SUFFOLK COUNTY P.A.L. LACROSSE LEAGUE 2014 BOYS OPERATION RULES MANUAL WEB SITE: SCPALLAX.COM SUFFOLK COUNTY P.A.L. LACROSSE LEAGUE P.A.L. BOARD OF DIRECTORS COORDINATOR P.A.L. P.O. MICHAEL HARVEY CHAIRMAN / P.A.L. MICHAEL GONGAS COMMISSIONER SOUTH / P.A.L. RONALD CHAMBERLAIN COMMISSIONER NORTH / P.A.L. BILL MARTOCCI DIRECTOR OF SCHEDULING / P.A.L. RICK SURIS DIRECTOR OF OFFICIALS / P.A.L. JAMES OLIVERI DIRECTOR OF REPRESENTATIVES NORTH / P.A.L. LYNN SCHNELLENBACH DIRECTOR OF REPRESENTATIVES SOUTH / P.A.L. TONY PAGNOTTA DIRECTOR OF REGISTRATION / P.A.L. RICH YANNUCCI TOURNAMENT / CAMP DIRECTOR / P.A.L. TOM ZUMMO TRUSTEE – WEB DIRECTOR / P.A.L. SEAN BERAN TRUSTEE – SAFETY COMMITTEE / P.A.L. WAYNE OETTINGER TRUSTEE – BONDS & COMPLEX DIRECTOR / P.A.L. JOHN LANG TRUSTEE – COUNCIL & RULES COMMITTEE EVERETT DEWITT TRUSTEE / SECRETARY RAY CARERE 2 INDEX PAGE 2 – BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 3 - INDEX PAGE 4 – OBJECTIVE AND COMMUNITY PHILOSOPHY PAGE 5 – ARTICLE I / REGISTRATION PAGES 6 & 7 - ARTICLE II / THE GAME / FIELD / TIME / EQUIPMENT PAGES 8 & 9 – ARTICLE III / CODE OF CONDUCT / COMPLAINT PROCEDURE RULES VIOLATIONS / TOURNAMENT PLAY & NON-SANCTIONED GAMES PAGES 10 & 11 – ARTICLE IV / DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES OF COACHES AND GAME OFFICIAL FEES PAGES 12 & 13 – ARTICLE V / NEW YORK STATE MODIFIED RULES & BOYS PLAYING RULES PAGES 14, 15, 16,17 & 18 - ARTICLE VI / DIRECTORS–COMMUNITIES / LEAGUE BOARD RESPONSIBILITIES / INCLEMENT WEATHER PROCEDURE / POSTPONED GAMES & THE LEAGUE’S INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS PAGES 19 – ARTICLE VII / COMMUNITY REGISTRATION FEES & OFFICIALS FEES PAGES 20, 21 & 22 – ARTICLE VIII / SPORTSMANSHIP PHYLOSOPHY / SPECTATOR CODES / STUDENT ATHLETE CODES & COACHING STAFF PAGES 23 & 24 – P.A.L. MISSION STATEMENT 3 SUFFOLK COUNTY P.A.L. LACROSSE LEAGUE LEAGUE RULES AND REGULATIONS OBJECTIVE: It is the objective of the Suffolk County P.A.L. Lacrosse League to provide an opportunity for youngsters of approximately equal age and ability to compete in Lacrosse, under adult supervision, with equipment and optimum conditions of health and safety. The high standards of sportsmanship and fair play shall be the first requisite of League competition. To this end the following rules and regulations are set down for communities participating in the League. COMMUNITY RESPONSIBILITY: Each community participating in The League shall be responsible for the conduct of its players, directors, coaches, spectators and others for the preservation of order in the stands and on the field during any League activity. Each community shall appoint a director, and an alternate, to oversee their program, one of which who will attend all League meetings and make the community aware of all League rules and regulations, subject to the approval by the P.A.L. Executive Board. Any and all league rule changes would require a majority vote of the individual program directors or their designated alternate. In all League matters determined by a membership ballot, each community is entitled to one vote to be cast by the director or alternate of each community. There will be no proxy votes. A community must be present at a League meeting in order to cast a ballot. Each community will be required to post and maintain a penalty bond of $300.00. The League Board will review all breaches of rules, conduct and sportsmanship and appropriate action will be taken including monetary fines. Ignorance of the rules is not an acceptable excuse! If at any time a community wishes to withdraw from The League, the bond or any balance due will be refunded. The bond may also be used to satisfy any outstanding fees owed by any community at the close of the season. A community must satisfy all outstanding fees it owes to the League at or before Registration to participate in the up coming season. The League, it’s Directors, its Governing Committees, and the Executive Board reserve the right to determine and resolve all disputes as pertains to that scope of jurisdiction considered being the Suffolk County P.A.L. Lacrosse League. All final actions are within the absolute discretion of the Police Coordinator. The League has the right to step in and designate an individual to take control of any program that, in the determination of the Board of Directors, could affect the continuity of the League’s mission, either in whole or any part. 4 ARTICLE I REGISTRATION: To be properly registered, a community must present the following information to P.A.L. on the date set by The Board. Any community not properly registered cannot play. 1. A roster for each team with 2 (two) copies on the day of registration. (Copy 1- For P.A.L Coordinator) (Copy 2- For Insurance Company) All rosters submitted for approval must be typed in alphabetical order with all information required by P.A.L. Each community is responsible for the validity of the roster they submit. All 3rd Grade Teams and above must have a minimum of 15 (fifteen) players on their roster to be accepted. No player can participate in a scheduled league game unless he/she is on that team’s official roster. A player may appear only on one (1) roster and registered in only one (1) community. All league teams must produce their official roster if requested by an opposing coach or league official. 2. Fees: All teams registered from a community will be $250.00 which includes insurance. If the community is providing outside insurance coverage the fee will be $50.00 per team. 3. Special Requests – Special Requests and conflicts must be made by the individual Community Directors and must be requested using the Suffolk County P.A.L. Lacrosse League -Team Registration & Special Request Form. The Special Requests and Conflicts Form must be turned in on or before Roster Night. Field availability and special play days (dates) must be filled in on the form supplied. Any granted Special Requests may lead to a loss of home games. 