Client Reference Manual CAMPUSCALL ® Notice The information in this document is the sole property RuffaloCODY. All rights to this publication are reserved. This document shall not be reproduced, copied or disclosed without the express written permission of: 65 Kirkwood North Rd SW Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404 If a purchase, license or non-disclosure agreement is in place, the terms of said agreement shall govern this document. 2013 RuffaloCODY All rights reserved. Table of Contents Page Your Team – Contact Information ................................................................................................. 4 The Software as a Service Model................................................................................................... 5 Getting Started! Timeline............................................................................................................................... 6 Project Planning Conference Agenda ................................................................................. 7 Customization Options........................................................................................................ 8 Email Responses.................................................................................................................. 9 Facility Preparation Call Center Setup Conference Agenda.............................................................................. 10 Recommended Data File Layout ............................................................................................. 11-18 Glossary of Terms .................................................................................................................... 19-23 Services SFTP Access .................................................................................................................. 24-25 Accessing CAMPUSCALL.................................................................................................... 26 Station Setup ........................................................................................................................... 27-31 Testing the Workstation ................................................................................................... 32 Training Materials Online Training .................................................................................................................. 33 Training Guides (accompanying training tutorials) Reports Reference ................................................................................................................... 34-46 Goal Setting Formulas .................................................................................................................. 47 RuffaloCODY Your Team - Contact Information CAMPUSCALL Support – Available 24 Hours 800-722-4044 [email protected] Account Executives Jeanne Snyder [email protected] 319-431-2705 Mike Vosdingh [email protected] 319-730-2442 [email protected] 210-348-9324 Lance Henze [email protected] 319-730-2336 Nick Hulett [email protected] 319-730-2395 Joe Hilgendorf [email protected] 319-730-2350 Jacqui O’Brien [email protected] 970-535-9500 Tim Ponden [email protected] 347-766-3361 Carla Pudwill [email protected] 319-853-8283 Ashley Thomas [email protected] 417-718-2826 Kathy Werner [email protected] 319-730-2561 [email protected] 319-730-2443 [email protected] 319-730-2581 Director of Operations Sarah Patterson Project Managers Call Center Setup Ben Randolph Training Sarah Ernst 4 The Software as a Service (SaaS) Model CAMPUSCALL SaaS offers an alternative where customers who do not wish to purchase the traditional CAMPUSCALL phonathon software license can enjoy the benefits of the world’s leading phonathon system. CAMPUSCALL SaaS customers have the option of paying only for the months they use the software. RuffaloCODY Project Manager With the CAMPUSCALL SaaS program, client data is loaded on a secure server managed by your RuffaloCODY Project Manager. Your project manager serves as your day-to-day contact for all CAMPUSCALL needs, and is responsible for setting up and organizing your projects. Your project manager will perform the activities associated with system administration including loading of data, creating segments, loading scripts, preparing email responses, performing system backups and more, ensuring that they are managed to high quality completion. Project managers also setup and maintain daily, weekly, and monthly reports. Your project manager is available weekdays from 8am – 5pm. RuffaloCODY Support The CAMPUSCALL support team is available 24 hours a day to provide technical support. While the support team is generally the SaaS client’s secondary contact at RuffaloCODY, they are the best option for immediate assistance during a nightly calling shift. Customer/Client The customer/client will perform the functions associated with call center management including all calling operations, supervisor functions such as caller assignments and statistics, and analyzing reports. The customer/client is responsible for supplying accurate data and the necessary details to enable the project manager to successfully create and manage the CAMPUSCALL project. The customer/client is responsible for supplying functional workstations and calling equipment, unless rented by RuffaloCODY. RuffaloCODY will supply a file of pledge information on a daily basis to the customer for producing pledge confirmations. 5 Getting Started! Program Timeline Completed? Contract Signed • Reference Guide Received 1-2 Months Prior to Calling • Project Planning Conference Call • Review the Calling Routine Tutorial for data preparation – Accessible at • Call Center Setup Conference Call 1 Month – 2 Weeks (10-20 Business Days) Prior to Calling • SFTP Access • Data Transferred to** • Campaign Strategies – Segmentation, Calling Pools & Priority • Customization Options Completed • Calling Hardware Ordered 2 Weeks (7-10 Business Days) Prior to Calling • Facility Complete – Electrical, Phone, Hardware • IP Address Information Submitted (Static) • Local Area Codes & Prefixes Submitted • System Training Completed (Manager & Supervisors) - Accessible from • Training Tasks Completed • Calling Stations Setup Completed & Tested 1 Week (3-5 Business Days) Prior to Calling • Logo File & Colors • Scripts • Email Templates • Credit Card Processing Information • User Account Information • Caller Training (completed by client) • Exclusion (Delete) files – Deceased or pledged records, ID only Calling Begins! Follow-up to First Night of Calling • Review Reports & Discuss Results **Deadline for data submission is 2 weeks (10 Business Days) prior to the first calling date, unless otherwise noted. If data is not received 2 weeks prior, the calling date will be delayed accordingly. 6 Project Planning Conference Agenda Dial-In Information: (855) 225-8922, 243-127-4253 Suggested Attendees: Phonathon Management, Data Services Project Details • Overview of CAMPUSCALL & basic terminology • Project timeline and start date • Contract Verification - Calling stations & hardware device orders Data Services • Data layout & summary – see CAMPUSCALL Recommended Data File Layout document o CSV file format preferred o One row per prospect (flat file) o Spouses & married alum o Gift history o Data exclusions • Timeline for receiving data and/or sample data file • Additional data files – same layout & 24 hour turn-around • Upload data to secure FTP site at • ID number length (if leading zeros) • Delete & refresh files – different files • Designation codes – if more than 10, submit as a file to be uploaded Training & Setup • CAMPUSCALL training – Self paced, online • Workstations External IP addresses – Admin & Caller stations • Testing workstations & calling • Segmentation & calling pool strategies, including priorities • Scripting • Online Giving • Custom options: Payment methods, Credit cards, Comments, Designations, Matching gifts, Mailing options • School logo and colors • Email capture and responses Reports & Data Files • Daily & Weekly reports available via the secure FTP site for 60 days • Customizable data files Project Manager & Support • Your project manager oversees all project items, CAMPUSCALL setup, and reports. • CAMPUSCALL Support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Contact after normal business hours, or when your project manager cannot be reached. 