2013-14 Parent Handbook W EST M ILLBROOK M IDDLE S CHOOL Kelly Am an, Principal 8115 STRICKLAND ROAD RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27615 PHO NE : 919.870.4050 FA X : 919.870.4064 August 2013 Dear West Millbrook Parents and Guardians, Welcome to the 2013-14 school year! Middle school is an exciting time and we look forward to sharing in your child’s middle school experience. The West Millbrook Middle School Parent Handbook is a new publication this year, designed just for parents. This informative handbook incorporates essential information for middle school parents, including school policies and procedures and a calendar highlighting events throughout our school year. Make note of important dates for this school year. Fall Open House/Meet the Teacher Night for 7th and 8th graders will be held on September 12. The annual Cookies & Conversation for 6th graders will be October 10, 2013. We have 6 early release days this year: September 27, October 18, November 8, January 17, February 14 and March 7. West Millbrook has an active and vibrant PTA that supports every facet of our school. The WMMS Athletic Boosters is a parent organization that supports our student-athletes and athletic programs. I encourage you to join both organizations. Parent involvement is critical in middle school and students need to know their parents support their educational endeavors! Each student at West Millbrook will receive an agenda at the start of the school year. Help your child create a distraction free place to complete homework and review the agenda regularly. The teachers, counselors and administrators at West Millbrook want to partner with parents to ensure that all students succeed academically and grow emotionally and socially this year. Welcome to the 2013-14 school year. Let’s make it a great one! Sincerely, Kelly Aman Principal Teacher Work Day 19 Teacher Work Day 18 25 20 12 11 Volleyball Tryouts Girls Soccer Tryouts Cheerleading Tryouts Student Grade Level Meeting Football Tryouts Volleyball Tryouts Girls Soccer Tryouts Cheerleading Tryouts First Day of School Football Tryouts 7pm PTA Meeting 28 27 Football Tryouts Teacher Work Day (8:30-12)Catapult Camp 21 14 7 31 Wed 26 13 (11-2)Leadership Luncheon 6 5 4 30 Tue 29 Mon 28 Sun August Student Grade Level Meeting Cheerleading Tryouts Girls Soccer Tryouts Volleyball Tryouts Football Tryouts 29 Teacher Work Day 22 Hospitality Back to School Breakfast 30 Teacher Work Day 23 Teacher Work Day 16 8:30AM New Comers Camp 9 2 Fri 15 8 August 1 Thu 31 24 17 10 3 Sat Principal Assistant Principal 6th Assistant Principal 7th Assistant Principal 8th IRT/Testing Coordinator Lead Secretary/Payroll Data Manager Bookkeeper Receptionist 6th Grade Counselor 7th Grade Counselor 8th Grade Counselor School Social Worker School Psychologist Speech Pathologist School Nurse SRO Kelly Aman870-4050 Donyea Daniels870-4056 Christie Patrone518-0124 Janet Frazier 870-4055 Caroline Hartsell676-5019 Angela Cooper870-4058 Elizabeth Smith870-4054 Erica Gorham870-4115 Dawn Funderburk870-4050 Dawn Clark870-4063 Robert Wishon870-4057 Rae Kelly870-4059 Rhonda Greene870-4060 Kim Getty518-0070 Susan Betancourt518-4050 Alicia Bennett870-4070 Gerod Ruffin518-0125 ADMINISTRATIVE & SCHOOL COUNSELING STAFF ACHIEVEMENT FOR ALL The mission of West Millbrook Middle School is to provide an educational environment where all are challenged to achieve their full potential and accept responsibility for their own learning. WEST MILLBROOK MIDDLE SCHOOL MISSION The Parent Request and Physician Order for Medication Form (1702) is completed and in possession of school officials. A student accident insurance program is available to all students at the beginning of the school year on a voluntary basis. Applications are available from homeroom teachers. Completed applications and premiums are to be mailed directly to the insurance company. INSURANCE If your child receives a minor injury at school, we will administer first aid and attempt to contact you concerning the injury. Staff members have received training on proper procedures for handling minor incidents. Please be certain we have several emergency numbers on file and update as needed. IF YOUR CHILD IS HURT AT SCHOOL A school staff member will give no medication, including aspirin, to any student. If a doctor prescribes medicine to be taken during the school day, the student MUST bring the medicine to the office before school with a medical form signed by a doctor. The student will return to the office at the appropriate time to receive the medication. All medication must be kept in the main office and dispensed by designated personnel. • If medication is necessary for a student’s well-being and ability to function in school and cannot be scheduled outside the school day, school officials may administer the medication if one of the two following criteria is met: HEALTH SERVICES Guidance services are provided for all students at West Millbrook. These services include assisting with problems during the regular school day, planning for future education, and monitoring each student’s social and academic progress. Appointments with a guidance counselor may be made by filling out an appointment request form and returning it to the grade level counselor. Students must have a signed note signed by their teacher if going to the Guidance Office during the school day. GUIDANCE SERVICES 1 2 3:30-5 Odyssey of the Mind Mtg 7pm PTA Mtg 6th Grade Parent Night Football vs Zebulon@Home 30 29 Football@Heritage 25 Soccer@Zebulon Builders Club Mtg Volleyball@Zebulon 3 Student Council Mtg Volleyball vs Heritage@WMMS Soccer vs Heritage@WMMS 26 Builders Club-1st Mtg Volleyball @ WFR Soccer @ WFR Odyssey of the Mind:Paper Due 19 Dance Company Auditions Student Council Mtg Fall Open House/Meet the Teacher Catalog Fundraiser Kickoff 7:45AM Interest Meeting for Potential Beta Club Members 12 Fall Individual Pictures Character Ed Lunch 24 Thu Builders Club Interest Meeting 5 Football vs WFR at home 18 Dance Company Auditions Odyssey of the Minds Interest Meeting-6th Period 7:45AM Beta Club MeetingMedia Center Fall Sport Pictures 11 Catalog Fundraiser Orders Due 23 22 17 10 Wed 8am Basketball Interest Meeting 4 3:30-5 Odyssey of the Mind Mtg 16 15 Tue Cheerleading Tryouts 3 Beta Club Application Deadline 9 8 Mon 2 Holiday: Labor Day Sun 1 September Fri 4 Early Release 6th Grade Truck Fair 27 20 13 Teacher Work Day 6 5 28 21 14 7 Sat September 27, 2013 October 18, 2013 November 8, 2013 January 17, 2014 February 14, 2014 March 7, 2014 EARLY RELEASE DATES Quarter 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Date 9/23-9/27 12/2-12/6 2/18-2/21 5/5-5/9 Date 11/4 1/28 4/11 TBA REPORT CARD DISTRIBUTION DATES Quarter 1st 2nd 3rd 4th INTERIM PROGRESS REPORTS HONOR ROLL Our PTA sponsors a