DRAFT PRODUCT CERTIFICATION MANUAL FOR COMMENTS Our Ref.: NRO/PRBO 13 Jan 2014 Please find enclosed the following draft certification manual: Product manual on Portland Pozzolana Cement Part 2 Calcined Clay Based as per IS 1489 (Pt 2) : 1991 Kindly examine the draft product certification manual and forward your comments on the draft manuals. Last date for comments: 28 Jan 2014. Comments, if any, may please be made in the format as given below and mailed to PRBO at the following email id: [email protected]. Sl. No. Name of RO / BO Clause/ Sub-clause Paragraph / Figure / Table Type of comment (General / Technical / Editorial) Comments Proposed Change Note: Separate sheets may be attached in case comments are lengthy and cannot be incorporated in the table. For BIS Use Only Doc No.: SM/IS 1489 Pt 2/01 Date of Issue: January 2014 PRODUCT MANUAL FOR PORTLAND POZZOLANA CEMENT PART 2 CALCINED CLAY BASED (First Issue) BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9, BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG, NEW DELHI – 110002 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS PRODUCT CERTIFICATION TITLE: GENERAL DOC: PC-1489 Pt 2 PREPARED BY: ISSUE: 01 PRODUCT MANUAL DATE: NOV 2013 APPROVED BY: PAGE: 1 OF 4 AMENDMENT SHEET To ensure that each copy of the Manual contains a complete record of Amendments, this Amendment Sheet should be updated for each revised/new pages of the Manual. While issuing any amendment, an acknowledgment slip will be included for signatures and return by all Controlled Copy holders. DISCARD AMENDMENT No. Section Page Issue No. INSERT Date Section Page Issue No. SUMMARY OF CHANGE Date BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS PRODUCT CERTIFICATION TITLE: GENERAL DOC: PC-1489 Pt 2 PREPARED BY: ISSUE: 01 DATE: NOV 2013 APPROVED BY: PRODUCT MANUAL PAGE: 2 OF 4 FOREWORD This Indian Standard ( Part 2 ) ( Third Revision ) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards after the draft finalized by the Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council. Portland-pozzolana pozzolana cement can be produced either by grinding together Portland cement clinker and pozzolana with addition of gypsum or calcium sulphate, or by intimately intimat and uniformly blending Portland cement and fine pozzolana. While grinding of the two materials together presents no difficulty, the mixing of dry powders uniformly is extremely difficult. The blending method should, therefore, be resorted to only when the grinding method is impossible or proves uneconomical in a particular case. Where blending method is adopted, every care should be taken to see that the blending is as intimate as possible. Generally, if the blending is not uniform, it is reflected in the he performance tests. The Sectional Committee responsible for the preparation of this specification is of the opinion that the blending method should be confined to factories and such other works where intimate and uniform blending is feasible with the employment loyment of requisite machinery so as to ensure uniformity of production and guaranteed performance. Portland-pozzolana pozzolana cement produces less heat of hydration and offers greater resistance to the attack of aggressive waters than normal Portland cement. More Moreover, it reduces the leaching of calcium hydroxide liberated during the setting and hydration of cement. It is particularly useful in marine and hydraulic construction and other mass concrete structures. Portland-pozzolana pozzolana cement can generally be used wherever ever 33 grade ordinary Portland cement is usable under normal conditions. However, it should be appreciated that all pozzolanas need not necessarily contribute to strength at early ages. In view of this fact, this present specification has been prepared to enable manufacturers to produce Portland Portlandpozzolana cement equivalent to 33 grade ordinary Portland cement on the basis of 3, 7 and 28-days compressive strength. For construction of structures using rapid pid construction methods like slip form construction, Portland pozzolana cement shall be used with caution since 4 to 6 h strength of concrete is significant in such construction. This standard was first published in 1962 and subsequently revised in 1967 and 1976. In this