Killeen Independent School District Purchasing Manual Robert J. Scurzi Director For Purchasing Services Ext. 0104 Wayne Barnard, Purchasing Specialist Ext. 0093 Erika Hopkins, Purchasing Clerk Ext. 2783 Marc Janusz, Contract Specialist Ext. 2757 Debra King, Purchasing Card Technician Ext. 0105 Kasey Modde, Purchasing Clerk Ext. 0106 Melissa Monroe, Purchasing Technician Ext. 0104 Tammy Shannon, Purchasing Specialist Ext. 0107 Purchasing Department Fax# 520-1820 Table of Contents Section Page Number Purchasing Organization Chart 4 Introduction 5 Bid Book 6 Bid Book Categories 7 Sole Source Purchases 8 Traditional Requisitions 9-11 Traditional Requisitions Manual 12-21 Traditional Requisition Contract Field 22 Requisition Search 23 & 24 Requisition Configure Columns 25 Maintaining A Requisition 26 & 27 Adding a Line to the Cart 28 Purchase Order Search 29 Check Requests 30 Check Request Manual 31-33 My Check Request Manual 34-37 Employee Advance/ Reimbursements 38 & 39 Employee Advance/Reimbursements *Direct Deposit* 40 Employee Reimbursements 41 Staff Meals/Site Selection for Meetings and Professional Development 42 Citibank Instructions 43 Ordering Library Books 46 Vendor Problem Resolution 47 Vendor Gifts 48 Vendor Visitations & Fundraising 49 Office Supplies Orders 50 Band Instrument Repair 51 & 52 Important Misc. Information 53 Frequently asked Questions 54—56 2 Table of Contents Section Page Number Purchasing Legal Information 57—68 Purchasing Fixed Assets 69 (Controlled Items) Form 1099 Requirements 70 Pages 56-77 available only online & HB914 Requirements Activity Fund Purchases 71 & 72 Purchasing Ethics 73 Legal Penalties for Violating Purchasing Law 74 Updated 08/04/2014 3 Purchasing Services Organization Chart & Contact List 4 Introduction The purpose of the Purchasing Manual is to provide information to Killeen ISD personnel on the correct procedures when making purchases and to allow personnel to be in compliance with state and local purchasing statutes and policies. Please use this manual often as a reference for any questions relating to purchasing policies and procedures. Quite understandably, you may still have questions after reviewing the material. Please feel free to call Purchasing Services with your questions or concerns. It is the goal of Purchasing Services to assist you and enable you to make your purchases and receive your goods as efficiently and expeditiously as possible. Should problems concerning your requisitions/purchase orders surface, please feel free to contact Purchasing Services. You will be responsible for knowing and complying with all the information contained in this manual. 5 Bid Book Killeen Independent School District maintains and administers numerous proposals that are to be utilized by the campuses and departments. These proposals are created, solicited, and awarded throughout the year, with changes sometimes occurring monthly. We have various catalog (% discount) proposals for various categories that are located in the bid book on the Purchasing Department website. Vendors will be added to the bid book upon completion and approval of submitted proposals and can only be added at the beginning of the new bid term. The bid book will list the vendors, bid number, contract end date, contact name and phone number, and a brief description of discount or shipping charges. If the vendor is not listed in the bid book under the designated category for items being purchased or in the sole source listing, they can not be used as a vendor. It is the campuses/departments responsibility to shop among the approved vendors to get the best value for the district. Any large or unique purchase $5,000 or over requires three quotations regardless of funds used. Purchasing will also need to be notified. All Technology and software related items and equipment must be approved by the Technology department prior to purchase. Please log onto the Approved Product list located on Technology’s website for pricing information on the district approved technology items. The bid number and bid name is required on all requisitions/purchase orders along with the proper vendor ordering information. If the contract field does not populate when the requisition is entered, the bid number will need to be manually entered. An example of this is the DIR contract. The DIR number will have to be manually entered on all vendors listed under the DIR contract. Additionally, the bid number will have to be entered on all check requests referencing a proposal. A Purchase Request form (located under the link Forms Non Travel on the Purchasing website) is required for all appliances, furniture, classroom furniture, controlled items (that’s not available in the Central Warehouse or classroom sets), equipment, etc. Once the form is completed, please return it to the Purchasing department. The bid book is located on the Purchasing Website at— >Departments—>Purchasing—>Bid Book Once you select “Bid Book” you will have to click on the category that fits the item(s) 6 that you’re ordering. Bid Book Categories For % Discount Proposal A/V Educational Materials and Supplies (non-equipment) Library Supplies Lumber and Misc. Construction Supplies Awards (Promotional and Personalized Re- lated Items) Band, Choir, Cheerleading and Auxiliary Uniforms & Accessories Band Supplies (non-equipment) Books Clinical Equipment and Supplies Drama and Theater Equipment/Supplies Software (includes website access) Food Grocery Products Group Travel Services Guidance and Testing Related Materials Instructional Supplies Office Supplies PE Equipment and Supplies Printing Services Magazine Subscriptions Maintenance Supplies Science Equipment and Supplies Sheet Music Signs, Safety and ID Special Ed Instructional Equipment & Supplies To meet the procurement guidelines with TEA, we will NO LONGER be adding vendors throughout the year to an existing contract. The new proposal will be solicited to vendors with detailed instructions and a deadline for submission. This deadline is very important! If they fail to submit their paperwork by the deadline stated within the proposal, they will have to wait until the next proposal to become an approved vendor the following year. All of our proposals are done through an online service called e-bid. Once a vendor registers for the e-bid site, it does NOT make them an approved vendor. What it does do is place them in a database of potential vendors. When a proposal or quote is available, an e-mail notification will be sent to the e-mail address provided by the company. If the vendor does not respond to these solicitations, they will not be awarded the proposal or quote and cannot be added to the approved vendor list. 7 Sole Source Purchases The District has developed and implemented a standardized sole source affidavit form for vendors to complete to declare their sole source status. By definition, the vendor must be the only source for that item. Sole source purchases must be supported by a notarized form from the vendor. This is required regardless of the amount of the purchase. These sole source affidavits are valid for two years from the date of notarization. If a purchase is going to be made from a vendor who claims they are sole source, check the sole source spreadsheet located on the Purchasing website. If the company is not listed on the sole source spreadsheet, the campus or department is required to obtain a notarized sole source form from the vendor. The notarized forms must be submitted to Purchasing Services along with the W-9 for processing. If necessary, due to time constraints, the vendor’s form may be received by fax (as long as the notary stamp is legible), to be followed with an original by mail. These are items that are usually protected because of the existence of a patent, copyright, secret process, or monopoly. Common examples are films, manuscripts, or books. A sole source affidavit form may be downloaded from our District’s website at Select : Departments—>Purchasing—>Vendors—>Sole Source Affidavit Sole source purchases of less than $50,000 will be approved by Purchasing Services. A single sole source purchase over $50,000 requires board review which will be done by the originating organization. Acceptance of all sole source affidavits and determination of sole source status is at the sole discretion of the Director for Purchasing Services. A list of the approved Sole Source vendors is listed on the website at—>Departments—>Purchasing—>Bid Book—>Approved Sole Source 8 Traditional Requisitions TRADITIONAL REQUISITION ORDERS A Traditional Requisition is used when supplies are not available from the Central Warehouse and must be entered before the order is placed. Killeen ISD will not pay for purchases made unless a traditional requisition was issued first. No confirmation (after the fact) traditional requisitions will be allowed. After the requisition has been approved by the Purchasing Department and printed, it turns into a formal purchase order and is assigned a number. As its name implies, this document serves as a formal order (contract offer) for goods, materials and/or services from a vendor and is a binding commitment for KISD to remit payment to the vendor after the district receives the items. There are two types of purchase orders A check enclosed traditional requisition is a purchase order that is for payment purposes only. Examples are licenses, software renewals, newspaper service, etc. Please type“Check enclosed, nothing physical to be received” in the Special Instructions field of the requisition. A Traditional requisition is a purchase order that is used to place an order for supplies, books, etc. This document contains the necessary information that the vendor would need to fulfill the order. Our default is to snail mail purchase orders; if you would like your order faxed or e-mailed, please type the e-mail address or fax number in the special instructions field of the requisition. All items ordered must be shipped to the Central Warehouse. The only exceptions are live specimen and magazine orders. When ordering these items, please type your campus/department address in the special instructions field. 