KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM PROVIDER MANUAL Hospital PART II HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL Introduction Section 7000 7010 7020 7030 8100 8200 8300 8400 8410 8420 8430 BILLING INSTRUCTIONS UB-04 Billing Instructions .... ......... Submission of Claim . ......... MS-2126 Billing Instructions . ......... Hospital Specific Billing Information . State Institution for Mental Health Billing Instructions .... ......... ........ ........ ........ ........ Page 7-1 7-8 7-9 7-13 ......... ......... ......... ........ 7-22 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 8-1 8-2 8-15 8-16 8-27 8-32 8-36 Appendix I Codes ......... ........ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........ AI-1 Appendix II Hospital Cost Report .. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........ AII-1 BENEFITS AND LIMITATIONS Copayment .... ........ ......... ......... Medical Assessment .. ......... ......... Benefit Plans .. ........ ......... ......... Medicaid ....... ........ ......... ......... Medicaid-Inpatient Only ....... ......... Medicaid-Outpatient Only ..... ......... Family Planning/Sterilization . ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... DRG Weights and Rates FORMS All forms pertaining to this provider manual can be found on the public website at https://www.kmap-state-ks.us/Public/forms.asp and on the secure website at https://www.kmap-state-ks.us/provider/security/logon.asp. CPT codes, descriptors, and other data only are copyright 2009 American Medical Association (or such other date of publication of CPT). All rights reserved. Applicable FARS/DFARS apply. Information on the American Medical Association is available at http://www.ama-assn.org. PART II HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL Updated 10/09 This is the provider specific section of the manual. This section (Part II) was designed to provide information and instructions specific to hospital providers. It is divided into three subsections: Billing Instructions, Benefits and Limitations, and Appendices. The Billing Instructions subsection provides directions on how to complete and submit gives examples of the billing forms applicable to hospital services. The forms are followed by directions for completing and submitting them. The Benefits and Limitations subsection defines specific aspects of the scope of hospital services allowed within the KHPA Medical Plans. The Appendix subsection contains information concerning procedure codes and the hospital cost report., emergency diagnosis codes and swing bed nursing facility supplies. The appendices were developed to make finding and using codes easier for the biller. HIPAA Compliance As a KMAP participant, pProviders are required to comply with compliance reviews and complaint investigations conducted by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services as part of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in accordance with section 45 of the code of regulations parts 160 and 164. Providers are required to furnish the Department of Health and Human Services all information required by the department during its review and investigation. The provider is required to provide the same forms of access to records to the Medicaid Fraud and Abuse Division of the Kansas Attorney General's Office upon request from such office as required by K.S.A. 21-3853 and amendments thereto. A provider who receives such a request for access to or inspection of documents and records must promptly and reasonably comply with access to the records and facility at reasonable times and places. A provider must not obstruct any audit, review or investigation, including the relevant questioning of employees of the provider. The provider shall not charge a fee for retrieving and copying documents and records related to compliance reviews and complaint investigations. 7000. HOSPITAL BILLING INSTRUCTIONS Updated 10/09 Introduction to the UB-04 Claim Form Hospital providers must use the UB-04 red claim form when requesting payment for medical services and supplies provided under the KHPA Medical Plans. Any UB-04 claim not submitted on the red claim from will be returned to the provider. An example of the UB-04 claim form is on both the public and secure websites (see the Table of Contents for hyperlinks) in the Forms section at the end of this manual. Instructions for completing this claim form are included in the following pages. The Kansas MMIS will be using electronic imaging and optical character recognition (OCR) equipment. Therefore, information will not be recognized if not submitted in the correct fields as instructed. The fiscal agent does not furnish the UB-04 claim form to providers. Refer to Section 1100 of the General Introduction Provider Manual. The following numbered form locators (FL) are to be completed when required or if applicable. Completing the UB-04 claim form: FL 1 Billing Provider Name, Address and Telephone Number – Required. Enter the name and address of the billing provider. FL 3A Patient Control No. Enter a patient account number if desired. (This number will be referenced on the Remittance Advice [RA].) FL 3B Medical Record No.-Desired. Enter the patient’s medical record number. (This number will appear on the provider’s RA.) FL 4 Type of Bill - Required. Enter the three-digit number specific to the type of claim. 1st digit indicates facility. 2nd digit indicates location within facility. 3rd digit indicates the frequency of the claim billed. Medicaid allowed codes: 1st digit: 1 Hospital (IP/OP) 8 Outpatient – Critical Access 2nd digit: 1 Inpatient 3 Outpatient 5 Critical Access Hospital 8 Swing bed NF 3rd digit: 0 Nonpayment/zero claim 1 Admit through discharge claim 2 Interim - first claim 3 Interim - continuing claim 4 Interim - last claim (thru date is discharge date) KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BILLING INSTRUCTIONS 7-1 7000. Updated 12/08 FL 5 Federal Tax Number – Required. FL 6 Statement Covers Period – From/Through – Required. Enter inpatient dates of admission and discharge or outpatient from and through dates in MM/DD/YY format. FL 7 Reserved for assignment by NUBC. Covered Days - Required - Inpatient Only. Enter the number of days for which you are billing. Note: Count date of admission, but not date of discharge. FL 8 Patient Name/Identifier – Required. Enter patient's last name, first name and middle initial exactly as it appears on the ID card. If patient is a newborn, enter "newborn", "baby boy", or "baby girl" in the first name field and enter the last name. FL 9 Patient Address – Required. FL 10 Birthdate – Required. Enter patient's date of birth in MM/DD/YYYY format. If newborn, enter baby's date of birth (not mother's). FL 11 Sex – Required. Enter "M" for male or "F" for female. If newborn services, enter "M" or "F" for the baby. FL 12 Admission/Start of Care Date – Required. Enter date patient was admitted as inpatient or date of outpatient care in MM/DD/YY format. FL 13 Admission Hour – Required – Inpatient Only. Enter treatment hour using the continental time system (i.e., 6:00 p.m. equals 1800 hours). FL 14 Priority Type of Visit Admission Type–Required – Inpatient Only. Enter a one-digit code to indicate type of admission. 1 – Emergency 3 – Elective 5 – Trauma 2 – Urgent, etc. 4 – Newborn FL 15 Point of Origin for Admission or Visit Admission Source– Required. Enter a one-digit code to indicate admission source. 1 – Nonhealth care facility point of origin 2 – Clinic 3 – Reserved for assignment by NUBC 4 – Transfer from hospital 5 – Transfer from skilled nursing facility Nursing Home 6 – Transfer from another healthcare facility 7 – Emergency room 8 – Court/law enforcement 9 – Information not available KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BILLING INSTRUCTIONS 7-2 7000. Updated 09/09 A – Reserved for assignment by NUBC B – Transfer from another home health facility C – Readmission to same home health agency D – Transfer from one distinct unit of the hospital to another distinct unit of the same hospital resulting in separate claim to the payer E – Transfer from ambulatory surgery center F – Transfer from hospice and is under a hospice plan of care or enrolled in a hospice program G-Z – Reserved for assignment by NUBC Code structure for newborn 1-4 – Reserved 5 – Born inside this hospital 6 – Born outside of this hospital 7-9 – Reserved FL 16 Discharge Hour – Required on inpatient claims with a frequency code of 1 or 4 except Type of Bill 021X. FL 17 Patient Status - Required - Inpatient Only. Enter a two-digit code to indicate status of patient: 01 Discharged to home or self care (routine discharge) 02 Discharged/transferred to another short-term general hospital for inpatient care 03 Discharged/transferred to skilled nursing facility (SNF) with Medicare certification 04 Discharged/transferred to a facility that provides custodial or supportive care an Intermediate Care Facility (ICF) 05 Discharge/transfer to a designated cancer center or children’s hospital 06 Discharged/transferred to a home under care of organized home health service organization 07 Left against medical advice or discontinued care 08 Discharged/transferred to home under care of a home IV drug therapy provider (This is not a certified Medicare provider.) 09 Admitted as an inpatient to this hospital (for use on Medicare Outpatient Hospital claims only) 20 Expired (or did not recover - Christian Science Patient) 21 Discharged/transferred to court/law enforcement 30 Still patient 40 Expired at home (Hospice claims only) 41 Expired in a medical facility, such as a hospital, SNF, ICF, or freestanding hospice (Hospice claims only) 42 Expired - place unknown (Hospice claims only) 43 Discharge/transferred to a Federal Health Care Facility 50 Discharge to hospice – home 51 Discharge to hospice - medical facility KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BILLING INSTRUCTIONS 7-3 7000. Updated 09/09 61 62 63 64 65 66 70 Discharged/transferred within this institution to a hospital-based, Medicare-approved, swing bed Discharged/transferred to another rehabilitation facility an inpatient rehabilitation facility (IRF) including rehabilitation distinct part units of a hospital Discharged/transferred to a Medicare certified long term care hospital (LTCH) Discharged/transferred to a nursing facility certified under Medicaid but not certified under Medicare Discharged/transferred to a psychiatric hospital or psychiatric distinct part unit of a hospital Discharged/transferred to a Critical Access Hospital (CAH) for discharge dates on or after January 1, 2006 Discharged/transferred to another type of health care institution not defined elsewhere in the code list Note: Hospitals will be eligible for full DRG reimbursement when a discharge occurs using discharge code 01, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 20, 50, or 51. Distinct claim forms must be submitted for each discharge. In the case of transfers to same specialty providers (discharge code 02), the transferring hospital’s reimbursement may be reduced, based upon a transfer prorated reimbursement determination, and the receiving hospital will be eligible to receive a full DRG reimbursement. FL 18-28 Condition Codes – Enter one of these two-digit codes to indicate a condition(s) relating to inpatient or outpatient claims, special programs or procedures (e.g., KAN Be Healthy, sterilization) Note: This is not a complete list. For a complete list of Condition Codes contact Customer Service. 01 Military service related 02 Condition is employment related 03 Patient covered by insurance not reflected here 67 Beneficiary elects not to use life time reserve (LTR) days Note: This will now replace the Z1 Medicare Part A benefits exhausted condition code. The verbiage in the explanation of condition code 67 means the patient’s benefits are exhausted. 80 Home Dialysis – Nursing Facility A1 KAN Be Healthy (EPSDT) A4 Family Planning AA Abortion performed due to rape AB Abortion performed due to incest AI Sterilization D9 Any other change Note: This will now replace the XO swing bed condition code. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BILLING INSTRUCTIONS 7-4 7000. Updated 12/08 FL 31-34 Occurrence Codes/Dates: OCCURRENCE CODES CAN ONLY BE SUBMITTED ON LINE A. The following occurrence codes must be indicated if reporting information on type of accident, crime victim, other insurance denial or date of TPR termination, or aborted surgery, false labor or nondelivery claim where associated services are indicated. 01 Accident/medical coverage 02 No fault insurance involved – including auto accident/other 03 Accident/tort liability 04 Accident/employment related 05 Accident/no medical or liability coverage 06 Crime victim 24 Date insurance denied 25 Date benefits terminated by primary payer A3 Benefits exhausted, Payer A B3 Benefits exhausted, Payer B C3 Benefits exhausted, Payer C All State of Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services (SRS) guidelines remain the same regarding attachments required for TPR proof and SSA/Medicare EOMBs. FL 35-36 Occurrence span codes and dates. FL 37 Reserved for assignment by NUBC. FL 38 Responsible party name and address (claim addressee) – situational. FL 39-41 Value Codes/Amount – Required if applicable. • Enter D3 for nonpatient obligation as the value code. Enter the nonpatient obligation dollar amount in the “Amount” field. Examples of nonpatient obligation are Parental, Spousal, and Trust. • Enter 80 for covered days and enter the number of covered days in the Amount field. Note: Count the date of admission but not the date of discharge. FL 42 Revenue Code – Required – Inpatient Only. Enter the three-digit number identifying the type of accommodation and ancillary service(s). DO NOT INDICATE REVENUE CODE(S) IF THE SERVICE IS NONCOVERED. Note: Revenue codes are not to be indicated for outpatient services. FL 43 Revenue Description/IDE Number/Medicaid Drug Rebate – Required on paper bills only. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BILLING INSTRUCTIONS 7-5 7000. Updated 12/08 FL 44 HCPCS/Accommodation Rates/HIPPS Rates Code – Required – Outpatient Only. List the HCPCS procedure code for each specific outpatient procedure. DO NOT INDICATE PROCEDURE(S) IF THE SERVICE IS NONCOVERED. FL 45 Serv. Date – Required – Outpatient Only. Enter the date services were provided in MM/DD/YY format. FL 46 Serv. Units – Required. Enter number of days for each accommodation revenue code or appropriate units for each outpatient service billed. FL 47 Total Charges – Required. Enter total charges for each coded line item. List each outpatient procedure with a specific (itemized) charge. DO NOT INDICATE CHARGES FOR NONCOVERED SERVICES. Enter the total claim charge on the last line of this detail section with a revenue code of 001 in FL 42 and total charges in FL 47. FL 48 Noncovered Charges – Situational Optional. Enter noncovered charges. FL 49 Reserved. FL 50 Payer Name – Required. Indicate all third party resources (TPR). If TPR does exist, it must be billed first. Lines B and C should indicate secondary and tertiary coverage. Medicaid will be either the secondary or tertiary coverage and the last payer. When B and C are completed, the remainder of this line must be completed as well as FL 58-62. Medicare needs to always be the last entry. FL 51 Health Plan Identification Number. • Line A – Required • Line B & C – Situational FL 52 Release of Information Certification Locator – Required. FL 53 Assignment of Benefits Certification Indicator – Required. FL 54 Prior Payments Payer – Required if other insurance is involved. Enter amount paid by other insurance. Medicare needs to always be the last entry. (Do not enter spenddown or copayment amounts. These reductions will be made automatically during claim processing.) FL 55 Estimated Amount Due Payer – Situational. FL 56 NPI. Enter the billing provider’s NPI. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BILLING INSTRUCTIONS 7-6 7000. Updated 12/08 FL 57 Other Provider ID: Enter either qualifier ‘1D’ and the billing provider’s KMAP provider ID or qualifier ‘ZZ’ and the taxonomy code. FL 58 Insured’s Name – Required. FL 59 Patient’s Relationship to Insured. • Line A – Required • Line B & C – Situational FL 60 Insured’s Unique ID – Required. Enter the 11-digit beneficiary number from patient's medical ID card on line C. If newborn services, use mother's beneficiary number if newborn's ID number is unknown. FL 61-62 Insured’s Group Name/Insurance Group No. – Required if group name is available and FL 62 is not used Medicaid is not primary payer. Enter the primary insurance information on line A and Medicare on line C. FL 62 Insured’s Group Number – Required when insured’s identification card shows a group number. FL 63 Treatment Authorization Codes - Leave blank. (This number, if applicable, is system generated.) FL 64 Document Control Number – Required when TOB code (FL 04) indicates this claim is a replacement or void to a previously adjudicated claim. Desired if this claim is a resubmission. Enter the previous ICN. Note: This field is for timely filing purposes. FL 65 Employer Name (of the Insured) – Situational. FL 66 Diagnosis and Procedure Code Qualifier – Qualifier code 9 required. FL 67 Principal Diagnosis Code and Present on Admission Indicator – Principal Diagnosis Code – Required. Present on Admission Indicator – Required. Follow the official coding guidelines for ICD reporting. FL 67A-Q Other Diagnoses Codes and Present on Admission Indicator – Required when other conditions coexist or develop during the patient’s treatment. Present on Admission Indicator – Required when other diagnoses included. DX - Required. Enter the ICD-9-CM code indicating the primary diagnosis and additional diagnoses. FL 68 Reserved for Assignment by the NUBC. FL 69 Admitting Diagnosis Code – Required when claim involves an inpatient admission. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BILLING INSTRUCTIONS 7-7 7000. Updated 12/08 FL 71 Prospective Payment System (PPS) Code. FL 72A-C External Cause of Injury (ECI) Code and Present on Admission Indicator – Required when an injury, poisoning or adverse affect is cause for seeking medical treatment or occurs during medical treatment. Present on Admission Indicator – Required for UB04. See FL 67. FL 74 Principal Procedure Code and Date – Required on inpatient claims Inpatient/Outpatient, if applicable. Enter the ICD-9-CM procedure code for the primary procedure and date of service. DO NOT INDICATE THE PROCEDURE IF THE SERVICE IS NONCOVERED. FL 74A-E Other Procedure Codes and Dates – Required – Inpatient/Outpatient, if applicable. Enter other procedures performed, using ICD-9-CM procedure codes and date of service. DO NOT INDICATE THE PROCEDURE IF THE SERVICE IS NONCOVERED. FL 76 Attending Provider Name and Identifiers – Required. a. Enter attending physician's NPI, or the appropriate qualifier and physician’s KMAP provider ID or taxonomy code. b. Enter attending physician's Medicaid provider name as last name and then first name. Note: DO NOT ENTER A GROUP PROVIDER NUMBER. FL 77 Operating Physician Name and Identifiers – Required if applicable. a. Enter operating physician's NPI, or the appropriate qualifier and physician’s KMAP provider ID or taxonomy code. b. Enter operating physician's Medicaid provider name as last name and then first name. FL 78-79 Other Provider (Individual) Names and Identifiers - Required if applicable. a. Enter other physician's NPI or the appropriate qualifier and physician’s KMAP provider ID or taxonomy code. b. Enter other physician's Medicaid provider name as last name and then first name. Note: If the claim is for a sterilization, the surgeon performing the sterilization procedure must be identified by their KMAP provider ID in field 78. FL 80 Remarks Field – Specify additional information as necessary. Submission of Claim: Send completed claim to: Kansas Medical Assistance Program Office of the Fiscal Agent P.O. Box 3571 Topeka, Kansas 66601-3571 KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BILLING INSTRUCTIONS 7-8 7010. MS-2126 BILLING INSTRUCTIONS Updated 5/07 Introduction to the Notification of Nursing Facility Admission/Discharge MS-2126 The completion of the MS-2126 (Notification of Nursing Facility Admission/Discharge) shall be completed by the provider and a copy sent to the local SRS office Economic & Employment Specialist (EES). Submission of the MS-2126 is not required as a prerequisite for a hospital "reserve day" (Section IV). However, the MS-2126 must be retained in the beneficiary's file for documentation. Completion of the MS-2126 is not required for payment of a therapeutic reserve day. This form will need to be copied or duplicated by providers since neither the fiscal agent nor the state will furnish the form to providers. When to Use the MS-2126: Sections I, II, and III, "Facility Placement/Discharge" shall be initiated by the nursing facility when: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. An eligible Kansas Medical Assistance Program resident is initially admitted to or discharged from the nursing facility (NF), nursing facility for mental health (NF/MH) or intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded (ICF/MR). A resident of an NF, NF/MH, or ICF/MR becomes eligible for Kansas Medical Assistance Program. An eligible Kansas Medical Assistance Program resident transfers from one facility to another facility. A resident's eligibility has been reinstated after suspension for more than two months. (If two calendar months or less, a new form will be needed.) An eligible Kansas Medical Assistance Program resident is out of the facility for more than 30 days. (This is the same as a new admission.) When a resident returns to the facility on the 31st day, a new form will not be required. When a resident fails to return on the 31st day, a new form is required. An eligible Kansas Medical Assistance Program resident has a change in his/her level of care. Section IV, Hospital Leave Information shall be initiated by the facility to report any hospital admission and to report reserve days for a medical leave being claimed by the facility. Completion of this section is not required for therapeutic (home) leave days. When a single hospital stay exceeds 30 days, the facility shall send another form to the local SRS office indicating the stay has exceeded 30 days and listing the estimated number of days the beneficiary will remain in the hospital. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BILLING INSTRUCTIONS 7-9 7010. Updated 5/07 Return to the Facility: Whether Section III or IV is being completed, the EES retains a copy of this form for their files. The original MS-2126, completed by the facility, and the Notice of Action must be retained by the nursing facility. How to Complete the MS-2126: Section I: Name: Enter the resident's first name, middle initial, and last name as it appears on the medical identification (ID) card. SSN: Enter the resident's Social Security number. If the resident does not have a Social Security number, enter "NA." Date of Birth: Enter the resident's birth date in month, day, and year - MM/DD/YYYY format. (Example: May 15, 1925 should appear as 05-15-1925.) Sex: Indicate "M" for male and "F" for female. Client ID Number: Enter the 11-digit resident number from the individual's Kansas Medical Assistance Program card. Responsible Person's Name: Enter the first and last name of the responsible party. Responsible Person's Address: Enter the responsible person's street address, P.O. Box number, along with his/her city, state, and zip code. Phone: Enter the responsible party's area code and phone number. Section II: Facility Name: Enter the name under which the facility operates. Provider Number: Enter your 10-digit Medicaid provider number. Address: Enter the street address, city, and zip code where the facility is located. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BILLING INSTRUCTIONS 7-10 7010. Updated 5/07 Date of Placement: Date resident was admitted to the facility. Anticipated Length of Stay: Enter the number of months the resident is expected to be in the facility. If unknown, write "unknown." Screened By: Enter the name of the person or facility completing the assessment. The State of Kansas requires that "each individual prior to admission to an NF .... receive assessment and referral services." To achieve this, the CARE program was created "for the data collection and individual assessment and referral to community-based services and appropriate placement in long-term care facilities. Date: Date screening was completed (if known). Signature: The facility administrator or his/her designee signs here. Phone: In the event there are questions, please indicate the area code and telephone number to call. Section III: Enter a check mark in the appropriate space to indicate (A) Admission, (B) Discharge, or (C) Deceased. Providers will also need to indicate the method of payment in place at the time of admission or discharge. A1. Admitted From: Indicate where the resident is being admitted to and the name of the facility they are coming from. A2. Indicate method of payment at time of admission. B1. Discharged On: Check the appropriate space to indicate where the resident is being discharged to, name of facility, and date of discharge. B2. Indicate method of payment at time of discharge. C. Deceased Date: Enter the resident's date of death. Section IV: A. Entered: Enter the name of the hospital and the date entered. B. Reason Admitted: If known, indicate reason for admission. If unknown, write "UNKNOWN". C. Estimated Days in Hospital: Indicate the number of days the admitting physician reasonably believes the resident will be in the hospital. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BILLING INSTRUCTIONS 7-11 7010. Updated 5/07 Reserve Day Notice - Once the facility has completed this form, it should be submitted to the local SRS office. Since the information sent to the SRS office will not be returned, it is important for the facility to keep the original in their files. Nursing Facility Processes Form III. Facility Placement/Discharge: The facility is required to retain the completed form in the facility. These records shall be made available to SRS and/or the fiscal agent upon request. Suspension of payment to the facility may result in the absence of this form. IV. Hospital Leave Day Form: Retain the completed form in the beneficiary's records for documentation of medical reserve day approval. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BILLING INSTRUCTIONS 7-12 7020. HOSPITAL SPECIFIC BILLING INFORMATION Updated 03/08 Inpatient Accommodation and Ancillary Charges: If the individual accommodation and ancillary services exceed the detail lines on the UB-04 claim form, providers may combine all similar revenue code charges together (e.g., lab, radiology) when necessary. Accommodation codes may also be 'lumped' together when necessary. This will not affect the reimbursement of the claim. Admission and Readmission (Same Day): Admission An inpatient admission starts when the physician writes an order for an inpatient admission. It is not considered inpatient until that order has been written. Documented verbal admission orders are considered the same as written orders. • Scenario #1: A patient is sent to the medical floor on September 23 at 11:00 p.m. The physician writes an order to admit the patient on September 24 at 3:00 a.m. According to KMAP, the inpatient admission starts on September 24 at 3:00 a.m. • Scenario #2: A physician writes an order for a patient to be admitted inpatient on September 23 at 11:00 p.m. The patient arrives on the medical floor on September 24 at 3:00 a.m. According to KMAP, the inpatient admission starts on September 23 at 11:00 p.m. • Scenario #3: A physician contacts a hospital on September 23 at 11:00 p.m. about a direct admission and gives a verbal order for admission once the patient arrives at the hospital. The patient arrives at the hospital on September 24 at 3:00 a.m. According to KMAP, the inpatient admission starts on September 24 at 3:00 a.m. Readmission (Same Day) When a patient is discharged or transferred from an inpatient hospital and is readmitted to the same inpatient hospital on the same day for symptoms related to or for evaluation and management of the prior stay’s medical condition, hospitals must adjust the original claim generated by the original stay by combining the original and subsequent stay onto a single claim. When a patient is discharged or transferred from an inpatient hospital and is readmitted to the same inpatient hospital on the same day for symptoms unrelated to and not for evaluation and management of the prior stay’s medical condition, hospitals must bill for two separate stays on two separate claims. Emergency Renal Dialysis: Inpatient emergency renal dialysis must be billed utilizing revenue code 809 in FL 42 of the UB-04 claim form. Interim Billing: Interim billing is restricted to once every 180 days. Interim bills received more frequently than 180 days will be denied. When interim billing, be sure to enter the appropriate 'Type of Bill' code (e.g., 112, 113, 114). A 'Patient Status' code of 30 (still a patient) must be indicated when 'Type of Bill' is 112 or 113. Medicare B Services: When Medicare B payment is made on an inpatient claim, indicate the amount paid as Prior Payment in FL 54 on the UB-04 claim form. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BILLING INSTRUCTIONS 7-13 7020. Updated 12/08 Newborn Services (When the Mother Is NOT in an MCO) When billing for a newborn who does not have a beneficiary ID number, use "Newborn", "Baby Girl", or "Baby Boy" in the first name field of patient name. Use the newborn's date of birth and the mother's beneficiary ID number. The claim will suspend in the claims processing system for up to 45 days pending the fiscal agent's receipt of the newborn's beneficiary ID number from the KMAP eligibility system. If the newborn's beneficiary ID number is received within the 45 days, the claim will be processed using that number. If the newborn's beneficiary ID number is not received within the 45 days, the claim will complete processing with the mother's beneficiary ID number. Newborn Services (When the Mother Is in an MCO) Notify the MCO that the mother is assigned to at the time of birth. The MCO will provide further instructions if the provider is part of that MCO’s network. The mother's MCO will notify Kansas Health Policy Authority (KHPA) and the fiscal agent of the birth. Outpatient/Inpatient Outpatient procedures (including, but not limited to, surgery, X-rays and EKGs) provided within three days of a hospital admission for the same or similar diagnosis are considered content of service and must be billed on the same inpatient hospital claim. The outpatient procedure date should be changed on the claim to correspond with the actual hospital admission date. Note: There is one exception to this policy. Complications from an outpatient sterilization resulting in an inpatient admission. In this instance, the outpatient charges and the inpatient charges should be billed on two separate claims. This is necessary in order for the service dates on the claim form to match the service dates on the Sterilization Consent Form. Outpatient Services Provided During Inpatient Admission Outpatient services provided during an inpatient hospital stay must be included by the hospital on the UB-04 claim form and reimbursed through the DRG. The outpatient provider should receive reimbursement from the hospital. Outpatient services provided to residents of state institutions must be billed by the hospital providing the outpatient service. Present on Admission (POA) Indicators Effective October 1, 2008, all claims involving inpatient admissions to general acute care hospitals will require submission of POA indicator(s). POA is defined as present at the time the order for inpatient admission occurs – conditions that develop during an outpatient encounter, including emergency department, observation, or outpatient surgery, are considered as POA. Critical access hospitals, Maryland-waiver hospitals, long-term care hospitals, cancer hospitals, and children’s inpatient facilities are exempt from this requirement. POA indicator is assigned to principal and secondary or other diagnoses (as defined in Appendix I of the Official Coding Guidelines for Coding and Reporting) and the external cause of injury codes. The validity of the POA indicator will be edited and claims are subject to denying when the POA indicator is invalid. The hospital will need to supply the correct POA indicator(s) and resubmit the claim. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BILLING INSTRUCTIONS 7-14 7020. Updated 12/08 A POA indicator for the external cause of injury code is not required unless it is being reported as an “other diagnosis” on the UB-04. POA Indicators and Definitions • Y (for yes): Present at the time of inpatient admission. • N (for no): Not present at the time of inpatient admission. • U (for unknown): The documentation is insufficient to determine if the condition was present at the time of inpatient admission. • W (for clinically undetermined): The provider is unable to clinically determine whether the condition was present at the time of inpatient admission or not. • 1 (for unreported/not used): Exempt from POA reporting. Note: The ICD-9-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting includes a list of diagnoses codes that are exempt from POA reporting. Use POA indicator 1 only for codes on the list. KMAP will not pay the complication comorbidity/major complication comorbidity (CC/MCC) DRG for those selected hospital acquired conditions (HACs) that are coded as "U" for the POA indicator. KMAP will not pay the CC/MCC for those selected HACs that are coded as "1" for the POA indicator. The "1" POA indicator should not be applied to any codes on the HAC list. These claims will deny as ungroupable, and providers will need to correct and resubmit the claim for reimbursement. HAC information is available on the CMS website at: http://www.cms.hhs.gov/HospitalAcqCond/06_Hospital-Acquired_Conditions.asp#TopOfPage These POA guidelines are not intended to replace any found in the ICD-9-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting nor are they intended to provide guidance on when a condition should be coded. They should be used in conjunction with the UB-04 Data Specifications Manual and the ICD-9-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting to facilitate the assignment of the POA indicator for each “principal” diagnosis and “other” diagnoses codes reported on claim forms (UB-04 and 837 Institutional). Psychiatric Observation Beds When an inpatient hospital admission follows a psychiatric observation stay, the observation days should be billed on the inpatient claim. The observation bed days then become part of the DRG payment to the hospital. Transfers When billing medically necessary incoming transfers, in FL 80 on claims for incoming transfers from other hospitals under "Remarks" enter "direct transfer from (hospital, city)". Swing Bed Nursing Facility When billing for a swing bed nursing facility (NF), the following must be observed: 1) Your hospital must be certified by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) as a swing bed NF hospital. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BILLING INSTRUCTIONS 7-15 7020. Updated 12/08 2) Notify the local SRS income maintenance (IM) worker immediately when an SRS beneficiary is placed in a swing bed NF. Notification shall be performed by completing parts I and II of the MS-2126. (Refer to Section 7010.) Once the IM worker has received the MS-2126, the beneficiary’s case will be budgeted for long-term care. The hospital will then be notified via a "Notice of Action" as to the beneficiary’s liability to the hospital while in the swing bed NF. Providers must bill the full amount and patient liability will be deducted during processing. When billing for a swing bed, a separate claim must be submitted for each calendar month. Note: Do not attach a copy of either the MS-2126 or Notice of Action to your claim form. 3) Bill all NF days for eligible Medicare patients to Medicare first. Medicaid can be billed for any remaining amounts using the inpatient Medicare claim crossover method. (Refer to Section 3200.) If Medicare will not pay for the NF days, a copy of either the Medicare Report of Eligibility (ROE) or a Medicare denial must be attached to the Medicaid billing supporting nonpayment by Medicare. 4) Before a transfer to a swing bed NF occurs, the patient must be discharged from the inpatient unit. Use the appropriate three-digit type of bill code in FL 4 on the UB-04 claim form. (Refer to Section 7000.) Remember, the inpatient unit is not reimbursed for the date of discharge since the swing bed NF will be reimbursed for the date of admission. 5) The appropriate accommodation revenue code applicable to the patient's level of care shall be entered in FL 42. Bill the total number of days in FL 46 (units). In FL 47, place the total charge of days billed. Ancillary charges: Cannot be billed on the swing bed NF claim. Any ancillary services received by the patient while in a swing bed NF, must be billed on a UB-04 claim form using the outpatient type of bill code (FL 4) and the correct HCPCS code and revenue code for the ancillary services provided. (See items 7 and 8 for supplies/services which are content of service for swing bed NF and cannot be billed separately). Indicate condition code D9 (any other change) in FL 18-28, and enter the from and through dates of service in FL 6 on the UB-04 claim form. When multiple dates of service are being billed, enter only the first date of service in FL 45 on the UB-04 claim form. Pharmacy: Pharmacy services for swing bed claims need to be billed on a pharmacy claim form from a Medicaid-enrolled outpatient pharmacy. Refer to the Pharmacy Provider Manual for billing instructions. Supplies: When billing for supplies provided by the swing bed facility over and above the supplies included in the reimbursement rate, use procedure code 99070 - bill one unit per day. Claims must include both revenue codes and HCPCS codes. Therapy: Physical, occupational and speech therapy may be billed as outpatient hospital services for clients in hospital swing beds and long-term care units attached to hospitals. 6) With the exception of the billing guidelines addressed above, the remainder of the claim form is to be completed in the same manner as an inpatient submission. Refer to instructions in Section 7000 of this manual. 7) A hospital may not charge Medicaid beneficiaries for providing routine supplies and services since the hospital is required to provide routine supplies and services to Medicaid swing bed patients, and the cost of providing routine supplies and services is included in the hospital's swing bed per diem reimbursement. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BILLING INSTRUCTIONS 7-16 7020. Updated 10/09 8) Routine is defined as an item that is commonly stocked for use by anyone. It is an item that may or may not be specifically assigned or prescribed to any one patient. Routine items covered by the drug program when ordered by a physician for occasional use are included in the per diem reimbursement. Since items considered to be routine for residents of adult care homes are also considered to be routine for swing bed NF patients, refer to Section 8400 of the Nursing/Intermediate Care Facility Provider Manual. Any routine item billed on the outpatient hospital claim form will be denied. Nonroutine is defined as a specifically prescribed item for a resident for an acute or chronic need. A medication order may be considered nonroutine if it is not a stock item of the facility or is a stock item with unusually high usage by the individual. End Stage Renal Disease Providers can enroll to perform end-stage renal disease (ESRD) services with KHPA as a provider type and specialty 30/300 (Renal Dialysis Center). Outpatient Note: Outpatient hospital claims which require medical necessity documentation may be billed electronically. Medical necessity documentation must be retained in the provider's file and made available for review on a postpay basis. Refer to your EMS Operators Manual for additional information. It is not required that providers roll-up their charges into the covered HCPCS code they are billing. Providers can bill the HCPCS code they are providing, and the processing system will allow the covered charges and deny the services that are content or noncovered. Prosthetics and Orthotics Hospitals must enroll as P&O providers and bill on the professional claim form (CMS-1500) or 837 professional transaction when providing these services. Contact the Provider Enrollment Assistance Unit at 1-800-933-6593 or 785-291-4145 (local). Prosthetic and orthotic items cannot be billed as ancillary services on the UB-04 claim form. Exception: Prosthesis implanted by a surgical procedure may be billed on the hospital claim form for inpatient services. DME Purchase/Rental All DME services are covered for in-home use only. DME services (purchase or rental) are noncovered in nursing facilities, swing bed facilities, state institutions, intermediate care facilities/mental retardation (ICF/MR), psychiatric residential treatment facilities (PRTF), head injury facilities (HI), rehab facilities, and hospitals. If the facility receives a per diem rate for a beneficiary, the DME services are considered content of the per diem and are the responsibility of the facility. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BILLING INSTRUCTIONS 7-17 7020. Updated 12/08 Emergency Renal Dialysis Outpatient emergency renal dialysis must be billed utilizing the following diagnosis codes in FL 67 of the UB-04 claim form. Diagnosis Codes 5845 - 5849 63630 6393 63430 63730 66930 63530 63830 9585 Emergency Room/Department Services Enter the time of day (using the continental time system, i.e., 0000-2300) in FL 13, admission hour. Emergency services provided in the emergency department must be billed using the appropriate evaluation and management (E&M) emergency department or critical care procedure code from the CPT® codebook. Please reference the CPT® codebook for information on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and American Medical Association's (AMA) documentation guidelines as well as directions for assigning codes for emergency services. Copies of "detailed" documentation guidelines have been published by CMS, Blue Cross & Blue Shield (BCBS), and the Kansas Foundation for Medical Care (KFMC). E&M procedure codes applicable to emergency department services include: 99281 99282 99283 99284 99285 99291 99292 Refer to the CPT® codebook for procedure code nomenclature. Locum Tenens Physicians • Locum tenens physicians must not be in place for more than one year. • It is the provider's responsibility to insure a locum tenens physician covering for a KMAP provider is not excluded from participation in governmental programs including Medicaid. • Upon review of claims, payments will be recouped if it is determined that KMAP paid for a service that was provided by a locum tenens physician who was excluded from participation in governmental programs including Medicaid on the date of service. Mid-Level Practitioners Physician assistants (PAs) and advanced registered nurse practitioners (ARNPs) must be enrolled as Medicaid providers to bill for services. Indicate the PA’s or ARNP’s number as the attending physician on the UB-04 claim form. ARNPs and PAs are reimbursed 75 percent of the Medicaid allowed amount for services provided. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BILLING INSTRUCTIONS 7-18 7020. Updated 10/09 Modifiers for ER Services Modifier ET must be added to the base E&M procedure code when billing the hospital ER/observation room and supplies. When billing for the hospital-based physician, indicate the base code only (no modifier). Nonemergency A revenue code is not required for any outpatient service. Use appropriate HCPCS procedure codes. In the instance of a nonemergent visit, procedure code 99281 may be used. Submit only your charges for the hospital-based physician professional fee and covered diagnostic tests, endoscopic procedures, therapy, etc. Related codes include 99281ET and 99070ET. Enter the time of day using the continental time system if the services are provided between 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. (1800 and 0800 hours) in FL 13, admission hour. Bilateral Procedures Bilateral procedures performed during the same operative session shall be billed with the appropriate procedure code. To be consistent with Medicare, if a procedure is identified in the CPT® codebook as one that should have modifier 50 added when performed bilaterally, bill the procedure as a single line item with modifier 50. For example, to bill the excision of bilateral nasal polyps, the provider should indicate procedure code 3011050 on one detail line on the claim. Reimbursement will be made for the bilateral procedure. 'E' Diagnosis Codes External causes of injury and poisoning diagnosis ('E') codes are accepted on a claim as a secondary diagnosis when billed in conjunction with a covered primary diagnosis code. Observation Room Procedure cCode 99218 ET should be billed for any service which requires monitoring a patient's condition beyond the usual amount of time in an outpatient setting. This code shall not be used to bill for the recovery room. Sterilization Procedures When a sterilization is performed in conjunction with, or secondary to an inpatient procedure (e.g., delivery) and the sterilization is not covered (e.g., failure to obtain the Sterilization Consent Form), remove all procedure codes and charges related to the sterilization from the claim and bill the primary procedure only. Carefully document in the medical record the reason the sterilization was not billed on the claim. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BILLING INSTRUCTIONS 7-19 7020. Updated 10/09 Physician Clinic Services Currently, some physicians make scheduled visits once or twice a week to rural hospitals and see patients in the emergency room which functions as their office. Physician clinic services provided in a hospital location are considered content of the physician service and should not be billed to Medicaid or the beneficiary. However, in this instance the hospital can bill procedure code 99070 for use of room and supplies. Professional Fees The only physician services which can be billed by the hospital on the UB-04 claim form are hospital-based physicians assigned to the emergency department. Professional/Technical Component Billing Components: Professional Enter the HCPCS base code for services rendered, including modifier 26. (Example: 7207026). Technical Enter the HCPCS base code of the service performed, including modifier TC. (Example: 72070TC). Note: Hospitals billing the base code for radiology procedures will be reimbursed at the TC rate. Professional and Technical Enter the HCPCS base code of the service performed. (Example: 72070) The same procedures performed on the same day: • Must be billed on the same claim • Must clarify the reason for billing more than one procedure (e.g., two x-rays at two different times; left arm, right arm) When the same procedures are not billed on the same claim, the additional claim(s) will be denied as a duplicate. To seek reimbursement for additional services when this occurs: Submit an underpayment adjustment using the internal control number (ICN) from the remittance advice (RA) of the paid claim, and state on the adjustment request that more than one procedure was performed on the same day. Refer to Section 5600 of the General Billing Provider Manual for details. Unit Billing When billing for outpatient hospital services, round units to the nearest whole number. Do not bill fractions of units. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BILLING INSTRUCTIONS 7-20 7020. Updated 01/10 Wrong Surgical or Other Invasive Procedure Performed on a Patient; Surgical or Other Invasive Procedure Performed on the Wrong Body Part; Surgical or Other Invasive Procedure Performed on the Wrong Patient Effective with claims processed on and after February 2, 2010, and retroactive to dates of service on and after January 15, 2009, the KHPA Medical Plans will not cover a particular surgical or other invasive procedure to treat a particular medical condition when the practitioner erroneously performs: 1) a different procedure altogether; 2) the correct procedure but on the wrong body part; or 3) the correct procedure but on the wrong patient. Medicaid will also not cover hospitalizations and other services related to these noncovered procedures. None of the erroneous surgeries or services are billable to the beneficiary. All services provided in the operating room when an error occurs are considered related and therefore are not covered. All providers in the operating room when the error occurs who could bill individually for their services must submit claims for these services but are not eligible for reimbursement for these services. All of these providers must submit separate claims for these services using the appropriate methods. Inpatient Claims Hospitals are required to bill two claims when the erroneous surgery(s) is reported. • One claim with covered service(s)/procedure(s) unrelated to the erroneous surgery(s) on a type of bill (TOB) 11X (with the exception of 110) • One claim with the noncovered service(s)/procedure(s) related to the erroneous surgery(s) on a TOB 110 (no-pay claim) o The noncovered TOB 110 will be required to be submitted on the UB-04 (hard copy) claim form. o For claims on and after January 15, 2009, through September 30, 2009, providers are required to report in form locator (FL) 80 Remarks, one of the applicable two-digit surgical error codes as follows: MX: For a wrong surgery on patient MY: For surgery on the wrong body part MZ: For surgery on the wrong patient Providers are required to report as an “other diagnosis” one of the applicable External Cause of Injury Codes for wrong surgery performed: • E876.5: Performance of wrong operation (procedure) on correct patient • E876.6: Performance of operation (procedure) on patient not scheduled for surgery • E876.7: Performance of correct operation (procedure) on wrong side/body part Note: These E codes are not to be submitted in the E code field on the UB-04. Outpatient, Ambulatory Surgical Centers, Other Appropriate Bill Types and Practitioner Claims For dates of services on and after July 1, 2009, the providers are required to append one of the following applicable modifiers to all lines related to the erroneous surgery(s): • PA: Surgery Wrong Body Part • PB: Surgery Wrong Patient • PC: Wrong Surgery on Patient KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BILLING INSTRUCTIONS 7-21 7030. STATE INSTITUTION FOR M/H BILLING INSTRUCTIONS Updated 10/09 Introduction to the UB-04 Claim Form State institution for mental health providers must use the UB-04 red claim form (or accepted electronic equivalent) when requesting payment for medical services and supplies provided under the Kansas Medical Assistance Program. Any UB-04 claim not submitted on the red claim form will be returned to the provider. An example of the UB-04 claim form is on the public and secure websites (see the Table of Contents for hyperlinks) in the Forms section at the end of this manual. Instructions for completing this form are included in the following pages. The Kansas MMIS will be using electronic imaging and optical character recognition (OCR) equipment. Therefore, information will not be recognized if not submitted in the correct fields as instructed. The fiscal agent does not furnish the UB-04 claim form to providers. Refer to Section 1100 of the General Introduction Provider Manual. The following numbered form locators (FL) fields are to be completed when required or if applicable. Billing Instructions: FL 1 (No Field Name) - Required. Enter the name and address of the billing provider. FL 3A Patient Control No. Enter a patient account number if desired. (This number will be referenced on the Remittance Advice [RA].) FL 3B Medical Record No.-Desired. Enter the patient’s medical record number. (This number will appear on the provider’s RA.) FL 4 Type of Bill - Required. Enter the 3-digit number specific to the type of claim. 1st digit indicates facility. (Always a 2 or 6.) 2nd digit indicates location within facility. 3rd digit indicates the frequency of the claim billed. Medicaid allowed codes: 1st digit: 1 Hospital (IP/OP) FL 6 2nd digit: 1 Inpatient 3rd digit: 0 1 2 3 4 Non-payment/zero claim Admit through discharge claim Interim - first claim Interim - continuing claim Interim - last claim (thru date is discharge date) Statement Covers Period - From/Through - Required. Enter dates of admission and discharge from and through dates in MM/DD/CCYY format. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BILLING INSTRUCTIONS 7-22 7030. Updated 10/09 FL 7 Covered Days - Required - Inpatient Only. Enter the number of days for which you are billing. Note: Count date of admission, but not date of discharge. FL 8B Patient Name - Required - Enter patient's last name, first name and middle initial exactly as it appears on the ID card. FL 10 Birthdate - Required. Enter patient's date of birth in MM/DD/YYYY format (i.e. October 1, 1957 would be listed as 10/01/1957). FL 12 Admission Date - Required. Enter date patient was admitted to the facility in MM/DD/CCYY format. FL 17 Patient Status - Required - Inpatient Only. Enter a two-digit code to indicate status of patient: 01 Discharged to home or self care (routine discharge) 02 Discharged/transferred to another short-term general hospital for inpatient care 03 Discharged/transferred to skilled nursing facility (SNF) with Medicare certification 04 Discharged/transferred to a facility that provides custodial or supportive care an Intermediate Care Facility (ICF) 05 Discharge/transfer to a designated cancer center or children’s hospital 06 Discharged/transferred to a home under care of organized home health service organization 07 Left against medical advice or discontinued care 08 Discharged/transferred to home under care of a home IV drug therapy provider (This is not a certified Medicare provider.) 09 Admitted as an inpatient to this hospital (for use on Medicare Outpatient Hospital claims only) 20 Expired (or did not recover - Christian Science Patient) 21 Discharged/transferred to court/law enforcement 30 Still patient 40 Expired at home (hospice claims only) 41 Expired in a medical facility, such as a hospital, SNF, ICF, or freestanding hospice (hospice claims only) 42 Expired - place unknown (hospice claims only.) 43 Discharge/transferred to a Federal Health Care Facility 50 Discharge to hospice – home 51 Discharge to hospice - medical facility 61 Discharged/transferred to a hospital-based, Medicare-approved, swing bed KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BILLING INSTRUCTIONS 7-23 7030. Update 10/09 62 63 64 65 66 70 FL 18-28 Discharged/transferred to an inpatient rehabilitation facility (IRF) distinct part units of a hospital Discharged/transferred to a Medicare certified long term care hospital (LTCH) Discharge/transferred to a nursing facility certified under Medicaid but not certified under Medicare Discharged/transferred to a psychiatric hospital or psychiatric distinct part unit of a hospital Discharged/transferred to a Critical Access Hospital (CAH) for discharge dates on or after January 1, 2006 Discharge/transfer to another type of health care institution not defined elsewhere in the code list Condition Codes – Optional. Enter one of these two-digit codes to indicate a condition(s) relating to inpatient or outpatient claims, special programs or procedures (e.g. KAN Be Healthy, sterilization, etc.). Note: This is not a complete list. For a complete list of Condition Codes contact Customer Service. 