breakfast for A Honor Roll at the end of each nine-week grading period. The Honor Roll is published in the P.T.A. Newsletter each nine-week grading period. AWARDS ASSEMBLY Eighth, Seventh, and Sixth Grade Awards assemblies are held at the end of the school year. Awards are presented in a variety of areas. year. Distribution dates are found below. Report cards for all grade levels will reflect conduct grades assigned by each teacher. CHARACTER EDUCATION LUNCHEON GRADING SCALE The grading scale below is used on all report cards for all instructional programs: A93 – 100Excellent B85 – 92 Above Average C77 – 84Average D 76 – 70Below Average FBelow 70Unacceptable REPORT CARDS Students will receive report cards every nine-weeks. Students carry report cards home for each grading period except the final report card, which is mailed home after school is out for the A character trait is recognized each month. Each grade level/team selects student representatives to receive the monthly award and attend the luncheon sponsored by PTA. Recognized Character Traits Courage Good Judgment Integrity Kindness Perseverance Respect Responsibility Self-Discipline GRADING AND REPORTS Recognized Character Traits Courage Good Judgment Integrity Kindness Perseverance Respect Responsibility Self-Discipline GRADING AND REPORTS GRADING SCALE The grading scale below is used on all report cards for all instructional programs: A93 – 100Excellent B85 – 92 Above Average C77 – 84Average D 76 – 70Below Average FBelow 70Unacceptable REPORT CARDS A character trait is recognized each month. Each grade level/team selects student representatives to receive the monthly award and attend the luncheon sponsored by PTA. Students will receive report cards every nine-weeks. Students carry report cards home for each grading period except the final CHARACTER EDUCATION LUNCHEON report card, which is mailed home after school is out for the year. Distribution dates are found below. Report cards for all grade levels will reflect conduct grades assigned by each teacher. Eighth, Seventh, and Sixth Grade Awards assemblies are held at the end of the school year. Awards are presented in a variety of areas. HONOR ROLL Our PTA sponsors a breakfast for A Honor Roll at the end of each nine-week grading period. The Honor Roll is published in the P.T.A. Newsletter each nine-week grading period. AWARDS ASSEMBLY Date 11/4 1/28 4/11 TBA REPORT CARD DISTRIBUTION DATES Quarter 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Date 9/23-9/27 12/2-12/6 2/18-2/21 5/5-5/9 INTERIM PROGRESS REPORTS Quarter 1st 2nd 3rd 4th EARLY RELEASE DATES September 27, 2013 October 18, 2013 November 8, 2013 January 17, 2014 February 14, 2014 March 7, 2014 28 27 Teacher Work Day 21 20 8AM Boys Basketball Interest Mtg 6-7:30 So Your Child is a 7th Grader? Parent Night 29 Football@Wakefield Volleyball vs Leesville@Home Soccer vs Leesville@Home 3:30-5 Odyssey of the Mind Mtg Spirit Week BeginsHalloween Builders Club Mtg 31 Football@Leesville Dance Ticket Sales Volleyball vs Wakefield@Home Soccer vs Wakefield@Home Student Council Mtg 24 30 3:30-5 Odyssey of the Mind Mtg Dance Ticket Sales 3:30 Step Team Interest Mtg 23 Character Ed Lunch Builders Club Mtg 3:30-5 Odyssey of the Mind Mtg 22 7PM(line up 6:40) Beta Club Inductions 8:15AM Beta Club Forms & Fee Due 7pm PTA Mtg 17 Book Fair Volleyball@Durant Soccer@Durant Spirit Week Girls Basketball Interest Mtg 1 Dance Ticket Sales 5:30-7:30 Dance 25 Early Release 18 Book Fair Math Counts Paper Due Make up & Club Pictures 5:30-7pm Cookies & Conversation-Parent Night Fall Frenzy 11 4 Fri Student Council Mtg 10 16 3:30-5 Odyssey of the Mind Mtg Book Fair Football vs Durant@WMMS 7:45am Beta Club Mtg 9 Builders Club Mtg Volleyball@Zebulon Soccer@Zebulon 3 Thu 15 Book Fair Book Fair Columbus Day 7pm 8th Grade Parents Part I: Taking Flight Math Counts Interest Mtg 14 8 7 6th Grade Parent Night Football vs Zebulon@Home 2 Wed Catalog Fundraiser Orders Due Tue October 1 3:30-5 Odyssey of the Mind Mtg Mon Beta Club Application Deadline 30 13 6 29 Sun October 2 26 19 12 5 Sat Athletic Director Sports Safety Technician Band Baseball (Head Coach) Baseball (Asst. Coach) Basketball – Boys Basketball – Girls BETA Club Builder’s Club Cheerleading Dance Company Football (Head Coach) Football (Asst. Coach) Football (Asst. Coach) Student Mentor Program Student Mentor Program Student Mentor Program Odyssey of the Minds Math Counts Student Council Orchestra Softball Step Team Step Team Soccer (Girls and Boys) Track (Girls) Track (Boys) Volleyball (Girls) Yearbook Heidi Sue Ross Chad Navin Dawn Clark Hyacinth Hunt Stefanie Hanne Rachel Huber Chris Devito Ronald Miterko Daniel Calhoun Ronald Miterko Julie Oliver Jason Redmond Ron Miterko Ron Miterko Seketta Brown Diane Walters Kelly Cloak Theresa Brock Amanda Maxwell Chad Navin Robert Jackson Roland Stokes Donyea Daniels Dawn Clark Rhonda Greene Betsy Nay Age policy: shall not participate if he/she becomes 15 years of age on or before August 31, 2013. Academic and attendance requirements: see WCPSS student handbook. Receive a medical examination once every 365 days. Purchase regular school accident insurance or present an insurance waiver form signed by parents or guardian. Insurance information must be on file at the school. Softball Baseball Spring: Boys’ Soccer Girls’ & Boys’ Track Girls’ & Boys’ Basketball Cheerleading Winter: Girls’ Soccer Cheerleading Football Volleyball Fall: SPORT SEASONS 4. When an athlete is suspended or is actively serving in the Alternative Learning Center, he/she may not participate (practice or play) in any athletic event. 3. An ineligible player may not participate (practice or play). 2. Students who are not performing academically will be subject to loss of privileges by coaches, athletic director, and/or administration. • • • • 1. To be eligible for tryouts, practice, or participation in interscholastic athletic contests, a player must meet all eligibility requirements: GENERAL REGULATIONS: Students interested in participating in athletics in the 2013-2014 school year should familiarize themselves with the following general regulations, academic and attendance requirements, and athletic policies. The Wake County Public School System and West Millbrook Middle School sponsor a variety of activities and clubs for all students enrolled in secondary school. For more information regarding eligibility requirements, please refer to the WCPSS Parent/Student Handbook. ACTIVITIES ATHLETIC ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Volleyball@EMMS 24 6pm PTA Mtg Food Drive Food Drive Thanksgiving Break 26 Hospitality Pie Buffet Food Drive Food Drive 27 Food Drive 3:30-5 Odyssey of the Mind Mtg 20 Food Drive 25 Food Drive Character Ed Lunch 7pm Beginning Strings/Band Concert 19 18 3:30-5 Odyssey of the