ATEATE-611 611 Manual Page 1 03 February 2014 ATEATE-611 611: Wireless I/O Controller - 8 Inputs, Inputs, 4/8 Relays The ATE-500/600 series is a range of modular I/O controllers. It uses small standardized boards which allows you to configure the system to your requirements. The ATE-611 is an I/O controller with 4 or 8 relays and 8 protected inputs. It can be controlled with ASCII commands via XBee. Specifications • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 Relays 5A/250Vac with 1 common and 4 NO contacts Expandable to 8 Relays with ATE-201 Relay Board 8 Inputs with 10K pull-up resistors Inputs are protected to 30Vdc max. Inputs can measure analog and digital signals Connections via screw terminals Arduino software compatible Control with ASCII commands USB virtual COM with XBee modules Powered via 5Vdc power supply Dimensions 10 x 8 x 6 cm (approx.) Open source hardware and software Made in Holland Contents The ATE-611 includes: • • • • ATE-101 Carrier Board with Arduino Pro Mini (3.3V) and ATE-611 Sketch firmware ATE-201 Relay Board with 4 relays ATE-202 Input Board with 8 inputs ATE-301 Back Panel Board Options The ATE-611 has the following options: • • • • • • ATE-201 Relay Board with 4 relays ACDC5012 Power Supply 5V 2 XBee modules 1mW (XB24-AWI-001 or XB24-API-001) XBee USB Adapter (32400, SFE08687 or SFE09819) Enclosure Hammond 1598E Enclosure Elbag MR6/HMX ATEATE-611 611 Manual Page 2 03 February 2014 Assembly This section describes how to assemble the ATE-611 Wireless I/O Controller. The XBee modules should be mounted on the USB Adapter and on the ATE-202 Input Board. The ATE-101 Carrier Board with Arduino Pro Mini may or may not have additional connectors, depending on availability. The ATE-611 should be assembled as follows. ATEATE-611 611 Manual Page 3 03 February 2014 On the ATE-301 Back Panel Board, the ATE-101 Arduino board need to be placed on the 50 pins connector indicated with uC. Be aware all 50 pins are correctly connected and the board is correctly oriented (components on the outside). The ATE-202 Input Board should be placed on connector CON2 close to the uC board, with solder side facing each other. The ATE-201 Relay Boards can be placed on the other 50-pin connectors (CON3 and CON4). ATEATE-611 611 Manual Page 4 03 February 2014 For connecting the wires to the boards it is recommended to take the board out of the Back Panel Board. ATEATE-611 611 Manual Page 5 03 February 2014 Connections The ATE-201 Relay Board has 2 common connections and 4 NO (Normally Open) connections. The common connections are connected to each other and to the 4 relay contacts. The 5V power supply should be connected to one of the Relay Boards. OUT 1 OUT 2 OUT 3 OUT 4 COMMON COMMON 5V POWER INPUT The relays on the first module (Back Panel CON3) will be relay 1-4. The relays on the outside module (Back Panel CON4) will be relay 5-8. The ATE-202 Input Board has 8 inputs and one common connected to ground. The Board can be used to measure analog and digital signals. Analog 0V until +3.3Vdc. In the firmware digital logical level 0 is set at +0,5Vdc or less and logical level 1 at +2Vdc or more. The inputs have a 10K pull-up resistor to +3.3Vdc. A switch contact can be connected directly between input and GND (dry contact input). Also an open collector output can be connected directly to the input. ATEATE-611 611 Manual Page 6 03 February 2014 Power Gnd Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Input 4 Input 5 Input 6 Input 7 Input 8 Power is not connected. Power can be used as an alternative input to supply power to the ATE-611 controller. In this case jumpers on all boards must be changed. See the schematics for information on jumper settings. Power Supply A stabilized 5Vdc power supply (like ACDC5012) is required for the ATE-611. With one relay board maximum current is 300mA and with 2 relay boards 600mA. The 5V supplies the Relay Board and the Arduino Pro Mini. The 3V3 output of the Arduino Pro Mini supplies the Input Board with XBee. The output current of 3V3 is limited, which means the maximum power of the XBee module is 1mW. All boards have a power on led. ATEATE-611 611 Manual Page 7 03 February 2014 ATEATE-611 611 Tester The ATE-611 Tester is a Windows program which can be used to test the controller. This software and source code can be downloaded from When an USB XBee Adapter is connected for the first time, Windows will install the driver and will give it a port number. After opening the Tester, type in this port number and click on Open. If you do not know the port number, you can click on List Ports and you will see the available port(s). The Tester will read the inputs continuously and show the results. When you click on Toggle, you can switch the relay on and off. For the relays and inputs, green indicates contact is closed and red indicates contact is open. To change the baud rate of the tester, click on Baud. To change the baud rate of the controller, use the SB command as described below. The default baud rate of tester, controller and XBee modules is 9600 baud. If you want to change the baud rate, you need to change the baud rate of the XBee modules too. Communicating with the Controller The Address and Baud Rate of the unit can be set and are stored in the controller’s memory. By default the controller is listening for serial data at 9600 baud, and has address 00. The controller will always use 1 Stop Bit, 8 Data Bits and No Parity. The commands the controller uses are in the form @AA CC X<CR> The @ symbol is used to define the start of a command. AA is the address of the unit from 00 to 99. ATEATE-611 611 Manual Page 8 03 February 2014 CC is a two letter command used to determine the command type. X is a one or more