2013-2014 MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY COACHES COMPLIANCE MANUAL 2013-2014 Coaches Compliance Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 – GENERAL INFORMATION 1-1 Office of Athletics Compliance Responsibilities 1-2 Compliance Mission Statement 1-3 Athletic Department Mission Statement 1-4 Phone List SECTION 2 – CONTACTS/EVALUATIONS 2-1 Recruiting Periods 2-2 Telephone Calls and Logs 2-3 Contact/Evaluations 2-4 Permission to Contact Letter 2-5 Countable Coaches Designation SECTION 3 – OFFICIAL VISITS 3-1 Official Visit Request Form 3-2 Required Official Visit Letter 3-3 Graduation Rates 3-4 Official Visit Itineraries 3-5 Official Visit Host Instructions 3-6 Prospect Acknowledgements 3-7 Prospect Mileage Reimbursement 3-8 Official Visit Reconciliation Checklists 3-9 Unofficial Visit Log SECTION 4 – NATIONAL LETTER OF INTENT 4-1 Signing Dates 4-2 National Letter of Intent 4-3 Financial Aid Contract Requests SECTION 5 – ELIGIBILITY 5-1 Transfer Worksheets 5-2 NCAA – Team Rosters 5-3 Certified to Practice and Compete Reports 5-4 Participation Reports SECTION 6 – FINANCIAL AID 6-1 Squad Lists SECTION 7 – TEAM INFORMATION 7-1 NCAA International Student-Athlete Questionnaire 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 7-6 7-7 7-8 Declaration of Playing Season Monthly Play/Practice Log Change of Status Form Occasional Meal Form Team Travel Restrictions Outside Competition Promotional & Fund-Raising Activities SECTION 8 – CAMPS/CLINICS & LOCAL SPORTS CLUES 8-1 Camp/Clinic Packet 8-2 Local Sports Club 8-3 Outside Income Form SECTION 9 – REPORTING VIOLATIONS 9-1 Procedures for Reporting a Violation GENERAL INFORMATION OFFICE OF ATHLETICS COMPLIANCE RESPONSIBILITIES Kyle Yates – Associate Athletics Director for Compliance [email protected] Office: 417-836-4377 Cell: 417-353-8300 Fax: 417-836-8532 *Oversees all day-to-day operations for Compliance *Enforcement *Publications *Compliance Education with Coaches, Student-Athletes, Boosters, and Athletics Department Staff *Eligibility Issues/Clearinghouse issues *Transfer Issues *High School Transcript Evaluations *Official Visit Approvals/Addition of prospects to IRL *Camps & Clinics *Student-Athlete Employment *Donation Requests/Student-Athlete Appearances *E-Newsletters – (Student-athletes, Coaches, Athletics Department Staff) *Agents *Financial Aid Issues *Recruiting Monitoring (Official Visits, Unofficial Visits and Telephone Logs) *Roster Management – Add/Drop to rosters *Financial Aid Contracts & National Letter of Intents *Special Assistance Fund/Student-Athlete Opportunity Fund *Playing and Practice Seasons (Practice Logs) *Awards *Compliance Website Joan Newman – Administrative Assistant for Compliance [email protected] Office: 417-836-6829 *Office Management *Additions/Deletions of prospects on Clearinghouse IRL *Roster Management – Add/Drop to rosters *Expense Forms, Purchase Orders, etc. *Liaison to Financial Services, Facilities, etc. Fax: 471-836-8445 GENERAL INFORMATION OFFICE OF ATHLETICS COMPLIANCE MISSION STATEMENT The Office of Athletics Compliance coordinates and functions within the scope of the University’s compliance efforts and acts as a resource center to coordinate, monitor and verify compliance with all NCAA requirements and to educate various constituencies of the University and the athletics community regarding NCAA regulations. In addition, the Office of Athletics Compliance provides educational programming and support to ensure all individuals involved with the athletics program fully understand the University’s compliance expectations. It is the responsibility of the Office of Athletics Compliance to ensure the demands of the NCAA and the University’s compliance efforts are properly supported. COMPLIANCE POLICY STATEMENT Missouri State University is committed to the principle of institutional control in operating its athletics program in a manner that is consistent with the letter and the spirit of the NCAA, Conference and University rules and regulations. The University’s commitment is to maintain control of its athletics programs through responsible administrators, faculty and outside constituents to educate coaches, staff, student-athletes and other individuals involved with the athletics program in their institutional responsibilities under the rules. As well as to develop operating systems within the athletics department and the University which provide guidance in how to work within the rules and to discover and report any violations which may occur. MSU ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT ABRIDDGED MISSION STATEMENT Missouri State University (MSU) is committed to an intercollegiate athletics program that complements the mission of the University and operates in accordance with the principles and regulations of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). As a member of various athletics conferences, Missouri State University is committed to academic and athletics excellence, sound fiscal management practices, enhancement of the physical and educational welfare of student-athletes, equal opportunity, character development, principles of amateurism, as well as the fundamental values of sportsmanship, civility and the common virtue of good citizenship. The Department of Intercollegiate Athletics: * Focuses on the well-being of the student-athlete * Provides Division IA programs for men and women in which the participants have a successful competitive experience * Supports a meaningful academic experience leading to graduation * Develops support for the university among its many constituents * Is committed to the philosophy and principles of the NCAA, the Missouri Valley Conference and the University * Is committed to providing equitable opportunities for all student-athletes and athletic department personnel, including women and minorities GENERAL INFORMATION ADMINISTRATION PHONE NUMBERS Office Kyle Moats, Athletics Director Brenda Espy Casey Hunt, Senior Assoc. Athletics Director, SWA Helen McDowell Kyle Yates, Assoc. Athletics Director-Compliance Joan Newman Monica Jones, Assistant Athletics Director for Academics Deborah Dishman, Asst. Athletics Director for Business 836-5244 836-5244 836-4376 836-5246 836-4377 836-6829 836-5409 836-4103 Kevin Greim, External Relations/Bears Fund Julie Wright Rick Kindhart, Asst. AD for Ath. Communications Jim Penkalski, Director, Athletic Training Jim Hutter, Faculty Athletic Representative 836-4143 836-4143 836-5402 836-5461 836-5096 ______________________________________________________________________________ Baseball – Keith Guttin M Basketball – Paul Lusk W Basketball – Kellie Harper Field Hockey – Gabby Gomez Football – Terry Allen M Golf – Neal Stafford W Golf – Kevin Kane M Soccer – Jon Leamy W Soccer – Rob Brewer Softball – Holly Hesse W/M Swimming – Dave Collins W Track – Ron Boyce Volleyball – Melissa Stokes 836-4497 836-4471 836-4136 836-6968 836-5343 836-4863 836-4138 836-5243 836-6654 836-6912 836-5466 836-4717 836-8375 PHONE CALLS/CONTACTS/EVALUATIONS Recruiting Periods Contact Period: NCAA Bylaw A contact period is that period of time when it is permissible for authorized athletics department staff members to make in-person, off-campus recruiting contacts and evaluations. Contact: NCAA Bylaw 13.02.4 A contact is any face-to-face encounter between a prospect or the prospect’s parents, relatives or legal guardian(s) and an institutional staff member or athletics representative during which any dialogue occurs in excess of an exchange of a greeting. Any such face-to-face encounter that is prearranged or that takes place on the grounds of the prospect’s educational institution or at the site of organized competition or practice involving the prospect or the prospect’s high school, preparatory school, two-year college or all-star team shall be considered a contact, regardless of the conversation that occurs. In-person, off-campus only on or after July 1 of Junior year except for men’s basketball. In men’s basketball, off campus recruiting contacts shall not be made with an individual before the opening day of his junior year in high school. Evaluation Period: NCAA Bylaw An evaluation period is that period of time when it is permissible for authorized athletics department staff members to be involved in off-campus activities designed to assess the academic qualifications and playing ability of prospects. No in-person, off-campus recruiting contacts shall be made with the prospect during an evaluation period. Evaluation: NCAA Bylaw 13.02.7 Any off-campus activity designed to assess the academic qualifications or athletics ability of a prospect, including any visit to a prospect’s educational institution (during which no contact occurs) or the observation of a prospect participating in any practice or competition at any site off campus activity used to assess academic qualifications or athletic ability. Recruiting Period – Men’s Basketball: In Men’s Basketball, a recruiting period of time when it is permissible for authorized athletics department staff members to make in-person, off campus recruiting contacts and evaluations. Quiet Period: NCAA Bylaw A Quiet period is that period of time when it is permissible to make in-person recruiting contacts only on the member institution’s campus. No in-person, off-campus recruiting contacts or evaluations may be made during the quiet period. Dead Period: NCAA Bylaw A dead period is that period of time when it is not permissible to make in-person recruiting contacts or evaluations on or off the member institution’s campus or to permit official or unofficial visits by prospects to the institution’s campus. The provision of complimentary admissions to a prospect during a dead period is prohibited, except as provided by Bylaw for a prospect that visits an institution as part of a group. During such a dead period, a coaching staff member may not serve as a speaker at or attend a meeting or banquet at which prospects are in attendance, except as provided in Bylaw, and may not visit the prospects’ educational institutions. It remains permissible, however, for an institutional staff member to write or telephone prospects during such a dead period. TELEPHONE CALLS & LOGS Sophomore Year Football NO CALLS Junior Year Senior Year 1 phone call from April 1 phone call per week after 15 through May 31 September 1 outside a contact period. Unlimited phone calls during a CONTACT Period Men’s Basketball Unlimited Unlimited starting June 15 after completion of the Sophomore year Women’s Basketball NO CALLS Unlimited 1 phone call in April on Prior to the senior year: or after the Thursday 1 phone call from June 1-20 after the conclusion of 1 phone call from June 21-30 Final Four 3 phone calls during the month of 1 phone call during the July, with no more than 1 phone call month of May per week (no communication during July Evaluation Periods) 1 call per week thereafter outside a contact period; Unlimited during CONTACT Period Baseball, WCC/W. Track, Softball, and Volleyball NO CALLS All other Sports NO CALLS NO CALLS 1 phone call per week starting July 1 prior to Senior year outside a contact period Unlimited During CONTACT Period NO CALLS 1 phone call per week starting July 1 prior to Senior year Exceptions (unlimited calls): 5 days before Official Visit, on the day of the coaches off-campus contact with prospect, and on the initial signing date of the N.L.I. and the 2 days immediately following the initial signing date. Football - May have unlimited call for the 48 hours prior and after the initial signing date of the NLI. 2013-2014 DUE DATES FOR TELEPHONE LOGS (Any logs turned in after the indicated dates will be considered LATE!) Aug. Nov. Feb. May - Sep. 6 Dec. 2 Mar. 3 June 2 Sep. - Oct. 4 Dec. - Jan. 6 Mar. - Apr. 7 June - July 7 Oct. - Nov. 4 Jan. - Feb. 3 Apr. - May 5 July - Aug. 4 ***Note: If you are in an “Unlimited” time for the week, then please just list the recruit’s name, phone number, and whether or not they are a senior or junior on the form below. You do not have to list every single time you place a call to them. Weekly Summary of Telephone Calls Please submit a copy to the Office of Athletics Compliance on a monthly basis. Sport: Coach: Week of: General Rule: Once per Week (Sunday – Saturday) NOTE Exceptions: 1) 5 days prior to an official visit, 2) Initial Date of signing NLI & 2 days immediately following, 3) subsequent to the day on which PSA signs the NLI, or 4) The day of an off-campus, in person contact. Date/Time/Length of Call Name of Prospect Phone # HS (Jr. or Sr.) or College Prospect Call Made By/Calls made from: O-Office, H-Home, C-Cell Circle “Spoke with = SW” OR “left message=LM” Exception # (if applicable) SW: PSA or Parent (Recruiting) / LM SW: PSA or Parent (Recruiting) / LM SW: PSA or Parent (Recruiting) / LM SW: PSA or Parent (Recruiting) / LM SW: PSA or Parent (Recruiting) / LM SW: PSA or Parent (Recruiting) / LM SW: PSA or Parent (Recruiting) / LM SW: PSA or Parent (Recruiting) / LM SW: PSA or Parent (Recruiting) / LM SW: PSA or Parent (Recruiting) / LM SW: PSA or Parent (Recruiting) / LM SW: PSA or Parent (Recruiting) / LM SW: PSA or Parent (Recruiting) / LM SW: PSA or Parent (Recruiting) / LM “I have reported all phone calls with prospects or their parents during the time period indicated. I affirm that I have complied with all NCAA, conference and MSU rules in my recruitment of these prospects.” _______________________________________________ Signature of Coach _________________ Date CONTACTS & EVALUATIONS ALL CONTACT/EVALUATION LOGS MUST BE TURNED IN ON A MONTHLY BASIS TO THE OFFICE OF ATHLETICS COMPLIANCE Football: Contacts: * 6 in-person, off-campus recruiting contacts per prospect * No more than 1 per week during a contact period * Can visit a prospect’s school once per week during a contact period with the prior approval of a school administrator Evaluations: * No more than 3 evaluations per year * Not more than 1 evaluation may be used during the fall and not more than 2 may be used during the April 15 through May 31 evaluation period Basketball: WOMEN’S BASKETBALL: * A total of 7 recruiting opportunities per prospect, including no more than 3 in-person, off-campus contacts, during the prospect’s senior year *Limited to 100 recruiting person days during the academic year contact & evaluation periods. * Practice/Competition Site Restrictions * All communication with prospect prohibited during July evaluation period (unless they’ve signed