7 CAMPUSCALL Customization • Designations/Funds o Number of designations allowed per pledge? As many as 6 allowed o Default designation? ______________________ o Designation list attached: Yes No • Result Codes (Outcomes) o Additional attached: • Comments *For a list of standard comments available in CAMPUSCALL, refer to page 24. o Additional attached: • Refusal Reasons *For a list of standard refusal reasons available in CAMPUSCALL, refer to page 24. o Additional attached: • Pledge Payments o Maximum number of payments allowed? As many as 12 allowed o Due date for pledge payment? Date of pledge or days from pledge date • Payment Methods Visa • MasterCard • Discover Credit Card Processing Vendor: Authorize.NET Beanstream BlackBaud • *For a list of standard result codes in CAMPUSCALL, refer to pages 22-23. -OR- CashNet CyberSource IATS Matching Gifts o Accept matching gifts? Yes EFT School Online Giving Link: Moneris PayPal or PayPal Payflow QuikPay SallieMae TouchNET World Pay No Mailing Options o Do you want the option available to select mailing to a business address? Yes o Format for mailing to both prospect and spouse: Mr. & Mrs. John Smith John & Mary Smith • American Express Conjunction as: No Mr. John & Mrs. Mary Smith Stacked (prospect’s name above spouse’s name) And & Calling Options o Total number of rings – Default is 4 o Total number of attempts per record – Default is 50 o Attempt multiple available phone numbers per record and record separate results (Telesense)? Yes No 8 CAMPUSCALL Email Responses Below is an example of a Specified Pledge email. Email responses can be setup for any result type and a wide variety of additional criteria. The following fields are required for your email setup: • Email From Address: (where the email appears from) • Personal Email Tag: (who the email appears from) • Email Reply Address: (where reply messages can be sent) • Email Subject Line: • Allow Caller to Add P.S. Text? • Manager Approval? • Email Text – Which can include images, merge fields, and comments. **This email is not intended to replace any current forms of client communication. It is advised that pledge letters still be sent to prospects. All Yes No Those With P.S. None Other examples of CAMPUSCALL email responses include: • No Pledge email based on refusal reason • Credit Card acknowledgement email • Pledge acknowledgement email based on designation • Email based on standard comment • ‘Sorry We Missed You’ email – typically used at the end of a campaign • Additional Alumni Information email – events, reunion details, alumni association 9 Facility Preparation Call Center Setup Conference Agenda Dial-In Information: (855) 225-8922 Attendees: IT Support, Phonathon Management CAMPUSCALL Access • List of Public IP Addresses (static) – Access to CAMPUSCALL is only granted to these machines o Can be a range of IP addresses, if necessary o Should include all stations which need access to CAMPUSCALL, including office computers Calling Preparation • Analog phone lines installed and tested at each workstation o No services (i.e.: call waiting, voice mail, etc.) should be on these lines -OR• VoIP SIP accounts prepared and verified with XLite software *For testing only and should be removed once verified. o When using a CISCO PBX, the following fields are required: *Actual field labels may vary a. User Name = Extension/Directory Number b. Password = User ID Digest Credentials c. Auth Name = CUCM User ID *Only needed when using a CISCO PBX d. Display Name = CUCM User ID *Only needed when using a CISCO PBX e. Domain = IP address of PBX • Calling method, i.e. the digit used to gain an active telephone line. • Long distance code, if applicable • Provide a list of all local area codes and prefixes. If they are not provided by the client, the following website will be referenced for local calling details: Station Setup & Verification • Updates to calling stations include Java, Internet Explorer, and calling device drivers. • Auto-configuration files available • Group policy and anti-virus 10 Recommended Data File Layout The following pages outline physical characteristics of data, labeling instructions, field information, and documentation, which should be sent to RuffaloCODY. These specifications outline required information. All fields requested contribute to different aspects of your campaign. To receive all the benefits of our automated calling system, it is highly recommended that you follow the specifications outlined and send as much of the required data you can. Data should be transferred using the RuffaloCODY SFTP site. One manager account will be created for access to the SFTP site. Table of Contents Data File Basics .......................................................................................................................... 12 Data File Format ........................................................................................................................ 12 Required Information (Column names do NOT have to match) ............................................... 12 Giving History .................................................................................................................... 13 Optional Fields .................................................................................................................. 13 International Calling .......................................................................................................... 14 Recommended Data File Layout ................................................................................................ 15 Available Lookup Tables ............................................................................................................ 18 Designations............................................................................................................................... 18 Refreshing Data.......................................................................................................................... 18 Exclusions (Deletes) ................................................................................................................... 18 Reminder/Thank You/2nd Ask Prospects .................................................................................. 18 11 Data File Basics All data for a prospect must be contained within one continuous row in the data file. If spouse data should be included on the same record/attempt, spouse data should be within the same continuous row of data as the prospect data. The utility used to load data recognizes each row as a separate entity. If there are multiple rows in the data file for one prospect, the subsequent rows will be recognized as duplication errors and data will not be loaded. The file(s) may be sent in a variety of formats, however comma separated (csv) is preferred. The field length indicates the maximum length that can be loaded into our calling system; longer fields will be truncated. We are not able to accept files via e-mail; we accept data files via Secure File Transfer (SFTP). Data File Format Format Comma Separated Excel Definition Each field is separated by a comma. A header row is required. Each field is within a single cell. A header row is required. Data Comma/Quote delimit each field. 65,500 row limit per excel file. Multiple files are accepted. Codes Provide keys to any codes used including source, segmentation, major, school, and degree. Required Information (Column names do NOT have to match) Field ID NUMBER HOME PHONE NUMBER SALUTATION, PREFIX, FIRST, MIDDLE, LAST, SUFFIX ADDRESS 1 ADDRESS 2 ADDRESS 3 CITY STATE ZIP CODE COUNTRY ID SPOUSE ID NUMBER Description Some sort of unique identification number is required. RuffaloCODY does not recommend using a social security number. Any other unique number is preferred, up to 20 characters. Save as text if IDs start with zeros. The entire home phone number, including area code is required. May include spaces, parenthesis, & dashes. {3193627483, or (319) 362-7483} The name field must be split between prefix, first, middle, last name, and suffix. Use Salutation, Prefix, Middle, and Suffix if desired. The prospect’s First and Last name are recommended for every prospect. Address 1 is the primary address of the prospect and is required. Use Address 2 and 3 only if necessary (i.e.: Apt #, PO Box #). DO NOT leave the first address blank and put information in the second. DO NOT place two separate addresses in Address 1 and Address 2, such as a business address and a residential address. Do not leave blank. The state must be in the state field, not in the city field. The state must be the standard two-character state or province abbreviation. The first five digits of the zip code are required and must not be all zeros. United States = up to 9 digits, Canadian = 3 a/n 3 a/n. May include spaces and dashes (524063018, or 52406-3018). Country or Country ID (ISO Code) is required for the address. If different than the prospect ID number, a unique identification number. 