i 13 12 11 10 i 9 8 20 i 21 7 6 i 3 Evropski kmetijski sklad za razvoj podeželja: Evropa investira v 5 podeželje Projekt sofinancira Evropska unija i 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 i Puchove Around the region poti powith Prlekiji Prlekija, Puch 6 7 Janez Puch was born on 27th of June 1862 as the son of Franc Puch and mother Neža in the municipality of Sakušak in Juršinci (Sv. Lovrenc v Slovenskih goricah). Puch was more than just an innovator, he was also an inventor and so original, that he implemented patent protection for several of his inventions. Among the 19 (so far known) PUCH patents, 13 are from the field of road vehicle technology and six for Typewriters. Four of his patents influenced the design and use of internal combustion engines, three the construction of two-wheelers, one the design of motorcycles, two the design of cars and three patents are dedicated to the detachable wheels of motor vehicles. By July 19th 1914, when he died, Puch developed Around the region Prlekija, with Puch 21 different car types. Interesting facts about the life and work of Johann Janez Puch: • During the fierce competition in the years 1893-1895 the Puch bicycle Styria, achieved excellent results at international races and won the famous ride from Bordeaux to Paris; • In 1906, the racer Nicodemus set the record at the GordonBennett race in France with a two-cylinder motorcycle, with an average speed of 77 km/h, till then, this was not achieved by anyone else in the world; • After the year 1912, he spent his free time in the stables and devoted his time to the riding sport; • After his death, Puch’s factory continued to expand and in 1935, it was merged with the concern “Steyr-Daimler-Puch Werke A.C.”, based in Vienna. In more than 20 years of operation of the “Johann - Janez Puch” association, the association recorded more than 300 old-timers amongst its members. 250 of these are located within the area LAS Prlekija. Within the project Museums of movable technical heritage of Prlekija, which is co-financed by LEADER, the association identified 15 larger private collections of old-timers with over 140 exhibits. With the desire to make this rich technical heritage accessible to the public, the project created a thematic tourist route “Around the region Prlekija, with Puch”. All 15 private collections are connected with this route. Three circular routes were created within the area of LAS Prlekija. We named them “the Route of horsepower, the Jeruzalem route and the Mineral water route.” All three routes are connected with Puch’s homestead in Juršinci and the outlook tower at Gomila, which is dedicated to the great inventor. The routes lead past old-timer enthusiasts from Prlekija, which are happy to show visitors their private collections. Some might even take the visitors along for a ride, across the beautiful landscape of Prlekija. We also included other museums into the routes. These are evident to the rich cultural heritage of the region as well as tourist information points where visitors can get additional information on travel and other offers area LAS Prlekija. Prleško društvo za ohranjanje tehnične kulture in dediščine »Johann – Janez Puch« 12 11 10 i i 9 15 8 19 20 i 21 6 14 i 3 i 1 2 4 12 5 i 3 i 6 7 13 8 9 13 4 2 1 5 15 i 11 12 14 Route of horsepower Jeruzalem route i 7 11 10 i 10 9 16 i Prlekija 18 i 17 8 20 Prlekija i 21 7 6 i 3 i 12 2 1 5 13 1 2 4 3 8 9 15 4 5 i 6 7 Mineral water route Route of horsepower 11 10 i 9 8 7 6 i 3 i 1 2 1 5 2 3 4 12 13 15 14 16 4 5 i 6 7 1 12 Puch Museum