4. Directions for your field(s) must be on the website 5. All players, coaches and directors must fill out a P.A.L. registration form. 6. All coaches and directors involved with P.A.L. boys and girl’s youth activities must go through a background check by the Suffolk County Police Department. 5 ARTICLE II 1. each. THE GAME Youth Lacrosse is played by two teams consisting of between eight and/or ten players Division: Attack – Midfield - Defense - Goalie K-1st Grade (All Divisions) 8 v 8 (2-3-2-1)* 2nd Grade (All Divisions) 8 v 8 (2-3-2-1) * 3rd Grade (All Divisions) 3A & 3B+ 10 v 10 - 3B/C 8 v 8 (2-3-2-1)* 4th Grade (All Divisions) 10 v 10. (3-3-3-1) 5th Grade (All Divisions) 10 v 10. (3-3-3-1) 6th Grade (All Divisions) 10 v 10. (3-3-3-1) 7th & 8th Grade (All Divisions) 10 v 10. (3-3-3-1) The K-1st and 2nd Grade Coaches, upon mutual agreement and if there are insufficient players, can decrease to seven players (subtracting one midfielder). Also, if by mutual agreement, the 3rd graders can play 10 v 10 (All 3rd grade “A and B+ Games” are 10 v 10). One of the coaches from each team of the teams on the K1 - 2nd grade level may be on the field during play, as long as they are supportive of all players from both teams, and realize that their role is one of instruction and encouragement. All other coaches are to remain at the team’s bench area and supervise the rest of the team. If there is only one coach, his main interest should be the team near the bench area. 2. THE FIELD Every site should consist of two equipped ** fields, each with accurate lines and markings, consistent with an official lacrosse field; one field size 90x45 yards for the K1 - 2nd grade teams, and one field size 110x60 yards for the 3rd grade teams and above. If it is feasible, and additional fields are available, the league will consider their use. Upon prior league approval, certain exceptions can be made. The intent is to play a game at a scheduled site, if there are discrepancies to the legal interpretation of “ the field “ as described in the rules, those problems are to be noted and submitted to the league for future consideration. Unless it is a safely issue, the game should be played. All players and certified coaches shall be located on the same side of the field, and are confined to, and governed by the bench area markings and regulations. A maximum of four (4) coaches are allowed to be with the team. If a parent is timing the game and/or penalties, they cannot coach. A Director is the only other person who is allowed on the player’s sideline. Every effort should be made to have all spectators on the opposite side of the field (not on the end lines), unless an exception has prior league approval. Spectators are restricted from the bench area and from standing on the end lines. ** It is up to the home field (not home team) to supply clocks, horns, penalty clocks, goals, defibrillator, and certified person in its use, rule book, first aid kit, ice packs, etc. 6 3. TIME FACTORS The length of the game shall consist of four quarters of 12 minutes running time, with the last two minutes of the game (only) stopped as in regulation. The half time is five minutes. The clock is stopped on all time-outs, which are one minute in duration. The official game clock and the penalty clock are to be kept on the sideline (not on the field by anyone, including an official). Penalty time is to start and stop as in regulation play. Penalty time is not running time. Each team is entitled to one time-out per quarter. A time out can be taken on any deadball situation (including situations when the ball travels over the end line), and during play, only by the team in possession of the ball. A time-out can be requested by anyone associated with the team. If at the end of regulation play the score is tied, the game will end in a tie – there is no overtime. 4. EQUIPMENT Players must wear helmets, gloves, shoulder pads, arm guards or pads, athletic supporter/cup, and a mouthpiece. The lack of a mouthpiece in a player’s mouth is not a personal foul and is only to be considered a technical foul if there is a loose ball situation (no time served) The goalie must wear, in addition to that equipment previously mentioned, a chest protector and a throat guard. It is permissible for a goalie to wear shin guards, and as provided under Section 1-24c, he may wear football pants, with or without pads. It is the responsibility of each town’s program to assure that their team’s equipment meets legal specification, and that their children have been instructed in its proper use and safety. Crosse dimensions shall be as follows (except Goalie’s crosse): K-1st 33” - 42” Grade Stick Length 2nd 33’’ – 42’’ 3rd 35’’ – 42’’ 4th 35’’ – 42’’ 5th 40’’ – 60’’ 6th 40’’ – 60’’ 7th & 8th 40’’ - 72’’ The 5th 6th 7th and 8th grade can add a 4th pole in all divisions. The rule of thumb on long sticks is the stick should be no longer than the child can handle. It is recommended that the stick length be no taller than the child with his helmet, however the rule sets a maximum of 60 inches. No other alteration is permitted to the stick’s original manufacturer’s condition. 7 ARTICLE III CODE OF CONDUCT: Coaches will control their behavior before, during and after a game, scrimmage or any other P.A.L League event. Cursing, verbal or physical abuse will not be permitted to be used by any member of the coaching staff, player or parent. No verbal or physical abuse of a referee, game official or visiting coach will be tolerated. Coaches are responsible for the behavior of their team’s parents and spectators at all times. Cursing, verbal and/or physical abuse of any player, coach or referee will not be tolerated. Penalties can be assessed against a team for the unsportsmanlike conduct of a parent or spectator and may also jeopardize continued play of the game. All suspensions and disciplinary actions are within the absolute discretion of the police coordinator. COMPLAINT PROCEDURE: Any complaints concerning P.A.L. League rules, regulations or code of conduct by anyone participating in