9 Traditional Requisitions (Cont.) Before the requisition is seen by the Purchasing department, it first goes through the appropriate department’s (i.e., Budget, Fine Arts, Technology, Title I, etc.) approval queue. Purchasing is the last approver. Requisitions are reviewed by the Purchasing department for the following: Correct procurement category Correct contract Adequate description Approved vendor name and address Feasibility of purchase Authorized purchase Availability of item in the Warehouse Overall completeness Once all of the above are in place, the requisition is approved. Calling a vendor to place an order over the phone, or faxing a “print screen” of the entered requisition or any other unauthorized document(s) is a violation of these administrative regulations. There may be times when an order needs to be expedited. If so, please follow the steps listed below: First enter the requisition in TEAMS Check the requisition status in TEAMS by going to the REQUISTION SEARCH entry point to find the next approver Call or e-mail each approver to ask them to review and approve the requisition Finally, contact the Purchasing Department for final approval. (unless you specify something else, Purchasing will process the purchase order based on the information listed in the special instructions field.) Receiving Goods All merchandise received by the District shall be checked upon delivery for contents and condition. The employee receiving the goods should sign the receipt, signify the date of delivery, and note any deviation in the content or any questions about the 10 condition of the goods received. Traditional Requisitions (cont.) Killeen ISD does not utilize on-line ordering from vendors except for Advantage Office Products, AHI, Office Depot, Perry’s and Staples. All other purchases will be considered a purchasing violation. Other items to note: Three quotations must be received for a unique and any large purchase over $10,000. Please contact Purchasing Services for more information on how to quote an item. Some purchases require pre-approval prior to submittal, such as (but not limited to): Large volume Sole Source purchases, to ensure the purchase and vendor qualify for this status Appliances (i.e., microwaves, refrigerators, icemakers, etc.); a Purchase Request form must be submitted to the Purchasing department Furniture for classroom or office (book carts, large easels, marker/tack boards, etc.) Equipment for classroom or office (i.e., laminator, binding machine, fax machine, copier, projectors, etc.) Electronics (i.e., televisions, DVD/VHS players, etc.) Controlled items (i.e., normally items over 1,000 or highly pilferable) Please keep in mind that ALL district purchases must follow bid guidelines regardless if expenditure of funds have been pre-approved by the KISD Board of Trustees and budget codes have been created. Visit the Technology Acquisitions Web site for a complete listing of approved technology products. Please make sure a Digital Review is completed if the item falls under one of the following categories: iPad, iPod, MacBook Pro, software item, controlled item (budget code 6398). Contact Kristie Yonker with questions about the Digital Review process. If an item is not listed on the Technology Acquisition Web site, request a quote for the item by e-mailing Wayne Barnard. Once you have your quote and Digital Review number (if needed), create a requisition in TEAMS. IF IN DOUBT, PLEASE CALL PURCHASING SERVICES PRIOR TO PURCHASE. 11 Traditional Requisition Manual 12 Traditional Requisition Manual 13 Traditional Requisition Manual 14 Traditional Requisition Manual 15 Traditional Requisition Manual 16 Traditional Requisition Manual 17 Traditional Requisition Manual 18 Traditional Requisition Manual 19 Traditional Requisition Manual 20 Traditional Requisition Manual 21 Traditional Requisition Entering a Requisition that is tied to a Contract All the approved vendors on bid and sole source have been tied to a contract within TEAMS. The bid number is attached to every vendor within the contract(s) and will automatically print on the purchase orders. If the contract field DOES NOT automatically populate on your screen, you will have to add the bid information in the special instructions field. If the contract field does automatically populate, you do NOT have to add the bid information to the special instructions field. Bid numbers are still required for Check Requests made to the Office Supplies vendors. 22 Requisition Search 23 Requisition Search 24 Requisition Configure Columns 25 Maintaining a Requisition 26 Maintaining a Requisition 27 Requisition Adding a Line to the Cart 28 Requisition Purchase Order Search 29 Check Requests A Check Request is the process the district uses when a check is required. Check Requests will only be used for hotels, registrations, membership dues & fees, catering services, etc (non-tangible items that do not require a bid with the exception of Advantage Office, AHI, Office Depot, Perry’s & Staples). Citi Bank credit card purchases will also be processed as a check request. Office Depot, AHI, Perry’s, Staples & Advantage Office Products will require the vendor’s receipt in order to process payment. This document should be attached to the Check Request or sent via interoffice mail to all the approvers. All other purchases must be processed on a traditional requisition, to include orders to local vendors prior to purchase. A notation will be required if a purchase order needs to be picked up to hand carry to vendor or if the purchase order needs to be faxed. Update: We will now allow budgeted money to be used to pay for meals related to motivation of the staff at an amount of $5.00 per employee per fiscal year. 30 Check Request Manual 31 Check Request Manual 32 Check Request Manual 33 My Check Requests Manual 34 My Check Requests Manual 35 My Check Requests Manual 36 My Check Requests Manual 37 Employee Advance/ Reimbursement Requests (TRAVEL) An approved request for Professional Leave & Transportation form is required when employees attend out-of-district conferences/meetings. A request for Professional Leave & Transportation form must be submitted for approval at least two weeks prior to departure. Keep in mind that the expense amounts are estimates. Mileage is based off of your home campus or residence, which ever is the best value for the district. Transportation expense (mileage) when traveling inside/outside the state: If an employee elects to drive their own vehicle, they may only be reimbursed up to the cost of the airline ticket. (Please contact Purchasing and they will determine the cost of the airline ticket). The employee will be reimbursed for meals only for the days the employee would have been traveling if the employee had flown. District employees will not be reimbursed for gas, parking or any other expense related to driving their vehicle if they opt not to fly. All Professional leave request forms can be downloaded from the Budget Website:—>Budget—>Forms—>Travel A. A Request for Professional Leave & Transportation Form is submitted by using the following procedures: List employee ID (for employee going to conference). List the person(s) who will be riding with the employee. Select personal vehicle or KISD vehicle. Enter the amount for lodging if not prepaid by a Check Request. Estimate the sum of the cost plus city hotel occupancy tax (9%-13% usually). (we are exempt from paying Texas sales tax). Enter the amount for any fees for registration. If you want the district to prepay the fees, send the amount by a separate Check Request and do not enter the amount on the line. The Check Request # may be reflected in the field provided. A Google map must be submitted to show mileage to and from using the street address of the destination. (remember to calculate for the round trip) Meals are based on the time and date of departure and time and date of return; meals are only allowed for overnight stays. Meals covered in registration costs will not be considered for reimbursement. Continental breakfast offered as part of registration will not be considered for reimbursement unless the employee chooses to purchase a non-continental breakfast. The supervisor is responsible for monitoring and approving this as part of the employee/advance reimbursement payment request. Per diem rates are based on GSA rate which varies from city to city. 38 Employee Advance/ Reimbursement Requests (Cont.) Miscellaneous expenses for cab fare, parking etc. are entered in the field provided; tips are included in the per diem rates. Use the comment section in TEAMS for any explanation regarding trip expenditures. Attach the request for Professional Leave & Transportation form to the TEAMS Employee Reimbursement request. If you choose to send the request using inter office mail, make sure that you notate the TEAMS Employee Reimbursement request number on the top right of the form. B. After an employee returns from a trip, a Travel Reimbursement request form must be submitted in order to receive reimbursement. Enter the title/ location of workshop/ conference, employee name, school location in the fields provided. Enter the Employee Reimbursement number assigned to the original Professional Leave form. Enter the time and date departed and return from the conference (this must be filled out as the meal allowance is based on this time). If not prepaid, enter the amount charged per day for the lodging and hotel tax and city tax along with the number of days that incurred lodging expenses. A detailed invoice showing all charges should be submitted along with this form. If not prepaid, enter the fees that are entitled for reimbursement. Receipts must be attached to this form. Complete the section for food allotment based on the time of departure and return times. If authorized to drive personal vehicle, enter the miles traveled (according to the district mileage charts or Google Maps). If miscellaneous expenses were incurred, enter the amounts and submit the receipts with the PLV form. Employee must print & sign along with the Principal/Director and forward to Accounts Payable. If paying with Federal Funds, send the Travel Reimbursement form to Budget. Any explanations needed to clarify the information submitted should be entered in the comment section. Per Diem rates are sent out every January. This form can also be downloaded from the Purchasing Website: (Select Purchasing/Travel) 39 Employee Advance/ Reimbursement Requests Direct Deposit Killeen ISD now offers direct deposit to pay employee reimbursements. The employee will need to inform the financial clerk, PRIOR TO INPUT, if he/ she would like to receive their employee reimbursement as a direct deposit. (Option cannot be changed once an individual EAR has been inputted into system.) The reimbursement will be deposited into employee’s current payroll bank account. An employee will be able to view their reimbursements in the ESC under “My Employee Reimbursements”. 40 Employee Reimbursements Please Note: **If the Professional Leave request grand total amount is zero dollars there is no requirement to enter it TEAMS. Just file the PLR on campus.