01 02 03 67* 80 A1 A4 AA AB AI D9* Military service related Condition is employment related Patient covered by insurance not reflected here Beneficiary elects not to use life time reserve (LTR) days *This will now replace the Z1 Medicare Part A benefits exhausted condition code. The verbiage in the explanation of condition code 67 means the patient’s benefits are exhausted. Home Dialysis – Nursing Facility KAN Be Healthy (EPSDT) Family Planning Abortion performed due to rape Abortion performed due to incest Sterilization Any other change *This will now replace the XO swing bed condition code. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BILLING INSTRUCTIONS 7-24 7030. Updated 10/09 FL 31-34 Occurrence Codes/Dates: OCCURRENCE CODES CAN ONLY BE SUBMITTED ON LINE A. The following occurrence codes must be indicated if reporting information on type of accident, crime victim, other insurance denial or date of TPR termination, or aborted surgery, false labor or nondelivery claim where associated services are indicated. Note: This is not a complete list. For a complete list of Occurrence Codes contact Customer Service. 01 02 03 04 05 06 24 25 A3 B3 C3 Accident/medical coverage No fault insurance involved – including auto accident/other Accident/tort liability Accident/employment related Accident/no medical or liability coverage Crime victim Date insurance denied Date benefits terminated by primary payer Benefits exhausted, Payer A Benefits exhausted, Payer B Benefits exhausted, Payer C All fiscal agent/KHPA SRS guidelines remain the same regarding attachments required for TPR proof and SSA/Medicare EOMBs. FL 39 Value Codes/Amount – Required if applicable. • Enter D3 for nonpatient obligation as the value code. Enter the nonpatient obligation dollar amount in the Amount field. Examples of nonpatient obligation are Parental, Spousal, and Trust. • Enter 80 for covered days and enter the number of covered days in the Amount field. Note: Count the date of admission but not the date of discharge. *FL 42 Revenue Code – Required. Enter the three-digit code identifying the type of accommodation services. Use only the revenue codes listed below: 101 All inclusive room and board 180 NF/MH reserve days 181 Home therapeutic reserve days ICF/MH – 21 days per calendar year 183 Home leave days / Therapeutic leave days 185 Hospital leave days 189 Noncovered days *FL 45 Service Date – Required. Enter first date of service for the detail line. *FL 46 Service Units - Required. Enter the total number of days for each detail line. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BILLING INSTRUCTIONS 7-25 7030. Updated 09/07 FL 47 Total Charges - Required. Enter total charges billed. FL 50 Payer Name - Required. Enter all third party resources (TPR). If TPR does exist, it must be billed first. Lines B and C should indicate secondary and tertiary coverage. Medicaid will be either the secondary or tertiary coverage and the last payer. When B and C are completed, the remainder of this line must be completed as well as FL 58-62. Medicare needs to always be the last entry. FL 54 Prior Payments - Required if other insurance is involved. Enter amount paid by other insurance. Medicare needs to always be the last entry. Do not enter patient liability amount. It is automatically deducted during claim processing. FL 57 Other Provider ID: Enter either qualifier ‘1D’ and the billing provider’s KMAP provider ID or qualifier ‘ZZ’ and the taxonomy code. FL 60 Insured’s Unique ID: Enter the 11-digit number from the beneficiary’s medical card on line C. FL 61-62 Group Name/Insurance Group No. - Required if Medicaid is not primary payer. Enter the primary insurance information on line A and Medicare on line C. FL 67A-Q Prin. Diag. Cd. - Required. Enter the ICD-9-CM code indicating the primary diagnosis and additional diagnoses. FL 76 Attending - Optional. a. Enter attending physician's NPI, or the appropriate qualifier and physician’s KMAP provider ID or taxonomy code. b. Enter attending physician's Medicaid provider name as last name and then first name. FL 80 Remarks – Optional. Specify additional information as necessary. Submission of Claim: Send completed claim to: Kansas Medical Assistance Program Office of the Fiscal Agent P.O. Box 3571 Topeka, Kansas 66601-3571 KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BILLING INSTRUCTIONS 7-26 7030. Updated 10/09 STATE INSTITUTION FOR M/H SPECIFIC BILLING INFORMATION Accommodation and Ancillary Charges If the individual accommodation and ancillary services exceed the detail lines on the UB-04 claim form, providers may combine all similar revenue code charges together (e.g., lab, radiology) when necessary. Accommodation codes may also be 'lumped' together when necessary. This will not affect the reimbursement of the claim. State institutions may bill for ancillary services without indicating an accommodation code. Medicare B Services When Medicare B payment is made on an inpatient claim, indicate the amount paid as Prior Payment in FL 54 on the UB-04 claim form. Other Insurance When a beneficiary has other insurance, proof of payment or denial is required. Enter the amount paid by the other insurance carrier in FL 54 on the claim form. Refer to Section 3300 of the General Third Party Payments Provider Manual for specific instructions on submitting claims when other insurance is involved. Patient/Parental Liability Indicate any patient or parental liability in FL 54 on the UB-04 claim form. Payment will be deducted accordingly. Transfers When billing medically necessary incoming transfers, the following should be entered on claims for incoming transfers from other hospitals: In FL 84, Remarks, enter "direct transfer from (hospital, city)." Reserve Days Indicate revenue code 189 in FL 42 when billing for reserve days. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BILLING INSTRUCTIONS 7-27 BENEFITS AND LIMITATIONS 8100. COPAYMENT Updated 10/09 General hospital inpatient services require a copayment of $48 per inpatient admission. General hospital outpatient surgery requires a copayment of $3 per surgery. General hospital nonemergency outpatient services in place of a doctor's office visit require a copayment of $3 per visit. Ambulatory surgical center services require a copayment of $3 per day. Inpatient free standing private psychiatric facility services require a copayment of $48 per admission. Specialty hospital (rehabilitation facilities, teaching facilities, etc.) inpatient services require a copayment of $48 per inpatient admission. State psychiatric facility beneficiaries are exempt from copayment requirements. Transferring inpatient hospital admissions are exempt from copayment requirements. Copayment will be deducted from the receiving hospital. Bill all services occurring on the same date on the same claim form. If multiple claims are submitted for the same date(s) of service, the copayment requirement will be deducted for each claim submitted. Do not reduce charges or balance due by the copayment amount. This reduction will be made automatically during claim processing. Refer to Section 3000 of the General Third Party Payments Provider Manual for exceptions. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-1 BENEFITS AND LIMITATIONS 8200. MEDICAL ASSESSMENT Updated 08/07 Documentation: To verify services provided in the course of a postpayment review, documentation in the patient's medical record must support the service billed. Documentation can be requested at any time to verify that services have been provided within program guidelines. Refer to Section 5000 of the General Billing Provider Manual. Autoauthentication (computerized authentication) of documentation for the medical record is acceptable documentation for the Kansas Medical Assistance Program. Autoauthentication must meet federal guidelines. It may be necessary to contact the ordering physician for medical necessity information. Federal regulation 42 CFR 482.24 (c) (1) (i) requires that there must be a method of determining that the physician authenticated the document after transcription. All entries must be legible and complete and must be authenticated and dated promptly by the person (identified by name and discipline) who is responsible for ordering, providing, or evaluating the service furnished. The author of each entry must be identified and must authenticate his or her entry. Authentication may include the author's signature, written initials, or computer entry. The information below indicates medical information which may be necessary to document medical necessity of those diagnoses designated as “sometimes payable” on the screen. Abdominal Plain Films and Ultrasound: Abdominal plain films and ultrasound are medically necessary if the diagnosis indicates abdominal pain, nausea/vomiting, complications associated with ulcers, intestinal obstruction, gall bladder disease, malignant neoplasm of the abdominal organs, injury to the abdomen or nephrolithiasis. It may be necessary to contact the ordering physician for medical necessity information. An abdominal plain film may be warranted in a pregnant patient if: • Fetal position is questionable. • Obstetrical ultrasound is unavailable and patient is in labor. Electrocardiograms (EKGs): Electrocardiograms (up to 12 leads) are considered medically necessary when the diagnosis and/or condition clearly indicates one or more of the following: • Relevant cardiopulmonary diagnosis • Significant electrolyte imbalance • Drug induced EKG changes (identify the drug) • Progressive renal disease • Unstable thyroid disease • Specific central nervous system (CNS) disorders causing EKG changes KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-2 8200. Updated 9/06 • • • • • Congenital disorders causing EKG changes Symptomatic hypothermia Shortness of breath Fainting spells Monitoring the effects of psychotropic drugs for potential cardiac effects (identify the drug) Preoperative EKGs are medically necessary for patients over age 40, or those patients under 40 with a history of cardiac problems. It may be necessary to contact the ordering physician for medical necessity information. Cardiac Rehabilitation: Phase II Cardiac Rehabilitation is covered using procedure code 93798. This procedure is covered when performed in an outpatient or cardiac rehabilitation unit setting, with the following criteria: • Beneficiary must have a recent cardiology consultation within three months of starting the cardiac rehabilitation program. • Beneficiary must have completed Phase I Cardiac Rehabilitation. • Beneficiary must have one or more of the following diagnoses/conditions: o Acute myocardial infarction (410.00 – 410.92, 414.8) within the preceding three months, post inpatient discharge o Coronary bypass (V45.81) surgery within the preceding three months, post inpatient discharge o Stable angina pectoris (413.9 and 413.0) within three months post diagnosis Chest X-Rays: Chest X-rays are determined medically necessary if: • History or indication of cardiopulmonary disease, malignancy, cardiovascular accident (CVA), or long bone fracture • Recent thoracic surgery • Thoracic injury • Chronic cough of over one month duration o (Specify as chronic in the diagnosis field. If this designation is not supplied, the condition will be considered acute and the X-ray denied.) Pre-operative and routine admission chest X-rays are noncovered unless documentation of medical necessity (one or more of the following factors) is noted on the claim: • Sixty years of age or older • Pre-existing or suspected cardiopulmonary disease • Smoker over age forty • Acute medical/surgical conditions such as malignancy or trauma KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-3 8200. Updated 10/09 Claims denied because other factors are listed, will be reconsidered if appealed (refer to Section 5300 of the General Billing Provider Manual). It may be necessary to contact the ordering physician for medical necessity information. CT Scans - Abdominal A CT scan of the abdomen is medically necessary if the diagnosis indicates a malignant neoplasm of the intra-abdominal cavity, lung or genital organs, lymphoma, diseases of the spleen, liver abscess, peritonitis, pancreatitis, abdominal trauma, or abdominal mass. A CT scan of the abdomen may be medically necessary for abdominal pain, abdominal aneurysm, acute lymphocytic leukemia, or any malignant neoplasm not located in the intra-abdominal cavity, lung or genital organs. Inclusion of the following documentation will assist in the adjudication of your claim. Abdominal Pain: Indicate the severity and chronicity of the pain, presenting symptoms and suspected conditions or complications. Abdominal Aneurysms: Indicate the presenting symptoms and suspected complications. Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia: Indicate the presenting symptoms and a detailed description of area(s) involved. Malignant Neoplasm Not Located in the Intra-Abdominal Cavity, Lung or Genital Organs: Indicate pertinent symptoms and if performed as part of staging the disease process. It may be necessary to contact the ordering physician for medical necessity information. CT Scans - Head or Brain A CT scan of the head or brain is medically necessary if the diagnosis indicates intracranial masses/tumors, intracranial congenital anomalies, hydrocephalus, brain infarcts, parencephalic cyst formation, open or closed head injury, progressive headache with or without trauma, intracranial bleeding, aneurysms, or the presence of a neurological deficit. A CT scan of the head or brain may also be medically necessary with the indication of headache, epilepsy, syncope, dizziness, or acute lymphocytic leukemia. Inclusion of the following documentation will assist in adjudication of your claim: Headache - Indicate length of chronicity and any accompanying central nervous system (CNS) symptoms. Epilepsy - Specify if initial or repeat scan, indicate if suspected injury occurred during seizure. Syncope - Specify if recurrent or single episode. Dizziness - Specify if recurrent or single episode. Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia - Indicate any accompanying CNS symptoms. It may be necessary to contact the ordering physician for medical necessity information. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-4 8200. Updated 12/08 Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a covered service under KMAP with PA. The following criteria must be met before a PA will be approved. 1. The services must be for one of the following conditions: a. Acute carbon monoxide intoxication b. Decompression illness c. Gas embolism d. Gas gangrene e. Acute traumatic peripheral ischemia f. Compromised skin grafts g. Chronic refractory osteomyelitis h. Osteoradionecrosis i. Soft tissue radionecrosis j. Cyanide poisoning k. Actinomycosis l. Crush injuries and suturing of severed limbs m. Progressive necrotizing infections n. Acute peripheral arterial insufficiency o. Diabetic wounds of lower extremities 2. It must be documented that other treatments have been attempted with no improvement. Facilities can bill for this procedure using procedure codes 99183 or C1300 (one unit equals 30 minutes with a maximum of four units allowed per treatment session) (four units equals one session, up to two hours). The facility must choose which procedure code they will bill prior to the approval of the PA. If there are multiple treatment sessions on the same day (more than four units for facilities), each subsequent session must be billed on a separate detail line with a 76 modifier. MRI - Head or Brain MRI scan of the head or brain is medically necessary if the diagnosis indicates intracranial injury, intracranial mass/tumor, CNS malignancies, cerebrovascular disorder, cerebral malformations, disorders of the cerebral hemispheres and higher brain functions, demyelinating diseases, extrapyramidal and cerebellar disorders, brain abscesses, encephalitis, tuberculous meningitis, or the presence of a neurological deficit. MRI scan of the head or brain may also be medically necessary with the indication of headache, seizure disorders, syncope, dizziness, or non-CNS malignancies. Inclusion of the following information will assist in adjudication of your claim: Headache - Indicate length of chronicity and any accompanying neurologic symptoms. Seizure - Specify if initial or repeat scan, and if seizures (or convulsions) are of disorders (or convulsions) are of recent onset, frequency of their occurrence, and any accompanying neurologic symptoms. Syncope - Specify if recurrent or single episode and any accompanying neurologic symptoms. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-5 8200. Updated 3/06 Dizziness - Specify if recurrent or single episode and any accompanying neurologic symptoms. Non-CNS Malignancies - Indicate any accompanying neurologic symptoms. It may be necessary to contact the ordering physician for medical necessity information. MRI - Breast MRI of the breast will be covered with the following indications: • Staging and therapy planning in patients diagnosed with breast cancer • Occult primary breast cancer when there are positive axillary nodes and no known primary tumor • Inconclusive diagnosis after a standard mammography evaluation, for example when scar tissue from previous surgery, dense breast tissue of breast implants render mammographic images inconclusive MRI used for screening for breast cancer is not justified. Skull X-Rays Skull X-rays are medically necessary if diagnosis indicates cranial trauma, primary or metastatic tumors of the skull, or tumors of the pituitary gland. A skull X-ray may also be medically necessary for indication of chronic sinusitis, trigeminal neuralgia, or anomalies relating to the head. Inclusion of the following documentation will assist in the adjudication of your claim: Chronic Sinusitis - Indicate any pertinent specific suspected complications resulting from chronicity. Trigeminal Neuralgia - Specify type of lesion suspected. Anomalies relating to the head - Specify if done as a scout film for non-cosmetic reconstructive surgery. Indicate type of surgery under consideration. It may be necessary to contact the ordering physician for medical necessity information. Sonograms - Non-Obstetrical Pelvic Non-obstetrical pelvic sonograms are determined medically necessary if the diagnosis indicates pelvic mass or pain, ovarian cyst, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, possible retained products of conception, or question/history of metastatic disease. Non-obstetrical pelvic sonograms may be medically necessary if there is an indication of vaginal bleeding or irregular menstrual cycles. It may be necessary to contact the ordering physician for medical necessity information. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-6 8200. Updated 05/08 Obstetrical Pelvic Sonograms Routine obstetrical sonograms for a normal pregnancy are not covered. One routine sonogram will be covered per fetus per pregnancy using the diagnoses V220V222. A routine obstetrical (OB) sonogram will not be covered if the sonogram is performed solely to determine the fetal sex or to provide parents a view and photograph of the fetus. Primary diagnosis shall support medical necessity for an OB sonogram. Some examples are: indication of vaginal bleeding, multiple birth, diabetes, size/date discrepancy, fetal anomalies, threatened abortion, placental/uterine abnormalities, fetal demise, maternal drug/alcohol/tobacco use, or history of previous miscarriage, Cesarean Section, stillbirth, ectopic pregnancy, eclampsia, or intra-uterine growth retardation. Medical necessity may also be determined based on maternal age, maternal weight, or fetal position. If applicable, this information should be submitted with the claim. It may be necessary to contact the ordering physician for medical necessity information. A biophysical profile will not be reimbursed when a complete OB sonogram has been billed for the same date of service. Upper Gastrointestinal Series Upper Gastrointestinal (UGI) series are medically necessary if the primary diagnosis indicates persistent dysphagia, melena, symptoms of UGI tract bleeding or signs and symptoms of ulcers affecting the UGI tract after a trial of medicinal therapy has failed to relieve the symptoms. State guidelines allow one UGI series per day, per beneficiary, regardless of provider. UGI series may also be medically necessary when diagnoses such as abdominal pain and dyspepsia are used. When these common nonspecific diagnosis codes are used, additional symptoms and/or circumstances that relate to the medical necessity of the procedure must be indicated. Examples of additional information which will assist in adjudication of your claim are as follows: • Is the symptom persistent? If so, how long has the symptom persisted? • Is the symptom recurrent? When was the last episode? • Has the symptom or condition increased in severity? • Was medicinal therapy initiated prior to any procedure being performed? If so, indicate the date each therapy was initiated, name(s) of medication (list all GI related medications tried) and the length of time each medication was tried. What was the patient's response to each treatment? • If a chronic condition, has there been a change in symptoms? If so, describe the change(s). • If cancer diagnosis codes are used, what symptoms are present that indicate UGI involvement? Claims for UGI X-rays are denied reimbursement when the diagnosis code on the claim is either too nonspecific or is the result, rather than the reason, for the procedure. Whenever possible, use the symptoms that most clearly describe the reason for the test. It may be necessary to contact the ordering physician for medical necessity information. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-7 8200. Updated 3/06 Emergency Room/Department (Outpatient Hospital): General Information: The State of Kansas defines emergency services as follows: KAR 30-5-58 (42) "Emergency services are those services provided after the sudden onset of a medical condition manifested by symptoms of sufficient severity, including severe pain, that the absence of immediate medical attention could reasonably be expected to result in placing the patient's health in serious jeopardy, serious impairment of bodily functions, or serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part." KAR 30-5-81 (b) (4) "Services provided in the Emergency Department shall be emergency services." Emergency status is determined based on conditions relating to the emergency visit, not the patient's age and time of admission to the emergency department. Emergency department claims are limited to one visit per beneficiary, per date of service unless accompanying documentation verifies the necessity for more than one emergency room/department visit. Direct physical attendance by a physician or mid-level practitioner is required in "emergency" situations. If the physician or mid-level practitioner has not made entries on the record other than his/her signature and/or diagnosis and documentation does not indicate that he/she had examined the patient, the visit will not be considered emergent. Phone or standing orders do not support emergency treatment. Axillary temperatures are not considered accurate and will be disregarded when determining emergent status. Beneficiaries may go to the emergency room without a referral from their physician based on the definition of an emergency according to a prudent layperson (as defined by the Balanced Budget Act, 1997): What a layperson would consider an emergency in the absence of medical knowledge. Such an emergency could include, but is not limited to: serious impairment to bodily functions; serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part; severe pain; or an injury/illness that places the health of the individual in serious jeopardy (and in the case of a pregnant woman, her health or that of her unborn child). Other Examples of Emergencies are: o Initial treatment for medical emergencies including indications of severe chest pain, dyspnea, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, spontaneous abortion, loss of consciousness, status epilepticus or other conditions considered "life-threatening." o Patients who require transfer to another facility for further treatment or who expire. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-8 8200. Updated 3/06 Nonemergent Situations: o Intentional non-compliance with previously ordered medications and treatments resulting in continued symptoms of the same condition. o Refusal to comply with currently ordered procedures/treatments such as drawing blood for laboratory work. o Leaving the emergency room against medical advice. o Scheduled visits to the emergency room for procedures, examinations or medication administration. Examples include cast changes, suture removal, dressing changes, follow-up examinations and second opinion consultations. o Visits made to receive a "tetanus" injection in the absence of other emergent conditions. o Visits made to obtain medication(s) in the absence of other emergent conditions. The following conditions will not be considered emergent unless the criteria described has been met: Alcoholism in and of itself is considered nonemergent unless documentation supports an emergent status (i.e., gastric bleeding or coma/stupor). Ambulance: A patient brought in by ambulance does not necessarily justify an emergency room visit. Guidelines for Use of Air Ambulance Services: Time: If time is a critical factor in the patient’s recovery or survival, or duration of ground transport would be excessive and potentially detrimental, air transport may be indicated. In general, if the ground ambulance can arrive at the destination institution within 20 minutes, it is the preferred mode of transport. Expertise: If the health care institution does not possess the expertise to provide the definitive care required to stabilize the patient (i.e., advanced life support) and the ground ambulance providers in the near vicinity cannot provide assistance in providing that care, air transport may be indicated. Coverage: If ground ambulance utilization leaves the service area without adequate ground coverage and patient outcome will be compromised by arranging other ground transport, air transport may be indicated. Documentation: The above guidelines serve as a guide to documentation which is necessary to determine proper reimbursement and must specify the indication and justification for air transport. If guidelines are not met, or are met but not documented, the billed transportation will be reimbursed at ground ambulance rates or denied altogether. Depression/Anxiety: Documentation must support the individual to be an immediate danger to self or others. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-9 8200. Updated 3/06 Disposition: If a patient's disposition is one of the following, the visit would be considered emergency: a) requires transfer to another facility for further treatment, b) has expired, expires enroute to the hospital or in the emergency room, c) requires extended observation or admission. Fevers must be considered with other documented symptoms. Generally, temperatures less than 103 rectally (children) or 102 orally (adults) are not considered emergent. Ear and axillary temperatures will be considered along with additional symptoms. Reported temperatures by patients are not acceptable for determining emergent status. Insect Bites, Stings, Embedded Ticks: Minor insect bites (tick) with simple local reactions only (i.e., erythema, local edema, itching) are not considered emergent. Medical Emergency: Initial treatment and/or stabilization for medical emergencies including indications of severe chest pain, dyspnea, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, spontaneous abortion, loss of consciousness, status epilepticus or other conditions considered "life-threatening" would be considered emergent. Just because these conditions may be considered "lifethreatening" at times, does not automatically indicate a Level of Care III. The Level of Care assignment is dependent upon the severity of the situation and the services provided. Mental Disorders such as depression or anxiety as an individual diagnosis is considered nonemergency unless the patient is noted to be suicidal or of immediate risk to self or others. Minor Burns/Sunburns: Minor burns/sunburns are considered nonemergent unless documentation supports the presence of complications such as severe swelling, infection, or the young age of the patient. Eye and chemical burns are considered emergent. Otitis Media: If tympanic membrane is bulging or ruptured, drainage from the ear(s), fever of 103 or above or is a child of age 3 or under and is crying inconsolably, a visit to the emergency room would be considered emergent for consideration of otitis media. If the physical examination reveals evidence of acute otitis media (after office hours or on the weekend), but does not meet any of the above criteria, the ED visit may be considered emergent because of the time of day/week. Patient Noncompliance: Intentional noncompliance with previously ordered medications and treatments resulting in continued symptoms of the same condition are considered nonemergent. Refusal to comply with currently ordered procedures/treatments such as drawing blood for laboratory work will also be considered nonemergent. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-10 8200. Updated 3/06 Removal of Cutaneous Foreign Bodies: Removal of cutaneous foreign bodies (i.e., simple splinters, cactus needles) are considered nonemergent unless sedation or the use of extensive medical supplies such as cutdowns are required. Seizures are considered emergent when: a) this is an initial seizure b) there is a secondary diagnosis noted (i.e., infection or headache) c) the patient is 12 years old or younger d) the seizure is still in progress or status epilepticus e) this is a febrile seizure f) the condition is aggravated by alcohol/drug ingestion g) this is a previously undiagnosed condition Scheduled Visits: Scheduled visits to the emergency department for procedures, examinations or medication administration (i.e., cast changes, suture removal, dressing changes, follow-up examinations and second opinion consultations) are considered nonemergent. When a patient leaves the emergency department against medical advice (AMA) the service is generally considered nonemergent. However, if the facility provided considerable services before the patient left AMA, the visit will be given consideration as emergent. Sickle Cell Anemia: If a person has sickle cell anemia and presents with suspicion of an infectious or hypoxic process, or complains of pain, the visit may be considered emergent. Skin Rash/Hives: Documentation must support presence of systemic complications beyond the local skin discomforts resulting from the rash. If the rash causes eye complications or the beneficiary has a history of anaphylactic (allergic) reactions, the visit is considered emergent. If the rash causes eye edema or impairment to eye function and the visit is over a weekend when there is no access to a physician's office, the visit may be considered emergent. A history of anaphylaxis along with the rash is considered emergent. Trauma/Injury: Recent trauma or injury is considered emergent. Recent is defined as an injury occurring within 48 hours prior to the emergency room visit. Minor abrasions/lacerations not requiring suture or other injuries not requiring treatment are not emergent. If the injury is older than 48 hours and symptoms have deteriorated to the point of requiring emergency care, consider as emergent. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-11 8200. Updated 12/08 An injury that requires only simple first aid treatment that can be done in the home (such as cleansing and/or bandaging an abrasion) is not considered emergent. A laceration requiring steri-strips indicates a gaping wound and would be considered emergent. X-rays do not define the level of care. Tetanus Injection: A tetanus injection is not considered emergent and does not change the visit to emergent. However, the patient should not have to make two visits (one to the emergency room and one to an office or public health department) in order to receive the tetanus injection. When needed, a tetanus injection should be given within 48-72 hours of the injury, if possible. Time of Visit: The time of the visit is a consideration in determining emergent vs. nonemergent status. If the condition require immediate attention and it is after office hours, a weekend, or holiday, consider as emergent. If a patient is brought in by the police at any time, consider as emergent. If a patient had previously been in the same or different emergency department or physician's office for the same condition and the condition has not worsened, the visit will be considered nonemergent. Vital Signs: If the vital signs are outside a reasonable range for the age, consider the visit as emergent (see "fever"). Emergency Department/Room Guidelines for E&M Codes History: The age of a patient is a component of every medical record. Documentation of age in relationship to issues such as antisocial behavior or mental status is important; however, age alone is not considered a social history. Examination: A "comprehensive exam" is considered a "hands on" specialist examination. Telephone consultation with a specialist is not the equivalent of comprehensive exam (per Dr. Aaron Primack, HCFA/AMA consultant). Medical Decision Making: Transfers from the emergency department to another facility for additional care should be considered in management options as either the "new problem, additional work-up" or the category of "established problem, worsening" (per Dr. Aaron Primack, HCFA/AMA consultant). A vascular examination is included in the cardiovascular category. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-12 8200. Updated 3/06 A notation that the patient should "follow-up" with his family physician in the morning or return to the physician's office for stitch removal does not justify use of the "additional workup" statement when considering management options (per Dr. Aaron Primack, HCFA/AMA consultant). In evaluating the "Table of Risk", infection is the usual risk that pops into mind when talking about minor surgery. To consider infection as a "risk" from minor surgery, there must be documentation to support increased risk due to the quality or condition of the injury or illness (per Dr. Aaron Primack, HCFA/AMA consultant). "Self-limited/minor problems" are defined as those representative of basic emergency department care such as lacerations, stings, insect bites (per Dr. Aaron Primack, HCFA/AMA consultant). "New problems with or without additional work-up" is defined as representing new, longstanding problems that will need attention again at some time (per Dr. Aaron Primack, HCFA/AMA consultant). Observation Room: Observation in the outpatient setting is a service which requires monitoring the patient's condition beyond the usual amount of time in an outpatient setting. Examples of the appropriate use of the observation room include: monitoring head trauma, drug overdose, cardiac arrhythmias and false labor. A physician or mid-level practitioner must see the patient within two hours prior to admission to the observation room except for obstetrical labor or scheduled administration of IV medication or blood products. The observation room stay must be medically necessary. There is no time limit restriction for the observation room. The same reimbursement rate applies regardless of the number of hours required for monitoring. This reimbursement is all inclusive of services and supplies. If there is a discharge and readmission to the observation room from midnight to midnight, only one reimbursement rate will be allowed. Observation room is content of service of a minor surgery. ER physician fee, nonscheduled fetal oxytocin stress tests and fetal nonstress tests are content of service of the observation room. Additional reimbursement for these services will not be made. Observation room should not be billed for the following: o Recovery room services following inpatient or outpatient surgery. o Recovery/observation following scheduled diagnostic tests such as arteriograms, cardiac catherization, etc. o Scheduled fetal oxytocin stress tests and fetal nonstress tests. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-13 8200. Updated 10/09 NOTE: Additional information may be added to the face of your claim if applicable. Electronic Tape billers who have had initial billings denied with EOB 548 (Service denied. This claim and all attachments have been reviewed by the medical staff and the medical necessity of the service rendered is not supported by the documentation provided. Refer to the provider manual section 8200 for further discussion.), may resubmit a paper claim with the applicable documentation noted on the face of the claim. If the claim and/or attachments do not support the medical necessity of the service rendered, the service will be denied. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-14 BENEFITS AND LIMITATIONS 8300. Benefit Plans Updated 05/09 KMAP beneficiaries will be assigned to one or more benefit plans. These benefit plans entitle the beneficiary to certain services. If there are questions about service coverage for a given benefit plan, refer to Section 2000 of the General Benefits Provider Manual for information on the plastic State of Kansas Medical Card and eligibility verification. For example, all policies and coverages under the current Medicaid program apply to the MediKan benefit plan except: • Inpatient general hospital services are covered for MediKan beneficiaries for the following conditions only: • Acute psychotic episodes • Alcohol and drug detoxification • Burns • Severe acute traumatic injuries • Tuberculosis • MS-DRGs for covered inpatient hospital services are: 183-185 483-484 880-887 913-914 927-934 955-965 Additional MS-DRGs (094-096) are covered when the hospital admission is related to tuberculosis (TB) and a TB diagnosis is billed on the claim. • Claims for MediKan reviewed: 003-004 011-030 199-201 228-230 456-465 469-473 659-661 707-712 901-909 917-918 beneficiaries that group to any of the following MS-DRGs will be 037-039 237-241 480-482 746-747 922-923 052-053 252-257 485-508 799-804 935 082-090 329-334 510-538 853-855 113-117 344-346 562-563 856-863 129-139 368-373 604-605 876 163-176 377-379 653-655 894-897 Coverage determination is based on the nature of the injury indicated by the diagnosis on the claim and by the medical documentation submitted. Note: If medical documentation is not submitted, the claim will be denied. Note: Severe acute traumatic injury definition: Physical harm to a person’s body by an outside force that requires immediate hospitalization and medical interventions for the preservation of life and function. Psychiatric Admissions The only psychiatric services covered are those for acute psychotic episodes. Inpatient psychiatric admissions to acute care general and specialty hospitals are covered only after a psychiatric preadmission assessment has been completed and a determination made that the most appropriate treatment setting is the hospital. Only the following psychiatric diagnosis codes are covered for MediKan beneficiaries: 293.00 - 293.90 295.00 - 295.90 296.00 - 296.99 298.00 - 298.90 299.00 - 299.90 300.00 - 300.90 307.00 - 307.90 Coverage determinations are based on the emergent nature of the service. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-15 BENEFITS AND LIMITATIONS 8400. MEDICAID - INPATIENT/OUTPATIENT Updated 10/09 Enrollment Hospitals must sign a Hospital/Peer Review Organization Agreement with the Utilization Review Contractor before becoming enrolled as a KHPA Medical Plans provider. Change of Ownership Each hospital must notify Provider Enrollment the Adult and Medical Services, SRS, in writing at least 60 days prior to the change of ownership closing transaction date. Failure to do so may result in: • The forfeiture of rights to payment for covered services provided to beneficiaries by the previous owner or owners in the 60-day period prior to the effective date of the change of ownership. • The new owner or owners assuming responsibility for any overpayment made to previous owner(s) before the effective date of the change of ownership. (This shall not release the previous owner of responsibility for such overpayment.) The new owner (and affiliated providers) must apply for a Medicaid provider number through the Adult and Medical Services by contacting Provider Enrollment at: Provider Enrollment PO Box 3571 Topeka, KS 66601-3571 Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services Adult and Medical Services, Medical Programs The Docking State Office Building, 6th Floor 915 S.W. Harrison Topeka, Kansas 66612 The new owner will receive the full reimbursement for any patients admitted before and discharged after the change of ownership effective date. The old owner shall not receive Medicaid payment for these services. Advance Directives Hospital providers participating in the KHPA Medical Plans must comply with federal legislation (OBRA 1990, Sections 4206 and 4751) concerning advance directives. An "advance directive" is otherwise known as a living will or durable power of attorney. Every hospital provider must maintain written policies, procedures and materials about advance directives. Specific Requirements 1. Each hospital must provide written information to every adult individual receiving medical care by or through the hospital. This information must contain: • The individual's right to make decisions concerning his or her own medical care • The individual's right to accept or refuse medical or surgical treatment KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-16 8400. Updated 10/09 • • 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The individual's right to make advanced directives SRS’ "Description of the Law of Kansas Concerning Advance Directives" Note: SRS does not provide copies of the description to providers. It is up to providers to reproduce the description. Providers are free to supplement this description as long as they do not misstate Kansas law. Additionally, each hospital must provide written information to every adult individual about the hospital's policy on implementing these rights. A hospital must document in every individual's medical record whether the individual has executed an advance directive. A hospital may not place any conditions on health care or otherwise discriminate against an individual based upon whether that individual has executed an advance directive. Each hospital must comply with state law about advance directives. Each hospital must provide for educating staff and the community about advance directives. This may be accomplished by brochures, newsletters, articles in the local newspapers, local news reports or commercials. Incapacitated Individuals An individual may be admitted to a facility in a comatose or otherwise incapacitated state, and be unable to receive information or articulate whether he or she has executed an advance directive. If this is the case, families of, surrogates for, other concerned persons of the incapacitated individual must be given the information about advance directives. If the incapacitated individual is restored to capacity, the hospital must provide the information about advance directives directly to him or her even though the family, surrogate or other concerned person received the information initially. If an individual is incapacitated, otherwise unable to receive information or articulate whether he or she has executed an advance directive, the hospital must note this in the medical record. Mandatory Compliance with the Terms of the Advanced Directive When a patient, relative, surrogate or other concerned/related person presents a copy of the individual's advance directive to the hospital, the facility must comply with the terms of the advance directive to the extent allowed under state law. This includes recognizing powers of attorney. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-17 8400. Updated 11/03 Description of the Law of Kansas Concerning Advance Directives: There are two types of "advance directives" in Kansas. One is commonly called a "living will" and the second is called a "durable power of attorney for health care decisions." The Kansas Natural Death Act, K.S.A. 65-28,106, et seq. This law provides that adult persons have the fundamental right to control decisions relating to their own medical care. This right to control medical care includes the right to withhold life-sustaining treatment in case of a terminal condition. Any adult may take a declaration which would direct the withholding of life-sustaining treatment in case of a terminal condition. Some people call this declaration a "living will." The declaration must be: 1. In writing; 2. Signed by the adult making the declaration; 3. Dated; and 4. Signed in front of two adult witnesses, or notarized. There are specific rules set out in the law about the signature in case of an adult who can't write. There are specific rules about the adult witnesses. Relatives by blood or marriage, heirs, or people who are responsible for paying for the medical care may not serve as witnesses. A woman who is pregnant may not make a declaration. The declaration may be revoked in three ways: 1. By destroying the declaration; 2. By signing and dating a written revocation; and 3. By speaking an intent to revoke in front of an adult witness. The witness must sign and date a written statement that the declaration was revoked. Before the declaration becomes effective, two physicians must examine the patient and diagnose that the patient has a terminal condition. The desires of a patient shall at all times supersede the declaration. If a patient is incompetent, the declaration will be presumed to be valid. The Kansas Natural Death Act imposes duties on physicians and provides penalties for violations of the laws about declarations. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-18 8400. Updated 11/03 The Kansas Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care Decisions Law, K.S.A. 58-625, et seq. A "durable power of attorney for health care decisions" is a written document in which an adult gives another adult (called an "agent") the right to make health care decisions. The power of attorney applies to health care decisions even when the adult is not in a terminal condition. The adult may give the agent the power to: 1. Consent or to refuse consent to medical treatment; 2. Make decisions about donating organs, autopsies, and disposition of the body; 3. Make arrangements for hospital, nursing home, or hospice care; 4. Hire or fire physicians and other health care professionals; or 5. Sign releases and receive any information about the adult. A "durable power of attorney for health care decisions" may give the agent all those five powers or may choose only some of the powers. The power of attorney may not give the agent the power to revoke the adult's declaration under the Kansas Natural Death Act ("living will"). The power of attorney only takes effect when the adult is disabled unless the adult specifies that the power of attorney should take effect earlier. The adult may not make a health care provider treating the adult the agent except in limited circumstances. The power of attorney may be made by two methods: 1. In writing; 2. Signed by the adult making the declaration; 3. Dated; 4. Signed in front of two adult witnesses; Or: Written and notarized. Relatives by blood or marriage, heirs, or people who are responsible for paying for the medical care may not serve as witnesses. The adult, at the time the power of attorney is written, should specify how the power of attorney may be revoked. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-19 8400. Updated 10/09 The Patient Self-Determination Act, Section 1902(w) of the Social Security Act This federal law, codified at 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1396a(w), was effective December 1, 1991. It applies to all Medicaid and Medicare hospitals, nursing facilities, home health agencies, hospices, and prepaid health care organizations. It requires these organizations to take certain actions about a patient's right to decide about health care and to make advance directives. This law also required that each state develop a written description of the State law about advance directives. This description was written by the Health Care Policy Section of the Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services (SRS) to comply with that requirement. If you have any questions about your rights to decide about health care and to make advance directives, please consult with your physician or attorney. Third Edition: January 14, 2003 Abortions Abortions are covered only under the following conditions: • In the case where a woman suffers from a physical disorder, physical injury, or physical illness, including a life-endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself • If the pregnancy is the result of an act of rape or incest The physician must complete the Abortion Necessity Form to certify that the woman's physical health is in danger or that the pregnancy is a result of rape or incest. The form, located on the public and secure websites (see the Table of Contents for hyperlinks) at the end of this manual in the Forms section, Abortion Necessity Form, or on the provider Web site under Publications, Forms, Abortion Necessity Form, may be photocopied for your use. All blanks must be completed, including the patient's complete address. Claims submitted for abortions due to rape or incest must be accompanied by a statement signed by the physician stating that he or she was informed by the patient that the pregnancy was the result of rape or incest. No further documentation is required to process the claim. However, all pertinent information must be retained with the medical record. Children and Family Services (CFS) Contractors Medicaid reimbursable services will not be paid by child welfare contractors. All services for children assigned to contractors, including behavior management and mental health, must be billed directly to KMAP and will be reimbursed at the approved Medicaid rate. Prior authorization (PA) and other restrictions apply. Bone Anchored Hearing Aid Effective with dates of service on and after March 1, 2009, aA bone anchored hearing aid (BAHA) is covered by KMAP with the following specifications and limitations. A BAHA is limited to one every four years, with one replacement. PA is required for all BAHA services. All providers must obtain a PA prior to providing service. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-20 8400. Updated 02/09 Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (continued) A BAHA is covered with PA for a KAN Be Healthy (KBH) beneficiary who meets all of the following criteria: • Each of items one, two, three and four • Either items five or six • At least one of items seven, eight or nine 1. The beneficiary must be five years of age or older. 2. Standard hearing aids cannot be used due to a medical condition. 3. The beneficiary has adequate manual dexterity or the assistance necessary to snap the device onto the abutment. 4. The beneficiary has the ability to maintain proper hygiene at the site of the fixture. 5. Tumors of the external canal and/or tympanic cavity are present. 6. Congenital or surgically induced malformations (e.g., atresia) of the external ear canal or middle ear are present. 7. There is unilateral conductive or mixed hearing loss. 8. There is bilateral conductive hearing loss. 9. There is unilateral sensorineural hearing loss (single-sided deafness). Definitions • Unilateral conductive or mixed hearing loss: Unilateral conductive or mixed hearing loss caused by congenital malformations of the external or middle ear. Conventional hearing aids cannot be worn. Beneficiary must have: o Average bone conduction threshold better (less) than 45 dB (at 500, 1000, 2000, 3000 Hz) in the indicated ear o Speech discrimination score greater than 60 percent in the indicated ear • Bilateral conductive hearing loss: Conductive and mixed hearing loss involving both ears which is not able to be treated with reconstructive surgery or conventional hearing aids. Beneficiary must meet all of the following: o Moderate (40dB) to severe (70dB) conductive hearing loss symmetrically o Less than 10dB difference in average bone conduction (at 500, 1000, 2000, 4000 Hz) or less than 15 dB difference in bone conduction at individual frequencies o Mixed hearing loss with an average bone conduction better (less) than 45dB in either ear (at 500, 1000, 2000, 4000 Hz) • Unilateral sensorineural hearing loss (single-sided deafness): Nerve deafness in the indicated ear making conventional hearing aids no longer useful. The implant is designed to stimulate the opposite (good ear) by bone conduction through the bones of the skull. Therefore, the audiometric criteria are for the good ear. Beneficiary must meet all of the following: o Severe (70dB) to profound (90dB) hearing loss on one side with poor speech discrimination and the inability to use a conventional hearing aid in that ear o Normal hearing in the good ear as defined by an air conduction threshold equal to or better (less) than 20dB (at 500, 1000, 2000, 3000 Hz) A child younger than five years of age with unilateral congenital atresia of the ear canal or middle ear in the presence of a maximum conductive hearing loss and adequate cochlear (inner ear) function may be considered on an individual basis. Adequate cochlear function is demonstrated audiologically when stimulation through bone conduction results in significantly improved and functional hearing in the involved ear. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-21 8400. Updated 11/09 Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (continued) For a child with congenital malformations, sufficient bone volume and bone quality must be present for a successful fixture implantation. Alternative treatments, such as a conventional bone conduction hearing aid, should be considered for a child with a disease state that might jeopardize osseointegration. Replacements • One replacement BAHA is covered for a KBH beneficiary who meets the initial placement criteria. • PA is required for all BAHA replacement services. All providers must obtain a PA prior to providing service. • A replacement processor cannot be billed at the same time as the original processor or the original surgery. • Replacements are limited to one every four years if lost, stolen, or broken. • A replacement is not allowed for the purpose of upgrading. A BAHA can only be replaced if the current processor has an expired warranty, is malfunctioning, and cannot be repaired. Immunization/Vaccine Reimbursement for covered immunizations for children is limited to the administration of the vaccine only. Vaccines are supplied at no cost to the provider through Vaccines for Children, a federal program administered by KDHE. Codes 90470 and G9141 are covered for the administration of the H1N1 vaccine. These codes are covered for all benefit plans, except for beneficiaries who only have ADAPD coverage, with a reimbursement rate of $14.15. Claims for the administration of the H1N1 vaccine should be billed with diagnosis code V04.81 (H1N1). Since the H1N1 vaccine is available at no cost to providers, payment is not being issued for 90663 or G9142. If providers are interested in administering the H1N1 vaccine, they can contact KDHE to receive the vaccine. Intrathecal Baclofen Pump Intrathecal baclofen pumps are covered for Medicaid beneficiaries. This includes the initial and all subsequent implantation(s), revision(s), repairs, catheters, batteries, refills, removals, and maintenance of the intrathecal baclofen pumps when indicated. Three services require PA: 62350, 62351, and 62362. The following conditions must be met: • The beneficiary must have responded favorably to a trial of intrathecal baclofen and documentation of previously used medication • The beneficiary’s ICD – diagnosis code must be a covered code and the source of the spasticity must be documented • The beneficiary must be over the age of four years or there must be documentation that there is sufficient space within the child’s chest wall for the pump to be implanted. • Contraindications include pregnancy and active infection at time of surgery Procedure codes 62311, 62319, 62355, 62365, 95990, 95991, and 62368 do not require PA, but HealthConnect beneficiaries do need a referral from their PCPs. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-22 8400. Updated 11/09 Renal Dialysis and Kidney Transplant When it has been determined a beneficiary has chronic renal disease (CRD) requiring renal dialysis, the beneficiary or his representative should apply for Medicare CRD eligibility. Renal Dialysis and Kidney Transplant (continued) Medicare allows for payment of claims for eligible beneficiaries with chronic renal disease and will reimburse for maintenance dialysis the third month after the maintenance dialysis starts. Medicare will reimburse for maintenance dialysis in the first three months if the beneficiary has been involved in self training in a self-care dialysis unit or through a self-care home dialysis support service provided by a qualified provider. They also reimburse for expenses incurred for a kidney transplant including those for the kidney donor. Medicaid will reimburse claims for services related to chronic renal dialysis and/or kidney transplants only after proof has been attached to one claim that the beneficiary has applied for Medicare and coverage has been approved or denied. The Medicare CRD eligibility information will be retained in the claims processing system. Therefore, subsequent claims do not need to have proof of Medicare CRD eligibility approval or denial attached. Acceptable proof of application and coverage or denial by Medicare are: • Medicare EOMB/RA • Beneficiary health insurance card • Report of Confidential Social Security Benefit Information • Letter from Medicare or Social Security explaining that the beneficiary has applied for Medicare and whether beneficiary is eligible Hospitals Qualifying For Federal Renal Program *Approved for dialysis only Univ. of Kansas Med. Center St. Francis Regional Med. Center 39th & Rainbow Boulevard 929 North St. Francis Kansas City, Kansas 66103 Wichita, Kansas 67211 St. Luke's Hospital 44th and Wornall Road Kansas City, Missouri 64111 Research Hospital & Medical Ctr. Meyer Boulevard & Prospect Kansas City, Missouri 64132 St. Francis Hosp. & Health Center* 1700 West Seventh Street Topeka, Kansas 66606 Children's Mercy Hospital 24th at Gillham Road Kansas City, Missouri 64108 (CAPD Training & Support Services) Kansas City Dialysis & Training Center* Located at Research Hospital Meyer Boulevard & Prospect Kansas City, Missouri 64132 Salina Regional Health Center 400 S. Santa Fe Salina, Kansas 67406 FOR VETERANS Kansas City V.A. Hospital 4801 Linwood Boulevard Kansas City, Missouri 64128 Wichita V.A. Hospital 5500 East Kellogg Wichita, Kansas 67218 KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-23 8400. Updated 10/09 Surgery - Ambulatory/Outpatient Ambulatory surgery centers and outpatient hospitals will be reimbursed for multiple unrelated outpatient surgical procedures performed on the same day as follows: 100 percent of the current Medicaid rate for the highest value procedure; 50 percent of the current Medicaid rate for the second procedure; and 25 percent of the current Medicaid rate for all subsequent procedures. IVs, medications, supplies and injections provided on the same day as an ambulatory/outpatient surgery procedure are considered content of service of the surgery and cannot be billed separately. EXCEPTION: The following thrombolytic enzymes are not considered content of service when billed in conjunction with outpatient surgery: J2997, J2993, J3364, J2995 and J0350. Anesthesia (equipment and supplies), drugs, surgical supplies and other equipment of the operating room and the recovery room are considered content of service of the ambulatory/outpatient surgical procedure. Surgery - Breast Reconstruction Breast reconstruction is covered when the beneficiary had a mastectomy for breast cancer on or after March 1, 2005. Only the breast reconstruction procedure codes listed in Appendix II are covered. Only the following breast reconstruction codes are covered. For the most current information and verification of coverage, access Reference Codes under the Provider tab on the public website at https://www.kmap-state-ks.us/Provider/PRICING/RefCode.asp or from the secure website at https://www.kmap-state-ks.us/provider/security/logon.asp. Outpatient Codes Physician Codes 11970 11971 11970 11971 19316 19316 19340 19340 19342 19350 19342 19350 19357 19361 19364 19357 19366 19366 19367 19368 19369 69990 This coverage is limited to one breast reconstruction process per breast per lifetime. Surgery - Cosmetic All surgeries which are cosmetic in nature (and related complications) are not covered. Any medically necessary procedure which could ever be considered cosmetic in nature must receive PA. The hospital must have a copy of the physician's PA for claim processing purposes. Surgery - Elective The Medicaid program will not reimburse for inpatient/outpatient elective surgery unless the beneficiary is a KBH participant. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-24 8400. Updated 10/09 Certain surgical procedures will be reviewed on a postpay random sample basis by the KHPA physician. Retain all documentation supporting the nonelective nature of the surgery for review. Supporting documentation includes admission notes/history and physical, operative report and pathology report. If the documentation does not support the nonelective nature of the surgery, reimbursement for all claims relating to the surgery will be recovered. Therapy Therapy treatments are not covered for a psychiatric diagnosis. Habilitative - Therapy is covered for any birth defects/developmental delays only when approved and provided by an Early Childhood Intervention (ECI), Head Start or Local Education Agency (LEA) program. Therapy treatments performed in the LEA settings may be habilitative or rehabilitative for disabilities due to birth defects or physical trauma/illness. Therapy of this type is covered only for beneficiaries zero to under 21 years of age. Therapy must be medically necessary. The purpose of this therapy is to maintain maximum possible functioning for children. Rehabilitative - All therapies must be physically rehabilitative. Therapies are covered only when rehabilitative in nature and provided following physical debilitation due to an acute physical trauma or physical illness and prescribed by the attending physician. Therapy services are limited to six months for non-KBH participants (except the provision of therapy under HCBS), per injury, to begin at the discretion of the provider. There is no limitation for KBH participants. Providers of rehabilitative therapy can submit claims with a combination of the following rehabilitation therapy procedure codes and a diagnosis code in the range of V57.0-V57.9 as the primary diagnosis. Providers are required to submit a secondary diagnosis code to describe the origin of the impairment for which rehabilitative therapy is needed when one of these V-codes is billed as a primary diagnosis. 97001 97003 97010 97012 97014 97016 97018 97022 97024 97026 97028 97032 97033 97034 97035 97036 97110 97112 97113 97116 97124 97140 97150 97530 97535 97750 Transplants Liver transplants for Medicaid beneficiaries will only be reimbursed at the University of Kansas Medical Center or at a hospital recommended by their staff. Heart, lung, and heart/lung transplants performed in approved in-state or border city hospitals are covered for KBH participants only. Bone marrow, cornea, kidney, and pancreas transplants performed in approved in-state or border city hospitals are covered and do not require PA. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-25 8400. Updated 10/09 Pancreas transplants are only covered when performed simultaneously with or following a kidney transplant. Tuberculosis Inpatient services related to a tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis, including physician and laboratory services, are covered for beneficiaries with the TB benefit plan. Inpatient hospitalization, including physicians’ services for diagnostic evaluation of beneficiaries highly suspected of TB, is covered for completion of the diagnosis. Acute problems, which are present on admission or arise during hospitalization, are covered services. Hospitalization for monitoring toxicity of anti-tuberculosis drugs is covered. Inpatient claims may be billed directly to KMAP. Coverage and payment of inpatient or outpatient services are subject to compliance with infectious disease reporting requirements as directed by K.A.R. 28-1-2. Coverage and payment of outpatient services are coordinated between KDHE and KHPA in accordance with the current interagency agreement. Contact KDHE at 785-296-0739 for determination of coverage. Anti-tuberculosis drugs to treat the beneficiary and family members are provided at no cost by KDHE. Contact your local health department or KDHE at 785-296-2547. Vagal Nerve Stimulators Vagal nerve stimulators (VNS) are covered for beneficiaries with epileptic disorders. With the exception of procedure codes 95970 and 95974, all services must be prior authorized. VNS services must meet the following conditions: • The beneficiary must have an epileptic disorder. VNS will not be covered for beneficiaries with previous epileptic brain surgery or beneficiaries with progressive disorders. • Mental retardation with epilepsy is not a contraindication for VNS but must be considered with other factors. • All other courses of treatment must be documented, such as conventional and anti-convulsant drugs. • There is no age restriction. The beneficiary’s physicians are expected to determine whether or not VNS surgery is appropriate and to document those findings in the medical record. • Providers are expected to maintain adequate documentation, such as “decreased seizure activity” or “improvement in seizure condition.” Refer to Appendix II for a list of covered codes. Vacuum Assisted Wound Closure Therapy Vacuum assisted wound closure therapy is covered for specific benefit plans. PA is required and criteria must be met. Refer to the DME Provider Manual for criteria. For questions about service coverage for a given benefit plan, contact the KMAP Customer Service Center at 1-800-933-6593 or 785-274-5990. All PA must be requested in writing by a KMAP DME provider. All medical documentation must be submitted to the KMAP DME provider. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-26 BENEFITS AND LIMITATIONS 8410. MEDICAID - INPATIENT ONLY Updated 02/09 General Hospital Reimbursement Policies Payment for general inpatient hospital services is based on the following equation: DRG weight times (X) group payment rate plus (+) outlier costs, if appropriate. Medicaid does not reimburse for days not medically necessary or deemed "not payable" by federal or state laws, regulations, or state policy. All DRGs have the potential for day or cost outliers. When a stay is eligible for both day and cost outliers, the greater of the two is paid. Only day outlier payment is made for hospitalization extending beyond 360 days. If a Medicaid beneficiary is transferred from one hospital to another, the transferring hospital will receive outlier payments when the length of stay is greater than the DRG day or cost outlier. The hospital billing the final discharge receives the standard DRG payment including outliers, if applicable. When a Medicaid beneficiary is discharged prematurely and subsequently readmitted within 30 days, only the DRG payment for the first stay will be made if the discharging and readmitting hospital are the same. If the discharging and readmitting hospitals are not the same, only the readmitting hospital will be reimbursed. When the Medicaid beneficiary is not eligible for the entire inpatient stay, the DRG payment is prorated and reimbursement is made only for the days the beneficiary was eligible. Reimbursement shall not exceed the standard DRG payment plus any applicable outlier payment. (Only covered days are used to calculate outliers.) Hospitals can issue a continued stay denial to a beneficiary only after the attending physician has written a discharge order. The hospital must supply the beneficiary with the necessary notification that the beneficiary will assume responsibility for payment since a continued stay is not considered medically necessary and is no longer a covered service. Admissions or day outliers found to be unnecessary by the utilization review contractor cannot be billed to the beneficiary. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-27 8410. Updated 02/09 Dental Admissions Dental admissions are covered when medically necessary. Documentation supporting the medical or dental condition making hospitalization necessary must be in the medical record. PA is required for adults. Medical review is required for children 21 years of age and under. Claims for this service are to be billed with procedure code 41899 and must include a detailed description of the actual service provided. Emergency Renal Dialysis Emergency renal dialysis (revenue code 809) is only allowed once in an 18-month period per beneficiary. State Institutions for Mental Health State institution services are only covered for Medicaid beneficiaries under 21 years of age or 65 years of age and older. (However, if a beneficiary is an inpatient in a state institution on their 21st birthday, state institution services will be covered until the 22 years of age.) State institutions are reimbursed 100 percent of the amount billed. Long-Term Care Units Long-term care units must be a distinct or separate unit of a hospital certified to provide skilled and/or intermediate care under KMAP subject to the same federal and state rules and regulations as a free-standing adult care home. This includes compliance with federal regulations for standards of care and related reimbursement. Noncovered Services • Take home drugs • Nonmedical hospital supplies (e.g., hospital kits) Psychiatric A psychiatric preadmission assessment is not required for inpatient medical treatment when the admission was the result of a medical manifestation of a psychiatric disorder and the beneficiary was not admitted to the psychiatric unit. Inpatient general hospital psychiatric admissions are covered only after a psychiatric preadmission assessment has been completed and a determination made that the most appropriate treatment setting is the hospital. [As required by Mental Health Reform, community mental health centers (CMHCs) review all admissions to state hospitals.] No payment will be made for the hospital admission or related physician services without the completion of the preadmission assessment and determination that the hospital admission meets criteria. When seeking to admit a KMAP beneficiary for inpatient treatment call 1-800-466-2222 to arrange for the assessment to be completed. This toll-free number is staffed 24 hours a day by the Mental Health Consortium (MHC). KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-28 8410. Updated 02/09 Psychiatric (continued) All individuals, determined by the hospital, to be potentially eligible for KMAP benefits must have a psychiatric preadmission assessment performed prior to admission into an acute care general or special hospital. The following criteria is a guideline that should assist hospitals in determining which individuals are potential candidates for KMAP benefits: • Individuals receiving supplemental security income (SSI) or have applied for SSI • Individuals on Social Security • Individuals who have been unemployed longer than six months • Individuals who have applied or will be applying for KMAP After receiving a request for a psychiatric preadmission assessment, the MHC will contact the appropriate CMHC, or other approved provider if the admission is out of state, to complete the assessment face-to-face with the patient. The hospital and admitting physician will be notified of the results verbally and through a letter from the MHC. If the admission is approved a PA number will be included in the letter for the hospital to use when billing for the admission and related services. A referral from the beneficiary's primary care provider is not required for a psychiatric hospital stay or related physician and ancillary services provided during the psychiatric hospitalization approved through the preadmission assessment process. Free Standing Psychiatric Hospitals Federal regulations classify free standing psychiatric hospitals as institutions for mental disease (IMDs). Medicaid reimbursement to IMDs is restricted to treatment of beneficiaries 20 years of age and younger or 65 and older. Even though an admission may be authorized by a preadmission screening, Medicaid reimbursement to free standing psychiatric hospital providers (with a specialty of 011 B3) will be made only for beneficiaries under 21 years of age or 65 and older at admission. Emergency Psychiatric Screening for inpatient services following the sudden onset of severe psychiatric symptoms, which could reasonably be expected to make the individual harmful to self or others if not immediately under psychiatric care. The individual is in crisis and not currently in a place of safety. A screening is completed immediately (no later than three hours) to determine appropriate placement. Urgent Psychiatric Screening is initiated if the individual meets one of the four independent criteria and is currently in a place of safety. An observation bed may be used to provide security and “observation” for individuals in imminent danger and to assist in the determination of the need for psychiatric hospitalization. In this instance, the screening must be completed as soon as possible and within two days of the consortium’s receipt of the request. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-29 8410. Updated 02/09 Planned Psychiatric Noncrisis in nature, the screening must be completed within two days of the consortium’s receipt of the request. The admission must occur within two days of the completion of the screening. Retroactive Psychiatric Individuals whose Medicare or other primary insurance denied payment for treatment and who were Medicaid eligible at the time of admission. Other retroactive screens may be authorized for denied requests when eligibility is in question. If the individual receives a valid Medicaid card after a hospital admission has been completed, the consortium requests the admission information, and completes a preadmission screening within five working days of the receipt of that information. Cases Involving Retroactive Eligibility The assessment must be requested and completed prior to the admission and related services being billed to Medicaid. The assessment will not be face-to-face and will be completed by the MHC. The MHC must complete the assessment within five working days of receiving the request. Cases Involving Other Insurance or Medicare If the admission and related services are billed to other insurance or Medicare first, the psychiatric preadmission assessment is not necessary. If the other insurance or Medicare makes no payment on the claim, prior to the claim being billed to Medicaid, an assessment must be completed. The MHC will complete the assessment within five working days of receiving the request. The assessment will not be face-to-face. A face-to-face psychiatric preadmission assessment consists of a psychiatric diagnostic interview examination including history, mental status examination, and communication with family members and other collateral contacts in order to develop an appropriate treatment plan. Placement problems for children in SRS custody: The SRS office suggests that efforts to make arrangements for placement in a state hospital or appropriate long-term care facility should begin as soon as the need for prolonged nonacute inpatient care becomes apparent. The local SRS office, the physician, or the hospital should contact Adult and Medical Services for assistance in placement, if necessary. Please request this assistance by the 6-10th day of stay in an acute hospital. Substance Abuse Acute detoxification is covered in any acute general hospital, when medically necessary. Alcohol and drug addiction treatment services provided in an inpatient hospital setting are not covered. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-30 8410. Updated 02/09 Utilization Review General Hospitals Utilization review (UR) is performed on a postpayment basis for general hospitals with the exception of some readmissions, some interim bills and some adjustments. (URs are performed internally at state institutions.) Review of outlier cases are conducted on all cases with day or cost outliers. Reviews are performed on a postpay basis, unless interim bills are submitted and the beneficiary is still an inpatient. Readmissions within 30 days of a discharge are reviewed on a postpayment basis. All patient initiated transfers are subject to UR. When a patient is transferred from an inpatient hospital bed to a swing-bed unit and acute care continues to be provided, payment for the swing-bed will be denied or recouped. The only purpose for this type of transfer is for the hospital to obtain reimbursement beyond the DRG payment. Following DRG coding evaluation and adjustment by the UR contractor, payment of claims will be adjusted upward or downward. In this instance, the fiscal agent will initiate the adjustment. When a hospital admission is determined to be nonmedically necessary by the Medicaid utilization review contractor (KFMC), resulting in recoupment of payment, the provider shall not rebill the claim as an outpatient service. UR may be performed either on-site or by reviewing records sent as required to the UR contractor. If a hospital fails to provide the UR contractor with the complete requested information within the allowable time frames, the case will be denied, resulting in recoupment of payment. These "technical denials" are not eligible for reconsideration. If the facility supplies the UR contractor the information within 90 days of the "technical denial" date, the case may be reopened for review. Pending the review results, repayment for the case may occur. Discharge Day Not Medically Necessary When a beneficiary's hospital discharge day is determined by the UR contractor to not be medically necessary, the discharge day is redefined as the last medically necessary day. This redefined discharge day is not reimbursed. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-31 BENEFITS AND LIMITATIONS 8420. MEDICAID - OUTPATIENT ONLY Updated 10/09 Emergency Medical Services for Aliens (SOBRA) In addition to inpatient hospital and emergency room hospital, emergency services performed in outpatient facilities and related physician, lab, and X-ray services will be allowed for the following places of service: office, outpatient hospital, Federally Qualified Health Clinics, state or local public health clinics, Rural Health Clinics, ambulance, and lab for SOBRA claims. Inpatient hospital reimbursement will not be limited to 48 hours. Follow-up care will not be allowed once the emergent condition has been stabilized. Refer to Section 2040 of the General Benefits Provider Manual for specific information. Blood Blood transfusions, including whole blood, red blood cells, plasma, platelets and cryoprecipitate, and IV infusions are covered services. Set-ups including volume controller cassettes are content of service of the procedure billed. Crisis Resolution Services Hospitals may be reimbursed when Medicaid patients are admitted to observation/stabilization beds for crisis resolution services in accordance with the following conditions: • There is an affiliation agreement between the admitting hospital and the licensed community mental health center. • The patient must be referred by the primary care case manager, agency, or health professional currently providing care (whichever is applicable). • The patient shall have demonstrated an acute change in mood or thought that is reflected in behavior, indicating the need for crisis intervention to stabilize and prevent hospitalization. • The patient must have a diagnosed psychiatric disorder. • The patient must not be in need of acute detoxification or experiencing withdrawal symptoms. • The patient must be medically stable. • The following documentation must be completed: o Nursing assessment (including physical review, mental status, and medication) o Strength assessment o Personal crisis plan o At least one progress note Crisis resolution services are covered up to two consecutive days and must be billed under procedure code H2013. Developmental Testing Providers are reimbursed one visit per day, up to three visits per beneficiary per year, for code 96111. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-32 8420. Updated 10/09 Diagnostic Tests Although not all HCPCS codes are covered, most procedure codes for laboratory, radiology, EKG, EEG, hearing and speech testing (if provided following physical debilitation) are covered. Drugs All drugs are content of service of surgery. Oral drugs are content of service of emergency treatment. Take-home drugs are noncovered. Injections, IVs, blood infusions, and aerosol inhalant additives are covered if not associated with surgery. Electro-Convulsive Treatments Electro-convulsive treatments are covered and include all ancillary services needed to provide the treatment, including the charge for use of a bed. Emergency Room Services Emergency room (ER) encounters will not deny based on ICD-9 diagnosis codes. Nonemergent claims will be reduced to the 99281 rate. Medical necessity documentation must accompany the claim when more than one ER visit is made on the same day for the same individual. The ER visit is content of service to any surgical and therapeutic treatment procedures performed in an emergency room. Laboratory Handling fee (drawing/collection) is considered content of service of the outpatient visit/lab procedure and is not covered if billed separately. The beneficiary cannot be billed for the drawing or collection since it is considered content of another service or procedure. Laboratory procedures performed on inpatients are content of service of the DRG reimbursement to the hospital and should not be billed by either the independent laboratory or hospital. Pathologists not contracted by the hospital may bill modifier 26 for pathology services provided on inpatients. Reimbursement will only be made for one complete blood count (CBC) per day. Only the provider performing the laboratory analysis can bill. When ordered laboratory tests make up a panel or profile, the all-inclusive procedure code should be used to bill. Components should not be billed separately. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-33 8420. Updated 10/09 Laboratory (continued) Three or more multichannel tests are considered a SMA/SMAC profile when performed on the same date of service. Medicaid follows the guidelines outlined in the CPT® codebook to identify automated multichannel tests (SMACs, profiles) performed. When billing for a multichannel test use the appropriate CPT® procedure code (80002-80019). Urinalysis (UA) is considered content of service of the reimbursement to the physician for antepartum care when the UA is obtained for a diagnosis of pregnancy. The hospital/independent laboratory will not be reimbursed by Medicaid for the UA in this situation. Cytogenetic (chromosome) studies are covered for pregnant women (when medically necessary) and KBH participants only. A medical necessity form must accompany the claim when billing for a cytogenetic study for a pregnant woman older than 21 years of age. The following HIV testing is limited to four per calendar year, regardless of provider. Refer to the CPT® codebook for complete descriptions of these procedures: 86689, 86701, 86702, 86703, 87390, 87391, 87534, 87535, 87537, 87538, 87539, 87900, 87903, 87904. • Code 87536 is covered. • Code 87901 is covered. Medical necessity documentation must include information that the patient meets at least one of the following criteria: 1. The patient presents with virologic failure during Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART). 2. The patient has suboptimal suppression of viral load after initiation of antiretroviral therapy. Note: For 87901 only, testing is limited to two per calendar year. Life Sustaining Therapy Chemotherapy, radiation therapy and renal dialysis are covered. Noncovered Services Medical supplies used in conjunction with outpatient surgery and/or the emergency room/observation room are considered content of service and cannot be billed separately. The rental or sale of DME and certain prosthetic and orthotic items are not covered. Operating Room Anesthesia (equipment and supplies), drugs, surgical supplies and other equipment of the operating room, the recovery room and supplies are considered content of service of the operating and/or delivery room charges. Outpatient Procedures Outpatient services provided within three days of an admission from the same hospital for the same or similar diagnosis are considered content of service of the inpatient hospital stay. In this instance, bill the outpatient charges together on the inpatient claim. There is one exception to this policy, complications from an outpatient sterilization resulting in an inpatient admission. In this instance, the outpatient charges and the inpatient charges should be billed on two separate claims. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-34 8420. Updated 10/09 HealthConnect/Managed Care Documentation Acceptable outpatient hospital referral documentation includes an entry in the hospital outpatient or emergency department medical record noting that the primary care provider (PCP) was contacted at the time the service was rendered and approval was given. The statement must be signed by the individual who received the approval. If the PCP cannot be reached, approval must be secured from one of his or her covering physicians. Prosthetic & Orthotic Services Outpatient hospitals will be allowed to bill the following prosthetic & orthotic codes: L3700 L3720 L3845 L3906 L3907 L3908 L3912 L3914 L3916 L3918 L3928 L3930 L3934 L3938 L3942 L3948 L3954 L3980 DeFlux, an injectable medical device, is covered with PA. Use procedure code L8606. Psychiatric Observation Beds Psychiatric observation beds are covered up to two consecutive days. During the observation period the patient must receive: • A physical examination • History and psychiatric assessment containing recommendations for ongoing treatment • An initial nursing assessment • Nursing progress notes written each shift • A discharge summary A physician must admit the patient to an observation bed and discharge him or her at the end of the observation stay. When an admission follows an observation stay, the physical examination report and the psychiatric assessment must be included in the patient's medical record. The observation bed stay becomes part of the DRG payment to the hospital. Refer to Section 7020 for billing instructions. Psychiatric Partial Hospitalization These services are covered only in those hospitals where such a program has been approved by SRS. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-35 8430. FAMILY PLANNING/STERILIZATIONS Updated 10/09 Family Planning Family planning is any medically approved treatment, counseling, drugs, supplies, or devices which are prescribed or furnished by a provider to individuals of child-bearing age for purposes of enabling such individuals to freely determine the number and spacing of their children. Insertion or removal of an implantable contraceptive requires medical necessity documentation when performed in an outpatient setting. Complete the family planning block on the claim form whenever a procedure or service is performed which relates to family planning. The following information is provided to facilitate coding the FL 18-28 of the UB-04 claim form. The two-digit indicator A4 is to be placed in this field. The following procedures are family-planning related. The Sterilization Consent Form must be attached to the surgeon's claim at the time of submission. Related claims (anesthesia, assistant surgeon, ambulatory surgery center, hospital or rural health clinic) do not require an attached Sterilization Consent Form. However, if not attached, processing will be delayed until the consent form with the surgeon's claim is reviewed and determined to be correct. ICD-9-CM Procedure Code (IP) and Code IP Code IP Code IP Code IP Code 63.70-.73 55250 66.39 58600 V25.2 58661 66.20-.21 58670 55450 66.92 58605 66.29 58671 66.31-.32 66.39 66.92 Sterilizations Hysterectomy Hysterectomies are covered only for medically indicated reasons. Medicaid will reimburse for this service only if at least one of the following three conditions is met and documented. 1. The individual or her representative signs the Hysterectomy Necessity Form acknowledging receipt of information that the surgery will make her permanently incapable of reproducing. The Sterilization Consent Form is not an acceptable substitute. 2. The physician shall certify in writing that the individual was already sterile and state the cause or reason for the sterility on an attachment to the claim. 3. For the Sterilization Consent Form only, the physician shall certify in writing that the surgery was performed under a life-threatening situation and individual certification was not possible, including a description of the nature of the emergency. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-36 8430. Updated 10/09 A copy of the Hysterectomy Necessity Form must be attached to the surgeon's claim at the time of submission. The form is located on the public and secure websites (see the Table of Contents for hyperlinks) at the end of this manual in the Forms section or on the KMAP Web site under Publications, Forms, Hysterectomy Necessity Form. It may be photocopied for your use. A copy of the Hysterectomy Necessity Form does not have to be attached to related claims (anesthesia, assistant surgeon, hospital, or rural health clinic) at the time of submission. However, a related claim will not be paid until the Hysterectomy Necessity Form with the surgeon's claim has been reviewed and determined to be correct, unless the related claim has the correct Hysterectomy Necessity Form attached. All Sterilizations Guidelines Sterilizations on mentally incompetent individuals or individuals institutionalized for mental illness are not covered. The following guidelines must be accurately followed before reimbursement can be made for any sterilization procedure (including, but not limited to, hysterectomy, tubal ligation sterilization, and vasectomy). If each item is not followed completely, it will result in the denial of your claim. KHPA KMAP or other authorized agencies may ask for documentation at any time, either during the claims processing period or after payment of a claim, to verify that services have been provided within program guidelines. 1. The Sterilization Consent Form, mandated by federal regulation, is located on the public and secure websites (see the Table of Contents for hyperlinks) at the end of this manual in the Forms section or on the KMAP Web site under Publication, Forms, Sterilization Consent Form. Instruction on how to complete the Sterilization Consent Form is posted following the forms. Providers may photocopy this form. All voluntary sterilization claims submitted without this specific Sterilization Consent Form will be denied. All fields must be completed, including the physician signature. 2. The Sterilization Consent Form must be signed so that 30 days have passed before the date the sterilization is performed with the following exceptions: Premature Delivery • The date of the beneficiary’s consent must be at least three calendar days prior to the date the sterilization was performed. • The expected date of delivery must be indicated on the consent form and the date of the beneficiary’s consent must be at least 30 days prior to the expected date of delivery. Emergency Abdominal Surgery • The date of the beneficiary’s consent must be at least three calendar days prior to the date the sterilization was performed. • The circumstances of the emergency abdominal surgery must be described by the physician sufficiently to substantiate the waiver of the 30-day requirement. Note: Three calendar days is used in the above exceptions to guarantee compliance with the minimum federal requirement of 72 hours. 3. The Sterilization Consent Form is valid for 180 days from the date it is signed by the beneficiary. Sterilization claims for individuals that reflect dates of service beyond 180 days from the date the consent form was signed will be denied. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-37 8430. Updated 10/09 4. The individual must be at least 21 years of age or older on the date the consent form is signed, or the sterilization claim will be denied. (This includes those situations in which the individual has misrepresented his or her age on the consent form to the provider.) The birth date information provided by SRS will be used to determine whether the individual meets the age requirement. This information can be obtained through KMAP Customer Service. 5. Sterilizations on mentally incompetent individuals are not covered. "Mentally incompetent individual" is defined as an individual who has been declared mentally incompetent by a federal, state or local court of competent jurisdiction for any purpose, unless the individual has been declared competent for purposes which include the ability to consent to sterilizations" (42 CFR 441.251). 6. The sterilization is not covered when consent is obtained from anyone in "labor," under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, or seeking or obtaining an abortion. 7. Interpreters must be provided when there are language barriers, and special arrangements must be made for handicapped individuals. 8. The physician's statement must be signed and dated no more than two days prior to the surgery, the day of the surgery, or any day after sterilization was performed. If this field is left blank, your claim will be denied. 9. The physician statement on the consent form must be signed by the physician who performed the sterilization. No other signatures will be accepted. When sterilization results from the treatment of a medical condition, a consent form is not required. However, there must be a note on the face of the claim that states what medical condition caused the sterility. Claims billed involving these situations will be denied for no Sterilization Consent Form when an explanatory notation is not present on the face of the claim. The form must be legible in its entirety. Transcervical Sterilizations Procedure cCode 58579 is not covered for transcervical sterilization procedures. Procedure cCode 58565 is to be used. The procedure must meet all sterilization requirements. PA is required. The Essure Kit is included in procedure code 58565 and should not be billed separately. The invoice does not need to be attached to the claim. If a beneficiary has had a transcervical hysteroscopy sterilization, a federal Sterilization Consent Form is required. Additionally, three months must have passed before performing code 58340. To indicate proof of sterilization, ICD-9 CM diagnosis code V25.2 must be used. PA is not required. KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS 8-38 APPENDIX I Updated 10/09 CODES The Kansas Health Policy Authority (KHPA) requires KHPA Medical Plans hospital billers to submit claims using the Health Care Financing Administration Common Procedure Code System (HCPCS). HCPCS is a combination of codes which includes CPT® (Current Procedural Terminology) codes created and controlled by the American Medical Association (AMA); Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) codes created and controlled by CMS; and local codes created and controlled by the regional CMS office. HCPCS codes consist of a five-digit base code with the capability of being up to thirteen digits in length when modifiers are used. A modifier code is a two-digit code that identifies a specific type of service, for example, anesthesia, or a variation of the service identified by the base code. A chart has been developed to assist providers in understanding how KHPA will handle specific modifiers. The Coding Modifiers chart is available on both the public and secure portions of the website. It is under Reference Codes on the main provider page and Pricing and Limitations on the secure portion. Information on the American Medical Association is available at http://www.ama-assn.org. Certain services require a modifier code be given in addition to the HCPCS base code. The modifier codes listed below are the only covered hospital modifier codes; use of any other modifier codes may cause your claim to be denied. *Note: Hospitals that bill the base code for radiology procedures will be reimbursed at the TC rate. Hospital billers should use CPT codes (refer to Section 1300) for outpatient services when available or when specifically instructed to do so, otherwise the CMS or local codes printed in the following pages should be used. Not all codes are covered. Please use the following resources to determine coverage and pricing information. For accuracy, use your provider type and specialty as well as the beneficiary ID number or benefit plan. • Information from the public website is available at: https://www.kmap-state-ks.us/Provider/PRICING/RefCode.asp. • Information from the secure website is available under Pricing and Limitations at: https://www.kmap-state-ks.us/provider/security/logon.asp. For further assistance, contact Customer Service at 1-800-933-6593. (Refer to Section 1000 of the General Introduction Provider Manual.) All claims must be coded with the appropriate codes. Claims which only describe the service and do not provide the code will be denied. When a code is not available, the service is noncovered by KHPA Medical Plans. Not otherwise classified (NOC) codes are noncovered. (Refer to Section 4200 of the General Special Requirements Provider Manual.) KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL APPENDIX I AI-1 APPENDIX II Updated 10/09 Hospital Cost Report To be eligible for payment from the KHPA Medical Plans, each hospital located in Kansas must complete, sign and submit a copy of the cost report form (CMS 2552-96). An electronic copy of the Electronic Cost Report (ECR) and Print Image (PI) files are required along with the signed certification page. This must be done annually. The cost report and its instructions can be obtained from Medicare. Numerous private vendors offer services to assist in completing this cost report. KHPA has adopted this cost report since it is already used by hospitals enrolled in the Medicare program. KHPA does not require any Medicaid specific schedules to be completed, although they may be referred to in the instructions. All general schedules of the report must be completed. Submit the report to the following address: Myers and Stauffer, LC. Certified Public Accountants 4123 SW Gage Center Drive, Suite 200 Topeka, KS 66604-1833 For questions regarding the cost report, contact the above company at: Telephone: 800-255-2309 785-228-6700 Fax: 800-228-6701 E-mail: [email protected] KANSAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HOSPITAL PROVIDER MANUAL APPENDIX II AII-1 DRG WEIGHTS AND RATES Kansas 2010 DRG Weights and Limits Effective October 1, 2009 Transfer ALOS DRG 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 052 053 Heart Transplant Or Implant Of Heart Assist System W MCC Heart Transplant Or Implant Of Heart Assist System W/O MCC ECMO Or Trach W MV 96+ Hrs Or PDX Exc Face, Mouth & Neck W Maj O.R. Trach W MV 96+ Hrs Or PDX Exc Face, Mouth & Neck W/O Maj O.R. Liver Transplant W MCC Or Intestinal Transplant Liver Transplant W/O MCC Lung Transplant Simultaneous Pancreas/kidney Transplant Bone Marrow Transplant Pancreas Transplant Tracheostomy For Face, Mouth & Neck Diagnoses W MCC Tracheostomy For Face, Mouth & Neck Diagnoses W CC Tracheostomy For Face, Mouth & Neck Diagnoses W/O CC/MCC Intracranial Vascular Procedures W PDX Hemorrhage W MCC Intracranial Vascular Procedures W PDX Hemorrhage W CC Intracranial Vascular Procedures W PDX Hemorrhage W/O CC/MCC Cranio W Major Dev Impl/Acute Complex CNS PDX W MCC Or Chemo Implan Cranio W Major Dev Impl/Acute Complex CNS PDX W/O MCC Craniotomy & Endovascular Intracranial Procedures W MCC Craniotomy & Endovascular Intracranial Procedures W CC Craniotomy & Endovascular Intracranial Procedures W/O CC/MCC Spinal Procedures W MCC Spinal Procedures W CC Or Spinal Neurostimulators Spinal Procedures W/O CC/MCC Ventricular Shunt Procedures W MCC Ventricular Shunt Procedures W CC Ventricular Shunt Procedures W/O CC/MCC Carotid Artery Stent Procedure W MCC Carotid Artery Stent Procedure W CC Carotid Artery Stent Procedure W/O CC/MCC Extracranial Procedures W MCC Extracranial Procedures W CC Extracranial Procedures W/O CC/MCC Periph/Cranial Nerve & Other Nerv Syst Proc W MCC Periph/Cranial Nerve & Other Nerv Syst Proc W CC Or Periph Neurostim Periph/Cranial Nerve & Other Nerv Syst Proc W/O CC/MCC Spinal Disorders & Injuries W CC/MCC Spinal Disorders & Injuries W/O CC/MCC 20.5 14.2 39.7 22.0 16.2 8.4 13.1 7.9 22.8 8.9 11.7 8.8 6.0 16.1 18.4 9.6 8.8 7.1 11.0 6.8 3.7 12.0 5.8 3.0 8.2 3.6 2.3 4.9 2.2 1.3 5.5 2.6 1.3 9.5 4.4 2.9 4.6 2.8 1 of 20 DRG Relative Weight 27.7684 16.9659 25.7051 12.9309 21.5558 12.6758 19.9066 14.1481 12.4516 5.1997 5.3862 3.7763 2.5122 15.5019 8.0526 7.7971 6.9562 4.8036 7.3072 4.1467 2.5374 6.5226 3.7990 2.1581 5.3064 2.5306 1.8108 4.2273 2.5626 1.7481 3.7296 1.8376 1.1318 4.5783 2.2779 2.1277 1.8315 1.3221 DRG Daily Rate 5,852 5,161 2,804 2,547 5,774 6,525 6,593 7,782 2,364 2,529 1,998 1,858 1,804 4,176 1,897 3,516 3,438 2,945 2,870 2,636 2,945 2,359 2,816 3,135 2,791 3,010 3,423 3,773 5,020 5,959 2,930 3,083 3,828 2,084 2,257 3,176 1,716 2,044 Day Outlier Limit 76 40 148 65 56 24 30 14 57 22 59 19 18 42 27 21 29 24 39 24 9 44 29 10 40 19 13 19 11 5 23 11 5 34 14 6 17 9 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Cost Outlier Limit 584,066 297,069 466,420 143,820 489,762 229,785 385,601 209,810 345,181 107,437 214,141 92,473 71,052 344,326 50,835 144,959 165,981 115,663 68,024 41,117 20,326 191,678 127,005 68,049 199,698 81,893 57,262 110,096 75,114 37,363 116,762 52,014 9,000 133,145 21,724 17,364 78,449 35,423 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Kansas 2010 DRG Weights and Limits Effective October 1, 2009 DRG 054 055 056 057 058 059 060 061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 069 070 071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 080 081 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 089 090 091 092 Nervous System Neoplasms W MCC Nervous System Neoplasms W/O MCC Degenerative Nervous System Disorders W MCC Degenerative Nervous System Disorders W/O MCC Multiple Sclerosis & Cerebellar Ataxia W MCC Multiple Sclerosis & Cerebellar Ataxia W CC Multiple Sclerosis & Cerebellar Ataxia W/O CC/MCC Acute Ischemic Stroke W Use Of Thrombolytic Agent W MCC Acute Ischemic Stroke W Use Of Thrombolytic Agent W CC Acute Ischemic Stroke W Use Of Thrombolytic Agent W/O CC/MCC Intracranial Hemorrhage Or Cerebral Infarction W MCC Intracranial Hemorrhage Or Cerebral Infarction W CC Intracranial Hemorrhage Or Cerebral Infarction W/O CC/MCC Nonspecific CVA & Precerebral Occlusion W/O Infarct W MCC Nonspecific CVA & Precerebral Occlusion W/O Infarct W/O MCC Transient Ischemia Nonspecific Cerebrovascular Disorders W MCC Nonspecific Cerebrovascular Disorders W CC Nonspecific Cerebrovascular Disorders W/O CC/MCC Cranial & Peripheral Nerve Disorders W MCC Cranial & Peripheral Nerve Disorders W/O MCC Viral Meningitis W CC/MCC Viral Meningitis W/O CC/MCC Hypertensive Encephalopathy W MCC Hypertensive Encephalopathy W CC Hypertensive Encephalopathy W/O CC/MCC Nontraumatic Stupor & Coma W MCC Nontraumatic Stupor & Coma W/O MCC Traumatic Stupor & Coma, Coma >1 Hr W MCC Traumatic Stupor & Coma, Coma >1 Hr W CC Traumatic Stupor & Coma, Coma >1 Hr W/O CC/MCC Traumatic Stupor & Coma, Coma <1 Hr W MCC Traumatic Stupor & Coma, Coma <1 Hr W CC Traumatic Stupor & Coma, Coma <1 Hr W/O CC/MCC Concussion W MCC Concussion W CC Concussion W/O CC/MCC Other Disorders Of Nervous System W MCC Other Disorders Of Nervous System W CC Transfer ALOS 4.7 4.2 6.0 5.7 5.8 3.9 3.1 6.0 4.8 4.0 5.4 4.1 3.2 4.3 2.9 2.3 5.2 3.9 2.4 4.4 2.8 3.9 2.5 5.6 3.5 3.1 3.4 2.3 3.8 3.4 2.1 5.3 3.9 2.0 3.3 2.4 1.3 4.0 3.2 2 of 20 DRG Relative Weight 1.8484 1.5888 2.9161 1.6590 1.8867 1.0356 0.7785 3.6244 2.4888 2.0162 3.0543 1.8847 1.4407 1.6218 1.0130 0.9851 1.7290 1.0801 0.8266 1.4080 1.0987 1.2936 0.9233 2.4178 1.4319 0.9749 1.2923 0.5993 2.4920 1.5872 1.2155 2.6135 1.4920 0.8792 2.1409 1.1883 0.5616 1.6674 1.1901 DRG Daily Rate 1,702 1,638 2,104 1,267 1,408 1,147 1,101 2,602 2,226 2,177 2,439 1,985 1,967 1,633 1,528 1,887 1,445 1,211 1,510 1,385 1,675 1,429 1,592 1,872 1,761 1,344 1,660 1,118 2,877 2,033 2,554 2,139 1,652 1,913 2,775 2,180 1,899 1,787 1,590 Day Outlier Limit 21 14 20 25 16 11 8 18 11 9 23 14 19 13 8 5 18 11 7 15 9 13 6 18 11 7 16 8 16 11 7 21 13 6 11 8 3 16 12 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Cost Outlier Limit 73,951 16,723 58,989 22,870 43,165 35,290 22,783 94,219 52,769 38,879 37,759 22,170 21,705 38,028 31,701 9,173 57,365 31,762 24,533 50,992 12,851 43,809 9,185 81,357 38,090 25,199 39,956 15,618 72,700 40,191 33,877 94,383 41,411 24,695 66,594 36,151 5,262 70,378 32,818 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Kansas 2010 DRG Weights and Limits Effective October 1, 2009 DRG 093 094 095 096 097 098 099 100 101 102 103 113 114 115 116 117 121 122 123 124 125 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 Other Disorders Of Nervous System W/O CC/MCC Bacterial & Tuberculous Infections Of Nervous System W MCC Bacterial & Tuberculous Infections Of Nervous System W CC Bacterial & Tuberculous Infections Of Nervous System W/O CC/MCC Non-bacterial Infect Of Nervous Sys Exc Viral Meningitis W MCC Non-bacterial Infect Of Nervous Sys Exc Viral Meningitis W CC Non-bacterial Infect Of Nervous Sys Exc Viral Meningitis W/O CC/MCC Seizures W MCC Seizures W/O MCC Headaches W MCC Headaches W/O MCC Orbital Procedures W CC/MCC Orbital Procedures W/O CC/MCC Extraocular Procedures Except Orbit Intraocular Procedures W CC/MCC Intraocular Procedures W/O CC/MCC Acute Major Eye Infections W CC/MCC Acute Major Eye Infections W/O CC/MCC Neurological Eye Disorders Other Disorders Of The Eye W MCC Other Disorders Of The Eye W/O MCC Major Head & Neck Procedures W CC/MCC Or Major Device Major Head & Neck Procedures W/O CC/MCC Cranial/facial Procedures W CC/MCC Cranial/facial Procedures W/O CC/MCC Other Ear, Nose, Mouth & Throat O.R. Procedures W CC/MCC Other Ear, Nose, Mouth & Throat O.R. Procedures W/O CC/MCC Sinus & Mastoid Procedures W CC/MCC Sinus & Mastoid Procedures W/O CC/MCC Mouth Procedures W CC/MCC Mouth Procedures W/O CC/MCC Salivary Gland Procedures Ear, Nose, Mouth & Throat Malignancy W MCC Ear, Nose, Mouth & Throat Malignancy W CC Ear, Nose, Mouth & Throat Malignancy W/O CC/MCC Dysequilibrium Epistaxis W MCC Epistaxis W/O MCC Otitis Media & Uri W MCC Transfer ALOS 2.6 9.5 7.3 7.6 9.3 6.4 4.0 3.5 2.2 3.5 1.8 3.0 2.3 2.9 2.8 1.4 3.2 2.3 2.2 4.7 2.3 3.3 2.5 3.3 1.9 3.3 1.8 4.3 2.7 2.9 2.0 1.4 6.7 3.9 2.6 2.0 3.4 2.1 3.1 3 of 20 DRG Relative Weight 0.7928 3.7797 2.7192 2.9173 3.2667 2.3808 1.3015 1.5887 0.8024 1.1876 0.7334 2.0119 1.6149 1.4384 1.6678 0.8871 0.7886 0.4807 0.7896 1.5008 0.6890 2.6785 1.5841 2.5856 1.0296 1.9728 0.9043 2.2525 1.4347 1.1551 0.7146 0.9647 2.5895 1.0215 0.7842 0.6188 0.9966 0.5424 0.9845 DRG Daily Rate 1,310 1,728 1,610 1,671 1,526 1,618 1,412 1,976 1,593 1,490 1,725 2,865 3,040 2,185 2,606 2,845 1,070 889 1,575 1,379 1,314 3,557 2,743 3,392 2,358 2,588 2,199 2,268 2,300 1,701 1,524 2,920 1,673 1,128 1,316 1,353 1,288 1,129 1,366 Day Outlier Limit 10 32 21 12 26 26 11 11 7 13 8 11 8 9 14 5 10 6 5 14 9 11 7 14 7 18 6 13 8 12 6 4 18 14 9 6 13 6 14 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Cost Outlier Limit 12,788 96,636 81,982 17,411 106,191 85,108 38,705 18,204 9,367 43,941 9,064 55,928 44,788 34,821 55,605 23,547 24,719 13,521 19,109 35,827 23,533 75,285 37,337 78,957 8,149 87,137 27,004 50,262 32,087 48,377 16,559 23,599 56,800 29,562 22,613 15,749 37,280 17,903 74,280 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Kansas 2010 DRG Weights and Limits Effective October 1, 2009 DRG 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 163 164 165 166 167 168 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 Otitis Media & Uri W/O MCC Nasal Trauma & Deformity W MCC Nasal Trauma & Deformity W CC Nasal Trauma & Deformity W/O CC/MCC Dental & Oral Diseases W MCC Dental & Oral Diseases W CC Dental & Oral Diseases W/O CC/MCC Major Chest Procedures W MCC Major Chest Procedures W CC Major Chest Procedures W/O CC/MCC Other Resp System O.R. Procedures W MCC Other Resp System O.R. Procedures W CC Other Resp System O.R. Procedures W/O CC/MCC Pulmonary Embolism W MCC Pulmonary Embolism W/O MCC Respiratory Infections & Inflammations W MCC Respiratory Infections & Inflammations W CC Respiratory Infections & Inflammations W/O CC/MCC Respiratory Neoplasms W MCC Respiratory Neoplasms W CC Respiratory Neoplasms W/O CC/MCC Major Chest Trauma W MCC Major Chest Trauma W CC Major Chest Trauma W/O CC/MCC Pleural Effusion W MCC Pleural Effusion W CC Pleural Effusion W/O CC/MCC Pulmonary Edema & Respiratory Failure Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease W MCC Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease W CC Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease W/O CC/MCC Simple Pneumonia & Pleurisy W MCC Simple Pneumonia & Pleurisy W CC Simple Pneumonia & Pleurisy W/O CC/MCC Interstitial Lung Disease W MCC Interstitial Lung Disease W CC Interstitial Lung Disease W/O CC/MCC Pneumothorax W MCC Pneumothorax W CC Transfer ALOS 2.0 6.5 3.2 2.0 4.3 3.0 1.6 9.6 5.8 3.5 9.1 5.5 3.6 6.3 4.6 7.8 5.9 4.9 7.0 5.0 2.8 5.6 3.2 2.4 5.2 4.0 2.9 4.0 4.2 3.4 2.9 4.0 3.1 2.4 5.0 4.4 3.0 5.8 4.2 4 of 20 DRG Relative Weight 0.6224 2.2793 0.8932 0.6080 1.7520 0.8691 0.5738 5.8103 3.5661 2.2105 3.6934 2.7850 1.3162 2.4534 1.9539 3.1838 2.0190 1.5965 2.9888 2.1262 0.7204 1.7161 1.0155 0.8253 1.5589 1.1693 0.8186 1.8221 1.7006 1.3036 1.0898 1.7268 1.0937 0.8044 1.4354 1.2181 0.7900 1.9449 1.5931 DRG Daily Rate 1,340 1,523 1,224 1,303 1,764 1,271 1,582 2,617 2,666 2,758 1,767 2,176 1,601 1,697 1,839 1,758 1,489 1,422 1,843 1,826 1,110 1,322 1,387 1,501 1,293 1,281 1,214 1,972 1,757 1,685 1,605 1,883 1,518 1,439 1,243 1,188 1,144 1,452 1,654 Day Outlier Limit 5 14 11 7 15 10 4 32 12 8 28 17 10 13 11 25 16 15 20 19 9 18 9 6 18 13 8 13 12 10 7 13 9 6 15 15 8 19 11 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Cost Outlier Limit 6,966 16,671 29,112 20,537 69,070 27,891 