SOUTH CAROLINA CADET LEADERSHIP COURSE SPORTS MANUAL The Citadel Charleston, South Carolina 2014 CADET LEADESHIP COURSE (CLC) SPORTS RULES I. CLC SPORTS RULES Athletic competition reinforces all aspects of CLC, builds espirt-de-corps within each flight, and provides supervised activities for all cadets during the evening hours. These games have been revised not to give any one person or team any advantage over the other. These games are specially designed to promote ultimate teamwork and strategy to achieve overall points toward the Honor Flight Competition. Games will include but are not limited to: JROTC Kickball, Sand Volleyball, Ultimate Throw ball (Ultimate Frisbee with a ball), Dodge Ball, Tug of War, Australian Trolleys, HABWAB, capture the flag, and Smoosh Ball. The sports officer will designate what games are to be played during the course. A sports schedule listing games, participants, and locations will be developed and distributed to all flight cadre. Flight cadre are responsible to ensure that their flight knows and understand all sports rules. Any unnecessary arguing over rules between flights will disqualify either one or both flights from receiving points for that competition. Please note: * denotes a change or addition to rules this year. II. GENERAL RULES 1. Overall safety of all cadets is of utmost importance. Cadets not obeying the rules, arguing with the referees, or behaving in a reckless or unsafe manner will immediately be referred to an instructor. Serious violations will disqualify cadet from participating in remaining sports activities or result in removal from the encampment. 2. Cadets should avoid wearing any kind of jewelry during sports competition. 3. Cadets must wear proper footwear at all times on the sports fields to include white sports socks. Cadets are not allowed to be barefoot except while playing Sand Jolleyball. III. SPORTS RULES 1. AUSTRALIAN TROLLEY This is race of teamwork at its best. The team winning the best two out of three runs wins the points for that event. In the case of a tie on the final run, another run must be completed. There are no ties in the Australian Trolley. All team members must be used until all positions on the boards are filled. If one team does not have enough to fill a board, the other team must also delete team members of their choice until the number of members for each team is equal. Team members may rotate in and out between runs if desired. * Each team must have 3 boys and 3 girls on each run. a. The first run will be from the hot start position. Each team will start on the boards. From completely behind the starting line, a team will maneuver the boards completely past the halfway point (turn-around line), get off the boards and turn them around (making sure the boards remain totally past the turn-around line, and maneuver the boards back to the starting line. The first team to completely cross the start/finish line wins the match. b. The final two runs will commence from the cold start position. Each team will position their boards behind the start/finish line. The referee will position each team 20 paces behind the 1 boards. At the referee’s signal, both teams will run to their board, mount and proceed to the turnaround line and return to the start/finish line. c. Teams trying to achieve an unfair advantage over the other team or violating the intent of fair play will receive an additional 10 pace penalty and must redo that match run. d. Referees can choose other types of game scenarios from hot or cold starts. Examples: Cadets face each other on each board. Straight line or zigzag courses, etc. 2. KICKBALL a. The basic rules of baseball and softball apply except bunting is not permitted. The referee will determine if the batter made a full swing (distance the ball travels does not matter). Each team fields 10 players and bats all members. Batting lineup must alternate between boy & girl. (short fielder is the extra position). Members not in field can only sit 1 inning. Do not make a pitch at the beginning of an inning until cleared by the Referee. b. There are no foul balls in JROTC kickball. The kicker is out if the kick lands over the foul line or rolls out prior to passing either first or third base. Three bad pitches (judged by the referees) will result in the kicker being awarded a base hit and going to 1st base. c. After a kicker kicks the ball, a fielder may catch the ball in the air for an out, catch the ball after it has touched the ground and throw it to the base before the kicker can get to the base, or throw the ball at the kicker and hit the kicker BELOW the