Crisis Responder Manual Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 This manual is made possible by a generous grant from the World Heritage Foundation – Prechter Family Fund, a philanthropic entity dedicated to helping make a difference, primarily in the areas of health and education. © This manual is not a legal document nor is it meant to provide recommendations on treatment, diagnosis or other medical/psychiatric advice; it is for informational purposes only. It contains guiding input for consideration based on general experiences that may not be applicable in all situations or circumstances. NAMI Washtenaw County does not assume any responsibility for actions or results in private interactions with service providers. If you find this manual and associated training useful, please consider making a donation to NAMI Washtenaw County so we can keep improving it. TABLE OF CONTENTS DEDICATION & INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 3 ABOUT THIS MANUAL .............................................................................................................. 6 HOW TO HANDLE CRISIS CALLS ............................................................................................ 7 MORE TIPS ON HANDLING CRISIS CALLS ............................................................................. 8 RESPONDING TO EMAILS ....................................................................................................... 9 IMPORTANT CRISIS CONTACT INFORMATION ....................................................................10 CRISIS HOTLINES ...................................................................................................................13 SELECTED COMMUNITY SERVICE PROVIDERS ..................................................................15 ADDITIONAL COMMUNITY SERVICE PROVIDERS ...............................................................17 FINDING A PSYCHIATRIST .....................................................................................................25 LAWYERS ................................................................................................................................26 LEGAL SERVICES ...................................................................................................................28 WORKING WITH THE COURTS ..............................................................................................31 COURTS...................................................................................................................................32 EMPLOYMENT HELP...............................................................................................................33 SOCIAL SECURITY ASSISTANCE ..........................................................................................34 FISCAL INTERMEDIARY .........................................................................................................36 RECOVERY RESOURCES WEBSITES ...................................................................................37 SUBSTANCE ABUSE SUPPORT SERVICES ..........................................................................39 HOUSING RESOURCES ..........................................................................................................40 HOSPITALS AND CLINICS ......................................................................................................48 APPEAL AND GRIEVANCE PROCESS WITH HOSPITALS AND INSURANCE COMPANIES 50 MEDICAL NECESSITY LANGUAGE ........................................................................................51 CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS ............................................................................................52 ADVOCACY ..............................................................................................................................56 DAILY LIVING ACTIVITIES TOOL ............................................................................................57 DEPRESSION AND BI-POLAR DISORDER SUPPORT ALLIANCE - DBSA ............................58 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS .......................................................................................59 NAMI WC | TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 DEDICATION & INTRODUCTION Dedication This manual is dedicated to Barbara Higman, the long-serving and caring Office Manager for NAMI Washtenaw County. It is also dedicated to all the volunteers in our community who handle crisis calls. Special thanks to Ann Hendrick, Bob Nassauer, Shannon Hillyard, Patricia Doyle, and Rachel Luchs. Introduction Thank you for volunteering to handle mental health crisis calls. There is great need in our community to help people in crisis navigate the fragmented health care system. The purpose of this manual is to provide information on how to handle crisis calls effectively and to provide you with a comprehensive compendium of information and resources that you can use when handling crisis calls. NAMI’s Mission The National Alliance on Mental Illness Washtenaw County (NAMI WC) is a nonprofit 501(c) 3 organization and a local affiliate of NAMI National and NAMI Michigan. Our mission is to: SUPPORT those who are living with mental illness, their families and friends. EDUCATE people in the community about serious brain disorders and available resources. ADVOCATE for optimal treatment, rehabilitation services, desirable living situations and meaningful work for all individuals coping with mental illness. ERADICATE the stigma and discrimination by encouraging openness and by stressing that these brain disorders are biological in nature and that adequate treatment and social support guides recovery. Our stories are powerful. Please go to for more information and a copy of our most recent annual report. Important: The Family-to-Family 12-week education class is now part of the evidencebased registry and serves as perhaps the most powerful thing we do. It is highly recommend that in all call and email correspondence you should consider recommending this course when appropriate. NAMI WC | DEDICATION & INTRODUCTION 3 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 NAMI Support Groups For the latest information on support groups please go to our most current newsletter, or our, or contact our office. NAMI Washtenaw Country offers four support groups: 1. Youth Support Group (tweens, teens and young adults with brain disorders regardless of specific diagnosis). 2. Youth Loved Ones (tweens, teens, and young adults who have a loved one with a brain disorder). 3. Adult Support Group (adults with brain disorders regardless of a specific diagnosis). 4. Adult Loved Ones (adults who have a loved one with a brain disorder). All groups meet the 3rd Wednesday of the month, 7-8:15 P.M. St. Clare’s Episcopal Church/Temple Beth Emeth 2309 Packard, Ann Arbor. For more information please contact the NAMI WC office- 734-994-6611 or go to DBT in Michigan Subject: DC support groups For information on signing up for the Affordable Care Act go to: For more information on agents, brokers, navigators, and counselors, contact NAMI WC at 734-994-6611 NAMI national’s website: Kaiser Family Foundation: AARP: NAMI WC | DEDICATION & INTRODUCTION 4 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 Additional Training Support from NAMI National Center for Excellence The NAMI National Helpline is an excellent resource. The following can be found on their website: NAMI Helpline Training Manual NAMI Helpline Orientation Packet Introduction to NAMI PowerPoint Presentation Introduction to the NAMI Helpline PowerPoint Presentation Introduction to NAMI Programs PowerPoint Presentation To access this information go to: ence/NAMI_Helpline_Training_Materials.htm NAMI WC | DEDICATION & INTRODUCTION 5 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 ABOUT THIS MANUAL Please note all information included is subject to change. Updates will be made as frequently as necessary. Refer to for the latest version of this manual. This manual contains hyperlinks. Please also note that most of the community resources information is in the hard copy pamphlets and booklets included with this manual. The resources and information provided in this manual is intended to supplement what is not in the hard copy, e.g., listing