Mind Mtg Food Drive 17 7:45AM Beta Club Mtg Boys Basketball Tryouts Boys Basketball Tryouts 13 3:30-5 Odyssey of the Mind Mtg Spirit Week 6 12 11 10 Holiday: Veteran's Day Football: BOB @ MHS Soccer@EMMS Spirit Week Spirit Week Pep rally 5 4 Daylight Savings Time Ends 3:30-5 Odyssey of the Mind Mtg Food Drive Food Drive Thanksgiving Break Food Drive Thanksgiving 28 Food Drive Student Council Winter Sports Pictures Thanksgiving Break Food Drive 29 Food Drive 3:20-4:30 Welcome to Beta Club Pizza Party/Shoebox Project 22 A Honor Roll Breakfast Boys Basketball Tryouts 21 PEPs Due 15 Early Release 8 Builders Club Mtg 14 Student Council 7 Halloween Spirit Week Begins Volleyball vs Leesville@Home Girls Basketball Interest Mtg Soccer vs Leesville@Home Spirit Week Builders Club Mtg November 1 31 Fri Football@Leesville Thu 30 Wed 3 29 Tue 28 Mon 27 Sun November 30 23 16 9 2 Sat Math Counts Odyssey of the Mind Step Team Student Council meets weekly after school. Company members learn, practice, and refine their dance skills while working to create larger dance pieces. These students have the opportunity to then perform at events throughout the school year, including Fall Frenzy, March Madness, and the Winter/Spring Dance concerts. Students must audition to be a part of the Dance Company. Auditions are held in September. DANCE COMPANY: Dance Company is a performing group that BUILDER’S CLUB: West Millbrook’s Builder’s Club is an organization for middle school students sponsored by the International Kiwanis Club. It is for students who want to take positive, constructive action to build a better world for themselves and others while having a good time. requirement for membership (3.5 GPA) for 7th and 8th grade students. Past activities include ushering and assisting with student orientation, helping out on Career Day, and contributing to Holiday Hugs. BETA CLUB: Beta Club is a service organization with an academic It is the parent’s responsibility to pick up students at the designated time from any extra-curricular activity. Failure to do so may result in the student being excluded from future events. Wake County provides activity buses for students who are involved in approved after-school activities. Students who are not performing academically will be subject to loss of privileges by coaches, athletic director, and/or administration. The Wake County Public School System’s “Code of Student Conduct” and West Millbrook’s rules govern student behavior during all after-school activities just as during the regular school day. Students may be barred from participating in or attending any or all extra-curricular activities because of inappropriate behavior. Beta Club Builder’s Club Dance Company Helping Hands Club Yearbook AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS/GROUPS Additional clubs may be added throughout the school year. YEARBOOK: The West Millbrook Yearbook is published each year by a team of students along with a faculty advisor. This publication requires determination to meet deadlines, along with a desire to improve photography skills. President: Izzee Akers Vice President: Hannah Willard 8th Grade Secretary: Julia Vandermel 7th Grade Secretary: Axel Kjellbert Treasurer: Abraham Weinstein Sergeant at Arms: Sam Horne 2013-14 Student Council Officers STUDENT COUNCIL: The West Millbrook Middle School Student Council is a strong, active student organization. Its members and officers are selected by students to represent them. Throughout the school year, the Student Council, working with the advisors, sponsors a variety of activities in which all students can participate. STEP TEAM: At West Millbrook Middle School, students at grades 6 8 are able to showcase their dance skills by becoming a member of the school's Step Team. The Step Team combines sounds and beats, body movement, rhythmic foot stomping, and hand clapping to create dance routines called, 'Steppin.' During the school year, the group performs at different events such as, pep rallies and athletic games. All active members must maintain good academic and behavior standing in school. ODYSSEY OF THE MIND: The Odyssey of the Mind teaches students to learn creative problem-solving methods while having fun in the process. By tapping into creativity, and through encouraging imaginative paths to problem-solving, students learn skills that will provide them with the ability to solve problems -- great and small -- for a lifetime. The Odyssey of the Mind teaches students how to think divergently by providing open-ended problems that appeal to a wide range of interests. Students learn how to identify challenges and to think creatively to solve those problems. The creative problem-solving process rewards thinking "outside of the box." MATH COUNTS: MATHCOUNTS is a national enrichment club and competition program that promotes middle school mathematics achievement. MATHCOUNTS builds math skills, promotes logical thinking and sharpens students' analytical abilities. Consisting of fun and creative problems that promote critical-thinking and problemsolving skills, the MATHCOUNTS competitions have written and oral rounds, as well as individual and team components 29 22 15 8 1 Sun 7pm PTA Mtg Wed 31 Christmas Break Christmas Break Christmas Break Christmas Break 30 24 New Year's Day 1 Christmas Break 25 3:30-5 Odyssey of the Mind Mtg Int/Adv Strings & Band Concert 23 Holiday Hugs Character Ed Lunch Basketball vs EMMS@Home 18 17 Food Drive 3:30-5 Odyssey of the Mind Mtg 7:45AM Beta Club Mtg 11 3:30-5 Odyssey of the Mind Mtg Food Drive 4 16 Food Drive 10 Food Drive Food Drive Food Drive 9 Basketball vs Wendell@Home Snow Flakes Holiday Hugs Tue 3 Mon 2 Thu 2 Christmas Break 26 Basketball@Zebulo n 19 Food Drive Student Council Mtg Builders Club Mtg Basketball@Heritag e 12 Food Drive Basketball@WFR 5 December Fri 3 Christmas Break 27 Reward for Food Drive Competition 20 Food Drive Geography Bee Written Test WAC Off Campus Holiday Celebration 13 Food Drive 6 4 28 21 14 7 Sat Students participating in school sponsored activities are to be counted present! SCHOOL RELATED ABSENCES G. Participation in a valid educational opportunity such as travel with prior approval by the principal. F. Religious observance as suggested by the religion of the student or the student’s parent(s) with prior approval by the principal. E. Court when a student is under a subpoena. D. Medical, dental, or other appointment with a health care provider. C. Death in the family. B. Isolation ordered by the State Board of Health. A. Illness or injury, which makes the student physically unable to attend school. Valid conditions for excused absences include: EXCUSED ABSENCES When the student returns to school after an absence, he/she must bring to the homeroom teacher a note with the date printed, the student’s name, the date of the absence, the reason for the absence, and the signature of the parent or guardian. The homeroom teacher will issue the student a class admission slip (pink slip), which must be presented to each teacher whose class was missed. The last period teacher will collect the slip. ABSENCES POLICIES AND PROCEDURES If an absence has been approved in advance and/or work assigned by a teacher in advance, all make-up work, including tests assigned for the day of return, is due upon the student’s return to school. 