Policy Manual – Financial Policies contain the following five (5) Financial Policies: F – 010 – REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES F – 020 – INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK F – 030 – FINANCIAL AND ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES F – 040 – INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK F – 050 – REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDS FORM Civil Air Search And Rescue Association (CASARA) POLICY NUMBER F- 010 Date of Original Issue Nov 03/07 Date of Last Revision Policies & Procedures 24 May 2014 REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES CASARA NATIONAL is authorized by the Contribution Agreement with DND to “reimburse “members for their out of pocket expenses, expenses that are incurred by the member while the member is engaged in authorized CASARA activities. The intent and purpose of this provision is that CASARA volunteers should not be required to be out of pocket for legitimate expenses incurred while performing CASARA activities. On the other hand CASARA volunteers shall make every effort to economize and expenses wherever possible. Para 4.2.3 of the Contribution Agreement states: “Association members volunteer their time without profit or personal gain and shall be reimbursed for their expenses incurred while conducting the Association’s authorized activities. NOTE: 1. All CASARA members who submit claims for reimbursement of their expenses “Certify “ that the expenses they are claiming were “actually incurred on authorized CASARA activities”. Actually means that the expense was the true, honest and correct amount paid by the Claimant. NOTE: 2. Scanned receipts and claims are preferred (providing the claim is signed). The member’s copy of the claim form and receipts are to be retained by the member until payment is received. Once payment is received the CASARA Member may destroy their copies of the claim and receipts. CASARA Rates Maximum meal and kilometric rates are set by Treasury Board and reviewed each April and October. These rates will be accepted by the Executive Committee as the “CASARA Rates.” The CASARA Web Page casara.ca contains the current “CASARA Rates”. Meal Rate CASARA members traveling on CASARA duty may claim reimbursement for meals. Reimbursement for meals (not including alcoholic beverages and gratuities) may be paid, up to approved CASARA maximum amounts. CASARA members engaged on actual SAR operations may claim the maximum CASARA rates. Receipts for either case are as per Member Organization policy. However, receipts for meals are not required when traveling on a CASARA National claim. F – 010 Page 1 of 11 Travel CASARA members traveling on a CASARA National claim must have prior approval from CASARA National to use a private automobile in order to be reimbursed. No CASARA member traveling on a CASARA National claim is authorized to rent an automobile without prior approval from CASARA National. No payment of any expenses will be paid if CASARA National did not give prior approval. Reimbursement for authorized CASARA travel by private automobile may be made per kilometer traveled on duty. The maximum rate is the approved CASARA Rate. Travel by CASARA aircraft may be reimbursed at either the CASARA Aircraft Reimbursement Rate, or equivalent commercial economy airfare, whichever is less. When commercial air travel is authorized, the lowest economy airfare applicable shall be utilized at the time of booking. (Note: CASARA will not reimburse for Executive / Business Class airfare and the lowest economy seat sale price is the expected airfare.) Members traveling from the same area are expected to organize travel pools to fully utilize seating capacity of the vehicle/aircraft. ACCOMMODATION That the maximum amount to be allowed for accommodation be set at the rate listed in the white pages of the Government of Canada “Hotel Directory for Government Employees”. AIRCRAFT OPERATING RATE ACTUAL SAR TASKING: The commercial rental rate may be submitted to JRCC when an aircraft is rented for a JRCC tasking, provided prior approval has been received from JRCC. CASARA MEAL AND KILOMETER RATES These are CASARA rates as published from time to time on the CASARA National Web Page at casara.ca. HOTEL RATES As listed in the white section of the Hotel Directory for Government of Canada Employees. DIRECTORS' AND DEPUTY DIRECTORS' AT NATIONAL MEETING The CASARA Board of Directors' discussed at the 09 April 2000 Annual General Meeting (AGM) having Deputy Directors' attend