of lawyers. However, there may be some overlap. This manual has been created in Word and is available electronically so making updates and personal notes are relatively easy to perform. We welcome all feedback and corrections to this manual so that it can be as accurate and current as possible. Should you have a suggestion or correction, please email Bob (email listed below) and include ―Crisis Manual Edit‖ in the Subject Line. Listing of hard copy resources included with this manual A Resource Guide for Families Dealing with Mental Illness Peace of Mind Series - 11 Brochures Community Mental Health Partnership of Southeastern Michigan Guide to Services Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti Street Survival Guide – from the Project Outreach Team (PORT) Various brochures, e.g., NAMI WC Fall 2013 Programs, NAMI WC Fall 2013 Support Groups, Family-to-Family, Parents and Teachers as Allies Monograph Call Log Sheets Beyond Psychotropics: A Practical Introduction to Non-Drug Therapies and Wellness Basics for the Treatment of Adult Mental Illness – WCHO Independent Facilitation Brochure Navigating the Mental Health System – a Process Flowchart Note that much of this information can also be found at If you have questions or comments please contact: NAMI WC Office: 734-994-6611 Bob Nassauer, Board Secretary – [email protected] NAMI WC | ABOUT THIS MANUAL 6 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 HOW TO HANDLE CRISIS CALLS The goal of handling crisis calls is to provide empathy and information. NAMI WC is not a service provider organization. We provide education, support and advocacy so it is important to not make judgments regarding diagnosis, specific recommendations regarding treatments and so forth. A crisis is unique to the person experiencing it. What may seem like a crisis to one person may not seem like a crisis to you or another person. The goal is to listen nonjudgmentally and then make suggestions as you think will be appropriate and helpful. If at any time you have a question or a concern about how to handle a particular call please contact someone at NAMI WC and/or other crisis call volunteers. You are not expected to know all the answers. It is a good idea to tell the caller that you will check into the question and get back to them. When the call is complex it is important and helpful to involve other volunteers or NAMI board members. Where to Begin Tell your name: Also include what you do, e.g., ―I am office manager/parent volunteer.‖ Take a deep breath and be prepared to listen patiently. In the midst of a crisis the person wants to be heard, understood, validated and valued as a human being. Sometimes, this is the most important thing you can do to be helpful. Use QLC: Question, Listen, and Confirm active listening skills: Ask short clear questions, listen with empathy and regularly paraphrase (confirm to make sure there is clear communication and that the person feels listened to.) Things to Remember Be sure to maintain confidentiality and only share information with others after receiving permission. Gather information before providing information. Unless the request is very straight-forward, you should seek to know as much as possible to provide them with the best answer as possible. Try to remain objective; there are often two sides to the story. Do not give specific medical advice or judgments regarding diagnosis, specific recommendations regarding treatments. If at any point during a crisis call you feel the individual is in danger contact community mental health (ACCESS: 211 or 734.544.3050 or 1.800.440.7548) or the police (911). Document the call – see contact log (We report calls to our main funder, WCHO and keep a log so we can provide periodic updates on important issues to our board and to community service providers.). NAMI WC | HOW TO HANDLE CRISIS CALLS 7 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 MORE TIPS ON HANDLING CRISIS CALLS 1. Set a calming tone for the call: The severity of the crisis is based on that person’s perception of the situation. Because these situations are very stressful to the individual and their families and/or loved ones, focus on staying calm to prevent escalation of the situation or the emotions involved. 2. Create a connection with the caller: One way to do this is to try and match your voice inflection and pacing to that of the caller. Sometimes slowing it down can be helpful to communication. 3. Speak slowly, clearly and distinctly: If the caller is distressed or in a crisis, it is often difficult for them to understand unless you are clear. 4. Reflect back: In an authentic manner, respond to what you are hearing e.g., ―It seems you are very worried‖ or ―It sounds very frustrating.‖ Reflecting can help make sense out of the confusion and adds to the rapport. 5. Make authentic, positive, and affirming comments: In addition to the positive comments, consider complimenting the person on the efforts they are making to get through the crisis. Positive feedback is more helpful than criticism in a crisis. 6. Do not make promises or assurances that can’t be fulfilled: Never make light of the seriousness of the situation. Saying something like, ―I am sure it will work out fine’ can backfire. Give the person a sense that there is some hope. 7. Maintain appropriate boundaries: Do not over-commit what you can and will do to help. Do not divulge too much of your own personal information (But it may be appropriate to tell the caller that you live with or live in support of.) nor probe too deeply into the person’s personal situation. Boundary issues can be complex and as a general rule it is best to treat the person in a professional – not personal – manner. In some situations you may have to set limits. If and when you do so, briefly explain why you are doing this and be firm about it. 8. Take care of yourself: If you find that you are getting stressed out handling crisis calls it is recommended that you take a break from doing it. Know your own limitations and practice healthy self-care. 9. Following Up: If your follow up work on a crisis call involves contacting local service providers it is best to establish, build, and maintain a collaborative relationship. If and when possible it is recommended that you visit local service providers to learn more about what they do and to create a positive working relationship. NAMI WC | MORE TIPS ON HANDLING CRISIS CALLS 8 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 RESPONDING TO EMAILS Read the entire email carefully. Avoid formulating a response before reading the entire email. As you read the entire text, other insights may come to mind that will make it much easier to provide a truly constructive response Consider the questions or concerns that are both expressed and implied. At times, people may be very direct in what they want to say, while at other times their words may hint at additional concerns. Make a list of what should be directly addressed and what issues may need further clarification before you are able to provide answers Acknowledge the email as quickly as possible. Personally acknowledge that you received the email. If it will take time to gather the information necessary to adequately respond to their questions, inform them that you received the email and are working to answer their questions thoroughly. Make sure the person knows when they can expect a reply; be sure it is within a reasonable timeframe. Address each topic mentioned in the email. An easy way is to respond to each point in the same order as listed in the original email. This will often make it easier for the caller to quickly relate the responses to his or her comments, since the flow of answers is in sync with the arrangement of the customer's text. Ask clarifying questions. Should any comment expressed be unclear in some manner, pose questions designed to obtain more detail. Avoid phrasing your questions so that simple yes or no responses are possible. Ideally, you want them to provide enough detail in return for you to fully address any remaining issues that person might have. Offer solutions. Even if the person wants or needs something that cannot be done, respond as positively as possible. Include what solutions are available to address the underlying issue. Thank the person for the email and its contents. When someone takes the time to send an email, it means he or she is giving you the opportunity to help them overcome obstacles. Use it to strengthen your relationship with the community and its people. Make it clear that whatever the nature of the text, the person is valuable and you will find a way to provide concise answers. NAMI WC | RESPONDING TO EMAILS 9 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 IMPORTANT CRISIS CONTACT INFORMATION Psychiatric emergency services (PES) If Emergency Call 911 or Psychiatric Emergency Services (PES) at the University of Michigan Hospitals or nearest emergency room (St. Joseph Mercy, Chelsea Hospital): 734-936-5900: Community Mental Health Access (refer to page 12) 24/7 coverage with Triage/Mobile Crisis Team. Available to assist with mental health treatment requests for all of Washtenaw County. Services include: Coordination and linkage of requests with appropriate treatment providers, crisis outreach, assist with petition and pick up order requests. 