12 Giving History Each occurrence of giving history can represent one year of giving or individual gifts. As many as 99 rows can be loaded, however 5-10 years of giving is most common. Giving history may be sent in whole dollar amounts or with the cents added, and make sure the appropriate gift designation is attached to the gift. RuffaloCODY recommends sending fiscal year totals, in place of individual gifts. For instance, if a prospect gives 2 gifts in 2011 for $20.00 and $100.00, the amount given for 2008 would be $120.00. The last gift made is the most highly recommended giving history to include for a prospect; include others if desired. All gifts must be contained within the same row for a single prospect. Field LAST GIFT DATE LAST GIFT AMOUNT LAST GIFT DESIGNATION GIVING DATE 2 - 99 GIVING AMOUNT 2 –99 GIVING DESIGNATION 2-99 Description The date of the most recent gift received from the prospect. This would be the last payment if the prospect paid a gift in installments. Use the standard MM/DD/YYYY format. If the day is not known, the day will appear as the 1st. So, 05/2004 would become 05/01/2004. Dollar amount of the total last gift (see Last Gift Date). The code which identifies the fund to which the last gift was given. Use the standard MM/DD/YYYY format. This field should contain the total dollar amount of gifts given within a fiscal year Any codes available to identify the fund to which a gift was given. (e.g., College, Greatest Needs, Scholarships) Please send a key to these codes. Optional Fields The following is a list of common fields that are maintained on many alumni databases. Each field can serve a specific function within a calling campaign and we encourage you to include them on your record, if available. Field LTD AMOUNT LTD # OF GIFTS GENDER E-MAIL ADDRESS SEGMENT CODE BIRTHDATE JOINT SALUTATION MARITAL STATUS PREFERRED MAILING NAME PREFERRED MAILING SALUTATION GRAD YEAR Description Life to date cumulative dollar amount of gifts given. Total life to date number of gifts given. An indicator of gender. M, F, or U for unknown or couples. The email address of the prospect, if known. Identifies segment in which record should be contacted. (e.g., donor, reunion, major, non-donor, recent grad) Use the standard MM/DD/YYYY format. Joint salutation for both names, if applicable. Marital status of prospect. To contain the mailing name format to appear on letters, envelopes and pledge cards. (e.g. Mr. Joe Jones or Mr. Joseph P. Jones) To contain the salutation preferred for letters - formal vs. informal. (e.g., Dear Mr. Jones or Dear Joe) This should contain the four digits of the preferred/primary graduation year. This field should include the entire year 2005 instead of ’05. 13 DEGREE MAJOR SCHOOL CLUBS / INTERESTS GREEK AFFILIATIONS EMPLOYER NAME EMPLOYER ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP JOB TITLE MATCHING RATIO SPOUSE PREFIX, FIRST, LAST, SUFFIX BUSINESS/DAY PHONE SPOUSE EMPLOYER SPOUSE MATCHING RATIO SPOUSE GRAD YEAR SPOUSE DEGREE SPOUSE MAJOR SPOUSE SCHOOL Field should contain the degree received or department of graduation. (Corresponding to grad year 1 - 99) The field or discipline which the prospect focused studies in as a student. (Corresponding to grad year 1 - 99) College of graduation. This field is of value if a University contains several colleges. (Corresponding to grad year 1 - 99) Any special club or interest which prospect was associated with during tenure. Any Greek affiliation that is not a club. Business name of record's place of employment. This could be used for matching gifts. Same rules apply to these fields as to the primary address fields. This should contain job title corresponding to employer. The ratio which employer will match the record's pledge (e.g. 0101=one to one match). The spouse name field must be split between prefix, first, last name, and suffix. Same rules apply to these fields as to the prospect’s name fields. Same format as home phone. Business name of spouse's place of employment. Ratio which employer will match pledge. (e.g. 0101 equals one to one match). The four digits of the preferred/primary graduation year. This field should include the entire year 2005 instead of ’05. Field should contain the degree received or department of graduation. (Corresponding to grad year 1 - 99) The field or discipline which the spouse focused studies in as a student. (Corresponding to grad year 1 - 99) College of graduation. (Corresponding to grad year 1 - 99) International Calling If making calls to international phone numbers is desired, all phone numbers must include the appropriate ISO country code to enable CAMPUSCALL to call the number correctly. Country codes can be populated for the following phones: Table PROSPECT_BASE SPOUSE_BASE PROSPECT_EMPLOYER SPOUSE_EMPLOYER Field Phone_country_id Fax_number_country_id Other_phone_country_id Phone_country_id 14 Recommended Data File Layout Field Primary ID Supplied By Client Home/Primary Phone Salutation Prefix First Name Middle Name Last Name Suffix Preferred Name Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Address Line 3 City State Zip or Postal Code Country or Country ID Prospect Preferred Mail Name Joint Salutation For Both Names, If Appl Marital Status Email Address Cell Phone (Or Alternative/Second Phone) Gender Maiden Name Birth Date Primary Grad Year Segment Code, if applicable Source Code, if applicable Solicitation Code, if applicable Employer Name Employer Job Title or Position Employer Address Line 1 Employer Address Line 2 Employer Address Line 3 Employer City Employer State Employer Zip or Postal Code Employer Email Employer Phone Employer Extension Grad Year 1 Degree 1 Major 1 2ND Major 1 School 1 Grad Year 2 - 99 Degree 2 - 99 Major 2 - 99 2nd Major 2 - 99 School 2 - 99 Field Type Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Date Date Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Date Character Character Character Character Date Character Character Character Character Length 20 25 50 20 60 60 60 20 20 60 60 60 60 2 9 50 100 100 1 100 25 1 60 10 8 20 20 20 100 60 60 60 60 60 2 9 100 25 6 4 40 40 40 40 4 40 40 40 40 15 Field Type Required Required Recommended Recommended Required Recommended Required Recommended Optional Required Required Required Required Required Required Recommended Recommended Optional Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended Optional Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended Optional Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended Optional Recommended Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Comments NNN-NNN-NNNN (10 digits) Nickname If used If used Two Character State NNNNN-NNNN or NNN NNN Name or ISO code NNN-NNN-NNNN (10 digits) M, F, or U are valid MM/DD/YYYY, YYYY YYYY Provide key if code provided Provide key if code provided Provide key if code provided If used If used Two Character State NNNNN-NNNN NNN-NNN-NNNN (10 digits) Numeric Only YYYY (Year Only) Provide key to any code Provide key to any code Provide key to any code Provide key to any code Field Largest Gift Amount Largest Gift Date Largest Gift Designation Last Gift Amount Last Gift Date Last Gift Designation Gift Date 2-99 Gift Amount 2-99 Gift Designation 2-99 Life To Date Gift Amount Life To Date Gifts Spouse ID Spouse Home/Primary Phone Spouse Prefix Spouse First Name Spouse Middle Name Spouse Last Name Spouse Suffix Spouse Address Line 1 Spouse Address Line 2 Spouse Address Line 3 Spouse City Spouse State Spouse Zip or Postal Code Spouse Country or Country ID Spouse Preferred Mail Name Spouse Email Address Spouse Gender Spouse Maiden Name Spouse Birth Date Spouse Alumni Flag Spouse Primary Grad Year Spouse Cell/Other Phone Spouse Employer Company Name Spouse Employer Job Title or Position Spouse Employer Occupation Spouse Employer Address Line 1 Spouse Employer Address Line 2 Spouse Employer Address Line 3 Spouse Employer City Spouse Employer State Spouse Employer Zip or Postal Code Spouse Employer Phone Spouse Employer Extension Spouse Employer Email Spouse Grad Year 1 Spouse Degree 1 Spouse Major 1 Spouse 2nd Major 1 Spouse School 1 Field Type Number Date Character Number Date Character Date Number Character Number Number Character Number Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Date Character Date Number Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Number Number Character Date Character Character Character Character Length 12 10 40 12 10 40 10 12 40 12 6 20 25 20 60 60 60 20 60 60 60 60 2 9 50 100 100 1 60 10 1 8 25 100 60 50 60 60 60 60 2 9 25 6 100 4 40 40 40 40 16 Field Type Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended Required* Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Comments NNNNNNNNNN.NN MM/DD/YYYY Provide key to any code NNNNNNNNNN.NN MM/DD/YYYY Provide key to any code NNNNNNNNNN.NN NNNNNN If different than Prospect ID NNN-NNN-NNNN (10 digits) If used If used Two Character State NNNNN-NNNN Name or ISO code M, F, or U are valid MM/DD/YYYY, YYYY 1=True, 0=False YYYY NNN-NNN-NNNN (10 digits) If used If used Two Character State NNNNN-NNNN NNN-NNN-NNNN (10 digits) YYYY (Year Only) Provide key to any code Provide key to any code Provide key to any code Provide key to any code Spouse Grad Year 2-99 Spouse Degree 2-99 Spouse Major 2-99 Spouse 2nd Major 2-99 Spouse School 2-99 Spouse Gift Date 1 Spouse Gift