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Dundee - Dansk - Dante - David Andersen - DAY Birger et Mikkelsen Decandent Design By Katri/n - Designers Remix - Diadora Heritage - Diana Orving - Doma - Dry Lake - DSTM Eat Dust Edwin Jeans - Eleven Paris - Elise Gug - Elka - Embacollage - Engel Original - Epice - Fabel - Farah Vintage Fifth Avenue Shoerepair - Filson - Fine Collection - Fleur Tang - Fnubbu - Folk - Foreign Affairs - Forfex - Forrest & Bob Fred Perry - Freitag - French Connection - Friis & co - Friture - Furansu - GAIA - Garbstore - Gardenia - Gestuz - Gourmet Graumann - Grensson - Guðrun & Guðrun - Guess By Marciano - Haaning and Htoon - HAiK - Hammerthor - Hanro Hansen - Happy Socks - Hazel - Heartmade - Heimstone - Henrik Vibskov - Herchel - Hofmann - Hope House of Dagmar How - Human Scales - Humanoid - Hunky Dory - HÅ vding - Iben H˘ j - Ice Cream - ID Hats - Ida SjÅ stedt Indies - int. Playground - Ivan Grundahl - Jan Ahlgren - Jane K˘ nig - J. Lindeberg - Johanna Pihl - John Smedley - Julie Brandt Junk de Luxe - Kami Organic - Karen By Simonsen - Karmameju - Karstoft Vestergaard - Kevin Azzopardi - Kristensen du Nord Kron by KRONKRON - Lagom - Lala Berlin - Lee Jeans - Lesson 2 - Levis - Libertine-Libertine - Liebeskind - Lightning Bolt Linda Farrow - Line&Jo - Lolly¬ s Laundry - Louise Roe - Loyal - Love Fashion - Lumi - Lyle & Scott - Mackage - Mads N˘ rgaard Majestic MALAIKARAISS - Margit Brandt - Maria Black - Maria La Rosa - Maria Nilsdotter - Marie Sixtine - Marimekko Mark McNairy Maska - MAXJENNY - Met Jeans - Michala Wiesneck - MiH Jeans - Minimarket - Mink Pink - Minna Parikka Minni f. Ronya Miss Bibi - Mos Mosh - Mouli -Munderingskompagniet - Munthe Plus Simonsen - Muubaa - My Mynt My Wardrobe - MÖ nestrÖ le Naja Lauf - Naked & Famous Denim - Natalie Coleman - Natural Selection - Neuw - New Balance - Noodles Norse Projects Norwegian Rain - NousVous - NUNC - Obey - Odd Molly - Odeur - Okun - Oliver Spencer - One Teaspoon - Ontour Opening Ceremony - Original Penguin - Orion London - Paul Rose Products - Pelechecoco - Penfield Peoples Republic of Cashmere Peter Jensen - Petit Bateau - PF Flyers - Please - Pointer Footwear - POP Cph - Pour - Pretty Ballerinas - Prim I am - PromPeru Puma Punk Royal - Qwstion - R.M. Williams - Rabens Saloner - Rainbow Wave - Rains - Raleigh - Rascals - RebekkaRebekka R ed Collar Project - Red Label - Red