734.544.3050 or 1.800.440.7548 Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office Jerry L. Clayton 2201 Hogback Rd. P.O. Box 8645 Ann Arbor, MI 48107-8645 Phone: 734-994-2911 or non-emergency – 734-971-8400 Fax: 734-971-8690 Emergency: 734-973-4911 City of Ann Arbor Police Department Chief of Police John Seto Deputy Chief of Administrative Services Gregory Bazick Deputy Chief of Operations Jim Baird Justice Center, 301 E. Huron, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 734-794-6900 Emergency: 911 Non-Emergency: 734-994-2911 Police Front Desk: 734-794-6920 NAMI WC | IMPORTANT CRISIS CONTACT INFORMATION 10 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 City of Ypsilanti Police Department Chief Amy F. Walker 505 West Michigan Avenue Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197 Emergency: 911 Non-Emergency: 734-483-9510 Administration: 734-483-8590 Ann Arbor Veteran Administration Hospital The VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System Psychiatry program is an integral part of the University of Michigan Department of Psychiatry. Together the departments host an internationally recognized faculty known for their contributions to the study of depression, stress and anxiety disorders, as well as other psychiatric disorders. The program is a leader in the translation of research from the "bench-top-to-the-clinician." Contact Number(s): 734-845-3471 Ext. 53471 or 800-361-8387 Ext. 53471 NAMI of Washtenaw County 1100 N. Main St, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 | (734) 994-6611 | [email protected] The NAMI National Information HelpLine The NAMI National Information HelpLine is an information and referral service which can be reached by calling 1 (800) 950-NAMI (6264), Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.- 6 p.m., EST. Business callers, including those seeking particular NAMI staff members, should call 1 (703)524-7600. Line.htm R U OK? Michigan or This website is sponsored by Washtenaw Alive which is the suicide prevention planning collaborative of Washtenaw County. Facilitated by Washtenaw County Public Health Department, members from around the county have come together to build and implement the Washtenaw County Suicide Prevention Plan. Membership is made up of individual citizens and staff members from various organizations around the county including: U of M Psychiatric Emergency Services, The Veterans Administration, Ozone House, The University of Michigan Depression Center, CSTS, Washtenaw Community College, various schools and many others. Help make Washtenaw County a suicide safer community. Partners Washtenaw County Sheriff WCSO Council of Clergy Ozone House The Corner Health Center Washtenaw Pastors' Network Safe & Supportive Schools Community in Schools EMU Bright Futures Oxygen Youth Washtenaw Community Health U of M Depression Center Regional Alliance for Healthy Schools Washtenaw Area Council for Children Washtenaw Alliance for Children & Youth NAMI WC | IMPORTANT CRISIS CONTACT INFORMATION 11 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 CSTS Access Crisis Services Team CSTS Access Crisis Services Team Located at: 555 Towner, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Phone: Local: (734) 544-3050 Long Distance: (800) 440-7548 Services available 24 hours a day Mobile Crisis Team Comprised of Masters Level Crisis Services Professionals who can provide the following: Crisis Intervention- Outreach and engagement to assess Washtenaw County residents experiencing a psychiatric crisis. Assist in linking and coordinating follow up services to appropriate treatment providers. Assist community members and/or providers with process involved to petition and request a pick up order in Probate Court Hospital Pre-Screening- assessing an individual for hospital admission and assisting in arranging less restrictive alternatives to hospitalization (provide authorizations for Medicaid/uninsured consumers for inpatient, partial hospital or crisis residential services when clinically appropriate) Clinician of the Day: A rotating mental health professional from the Crisis Services Team is stationed along-side the triage phone screeners in the Access call center. This allows for immediate coordination and transfer of calls designated to the crisis services team. NAMI WC | IMPORTANT CRISIS CONTACT INFORMATION 12 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 CRISIS HOTLINES (800) 273-8255 No matter what problems you are dealing with, we want to help you find a reason to keep living. By calling (800) 2738255 you'll be connected to a skilled, trained counselor at a crisis center in your area, anytime 24/7. If you feel you are in a crisis, whether or not you are thinking about killing yourself, please call the Lifeline. People have called us for help with substance abuse, economic worries, relationship and family problems, sexual orientation, illness, getting over abuse, depression, mental and physical illness, and even loneliness. What happens when I call? When you dial 800-273-TALK (8255), you are calling the crisis center in the Lifeline network closest to your location. After you call, you will hear a message saying you have reached the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. You will hear hold music while your call is being routed. You will be helped by a skilled, trained crisis worker who will listen to your problems and will tell you about mental health services in your area. Your call is confidential and free. The Veterans Crisis Line connects Veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring Department of Veterans Affairs responders through a confidential toll-free hotline, online chat, or text. Veterans and their loved ones can call 800) 273-8255 and Press 1,chat online, or send a text message to 838255 to receive confidential support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Support for deaf and hard of hearing individuals is available. NAMI WC | CRISIS HOTLINES 13 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 (866) 488-7386 gender identity. Their trained counselors are there to support you 24/7. If you are a young person who is in crisis, feeling suicidal, or in need of a safe and judgment-free place to talk, call The Trevor Lifeline now at (866) 488-7386. It's free and confidential. Teen Crisis Line (734) 662-2222 Need help now? Support and resources for youth and those who care about youth are available any time - day or night at (734) 662-2222 Critical Incident Stress Management Anne Daws-Lazar CISM Coordinator Anne’s Cell: 734-649-7948. Washtenaw County Office of the Sheriff 734-973-4900 734-971-8400 X67086 (voicemail) NAMI WC | CRISIS HOTLINES 14 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 SELECTED COMMUNITY SERVICE PROVIDERS Ann Arbor Center for Independent Living Advocacy, referrals and other services for people with disabilities. 3941 Research Park Drive, Ann Arbor Phone: (734) 971-0277 Fax: (734) 971-0826 Email: [email protected]. Michigan Ability Partners Serves people facing barriers to self-sufficiency resulting from: developmental disabilities, mental illness, addiction, homelessness and/or restricted access to employment. MAP programs: Vocational services, prevention services and homeless services. 