shoulders for an out. The kicker (runner) is out anytime the ball hits them below the * shoulders and they are not touching a base. d. The runner will be awarded a home run anytime a referee judges that a thrown ball hit the runner above the shoulders (*unless runner ducks to avoid being hit, but is hit above the shoulders— runner is out). e. An inning is three outs per team. Each team will be given the same number of "at Bats". If the team that batted first is at bat and scoring runs when time runs out, the score will revert to the prior completed inning. In the event of a tie, the teams will split the points available for that event. f. * Field measurements: 60 feet between each base. 3. TUG OF WAR a. This will be a standard tug-of-war with 10 cadets from one flight pulling against 10-cadets from the opposing flight. There will be 3 different tug-of-wars per event with the best two out of three pulls winning the event. A ribbon is placed at the midpoint of the rope. The referee holds the midpoint of the rope between two cones placed 20 feet apart. b. At the referee’s whistle, the team pulling the ribbon past their cone wins the tug. Each team will not begin the tug until signaled by the referee. Teams trying to gain an unfair advantage will be disqualified. At no time will the rope be tied or looped around any body part of an individual. Cadets may only hold on to the rope with their hands. * Each team must have an equal number of males and females on their team. 4. THROW BALL 2 a. Throw ball is a non-contact sport. Each team will use all their players (must be even for both sides). The object is to move the Ball down the field by passing it among team members (not letting it touch the ground) and scoring goals by catching the Ball in the end zone. One point is earned each time the Ball is caught in the correct end zone by a team. The field is 120 ft x 60 ft with additional 15-ft end zones. Cones, spray paint, or ropes will mark the field and end zones. b. Games last 28 minutes--4 quarters of 7 minutes each, *plus a 2-minute break between each quarter. The clock starts when the first "throw off" occurs and stops at the end of each quarter or for injuries--team captains may only call injury time-outs. No other time outs are allowed. (In case of 20 minute game *due to weather or time constraints: Two 10-minute halves, with a 4 minute halftime) c. Substitutions can only be made when the clock is stopped or immediately after a team scores a goal (prior to next "throw off"). d. Jerseys, caps, or different color "T" shirts will be worn by one team to help differentiate a team member from an opponent. e. To start the game, the referee flips a coin, and one team captain calls heads or tails. The winner of the flip gets to choose between receiving the "throw off" or which goal to defend (these choices will be reversed at the beginning of the second half). At the beginning of a new quarter or after an injury time-out, play resumes at the spot where the time was stopped and the Ball is given to the team that had possession when the time was stopped. f. To begin the game, each team stands with at least one foot on its goal line. The "throw off" team's server will state the score, "3 serving 1, ready to serve Sir/Ma'am". The receiving team captain will reply, "Ready to receive Sir/Ma'am". Then the referee will signal for the "throw off". Both teams must remain in place until the server releases the Ball. Once the Ball is released, all players may move in any direction; however, no player on the serving team may touch the Ball until it is touched-by the receiving team. g. If on the "throw off”, the receiving team catches the Ball, play begins from that spot. If the receiving team touches the Ball and the Ball then hits the ground, the throwing team takes possession where it was touched. If the receiving team lets the Ball fall untouched to the ground, it retains possession and begins play from the spot where the Ball touched the ground. If the Ball goes out-of-bounds before being touched, play begins at the point it went out of bounds. If it was touched and then goes out-of-bounds, the throwing team will start play where it went out. Anytime the ball goes out-of-bounds, possession of the ball will change. If a team gains possession of the ball in its end zone, play will begin two paces out from the goal line. h. The Ball must be thrown; any other method of transfer will result in a possession change. A rolling or sliding Ball will be put in play where it first touched the ground. The thrower must establish a pivot foot and may rotate 360 degrees but cannot lift the