an NLI) * Observing a tournament on consecutive days during a week is counted as a single visit * Evaluations at non-scholastic events and non-institutional camps or clinics that occur on a Division 1 Campus are prohibited. MEN’S BASKETBALL: * A total of 7 recruiting opportunities (contacts & evaluations combined) per prospect. * Limited to 130 recruiting person days during the academic year contact & evaluation periods * Practice/Competition Site Restrictions * Observing a tournament on consecutive days during a week is counted as a single visit All Other Sports: * 7 recruiting opportunities per prospect, including no more than 3 off-campus contacts during a prospect’s senior year * A school administrator’s approval required prior to visiting a prospect’s school while classes are in session, or prior to any contact with a prospect at the prospect’s school. NO INSTITUTION shall make contact with a student-athlete of another NCAA or NAIA 4-year collegiate institution without first obtaining written permission of the first institution’s Athletic Director regardless of who makes the initial contact. Monthly Summary of Contacts and Evaluations Please submit a copy to the Office of Athletics Compliance on a monthly basis. Sport: Name of the Prospect or Parent Coach: Contact (C), Evaluation (E) Date Month: Type of Period: Contact = C; Evaluation = E Persons Present (contacts only) City, State Site Approved by (school-site contacts only) “I have reported all contacts and evaluations with prospects or their parents during the time period indicated. I affirm that I have complied with all NCAA, conference and MSU rules in my recruitment of these prospects.” _______________________________________________ Signature of Coach _________________ Date FOUR-YEAR COLLEGE PROSPECTS If at any time you become interested in a four-year college prospect Or They contact you, It is not permissible to speak with them Unless a “Permission to Contact” letter is on file in the Office of Athletics Compliance When another University grants “Permission to Contact” When the Office of Athletics Compliance receives a “Permission to Contact” letter granting Missouri State University permission to contact a four-year college prospect, an email is sent to the sport specific coach alerting them of the permission. If the coach receives the “Permission to Contact” directly, then it is the coach’s responsibility to forward a copy to the Office of Athletics Compliance prior to making any contacts with the four-year prospect. When a MSU Coach wants “Permission to Contact” If a MSU coach would like to contact a four-year prospect, they must request the Office of Athletics Compliance to send a “Permission to Contact” letter to the other institution. Upon receiving approval/denial from the institution, the information is forwarded to the Coach by the Office of Athletics Compliance. COUNTABLE COACH DESIGNATION NCAA Bylaw 11.7 places limitations on the number of coaches we can employ and the specific duties they can perform. Because we are required to officially designate our current coaches, the Countable Coaches Designation form must be completed and returned to the Office of Athletics Compliance at the start of each academic year. Should this list change during the academic year, the Office of Athletics Compliance must be notified immediately. Reminder: All volunteer coaches and Directors of Operations must take the NCAA Coaches Certification Exam, even though they are NOT permitted to recruit off-campus. STAFF CERTIFICATION Year: ___________ SPORT: Please list your staff for the _______ academic year. (Please Print/Type Names) HEAD COACH* _______________________ ASSISTANT COACH(s)* 1. _________________ 2. _________________ 3. _________________ 4. _________________ 5. _________________ 6. _________________ 7. _________________ 8. _________________ 9. _________________ 10. _________________ DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS 1. _________________ 2. _________________ ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIST. 1. _________________ UNDERGRAD STUDENT ASST. 1. _________________ VOLUNTEER ASSIST. 1. _________________ MANAGERS ___________________________________________________________ OUTSIDE CONSULTANT(s) 1. _________________ 2. _________________ * Must pass the NCAA Coaching Certification Exam. COUNTABLE COACH: An athletics department staff member must count against coaching limits as soon as the individual participates (in any manner) in the coaching of the intercollegiate team in practice, games or organized activities directly related to that sport, including any organized staff activity directly related to the sport. VOLUNTEER COACH: Any coach who does not receive compensation or remuneration from the institution’s athletics department or any organization funded in whole or in part by the athletics department or that is involved primarily in the promotion of the institution’s athletics program (e.g., booster club, athletics foundation association). The individual is prohibited from contacting and evaluating prospective student-athletes off campus or from scouting opponent’s off-campus. The individual may receive a maximum of two complimentary tickets to home athletics contests in the coach’s sport. UNDERGRADUATE ASSISTANTS: Any coach who is an undergraduate student-athlete who has exhausted his/her eligibility in the sport or has become injured to the point that he/she is unable to practice or compete ever again, and who meets the following criteria: is enrolled at the institution at which he/she participated in intercollegiate athletics; is participating as a student-coach within the five-year eligibility period; is completing the requirements for his/her baccalaureate degree; is a full-time student, unless during his/her final semester of baccalaureate program; is receiving no compensation or remuneration from the institution other than the financial aid that could be received as a student-athlete and expenses incurred on road trips that are received by individual team members; and is not involved in contacting and evaluating prospective student-athletes off campus or scouting opponents off campus. (Unlimited) USE OF OUTSIDE CONSULTANTS: An institution may use or arrange for a temporary consultant to provide in-service training for the coaching staff, but no interaction with student-athletes is permitted unless the individual is counted against the applicable coaching limits. X He a d C oa ch PLEASE RETURN TO KYLE YATES BY September 1 Make one copy and keep it in your files. Staff Certification must be kept up to date when any of your staff changes. Send any updates to the Office of Athletics Compliance immediately. 11.7. 3 Championship Subdivision Football There shall be a limit of 11 coaches of any type who may be employed by an institution in championship subdivision football. (Revised: 1/10/91 effective 8/1/92, Revised: 1/16/93, 1/9/96, 1/12/04 effective 8/1/04, 12/15/06) 11.7.4 Contact and Evaluation of Prospects Off Campus There shall be a limit on the number of coaches who may be employed by an institution and who may contact or evaluate prospective student-athletes off campus at any one time in each sport, as follows: (Revised: 1/10/91 effective 8/1/92, Revised: 1/9/96 effective 8/1/96, 1/12/04 effective 8/1/12, 8/11/11) Limit on Limit on Off-Campus Recruiters At Any Number of One Time Coaches Baseball # 3 Basketball, Men*# 4 Basketball, Women# 4 Field Hockey # 3 Football (FCS) 11 Golf, Men # 2 Golf, Women # 2 Soccer, Men # 3 Soccer, Women # 3 Softball, Women # 3 Swimming and Diving, Men* # 3 Swimming and Diving, Women*# 3 Cross Country/Track and Field, Women # 3 Volleyball, Women # 3 2 3 3 2 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 * An institution that conducts men’s and women’s swimming and diving programs may employ either one restricted coach each for both men’s and women’s swimming and diving or, in lieu of two restricted coaches, one head or assistant coach (with no limitations on earnings per Bylaw 11.01.2) to coach both men and women divers. * For an institution that conducts men’s and women’s swimming and diving programs and employs one head or assistant coach for men and women divers in lieu of two restricted coaches, the diving coach may contact or evaluate prospects off campus in addition to the two men’s and two women’s coaches. # It is permissible for a coach to leave campus to engage in off-campus contact or evaluation before another coach who is off-campus actually returns to campus, provided the total number of coaches recruiting on behalf of the institution at any time do not exceed the permissible number. * Men’s Basketball – There is a limit of three institutional coaching staff members who may contact or evaluate prospects off-campus at the same time, both during the academic year and during the July evaluation period. OFFICIAL VISIT REQUEST FORM Checklist for an Official Visit Request Form ___ Official Visit Request Form: Completed by any coach who arranged the visit ___ High School or College transcript received ___ PSAT/SAT/PACT or ACT scores have been received ___ Request Form Submitted to the Office of Athletics Compliance no later than 2 weeks prior to visit ___ Verified and approved by the Office of Athletics Compliance ___ Prospect is registered with the NCAA Eligibility Center and is on our IRL NOTES: * Be aware that Missouri State University may only pay for one campus visit per prospect * Test scores must come from tests taken on a national date under national conditions * Score must be presented in writing through a high school academic transcript (official or unofficial) or a testing agency document * A separate Official Visit Request form must be completed for each prospect * Missouri State University MAY NOT provide an expense paid visit to a prospect that has NOT presented a PSAT, SAT, PACT, or ACT test score taken on a national testing date under national testing conditions and presented a high school or college academic transcript * The prospect MUST be registered with the NCAA Eligibility Center (formerly the Clearinghouse) and must also be placed on our IRL prior to approval for the official visit For recruiting purposes, you should keep a copy of the Official Visit Letter in the prospect’s file or in one central location where all Official Visit paperwork is kept OFFICIAL VISIT PRE-APPROVAL & SUMMARY FORM Submitted By: _________________ Date:_____________ Please List the true 48 Hours of the visit. ARRIVAL: ___________________ DEPARTURE: ____________________ Semester/Year Seeking enrollment at MSU: __________________________ Possible Major: ___________________ Name of Prospect:____________________________________ DOB: SSN:______________ Sport: ____________________ Home Address: ___________________________________________________ Home Phone #: ___________________ city state zip COACHES - COMPLETE THIS SECTION BEFORE YOU SUBMIT IT FOR APPROVAL ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO AN EXPENSE-PAID VISIT This includes all freshman and transfer students _______Date the List of NCAA Banned Substances Sent (or web address provided) to PSA Date the Graduation rate and GSR report sent to PSA PSA applied to Elig. Center (Clearinghouse) PSA is listed on your sport's IRL with the Elig. Center HS /Transfer transcript(s) is on file in Compliance Office Test score is on file in the Compliance Office If test score is not from a national testing date, is documentation of a learning disability on file with the NCAA Elig. Center/Compliance Office? HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR School Attending:_________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________ city state zip Core GPA: ______________ SAT Score (Math and Eng. Only):__________________ ACT Score (Sum):______________ TRANSFER School Attending: _________________________Address: _______________________________________________ city state zip International S-A? yes no Date of High School Graduation (mo/yr): ____________________ Type of Transfer: (circle one) Scheduled to receive degree? o 4-2-4 o 2-4 o 4-4* Yes No If yes, when? Divison I-A, I-AA, II, III? ___________ Degree? AA AS AGS Is the degree required? Yes No Is the above student-athlete a: (circle one) Qualifier Non-Qualifier *Has an Athletic Transfer Release Form been sent to his/her current institution requesting permission to contact this studentathlete and to gather information regarding eligibility status? YES (please attach form) NO Not Applicable Eligibility used including this year: _______________________ Years of eligibility remaining:______________________ Attach copies of the student-athlete's transcripts including current and/or final semester enrolled. PartFull 2 4 Term/Yr Academic Institution Time Time Yr Yr Practiced (i.e. Fall '02) Competed Received Aid MUST BE FILED IN THE COMPLIANCE OFFICE, FORSYTHE 243, C/O KYLE YATES, ASST. AD - COMPLIANCE Visit Approved (Yes/No) - May be approved by: Kyle Yates or Casey Comoroski Approved By:_____________________________ Date:________________ REQUIRED OFFICIAL VISIT LETTER Checklist for an Official Visit Letter & MSU Official Visit Policies Every prospect making an Official Visit to Missouri State University’s campus will receive a letter from the Office of Athletics Compliance when they arrive on campus indicating the following: Official Visit Letter from Compliance ____ Letter provides online link for NCAA Website for List of Banned Substances Missouri State University Graduation Rates Length of Visit Indication that visit to MSU is one of a maximum of 5 paid visits Missouri State University On-Campus Official Visit Policies ____ Part of the MSU Official/Unofficial Visit Policy that is mandated by the NCAA ____ MSU Official Visit Policies outlines to prospect prior to visit. Must be provided with the REQUIRED Compliance letter to the prospect prior to the visit. NOTES: The following is the required letter from Compliance. Copies will be provided with your Official Visit packet for each prospect. Coaches can send their own Official Visit letters, however, the Compliance letter and corresponding documents are a requirement and must be sent to each prospect. For recruiting purposes, you should keep a copy of the Official Visit Letter in the prospect’s file or in one central location where all Official Visit paperwork is kept Dear Prospect and Parents: The Missouri State University Athletics Department and coaching staff are pleased you have