revision the standard has been split into two parts based on the pozzolana used in the manufacture of such cements in view of the special needs of some hydraulic structures which require pozzolana cement manufactured only with fly ash pozzolana and for easy identification of pozzolana used in the manufacture of Portland-pozzolana pozzolana cement in the interest of consumers. Part 1 of this standard covers pozzolana cement manufactured by using only fly ash pozzolana and Part 2 covers pozzolana cement manufactured by using either calcined clay or a mixture mixture of calcined clay and fly ash as pozzolana. In this revision both chemical and physical requirements have been kept the same as was given in 1976 version of this standard as amended from time to time. Various requirements of Portland Portland-pozzolana cement given ven in 1976 version of this standard had been modified from time to time by issuing amendments based on the experience gained with the use of the standard and the requirements of the users and also keeping in view the raw materials and fuel available in the the country for manufacture of cement The important amendments include lowering the value of compressive strength in lime reactivity test from 5 MPa to 4 MPa, incorporating a value of 3 day compressive strength as 16 MPa, modifying the requirement of sulphur sulphuric ic anhydride ( SOs ) and insoluble residue, BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS PRODUCT CERTIFICATION TITLE: GENERAL DOC: PC-1489 Pt 2 PREPARED BY: ISSUE: 01 DATE: NOV 2013 APPROVED BY: PRODUCT MANUAL PAGE: 3 OF 4 deleting the requirement of pozzolanicity test, increasing the the value of 28 days compressive strength th from 31 MPa to 33 MPa, making autoclave soundness test compulsory irrespcctivc of the magnesia content in cement, ment, incorporating a provision for retest in respect of autoclave soundness test after aeration of the cement, incorporating a clause on false set of cement and permitting packaging of cement in 25 kg bag\. bag All thc\c an~enclments have been taken care of in this revision. Mass of cement packed in bags and the tolerance tolerance requirements for the mass of cement packed in bags shall be in accordance with the relevant provisions of the standard of weight and measures (packaged commodities) Rules 1977 and B B- 1.2 (See Annexure B). Any modification in these rules in respect respe of tolerance on mass of cement would apply automatically to this standard. BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS PRODUCT CERTIFICATION TITLE: GENERAL DOC: PC-1489 Pt 2 PREPARED BY: ISSUE: 01 DATE: NOV 2013 APPROVED BY: PRODUCT MANUAL PAGE: 4 OF 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS C Sections Title Section 1 Product Description 1.1 Description of product(s) 1.2 Latest Indian Standard Number with product title and number of amendments 1.3 List of referred standards 1.4 Checklist for submission of an application for grant of licence Section 2 Raw materials/ Components 2.1 List of important raw materials/components Section 3 Manufacturing process and In-process In Quality controls 3.1 Description of manufacturing process(es) 3.2 Infrastructure for production Section 4 Certification criteria 4.1 Identification of critical requirements 4.2 Scheme of testing and inspection 4.3 Marking fee rates 4.4 Grouping guidelines 4.5 Guidelines for scope of licence 4.6 Guidelines for inclusion of new varieties 4.7 Sample size and Guidelines for drawl of separate samples 4.8 Manner of sealing of sample(s) 4.9 Dealing with sample remnants 4.10 Procedure for destruction of non conforming product Section 5 Inspection and testing 5.1 Packaging material requirement 5.2 List of test equipment/ facilities 5.3 Test facilities in BIS Labs/ OSLs with testing charges and approximate mate time 5.4 Basis of grant of licence 5.5 Details of tests to be carried out in the factory Annexes Annexure – 1 Page No. BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS PRODUCT CERTIFICATION TITLE: GENERAL DOC: PC-1489 Pt 2 PREPARED BY: ISSUE: 01 DATE: NOV 2013 APPROVED BY: PRODUCT MANUAL PAGE: 1 OF 2 SECTION 1: PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 1.1. Description of product: The Portland Pozzolana Cement is a kind of Blended Cement which is produced