pivot foot. A thrower may not catch his/her own throw unless another player touches it first, unless he/she is the on1y person left on that team (he/she must still throw the Ball at least 5 feet). Opponents must stay at least three (3) feet from the thrower and cannot make contact with the thrower or Ball / Frisbee. i. After catching a pass, while running, the new thrower is allowed to take three (3) steps before stopping and establishing a pivot foot. Once stationary if the new thrower takes a step or moves his/her pivot foot, possession changes. If an offensive and defensive player catches the Ball simultaneously, the offensive team retains possession. The thrower may tag (softly, so as not to hurt the opponent) a defensive player who violates the three-foot rule, if he/she can do so without moving his/her pivot foot. (Defensive players must be given a fair chance at moving away and all decisions of the referee are final).To be considered a good pass, the Ball must travel in the air a minimum of five (5) feet between team members and not touch the ground. j. Fouls occur when: 3 (1) Opposing team or same team players make contact (2) Safety is jeopardized by reckless behavior (3) The three-foot rule is violated (4) A player other than the team captain talks to the referee (5) A player hits an opponent with the Ball too hard when trying to tag the opponent (6) A player jumps-NO JUMPING ALLOWED BY ANYONE! k. When a foul occurs, possession of the Ball changes at the point of the infraction. The guilty player is sent to the penalty box and must do 10 push-ups or 15 sit-ups (his/her choice),* or a selection of exercises by the penalty box referee. l. PENALTY BOX: When a foul occurs, the guilty player/players are sent to the penalty box to do their physical exercise and await the next score or end of a quarter before they can be released. Once a score occurs or quarter ends, the team captain can clear his/her players from the penalty box. m. TURNOVERS. Turnovers occur when: (1) A thrower takes more than three (3) steps; (2) A player holds the ball for more than 10 seconds; or (3) A pass is incomplete, intercepted, knocked down, or thrown out-of-bounds. (4) Unless intercepted, the opposing team assumes possession of the Ball from the spot where the pass was attempted. If an interception occurs, play begins from that spot without a whistle (immediately). (5) A thrower passes/throws the ball less than five feet. (6) *Player fails to ground ball (*see n) n. *Grounding: Any time the ball is received or turned over, the first offensive player to field the ball, must ground the ball (slightly tap ball on ground). This signifies start of offensive maneuver. If team fails to ground the ball, it is a turnover. o. SCORING: A point is scored when a player catches the Ball in his/her opponent's end zone. The Ball must be caught in the end zone. A player cannot score by stepping into the end zone with the Ball. If a player's momentum carries him/her into the end zone, play will continue and another throw must be made to score a point. All decisions made by the referees will be final. 5. JROTC DODGEBALL Court Size 80ft by 40ft (2x 40ft Squares) 40’ x 40’ 440’ x 40’ 4 a. Game Scenario #1: (1) All but three members of each team fill their respective squares. The left over three players occupy the outside of their opponents square as “Throwers” (2) The outside players are the only ones allowed to go into a “No Throw Zone” to retrieve any balls that are outside the boundaries, but may only throw in the remaining 35 ft on either side of the court. Throwers may go anywhere to retrieve a ball except for crossing the center line. (3) The remaining flight members wait on the farthest away line for the referee to start the game. The game is started with one ball set in the middle. On the call of “GO” the opposing teams run to the center of the court in an effort to gather the ball for their team. The remaining balls will be added in at the referee’s discretion. (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Flight Members must do one of the following when the ball is thrown at them. Get out of the way Catch the ball and throw it at an opponent Catch the ball and throw it to one of your own throwers. Get hit and report to the penalty box. (9) If a player tries to catch the ball, but the ball hits the ground the player is out. (10) If a player gets hit by, or tries to catch the ball and misses, but another player catches the ball, the player who was originally hit is out, but the player who caught the ball is safe. (11) Once a player retrieves a ball that has touched the