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C VB 0 5.0 05 Moduline CV CVB 05.05 Mindre oljud Mindre vibrationer Mindre underhåll Nyh Moduline B 05: Ett nytt Aquadrive trycklager This mall size thrust bearing beari storlek will enable boat builders and Dettanew nyasmall trycklager av mindre är framtaget för mindre boat of the aquadrive system to båtbyggare use the full advantages båtar.owners Det ger och båtägare samma fina fördelar also small boats: oats: antivibration system. som for större Aquadrive Kostnadsoptimerad version utan avkall på kvalitet och prestanda Cost optimised version Moduline typ, avsedd för effekt hk Small Moduline type, from 5 to5-40 40 hp Passar de välbeprövade CV 05 Thrust bearing mating with CVaxlarna 05 shafts Uses double axial ball bearing Utrustat medrow dubbelradigt SKF axiallager Available for propeller shaft diameters of 20, 25 and 30 mm 10 års garanti för fritidsbåtar Most to service Finns easy för axeldimensioner 20, 25 och 30 mm This new thrust bearing B 05, in combination with our proven CV 05 shaft for small boats makes aquadrive an even more fl exible system with the ability to solve noise and vibration problems for almost any boat. g length: length approx. 230 mm Mounting Superior engineering The aquadrive antivibration anti system will help you, and your crew, enjoy the peace and quiet of boating. Byminskar isolatingvibrationer the engineoch fromoljud. the rest your noise and Aquadrive Detofger digboat, högre komfort. vibration are greatly reduced. Aquadrive will also help tooljud keep och Genom att isolera motorn från resten av båten reduceras By isolating the engine from the rest ofmot your boat, noiseonand vibrationer avsevärt. Propelleraxeln upp ett Aquadrive your driveline in good condition byriktas minimising wear and tear vibration areabsorberar greatly reduced. Aquadrive also toiskeep trycklager som propellertryckkraften ochhelp överför den till the transmission and cutlass bearings. The will propeller shaft aligned By isolating theCV-axel engine överför from the rest of your boat, noiseonand your driveline in good condition by minimising wear and tear skrovet. En Aquadrive motorns kraft till trycklagret to an aquadrive thrust bearing, which absorbs the propeller thrust. vibration are greatly reduced. Aquadrive will also help toiskeep och därmed också propelleraxeln. CV-axeln justerar automatiskt the transmission and cutlass bearings. The propeller shaft aligned A Constant Velocity (CV) shaft transmits engine power to noise the By isolating the engine from the rest of your boat, your driveline in thrust good condition by minimising wear andGenom tearthrust. onand ändringar i uppriktningen mellan motor och trycklager. bearing, which absorbs the propeller to an aquadrive thrust bearing and propeller shaft. The CV will shaft automatically vibration are greatly reduced. Aquadrive also help to keep the transmission and(CV) cutlass bearings. The propeller shaft is aligned användande av CV-axel och mjukare motor-isolatorer avlägsnas A Constant Velocity shaft transmits engine power to thrust the adjusts to changes in the alignment between engine and your driveline inskrovet. good condition byantivibrationssystem minimising wear and tearthrust. on vibrationer från Aquadrive skapar bearing, which absorbs the propeller to an aquadrive thrust thrust bearing and the propeller shaft. CV shaft automatically By isolating engine fromThe the in rest of your boat, noise and bearing and allows engine movements every direction. The use the transmission and(CV) cutlass bearings. The propeller shaft is aligned nödvändiga förutsättningar för att båtar ska bli tystare och mer A Constant Velocity shaft transmits engine power to thrust the adjusts to changes in the alignment between engine and vibration are greatly reduced. Aquadrive will vibration also help from to keep of softer engine mounts, which which isolate engine the bearing, the propeller thrust. to an aquadrive thrust komfortabla att and framföra. thrust bearing propeller shaft. Theabsorbs CVevery shaft automatically bearing and allows engine movements in direction. The use your driveline inthe good condition by minimising wear and tear on hull, completes system. Aquadrive antivibration system creates A Constant Velocityin(CV) shaft transmits engine power to thrust the adjusts toengine changes the which alignment between engine and of mounts, isolate engine vibration from the thesofter transmission and cutlass bearings. The propeller shaft is aligned necessary conditions for ashaft. smooth boat. thrust and propeller Therunning, CVevery shaftquiet automatically bearingbearing and allows engine movements in direction. use hull, system. Aquadrive antivibration systemThe creates bearing, which absorbs the propeller thrust. to ancompletes aquadrive the thrust adjusts to changes in the alignment between engine and thrust of softer engine mounts, which isolate running, engine vibration from the the necessary conditions a smooth A Constant Velocity (CV) for shaft transmits engine quiet powerboat. to the bearing and allows in every direction. use hull, completes the engine system.movements Aquadrive antivibration systemThe creates thrust bearing and propeller shaft. The CV shaft automatically of softer engine mounts, which isolate engine vibration from the the necessary conditions for a smooth running, quiet boat. No. A r t. 145 200 51503 Rösrath, Germany © GKN. All rights reserved. 