by either inter grinding of clinker along with gypsum and pozzolanic materials in certain proportions or grinding the OPC clinker, gypsum and Pozzolanic materials separately and thoroughly blending them in certain proportions. Portland Clinker Clinker, consisting mostly of calcium silicates, obtained by heating to incipient fusion, a predetermined and homogeneous mixture of materials principally containing lime ( CaO ) and silica ( SiO2 ) with a smaller proportion of alumina ( Al 2O3 ) and iron oxide ( Fe 203 ). Pozzolana An essentially silicious material which while in itself possessing little or no cementitious properties will, in finely divided form and in the presence of water, react with calcium hydroxide at ambient temperature to form compounds possessing cementitious ous properties. The term includes natural volcanic material having pozzolanic properties as also other natural and artificial materials, such as diatomaceous earth, calcined clay and fly ash. 1.2. Latest Indian Standard Number with product title and number of amendments Indian Standard Number: IS 1489: Pt 2: 1991 Product title: Portland Pozzolana Cement Part 2 Calcined clay based No. of amendments: 4 1.2. List of referred standards IS No. 269:1989 650:1991 1344:1981 Title IS No. Specification for 33 grade 4032:1985 ordinary Portland cement (fourth revision ) Specification for standard sand 4845:1968 for testing of cement ( second revision ) Specification for calcined clay 4905:1968 pozzolana ( second revision ) Title Method of chemical analysis of hydraulic cement (Jirst revision ) Definitions and terminology relating to hydraulic cement Methods for random sampling BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS PRODUCT CERTIFICATION TITLE: GENERAL DOC: PC-1489 Pt 2 PREPARED BY: ISSUE: 01 1727:1967 Methods of test for pozzolanic materials ( first revision ) 2580:1982 Specification for jute sacking bags for packing cement ( second revision ) Methods of sampling hydraulic cements (first revision ) 3535:1986 3812:1981 Specification for fly ash for use as pbzzolana and admixture (first revision ) DATE: NOV 2013 APPROVED BY: PRODUCT MANUAL PAGE: 2 OF 2 11652:1986 Specification for high density polyethylene ( HDPE ) woven sacks for packing cement 11653:1986 Specification for polypropylene (PP ) woven sacks for packing Cement 11761:1986 Specification for multi multi-wall paper sacks for cement valved-sewn valved gusseted 12154:1987 Specification for light weight jute bags for packing cement 4041 (Part Methods of physical tests for 12174:1987 Specification for jute synthetic 1 to 14) hydraulic cement union bag for packing cement 12423:1988 Method for calorimetric analysis of hydraulic cement 1.4. Check-list list for submission of an application for grant of licence: As per Annexure 1 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS PRODUCT CERTIFICATION TITLE: GENERAL DOC: PC-1489 Pt 2 PREPARED BY: ISSUE: 01 DATE: NOV 2013 APPROVED BY: SECTION 2: RAW MATERIALS/ COMPONENTS 2.1. List of important raw materials/components a) b) c) d) Pozzolana Portland Cement Clinker Portland cement Other Admixture – Gypsum (Natural or Chemical) PRODUCT MANUAL PAGE: 1 OF 1 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS PRODUCT CERTIFICATION TITLE: GENERAL DOC: PC-1489 Pt 2 PREPARED BY: ISSUE: 01 PRODUCT MANUAL DATE: NOV 2013 APPROVED BY: PAGE: 1 OF 2 SECTION 3: MANUFACTURING PROCESS AND IN-PROCESS IN PROCESS QUALITY CONTROLS 3.1. Description of manufacturing process A TYPICAL PROCESS FLOW CHART Raw material receiving ↓ Laboratory Testing ↓ PASS NO Yes Grinding ↓ Blending of components ↓ Fine Grinding ↓ Burning (in kiln) ↓ Finish grinding ↓ Laboratory testing ↓ PACKING AND DESPATCH Return to supplier BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS ST PRODUCT CERTIFICATION TITLE: GENERAL DOC: PC-1489 Pt 2 PREPARED BY: ISSUE: 01 DATE: NOV 2013 APPROVED BY: PRODUCT MANUAL PAGE: 2 OF 2 3.2. Infrastructure for production Following basic manufacturing facilities shall be available at applicant unit for the production of Rubber hose: Sl No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Name Of Machinery jaw crusher (For Lime stone, Clay, Iron dust, coke, Clinker) Hammer mill Raw mill Kiln Blower Cement mill Packing machine Elevator Belt conveyor Reverse pulse jet The capacity and number of manufacturing machines or testing machines may vary as per production needs and applicability. The process quality controls shall be followed as per STI for the product. BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS PRODUCT CERTIFICATION TITLE: GENERAL DOC: PC-1489 Pt 2 PREPARED BY: ISSUE: 01 DATE: NOV 2013 APPROVED BY: PRODUCT MANUAL PAGE: 1 OF 2 SECTION 4: CERTIFICATION CRITERIA 4.1. Identification of critical requirements All requirements documented in standard shall be considered critical unless mentioned otherwise. 