Amount 1 Spouse Gift Designation 1 Spouse Gift Date 2-99 Spouse Gift Amount 2-99 Spouse Gift Designation 2-99 Spouse Life To Date Gift Amount Spouse Life To Date Gifts Child ID 1 Child Salutation or Prefix 1 Child First Name 1 Child Middle Name 1 Child Last Name 1 Child Suffix 1 Child Gender 1 Child Grad Year 1 Child Major 1 Child ID 2-99 Child Salutation or Prefix 2-99 Child First Name 2-99 Child Middle Name 2-99 Child Last Name 2-99 Child Suffix 2-99 Child Gender 2-99 Child Grad Year 2-99 Child Major 2-99 Club/Greek Affiliation 1-99 Spouse Club/Greek Affiliation 1-99 Date Character Character Character Character Date Number Character Date Number Character Number Number Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Date Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Date Character Character Character 4 40 40 40 40 8 12 40 8 12 40 12 6 20 20 20 20 30 20 1 4 20 20 20 20 20 30 20 1 4 20 40 40 17 Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional NNNNNNNNNN.NN MM/DD/YYYY Provide key to any code NNNNNNNNNN.NN NNNNNN If not provided, auto-generated YYYY Provide key to any code Provide key to any code Provide key to any code Available Lookup Tables If data such as school, major, degree, or source exists in your database as codes, the descriptions for those codes can be added into CAMPUSCALL. The code can be a maximum of 10 characters and there are two descriptions. The short description is 30 characters and the long description is 75. The short description is what is displayed in CAMPUSCALL. The long description can be pulled for mailings or other extracts from CAMPUSCALL. Designations Designations are what the pledges and gifts should be credited to. The term “designation” is synonymous with fund and allocation. An encompassing list of the codes and descriptions for the past and present designations is needed. This will ensure that the giving history will always display the descriptions, even for designations that are no longer used. In order to load these designations into CAMPUSCALL the file will need to be in the same format as the standard loading data file and contain a designation code that can be up to 20 characters, a short description of up to 30 characters, and a long description of up to 80 characters. If you would like to send both active and inactive designations in the same file, that file will need to have an additional column that indicates a “1” for active designations, or a “0” for inactive. Smaller lists of available designations can be made available to the callers when they enter the pledge information. Each designation group can have its own default designation. When the caller goes into the pledge entry area, the default designation autopopulates the designation field. The caller does have the ability to over-ride this feature. Refreshing Data Data can be refreshed at any time during the calling campaign. Data refreshes are used to update demographic information only. Files used for data refresh should not contain prospects that have committed to a pledge or should now be excluded from calling (i.e. Deceased prospects). The refresh process does not adjust how the records are coded or called within CAMPUSCALL, it simply updates the existing demographics to that included in the data file. Exclusions (Deletes) Data may need to be removed or excluded from calling for various reasons. Simply provide a list of ID numbers to your Project Manager for any record you no longer need to contact (i.e. Pledge, Deceased, or Do Not Call prospects). Reminder/Thank You/2nd Ask Prospects If you wish to make reminder, thank you, or 2nd ask calls in response to a pledge made in CAMPUSCALL, you must supply a list of IDs to represent current, paid pledges or outstanding pledges. If the pledge was not originally captured in CAMPUSCALL, you may need to provide a new gift file to include the current pledge details (gift amount and gift date). This file should only contain the paid gift you now need to reference for the call. If the pledge was originally captured in CAMPSUCALL, your Project Manager can gather that pledge information for the new prospect record. 18 Glossary of Terms This glossary defines words commonly used within CAMPUSCALL and Reports. a. PROJECTS - A project, or campaign, is the highest level in the CAMPUSCALL reporting hierarchy. Many of our clients use a single project for an entire year or a project per semester. The only restriction for a project is that a prospect record cannot exist twice within the same project. If there is a need to call a prospect for a different reason within the calling year, then a separate project is needed. For example, if you want to call prospects in the fall to give to their school, and then contact them in the spring to give to the Annual Fund, a project for fall and spring calling would be necessary. The following are examples of projects: Project ID Project Description FY## Fiscal Year Annual Fund FY##Fall Calling all alumni/parents/friends for one purpose in the fall. FY##Spring Calling constituents for another purpose in the spring. b. SEGMENTS - When prospects are loaded into CAMPUSCALL, they need to be assigned to a Segment. Segments help the system identify a way to organize the prospects within each project for reporting purposes. A Segment is the middle tier of the reporting hierarchy. See the diagram below for examples. c. CALLING POOLS - After prospects are loaded into the system and assigned to a Segment, they are ready to be selected into a Calling Pool. A Calling Pool contains a group of prospects that you assign to callers and call as a group. While some reports can be generated from the Calling Pool level, the main benefit of using Calling Pools is the ability to sort prospects for assignment to callers. See the diagram below for examples. Project Annual Fund Segment Group Segment Group Segment Group Segment Group Current Parents Lybunts Sybunts Non Donors Calling Pool Calling Pool Sybunts 2 Year Lapsed Non Donors 1990’s Grads Calling Pool Current Parent Donors Calling Pool Calling Pool Lybunts $1-99 Lybunts $100+ 19 d. LYBUNTS or CURRENT DONORS – A prospect with a gift history from the last fiscal year. e. SYBUNTS or LAPSED – A prospect with a gift history from two+ years ago but not last year. f. NON-DONOR OR FUTURE GIVER – A prospect with no gift history. g. COMPLETED CALL – A prospect record that will not be attempted again. The two different categories of completed calls are Contacts and Other Completes. h. CONTACT – These codes are a subset of completes. The correct prospect has been reached and a decision to pledge or to not pledge is made. Contacts are completed calls (the phone numbers cannot be called again) and they include the following responses: Specified Pledge - This is the agreement a prospect makes to give a donation of a specific dollar amount. • Unspecified Pledge (blank pledge card) - This is the agreement a prospect makes to give a donation of an undetermined amount. • No Pledge –A prospect decides not to make a donation this fiscal year. If you are able to say the name of your institution and the prospect hangs up the phone, this is a no pledge. A refusal reason is recorded by the student caller to help track the vaious reasons prospects are not pledging to the campaign. COMPLETE - These are prospects that will not be attempted again during the current campaign. The • i. correct prospect has not been reached or was not able to be contacted in order to make a pledge. These responses include: • • • • • • • • • • Already Pledged – The prospect indicates that they have already made a contribution to the university during this fiscal year. This means that the check has left their house. Deceased – The prospect you are looking for has passed away. Try to collect when the prospect passed away. Disconnect – The phone is permanently out of service. No further information is available. THIS IS A RECORDING. Do Not Call – The prospect distinctly states that they do not wish to ever be phoned by the university again. Fax Complete – This is the third time in a row that the number has been attempted and a fax machine or modem responds. The first two times this occurs, you will need to put a comment on the record indicating fax 1 or fax 2. No English – The person who answers the phone does not speak English. Out of Country – The prospect has moved permanently overseas or will be there for at least the next year. Reassigned Number – We have the wrong phone number. The person who answers the phone has no idea who you are looking for. Be sure to read the number back to verify. Remove from List – The prospect distinctly states that they do not wish to ever be phoned, mailed, emailed, or otherwise contacted by the University for any reason. Whereabouts Unknown – The person who answers the phone knows who you are looking for, but will not divulge their current contact information. 