst the horses placed first in their class by individual written votes from each judge. The best placed horse will be Champion Gold medal winner. In the event of a tie, the horse that received the highest number of points in its class will be declared Champion Gold medal winner. In the event of a further tie, the "Rules for Ties in Qualifying Places" will apply. 2. The Silver medal winner will be chosen according to the following system which must be clearly stated in the schedule: The Silver medal winner will be selected in the same way as the Gold medallist from all other horses that have qualified for the Championship. 3. The Bronze medal winner will be selected using the same system used to select the Silver medallist. The votes of the judges in the Championships will be announced and will be published at the show office immediately after the judging has finished. 4. A fourth horse will be selected, which will become the Bronze medal winner should one of the three medal winners be disqualified. If this exhibit is not apparent from the voting papers, the judges will be asked to nominate one. This horse will not be announced. In the event that two or more of the medal winners are disqualified, no further substitution will be made. 5. If a horse placed first in its class is not able to take part in the Championship, the horse placed second in the class will move forward and be judged with the other horses placed first. Should a horse placed first be sent out of the ring by the judges for any reason, it will be deemed to have taken part in the championship and, therefore, the second placed horse will not be judged with the other first placed horses. Substitutions for absent first-placed or second-placed horses by third-placed or lower-ranked horses will not be permitted. 6. All horses that qualify for their respective Championships must take part in the Championship. Unless a certificate from the DC veterinarian is produced, failure to compete will disqualify the horse from the show, with its record of score and class placing being deleted and the horse being disqualified from showing for the period of one year as from the date of the show. In the event of a disqualification, horses placed behind the disqualified horse will move up a place in the class but not be entitled to enter the Championship. Ledaren bland step-up transporter! Passa på att se de kraftiga detaljer och de smarta lösningarna som gjort Fautras hästtransporter så populära. Kom och diskutera ditt transportbehov med oss! Vi kan hästsläp! Tel. 070-699 58 84 O A S I S A R A B I A N M A G A Z I N E OASISMAGAZINECOM Till avel 2010 på Tärenäs Arabstuteri TA NOX WPB Minstril’s Bayar-Narinne Unghingstchampion Blommeröd 2008 KAISER* Medalj-Kurosza Hingstchampion Blommeröd 2003 TÄRENÄS ARABSTUTERI Cathrin & Andreas Nehm Tärenäs Östergård, 573 97 Tranås Tel 0140-50264, Mob 0708-167897 [email protected] Lotta Höjer +46702341097 Email: [email protected] Polstjärnans Araber Mattsson Don Geronimo (Rohara Bacara-Chaquira) Kumlautställningen 2008 Foto: Anette Mattsson Mattsson ) © artwork created by ( Polstjärnans Araber Marie Andersson Västmarksv. 