4.2. Scheme of testing and inspection The STI for IS 1489 part-2 as in force shall be applicable i.e. Doc: STI /1489 (Part (Part-2)/Pack/4, October 2004. The implementation ion of STI shall be verified during surveillance inspection. 4.3. Marking fee rates The details of rate of marking fee are available on BIS intranet/website. 4.4. Grouping guidelines No grouping guidelines are available for IS 1489 Pt-2 Pt : 1991 4.5. Guidelines for scope of licence Licence shall be granted with scope specifying the type(s) of the product. Licence shall not be granted with “open scope”. The grant of licence letter and the Licence Document shall clearly indicate the following: ‘Portland Pozzolana Cement Part 2 Calcined Clay based’ 4.6. Guidelines for inclusion of new varieties No other varieties are available for PPC cement Part 2 Calcined Clay based. 4.7. Sample size and Guidelines for drawl of separate samples Sample sizes - 8 kg for mechanical testing 500 g for chemical testing In cases where only partial testing is to be done in any of the approved laboratories, the samples shall be draw in duplicate and send them directly to the concerned laboratory for the appropriate tests, indicating in the test request, the tests which are to be carried out. The information about the laboratory where the test could be carried out, may be obtained from CL, if required. BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS PRODUCT CERTIFICATION TITLE: GENERAL DOC: PC-1489 Pt 2 PREPARED BY: ISSUE: 01 DATE: NOV 2013 APPROVED BY: PRODUCT MANUAL PAGE: 2 OF 2 4.8. Manner of sealing of sample(s) sample(s Effort shall be made, as far as possible, to send samples without the manufacturer’s identification and/or markings. Any label and/or manufacturer's identification shall be removed or defaced. Test request shall clearly indicate the following: a) Date of manufacture; b) Quantity, c) Week No. d) Pozzolana content The sample le shall be sealed in a manner that moisture doesn’t come in contact with the sample. For this sample may be sealed in air tight plastic jar or plastic bag. 4.9. Dealing with sample remnants The remnants of samples may be disposed off after testing. 4.10. Procedure for destruction of non conforming product The non conforming cement shall be disposed off . BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS PRODUCT CERTIFICATION TITLE: GENERAL DOC: PC-1489 Pt 2 PREPARED BY: ISSUE: 01 DATE: NOV 2013 APPROVED BY: PRODUCT MANUAL PAGE: 1 OF 2 SECTION 5: INSPECTION AND TESTING 5.1. Packaging material requirement The PPC cement shall be pack in bags. The cement shall be packed in bags [ jute sacking bag conforming to IS 2580 : 1982, double hessian bituminized ( CR1 type), multiwall paper conforming to IS 11761 : 1986, polyethylene lined ( CR1 type ) jute, lightweight jute conforming to IS I2154 : 1987, woven HDPE conforming to IS 11652 : 1986, woven polypropylene conforming to IS 11653 : 1986, jute synthetic union conforming to IS 12174 : 1987 or any other approved composite bags ] bearing the manufacturer’s name or his registered trade-mark, mark, if any. The words ‘Portland-pozzolana cement - calcined clay based’ or a bright colour band to distinguish Portland calcined clay based pozzolana cements from other cements and the number of bags ( net mass ) to the tonne or the nominal average net mass of the cement shall be legibly and indelibly marked on .each bag. Bags shall be in good condition at the time of inspection. 5.2. .2. List of test equipment/ facilities The list of test equipment is to be prepared / provided by CL. 5.3. Test facilities in BIS Labs/ OSLs with testing charges and approximate time The list of BIS laboratories and laboratories recognized by BIS, where sample of PPC cement part-2 can be sent for independent testing, are available on BIS intranet/website. The inspecting officer/agent shall collect latest status in respect of any labora laboratory before proceeding for inspection. 