decided to accept our invitation for an official visit to Missouri State University. We are committed to recruiting with the highest standards and in an effort to ensure that your visit is beneficial and productive, the MSU Athletics Department has established some guidelines for your visit. Please read the enclosed Official On-Campus Recruiting Visit Policy. Upon acceptance of these guidelines and your arrival on campus, you will be asked to sign a Prospect Acknowledgement form which will be provided to you by our coaching staff. The letter is also to notify you that your visit will be no more than 48-hours in duration. Missouri State University is financing either partially or in whole your visit to our campus. Please remember that you are only allowed five official visits in total. The NCAA requires that we provide you with the website address for the NCAA List of Banned Substances (http://www.missouristate.edu/assets/AthCompliance/banned_drugs_list_2013-14.pdf). This allows you to become informed about the risks of nutritional supplements prior to your college enrollment. In addition we would also like to direct your attention to a compilation of our graduation data provided in this packet. I wish you the best on your official visit to Bears Country! If you have any questions feel free to contact the Office of Athletics Compliance at 417-836-6829. Sincerely, Kyle Yates Associate Athletics Director for Compliance Enclosures: Official On-Campus Recruiting Visit Policy Graduation Data Administering Guidelines for Official Visits Recruiting Philosophy Missouri State University is committed to following the guiding principles for official visits consistent with NCAA, conference and institutional rules and regulations. The commitment extends to the recruiting policies and procedures of the athletics department for prospective student-athletes. The athletics department, university, coach, staff and studentathletes will make every effort to promote the academic and athletic missions of the institution during a campus visit. Institutional control is the top priority for Missouri State in regard to all aspects of our intercollegiate athletics programs. The recruiting philosophy is to provide a mutual exploration by the prospective student-athlete and institutional personnel to determine whether the institution and the prospective student-athlete are a good fit for each other. While the focus of a visit often is highlighted by athletics factors, the overall premise for the campus visit must be that the prospective studentathlete is making a decision about where to pursue his or her athletic and academic future. Student-athletes who serve as a student host must understand that they are an official representative of the Department of Athletics and Missouri State University. Therefore, appropriate conduct is expected at all times. Philosophy Official on-campus recruiting visits provide an opportunity for prospective student-athletes to view the campus and surrounding community, review academic programs and services, tour athletics facilities, and meet faculty, administrators, admissions department staff, athletics department staff, coaches, students and student-athletes. The official on-campus visit also provides coaches and current student-athletes the opportunity to become acquainted with prospective student-athletes. The MSU Athletics Department Official On-Campus Recruiting Visit Policy facilitates the positive accomplishment of these opportunities. Development of Policy The institution formed a committee as a result of the adoption of NCAA legislation in the summer of 2004. The committee consisted of coaches, administrators and faculty. Academic Component All official visits will include a significant educational component, including but not limited to academic advisors, attendance at classes, and a review of the university’s academic expectations. The actual time spent on the educational component maybe dictated by the actual total time of the campus visit. All student-athletes who visit Missouri State will receive written materials outlining the institution’s commitment to academics and support services available to all studentathletes. Monitoring of Official Visits The Intercollegiate Athletics Department shall take the following steps in administering and monitoring official visits by prospective student-athletes to Missouri State University. 1. Missouri State University guidelines for prospective student-athletes and their student hosts will be incorporated into the student-athlete handbook and the NCAA rules compliance manual. In addition, meetings with each team will be conducted each year to review the student-host responsibilities. A brief overview will be conducted during each student-athlete orientation session. 2. The guidelines will be provided to and discussed with all student-athletes during the orientation/certification meeting that is required for all student-athletes. In addition, guidelines will be reviewed with coaches at the rules compliance meeting each August. 3. Prior to hosting recruits, the student-athlete host will review the guidelines with the head coach and/or compliance officer and address any questions at that time. Each student-athlete host and coach will affirm by signature his/her understanding of the guidelines. 4. Each student host will be asked to reaffirm their understanding off all guidelines when they sign for student host monies. The signed guidelines form and the student-athlete host form must be submitted to the Office of Athletics Compliance at the conclusion of the official visit. 5. Prospective student-athletes will be provided with a copy of the guidelines upon their arrival on campus for an official visit. The prospective student-athlete will be required to read, understand and sign the guideline form. General Principles Guiding Campus Visits to Missouri State University NCAA regulations permit an institution to finance one official visit for a prospective student-athlete. The Associate AD for Compliance and the Head Coach will oversee the visit to insure adherence to applicable rules and regulations. NCAA legislation requires that an institution maintain written records for paid visits in all sports. The Associate AD for Compliance will maintain records for each official visit. Reimbursement for legitimate expenses associated with the official visit of a prospective student-athlete to MSU is allowable if the visit is approved in advance, and if such expenses are in compliance with NCAA and university rules and regulations. Transportation, Meals, Lodging and Entertainment Specific allowable expenses for transportation, meals, lodging and entertainment are as follows: 1. Actual round-trip transportation expenses by direct route from the prospect’s home or school to the university by: a. Tourist or coach class airfare or commercial carrier; no private aircraft may be used; b. Personal car mileage as determined by the university rate allowance. 2. Transportation to and from the nearest airport to the university. During the visit to campus, a prospect may be transported in an institutional vehicle normally used for transportation. 3. On campus meal costs for a prospect, his/her parents/legal guardians, and spouse. Siblings are not allowed. 4. Accommodations for lodging in an on campus facility or in a local hotel/motel at a standard scale comparable with that of normal student life and only within the 30-mile radius of the campus. Lodging may not include special accommodations of any kind (i.e. Jacuzzis, suites, etc). 5. Entertainment may be provided only to the prospect and the prospect’s parents/legal guardians or spouse and must take place within 30 miles of the campus. 6. Excessive entertainment is not permitted. Cash and the use of an automobile cannot be provided to the prospect. 7. A student host(s) can be given complimentary ticket to accompany a prospect to an athletics event. Tickets must be issued through a pass list. No hard tickets may be issued. 8. A maximum of three (3) complimentary tickets to an athletics event on campus may be provided to a prospect. Tickets must be issued through a pass list and issued on an individual game basis. 9. The prospect, parents or legal guardians may not be provided any souvenirs, such as shirts, photographs, jerseys, etc. 10. The visit cannot include any personalize recruiting aides (personalized jerseys, scoreboard presentations) and cannot include any game day simulations. Missouri State University Student Host Receipt / Instructions Student Host_______________________________ (print) Prospect: _________________________________ Prospect: _________________________________ Sport: __________________________ Official Visit Date: _________________ Official Visit Date: _________________ As a student host you serve as an ambassador for our university athletics teams. Your actions should reflect positively on the athletics department of Missouri State University. You have a responsibility to understand and abide by NCAA Bylaw and institutional regulations. Please carefully read the following rules. 1. You must be enrolled full-time and eligible for athletics competition at Missouri State. 2. The State of Missouri does not allow the consumption of alcohol for any individual under the age of 21. It is the student host’s responsibility to discourage such use and report any violations to the coach. A coach may impose a curfew based upon the schedule of the prospect during his/her visit to campus. 3. The use of illegal drugs and any involvement in gambling/gaming activities are strictly prohibited during an official visit to Missouri State. 4. Missouri State prohibits the use of strippers or gentleman’s clubs or the equivalent during an official visit. 5. Missouri State will not tolerate sexual harassment by anyone associated with its athletics teams including prospective student-athletes. 6. Several student-athletes may host a prospect, but only one student-athlete host may be provided a free meal if restaurant facilities are utilized. 7. Monies may be provided to cover entertainment expenses for both the student host and the prospect. These monies may not be used to purchase alcohol or drugs. 8. No cash may be given to the prospect or anyone else. 9. You may not provide the prospect with gifts of any value (i.e. souvenirs or clothing). 10. You may not use vehicles provided or arranged by any institutional staff member or booster. Do not allow a prospect to use your vehicle. A coach can provide you and the prospect with a ride during the official visit. 11. You may not transport the prospect, or anyone who accompanies the prospect on his/her visit more than 30 miles from campus. 12. You should not allow recruiting conversations to occur off campus between a prospect and a booster. If contact is made inadvertently, only an exchange of a greeting is permissible. 13. A prospect may participate in physical workouts or other recreational activities, provided such activities are not organized or observed by the coaching staff and not designated to test the athletic abilities of the prospect. 14. You may receive a complimentary ticket (no hard ticket) when accompanying a prospect to a campus athletics event. I certify that I have read and understand the above guidelines and hereby acknowledge the receipt of $___________ for the purpose of hosting the above named prospect(s). I understand that it is my responsibility to adhere to NCAA, Conference and Missouri State rules and regulations. _________________________________________ Student Host Signature _________________________ Date _________________________________________ Head Coach’s Signature _________________________ Date IDEAS FOR ENTERTAINTING PROSPECTS ON OFFICIAL VISITS Movies Shopping at the Mall Catch Phrase / Games Play station / Nintendo competitions Bowling Attending local events on campus or within the Springfield Area (i.e. theater, games) Playing cards Playing board games Video Rentals Various Activities through Student Activities (Comedy Night, Movie Night, Lectures, etc.) {Date} {Prospective Student-Athlete Name} {Address} {City, State, Zip} Dear {Prospective Student-Athlete}, We are very pleased you have chosen to make an official visit to Missouri State University on {date} to evaluate our academic and athletics program. It is an honor for us to have you as our guest and we want to do everything we can to make your visit a positive and memorable experience. We are looking forward to showing you our campus and the opportunity to meet the people involved with our program. We are permitted to provide you and your parents (or legal guardian(s)) with lodging and meals. Further, we may provide you three complimentary admissions to home athletics contests. Please note however, that NCAA rules indicate that we cannot pay for any incidental hotel charges (e.g., long distance phone charges, movies). In addition, NCAA rules require that we inform you that your visit to campus may not exceed 48 hours from the time of your arrival on campus to the time of your departure from campus. Attached is a document that will provide you with some NCAA and MSU rules and regulations you should be aware of in order to avoid any action that may jeopardize your eligibility. Again, we are excited about your decision to visit the MSU campus and look forward to it with great anticipation. Sincerely, {Coach’s Name} {Title} Example Itinerary Missouri State University <Sport> <NAME> Official Visit Friday October 29th-Sunday October 31st Friday, October 29th 1:50pm 2:30pm 4:15pm 5:00pm 5:15pm 7:00pm 9:00pm Arrive at Springfield/Branson Regional Airport American Flt #3940~ Coach pick up Arrive HSC for Lady Bear / Bears Practice Parent/Legal Guardian(s) check-in at University Plaza; <PSA name> with <Host> to Dorm Coach pick up PSA/Parent/Legal Guardian(s) for Dinner Dinner at Cheddars Athletics Event <PSA name> with team to movie/bowling Saturday, October 30th 9:30am 11:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 4:50pm 5:00pm 6:30pm 9:45pm 10:30pm Breakfast at Hemingways Meet at HSC for Campus Tour Campus Tour Stop at Student Union for Snacks Lady Bear / Bears Practice~ HSC Tour of Springfield with Coach Hotel/ <PSA name> to Dorm Coach pick up <parent/legal guardian, PSA> & <Student-Athlete> for Dinner Dinner at Houlihans. MSU Athletics Event <PSA Name> to meet with Coach ~ Locker Room Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) Hotel; <PSA name> with Team Sunday, October 