Ljutomer Prleško društvo za ohranjanje tehnične kulture in dediščine »Johann - Janez Puch« 6 Prešernova ulica 25 9240 Ljutomer T: +386 (0)2 584 82 06 M: +386 (0)41 909 312 E: [email protected] It is proof that the enthusiasts, that founded the association more than 20 years ago, were right. Own spaces, in which there is an unusual museum, are the pride of the association and place them in first place in Slovenia. The table 8 Janez Puch himself sat is unique. The 9 which at room gives a feeling of familiarity and surprises the visitors. Janez Puch would certainly be proud of the members that continue and follow his ideas. 7 11 10 i i 3 i 1 2 1 Sightseeing is possible 5 with prior agreement Possibility of a ride with old-timers PUCH MUSEUM LJUTOMER 2 4 9 3 8 4 5 i 6 7 The museum in the middle of Ljutomer The Table and bowl are the connection between Janez Puch and the current museum. Puch bikes and different objects, gathered by members of the association. A special feature of the museum is a unique natural size wax doll of Janez Puch. It is intended for museum visitors who see the inventor at the table at which he worked. They also have the opportunity to take a photo by his side. 2 12 Pero Kunc THE MUSEUM COLLECTION ALSO INCLUDES: Automobile: DeSoto Chrysler, 1925 Motorcycles: BSA K 557, 1913 D-RAD R20, 1932 BMW 51/3, 1951 Vespa Piaggio, 1982 Men's bike: Diamant, 1950 Tricycle Baby carriage, 1920-1930 Car for children Moskič, 1966 He is the third generation, which is characterized by the smell of gasoline and oil. His father and grandfather led the most famous garage in Ljutomer. Polona, who he met at an old-timer meeting, gives this family a special validity. 8 9 family The attends meetings dressed in clothing from the time, when their DeSoto Chrysler was built. 11 10 i 7 6 Ormoška 29 9240 Ljutomer M: +386 (0)31 531 826 E: [email protected] i 3 i Sightseeing is possible with prior agreement 5 Possibility of a ride with old-timers 1 2 1 2 4 9 3 8 4 5 i 6 7 2 3 12Mechanic by profession, with a carefully ti11 the church in Cezanjevci. died-up farm near Old-timers are part of his life. He preserved all vehicles that 10 were used by the family Gorjak a long time ago. i Jožef Gorjak 9 8 20 i Cezanjevci 34 21 9240 Ljutomer M: +386 (0)31 317 964 7 6 i Sightseeing is possible with prior agreement Possibility of a ride with old-timers THE MUSEUM COLLECTION ALSO INCLUDES: Tractor: IMT Ferguson 533, 1966 Automobile: Zastava 750, 1980 Motorcycles: APN 6, 1980 Tomos Colibri, 1969 APN 4, 1974 3 i 1 2 1 5 2 4 9 3 8 4 5 i 6 7 i 4 20 i An indispensable grandfather,9who8 takes his grandchildren on unforgettable trips with his old-timer motorhome Bedford Blitz. Even visitors have the opportunity to go for a ride with him and his old-timers. All family members are 7 big fans of old-timers. Janko Viher 21 6 We suggest: Motorhome Bedford Blitz CF, 1977 i 3 Mekotnjak 42 B 9240 Ljutomer T: +386 (0)2 580 10 88 M: +386 (0)41 887 157 E: [email protected] i 2 4 14 5 i 3 8 9 15 Possibility of a ride with old-timers 4 2 1 5 Sightseeing is possible with prior agreement 1 11 6 7 THE MUSEUM COLLECTION ALSO INCLUDES: Motorcycles: Jawa 350 (with sidecar), 1979 NSU MAX, 1955 Tomos Colibri T-03, 1962 Tomos Colibri T-03, 1959 Tomos Colibri AOS, 1972 Tomos Colibri 14V, 1973 Tomos Colibri T12, 1969 Tractor: Tomo Vinkovič TV18, 1975 Men's bike: Wanderer 1948 5 Janez Kaučič - Janko 20 i 21 6 He is a big fan of old-timers. 