AGM's and Fall Directors' Meetings. They also wanted to know who would pay for them to attend the meetings and who could come to the National meetings if the designated Deputy Director could not attend. After much discussion it was agreed via a vote that the following policy would be in effect. F – 010 Page 2 of 11 Motion: That the Director and Deputy Director attend the CASARA National AGM at National expense and that the Fall Meeting be attended by the Directors at National expense. Another Provincial/Territorial Executive member may attend the Fall Meeting; however, it will be at the member organization’s expense. Motion by: VP Plans/Equipment Seconded by: SK Director 9 agreed, 3 opposed, 1 abstained CARRIED AIRCRAFT REIMBURSEMENT RATE The Contribution Agreement sets out the amount that CASARA may reimburse its members for the use of their aircraft. The formula is: 2.75a x .5b x HPc x FUELd x .65e FUEL WEIGHTf Notes: a. b. c. d. e. f. adjusts cost of fuel to compensate for oil and maintenance costs internal combustion engine consumes one-half pound of fuel per hour per rated horsepower Horsepower cost of fuel ($ / litre) percentage of fuel consumed at cruise power weight of fuel (pounds / litre) The “cost of fuel”, for the purposes of CASARA Expense Claims means the “replacement cost per litre” to the CASARA member for replenishing the fuel burned by the aircraft while conducting a CASARA activity. “Cost” for the purpose of CASARA Expense Claim means the “amount actually paid by the member for the item claimed”. Examples: 1. If the aircraft fuel is replenished from a Fixed Base Operator (FBO), a fuel truck or any other facility where a receipt is printed then the receipt must be attached to the claim form. F – 010 Page 3 of 11 2. If the aircraft fuel is replenished from a fuel storage tank owned by the member then the claimant should verify the cost of fuel to him/her as the price per litre for the last fill up of the storage tank. There is no need to average the various per litre price of previous fill ups of the storage tank. The Claimant can use Form 123 - Fuel Certification Form to verify the price he/she is claiming as the cost of fuel. Note, in the event of a review of the claim, the Claimant may be required to produce a receipt verifying the cost per litre of the last fill up of the storage tank as stated in the claim. 3. If the aircraft fuel is replenished from a cooperative or partnership fuel storage tank then the claimant must claim the price that he or she is charged by the cooperative or partnership. If a receipt is not available then the Claimant shall verify the costs of fuel using Form 123. Note, in the event of a review of the claim, the Claimant may be required to substantiate the price per litre actually paid to the cooperative or partnership as stated in the claim. 4. If the Claimant purchases fuel from a supplier that offers a discount for a “cash” payment, the Claimant must claim the actual price paid by the Claimant, EG. the discounted amount. When a Claimant is claiming “ the lesser of the aircraft rental rate ( wet rate) or the CASARA fuel reimbursement formula”, the Claimant may use any reasonable fuel price charged by a retail aviation fuel supplier (FBO) on the same airport from which the aircraft has been rented. The Claimant shall use Fuel Certification Form (Form 123) to verify the fuel price charged by the FBO. Note, in the event of a review the Claimant will be responsible for the accuracy of the price verified. 5. 6. If a Claimant has refueled the aircraft at one or more stops on a single CASARA activity, the Claimant may use the highest price of the fuel purchased for the purposes of the claim. There is no need to average the cost of fuel purchased. NOTE: Claims should not be signed with portions not completed relying on someone else to complete the claim. The Claimant is the person who is responsible for the accuracy of the claim. PRIVATE AIRCRAFT (NON RENTAL) CASARA pilots using non-rental private aircraft are to be reimbursed using the CASARA aircraft reimbursement rate. Fuel factor X horsepower =Hourly Rate a) a receipt from the fuel supplier is required stating the actual fuel cost per litre used for the flight. b) where a receipt from the fuel supplier is not available (i.e. where the aircraft was fuelled from a fuel supply where an average price is used, a bulk storage tank, a card lock supplier or a flying club honour system), a written verification signed by the Fuel Supplier is required showing the actual fuel cost per litre, including all taxes