3810 Packard Rd., Suite 200 Ann Arbor, Mi 48108 Phone: (734) 975-6880 Fax: (734) 975-2956 Email: [email protected] Area Agency on Aging The Area Agency on Aging 1-B, established in 1974, is a non-profit 501(c)3 agency responsible for services to more than 435,000 persons age 60 and older residing in Livingston, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, St. Clair and Washtenaw counties. Area Agencies on Aging were established under the Older Americans Act (OAA) in 1973 to respond to the needs of Americans aged 60 and over in every local community. The AAA 1-B is one of 16 area agencies serving the state of Michigan. There are over 650 area agencies across the United States. Area agencies receive funding through the Older Americans Act and other federal, state and county dollars. Mission: The Area Agency on Aging 1-B enhances the lives of older adults and adults with disabilities in the communities we serve. 211 Regional Call Center/HVA 1200 State Circle, Ann Arbor, MI 48108 Dial 211 Barrier Buster: Shannon Farmer, (734) 477-6451, [email protected] Resource Data Base: NAMI WC | SELECTED COMMUNITY SERVICE PROVIDERS 15 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 Ann Arbor Adult ADHD Group For adults with ADHD, please feel free to give them my group email address at [email protected] (only myself and our facilitator have access to this address). Matthew Cunningham is a social worker in Detroit that lives in Ann Arbor. He helps run the local CHADD group in Washtenaw county and co-facilitates the Ann Arbor Adult ADHD group and serve on the national board of directors for the Attention Deficit Disorder Association. NAMI WC | SELECTED COMMUNITY SERVICE PROVIDERS 16 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 ADDITIONAL COMMUNITY SERVICE PROVIDERS Aid In Milan BrownChapelA.M.E.Church 89 W. Main Street, Milan, MI48160 Ms. NinaPemberton, (734)-439-8420 1043 W. Michigan Avenue, Ypsilanti, MI48197 Ms. Peggy Taylor, (734) 218-5030 Ann Arbor District Library 343 South Fifth Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI48104 Ms. Terry Soave, 734-678-2750 B&B Payee Services B&B Payee Services is a 501(c-3) nonprofit corporation located in the state of Michigan. We are an organization that provides Representative Payee Services, Federal Fiduciary Services, Conservator Services and Financial Management assistance. We help all who are experiencing financial obstacles, including those with disabilities, low income, or receiving Social Security and/or Veterans benefits. B&B Payee Services offers professional and courteous services in the following areas: Personalized budgeting Regular and reliable distribution of funds Prompt payment of bills Account reports printed according to request Budgeting for special needs and savings goals Assisting case managers and support coordinators with maintenance of benefits Completing all required reports for Social Security. BryantCommunityCenter Bryant Community Center is located in the Bryant/Arbor Oaks/Stoneybrook neighborhood inSE Ann Arbor. The community encompasses about 260+ households – about 75%experience low incomes. Bryant Community Center provides children, teen and adult programs. After-school and summer programs offer homework assistance, tutoring andacademic enrichment, personal growth and life skills, and cultural and recreationalactivities. Bryant teens are eligible to participate in CAN’s YouthWorks summer programs. The well-attended monthly Bryant community meetings provide a forum to addresscommunity issues and plan neighborhood events. CAN has been very involved in thecommunity’s efforts to ameliorate the neighborhood’s widespread drainageproblems. Bryant Community Center also hosts twice monthly food distributions, anemergency food pantry, activities for senior citizens, alcoholics and narcotics anonymous,women’s group, community events, Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), a free toy libraryfor young children, and more. 734-480-1347 [email protected] BeautifulGate Church 8969 Whittaker Rd, Ypsilanti, MI48197 Ms. Toni Evans, 734-483-4800 NAMI WC | ADDITIONAL COMMUNITY SERVICE PROVIDERS 17 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw County Community Support and Treatment Services (CSTS) Counseling, Food, Health, and Housing services (Call of see link for vast list of services) 4925 Packard Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48108 Phone: (734)971-9781 Fax: (734) 971-2730 555 Towner St. P.O. Box 915 Ypsilanti, MI 48198 24 Hour: 734-544-3050 (24/7 – Can walk in 8:30- 5:00) - or 800-440-7548 Phone: 734-544-3000 Fax: 734-544-6732 Child Care Network/Washtenaw Regional 4C 3060 Packard Rd., Ste. G, Ann Arbor, MI 48108 Contact: Shannon Duffany (734)975-1840 x 19;[email protected] Contact: MelissaDoletzky (734)9751840;[email protected] Executive or Agency Director: Pam Smith Community Action Network P.O. Box 130076, Ann Arbor, MI 48113 Phone: (734) 477-0292 Fax: (734) 973-8332 E-mail: [email protected] CommunityChurchof God 565 Jefferson Street, Ypsilanti, MI48197 partments/community_mental_health/ Dawn Farms Dawn Farm offers a continuum of addiction treatment and recovery support services. Residential Treatment, Detoxification, Outpatient Services, Transitional Housing 734.485.8725 or 734.669.8265 Home of New Vision Home of New Vision is a non-profit organization that has provided innovative transitional housing, rehabilitation, and therapeutic services for individuals committed to ongoing recovery from chemical dependency in Washtenaw County, Michigan since 1996. Our transitional homes and therapeutic services are open to any chemically dependent person who has a desire to live a life free from the bondage of alcohol and drug addiction. 734-975-1602 Note: One needs to go through Access - Part of the contract for Recovery Oriented Services (ROS) NAMI WC | ADDITIONAL COMMUNITY SERVICE PROVIDERS 18 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 FaithInAction 603 S. Main Street, Chelsea, MI48118 Phone: (734) 475-3305 Nancy Paul, Director [email protected] Doug Smith, Program Coordinator [email protected] FreshStartClubhouse In 1994 a non-profit organization was created called The International Center for Clubhouse development (ICCD), which sets the standards for all Clubhouses to follow in order to ensure member success and recovery. Phone: 734-929-9992 General email: [email protected] Director's email: [email protected] Department of Human Services (DHS) of Washtenaw County/State of Michigan 22 Center St. Ypsilanti, MI 48198 Phone: (734) 481-2000 24 Hours Protective Services: 855-4443911 partments/fia Education Project for Homeless Youth 1819 S. Wagner Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48106 P.O. Box 1406 Zoe Starkweather Grants and Development 734-994-8100 [email protected] Jennifer Martin Program Manager 734-994-8100 x1518 [email protected] Kristin Duff Advocate 734-994-8100 [email protected] Friends In Deed Critical financial assistance, furniture, congregational services and agency referrals. 1196 Ecorse Rd. Ypsilanti, MI 48198 Help Line: (734) 484-4357 Contact: Joanna Barnes (734) [email protected] Executive or Agency Director: Sarah Thornburg NAMI WC | ADDITIONAL COMMUNITY SERVICE PROVIDERS 19 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) at Alpha House Temporary Food, Shelter, and Support 4290 Jackson Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48103 Phone (734) 822-0220 Fax (734) 822-0226 Nicole Adelman Executive or Agency Director: [email protected] Jewish Family Services 2245 State Street, Ann Arbor, MI48104 Phone: (734)769-0209 Fax: (734)769-0224 Email: [email protected] Michigan Rehabilitation Services – MRS: MRS works with eligible customers and employers to achieve quality employment outcomes and independence for individuals with disabilities,4562,7-1245453_25392---,00.html MSU Extension 705 N. Zeeb Rd., P.O. Box 8645, Ann Arbor, MI 48107 partments/extension Contact: Nellie Kim (734) 222-9595 [email protected] Executive or Agency Director: Nancy Thelen, (734) 997-1678 Mt.OliveBaptistChurch 718 N. Prospect Street, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Mr. Daryl Covington, (734) 482-4882 Neighborhood Senior Services (a program of Catholic Social Services) Senior Health Building, 5361 McAuley Dr., P.O. Box 995, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 Executive or Agency Director: Barbara Penrod, (734) 712-7775 NewCovenantMissionaryBaptist Church 2345 Tyler