10 His favourite vehicle is a BMW with a sidecar, with which he was the abi solute champion at the SVS championship in the category motorcycles with sidecars. In the season 8 9 of 2005, he attended all meetings by driving there, meaning that he and his friend Martina started from home, drove to the events, which were across entire Slovenia, and then returned home with the motorcycle. In a carefully arranged museum, he has several other tidy vehicles, with which he often drives to meetings. Zg. Kamenščak 9a 9240 Ljutomer M: +386 (0)41 815 821 E: [email protected] Sightseeing is possible with prior agreement Possibility of a ride with 12 old-timers 13 3 i 2 2 4 3 8 9 15 We suggest: BMW R50 / 5, 1970 (This motorcycle was the first in his collection and means the most to him, because he enjoyed riding it with his partner. With this bike, he achieved great results at the SVS competition). i 1 1 5 7 4 5 i 6 7 THE MUSEUM COLLECTION ALSO INCLUDES: Motorcycles: Puch SGS, 1957 Puch SG, 1957 RS 650, 1982 BMW R67, 1953 Moped: Tomos T 12, 1965 Automobile: Opel Kadet, 1979 6 A driver, who on his ways across Europe, has met many good friends. At home in his garage, he has many vehicles, which he proudly shows to visitors. Russian motorcycles with sidecars, NSU Princ, Zastava fičo, tractor 12 Štajer and many others. He and his wife Milica often attend various old-timer meetings. Miro and i Milica Zmazek 11 10 i Precetinci 7 9243 Mala Nedelja T: +386 (0)2 586 11 79 M: +386 (0)41 249 480 E: [email protected] Sightseeing is possible with prior agreement 9 We suggest: Automobile NSU Typ 110, 1968 8 20 i 21 7 6 i Possibility of a ride with old-timers 3 5 i 1 1 2 4 5 i 6 THE MUSEUM COLLECTION ALSO INCLUDES: Motorcycles: NSU Maxi, 1957 scooter NSU Prima, 1956 with sidecar DNEPR K 750, 1967 with sidecar URAL UM 3, 1981 PUCH, 1968 PUCH, 1971 Tomos, 1968 Tomos, 1969 ZÜNDAP 50 CCM, 1961 Automobile: ZASTAVA 750, 1978 6 7 Slavko 12 Zemljak Began collecting motorcycles 20 years ago. The collection contains 36 restored old-timers; we can see almost every moped that was manufactured in the factory Tomos in Koper. It is interesting to see how the development of vehicles Tomos took place. Gathered in one place, they confirm the importance of the factory, this is the main reason why this collection has a high value. 11 10 i 9 8 Cven 3a 9240 Ljutomer M: +386 (0)41 747 553 7 Sightseeing is possible with prior agreement i 3 5 i 1 1 2 4 5 i 6 THE MUSEUM COLLECTION ALSO INCLUDES: Motorcycles: Puch 175, 1958 Puch 175, 1953 Puch X50-4 Silverspeed, 1983 Automatic, 1978 Poni Express, 1974 Puch M50-6, 1977 Rog Poni Express, 1978 Tomos – Meri 4, 1982 Automatic, 1983 Tractors: Stayer, 1955 Zetor 2511, 1968 4 i 1 2 Jeruzalem route 12 13 i 3 8 9 15 11 14 10 16 i 18 i 17 5 6 7 i 8 Milan and Frančka Belec 6 Železne Dveri 9 9240 Ljutomer T: +386 (0)2 584 99 84 M: +386 (0)41 909 312 E: [email protected] www.belec-unikat.si Sightseeing is possible with prior agreement Possibility of a ride with old-timers 14 Milan left his 8 in the Johann Janez Puch associ9 mark ation. His attachment to the region Prlekija and the love for history are gathered in the spaces of the association and in his own spaces. The motorcycle with sidecar DNEPR is known everywhere. Many guests have had the opportunity to7enjoy a ride around the landscape of Prlekija in his sidecar. His artistic soul is visible as soon as you cross the doorstep of the family Belec, which maintains the tradition of a 350-yeari old heritage in a preserved homestead, together with a collection of tools from the old crafts. 