ground, it may not touch the ground again until after thrown (NO BOUNCING) (12) No “head shots” If a person continues to hit their opponents above the shoulders, they will be removed from the game. i. If a person was hit by a thrower inside the “No Throw Zone” the hit will not count. ii. j. The “No Throw Zone” only applies to throwers outside the court. If you are still a player, the “No Throw Zone” does not apply. iii. k. Then all of the players in one flight are eliminated, the opposing team wins. b. Game Scenario #2: (1) Rules same as above, but: If thrower outside of 40' by 40' box, throws a ball at the active player and active player catches ball, thrower is eliminated. If eliminated, thrower immediately reports to penalty box determined by referee, performs PT, and is not released until the game ends. c. Game Scenario #3: (1) Original dodge ball rules. No throwers. If knocked out, stand in line outside of your 40' by 40' box. If ball caught by one of your teammates, person first in line can re-enter game. Rules same as Scenario 1, except no throwers. 5 d. Game Scenario #4. 3-Pin Dodge ball. (1) Three pins (cones) are set up inside each 40' by 40' box. Opposing team wins when all players eliminated or when all 3 pins (cones) are knocked down. Other rules are the same as scenario #3. 6. HABWAB HABWAB is baseball played backwards with a few rule changes. We use a standard baseball field, (*60 feet between bases), a small bat and a 6” hollow rubber ball. a. General rules and procedures. 2 B (1) There is no limit to how many players you can have on the field as long as the teams are even numbered or it is agreed by the team captains that odd numbers are acceptable. All team members must play, the more players, the better. B Runners Circle P (2) Each side gets four outs while at bat before they must take the field. (3) All pitches to the batter must be underhand. The pitcher must make efforts to throw the ball over the plate each time to his teammate catcher. 1 P 3 (4) If the batter is hit by a wild pitch, the runner advances around the bases to home along with any players currently on the bases. The hit batter then becomes the next runner. NOTE: The pitch must be judged wild by the referee. Batters standing on the plate or jumping in front of the ball attempting to be deliberately hit will be called out. 2 (5) If the batter passes up three good pitches, he is out. (6) If the pitcher throws three bad pitches, the batter then becomes a runner. b. Batting (1) Each batter gets two strikes while at bat. (2) Any ball hit is a fair ball unless it goes behind the batter’s line in which case it would become a strike. The hit is fair if the ball is hit and lands in front of the batter but spins backwards behind the batter’s line. There are no foul balls in HABWAB. (3) All batters bat in a predetermined order (*and alternate between male and female) with no changes unless someone must drop out because of dehydration, lightning strike or death. Once the batter hits the ball, he must tag the runner in the runner’s circle for the runner to run to first base. The batter now becomes the next runner. The first batter of the game must get a hit to become a runner. The runners at the beginning of each inning are the last 6 batter who was at the plate when the fourth out is called or the last runner if the batter struck or flied out. c. d. Runners (1) Runners must not leave the runners circle until the ball is hit and the batter tags the runner. Runners leaving the circle before the ball is hit or being tagged by the batter are automatically out upon touching first base or being tagged. (2) Runners run to the first base to the pitchers right (third base in regulation baseball). The runner cannot advance to second base until being tagged by the next runner behind them. After the tag to run on first base, they can run the bases without having to be tagged by the next runner. (3) Second and third base runners can run any time the ball is hit and in play. (4) Runners may advance to the next base as long as the ball is in play. The ball remains in play until the pitcher recovers the ball for the next pitch. (5) If a runner does not reach the next base before the pitcher regains control of the ball, he must go back to the previous base. He may move back safely without fear of being tagged out. (6) There can be up to two runners on a base at any time. The order in which they run or if they pass each other is not important. The exception is that only 1 runner can be in the runners circle. (7) One runner can tag up to two runners on a base. (Example. Two runners are on first base. The