** In an effort to prevent future purchasing violations and allow flexibility to campuses/departments, the following changes have been made to the Employee Advance Reimbursement (EAR) process: The following expenditures will be allowed up to $200 on an EAR: 6329-reading materials 6399-supplies 6499-misc expense Allowable expenditures with no dollar limitation (other than federal/ state grant dollar limitations): 6411-travel 6419-travel non-employee (temps only and board members) 6495-membership fees & dues These are the only expenditures that will be reimbursed using the Employee Advanced Reimbursement process. All purchases will still need to comply with our purchasing policies; they must be on the approved vendor list for the item to be purchased. Please do not confuse this policy with the Classroom Supply Teacher Reimbursement Program (colored envelope). That program is entirely different and does not fall under this policy. 41 Staff Meals/Site Selection for Meetings & Professional Development Staff meals Not part of professional development: The district allows $7 per staff member per fiscal year to be used from the general fund budget to provide meals for staff members as part of an award/ motivational/appreciation activity. When submitting the check request for these types of activities attach a list of the employees for which meals were provided. As part of professional development: Meals can be provided as part of a meeting or professional development only if they are used to expedite the meal time so that more learning can take place in the work day. Meals for professional development are not limited to $7 per attendee, but must be at a reasonable cost. An agenda from all these types of meetings must be attached to the check request as well as a list of the employees attending the meetings. Exceptions to these rules include superintendent planned/approved district level events such as retiree celebration, district wide secretaries luncheon, teacher of the year event, new teacher induction, etc. Site selection for meetings and professional development Sites selected for meetings and professional development must be conducive to the intended KISD business agenda and learning when using general funds and/or activity funds. The supervising executive director or direct supervisor (if requestor is an executive director) must approve the tentative agenda and location of any activity that takes place in a non-KISD facility prior to reservations being made. The agenda must clearly show what activities will take place. Generic items such as “team building activities” may require additional clarification. Sites that may possibly be seen as a misuse of public funds must be carefully considered and may be questioned and possibly denied. 42 Citibank Instructions Travel Card / Wal-Mart Card The CitiBank billing cycle runs from 4th to the 3rd of each month. You will have to get your monthly statement or unbilled transactions from the CitiBank website: Cards.html If you need access to the CitiBank Website please e-mail [email protected]. Activity Fund Instructions: When paying any part of the charges with an Activity Fund check make the check out to: KISD Credit Card Fund. Send the check, receipts, monthly statement or unbilled transactions to Accounts Payable. Scan and send a copy of the check, receipts, monthly statement or unbilled transactions to [email protected]. Wal-Mart Credit Card: The Wal-Mart credit card can only be used at the Killeen & Harker Heights Wal-Marts and the Harker Heights Sam’s only. Check if items are available in the warehouse first before going to WalMart. Check Requests: You don’t have to wait until the end of the month to do your Check Requests. Check Requests may be processed after the transaction appears on the unbilled transactions or monthly statement on the CitBank Website. Attach the monthly statement or unbilled transaction that has your purchase on it to your Check Request and scan your receipt and attach it to your Check Request. 43 KISD Print Shop Guidelines Print Shop- 254-336-0576 Pam Knapp Hours: 7:00 am – 4:00 pm MUST HAVE A PRINT REQUEST BEFORE A JOB IS STARTED!!! The KISD Print Shop is a vital resource that provides high-quality printing services in a timely, responsive manner at reasonable cost. The value of its services is underscored by the fact that staffing of the Print Shop has remained constant for two decades, while demands for printing have increased exponentially. In order to achieve the maximum efficiency in the delivery of printing services, we use the following procedures: 1. The Print Shop’s first two priorities are (1) printing instructional materials for campuses and (2) printing district materials for the Superintendent’s office. 2. All print requests will be submitted on KISD Form 285-450 (Request for Printing) to the Purchasing Director. The Print Shop will NOT accept requests without the Purchasing Director’s approval. (A SAMPLE MUST BE ATTACHED) 3. ALL digital files should be emailed to Pam Knapp. When sending a digital file you still need to have a hard copy with the Print Request. Digital files must be in Word, In-Design or high quality PDF. If you have any questions, please feel free to call ext 0576. 4. Print jobs will ordinarily be completed in chronological order. Requests for exception to this policy will be approved by the Purchasing Director under extenuating circumstances, but requestors should try to limit the number of such requests. The Print Shop staff’s goal is to operate with a two-week (10 working days) turnaround; short-notice requests will disrupt this timetable. Complex jobs, large quantities, and special paper orders may take longer than two weeks to produce. 5.High production months at the Print Shop include June, July, August, September, October, December and the end of May. Submitting requests during the lighter months would be helpful for the Print Shop and yield faster results for the requestor. 6. To maintain the good will of local commercial printers and avoid the appearance of unfair competition, the Print Shop will not accept projects that feature paid advertising (e.g. yearbooks, etc.) 7. Personalized note pads will be printed in one color only. (Minimum limit of 20 pads of 50 sheets to a pad). Exception- a school may order note pads for their school in one or two colors without personalization (Minimum limit to 100 pads of 50 sheets to a pad). 8. Requestors should plan ahead so as to reduce the frequency of printing repeat orders, better to order a full year’s supply all at one time. 9. Certain small quantity jobs less than 200 copies can be produced more efficiently on an office copier, ink jet or laser printer and should not be submitted to the Print Shop. 44 Print Shop Guidelines (Cont.) 10. Carbonless paper has a minimum order of 500 sheets (equals 1 ream of paper). 11. Color printing (4 color) will require a minimum order of 1,000 copies. We must have digital files and a hard copy. (See #3. on the previous page for reference.) 12. Temporary ID’s have a minimum of 5,000 for HIGH SCHOOLS/MIDDLE SCHOOLS. 13. Envelopes have a minimum of 2,500 for HIGH SCHOOLS/MIDDLE SCHOOLS. 14. The Print Shop has two high-speed office copiers available. Copying may be done on a self-serve basis, by a trained Ricoh operator, and no print request is necessary. Please call the Print Shop to schedule an appointment. 15. The DISTRICT has developed a variety of standardized forms for use district-wide. These are printed in large quantities, stocked in the Warehouse, and are available for issue on much shorter notice than the turnaround time for a print job. (The form has a WAREHOUSE KISD FORM NUMBER printed on it.) Please do not request your own “customized” variations of these forms, as it is wasteful of our printing assets. 16. KISD Print Shop’s first priority is providing instructional materials, the positions for which business cards will be printed, using the district’s standard format, have been limited to the following: Minimum of 250. Board Members Superintendent Assistant Superintendents Attendance Officers Consultants (District) Coordinators (District) Counselors Directors (District) Executive Directors Police Chief Police Officers Principals Assistant Principals Other positions may obtain business cards from commercial vendors. Please note that there is a standard format for business cards, ivory stock with brown ink. 45 Ordering Library Books The following two pages are for Librarians only. Sets of Books: In the vendor stock number box of the Traditional Requisition, type the item number/catalog number. In the short description box type the following: number of sets to order and number of books in the set. In the Qty field, type in the total number of books that the warehouse will receive - (ex. if you ordered 2 sets/52 books the Qty will be 104). In the UM field, type ea. In the Unit/PR field, type the average cost of each book in the set. (ex. 52 books in a set that cost $104.00. The cost per book would be 104/52=2. The unit/pr will be $2.00.) In the short description box, indicate how many sets of books are being ordered. Then list each book title in the set using the following format: Line #2. 2 sets/52 bks; (set name); Title of book one, book two, book three, etc. “See Attached List” Book Orders You should only do this for orders that you are submitting online, such as Follett. Create your list on the vendor’s online ordering system (you can use any vendor that is on bid for Books-All Types; you may not do this for any other orders, only book orders). If the company does not have an online ordering system, you will enter them line by line as you did before. Please do not submit the order online until the requisition has turned into a P.O. (you receive this number after the requisition has been approved by Purchasing). To find the P.O. #, you will go to the entry point Requisition Search. Enter the P.O. # on the online site and release your order. 