3 i 1 2 1 5 2 4 4 15 5 i 3 8 9 We suggest: 11 6 7 DNEPR 650, 1969 (Motorcycle with a sidecar, built in Russia, light blue colour and suitable for an unforgettable journey of two passengers. He travelled across large parts of Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia with this motorcycle.) THE MUSEUM COLLECTION ALSO INCLUDES: Motorcycles: BMW R65, 1982 NSU MAX 250, 1954 Tomos T3, 1963 Tomos-Puch 175, 1965 Bicycles: Women’s bike Puch, 1938 Men’s bike Kondor, 1948 Men’s bike Zbrojevka, 1952 10 different bicycles from the years 1960-1980 Other collections: Collection of tools from the old crafts (barrel maker, stove maker, roofer, winegrower) Local handicraft workshop and a 350-year-old homestead (with a black kitchen and a wine cellar) i 9 20 21 8 with fuel for a very 9 He was a driver of reservoirs long time. At the same time, on the side, he collected and maintained old-timer vehicles. Each vehicle that he restored, took up a lot of his time. His collection includes 250 7 radios, each of these still plays sounds, which we have already forgotten about. Seeing this collection of design masters is a real pleasure. i Alojz Bogša 6 Cuber 22 9240 Ljutomer T: +386 (0)2 719 40 11 Sightseeing is possible with prior agreement 3 i 1 2 1 5 2 4 5 i 3 8 9 15 14 4 11 We suggest: Tractor Holder, 1955 (Two-stroke diesel; original front brakes) 6 7 THE MUSEUM COLLECTION ALSO INCLUDES: Unimog Mercedes 403 25 KW, 1967 (Has over 250 old radios, displayed on shelves and all functioning. The eldest one is the Stasfurd from the year 1929. The radio Minerva, was manufactured in 1938 under Hitler's regime and has Hitler's Cross on every part.) 10 Dragan Kokot 5 He is a special collector1of military equipment 3 and weapons from the i First World War and until 1991. This part of history is his2 field. His col1 lection, which is located in these small spaces, contains a large part of2exhibits, which were 3 needed in the everyday life of a soldier and a lot 4 was needed in spare time. Here of that what 8 9 that demonstrate we can find pieces that man gave this field great importance. 15 Svetinje 7 2259 Ivanjkovci M: +386 (0)31 309 953 E: [email protected] 11 14 10 Sightseeing is possible with prior agreement 16 i 4 5 i THE MUSEUM COLLECTION ALSO INCLUDES: Military equipment - helmets, uniforms, daggers, bayonets, medals and awards since 1930 to 2000. 6 7 We suggest: Museum of military equipment at Svetinje 11 Franc and Mimica Hriberšek 3 i 2 1 5 Presika 8d 9240 Ljutomer M: +386 (0)31 649 744 M: +386 (0)41 649 744 1 They will be happy to show you a large collection of old-timer vehicles. Collecting and Res7 master of which is Franček, lasts toration, the for many years. A very special motorcycle is the PUCH 250, which, for more than 30 years, was buried ini the home garden. Renovated, it is proof that new life can be granted even to the 5 dead. 6 4 2 4 15 14 Possibility of a ride with old-timers 10 3 8 9 Sightseeing is possible with prior agreement i 11 7 We suggest: The 30 years buried Puch TF 250 THE MUSEUM COLLECTION ALSO INCLUDES: Motorcycles: Honda SR 1200, 1985 BMW R 65, 1980 DNEPR 450, 1978 Puch 175, 1957 Fiat 850 Spajder, 1968 Suzuki GS 400, 1978 Puch TF, 1952 Panonija P10, 1907 Puch RL 125, 1955 Java 350, 1982 Mineral water route i 13 15 19 i i 11 12 10 14 i 9 8 i 20 i 13 21 i i 4 i 1 2 12 11 10 12 13 i 3 i 15 9 8 12 Vojmir and Cilka Zamuda 14 i 13 The profession of a mechanic gave him knowledge and his extremely attentive precision helped him ensure that the vehicles in his collection are preserved in such a condition as when they were built. Every detail is evidence of his love. He and his wife Cilka also have a considerable