at the time of fuelling. CASARA pilots are to use Form 123 - Fuel Cost Certification. F – 010 Page 4 of 11 NOTE: CASARA pilots who use a non rental aircraft; that is, an aircraft that is 100% owned by the CASARA pilot, an aircraft that is borrowed (a bailment agreement), a partially or jointly owned aircraft, a partnership aircraft, a fractional ownership aircraft or a company owned aircraft where the CASARA pilot has use of the company aircraft for CASARA purposes or the CASARA pilot is a shareholder in the company, shall be reimbursed at the CASARA reimbursement rate. No receipt or invoice is required from the aircraft owner. Rental aircraft, for the purposes of CASARA reimbursement, is defined as an aircraft used by a CASARA pilot under the terms of a lease or rental agreement made between the aircraft owner and the pilot. RENTAL AIRCRAFT a) SAR TASKINGS CASARA pilots using rental aircraft to perform SAR TASKINGS may claim the rental rate specified in the rental agreement to JRCC on actual SAR taskings only, provided that prior approval from the JRCC has been received and the rental rate approved. b) CASARA AUTHORIZED ACTIVITIES Use of rental aircraft for CASARA SAR training is permissible. The CASARA pilot is to pay for the rental of the aircraft (as per the terms of the rental agreement) him/her and may then submit a claim to the MO's treasurer for reimbursement. Reimbursement will be made to the pilot being the lesser of the actual rental cost (support by a rental invoice) or the CASARA Aircraft Reimbursement rate, whichever amount is less. CAUTION and WARNING All CASARA members who submit claims for reimbursement of expenses "CERTIFY" that the expenses claimed were "actually incurred on authorized CASARA activities". Actually means that the expense is true, honest and the correct price for the amount claimed. If an aircraft is fuelled at one price and a fuel verification letter is used claiming a higher price, this is not correct. If an aircraft is fuelled with "mogas" (depending on whether the aircraft is certified for mogas) and a fuel verification letter is used stating a higher avgas price, this is not correct. Anyone who "knowingly " submits a false claim is doing so fraudulently and will be liable for disciplinary action and or prosecution. F – 010 Page 5 of 11 COMPLETION OF CASARA EXPENSE CLAIM FORM INSTRUCTIONS Use the sample CASARA Claim Form at the end of this policy to follow these instructions. The numbers in red on the sample correspond to the numbers outlined below. DEMOGRAPHIC SECTION: 1. Claimant puts nothing here – may be used by the Member Organization Treasurer. 2. Case number assigned by JRCC or the zone training tracking number - the number only, no editorial content. 3. The name of the person who incurred the expense or the company we owe. 4. Members Membership number. 5. Standard ICAO coding, e.g. C172, PA28, C206 etc. One type only per claim plus standard A/C registration, one only per claim. 6. Where do you live; or address of the vendor. 7. Province or territory where you live or where the vendor is located. 8. The single digit representing your zone, multiples if applicable, “all” if all. 9. Your or vendor’s municipality. 10. Self explanatory 11. Be specific. “Training” is not sufficient. Example: Creeping Line Ahead (CLA) PART 1 TRAVEL: Provide a complete itinerary – required to verify any meals claimed in Part 2. 12. From where did you leave? Be specific; don’t use an identifier unless you really mean the airport. 13. What day did you leave (full info as to day/month/year). 14. What time did you leave? 15. Enter distance traveled in kilometers if travel is by vehicle. When claiming for travel by any other means (other than personal aircraft at CASARA rates – covered in Part 3), insert $$ amount paid for ticket. 16. Reimbursement rate - (See www.casara.ca for current rates). If claiming for other travel as per #15 above, insert the number 1. F – 010 Page 6 of 11 17. Resultant of figure in #15 times figures in #16. 18. Sub total of all # 17 figures in this column above this line. 19. Financial code: unless you know the code do not complete this section - to be entered by Member Organization Treasurer. 20. Where did you go? 21. What day did you arrive (full info) 22. What time did you arrive. PART 2 ACCOMMODATIONS: Include only actual expenses, complete with receipts where required. Amount limited per approved CASARA rates. 23. What date are you claiming accommodation & meals (full info). 24. Where did you sleep? 25. What did it cost to stay there (receipt required)? 