57 100 (101,6 ) © GKN. All rights reserved. GKN Land Systems Tillverkare: Aftermarkets & Services GKN International, Tyskland GKNService Land Systems Headquarters: Aftermarkets & Services GmbH Distributör: GKN Service International GKN Land Systems Rodahl Marin AB, tel. 0510-62150 Headquarters: Nussbaumweg 19–21 Aftermarkets & Services GKN Service International 51503 Rösrath, Germany GmbH GKN Land Systems Headquarters: Nussbaumweg 19–21 Återförsäljare: Aftermarkets & Services GmbH GKN Service International 51503 Germany © GKN. AllRösrath, rights reserved. Headquarters: Nussbaumweg 19–21 GKN Land Systems GKN Service International 51503 Rösrath, Germany GmbH © GKN. All rights reserved. Aftermarkets & Services Nussbaumweg 19–21 Headquarters: 51503 Germany © GKN. AllRösrath, rights reserved. GKN Service International GmbH Nussbaumweg 19–21 © GKN. All rights reserved. 51503 Rösrath, Germany © GKN. All rights reserved. för ändringar Art. No. 190395_11/2011 Art. No.Art. 190395_11/2011 No.Art. 190395_11/2011 No.Reservation 190395_11/2011 Art. No. 190395_11/2011 g length: length Mounting approx. 230 Joint angle: max. allowable jointmm angle is 5-8 degrees, depending on shaft rpm 100 55 Moduline B 05 technical data 96 Tekniska Moduline B 05 Modulinedata B 05för technical data Moduline B 05 technical data Maximalt propelleraxeltryck: 6000 N Max. propeller thrust: 6000 N Moduline B 05 technical data Max. transmittable torque: 610 Nm 820 Maximalt överförbart 610 NmNm – 820 Nm Max. propeller thrust:vridmoment: 6000 N Moduline B 05 technical depending on propeller shaft diameter data Max. transmittable torque: Nm rpm - 820 Nm Maximalt propelleraxelvarvtal: Max. propeller thrust: 6000610 N 4000 Max. propeller shaft revolutions: 4000 depending on propeller shaft diameter rpm Max. transmittable torque: Nm beroende - 820 Nm på Avvinkling per knut: max 5-8610 Max. propeller thrust: 6000 Ngrader Joint angle: max. allowable joint angle 5-8 degrees, Max. propeller shaft revolutions: 4000is rpm depending on propeller axelvarvtal. Observera attshaft varjediameter CV-axel har två knutar. depending on shaft rpm Max. transmittable torque: 610 Nm - 820 Nm Joint angle: max. allowable joint angle 5-8 degrees, Max. propeller shaft revolutions: 4000isrpm depending on propeller shaft Inbyggnadslängd: cirka 230 mm Max. propeller thrust: 6000 Ndiameter g length Mounting length: approx. 230 mm depending on shaft rpm Joint angle: max. allowable joint angle isrpm 5-8 degrees, propeller shaft revolutions: 4000 Max. transmittable torque: 610 Nm - 820 Nm g length: length Mounting approx. depending on shaft rpm 230 mm depending on propeller shaft diameter Joint angle: max. allowable joint angle is 5-8 degrees, g length: length Mounting approx. 230 mm depending on shaft Max. propeller shaft rpm revolutions: 4000 rpm 190395 _11/2011 GKN Sertevrsic: e International GmbH Headquar Nussbaumweg 19–21 GKN51503SerRösrvicaethI,nGertermnanyational GmbH knservice.c19–21 om Nuswww.sbgaumweg 86 By isolating thBye engiisolatninegftrhoemengithneerferosmt oftheyourrest ofboatyour, noiboats,enoiandse and vibration are greatly reduced. Aquadrive wil also help to keep vibration are gryoureatdrlyivreleinduced. e in goodAquadr conditiiovne bywimil alnismoisheling pwearto keep and tear on t h e t r a nsmi s si o n and cut l a ss bear i n gs. The pr o pel l e r shaf t i s al i g ned your driveline in good condition by minimising wear and tear on to an aquadrive thrust bearing, which absorbs the propeller thrust. the transmis ionA Constand cutant lVelasocibearty (CinV)gsshaf. Thet transmipropelts engiler nshe afpowert is altoigthnede to an aquadrivethtrhurstubearst bearing iandng,prwhiopelclherabsshafot.rbThes thCVe shafprotpelautloematr thicrualslyt. adjusts to changes in the alignment between engine and thrust A Constant Velobearcityin(gCandV) salhloafwst tengiransnemmovement its enginseinpowerevery ditorectthioen. The use thrust bearing andof sofprteroengipellneermountshaft.s,ThewhicCVh isolshatafe engit autnoe matvibraitcioalnlyfrom the hull, completes the system. Aquadrive antivibration system creates adjusts to changesthe necessary in the alcondiignmenttions fbetor awsmooteenhengirunninneg,andquietthboatrust. bearing and allows engine movements in every direction. The use of softer engine mounts, which isolate engine vibration from the hull, completes the system. Aquadrive antivibration system creates GKNGKNLandLand SystSysetmsems Aftermarkets & Services AfHeadquarters: termarkets & Services
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