or attending any P.A.L League event should be reported on a Suffolk County P.A.L. Incident Form and faxed to the P.A.L. Officer/Coordinator at 631-852-6112 and then given to your Community Director. This must be done within 24 hours of the Incident. The Community Director will then notify the League Board as to the nature of the complaint. All complaints will be reviewed and investigated by the P.A.L Board Ethics Committee and a determination will be made about the complaint that may include fines and/or suspension. All suspensions and disciplinary actions are within the absolute discretion of the police coordinator. It is required of all directors and coaches to comply with the committee’s requests in its investigation. RULES VIOLATION: Any coach or director, who knowingly allows a player to participate in a scheduled P.A.L. League game in violation of P.A.L. League rules and regulations, will be automatically suspended. The P.A.L. League Board Ethics Committee will determine the length of the suspension and the amount of any fines assessed. All suspensions and disciplinary actions are within the absolute discretion of the police coordinator. The League Board will review any situations or unusual circumstances not covered by the code of conduct and the Board will have the authority to take any action it deems appropriate. Any Director or coach in The League, who becomes aware of any violations of League rules by any other member of The League, is honor bound to report it to The League Board. Any coach who becomes aware of an ineligible player on his or her team must report it to their director immediately before the play of the next scheduled game. TOURNAMENT PLAY: The official schedule for league games will be set by the P.A.L. League board and issued before the start of the season. Any coach or director who bypasses a scheduled league game in order to participate in a non P.A.L. game will be automatically suspended and the league board will meet to determine his or her future status with the league. It has been the practice of the P.A.L. Lacrosse League not to schedule games on Easter or the Memorial Day weekend. 8 NON-SANCTIONED GAMES: The official schedule for the Suffolk County P.A.L. Lacrosse League will be set by the Executive Board and issued before the start of the season Any coach or director who bypasses a scheduled Suffolk County P.A.L. Lacrosse League game in order to participate in a non sanctioned game or tournament will automatically be suspended and the league board will meet to determine his, her and the community’s future with the Suffolk County P.A.L. Lacrosse League. In Addition, The team and the community playing a non-sanctioned game will assume all responsibility and liability for its players, coaches, spectators and officials. Any game that has to be re-scheduled for an official reason must be done so with the approval of the S.C.P.A.L. Lacrosse League Board of Directors. Each team (and its head coach) is responsible for the conduct of their team personnel and attendants. Coaches should work with the officials to promote good sportsmanship during the game. Ethical breaches should be reported immediately to the league office. The home team administration is ultimately responsible for the conduct of spectators and others attending the game. Coaches should cooperate with the officials in controlling any undesired conduct by spectators. 9 ARTICLE IV DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF COACHES AND HOME MANAGEMENT 1. A maximum of four (4) coaches with sideline badges (complete with a name identifying that coach) from any one team are permitted on a team’s sidelines and bench area. Designated Program Directors are permitted to assist and be on the team’s side of the field. If the Director stops performing the director’s responsibilities and acts as a coach, there can only be (3) more coaches on the sideline. All coaches are required to assist in this compliance of this rule. There is one situation where a person, or persons, without a badge may be on the team’s bench area: if a player is ejected from the previous contest for violation of league rules, he may stay on the team’s side as he serves the suspension conditions of his penalty. 2. Coaches are NOT allowed on the field, and must coach from their normal designated area. One coach from K-1st & 2nd grade teams will be permitted on the field during play, but all other coaches must stay on the sideline with the rest of the team. 3. All Coaches should note that they are “coaching players, NOT OFFICIALS. “ Penalties called, and/or not called, are not for the coach’s interpretation or approval. Coaches cannot question a call. If there is a problem in a game, fill out the complaint/incident form and follow the Complaint Procedure. Coaches should instruct the players as to their individual skill level, teamwork and game strategies. Every coach is required to assist an official in the control of the game and assist in controlling a proper sportsmanship by the spectators. 4. All personnel associated with this league are governed and sanctioned under the Coaches Code of Ethics (page 21 in this booklet) of the Suffolk County P.A.L. Lacrosse League. A copy of which is available on the league’s website or upon request. It is every coach’s responsibility to follow the code of ethics and, your willingness to accept the role of coach in this league constitutes your acceptance to comply with its directives. 5. Personal expulsion fouls/fighting – the offending player, or players, are ejected from that contest and are suspended from the next scheduled game they attend. The player(s) must attend a contest from which they were suspended, and stand on the sidelines, in order to be eligible to play in any further games. 6. If a parent/spectator enters onto the playing field, or in any way interferes with the play of the game, the player’s, or anyone affiliated with the league including the officials, that individual and their related player will be asked to leave the playing location. This is not to include an injury situation unless an abusive or unsportsmanlike behavior is involved. 