20 j. INCOMPLETE – These codes are used for recording prospect records that have been attempted, but not reached and you or the system has determined that the record should be attempted again. These responses include: Answering Machine – You reach the prospect’s answering machine. Do not leave messages. If the answering machine indicates you have reached the office, select Daytime Callback. Do not assume you have the wrong number if there is a different name on the Answering Machine other than the prospects’. • Busy – You reach a busy signal. The computer will code this automatically and will roll onto the next record. • General Callback – When a specific date and time is needed to call the prospect back, but it doesn’t matter which caller calls it back. EX – You ask for the prospect and he says they cannot talk right now, or they are going on vacation for 2 weeks and to call back. It’s not imperative that one specific caller call back in two weeks, any caller will be acceptable. • Personal Callback – This will allow you to select a specific date and time to call the prospect back. The only person that will be able to call this person back is the caller that put in the callback. If it is not imperative that a specific caller reattempt this record at the specified date and time, you can code it General Callback. • Daytime Callback – Select this result code when you are informed that the prospect is only reachable during the day. • Fax Incomplete – You reach a fax machine or modem. On the third consecutive attempt that a number results in a Fax Incomplete, you would then mark that number as a Fax Complete. • No Answer – The phone rings four times and no one picks up. The computer will code this automatically and will roll onto the next record. • Not Available – The prospect is not able to speak at this time, but you may try again some other day. If the prospect hangs up before you are able to say the name of your institution, this should be selected. This could also be used for a record that was temporarily disconnected. This will be attempted again in 24 hrs. • Not Available One– The prospect is not able to speak at this time, but would be available in an hour. This will cause the record to be re-attempted in 1 hour. • Not Available Two – The prospect is not able to speak at this time, but would be available in several hours. This will cause the record to be re-attempted in 2 hours. • Privacy Manager – You reach a recording that states the number you’ve called doesn’t accept unknown numbers and to say your phone number or place your calling from at the beep. k. CONTACT PERCENTAGE – This is the percentage received when contacts are divided by total • completed calls. This contact rate indicates what percentage of the completed records should result in a solicitation (contact). If the percentage is 75%, then three of every four completed calls resulted in a contact. If the percentage is lower than this average it is primarily due to bad addresses and phone numbers. The lower the contact percentage the lower the results. 21 l. COMPLETION PERCENTAGE - The percentage of prospects that have been coded as complete. This is calculated by dividing the total number of completes by the total number of prospects. m. PARTICIPATION - The percentage of prospects contacted that made a pledge. This may also be referred to as Pledge Rate. This percentage is calculated by dividing specified pledges by the total contact count. n. SYSTEM TIME – The total time a caller spends on a record, including the time they may have spent speaking to the prospect. o. TALK TIME – The time spent speaking to the prospect (or the time the phone line was active which may be the result of recorded messages or answering machines). p. AVERAGE PLEDGE - The average amount pledged from each specified pledge. This is calculated by dividing the specified dollars by specified pledges. q. AVERAGE TOTAL PLEDGE – The average total pledge amount which is a combination of pledge amount and matching gift amount. This is calculated by dividing the total dollars by specified pledges. r. TOTAL GIFTS - The total number of gifts received during a shift or project summary. s. TOTAL SPECIFIED DOLLARS – The total specified dollar amount received during a shift or project summary. t. TOTAL DOLLARS - The total dollar amount, including matching gifts, received during a shift or project summary. u. ATTEMPTS/HOUR – The average number of calls attempted during one calling hour. The formula for this is total attempts divided by total telemarketing hours. An average attempts/hour number is 50-60. v. COMPLETES/HOUR – The average number of phone calls which were completed during one calling hour. An average completes/hour range is 8-12. w. CONTACTS/HOURS – The average number of calls coded as a contact during one calling hour. The formula for this is total contacts divided by total telemarketing hours. The average contacts/hour number is 4-6. x. SCRIPTS - Scripts can be made available for callers to use while speaking to prospects. y. OGI - Abbreviated for Online Giving Interface. If credit cards will be processed immediately using an online vendor, OGI must be setup and implemented for your project. z. DESIGNATION CODES - These are the designations that the callers see on the pledge screen. aa. CALLBLOCK – Records blocked from calling for a period of time based on information within the record, i.e. demographic location, education, or gift information. 22 bb. STANDARD COMMENTS - Standard Comments appear on the Pledge and No Pledge Screen and can be used by the callers to select commonly heard comments made by prospects. The list includes: Wants additional information about campaign • • Wants to give gift in memory of... • • Requests to be solicited only once per year • Other, see comments cc. REFUSAL REASONS - Refusal reasons are used by the caller on the No Pledge screen to indicate why • Wants information on alumni association Upset with institution Wants information on planned giving • the prospect is not making a pledge. Refusal reasons include: • • • • • • • • Does not feel associated with institution No reason given Financial reasons Children in college Out of work Economy is bad Elderly, fixed income Has ill feelings about institution • • • • • • • • Support other non-profits State taxes finance institution Left money in their will Gives through direct mail Not interested now, maybe at later date Not interested in giving Hearing impaired/In nursing home Natural disaster that impacts ability to give Technical Terms a. WORKSTATION – The computer used for calling stations and administrative functions. b. Way2Call (HiPhone) – A white box at each calling station. The CAMPUSCALL system uses the Way2Call Hi-phone to automatically call phone numbers. c. VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) – The CAMPUSCALL system uses an internet device to delivery voice communications instead of using an analog telephone line. d. HEADSET – Headsets are a convenient way for users to keep their hands free to view or enter information in the computer while talking with the prospect. e. AMPLIFIER– The amplifier connects the headset to the Teltone or Way2Call and controls volume levels for both the user and the prospect. f. IP ADDRESS - A numerical label that is assigned to each computer in a network. This IP address is necessary in order to gain access to CAMPUSCALL. g. SFTP – Every user must enter the secure FTP site,, in order share prospect data files with RuffaloCODY or access any reports and data files from CAMPUSCALL. One account will be created for access into the RuffaloCODY SFTP. 23 RuffaloCODY SFTP Access In order to share prospect data files with RuffaloCODY or access any reports and data files from CAMPUSCALL, every user must enter the RuffaloCODY secure FTP site. This SFTP ensures that all data and reports are shared securely between RuffaloCODY and your institution. You will not be able to transfer this information until you have successfully connected to the RuffaloCODY SFTP site. Data is stored on this site up to 60 days. To get connected, go to You MUST use Internet Explorer to download reports. *You may also connect by using an FTP client such as FileZilla or WinSCP. Locate the login box in the center of the screen, and enter the correct username and password. Click Log In. *One user account is created for access into the RuffaloCODY SFTP. You may change your password at any time, however, please be sure to notify all users of this change. After entering a username and password you are directed to the main screen within your SFTP site. Here you see all items previously uploaded by your site as well as any documents uploaded by RuffaloCODY, such as reports or daily pledge letter information. To upload new prospect data files, use the Upload button. Click Browse to navigate to the correct document on your computer and click Upload to complete the file transfer. 