Unit 114 Policy & Procedures Manual

Unit 114
Policy & Procedures
Version 1.0
March 3, 2014
Unit 114 Policy and Procedures Manual
This document was written by volunteers of ACBL Unit 114.
© ACBL Unit 114, 2012-2014
We assert a copyright for this material, however we give permission for other ACBL
Units and Districts to freely copy and re-use this material. Please contact the Secretary of
the Unit through the Unit Web site (www.unit114.org) for more details.
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Unit 114 Policy and Procedures Manual
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 6 1.1 Audience ................................................................................................................ 6 1.2 Document History .................................................................................................. 6 1.3 Unit Web Site ......................................................................................................... 6 1.4 By Laws ................................................................................................................. 6 1.5 Purpose/Objectives ................................................................................................ 6 1.6 Policies ................................................................................................................... 7 1.7 Procedure ............................................................................................................... 7 1.8 Practice ................................................................................................................... 7 1.9 ACBL ..................................................................................................................... 7 2 Board Meetings ............................................................................................................. 8 2.1 Frequency ............................................................................................................... 8 2.2 Meeting Location/Time ......................................................................................... 8 2.3 Meals/Alcohol ........................................................................................................ 8 2.4 Agenda ................................................................................................................... 8 2.5 Proxy Voting .......................................................................................................... 8 2.6 Board Minutes ...................................................................................................... 10 2.7 New Business Items ............................................................................................. 10 2.8 Invited Guests ...................................................................................................... 11 2.9 Members .............................................................................................................. 11 2.10 Notification to Unit Clubs .................................................................................. 11 3 Board Issues ................................................................................................................ 12 3.1 Area Representation/Board Size .......................................................................... 12 3.2 Auditing of Accounts ........................................................................................... 12 3.3 Email List ............................................................................................................. 12 3.4 Email Votes .......................................................................................................... 13 3.5 Minutes ................................................................................................................ 13 3.6 Nationals Account ................................................................................................ 13 3.7 Payment to Board Members................................................................................. 14 3.8 Pictures ................................................................................................................. 14 3.9 Privileged Communication .................................................................................. 14 3.10 Staggered Terms ................................................................................................ 14 4 Executive Board Meetings .......................................................................................... 16 4.1 Frequency ............................................................................................................. 16 4.2 Meeting Location ................................................................................................. 16 4.3 Meeting Minutes .................................................................................................. 16 4.4 Required Actions ................................................................................................. 16 5 Annual Board Meetings .............................................................................................. 17 5.1 Frequency ............................................................................................................. 17 5.2 Meeting Location ................................................................................................. 17 5.3 Meeting Date ........................................................................................................ 17 6 By Laws ...................................................................................................................... 18 7 Unit 114 Clubs ............................................................................................................ 19 Version 1.0
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7.1 E-Mail List ........................................................................................................... 19 8 Elections ...................................................................................................................... 20 9 Duplicate Bridge Association of Atlanta (DBAA) ..................................................... 22 10 Hall Of Fame............................................................................................................. 23 10.1 Eligibility ........................................................................................................... 23 11 Committees ............................................................................................................... 26 11.1 Active Ethics ...................................................................................................... 26 11.2 Conduct and Ethics ............................................................................................ 26 11.3 Entitlement ......................................................................................................... 26 11.4 Entitlement Previous Requests .......................................................................... 26 11.5 Hall Of Fame...................................................................................................... 28 12 Executive Board Positions ........................................................................................ 29 13 Positions .................................................................................................................... 30 13.1 Elections Chair ................................................................................................... 30 13.2 Librarian ............................................................................................................. 30 13.3 Novice Director .................................................................................................. 30 13.4 Recorder ............................................................................................................. 30 14 Unit Game Coordinator............................................................................................. 32 14.1 Procedures to Schedule Unit Championships and Unit Fund/Charity Games ... 32 15 Code of Disciplinary Regulations ............................................................................. 37 16 Goodwill/Sportsperson of the Year .......................................................................... 38 16.1 Goodwill ............................................................................................................ 38 16.2 Sportsperson Of The Year (SOTY) ................................................................... 38 16.3 Goodwill/SOTY Voting ..................................................................................... 39 17 Unit 114 Trophies ..................................................................................................... 41 17.1 History................................................................................................................ 41 17.2 Naming of Trophies ........................................................................................... 41 17.3 Polishing ............................................................................................................ 41 17.4 Youth Trophy Games ......................................................................................... 42 17.5 Non Unit Member Can Win Unit Trophies ....................................................... 42 17.6 State Championships .......................................................................................... 42 17.7 Photographs of Winners ..................................................................................... 42 17.8 Trophy Location................................................................................................. 42 17.9 Trophy Plaques .................................................................................................. 43 17.10 Sportsperson Of The Year (SOTY) Plaque ..................................................... 43 18 General Issues ........................................................................................................... 44 18.1 Ace of Clubs ...................................................................................................... 44 18.2 District 7 Newsletter .......................................................................................... 44 18.3 Hardware ............................................................................................................ 44 18.4 Mini-Bridge........................................................................................................ 44 18.5 Money – Investing ............................................................................................. 44 18.6 Money - Spending .............................................................................................. 45 18.7 NAP/GNT Contributions ................................................................................... 45 18.8 Novice Director .................................................................................................. 45 18.9 Release of Unit Names....................................................................................... 45 18.10 Sectional Tournaments..................................................................................... 45 Version 1.0
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18.11 Smoking Breaks ............................................................................................... 48 18.12 Standing Rules ................................................................................................. 48 19 North American Bridge Championship (NABC) ..................................................... 51 19.1 Supporting NABCs outside Unit Area ............................................................... 51 19.2 NABC Fund ....................................................................................................... 51 Version 1.0
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Unit 114 Policy and Procedures Manual
1 Introduction
This document describes the policies, procedures and practices of Unit 114.
It goes back to, and includes, all Board Minutes from 1986 that are currently (as of
February 2014) posted on the Unit Web site.
This document is only viable if it is kept up to date. We encourage future volunteers to
update this document before each Annual General Meeting or to maintain and keep on
the Unit Web site.
1.1 Audience
All new board members should read this document. The audience is all Unit 114
1.2 Document History
February 2014
First draft
Second draft
Third draft
First official release
1.3 Unit Web Site
The Unit Web site is at http://www.whidco.com/Unit114acbl. It can also be reached at
1.4 By Laws
The Unit By Laws are on the Unit Web Site. Please read them before proceeding further.
A reference to a By Law is marked as [BL]. By Laws are shown in Blue in this
By Laws can only be changed at a General Meeting by the Membership. They cannot be
modified by the Board or the Executive Board.
1.5 Purpose/Objectives
The purpose/objectives of the Unit are in the By Laws [BL-A2].
The objectives of the Unit shall be:
To promote participation in competitive duplicate bridge.
To cooperate with and assist the ACBL in the promotion and
conduct of duplicate bridge tournaments.
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C. To prescribe rules of eligibility and conduct for participation in
tournaments under its own auspices.
D. To promote and encourage membership in the Unit and to promote
the development and organization of affiliated clubs within the Unit.
To consider and deal with reports of unethical or improper conduct of
participants in tournaments, and to bar or suspend persons guilty of such
conduct from further participation.
To conduct any and all other activities that may be in keeping with its
principal objectives.
All decisions should follow the purpose and objectives of the Unit.
The By Laws must follow the rules of the ACBL.
1.6 Policies
A policy is something that was voted upon at a Board meeting.
Policies must follow the By Laws.
A policy can only be changed by a vote at a board meeting (or a By Law change).
Policies are shown in brown in this document.
1.7 Procedure
A procedure is how we implement a policy. Procedures can be changed at any time. They
do not typically need a board vote.
Procedures are shown in this color (green) in this document.
1.8 Practice
A practice is a common procedure that is not in our By Laws or Policies.
Practices are shown in this color in this document.
A practice can typically be changed by the “person [or entity] in charge” without needing
a board vote.
1.9 ACBL
We operate under the auspices of the ACBL. Our By Laws, policies and procedures must
adhere to their rules for Units.
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2 Board Meetings
2.1 Frequency
We typically meet 3-4 times a year. The President sets the schedule. The President should
publish the schedule a year in advance.