2. Two days for each day absent (for absences exceeding three days.) 1. One day for each day absent (for absences from one to three days) or: B. If make-up work has not been assigned in advance by a teacher, the student will have: A. In the event of an excused absence, a student shall be entitled to make up work under the following conditions: Teachers will assign make-up work to students returning from excused absences (or before they go, if prior approval is received from the principal). It takes time to process the request; therefore, plan to pick up requested work after 3:00 the following school day. If a student must be out of school due to sickness and wishes to make up class work and homework before returning to school, he/she should call a STUDY BUDDY. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain the name and phone number of their friends in each class from whom they can get updated assignments. Parents may also contact their child’s counselor to request assignments. MAKE-UP WORK In order for a student to be considered excused for educational reasons, an education leave form (1710) must be completed. The grade level administrator must sign this form for approval. In addition to the education leave form, a 300 word essay MUST be turned in at least (3) school days after the documented absence. EDUCATIONAL LEAVE FORM 6 13 5 12 27 26 Holiday: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 20 19 Basketball@Durant Mon 30 Sun 29 8am Boys Soccer Interest Mtg 3:30-5 Odyssey of the Mind Mtg 8am Softball Interest Mtg Character Ed Lunch 7pm PTA Mtg 29 Student Council Mtg 3:30-5 Odyssey of the Mind Mtg 8am Baseball Interest Mtg 30 Talent Show Auditions Builders Club Mtg Basketball@EMMS 3:20-4:20 Beta Club:Adopt a Deployed Troop 23 Talent Show Sign Ups Basketball vs Leesville@Home 16 22 3:30-5 Odyssey of the Mind Mtg 8am Boys & Girls Track Interest Mtg Talent Show Sign Ups 15 Dance Concert 28 Teacher Work Day 21 14 3:30-5 Odyssey of the Mind Mtg Basketball vs Wakefield@Home Builder's Club Mtg Geography Bee 7:45am Beta Club Mtg Student Council Mtg 8 9 Thu 2 Chorus Concert & Art Show Christmas Break Holiday: New Year's Day Wed January 1 7 Tue 31 January Talent Show 31 24 Early Release 17 10 Fri 3 1 25 18 11 Sat 4 6th Tardy – All subsequent 2 FULL DAYS of ALC assigned by administration. 5th Tardy – 1 FULL DAY of ALC assigned by administration, and conference with counselor. 4th Tardy – ASD (Afterschool Detention) assigned by the administration. 3rd Tardy – Disciplinary referral written by the classroom teacher and a parent is contacted. Tardies 1 – 3 The classroom teacher will address. TARDIES 1. Bring in a written note from parent stating time and reason for early dismissal. Present the note to the office staff prior to first period. The secretary will give you a check-out (yellow) slip to show to the teacher whose class you will leave. 2. Before you leave school, report to the office. A parent/guardian must come inside to sign you out. 3. Upon your return to school, report to the office with the yellow slip signed by a parent or doctor. You or your parent will then sign the check-in sheet for re-admittance. 4. Students may not be checked out of school after 2:45pm. Parents who need to check children out of school must do so prior to 2:45pm. If students must leave school before the end of the school day for a medical/dental appointment or some other valid reason, please follow this procedure: CHECKING OUT OF SCHOOL EARLY To be counted present a student must be in attendance at least one-half of the student school day. With the approval of the principal, a student shall be considered present for that portion of the day if he/she is present at an official school activity at a place other than the school. Students who report to school after 8:15am must report to the front office and receive an unexcused late pass. At that time, the Data Manager will determine if the tardy is excused or unexcused. A student receiving an unexcused tardy slip from the main office will not be excused from school-wide tardy policy. CREDIT FOR ATTENDANCE Lunch Time 11:02 – 11:29 11:36 – 12:03 12:09 – 12:36 Lunch A B C Fall Sports Pictures Fall General Pictures Winter Sports Pictures Spring Sports Ident A Kid Spring General Pictures September 11, 2013 September 19, 2013 November 21, 2013 February 26, 2014 February 26, 2014 February 27, 2014 Each year the school contracts with a photographer to take pictures of our students, clubs, organizations, and athletic teams. School pictures will be taken in the fall and in the spring. Also, Eighth Graders will take a class picture in the Spring. PICTURES Time 8:15 – 9:08 9:12 – 10:03 10:07 – 10:58 11:02 – 12:36 12:40 – 1:31 1:35 – 2:05 2:09 – 3:00 Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SCHOOL SCHEDULE WCPSS School Board Policy 6000.2 states, “A student shall be in his/her assigned area at the beginning of the school day and the beginning of each class or be recorded as tardy.” 23 16 9 Mon 24 Teacher Work Day President's Day 17 Basketball vs EMMS@Home 10 Basketball vs Durant@Home 3 2 Ground Hog Day 27 26 Sun 8am Softball Interest Mtg 26 Spring Sport Pictures 3:30-5 Odyssey of the Mind Mtg Character Ed Lunch 7pm PTA Mtg 3:30-5 Odyssey of the Mind Mtg 25 Boys Soccer Tryouts Softball Tryouts Dance Ticket Sales Track Sprint Tryouts Baseball Tryouts 19 Track Distance Tryouts Lincoln's Birthday 3:30-5 Odyssey of the Mind Mtg 7pm 8th Grade Parents Part II:Lets Soar Boys Soccer Tryouts Softball Tryouts Baseball Tryouts 7:45AM Beta Club Mtg 12 Spring General Pictures 27 Dance Ticket Sales Builders Club Mtg Student Council Mtg Track Field Tryouts & Make ups 20 Boys Soccer Tryouts Softball Tryouts Baseball Tryouts Track:Paper work due/30 min run 13 28 Dance Ticket Sales 5:30-7:30 Dance 21 Early Release Career Day Valentine's Day 14 Climbers Club Student Council Mtg Builders Club Mtg Climbers Club Basketball@Leesville Student Grade Level Mtg A Honor Roll Breakfast 7 Talent Show 31 Fri Student Grade Level Mtg 6 8am Baseball Interest Mtg 30 Thu 3:30-5 Odyssey of the Mind Mtg 5 18 11 4 3:30-5 Odyssey of the 8am Boys Soccer Interest Mtg Mind Mtg 7pm PTA Mtg 29 Character Ed Lunch Wed 28 Tue February 1 Washington's Birthday 22 15 8 Sat February 1 ASD is an intervention designed