7. The official shall stop play and issue team warnings to both teams at the first instance of “taunting “. The coaches will respectively advise their own teams on sportsmanship. A personal foul is to be imposed, at the discretion of the referee. 8. Any excessive display or celebration, including any insightful gestures towards the sidelines, is by rule, a personal foul. 10 9. Sideline management: each team (home and away) will provide a sideline manager whose duty shall be to control the actions of spectators not in conformity with the standards of proper conduct. Coaches will insure all parents are given a copy of the Sideline Manager’s Job Description and will ensure that a parent/spectator from his or her team is assigned as their team’s Sideline Manager for every game. 10. No coach or director shall be on the sidelines of a regular scheduled P.A.L. game without displaying his/her P.A.L. photo identification. GAME OFFICIAL FEES: Each team is responsible for paying the Officials their designated contribution before each game. K-3rd Grade Jr. Officials is a contribution of $ 35 Per Team or $ 30 Per Team for a Single Official. 4th-8th Grade Officials is a contribution of $ 60 Per Team or $40 Per Team for a Single Official. Section XI Officials will always be paid at the higher rate regardless of what grade teams they officiate for. 1. 2 One Game – Two Certified Officials: One Game – One Official: $60.00 per each official $80.00 3. If an official has to wait between games because the middle game has been cancelled or changed, there will be a charge for waiting. The community which caused the change or cancellation must pay a fee of $100.00 to Suffolk County P.A.L. Lacrosse before their next game. 11 ARTICLE V N.Y.S. MODIFIED RULES SUFFOLK COUNTY P.A.L. LACROSSE LEAGUE GENERAL RULE Unless otherwise noted here, the Boys Lacrosse Rules of the National Federation of State High School Associations, the Youth Rules of US Lacrosse and the Modified Rules of NY State Junior High School Lacrosse will govern all contest levels BOYS PLAYING RULES: 1. There is a four-goal rule. When one team establishes a four-goal lead, the other team shall be given possession of the ball at the midfield without a face-off; this includes after goals, start of a quarter, or a penalty situation. If a man-down situation exists and there is possession at the end of the quarter, that team will retain possession at that relative point on the field at the start of the next quarter, unless there is a fourgoal lead; here the “ four goal rule “ will apply. 2. With a four-goal advantage, the leading team must make two completed passes in their offensive box before a shot on goal can be taken; if the ball touches the ground, repeat the requirement. The pass must initiate in the offensive box and be completed in the box. 3. Each player is limited to a maximum of four goals in a game. It is the responsibility of the coaches to keep track of who scores and how many a player has attained. If there is a discrepancy, every effort should be make to settle in a sportsmanlike manner; if it cannot and the referee can’t settle it, the opposing team’s statistics will be used for that player’s goal count. 4. A loose ball in the crease, for which one or more players and the goalie are trying to gain possession, shall be awarded to the goalie behind the goal. 5. At the start of play, no player may take a position closer than 10 yards to the player in possession of the ball. 6. The In-Home player shall serve any penalty committed by the Goalkeeper, except unsportsmanlike conduct. Two unsportsmanlike fouls in the same game will result in an expulsion from the contest and the ejection procedure will become effective. 7. Repeated and continuous checking of the person, limb or glove, even though it is in contact with the stick, is considered a personal foul (slashing) 8. There is “Limited” body checking. All level players may employ an equal pressure concept. Body checking is allowed on the 5th, 6th, 7/8th grade levels; the “one step rule’’ will apply. (Also applies to 4th grade A level). The one step rule does not allow for that defender to lower their head and hit with their shoulder. It is applicable only as a defensive method employed by a (one) defender against a charging offensive player in possession of the ball. 12 9. A “ buddy pass “ or “running start “ contact aimed at injuring another player is to be considered illegal and is not to be condoned. 10. “Man/Ball” plays are illegal, and under New York State Rules, they are not permitted until a player makes it to the Junior Varsity and Varsity levels. 11. One-handed stick checks are NOT permitted on any level and are considered slashing (again, until a player reaches the Junior Varsity level and above). 12. There is no man down situation on the K–1st, 2nd and 3rd grade levels (Except 3A & 3B+). Any player committing a penalty must serve his own penalty time; however, his team will replace him with another player and will not play man down. The offended player, unless they are defense players or goalies, will be given a Fast Break opportunity, where as, the ball handler will stand 10 yards offensive to the midfield line and all other midfielders will stand behind the midfield line. At the sound of the whistle, all players on the field are released on a fast break. 13. There is no stalling permitted on the K-1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade levels. The ball possession will be turned over as with any technical foul in the judgment of the official. The official should remind the offending team that their play may be deemed in violation, and give that coach the opportunity to encourage his team to play. 14. There is no 10 second “failure to advance the ball “rule on any level. 