46 Vendor Problem Resolution Procedures Whenever problems are encountered with a vendor (i.e., a vendor fails to deliver certain items or delivery does not meet specifications), it is important to document the problem, noting the date and an accurate description of the problem. This record of information about vendor performance is very important in the evaluation of the vendor and whether or not the district should contract with this vendor in the future. The vendor should then be contacted by telephone or fax to communicate specifically how the problem should be corrected. To assist in this documentation process and to ensure adequate documentation is kept on file, a Vendor Complaint Form will need to be completed to track your resolution efforts. If the problem is not resolved or continues, Purchasing Services will have to intervene. The Vendor Complaint form should then be submitted to Purchasing Services for appropriate action. Purchasing Services will submit written notification to the vendor in question stating the problem, the corrective action required, and notify the vendor that failure to correct the problem will be considered a breach of contract and could adversely affect future business with the school district. If significant problems are encountered with the vendor, Purchasing Services should consult with legal counsel concerning the removal of the vendor from the approved vendor list and discontinuing any business with the vendor. Finally, the school district should try to develop an open and professional relationship with each vendor while still maintaining total independence and objectivity. The Vendor Complaint form can be located at: Select : Departments—>Purchasing—>Vendors—>Vendor Complaint Form 47 Vendor Gifts Killeen ISD officials and employees cannot accept anything of value from a vendor, such as personal gifts or gratuities, which may be construed to have been given to influence the purchasing process. Although such practices may be legitimate and generally accepted in the private sector, giving and receiving gifts in the public sector may constitute a violation of law. Items that may be considered as gifts are: Meals Trips Tickets for entertainment Gifts of any value Note: “Gift to a Public Servant” is a Class A misdemeanor offense if the recipient is a government employee who exercises some influence in the purchasing process of the governmental body. Another legal consideration is the disclosure of conflict of interest by board members. If a board member or member of their immediate family has a financial interest in a business entity(s), they are required to disclose this relationship through the execution of an affidavit. Board members should abstain from voting on award of contracts to businesses in which they or their immediate family members have a financial interest. School districts should also be aware of the disclosure requirements regarding federal conflict of interest regulations that prohibit an employee (and members of the employee’s immediate family) who is involved in administering, directing or authorizing federally funded transactions. 48 Vendor Visitations & Fundraising Killeen ISD does not allow any vendors to solicit at individual schools without approval from the Principal (as long as the vendor is an approved vendor). Such approval may be granted to demonstrate any material, equipment, or publication for possible use in the district from vendors that are on the approved vendors list. If a vendor visits your campus or department, please follow all purchasing guidelines. Remember, a purchase order will have to be put in prior to making an order. Phone solicitations should be transferred to Purchasing Services. If you are interested in a company that does fundraisers please have them fill out a W-9 and send the Purchasing Department your SAF-115 or CAF–115 form so they can be added to the vendor listing in TEAMS. If you are not paying with Activity Funds please send a note with a W-9 so Purchasing Services will know why the vendor needs to be set up. 49 Office Supplies Orders For convenience, we allow orders to be placed with Advantage Office Products, AHI, Office Depot, Perry’s and Staples online. No phone orders, credit card purchases or faxing in orders are allowed. P.O.’s are not accepted by these vendors, If a requisition is entered, it will be disapproved and an email will be sent referring you to the website ordering system. You cannot order any chemicals, furniture or equipment. You will be able to order anything that the vendors are on bid for. Any item that is over $200.00 will be cancelled. (**coffee makers are the only exception**). The only exception to the on-line/P.O. ordering will be the ordering of customized stamps or any item not listed on the website that has to be special ordered from Perry’s. Customized stamps will have to be faxed to Perry’s on a Traditional Requisition with an attachment. Special order Traditional Requisitions must state so on the back page or the requisition will be subject to disapproval. Once you submit an order, it will come directly to Purchasing for approval. At that time, we will review the order to make sure that it meets the Purchasing guidelines. Once the order has been approved (released) by Purchasing, you will receive a confirmation e-mail stating the order was submitted. Once the items are received, you should process your Check Request along with your invoice. Check Requests should be sent to Budget within 10 days of receiving the item(s). If you are not current with the Office Supplies vendors, your access will be taken away and no orders will be allowed from your campus/department until your outstanding invoice(s) are paid in full through Accounts Payable. Please Note: ***Staples charges a $5.00 delivery charge for all orders under $30.00*** ***Office Depot charges a $7.95 deliver charge for all orders under $50.00*** In the Justification field of the Check Request, you are responsible for entering the bid, TCPN or Buyboard #. **Coffee makers must be a commercial brand and model approved by KISD. Keep in mind that these five vendors are the ONLY vendors in which you can place online orders! 50 Band Instrument Repair BAND INSTRUMENT REPAIR PROCEDURES Invoices for Repairs Beyond the Winter/Summer Major Repair Bids for ALL Vendors (Work Occurring After Initial Bid) The vendor will return the repaired instrument back to the Band Director. The Band Director will initial the repair ticket/invoice (yellow) in the upper right hand corner. This is for accountability purposes. The vendor will take the initialed ticket to the appropriate campus secretary who handles the budget (this is normally the principal’s secretary at the middle school or the curriculum secretary at the high schools). These invoices will be held until written confirmation (email) is received from the Band Director. Once the Band Director checks the instruments, he/she shall email the campus secretary to proceed with processing invoices for payment. Once an email is received, the budget secretary will fill out the required spreadsheet (contact the Fine Arts Office for the template) with all required information including a P.O. number that will be provided to each campus by the Fine Arts Office. Required Information: Vendor name and vendor # (filled in already) P.O.# Campus name Total amount to be paid Completed by (secretary’s name) Budget code—filled in already with exception of campus org # - no repeat necessary Amount of each ticket, ticket number and ticket date of completion (date found at bottom of ticket) Budget secretary will send the original spreadsheet, email from band director and the original yellow tickets to Fine Arts. If funds exceed budget, Fine Arts should be notified. Do not process invoices if you do not have the followingInvoices that are initialed by the Band Director. The email from the Band Director stating the invoiced repairs are completed. 51 Band Instrument Repair (Cont.) Major Information Repair Period (Winter and Summer) Director will receive e-mail approvals for instrument repairs for the Fine Arts office. Director will contact appropriate vendor for pick up of instruments. The vendor will return the repaired instruments back to the Band Director. The vendor will give the initialed invoice, which shall reference the appropriate P.O.#, to the campus secretary who handles the budget. Once the Band Director checks the instruments, he/she will e-mail approval to pay the invoices to the campus secretary. The secretary will proceed as normal to get invoices to the Fine Arts office for payment. The invoice will be an itemized listing of instruments along with a dollar amount. A copy of the invoice and e-mail should be attached to your required spreadsheet for your campus files. 52 Important Miscellaneous Information All Scientific calculator orders should first come through the Purchasing department; please e-mail Melissa Monroe for pricing information. FEDEX is our preferred vendor for mailing packages. Please call 1800-463-3339 to have FEDEX pick up an item from your location. Our customer account number is 184777878. Students & employee trips/tours are required to go through vendors that are approved on the current Group Travel bid. Employees who are not traveling with students do not have to follow this requirement. Stamps should be ordered on a check request. All items ordered have to be sent to the Warehouse, unless otherwise approved by the director of Purchasing Services. Exceptions to this rule are magazine renewals, live specimen orders and newspaper deliveries; these items should be delivered directly to your campus/department. 53 Frequently Asked Questions Q. How do I know if a company is an approved vendor? A. TEAMS has may types of vendor that are used for various reasons. However, vendors for purchasing merchandise are located in the bid book/sole source Listing. If a vendor isn’t listed in the Bid Book/Sole Source listing, they are not an approved vendor (even if listed in TEAMS) Q. Can we place orders on-line? A. Online orders are not authorized except for the vendors listed on the Office Supplies bid. Only approved employees have this access. In order to grant access for ordering, it must be approved by the principal/director and an email sent to Tammy Shannon. Q. How do you determine what is a supply item versus a non-supply item? (Example-bookcase, camera or fax machines.) A. Although a supply budget code can be used, Purchasing doesn’t consider all items under $1,000.00 to be a supply. There are various items such as bookcases, televisions, cameras and etc that are under the $1,000.00 threshold but do not fall under a particular bid available through the bid book. Some of these items have to go through Purchasing or Technology Services for special pricing. A bookcase is considered furniture, a television is considered A/V equipment and a fax machine is considered office equipment...none of the above can be found in the bid book. The best suggestion we can give, is to contact Purchasing Services. If you have an idea of what you want, present it to Purchasing Services so it can be researched for the correct vendor and the best pricing. Q. What happens if an unauthorized purchase is made? A. Once it is determined an unauthorized purchase is made, the department/campus is contacted immediately via email. It will be requested to return the item purchased or write a check to the district for the purchase made. There will be case by case situations, but the most common request is to return the item or refund the district. Purchasing has a violation file that is available upon request by the auditor. Purchasing Services may request users access to be removed from TEAMS if more than three unauthorized purchases are made in a school year. Q. If an “emergency” arises and a purchase needs to be processed from start to finish fairly quickly, can it be done? A. Yes. As long as it is an emergency and not abused, you may request the appropriate approving departments to approve the Traditional Requisition on an individual basis. Q. Do we pre-pay vendors? A. Yes but we only pre-pay for registrations to conferences/trainings, reservations of hotels, membership fees & dues, entry fees and renewal of magazine/newspapers. We do not pre-pay for merchandise. 