for students who violate classroom guidelines and expectations. ASD is held on Tuesday afternoons of each school week. Students assigned to ASD must report to Room 206 at 3:30 pm and remain until 5:00 pm. No students will be able to enter the room after 3:30 pm without a legitimate pass from an administrator. AFTER SCHOOL DETENTION PROGRAM (ASD) sponsored activity; they will be removed from the event/activity. In addition, they may be prohibited from attending future events. Loss of Privileges-If students do not behave appropriately during a school the ALC room and will remain there until his/her grade level lunch is finished. Administrative Lunch Detention-Student is assigned lunch detention in Lunch Detention-student remain on team with a team teacher for lunch Possible Consequences for Student Misbehavior All Code of Student Conduct policies are contained in the WCPSS Student/Parents Handbook, which is distributed to all students and parents at the beginning of each school year or upon enrollment in the WCPSS. If there is a conflict between the rules expressed in this handbook/agenda/planner and the Code of Student Conduct policies, the WCPSS Code of Student Conduct policies shall take precedence. WCPSS CODE OF STUDENT CONDUCT Students who have been suspended may not attend school events during their suspension period. If your child is suspended, it is important that your child complete the academic work for each of the classes your child is missing. Please contact your child’s counselor to make arrangements to have this work collected and to be picked up at school. Please remember that suspended students may NOT be on campus for any reason during the suspension so a parent/guardian should pick up this work. Your counselor can help you make these arrangements. SUSPENSIONS (OSS) ASD and ALC are very structured, and rules are strictly upheld. Students will be expected to complete: 1) a reflection sheet identifying the problematic behavior(s); 2) a brainstormed list of appropriate desired behavior(s), and; 3) assignments provided by staff members. A student who is placed in the ALC Program may be removed from the class setting for several days or weeks. The objective of the Alternative Learning Center is to allow students to practice self-discipline, keep up their class work, and earn their way back to their regular classes. When a student fails to follow the school or the classroom rules, he/she may be referred to ALC. ALTERNATE LEARNING CENTER (ALC) 30 23 16 Daylight Savings Time Begins 9 3:30-5 Odyssey of the Mind Mtg 7pm PTA Mtg Adv Band/Jazz Band Concert Softball vs Rolesville@Home Spring Break April Fool's Day 2 3:30-5 Odyssey of the Mind Mtg Pennies for Pasta Campaign 1 Pennies for Pasta Campaign 7pm PTA Mtg Baseball vs Wake Forest@Home 31 Soccer vs Durant@Home Character Ed Lunch 26 25 Pennies for Pasta Campaign 3:30-5 Odyssey of the Mind Mtg 24 Pennies for Pasta Campaign Baseball@North Garner Pennies for Pasta Campaign Soccer vs Zebulon@Home Pennies for Pasta Campaign Softball vs East Wake@Home 19 18 St. Patrick's Day 3:30-5 Odyssey of the Mind Mtg Soccer@Heritage 7:45am Beta Club Mtg 12 17 Baseball vs Davis Drive@Home 11 10 3:30-5 Odyssey of the Mind Mtg Baseball@Holly Grove 5 Spring Sport Pictures Character Ed Lunch 4 26 Wed 25 Tue Soccer vs WFR@Home 3 2 Mon Softball vs Wendell@Home 24 23 Sun Thu 3 Pennies for Pasta Campaign Baseball@Wendell 27 Pennies for Pasta Campaign Builders Club Mtg Student Council Mtg Softball@Zebulon 20 Baseball@Holly Ridge Softball@Heritage 3:20-4:20 LLS Pennies For Pasta Committee Mtg 13 Builders Club Mtg Student Council Mtg Softball@WFR 6 Spring General Pictures 27 March 4 28 Pennies for Pasta Campaign March Madiness Fundraiser 21 Pi Day 14 Early Release 7 28 Fri 5 29 22 15 8 March 1 Sat Bus Violation Classroom Discipline/Disruption Behaviors Dress Code Fighting/Physical Aggression Non-Compliance (Failure to follow school rule out of area, selling items, leaving prior to bus being called, etc.) Property Damage Shanking/Physical Contact/Inappropriate touching Skipping Tardy to class (Start over each quarter) 2 3 6 7 Profanity toward Staff 15 14 Theft Verbal aggression/abuse toward staff (get out of my way, etc) Electronic Devices Violations 12 13 10 11 8 9 4 Bullying/Harassment OFFENSE 1 # Electronic Device placed in front office for parent pick-up 2 Days ALC 1 Day ALC 1-3 Addressed by teacher; 4-subsquent Administration 3 Days ALC/Restitution – 5 Days OSS 1 – 3 Days ALC Restitution/1 Day ALC- 1 Day OSS 1 Day ALC ASD – 3 Days ALC *Required to change clothes/ALC 3 Days OSS and 1 Days ALC, and counselor intervention upon return from OSS 1st MAJOR REFERRAL TO ADMINISTRATION 1 – 3 Days ALC Student/counselor conference SRO & parent notification Warning – parent contact – 1 Day bus suspension 1 Day ALC Electronic Device placed in front office for parent pick-up and ASD 1 Day OSS 2 Days OSS/Restitution – 5 Days OSS 3 Days ALC – 2 Days OSS 2 Days ALC – ALC Plus 5th tardy, Parent contact/1 Day ALC Restitution/1Day OSS 1 Day OSS *Required to change clothes/ALC 5 Days OSS and 1-3 Days ALC, and counselor intervention with development of BIP (teacher/administrator) upon return from OSS 1 – 3 Days ALC 2nd MAJOR REFERAL TO ADMINISTRATION 3 – 5 Days ALC Student/counselor conference SRO & parent notification Parent contact and 2 Days bus suspension 1- 3 Days ALC Electronic Device placed in front office for parent pick-up and 1 Day ALC 2 Days OSS 3 Days ALC – ALC Plus 6th tardy- subsequent parent contact/2 Days of ALC 2 – 5 Days OSS/Restitution 2 Days OSS Restitution/2 Days OSS 2 Days OSS 3 Days ALC *Required to change clothes 5 Days OSS and 3-5 Days ALC, and possible recommendation for long term 1 Day ALC 3-5 Days ALC – ALC PLUS - OSS 3rd MAJOR REFERRAL TO ADMINISTRATION 2 Days OSS SRO notification Counselor conference upon return Parent contact and 3 Days bus suspension Discipline Guide (Matrix): Violation of school rules may result in varying consequences. This matrix does not include every possible violation of the Student Code of Conduct. You should refer to the Wake County Student/Parent handbook for a more detailed list of others. Consequences may vary depending on the situation/circumstance. Administrators reserve the right to modify these consequences when deemed necessary. A serious violation of any of these policies may result in long-term suspension or expulsion. Repeated violations may also subject a student to long- term suspension or expulsion. West Millbrook Middle School students are expected to be in class every day, on time and ready to learn. Students shall respect others and respect school property. West Millbrook Middle School is a place of serious learning. Students are expected to respect and comply with all directions of all school personnel, principals, teachers, counselor, media specialist, cafeteria staff, substitute teachers, student teachers, secretaries, teacher aides, bus drivers, and all other school personnel who are authorized to give such directions and discipline. Students are expected to follow the rules established by the Wake County Board of Education and those established for West Millbrook Middle School. 