Road, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 Phone: (734) 483-5730 Fax: (734) 483-5720 Email: [email protected] NewCreedMissionaryBaptistChu rch 424 Worden Street, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 php?ChurchID=208670 Pastor Johnny Swanson, (734) 6044145 NewTestamentBaptistChurch 1230 W. Michigan Avenue, Ypsilanti, MI48197 php?ChurchID=208672 Mr. Daryl Brown, (734) 395-6473 Mt.HermonMissionaryBaptistCh urch 24235 Sumpter Road, Belleville, MI 4811 Pastor Phillip Ferrell NAMI WC | ADDITIONAL COMMUNITY SERVICE PROVIDERS 20 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 Northfield Human Services POWER, Inc. 9101 Main Street Whitmore Lake, MI PO Box 505 (734) 449-0110 [email protected] Housing: Activities related to affordable housing and homelessness in Washtenaw County Family Support Services: Clinical, therapeutic intervention and skill building programs Economic Development: Financial literacy and homeownership programs 3180 Packard, Suite 250, Ann Arbor 48108 Contact: Renette Hicks, (734) 929-6509 [email protected] Executive or Agency Director: Denese Brown Peace Neighborhood Center 1111 North Maple Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103 Contact: Kelly Martin, (734) 6623564kmartin@peaceneighborhoodcente Executive or Agency Director: Bonnie Billups, Jr. Pediatric Advocacy Initiative Poverty Outreach Program, University of Michigan 611 Church Street, Suite 4E, Ann Arbor MI, Contact: Adriana Buonarroh, (734) 615-2450 x 2 [email protected] Contact: Debra Chopp, (734) 615-2450 x [email protected] Executive or Agency Director: Anne Schroth Personalized Nursing Lighthouse 2755 Carpenter Road, Suite 1W, Ann Arbor, MI 48108 Contact: Julie Merriman, (734) 649-9584; [email protected] Contact: Taylor Arbuckle, (734) 395-0384; [email protected] Contact: Karen White,[email protected] Executive or Agency Director: Joe Paliwoda PATH/PORT-CSTS 110 N. Fourth Ave. Suite 100, Ann Arbor 48104 (734) 222-3750 /departments/port/ Supervisor: John Stacy 734.222.3733 For more information email John Loring [email protected] Public Health of Washtenaw County 555 Towner Street, Ypsilanti, MI48198 rtments/public_health/ Contact: Kelly Stupple, (734) 544-3079 [email protected] Executive or Agency Director: Richard Fleece NAMI WC | ADDITIONAL COMMUNITY SERVICE PROVIDERS 21 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 Safe House Center P.O. Box 7052, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48107 Contact: Vickie Frederick-Toure, (734) 973-0242 x 204 [email protected] Contact: Kimberli Montgomery, (734) 973-0242 [email protected] Executive or Agency Director: Barbara Niess-May Salvation Army - The StaplesCenter 3660 Packard Road Ann Arbor, MI Phone: (734) 761-7750 Fax: (734) 762-8421 Director: Christina Levleit Sexual Assault Prevention & Awareness Center Michigan Union 530 S. State St. Room G509, Ann Arbor, MI 24-hour crisis line: (734) 936-3333 Phone: 734-764-7771 Fax: 734-764-7755 Email: [email protected] Shelter Association of Washtenaw County Robert J.DelonisCenter, 312 W. Huron St., Ann Arbor, MI48103 Contact: Laura Goins, (734) 622 2829 [email protected] Executive or Agency Director: Ellen Schulmeister [email protected] SOS Community Services Salvation Army Ann Arbor Corps, 100 Arbana, Ann Arbor, MI48103 Contact: Susan Sifuna, 734-668-8353 [email protected] Agency Director: Marla Conkin, 734668-8353 [email protected] SamaritanCommunity Development Corporation 3350 Textile Rd., Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Ms. Devera Long, 734-528-3663 SecondBaptistChurch 301 South Hamilton, Ypsilanti, MI48197 Mr. Wardell Jones Washtenaw Emergency food; Children’s programs 101 S. Huron St., Ypsilanti, MI48197 (734) 485-8730 114 N. River and 101 S. Huron, Ypsilanti. (734) 829-0097 Russell St. Contact: Brian LaBenne, (734) 4845416; [email protected] Executive or Agency Director: Faye Askew-King St. John BaptistChurch 866 Monroe Street, Ypsilanti, MI48197 Ms. Lynoris Hendricks, (734) 485-1513 NAMI WC | ADDITIONAL COMMUNITY SERVICE PROVIDERS 22 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 St. Joseph Mercy – Senior Health Services University of Michigan Hospital – Social Work Department 5361 McAuley Drive, Ann Arbor, MI48108 1500 E. Medical Center Drive. Room D2202 MPB, Ann Arbor, MI48109 Contact: Stephanie Rakes, LLMSW, (734) 615-7575 [email protected] Executive or Agency Director: Anita Clos, LMSW, ACSW Contact: Anna Tolis, LMSW, (734) 7120164 [email protected] Executive or Agency Director: Cindy Guindon Treasurer's Office of Washtenaw County 200 N. Main St., Suite 200, P.O. Box 8645, Ann Arbor, MI 48107 Contact: Heather Mooney, (734) 2226579 [email protected] Executive or Agency Director: Catherine McClary University of Michigan Geriatrics Center/East Ann Arbor Health and Geriatrics Center 4260 Plymouth Road, Ann Arbor, MI48109 Contact: Julie Young, (734) 763-2064 [email protected] Executive or Agency Director: Darlene Knapp Racz Veteran Services of Washtenaw County 2155 Hogback Rd., Ann Arbor, MI48105 rtments/veteran_services/ Contact: Patricia Parker-Self, (734) 9734540 [email protected] Executive or Agency Director: Mark Lindke Washtenaw Community College 4800 E. Huron River Drive, Ann Arbor, MI48106 Contact: Edwina Jarrett, (734) 677-5274 [email protected] Executive or Agency Director: John Rinke Washtenaw Health Plan 555 Towner Street, Ypsilanti, MI48197 Contact: Measie James, (734) 544-2988 [email protected] Executive or Agency Director: Ellen Rabinowitz NAMI WC | ADDITIONAL COMMUNITY SERVICE PROVIDERS 23 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 Women's Center of Southeastern Michigan 2425 W Stadium Blvd., Ann Arbor, MI 48103 Contact: Angela Moore, (734) 973-6779 [email protected] Contact: Marnie Leavitt, (734) 973-6779 [email protected] Executive or Agency Director: Kimberli Cumming Ypsilanti Corps 9 South Park Street, Ypsilanti, MI48198 Contact: Wendi Smith, (734) 482-4700 [email protected] Contact: Jessica Murphy, 734-482-4700 [email protected] YpsilantiDistrictLibrary 5577 Whittaker Road, Ypsilanti, MI48197 Ms Donna DeButts, 734-879-1303 NAMI WC | ADDITIONAL COMMUNITY SERVICE PROVIDERS 24 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 FINDING A PSYCHIATRIST NOTE: Please check with individual health plans before pursuing any healthcare options. Michigan Psychiatric Society Will mail or email a list of psychiatrists based on basic information including zip code, age of patient, and subspecialty requests. Does not consider insurance type. The University of Michigan Community Provider Database Provides a list of psychiatrists in Ann Arbor based on personal and preference information such as insurance, specialties, location, (within walking distance of U of M campus, or on a bus route) and gender preference Peace of Mind brochure #3 SelectingA Psychiatrist Who Is Right For You Here are local Psychiatirists. Robert Slattery 120 E. Liberty, Suite 330 734-665-3187. He was accepting new patients. He is open to and respects naturopathic treatment but that is not his area of expertise. Teri Wolf - Recommended by a friend and neurologist. (734) 997-9484, A2. Craig Washington - Recommended by a friend and neurologist. (734) 544-6820, Ypsi. Anxiety 732&city=Ann+Arbor&county=Washtenaw&state=MI&spec=3 NAMI WC | FINDING A PSYCHIATRIST 25 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 LAWYERS Please note that NAMI WC does not endorse any specific lawyers Chalgian& Tripp Law Offices PLLC Elder law, probate litigation, special needs planning 2127 Spring Arbor Road Jackson, MI 49203 (517)787-7600 Dispute Resolution Center Provides mediation for disputes; An alternative to small claims court 4101 Washtenaw Ave, Suite 1105 Ann Arbor, MI 48108 Phone: (734) 794-2125 Fax: (734) 794-2126 Email: [email protected] Fifelski Legal, PLC Criminal Defense 2002 Hogback Rd, Suite 20, Hogback Officenter Ann Arbor, MI 48105. Phone: (734)726-0225 Fink &Valvo, PLLC Estate Planning & Probate, Elder Law, Business Litigation 320 N. Main Street, Suite 300, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (Ann Arbor Michigan (MI) 734)-994-1077 Law Center Social Security Disability and SSI Rights 21650 W 11 Mile Rd # 202, Southfield, Michigan 48076 Contact: Clifford L Weisberg (248) 350-1000 Law Offices of Deborah A. LaBelle 221 N. Main, Suite 300 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (734) 996-5620 The Law Offices of D. Louis Weir, P.C. Social Security Benefits Lawyer 106 N. Fourth Avenue Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Local number: (734) 662-3160 Toll free number: (800)-333-1923 [email protected] Lawyer Referral and Information Service of the Washtenaw County Bar Association There is a $30. fee for the first half-hour consultation. Fees for additional services after the first half-hour are arranged between you and the lawyer. 