106 975 91 Luleå Must ang The new collection from Fox Ridge Halters Desert Classic Originals Adjustable Halters made from the finest American Harness Leather Beautiful Strong Exclusive Oriental Tel. 0920-821 19 070-271 21 19 g the standar n i t t d Se h n o a r i s b e a W r o A r e ldw h t ide r o f [email protected] tel: +44 (0)5600 707175 Piraten (Endel-Poreka) Champion Gelding and Highest Score at the Show Turbo Star International Show 2009 Photo: Anette Mattsson Profilerar med brodyr och tryck Återförsäljare av profil-, arbets-, fritids- & ridkläder. Schabrak, häst- & hundtäcken. Annette Bogefors-Roos Mora Södra 71, 760 10 BERGSHAMRA Tel: 0176-26 23 97 • Mob: 0739-37 62 63 E-post: [email protected] -ERCEDESKLUBBENETTNiTVERKFyR GEMYTLIGASOCIALAKONTAKTERI3VERIGEOCHINTERNATIONELLT HJiLPMEDRESERVDELAROCHUNDERHkLLAVENTUSIASTBILEN FyRMkNLIGFyRSiKRINGGENOM-(2& FyRMkNLIGARABATTERPkRESERVDELAROCHNYABILARUNDERSPECIELLAVILLKOR KOMMUNIKATIONVIAHEMSIDAOCHKLUBBTIDNINGGGRPERkR WWWMERCEDESKLUBBENCOMsINFO MERCEDESKLUBBENCOMs+ANSLI4ELEFONTID-ÍNDAGKLn Sinus Arabian Stud Presenterar stolt vårt nyaste tillskott till vårt avelsprogram: EVG PALAGRANTA by Emigrant (Ararat-Emigrantka) out of Palestyna (Monogramm-Palestra) Vi har några lovande hästar till salu för ridning, utställning och avel: FANASIRA 2004 sto (The VerdictFara/Etat) inriden FACCORIA 2007 sto (CoaltownFahimah/Bouznika) inriden FARASHMA 2008 sto (LVA MaximusFarasha/CH El Brillo) FAGGIO 2009 hingst (MPA GiovanniFahimah/Bouznika) FERTER 2009 hingst (Werter-Fara/Etat) Välkomna in på vår hemsida för mer information! Sinus Arabian Stud Annika Öbrink Hökärr, Skogsgläntan 640 32 Malmköping Sweden Phone +46-157-219 61 Mobile +46-70-321 51 78 [email protected] ad design: Dressage ބCrosscountry ބWestern Horsemanship Arabian Show ބWestern Trail ބClinics ބPole Bending Driving ބWestern Riding ބWestern Reining ބSpeed Show Jumping ބWestern Versatile Horse Patriarch (Lekier-Prognoza) Hästar finns Till Salu - se vår hemsida Vi tackar alla för förra säsongen och ser fram emot att visa era hästar under 2010! Maria Holgersson & Johan Håkansson MARKNADSLEDAREN Självklara dragare! NYHET! IV PROGRESS ING N R Y T S O V SER Sportsman X2 och XPS har båda kraftfull 549cc motor med elektronisk bränsleinsprutning (EFI) och effektivt kyloch variatorsystem. Hög markfrigång, dubbla a-armar fram och god komfort med smalare chassi och bredare fotsteg. Använd dem inom skogs- och lantbruk, räddningstjänst eller jakt och upptäck själv hur användbar de är. Sportsman X2 förvandlar du dessutom enkelt till en maskin med dubbeldyna och plats för passagerare. Med passagerarsätet nedfällt har du sedan möjlighet att utnyttja flaket till fullo. Sportsman XPS har progressiv servostyrning med anti kickback vilket ger unika köregenskaper i svår terräng. Självklart finns även en massa tillbehör som med Lock&Ride är lätta att montera. Kom och upplev dessa råstarka maskiner i absolut toppklass. SPORTSMAN 550 X2 & 550 XPS Exempel på passande tillbehör Fler kläder och tillbehör finner hos din lokala återförsäljare. Vattentät fritidsjacka a med andasfunktion Prospector Pro-S track kit PL 400 Transportboggievagn Warn vinsch RT 30 W Trådlös radi radiostyrning iostyrning till Warn vvinschar Drivaxelskydd D fram och bak Besök din närmaste återförsäljare för provkörning, se vidare på Bli medlem i Svenska Arab Häst Föreningen! Få tidningen SAM 4 ggr/år, fylld med intressanta reportage och faktaartiklar om det Arabiska