Lektorske / seminarske vaje: Študent pridobi oceno iz lektorskih / seminarskih vaj (ki je poleg pisnega in ustnega dela izpita sestavni del končne ocene), ko po elektronski pošti predavateljici Sonji Ravnak, prof. ([email protected]) pošlje: 1. Elektronsko sporočilo v angleškem jeziku, kjer priložite 2 dokumenta. 2. CV – Europass (angleški jezik, shranite / pošiljate kot Word document) 3. A letter of application (pošiljate kot Word document) A LETTER OF APPLICATION In one of the British newspapers you encountered an interesting advertisement for a job abroad, which has attracted your attention. Resort Jobs For Representatives, Activity Instructors, Childcare & Catering Staff Ski resorts (Dec-April) Summer Resorts (April-Oct) Apply to: Holiday Resort Jobs 2, Mansfield Road W2C C2B London Great Britain In your letter of application, of about 150 words, not necessarily in this order, state your reasons for writing, introduce yourself (name, age, gender, education, work experience...), explain which of the four jobs you would like to do and why, describe your skills, write what effect will the international experience have on your future career, explain why you think you would be a perfect candidate for the job.
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