Litteraturlista SANA22 Socialantropologi: Fortsättingskurs (Social

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A vd f ö r S o c i a l a n t r o p o l o g i
Litteraturlista SANA22 Socialantropologi: Fortsättingskurs
(Social Anthropology: Level 2, 30 credits)
Nivå G1F (grundnivå) 30 högskolepoäng
Litteraturen är fastställd av Sociologiska institutionsstyrelsen 2011-04-14.
Reviderad 2012-03-08.
Delkurs 1 Symbolism, myt och världsbild
Fiona Bowie (2004) The Anthropology of Religion (2:a uppl.). London:
Blackwell (332 s)
Jean Comaroff & John Comaroff (1993) Modernity and its Malcontents: Ritual
and Power in Postcolonial Africa. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press
(180 s. i urval)
Michel Lambek (2008) A Reader in the Anthropology of Religion. London:
Blackwell, (400 s i urval)
Christer Lindberg (2000) Schamanens vandring i indianland. I Schamaner:
Essäer om religiösa mästare (red.) Thomas P. Larsson. Falun: Bokförlaget Nya
Doxa (20 s)
Totalt: 932 sidor
Delkurs 2 Visuell antropologi
El Guindi, Fadwa (2004) Visual Anthropology: Essential Method and Theory.
Alta Mira Press. New York & Oxford (293 s)
Himpele, Jeff & Ginsburg, Faye (eds) (2005) Ciné-Trance: A Tribute to Jean
Rouch (1917-2004). In American Anthropologist, Vol 107, No 1. (16 s)
Lindberg, Christer (1996) Du och ditt förbannade samvete. I Egensinne och
mångfald. (red.) Andersson, G. Arkiv förlag. Lund (13 s)
Mead, Margaret (1995) Visual Anthropology in a Discipline of Words. In
Principles of Visual Anthropology. (ed.) Hockings, P. Second Edition. Mouton
de Gruyter. Berlin & New York (9 s)
Pink, Sarah (2007) Doing Visual Ethnography: Images, Media and
Representation in Research. Second Edition. Sage Publications. London (230 s)
Prins, Harald (2004) Visual Anthropology. MS (28 s)
Prins, Harald (2005) The Paradox of Primitivism. MS (35 s)
Ruby, Jay(1980) Franz Boas and Early Camera Study of Behavior. In Kinesics
Report 1980 (8 s)
Ruby, Jay (1980) A Re-examination of the Early Career of Robert J. Flaherty.
In Quarterly Review of Film Studies, Fall 1980 (14 s)
Ruby, Jay (1991) Speaking For, Speaking About, Speaking With, or Speaking
Alongside – An Anthropological and Documentary Dilemma. In Visual
Anthropology Review, Fall 1991, Vol. 7, No. 2 (12 s)
Scherer, Joanna (1995) Ethnographic Photography in Anthropological
Research. In Principles of Visual Anthropology. (ed.) Hockings, P. Second
Edition. Mouton de Gruyter. Berlin & New York (15 s)
Willis, Anne-Marie (1995) Photography and Film: Figures in/of History. In
Fields of Vision: Essays in Film Studies. (eds.) Deveraux & Hillman.
University of California Press. Berkeley and London (16 s)
Diverse filmer.
Totalt: 700 sidor
Delkurs 3 Aktuella frågor i socialantropologi II
Obs ! Preliminär lista för delk.3 Köp inga böcker före kursstart.
Ambjörnsson, Fanny. 2004. I en klass för sig: Genus, klass och sexualitet bland
gymnasietjejer. Stockholm: Ordfront 2004. 304 s.
Aretaxa, Begoña. 1997. Shattering silence: Women, Nationalism, and Political
Subjectivity in Northen Ireland. Princeton, N.J.; Princeton University Press.
201 s.
Kulick, Don. 1998. Travesti: Sex, Gender, and Culture Among Brazilian
Transgendered Prostitutes. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press. 236 s.
Östergren, Petra. 2006. Porr, horor och feminister. Stockholm: Natur och
kultur. 308 s
Totalt: 1019 sidor.
Gill, Lesley. 1997. Creating Citizens, Making Men: The Military and
Masculinity in Bolivia. Cultural Anthropology, Volume 12, No. 4, pp. 527 –
550. 24 s.
Martin, Emily 1991. The Egg and the Sperm: How Science has Constructed a
Romance Based on Stereotypical Male-Female Roles. Signs 16 (3): 485-501. 16
Ortner, Sherry. 1978. The Virgin and the State. Feminist Studies 4(3):19-35. 16
Patton, Cindy. From Nation to Family: Containing African Aids. I: The Gender
and Sexuality Reader (ed. Lancaster, Roger & Michaela di Leonardo). NY:
Routledge. 12 s.