Fullblodet! Besök vår hemsida med stambok och information: 44 Khalida Jawarat grey 2005 Under reg by: Om El Extreem US (Sanadik el Shaklan x Omel Bint Shaina) out of: Khidaraah BE (Khidar x Rashidaa ) Breeder: Anne-Lie Wretman - Paradise Arabians Exh: Anne-Lie Wretman - Paradise Arabians Plac: 45 JB Balalinka grey 2004 FA 79/04 by: CE Magnum BE (Magnum Psyche x RA Cool Elygance) out of: Britny (Kulak x Ballerina) Breeder: Jörgen Olsen & Britt Svanberg-Olsen Exh: Linnea Karlsson Plac: 46 Carmen Elena grey 2005 FA 191/06 by: Khidar BE (Ansata Sinan x Elizja) out of: Calisia PL (Eukaliptus x Catalina) Breeder: Kullatorp Arabian Stud Exh: Kullatorp Arabian Stud Plac: Tot: Plac: Tot: Plac: Tot: Plac: Tot: 47 Foccaccia grey 2005 FA 327/06 by: Kaiser (Medalj x Kurosza) out of: Premoria (Glaz x Florence) Breeder: Ingemar Lööf Exh: Tärenäs Arabstuteri 48 Rohara Bask Melody US bay 2004 FA 39/06 by: Baske Afire US (Afire Bey V x Mac Baske) out of: Louisiana US (Cajun Prince HCF x Fauzia HCF) Breeder: Terry Anne Boggs US Exh: Naples Arabians 49 Amidalaa grey 2006 FA 185/07 by: Arasaa Farid DK (Nijamin x A.G.S Farah) out of: Mallika (Eknathon x Bint Kadidja) Breeder: Ulrica & Elsa Bexelius Exh: Ulrica & Elsa Bexelius Points Movements Legs Body & Topline Head & Neck Arab type Ston 4-7 år med el utan föl/ Mares 4-7 years with or w/out foal Presented by: Kullatorp Arabian Stud Prize donated by Agria Judge Klass 7-8/Class 7-8 53 Sorella grey 2002 Colt foal Sorico by Kormant FA 53/03 by: Wadim PL (Grandorr x Warszula) out of: Szansa (Rusaczie x Sagana) Breeder: Aspenäs Arabstuteri Exh: Susanne Paus Plac: 54 Sata grey 2002 FA 242/02 by: Elton (Etnograf x Elizbieta) out of: Salexa (Exodus x Saldara) Breeder: SalEx Arabstuteri Exh: Anja Szyszkiewicz Plac: 55 Selam el Saba bay 2000 FA 208/00 by: Crown Prince (Salaa el Dine x The Egyptian Princess) out of: Saldana (SH Bronson x Salexra) Breeder: Onyx Arabstuteri Exh: Onyx Arabstuteri Plac: Tot: Plac: Tot: 56 Paradisia grey 2002 FA 60/03 by: Alt PL (Pamir x Alejka) out of: Prognoza PL (Etogram x Palestra) Breeder: Kullatorp Arabian Stud Exh: Kullatorp Arabian Stud Points Points Tot: Movements Plac: Head & Neck Arab type Judge Prize donated by Stummelbo Arabians&Mormors Halters Legs Tot: Klass 9-10/Class 9-10 Ston 8-11 år med el utan föl/ Mares 8-11 years with or w/out foal Presented by: Kullatorp Arabian Stud Body & Topline Plac: Movements 52 Gaimischa grey 2006 FA 14/08 by: Emeryk PL (Etogram x Erotyka) out of: Golda (Pionier x Galopada) Breeder: Jörgen Larsson & Susanne Sörensen Exh: Jennie Jonsson Tot: Legs 51 Nistraa grey 2004 FA 229/04 by: Om El Tanam US (Sanadik el Shaklan x Aabacus Shacara) out of: Niwa US (AH Manhattan X Nefretete) Breeder: Wilza Arabstuteri Exh: Anna-Lena Stenegren Plac: Body & Topline 50 Gazals Serina US grey 2006 under reg by: Gazal Al Shaqab QA (Anaza El Farid x Kajora) out of: Bint Sacarina US (Simeon Shai x Sacarina) Breeder: Birch Park Arabians US Exh: Heartfall Arabians - Wilda Wiholm Head & Neck Arab type Ston 4-7 år med el utan föl/ Mares 4-7 years with or w/out foal Judge Klass 7-8/Class 7-8 Exh: Anja Szyszkiewicz Tot: Tot: Plac: Tot: Points Plac: Plac: Points Legs Body & Topline Tot: Movements 57 Khidaraah BE grey 2001 FA 121/06 by: Khidar BE (Ansata Sinan x Elizja) out of: Rashidaa NL (Mel Nebli