31st 8:00am 9:00am 10:32am Breakfast at Holiday Inn – University Plaza Depart for Airport Flight leaves Springfield/Branson Regional Airport American Flt. #3934 Host: <Student-Athlete Name> “Choose to be a part of the MSU Family!!” GRADUATION RATE DATA Checklist for a Graduation Rate Data ____ Retrieved copy of the graduation rate data from the Office of Athletics Compliance ____ Delivered to PSA (may mail along with Official Visit notification) ____ Delivered to parents of PSA ____ Verified by Coach that all parties have received report NOTES: Graduation rate data must be provided to a prospect the prospect’s parents, guidance office, and Coach at the earliest opportunity subsequent to the institution’s first arranged in-person encounter with the prospect (or parents) or no later than the day prior to the signing of an NLI or signed acceptance of an institution’s written offer of admission or financial aid, whichever is earlier. Graduation rates can be sent in the same envelope for the prospect and his/her parents It is usually mailed in conjunction with the Official Visit letter if there is an Official Visit. If not, it is mailed with the NLI Coaches may hand deliver the rates to both the prospect and his/her parents but not to the prospect to deliver to his/her parents See Bylaw 13.3.1 or more information Example Graduation Success Rate Report 2002-2005 Cohorts: Missouri State University Men’s Sports Sport Women’s Sports GSR Fed Rate Sport GSR Fed Rate Baseball 73 41 Basketball 100 50 Basketball 81 80 Bowling - - CC/Track - 52 CC/Track 88 74 Fencing - - Crew/Rowing - - Football 58 65 Fencing - - Golf 63 56 Field Hockey 90 78 Gymnastics - - Golf 88 71 Ice Hockey - - Gymnastics - - Lacrosse - - W. Ice Hockey - - Rifle - - Lacrosse - - Skiing - - Rifle - - Soccer 74 43 Skiing - - Swimming 83 77 Soccer 100 87 Tennis - 0 Softball 100 76 Volleyball - - Swimming 91 61 Water Polo - - Tennis 0 33 Wrestling - - Volleyball 100 88 Men’s Non-NCAA Sponsor. Sports - - Water Polo - - Women’s Non-NCAA Sponsor. Sport - - Women’s Equestrian - OFFICIAL VISIT ITINERARY Checklist for an Official Visit Itinerary ___ Completed by member of Coaching staff ____ Official Visits Letter already sent (keep a copy for prospect’s file) ____ Graduation Rates already sent ____ Official Visit Approval Form already on file in Office of Athletics Compliance (keep a copy for prospect’s file) ____ Indicated official time the visit BEGAN and ENDED ____ Submit the Itinerary with the Official Visit Expense Reimbursement Form to the Financial Services Office and submit a copy to the Office of Athletics Compliance at the conclusion of the visit TIPS: The top of the form is a general information section that can be completed by the Coach Although the questions are straightforward, you should keep track of all the people the prospect meets and when, as well as all meals and the cost A two page form must be signed by the Coach and the prospect at the conclusion of the visit and then submitted to the Office of Athletics Compliance Visit itineraries are different for each prospect NOTES: DATE AND TIME must be clearly noted to help the Office of Athletics Compliance track the 48 hours No contact may occur after the 48 hour time period If a Coach is transporting a PSA by auto, the return home must be included in the Official Visit 48 hour limit For recruiting purposes, you should keep a copy of the Itinerary in the prospect’s file or in one central location where all Official Visit paperwork is kept OFFICIAL VISIT ITINERARY TO BE COMPLETED BY COACH & PROSPECT AT THE CONCLUSION OF VISIT & SUBMITTED TO COMPLIANCE SPORT: MATERIALS PROVIDED TO PROSPECT DURING VISIT: HEAD COACH: Media Guide/Recruiting Brochure Game Program NCAA Educational Information Pre-enrollment Information Academic, Admissions material Questionnaire Summer Camp Brochure HOST: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OFFICIAL VISIT DATE/TIME BEGAN: / / DATE/TIME ENDED: / / DATE NOTIFICATION LETTER SENT: AM/PM AM/PM / / NAME OF PROSPECT: COMPLIMENTARY ADMISSIONS: ADDRESS: DATE: EVENT: # OF ADMISSIONS: CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE: SITE OF OFFICAL VISIT LODGING: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MODE OF TRANSPORTATION: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PARENTS MAKING VISIT: YES NO DATE: EVENT: # OF ADMISSIONS: PARENTS NAME(s): MUST FILL OUT THE BACK SIDE OF THE OFFICIAL VISIT ITINERARY! DON’T FORGET THE PROSPECT MUST SIGN THE BACK OF THIS FORM VERIFYING ALL INFORMATION IS CORRECT MEALS ALL MEALS DURING AN OFFICIAL VISIT SHALL BE COMPARABLE TO MEALS CONSISTING OF STANDARD FARE AVAILABLE DURING ANY SODEXHO MEAL SELECTION IF ATTACHING OTHER DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS INFORMATION YOU MUST INCLUDE ALL INFORMATION THAT IS REQUIRED ON THIS FORM DATE: _______/_______/_______ TIME COST LOCATION Who Ate am/pm TIME COST LOCATION Who Ate COST LOCATION Who Ate COST LOCATION Who Ate DATE: _______/_______/_______ TIME COST am/pm LOCATION Who Ate TIME COST LOCATION Who Ate COST LOCATION Who Ate COST LOCATION Who Ate DATE: _______/_______/_______ TIME COST am/pm LOCATION Who Ate TIME LOCATION Who Ate am/pm TIME am/pm TIME am/pm am/pm TIME am/pm TIME am/pm COST am/pm ___________________________ Prospect's Signature Date ___________________________ Coach's Signature Date STUDENT-ATHLETE HOST INSTRUCTIONS Checklist for Student-Athlete Host Instructions & Host Summary Form ____ Host Instructions completed at the beginning-of-year team meeting with the Office of Athletics Compliance ____ Official Visit Request Form already on file in the Office of Athletics Compliance ____ Host understands the rules and procedures ____ Host has been given entertainment money ____ Host completes Host Summary at conclusion of visit. Form must be turned into the Office of Athletics Compliance after the visit NOTES: The NCAA host procedure is set forth in the form itself. The Student-Athlete host should READ, complete the document and sign it PRIOR to the start of the visit A coaching staff member should be present to verify completion of the form If more than one student-athlete is accompanying the prospect, only one can receive a meal (Bylaw Important: (Bylaw The NCAA allows a maximum of $40 for each day (no more than $80) for the visit to cover actual costs of entertaining the prospect and the prospect parents or guardians excluding the cost of meals and admission to campus athletics events These funds may not be used for the purchase of souvenirs or other institutional mementos A student may receive an additional $20 per day for each additional prospect the host entertains A host may receive a free meal and admission to a campus athletic event provided the host accompanies the prospect during the Official Visit. For recruiting purposes you should keep a copy of the Student-Athlete Host Instructions in the prospect’s file or in one central location where all Official Visit paperwork is kept STUDENT-ATHLETE HOST SUMMARY FORM MSU Athletics Department Official On-Campus Recruiting Visit Demographic Information Name of Student-Athlete Host: Name(s) of Recruit(s) Hosted: Date: Date of Visit: Financial Summary Number of Recruit(s) Hosted: Amount of Host Money Received: $ Itemized Receipts Entertainment $ Snacks $ Transportation $ Incidental Expenses $ Total Expenses $ Acknowledgement of Compliance I acknowledge that while serving as Student-Athlete Host, I have complied with all NCAA, MVC, and MSU rules, including the Athletics Department Official On-Campus Recruiting Visit Policy. ___________________________________________ Signature of Student-Athlete Host ORIGINAL: Attach to Reimbursement Form COPY: Head Coach, Compliance. ________________________________________ Date PROSPECT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Checklist for Prospect Acknowledgement ____ Completed by PSA PRIOR to the start of an official paid visit ____ Official Visit Approval Form already on file in the Office of Athletics Compliance ____ Prospect was given ample time to read the form BEFORE signing ____ Signed by the Coach after it is signed by the prospect ____ Submit a copy of this form to the Office of Athletics Compliance NOTES: Form must be completed by the PROSPECT prior to the start of the official visit For recruiting purposes, you should keep a copy of the Prospect Declaration in the prospect’s file or in one central location where all official paperwork is kept PROSPECT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT To be completed by the prospect at the beginning of an official visit then submitted to the Office of Athletics Compliance I, _____________________________, affirm that, I have read and reviewed the MSU Athletics Department Official On-Campus Recruiting Policy and acknowledge that I will abide by this policy throughout my official visit and with respect to my official visit to Missouri State University, I understand the rules and that I am NOT permitted to: Engage in ANY of the Following activities at ANY time during my OFFICAL VISIT: o Underage consumption of alcohol o Use of drugs or sex for recruiting ploys o Activities that violate criminal law o Gambling or gaming activities o Attending strip clubs, gentlemen’s clubs or used strippers in any event, party or activity Receive transportation to and from the campus in excess of my actual round-trip transportation costs on a direct route between my home (or site of my athletics competition or education institution) and the institution’s campus for an official visit. Receive cash for entertainment purposes during the official visit. Receive souvenirs (e.g. t-shirts or institutional mementos) purchased by a student host or other individuals entertaining me. Receive at reduced or no cost, athletic gear during the official visit. Receive an automobile for use by my student host or myself during the official visit. Have in-person contacts with athletic boosters, alumni, or former student-athletes who are not currently enrolled during the official visit either of-campus or on-campus. Receive or be entertained outside 30 miles of the institution campus during the official visit. Participate in physical workouts or other recreational activities that involve any sport for which I am being recruited while the coach was present. Receive paid expenses for my return trip home after remaining in the institution’s locale after the 48-hour visit expired. Receive hard tickets to the institution’s athletic contest during the visit. Receive complimentary or reduced-cost admissions from the institution for an NCAA championship (all rounds) or postseason football. Receive reimbursement of my travel expenses (automobile mileage, airfare, parking, meals, or lodging) to and from the campus that was excessive in nature. Have any knowledge that my friends or relatives received reimbursement or cost-free transportation or travel expenses for the visit. Have more than five (5) expense-paid visits to NCAA member institutions. PROSPECT SIGNATURE:_____________________________________ DATE:_______________________ PARENT’S SIGNATURE:______________________________________ DATE:_______________________ COACH’S SIGNATURE: ______________________________________ DATE:_______________________ PROSPECT MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT Checklist for Prospect Mileage Reimbursement ____ Completed by the Coach and prospect at the end of the Official Visit ____ Official Visit Request Form already on file in the Office of Athletics Compliance ____ Verified by the Coach and signed by the prospect that was on the Official Visit ____ Submit the Visitor Travel Expense Report with the Official Visit Expense Reimbursement Form to the Financial Services Office NOTES: Anytime a prospect travels by automobile on an official visit, the institution may pay round-trip expenses at the same mileage rate it allows its own personnel This form requires the mileage to be verified (i.e., attach a copy of directions from home to MSU via Mapquest, Mapblast, etc.) so the correct amount of mileage is reimbursed A reimbursement check will be mailed to the prospect upon conclusion of the visit for all permissible expenses incurred in conjunction with the official visit For recruiting purposes you should keep a copy of the Prospect Mileage Reimbursement in the prospect’s file or in one central location where all Official Visit paperwork is kept VISITOR TRAVEL EXPENSE REPORT We hope you have enjoyed your visit to the MSU campus. Please fill out the information below and attach requested documentation for prompt reimbursement of your personal travel expenses. Original receipts are required for reimbursement. NAME _________________________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS_____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ (A check will be mailed to this address) EXPENSES: AIRFARE _________________________ HOTEL _________________________ MEALS _________________________ TRANSPORTATION/PARKING _________________________ OTHER EXPENSES (Provide Detail) _________________________ TOTAL EXPENSES $________________________ PURPOSE OF VISIT_____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________ Signature of Visitor _______________________ Date of Visit (For Department Use Only) Department_________________________ Date_____________________ Budget Stamp and approval: OFFICIAL VISIT RECONCILIATION CHECKLIST Official Visit Reconciliation Checklist **This is NOT a form you are required to use. It is a resource for you** This Checklist form is used by the Office of Athletics Compliance to reconcile every Official Visit Expense Reimbursement that is submitted You may find it useful in double checking yourself to confirm you have submitted all forms correctly to the Financial Services Office Quick Glance Checklist (These items must be submitted to the Office of Athletics Compliance) ____ Official Visit Itinerary (remember to include ALL meal information) *If you are attaching your own itinerary, you must include date, time, location and the name of anyone who attended the meal ____ Student-Athlete Host Summary Form ____ Prospect Acknowledgement Form ____ Visitor Travel Expense Report (if applicable) ____ Copy of Official Visit Letter sent to prospect prior to the visit (MUST INCLUDE NCAA DRUG TESTING WEBSITE and a copy of the MSU Official On-Campus Recruiting Visit Policy) NOTES: If there are errors on your Expense Reimbursement Form, it will delay the process of your reimbursement