GLASHUSETT ENERGY 1. GlashusEtt – The environmental information centre of Hammarby Sjöstad. The place to find information on both environmental issues and exciting green technology (solar cells, fuel cells, sedum roofs, etc.). A partnership between the Stockholm Water Company, Fortum, the Stockholm City Development Administration and the Stockholm City Waste Management Administration. 1. Solar cells on GlashusEtt. 2. Solar cells for the Holmen block. 4. Solar panels on the Viken block to heat the hot tap water used by the tenants. 6. Solar cells for the Familjebostäder’s building. 9. Power grid station (also storm water basin). 14. Fortum’s Thermal Power Plant. Supplies Hammarby Sjöstad with district heating and district cooling from treated wastewater and biofuels. 15. Biogas cookers are installed in approximately 1,000 apartments on Sickla Udde and Sickla Kaj. 16. Biogas production facility. 17. Solar cells on the roof of JM’s block, Fjärden, providing electricity used in the communal areas. 18. Solar cells for the Grynnan block. 53. Passive houses, Kajutan block. 54. Geothermal heat for the Mältaren block. ENVIRONMENTAL BLOCKS 2. Holmen, NCC. Winner of the first prize in the City’s environmental competition, Best New Construction. 3. Kobben, SBC Bo. Winner of the second prize. 4. Viken, Svenska Bostäder. Winner of the third prize. 5. Sundet, JM. Winner of the third prize. 6. Lugnvattnet, Familjebostäder. Winner of the third prize. 53. Kajutan, ByggVesta. Passive houses. WATER 7. Prepared soil for filtration of storm water from streets. 8. Storm water basin with wetland for storm water from streets. 9. Storm water basin with filtration (also power grid station). 10. Channel for storm water from buildings and gardens only. 11. Green roofs and yards collect storm water locally. 12. Sjöstadsverket. Experimental wastewater treatment plant and spearhead-projects for new wastewater treatment techniques. 13. Pumpstation for wastewater. Norra Hammarbyhamnen WASTE AND RECYCLING MATERIAL 1. GlashusEtt also houses a collecting point for hazardous waste. 19. One of the docking points where the refuse collection lorry connects to the pneumatic waste disposal unit. 20. Collection centre for the stationary pneumatic waste disposal system. Henri 22 Hammarby Sjö 30 29 Ham m y led arb 22 38 en 23 Luma 13 10 28 1 21 Hammarby Gård 7 14 14 20 Mårtensdal 48 Hammarby sjöstad comprehensive plan, produced by stockholm city planning development PLANNING AREA BOUNDARY existing business development, industrial and commercial RESIDENTIAL business area undeveloped area educational facilities Existing development heavy municipal engineering Development area parks, yards Scale 1:4000 CAD: Sanna Norrby NORTH footpaths, cycle paths, squares etc. 47 26 8 0 100 19 50 Fredriksdal tramlines 2 41 500m kan a len Hammarby Sjöstad – Environmental map Dan viks Danvikstull COMMUNICATIONS/TRANSPORT NEW AND EXISTING GREEN SPACES 21. Tvärbanan, a light rail link. 22. Ferry berth with boat traffic to Södermalm (also to central Stockholm at certain times of the year). 23. Old quay restored to form a footpath and cycle route. 24. Footbridge made from stainless steel for long-term durability. 25. Car-pool parking with the best parking spots, right in front of the door. 26. Fuel station for cars running on electricity, biogas or ethanol. 2 7. New tree-lined avenue that stretches throughout Hammarby Sjöstad. 28. Luma Park. New local park with green hills, Japanese cherry trees (Prunus serratula) and a playground. The park also contains a preserved old house. 