x Mel Razina) Breeder: Anne-Lie Wretman - Paradise Arabians Exh: Anne-Lie Wretman - Paradise Arabians Plac: Movements 59 Paradisia Celinda MAF grey 2002 56 greyES2002 FA 238/06 FA 60/03 by: Alt ElartPLPL(Pamir (PalasxxAlejka) Elana) by: out of: Celendine ES (Hejaz x Bint Cesarza) out of: Prognoza PL (Etogram x Palestra) Breeder: Horse Arabian Balear S.A Breeder: Kullatorp Arabian Stud Exh: Anne Christine Karlsson Exh: Kullatorp Arabian Stud Head & Neck Arab type FA 208/00 by: Crown Prince (Salaa el Dine x The Egyptian Princess) Klass 9-10/Class 9-10 out of: Saldana (SH Bronson x Salexra) Ston 8-11 år med el utan föl/ Breeder: Onyx Arabstuteri Mares 8-11 years with or w/out foal Exh: Onyx Arabstuteri Judge 55 Selam el Saba bay 2000 59 Celinda MAF ES grey 2002 FA 238/06 by: Elart PL (Palas x Elana) out of: Celendine ES (Hejaz x Bint Cesarza) Breeder: Horse Arabian Balear S.A Exh: Anne Christine Karlsson Plac: Tot: Legs Plac: Body & Topline Head & Neck Arab type FA 50/01 by: Primo (Engano x Polka) Klass 9-10/Class 9-10 out of: Pepesza PL (Eukaliptus x Pestka) Ston 8-11 år med el utan föl/ Breeder: Janow Podlaski PL with or w/out foal Mares 8-11 years Exh: Arvak Nord - Kristina Lindfors Judge 58 Polifonia PL grey 1999 Tot: Vi hoppas att ni alla har en underbar helg och njuter av våra vackra Arabiska Fullblod! Movements Points Points Legs Body & Topline Head & Neck Movements 60 Doda PL grey 1988 Arab type Ston 12 år och äldre med el utan föl/ Mares 12 years and older with or w/out foal Presented by: Kullatorp Arabian Stud Prize donated by Agria Judge Klass 11-12/Class 11-12 Colt foal TS Dangerous by Black Turbo US FA 113/89 by: Endel PL (Palas x Elwira) out of: Dekada PL (Eternit x Dysputa) Breeder: Royal Sweden Arabians, c/o Michalow PL Exh: Turbo Star Arabians Plac: Tot: Plac: Tot: Plac: Tot: Plac: Tot: 61 Shanelle ch 1994 FA 15/95 by: Proceder (Probat x Cesa) out of: Shanti (Figaro x Shifi) Breeder: Pia Arendell Exh: Anne-Lie Wretman - Paradise Arabians 63 Asteroida ch 1996 FA 187/96 by: Glaz SE (Bomarc x Galaxcja) out of: Aikida SE (Charkow x Amarischca) Breeder: Rohan Arabstuteri AB Exh: Unas AB - Elisabeth Holmberg Arab type Presented by: Paradise Arabians Prize donated by Agria Judge Hingstar 4-7 år/Stallions 4-7 years Head & Neck Klass 13/Class 13 Legs FA 6/98 by: Medalj (Menes x Sadza) out of: Pasja (Partner x Parada) Breeder: Aspenäs Arabstuteri Exh: Johanna Ericsson Body & Topline 62 Prada grey 1997 64 Zeus Jewel Crown grey 2006 under reg by: Nijem Ibn Eternity IV BE (Eternety Ibn Navarrone x Naravna) out of: Zelicia (Emigrant x Zenia) Breeder: Anne-Lie Wretman - Paradise Arabians Exh: Anne-Lie Wretman - Paradise Arabians Plac: Tot: Plac: Tot: Plac: Tot: 65 Tristin BP US black 2006 FA 132/08 by: pfc Trevallon US (Magnum Psyche x Kamber) out of: Jafars Shania US (Ravvens Jafar x Classic Zahara) Breeder: Birch Park Black Arabians US Exh: Black Arabians of Sweden 66 Elysion ch 2006 FA 171/07 by: Premier PL (Monogramm x Premiera) out of: Emancypacja PL (Falsyfikat x Emigrantka) Breeder: Kullatorp Arabian Stud Exh: Kullatorp Arabian Stud Movements Points Movements Points Legs Body & Topline Arab type Judge Presented by: Paradise Arabians Prize donated by Agria Head & Neck Klass 14/Class 14 Hingstar 8-11 år/Stallions 8-11 years 67 Kormant ch 1999 FA 