15. Any player that is in either 7th or 8th Grade, that has passed the qualification test to play Varsity level Lacrosse, and has played, or practiced for a Varsity Team as of March of the current year is not permitted to play for a 7th/8th Grade Team in the Suffolk County P.A.L. Lacrosse League. This is also the rule for the Section XI inter-scholastic games. 13 ARTICLE VI DIRECTORS / COMMUNITIES RESPONSIBILITY 1. Since P.A.L. Lacrosse is basically set up as a learning experience, it has always been the position of the League Board that each player should meaningfully participate in the game. It is the Director’s responsibility to insure that their coaches adhere to same. 2. Any community that misses two scheduled meetings in a row will lose their right to vote on league matters until reinstated by the league board. If reinstated, the director can be placed on probation. There will be a fine of $50.00 for each missed meeting 3. one. A quorum of any meeting of the Directors shall consist of not less than Majority plus 4. Only the Director, or the alternate acting in his place, may make a motion on the floor. Any motion to change any existing rule and/or regulation must be submitted to the league board in writing, appear in the minutes of the meeting and placed on the agenda of the next scheduled meeting to be voted on by the membership. 5. The official schedule for league games will be set by the league board and issued before the start of the season. Any coach or Director who bypasses a scheduled PAL League game in order to participate in a non-PAL game will be automatically suspended and the League Board will determine his or her future status with the League. 6. All rules, regulations and important dates are set down by the league Executive Board. The league Executive Board will review any rule or regulation that may conflict with the structure of the boys division. The board will take any action it deems appropriate. 7. A player must play for the program in the public school district where the player lives, unless there is prior written approval by both involved directors. If the involved directors do not agree on a player playing outside his school district, the player must play for the program in his school district. If the involved directors agree that a player can play outside his school district, they must jointly notify PAL of their agreement by email. 8. The League suggests that for the safety of those concerned, each program site have an AED available and/or retain the services of an ambulance/medical staff. 9. Directions for your field(s) must be on the website. 14 League Board Responsibilities/Duties The Suffolk County Lacrosse League Board of Directors shall consist of 15 individuals who are nominated and elected to their positions. These Positions set policy and oversee the League throughout the year. The Suffolk County P.A.L. itself shall provide the Officer/Coordinator who shall oversee all operations of the League and who will appoint an Individual to sit on the Board as Liaison to the Lacrosse League and other P.A.L. Boards and programs. The Board will consist of three (3) Executive Positions: Chairman Commissioner South Commissioner North Six (6) Director Positions: Director of Scheduling Director of Officials Director of Representatives North Director of Representatives South Director of Registration Tournament Director and Six (6) Trustee Positions to oversee the following tasks Trustee – Web site Director Trustee – Safety Committee Trustee – Co-Safety Committee Trustee – Ethics Committee Trustee – Bonds and Complex Director Trustee – Rules Committee Trustee - Secretary Board positions will be held for a term of 3 years and will be open for nominations at the May Meeting of that positions 3rd year. There will be a 3 year turn around for the entire board, (meaning) one third 1/3 of the board can come up for nominations each year. These positions will be broken down so as to ensure the continued experienced management of the Board and the League. Positions on the board will be open to other board members and community directors with at least 1 year in the league as a director. The position of Chairman is a board position and when vacant or vacated will be filled by another sitting board member. Board Positions that become vacant due to an election or the leaving of that individual will be filled by an appointment of the Police Coordinator. Positions on the board will always look to be filled with individuals that have the time to commit to the league. These positions are voluntary and important to the overall well being of the league and its youth, coaches, parents and spectators and are not to be taken lightly. It is a responsibility that comes with work. Board Members that miss two consecutive Board Meetings are put on suspension and missing a third meeting removes them from the Board. 15 Secretary: The secretary shall keep and maintain a history of the minutes of membership meetings. He/She shall attend to the giving and serving of all notices as designated by the Board, and shall have charge of such books and papers as the Board may direct. He/She shall attend to such correspondence as may be assigned to him/her, and perform all the duties incidental to the office. He/She shall keep a membership roll containing all pertinent information and identification. Operating Committees: Committees shall be adopted by the Chairman and/or either Commissioner, as required for the needs of the league. They may serve a general or a specific purpose, but they are to report directly to the Commissioner and then to the Chairman. The Chairman or Commissioner shall not directly serve as a member of any general committee. The committee members and committee chairperson may be selected through voluntary commitment or appointed by the Chairman or Commissioner. At the discretion of the Chairman or Commissioner, any committee member and/or chairperson may be removed with or without cause. Election and Terms of Board Members: At each May general meeting of the Community Directors, the membership shall nominate or reaffirm board members whose term is expiring to hold