amount of old tools and other old accessories, such as sewing machines, drills, cutlery, baby carriages, etc. We suggest: Automobile VW-1300, 1971 Stara Nova vas 21 9242 Križevci pri Ljutomeru T: +386 (0)2 588 11 05 i M: +386 (0)31 600 236 Sightseeing is possible with prior agreement Possibility of a ride with old-timers 12 11 10 i 9 8 THE MUSEUM COLLECTION ALSO INCLUDES: Motorcycles: NSU – Pretis, 1963 Panonnia, 1963 Panonnia with sidecar, 1963 Tomos T11 – learning exhibit, 1961 Komar, 1965 Jawa Speedway 500 cm3, 1978 Puch 200 cm3 for treatment, 1937 Men’s bike: Puch with motor Dongo, 1939 Women's bikes: with motor Dongo, 1949 Anno, 1984 Poni expres Rog – Puch, 1971 Others: 2 Singer sewing machines, hand powered Singer sewing machine, foot powered 6 drills, hand powered 29 wrenches for bicycles 40 oilcans 10 planes, etc. 13 Two men, for which it is hard to say, that the property of restorers and collectors was inborn. The BSA motorcycle, which is like no other, has become something very special and is priceless. Data and parts for it were gathered several years from all around the world. It is the only motorcycle of this type and vintage. 19 Maks and i Miran Movrin 14 We suggest: Motorcycle BSA S26, 500 ccm, 1926 i Hrastje Mota 84 9252 Radenci T: +386 (0)2 565 17 08 M: +386 (0)41 237 009 E: [email protected] 13 We suggest: The woman's bicycle of the French army Rola (World War 1) Sightseeing is possible with prior agreement i 12 THE MUSEUM COLLECTION ALSO INCLUDES: Motorcycles: BMW R23, 1938 BMW R23, 1939 Victoria Bergmeister V35, 1952 Victoria Bergmeister V35, 1954 NSU Pretis Prima, 1963 Mopeds: Puch MV50S, 1979 Tomos APN 4, 1980 Tomos 14M, 1981 Peugueot 103 SP, 1980 Automobile: Fiat 128 Sport L Coupe, 1973 14 i Albina and Vladimir Perkič 15 19 Kapelska cesta 64 9252 Radenci M: +386 (0)41 685 996 E: [email protected] Sightseeing is possible with prior agreement Collectors with the richest collection of unique old-timers in this area. They collect vehicles that were not present in our environment. They share a love for British brands. Vlado uses precise work to prove that it is possible to restore vehicles of which only a little piece is left. Seeing these samples is something truly amazing. The knowledge he uses to undertake reconstruction, is a guarantee for success. We suggest: In 2002, he and his wife attended the 50th anniversary of this model in England, the homeland of this car. i 14 i Possibility of a ride with old-timers 13 We suggest: Roadster 2-seater. In the 50s, the car was used for competitions in the USA. A modified unit with 110 BHP power, the standard version has 90 BHP. Restored in the late 90s. THE MUSEUM COLLECTION ALSO INCLUDES: Automobiles: Austin Healey BN 1 100/4, roadster, 1955 Amilcar CS, roadster, 1923 Austin 7 Sports, roadster, 1931 Fiat Topolino 500C convertible, 1953 MG – TC, convertible, 1948 Austin Mini MK II limousine, 1968 Austin Healey 3000 BN7, roadster (2-seater), in the phase of restoration, 1959 Amilcar CGS, roadster, in the phase of restoration, 1924 Motorcycle: Ariel 650 VB, 1932 Moped: SimonSuhl, 1961 15 Owner of a large number of well preserved »Zastava fičo.