characters which determines the parameter for the command. <CR> is the carriage return character. This is ASCII character 13, or 0x0d. Each time a valid command is received the unit will respond with #AA followed by any values that are requested from the unit. ON: Relay On Command This command is used to turn a single relay on. E.g.: @44 ON 1 will turn relay 1 on for the unit with address 44. It can also be used to turn all the relays on, this occurs when the parameter value is 0. OF: Relay Off Command Similar to the on command this command will turn relays off in the same manner. E.g.: @44 OF 1 will turn relay 1 off for the unit with address 44, @44 OF 0 will turn all relays off. WR: Write Relays Command The write relays command is used when more than one relay is to be turned on or off at once. The parameter is a decimal number which, in binary, represents the on and off status of the 8 relays. The least significant bit of this value controls relay 1. The most significant bit of the parameter value controls relay 8. A set bit (1) turns the relay on, a cleared bit (0) turns the relay off. Example: To turn relays 1, 2 and 6 on (and others off) the binary value required is 00100011. In decimal this is 35. (2^(1-1) + 2^(2-1) + 2^(6-1) = 35). To issue this to a controller with address 44, the required command is @44 WR 35 IS: Input Status Command This command will return the status of the inputs. If the parameter is between 1 and 8 then the controller will return a 0 or 1 corresponding to that input. E.g.: @44 IS 1 will return #44 1 if the input is closed (0V), or #44 0 if the input is open (+5V). If the parameter is 0 then the unit will respond with the status of all the inputs, in similar form as the Write Relays command. E.g.: If inputs 1 and 2 for the unit are on then @44 IS 0 will return #44 3. 3 is 0011 in binary, and each bit represents each input from 4 down to 1. RS: Relay Status Command ATEATE-611 611 Manual Page 9 03 February 2014 Much the same as the input status command, this command will return the status of the relays. If the parameter is between 1 and 8 then the unit will return with a 0 or 1 corresponding to that relay. E.g.: @44 RS 1 will return #44 1 if the relay is on, or #44 0 if the relay is off. If the parameter to this command is 0 then the unit will respond the same way as the input status command, but return the status of the relays. AI: Analog Input Command The analog input command will read the status of the analog input defined by the parameter and return it as a value between 0 and 1023. E.g.: @44 AI 1 will return #44 512 if the analog input is reading 50%. SA: Set Address Addresses are valid from 01-99. A unit will only respond if its address in memory is the same as that of the command sent, or if the address of the command sent is 00. The address is saved to non-volatile memory inside the controller, meaning it will be preserved even after power is disconnect from the controller. SB: Set Baud Parameters from 1 to 10 are valid, corresponding to the following values. 1: 1200 baud 6: 19200 baud 2: 2400 baud 7: 28800 baud 3: 4800 baud 8: 38400 baud 4: 9600 baud (default) 9: 57600 baud 5: 14400 baud 10: 115200 baud The baud rate is saved to non-volatile memory inside the controller, meaning it will be preserved even after power is disconnect from the controller. Serial Terminal Program You can use a serial terminal program to communicate with the controller. One of the popular Windows terminal programs is Tera Term. It can be downloaded from When you have connected the XBee USB adapter and you start Tera Term, you will get the following screen. ATEATE-611 611 Manual Page 10 03 February 2014 If you select Serial you can select the port you are using. After OK you get an empty screen. Default speed is 9600baud. When you push the reset button on the Arduino microcontroller, then after a few seconds the version of the firmware will appear. ATEATE-611 611 Manual Page 11 03 February 2014 To be able to see the commands you are typing, you need to change the terminal setup. Click on Setup and Terminal… Set New-Line Transmit to CR+LF and switch Local echo on. ATEATE-611 611 Manual Page 12 03 February 2014 Click on OK. If you now type a command, you will see it on the screen. To switch relay 1 on, you can type @00on1. After Enter the controller will switch the relay on and respond with #00. To read the status of the relays, you can type @00rs0 ATEATE-611 611 Manual Page 13 03 February 2014 Jumper settings At delivery the jumpers on every board are set for ATE-611 use. The jumpers settings should be as on the photos above: ATE-101: 1-3 Vin-5V, 6-5 3V3 ATE-201: 1-2 EXT, 3-4 INT ATE-202: 7-8 3V3 Loading new firmware The ATE-611 uses the Arduino Pro Mini (3.3V) which is an Atmel ATmega328 microcontroller with Arduino bootloader. The Arduino is loaded with ATE-611 Sketch. The source code can be downloaded from You are free to modify the code. You can load the modified code or any other code via an USB FTDI Adapter (3.3V) into the ATE-202 (after removing the XBee) with the Arduino development environment, available at Before loading it is recommended to place the Auto Reset jumper on the ATE-101 Carrier Board. Power on and reset After power on there will be a short closure of relay 8. Power on reset and manual reset (button on Arduino Pro Mini) will start the Arduino bootloader to check if the Arduino development environment is active. During this short time the led on Arduino Pro Mini will lit. On the same output as the led, relay 8 is connected. ATEATE-611 611 Manual Enclosures ATE-601/611 in Hammond 1598E ATE-601/611 in Elbag MR6/HMX for wall-mount or DIN-rail Page 14 03 February 2014
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