Wing - RedGreen - RH - RIIS - Rika - Rikke Hubert - Roba Accessories - Rodebjer - RokinFootwear Royal Republiq - Rules by Mary - RÜ tzou - S' nob de Noblesse - Sams˘ e & Sams˘ e - Samuji - Sand - Sandqvist - Savvy Citizen Schiesser Searanch - Seil Marchall - Semi-Couture - Sessá n - Shoe the bear - Shoo - Skargorn - Sophia Costas - Sophie#1234567+ Soulland - SPRMRKT - Spring Court - Stella Forest - Stella Nova - Sterling 1958 - Stetson - Steven Alan - Stine Goya - Stine Ladefoged Storm & Marie - Style Units - Stylein - Sugarfree - Superga - Surface to Air - Svensson - Swear - Swedish Hasbeens - Sziggy Copenhagen Tabernacle Twins - The Furies - The Last Conspiracy - The Local Firm - The Wardrobe - Thom Krom - Thomas Kvist Tiger of Sweden - titiMadam - Transit - Triwa - Uniforms for the dedicated - Urbahia - Utzon - Velour - Veronica B. Vallenes Vibe Harsl˘ f -Wackerhaus - Walkover - Wardrobe - When I Was seven7een -Whiite - Whillas&Gunn - Wiksen - Wolsey 1755 Won Hundred - Wood Wood - Woolrich - WornBy - Yarn Unit - Yasamin Zafar - You Must Create - Yvonne Konâ - Zetterberg ,"+5BC5D'(3@$%5EBCF !"#$%#&&%#'()*%+,--.+,--%/,012%3#&&"45%#6$%7,1,89 Autumn/Winter 13/14: Womení s Fashion, Mení s Fashion and Kidí s Fashion !"#$%":&'()*#+:,'-."/:01(*+"((:0-'+2(:3-'2"4&'*-(:5)#6-##7(:8#$"+)'9"+48*/:4;1*2" !"##$$%&'(&'&%$)$(%'(*'&%$+$,-./0$12)((3$+$444'-."5678019,65"0'!6: !"##$$%&'(&'&%$)$(%'(*'&%$+$,-./0$12)((3$+$4444',56"078/'!57 !"##$$%&'(&'&%$)$(%'(*'&%$+$,-./0$12)((3$+$444'-."5678019,65"0'!6: !"#"$%&$'( (")*"#'++#",,)' "-.*//0'1 1&%2'334.5 54%-,'"/0 0' 3-"+2&$)'&&/'""/'4403,66' "7"/%83"-04'#..99:' ;.$9'<<2"/%.5 5' -40&)$.74-))'22"-0' -.$9 7&=4)) &/ "' /41'""/0'--47.#*%%&./"-,' #..96' 12'> >&/%4-' ?*/3#4'..@@4-)' "')).+2&)%&&$"%40' %"94'../'//"%%*-4'&&/'""##' &%)'1 1�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teen Arve Scandinavia | Nordre Strandvej 136, DK - 8240 Risskov, Phone +45 40279702 Showroom Copenhagen | Lindgreens Alle 12, DK - 2300 Copenhagen !!"#$%&'%($!)*$!%$!*+$,-.//000# $12$!2!)000$",3$ !!"#$%&'%($!)*$!%$!*+$,-.//0003 $12$!2!)000$",3$ ,).$"%2'(&!3()/.#/!"#$%&'()*+*#)&&̊34!.$./"̉ !!"#$%&'%($!)*$!%$!*+$,-.//000+ $12$!2!)000$",3$ !!"#$%&'%($!)*$!%$!*+$,-.