165/99 by: Kaiser (Medalj x Kurosza) out of: Kukorica GB (Burkan x Kantara) Breeder: Susanne Paus Exh: Susanne Paus Plac: Tot: Plac: Tot: Plac: Tot: Plac: Tot: 68 Bey Gali bay 2002 FA 16/03 by: FS Bengali DE (Kubinec x Om El Sanadiva) out of: Aja Bey Khateyna GB (Ali Khalil x Bey Santeyna) Breeder: Pamela & Daniel Moëll Exh: Per & Margareth Dahlberg 70 Nordique black 1999 FA 160/99 by: Noir (Aloes x Wielka Danata) out of: Laniore (Saturn x Laponia) Breeder: SVEArab - Nina Lindholm Exh: Polstjärnans Araber Head & Neck Arab type Hingstar 12 år och äldre/ Stallions 12 years and older Presented by: Paradise Arabians Prize donated by Agria Judge Klass 15/Class 15 Legs FA 66/02 by: L.M Limaal AT (Essteem x Lily el Jamaal) out of: Bitcha (Kulak x Begonia) Breeder: Fam. Kristoffersen Exh: Viktoria Palmaer Body & Topline 69 Bimaal grey 2001 71 El Yashmir DK grey 1997 FA 66/99 by: El Mokari DE (El Shaklan x Mohena) out of: Yashmak DK (Kaysoon x Chimene) Breeder: Majbritt Lindgaard-Jensen DK Exh: Miedl's Arabians Plac: Tot: Plac: Tot: Plac: Tot: 72 HS Exemplar GB grey 1998 FA 66/01 by: Eukaliptus PL (Bandos x Eunice) out of: Elektra PL (Palas x Elewacja) Breeder: Halsdon Arabians UK Exh: W-Arabians - Veronica Mann-Wernsten 73 Zappat Enzahi grey 1996 FA 3/99 by: Enzahi (Ramses x Hamasa Fadlia) out of: Zephyr (Zloty Rog x Alma) Breeder: Ninette Olsson Fridlund Exh: Maria Boman 74 Furiozo grey 1996 FA 120/96 by: Kulak DK (Etat x Kura) out of: Florence (Nimbusz x Fawkia) Breeder: Ingemar Lööf Exh: Petra Strömberg Plac: Tot: Plac: Tot: Plac: Tot: Plac: Tot: Plac: Tot: 75 Kartouch grey 2003 FA 47/05 by: Jamb (Epoz x Janika) out of: Mallika (Eknathon x Bint Kadidja) Breeder: Ulrica & Elsa Bexelius Exh: Ulrica & Elsa Bexelius 76 Piraten grey 1998 FA 285/98 by: Endel PL (Palas x Elwira) out of: Poreka SE (Probat x Woreka) Breeder: Ingmar Persson Exh: Dtr till Smedgårdens Arabstuteri 77 Gaugan grey 1998 FA 181/98 by: Endel PL (Palas x Elwira) out of: Galaxja (Engano x Aleksja) Breeder: Blommeröd Arabstuteri Exh: Per & Magdalena Trönnberg 78 El Shahzam grey 2003 FA 184/03 by: Diesel SE (Bistro x Digora) out of: Illuztra SE (Lamark x Imppala) Breeder: Olivia Ekeberg Exh: Olivia Ekeberg Points Movements Legs Body & Topline Head & Neck Arab type Valacker 1 år och äldre/ Geldings 1 year and older Presented by: W-Arabians Prize donated by Agria Judge Klass 16-17/Class 16-17 Klass 20/Class 20 Amatörhandler/Amateur handler Presented by: Stall Lunnarp 4 Believe grey 2009 FA 290/09 by: Niezze (Emrod x Niedziela) out of: Belle (Metat x Ballerina) Handler: Madeleine Sundin Plac: 13 Mashans Aisha grey 2008 FA 237/09 by: MC Cashmere DE (Kasachstan x Lady Komtessa) out of: Marczewka (Moses el Din x Miroczka) Handler: Gry Bock Plac: 18 Ayla bay 2008 235/09 by: MC Cashmere DE (Kasachstan x Lady Komtessa) out of: MA El Leah (El Yashmir x Lilia) Handler: Sara Eklund Plac: 26 Eragon el Safir ch 2009 FA 216/09 by: Alazio (Firitzio S.A x Ailicja) out of: Woffla (Satyryk x Wisnia) Handler: Li Sundén 42 Sa'mire ch 2007 FA 264/08 by: Cala d'Or ES (Garbo x Opalina) out of: Sa'tasha (Sa'fed x Kareefah) Handler: Anna Hyvönen Plac: Plac: Föl 1 månad och äldre/ Foals 1 month and older Presented by: Fotograf Mattsson 79 RSA Exandora filly b. 2010-04-09 by: Don Bull (Ffatal Attraction x Doda) out of: Exanadu (Europejczyk x Etruska) Breeder: Royal Sweden Arabians Exh: Royal Sweden Arabians 80 RSA Excalibur colt b. 2010-03-02 by: Don Bull (Ffatal Attraction x Doda) out of: Xantia (El Amin x Exanadu) Breeder: Royal Sweden Arabians Exh: Royal Sweden Arabians 81 Sorico colt b. 2010-03-02 by: Kormant (Kaiser x Kukorica GB) out of: Sorella (Wadim x Szansa) Breeder: Susanne Paus Exh: Susanne Paus 82 TS Dangerous colt b. 2010-05-13 by: Black Turbo US (NV Beau Bey x Black Silk) out of: Doda PL (Endel x Dekada) Breeder: Turbo Star Arabians Exh: Turbo Star Arabians Plac: Plac: Plac: Plac: Most Classic Head Mares Presented by: Q-Arabians 11 QA Biianca grey 2009 FA 309/09 by: Perignon Al Amar DE (Om El Bendigo x Pomposa) out of: Berninna (Chock x Bernatka) Breeder: Q-Arabians - Mikael & Ewa Jacobson, SE Exh: Q-Arabians & TC Arabians Plac: 45 JB Balalinka grey 2004 FA 79/04 by: CE Magnum BE (Magnum Psyche x RA Cool Elygance) out of: Britny (Kulak x Ballerina) Breeder: Jörgen Olsen & Britt Svanberg-Olsen Exh: Linnea Karlsson Plac: 47 Foccaccia grey 2005 FA 327/06 by: Kaiser (Medalj x Kurosza) out of: Premoria (Glaz x Florence) Breeder: Ingemar Lööf Exh: Tärenäs Arabstuteri Plac: 57 Khidaraah BE grey 2001 FA 121/06 by: Khidar BE (Ansata Sinan x Elizja) out of: Rashidaa NL (Mel Nebli x Mel Razina) Breeder: Anne-Lie Wretman - Paradise Arabians Exh: Anne-Lie Wretman - Paradise Arabians Plac: 61 Shanelle ch 1994 FA 15/95 by: Proceder (Probat x Cesa) out of: Shanti (Figaro x Shifi) Breeder: Pia Arendell Exh: Anne-Lie Wretman - Paradise Arabians Plac: Most Classic Head Stallions and geldings 22 Pachacamac ch 2009 FA 47/10 by: El Amin BE (Psytadel x RA Cool Elygance) out of: Paradisia (Alt x Prognoza) Breeder: Kullatorp Arabian Stud Exh: Kullatorp Arabian Stud 25 WF Benjamiin grey 2009 100/10 by: Chopin DK (Etat x Cesanne) out of: QA Berdiina (Om El Extreem x Berninna) Breeder: Madelene Wikstén Exh: Madelene Wikstén Plac: Plac: 65 Tristin BP US black 2006 FA 132/08 by: pfc Trevallon US (Magnum Psyche x Kamber) out of: Jafars Shania US (Ravvens Jafar x Classic Zahara) Breeder: Birch Park Black Arabians US Exh: Black Arabians of Sweden 76 Piraten grey 1998 FA 285/98 by: Endel PL (Palas x Elwira) out of: Poreka SE (Probat x Woreka) Breeder: Ingmar Persson Exh: Dtr till Smedgårdens Arabstuteri Plac: Plac: Most Classic Movements Mares Presented by: Q-Arabians 5 Naples Belitze ch 2009 FA 60/10 by: Rohara Bacara US (Padron Psyche x Sidia) out of: Rohara Bask Melody US (Baske Afire x Louisiana) Breeder: Naples Arabians Exh: Naples Arabians 6 TA Kachina dbay 2009 223/09 by: TA Nox (WPB Minstril's Bayar x Narinne) out of: Kaiserinne (Medalj x Kurosza) Breeder: Tärenäs Arabstuteri Exh: Tärenäs Arabstuteris Plac: Plac: Most Classic Movements Mares cont. 9 Purissima grey 2009 FA 102/10 by: El Amin BE (Psytadel x RA Cool Elygance) out of: Prognoza PL (Etogram x Palestra) Breeder: Kullatorp Arabian Stud Exh: Kullatorp Arabian Stud 11 QA Biianca grey 2009 FA 309/09 by: Perignon Al Amar DE (Om El Bendigo x Pomposa) out of: Berninna (Chock x Bernatka) Breeder: Q-Arabians - Mikael & Ewa Jacobson, SE Exh: Q-Arabians & TC Arabians 15 Magnuszka grey 2008 FA 28/10 by: Emiliusz PL (Laheeb x Emocja) out of: Magnolika (Emrod x Mandala) Breeder: Sinus Arabstuteri Exh: Magnuszka Partnership 47 Foccaccia grey 