office. Each board member shall hold office until the expiration of the term for which he was appointed or until his potential resignation has been accepted. Each board member shall be at least nineteen years of age. Increase or Decrease in the number of Board members: The number of board members may be increased or decreased by vote of the sitting board members. No decrease in the number of board directors shall shorten the term of any incumbent director Newly created Board Seats and Vacancies: Newly created board seats resulting from an increase in the number of Board members and vacancies occurring in the board for any reason except removal of directors without cause may be filled by a vote of a majority of the directors then in office or by the Police Coordinator. Officers, Appointments, Elections and terms: The Executive Board and/or Police Coordinator may cause to elect, or appoint a Chairman, one or more Commissioners, a secretary and such other officers, or trustees, as it may determine, who shall have such duties, powers and/or functions as may hereafter, need to be provided,. Each Board member shall hold office for the term for which he is elected or appointed and until his successor has been elected, appointed and qualified. Resignations: A board member may resign at any time by giving written notice to the board or the Police Coordinator. Unless otherwise specified in notice, the resignation shall take effect upon the receipt thereof by the board or such officer, and the acceptance of the resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective. Removal of Any Board Member: Any Board member, elected or appointed, may be removed with or without cause by a majority vote of the Board or Police Coordinator. In the event of Death, or removal of a league officer the Board or Police Coordinator may elect or appoint a successor to fill the unexpired term. Any two (2) or more offices may be held by the same person. 16 League Executive Board Chairman: The Chairman shall be the chief executive officer of the league board. He shall preside at all meetings of the membership and of the board. He shall have the general management of the affairs of the league and shall see that all orders and resolutions of the board are carried into effect. He shall facilitate the policies and procedures established by P.A.L. and the Board. Commissioner(s): During the absence or disability of the chairman, the commissioner(s), or if there are multiple, shall have all the powers and functions of the Chairman. The Commissioner has jurisdictional responsibility over all committees and their function. Each Commissioner shall perform such other duties as the board shall prescribe. INCLEMENT WEATHER PROCEDURE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Up to two hours before game time, the home site director will call the P.A.L. Command Post (631-905-1356) located at the P.A.L. Complex informing the official on duty of any and all cancellations for that day. The home site director will then immediately call the opposing team’s director or in the case of a neutral site game, both directors informing them of the cancellation. If there is no notification two hours prior to game time all teams shall proceed to the game site where the decision will be put in the hands of the officials for their determination. The official may cancel the game up to one hour prior to game time. Cancellations should be done on a game by game basis. Just because one game is canceled does not mean that all of the others games scheduled for that day are cancelled. Once referees appear on site they will be paid for that game. RESCHEDULING OF GAMES Only directors can reschedule a game. The procedures for rescheduling are as follows: 1. Chain of command for rescheduling of games a.) All games must be rescheduled a minimum of 48 hours prior to game time. b.) A telephone call should be made director to director to agree on rescheduling. c.) After a rescheduled date is determine, both town’s directors must contact assigned to cancel referees for originally scheduled game and secure officials for the rescheduled game. d.) Remember, if a game is changed at a site the home team director must adjust other games so there is no gap between games. If a gap occurs both referees will be paid by the home team. e.) After all of the above steps have been completed the scheduling director is to be informed by the home team director so that the change can be reflected on the master schedule. 17 LEAGUE REQUIREMENTS OF INSURANCE OF PARTICIPATING PROGRAMS It is each program’s responsibility to carry insurance. It must be either through the Suffolk County P.A.L. or through their own insurance carrier. If insurance is through an outside insurance carrier, Suffolk County P.A.L. (as well as whatever named facility, school district, town fields) must be listed as additionally insured and Suffolk County P.A.L. must be supplied with an insurance certificate stating same. If insurance is carried by an outside carrier, Policy must start on February 1st in the year of the new season and run for a full year. (Example – For Spring Season 2011, your insurance certificate must run from Feb. 1, 2011 thru Feb. 2, 2012) COVERAGE MUST BE IN THE FOLLOWING LIMITS One million dollars in general liability One million dollars medical per injury Two million dollars total aggregate Policy must also include “molestation” coverage Boys - Rookie Officials School 1. To officiate in the P.A.L. as a rookie official you must be: a. A high school senior, college student or above. Juniors will be accepted on the approval of his community director and/ or the P.A.L. executive board. b. Boys Rookie officials must return to school each year to officiate. c. An official must attend required classes to be eligible to officiate during the P.A.L. season. 