next runner runs to first and tags both runners on first. Both runners can run to the next base. The order in which they run does not matter. Outs (1) The batter is out if the ball is tipped and the catcher catches it. (2) The batter is out if the ball is hit but spins backwards and hits the batter. (3) The batter is out if the hit ball is caught before contact with the ground. If the batter is out on a caught fly, he goes to the bench and the runner remains in the runner’s circle. (4) The batter is out if he attempts to be hit by the pitch or jumps in front of a pitch and is indeed hit. (5) Runners are out anytime the ball touches them when they are not on a base. Base runners may be tagged out when not on a base. Players can throw the ball and hit the runners below the shoulder with the ball and the runner is out. If the runner is hit in the head with the ball, this is an automatic run and the runner trots or is carried to home plate along with all runners between him and home plate. Runners are not out if the base is tagged. The ball must touch the runner in all cases. (6) If more than two runners are trapped on a base and an opposing team member tags all with the ball, then all on that base are out. (7) Runners running outside the base line to escape being tagged are automatically out. (8) Runners leaving the base before a fly ball is caught for an out must return to the base to tag up prior to running to the next base. (9) Runners passing first base without being tagged by the next runner are automatically out when they touch second base. 7 (10) Scores - Each runner crossing the plate scores one run. 7. SAND JOLLEYBALL a. Matches are played nine against nine but can be any number as long as each side has the same number of players. Each team can have an unlimited number of substitutes. b. Court size is 60 feet by 30 feet with the net in the center making each side 30 by 30 feet. The top of the net is 8 feet. c. A member of the cadre will referee. All decisions are final. There is no right or wrong only the referee opinion counts. d. A rally starts by a service (the ball is hit by hand towards the opponents’ side) from behind the end-line. e. The team is entitled to a maximum of three hits for returning the ball. Block contacts are not counted. One player cannot play the ball 2 times consecutively. f. To stimulate long rally-play only major technical faults will be called. However, Jolleyball must be played exactly according to the rule of "short contact". The ball must be hit, not palmed. g. The ball can be played with any part of the body. The ball can be touched or hit but cannot be caught in any way. h. On winning the service, a new player must serve according to a pre-set serving-order. The players must rotate with the start of each serve or lose the serve. Unlimited players' substitutions are allowed when the ball is out of play. i. A match consists of rally-point (each rally scores one point) sets to 15 points (win should be by two points difference without limitation). Three sets will be played. If time runs out before the end of the third set, then the higher score will win that set. If each team wins one set and time runs out, the session will split the points. j. Teams switch courtsides for each set. One time-out (30 sec.) is allowed per set, per team. k. Net touch is allowed if it does not interfere with the game. l. Interference with players of the opponent team (touching, holding, pushing, etc.) is not allowed. Any such fault will incur loss of rally, with its consequences (the opponent team scores a point and gains the right to serve, or continues to serve). m. All others rules and decisions are left to the referee. 8. SMOOSH BALL Smoosh Ball is a non-contact sport. Each team will use all their players (must be even for both sides). The object is to move the ball (soccer) down the field and score inside goals (cones set 3 feet apart) on each end line. One point is earned each time the ball is kicked in between the goals of the defensive team. Ball can be only be kicked into the goal. The ball can’t be thrown forward, only backwards. The field is 150 ft by 75 ft. Cones mark the side and end lines. Procedures: a. Games: Last *28 minutes—4 quarters of 7 minutes each. *There is a 2-minute break between each quarter. Clock starts when team kicks from end line. First kick must be to another cadet. In order to get ball first, team captain’s face off in a question/answer quiz. Referee asks both captains 8 b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. the same question(s) (AFJROTC, current event, etc.) and winner answers question