2005 FA 327/06 by: Kaiser (Medalj x Kurosza) out of: Premoria (Glaz x Florence) Breeder: Ingemar Lööf Exh: Tärenäs Arabstuteri 48 Rohara Bask Melody US bay 2004 FA 39/06 by: Baske Afire US (Afire Bey V x Mac Baske) out of: Louisiana US (Cajun Prince HCF x Fauzia HCF) Breeder: Terry Anne Boggs US Exh: Naples Arabians Plac: Plac: Plac: Plac: Plac: Most Classic Movements Stallions and geldings 23 TA Kureish grey 2009 FA 222/09 by: TA Nox (WPB Minstril's Bayar x Narinne) out of: TA Karibia (MC Cashmere x Kaiserinne) Most Classic Movements Breeder: Tärenäs Arabstuteri and geldings cont. Exh: TärenäsStallions Arabstuteri 30 Sture grey 2009 FA 276/09 by: Patriarch (Lekier x Prognoza) out of: Sakaia (Exodus x Saldara) Breeder: Johan Håkansson & Maria Holgersson Exh: Johan Håkansson & Maria Holgersson 69 Bimaal grey 2001 FA 66/02 by: L.M Limaal AT (Essteem x Lily el Jamaal) out of: Bitcha (Kulak x Begonia) Breeder: Fam. Kristoffersen Exh: Viktoria Palmaer Plac: Plac: Plac: Championat och specialpriser/Championships and trophies Ungstochampion/Junior Champion Filly Presented by Turbo Star Arabians Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 1:st 2:nd Gold Champion: Silver Champion: Bronze Champion: Unghingstchampion/Junior Champion Colt Presented by Naples Arabians Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 1:st 2:nd Gold Champion: Silver Champion: Bronze Champion: Stochampion/Champion Mare Presented by Kullatorp Arabian Stud Class 7-8 Class 9-10 Class 11-12 1:st 2:nd Gold Champion: Silver Champion: Bronze Champion: Hingstchampion/Champion Stallion Presented by Paradise Arabians Class 13 Class 14 Class 15 1:st 2:nd Gold Champion: Silver Champion: Bronze Champion: Valackchampion/Champion Gelding Presented by W-Arabians Class 16-17 1:st Gold Champion: Silver Champion: 2:nd Bronze Champion: Naples Arabians Trophy to Highest Score: Sinus Arabians Trophy to Best Swedish-bred Mare: Paradise Arabians Trophy to Best Swedish-bred Stallion: W-arabians Trophy to Best Breeder: Kullatorp Elysion Trophy to Show & Performance Cup Winner: Unas Araber's Trophy to Best Gelding: Primo/Arvak Nord's Trophy to Best Polish-bred Import: Turbo Star Arabians Trophy to Most Successful Handler: Stall Lunnarp's Trophy to Best Amateur Handler: Stall Vrånga Gårds prize to the oldest horse: Stall Vrånga Gårds prize to the youngest horse: "UTIKENMEDALLTFÚRRYTTAREOCHHËST «PPETTIDER -ÍNDAG/NSDAG&REDAG 4ISDAG4ORSDAG 6ANSÚ.YBY'ÍRD 3TRËNGNËS BUTIKEN HELMERRIDCENTERSE ADDESIGNWWWFOTOGRAFMATTSSONCOM ,ÚRDAG Vi söker er med tid och engagemang för barn och unga vx 019-760 45 80 epost [email protected] Vi söker er med tid och engagemang för barn och unga rekryterar, utreder och utbildar familjehem. tar emot uppdrag från kommunala socialtjänster. är spindeln i nätet i vårdplaneringen och placeringstiden. arbetar med den placerades biologfamilj/nätverk. ger er verktyg – grundläggande utbildning/fortbildning kring familjehemsvård och KBT-metoder. Ger er tillgång till stöd, rådgivning och kontinuerlig handledning. Snabb kontakt - Öppet dygnet runt - Ni är aldrig ensamma! Kontakta Monica Lund eller Raija Bergström vx 019-760 45 80 epost [email protected] Kom och njut av klassiskt Julbord Fira Jul och Nyår på Ulvhälls Herrgård Boka nu! Romantikweekend Upplev den härliga kombinationen av god