« A good mechanic made sure that the well-preserved »fičo's« are part of history. These vehicles were the wealth of the masses and helped create development in Yugoslavia. These are vehicles, which Jože knows to perfection. Jože Kovač We suggest: Zastava 750 (Fičo), 1985 (Vehicle modified to meet the needs of the militia of that time) Segovci 44 c, 9253 Apače T: +386 (0)2 569 13 25 M: +386 (0)41 327 399 E: [email protected] Sightseeing is possible with prior agreement Possibility of a ride with old-timers i 15 19 THE MUSEUM COLLECTION ALSO INCLUDES: Automobiles: Fiat Zastava 600, 1960 Zastava 750M, 1985 Zastava 750 LE, 1984 Zastava 750 LE, 1983 Zastava 750 SE, 1982 Zastava 750 SE, 1981 Buggy Zastava 750, 1982 Buggy Zastava 900, 1985 Vans: Zastava 435 K, 1980 Zastava 900 AK, 1988 The Puch Museum, Sakušak 83, 2256 Juršinci, T: +386 (0)51 260 506, E: [email protected] 14 Klečaja Brumen, Koračice, 2258 Sv. Tomaž pri Ormožu, T: +386 (0)41 396 508, E: [email protected] 15 Museum Ralo, Cuber 20, 9240 Ljutomer, T: +386 (0)2 581 14 63 16 Firefighting Museum, Miklavž pri Ormožu 30, 2275 Miklavž pri Ormožu, T: +386 (0)41 388 059, www.gz-ormoz.si/pgdmiklavz 17 Regional Museum Ptuj Ormož, Kolodvorska cesta 9, 2270 Ormož, T: +386 (0)2 741 72 90, E:[email protected], www.pmpo.si 18 Ethnological collection in the Castle Velika Nedelja, Grad 9, 2274 Velika Nedelja, T: +386 (0)2 741 72 80, +386 (0)2 741 72 90, E: [email protected] 1 Museum Ljutomer, Glavni trg, 9240 Ljutomer, T:+ 386 (0)2 581 12 95, E: [email protected] 2 Museum Ljutomerski kasač (Ljutomer trotter), Ulica I. slovenskega tabora 16, 9240 Ljutomer, T: +386 (0)2 581 18 59, E: [email protected] 3 Pottery museum, Ormoška cesta 27, 9240 Ljutomer, T: +386 (0)2 581 16 06, +386 (0)41 515 979, E: [email protected] 4 Farm museum Pristava, Pristava 4a, 9240 Ljutomer, T: +386 (0)2 584 86 40 5 Blacksmith's museum Razkrižje, Razkrižje 16, 9240 Ljutomer, T: +386 (0)2 589 10 72 6 Shoemaker and chimneysweeper museum Gašparič, Šafarsko 17, 9240 Ljutomer, T:+386 (0)41 670 639, +386 (0)31 661 771 7 Prehistoric settlement, Razkrižje, Šafarsko 8 The fire-fighter museum of Spodnje Krapje (Fire station), (Gasilski dom) Krapje 43, 9241 Veržej 9 Beekeeping Museum Krapje, Krapje 22, 9241 Veržej, T: +386 (0)31 761 680, +386 (0)31 853 390, E: [email protected], www.cebelarski-muzej.si 19 Stari Špital (Old hospital), Maistrov trg 1, 9250 Gornja Radgona 10 Crafts Museum Veržej (Center DUO), Puščenjakova 1, 9241 Veržej, T: +386 (0)41 357 640, +386 (0)41 654 778, E: [email protected], www.centerduo.si 20 Ethnological collection of farm tools, Stara Gora, 9244 Sv. Jurij ob Ščavnici (info na TD Sv. Jurij ob Ščavnici) 11 Mill on the Mura, Prvomajska ulica 24, 9241 Veržej, T: +386 (0)2 587 10 77, +386 (0)41 694 087 21 Windmill (Info at the information office Štiblc), Stara Gora, 9244 Sv. Jurij ob Ščavnici (info v informacijski pisarni Štiblc) 12 i LTO Prlekija Ljutomer, Jureša Cirila 4, 9240 Ljutomer, T:+386 (0)2 581 11 05, E: [email protected], www.jeruzalem.si i TIC Ljutomer, Glavni trg, 9240 Ljutomer, T: +386 (0)2 584 83 33, E: [email protected] i TIC Jeruzalem, Jeruzalem 8, 2259 Ivanjkovci, T:+386 (0)2 719 45 45, E: [email protected] i TIC Ormož (in castle Ormož), Kolodvorska 9, 2270 Ormož, T: +386 (0)51 63 43 11, E: [email protected], www.ormoz.net Lookout tower dedicated to Janez Puch, Gomila i Information Office TD Negova - Spodnji Ivanjci, Negova 37, 9245 Spodnji Ivanjci, T: +386 (0)2 560 90 80, E: [email protected], www.negova.si i LTO Prlekija Ljutomer, Jureša Cirila 4, 9240 Ljutomer, T:+386 (0)2 581 11 05, E: [email protected], www.jeruzalem.si i TIC Apače, Apače 35, 9253 Apače, T:+386 (0)59 936 068, +386 (0)31 30 70 10, E:[email protected], www.tic-apace.si i TIC Ljutomer, Glavni trg, 9240 Ljutomer, T: +386 (0)2 584 83 33, E: [email protected] i TIC Gornja Radgona, Kerenčičeva ulica 16, 9250 Gornja Radgona, T:+386 (0) 2 564 82 40, E: [email protected], www.tic-radgona.si i TIC