54 Frequently Asked Questions Q. How do I handle software purchases? A. All software purchases are required to be ordered from a vendor listed on the software bid. A traditional requisition should be entered to place the order. If the requisition is for access to a website or for a downloadable software, the verbiage on the requisition should state in the Special Instructions field, “Nothing physical to be received.” Q. How often is TEAMS training offered and is it for new personnel only? A. Any personnel can attend TEAMS training. Training is normally offered every month or so but available upon request. Refer to the Learn website for the monthly training dates. Q. Can we buy a Marquee? A. A marquee is considered a controlled item. No matter what funds are used, Purchasing Services MUST be contacted with the specifications of the marquee in question. A bid/quote will be solicited to vendors (plural) to determine the best value and price for the district. Q. What if I have an order that hasn’t been received? A. The company may be contacted IF the purchase order has already been mailed to inquire on the status ONLY. If the vendor has no record of the order, please contact Purchasing Services to resend a copy to the vendor. Campus/departments are NOT authorized to fax their copy. No changes can be made to the order once sent. KISD doesn’t authorize substitution of orders or alternate delivery locations. 55 Frequently Asked Questions Q. Is it true that the KISD doesn’t accept backorders from Follett? A. Yes. Effective September 1, 2011, Follett will no longer send back orders. Q. What is the rule on purchasing gift cards? A. According to the Administrative Procedures VI-JJJ Motivational Incentives and Awards incentives and awards are allowed to be purchased with district funds, assuming the organization manager has budgeted for the expenditure. The unit cost of these items can not exceed $50.00 per recipient per event. No more than $100.00 per employee per fiscal year can be spent on these incentives and/or awards. All incentives must be approved by the organization manager and the manager’s supervisor. Cash awards are not allowed; however, gift certificates and gift cards are permissible. ***A Gift Card Approval form is REQUIRED by Purchasing Services*** Q. What steps do I take to get a new vendor added in the system for hotels or registration? Activity Fund purchases? A. A copy of the W-9 is needed for vendors that do not require a bid (i.e., registrations, dues, etc.). To set up Activity Fund vendors, a W-9 along with the appropriate 115 form needs to be sent to Purchasing. Once received, a vendor will be assigned a number. You can also fill out the information under the link New Vendor Request in TEAMS. Q. Can we use the procurement card to pay for gratuities/tips? A. Gratuities/Tips for meals are authorized to be paid out of local funds. Gratuities/Tips may not exceed 20% of the bill. Tips wills not be paid with federal funds or for athletic student meals. 56 Purchasing Legal Information A major management process supporting financial accountability in Texas public school is the purchasing function. Purchasing has several links to overall accountability initiatives, which include the following: The overall mission of purchasing is to facilitate and maximize the educational process by procuring goods and services which meet District specifications with available fiscal resources at the lowest possible cost. This mission is accomplished through the following goals and objectives: Purchasing supports instructional delivery, administration and other services. Performance and goal achievement throughout the school district depend on its effectiveness. The purchasing process influences day-to-day financial functions. Purchasing in the public sector environment presents numerous challenges including: The dynamic and diverse nature of the public education organization environment. School districts are complex organizations with diverse functions. Although instruction is the heart of the organization, numerous other services-ranging from maintenance services to school nutrition services to administrative services-support the overall educational mission. These distinct organizational units need a procurement process that is responsive to their needs. The requirement to comply with numerous purchasing statutes, policies, legal interpretations and procedures. The complexity of these requirements demands not only knowledge of purchasing laws and standards but compliance in implementing a purchasing system that also meets user needs. The competition among vendors for school district business. The strong competition among vendors for school district business may create pressure on school district personnel for product selection, bid awards, and dispute resolution. Most school districts seek to foster both good vendor relations and strong competition but balance them with objective purchasing decisions. The consistent oversight by interest groups. Diverse groups including those from the public, the media, state and federal agencies, and auditors scrutinize school district purchasing. Strict adherence to established guidelines and consistency in record keeping, documentation and execution of procedures assists the school district in withstanding this scrutiny. There are many “gray” areas relating to purchasing methods and procedures. Complex and diverse needs create challenges for districts to determine the appropriate purchasing methods. Ever-changing legislative, executive and judicial decisions at both the state and federal levels further complicate the procurement process. Standardization of all supplies, materials, and equipment is to be achieved whenever possible. School district-wide effort and support to file consolidated requirements in standard commodities (i.e., office supplies & equipment, chemicals, furniture, etc.) allows the purchase of useful materials and supplies on a district-wide basis and thereby optimizes cost reductions. Also, many chemicals are controlled by law. The Property Management Department will be responsible for the establishment and maintenance of standardized specifications. 57 Purchasing Legal Information Competitive Bid Law The Killeen Independent School District, as well as all other school districts in the State of Texas, is governed by the state competitive bid law. This law states that personal property purchasing exceeding $50,000 in aggregate for a twelve month period (KISD designates our fiscal year as the twelve month period for this purpose) must be competitively bid ($20,000 in aggregate for buses). Therefore, the majority of our purchasing is done via competitive bids. The purpose and intent for the competitive bidding process is to help public schools obtain the best products at the lowest practical prices in the best interest of the taxpayers by stimulating competition. The competitive bidding process requires that bids be evaluated and awards made based solely upon bid specifications, terms and conditions contained in the request for bid document, and according to the bid prices offered by vendors and pertinent factors that may affect contract performance. The Killeen ISD is committed to fair and equal competition among all vendors. In addition, the state competitive bid law does not allow favoritism to be shown to any vendor. Purchasing Methods: 1. Competitive bidding; 2. Competitive sealed proposals; 3. A request for proposals, for services other than construction services; A catalogue purchase as provide by subchapter B, Chapter 2157, Government Code; 4. An interlocal contract; 5. A design/build contract; 6. A contract to construct, rehabilitate, alter, or repair facilities that involves using a construction manager; 7. A job order contract for the minor construction, repair, rehabilitation, or alteration of a facility’; 8. The reverse auction procedure as defined by Section 2155.062(d), Government Code; 9. The formation of a political subdivision corporation under Section 304.001, Local Government Code. Potential Vendor Application Procedure We request that all prospective vendors register their companies on our E-bid system. Vendors will eventually able to complete and submit bids 100% on line. If a vendor isn’t registered on the E-bid system, they will not be notified of upcoming bids. The vendors should register at : Or Select Departments/Purchasing/Vendors/Vendor Ebid Registration/Supplier Registration When a need exists for a product or service, companies on the Districts bid mailing list for that category of item will automatically be e-mailed a copy of our bid specification package. In the event a vendor does not respond to bid invitations, that company could be removed from the official mailing list. Another reason for removing a vendor from the bid mailing list is unsatisfactory service and/or materials. Annually the KISD advertises in the Killeen Daily Herald and seeks out new vendors, in compliance with Section 44.033 of the Education Code. KISD encourages participation by all vendors and does not discriminate against any vendor because of race, color, national origin, age, religion, gender or handicapping condition. Tax Exemption The Killeen Independent School District is tax exempt on the basis that it is a governmental entity - - school district. A tax-exempt certificate can be provided to vendors upon request. 58 Purchasing Legal Information Bid Initiation Bids are normally initiated by Purchasing Services on behalf of the school district. A specific department, campus or student group can also request that a bid be created for their use. Prior to a bid being issued for a department, campus or student group, a Bid Request Form must be completed and signed by the department head or principal. This form lays the groundwork for the bid creation, assures proper approval has been given to start the bidding process, and also verifies that the requestor has sufficient funds to complete the purchase for the item or service being bid. After a bid is created, a Bid Review Form will be issued by Purchasing Services. This form will ask the department head or principal to review the proposed bid, make any suggestions or corrections, then sign off that the final bid meets their approval. They will also be asked to review the bid mailing list, be given the opportunity to add vendors, and sign off that the final mailing list meets with their approval. How to submit official Competitive Bids All vendors will need to go to the following website and register their company so that they can receive notifications of upcoming bids. If your company isn’t registered on the new E-bid system, you will not be notified of upcoming bids. Or Select Departments/Purchasing/Vendors/Vendor Ebid Registration/Supplier Registration It will be the sole responsibility of each vendor/supplier to maintain, and keep current, their company’s information on our e-bidding website. In the event of a contact persona name change, address, phone, etc., it will be necessary for the vendor/supplier to edit their company information on the e-bid site. It is understood that all bid notifications will be sent to the e-mail address supplied by the vendor; therefore, in the event of an e-mail address change or ISP change, it is imperative that the vendor information be kept current. Otherwise, bid notification will never be received by the vendor and the opportunity for bid submittal will be lost. A computer will be available in the Purchasing Services Dept for vendor(s) to register and/or input bid information. Each invitation to bid that is released from Killeen ISD contains all of the following elements: 1. Date, Time and place the bid is to be opened. It is absolutely mandatory that all bids be received in accordance with the instructions given. Bids that are received late will not be accepted. 