14 21 13 20 27 Mon Baseball@Herita ge 28 Teacher Work Day 7 6 Easter 31 Sun 30 Tue Soccer@Wakefield Track @ Home 29 Track @ Home Soccer vs EMMS@Home 30 Soccer@Leesville Character Ed Lunch 7pm PTA Mtg 23 22 Federal Income Tax Due 16 7:45am Beta Club Mtg Baseball vs Heritage@Home 15 9 Fri Baseball vs Zebulon@Home Softball@EMMS 1 Baseball vs Wendell@Home Student Council Builders Club Mtg 2 Climbers Club Year End Breakfast Softball vs Leesville@Home A Honor Roll Breakfast 25 Holiday 18 11 Spring Break 4 8th Grade Job Shadow Day 24 Baseball@Wake Forest Softball@Durant 8th Grade Team Day 17 Baseball@Zebulon Student Council Builders Club Mtg 6-7:30pm Rising 6th Grade Parent Program 9:45-11:15am Rising 6th Grade Orientation Softball vs Wakefield@Home 10 Spring Break Spring Break Thu 3 Wed 2 8 Spring Break April Fool's Day April 1 April 3 26 19 12 5 Sat The West Millbrook Yearbook is published each year by a team of students along with a faculty advisor. This publication requires determination to meet deadlines, along with a desire to improve photography skills. The Zephyr Submission for inclusion in the Wildcat News should be made to Jeannie Hodges, newsletter editor at [email protected]. Submissions are subjected to editing, if needed, and Ms. Aman (Principal) has the final approval on all information. The West Millbrook PTA produces a monthly publication called “The Wildcat News” that is made available to parents via the parent e-mail lists and the West Millbrook website in PDF format. The Newsletter has an up-to-date calendar of happenings at the school, along with messages from the principal, PTA committee news, upcoming events, volunteer needs, and stories about life in general at West Millbrook. Wildcat News The West Millbrook features a homepage that gives parents, guardians, and students inclusive and interactive access to staff websites, staff directory, school academic calendars, school expectations, bell schedules, healthful living rotations, athletics, clubs, bus routes and high school registration information, e-mail access, dates to remember, cafeteria menu, and much more. Parent links are lunch money options, homework plan, dress code, accident insurance information, and PTA. West Millbrook is committed to keeping parents and guardians informed about what’s happening at school with several publications. • The Wildcat News • The Zephyr (yearbook) • West Millbrook website (www.wmms.net) • Principal’s Blog (wmmsprincipal.wordpress.com) • The Principal’s Weekly Phone Message • Twitter@WestMillbrook Parents visiting the campus during the school day should check in at the main office and obtain a visitors badge. Campus Visitors School/home communication is a valuable part of ensuring academic success. Parents may request a teacher conference by contacting the teacher, the team leader or the counselor. Parent/Teacher Conferencing Each week during the school year, usually Sunday evening, a recorded message with information about upcoming events and accomplishments will be distributed. If you are not receiving the weekly Principal’s Message, please make certain we have your correct phone number on file. Our phone system can only make calls to local phone numbers. This is a great way to stay abreast of academic, athletic and extra-curricular news at West Millbrook! Principal’s Weekly Phone Message West Millbrook Website STAYING CONNECTED- SCHOOL COMMUNICATION 5 12 11 26 25 Holiday: Memorial Day 19 18 Mother's Day Mon Baseball@Heritage 28 4 27 Sun 28 Chorus Concert Student Council Nominations 21 14 27 20 PTA Meeting: Vote Strings/Band Concert & Art Show 13 7pm PTA Mtg 7:45am Beta Club Mtg 3:20-4:30 Beta Club May Service Activity 7 Hospitality Teacher Appreciation Luncheon Soccer vs EMMS@Home 30 Wed 6 29 Tue May 8th Grade Dance Football Interest Mtg Girls Soccer Interest Mtg 30 23 7:50am Cheerleader Interest Mtg-Ms. Brock's Room 16 9 2 Fri Dance Concert 29 Athletic Banquet Builders Club Mtg 22 Volleyball Interest Mtg 15 Student Council Mtg Builders Club Mtg Beta Club Teacher Appreciation Breakfast 8 Baseball vs Zebulon@Home Softball@EMMS May 1 Thu 31 24 17 10 3 Sat Head covering of any kind (ball caps, du-rags, skullies, scarves, headphones, bands). Wearing Leggings/Jeggings without a top layer that meets the dress code length requirement. Sagging pants. Exposed undergarments. Attire that exposes cleavage. Sunglasses. Excessively short or too tight garments. (Length must be finger tip test) Bare midriff shirts, halter tops, backless shirts, or crop shirts Strapless shirts. Straps on female tops must be 3 adult fingers wide. Tank tops/undershirts worn alone. Attire with messages or illustrations that are lewd, indecent, or vulgar or that advertise any product or service not permitted by law to minors. See-through clothing. Shoes are to be worn at all times. No pajamas or house shoes. Any adornment such as chains or spikes that reasonably could be perceived as or used as a weapon. Any symbols, styles or attire frequently associated with intimidation, violence or violent groups which students at a particular school have been notified. If a student’s dress or appearance is such that it constitutes a threat to the health or safety of others, distracts the attention of other students or staff from their work, or otherwise violates this dress code, the principal or principal’s designee may require the student to change his or her dress or appearance (Board Policy 6410). • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Examples of prohibited dress or appearance include, but are not limited to, the following: As per WCPSS Board Policy, individual schools are free to specify additional examples of dress or appearance that are prohibited at that school under terms of this policy. Students are expected to adhere to a standard of dress and appearance that is compatible with an effective learning environment. Presenting a bodily appearance or wearing clothing which is disruptive, provocative, revealing, profane, vulgar, offensive or obscene, or which endangers the health and safety of the student or others is prohibited. DRESS CODE The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items including electronic devices and other personal belongings. Students are urged to leave all electronic devices at home. Lost & Found is located at the back of the front office. Students are encouraged to check this area as soon as they realize they have lost items. Items not claimed by the