29. Preserved old trees (birch, elm and lime). 30. Nesting rafts for seabirds. The City of Stockholm Environmental Administration’s project, designed to promote the biological development of Stockholm. 31. Reed park with oiled wooden footbridges. Viewing points and rest areas. 32. Preserved riparian woodlands with birch and alder. 33. Ecoducts. A green crossing providing enhanced access to the Nacka nature reserve. (A vast forested area with footpaths and cycle routes). 34. Oak-covered slope with 150 old oaks. One of the finest stands in the southern part of the city of Stockholm. 35. Special adaptation of buildings for the oak-covered slope. 36. The Sjöstad parterre and surrounding blocks – awarded the Kasper Sahlin prize for the best block in Sweden, 2005. 37. The Lugnet parterre. 16 12 iksdalshamnen 51 53 8 Lugnet 37 THE HEALTHY CITY 46 9 17 6 4 31 Sickla Udde 25 21 24 3 51 Sic kla 36 15 Sickla Kaj 49 19 Ka n al 51 40 11 5 Sickla Kanal 27 43 41 1 18 34 35 32 Södra Länken 33 39 54 52 41. Cycle route along the Lugnets Allé and Hammarby Allé thoroughfares. 42. Hammarbybacken – slalom ski slope. 43. Sports hall. 44. The Nacka nature reserve. 45. Beach at Sickla Sjö. 23. Old quay restored to form a footpath and cycle route. 46. The Culture House. 47. Kulturama – school and culture house. 48. Fryshuset – upper secondary school specialising in sports and culture. 49. Playground in Ekbacken. 50. Playground in Redaren and Sjöfarten. 51. Pleasure boat moorings. 52. Dieselverkstaden, culture house. 33 Stockholm inner city development area 45 42 44 Nacka nature reserve Stockholm City OTHER 38. Listed factory buildings from the 1930s. Restored and now used as office premises. 39. Sickla lock and salmon ladder. 40. Södra Länken (motorway) lowered to reduce traffic noise. Hammarby Sjöstad Hammarby Sjöstad – developers and architects NORRA HAMMARBYHAMNEN VÅGSKVALPET 1. New office building for White Arkitekter 2. SISAB / Tullgårdsskolan 3. Familjebostäder / White Arkitekter 4. Familjebostäder / White Arkitekter 5. JM / Åsberg och Buchmann Arkitekter 6. SKB / Åsberg och Buchmann Arkitekter 7. JM / Åsberg och Buchmann Arkitekter 8. JM / FFNS Arkitekter 9. PEAB / Roman Wozniak Arkitekter 10. Seniorgården / Nyréns Arkitektkontor Stockholmshem / Nyréns Arkitektkontor 11. Folkhem / Nyréns Arkitektkontor Lennart Ericsson / Nyréns Arkitektkontor, Brunnberg & Forshed Arkitektkontor Besqab / 5 ARK-gruppen Einar Mattsson / 5 ARK-gruppen Reinhold Gustafsson / Jan Fidjeland Arkitektkontor 4. Botrygg / AIX Arkitekter 4 45. Development office (sports hall) / Brunnberg & Forshed Arkitektkontor SICKLA KAJ 6. NCC / Nyréns Arkitektkontor 4 47. SBC / CAN Arkitektkontor 48. Seniorgården / Arkitekturkompaniet 49. HSB / Erséus, Frenning & Sjögren Arkitekter 50. Stockholmshem / Nyréns Arkitektkontor 51. HSB / Brunnberg & Forshed Arkitektkontor 52. NCC / White Arkitekter 53. JM / Arkitekturkompaniet 54. NCC / White Arkitekter 55. PEAB / Arksam Arkitektkontor 56. PEAB / Equator Arkitektkontor Barnängen 8 GLASHUSETT SOMMAREN 57. Environmental Information Centre – Stockholm Vatten, Fortum, City of Stockholm / Tengbom Arkitekter 12. PEAB / Lindberg Stenberg Arkitektkontor HENRIKSDALSHAMNEN SJÖSTADSKAPELLET 13. Borätt / Erséus Arkitekter 14. Familjebostäder / Erséus Arkitekter 15. Skanska PDR Sweden / AIX Arkitekter 16. Järntorget Bostad / White Arkitekter 17. Svenska Bostäder / White Arkitekter 18. Borätt / Erséus Arkitekter 19. Botrygg / AIX Arkitekter 