//0001 $12$!2!)000$",3$ Copenhagen International Fashion Fair 31. Jan – 3. Feb 2013 Stand b4-201 W W W. 2 - B I Z . D K Scandic Hotel Sj! lyst Oslo 4. Feb –10. Feb 2013 Stand 319-320 Stockholms Mode Center / J" rla Sj! 4. Feb – 10. Feb 2013 Stand tsr 2-13 Helsinki Fashion House 25. Jan – 27. Jan 2013 Stand 304 a 2-Biz Company A/S Lokesvej 1-3 8230 Aabyhøj Denmark T: +45 86 15 43 11 [email protected] !!"#$%&'%($!)*$!%$!*+$,-.//000" $12$!2!)000$",3$ !!"#$%&'%($!)*$!%$!*+$,-.//0004 $12$!2!)000$",3$ THE LUXURY OF SPORT. BOGNER !!"#$%&'%($!)*$!%$!*+$,-.//000!$ $12$!2!)000$",3$ !!"#$%&'%($!)*$!%$!*+$,-.//000!! $12$!2!)000$",3$ Leder/editorial !""#$%&'($#%)$*%(+,%-)#,%.#/-*')0+1')#2+$0%-)#3''4# !""#*+1'$#-5#%)$*%(+,%-)#5-( /-*')0+1')#2+$0%-)#3''4 !"#$%&'()*+$#% %178)6(%1 ³.%213()*%&6-)/ %178)6(%16%7)+1)28%98,)28-' ,)07-2/³.%2,)07-2/-*%7,-32;))/)2( 7,3;6331*)1)-%/= 4%'-9/7)2/%%6- '34)2,%+)2 .%2³*)&'-** &)00%')28)6 78%2(23& ,$-#%+./$# 783'/,301 ³*)&*%7,-32;))/ 783'/,30113()')28)6 78%2(23176 3703 ³*)&3703138)9/% 2367/138)*3691 78%2(23 '328%'8 8)0 )1%-0-2*3$')63)8%+)(/ ;;;')63)8%+)(/ Helle Mathiesen Editor in Chief !"#$ !!"#$%&'%($!)*$!%$!*+$,-.//000!( $12$!2!)000$",3$ !!"#$%&'%($!)*$!%$!*+$,-.//000!) $12$!2!)000$",3$ !!"#$%&'%($!)*$!%$!*+$,-.//000!# $12$!2!)000$",3$ !!"#$%&'%($!)*$!%$!*+$,-.//000!3 $12$!2!)000$",3$ Indhold/content =>?34&3'?14>@A& &'()*,6 &'()* ,6 ! &'()** 69 ! &'()** 6+ ! &'()** 6/ ! &'()**,<9 ! &'()**,7: ! 0122345 &'()** 89 ! &'()** 86 ! &'()** 8+ ! &'()** 8/ ! &'()** 8: ! &'()**,7/ ! &'()*67 !"#"$% &'()** ++ ! &'()** +/ ! &'()** +: ! &'()** ;9 ! &'()** ;+ ! &'()** ;: ! &'()*+, -".. &'()** /6 ! &'()** /+ ! &'()** <6 ! &'()** </ ! &'()** <: ! &'()** :9 ! &'()** :6 ! &'()** :+ ! &'()** :/ ! &'()** :: ! &'()** 79 ! &'()** 7+ ! &'()** 7/ ! &'()**,99 ! &'()**,9+ ! &'()**,9: ! &'()**,,9 ! &'()**,,6 ! &'()**,,+ ! &'()**,,: ! &'()**,69 ! &'()**,6+ ! &'()**,6/ ! &'()**,6: ! &'()**,89 ! &'()**,86 ! &'()**,8/ ! &'()*/, -"..*I"=# &'()**,++ ! &'()**,+/ ! &'()**,;6 ! &'()**,;+ ! &'()**,;/ ! &'()**,// ! &'()**,/7 ! #B@C4@@D& &'()*,<, &'()**,<, ! &'()**,<6 ! &'()**,<+ ! &'()**,</ ! &'()**,<: ! &'()**,:, ! &'()**,:6 ! &'()**,:+ ! -EF*->G5*0A>H3 &'()*,:< &'()**,:< ! &'()**,:: ! &'()**,79 ! &'()**,76 ! &'()**,78 ! kolofon/colophon "#$%&'()*+ ,-&./*0&102(&)3+ 6*51'%5./*+ 7*.0:&*);./*'+ 2&*;#%5.&/10.(&'0&''#)+ :&'.*&$#.&/1+ :&'.*&$#.&/10;/#1.*&)'+ 2/8)*0>(/./+ !"#$ !!"#$%&'%($!)*$!%$!*+$,-.//000!+ &'()*,+8 4/#*15%&'.'+ 7-8)*.&'&19+ "*&1.)*+ <)=.0&''#)'+ #%"! $12$!2!)000$",3$ !!"#$%&'%($!)*$!%$!*+$,-.//000!1 $12$!2!)000$",3$
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