24 To access a file provided by RuffaloCODY, click on the name of the file; and a prompt box appears allowing you to open or save the file to a location on your computer. If you check ‘Use Java enabled version’ at Log In, your home page will display in a different format. File transfers are completed by simply using the arrows between the top two frames. Navigate to the appropriate folder on your computer in the left frame, and select the file to transfer from your computer or from the sftp folder, in the right frame. The transfer queue at the bottom displays the status of this file transfer. 25 Accessing CAMPUSCALL In order to access CAMPUSCALL, every user will enter the RuffaloCODY environment through secure portals. To ensure that all communication and information is secure between RuffaloCODY and your institution, you will only be able to access CAMPUSCALL from computers with a recognized IP address. Note: To create access for your institution, the IP address for every station using CAMPUSCALL must be sent to your project manager. To get connected, go to where you are directed to the main CAMPUSCALL login screen. Locate the login box in the center of the screen and enter your CAMPUSCALL username and password, which are user specific. **If you receive the error message “Your browser settings do not allow access to computer name. Computer Name is required for calling”, you can simply close that pop-up window and continue with the login process. For instructions on how to correct this issue, please review the internet settings portion of the station setup document included in the client reference manual. 26 SaaS Station Setup VoIP Setup 1. Software Installation ................................................................................................... 28 2. Connections to the call station ................................................................................... 28 Analog Setup (Way2Call Hi-Phone) 1. Connection to the call station ..................................................................................... 29 2. Connections to the Way2Call...................................................................................... 29 Station Configuration 1. Internet Options.......................................................................................................... 30 2. Create the CAMPUSCALL shortcut – IE 32-bit............................................................. 31 3. Install Java (1.7 32-bit) ................................................................................................ 31 4. Adjust Java Control Panel ........................................................................................... 32 VoIP Setup 1. Software Installation In order to download the necessary SIP driver, please go to and use the following credentials: Username: Campuscall_SaaS Password: CC$aa$1 Once connected, go to the Device Drivers folder and download the RuffaloCODY Softphone file. • Extract the file and run the install msi file. • Follow the prompts, using the default values. 2. Connections to the call station • Connect the headset to the USB cable (if applicable). • Plug USB cable into computer. 27 Analog Setup (Way2Call Hi-Phone) 1. Connections to the call station • USB cable to Way2Call. • Ethernet cable to network. • Connect monitor, keyboard, and power, etc. 2. Connections to the Way2Call • Pass through to amplifier. • Analog phone line to telephone wall jack. • USB cable to calling station computer. 3. Connections to the amplifier • Headset 4. Install Way2Call driver located on provided CD or at Connections - Front Headset button should be down at all times Mute button: Down = Muted Up = Talk Headset connection to amplifier Amplifier Settings Connections - Back Analog phone Line 1 goes to wall connection USB/power cord connects to computer Use mic adjust tool located on bottom of the amp to adjust microphone sensitivity. Dial should be set pointing straight up. + Frequency slider should be set on #5 Amplifier to Way2Call: Cord plugged into the far left port on the amplifier connects to the HS1 port on the Way2Call device 28 Station Configuration *Station setup must be completed regardless of whether calling devices are being used. • During initial setup, you must log into each station with local administrative rights. • Internet Explorer 32bit must be used for CAMPUSCALL 1. Internet Options Launch Internet Explorer; go to the Tools menu and then select Internet Options a. From the General tab, in the Browsing History area, click Settings. • Under Check for newer versions of stored pages select Every time I visit the webpage. Click OK to return to the General tab. b. From the Security tab, • Select the Trusted Sites icon and click on the Sites button. Type the CAMPUSCALL link in the Add this website to the zone: box as “https://*”. Click Add and Close. 29 • Select the Custom Level button for Trusted Sites. o Scroll to ActiveX Controls and Plug-ins and set the following to Enable: Automatic prompting for Active-X controls Initialize and Script ActiveX controls not marked as safe for scripting o Scroll to Miscellaneous and set the following to Disable: Use Pop-up Blocker Use SmartScreen Filter • Click OK and approve changes at the warning prompt that appears. Click OK to close Internet Options. 2. Create the CAMPUSCALL Shortcut – IE 32-bit **Contact your Project Manager to receive the correct shortcut link** a. Right click on the Desktop and select New → Shortcut. • Type the following into the Location box: "C: \Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" –k https://saas{2,3,4,5,etc} • Click Next and type the name for this shortcut. b. Click Finish and close all windows. Note: Make sure there are no accessory toolbars, such as the “Google Toolbar” installed on the calling stations. Launch CAMPUSCALL using the newly created shortcut on the desktop. 3. Install Java (1.7 32-bit) a. If Java does not already exist on the calling stations, go to to install. • At the J2SE Runtime Environment, click Accept for a Typical Setup. • At the prompt to install the Google Desktop verify that the box to install this is NOT checked. Click Next. Java will now download and install. • At the Installation Complete prompt, click Finish; CAMPUSCALL will launch. At the Security Warning prompt, check Always Trust. Click Run. b. The CAMPUSCALL login screen should appear. 30 4. Adjust Java Control Panel a. Adjust Java permissions from the Java control panel: • From the General tab – Temporary Internet Files – click the Settings button. o Confirm the box Keep temporary internet files on my computer is checked. o Click the Delete files button – click OK in the dialog box that appears. Close this dialog box. Click OK to return to the General tab. • From the Security tab: o Confirm the security level slider is set to High. o Click Restore Security Prompts and select Restore All from the pop-up window. • • Click OK to close the pop-up window. Click Apply and OK from the main Java control panel. 31 Testing the Workstation Once the workstations have been configured for calling, all settings should be verified. To verify that all settings are correct for a caller station: 1. Log onto the workstation the way a caller would, i.e. using an account other than an administrative account. 2. Access the CAMPUSCALL login screen and log in using your provided client account details. 3. Select Online Telemarketing from the Calling Shift menu, and click Start Calling. A prospect record should now appear. You may also be prompted to enable ActiveX controls or allow java functionality. Click yes to these prompts. To test calling from CAMPUSCALL: 1. Click DIAL to attempt the provided testing phone number (319) 362-2262. You should connect to a voicemail recording at this phone number. Hang up. 2. From the prospect demographic area of the screen, select the home phone field and enter a local phone number. Click Save. 3. The newly entered phone number should appear in the phone drop-down menu below the DIAL button. Click DIAL to call the new local number supplied and verify connection is made. Continue verification by selecting the Specified Pledge result from the Actions menu within the calling routine. Enter a dollar amount and designation for the pledge. If online credit card processing should be in place, verify that the correct page is presented when the payment type is change from Check to Credit, and the vendor page is launched. This testing process should be repeated on every calling station. If you are unable to click the DIAL button: • • • • • Verify that the proper driver has been installed for the calling device Verify that the correct version of java has been installed and the proper permissions are in place Check that the calling device is properly connected If using Windows 7, confirm that the UAC settings have been turned off Confirm with your Project Manager that all calling settings are in place If issues continue, contact CAMPUSCALL support at (800) 722-4044. 