5.4. Basis of grant of licence The basis of grant of licence shall be based on satisfactory preliminary inspection and passing of drawn sample in independent testing. The preliminary inspection shall be done after permission granted by Cement Desk for manufacturing of non ISI mark cement. BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS PRODUCT CERTIFICATION TITLE: GENERAL DOC: PC-1489 Pt 2 PREPARED BY: ISSUE: 01 DATE: NOV 2013 APPROVED BY: PRODUCT MANUAL PAGE: 2 OF 2 5.5. Details of tests to be carried out in the factory Following tests may be carried out in factory: Sr No. TEST DETAILS Cl No. Test Methods Requirements REMARKS PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. Fineness Soundness Setting time Compressive Strength 5. Drying Shrinkage 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 IS 4031 Pt-2 1988 IS 4031 Pt-3 1988 IS 4031 Pt-5 1988 IS 4031 Pt-6 1988 7.5 IS 4031 Pt-10 1988 One day One day One day After 3 days After 7 days After 28 days One day CHEMICAL REQUIREMENTS 6. 7. 8. 9. Loss on Ignition (% by mass) Magnesia (% by mass) Sulphuric anhydride (% by mass) Insoluble mataerial (% by mass) 6 IS 4032:1985 One day 6 IS 4032:1985 One day 6 IS 4032:1985 One day 6 IS 4032:1985 One day BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS PRODUCT CERTIFICATION TITLE: GENERAL DOC: PC-1489 Pt 2 PREPARED BY: ISSUE: 01 PRODUCT MANUAL DATE: NOV 2013 APPROVED BY: PAGE: 1 OF 3 Annexure - 1 CHECK-LIST LIST FOR APPLICATION TO BE SUBMITTED BY APPLICANT TO BIS WHILE APPLYING FOR BIS LICENCE UNDER PRODUCT CERTIFICATION SCHEME OF BIS The following check-list list is required to be submitted with all the applications for grant of BIS licence under the Product Certification Scheme of BIS. Please tick ((√) in the relevant box. Whether applied under: Simplified Procedure □ Normal Procedure □ Note: Refer BIS website or details of “Simplified Procedure” and “Normal Procedure” for grant of licence. No. Check-point General 1. Name & Address 2. Status of Applicant (Manufacturi ng Unit) 3 IS No. & Varieties 4. History 5. Signature 6. Machinery Requirement Is the application form completely filled? Is the name and address of applicant (manufacturing unit applying for licence) same in the application as given in the attached document of Central/State Government a. Has it been indicated whether the applicant is a large scale or small scale unit? b. In case the applicant is a small scale unit, does the applicant hold valid Registration Certificate from the Local / State authority or from a Chartered Accountant, and is the certificate attached. c. Has it been indicated whether the applicant is a Public Sector or a Private Sector company? a. Has applicant recorded the applicable Indian Standard with correct title of the Standard? b. Where applicable, has applicant a mentioned designation, grade, type, variety, size, etc., of the product for which the BIS licence is sought? a. Where applicable, has the applicant provided information regarding earlier BIS licence(s) held by them and / or cancelled in the past? b. Where applicable, has the applicant provided information regarding BIS licences currently held by them? a. Is the application signed by the CEO of the applicant? b. In case the application is signed si by a person other than the CEO, is the application signed by the authorized signatory of the applicant and his authorization uthorization is attached by the authorized signatory? a. Does applicant possess requisite requisi manufacturing infrastructure to manufacture the product as per the Indian Standard? Observations Page No. BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS PRODUCT CERTIFICATION TITLE: GENERAL DOC: PC-1489 Pt 2 PREPARED BY: ISSUE: 01 DATE: NOV 2013 APPROVED BY: b. Is installed capacity of production indicated in the application? 