In transition years, the President should work with the Board nominated President-Elect
to determine the meetings for the coming year.
2.2 Meeting Location/Time
We typically meet at a restaurant between the afternoon and evening sessions of a Unit
The Hospitality Chair is responsible for selecting the site.
2.3 Meals/Alcohol
The Board pays for the meals for all board members and invited guests at the board
meetings. This includes food and non-alcoholic drinks.
The Board does not pay for alcoholic drinks. Anyone ordering an alcoholic drink must
pay for it himself or herself. [September 2007].
The current practice was explained in July 2006:
Nancy [Unit President] clarified the Unit’s position regarding meals as a result of
some confusion at our last meeting. The Unit provides a meal for voting
members, committee chairpersons, past presidents and invited guests (if any).
Others may also have a meal if they reimburse the Unit at cost and advise us in
advance so we can be sure there is sufficient food. If alcoholic beverages are
available, the cost is the responsibility of the member or guest and not the Unit.
2.4 Agenda
Agenda is set by the President and Secretary and normally e-mailed about 3 weeks before
the meeting.
2.5 Proxy Voting
From July 2007 minutes:
Per a letter from the head counsel of the ACBL, proxies are acceptable –
contrary to earlier reports that the ACBL had a complete prohibition of proxies –
but there must be a formalized procedure. No one was quite sure what was in
bylaws. (Secretary’s note: I could find nothing.) Jack Feagin suggested that
proxies serve as an introduction to bridge volunteering.
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From October 2008:
Bylaws Review – Mike Kovacich stated that the committee addressed two types
of changes in different manners. The committee understood its charge to include
only fixing procedural issues. These have been posted on the web site for all to
review. There were no questions or comments on these. The second class
involved substantive changes, which the committee accumulated and has
brought to the board. There are three:
Should we continue to allow proxies to represent area representatives at
board meetings? There was not much discussion
The bylaws allow for an area rep to have a proxy at meeting but are silent
as to officers. Mike asked whether we want to allow officers to have proxies.
There was little response one way or the other and the matter was dropped.
The final issue is staggered terms for area reps. We currently have several
– Mike thought 5 from memory – whose terms start in odd numbered years and
the rest start in even numbered years (as do those of our officers). All are Metro
Atlanta. There was some discussion on the pros and cons of staggered terms,
including only nominal out-of pocket cost but significant time expended to run
each election. A straw vote was taken that favored staggered terms. Bob Heller
pointed out that, in addition to the 5 area reps to be elected at the February
sectional in Atlanta, the DBAA will be electing its officers at the same meeting.
While there will be coordination between the two organizations, there exists the
possibility of confusion with two organizations each having elections. Bob
suggested waiting to see how this election goes. If there are problems caused
by holding two elections simultaneously, then it might be best to avoid staggered
terms and have Metro Atlanta area rep elections and DBAA officer elections in
different years. No action was taken
A motion to accept the procedural changes in the bylaws was approved.
From July 2010:
Ann Hedden announced that she was the proxy for Judy Bailie. Mike Kovacich
stated that a voting member cannot also have a proxy vote. There was no
From July 2010:
The secretary had received a vote for Sportsperson of the Year from a board
member that was unable to attend and did not send a proxy. Our By-Laws do not
specifically address this issue. The board decided that absentee ballots/votes for
board meeting were not permitted. If a board member wishes to vote, they need
to send a proxy.
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The secretary received a vote for Sportsperson of the Year from a board member
that was present at the start of the meeting, but had to leave before discussion of
the Sportsperson of the Year started. The board decided that this vote was valid.
The voting was secret, however because of the possibility of a re-vote, it would
be necessary for the secretary (or another person) to know of this vote.
Accordingly this secret vote was marked on the outside of the folded paper so
that it could be re-used if needed.
Josie Mitchell, who was one of the nominees and present at the meeting, was
asked to leave the room before discussion started.
From October 2010:
By Laws Review – Dick asked Mike to clarify the By Laws regarding proxy voting.
Mike reported, per our By Laws, that Area Reps can send in a proxy to a
meeting, executive board members cannot. The proxy can be any member of
Unit 114; they do not need to reside in the area represented. Only one person,
one vote (i.e. you cannot be a voting member and also a proxy for someone else,
you cannot vote for two proxies). No absentee votes (must be present at some
point during the meeting). For “secret” ballots (e.g. Sportsmanship of the
Year/Goodwill) it is acceptable to provide your vote but you do not necessarily
need to be present during the voting (occasionally board members need to leave
meetings to attend to other matters, e.g. tournament related issues). For these
“secret” ballots, it is necessary to mark your vote so that the vote can be re-used
in the case of a run-off vote. For other votes, you generally need to be present to
vote (board can always waive this on a case-by-case basis). This explanation
covered both our By Laws and also the policies and procedures of the last 20+
years of the Unit.
2.6 Board Minutes
Board minutes are sent to the Board via email after a board meeting. They are posted in
draft form on the Unit web site after the Board has had a few days to review.
After they are approved at the next board meeting, the minutes are updated on the web
site and have the Draft tag removed.
We have all board minutes back to 1986 on the Unit web site. We have some board
minutes before then. If anyone has any prior board minutes, please submit so that we can
scan and add to the web site. As such, any policies adopted before those on the web site
or with the Secretary/President do not appear in this document, as we have no record.
2.7 New Business Items
As a courtesy we request that if you have a New Business item that you contact the
Secretary prior to the meeting. This allows the Secretary and President to ensure that
there is enough time during the meeting to consider a proposal. It also allows time to add
the New Business to the Agenda.
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2.8 Invited Guests
The President may invite additional guests to the meeting. Invited Guests do not have to
pay for their meals but do pay for their alcohol.
The following are invited guests to all of the Board Meetings:
All Unit 114 District 7 Representatives
District 7 Director
MABC Director
Any visiting ACBL Board member
ACBL President
ACBL staff members
Representative from a Unit 114 Club (one per club)
From January 1999:
The motion that “in the interests of continuity Unit Representatives [to the District
7 Board] should be Board of Directors members and recommended Unit 114
Representative not otherwise members of the Board be made non-voting exofficio members. The Board approved.”
In March 2006, the President stated:
Nancy [then President] announced that she had invited all clubs to send a
representative (non-voting) to 114 meetings. She wants the clubs to feel more
involved with the unit and hopes this would spur more opportunities for the unit to
help the clubs.
From March 2010:
The motion that “the Unit will pay for the meal of any Unit Club Owner or Unit
Club Manager (but not their proxy) at a Unit Board meeting” was passed. The
existing policy that a “guest” (non Board member) should pay an amount to cover
the cost of the meal (price to be set by the treasurer) was explained […].
2.9 Members
Members may attend Unit board meetings but are expected to pay for their own meals
and drinks (exceptions are noted above).
2.10 Notification to Unit Clubs
We send a copy of the Agenda and Minutes to all Unit Clubs via e-mail.
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3 Board Issues
These have been grouped in alphabetical order.
3.1 Area Representation/Board Size
This is covered by the ACBL rules.
There is discussion in the January 2007 minutes about area representation and board size.
There was a special committee on Areas for Unit Reps report in the July 2007 minutes.
In general we should probably look at reviewing the Area Representation every 5-7 years.
Motion: That we define areas by Zip Code. Approved October 1987 (also previously
Note that the ACBL maintain a list of counties that all members belong to. When asking
for a list from the ACBL, make sure to request a list that includes counties. The default
list does not.
The area representation was last addressed in 2013.
3.2 Auditing of Accounts
From April 1994:
Janet Anderson reported on the audit of the 1993 Treasurer’s Report. The
auditors claim that the $1,000 charge was a “token fee” and that we could not get
a comprehensive audit without furnishing much more information on income and
expenses; it was suggested that a Unit 114 member could do a sufficient audit at
less cost; it was resolved to turn this matter over to the Finance Committee to
have the audit done internally.
From March 2009:
Tom will do the Unit’s tax returns and perform a preliminary audit. Nancy (retired
CPA) will perform a more complete review.
The term “audit” has specific meaning to anyone in the accounting/auditing business. In
the last couple of year (2012/2013) the Board has appointed a volunteer to “review” the
books and report back to the Board.