18 ARTICLE VII OFFENSES AND FINES Missed Meeting: 1st missed meeting $50.00 nd 2 missed meeting $100.00 3rd missed meeting Loss of home game one week Missed Deadline: $50.00 Unauthorized website photograph or information $25.00 Failure to produce an official roster at a game. $25.00 Game Expulsion: Coach or Director suspended one game Suspension or Probation of a Coach, Director or Community $100 - $200 A registered team that withdraws before the end of the season: $200.00 Failure to display ID Card 1st offense suspension of that game 2nd offense suspension of that game and the next game *****ALL SUSPENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO SUSPENSION FINES ALSO*** 1. All game changes must be approved by the P.A.L. Lacrosse Board of Directors. 2. No P.A.L. Community will be permitted to assign their own officials. If an exigent circumstance arises causing the change or cancellation of a game, the possible rescheduling of the game must be brought to the attention of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will determine any penalties and/or necessary payment to the officials. 3. If an official has to wait between games because the middle game has been cancelled or changed, there will be a charge for waiting. The community which caused the change or cancellation must pay a fee of $100.00 to Suffolk County P.A.L. Lacrosse before their next game. 4. If a team does not show up for the game, the game will be considered a forfeit. The community that caused the forfeit must pay a forfeit fee of $100.00 to Suffolk County P.A.L. Lacrosse before their next game. 5 All game changes must be approved by the P.A.L. Lacrosse Board of Directors. 6. No P.A.L. Community will be permitted to assign their own officials. If an exigent circumstance arises causing the change or cancellation of a game, the possible rescheduling of the game must be brought to the attention of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will determine any penalties and/or necessary payment to the officials 19 ARTICLE VIII SUFFOLK COUNTY P.A.L. LACROSSE SPORTSMANSHIP PHILOSOPHY Suffolk County P.A.L. Lacrosse is committed to promoting the ideals of sportsmanship. These include the concepts of ethical conduct and fair play by all who participate in, officiate, or attend our events and activities. We stand in opposition to all instances and activities which do not support the high standards of athletic competition and do not insure the well being of our participants. We expect that a high standard of citizenship and respect for others will be evident at all interscholastic events. We are also committed to the belief that all organizations participating in P.A.L. lacrosse activities will be held responsible for the conduct of their players, coaches, directors and spectators. Conduct deemed detrimental to the values supported herein may be deemed just cause for reprimand, probation, suspension from the Suffolk County P.A.L. Lacrosse League. P.A.L. wishes to advance the game of lacrosse to the youth of Suffolk County, to encourage individual skill mastery and teamwork, and to foster character development and sportsmanship. We support a child’s right to challenge them to try to achieve, but discourage unnecessary physical contact, and/or the importance of individual and team records. It is our hope that everyone involved would consider this as one program. The players from all of the teams are “our kids”, no matter which uniform they wear. We expect that everyone will encourage and support all the players, for their skill, effort, and participation and not for a team, a town or a game’s outcome. Please treat every child as you would you own, as we all share the same enthusiasm – the game of lacrosse. SUFFOLK COUNTY LACROSSE SPORTSMANSHIP CODES FOR SPECTATORS It is the responsibility of the spectator to: 1) Cheer positively. Profanity and/or degrading language/gestures are prohibited. 2) Avoid actions which offend visiting teams, individual players, and/or officials. 3) Show appreciation of good play by both teams. 4) Treat all visiting teams and officials in a respectful, professional and appropriate manner. 5) Abide by all rules and regulations of the game. 6) Accept victory and defeat with grace and dignity. 7) Drinking Alcoholic Beverages, Smoking are prohibited within the confines of the Fields and Facilities (Fields, Sidelines, Benches, and Parking Lots) 20 STUDENT ATHLETES: IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ATHLETES TO: 1) Demonstrate self-control and respect for other athletes, officials, coaches and spectators at all times. 2) Remember that participation in interscholastic athletics is a privilege that is not to be abused by unsportsmanlike conduct. 3) Treat all opponents with respect. Shake hands after the event and congratulate them on their performance. 4) Respect the integrity and judgment of the officials. 5) Remember that you are a representative of your school. Improper behavior reflects negatively on you and your school, your family and your community. 6) Understand and abide by all rules and regulations of the game. 7) Accept victory and defeat with grace and dignity. COACHING STAFF / CODE OF ETHICS The Coaching Staff shall be aware that he or she has a tremendous influence, for good or ill, on the education of the student-athlete, and thus shall never place the value of winning above the value of instilling the highest ideals of character. The Coaching Staff shall uphold the honor and dignity of the profession. In all contact with student-athletes, officials, athletic directors, school administrators, school associations, community groups, the media, the public, the Suffolk County Police Department and the Suffolk County P.A.L., the coaching staff shall strive to set an example of the highest ethical and moral conduct. The Coaching Staff shall exert his or her influence to enhance sportsmanship by spectators, both directly, and by working closely with sponsors, pep groups, and booster clubs. The Coaching Staff shall master the contest rules and shall teach them to his or her team members. The coach shall not seek an advantage by circumvention of the spirit of letter of the rules. The Coaching Staff shall respect and support contest Officials. The Coaching Staff shall not indulge in conduct, which would incite players or spectators against the Officials, or anyone connected with the contest. Public criticism of Officials or players is unethical. Before and after contest, the coaches for the competing teams should meet and exchange cordial greetings to set the correct tone for the event. 