end of the month are donated. LOST & FOUND Head coverings may not be visible in the buildings at any time. Playing cards, dice, Ipods, radios, music players, cell phones, electronic cigarettes, sunglasses, any electronic devices and other equipment deemed disruptive to an environment conducive to learning are not allowed to be visible from 7:50 am until students are dismissed from their last class by the teacher. Such devices may be taken by staff members and held at the front office until the parent of the student comes to retrieve them. The school will assume no responsibility for confiscated items. Students are required to adhere to the WMMS dress code for all school activities including field trips, concerts and banquets. HEAD COVERINGS AND ELECTRONIC DEVICES Mon 23 30 29 16 8th Grade Ceremony 9 Band/Orchestra Banquet 2 22 Father's Day 15 8 1 Sun 1 24 17 Last Day of School 10 3 Tue 2 25 18 Teacher Work Day Hospitality End of the Year Lunch 11 4 Wed June 3 26 19 Teacher Work Day WAC End of the Year Celebration Off Campus 12 5 Thu Independence Day 4 27 20 13 8th Grade Rehearsals 6 Fri 5 28 21 Flag Day 14 7 Sat Students should remain in their last class period of the day until their mode of transportation is posted on the television. Any student who leaves their last period class prior to their bus route being posted will be subjected to disciplinary action. AFTERNOON DISMISSAL Students who are planning to eat breakfast should report to the cafeteria directly from their mode of transportation and enter the cafeteria through the entrance closest to the student restroom area. BREAKFAST PROCEDURES 1. Enter campus using the REAR walkway near Trailer 1, move down the walkway passing the rear of the 300 Building, and report to their grade level building or to cafeteria for breakfast. When entering the campus, bus riders should: 1. Students may not arrive at WMMS prior to 7:45am. If a student arrives on campus prior to 7:45am, he/she must remain in the car until 7:45am. 2. Enter using the most immediate walkway and report directly to his/her grade level building or to the cafeteria for breakfast. When entering the campus, car riders should: Enter through the SPORTS COURTYARD and report directly to his/her grade level building or to the cafeteria for breakfast; 2. Enter through the CARPOOL AREA and report directly to his/her grade level building or to the cafeteria for breakfast. The purpose of the Academically and Intellectually Gifted Program is to provide an appropriately challenging educational program for students who perform, or show potential for performing, at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others of their age, experience or environment. While many AIG students are identified in elementary school, there are opportunities for identification in middle school. The testing windows are early fall and spring. AIG (Academically/Intellectually Gifted) Every student receiving special education services has an IEP (Individual Education Plan) developed by a multi-disciplinary team. Required by law, an IEP is a document outlining the needs of the student as well as the goals and objectives to be addressed in school. Students are provided with special education services in a variety of settings. Some IEPs specify that certain types of services be provided during major exams, including EOGs. SPECIAL PROGRAMS Students must be in their assigned areas at all times. Students may not leave campus without permission. Violation of this expectation will result in a consequence assigned by an administrator. RESTRICTED AREAS Students are expected to be picked up within 30 minutes of the conclusion of the activity. Students failing to comply with the 30 minute guideline will be prohibited from attending future activities. After school activity buses run to selected drop-off sites. Students should check the drop-off sites prior to staying for after school activities. School ends daily at 3:00 PM and all students who remain after school should be participating in WMMS after school activities. When entering the campus, walkers should: 1. STUDENT AFTER SCHOOL PICK-UP TRANSITION PROCEDURES Remain seated while bus is in motion. Follow the bus driver’s expectations. Refrain from physical contact with other students. Secure all objects in his/her possession within the bus. Respect others at all times. Refrain from using electronic devices. Refrain from damaging the bus and the property of others. Keep the aisle free of any obstruction. Use appropriate language at all times. Profanity and swearing are unacceptable. 10. Refrain from eating or drinking on the bus. Students are expected to keep the bus clean. 11. Refrain from engaging in distractive behavior such as, yelling and/or making loud noises. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Students should: BUS TRANSPORTATION RULES Any questions about late busses should be directed to the transportation office at 870-4247. At the bus stop, students are expected to behave appropriately and stay off private property. The bus stop is considered school property; therefore, students are subjected to disciplinary actions. Student bus routes were sent home to parents in early August; refer to the list to see what bus stop your child will use. Requests to change bus stops or to ride a bus home that is not the student’s regular bus (to go to a friend’s house) is not allowed. Each student needs to ride his/her designated bus daily. School transportation service is a privilege, not a right. Failure to follow bus rules will result in removal from the bus. Mr. Curtis, Transportation Supervisor 870-4247 TRANSPORTATION WMMS provides transportation for students participating in extracurricular activities. The activity bus will make express stops only (this stop is not your child’s regular bus stop.) Please check the school’s website for additional information. Students participating in extracurricular activities must have a pass to ride an activity bus. Spectators will not be permitted to ride. WMMS EXTRACURRICULAR TRANSPORTATION After school transportation and activity arrangements should be made with your child before our school day begins. We are unable to take routine messages for students. If you have an urgent message that needs to be delivered to your child make certain to phone us prior to 1:15pm. We are unable to get messages to students after 1:15pm. AFTERNOON TRANSPORTATION The Board of Education places a high priority on school bus safety, and recognizes that a safe and orderly environment is critical to safe student transportation. The Board recognizes that providing safe transportation requires the cooperation of students, parents, administrators, staff, and other government agencies. The Superintendent, Transportation Department staff, and principals are responsible