3.3 Email List
We maintain a Yahoos Group email list for all board members.
Contact the Secretary to make sure you are on the list.
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The Secretary is free to use whatever mailing group software he/she chooses. Effective
2014 we are moving away from the Yahoo Groups and the Secretary will maintain the
email list.
3.4 Email Votes
The motion “that any email vote be copied to each unit member so everyone
knows who voted for what and what comments they have on the vote. If time
allows, everyone should be given the opportunity to have discussion.” was passed
unanimously in the May 2005 board meeting.
3.5 Minutes
From October 2010:
Harpe Suggs suggested that the minutes of our meetings be sent to the clubs. It
was pointed out that they are available but Harpe is concerned that there is too
little communication about the unit to the clubs and this is the perfect medium. It
was agreed that the secretary after each board meeting should send an email
with the minutes attached to each club manager.
Since 2010 (actually before), we have had a Unit 114 Clubs Email List and in general all
emails sent to the Unit 114 Board Email list are also sent to the Unit 114 Clubs Email list.
3.6 Nationals Account
From March 2010:
Treasurer – Nancy Motes passed out the treasurer’s report. For future meetings
she will e-mail out the report before the meeting. Barbara asked if the national
event money could be presented separately. There was mention of a 60-40 split,
though no one had any idea of where the 60-40 number came from or what it
applies. Nancy reported that approximately 60% of the money that we have is for
the next national that is hosted in our Unit, the remaining approximately 40% is
unencumbered Unit money. Nancy will report back with more detail at our next
meeting. Tarokh asked about the interest that is earned. The money is invested;
Len Perkins is the investment adviser. There is money that is earned through
appreciation that is shown separately on the report. The money is invested in
fixed income securities. Tarokh asked if we are following the non-profit
guidelines. Tom reported that we file a 990EZ. James asked for category
correction on an expense he had submitted, Nancy will re-categorize. Ann asked
about the ‘R’ column; Nancy explained that this means reconciled. James noted
that we are only charged 60% of the regular rate for the tournament because the
Unit is a 501c. Tom/Nancy explained that we are a 501 (c) (4). Marty asked if the
Unit was the sponsor for the Gainesville tournament – answer is no.
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3.7 Payment to Board Members
We typically do not pay board members. We are all volunteers. There are however, some
We do not pay the Treasurer.
Some positions, for example, Webmaster are positions that we pay a small stipend to
cover the costs.
We have also paid a small stipend to the Publicity person for creating the article(s) for the
District 7 newsletter.
From July 2006:
Nancy stated that Bob Heller has asked for reimbursement at $15 per page for
work he has done on the Unit section of the District 7 News. This totals $285,
covering approximately three years. He has also asked for the same per page
payment for future editions. Beatrice moved and seconded that this be paid.
Marty expressed concern that approving payments after the fact is a poor
precedent for the board and asked Beatrice to allow her motion to be split into
two motions, one for past work and the second for future work. Beatrice
accepted. It was further pointed that we had been overcharged for past District 7
News by $190, which Bob Heller is holding. There was further discussion on the
motions. Liz Swanson suggested that we pay Bob $300 in appreciation for the
work he has done, whereupon the separate motions were recombined and
3.8 Pictures
From March 2006:
It was suggested that our web site page of officers and area reps include pictures
so as to make it easier for club managers to know who the board is.
As of February 2014, this has yet to be implemented.
3.9 Privileged Communication
From April 1988:
Ellen Battle proposed that what is said at Board Meetings is a matter of privileged
communication. Seconded by Bill Cunningham and Fred Strickland. Passed.
3.10 Staggered Terms
The Unit representatives from Metro Atlanta are on staggered two-year terms. This is
historical from when the size of the Metro Atlanta area was increased.
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The rules are explained in December 2007:
The first issue was whether to have staggered or concurrent terms for area
reps. A related issue was the status of the reps from Area 41 who had been
elected to terms starting in March 2007. Mike Kovacich pointed out that the
Bylaws stipulate two-year terms and the board cannot override the
bylaws. Therefore all five area reps from Area 4 terms must continue through the
2009 annual meeting, even though per the DBAA bylaws some were only to have
one-year terms (DBAA’s effort to stagger terms of their own board.) Since to the
best of anyone’s knowledge no other reps had been elected, all other positions
would require an election prior to the next annual meeting.
It was moved and seconded that the five reps from area 4 (which will become the
Greater Atlanta area) would have terms ending in 2009 and that all other area
rep positions would have terms starting in 2008, assuming they were elected
prior to that annual meeting.
This motion had the effect of staggering the board such that 12 reps would be
elected to two-year terms prior to the 2008 meeting and 5 board positions would
start in 2009. The Board approved that consideration should be given to
amending the bylaws to either achieve more balanced staggering or no
staggering. As this issue is moot for elections prior to the 2008 membership
meeting, there was no need for a decision at this time on which was preferable
This is covered by the ACBL rules.
There is discussion in the January 2007 minutes about area representation and board size.
There was a special committee on Areas for Unit Reps report in the July 2007 minutes.
Area 4 is the historical name for the area now known as “Metro Atlanta”.
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4 Executive Board Meetings
4.1 Frequency
These are typically held on an as-needed basis.
Our By Laws are written so that the General Board runs the organization, not the
Executive Board.
The Executive Board will sometimes make decisions, typically by email vote, on items
that cannot wait until the next General Board meeting.
4.2 Meeting Location
Set by the President.
4.3 Meeting Minutes
All decisions by the Executive Board should be sent via e-mail to the General Board or
reported at the next General Board meeting.
4.4 Required Actions
By Laws Article Eleven A requires:
The Unit books of account shall be kept on a fiscal year basis, and shall be
closed and balanced at the end of each fiscal year. The fiscal year of the Unit
shall begin on January 1 and end on December 31. The Unit books of account
shall be reviewed by the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors at a
meeting prior to the annual meeting and a report will be given at the annual
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5 Annual Board Meetings
5.1 Frequency
Once a year. See By Laws.
5.2 Meeting Location
Typically held in Atlanta but location has varied. In 2013 it was not held in Atlanta.
5.3 Meeting Date
Set by Board. See By Laws, Article 4.
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6 By Laws
We have a standing By Laws Committee to review the By Laws.
If there are any proposed changes to the By Laws, send them to the By Laws Committee
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7 Unit 114 Clubs
The Unit exists to help promote Clubs in our Unit. We have 6 objectives in our By Laws
(A-F), the fourth objective (D) is
D. To promote and encourage membership in the Unit and to promote the
development and organization of affiliated clubs within the Unit.
7.1 E-Mail List
We maintain a Unit114-Club email list. Any club manager/owner can ask to be added to
this e-mail list. Please contact the Unit Secretary to be added.
As a general rule, nearly all email sent to the Unit 114 Board Members is usually copied
to the Unit 114 Clubs.
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8 Elections
From December 2007:
The third issue discussed was absentee ballot procedures and whether to allow
email voting. Some members feared that email voting might make election more
susceptible to fraud. Others felt that this made it easier for members to vote, an
important criteria as not all members go to sectionals where voting takes place.
Ann Hedden suggested a “two-envelope” procedure whereby the actual signed
ballot is placed within a second envelope that bears the member’s name and
ACBL number. Mike Kovacich pointed out that the bylaws have an elaborate
procedure for absentee balloting. These procedures, however, require a
deadline that would prohibit members from giving their absentee ballots to friends
who were going to the election site. The consensus was that email voting should
be permitted but that the election chair and election monitors should devise
appropriate absentee voting procedures.
It was moved, seconded and approved that email voting be permitted in elections
for area reps.
It was moved, seconded and approved that the Elections Chair and/or Election
Monitor determine appropriate absentee ballot procedures following the spirit of
the procedure outlined in the Bylaws.
Next discussed was the methodology and timing of preparing an election roll for
each area. Marty reported that the ACBL can include county of residence (rather
than just zip code_ on the roster at a cost of two cents per member (around $50).
This eliminates the issue of zip codes overlapping county lines and as a result,
area boundaries. While the cost is not prohibitive, we wouldn’t want to incur it
several times per year, as election dates may differ by area. It was noted that
the ACBL notifies the Membership Chair of new members, suspensions, etc.