26. Amount claimed for breakfast that day. (See www.casara.ca for current rates) 27. Amount claimed for lunch that day. (See www.casara.ca for current rates) 28. Amount claimed for dinner that day. (See www.casara.ca for current rates) 29. Resultant sum total of figures in #s 25 + 26 + 27 +28. 30. Total of all # 29 figures in this column above this line. 31. Financial code – unless you know the code do not complete this section - to be entered by Member Organization Treasurer. PART 3 AIRCRAFT: Attach any fuel receipts or fuel verification forms to support price/ltr. Include HP. 32. Fuel Factor (FF) from the master pricing sheet – back sheet of Claim Form. 33. Horsepower of the aircraft used. 34. Resultant of FF in # 32 times HP in # 33. 35. Date on which the flight took place. 36. Duration of the flight. F – 010 Page 7 of 11 37. Enter the same figure obtained in #34. 38. Resultant of figure in #36 times figures in #37. 39. Total of all # 38 figures in this column above this line. 40. Financial code - unless you know the code do not complete this section - to be entered by Member Organization Treasurer. PART 4 OTHER EXPENSES: For other expenses - taxi, parking, postage, aircraft or equipment misc. expenses, complete with receipts. 41. Date of any miscellaneous expense (full info). 42. Particulars of the expense; be specific, receipts required, break out items if different categories involved. 43. Amount of expense, tax included 44. Total of all # 43 figures in this column above this line 45. Financial code - unless you know the code do not complete this section - to be entered by Member Organization Treasurer. 46. Grand total of #s 18 + 30 + 39 + 44 SIGNATURE: 47. Signature of the person claiming the expense. NOTE: Read the certification statement above your signature before signing. 48. Date which you are filing the claim. APPROVED BY: 49. Signature of a CASARA member in a capacity to authorize the expenses claimed and is verifying the claimant incurred the above expenses. OFFICE USE ONLY: 50. This section is used by the Treasurer only. S/he notes the date on which the claim was received and the corresponding cheque # associated with the claim. DISTRIBUTION: 51. This section is information for use by the Treasurer or individual processing the claim as to where the various color-coded non-carbon reproduction copies of F – 010 Page 8 of 11 the claim are to be sent. SPECIAL NOTES: 1. Cheques are to be made payable to the person / Organization identified in the “Name” space. 2. Any cheque made payable to a non-member must have a proper original invoice attached to the claim form, preferably showing a GST number. 3. Scanned/Digital “receipts” are preferred when claiming expenses as per Policy F – 010. 4. CASARA members cannot authorize their own claims. 5. Any contractors, vendors or agents conducting CASARA business will submit proper invoices on company letterhead. 6. All claims paid by the National office must be received by the National Administrator within 60 days from the final transaction date of the expense incurred. 7. All claims paid by the Member Organization must be received by the Member Organization Treasurer for payment within 60 days from the final transaction date of the expense incurred. 8. Both National and Member Organization claims not received within 60 days of the final transaction date of the expense incurred shall not be paid, unless authorized by the CASARA National Executive 9. Nowhere on this form is designated as a “comments” area. Crew manifests, explanations etc. are to be included as attachments. 10. “Group” claims are permissible if one person is paying meals and/or accommodation for several CASARA members provided a sign-in sheet and original receipt for purchase accompanies the claim. 11. All CASARA members claiming for meals and accommodation must complete the place/date/time portion of “Part 1” even though someone else may be claiming for travel reimbursement; i.e. car pooling to an event. 12. Blocks 4 and 5 are completed only if claiming in Part 3. 