2. General requirements and conditions. 3. Detailed specifications. Many times, brand names and model numbers are utilized in the bid specifications as a way of communicating the district’s minimal requirements and standards of quality. This in no way prevents a company from bidding alternates; however, all deviations must be stated in the bid document or the bidder will be required to supply the item completely as specified. All alternates must meet or exceed the specifications in order to be considered. The burden of proof is upon the vendor who states that the alternate brand meets specifications. 59 Purchasing Legal Information In addition to the elements listed above, pre-bid meetings and tours of facilities can be scheduled as part of the process for a specific bid. The date and time of any pre-bid meeting and/or facility tour is included in the bid specification package. These meetings are an opportunity for bidders and KISD staff to meet, discuss the bid specifications and ask all questions that are necessary to enable the bidders to prepare their bid response. Although the district strongly recommends attendance at pre-bid meetings, attendance is not mandatory. All questions or requests for clarification pertaining to bid specification packages must be presented in writing to Purchasing Services to insure that the question is understood correctly, changes to specifications are made (if necessary, in the form of an addendum) and also to insure that all vendors receive the same information. Purchasing is not responsible for information that is provided by other departments. Bid Advertisements By State law, notice of the date, time and location of where the bids will be opened are published in a newspaper in accordance with state bid law requirements. Killeen ISD advertises in the Killeen Daily Herald. Any company or individual who sees our advertisements and is interested in obtaining a bid specification package, will need to log in to their E-bid account. (Vendor will need to register if they do not have an userid and password.) or (Departments/Purchasing/Vendors/Vendor Ebid Registration/Supplier Registration) Bid Changes or Corrections If an error or omission is discovered after a bid has been issued but prior to the bid submittal deadline, an addendum will be issued via the E-bid system to all invited participants. The addendum issued will replace the original bid. Bid Opening Procedures All bids are opened promptly on the date, time, and location stated in the bid specification package. Bid openings are available to the public and read aloud (with the exception of Request for Proposals). Tabulations will be issued upon request and will be generated in a unformatted report. Once the opening has closed, no bids will be accepted. If a vendor realizes a mistake ha been made, they are afforded two options: 1. Honor their bid as written; or 2. Withdraw their bid on the item(s) in question or the entire bid. Bid Evaluation It is the intent of the school district and the Killeen ISD Purchasing Services to obtain the best quality materials at the lowest prices possible. The bid evaluation process will begin at the lowest bid price and if that bid meets all requirements and specifications an award will be made. If the lowest bid price does not meet all requirements and specifications, we will move to the next lowest bidder until a bid is found that meets all requirements. Texas Education Code 44.031 states that in determining contract awards to vendors, the district may consider: 60 Purchasing Legal Information The purchase price The reputation of the vendor and of the vendor’s goods and services The quality of the vendor’s good or services The extent to which goods or services meet the district’s needs The vendor’s past relationship with the district The impact on the ability of the district to comply with laws and rules relating to historically underutilized businesses (HUBs) Safety and suitability for the intended use Vendor’s delivery capabilities, warranty, and warranty service history Any other relevant factor specifically listed in the request for bids or proposals Recommendations for Award Recommendations made by employees outside of Purchasing Services shall be in writing and kept in the official bid file. If the low vendor was not selected, this recommendation letter should state the reasons why they were selected. Bid Award Notification Bids with an award amount of $50,000 or greater shall be presented to the Board of Trustees at regularly scheduled board meetings for their approval. The Purchasing Director shall approve bids with an award amount of under $50,000 Killeen ISD Purchasing Services will issue all official bid award notifications. The awarded vendor should take no action until they have received a notification of the award or an approved purchase order for the product or service that they were awarded. Invoices & Payment Terms By law the school district has 30 days after receipt of an invoice to present payment. It is the intent of the school district to pay all invoices as promptly as possible; however, by acceptance of a Killeen ISD purchase order vendors have agreed to the 30 day payment policy. All invoices are submitted to the Killeen ISD Accounts Payable Department. 61 Purchasing Legal Information Other Procurement Methods Quotes (written and verbal) Written and verbal quotes are utilized for categories that will not reach the $50,000 bid threshold limit. In addition, quotes may be used to obtain specific pricing from a vendor who was awarded a “discount from catalog or price list” bid. Purchases outside approved bid book vendors or between $10,000 and $49,999 must go through the Purchasing Specialist to obtain 3 quotes. Some examples of exceptions to this requirement would be for items previously bid or for sole source purchases. Competitive Sealed Proposals The competitive sealed proposals process is an alternative to competitive bidding, usually used for construction services. The terms and conditions of the competitive sealed proposals are identical to those for competitive bidding except that an important difference between competitive sealed proposals and competitive sealed bidding relates to the finality of initial offers. Under competitive sealed proposals, changes in the nature of a proposal, and in price, may be negotiated after proposals are opened. In contrast, changes in the price of goods and services are not negotiable in the competitive bidding process. The competitive sealed proposal process provides for full competition among proposals and allows for negotiation with the proposer or proposers to obtain the best services or goods at the best price. Competitive proposal procedures are recommended where other procurement procedures are not required according to state or federal rules, laws or regulations, in order to stimulate competitive prices for goods and services. Catalog Purchases School districts may participate in the catalog-purchasing program in the Texas Procurement and Support Services (TPASS), formerly the Texas Building and Procurement Commission-TBPC which provides purchasing services for local governments. Catalog purchase procedures may be utilized for the acquisition of computer equipment, software and services only from the Department of Information Resources (DIR). Approval from Technology Services will be needed in order to purchase any technology type equipment. Inter-local Agreement A district can contract or agree with another local government, a purchasing cooperative, another school district(s), or with the state or a state agency, to purchase goods and any services reasonably required for the installation, operation or maintenance of goods. Basically this means that one entity can provide a service and the district can purchase that service without a formal bid, or one entity can prepare bids that other entities can utilize for the purchase of goods or services. Purchasing Services can assist campuses and departments needing to utilize a purchasing cooperative. Examples of Inter-local agreements that the Killeen ISD currently has in place are: Region 4, Houston, Texas Cooperative Purchasing Network (TCPN) TASB Buyboard Texas Facilities Commission (TFC) Texas Industries for the Blind and Handicapped TXMAS, part of TPASS DIR, part of TPASS Harris County Department Of Education (HCDE) Purchasing Alliance Solutions, Inc Tips/Taps 62 Purchasing Legal Information RFQ (Request for Qualifications) These processes are utilized for the procurement of services that are not required to be bid (architects, engineers, consultants, etc.) as well as to other various categories for which the bid law does apply. RFP (Request for Proposals) At bid openings for RFPs, bid prices are not revealed. Prices are subject to negotiation between District and vendor. Only names of vendors submitting proposals are acknowledged during an RFP bid opening. Construction Manager, Design Build, Job Order Contracts (JOC) These and other construction bidding processes are available for the District to utilize as the need arises. Bonds and Insurance Bonding and Insurance Requirements for Contracted Services All vendors submitting proposals or bids for contracted service work shall comply with the following requirements. Vendors submitting proposals or bids, which do not comply with these requirements, shall not be considered. Bonding Requirements If Construction Is Involved Bids shall be accompanied by a cashier’s check or certified check from a state bank not less than five percent (5%) of the total maximum bid price payable without recourse to the Killeen ISD. A bid bond in the same amount from a reliable surety company licensed to do business in the State of Texas as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract and execute a payment and performance bond on any or all projects $25,000 or above within fifteen (15) days after notice of award of the contract to him. Insurance Requirements All vendors who perform contracted services (not including consultant type services) for Killeen ISD are required to supply proof of insurance in accordance with the following schedule prior to the start of the project. Killeen ISD requires that contractor’s insurance be placed only with companies that have achieved at least an “A” rating with A. M. Best. The District reserves the right to require higher limits of coverage depending on the size, scope, and nature of a contract. Killeen ISD must be named as an additional insured in liability policies with a waiver of subrogation in favor of the district for workers’ compensation policies. The differ depending on bid type but the majority request the coverage below. 