7. Test Equipment & Calibration 8. QC personnel 9. Raw Materials and Components 10. Plant Layout c. Does applicant have all machineries installed as per manufacturing process at the applicant’s applicant’ manufacturing premises? d. If answer to ‘c’ above is no, does the applicant outsource any of its manufacturing processes and possesses valid agreement(s) with other manufacturing units for the outsourced processes and traceability of material, thus produced, etc.? e. If answer to ‘d’ above is yes, does the applicant has any control over such outsourced activity? Are these outsourced process will ensure testing the quality uality of final product for all requirements at the applicant's manufacturing premises? a. Does applicant possesses requisite requis test facilities in-house house as per the relevant Indian Standard at its factory address? b. Are valid calibration certificates certifica for relevant test equipment attached are complete and valid va at least 3 months after the date of recording? c. If reply to ‘a’ above is no, does applicant have arrangement with a BIS recognized outside lab for testing of the requirements for which it does not possess ossess test facilities inhouse? Is the consent letter ass attached by applicant in this regard in order? Note: Relaxation in in-house in test facilities may be allowed on submission of proper justification for requirements which are obligatory to get tested and for which frequency of testing, as prescribed in the relevant scheme of testing and inspection (STI), is, normally, one month or more. more Does the applicant employ qualified & experienced Quality Control (QC) personnel on permanent basis and possess documentary evidence to establish the same?? Are the copies of the qualification certificates andd appointment letters of the QC personnel are in order. Where ever requirements for raw ra materials/ components used in the manufacturing of the product aree specified in the standard, do test reports/suppliers’ test ce certificates, as submitted by the applicant show that these requirements are met as per the standard? Does copy of the plant (applicant manufacturing premises) layout clearly indicates locations of manufacturing machinery, laboratory, office, workshop, amenities, storage area, etc.? PRODUCT MANUAL PAGE: 2 OF 3 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS PRODUCT CERTIFICATION TITLE: GENERAL DOC: PC-1489 Pt 2 PREPARED BY: 11. Test Report(s) 12. Undertaking ISSUE: 01 DATE: NOV 2013 APPROVED BY: a. Is the attached test report of in-house or from independent laboratory cover all requirements of the Indian Standard and ispassing in such requirements? b. In case the application is filed under “simplified Procedure” is the test report(s), in original, as submitted a) from BIS or its recognized laboratories? b) the test report is not older than one month from the date of submission of application, c) covers all the requirements of the standard, and d) passes in all such requirements In case application is under simplified simpl procedure, an undertaking shall be obtained from the applicant on his letter-head head that the licence if granted against his application ication shall be put under Stop Marking by BIS if the verification sample(s) (any sample including the long duration test samples) samples drawn during visit of the BIS officer prior to grant of licence fail to conform to the requirements of relevant Indian Standards. rds. The Th licensee shall take necessary corrective actions and inform the same to BIS along a with fresh samples (of rating/size/variety which facilitates verification of corrective actions on the reported ed failures) manufactured after taking the corrective actions. ac The resumption of marking in such cases shall be allowed only o on the basis of independent satisfactory Test Reports of the fresh samples offered (including long duration tests where failures were ere in long duration tests). In case the fresh sample drawn dra by BIS for independent testing fails, or the licensee does not inform corrective co actions taken and does not offer improved samples within hin 1 month of the date of Stop Marking, the licence shall be processed for cancellation and no further chance would be given to the licensee PRODUCT MANUAL PAGE: 3 OF 3 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS PRODUCT CERTIFICATION TITLE: GENERAL DOC: PC-1489 Pt 2 PREPARED BY: ISSUE: 01 DATE: NOV 2013 APPROVED BY: PRODUCT MANUAL PAGE: 3 OF 3
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