It was moved, seconded and approved that the Elections Chair should obtain, as
needed a roster with county identifications and adjust the roster as necessary
with information from the Membership Chair.
There are a few members of the Unit who do not reside in area of Unit 114. This
normally occurs where the member regularly travels to and plays in area. It was
decided that the Chair shall determine in which area such members shall vote.
Nancy called for a vote on the election procedures. The Board approved the
procedures, subject to the changes noted above.
Also from December 2007:
One area of concern throughout the election procedures revision was whether
area reps need live inside the area they represent. It was pointed out that this
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should be less of an issue now that reps will be elected rather than appointed. If
an area wants its rep to be a non-resident – presumably because that member
plays in or has some other connection – that should be the voters option. It was
moved, seconded and approved that the bylaws need not be changed to require
residency in one’s area.
From December 2009:
The motion “that the 6th placed candidate in the upcoming Metro Atlanta Area
Rep election be appointed to fill the Dick Browne’s remaining one year term” was
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9 Duplicate Bridge Association of Atlanta (DBAA)
The Unit has had discussions regarding the Duplicate Bridge Association of Atlanta
(DBAA). Rather than include all the discussion in this manual, references are made to the
Board Minutes.
There was discussion in September 2006.
Bob Heller gave a preliminary report in January 2007.
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10 Hall Of Fame
The Unit maintains a Hall of Fame. Full details about eligibility and members are on the
Unit web site.
10.1 Eligibility
The following is from the Unit web site:
Eligibility and Induction Process
The Unit 114 Board of Directors recognizes members those whose contributions
to bridge are truly exceptional. These contributions may be as a player and/or in
their service to Unit 114 bridge. The unit President appoints a 5-member
nominating committee, which considers recommendations made by Unit 114
members, but may also independently identify players and/or persons for
If you would like to suggest someone for consideration, simply make your
suggestion known to any unit board member. Induction to the Hall of Fame
requires a 60% favorable vote by the nominating committee and a 75% favorable
vote by the full Board of Directors.
The Hall of Fame nominating committee uses the following guidelines in deciding
whether to recommend a member for induction:
Accomplishments as a player to be considered are achievements in
regional, national, and international events. Accomplishments in local
tournaments and club play shall be considered, but to a much lesser degree.
Level of service or contribution to the game of bridge within the Unit shall
be considered. A person may be eligible without regard to player
accomplishments if he or she has made outstanding contributions and service
to the game of bridge.
Sportsmanship and behavior as a player are to be considered, as well as
personal qualities and character.
A person must have been a member of Unit 114 for a minimum of 10
If the person to be considered for nomination is deceased, at least one full
year must have elapsed before the induction vote.
Neither age nor disability shall be part of the eligibility consideration.
Board members are eligible for the Hall of Fame.
From July 2008:
Ken Parker made the motion “To create a primary link from the Unit home page
to a separate page for the Unit 114 Hall of Fame. Each recipient would have their
picture along with some paragraphs explaining their credentials for this honor.” It
was seconded and approved
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From July 2008:
Ken Parker reported that a majority of his committee favored delaying Hall of
Fame eligibility until the person was “beyond their prime as a bridge player or at
least age 65.” He asked the board to decide whether the Hall of Fame eligibility
guidelines should be changed to incorporate this thinking. There was discussion
on the current National requirements (age 60), other professional sports and
previous Unit 114 inductees. The previous Unit age requirement was dropped in
2003. The motion, “That there should be no age restriction for the Unit Hall of
Fame” was passed unanimously. This effectively means no change in the current
set of procedures for election to the Unit Hall of Fame.
From December 2003:
1. At the first meeting of the new Board, the new President shall appoint a 5member Hall of Fame Nominating Committee to serve a 2-year term. The
President shall also appoint a committee chairperson.
2. Any member of Unit 114 may submit a Hall of Fame recommendation to
any member of the Board. Any Board member receiving a
recommendation shall forward it to the Hall of Fame Committee
Chairperson for consideration.
3. Additionally, the Hall of Fame Committee shall independently identify
players and/or persons for consideration.
4. A favorable final vote of at least 3 of the 5 committee members shall result
in Nomination.
5. At the next unit board meeting, the committee shall report its nominee(s).
Note: The procedure described above has the potential for more than one
nominee to be approved for induction. However, the Nominating Committee has
the responsibility of limiting the number of nominees presented for the induction
Induction Vote:
1. The Induction Vote shall occur at the next Board meeting.
2. The vote shall be done by secret ballot. All Board members present,
including the President, shall vote. A quorum must be present.
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3. At least 75% of the Board members present must vote in favor of induction
for a Nominee to be approved for induction.
1. New Hall of Fame inductees, if any, shall be inducted and recognized at
the next annual membership meeting and at the next Atlanta Sectional
2. New Hall of Fame Inductees shall play free a sectional tournament of their
choice following their induction. They shall also be added to the Unit
website with photo, biographical information, and a summary of their
bridge achievements.
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11 Committees
There are different types of committees.
There are committees that are required by our By Laws (see By Laws). See By Laws for
a list.
There are committees (and positions) that are required by ACBL. See the ACBL rules for
Units. See ACBL web site for a list.
There are committees that are created by the President or Board.
11.1 Active Ethics
Motion to create an Active Ethics Program at [Unit] tournaments similar to the one in use
at the North American Championships. Not passed. [April 1988]
Motion to appoint a committee for the promotion of Active Ethics. Passed. [April 1988].
11.2 Conduct and Ethics
Historically we only reported the ACBL player number if there was an action against the
player, but did not report the player name. The ACBL changed its policy a few years ago.
If there are any findings against a member at a conduct and ethics (C&E) hearing the
players name can be reported in the Minutes.
Notification of Conduct and Ethics Committee Meeting notification (sic) be made
by registered mail. Passed. [May 1987].
11.3 Entitlement
This committee was created by the Board in 2002. It is traditionally chaired by the VicePresident. [Board Minutes – June 2002].
“All clubs are invited to submit requests for entitlement funding. All types of
projects to promote bridge may be eligible for matching or complete funding. You
come up with the ideas”. [Board Minutes – March 2004].
11.4 Entitlement Previous Requests
It helps others who put forward Entitlement requests to understand the history of what we
typically support and why.
From July 2006:
Entitlement – Tom Wight presented 2 requests. The first is from Ann Hedden to
start up an Easybridge class. The recommended EB procedure is that the first
four classes be free; Ann is asking for $150 to cover her time for these free
classes. She also asks for reimbursement of advertising for the 25% that the
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ACBL does not cover, up to a maximum of $200. All payment is contingent on
Ann becoming a qualified Easybridge instructor and securing approval for the
Oconee County Senior Center to have the classes there. This request was
approved, subject to the above stated qualifications.
The Warner Robins club has asked to be reimbursed for $256 for the cost of
books for its recent Easybridge classes. There was some discussion about the
propriety of approving expenditures retrospectively. While the consensus was
that this is generally not a good idea, an exception can be made here as the club
has committed to use this as “seed money” for a new series of classes. There is
no need for future book reimbursements due to a change in Easybridge policy.
(EB now recommends that the books be sold rather than given away) This
expenditure was approved.
It was pointed out that any teacher or club may ask for reimbursement of
expenditures for similar expenditures.
From September 2007:
Entitlement – Patty Tucker will later in this meeting be asking for an AJB funding
increase to $6,000. Patty stated that Year 1 was really barebones and that in
turn hampered growth. Now with a proven product, she feels comfortable asking
for this increase. That in turn allows her to ask for an increase from the
Educational Foundation. She will continue to ask only for quarterly payments so
we can monitor AJB performance. She’d still like to have a corporate
sponsor. She also will be going to the parents for fundraising suggestions. A
motion to fund AJB for 2008 on the above terms was made, seconded and
approved unanimously (excluding abstentions).
From October 2009:
Entitlement – Dick Myers reported on the AJB request for $2,000.00 and
recommended approval. They have already received $4,000.00 from District 7
and $2,000.00 from the DBAA. The motion carried unanimously.
From December 2009:
Entitlement – Sandy Barrow passed out a request from Fred’s Club in Athens.