check Remember to submit copies of all OFFICIAL VISIT PAPERWORK to the Office of Athletics Compliance after the visit For recruiting purposes, you should keep a copy of ALL OFFICIAL VISIT PAPERWORK in the prospect’s file or in one central location where all Official Visit paperwork is kept OFFICAL VISIT RECONCILIATION Name of Prospect: YES Sport: NO Official Visit Request Form - Transcript and Test Scores Attached - Signature of Coach - Preliminary Transcript Evaluation Completed Official Visit Itinerary - Parents/Guardians Making Visit Indicated: How many? _____ - Date Notification Letter Sent ___ / ___ / ___ - Meal Information Provided (Cost, Who ate) - List of who prospect met with (Athletic Personnel) - List of who prospect met with (Non-Athletic) - Signature of prospect - Signature of Coach Copy of Official Visit Letter (referenced NCAA Drug Testing Site and copy of the MSU Official On-Campus Recruiting Visit Policy and graduation data was sent with letter) Student-Athlete Host Summary Form - Name of Prospect - Signature of Student-Athlete (Double-check host money amount) Prospect Acknowledgement Form - Name of Prospect and Signature - Signature of Prospect’s Parent/Guardian (Req. if parent attended OV) - Signature of Coach **As needed** Visitor Travel Expense Report - Prospect Signature (Compare home address and mileage, etc.) - Approval of coach Compliance Staff Member Reviewing _________________________________________ Date _______________ UNOFFICIAL VISIT LOG Unofficial Visit Checklist ___ Completed by Head Coach or a designated Assistant Coach ____ Individual form for each prospect who visits MSU on an unofficial visit ____ Submitted to the Office of Athletics Compliance after the visit NOTES: May provide a maximum of 3 complimentary admissions May provide transportation to MSU practice or competition sites and/or to a home athletics contest (transportation must originate on campus) See Bylaw 13.7 for additional restrictions governing Unofficial Visits Missouri State University Department of Athletics Prospective Student-Athlete Record of Unofficial Visit General Restrictions: During an unofficial visit, the institution may not pay any expenses or provide any entertainment except a maximum of three (3) complimentary admissions issued only through a pass list to an athletic event in which the institution’s intercollegiate athletic team competes. Meals and lodging expenses are the responsibility of the prospect. Prospect’s Name: ______________________________________ Sport: ___________________________ Date of Arrival: _____________________ Transportation Paid for by: __________________________________ Date of Departure: ___________________ Lodging Paid for by: _______________________________________ Accompanied By: ______________________________________Relationship: ___________________________ Meetings with Athletic Department Personnel Name Title Date Purpose of Meeting _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Meeting with Academic Department Personnel Name Title Date Purpose of Meeting _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Complimentary Admissions Athletic Event Date Number of Admissions _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Did the PSA receive transportation to view off-campus practice and competition sites? ___Yes ___No If yes, who transported the PSA _____________________________________________________________ Did the PSA eat meals with other prospects or current student-athletes? If yes, did the PSA pay for his/her meals? ____Yes ____ Yes ____No ____No Did the PSA stay in the residence hall or apartment with current student-athletes? If yes, did the PSA pay for his/her room? Amount $_____________ ____Yes ____Yes ____No ____No Coach’s Signature_____________________________________ Date: _________________________ Prospect Signature_____________________________________ Date:__________________________ NATIONAL LETTER OF INTENT Following are the signing dates for the 2013-14 Academic Year Do not sign prior to 7:00 a.m. (local time) on the following dates or after the final signing date listed for each sport Sport Basketball (early period) Basketball (regular period) Football (midyear JC transfer) Football (regular period) Field Hockey, Soccer, Track & Field/Cross Country* All other sports (early period) All other sports (late period) Initial Signing Date November 13 April 16 December 18 February 5 Final Signing Date November 20 May 21 January 15 April 1 February 5 November 13 April 16 August 1 November 20 August 1 *These sports do not have an early signing period NOTES: There is a 48 hour DEAD PERIOD before and after the signing date. No in-person on or off-campus contract may be made during this period Unlimited phone calls may be made to the prospect on the initial date for the signing of the National Letter of Intent and during the two days following the initial signing date FOOTBALL: Unlimited phone calls permitted 48 hours prior to 8:00 a.m. on the initial signing date and the two days following A student must sign the NLI within 14 days of its issuance A parent or guardian must also sign the NLI if the student is under 21 years of age The institution must then file the NLI with its conference office within 21 days of the date of signature NATIONAL LETTER OF INTENT NATIONAL LETTER OF INTENT (NLI) ___ Meet with Kyle Yates, Associate Athletics Director for Compliance, for Financial Aid to determine available scholarships for the upcoming academic year ____ NLI and Grant-In-Aid signatures obtained from financial aid & administration and reviewed by Coach ____ Graduation rates previously sent to prospect ____ Compliance prepares cover letter and returns to Coach ____ Send to prospect ____ Signed NLI returned ____ Copies made for Coach’s records and originals returned to Office of Athletics Compliance NOTES: Signing of the National Letter of Intent commits the institution to providing a prospect with a one year scholarship in return for a one year commitment by the prospect to attend that institution. Once the letter is signed, all other member schools MUST CEASE recruitment of that prospect A written offer of aid (NLI and/or FAC) may not be given to a prospect until he/she has registered with the NCAA Eligibility Center (former Clearinghouse) and completed their amateurism questionnaire. A student can receive the NLI while on campus during an Official Visit but may not sign on campus. NO COACH or staff member can hand deliver the NLI off-campus or be present when the student signs the NLI (Bylaw An NLI can be delivered by regular mail, express mail, courier service or fax Walk-ons CANNOT sign an NLI An institutional financial aid agreement MUST accompany the NLI. If a prospect only signs the financial aid agreement, the institution is bound to that aid but the student is not bound to our institution STUDENT-ATHLETE ELIGIBILITY TRANSFER WORKSHEET ___ Coach submits transcript to either the Office of Athletics Compliance or The Academic Office ____ Reviewed by the Academic Office and returned to Coach NOTES: A transfer student is an individual who transfers from a collegiate institution after having met any one of the following conditions at that institution: Was officially registered and enrolled in a minimum, full-time program of studies in any quarter or semester provided the student was present at the institution on the opening day of classes Attended a class in any quarter or semester in a full-time program of studies, even if the enrollment was on a provisional basis and the student was later determined to be inadmissible Is or was enrolled in a full-time night school program of studies with regular quarters or semesters and the student is or was considered by the institution to be a regularly matriculated student Attended a branch school that does not have an athletics program, but had been enrolled in another collegiate institution prior to the branch school Attended a branch school with athletics program and transfers to an institution other than the parent institution Reported for a regular squad practice (including practice or conditioning activities that occur prior to certification per Bylaws and Participated in practice or competed in a given sport even though the student was enrolled in less than a minimum full-time program of studies Received institutional financial aid while attending a summer term (See Bylaws and For any exceptions or questions, see Bylaw 14.5.3 Student Athlete Transfer Evaluation Sheet Name: ____________________________________________________ Sport: ________________________ Name of School: __________________________________________________________________________ _ Type of Transfer: __________________________________________________________________________ Qualifier Status: __________________________________________________________________________ Number of Full Time Semesters: _____________________________________________________________ Semester School Should Transfer Total Possible Transfer Hours Total Transfer Hours: ________________ Total Possible Transfer Hours: ____________________________ Requirements to be Eligible: _________________________________________________________________ Total Number of Hours: _____________________________________________________________________ Degree Percent Needed: ___________________________________________________________________ A A Degree: Yes: No: Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Evaluated By: ____________________________________________________ Date: __________________ NCAA – TEAM ROSTERS NCAA ROSTERS Rosters are distributed several times throughout the year Once a student-athlete attends the Compliance Meeting at the beginning of the year, their name will appear on the Roster/Squad List/Certified to Practice & Compete Report/MSU Participation Report (unless he/she is in a tryout period) A student-athlete WILL NOT be removed from any list during the academic year. However, a studentathlete WILL have a change in their ‘STATUS’ if a “Change of Status” form is completed for them Individuals who are 5th year Aid, 6th year Aid, or Medical Exemption will still appear on all NCAA lists and MSU lists You will be asked to review your Roster periodically during the year to double-check that it is accurate HOW TO READ A NCAA ROSTER: Read columns from left to right Name Student MSU identification number Sport Class Year – According to Academics, NOT eligibility Social Security Number Status – This will be blank unless the student-athlete has been cut/dismissed/withdrawn from school Date – This will indicate when the status of the student-athlete changed CERTIFIED TO PRACTICE/COMPETE REPORT CERTIFIED TO PRACTICE & COMPETE “Certified to Practice & Compete Reports” are to be distributed to you during the year as there are changes It is the responsibility of the COACH to review this form and to be certain no student-athlete on their team is practicing./competing if they have not been certified Once a student-athlete attends the Compliance Meeting at the beginning of the year, their name will appear on the Roster/Squad List/Certified to Practice & Compete Report/MSU Participation Report A student-athlete WILL NOT be removed from any list during the academic year. However, a studentathlete WILL have a change in their “STATUS” if a DROP/ADD form is completed for them Individuals who are 5th year Aid, 6th year Aid or Medical Exemption will still appear on all MCAA lists and MSU lists HOW TO READ A CERTIFIED TO PRACTICE & COMPETE REPORT: Read columns from left to right Name Student MSU identification number Eligible Y=Yes and N=No Certified for Practice (Date) – This date is when the student-athlete completed all REQUIRED forms at the beginning of the year meeting Certified for competition (Date) – This date is when the student-athlete’s Academic Eligibility paperwork is reviewed and verified by the Registrar’s Office (Process: Academics/Deans/Registrar/ reviewed by Academics & Compliance = S/A eligible) Comments – Any information relating to their eligibility paperwork Status – This will be blank unless the student-athlete has been Cut/Dismissed/Withdrawn from the team Date – This will indicate when the status of the student-athlete changed MSU PARTICIPATION REPORT PARTICIPATION REPORT NOTES: MSU Participation Reports are distributed subsequent to the completion of your season It is the responsibility of the COACH to review this form and verify every student-athlete who participated in Practice. Participation in Competition will be verified by the Sports Information Offices and the Office of Financial Aid or designee will verify Athletic Aid You will receive a FINAL copy when all information has been completed. Please keep that copy in your files Once a student-athlete attends the Compliance Meeting at the beginning of the year, their name will appear on the Roster/Squad List/Certified to Practice & Compete Report/MSU Participation Report A student-athlete WILL NOT be removed from any list during the academic year. However, a studentathlete WILL have a change in their STATUS if a DROP/ADD form is submitted for the student Individuals who are 5th year Aid, 6th year Aid or Medical Exemption will still appear on all NCAA lists and MSU lists HOW TO READ MSU PARTICIPATION REPORT Read columns from left to right Name and student MSU identification number Years of any exemptions All past years of participation Current year participation details PARTICIPATION REPORT Missouri State University HEAD COACH: Please complete ONLY the practice column of this report to be submitted to the Office of Athletics Compliance at the conclusion of your season. MEDIA RELATIONS: Please complete ONLY the competition and # of Contests columns of this report to be submitted to the Office of Athletics Compliance at the conclusion of the team season. FINANCIAL AID ADMINISTRATOR: Please complete ONLY the financial aid column of this report to be submitted to the Office of Athletics Compliance at the conclusion of the team season. Name (listed alphabetically) Year of Hardship = H/yr Redshirt = RS/yr Yr in Res. = YR/yr Medical Exempt = ME/yr All Past Years of Participation (ALL Institution) 2013-2014 Practice Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N Competition Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N # of Contests S-A Competed Ath. Fin. Aid Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y “I certify this report is true and accurate.” ___________________________________________ Signature of HEAD COACH ______________ Date ____________________________________________ Signature of MEDIA RELATIONS _______________ Date ____________________________________________ Signature of FINANCIAL AID ADMINISTRATOR _______________ Date Page _____ of _____. N N N N N N N N N FINANCIAL AID – RENEWALS REQUEST FOR FINANCIAL AID ____ Scheduled meeting with Kyle Yates to determine returning scholarship amounts ____ Completed by Coach and returned to Kyle Yates ____ Approved by the Office of Athletics Compliance ____ Current student-athletes must sign renewals, if possible, by the time they leave for the semester ____ Current student-athletes must be notified of their athletic aid status before July 1 (See Bylaw 15.3.5) NOTES: A separate form must be completed for each new student receiving any amount of financial aid MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS DEPARTMENT ATHLETICS FINANCIAL AID AGREEMENT For the Academic Year of 2013-2014 (Summer School Excluded) Name: Address: City, State, Zip Code: Date of MSU Entrance: Date: Sport: Fall-2013 Spring-2014 Renewal Freshman Transfer In order to qualify for athletics financial aid, you must fulfill the admissions and academic requirements of Missouri State University as well as meet and maintain the eligibility requirements for athletics participation and financial assistance established by the NCAA, the conference affiliation and Missouri State University. This grant is made for the 2013-14 Academic Year. The recipient must maintain satisfactory progress with his/her class and maintain normal academic progress toward a baccalaureate degree. Type of Assistance Amount Type of Assistance Amount Fall Tuition ___________ Spring Tuition ___________ Fall Room and Board ___________ Spring Room and Board ___________ Fall Books ___________ Spring Books ___________ Or: Equivalency percent of ______________ which is inclusive of all athletics aid and institutionally awarded financial aid. In accordance with NCAA regulations this award is subject to cancellation or reduction during the period of the award if the recipient: a) Renders himself/herself ineligible for intercollegiate competition; b) Fraudulently misrepresents any information on an application, letter of intent, or financial aid agreement. Shall include but not limited to action on the part of the grantee not to participate in a particular sport for which the grant is made (either by not reporting for practice or after making token appearances as determined by the institution); c) Is found to have engaged in misconduct or violation of Missouri State University rules, regulations or policies warranting disciplinary penalty or engaged in conduct or is accused of engaging in conduct which results in criminal charges being brought by any civil authority; or d) Withdraws voluntarily from the sport for personal reasons. Reduction or cancellation may occur on or after the date the recipient withdraws from the sport. All such aid will be immediately cancelled. Your grant may also be subject to reduction or cancellation during the period of the award if the recipient violates any Conference, Missouri State University or Missouri State University Athletics Department rules, regulations or policies, including but not limited to: a) Violation of team rules or policies; b) Violation of Missouri State University or Athletic Department policies; c) Violation of the Missouri State University student athlete handbook and associated policies and procedures, rules and regulations relating to drug and alcohol use or the NCAA or Missouri State Drug Testing Policy; d) Failure to regularly attend mandatory academic study hall, classes, or meetings with your academic advisor; e) Failure to meet University academic standards and/or the academic honesty policy; f) Failure to meet and maintain NCAA satisfactory progress toward a degree; g) Entering into a professional contract; h) Accepting money for your participation in athletics or engaging in any gambling activities; i) Endorsing any commercial establishment or product; j) Receiving outside awards or funds that cause you to exceed NCAA scholarship limits; or k) Receiving employment earnings that are not in accordance with NCAA regulations. This grant shall be in effect for one academic year. Renewal of this award shall be upon the recommendation of the head coach and you must be notified in writing on or before July 1 each year. Decisions concerning the renewal of this award shall be made at the sole discretion of the University subject to the recipient’s right to a hearing as provided in NCAA regulations. This award may not be signed prior to: ______________________but must be signed no later than: _____________________. Signed________________________________________________________________________________________________ Student Athlete Student ID Number Date Signed________________________________________________________________________________________________ Legal Guardian or Parent (if under age 18) Date Signed____________________________ Signed____________________________ Signed___________________________ (Director of Athletics or Designee) (Director of Financial Aid or Designee) (Head Coach) NCAA SQUAD LIST NCAA SQUAD LIST NOTES: NCAA SQUAD LISTS are distributed throughout the year It is the responsibility of the COACH to review this form and confirm that no student-athlete on their team is practicing/competing if they have not been certified Once a student-athlete attends the Compliance Meeting at the beginning of the year, their name will appear on the Roster/Squad List/Certified to Practice & Compete Report/MSU Participation Report A student-athlete WILL NOT be removed from any list during the academic year. However, a studentathlete WILL have a change in their STATUS if a DROP/ADD form is completed for them Individuals who are 5th year Aid, 6th year Aid, or medical exemption will still appear on all NCAA lists and MSU lists HOW TO READ A NCAA SQUAD LIST Read columns from left to right Name and student MSU identification number Eligible Y = Yes and N = No STATUS OF STUDENT SECTION Term of first full time enrollment at ANY institution and YOUR institution Number of years received Athletic Aid (will not include current year) Number of seasons utilized (will not include current year) Recruited status: Y = Yes N = No FINANCIAL AID SECTION Period of Award: FY = Full Year FA = Fall Semester SP = Spring Semester Athletic Grant Amount = The amount of their athletic scholarship Other Countable Aid = Any grant amount plus other countable aid Total Countable Aid = Athletic grant amount plus other countable aid Exempt – There is an “X” in this column if a student-athlete is exempt because of medical exemption or because of exhausting their eligibility COUNTABLE PLAYERS SECTION Full grant amount: Full Grant-In-Aid amount determined by where S-A lives (on/off campus or with parents) Overall: an “X” in this section means the student-athlete is a counter Equivalent Award: Percentage of award that counts toward the NCAA team limit CHANGE IN STATUS SECTION Reason: Count be cut/Quit/Dismissed/Withdrawn/Graduated Date: The date the status change occurred Revenue Distribution Section is information for the Athletic Department Administration TEAM INFORMATION DECLARATION OF PLAYING SEASON ____ Review NCAA Bylaw 17 for specific restrictions ____ Complete form prior to the start of school or playing season, whichever is earlier, and submit to the Office of Athletics Compliance ____ Each sport’s season shall be on file in writing in the Department of Athletics prior to the beginning of the season for that sport ____ Changes in writing are permissible NOTES: Playing Season is the tie between the date of an institution’s first official practice session and the date of the institution’s last practice session or date of competition For all sports, except for football and basketball, each institution may divide the playing season into not more than two distinct segments (See Bylaw 17.1.2) SEASON DECLARATION Year: ____________ SPORT: COACH: DATE OF FIRST PRACTICE: (____________________________) DATE OF FIRST COMPETITION: (______________________________________) . NUMBER OF CONTESTS/ DATES OF COMPETITION: (____________________________)____________________ *Attach a copy of your schedule with the number of countable events marked in the margin. Mark exempted events with EX. This must be on file in the Office of Athletics Compliance DATE OF ATHLETIC PHYSICALS FOR THE TEAM: DATE, TIME, and LOCATION SCHEDULED TO MEET with Kyle Yates to review and complete required NCAA forms. Prior to your first practice- approx. 45 minutes, Head or Assistant Coach needs to be present to insure all student-athletes are present and to assist with proper completion of forms. LENTH OF PLAYING SEASON: A ______-day season, which may consist of two segments (each consisting of consecutive days) and which may exclude only the time between segments, required days off per and official vacation, holiday and final examination periods during which no practice or competition shall occur. Fall Segment Dates: to Fall Segment Week: Total # of Days: thru (day) Spring Segment Dates: to Spring Segment Week: Total # of Days: thru (day) Fall Segment + Spring Segment = (day) (day) Grand Total # of Days: In order to track the number of practices in your _____-day season, you must complete the calendar on the back of this page: 1. Make a slash (/) through all dates which will count against your season limitation. 2. Make an X through all dates of competition. 3. Circle any date that will most likely count as the required day off for the week. Scheduled University vacation days do not count as a day of practice unless you practice on that day. It is understood that some changes may occur throughout the year. It is YOUR responsibility to send such changes to me along with your weekly practice schedules. RETURN to Kyle Yates BY September 1. Please schedule a time to meet with Kyle to review this document and verify starting dates for practices and number of practice dates and competition. Please schedule this meeting prior to July 31. The earlier the better. Any changes in your schedule??? Add or delete contests or dates of contests??? Make certain a copy of such changes are sent to the Office of Athletics Compliance. Head Coach Signature: Date: TEAM INFORMATION WEEKLY PLAY/PRACTICE LOG ____ Completed by Head Coach and signed by a team member ____ Designation of week indicated at the top of the form (NOTE: This can change at the beginning of a new declared segment) ____ Submitted to the Office of Athletics Compliance on a monthly basis Practice Season Limits During the Academic Year: In-Season: (All sports) See Bylaw 4 hours per day, 20 hours per week 1 day off each week Out -of-Season: (Sports other than Football) 8 hours per week – no more than 2 hours per week on individual workouts Prior to September 15 and after April 15, no more than 4 student-athletes from the same team involved in skill instruction at one time in any facility September 15 through April 15, no limitation on number of participants 2 days off per week Countable Activities: Practice, Athletics meetings, initiated by a Coach, on-court, field activities, setting up offensive or defensive alignments, required weight training and conditioning activities, required participation in camps/clinics, visiting the competition site (golf & cross country), individual skill instruction, discussion or review of film, punishment (morning runs). If you are unsure if something is a countable activity, contact the Office of Athletics Compliance. NOTES: Any competition counts as 3 hours regardless of actual duration During the playing season, all countable athletically related activities are prohibited during one calendar day per week except during conference and postseason championships and official university vacation periods During the summer, all required countable athletically related activities are prohibited Practice may not be conducted at any time following competition except between contests, rounds or events during a multi-event competition (e.g. double-headers in baseball, rounds of golf in a multi-day tournament) Coaches should record actual countable athletically related time (i.e. 4pm – 6pm) in each column. See Bylaws 17.1.6 for further information MSU WEEKLY PRACTICE LOG SPORT: ______________________ Participant SUNDAY Required Signatures: ________________________________________ Head Coach MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY DATES: _____________ __________________________________________ Team Captain THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Weekly Total Prac Compet Conditn Skills Other Prac Compet Conditn Skills Other Prac Compet Conditn Skills Other Prac Compet Conditn Skills Other Prac Compet Conditn Skills Other Prac Compet Conditn Skills Other Prac Compet Conditn Skills Other 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TEAM INFORMATION ROSTER CHANGES (CHANGE OF STATUS FORM) ____ Completed by Head Coach ____ All appropriate information on the form must be completed ____ Submitted to the Office of Athletics Compliance NOTES: Changes must be communicated immediately and continually Student voluntarily withdraws: a meeting was held with Kyle Yates in the Office of Athletics Compliance, or Head Coach/Sport Administrator and a voluntary withdrawal form was completed MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY - CHANGE OF STATUS FORM Sport: _________________________ Coach: ________________________ Student-Athlete Name_________________________ Student-Athlete ID Number______________________ Date Student-Athlete Actually Quit/Departed Team: _________________ The reason for change of status is as follows: ______ Student voluntarily ceased to participate, but still in school. ______ Student transferred to another university/college. ______ Student left school (unknown status). ______ Student entered into a professional contract. ______ Student is academically ineligible or failed to meet satisfactory progress standards. ______ Student was cut or dismissed from team. ______ Misconduct which warrants substantial disciplinary penalty. ______ Other – Please Explain _________________________________________________ Is the student-athlete receiving athletic aid? Did this student-athlete practice? Did this student-athlete compete? ____ Yes ____ Yes ____ Yes ____ No ____ No ____ No I understand that my