9 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. weekdays. 734-996-3229 NAMI WC | LAWYERS 26 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 Legacy Law Center Terrence A. Bertram, PLLC University of Michigan Clinical Law Program Estate Planning and Elder Law 2950 S. State Street, Suite 300 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (734)995-2383 etter-registration.php Free legal services for low-income residents of Washtenaw County. University of Michigan Law School 363 Legal Researche- 801 Monroe St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Phone: (734) 763-4319Fax: (734) 7644702 Email: [email protected] Michigan Unemployment Insurance Project Provides free Unemployment Insurance advocacy, advice and assistance to Michigan workers. 3131 S. State, Suite 302,Ann Arbor, MI 48108 Steve Gray Phone: (734) 274-4331 Fax: (734) 7074881 [email protected] National Lawyers Guild Wayne, Oakland, Washtenaw and Macomb Counties Detroit, MI (313)963-0843 Van den Bergh, Tracy Legal Services of S. Central Michigan Divorce and Family Attorney 420 N. Fourth Ave. Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (734) 665-6181 [email protected] Warren, Elizabeth Social Security Disability and SSI law 124 Pearl Street, Suite 607 Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (734)483-9551 Washtenaw County Bar Association LRIS Lawyer Referral and Information Service; Washtenaw, Western Wayne, Lenawee and Monroe Counties Ann Arbor, MI (734)996-3229 NAMI WC | LAWYERS 27 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 LEGAL SERVICES Legal Forms Walk through and paperwork for all Advanced Directives Treatment Data Form, Allegation Forms, Release Forms Durable Power of Attorney Paperwork for Advanced Directives: Advance Directives - Michigan Legal Help ACLU of Michigan Free legal assistance or referrals concerning civil rights issues. 2966 Woodward Ave. Detroit, MI 48201 (313) 578-6800 Fair Housing Center of Southeastern Michigan Provide investigative services for illegal housing discrimination, testing, advice, advocacy, conciliation, attorney referral and community education. 1-877-979-FAIR P.O. Box 7825, Ann Arbor, MI 48107 [email protected] R.E.A.C.T./EMU Student Legal Services EMU organization that provides free legal counseling to students (734) 487-0846 Mckenny Union - Eastern Michigan University. SAFEHouse Legal Advocacy Program Provides assistance and support to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault as they navigate the criminal or civil legal system. 24/7 Help Line- (734) 995-5444 Student Legal Services: Free legal assistance for students enrolled at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Call for an appointment. (734)763-9920 2304 Michigan Union, 530 S. State, Ann Arbor. NAMI WC | LEGAL SERVICES 28 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 Washtenaw County/EMU Legal Resource Center: Provides self-help guidance and information 101 E. Huron, 1st floor PO Box 8645 Ann Arbor, MI 48107-8645 Phone: (734) 994-0160 Children’s and Adult Protective Services Investigators protect vulnerable adults from abuse, neglect and exploitation by coordinating with mental health, public health, law enforcement, the probate courts, the aging network, community groups and the general public. If you suspect abuse, neglect or exploitation, call 855-444-3911 – 24/7 Hot Line Citizens for Prison Reform P.O. Box 80414, Lansing, MI 48908 [email protected] Phone: 269-339-0606 Legal Services of South Central Michigan Provides free legal advice and representation in certain civil cases to approximately 10,000 low income persons and senior citizens (regardless of income) each year. 420 N. Fourth Ave., Ann Arbor, MI48104 Phone: (734) 665-6181 Fax: (734) 6652974 [email protected] Michigan Bankruptcy Law Michigan Bankruptcy Law will help explain the federal bankruptcy process and the common surrounding issues as they pertain to Michigan residents. ex.html Michigan Legal Help Provides tools and information to selfhelp. Also includes help finding a lawyer, self help centers, community services, and court information The Michigan Poverty Law Program (MPLP) The program's goals are to support the advocacy of field programs; to coordinate advocacy for the poor among the local programs; and to assure that a full range of advocacy continues on behalf of the poor. 220 East Huron St, Suite 600A Ann Arbor, MI Phone: (734) 998-6100 Fax:(734) 9989125 Michigan Protection & Advocacy Service, Inc. (MPAS) MPAS is the independent, private, nonprofit organization designated by the governor of the State of Michigan to advocate and protect the legal rights of people with disabilities in Michigan. MPAS services include information and referral, short-term assistance, selected individual and legal representation, systemic advocacy, monitoring, and training. NAMI WC | LEGAL SERVICES 29 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 Treatment Advocacy Center National nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating barriers to the timely and effective treatment of severe mental illness. The organization promotes laws, policies and practices for the delivery of psychiatric care and supports the development of innovative treatments for and research into the causes of severe and persistent psychiatric illnesses, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. /about-us NAMI WC | LEGAL SERVICES 30 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 WORKING WITH THE COURTS Keep a journal notebook that includes: Dates locations of all hospitalizations Prescription drugs and dosages Doctors/Therapists names and numbers Daily observations Keep a record of all arrests and incarcerations: Charges Judge’s name Attorney/Public defender name and numbers Probation office name and numbers Copies of all documents Keep an employment history if there is one: Name and address of employer Dates employed Washtenaw County Trial Court 101 E. Huron St., PO Box 8645 Ann Arbor, MI 48107-8645 (734) 222-3270 [email protected] Don’t be afraid to educate your attorney about mental illness. Don’t assume they are familiar with mental illness. At the hearing, don’t be afraid to ask to speak to the judge in chambers. Ask the judge for a jail diversion solution to the problem. Be prepared with doctor’s name, etc. In Michigan County jails there is often a community mental health worker attached to the jail. Ask to speak to them. Get to know them. They are there to help. Mental health court is currently run by Hon. Timothy P. Connors. Contact his expert clerk Erica Goethel [email protected] or Judicial Coordinator, Sherry Fire [email protected] 734-222-3020 fax: 734-222-3082 Dan Dwyer Court Administrator 734-222-3057 Barry Joseph Director of Court Services 734-222-3041 [email protected] [email protected] Laura Goderis Judicial Attorney to Honorable Archie C. Brown [email protected] NAMI WC | WORKING WITH THE COURTS 31 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 COURTS Circuit Court Circuit Courts are trial courts that handle civil cases seeking damages of more than $25,000; all felony criminal matters; personal protection order matters; and all family matters. Circuit Courts also handle appeals from District Courts and some administrative agencies. 22nd Circuit Court - Washtenaw County 101 E. Huron, Ann Arbor, MI 48107 Phone: (734) 222-3270 District Court District Courts handle landlord/tenant cases; land contract disputes; misdemeanor criminal offenses; civil lawsuits for less than $25,000; small claims cases; civil municipal and traffic infractions; and civil weddings. 14B District Court 14A District Court - Ann Arbor Ypsilanti Township Civic Center 4133 Washtenaw Road P.O. Box 8645 7200 S. Huron River Drive Ypsilanti, MI Ann Arbor, MI 48107 48197 Phone: (734) 973-4545 Phone: (734) 483-2330 14A District Court - Chelsea 15th District Court 122 S. Main Street Chelsea, MI 48118 Justice Center Phone: (734) 475-8606 301 E. Huron; P.O. Box 8650 14A District Court - Saline Ann Arbor, MI 48104 1000 N. Maple Rd. Saline, MI 48176 Phone: (734) 794-6759 Phone: (734) 429-2504 14A District Court - Ypsilanti 415 W. Michigan Ave. Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Phone: (734) 484-6690 Washtenaw County Friend of the Court The Friend of the Court (FOC) is part of the family division of the circuit court in each county, and is supervised by the chief judge. The role of the FOC is to assist the court in cases involving custody, parenting time, child support or spousal support. Friend of the Court 101 E. Huron St. – Rm 104, PO Box 8645 Ann Arbor, MI 48107-8645 (734)222-3050 [email protected] Washtenaw County Probate Court Probate Courts administer estates and trusts, appoint guardians and conservators, and order treatment for mentally ill and developmentally disabled persons. Washtenaw County Courthouse 101 E. Huron St. Ann Arbor, MI 48107-8645 Phone: (734) 222-3072 NAMI WC | COURTS 32 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 EMPLOYMENT HELP Work Skills Corporation Counties: Livingston, Washtenaw 100 Summit St., P.O. Box 570 Brighton, MI 48116 810-227-4868 ext 104 CHS Group LLC Supported Living (CLS), Supported Employment 1505 Dixie Drive, Suite 4 Monroe, MI 48162 313-300-8162 NAMI WC | EMPLOYMENT HELP 33 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 SOCIAL SECURITY ASSISTANCE SOAR The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) SOAR program (SOAR) is a national project designed to increase access to the disability income benefit programs administered by theSocial Security Administration (SSA) for eligible adults who are homeless or at risk of homelessness and have a mental illness and/or a co-occurring substance use disorder. SSI/SSDI (Supplemental Security Income and Social Security Disability Insurance) Outreach, Access and Recovery (SOAR) is a ―faster track‖ system that helps the homeless successfully apply for SSI/SSDI for the first time. SOAR encourages collaboration among human service agencies to improve access to SSI/SSDI by facilitating strategic planning at the state and local levels. This Train-theTrainer program has been used to improve and build the frontline staff that provides assistance with SSA disability applications to people who are homeless. SOAR is implemented through local human service agencies, such as shelters, Community Mental Health, Department of Human Services, community action agencies, and other nonprofit agencies. In Washtenaw County the SOAR experts are John Loring, John Stacy and Kristen Klevering – see below: Project Outreach - CSTS (PORT) 110 N. Fourth Ave., Suite 100 Ann Arbor 48104 Executive or Agency Director: John Loring Contact: Kristin Klevering Phone: 222-3750 E-mail: [email protected] Contact: John Stacy Phone: (734)222-3733 E-mail: [email protected] PORT and other community mental health service providers around the community are trained in the SOAR process and can help someone with the process of expediting an application for SSI and SSDI disability benefits. PORT is an intensive community outreach team that consists of two distinctive integrated teams. Projects for Assistance NAMI WC | SOCIAL SECURITY ASSISTANCE 34 Last Updated / Version: 2014-02-27 in Transition from Homelessness (PATH) serves the homeless, mentally ill population in Washtenaw County. The Justice Project Outreach Team (JPORT) serves individuals who are involved with the justice system and need mental health assistance using the Sequential Intercept Model. Washtenaw Association for Community Advocacy 734-662-1256 Kathy Holman can help with social security disability benefits Allsup Social Security Disability (800) 279-4357 Social Security Administration 1-800-772-1213 NAMI WC | SOCIAL SECURITY ASSISTANCE 35 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 FISCAL INTERMEDIARY Community Living Network Counties: Washtenaw 1851 Washtenaw Ypsilanti, MI 48197 734-482-3300 Guardian Trac LLC Counties: Lenawee, Livingston, Monroe, Washtenaw 113 N. Monroe St. Sturgis, MI 49091 269-651-4500 NAMI WC | FISCAL INTERMEDIARY 36 Last Updated / Version: 2014-02-27 RECOVERY RESOURCES WEBSITES CSTS has many Certified Peer Support Specialists. To date, the Department of Psychiatry/Depression Center does not have a formal program. The state of Michigan has a really good Certified Peer Support Specialist program led by Pamela Warner: There are a few non-profits that provide peer support specialists for a fee, e.g.: Recovery Concepts of Michigan Michelle Bidigare Co-Founder/ Senior Partner at Recovery Concepts of Michigan LLC Hegira Programs, Inc. Hegira Programs, Inc. is dedicated to improving the quality of life of individuals and communities through a behavioral health network of services and related support activity that is responsive to their needs – located in Westland, MI: National Institute of Mental Health SAMHSA Treatment Advocacy Center Mental Health America National Alliance on Mental Illness Choices in Recovery Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP). Mary Ellen Copeland –Beau Nelson knows a lot about this Craig Wagner’s Paper: Beyond Psychotropics: A Practical Introduction to Non-Drug Therapies and Wellness Basics for the Treatment of Adult Mental Illness NAMI WC | RECOVERY RESOURCES WEBSITES 37 Last Updated / Version: 2014-02-27 Get There! This website was created by two people who have mental health diagnoses in order to ease the recovery journey of our fellow peers. We understand that recovery is just as much a process of discovery as a lifelong journey. Many times, you don’t know what exactly you don’t know. Therefore, this website was developed as an attempt to gather some of those lessons and resources together to provide a more clearly defined path to recovery. We, by no means, believe that there is only one way to take. There are, however, some common elements that the majority of recovery journeys possess. So, take some time and explore the website. Pick and choose what is relevant to your life at the moment and then, remember to return for more as your life and the site, itself, develops. We want you to know that you are not alone. That there is hope and that there are places to turn to for support. You are valuable and capable of making substantial changes in your life. We believe in the potential that resides in you! Although generously funded by an Integrated Health Block Grant from the state of Michigan and in cooperation with Washtenaw Community Health Organization, the views expressed in the website belong to us and are not necessarily representative of the staff and/or administration of either entity. We are extremely blessed and grateful to have had the opportunity to develop this idea to its fruition and hope that it in some small way can help us all recover – whether it be from stigma or a mental illness. If you have any ideas for improvement or would like to contribute material to post, please email it to [email protected]. NAMI WC | RECOVERY RESOURCES WEBSITES 38 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 SUBSTANCE ABUSE SUPPORT SERVICES Dawn Farm 6633 Stoney Creek Rd. Ypsilanti, MI 48198; 734-485-8725 Contact: Charles Coleman, (734) 4858725 ;[email protected] Contact: Anna Byberg, (734) 485-8725 [email protected] Executive or Agency Director: James Balmer, III Brighton Hospital Counties: Livingston, Washtenaw 12851 E. Grand River Brighton, MI 48116 810-227-1211 Karen Bergbower& Associates Counties: Livingston, Washtenaw 10291 Grand River, Suite B Brighton, MI 48116 810-225-9550 Key Development Center Counties: Livingston, Washtenaw 2060 Grand River Annex, Suite 600 Brighton, Michigan 48114 517-545-5890 Livingston County Catholic Charities Counties: Lenawee 2020 E. Grand River Suite 104 Howell, MI 48843 517-545-5944 COPE Counties: Washtenaw P.O. Box 6072 Ann Arbor, MI 48106-6072 734-971-6629 Outpatient Services – Ann Arbor 320 Miller, Suite 100 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (734) 821-0216 HARC Counties: Washtenaw 3075 Clark Road, Suite 203 Ypsilanti, MI 48197 734-572-9355 Personalized Nursing Lighthouse Counties: Washtenaw, Livingston 2755 Carpenter Road Suite 1W Ann Arbor, MI 48108 734-477-9000 Heigira Programs Counties: Washtenaw 43825 Michigan Ave. Canton, MI 48188 734-397-3088 Spera (detoxification) – Ann Arbor 502 W. Huron Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (734) 669-8265 Home of New Vision 3800 Packard St, Ste 210 Ann Arbor, MI, 48108 Phone: 734-975-1602 Fax: 734-975-1604 Email: [email protected] Ypsilanti Medical Drug Rehabilitation Counties: Washtenaw 880 N. Ford Blvd. Ypsilanti, MI 48198 734-484-9600 NAMI WC | SUBSTANCE ABUSE SUPPORT SERVICES 39 Last Updated / Version: 2014-02-27 HOUSING RESOURCES Residential treatment facilities, intentional communities and other housing resources Ann Arbor Housing Commission Provides public housing and other housing assistance for low-income people and seniors, and administers a Section 8 housing subsidy program. 