20. Botrygg / AIX Arkitekter 21. Seniorgården / Nyréns Arkitektkontor 22. Abacus / Lindberg & Stenberg Arkitektkontor 23. JM / ÅWL Arkitekter 24. Wallenstam / Frenning & Sjögren Arkitekter 25. Järntorget / White Arkitekter 1 26. ByggVesta / White Arkitekter 58. Sofia Parish - Veidekke / Reflex Arkitekter Norra Hammarbyhamnen 6 5 4 3 83 Mjärden 85 86 2 87 89 LUGNET 2 7. Borätt / Erséus Arkitekter 28. Riksbyggen / Kod Arkitekter 29. Wallenstam / Frenning & Sjögren Arkitekter 30. Stockholmshem / White Arkitekter Norra Hammarbyhamnen Hammarby Gård 88 92 93 75 77 78 102 100 81 80 101 31. JM / Nyréns Arkitektkontor 32. Svenska Bostäder / Erséus, Frenning & Sjögren Arkitekter 33. SISAB (school) / Arksam Arkitektkontor 34. Familjebostäder / White Arkitekter 35. Familjebostäder / White Arkitekter 36. Skanska / Hedborg Gyllenhammar Arkitektkontor 37. JM / ÅWL Arkitekter 38. Svenska Bostäder / Lindberg & Stenberg Arkitektkontor 39. HSB / Modern Line Arkitekter 40. HSB / Modern Line Arkitekter 41. Skanska / Brunnberg & Forshed Arkitektkontor FORSEN 42. Svenska Bostäder, NCC / Johanson Linnman Arkitekter 43. Wallenstam / Arkitekthuset 74 Godsfinkan 76 73 Proppen/Redaren/Sjöfarten Fredriksdal SICKLA UDDE Luma 95 94 91 90 82 84 99 Mårtensdal 98 79 Påsen 96 Godsvagnen 97 Fryshuset Frysh SJÖSTADSPORTEN 5. JM / Nyréns Arkitektkontor 6 66. Svenska Bostäder / Nyréns Arkitektkontor 67. Botrygg / Omniplan 68. Skanska / Erséus Arkitekter 69. Primula / Rosenbergs Arkitekter, Primula Sommaren 12 KÖLNAN 70. Familjebostäder / FFNS Arkitekter 71. HEFAB / Lindberg & Stenberg Arkitektkontor 72. SKB / ÅWL Arkitekter 73. SSSB (student accommodation) / Murman Arkitekter 74. SISAB (school) / FFNS Arkitekter Danvikstull 11 13 14 10 15 16 Mandeln 17 GODSFINKAN 18 9 20 75. ByggVesta / White Arkitekter, Arkitektur-huset 19 21 22 PROPPEN / REDAREN / SJÖFARTEN 76. Familjebostäder / Rosenbergs Arkitekter 7 7. Borätt / AW Arkitekter 78. Primula / Thomas Eriksson Arkitekter 79. HSB Bostad / Rits Arkitekter 80. Einar Mattsson / Tengbom Arkitekter 81. LjungbergGruppen / Ahrbom & Partner Arkitektkontor Henriksdalshamnen 7 23 24 25 26 29 27 LUMA Lugnet 28 31 46 40 52 Vågskvalpet 49 53 57 55 72 64 71 70 Sjöstadsporten 45 37 59 60 58 36 61 Sickla Kanal 62 56 69 44 38 54 Kölnan 43 39 Sickla Kaj 48 42 Forsen Sickla Udde 47 51 74 35 33 41 50 HAMMARBY GÅRD 34 32 82. Fabege / Murman Arkitekter 30 63 65 66 67 68 huset 3. HSB / AIX Arkitekter 8 84. Folkhem / Brunnberg & Forshed Arkitektkontor 85. Stockholmshem / Tengbom Arkitekter 86. Erik Wallin / Tengbom Arkitekter 8 7. Riksbyggen / Tengbom Arkitekter 88. Fabege / architect not appointed 89. Fabege / (extension) Vegesack Arkitekter 90. Fabege / AIX Arkitekter 91. Fabege / architect not appointed 92. PEAB / Equator Arkitektkontor 93. Riksbyggen / Tengbom Arkitekter 94. SKB / Wingårdh Arkitektkontor 95. ByggVesta / White Arkitekter PÅSEN/GODSVAGNEN 96. Development area FRYSHUSET 9 7. Development office / architect not appointed 98. SISAB / Jack Pattison MÅRTENSDAL 99. Development office / architect not appointed SICKLA KANAL FREDRIKSDAL 59. Reinhold Gustafsson / AQ Arkitekter 60. Einar Mattson / AQ Arkitekter 61. Besqab / FFNS Arkitekter 62. Lennart Ericsson / Johanson Linnman Arkitekter 63. Riksbyggen / Folkhem / Jan Fidjeland Arkitektkontor 64. Katarinastiftelsen / FFNS Arkitekter 100. SL, Skanska / Brunnberg & Forshed Arkitektkontor 101. Skanska / ÅWL Arkitekter 102. Skanska / Kjellander + Sjöberg Arkitektkontor
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