There was much discussion. The eventual motion “to approve giving $500 to a
teacher of Fred’s Club’s choice to teach at least 8 students for at least 4 lessons”
was passed. The Unit would request a list of the 8 students. The teacher may
choose how to spend this money including how much subsidy, if any, should be
given to the students.
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Dick Myers passed on a request from Columbus. The motion “to give up to
$1,000 to Gil Bateman to start a program at Ft. Benning to teach the Audrey
Grant Series” was passed. An amendment to the motion “to give $500 for the 1st
part (1-4) and then $500 as a second payment providing there are 8 students”
From March 2010:
Entitlement – Ann presented a report and two entitlement requests. Fred’s club
had 32 students take their recent class (see last meeting minutes of a $500
grant). They now have a 3 ½ - 4 table novice game. Some of the students play in
the Open game. The group’s next set of lessons is “25 Conventions Everyone
Should Know”. 41 students have signed up for $68 for an 8 lesson series. Fred’s
Club requested a grant of $500 to cover part of the cost of this course. There was
some discussion. The consensus was that the Unit will subsidize the first such
lesson in an area to help it get started, but that subsequent lessons ought to
stand on their own. The motion that “the Unit deny the request” was passed
The second request was for 3 free lessons in Macon. The Macon club requested
$500 to support newspaper, TV ads, supplies and 3 free lessons teaching the
Audrey Grant series with the plan to start a 0-20 game on Saturday. The request
was approved unanimously.
From July 2010:
Entitlement – Ann presented an Atlanta Junior Bridge (AJB) request. The motion
that the unit “fund AJB for $5,000, paid $1,250 quarterly” was passed. Marty
Nathan abstained from voting.
The motion “that the Unit fund a ‘Learn Bridge in A Day’ at the Labor Day
Regional. The Unit will pay up to $200 for advertizing, but will recoup 75% of this
from the ACBL. The Unit will pay up to $500 for coffee/refreshments.” Patty
Tucker offered her services for free to teach the class. The motion was passed.
[Discussion: Some people were surprised at the amount for coffee. It was
explained that this was less expensive than chits. Hotel coffee is very expensive.
Each 3 gallon urn of coffee is approximately $135 excluding tax, tip and gratuity.
An urn will serve approximately 60 people]
11.5 Hall Of Fame
This committee was created by the Board in 2002. It is chaired by the Vice-President.
[Board Minutes – June 2002].
Guidelines were adopted in December 2003.
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12 Executive Board Positions
These are defined in the By Laws.
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13 Positions
There are different types of positions.
There are positions that are required by our By Laws (see By Laws).
There are positions that are required by ACBL. See the ACBL rules for Units.
There are positions that are created by the President or Board.
13.1 Elections Chair
This is from the December 2007 minutes:
The next issue was who should be responsible for overseeing the election
process. While there was some support for the Vice-President being given this
responsibility, the majority felt there should be an independent person. Mike
Kovacich pointed out that the bylaws call for a chairperson for election of officers
as an ad hoc position. This would not, however, prevent the creation of a
standing chairperson. Mike thought it made more sense to have one person
responsible for all elections – officers and area reps – rather than dividing these
duties. It was also noted that this person should not be anyone running for either
an officer or area rep position.
It was moved, seconded and approved that the President appoint a standing
Chairperson for Elections to supervise elections of both officers and area reps
and that this position be approved by the Board.
13.2 Librarian
The Unit appointed a librarian in July 1997.
13.3 Novice Director
The Unit no longer provides a novice director at tournaments outside Atlanta.
Passed. April 1993.
13.4 Recorder
Adopted by the Unit and effective on June 28, 1986:
1. The recorder shall maintain files on individuals as warranted.
2. Each recorder form received shall be reviewed and deemed as a case
meriting filing or destroying
3. At the point where an individual has more than three recordable offenses,
the Recorder shall either meet with the individual to discuss the problem
or turn the file over to the Conduct and Ethics Committee for review. In the
event that the Record decides to merely meet with the individual and
discuss the problem, that meeting shall be documented and signed by
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both the Record and the individual. Following this meeting should there be
another recordable offense of the same nature, the file and the
documentation of the meeting shall be turned over to the conduct and
Ethics Committee for review.
4. The Recorder shall not serve on any committee, including committees
formed at local clubs. The Board of Directors feels that this may create a
conflict of interest in some cases. (January 1987).
Unit recorder may not sit on any Appeals Committee. Any other committee
service is acceptable. [February 1992].
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14 Unit Game Coordinator
Many thanks to Judy Fendrick who wrote this as of February 2014.
As the Unit 114 Game Coordinator, your primary responsibility is to schedule and obtain
Unit sanctions for up to 24 Unit Championship games each year. In addition, you can
schedule up to 4 Unit Charity/Fund games per year.
Since Unit 114 is relatively large, you do not have responsibility for other special events,
such as tournaments, extended team games, GNT and NAP games. Unit 114 will
delegate responsibility for these games to other individuals on the board.
Please refer to the ACBL website, Units and Districts, Units for information regarding
Unit Games, Unit Game Coordinators and the link for the Online Sanction Applications.
During the months of January, February, April and September, any and all ACBLsanctioned club games may be designated as special games for the named funds.
Therefore, it is best not to schedule Unit Championship games during these four months.
It is up to the clubs to let ACBL know whether they will participate in these special
events during these four months. The special fund games in the four months designated
by ACBL are:
January – Grass Roots Fund Month
February – Junior Fund Month
April – Charity Month
September – International Fund Month
In the remaining 8 months of the year, clubs may schedule one game per month per
sanctioned session for any one of the following: Junior Fund, International Fund,
Educational Foundation, Grass Roots Fund or Charity. Clubs do this on their own.
ACBL schedules dates for special ACBL-wide games each year. Do not schedule a Unit
Championship or Unit Charity/Fund game on the same date as these special ACBL-wide
games. You can find the schedule for these ACBL-wide games on the ACBL website at
Club Administration, Special Events, and click the link for Events Schedule.
The goal for scheduling Unit Championship games is to maximize participation at clubs.
14.1 Procedures to Schedule Unit Championships and Unit
Fund/Charity Games
Step 1: After you accept the position of Unit Games Coordinator, ask the Unit President
to contact ACBL to let them know that you are the Unit Games Coordinator for Unit 114.
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They may ask for your ACBL number. Once ACBL puts this in their system, you will be
authorized to submit Unit Game sanction requests.
Step 2: In December, check the ACBL website for the ACBL-wide special games set up
for the upcoming year, and make a note to not schedule Unit Championship games on
those dates.
Step 3: In December, go to the ACBL website link for Tournament Calendar for the
upcoming year. Check the tournament schedule and make a note to not schedule Unit
Championship games during the following dates:
District 7 – Unit 114 Sectional Tournaments (usually 10 per year)
District 7 – STAC Games – (usually 3 weeks of each year in March, Aug and Dec)
District 7 – Regional Tournaments (usually 9 per year; try to avoid a scheduling conflict
to the extent possible, particularly those in GA and Gatlinburg)
District 7 – GNT/NAP games (held in May each year; sites vary from year to year)
NABC Tournaments – (3 held per year - usually for 10 days each)
Step 4: In December, check the calendar for the upcoming year for major holidays and
major Jewish holidays (Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and first, second, seventh and
eighth days of Passover). Make a note to not schedule Unit Championship games on
those dates.
Step 5: In December or January, select your dates for the 24 Unit Championships and 4
Unit Foundation/Fund Games to be held in the months of March, May, June, July,
August, October, November and December. The scheduled dates should be set for days
when the most clubs have games (Monday through Friday day games). It is best to limit
the number of night games since not many clubs in the Unit have regular night games.
Either open or limited games are eligible to participate in a Unit Championship.
You can schedule Pairs or Swiss team events. Most games are set up as Pairs. You can
schedule a Swiss team game on a Saturday or Sunday.
Step 6: In January, send your Unit Games and Fund/Foundation game schedule to the
Unit Tournament Coordinator for review. Since you have checked that there are no
conflicts with Unit 114 and District 7 tournaments, your scheduled dates for Unit games
should not be a problem.