athletic scholarship will be cancelled immediately upon my signing this form. I also understand that my athletic scholarship will not be renewed for the subsequent year. If I am receiving books as part of my scholarship, I understand that I must return all books at the end of the semester unless I am withdrawing from classes now, and in this case will return all books within 2 days of signing this form. If I am receiving a monthly stipend for off campus living, I understand that it will be cancelled immediately. I understand that all Missouri State team uniforms and equipment must be returned to the equipment manager prior to my departure. If any or all uniform or equipment items are not returned, I will be charged for each item not returned. I understand that it is my responsibility to go the registration center (CARR 320) to complete a withdrawal request form and advise the housing office of my departure. I understand that if I do not comply with all of the above, institutional encumbrances will be placed on my record preventing me from future registration and the release of my transcript from Missouri State. ____________________________________ Signature of Student-Athlete __________________ Date ____________________________________ Signature of Head Coach __________________ Date ____________________________________ Signature of Director of Athletics (or designee) __________________ Date CC: Email: Supervisor, Sports Information, Equipment Manager, Training Room, Head Coach, Achievement Center TEAM INFORMATION OCCASIONAL MEAL FORM ____ Completed by Coach ____ List names of all student-athletes receiving occasional meals ____ Submit to the Office of Athletics Compliance PRIOR to the date of the meal NOTES: A student-athlete or the entire team in a sport may receive an occasional meal in the locale of the institution on infrequent and special occasions from an institutional staff member An institutional staff member ay provide reasonable local transportation to student-athletes to attend such meals Approval of Occasional Meal Form Please fill out this form and return to the Director of Compliance In accordance with NCAA Bylaw, a student-athlete or an entire team may receive an occasional meal in the locale of the institution on infrequent and special occasions from an institutional staff member. In addition, a student-athlete (or team) may receive an occasional family home meal from a representative of athletics interests on infrequent and special occasions under the following conditions: - The meal must be provided in an individual’s home (as opposed to a restaurant) and may be catered; and - A representative of the institution’s athletics interest may provide reasonable local transportation to student-athletes to attend the meal function only if the meal function is at the home of that representative. There are two concerns with hosting an occasional home meal – the involvement of recruits and boosters. It is permissible to have an occasional home meal in conjunction with an official visit, but not if the meal is being held at the house of a representative of athletics interest. Likewise, it is permissible for a representative of athletics interest to host an occasional home meal, but recruits may not be present. By completing this form, the parties involved have obtained permission to host the occasional meal and agree to conform to the aforementioned regulations regarding NCAA Bylaw and occasional meals provided to student-athletes. Be sure to include all who attended the meal. Attach an additional page if necessary. General Information ______________________________________ _____________________ Host of Occasional Meal Date of Meal _____________________________________________ Location of Occasional Meal _____________________ Miles from Campus ________________________________________________________________________Attendee(s) of Occasional Meal (List sport if entire team is attending) ________________________________________________________________________ Transportation for Student-Athletes Other Attendees (attach additional pages if necessary) ___________________________________ ____________________________________ Name (relationship) Name (relationship) Name (relationship) Name (relationship) ___________________________________ ____________________________________ Name (relationship) Name (relationship) Name (relationship) Name (relationship) Required Signatures _______________________________________________ Host of Occasional Meal Signature _______________________________________________ Head Coach Signature _______________________________________________ Director of Compliance Signature _____________________ Date _____________________ Date _____________________ Date Bradley • Drake • Evansville • Illinois State • Indiana State • Loyola • Missouri State • Northern Iowa • Southern Illinois • Wichita State TEAM INFORMATION TEAM TRAVEL, MANIFEST & ITINERARIES ____ Completed by Head Coach prior to first competition (SEASON MANIFEST) ____ Departure from campus is no earlier than 48 hours prior to the start of the actual competition (except as provided in Bylaw ____ Departure from competition locale is no more than 36 hours following the conclusion of the competition (except as provided in Bylaw ____ Manifest submitted to the Office of Athletics Compliance prior to first away competition, and updated if necessary (i.e., additions to roster). ____ Itinerary submitted to the Office of Athletics Compliance prior to each competition NOTES: An institution may transport student-athletes from a central on-campus site to an off-campus site for practice/competition and back to campus An institution may provide actual and necessary travel expenses to an eligible student-athlete for participation in athletic competition The student-athlete must depart for the competition no earlier than 48 hours before the start of competition and remain no more than 36 hours following the conclusion of the competition even if the student-athlete does not return with the team TEAM INFORMATION – OUTSIDE COMPETITION OUTSIDE COMPETITION RESTRICTIONS ____ Completed by student-athlete and Head Coach prior to any outside competition during the academic year ____ Must compete as an individual (unless granted an exception per NCAA rules) ____ Must be submitted to the Office of Athletics Compliance prior to departing for competition ____ New form must be completed for EACH outside competition each student-athlete participates in NOTES: Student-athlete may not accept prize money based on place finished at this competition PERMISSION FOR OUTSIDE/UNATTACHED COMPETITION FORM ACADEMIC YEAR:_________________ Student-Athlete: This form, when completed, permits you to participate in outside competition. Such permission must be obtained BEFORE the event is held. NOTE: EACH SPORT MAY HAVE DIFFERENT RULES PERTAINING TO THE ABILITY TO COMPETE IN OUTSIDE COMPETITION. CHECK WITH COMPLIANCE BEFORE COMPLETING THIS FORM TO SEE IF YOU WILL BE ELIGIBLE. NCAA Bylaw competition as individual/not representing MSU It is permissible for a student-athlete to participate in outside competition as an individual during the academic year in the student-athlete’s sport, as long as the student-athlete represents only himself or herself in the competition and does not engage in such competition as a member of or receive expenses from an outside team. Name of Student-Athlete Name of Competition Currently Eligible Representing Location of Competition Receiving Expenses From Date(s) of Competition Is the competition scored for any institutions present? *By signing below, I attest that I will not accept prize money based on place finish at this competition. (per bylaw 12.1.2) APPROVAL Signature of Student-Athlete Date Signature of Head Coach Date Signature of Assistant Athletics Director - Compliance Date PROMOTIONAL & FUND-RAISING ACTIVITIES REQUESTS FOR DONATIONS AND/OR APPEARANCES ____ Completed by Head Coach prior to donating any items or allowing any student-athletes to appear at any functions ____ Must be approved prior to Activity / Appearance ____ Student-athletes may NOT miss class or receive any compensation for appearing at a promotional, charitable, educational or non-profit event ____ All donations of items must be pre-approved to ensure the items are not received by prospective student-athletes ____ Promotional & Fund Raising Activities Request form must be submitted to the Office of Athletics Compliance for approval NOTES: Some events/appearances may be set up by the Athletics Department Administration, however, please verify prior to allowing your student-athletes to make any appearances An institution’s athletics department staff members (e.g., coaching staff members) may not provide financial contributions to a high school athletics program through participation in a fund-raising event (e.g., paying greens fees to participate in a golf outing when any portion of the greens fees will go to benefit the high school athletics program). Athletics department staff members are not precluded from individually purchasing admission to attend events (e.g., athletics banquets or meetings, competitions) where funds from the admission fee ultimately will benefit prospects, provided the primary purpose of the event is not to raise funds for prospects. It is permissible for an institution’s coaching staff member to make financial donations to the high school he or she formerly attended as a student (regardless of whether the donated funds are intended to benefit athletics or non-athletics programs), provided the coaching staff member acts independently of the institution, the donated funds are distributed through channels established by the high school or the organization conducting the fund-raising activity and the donated funds are not earmarked for a specific prospective student-athlete CAMPS/CLINICS CAMPS/CLINICS ____ Completed by all Coaches who own or operate an institution’s sports camp or instructional clinic, either on or off-campus, IN WHICH PROSPECTS PARTICIPATE ____ Received copy of the Sport Camp/Clinic NCAA Compliance Packet (available in the Office of Athletics Compliance) and submit electronically to Office of Athletics Compliance for approval. ____ Approved by Conference Services ____ Approved by Office of Athletics Compliance (Kyle Yates) ____ Submitted to the Office of Athletics Compliance one month prior to the start of camp along with a camp brochure NOTES: Any income from a camp must be reported at the end of the year as athletically related income All forms are available in the Office of Athletics Compliance LOCAL SPORTS CLUB LOCAL SPORTS CLUB ____ Completed and signed by Coach ____ Retrieved copy of the Local Sports Club Packet (available in the Office of Athletics Compliance) ____ No student-athletes are employed at the club ____ An employment information form completed ____ A membership information form completed ____ MUST ATTACH: ____ Approval from the Office of Athletics Compliance is required PRIOR to August 1 or PRIOR to any involvement in the club, whichever is later ____ Submitted to the Office of Athletics Compliance Outside competition schedule Facilities agreement Incorporation status All promotional material Local Sports Clubs and NCAA Compliance In accordance with NCAA guidelines, it is only permissible for a Missouri State University coach to be involved with a prospect-aged individual if it is done through an organized local sports club. It must be conducted through an established club that is separate from the University. It must have a name, be incorporated, have rules, insurance, and participate in competition against outside teams (it cannot be used to just practice with the individuals). Attached, you will find a brief compilation of information and required forms that must be completed and on file for any coach wishing to conduct a local sports club and work prospects. Please note that any activity with prospects throughout the year may only be done in accordance with the requirements set forth in the camp and clinic documents or the local sports club documentation. All other activity with a prospect will be deemed an NCAA violation. Local Sports Clubs and NCAA Compliance This guide is not intended as substitution for the NCAA Manual, binding interpretations of NCAA legislation, University Policy and Procedures, or professional legal advice. Coaches’ Involvement in Local Sports Clubs General Rule A member institution, on its campus or elsewhere, shall not conduct (or have conducted on its behalf) any physical activity (e.g., practice session or test/tryout) at which one or more prospects reveal, demonstrate or display their athletics ability in any sport. For purposes of the tryout rule, the prospect includes any individual who has started classes for the ninth grade and is not enrolled in the member institution at the time of the practice or test therein described. (NCAA Bylaws 13.11.1 and Additional Rules In sports other than basketball, an institution’s coach may be involved as a participant or in instructional or coaching activities in the same sport for a local sports club or organization located in the institution’s home community, provided all prospects participating in said activities are legal residents of the area (within a 50-mile radius of the institution) (NCAA Bylaw Exception: The 50-mile radius restriction shall not apply to a prospective student-athlete who resides outside a 50-mile radius of the institution, provided the institution documents that the local sports club is the closest opportunity for the prospective student-athlete to participate in the sport. (NCAA Bylaw 1. Multiple Teams / Sports. If the local club sponsors multiple teams or multiple sports, the 50mile radius is applicable only to the team with which the institution’s coach is involved; however, it is not permissible for the coach to assign a prospect who lives outside the 50-mile area to another coach of the club (NCAA Bylaw 2. Below Ninth Grade. A coach of a local club team may be involved in activities with individuals who are not of prospect age (i.e., prior to the ninth grade) regardless of where such individuals reside (NCAA Bylaw 3. Institutional Sponsorship. Neither an institution’s athletics department nor an institution’s athletics booster club may sponsor a local sports club that includes prospects. It is permissible for a department of the institution that operates independent of the athletics department (physical education department, recreation department) to sponsor a local sports club that includes prospects, provided no athletics department staff member is involved with the club team (NCAA Bylaw 4. Coach Organizing Own Club. If an institution’s coach wishes to organize his or her own local sports club pursuant to Bylaw, such a club must be an established, ongoing club that is engaged in competitive activities and is not formed only to provide instruction to prospects. 