21 The Coaching Staff should be aware of the following rules: personal expulsion and fighting fouls – the player(s) are ejected from that contest, and are suspended from the next scheduled contest they attend. The player must attend and sit out of the next game in order to be eligible to play in future games. And – if any parent/spectator enters onto the playing field, or in any way interferes with the play of the game, the players, or anyone affiliated with the league, including the Officials, that individual, and their related player, will be asked to leave the grounds and the field area. This is not to include an injury situation, unless an abusive or unsportsmanlike behavior initiates or is involved. The Coaches will support and assist in the enforcement of this rule. 22 Suffolk County Police Athletic League Mission Statement The Suffolk County Police Athletic League was incorporated on October 19, 1973. Through the dedication and hard work of our children, their parents, our outstanding volunteer base of over 2500, board of directors, and staff, Suffolk County PAL is into its 37th year as one of the largest and most successful juvenile crime prevention and recreational programs in the country. Although all children are eligible to join PAL programs, the immediate aim is to reach low income areas that are without recreational affiliations for any number of reasons: schools on austerity, limited resources, hopelessness and even apathy. We live on an island yet some PAL kids had never been on the water until they went on a PAL fishing trip. In 2007 Suffolk County PAL touched the lives of over 26,000 boys and girls, many who would have no sports in their lives without PAL. PAL programs run year round. We do not compete with local little leagues or school sports. PAL programs are geared towards keeping children occupied when they have down time. There are programs in every community according to what that community needs. Some programs are run on Town fields while others utilize School fields and gymnasiums. There are after school and evenings programs and during the day when school is not in session. PAL realizes that every child is unique in ability and interests so we have tried to cover as many bases as possible. Programs include arts/crafts, baseball, basketball, bowling, boxing, cheerleading, fishing, golf, football, ice hockey, karate/Tae Kwan Do, lacrosse, roller hockey, self-defense/self-esteem, soccer, softball, summer camps, track and field, and local and State tournaments. We have established a “Mentoring Program” which includes adult and peer mentoring. We have also initiated a number of innovative programs to address gang involvement and selfesteem. PAL’s “Be A PAL” program addresses the issues of bullying and hazing. Our “REACHOUT” Program is in place in 13 middle and high schools. There is a waiting list for many other schools that would like the “REACH-OUT” Program. We have an innovative Anti-Gang Seminar that is given to large groups of teens at their school’s auditoriums. We have instituted a free Ident-A-Kid packet for parents to keep important records of their children. We also have a swim for survival program and a kid fit program for younger children and PAL has also recently taken charge of the Police Explorers. PAL provides low-cost insurance to outside organizations and secures gyms and permits for them. PAL also provides transportation to many youth programs and supports Girl and Boy Scouts, Police Explorers, with funding and transportation. PAL has developed a 36-acre Sport Complex, which is centrally located in Holtsville, New York. It has three lighted Lacrosse/Football fields, four Baseball/Softball fields and a major league quality 1200 seat baseball stadium with a brand new concession area. This facility services thousands of boys and girls annually. 23 In 2006 we installed a State of the Art turf field for football and lacrosse. We believe that our Sport Complex is one of the finest built with grants and more importantly the generosity of residents and businesses on Long Island. Suffolk’s ongoing battle against juvenile crime reminds us daily that the answer is to get the kids off the streets before the streets get them. Unfortunately many children and adults do not see the police officer as a friend. Often first encounters are of an adversarial nature such as arrests, kids or family members in trouble, families in distress. We are working to change that perception: “Cops and kids together in a non-combative setting”. Respect for each other and the law is the basis of PAL. PAL is not designed to be a baby-sitter but by developing a bond between police officers, parents, community volunteers, and the kids; PAL programs empower people to make a real difference in their neighborhood and in the positive shaping of their children’s lives. Sports help to bring out the best in a kid. They learn how to be part of a team, to fit in while developing their own individual skills with a team goal in mind. Sportsmanship, fair play and the ability to get along with others are very important social skills. In 2008, P.A.L. will kick off our “Special P.A.L.” a program designed for children with special needs. Through the years PAL has been the springboard for many athletes and celebrities and we are proud of the many accomplishments of these professionals. However, we are most proud of the thousands of kids who have come through the PAL programs to achieve success as being parents and involved citizens in their communities. OUR CHILDREN ARE: 25% OF OUR POPULATION AND 100% OF OUR FUTURE. 24
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