Step 7: In January, create an Excel spreadsheet with the day, date, time and type of event
for the schedule of the 24 Unit Championship and 4 Unit Foundation/Fund games. See
example provided. The listing can be sorted by date, day or both. Some clubs prefer a
sort by day because they only hold games two or three days per week.
Step 8: In January, review your listing of Unit 114 clubs, club managers and e-mails
compared to what is shown on the ACBL website club listing and make changes as
needed. Check with the Unit Secretary also for updates.
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Step 9: Send the Excel spreadsheet to each Unit 114 club manager by e-mail. I also
provide to the clubs the information for ACBL-wide games for the upcoming year, but
this is not required. It is best to also embed the listing into the e-mail because some
people have problems opening attachments. Request each club manager to respond to
you by a certain date in January as to which games their club will participate in.
If some club managers do not respond timely, follow up with those managers in January.
Otherwise, they will miss an opportunity to offer higher-rated games at no additional cost
to them (for Unit Championship games). Unit Foundation/Fund games charge additional
fees to the clubs.
Club managers may ask you about the procedures for submitting their game reports.
ACBL prefers that they use ACBLscore, but it is not mandatory. If they don’t use
ACBLscore, unless they submit the game report with their month-end report, they will
need to report the results as soon as possible, showing player names, numbers, and place
of finish of all participants entitled to overall or session awards.
Step 10: In February, review the e-mail responses from club managers and input their
requested dates into an Excel spreadsheet. The example I use is provided, but set it up
however works for you. This step makes it easier and faster to input the sanction requests
on the ACBL website.
Step 11: In February, input the Unit Championship sanction requests to the ACBL
website. At the ACBL Units screen, click on the Unit Games link under Online Sanction
This will take you to a login screen to input your ACBL login and password. The next
screen will be the Add Event screen.
At this screen, you will input:
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Event Date
Event Type (Split Site Open Pairs or Split Site Swiss Teams)
Session Type (One)
First Session (Morning, Afternoon or Evening)
Event Name (Unit Championship)
Click Submit.
The next screen provides the listing of Unit 114 clubs for you to select those that are
participating on the date of this Unit Championship game.
Once you have made selections of the clubs, click Add at the bottom. This completes the
sanction request input.
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We are not required to order hand records from ACBL for Unit Championship games, so
you do not need to check that box at the bottom of this screen. There is also a section to
input secondary e-mails, but I do not use this.
ACBL will send you a system-generated e-mail within 5 minutes from the input of your
request that shows approval of the sanction and the sanction number, along with the clubs
that you requested to participate. You will get 28 e-mails, if you schedule 24 Unit
Championship games and 4 Unit Charity/Fund games. I input the sanction numbers from
these e-mails into the file that has the listing of games and send to the club managers.
Also, ACBL generates an automatic e-mail to each of the participating clubs for each
game in which the sanction is approved and provides them with the sanction number for
that game.
The ACBL coordinator for Unit Championships is currently Debbie Vicknair; 662-2535164.
Step 12: Input the sanction requests for the 4 Foundation/Fund Games.
ACBL allocates to each unit up to four sessions of sectional-rated Foundation/Fund
games per year. Included are Charity Championships, Junior Fund, International Fund,
and Educational Fund games. A Unit must conduct its first and third (if any) charity
event of the year on behalf of the ACBL Charity Foundation (or CBF). The ACBL
coordinator for these games is Desiree Surratt at 662-253-3129.
At the Units link, click the link for Unit Charity Games under Online Sanction
Applications. A screen will appear to input your ACBL login and password.
The next screen is the Fund/Foundation Games Sanction form. Input your ACBL #, the
date of the Fund/Foundation game, and click Add.
At the next screen, input the Event Type, Beneficiary, Charity and Number of Sessions.
Select the clubs who requested to participate in the Charity/Fund game.
Click Submit. This completes the sanction request. Within a couple of hours, a systemgenerated e-mail will be sent to you and the participating clubs.
Step 13: In February, after you have all of the sanction requests input to ACBL and you
have the sanction numbers, update your Excel spreadsheet that has the listing of
scheduled games and input the sanction number for each of the 28 games.
Send each club manager the updated Excel spreadsheet with the sanction numbers. Be
sure to save your Excel files and e-mails in case some club managers lose their
information and contact you later.
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15 Code of Disciplinary Regulations
This was passed in 1988. Rather than repeat here, see Unit Web Site. It is 3 pages long.
See http://www.unit114acbl.org/700UnitOfficers/702Minutes/880822.disciplinaryp1.pdf.
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16 Goodwill/Sportsperson of the Year
These are grouped together because the policy and procedures are similar. However, the
awards do have distinctive differences.
16.1 Goodwill
Each year the Unit is allowed to make a number of appointments to the District Goodwill
Committee. Usually the board can appoint 3 people.
A letter is sent out to the Clubs asking for nominations.
From January 2008:
Bob Heller proposed the motion, “Each newly elected Unit goodwill member gets
4 free plays at Gatlinburg”. Barbara Heller suggested an amendment that
previous winners (from the last 3 years) also receive 4 free plays. The
amendment was accepted. The motion was approved. This is the 3rd year of the
Goodwill committee. There were 4 Goodwill members in the 1st year and 3 in the
2nd year.
From March 2010:
Goodwill – Barbara’s Goodwill Committee met, reviewed the nominations, and
recommended Debbie Wagner, Marilyn Sotona and Ken Parker. The board
accepted the nominations. Barbara reported that next year, if the Unit continues
to grow, we may have 4 appointments to make each year to the D7 Goodwill
There was some discussion about how the Goodwill appointments should be
made. The issue is if the Goodwill Committee should review the nominations and
the Unit Board only accept the Goodwill Committee recommendations, or if the
Unit board should vote on the nominees. Barbara pointed out that in some years
the appointments are members of the board and it was not right that the board
should vote on one of its own. Others pointed out that in previous years the
board voted and if a member of the board was under discussion, that member
left the room. More discussion occurred under new business.
The current consensus is that the board votes on the Goodwill appointments. The
Committee may make recommendations, but the Board is entitled to hear the list of all
candidates nominated, including Board members.
16.2 Sportsperson Of The Year (SOTY)
The winner of the Unit Sportsperson Of The Year can play for free at all Unit
Tournaments for one year.
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The runner-up can play for free at one Unit Tournament within the next year.
There is no definition of “year”. This has caused some confusion in the past. The current
practice is starting at the tournament that the person is awarded and continues for 365
days (366 if a leap year).
The requirements are on the Unit web site. Members of the Unit Board are ineligible for
this award.
From April 1996:
A secret written ballot was held.
[2005 appointment by Executive Committee – May 2005]
From July 2010:
There were four nominations submitted for the Unit Sportsperson of the Year.
Two of these nominees were previous winners. The motion that “No-one can be
re-elected as Unit Sportsperson of the Year” was passed. The secretary will
make the appropriate corrections for next year’s nominations form.
16.3 Goodwill/SOTY Voting
In general we adopt the same format for voting for Goodwill/SOTY.
For Goodwill, we vote for more than one candidate. For SOTY, it is two (the winner and
the runner-up).
In September 2013, we had discussion on how to vote if there is more than one candidate
for Goodwill. If a candidate receives more than 50% of the vote, they are appointed.
There are several options to deal with runoffs, the ones discussed where
1. Drop the lowest vote getter (and those tied). Revote until someone gets more than
2. Wait until we know the number of votes and then decide.
The Board decided on Option 2. In September 2013, we had 6 candidates. Before the
names were announced, the number of votes, in this case, something like 5,5,2,1,0,0 was
announced. The Board then decided that the top two vote getters would be the only two
in the next ballot and the actual names of the results were then given. Giving ourselves
the flexibility to decide that the voting process will be each time was deemed more
appropriate because it will be obvious in some cases that we can eliminate more
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In November 2013, there were two nominations for three available Goodwill nominations
(there were originally four nominations, but two were about to be appointed by the
A motion was made and passed to open nominations to the floor and for all
nominations to be considered equal.
In other words, current policy is that the Board may add additional nominees to the
Goodwill ballot before any votes are cast.
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17 Unit 114 Trophies
17.1 History
There is some history with the Unit 114 Trophies.