63 Purchasing Legal Information Types Of Coverage Limits Of Liability 1. Worker’s Compensation Statutory 2. Employer’s Liability $500,000 Each Accident $500,000 Disease Policy Limit $500,000 Disease Each Employee 3. l General Liability $2,000,000 Combined Aggregate $1,000,000 Personal Injury $1,000,000 Per Occurrence $100,000 Fire Damage $10,000 Medical Expense $500,000 Combined Single Limit Each Occurrence 4. Auto Liability $250,000 Per Person (BI) $500,000 Per Accident (BI) $250,000 Per Accident (Property Damage) or $750,000 Per Accident/Combined Single Limit $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit Each Occurrence (Hired/non owned coverage must also be provided) · 64 Purchasing Legal Information Vendor Performance Evaluation Post-Bid Vendor Performance Evaluation A system for the evaluation of vendors and their performance is important to support an effective purchasing function. Factors to consider for inclusion in the evaluation are (but not limited to): Timeliness of deliveries Service availability Completeness and accuracy of order Quality of products or services received Comments regarding vendor performance, both positive and negative performance should be documented after each purchase or project over $25,000. Vendor documentation on purchases less than $25,000 is always welcome, but not required. A Vendor Performance Form should be utilized to communicate positive information to the Purchasing Dept. and a Vendor Complaint Form should be utilized to communicate negative information to the Purchasing Dept. This form should be completed and submitted to Purchasing Services within 30 days after receipt of merchandise or 30 days after the service has been performed. 65 Purchasing Legal Information *Methods of Purchasing* Internal Processes and Procedures for Requisition Processing Procedures and Information to complete a Purchase Requisition: 1. Data Entry by Requestor: Vendor Information, Locations, Dept/Attn., Date Required, Budget Code Information, Product Quantity, Part/Model#, Item Name, Item Description, Brand Name, Color, Size, Unit Cost, Bid #, or Quote #, Discounts, Shipping, Etc. 2. Automatic Calculation of Grand Total by System: Total Extension of Order 3. Automatic Approval Routing 4. Purchasing Services Approval 5. Printing of Purchase Order 6. Final Review of Printed P.O. by Purchasing personnel 7. Distribution of order (via email, fax or mailing.) Payment Procedures District payment procedures shall be as follows: 1. Payment shall be made by proper invoice only 2. Vendors shall be paid for goods purchased by the District only the accounts payable office has a copy of the invoice on file and the purchase order is in the “awaiting payment” status. Records of all purchases, expenditures, and receipts shall be kept in accordance with TEA regulations, public law, and the recommendations of the internal auditor. **Technology has categorized some items (printers, scanners, projectors, cameras, etc.) as “district standard” and are to be purchased from approved technology vendor. The hardware/software standards price list is available on the Technology website at: Technology/Tech Acquisitions) 66 Purchasing Legal Information *Methods of Purchasing* Warehouse Requisitions (Instructional, Office, General and Custodial Supplies) Warehouse Operations Overview Killeen ISD operates a Central Warehouse at 5708 E. Veterans Memorial Blvd, which receives, distributes and stores items for use by schools and departments. The hours of operation are from 7:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Monday thru Friday. By using the Warehouse as a distribution center, the district is provided with the most efficient campus support for most of the common items used. This reduces turnaround time from time of order to receipt of the goods by the campus or department . Also, it allows purchases at a very favorable price due to the large quantities that are ordered by the Warehouse. The Warehouse stocks a variety of office supplies, paper, classroom supplies, and custodial supplies. All of these are currently requisitioned through the system. Please review the warehouse catalog (provided by Warehouse Services) for available merchandise before you place an order for the same items from an outside company. If you anticipate a large volume purchase, advance notice is appreciated to ensure not there is adequate supply on hand for your needs as well as other’s needs. Receiving and Distribution of Purchases Upon receipt of the merchandise, the warehouse compares the items received to what was actually ordered. The yellow copy of the Purchase Order is used as a receiving document. Any deficiencies, damaged merchandise or exceptions in the order are checked for and noted on the receiving document. The department responsible for the purchasing is also responsible for contacting the Warehouse Department regarding any deficiencies. If an order is receiving in partial shipments, each shipment is recorded in the system. The warehouse maintains a record of receipts to date until all items have been received or the purchase order is canceled. After receipt of merchandise by the warehouse, the materials are delivered to the appropriate campus/department. A copy of a receiving document for P.O. will accompany the merchandise to document what was actually received. The receiving campus/department will also be asked to sign for the number of boxes received. Deliveries There is a scheduled delivery to each location at least once a week. If a location needs something ASAP, the “will call” system for a quick pick up. Transportation will make the deliveries to the designated location. Once the receiving document has been signed, the box(es) will be left at the proper location so that you are able to check in the received items. The staff does not have time to wait until all of the items have been checked in correctly. You are signing for the boxes, not their contents. You should report any shortages or discrepancies as soon as possible. 67 Purchasing Legal Information *Methods of Purchasing* Warehouse Stock Each item stocked in the warehouse is assigned a warehouse stock item number and stored in the warehouse. This stock item number is used in receiving and issuing stock items. All departments are provided a catalog. This catalog contains the item number and a price of the item. Campus/Departments should utilize the warehouse stock instead of ordering merchandise from outside vendors. Will Call Procedures There will be times when an “emergency” purchase will need to be processed for item(s) in the warehouse. The stock (warehouse) requisition will need to be placed in the Region X System. At the will call field, type Y. This will include a message on the request’s trip ticket that prints out at the warehouse that the items will be picked up instead of delivered to the campus. Once the requisition is entered and a request number has been received, make a print screen of the request. This print screen will need to be signed by the Director/Principal and hand delivered* to the Purchasing Dept. for the Director of Purchasing Services to authorize. Once authorized, it can be hand carried to the warehouse for pick up of requested items. *Purchasing will not accept fax copies of will calls or will calls without a Principal or Directors signature* 68 Purchasing Fixed Assets (Controlled Items): Purchasing Fixed Assets (Controlled Items) What exactly is a fixed asset? A fixed asset (controlled item) is anything you purchase that cost between $1,000 and $4,999 and are items tangible in nature will be recorded on the District inventory. Listed below are some ideas of what is considered a controlled item: CPU/Computers/Laptops Fine Arts Instruments Data & Video Projectors Televisions Document Cameras/ELMOs Scanners/ Copiers Digital Cameras/Camcorders Fax Machines Ipads E-Readers Cameras, Lens, Flash Palms/PDA’s/Blackberry’s etc Pocket Pc’s/Tablet Pc’s Mimio & Promethean Boards All Printers If there is a questions as to whether an item needs to be on the inventory, and thereby properly classified as a controlled item, please contact Purchasing Services. Ordering new fixed assets… All fixed asset equipment must be delivered to the warehouse for tagging and recording the item into the district fixed asset database under your campus or department. What items should be bar-coded? Anything valued at more than $1000 per unit must have a KISD Barcode sticker affixed to the unit in an easily spotted location. Items less than $1000 but that are highly pilferable must also have a barcode sticker. Items that are considered highly pilferable are usually small items like digital cameras or camcorders that could easily be concealed in a backpack or other bag and carried off campus. When inventory is removed from your campus or transferred to another location (on or off campus)… To have inventory officially removed from or transferred within your campus in our database, we must complete the warehouse service request form listed on the Property Management website. Turn-in or exchange of property shall be documented appropriately and provided to the Property Book Custodian for posting and balance changes. At no time should equipment be moved from one campus to another without contacting the Property Book Custodian in Property Management Services. 