Veržej, Puščenjakova ulica 1, 9241 Veržej, T: +386 (0)51 654 778, E: [email protected], www.centerduo.si i KultProTur, Partizanska cesta 11, 9250 Gornja Radgona, T:+386 (0)2 564 89 07, E: [email protected], www.kultprotur.si i TIC Razkrižje, Šafarsko 42, 9246 Razkrižje, T: +386 (0)2 584 99 12, www.razkrizje.si i TIC Radenci (Zavod za turizem in šport Radenci), Radgonska cesta 27, 9252 Radenci, T: +386 (0)2 565 18 89, E: [email protected] i Tourist Association Cven, Cven 49a, 9240 Ljutomer, T:+386 (0)51 226 820, E: [email protected] i Information Office Štiblc, Stara Gora 14, 9244 Sveti Jurij ob Ščavnici, T:+386 (0)2 56 81 604, +386 (0)51 210 041, E: [email protected], www.td-svetijurij.si Jeruzalem route 13 Mineral water route Route of horsepower Museums and tourist information centers in the area of LAS Prlekija J H 1992 JANEZ PU NNC HA O 2012 PRLEŠKO DRUŠTVO ZA OHRANJANJE TEHNIČNE KULTURNE DEDIŠČINE LJUTOMER Zabok - Croatia and the association Old-timer club Dern - Czech Republic. The basic mission of the association is to find, restore, preserve, protect and popularize technical cultural heritage with the focus on work, life and legacy of Johann Janez Puch. The main objective of the association was the arrangement of suitable premises and a permanent museum activity for the field of technical culture and heritage in Ljutomer. By providing appropriate spatial conditions, they wanted to create opportunities for sustained museum activity in their own associations' premises in Ljutomer. The Society also organizes high-profile events and meetings of owners and enthusiasts of technical culture and heritage from all over Slovenia. N-JANEZ P AN H UC The Association JJ Puch Ljutomer was founded on the 31st of July 1992. Ludvik Bratuša, dr. vet, gave the initiative for the registration, together with supporters. He was the president of the association until his too early departure. The association JJ Puch is one of the biggest societies of this type in Slovenia. It currently has 315 members, which are connected by the interests of the search and preservation of technical cultural heritage in the region of Prlekija, as well as outside of it, because the association also has active members from the wider area of Styria, as well as from Prekmurje and other parts of Slovenia. They also have close connections with similar associations and clubs in Croatia, Austria, Germany, Hungary and the Czech Republic. They are twinned with the association Old-timers club from JO H Prleško društvo za ohranjanje tehnične kulture in dediščine »Johann - Janez Puch« Ljutomer Ljutomer 1992 - 2012 JANEZ PU NNC HA O H 1992 J TRS, Ljutomer, Glavni trg 3a, 9240 Ljutomer 2012 PRLEŠKO DRUŠTVO ZA OHRANJANJE TEHNIČNE KULTURNE DEDIŠČINE LJUTOMER Društvo Johann-Janez Puch, Prešernova ulica 25, 9240 Ljutomer, T: +386 (0)2 584 82 06, M: +386 (0)41 909 312, E: [email protected], www.jjpuch.si This document was created as part of the LEADER project »PUCHOVCI« with the financial assistance of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. The Managing Authority for the Rural Development Programme of the Republic of Slovenia for the period 2007-2013 is the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food. The content of the document is the responsibility of the operator of the project »PUCHOVCI« Publisher and copyrights: Društvo Johann-Janez Puch Responsible person: Milan Belec Design: Graficom d.o.o. Print: Letis d.o.o. Photography: Milan Belec Translation: Marko Jureš s.p. November 2014
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