5,094 63,921 30,076 17,684 122,217 27,392 34,323 19,455 19,121 38,909 21,214 17,114 29,754 23,027 21,881 50,584 28,098 20,321 45,606 34,955 20,259 23,004 20,140 14,581 10,625 22,689 12,676 8,934 43,163 35,705 21,721 56,994 14,873 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Kansas 2010 DRG Weights and Limits Effective October 1, 2009 DRG 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 Pneumothorax W/O CC/MCC Bronchitis & Asthma W CC/MCC Bronchitis & Asthma W/O CC/MCC Respiratory Signs & Symptoms Other Respiratory System Diagnoses W MCC Other Respiratory System Diagnoses W/O MCC Respiratory System Diagnosis W Ventilator Support 96+ Hours Respiratory System Diagnosis W Ventilator Support <96 Hours Other Heart Assist System Implant Cardiac Valve & Oth Maj Cardiothoracic Proc W Card Cath W MCC Cardiac Valve & Oth Maj Cardiothoracic Proc W Card Cath W CC Cardiac Valve & Oth Maj Cardiothoracic Proc W Card Cath W/O CC/MCC Cardiac Valve & Oth Maj Cardiothoracic Proc W/O Card Cath W MCC Cardiac Valve & Oth Maj Cardiothoracic Proc W/O Card Cath W CC Cardiac Valve & Oth Maj Cardiothoracic Proc W/O Card Cath W/O CC/MCC Cardiac Defib Implant W Cardiac Cath W AMI/HF/Shock W MCC Cardiac Defib Implant W Cardiac Cath W AMI/HF/Shock W/O MCC Cardiac Defib Implant W Cardiac Cath W/O AMI/HF/Shock W MCC Cardiac Defib Implant W Cardiac Cath W/O AMI/HF/Shock W/O MCC Cardiac Defibrillator Implant W/O Cardiac Cath W MCC Cardiac Defibrillator Implant W/O Cardiac Cath W/O MCC Other Cardiothoracic Procedures W MCC Other Cardiothoracic Procedures W CC Other Cardiothoracic Procedures W/O CC/MCC Coronary Bypass W PTCA W MCC Coronary Bypass W PTCA W/O MCC Coronary Bypass W Cardiac Cath W MCC Coronary Bypass W Cardiac Cath W/O MCC Coronary Bypass W/O Cardiac Cath W MCC Coronary Bypass W/O Cardiac Cath W/O MCC Major Cardiovasc Procedures W MCC Or Thoracic Aortic Anuerysm Repair Major Cardiovasc Procedures W/O MCC Amputation For Circ Sys Disorders Exc Upper Limb & Toe W MCC Amputation For Circ Sys Disorders Exc Upper Limb & Toe W CC Amputation For Circ Sys Disorders Exc Upper Limb & Toe W/O CC/MCC Permanent Cardiac Pacemaker Implant W MCC Permanent Cardiac Pacemaker Implant W CC Permanent Cardiac Pacemaker Implant W/O CC/MCC AICD Generator Procedures Transfer ALOS 3.7 2.8 2.1 1.9 3.8 2.4 15.4 5.2 7.0 13.9 10.0 7.1 12.0 6.9 5.5 10.5 5.1 8.1 5.3 6.2 1.9 9.4 6.9 5.0 9.5 8.1 10.8 8.0 8.6 5.9 8.0 4.7 13.3 8.6 5.9 6.5 3.8 2.5 1.8 5 of 20 DRG Relative Weight 1.1128 0.9928 0.7168 0.8253 1.4423 0.9638 7.2933 2.9815 15.6049 10.4879 7.5216 5.8771 11.2621 6.4089 5.2342 9.9694 6.8549 9.2964 4.8990 7.3765 4.7067 8.4690 5.6145 4.5885 8.2741 6.7118 7.2571 5.6823 5.5302 5.0101 6.5766 3.8041 4.8294 2.6940 1.7849 3.7698 2.7230 2.3487 4.1010 DRG Daily Rate 1,320 1,524 1,478 1,851 1,643 1,760 2,057 2,487 9,651 3,276 3,259 3,604 4,049 4,009 4,158 4,122 5,785 4,968 3,979 5,150 10,503 3,917 3,512 3,949 3,782 3,609 2,906 3,079 2,777 3,670 3,568 3,526 1,571 1,350 1,301 2,518 3,143 4,116 10,087 Day Outlier Limit 6 8 6 6 13 7 50 21 18 34 22 13 31 20 11 28 15 27 15 26 7 36 20 13 22 15 41 12 16 11 36 14 39 25 15 19 12 5 8 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Cost Outlier Limit 8,272 11,054 7,834 9,258 51,096 10,282 76,090 35,435 309,294 239,784 159,036 105,684 82,797 52,496 99,755 225,418 138,078 210,311 34,741 169,496 46,069 252,239 146,987 103,789 184,664 131,613 73,892 41,703 41,744 37,578 206,298 50,751 140,199 75,601 57,325 92,661 65,141 18,294 103,082 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Kansas 2010 DRG Weights and Limits Effective October 1, 2009 DRG 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 Perc Cardiovasc Proc W Drug-Eluting Stent W MCC Or 4+ Vessels/Stents Perc Cardiovasc Proc W Drug-Eluting Stent W/O MCC Perc Cardiovasc Proc W Non-Drug-Eluting Stent W MCC Or 4+ Ves/Stents Perc Cardiovasc Proc W Non-Drug-Eluting Stent W/O MCC Perc Cardiovasc Proc W/O Coronary Artery Stent Or AMI W MCC Perc Cardiovasc Proc W/O Coronary Artery Stent Or AMI W/O MCC Other Vascular Procedures W MCC Other Vascular Procedures W CC Other Vascular Procedures W/O CC/MCC Upper Limb & Toe Amputation For Circ System Disorders W MCC Upper Limb & Toe Amputation For Circ System Disorders W CC Upper Limb & Toe Amputation For Circ System Disorders W/O CC/MCC Cardiac Pacemaker Device Replacement W MCC Cardiac Pacemaker Device Replacement W/O MCC Cardiac Pacemaker Revision Except Device Replacement W MCC Cardiac Pacemaker Revision Except Device Replacement W CC Cardiac Pacemaker Revision Except Device Replacement W/O CC/MCC Vein Ligation & Stripping Other Circulatory System O.R. Procedures AICD Lead Procedures Acute Myocardial Infarction, Discharged Alive W MCC Acute Myocardial Infarction, Discharged Alive W CC Acute Myocardia Infarction, Discharged Alive W/O CC/MCC Acute Myocardial Infarction, Expired W MCC Acute Myocardial Infarction, Expired W CC Acute Myocardial Infarction, Expired W/O CC/MCC Circulatory Disorders Except AMI, W Card Cath W MCC Circulatory Disorders Except AMI, W Card Cath W/O MCC Acute & Subacute Endocarditis W MCC Acute & Subacute Endocarditis W CC Acute & Subacute Endocarditis W/O CC/MCC Heart Failure & Shock W MCC Heart Failure & Shock W CC Heart Failure & Shock W/O CC/MCC Deep Vein Thrombophlebitis W CC/MCC Deep Vein Thrombophlebitis W/O CC/MCC Cardiac Arrest, Unexplained W MCC Cardiac Arrest, Unexplained W CC Cardiac Arrest, Unexplained W/O CC/MCC Transfer ALOS 4.1 1.9 3.8 2.5 4.8 2.5 5.6 3.6 2.4 7.5 5.5 3.0 5.0 2.4 7.4 2.8 1.9 3.3 7.3 1.9 5.1 3.4 2.9 3.1 2.2 1.7 5.1 2.4 9.3 6.5 4.4 4.8 3.6 2.8 4.2 3.4 2.1 1.4 1.1 6 of 20 DRG Relative Weight 4.5847 2.4913 3.2606 2.6206 3.5167 2.1766 3.2217 2.6690 2.1119 2.4417 1.5075 0.9149 3.4062 1.8413 4.0083 1.4625 0.9995 1.9659 2.9934 1.9556 2.5732 1.9488 1.5548 1.8200 0.9512 0.6734 2.8708 1.4561 3.0533 1.7739 0.9695 2.1178 1.4702 1.0729 0.8562 0.4231 1.7749 0.8154 0.5436 DRG Daily Rate 4,829 5,767 3,764 4,556 3,198 3,739 2,495 3,209 3,794 1,415 1,189 1,303 2,949 3,321 2,345 2,302 2,277 2,579 1,768 4,576 2,197 2,452 2,337 2,533 1,863 1,735 2,427 2,583 1,429 1,189 945 1,894 1,773 1,677 880 540 3,676 2,521 2,139 Day Outlier Limit 20 5 13 6 20 6 16 13 8 23 16 11 14 8 19 9 6 11 20 8 17 8 6 15 10 6 14 7 35 25 12 17 11 7 10 8 11 8 7 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Cost Outlier Limit 48,051 19,891 30,137 21,529 100,261 18,613 30,634 26,407 20,783 71,910 44,590 20,962 72,644 38,936 84,323 36,301 27,756 44,701 28,836 56,959 31,920 17,266 12,531 74,043 29,384 21,860 34,613 15,538 88,543 42,793 23,109 26,917 15,503 10,271 28,964 13,405 59,562 22,382 17,109 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Kansas 2010 DRG Weights and Limits Effective October 1, 2009 DRG 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 Peripheral Vascular Disorders W MCC Peripheral Vascular Disorders W CC Peripheral Vascular Disorders W/O CC/MCC Atherosclerosis W MCC Atherosclerosis W/O MCC Hypertension W MCC Hypertension W/O MCC Cardiac Congenital & Valvular Disorders W MCC Cardiac Congenital & Valvular Disorders W/O MCC Cardiac Arrhythmia & Conduction Disorders W MCC Cardiac Arrhythmia & Conduction Disorders W CC Cardiac Arrhythmia & Conduction Disorders W/O CC/MCC Angina Pectoris Syncope & Collapse Chest Pain Other Circulatory System Diagnoses W MCC Other Circulatory System Diagnoses W CC Other Circulatory System Diagnoses W/O CC/MCC Stomach, Esophageal & Duodenal Proc W MCC Stomach, Esophageal & Duodenal Proc W CC Stomach, Esophageal & Duodenal Proc W/O CC/MCC Major Small & Large Bowel Procedures W MCC Major Small & Large Bowel Procedures W CC Major Small & Large Bowel Procedures W/O CC/MCC Rectal Resection W MCC Rectal Resection W CC Rectal Resection W/O CC/MCC Peritoneal Adhesiolysis W MCC Peritoneal Adhesiolysis W CC Peritoneal Adhesiolysis W/O CC/MCC Appendectomy W Complicated Principal Diag W MCC Appendectomy W Complicated Principal Diag W CC Appendectomy W Complicated Principal Diag W/O CC/MCC Appendectomy W/O Complicated Principal Diag W MCC Appendectomy W/O Complicated Principal Diag W CC Appendectomy W/O Complicated Principal Diag W/O CC/MCC Minor Small & Large Bowel Procedures W MCC Minor Small & Large Bowel Procedures W CC Minor Small & Large Bowel Procedures W/O CC/MCC Transfer ALOS 4.7 4.3 2.9 2.8 1.9 3.1 2.3 4.1 2.7 3.9 2.2 1.9 1.6 2.2 1.7 5.0 3.3 2.2 10.5 5.5 3.1 13.8 8.4 4.8 11.4 7.0 5.0 14.8 6.8 3.7 7.4 6.2 4.2 3.7 2.2 1.7 8.2 6.0 4.9 7 of 20 DRG Relative Weight 2.3172 1.3287 1.0063 0.9367 0.8596 1.0762 1.0116 1.5904 0.8250 1.3485 0.9871 0.8011 0.7961 0.9140 0.8365 2.5882 1.2209 0.6752 6.0020 2.5099 1.3860 7.2053 3.7700 1.6742 4.5088 2.3539 1.8838 5.9082 3.0799 1.8696 3.2851 2.3455 1.8318 1.8524 1.3975 1.1181 3.0090 2.2113 1.4734 DRG Daily Rate 2,148 1,328 1,513 1,443 2,001 1,523 1,888 1,679 1,323 1,485 1,960 1,845 2,127 1,807 2,168 2,227 1,587 1,341 2,465 1,986 1,942 2,259 1,936 1,523 1,708 1,460 1,621 1,729 1,949 2,193 1,917 1,638 1,902 2,191 2,788 2,916 1,587 1,601 1,304 Day Outlier Limit 14 19 7 9 5 13 6 13 10 14 7 6 4 7 5 17 9 7 37 16 11 64 32 12 30 15 11 32 20 10 23 12 8 13 7 4 30 16 8 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Cost Outlier Limit 48,951 21,545 9,569 23,880 9,599 48,581 11,634 37,417 30,083 55,474 9,908 8,758 7,212 9,531 8,975 33,841 14,668 19,658 79,444 28,497 21,795 98,672 55,364 42,061 119,849 56,449 41,384 47,994 29,172 18,151 108,575 17,322 16,359 54,551 12,451 9,059 126,390 39,206 16,210 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Kansas 2010 DRG Weights and Limits Effective October 1, 2009 DRG 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 Anal & Stomal Procedures W MCC Anal & Stomal Procedures W CC Anal & Stomal Procedures W/O CC/MCC Inguinal & Femoral Hernia Procedures W MCC Inguinal & Femoral Hernia Procedures W CC Inguinal & Femoral Hernia Procedures W/O CC/MCC Hernia Procedures Except Inguinal & Femoral W MCC Hernia Procedures Except Inguinal & Femoral W CC Hernia Procedures Except Inguinal & Femoral W/O CC/MCC Other Digestive System O.R. Procedures W MCC Other Digestive System O.R. Procedures W CC Other Digestive System O.R. Procedures W/O CC/MCC Major Esophageal Disorders W MCC Major Esophageal Disorders W CC Major Esophageal Disorders W/O CC/MCC Major Gastrointestinal Disorders & Peritoneal Infections W MCC Major Gastrointestinal Disorders & Peritoneal Infections W CC Major Gastrointestinal Disorders & Peritoneal Infections W/O CC/MCC Digestive Malignancy W MCC Digestive Malignancy W CC Digestive Malignancy W/O CC/MCC G.I. Hemorrhage W MCC G.I. Hemorrhage W CC G.I. Hemorrhage W/O CC/MCC Complicated Peptic Ulcer W MCC Complicated Peptic Ulcer W CC Complicated Peptic Ulcer W/O CC/MCC Uncomplicated Peptic Ulcer W MCC Uncomplicated Peptic Ulcer W/O MCC Inflammatory Bowel Disease W MCC Inflammatory Bowel Disease W CC Inflammatory Bowel Disease W/O CC/MCC G.I. Obstruction W MCC G.I. Obstruction W CC G.I. Obstruction W/O CC/MCC Esophagitis, Gastroent & Misc Digest Disorders W MCC Esophagitis, Gastroent & Misc Digest Disorders W/O MCC Other Digestive System Diagnoses W MCC Other Digestive System Diagnoses W CC Transfer ALOS 6.3 3.5 2.3 5.4 3.2 1.7 6.3 5.5 2.3 8.8 5.6 3.2 5.5 4.5 2.2 6.9 4.7 3.4 5.7 4.5 3.0 3.8 3.2 2.3 5.4 4.0 2.5 4.5 2.5 5.1 3.7 3.4 5.0 3.7 2.1 3.3 2.4 4.4 3.5 8 of 20 DRG Relative Weight 2.4170 1.2361 0.7845 2.5170 1.2152 0.8129 3.3045 2.3904 1.0389 4.0360 2.1995 1.4076 2.0969 1.5924 0.7505 2.6283 1.6765 0.9389 1.9897 1.6683 0.8252 1.9870 1.4289 1.0127 1.7158 1.1583 0.7805 1.5346 1.0556 1.7744 1.2807 0.8533 1.7087 1.1142 0.6959 1.3774 0.9027 1.5372 1.3751 DRG Daily Rate 1,666 1,516 1,509 2,014 1,629 2,034 2,271 1,892 1,990 1,983 1,697 1,892 1,647 1,549 1,497 1,649 1,541 1,206 1,508 1,594 1,211 2,252 1,939 1,873 1,378 1,269 1,335 1,476 1,828 1,506 1,490 1,099 1,482 1,311 1,462 1,801 1,608 1,516 1,720 Day Outlier Limit 25 11 7 35 10 6 32 34 8 33 19 10 17 9 6 23 19 10 25 14 10 14 9 5 16 11 6 17 7 18 12 10 12 10 6 12 9 17 12 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Cost Outlier Limit 88,347 35,250 21,164 110,805 28,430 19,310 161,417 26,489 31,584 127,941 67,635 35,576 65,977 11,055 17,853 27,541 20,532 9,811 69,492 18,424 24,791 22,708 15,950 9,740 51,883 32,481 17,814 52,274 9,720 97,701 28,174 11,106 16,429 11,540 7,487 20,179 11,046 61,848 17,520 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Kansas 2010 DRG Weights and Limits Effective October 1, 2009 DRG 395 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 453 454 Other Digestive System Diagnoses W/O CC/MCC Pancreas, Liver & Shunt Procedures W MCC Pancreas, Liver & Shunt Procedures W CC Pancreas, Liver & Shunt Procedures W/O CC/MCC Biliary Tract Proc Except Only Cholecyst W/OR W/O C.D.E. W MCC Biliary Tract Proc Except Only Cholecyst W/OR W/O C.D.E. W CC Biliary Tract Proc Except Only Cholecyst W/OR W/O C.D.E. W/O CC/MCC Cholecystectomy W C.D.E. W MCC Cholecystectomy W C.D.E. W CC Cholecystectomy W C.D.E. W/O CC/MCC Cholecystectomy Except By Laparoscope W/O C.D.E. W MCC Cholecystectomy Except By Laparoscope W/O C.D.E. W CC Cholecystectomy Except By Laparoscope W/O C.D.E. W/O CC/MCC Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy W/O C.D.E. W MCC Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy W/O C.D.E. W CC Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy W/O C.D.E. W/O CC/MCC Hepatobiliary Diagnostic Procedures W MCC Hepatobiliary Diagnostic Procedures W CC Hepatobiliary Diagnostic Procedures W/O CC/MCC Other Hepatobiliary Or Pancreas O.R. Procedures W MCC Other Hepatobiliary Or Pancreas O.R. Procedures W CC Other Hepatobiliary Or Pancreas O.R. Procedures W/O CC/MCC Cirrhosis & Alcoholic Hepatitis W MCC Cirrhosis & Alcoholic Hepatitis W CC Cirrhosis & Alcoholic Hepatitis W/O CC/MCC Malignancy Of Hepatobiliary System Or Pancreas W MCC Malignancy Of Hepatobiliary System Or Pancreas W CC Malignancy Of Hepatobiliary System Or Pancreas W/O CC/MCC Disorders Of Pancreas Except Malignancy W MCC Disorders Of Pancreas Except Malignancy W CC Disorders Of Pancreas Except Malignancy W/O CC/MCC Disorders Of Liver Except Malig, Cirr, Alc Hepa W MCC Disorders Of Liver Except Malig, Cirr, Alc Hepa W CC Disorders Of Liver Except Malig, Cirr, Alc Hepa W/O CC/MCC Disorders Of The Biliary Tract W MCC Disorders Of The Biliary Tract W CC Disorders Of The Biliary Tract W/O CC/MCC Combined Anterior/Posterior Spinal Fusion W MCC Combined Anterior/Posterior Spinal Fusion W CC Transfer ALOS 2.2 12.4 6.2 4.0 11.5 6.9 5.7 9.0 5.0 3.6 9.1 5.5 3.7 4.9 3.2 2.3 10.9 5.7 3.5 10.7 7.7 3.9 5.6 3.4 2.6 5.1 3.0 2.8 5.5 3.7 2.9 4.9 3.3 2.4 4.4 3.8 2.3 14.1 4.6 9 of 20 DRG Relative Weight 0.8243 7.6006 3.3021 2.3889 4.9380 2.5828 2.2642 4.2417 2.1522 1.6965 3.8089 2.1035 1.4361 2.4238 1.7496 1.4719 5.6047 2.2532 1.5381 5.3825 3.1199 1.7608 2.4755 1.1514 0.6820 1.8279 1.1676 0.9312 2.7147 1.2671 1.0450 2.3638 1.3194 0.8574 1.5295 1.4017 0.7194 14.1304 4.6936 DRG Daily Rate 1,660 2,653 2,302 2,579 1,865 1,628 1,714 2,049 1,849 2,029 1,812 1,659 1,699 2,137 2,382 2,770 2,220 1,717 1,892 2,170 1,747 1,954 1,924 1,449 1,149 1,552 1,663 1,450 2,133 1,503 1,571 2,084 1,741 1,553 1,505 1,610 1,378 4,329 4,436 Day Outlier Limit 6 43 22 11 33 20 14 26 13 10 25 15 9 14 7 8 30 21 11 42 31 12 21 10 8 17 10 9 22 11 8 25 12 5 15 9 6 54 11 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Cost Outlier Limit 9,419 253,942 86,176 57,516 139,031 64,534 52,250 136,392 45,868 37,465 120,591 53,573 34,213 23,388 14,851 14,652 178,405 82,256 37,261 215,088 96,859 40,723 32,013 12,852 19,775 56,536 11,854 25,392 38,069 13,874 11,599 37,331 17,261 9,093 52,235 13,794 18,519 376,249 28,760 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Kansas 2010 DRG Weights and Limits Effective October 1, 2009 DRG 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 Combined Anterior/Posterior Spinal Fusion W/O CC/MCC Spinal Fus Exc Cerv W Spinal Curv/Malig/Infec Or 9+ Fus W MCC Spinal Fus Exc Cerv W Spinal Curv/Malig/Infec Or 9+ Fus W CC Spinal Fus Exc Cerv W Spinal Curv/Malig/Infec Or 9+ Fus W/O CC/MCC Spinal Fusion Except Cervical W MCC Spinal Fusion Except Cervical W/O MCC Bilateral Or Multiple Major Joint Procs Of Lower Extremity W MCC Bilateral Or Multiple Major Joint Procs Of Lower Extremity W/O MCC Wnd Debrid & Skn Grft Exc Hand, For Musculo-Conn Tiss Dis W MCC Wnd Debrid & Skn Grft Exc Hand, For Musculo-Conn Tiss Dis W CC Wnd Debrid & Skn Grft Exc Hand, For Musculo-Conn Tiss Dis W/O CC/MCC Revision Of Hip Or Knee Replacement W MCC Revision Of Hip Or Knee Replacement W CC Revision Of Hip Or Knee Replacement W/O CC/MCC Major Joint Replacement Or Reattachment Of Lower Extremity W MCC Major Joint Replacement Or Reattachment Of Lower Extremity W/O MCC Cervical Spinal Fusion W MCC Cervical Spinal Fusion W CC Cervical Spinal Fusion W/O CC/MCC Amputation For Musculoskeletal Sys & Conn Tissue Dis W MCC Amputation For Musculoskeletal Sys & Conn Tissue Dis W CC Amputation For Musculoskeletal Sys & Conn Tissue Dis W/O CC/MCC Biopsies Of Musculoskeletal System & Connective Tissue W MCC Biopsies Of Musculoskeletal System & Connective Tissue W CC Biopsies Of Musculoskeletal System & Connective Tissue W/O CC/MCC Hip & Femur Procedures Except Major Joint W MCC Hip & Femur Procedures Except Major Joint W CC Hip & Femur Procedures Except Major Joint W/O CC/MCC Major Joint & Limb Reattachment Proc Of Upper Extremity W CC/MCC Major Joint & Limb Reattachment Proc Of Upper Extremity W/O CC/MCC Knee Procedures W PDX Of Infection W MCC Knee Procedures W PDX Of Infection W CC Knee Procedures W PDX Of Infection W/O CC/MCC Knee Procedures W/O PDX Of Infection W CC/MCC Knee Procedures W/O PDX Of Infection W/O CC/MCC Back & Neck Proc Exc Spinal Fusion W CC/MCC Or Disc Device/Neurostim Back & Neck Proc Exc Spinal Fusion W/O CC/MCC Lower Extrem & Humer Proc Except Hip, Foot, Femur W MCC Lower Extrem & Humer Proc Except Hip, Foot, Femur W CC Transfer ALOS 4.8 16.0 10.0 4.8 7.8 3.6 7.3 3.5 12.1 6.9 4.3 7.6 5.5 3.5 7.2 3.4 7.2 2.3 1.8 9.5 6.6 4.0 10.4 5.4 2.4 7.5 6.0 3.7 3.4 2.0 9.9 6.3 4.2 3.4 2.2 3.0 2.0 6.8 3.8 10 of 20 DRG Relative Weight 3.1271 8.8801 7.5908 5.8891 5.3060 3.8848 4.9536 4.5936 4.9562 2.7414 2.2367 7.6171 4.3676 3.5932 3.4332 2.8295 5.2291 2.2542 1.8384 3.5963 2.5497 1.5038 3.9172 2.1526 1.5716 3.0527 2.9364 1.8000 2.3638 1.7187 3.2188 1.9959 1.3475 1.6470 1.3034 2.0234 1.2237 3.2502 2.1098 DRG Daily Rate 2,838 2,403 3,299 5,345 2,945 4,646 2,958 5,698 1,778 1,717 2,236 4,333 3,463 4,509 2,076 3,613 3,140 4,224 4,373 1,646 1,680 1,619 1,631 1,742 2,871 1,757 2,122 2,100 3,019 3,702 1,406 1,378 1,392 2,103 2,576 2,920 2,662 2,066 2,378 Day Outlier Limit 15 41 20 9 14 8 17 6 42 30 16 25 16 6 20 6 23 11 5 30 20 9 38 15 9 20 12 9 11 5 29 15 9 10 6 9 6 20 9 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Cost Outlier Limit 32,681 66,656 52,676 128,732 35,822 36,093 131,001 32,818 148,684 96,601 72,039 113,847 45,150 31,229 96,226 22,409 129,328 21,719 17,787 115,478 21,919 10,531 145,123 51,484 34,089 86,728 28,252 16,690 56,405 34,903 86,530 49,165 33,034 39,746 33,683 18,885 9,609 103,340 17,373 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Kansas 2010 DRG Weights and Limits Effective October 1, 2009 DRG 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 Lower Extrem & Humer Proc Except Hip, Foot, Femur W/O CC/MCC Local Excision & Removal Int Fix Devices Exc Hip & Femur W MCC Local Excision & Removal Int Fix Devices Exc Hip & Femur W CC Local Excision & Removal Int Fix Devices Exc Hip & Femur W/O CC/MCC Local Excision & Removal Int Fix Devices Of Hip & Femur W CC/MCC Local Excision & Removal Int Fix Devices Of Hip & Femur W/O CC/MCC Soft Tissue Procedures W MCC Soft Tissue Procedures W CC Soft Tissue Procedures W/O CC/MCC Foot Procedures W MCC Foot Procedures W CC Foot Procedures W/O CC/MCC Major Thumb Or Joint Procedures Major Shoulder Or Elbow Joint Procedures W CC/MCC Major Shoulder Or Elbow Joint Procedures W/O CC/MCC Arthroscopy Shoulder, Elbow Or Forearm Proc, Exc Major Joint Proc W MCC Shoulder, Elbow Or Forearm Proc, Exc Major Joint Proc W CC Shoulder, Elbow Or Forearm Proc, Exc Major Joint Proc W/O CC/MCC Hand Or Wrist Proc, Except Major Thumb Or Joint Proc W CC/MCC Hand Or Wrist Proc, Except Major Thumb Or Joint Proc W/O CC/MCC Other Musculoskelet Sys & Conn Tiss O.R. Proc W MCC Other Musculoskelet Sys & Conn Tiss O.R. Proc W CC Other Musculoskelet Sys & Conn Tiss O.R. Proc W/O CC/MCC Fractures Of Femur W MCC Fractures Of Femur W/O MCC Fractures Of Hip & Pelvis W MCC Fractures Of Hip & Pelvis W/O MCC Sprains, Strains, & Dislocations Of Hip, Pelvis & Thigh W CC/MCC Sprains, Strains, & Dislocations Of Hip, Pelvis & Thigh W/O CC/MCC Osteomyelitis W MCC Osteomyelitis W CC Osteomyelitis W/O CC/MCC Pathological Fractures & Musculoskelet & Conn Tiss Malig W MCC Pathological Fractures & Musculoskelet & Conn Tiss Malig W CC Pathological Fractures & Musculoskelet & Conn Tiss Malig W/O CC/MCC Connective Tissue Disorders W MCC Connective Tissue Disorders W CC Connective Tissue Disorders W/O CC/MCC Transfer ALOS 2.4 7.7 4.2 2.7 5.4 2.2 6.4 5.0 2.5 7.4 4.6 3.2 2.1 3.1 1.9 1.7 5.0 2.8 1.8 2.8 2.0 8.0 4.7 2.2 5.1 2.5 4.9 3.4 3.2 2.2 7.0 6.1 4.1 6.4 4.6 3.6 6.2 4.0 2.8 11 of 20 DRG Relative Weight 1.4215 4.3401 1.7362 1.5807 1.9499 1.0262 3.5566 2.1206 1.4192 2.3971 1.6737 1.1597 1.1186 1.6677 1.4706 1.1597 2.4853 1.4721 1.1214 1.4331 0.9664 2.6644 2.2531 1.6303 1.1206 0.6120 1.4296 0.6009 0.7966 0.5270 1.9909 1.8000 0.8250 1.9986 1.1304 0.6944 2.9519 1.1358 0.8397 DRG Daily Rate 2,619 2,440 1,777 2,507 1,578 2,066 2,409 1,829 2,448 1,395 1,579 1,569 2,263 2,344 3,368 2,885 2,174 2,268 2,682 2,184 2,145 1,451 2,071 3,151 949 1,068 1,253 763 1,081 1,028 1,235 1,271 878 1,350 1,066 837 2,054 1,235 1,317 Day Outlier Limit 6 42 15 8 35 8 24 11 7 21 14 7 6 10 3 6 12 8 5 12 7 14 15 6 15 13 14 9 8 7 22 12 20 21 15 9 28 9 8 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Cost Outlier Limit 12,859 200,568 49,005 11,085 59,781 33,276 96,777 17,720 10,626 65,398 52,264 8,983 36,712 39,936 10,527 24,302 69,928 36,347 27,448 38,097 29,644 17,417 65,538 11,535 30,607 15,244 53,930 16,513 20,728 13,610 61,098 14,600 27,060 74,966 35,300 21,753 143,906 11,704 35,380 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Kansas 2010 DRG Weights and Limits Effective October 1, 2009 DRG 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 Septic Arthritis W MCC Septic Arthritis W CC Septic Arthritis W/O CC/MCC Medical Back Problems W MCC Medical Back Problems W/O MCC Bone Diseases & Arthropathies W MCC Bone Diseases & Arthropathies W/O MCC Signs & Symptoms Of Musculoskeletal System & Conn Tissue W MCC Signs & Symptoms Of Musculoskeletal System & Conn Tissue W/O MCC Tendonitis, Myositis & Bursitis W MCC Tendonitis, Myositis & Bursitis W/O MCC Aftercare, Musculoskeletal System & Connective Tissue W MCC Aftercare, Musculoskeletal System & Connective Tissue W CC Aftercare, Musculoskeletal System & Connective Tissue W/O CC/MCC Fx, Sprn, Strn & Disl Except Femur, Hip, Pelvis & Thigh W MCC Fx, Sprn, Strn & Disl Except Femur, Hip, Pelvis & Thigh W/O MCC Other Musculoskeletal Sys & Connective Tissue Diagnoses W MCC Other Musculoskeletal Sys & Connective Tissue Diagnoses W CC Other Musculoskeletal Sys & Connective Tissue Diagnoses W/O CC/MCC Skin Graft &/or Debrid For Skn Ulcer Or Cellulitis W MCC Skin Graft &/or Debrid For Skn Ulcer Or Cellulitis W CC Skin Graft &/or Debrid For Skn Ulcer Or Cellulitis W/O CC/MCC Skin Graft &/or Debrid Exc For Skin Ulcer Or Cellulitis W MCC Skin Graft &/or Debrid Exc For Skin Ulcer Or Cellulitis W CC Skin Graft &/or Debrid Exc For Skin Ulcer Or Cellulitis W/O CC/MCC Other Skin, Subcut Tiss & Breast Proc W MCC Other Skin, Subcut Tiss & Breast Proc W CC Other Skin, Subcut Tiss & Breast Proc W/O CC/MCC Mastectomy For Malignancy W CC/MCC Mastectomy For Malignancy W/O CC/MCC Breast Biopsy, Local Excision & Other Breast Procedures W CC/MCC Breast Biopsy, Local Excision & Other Breast Procedures W/O CC/MCC Skin Ulcers W MCC Skin Ulcers W CC Skin Ulcers W/O CC/MCC Major Skin Disorders W MCC Major Skin Disorders W/O MCC Malignant Breast Disorders W MCC Malignant Breast Disorders W CC Transfer ALOS 6.7 4.7 3.0 4.8 2.5 4.4 3.0 3.5 2.2 4.7 3.0 5.1 4.9 3.3 4.7 2.1 5.3 3.9 2.3 9.5 6.3 4.1 8.2 4.1 2.9 6.8 4.5 2.1 2.0 1.7 3.7 1.7 5.8 4.6 3.8 5.2 3.2 5.4 4.0 12 of 20 DRG Relative Weight 2.3450 1.0883 0.5787 2.0683 0.9025 1.2571 0.6205 1.0322 0.8978 1.4794 0.6646 1.3585 0.7840 0.5321 1.3361 0.8621 1.8327 0.9632 0.6248 2.8685 1.7010 1.6294 4.0863 1.7705 1.5269 2.6627 2.0192 1.1386 1.0981 1.0285 1.6414 1.0092 1.4559 0.8974 0.5992 1.5371 0.7075 1.3838 0.8997 DRG Daily Rate 1,515 1,000 841 1,865 1,538 1,228 889 1,288 1,775 1,368 969 1,158 695 709 1,220 1,786 1,497 1,077 1,166 1,311 1,173 1,742 2,157 1,860 2,303 1,688 1,934 2,336 2,377 2,574 1,920 2,632 1,081 848 677 1,290 948 1,116 986 Day Outlier Limit 18 16 11 13 8 16 25 12 9 17 8 27 24 20 15 7 15 14 9 38 24 10 21 33 6 21 17 7 6 4 13 5 18 13 35 14 9 15 45 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Cost Outlier Limit 52,057 30,962 17,370 17,638 10,524 41,666 18,560 37,616 11,405 73,998 18,784 60,280 24,914 17,714 41,599 9,887 42,117 29,320 16,964 82,388 54,402 12,577 85,838 135,975 10,268 95,899 23,445 10,933 31,380 26,609 43,028 21,989 46,006 26,642 16,631 43,003 21,019 38,979 37,517 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Kansas 2010 DRG Weights and Limits Effective October 1, 2009 DRG 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 652 653 654 655 Malignant Breast Disorders W/O CC/MCC Non-malignant Breast Disorders W CC/MCC Non-malignant Breast Disorders W/O CC/MCC Cellulitis W MCC Cellulitis W/O MCC Trauma To The Skin, Subcut Tiss & Breast W MCC Trauma To The Skin, Subcut Tiss & Breast W/O MCC Minor Skin Disorders W MCC Minor Skin Disorders W/O MCC Adrenal & Pituitary Procedures W CC/MCC Adrenal & Pituitary Procedures W/O CC/MCC Amputat Of Lower Limb For Endocrine, Nutrit & Metabol Dis W MCC Amputat Of Lower Limb For Endocrine, Nutrit & Metabol Dis W CC Amputat Of Lower Limb For Endocrine, Nutrit & Metabol Dis W/O CC/MCC O.R. Procedures For Obesity W MCC O.R. Procedures For Obesity W CC O.R. Procedures For Obesity W/O CC/MCC Skin Grafts & Wound Debrid For Endoc, Nutrit & Metab Dis W MCC Skin Grafts & Wound Debrid For Endoc, Nutrit & Metab Dis W CC Skin Grafts & Wound Debrid For Endoc, Nutrit & Metab Dis W/O CC/MCC Thyroid, Parathyroid & Thyroglossal Procedures W MCC Thyroid, Parathyroid & Thyroglossal Procedures W CC Thyroid, Parathyroid & Thyroglossal Procedures W/O CC/MCC Other Endocrine, Nutrit & Metab O.R. Proc W MCC Other Endocrine, Nutrit & Metab O.R. Proc W CC Other Endocrine, Nutrit & Metab O.R. Proc W/O CC/MCC Diabetes W MCC Diabetes W CC Diabetes W/O CC/MCC Nutritional & Misc Metabolic Disorders W MCC Nutritional & Misc Metabolic Disorders W/O MCC Inborn Errors Of Metabolism Endocrine Disorders W MCC Endocrine Disorders W CC Endocrine Disorders W/O CC/MCC Kidney Transplant Major Bladder Procedures W MCC Major Bladder Procedures W CC Major Bladder Procedures W/O CC/MCC Transfer ALOS 2.6 3.9 2.6 5.5 3.3 2.1 2.0 3.9 2.4 4.6 3.0 11.0 6.7 5.0 5.0 2.9 2.1 11.3 6.4 5.3 4.7 2.2 1.3 8.2 6.1 3.1 3.3 3.0 2.3 3.1 2.2 3.0 4.7 3.1 2.7 5.9 12.6 8.2 5.0 13 of 20 DRG Relative Weight 0.7421 0.7020 0.5076 1.9048 1.0860 0.8847 0.6355 0.9611 0.4865 2.9220 2.1470 3.6832 2.1124 1.5462 4.3588 2.0335 1.9507 5.1429 1.8696 1.1746 2.7219 1.3868 0.8940 4.0550 2.1565 1.5887 1.5366 1.1392 0.8566 1.2060 0.7119 1.1990 1.5527 1.1433 0.9736 8.1288 6.2223 3.4717 2.3463 DRG Daily Rate 1,236 783 852 1,510 1,429 1,807 1,362 1,070 892 2,726 3,129 1,456 1,373 1,339 3,774 3,057 4,040 1,970 1,261 967 2,507 2,754 2,888 2,149 1,543 2,197 2,022 1,633 1,648 1,712 1,414 1,707 1,430 1,612 1,538 5,995 2,133 1,826 2,048 Day Outlier Limit 10 9 6 18 10 5 7 15 8 13 8 36 19 14 14 8 5 26 22 13 14 9 4 32 17 13 10 9 6 10 8 16 17 9 7 21 41 18 12 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Cost Outlier Limit 20,962 16,613 11,917 28,228 12,885 6,799 18,662 33,135 15,080 82,230 47,897 97,484 63,698 36,560 91,126 46,739 37,935 106,335 60,702 27,342 59,369 35,793 20,975 129,309 57,747 50,521 20,377 13,351 8,250 