69 Form 1099 Requirements & HB 914 Requirements Form 1099 Requirements The IRS requires the District to issue a 1099 form for any purchase of services. Services include repairs, training, etc. W-9 forms are required in order to set up a vendor into they system. HB 914 Requirements On May 23, 2005, the Texas Senate passed House Bill No. 914, adding Chapter 176 to the Local Government Code, and imposing new disclosure and reporting obligations on vendors and potential vendors to local government entities beginning on January 1, 2006. this includes School Districts. Killeen ISD is required to have vendors complete the conflict of Interest Questionnaire (Form CIQ) prepared by the Texas Ethics Commission, at the direction of the Legislature. The purpose of the form is to identify relationships with specific individuals or their immediate families, including: the Board of Trustees, with Superintendent, or any other employee or contractor who makes recommendations to the District with respect to expenditure of funds. The above forms can be downloaded from the web, along with a letter of explanation at (select Purchasing/Contracts/SB9) 70 Activity Fund Purchases (Per Activity Fund Manual) General All purchases must adhere to the procedures set forth by Board Policy. Campus Activities All campus activity fund purchases will be made in compliance with TEA regulations, just as other district funds. All purchases from campus activity funds must either be made from vendors on the bid list (unless the item purchases is fresh food, or it is purchased from a sole source vendor) or be handled through purchasing. Student/Club Activities Student/club activities can purchase from any vendor where we have a valid W-9 form on file. Purchases under $750 per item may be implemented in the most expedient manner available to the principal. Purchases from $750 to $4,999 total, per category, require oral or telephone quotations secured from three or more competitors recorded on a Tabulation of Quotations (SAF-111) and filed with financial records. A written explanation by the principal must be attached to the Tabulation of Quotations when the lowest bid meeting all specifications is not accepted. Example: National Honor Society wants to order 50 t-shirts at a cost of $5.00 each and collar/stole for $18.50 for each member. The t-shirts may be brought from any vendor with a valid W-9 because the total for the t-shirts is under $750.00 while the stole/collar will require telephone quotes on an SAF-111 since the total for the stole is over $750.00. Purchases of $5,000 total or more, per category, must be forwarded to Purchasing Services for review. If Purchasing Services determines the item does not need to be bid, the campus will be notified to complete the purchase. If it is determined it is in the best interest of the District to bid the purchase, Purchasing Services will develop specifications, bids, advertising and processing. For these purchases, follow the states listed below: The school principal informs Purchasing Services of his/her school’s need for good or services costing $5,000 or more. The school principal gives Purchasing Services the specifications of the needed purchase. The principal should include a price limit his/her school would be willing to pay for the purchased goods or services. Purchasing Services determines the vendor to supply the purchased goods or services and the purchase price. Purchasing Services informs the school of the cost of the purchase. The school prepares an Activity Funds Check Request and issues a check made payable to Killeen ISD for the amount of the purchase and forward the check and a copy of the District Gift Approval Form to the Budgetary Services Department for approval and a budget code. Once approved by Budgetary Services, a copy of the gift form along with a receipt will be sent back to the campus. A copy will also be sent to Purchasing Services who will prepare a purchase order. 71 Activity Fund Purchases (Per Activity Fund Manual) (Cont.) School wishing to take advantage of lower prices for purchases less than $5,000 may do so by purchasing through the District’s Purchasing Services office by following the steps below: Non-Stock Items Complete an Activity Funds Authority to Purchase form (SAF-115 or CAF-115) Complete a District Gift Form with list of items (see Section III-F of the KISD Administrative Procedures Manual) and prepare the check made payable to Killeen ISD. Please note that the amount of the check should be rounded up to the nearest dollar. Forward both check and gift form to Budgetary Services. Budgetary Services will forward the gift form to the appropriate Instructional Leader for signature. Budgetary Services takes the school’s check to financial services cash receipts clerk. The cash receipts clerk issues a cash receipt for the school’s check. Budgetary Services creates the appropriate gift budget codes. A copy of this account, the Gift Form and the cash receipt is returned to the organization (campus). Item(s) may be ordered by the campus through the Purchase Order System.* Stock Items Complete an Activity Funds Authority to Purchase Form (SAF-115 or CAF-115). Prepare a Gift Form and a check made payable to Killeen ISD and send to Budgetary Services. Budgetary Services takes the school’s check to financial services cash receipts clerk. The Cash Receipts Clerk issues a cash receipt for the school’s check. A copy of the Gift Form and cash receipt will be returned to the organization (campus) by Budgetary Services with the appropriate budget code to be used. Item(s) may be ordered by the campus through the Region X Request System, under item #2Warehouse.* *Funds (campus or student) that are gifted to the district become district funds and are subject to the district guidelines for purchasing. Exception to the Bid Laws Yearbooks do not have to be bid if the intent of the sale is to break even or make a profit. If Killeen ISD subsidizes the cost of the yearbook, the purchase must be bid through Purchasing Services. Refer to Purchasing Services to determine if your campus qualifies for this exception. Refer to the following website for the entire Activity Fund Manual: Accounting/Activity Fund Manual) 72 Purchasing Ethics The competitive nature of the public purchasing arena and the expenditure of significant amounts of public funds require that ethical standards be incorporated in to the foundation of all purchasing functions. Purchasing personnel and school district staff face the difficult task of developing good vendor relations and encouraging vendor competition while avoiding even the appearance of favoritism or other ethical misconduct. Numerous problems may be encountered, not limited to but including the following: Employees, in an effort to get the job done successfully and on time, are tempted to circumvent policies, procedures and laws, or to make their own liberal “legal” interpretations of existing policies. Such activity, although well intentioned, will cause ethical problems. Sequential purchasing of the same items or type of items over the course of twelve months may exceed the school district and/or state competitive quotation and procurement requirements. Although some sequential purchasing is intentional, it usually results from needs that could not be anticipated. It may also result from lack of centralization and/or centralized control of the purchasing function. An item (usually equipment) is purchased in component parts. Component purchasing usually is an attempt to circumvent bid laws or other requirements by buying an item through the issuance of multiple purchase orders for the component parts of the item versus a single purchase order for the entire item. Repeated purchases of additional optional equipment or parts after an initial purchase may create the perception of component purchasing. Ethical standards relating to conflicts of interest, financial interests in firms conducting business with Killeen ISD, kickbacks and gratuities, and improper use of a position or confidential information should be clearly communicated throughout Killeen ISD. Additionally, Killeen ISD personnel should be made aware of the penalties for violations of purchasing laws and ethics which may include criminal prosecution and loss of employment opportunities. 73 Legal Penalties For Violating Purchasing Law Texas Education Code - Subchapter B Sec. 44.032. Enforcement of Purchasing Procedures” Criminal Penalties; Removal; Ineligibility (a) In this section: “Component purchases” means purchases of the component parts of an item that in normal purchasing practices would be purchased in one purchase. “Separate purchases” means purchases made separately, of items that in normal purchasing practices would be purchases in one purchase. “Sequential purchases” means purchases, made over a period; of items that in normal purchasing practices would be purchased in one purchase. (b) An Officer, employee or agent of a school district commits an offense if the person with criminal negligence makes or authorizes separate, sequential, or component purchases to avoid the requirements of Section 44.031(a) or (b). An offense under this subsection is a Class B misdemeanor and is an offense involving moral turpitude. (c) An officer, employee, or agent of a school district commits an offense if the person with criminal negligence violates Section 44.031(a) or (b) other than by conduct described by Subsection (b). An offense under this subsection is a Class B misdemeanor and is an offense involving moral turpitude. (d) An officer or employee of a school district commits an offense if the officer or employee knowingly violates Section 44.031, other than by conduct described by subsection (b) or (c). An offense under this section is a Class C misdemeanor. (e) The final conviction of a person other than a trustee of a school district for an offense under Subsection (b) or (c) results in the immediate removal from office or employment of the person. A trustee who is convicted of an offense under this section is considered to have committed official misconduct for purposes of Chapter 87, Local Government, and is subject to removal as provided by that chapter and Section 24, Article V, Texas constitution. For four years after the date of the final conviction, the removed person is ineligible to be a candidate for or to be appointed or elected to a public office in this state, is ineligible to be employed by or act as an agent for the state or a political subdivision of the state, and is ineligible to receive any compensation through a contract with the state or a political subdivision of the state. This subsection does not prohibit the payment of retirement benefits to the removed person or the payment of worker’s compensation benefits to the removed person for any injury that occurred before the commission of the offense for which the person was removed. This subsection does not make a person ineligible for an office for which the federal or state constitution prescribes exclusive eligibility requirements. (f) A court may enjoin performance of a contract made in violation of Section 44.031(a) or (b). A county attorney, a district attorney, a criminal attorney, or a citizen of the county in which the school district is located may bring an action of an injunction. A citizen who prevails in an action brought under this subsection is entitled to reasonable attorney’s fees as approved by the court. 74
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