In December 2003 (see the Minutes) the Unit Board approved the following:
The committee recommended that we reinstate a limited number of trophy
events. The following events will be held as trophy events each year in the
Open Pairs-a one-session stratified
Non-life master pairs—a one-session
Mixed Pairs
Open Swiss
NAP Pair Winners
[… The Unit…. ] will publicize each trophy session to generate excitement for
[… The Unit states … ] the coordination of trophy events should NOT be a duty
of the tournament coordinator. The Tournament coordinator's job is NOT to
manage each individual tournament; further, because the Unit itself is not the
sponsor of a single tournament, it would be difficult for the Unit coordinator to
insist that anything in particular be included.
[… Unit Chair …] will appoint a trophy committee […. that will ….] see that the
current trophies are brought up-to-date. Plaques will be used to update the
winners. […]. A determination will have to be made as to when each of these
events will be held. Tournament chairs may ask to host any of these trophy
events at their sectional.
17.2 Naming of Trophies
From March 2008:
Tom explained that the Unit holds a Non-Life Master Pairs Championship each
year and awards a trophy to the winners. The Board has approved renaming this
trophy which will now be known as the Priscilla A. Smith Trophy - Non-Life
Master Pairs.
17.3 Polishing
We have a policy of periodically polishing the Unit trophies [Minutes – August 2001].
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17.4 Youth Trophy Games
The Unit shall include in its tournament schedule an annual youth team game in
the Spring and an annual youth pairs game in the Fall. [Board Minutes – March
17.5 Non Unit Member Can Win Unit Trophies
From discussion at the March 2006 meeting:
The issue was raised as to whether someone from outside 114 can win a 114
trophy event. It was agreed that this was acceptable.
Note that this is not a formal policy decision, just the current practice.
17.6 State Championships
From September 1993 meeting:
All State Championship games should be a 2-session event with the ability to
have single session play. The State Champion must play in both sessions with
the same partner.
17.7 Photographs of Winners
From December 2003 meeting:
At the end of each event Dick Myers or Larry Rich will present the actual trophy
and take a digital picture of the trophy and the winners.
Our webmaster (currently Larry Rich) will then post these pictures regularly on
the web)
Larry Rich will also create an archive of winners for the past and Barbara Heller
volunteered to help him to collect and reconstruct the database for the previous
Note that this is not a formal policy decision, just the current practice.
17.8 Trophy Location
Tournaments/Trophy – Dick Myers’s report for 2008 and 2009 tournaments had
previously been sent to the board. Dick stated that this has now been divided
into two positions and Nancy Hetsko will be taking over the trophy
responsibilities. Dick noted that a decision had been made years ago to display
the trophies at the Atlanta Duplicate Bridge club. The plaques for the new junior
trophies were given to club manager Dan Papineau months ago and still have
not been hung. Beatrice Kemp stated she would get after Dan to do this.
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The board had years ago approved shifting the trophy events among various
locations so that all could have the opportunity to compete for them in
tournaments close to home. He now is concerned that variable locations might
be confusing to the membership, as there has been lower participation in these
events. He suggested perhaps we should go back to fixed locations. It was
pointed out that the today’s Mixed Pairs Trophy event was not on the tournament
flyer. Dick noted that he often doesn’t get a chance to see the flyers. The
president suggested that Dick assume more control here. He as Tournament
Coordinator should approve all flyer drafts and he rather than the tournament
chair should send them on for approval. That way he can assure that trophy
events get their due publicity.
17.9 Trophy Plaques
The Unit purchase plaques to replace trophies that we are running out of space
to add names. The Board so moved and approved the motion. [February 1991]
17.10 Sportsperson Of The Year (SOTY) Plaque
From April 1998:
The Board approved updating the Sportsman of the Year Plaque and allowing
the annual recipient to display it at their home club, but all other trophies will
remain as they are – where they are.
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18 General Issues
18.1 Ace of Clubs
We typically hand out the Ace of Clubs Certificates at the AGM. In previous years the
Secretary has sent a written invitation to all winners to receive their certificate [Minutes:
April 1998].
18.2 District 7 Newsletter
Prior to around 2003, we used to print a “Pips ‘n Tips” newsletter. Around 2003 we
stopped printing this and instead purchased pages in the District 7 Newsletter.
The Unit approved purchasing 2-4 pages twice a year – March and November. [Minutes
– May 2003].
For many years, we would formally vote on how many pages we wanted in the
publication. This always became a difficult decision because sometimes the District did
not have enough room for the number of pages we wanted. This decision is now for the
Publicity Director allowing them the flexibility to determine the number of pages.
18.3 Hardware
The Unit has in the past purchased computer hardware for the Unit [April 1998].
The Unit shall purchase a five drawer, lockable, fireproof filing cabinet stored at the
Atlanta Duplicate Bridge Center to contain, but not be limited to, copies of
• All information related to the 1986 NAC
• All past records of the Unit – minutes, financial records, etc.
• All Conduct and Ethics Proceedings
Keys shall be given to: President and Secretary. Passed. April 1987.
18.4 Mini-Bridge
The Unit will reimburse 25% of the advertising up to $250 for an Mini-Bridge program.
[Minutes – June 2002].
We do not reimburse teachers. [Minutes – June 2002].
18.5 Money – Investing
Any funds that the Unit receives back from the Nationals be invested by the
Treasurer, Janet Sherwood, with advice and recommendations as to potential
investments from Len Perkins, for a time frame longer than one year (in order to
obtain higher rates), but for no longer than five years. [January 1997]
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The Board approved that the names of the President, Treasurer and Past
President would be on investment fund account [April 1998]
The Unit approved for Len Perkins to find the best return for surplus money. [Minutes –
September 2002].
There is an Investment Committee [July 2013] that will report on a proposed policy for
the Unit.
A motion was made and passed to authorize the National Treasurer and the Unit
Treasurer to reinvest the funds in a fully guaranteed government backed
investment to achieve a higher rate of return [September 1992]
18.6 Money - Spending
Shellie Baze moved that the interest income exceeding $55,000 in our treasury be spent
on bridge tournaments and promotion, education, etc. where needed. Motion was tabled.
[Minutes – April 1988]
Jim Whitaker moved that the Board resolve to spend more money for the promotion of
bridge, tournaments, education etc. Seconded by Shellie Baze, passed. [Minutes – April
Jack Feagin chaired a committee circa 2009-2010 to look at ways of spending the Unit
funds to promote bridge. There were no recommendations made outside of current
18.7 NAP/GNT Contributions
The Unit wishes all Unit member winners of the District NAP and GNT finals well,
but does not offer any financial award. [Minutes – December 2001].
18.8 Novice Director
The term “Novice” applies to all games held in a Unit 114 tournament for players
with under three hundred (300) masterpoints. [Minutes – September 1989]
18.9 Release of Unit Names
The Unit does not release the names of its members. [Minutes – January 1998]
18.10 Sectional Tournaments
The policy for reimbursing local committees for tournament losses be changed to
split 50/50. Relief for unusual circumstances would be available. Also, if a
tournament has a loss one year, then followed by a profit the next year, the Unit
should be reimbursed for the prior year’s loss. [Minutes – June 1993].
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The Unit does not subsidize loss making Sectional tournaments except for first
time tournaments that submit a budget and have it approved by the Unit coordinator. [Minutes – June 2002].
District 7 imposes a $50 fine if information is not turned in on time. The Unit
voted that the local sponsor, not the Unit, pays the fine. [Minutes – January 2003].
From July 2008:
Dick discussed sectional allocation. He has received a request from a club to
sponsor a sectional tournament. Dick did some research and found that we are
one of the few Units that allows sectionals to profit individual clubs. There is
another one in Texas. Most Units take all profits from sectionals. In the nonAtlanta area, typically a club runs a sectional and takes the profits (or losses). In
Atlanta, it is the DBAA. Mike Kovacich stated that the Atlanta area clubs are
proprietary in nature, but that Macon is a non-profit club and therefore different.