15,238 9,384 63,927 56,438 12,050 9,477 183,637 181,345 77,038 55,581 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Kansas 2010 DRG Weights and Limits Effective October 1, 2009 DRG 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 Kidney & Ureter Procedures For Neoplasm W MCC Kidney & Ureter Procedures For Neoplasm W CC Kidney & Ureter Procedures For Neoplasm W/O CC/MCC Kidney & Ureter Procedures For Non-neoplasm W MCC Kidney & Ureter Procedures For Non-neoplasm W CC Kidney & Ureter Procedures For Non-neoplasm W/O CC/MCC Minor Bladder Procedures W MCC Minor Bladder Procedures W CC Minor Bladder Procedures W/O CC/MCC Prostatectomy W MCC Prostatectomy W CC Prostatectomy W/O CC/MCC Transurethral Procedures W MCC Transurethral Procedures W CC Transurethral Procedures W/O CC/MCC Urethral Procedures W CC/MCC Urethral Procedures W/O CC/MCC Other Kidney & Urinary Tract Procedures W MCC Other Kidney & Urinary Tract Procedures W CC Other Kidney & Urinary Tract Procedures W/O CC/MCC Renal Failure W MCC Renal Failure W CC Renal Failure W/O CC/MCC Admit For Renal Dialysis Kidney & Urinary Tract Neoplasms W MCC Kidney & Urinary Tract Neoplasms W CC Kidney & Urinary Tract Neoplasms W/O CC/MCC Kidney & Urinary Tract Infections W MCC Kidney & Urinary Tract Infections W/O MCC Urinary Stones W Esw Lithotripsy W CC/MCC Urinary Stones W Esw Lithotripsy W/O CC/MCC Urinary Stones W/O Esw Lithotripsy W MCC Urinary Stones W/O Esw Lithotripsy W/O MCC Kidney & Urinary Tract Signs & Symptoms W MCC Kidney & Urinary Tract Signs & Symptoms W/O MCC Urethral Stricture Other Kidney & Urinary Tract Diagnoses W MCC Other Kidney & Urinary Tract Diagnoses W CC Other Kidney & Urinary Tract Diagnoses W/O CC/MCC Transfer ALOS 7.9 4.7 3.6 6.8 3.6 2.9 7.1 3.5 1.4 7.2 5.0 2.3 8.5 2.1 2.0 3.9 1.9 6.9 4.0 1.7 5.3 4.0 2.8 2.2 5.3 3.9 2.4 3.5 2.7 2.3 1.7 3.5 2.1 3.5 2.4 2.5 7.2 3.7 2.4 14 of 20 DRG Relative Weight 3.5101 2.0619 1.8721 3.6900 1.8855 1.4366 2.4630 1.4360 0.9706 2.1820 1.5899 0.8552 3.4997 1.2501 0.8329 1.2475 0.9512 3.4373 2.1234 1.4959 2.5256 1.5146 1.0573 0.9952 1.5693 1.1282 0.6213 1.3410 0.9294 1.2038 0.9706 1.3355 0.8447 1.0351 0.5666 0.9901 2.5726 1.3066 0.7894 DRG Daily Rate 1,931 1,899 2,226 2,363 2,299 2,144 1,500 1,781 2,938 1,316 1,374 1,617 1,774 2,553 1,776 1,399 2,214 2,153 2,287 3,925 2,051 1,635 1,664 1,923 1,289 1,243 1,116 1,649 1,518 2,227 2,516 1,671 1,725 1,280 1,022 1,714 1,545 1,516 1,430 Day Outlier Limit 16 11 7 38 15 6 23 12 3 19 15 8 15 8 5 13 7 25 16 7 20 21 7 7 16 16 7 11 9 18 4 11 7 11 8 10 18 10 6 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Cost Outlier Limit 26,021 47,982 13,776 180,098 59,445 11,089 78,519 46,658 5,722 47,241 41,056 23,097 25,411 25,635 8,563 33,720 23,083 38,822 60,654 36,413 32,648 20,976 11,262 24,620 42,085 38,625 18,560 15,825 11,619 54,883 19,581 38,767 8,041 31,626 17,204 25,771 25,760 13,868 6,101 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Kansas 2010 DRG Weights and Limits Effective October 1, 2009 DRG 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 754 Major Male Pelvic Procedures W CC/MCC Major Male Pelvic Procedures W/O CC/MCC Penis Procedures W CC/MCC Penis Procedures W/O CC/MCC Testes Procedures W CC/MCC Testes Procedures W/O CC/MCC Transurethral Prostatectomy W CC/MCC Transurethral Prostatectomy W/O CC/MCC Other Male Reproductive System O.R. Proc For Malignancy W CC/MCC Other Male Reproductive System O.R. Proc For Malignancy W/O CC/MCC Other Male Reproductive System O.R. Proc Exc Malignancy W CC/MCC Other Male Reproductive System O.R. Proc Exc Malignancy W/O CC/MCC Malignancy, Male Reproductive System W MCC Malignancy, Male Reproductive System W CC Malignancy, Male Reproductive System W/O CC/MCC Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy W MCC Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy W/O MCC Inflammation Of The Male Reproductive System W MCC Inflammation Of The Male Reproductive System W/O MCC Other Male Reproductive System Diagnoses W CC/MCC Other Male Reproductive System Diagnoses W/O CC/MCC Pelvic Evisceration, Rad Hysterectomy & Rad Vulvectomy W CC/MCC Pelvic Evisceration, Rad Hysterectomy & Rad Vulvectomy W/O CC/MCC Uterine & Adnexa Proc For Ovarian Or Adnexal Malignancy W MCC Uterine & Adnexa Proc For Ovarian Or Adnexal Malignancy W CC Uterine & Adnexa Proc For Ovarian Or Adnexal Malignancy W/O CC/MCC Uterine,adnexa Proc For Non-Ovarian/Adnexal Malig W MCC Uterine,adnexa Proc For Non-Ovarian/Adnexal Malig W CC Uterine,adnexa Proc For Non-Ovarian/Adnexal Malig W/O CC/MCC Uterine & Adnexa Proc For Non-Malignancy W CC/MCC Uterine & Adnexa Proc For Non-Malignancy W/O CC/MCC D&C, Conization, Laparascopy & Tubal Interruption W CC/MCC D&C, Conization, Laparascopy & Tubal Interruption W/O CC/MCC Vagina, Cervix & Vulva Procedures W CC/MCC Vagina, Cervix & Vulva Procedures W/O CC/MCC Female Reproductive System Reconstructive Procedures Other Female Reproductive System O.R. Procedures W CC/MCC Other Female Reproductive System O.R. Procedures W/O CC/MCC Malignancy, Female Reproductive System W MCC Transfer ALOS 3.3 2.0 3.3 1.6 4.7 1.9 3.0 1.7 4.1 2.1 4.8 2.5 5.4 3.3 2.1 4.0 2.5 3.9 2.0 3.7 2.3 4.9 3.0 12.9 5.3 3.3 6.7 4.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 3.1 2.0 3.0 1.7 1.6 5.7 2.6 6.2 15 of 20 DRG Relative Weight 1.7407 1.4557 1.5046 1.2975 2.1447 0.7998 1.1177 0.6497 2.1235 1.5203 2.0411 0.8232 1.8198 0.7679 0.7648 0.9421 0.5352 1.0793 0.6720 1.1727 0.7037 2.6753 1.4256 5.7632 2.1191 1.3028 2.9730 1.5570 1.2570 1.4764 1.1568 1.1812 1.1438 1.2365 0.8588 1.0220 2.3366 1.1931 2.2900 DRG Daily Rate 2,319 3,135 1,998 3,578 1,967 1,803 1,624 1,674 2,242 3,179 1,841 1,403 1,459 1,010 1,577 1,009 927 1,214 1,477 1,372 1,324 2,368 2,085 1,934 1,724 1,714 1,935 1,694 2,734 2,138 2,542 1,677 2,439 1,761 2,200 2,748 1,768 1,987 1,599 Day Outlier Limit 9 5 15 5 20 8 12 4 13 6 14 11 15 12 9 11 18 14 4 12 9 14 5 39 14 7 17 11 4 9 5 12 3 8 4 4 16 7 17 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Cost Outlier Limit 44,284 29,478 45,257 30,697 72,279 22,219 48,427 14,382 47,761 29,610 46,161 19,116 41,867 30,590 21,401 24,264 13,050 42,193 5,728 29,314 20,216 84,430 27,808 166,678 50,734 29,081 78,728 41,099 9,243 15,997 9,341 35,461 7,946 32,377 19,099 8,841 74,721 27,912 50,991 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Kansas 2010 DRG Weights and Limits Effective October 1, 2009 DRG 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 765 766 767 768 769 770 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 799 800 801 802 803 804 808 809 810 811 Malignancy, Female Reproductive System W CC Malignancy, Female Reproductive System W/O CC/MCC Infections, Female Reproductive System W MCC Infections, Female Reproductive System W CC Infections, Female Reproductive System W/O CC/MCC Menstrual & Other Female Reproductive System Disorders W CC/MCC Menstrual & Other Female Reproductive System Disorders W/O CC/MCC Cesarean Section W CC/MCC Cesarean Section W/O CC/MCC Vaginal Delivery W Sterilization &/or D&C Vaginal Delivery W/O.R. Proc Except Steril &/or D&C Postpartum & Post Abortion Diagnoses W OR Procedure Abortion W D&C, Aspiration Curettage Or Hysterotomy Vaginal Delivery W Complicating Diagnoses Vaginal Delivery W/O Complicating Diagnoses Postpartum & Post Abortion Diagnoses W/O O.R. Procedure Ectopic Pregnancy Threatened Abortion Abortion W/O D&C False Labor Other Antepartum Diagnoses W Medical Complications Other Antepartum Diagnoses W/O Medical Complications Neonates, Died Or Transferred To Another Acute Care Facility Extreme Immaturity or Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Neonate Prematurity with Major Problems Prematurity without Major Problems Full Term Neonate W Major Problems Neonate W/Other Significant Problems Normal Newborn Splenectomy W MCC Splenectomy W CC Splenectomy W/O CC/MCC Other O.R. Proc Of The Blood & Blood Forming Organs W MCC Other O.R. Proc Of The Blood & Blood Forming Organs W CC Other O.R. Proc Of The Blood & Blood Forming Organs W/O CC/MCC Major Hematol/immun Diag Exc Sickle Cell Crisis & Coagul W MCC Major Hematol/immun Diag Exc Sickle Cell Crisis & Coagul W CC Major Hematol/immun Diag Exc Sickle Cell Crisis & Coagul W/O CC/MCC Red Blood Cell Disorders W MCC Transfer ALOS 3.7 2.6 6.5 3.2 1.9 2.1 1.5 3.3 2.6 1.9 2.7 2.8 1.5 2.2 1.7 2.2 1.4 2.0 1.4 1.2 2.2 1.7 1.1 0 0 0 4.2 2.3 1.7 7.9 5.0 2.9 8.8 4.6 2.5 6.9 3.5 2.7 5.5 16 of 20 DRG Relative Weight 1.0447 0.6315 2.0905 0.8848 0.5920 0.6960 0.5536 1.1586 0.9401 0.9411 0.7018 1.5993 0.7598 0.7512 0.6262 0.8239 0.8836 0.5969 0.4196 0.1980 0.7211 0.5901 0.3084 0 0 0 1.4884 0.4715 0.2503 3.9527 2.3211 1.6395 4.2311 1.8513 1.1929 2.6341 1.1743 0.8211 2.4358 DRG Daily Rate 1,219 1,060 1,392 1,190 1,356 1,449 1,608 1,511 1,596 2,179 1,138 2,499 2,207 1,506 1,614 1,592 2,732 1,298 1,316 720 1,445 1,468 1,271 0 0 0 1,553 884 645 2,161 1,998 2,422 2,081 1,742 2,057 1,657 1,457 1,321 1,903 Day Outlier Limit 17 8 17 10 3 8 4 13 4 4 5 12 3 6 4 13 3 9 5 3 11 7 2 0 0 0 22 9 5 24 12 8 22 15 8 15 11 8 21 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 0 0 0 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Cost Outlier Limit 35,746 16,008 47,121 26,173 4,300 26,350 16,746 14,325 6,840 7,775 22,535 90,458 6,017 7,439 5,848 17,030 7,590 8,790 17,424 6,464 11,191 6,563 3,360 0 0 0 82,405 8,756 5,631 108,619 69,858 38,523 88,646 50,294 35,953 24,978 48,756 27,886 38,861 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 0 0 0 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Kansas 2010 DRG Weights and Limits Effective October 1, 2009 DRG 812 813 814 815 816 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 853 854 855 856 857 858 862 Red Blood Cell Disorders W/O MCC Coagulation Disorders Reticuloendothelial & Immunity Disorders W MCC Reticuloendothelial & Immunity Disorders W CC Reticuloendothelial & Immunity Disorders W/O CC/MCC Lymphoma & Leukemia W Major O.R. Procedure W MCC Lymphoma & Leukemia W Major O.R. Procedure W CC Lymphoma & Leukemia W Major O.R. Procedure W/O CC/MCC Lymphoma & Non-acute Leukemia W Other O.R. Proc W MCC Lymphoma & Non-acute Leukemia W Other O.R. Proc W CC Lymphoma & Non-acute Leukemia W Other O.R. Proc W/O CC/MCC Myeloprolif Disord Or Poorly Diff Neopl W Maj O.R. Proc W MCC Myeloprolif Disord Or Poorly Diff Neopl W Maj O.R. Proc W CC Myeloprolif Disord Or Poorly Diff Neopl W Maj O.R. Proc W/O CC/MCC Myeloprolif Disord Or Poorly Diff Neopl W Other O.R. Proc W CC/MCC Myeloprolif Disord Or Poorly Diff Neopl W Other O.R. Proc W/O CC/MCC Acute Leukemia W/O Major O.R. Procedure W MCC Acute Leukemia W/O Major O.R. Procedure W CC Acute Leukemia W/O Major O.R. Procedure W/O CC/MCC Chemo W Acute Leukemia As SDX Or W High Dose Chemo Agent W MCC Chemo W Acute Leukemia As SDX W CC Or High Dose Chemo Agent Chemo W Acute Leukemia As SDX W/O CC/MCC Lymphoma & Non-acute Leukemia W MCC Lymphoma & Non-acute Leukemia W CC Lymphoma & Non-acute Leukemia W/O CC/MCC Other Myeloprolif Dis Or Poorly Diff Neopl Diag W MCC Other Myeloprolif Dis Or Poorly Diff Neopl Diag W CC Other Myeloprolif Dis Or Poorly Diff Neopl Diag W/O CC/MCC Chemotherapy W/O Acute Leukemia As Secondary Diagnosis W MCC Chemotherapy W/O Acute Leukemia As Secondary Diagnosis W CC Chemotherapy W/O Acute Leukemia As Secondary Diagnosis W/O CC/MCC Radiotherapy Infectious & Parasitic Diseases W OR Procedure W MCC Infectious & Parasitic Diseases W OR Procedure W CC Infectious & Parasitic Diseases W OR Procedure W/O CC/MCC Postoperative Or Post-Traumatic Infections W OR Proc W MCC Postoperative Or Post-Traumatic Infections W OR Proc W CC Postoperative Or Post Traumatic Infections W OR Proc W/O CC/MCC Postoperative & Post-Traumatic Infections W MCC Transfer ALOS 2.9 2.5 4.7 3.4 2.4 17.4 5.0 2.3 11.3 6.6 3.5 11.6 5.4 3.3 6.8 3.0 10.3 7.5 4.0 12.3 5.1 3.4 6.9 4.7 3.1 5.4 4.4 2.9 4.2 3.9 2.6 5.1 17.1 8.5 5.3 10.6 5.7 4.4 5.3 17 of 20 DRG Relative Weight 1.0637 1.1746 1.6173 1.0344 0.6726 8.2055 2.5440 1.4257 5.2044 2.6562 1.6270 5.6833 2.5083 1.8348 3.6966 1.4812 5.7772 3.5739 1.6457 6.5938 3.1049 1.0823 2.6785 1.7441 1.0215 1.7987 1.2534 0.7033 2.5328 1.4523 1.0821 1.4646 10.0846 2.7664 2.2488 4.5449 1.9721 1.3899 1.6822 DRG Daily Rate 1,588 2,075 1,490 1,325 1,218 2,038 2,207 2,672 1,987 1,732 2,036 2,125 2,018 2,378 2,357 2,166 2,435 2,052 1,795 2,323 2,641 1,394 1,685 1,600 1,422 1,450 1,228 1,061 2,592 1,633 1,816 1,253 2,552 1,416 1,830 1,854 1,490 1,383 1,374 Day Outlier Limit 9 6 17 11 7 55 16 8 41 22 12 34 18 10 31 12 52 34 16 43 21 8 26 13 10 17 18 14 5 8 6 23 66 31 15 37 19 14 16 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Cost Outlier Limit 12,242 14,661 90,529 34,205 18,764 260,352 64,348 38,567 193,767 73,533 51,456 141,646 61,933 38,945 146,139 42,478 215,000 138,511 59,767 193,284 112,293 37,521 110,269 15,996 34,013 44,117 41,180 22,213 8,338 17,446 28,727 45,208 142,053 96,106 48,770 152,995 66,438 42,966 56,252 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Kansas 2010 DRG Weights and Limits Effective October 1, 2009 DRG 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 876 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 894 895 896 897 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 Postoperative & Post-Traumatic Infections W/O MCC Fever Of Unknown Origin Viral Illness W MCC Viral Illness W/O MCC Other Infectious & Parasitic Diseases Diagnoses W MCC Other Infectious & Parasitic Diseases Diagnoses W CC Other Infectious & Parasitic Diseases Diagnoses W/O CC/MCC Septicemia W MV 96+ Hours Septicemia W/O MV 96+ Hours W MCC Septicemia W/O MV 96+ Hours W/O MCC O.R. Procedure W Principal Diagnoses Of Mental Illness Acute Adjustment Reaction & Psychosocial Dysfunction Depressive Neuroses Neuroses Except Depressive Disorders Of Personality & Impulse Control Organic Disturbances & Mental Retardation Psychoses Behavioral & Developmental Disorders Other Mental Disorder Diagnoses Alcohol/drug Abuse Or Dependence, Left AMA Alcohol/drug Abuse Or Dependence W Rehabilitation Therapy Alcohol/drug Abuse Or Dependence W/O Rehabilitation Therapy W MCC Alcohol/drug Abuse Or Dependence W/O Rehabilitation Therapy W/O MCC Wound Debridements For Injuries W MCC Wound Debridements For Injuries W CC Wound Debridements For Injuries W/O CC/MCC Skin Grafts For Injuries W CC/MCC Skin Grafts For Injuries W/O CC/MCC Hand Procedures For Injuries Other O.R. Procedures For Injuries W MCC Other O.R. Procedures For Injuries W CC Other O.R. Procedures For Injuries W/O CC/MCC Traumatic Injury W MCC Traumatic Injury W/O MCC Allergic Reactions W MCC Allergic Reactions W/O MCC Poisoning & Toxic Effects Of Drugs W MCC Poisoning & Toxic Effects Of Drugs W/O MCC Complications Of Treatment W MCC Transfer ALOS 4.0 2.4 4.2 2.1 6.2 4.1 2.8 12.2 5.8 4.6 6.3 3.2 3.5 3.5 3.8 4.7 4.2 4.3 2.4 1.7 14.6 4.0 2.8 10.0 4.7 2.5 7.0 3.6 2.0 7.1 4.5 3.0 3.4 1.9 2.9 1.5 2.9 1.5 4.0 18 of 20 DRG Relative Weight 1.2778 0.8413 1.4003 0.6394 2.4834 1.0049 0.7224 7.1969 3.0510 1.7836 1.5940 0.9520 0.7450 0.7879 0.8803 0.7601 0.8461 0.9699 0.4965 0.3556 2.0531 1.2765 0.6190 4.9312 1.7226 0.8699 3.2941 1.4004 1.0888 2.1943 1.9758 1.2526 1.3738 0.6600 1.4944 0.4263 1.5421 0.6522 1.6711 DRG Daily Rate 1,383 1,524 1,440 1,306 1,726 1,058 1,121 2,550 2,281 1,664 1,102 1,284 919 986 1,011 703 883 972 881 927 608 1,368 964 2,135 1,587 1,537 2,043 1,693 2,357 1,332 1,905 1,801 1,754 1,496 2,208 1,198 2,278 1,921 1,800 Day Outlier Limit 11 7 14 6 23 15 13 30 28 20 16 16 8 9 11 18 12 9 11 8 48 14 8 24 22 3 26 14 10 41 18 9 14 7 20 5 10 4 21 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Cost Outlier Limit 15,238 10,848 51,192 8,423 97,584 35,926 32,661 65,395 43,610 28,882 39,536 17,517 6,917 7,945 9,186 23,170 10,558 8,768 15,152 14,760 53,106 45,670 6,957 102,229 76,860 5,268 112,584 40,231 52,559 29,211 66,876 11,304 35,513 21,962 81,256 14,297 21,104 7,161 80,382 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Kansas 2010 DRG Weights and Limits Effective October 1, 2009 DRG 920 921 922 923 927 928 929 933 934 935 939 940 941 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 955 956 957 958 959 963 964 965 969 970 974 975 976 977 981 982 983 984 985 Complications Of Treatment W CC Complications Of Treatment W/O CC/MCC Other Injury, Poisoning & Toxic Effect Diag W MCC Other Injury, Poisoning & Toxic Effect Diag W/O MCC Extensive Burns Or Full Thickness Burns W MV 96+ Hrs W Skin Graft Full Thickness Burn W Skin Graft Or Inhal Inj W CC/MCC Full Thickness Burn W Skin Graft Or Inhal Inj W/O CC/MCC Extensive Burns Or Full Thickness Burns W MV 96+ Hrs W/O Skin Graft Full Thickness Burn W/O Skin Grft Or Inhal Inj Non-Extensive Burns O.R. Proc W Diagnoses Of Other Contact W Health Services W MCC O.R. Proc W Diagnoses Of Other Contact W Health Services W CC O.R. Proc W Diagnoses Of Other Contact W Health Services W/O CC/MCC Rehabilitation W CC/MCC Rehabilitation W/O CC/MCC Signs & Symptoms W MCC Signs & Symptoms W/O MCC Aftercare W CC/MCC Aftercare W/O CC/MCC Other Factors Influencing Health Status Craniotomy For Multiple Significant Trauma Limb Reattachment, Hip & Femur Proc For Multiple Significant Trauma Other O.R. Procedures For Multiple Significant Trauma W MCC Other O.R. Procedures For Multiple Significant Trauma W CC Other O.R. Procedures For Multiple Significant Trauma W/O CC/MCC Other Multiple Significant Trauma W MCC Other Multiple Significant Trauma W CC Other Multiple Significant Trauma W/O CC/MCC HIV W Extensive O.R. Procedure W MCC HIV W Extensive O.R. Procedure W/O MCC HIV W Major Related Condition W MCC HIV W Major Related Condition W CC HIV W Major Related Condition W/O CC/MCC HIV W/OR W/O Other Related Condition Extensive O.R. Procedure Unrelated To Principal Diagnosis W MCC Extensive O.R. Procedure Unrelated To Principal Diagnosis W CC Extensive O.R. Procedure Unrelated To Principal Diagnosis W/O CC/MCC Prostatic O.R. Procedure Unrelated To Principal Diagnosis W MCC Prostatic O.R. Procedure Unrelated To Principal Diagnosis W CC Transfer ALOS 2.9 2.1 4.0 2.3 23.9 11.1 6.9 2.4 3.5 3.1 17.8 10.6 2.8 12.1 10.1 3.6 2.6 7.2 5.1 1.6 9.3 8.1 11.1 10.4 5.9 6.0 5.1 3.3 13.2 6.1 5.7 4.9 3.5 3.7 9.6 5.3 2.2 14.0 7.4 19 of 20 DRG Relative Weight 0.9222 0.5652 2.1396 1.0747 15.2041 4.2136 2.7705 2.8072 0.9118 0.9331 3.9239 2.4549 1.4484 3.2320 2.5989 0.9623 0.9466 0.7725 0.4692 0.2930 9.2199 5.6783 7.9794 4.9298 3.8526 4.0621 2.1248 1.5154 6.6983 3.1169 2.8921 1.5003 0.9959 1.1358 5.6511 3.1554 1.0710 4.3234 2.2438 DRG Daily Rate 1,358 1,160 2,310 1,997 2,754 1,648 1,733 5,063 1,125 1,320 954 1,004 2,231 1,157 1,114 1,148 1,607 466 399 778 4,292 3,054 3,120 2,054 2,841 2,950 1,800 1,976 2,197 2,212 2,196 1,325 1,225 1,343 2,562 2,563 2,117 1,333 1,307 Day Outlier Limit 10 8 59 8 50 25 22 10 13 11 53 33 19 36 28 12 8 39 28 15 27 25 38 24 17 23 14 9 30 17 17 17 11 13 38 21 6 43 21 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Cost Outlier Limit 8,973 17,732 85,202 13,493 376,859 113,484 94,956 61,023 30,920 38,678 118,736 59,353 41,381 37,948 29,924 30,792 11,885 30,824 15,877 18,307 246,098 193,380 73,080 38,280 103,171 114,087 52,686 37,434 136,510 67,031 34,534 43,874 30,046 39,003 75,045 35,393 14,028 107,196 58,947 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Kansas 2010 DRG Weights and Limits Effective October 1, 2009 DRG 986 987 988 989 993* 994* 995* 996* 997* 998 999 Prostatic O.R. Procedure Unrelated To Principal Diagnosis W/O CC/MCC Non-Extensive O.R. Proc Unrelated To Principal Diagnosis W MCC Non-Extensive O.R. Proc Unrelated To Principal Diagnosis W CC Non-Extensive O.R. Proc Unrelated To Principal Diagnosis W/O CC/MCC Neonates, < 1,000 Grams Neonates, 1,000-1,400 Grams Neonates, 1,500-1,999 Grams Neonates,> 2,000 Grams w/ RDS Neonates, > 2,000 Grams, Premature w/Major Problems Principal Diagnosis Invalid As Discharge Diagnosis Ungroupable Transfer ALOS 3.0 8.9 5.6 2.4 45.8 34.0 16.1 9.5 9.2 0.0 0.0 * State-created neonatal DRGs 20 of 20 DRG Relative Weight 1.0877 3.7745 2.5321 1.1810 19.1045 10.1087 4.6325 4.0192 2.5949 0.0000 0.0000 DRG Daily Rate 1,575 1,840 1,975 2,130 1,805 1,287 1,243 1,839 1,217 Day Outlier Limit 10 33 18 5 138 86 50 55 36 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Cost Outlier Limit 27,911 150,229 27,287 8,090 181,138 105,665 58,067 88,998 38,763 Cost Outlier Adj. % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Hospital Rates Effective October 1, 2009 Hospital CCR from Cost Report Period Rate Peer Group 1 Meadowbrook Rehabilitation Kaw Valley Providence Medical Center Select Specialty Hospital Overland Park Doctors Specialty Hospital LLC Kansas City Orthopedic Olathe Medical Center Children's Mercy Hospital South Heartland Spine & Specialty Hospital Marillac Center Inc Menorah Medical Center Mid-America Rehab Hospital Overland Park Regional Medical Center Saint Lukes South Hospital, Inc. Specialty Hospital of Mid America Shawnee Mission Medical Center, Inc. Kansas Rehabilitation Hospital Saint Francis Health Center Select Specialty Hospital Topeka Stormont Vail Regional Health Center Galichia Heart Hospital LLC Kansas Heart Hospital LLC Kansas Spine Hospital Kansas Surgery & Recovery Center Select Specialty Hospital Wichita In Vi Ch Via Christi i ti R Regional i lM Medical di l C Center t Via Christi Rehabilitation Center Wesley Medical Center Wesley Rehabilitation Center Wichita Specialty Hospital GARDNER KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY LEAWOOD LEAWOOD OLATHE OVERLAND PARK OVERLAND PARK OVERLAND PARK OVERLAND PARK OVERLAND PARK OVERLAND PARK OVERLAND PARK OVERLAND PARK SHAWNEE MISSION TOPEKA TOPEKA TOPEKA TOPEKA WICHITA WICHITA WICHITA WICHITA WICHITA WICHITA WICHITA WICHITA WICHITA WICHITA 0.3996 0.3838 0.3836 0.3822 0.2042 0.2258 0.3977 0.5569 0.3388 0.3838 0.3031 0.4945 0.1929 0.3369 0.4105 0.2255 0.5966 0.3940 0.4472 0.2764 0.3845 0.3870 0.2752 0.5100 0.3765 0 2734 0.2734 0.3979 0.2358 0.5283 0.6239 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 4 300 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 Kansas Medical Center LLC Sumner County Hospital District #1 Susan B. Allen Memorial Hospital Hays Medical Center, Inc. Holton Community Hospital Hutchinson Hospital Corporation Summit Surgical LLC Geary Community Hospital Lawrence Memorial Hospital Cushing Memorial Hospital Saint John Hospital Manhattan Surgical Hospital Mercy Regional Health Center of Manhattan Newton Medical Center Prairie View Hospital Community Hospital Onaga, Inc. Ransom Memorial Hospital Miami County Medical Center Mt. Carmel Medical Center Salina Regional Health Center Salina Surgical Hospital Wamego City Hospital Sumner Regional Medical Center Jefferson County Memorial Hospital ANDOVER CALDWELL EL DORADO HAYS HOLTON HUTCHINSON HUTCHINSON JUNCTION CITY LAWRENCE LEAVENWORTH LEAVENWORTH MANHATTAN MANHATTAN NEWTON NEWTON ONAGA OTTAWA PAOLA PITTSBURG SALINA SALINA WAMEGO WELLINGTON WINCHESTER 0.5257 1.0000 0.5336 0.3537 0.5611 0.4676 0.6652 0.4060 0.4231 0.3955 0.4129 0.2737 0.4389 0.4300 1.0000 0.7360 0.5711 0.4561 0.3645 0.4153 0.3992 0.6598 0.5190 0.9306 4,784 4,784 4,784 4,784 4,784 4,784 4,784 4,784 4,784 4,784 4,784 4,784 4,784 4,784 4,784 4,784 4,784 4,784 4,784 4,784 4,784 4,784 4,784 4,784 Peer Group 2 1 Hospital Rates Effective October 1, 2009 Hospital CCR from Cost Report Period Rate 0.5420 0.7018 0.5698 1.0000 0.5077 1.0000 0.8371 0.5871 0.6192 0.4310 0.6817 0.5335 0.4956 1.0000 0.8134 0.5746 0.7854 1.0000 0.3900 0.5753 1.0000 0.7557 0.6235 0.7514 0.3222 0 5726 0.5726 0.4002 0.7087 0.4574 0.8295 0.4181 0.3424 1.0000 0.9015 0.6572 0.7758 0.7861 0.8919 0.7795 0.8336 0.6258 0.9571 1.0000 0.3481 0.4758 0.7960 0.9974 0.4985 0.8383 0.8754 1.0000 0.9527 0.5913 1.0000 0.5222 0.7746 0.5743 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4 106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 Peer Group 3 Memorial Hospital Hospital District No. 6 of Harper Co (Anthony Medical Ctr) South Central Kansas Regional Med Center Ashland Health Center Atchison Hospital Association Rawlins County Health Center Republic County Hospital Mitchell County Hospital Coffey County Hospital Neosho Memorial Regional Medical Center Clay County Medical Center Coffeyville Regional Medical Center Citizens Medical Center Comanche County Hospital Maude Norton Memorial Hospital Cloud County Health Center Morris County Hospital Lane County Hospital Western Plains Medical Complex Morton County Hospital Ellinwood District Hospital Ellsworth County Medical Center Newman Memorial County Hospital Greenwood County Hospital Mercy Health Systems - Fort Scott F d i R Fredonia Regional i lH Hospital it l Saint Catherine Hospital Anderson County Hospital Hospital District #1 Crawford County Goodland Regional Medical Center Central Kansas Medical Center Surgical & Diagnostic Center of Great Bend Great Plains of Kiowa County, Inc. Hanover Hospital (Washington County) Harper County Hospital District #5 Herington Municipal Hospital Hiawatha Community Hospital Graham County Hospital Hillsboro Community Health Center Clara Barton Hospital Association Horton Community Hospital Sheridan County Health Complex Stevens County Hospital Mercy Health Systems - Independence Allen County Hospital Hodgeman County Health Center Stanton County Hospital Ninnescah Valley Health Systems-Kingman Edwards County Hospital Kiowa District Hospital Rush County Memorial Hospital Kearny County Hospital Saint Joseph Medical Center Wichita County Health Center Southwest Medical Center Lincoln County Hospital Lindsborg Community Hospital ABILENE ANTHONY ARKANSAS CITY ASHLAND ATCHISON ATWOOD BELLEVILLE BELOIT BURLINGTON CHANUTE CLAY CENTER COFFEYVILLE COLBY COLDWATER COLUMBUS CONCORDIA COUNCIL GROVE DIGHTON DODGE CITY ELKHART ELLINWOOD ELLSWORTH EMPORIA EUREKA FORT SCOTT FREDONIA GARDEN CITY GARNETT GIRARD GOODLAND GREAT BEND GREAT BEND GREENSBURG HANOVER HARPER HERINGTON HIAWATHA HILL CITY HILLSBORO HOISINGTON HORTON HOXIE HUGOTON INDEPENDENCE IOLA JETMORE JOHNSON KINGMAN KINSLEY KIOWA LACROSSE LAKIN LARNED LEOTI LIBERAL LINCOLN LINDSBORG 2 Hospital Rates Effective October 1, 2009 Hospital CCR from Cost Report Period Rate Peer Group 3 (continued) Hospital District #1 Rice County Jewell County Hospital Saint Luke Hospital Community Memorial Healthcare Memorial Hospital - McPherson Meade District Hospital Medicine Lodge Memorial Hospital Great Plains of Ottawa County, Inc. Minneola District Hospital Mercy Hospital - Moundridge Wilson County Hospital Ness County Hospital District #2 Norton County Hospital Logan County Hospital Decatur County Hospital Osborne County Memorial Hospital Oswego Medical Center LLC Labette County Medical Center Great Plains of Phillips County, Inc. Rooks County Health Center Pratt Regional Medical Center Gove County Medical Center Grisell Memorial Hospital District #1 Russell Regional Hospital Great Plains of Sabetha, Inc. S t t District Satanta Di t i t Hospital H it l Scott County Hospital, Inc. Sedan City Hospital Nemaha Valley Community Hospital Great Plains of Smith County, Inc. Great Plains of Cheyenne County, Inc. Stafford District Hospital #4 Hamilton County Hospital Great Plains of Greeley County, Inc. Bob Wilson Memorial Hospital Trego County Lemke Memorial Hospital Washington County Hospital William Newton Memorial Hospital LYONS MANKATO MARION MARYSVILLE MCPHERSON MEADE MEDICINE LODGE MINNEAPOLIS MINNEOLA MOUNDRIDGE NEODESHA NESS CITY NORTON OAKLEY OBERLIN OSBORNE OSWEGO PARSONS PHILLIPSBURG PLAINVILLE PRATT QUINTER RANSOM RUSSELL SABETHA SATANTA SCOTT CITY SEDAN SENECA SMITH CENTER ST FRANCIS STAFFORD SYRACUSE TRIBUNE ULYSSES WAKEENEY WASHINGTON WINFIELD 1.0000 1.0000 0.7373 0.5376 0.5487 0.7283 0.8082 1.0000 0.6622 0.7074 1.0000 0.8686 0.9945 0.7085 0.8241 1.0000 0.5673 0.5036 0.9543 1.0000 0.5991 0.8009 1.0000 0.6988 0.7627 1 0000 1.0000 0.6985 1.0000 0.6671 0.9499 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.6880 1.0000 0.5677 0.9098 0.7138 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4 106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 4,106 Ave. Peer Group 2 w/o Prov. Assessment Out of State 0.5007 3,803 3
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