5. Private Instruction. An institution’s coaching staff member who is not employed by a local sports club may not provide individualized instruction to prospects (e.g., private lessons). If the coaching staff member is employed by a local sports club (e.g., tennis club, swim club), the coach may provide individual instruction to prospects or serve as a coach for the club’s team that involves prospects, provided the club is an established, ongoing club, and all prospects participating in said activities are legal residents of the area (with a 50-mile radius of the institution). Exception: The 50-mile radius restriction shall not apply to a prospective studentathlete who resides outside a 50-mile radius of the institution, provided the institution documents that the local sports club is the closest opportunity for the prospective student-athlete to participate in the sport. 6. Employment of Student-Athlete. An institution’s coaching staff member who owns or operates a local sports club or organization may not employ a student-athlete who is member of his or her own team as a coach/counselor for the club or organization outside the institution’s playing season. During the playing season, such employment would be countable athletically related activity and a student-athlete may receive compensation for work actually performed at a rate commensurate with the going rate in that locale for such services. Any compensation received would be considered athletically related compensation arranged by the institution and, thus, would be included in the student-athlete’s individual financial aid limitations and institution’s sport limitation. 7. Fee-for-Lesson Instruction. In Division I, a student-athlete can receive compensation for teaching or coaching sports skills or techniques in his or her sport on a fee-for-lesson basis, provided: (a) Institutional facilities are not used; (b) Playing lessons shall not be permitted (c) The institution obtains and keeps on file documentation of the recipient of the lesson(s) and the fee for the lesson(s) provided during any time of the year; and (d) The compensation is paid by the lesson recipient (or the recipient’s family) and not another individual or entity. (e) Instruction to each individual is comparable to the instruction that would be provided during a private lesson when the instruction involves more than one individual at a time. (f) The student-athlete does not use his or her name, picture or appearance to promote or advertise the availability of fee-for-lesson sessions. (NCAA Bylaw 8. Amateur Status/Membership Dues. An individual loses amateur status for receiving expenses from an outside sponsor or organization to cover membership dues to a local sports club. A sports club may waive membership dues for participants in the club, provided the club has an established policy that includes selection criteria unrelated to athletics ability. (e.g., need based). 9. Use of Institution’s Facility. A local sports club may use a member institution’s facility, provided the local sports club is charged the same rental rate other outside groups would be charged to use the facility. 10. Definition of Home Community. For purposes of NCAA Bylaw, the institution’s home community should be considered equivalent to an area within a 50-mile radius of the member institution. Exception: The 50-mile radius restriction shall not apply to a prospective student-athlete who resides outside a 50-mile radius of the institution, provided the institution documents that the local sports club is the closest opportunity for the prospective student-athlete to participate in the sport. 11. Evaluation Limitations. If an institution’s coaching staff member is involved with a local sports club during the academic year, the institution does not use one of its permissible evaluations for any prospect participating in any competition against the local team the individual coaches. Any other contest observed by the coaching staff member involving prospects (e.g., scouting future opponents for the club team) must count as an evaluation for each prospect participating in the contest. Exception: Evaluation Days – Women’s Volleyball: In women’s volleyball, each institution is limited to 80 evaluation days per NCAA Bylaw A coach’s involvement outside the contact/evaluation period with a local sports club per NCAA Bylaw shall count toward the limit. (NCAA Bylaw 12. Use of Institution’s Accounting Services. An institution’s department of athletics may provide an outside club team (whose coach also is the coach of the local club team) with accounting and financial services, only if the department of athletics offers these services to other outside agencies that involve institutional athletics department staff members and the club pays for such services at the going rate. 13. Mixing Club Duties With Institutional Duties. An institution may not pay a coach’s expenses to attend a contest in which the coach’s local sports club is participating if the coach also will be performing recruiting duties related to his position at the institution. 14. Using an Institution’s Weight Room. Prospective student-athletes who are members of a local sports club may use the institutional weight room facility provided the club rents such facilities at the normal rate and such facility usage is related to legitimate club activities (e.g., conditioning activities). (NCAA Interp 06/15/88) 15. Sports Club or Outside Organization Providing Membership Dues. The membership services staff confirmed that an individual may receive expenses from a sports club or outside organization to cover membership dues to a local sports club as long as the dues are related to actual and necessary expenses for participation on the team as specified in Bylaws 12.02.5 and Bylaws 16. Staff Members Involved with Local Sports Clubs. Athletics department staff members who are not included in the institution's coaching limitations (e.g., director of athletics, academic advisor, director of volleyball operations) may be involved with a local sports club located in the institution's home community that includes prospects participating in any sport regardless of whether those prospects live within a 50-mile radius of the institution. The subcommittee noted that it is not permissible for these non-coaching staff members to engage in any recruiting activities on behalf of the institution while participating in any activities with a local sports club team (NCAA Interp 5/17/00) Local Sports Club and NCAA Compliance **This packet is good for August 1, 2013 through July 31, 2014. Approval from the Compliance Office is required prior to August 1, 2012 or prior to any involvement, whichever date is later. You must remain in compliance for the duration of this agreement. Information Form 1. Name of Club: 2. Name of Director of Club: 3. Location of Club: 4. Schedule of Operations of Club: 5. Amount of Membership Dues (attach any policy for discounts or waivers): 6. Employees of Local Sports Club (See Attachment 1) NO STUDENT-ATHLETES MAY BE EMPLOYED 7. Members of Local Sports Club (See Attachment 2) 8. Outside Competition Schedule (Please Attach) 9. Facilities Agreement (Please Attach) 10. Incorporation Status (Please Attach) 11. All Promotional Materials (Please Attach, or if none please submit a statement) I understand that my ability to operate a local sports club is a privilege, which may be revoked at any time by Missouri State University. I have submitted accurate information and will continue to follow NCAA rules regarding this local sports club. In addition I will notify the compliance office of any changes to this local sports club. I will not participate in any activity with the local sports club until I receive final approval from the Compliance office. I agree to allow all components of this local sports club and the corresponding information to undergo an audit conducted by the Missouri State University Athletics Department. Signature of Coach Date Local Sports Club and NCAA Compliance Local Sports Club Checklist To be completed by the compliance office Name of Club: Coach: Information Form Club Employee Information Form Club Membership Form Outside Competition Schedule Facilities Agreement Incorporation Status Promotional Materials I have reviewed the information for the above named local sports club and it complies with all applicable NCAA regulations. Compliance Office Date Local Sports Club Employee Information *This form must have names and information for all employees working for the local sports club. Name of Local Sports Club: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Name Occupation Affiliation Compensation Responsibility 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. _____________________________________________________________ Signature of Club Director/Coach _______________________________ Date Local Sports Club Membership Information *This form must have the name and information for all individuals who are members of your club regardless of age. This must be completely accurate. Name of Local Sports Club: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Name Age Address Distance from Campus (miles) Membership Paid ($) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. _____________________________________________________________ Signature of Club Director/Coach _______________________________ Date OUTSIDE INCOME OUTSIDE INCOME ____ Completed by all Athletic Department Staff Members or full-time Coaches whether or not any outside income is earned ____ Approved by the Office of Athletics Compliance ____ Approved by the Director of Athletics and President ____ Submitted to the Office of Athletics Compliance NOTES: If outside income or benefits is earned for the year (August through July), you must indicate specifically the source of income Contractual agreements between a full or part-time athletics department staff member (excluding secretarial personnel) and an institution shall include these stipulations: o That staff members are required to provide a written detailed account annually to the chief executive officer for all athletically related income and benefits from sources outside the institution, and o The approval of all athletically related income and benefits shall be consistent with the institution’s policy related to outside income and benefits applicable to all full-time or part-time employees Sources of such income shall include, but are not limited to, the following: o Income from annuities, sports camps, housing benefits, country club memberships, complimentary ticket sales, television and radio programs and endorsement or consultation contracts with athletics shoe, apparel or equipment manufacturers Missouri State University Outside-Income Report for Athletic Department Staff Members In accordance with NCAA Bylaw 11.2.2 all athletics department staff members must provide a written detailed account annually to the institution's chief executive officer for all athletically related income and benefits from sources outside the institution. Report ALL athletically related income and benefits from sources outside the institution. This reporting period is July 1, ______ through June 30, _______. DUE: SEPTEMBER 1, ____ Athletically-Related Non-Institutional Income & Benefits Source $ Amount 1. Speaking engagements 2. Salary supplement (from outside the athletic department) 3. Endorsement or consultation contracts 4. 5. 6. 7 8. 9. 10. 11. a. Athletics shoes b. Apparel c. Equipment Television appearances or commercials Radio appearances or commercials Income from corporations in exchange for charitable work Annuities Sports camps Housing benefits Country-club memberships Complimentary-ticket sales Other 12. (specify):_________________________________________________ I hereby certify that I am in compliance with all NCAA and institution regulations governing outside income. I have included and/or attached a detailed summary of all sources of outside income and benefits that I have received in this reporting period. Check here if no outside income will be earned/or was not earned for the current academic year. Athletics Staff Member's Signature Date Printed name of Staff Member CEO's Signature Date REPORTING VIOLATIONS PROCEDURES FOR REPORTING A VIOLATION ATHLETICS COMPLIANCE – RULES EDUCATION In accordance with NCAA rules and regulations, all suspected or alleged violations of NCAA rules, whether they be secondary or major, shall be investigated. At no time shall any rules violation (secondary or major) go unreported to the Assistant Athletics Director for Compliance. If the Associate Athletics Director for Compliance determines a violation has occurred, the violation (or possible violation) will be reported to the NCAA national office and/or appropriate conference officials. 1. Reporting a Violation a. An individual (e.g., athletic department staff member, student-athlete, university employee, representative of the University’s athletics interests, member of the community) may report an alleged, rumored or suspected violation b. The individual may report the alleged, rumored, or suspected violation verbally or in writing. He/she may report an alleged violation anonymously 2. To Whom Shall an Alleged Violation be Reported? a. If an alleged or rumored violation is communicated to any athletic department staff member, or individual other than an athletic department staff member, the individual has an obligation to report the alleged violation to any or all of the following persons in a timely manner: The Associate Athletics Director for Compliance The Director of Athletics The Faculty Athletics Representative b. Assistant Coaches have not met their burden by simply reporting a possible violation to their supervising head coach; they must be able to verify that the report is made to one of the two department staff members listed above MORE INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF ATHLETICS COMPLIANCE
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