correctly, while other captain answers incorrectly. Clock starts when ball is kicked. Only team captains may call injury time-outs. Each team is allotted one 30-second time out per game. Substitutions: Can only be made during a time out, when a team scores or in case of injury. Uniform: Each team wears their distinctive flight shirt or hat in order to play. Movement: To move the ball, one can kick it with their feet. If a cadet kicks the ball from the ground and their teammate catches it in the air or on 1 bounce, they can run with the ball. You can’t kick the ball in the air to yourself. If the ball goes out of bounds from an offensive player (team controlling the ball), the other team puts it in play. If it goes out of bounds on sideline, ball is put into play with a two hand overhead throw-in. If ball is kicked/thrown out over end line by attacking team, ball is a goal kick by defending team. If ball is kicked/thrown out by defensive team over end line, it is a corner kick by offense (just like soccer) Rules: If a cadet is running with the ball and is tagged with at least one hand (can substitute flag is pulled), the ball is dead and considered a turnover for the other team. After a turnover, the defensive team can’t tag the offensive player, while the offensive player is kicking the ball and they can’t run with it. Ball must be placed on the ground and the defensive team must give the offensive player 5-yards of separation to kick the ball. The ball must be kicked to another teammate. Penalties: There is no contact other than 1-hand touch. Any other contact will result in a foul. Referee will decide who initiated the contact and send that cadet to the “Smoosh” box. Cadet committing foul will immediately leave the field (jog, no walking) and enter the ”Smoosh” box and must do jumping jacks, squat benders, and push–ups until end of quarter of when a team scores. No grabbing the ball out of the hands of the opposing team. This is also a penalty and cadet will be sent to the “Smoosh” box. If defensive team is inside their goal box, it is an automatic point for the other team. Sliding is not allowed at any time and is an automatic banishment to the “Smoosh” box. Other Rules: Defensive team can’t guard their own goal (must be at least 5 yards away). Scoring: The ball may be kicked, thrown, or run through the goal. The defensive team may have a goalie but goalie must remain at least 5 yards (15 feet) from goals. The Field (1) 150 ft. x 75 ft. (2) Cones mark side and end lines, goal, and goal box (3) Goal box extends 5 yards in front of goal (4) Goal width is 5 ft. Starting the game (1) Game is 30 minutes, 4 quarters of 7 min. & 2 min. mid-game break (2) Team captains answer question (s), *posed by referee, to get ball first (3) Play starts at center line and also after a goal (4) Time starts when ball is kicked (5) First kick must be to another cadet (6) Each team is allowed one-30 second time out per game (7) 10 players per team on field. All players on team must play at least 3 quarters. 9 l. Movement (1) Ball must be kicked (2) If the ball is caught in the air from a kick or after the first bounce, the player can run with it (3) Ball cannot be thrown forward, only backward m. Turnovers (1) Ball goes out of bounds (2) Defensive players must tag opposing player with one hand, the ball is then considered dead, and turned over to opposing team (3) Ball must be KICKED to a teammate n. Out of Bounds (1) If out on sideline, ball is put back in play with a 2-hand overhead throw (2) If out on the end line, ball is put back in play with a corner kick from either corner of the end line o. Penalties and Penalty Box (1) Any contact other than a one-handed tag (2) No grabbing ball from opposing players’ hands (3) Defensive player inside own goal box (within 10 feet of goal) (4) Sliding (5) Any player penalized will be sent to the penalty pox (6) Players must do jumping jacks, squat benders, and push-ups until either team scores or the end of the quarter. Players cannot leave the penalty box until cleared on the field by the “Smoosh” referee. p. Substitutions (1) Can only be made during Time out Team score q. Sportsmanship note. (1) All cadets must remember the rules of sportsmanship. If the referee feels you are playing out of control or disrespectful, you may be given a yellow card. You must leave the field of play until the referee feels you can re-enter the game and play under control. (2) If you earn 2 yellow cards in the same day of play, or if you earn a direct red card, the cadet is immediately removed from all play for that day and will be reported to the cadet’s flight advisor or home school advisor. (3) Team may also lose a percentage of points for that day determined by instructors. 