32 CAMPUSCALL Online Training Training tutorials for the calling routine and all administrative user applications are available online at Training is completed at your own pace and can be repeated as often as necessary. If completed at one time, training can be finished in 3 hours. Training includes: • Accessing CAMPUSCALL (p. 1) • CAMPUSCALL calling routine (p. 2-26) • Admin Login (p. 27) o Calling Shift Calling Assignments (p. 66-69) Online Telemarketing (p. 70-73) Employee Monitoring (p. 74) Online Stats (p. 75-87) Prospect Review (p. 88-91) Email Approval (p. 92) Messaging (p. 93-95) Recycle Calling Pools (p. 96) Callback Analysis (p. 97-98) Project Analysis (p. 99) Employee Call History (p. 100) Master Prospect Lookup (p. 101) o Site Admin Employee Demo (p. 28-30) o Project Setup Scripts (p. 52-62) Manage Prospect (p. 63) Remove Prospect (p. 64-65) * Pages numbers refer to the CAMPUSCALL Admin User’s Guide. Following the completion of CAMPUSCALL online training, training review and verification will be scheduled to ensure all questions have been addressed. 33 Reports Reference Table of Contents Navigating a Report...................................................................................................................... 35 Commonly Used Reports ............................................................................................................. 35 Statistical Reporting ..................................................................................................................... 36 Historic Stats Report (Project Summary) ................................................................................... 36 Historic Employee Stats (Project Summary) .............................................................................. 36 Historic Stats Report (Segment Summary) ................................................................................ 37 Historic Employee Stats (Segment Summary) ........................................................................... 37 Calling Pool Stats Report............................................................................................................ 38 Calling Pool Counts Report ........................................................................................................ 38 Email Summary Report (Project Summary) ............................................................................... 39 Email Summary Report (Employee Summary) .......................................................................... 39 Giving Levels Report .................................................................................................................. 40 Employee Giving Levels Report ................................................................................................. 40 Upgrade Summary Report – Last Gift Range ............................................................................. 41 Employee Upgrade Summary Report ........................................................................................ 41 Grad Year Report ....................................................................................................................... 42 Refusal Reason Summary Report .............................................................................................. 42 Reports for Database Updating ................................................................................................... 43 Pledge Report ............................................................................................................................ 43 Credit Card Report ..................................................................................................................... 43 Call Result Listing Report ........................................................................................................... 44 Matching Gift Report ................................................................................................................. 45 Frequently Asked Questions ........................................................................................................ 45 How long will it take to complete calling in this segment? ....................................................... 46 How much money can this segment raise tonight? ................................................................... 46 How many callers can I put in a calling pool for tonight’s shift? ............................................... 46 How can I view statistics by calling pool? .................................................................................. 46 Which calling pool should be assigned to each employee? ....................................................... 46 Which calling pool is performing the best? ............................................................................... 46 Who are my best employees? .................................................................................................... 46 Which calling pools contain the "freshest" records? ................................................................. 46 Which employees are having problems getting upgrades? Which Segments? ......................... 46 How many credit cards/matching gifts/pledges/unspecifieds does an employee have? ......... 46 Before calling begins, how can I determine which time zones the records will be in? .............. 46 What is the current contact percentage for the program? ....................................................... 46 How is the program performing overall?................................................................................... 46 34 Navigating a Report All reports are generated in the Adobe Acrobat format (PDF) unless otherwise noted. Reports are generated nightly and are accessible through the RuffaloCODY SFTP site, Before you are able to view the report, you must first move or copy the desired reports to a folder located on your local computer. This toolbar appears across the top of every opened report. 1 2 3 4 5 6 (1) Prints the report (2) Opens Acrobat meeting to share document (3) Arrows which allow you to navigate to all pages of the report (4) Type a specific page number to jump to 7 8 (5) Changes the displayed size; use the plus and minus buttons or drop-down menu (6) Makes the report size fill the window (7) Changes display size to fit one page at a time (8) Search document for any specific data Commonly Used Reports Included in this section are commonly used reports. The first section deals with statistical reporting that can be used to help analyze your program and increase results. The second section discusses reports that are run daily and are used to update your database. Reports for Database Updating Statistical Reporting Daily • Historic Stats (Project & Segment Summary) • Historic Employee Stats (Project & Segment Summary) • Calling Pool Stats Daily • Pledge Report • Credit Card Report • Change Demographics Report • Comment Report • Matching Details Weekly • Calling Pool Counts • Email Result Summary (Project & Employee) • Upgrade Summary Report - Employee Weekly • Call Result Listing Every Semester or Fiscal Year • Giving Levels Report (Project Summary & Employee) • Grad Year Report - 10yr or 5yr • Refusal Reason Report 35 Statistical Reporting Historic Stats Report (Project Summary) The Client Stats Report (Project Summary) is one of the most vital and informative reports available in CAMPUSCALL; it is also one of the most detailed reports. It lists statistics for each day of the week, as well as the weekly, monthly, and project to date totals. It includes, among other things, the total number of pledges, dollars, matching gifts, credit cards, average pledge, total number of no pledges and unspecified pledges, and contact percentage. Historic Employee Stats (Project Summary) The Client Employee Report follows the same concept as Client Stats for Project Summary, but details the overall statistics for each of your employees. Each employee’s statistics are broken into time intervals: Day (d), Week (w), Month (m), Project (p). 36 Historic Stats Report (Segment Summary) This report contains the same information listed above for Client Stats Report (Project Summary) but instead displays information for each segment that you have within your project. Historic Employee Stats (Segment Summary) The Client Employee Stats (Segment Summary) details statistics for each of your employees by each segment in your project. Each employee’s statistics are broken into time intervals: Day (d), Week (w), Month (m), Project (p). 