13. Electronic versions of the CASARA Claim Form are acceptable for use. However, the claimant’s signature is required on the claim. F – 010 Page 9 of 11 F – 010 Page 10 of 11 F – 010 Page 11 of 11 Civil Air Search And Rescue Association (CASARA) POLICY NUMBER F- 020 Date of Original Issue Nov 03/07 Date of Last Revision Policies & Procedures INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK F – 020 Page 1 of 1 Civil Air Search And Rescue Association (CASARA) POLICY NUMBER Policies & Procedures Date of Last Revision Date of Original Issue F- 030 Nov 03/07 May 24/14 FINANCIAL AND ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES Budgets In accordance with guidelines and directives issued by CASARA National, each Member Organization shall submit annually, but not later than February 15 of each year, a detailed expenditure forecast for the next Fiscal Year (FY). This forecast must show the cash flow requirements of the Member Organization for all authorized activities to be undertaken in the next FY. Funds allocated for flying should consist of 50 per cent of the total Member Organization’s budget. Allocation of Funds In accordance with existing Member Organization Agreement, the Contribution Agreement (CA) between Her Majesty The Queen, in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of National Defense and Civil Air Search and Rescue Association, CASARA National Policies, annual cash flow estimates from each member Organization, the CASARA National Office will make allocations of funds to each Member Organization on a monthly basis using the existing budget formula, as agreed to by the CASARA Board of Directors. (F - 030 Financial and Accounting Procedures page 3). The VP Fin/Admin will review the end of month financial report of each Member Organization. If a “significant” amount of funding remains in the Member Organization’s bank account, only enough funds will be advanced to bring each Member Organization’s account balance to their budgeted cash flow forecast. Month End Report At the end of each month, Member Organizations shall forward a financial report to the National Office. This report must include an end of month bank statement that has been reconciled with the amount of funds remaining. In support of the expenditures, a copy of each claim or invoice paid will also be forwarded (digital documents are acceptable). This must be done with each monthly report. Claims paid by the National Office should be sent as digital/scanned documents (including receipts). The Member Organization Director is to communicate with the Member Organization’s Treasurer no more than seven days after month end to ensure that the Month End Report is being prepared for submission to the National Office. Should the Member Organization’s Treasurer have difficulty in preparing the Month End Financial Report, she/he can contact the National Administrator for assistance. All Member Organizations are to use a “Net Banking” system so as to expedite month end F - 030 Page 1 of 3 reporting. Official “Month End Bank Statements” are to be retained on file for verification by the National Office upon request. If discussion has taken place between CASARA National and the Member Organization in an attempt to resolve any problems in completing “End of Month Financial Report” within the twenty- one day time period and problems remain an issue, funding will be automatically withheld until the situation is resolved. ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE “Simply Accounting” is the accepted accounting software program to be used by the Member Organizations to handle its accounting procedures. Inspection of Records Each Member Organization shall keep all financial records as required by CASARA National, and make same available for inspection at any location requested by the CASARA National Executive. As per the “Incorporation Act”, each Member Organization shall retain, for audit purposes, receipts, invoices and CASARA claim forms paid by the MO for seven (7) FY (fiscal years). Bank Accounts Each Member Organization shall maintain bank accounts and records. The signing authority on such bank accounts must have not less than two officers of the Member Organization. All monies provided to the Member Organization shall be kept in a separate bank account so as to be capable of being identified from other funds of the Member Organization. The location, identification and names of signing authorities shall be provided to the CASARA National Office immediately following any change of this information. Claims CASARA National Executive Committee Member(s) or agent thereof may conduct “Internal Reviews" on all Member Organizations annually as per established Internal Review Report Criteria as approved by the National Executive Committee. INTERNAL REVIEWS On completion of an Internal Review, the Member Organization reviewed will receive a detailed written report on any shortcomings that were noted by the Internal Review Committee. These shortcomings must to be rectified to the satisfaction of the Internal Review