mat, trevligt sällskap och avkopplande lyx. I våran Romantikweekend ingår Afternoon tea vid ankomst, sen 1 timme i vårt nybyggda Tylarium, ett lyxigt spapaket med bland annat massageolja och bodyscrub, 1 flaska mousserande på rummet med lite choklad och frukt att äta till, välkomstdrink innan ni intar en 3-rätters middag samt logi och frukostbuffé 1795: -pp i dubbelrum. Ordinarie weekendpaket Från 995:-/pp (Barn under sex år bor och äter gratis. Barn mellan sex och tolv år betalar 350:-. Då ingår logi, barnmeny-1 rätt och frukost samt inträde till Parken Zoo i Eskilstuna.) Från och med den 1 december serverar vi vårt traditionella julbord (495:-) som går att välja istället för en fem rättersmeny. Bo i svit med weekendpaket för 1795:-/pp (fredagspaketet 1595:-pp, stora weekendpaket 2795:-pp), extra natt 650:-/pp inkl frukost. Golfpaket Mån-Tors 850:-/pp Inkl. 1 grenfee, logi samt frukostbuffé. Mån-Tors 995:-/pp Inkl. 2 grenfee, logi samt frukostbuffé. Fre-Sön 1495:-/pp Inkl. 1grenfee, 3 rätters middag, logi samt frukostbuffé. Mordgåtan – ett drama i 3 rätter, nu med nytt manus Neej!! Det hjärtskärande skriket från en kvinna som just upptäckt ett lik, ekar genom Herrgården. Vem kan ha gjort något så fasansfullt? I Bästa Agata Christie-anda, arrangerar vi Mordgåtan. Upplev den härliga kombinationen av god mat, trevligt sällskap och spännande underhållning. Afternoon tea, välkomstdrink, 3-rätters middag sen skådespel, logi samt frukostbuffé 1795: -pp i dubbelrum. 3-rätters middag med skådespel och välkomstdrink 795:-pp Morddatum 2010: 25/9, 23/10 och 20/11 Välkommen till Ulvhälls Herrgård Konferens, Hotell och Restaurang Bröllop, fest eller sommargrillning med vännerna! Nyhet för i år är att vi kommer ha ett tält på delar av terrassen för att förlänga de ljusa ljumna sommarkvällarna. Ta båten hit och anlägg vår brygga... ka! o b och 0 g n Ri -186 8 nt u 2 015pet året r Öp Sommarerbjudande Övernattning från 495:-/pp Ulvhälls Herrgård med anor från tidigt 1600-tal, ligger vackert belägen vid Mälarens strand i utkanten av Strängnäs, cirka en timmes resväg från Stockholm med bil, tåg eller båt. I herrgårdsbyggnaden ryms vår restaurang och bar, vackra sällskapssalonger samt 13 rum. I övriga byggnader finns konferanslokaler med plats för upp till 90 personer och ytterligare 30 hotellrum varav fyra sviter, samt skönhetsalongen Aurum Aqua. I parken som omger Herrgården finns bl.a två tennisbanor, bouleplan och bastu med badbrygga. Ulvhälls Herrgård, 645 40 Strängnäs tel:0152-186 80 hemsida: email: [email protected] Ge ditt föl en bra start för 9 kronor* om dagen Ditt föl är värd en egen försäkring – se till att försäkra fölet före 30 dagars ålder så har du ett bra försäkringsskydd med lägre pris de första tre åren. Kontakta ditt lokala hästombud. Gela Hallberg 070-55954751 Anette Holm 0709-657633 Lotta Åhlund 073-8021444 Leif Medin 070-3277338 Elisabeth Hellman 070-6039060 * Nio kronor om dagen bygger på exemplet med ett svenskt halvblod som har Agria Bas Liv och Användbarhet (A1) med 20 Agria Djurförsäkring är länsförsäkringsgruppens specialistbolag för djur- och grödaförsäkring. We hope that you have had as much fun as we have... Because we will be back again next year! The Showteam design: Veronica Mann-Wernsten
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