for making reasonable efforts to inform affected individuals or entities about safety issues and monitor compliance with legal requirements and this policy. Policy 7130 Student safety and conduct while on student transportation. $1.25 $0.30 Full Price 6-8 Reduced Price Cost of Breakfast $2.25 Reduced Price $0.40 Full Price 6-8 Cost of Lunch Parents may place money on a lunch account. Please make checks payable to West Millbrook Cafeteria. Free and reduced price breakfast and lunch programs are available. Application forms are available from homeroom teachers or the office. All students are required to go to lunch at their assigned time. Teachers will escort students to and from the cafeteria. All food must be consumed in the cafeteria’s dining room. Students may not take food out of the cafeteria. Students are responsible for keeping the area where they are sitting clean. Tables are to be left free of food. All trays, eating utensils and trash are to be disposed of in the proper containers. Students should remain in assigned areas until directed to leave by the supervising administrator. Students may buy lunch or bring it from home. Extra cartons of milk may be purchased from Food Services. Carbonated beverages and other beverages in cans and commercially prepared fast foods delivered at lunchtime are discouraged. No glass containers are allowed. The school cafeteria is a vital part of the school program. To encourage good nutrition, the cafeteria serves breakfast and lunch at reasonable prices. Mrs. Vandewalker, Manager 870-4071 CAFETERIA INTERNET DRIVER’S LICENSE Internet access will be available in the Media Center and in the classrooms for student use. All students will be allowed internet access. If a parent does not wish for his/her child to use the internet at school, the parent must fill out an AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) form. Please contact Susan Cole at 847-4067. Students that abuse internet access will have their access denied. Other disciplinary action may be taken. 1. Students may use Destiny stations to search the West Millbrook Media Center collection. 2. Students may use computers for school assignments only. 3. Inappropriate use of computers will result in disciplinary measures. 4. Students who abuse internet access will lose internet privileges for the school year. COMPUTER USE Lost books must be paid for at full replacement price before any other Media Center materials can be checked out. LOST AND DAMAGED LIBRARY BOOKS 1. A pass is required to enter the Media Center except after school or when with a class 2. Students must enter through the double doors across from the seventh grade building and come through the entry gate. The doors at each end are for emergency use only. 3. Students may check out up to three books at a time. 4. Books are checked out for three weeks. 5. All books should be returned to the circulation desk. 6. Students with overdue books may not check out additional materials until the overdue books are returned or paid in full. There are no fines for overdue books. 7. Reference books and materials, including reserve books, should be returned to their assigned places before leaving the Media Center. 8. No reference materials can be checked out. MEDIA PROCEDURES Ms. Cole, Media Coordinator 870-4067 MEDIA CENTER During physical education class, students may bring a lock to secure valuables in the locker room, but must remove the lock at the end of the class period. In case of a lost combination, school personnel will cut locks daily. Periodic locker checks will be conducted during the course of the school year for lost library books, missing textbooks, maintenance of lockers, and any materials considered a hazard on campus. The principal (or designee) reserves the right to open and search any locker at any time. Each student will be assigned a locker. Students must purchase their own locks. Combinations should be kept confidential. Students should not give other students their combinations, leave their lockers unlocked or with lock combinations “set”. Lockers should not be regarded as “safe” places for valuables. Any personal property placed in the locker is the responsibility of the student, not the school. In the event lockers are jammed or broken, students should notify their homeroom teacher. Students are reminded that the lockers are the property of the school system and may be opened for inspection and service without student’s permission. Students should also note that entering another student’s locker is a violation of school rules. LOCKS AND LOCKERS President - Beth Billman Vice President - Deborah Petersen Secretary - Ashley Henderson Treasure - Aimee Lomax The Athletic Boosters supports our school’s athletic program in a variety of ways. 2013-14 Athletic Boosters Officers The West Millbrook PTA supports all facets of our school. Parents are encouraged to join the PTA. There are many volunteer opportunities which keep parents connected to the school. The PTA meets monthly in the media center (see calendar). 2013-2014 PTA Officers Oct. 14- Feb 20 Feb. 24-May 30 May 30, 2014 Eligibility Period Aug. 25- Oct. 25 Feb. 21, 2014 Dance Date Oct. 25, 2013 8thGrade Dance School Dance School Dance Attendee 7:00-9:00pm 5:30-7:30pm Time 5:30-7:30pm All students are expected to prearrange transportation home after dances. Telephones will not be available after dances. Parents should pick students up at the conclusion of each dance. Any student who is not picked up within 30 minutes of the conclusion of a dance will be unable to attend the next school function. Student cooperation and parent support are expected and greatly appreciated. 1. GUESTS are not allowed to attend school dances. 2. All students are required to display behavior that is appropriate and in good taste. 3. Partner dancing is acceptable. A partner is defined as two individuals dancing together. No more than two people may dance together. 4. Dancing is to be in good taste and not offensive (absolutely no vulgar dancing allowed). 5. Students are not to kiss. 6. The throwing of people in the air is not allowed. 7. Food, candy and drinks are not allowed in the gym. 8. Acts of physical aggressiveness will result in the removal of a student from the dance and the lost of privilege for attending the next school dance. Student dances are scheduled occasionally to provide supervised social experiences for our students. The highest level of student behavior is expected at all dances. The following rules apply to student conduct, in addition to the expectations in the “Code of Student Conduct” and West Millbrook’s rules and regulations: SCHOOL DANCES Jodi Bulmer, President Lorrie Houze, Secretary Michelle Horne, Treasurer WMMS ATHLETIC BOOSTERS PTA
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