Committe by the date agreed. If the MO in question does not rectify the shortcomings by the date agreed then the Executive will have the option to withold funding to the MO in question until the issue is resolved. Written Internal Review Reports will be provided to the Member Organization in question within thirty (30) calender days of the review and the Member Organization will have thirty (30) calender days to respond to the items listed in the report. F – 030 Page 2 of 3 % Registered Pilots 51724 Points Awarded % Search HQ 1 @ 5Pts Each Resource Area 1 @ 3 Pts Each Factor (Total Points) CASARA National Funding Formula 15 19.00 15 19.90 (12) 60 (7) 21 136 % of Budget Avail for Distribution to Member Organs. 16.48 9.72 10 12.00 15 13.50 (9) 45 (5) 15 105 12.73 5 5 20 3.37 3.75 37.76 5 5 20 4.00 4.80 32.00 5 5 20 4.10 5.20 31.30 (4) 20 (5) 25 (8) 40 (9) 27 (4) 12 (5) 15 72 62 125 8.73 7.52 15.15 14.72 20 24.09 15 16.00 15 17.80 (8) 40 (7) 21 126 15.27 0 0.78 5 2.48 5 1.00 5 1.60 (1) 5 (3) 9 29 3.52 NS 0 0.57 5 3.08 5 2.00 5 2.80 (3) 15 (2) 6 36 4.36 PE 0 0.06 0 0.45 0 0.20 0 0.30 (1) 5 (1) 3 8 0.97 NL 5 4.03 5 1.77 5 1.30 5 1.40 (3) 15 (2) 6 41 4.97 YK 5 5.20 0 0.10 0 0.47 0 0.50 (2) 10 0 15 1.82 NT NU TOTAL 15 15 17.87 17.87 100 0 0 0.14 0.09 100 5 0 1.40 0.03 94.20 0 0 0.80 0.40 99.60 (4) 20 (3) 15 0 0 40 30 825 4.85 3.64 100.00 Land Mass 9,215,430 Sq. KM – Points Awarded BC % Population 30,304.4 Million Points Awarded % Registered Aircraft 47942 Points Awarded 10 10.09 15 13.19 AB 10 6.99 10 SK MB ON 10 10 10 6.19 5.95 9.67 QC 15 NB Prov / Terr Percentage Number: % of Budget Less Than 1% = 0 points 13 – 20.90% = 15 points 1 –5.90 % = 5 points 6 – 12.90% = 10 points More than 20.90% = 20 points = % of Dollars available for distribution after National office budget is subtracted from total CA fiscal year amount. F – 030 Page 3 of 3 Civil Air Search And Rescue Association (CASARA) Policies & Procedures POLICY NUMBER F- 040 Date of Original Issue Nov 03/07 Date of Last Revision INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK F – 040 Page 1 of 1 Civil Air Search And Rescue Association (CASARA) POLICY NUMBER F - 050 Date of Original Issue Nov 03/07 Date of Last Revision Policies & Procedures Request for Additional Funds Form Directors from Member Organizations can make application to the Executive Committee for additional funds in addition to what was advanced in any one month. When so doing the Director is to explain in detail what the funds are to be used for and give a detailed accounting of how the dollar valued was arrived at. The more information explaining your request the better the Executive Committee will be able to understand your application. Once completed, the form is to be e-mailed to the VP Fin/Admin. He/ she will bring the application before the Executive Committee for consideration. As soon as a decision has been made on the application, the VP Fin/Admin will advise the Member Organization Director as to the Committee’s decision. If approval has been given to an application for additional funds, the Director is to complete the second page of the application form and mail it to the CASARA National Office complete with original receipts for the expenditure of the funds. Note: When approval for additional funds has been granted, the Member Organization Director is only authorized to spend the dollars on the activity requested on the original application form. If that is not possible, funds are to be returned to the CASARA National Office. A copy of the “Request for Additional Funds Form” follows this page. F – 050 Page 1 of 3 CASARA MEMBER ORGANIZATION REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDING FORM Name of Member Organization: _______________________________ Date: _______________________________ Amount of Dollars Requested: $________________ Why are these dollars needed now and for what reason(s) are these funds being requested: (Note – be very specific as to how, where and when these dollars are going to be spent in this fiscal year.) What is the impact on your Organization if these funds are not approved? ______________________________ National Director Approved: ____ Not Approved: ____ Date: ______________ F - 50 Page 2 of 3 _______________________ Executive Member Signature PAGE 2. In the space below, document the activities and costs, in detail, to support the expenditure of all additional funds advanced Send this along with all original receipts to the CASARA National Office. F - 50 Page 3 of 3
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