There was some discussion. Future discussion was referred to Dick’s committee
to review. Tom asked for volunteers to serve on this committee. Sam Marks
asked for the specifics on the club(s) interested. Tom said that the committee
would review the specifics. Jack Feagin gave the history of the current process –
prior to 1970 the Unit took all the profits (or losses). In the early 1970s the Macon
and Columbus club started running sectionals in their area (and taking the profit
or loss). The DBAA was started in the 1970s so that money from the Atlanta area
sectionals stayed local and did not all flow to the Unit. This arrangement was set
up so that the Atlanta area did not form its own Unit and was agreed to by the
Unit. This was all documented. Unfortunately, there are no current documents on
file (with the current Secretary or President). Jack volunteered to see if he can
find old minutes/documents. Nancy Hetsko said she may also have some old
minutes. Bob Heller asked for clarification of the scope of the Committee. Tom
stated that the scope is for a Unit policy – not a policy specific to the Atlanta area.
From October 2008:
Tournament Committee Report - Approved by Board 10112008
The Tournament Committee met on Thursday August 28, 2008. Committee
members present included Jack Feagin, Ken Parker, Marty Nathan and Len
Perkins. The meeting was to discuss policy recommendations to the Unit 114
Board concerning Sectional allocations. Previous discussion had been held by
e-mail and the following is presented as a report to the Board.
1. For any historically conducted tournament, the Tournament Coordinator may
approve future years for the same tournament under the same sponsorship at
the same general time period as last held. Board approval is not required.
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2. All sponsoring persons or organizations shall request a sanction number from
the Tournament Coordinator twelve months in advance of the next requested
3. Not-for-profit bridge organizations shall have the right to coordinate and
approve sectionals within their surrounding areas. (Currently only the Duplicate
Bridge Association of Atlanta has availed itself of this right.)
4. Requests for new tournaments (ones not held in a general area or time frame
for two or more years) shall be submitted to the Tournament Coordinator for
review and submission to the Board.
5. New requests shall be reviewed by the Tournament Coordinator and the Board
to ensure that proper planning and to insure financial arrangements are made.
6. The Tournament Coordinator will consider new tournaments using the
following criteria:
a. Is proper financial support evident?’
b. Will the tournament fit the annual schedule without conflicts in date or
with other tournaments?
c. Ensure that number of tournaments in any area does not interfere with
normal bridge club operations.
d. Consult with local clubs in the area of any new tournament.
7.Tournaments may be sponsored by the Unit and all such tournaments must be
approved each time held. The Board shall appoint a Tournament Chair who will
submit a budget before financial commitments are made and financial reports
after tournament completion.
From November 2013:
A motion was made and passed that an email be sent to the clubs three months
in advance of a tournament urging them to forgo any special point games during
the tournament.
On 1 March 2014, the Unit adopted this motion to be in compliance with ACBL policy
Policy for ‘small children or pets in playing area’
Non-participating children under the age of six and pets are not allowed to
remain in the playing area of Unit sanctioned tournaments during play for 15
minutes before and after play subject to the following exceptions and restrictions.
The tournament DIC shall grant an exception to a player (a player/owner)
with disabilities who brings a working service dog (WSD) to the playing area if the
player/owner provides credible evidence to the DIC that his or her WSD performs
tasks. The only questions which the DIC may ask are: “Is that a service dog?”
and “What tasks does the service dog do?” The DIC may not ask questions
regarding the player/owner’s disability or request certification or proof of the
WDS’s training.
The tournament DIC shall grant an exception to a player/owner who brings
an emotional support animal (ESA) to the playing area if the player/owner
submits to the DIC a formal letter of prescription from a licensed mental health
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professional (psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, counselor or social worker)
which indicates the necessity of use of an EAS by the player/owner. The DIC
may not ask questions regarding the player/owner’s emotional status or request
certification or proof of the ESA’s training.
The WSD or ESA must remain on a leash in a sitting or lying position
within three feet of the player/owner or in a kennel within three feet of the
player/owner during the game.
The WSD or ESA must wear identification indicating that the dog is a
service dog or support animal.
The DIC may exclude a WSD or ESA from the playing area when the
behavior of such dog or animal, in the judgment of the DIC, poses a direct threat
to the health or safety of persons in the playing area.
The player/owner must clean up (or assure that cleanup is performed)
after his or her WSD or ESA. Failure to comply with this requirement shall be
documented by the DIC and may result in disciplinary action under the Code of
18.11 Smoking Breaks
On 1 March 2014, a new smoking policy was adopted.
Effective immediately, smoking is not permitted in the playing area during any
bridge-playing event. This includes electronic smoking devices. There will be no
smoking breaks
Moved that there be no smoke breaks during a Swiss Match. Passed. [February
There were previous smoking rules in 1985 and 1986.
The 1985/1986 smoking policy can be found at
18.12 Standing Rules
The Unit adopted Standing Rules and Policies in August 1988.
Resolved that the Unit 114 Secretary shall collect and organize all
standing rules and policies which have been approved by the Board of
That said collection of Standing Rules shall be preserved on a computer
That each Unit 114 Board Member shall be provided with a computer
generated copy of said Standing Rules
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That whenever the Board makes additions to or deletions from the
Standing Rules, said changes shall promptly be made on the computer
disk and updated copies shall then be distributed to Board Members
That the President shall appoint a committee to assist the secretary in
these duties (February 1988)
All tournament ads shall be submitted to the Unit tournament chairman for
perusal prior to being sent to the ACBL for publishing
Area Representatives who are unable to attend Board of Directors
meetings shall send a written proxy to the Unit Secretary prior to meeting
they are unable to attend (May 1985)
Any publication and/or newsletter circulated other than the Unit’s official
publication Pips ‘n Tips shall contain a printed disclaimer that it is not an
official publication of the unit.
Georgia State Unit 114 shall create the position of unit Novice Director.
Unit shall employee said Director to operate all Novice games at Unit 114
tournaments even if we are overstaffed. Unit 114 will provide all
compensation for said novice Director and shall be appointed by the unit
president with the approval of the Board (May 1987)
Before any money spent on the teaching program, a written plan will be
submitted to and approved by executive committee president and
treasurer and a follow-up report will be submitted (October 1987)
When using clocks during a tournament said clocks should be set at 14
minutes per a two-board round to compensates for hospitality breaks
(February 1988)
Policy on local elections/selections: As long as each area has a way of
selecting or electing Area Representatives and local officers that is not in
violation of unit By-Laws, that the Board gives approval of methods
chosen locally unless the area seeks advice from the board (February
Unit 114 Board of Directors shall result to spend more money for the
promotion of bridge tournaments education etc. (April 1988)
A committee shall be appointed for the promotion of active ethics (April
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A member of the Conduct and Ethics Committee shall be present at the
Board of Directors meeting where a report from said committee is being
reviewed. (December 14, 1985)
When a player files a Recorder Report all parties involved shall be notified
and have the right to respond in writing on the filed report. (December 14,
Unit 114 shall obtain an insurance rider to cover the computer, trophies
and tables (May 4, 1985)
Caddies at the Lake Lanier Tournament will be provided with lunches
provided by the Unit (May 4, 1985)
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19 North American Bridge Championship (NABC)
Historically District 7 is awarded an NABC every 5-8 years. They have always been held
in Atlanta.
Approximately 2-3 years before the event, the District will appoint a person to chair this
The Unit maintains money in a separate bank account to reflect money raised from
previous NABCs in our area. (Lots of references in the Minutes over the years). This has
been a complex area of discussion between the Unit and District. For historical reference,
please contact Jack Feagin or Nicolas Hammond.
The Unit does not support NABCs outside of its area
19.1 Supporting NABCs outside Unit Area
Moved “letter from [Birmingham NABC President] requesting that our Unit
consider making a contribution to the Birmingham Hospitality Fund and also
making a loan of some of our funds so that the interest on same could accrue to
the Hospitality Fund with the principal to be returned at the end of that four years.
After some discussions, a motion was made that while we morally support
Birmingham and wish them well in their endeavors, with the needs of our Unit
and of future Nationals in Atlanta we were unable to comply with their request.
Passed. [January 1997].
19.2 NABC Fund
From the 1989 audit:
In 1984 a National Fund was established to provide funds for National Tournaments to be
held in future years. A transfer of $25,000 was made from the operating fund to the
National Fund in the same year. The funds are restricted for national tournaments.
Interest earned for 1989 and 1988 was $3,013 and $2,210, respectively.
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