37 Calling Pool Stats Report The Calling Pool Stats Report generates stats for each segment and all the calling pools within it. It lists such things as the total number of records, pledges, contacts, credit cards, matching gift, and average gift amount. It may also be helpful when trying to finish a segment; the user can find the pools that are strongest in the attributes that are most needed. If the segment is below projections for participation, then focus the remaining time in calling pools that have higher participation. Calling Pool Counts Report This report displays every calling pool within your project and displays the details for all records within the calling pools. Information displayed here is broken out by calling zone and includes total number of records available, number of records set to callbacks, delete record counts, and total number of records completed. 38 Email Summary Report (Project Summary) The Email Summary Report displays each result code and the email status (captured, not captured, verified, unverified, refused, or do not have) for the result. This is helpful when trying to determine how many emails have been obtained throughout the defined timeframe. It can also be a good indicator of when callers aren’t asking for emails; if you have 500 pledges but only 100 emails from those pledges, it may indicate that callers aren’t asking as instructed. Email Summary Report (Employee Summary) The Email Summary Report by Employee displays the email status by result code for each employee. This assists you in determining if callers are continuing to ask for emails on every call. 39 Giving Levels Report All of the pledges received at different gift levels are shown on this report. It will allow you to view the total number of pledges and % of dollars at each gift level you select. This can be used to determine when it’s appropriate to increase or decrease your ask levels. Employee Giving Levels Report This will be the same as the Giving Level report, but will show the gift levels by employee. This can be useful during employee reviews or when establishing which callers aren’t using their ask ladder structure correctly. 40 Upgrade Summary Report – Last Gift Range The percentage of pledges that were upgrades, equivalents, or downgrades are generated on this report. Pledges are displayed by the gift level from last year. For example, if a prospect gave in the $134.99 range last year it compares them to what they pledged this year. It also shows the average amount pledged during this project and last gift. Employee Upgrade Summary Report This report functions the same as the Upgrade Report, but instead displays upgrades by caller. This report is helpful when trying to determine which employees are struggling with upgrades. 41 Grad Year Report The Grad Year Report allows the user to see statistics based on the prospect’s grad year. There are two different grad year reports: five and ten-year breakdowns. This report can be very effective if your school focuses on Reunion Calling. It’s extremely common for non-donor segments to be broken down into calling pools by grad years of either decades or half decades. Refusal Reason Summary Report This report is essential when trying to find out why prospects are not giving. It details the number and what percentage of refusals where received for each refusal reason. This is especially helpful to track decisions or unfortunate events on campus that may be causing your constituents to refuse to give. 42 Reports for Database Updating Pledge Report The Pledge Report provides you with a detailed record of pledges received during the previous night’s calling. Some of the items listed include the prospect’s name, ID, current demographic information, amount of pledge and matching gift, designations, number of payments, and due date. This report lists specified pledges first, then unspecified pledges. Both are listed alphabetically. Each report ends with a summary page detailing pledges and dollars raised per segment. At the end of all reports is a combined summary page totaling all segments. Credit Card Report This report displays the same information as the Pledge Report, but only for credit card pledges. 43 Call Result Listing Report The Call Result Listing Report shows prospect details by specific result code. There is a label at the top of each page indicating the result code for the listed prospects. Change Demographics Report The Change Demographics Report lists all changes made to completed calls during each night’s calling. The left side of the report shows demographic information as it appeared before any changes were made (Prospect Before). The right side of the report shows ONLY the information changed by the caller (Prospect After). Fields that were not modified will remain blank in the Prospect After section. Incomplete calls are not included on your daily report. If requested, a project-to-date report can be generated at the end of the campaign for incomplete calls. Incomplete phone calls may have some updated information. It is recommended that this report be reviewed and that your staff decides how to handle partial information updates. 44 All Comments Report The Comment report shows both the short and long format comments along with the prospect to which the comments correspond. The comments appear underneath the prospect and call details. Matching Gift Report This report provides you with a detailed record of matching gifts received during calling. Included in this report is information on the matching company, matching gift details, the prospect who works for that company, and details about their pledge. 45 Frequently Asked Questions How long will it take to complete calling in this segment? • Refer to the Goal Setting Formulas worksheet at the end of this document. How much money can this segment raise tonight? • Refer to the Goal Setting Formulas worksheet at the end of this document. How many callers can I put in a calling pool for tonight’s shift? • Refer to the Goal Setting Formulas worksheet at the end of this document. How can I view statistics by calling pool? • Calling Pool Stats Report Which calling pool should be assigned to each employee? • Client Employee Stats Report - Segment • Calling Pool Stats Report Which calling pool is performing the best? • Calling Pool Stats Report Who are my best employees? • Employee Giving Levels Report • Employee Upgrade Summary Report • Client Employee Stats Report Which calling pools contain the "freshest" records? • Calling Pool Stats Report • Calling Pool Counts Report Which employees are having problems getting upgrades? Which Segments? • Employee Upgrade Summary • Upgrade Summary Report (segment summary) How many credit cards/matching gifts/pledges/unspecified pledges does an employee have? • Employee Pledge Summary Report Before calling begins, how can I determine which time zones the records will be in? • Calling Pool Counts Report What is the current contact percentage for the program? • Client Stats Report - Project Summary • Client Stats Report – Segment Summary How is the program performing overall? • Client Stats Report – Segment Summary • Client Stats Report - Project Summary 46 Goal Setting Formulas How many total calling shifts are available? Total Prospects Projected Total Completes Total Calling Completes X Projected Completion Percentage = Projected Total Completes / Projected Completes Per Hour = Project Total Calling Completes / Projected Total Daily Calling Hours = Total Calling Shifts How many callers can be assigned to a specific calling pool? Number of Available Records Projected Total Calling Hours / Projected Attempts Per Hour = Projected Total Calling Hours / Length of Calling Shift = Total Number of Assignable Callers What is the required participation percentage to achieve my long-term goal? Total Prospects Projected Total Completes Projected Total Contacts Projected Total Pledges Project Total Contact Total Remaining Pledges X Projected Completion Percentage = Projected Total Completes X Projected Contact Percentage = Projected Total Contacts X Projected Participation Percentage = Projected Total Pledges = Total Remaining Pledges = Total Remaining Contacts = Required Participation Percentage / Total Pledges Received Project-ToDate Total Contacts Received Project-ToDate Total Remaining Contacts What is the average gift required to achieve my long-term goals? Total Remaining Pledges Total Projected Dollars Total Remaining Dollars X Projected Average Gift Amount = Total Projected Dollars - Total Dollars Received Project-ToDate Total Remaining Pledges = Total Remaining Dollars = Required Average Gift Amount / How many pledges will be received during a given shift? Number of Callers Total Calling Hours/Shift Projected Total Contacts/Shift X Length of Calling Shift (Hours) = Total Calling Hours/Shift X Projected Contacts Per Hour = Projected Total Contacts/Shift X Projected Participation Percentage = Projected Total Pledges/Shift = Projected Total Dollars/Shift How many dollars will be raised during a given shift? Projected Total Pledges/Shift X Avg Completes Per Hour: 8-12 Projected Average Gift Avg Attempts Per Hour: 50-60 47 Avg Contacts Per Hour: 5-8
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