10 9. Capture the Flag 1. Object: This is a very fast moving game. The object is to capture the enemies (opposing team) flag (or ball) and bring it back across the front lines back into friendly territory. 2. Teams: There is no limit to how many can play but normally you would not have more than 15-25 cadets. Each side wears flag belts that when pulled will come off of the player indicating death of the player for that round. 3. Playing area or Battle Field: Any size battlefield may be used. A basketball court works great indoors or an area of 150' by 75' cordoned off outdoors. The battlefield is divided in the middle and is called the front line. 4. Safe area: Area immediately behind the end zone where the flag is. Once a player reaches the safe area, he can’t have his flag pulled. There can be only two players of the opposing side in the safe zone at a time. Any other players stepping into the safe zone will be declared dead by the referee. Players who own that safe zone cannot step into that safe zone without being declared out-of-bounds. Opposing team players are safe until they try to get back to the front line with the captured flag. 5. Objective: Each team devises a strategy of offense and defense. Offense tries to get behind enemy lines without having their flag pulled. Once they reach this safe, area they grab the flag or ball and attempt to get back over the front line. Defense tries to prevent the opposing team from crossing their half of the battlefield by grabbing their flag belts, while preventing their flag belt from being pulled. Once a player crosses the front line, a point is scored and the game is reset. 6. Game start: Balls (flags) are set in the middle behind the end zone of each battle area. All players are on their side of the front line. The umpire yells, "Attack" and the game begins. Players run and try to kill as many of the opposing team by pulling their flag while at the same time attempting to capture the other team’s flag and protect their own. There are no safe areas on the playing field. Resetting the game begins the same way. 7. Players who get their flag pulled are dead and they must drag their lifeless body off of the field and not attempt to pull anyone else's flag until the battle resets. Anyone stepping out of bounds is also dead and must remain off the court until the game resets. Once a player captures the flag and steps back into bounds, he is committed. Stepping back into the safe zone will kill the player and the flag must be replaced, but the game continues. 8. The flag cannot ever be thrown or passed. It must be handed off to another player to get it over the front line. Flag Flag Safe Zone 11 Safe Zone Front line 10. SPORTS SCHEDULE a. Flight cadre will be issued an updated schedule if any changes are made. b. Each flight will break up into two equal teams for competition. c. Teams will be known as A1, A2, B1, B2 etc. Teams will remain the same during the entire week. d. Sports Cadre (SC) will serve as referees. e. Dodge ball is the only event that the entire flight plays as a team. f. After Tuesday, the referees rotate to another sport. SPORT HabWab Jolly Ball Kickball Throw Ball Dodge Ball Capture the Flag Smoosh Ball Australian Trolley Tug of War Referees 1&2 3&4 5&6 9 & 10 7, 8, 17, 18 11 & 12 13 & 14 15 & 16 19 & 20 Session 1 G1 v. C2 H1 v. B2 I1 v. A2 J1 v. E2 F vs. D G2 v. C1 H2 v. B1 I2 v. A1 J2 v. E1 Session 2 H1 v. D2 F1 v. A2 G vs. E H2 v. D1 I2 v. C1 J2 v. B1 F2 v. A1 Monday I1 v. C2 J1 v. B2 Tuesday Session 1 C1 v. H2 D1 v. G2 E1 v. F2 A1 v. J2 B vs. I C2 v. H1 D2 v. G1 E2 v. F1 A2 v. J1 Session 2 I1 v. E2 J1 v. D2 G1 v. C2 A2 v. B1 H vs. F I2 v. E1 J2 v. D1 G2 v. C1 A1 v. B2 Session 3 B1 v. i2 C1 v. H2 D1 v. G2 E1 v. F2 A vs. J B2 v. I1 C2 v. H1 D2 v. G1 E2. V. F1 SPORT HabWab Jolly Ball Kickball Throw Ball Dodge Ball Capture the Flag Smoosh Ball Australian Trolley Tug of War Referees 3&4 19 & 20 7&8 17 & 18 1, 2, 11, 12 13 & 14 15 & 16 5&6 9 & 10 Session 1 E1 v. A2 F1 v. C G1 v. J2 H1 v. I2 D vs. B E2 v. A1 F2 v. C1 G2 v. J1 H2 v. I1 Session 2 D1 v. B2 E1 v. J2 F1 v. I2 G1 v. H2 C vs. A D2 v. B1 E2 v. J1 F2 v. I1 G2 v. H1 Session 3 F1 v. B1 G1 v. A1 H1 v. D2 I1 v. J2 E vs. C F2 v. B2 G2 v. A2 H2 v. D1 I1 v. J2 Session 1 I1 v. G2 A1 v. F2 B1 v.E2 C2 v. D1 J vs. H I2 v. G1 A2 v. F1 B2 v. E1 C1 v. D2 Session 2 J1 v. F2 H1 v. E2 A1 v. D1 B2 v. C1 I vs. G J2. v. F1 H2 v. E1 A2 v. D2 B1 v. C2 Wednesday Thursday 12
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