Rubin, Gayle. 1975. The Traffic in Women: Notes on the "Political Economy"
of Sex. 20 s. I: Feminist Anthropology: A Reader (red. Lewin, Ellen). Malden
MA: Blackwell. 20 s.
Rubin, Gayle. 1984. Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics
of Sexuality. 26 s. I: Culture, Society, and Sexuality: A Reader (red. Parker,
Richard och Peter Aggleton). 2007. London: Routledge.
Slocum, Sally. 1975. Woman the Gatherer: Male Bias in Anthropology. I:
Toward an Anthropology of Women, edited by Rayna Reiter, New York:
Monthly Renew Press. 15 s.
Sperling, Susan. 1991. Baboons with Briefcases: Feminism, Functionalism, and
Sociobiology in the Evolution of Primate Gender. Signs, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 127. 26 s.
Stoler, Ann L. 1989. Making Empire Respectable: The Politics of Race and
Sexual Morality in 20th-Century Colonial Cultures. American Ethnologist, Vol.
16, No. 4, pp. 634-660. 17 s.
Webster, Paula 1975. Matriarchy: A Vision of Power. I: Toward an
Anthropology of Women, edited by Rayna Reiter, New York: Monthly Renew
Press. 15 s.
Delkurs 4 Globalisering, Imperium och konflikter
Jonthan Friedman (1994) Cultural Identity and Global Process. London: Sage
(270 s)
Jonathan Friedman (red) (2003) Globalization, the State and Violence.
Lanham: Altamira/Rowman and Littlefield (390 s)
Arjun Appadurai (1996) Patriotism and its futures. In Modernity at Large:
Cultural Dimensions of Globalization. St Paul: University of Minnesota Press
(10 s)
Peter Berger & Samuel Huntington (2002) Introduction to Many Globalization.
New York: Oxford University Press (15 s)
Christopher Chase-Dunn & Thomas D. Hall (2000) Comparing World-Systems
to Explain Social Evolution. In World System History. (red.)R. A. Denemark, J.
Friedman, B. K. Gills & G. Modelski. London & New York: Routledge, s 85110 (25 s)
Jean Comaroff (2000) Millenial Capitalism: First thoughts on a second coming.
In Public Culture. vol 12, nr 2 (50 s)
Jonathan Davison & J. Yates (2002) The World of American Globalizers. In
Many Globalizations (red.) Berger, P. & S. Huntington. New York: Oxford
University Press (18 s)
Andre Gunder Frank & Barry Gills (2000) The Five Thousand Year World
System in Theory and Praxis. In World System History. (red.) R. A. Denemark,
J. Friedman, B. K. Gills & G. Modelski. London & New York: Routledge, s 323 (20 s)
Jonathan Friedman (2002) From Roots to Routes: Tropes for Trippers. In
Anthropological theory. Vol. 2, s 21-36 (15 s)
Jonathan Friedman (2000) Concretizing the Continuity Argument in Global
Systems Analysis. In World System History. (red.) R. A. Denemark, J.
Friedman, B. K. Gills & G. Modelski. London & New York: Routledge, s 133152 (19 s)
Jonathan Friedman (2004) Culture and Its Politics in the Global System. In
Protosociology, vol 20, s 217-238 (20 s)
Liisa Malkki (1992) National Geographic: The rooting of peoples and the
territorialization of national identity among scholars and refugees. In Cultural
Anthropology, vol 7, nr 1, s 24-44 (20 s)
Birgit Meyer, & Peter Geschiere (1999) Globalization and identity: dialectics
of flow and closure : Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell, s 1-15 (15 s)
Aiwa Ong (1998) Flexible citizenship among Chinese cosmopolitans. In
Cosmopolitics: Thinking and Feeling beyond the Nation. (red.) Bruce Robbins.
University of Minnesota, s 134-157, (23 s)
Elisabeth Rata (2002) The Transformation of Indigenity. In Review of the
Fernand Braudel Center vol XXV, nr 2, s 173-195 (22 s)
Steven Webster (2002) Maori retribalization and treaty rights to the New
Zealand fisheries. In Contemporary Pacific vol 14, nr 2, s 341-371 (30 s)
Jonathan Xavier Inda, and Renato Rosaldo (2002) Introduction: A world in
Motion. In The Anthropology of Globalization. Oxford: Blackwell, s 1-26 (25
Totalt: 987 sidor