727 Miller Ave., Ann Arbor Phone: (734) 794-6720 Fax: (734) 994-0781 Email: [email protected] Managed by Ann Arbor Housing Commission: BAKER COMMONS: 106 Packard, Ann Arbor 48104 BROADWAY TERRACE: 1504-1506 Broadway, Ann Arbor 48105 EVELYN COURT: 909 Evelyn Ct, Ann Arbor 48103 GARDEN CIRCLE: 2072 Garden Circle, Ann Arbor 48103 GREEN BAXTER COURT: 1701-1747 Green Road, Ann Arbor 48105 HIKONE: 2701-2760 Hikone, Ann Arbor 48108 HILLSIDE MANOR: 1020-1042 Pennsylvania Ave, Ann Arbor 48103 LOWER PLATT: 3451-3457 Platt Road, Ann Arbor 48108 MALLETT’S CREEK: 2670-2680 S. Main Street, Ann Arbor 48103 MAPLE MEADOWS: 800-890 S. Maple Road, Ann Arbor 48103 MILLER MANOR: 727 Miller Ave, Ann Arbor 48103 NORTH MAPLE ESTATES: 701-747 North Maple Road, Ann Arbor 48103 OAKWOOD: 3565-3585 Oakwood, Ann Arbor 48104 WHITE: 1514 and 1520 White Street, Ann Arbor 48104 STATE:1521 State Street, Ann Arbor 48104 HENRY:701-719 Henry Street, Ann Arbor 48104 SOUTH SEVENTH: 221-253 S. Seventh Street, Ann Arbor 48103 WEST WASHINGTON: 805-807 W. Washington Street, Ann Arbor 48103 UPPER PLATT: 3681-3689 Platt Road, Ann Arbor 48108 NAMI WC | HOUSING RESOURCES 40 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 Adult Learning Systems Avalon Housing Group Home and Supported Living (CLS) 1954 South Industrial Drive Ann Arbor, MI 48108 734-668-7447 Supported Living (CLS) 1327 Jones Drive, Suite 102, Ann Arbor, MI (734) 663-5858; fax: (734) 663-4857 [email protected] Ann Arbor Web A.Y. Management Search for condominiums, apartments, senior housing and houses for rent in city and suburban neighborhoods. 913 Washtenaw, Ypsilanti P.O. Box 131046, Ann Arbor, MI 48103 (734) 4831711 Apple Tree Apartments BriarCove Apartments 2911 Bynan, Ypsilanti Phone: (734) 434-1743 Fax: (734) 434-5291 650 Waymarket Dr, Ann Arbor Phone: (734) 995-3300 Fax: (734) 995-5405 Arbor Apartments 310 Packard #4, Ann Arbor Phone: (734) 973-7368 Fax: (734) 973-6089 Arbor Hills Apartments 2011 S Huron Parkway, Ann Arbor Phone: (734) 973-1616 Fax: (734) 973-1774 Arbor Pointe Apartments 2020 Arbor Circle East, Ypsilanti Phone: (734) 434-9800 Fax: (734) 434-9866 Broadview Apartments (CMB Property) 1701–1753 Broadview Lane, Ann Arbor (734) 741-9300 Brookside Apartments 1516 Plymouth Rd, Ann Arbor (734) 668-8367 rtments/Home.html BrookwoodApartments 8990 Brookwood, Ypsilanti (734) 482-3000 fax: (734) 482-9826 NAMI WC | HOUSING RESOURCES 41 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 Camelot Apartments 2982 Washtenaw, Ypsilanti (734) 434-0576; fax: (734) 434-0038 Carpenter Place Must be a senior or disabled to qualify 3400 Carpenter Rd, Ypsilanti (734) 973-8377; fax: (734) 973-8310 . m/rental/property/carpenter-place Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw County Supported Living (CLS), Skill Building, Prevention 4925 Packard Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48108 734-971-2730 Chidester Place Must be a senior or disabled to qualify. 330 Chidester, Ypsilanti (734) 487-9400; fax: (734) 487-5180 CHS Group LLC Supported Living (CLS), Supported Employment 1505 Dixie Drive, Suite 4 Monroe, MI 48162 313-300-8162 ClarkEastTower Must be a senior or disabled to qualify. 1550 E Clark Road, Ypsilanti (734) 482-5511; fax: (734) 482-3079 Corner House (CMB Property) 205 S. State, Ann Arbor, Ml 48104 (734) 741-9300 Community Residence Corporation Group Home, Supported Living (CLS) 1851 Washtenaw Ypsilanti, MI 48197 734-482-3300 Craigslist Cranbrook Tower Apartments Must be 55 or older. 2901 Northbrook Place, Ann Arbor (734) 668-8914 Danbury Park Manor 9412 MacArthur, Ypsilanti (734) 482-1333; fax: (734) 482-4046 East Wind Apartments (CMB Property) 2025 Huron Parkway, Ann Arbor (734) 741-9300 Eastern Highlands 1266 Leforge, Ypsilanti (734) 483 -7220 Flo-Mar Apartments 121 Perrin, Ypsilanti (734) 483-2240 Ford Lake Landing 8753 Spinnaker Way, Ypsilanti (734) 487-7100; fax: (734) 487-4961 NAMI WC | HOUSING RESOURCES 42 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 Forest Hills Townhouses Housing Bureau for Seniors 2351 Shadowwood, Ann Arbor (734) 971-9270; fax: (734) 971-9485 Provides counseling on housing options and home sharing for seniors. (734) 998-9339 2401 Plymouth Rd. Suite C, Ann Arbor .htm Forest Knoll Townhouses 693 Arbor Drive, Ypsilanti (734) 485-8040, (734) 485-8041; fax: (734) 485-8326 GreenwayPark Apartments 2756 Golfside #701, Ann Arbor (734) 434-2844; fax: (734) 434-6398 Harbor House Apartment Homes 275 Harbor Way, Ann Arbor (734) 741-9550; fax: (734) 741-9553 Harbor House Ministries Provides homes for adults with severe developmental disabilities in three spacious 12-bed group homes. 919 44th Street, Jenison, MI 49428 Phone: (616) 797-9920 Fax: (616) 7979921 out.php Henlyn Care Inc. AFC Home P.O. Box 142 Whittaker, MI 48190 734-369-2203 Hickory Ridge Villas 1115 S. Harris #2, Ypsilanti (734) 480-0700; fax: (734) 480-7482 Housing & Urban Development (HUD): Provides funding and/or loans for subsidized and public housing. McNamara Federal Building, 477 Michigan Ave., Detroit. Phone: (313) 226-7900 Fax: (313) 226-5611 Public Housing Office: (313) 226-6880. Office of Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity: (313) 226-6898. Hot Pads Housing Access of Washtenaw County (734) 961-1999 Housing Bureau for Seniors 2491 Plymouth Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48195 ams/counseling/resources/htm Contact: Harriet Bakalar, (734) 9989355; [email protected] Contact: Ryan Cowmeadow, (734) 9989345; [email protected] Executive or Agency Director: Beth Adams Housing Help of Lenewee County (517)264-0782 NAMI WC | HOUSING RESOURCES 43 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 Human Rights Commission Investigates complaints of discrimination in housing, employment, and public accommodation under city, state, and federal antidiscrimination laws, and under ordinances for anyone in the City of Ann Arbor. Not limited to residents. Available by appointment only P.O. Box 8647Ann Arbor, MI 48107 Voice Mailbox: (734) 794-6141 Email:aahumanrightscommission@gmai Huron Heights & Huron Ridge 669 Woburn, Ypsilanti (734) 480-1600; fax: (734) 480-1179 Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) at Alpha House Shelter and housing services for homeless families (not individuals) 4290 Jackson Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48103 Executive or Agency Director: Nicole Adelman, (734) 822-0220 [email protected] International Place Apartments Jo-Mar Realty Corp./Paschall Apartments 813 E. Michigan, Ypsilanti (734) 483-1136; fax: (734) 483-6146 Lakeshore Apartments 2500 Lakeshore, Ypsilanti (734) 482-2800; fax: (734) 482-2920 Lakepointe Apartments 5900 Bridge Rd., Ypsilanti (734) 484-1850; fax: (734) 484-1915 Lussier Home AFC Home 13312 Oakridge Lane Chelsea, MI 48118 734-475-6034 Maple Heights (CMB Property) 260 N. Maple #A4, Saline (734) 429-1221; fax: (734) 944-7263 Maplewood Apartments Maximum income limits; call regarding eligibility 1450 Chestnut Drive, Ypsilanti (734) 434-1720; fax: (734) 434-1717 2960 International Dr., Ypsilanti, MI Phone: (734) 434-0297 Fax: (734) 434-1351 The Meadows Apartments JOAK American Homes Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) Group Home, Supported Living (CLS), Respite 3820 Packard Rd., Suite 1810 Ann Arbor, MI 48108 734-973-7764 1714 Meadows Blvd., Ypsilanti (734) 487-1990; fax: (734) 487-7717 MicHoldings, Inc Group Home, Supported Living (CLS) 2004 Hogback Rd., Suite #7 Ann Arbor, MI 48105 734-677-9271 NAMI WC | HOUSING RESOURCES 44 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 MIDigs Real Life Living Services, Inc. Supported Living, Respite Care Real Life Living Services provides supports to people of various functional levels ranging from moderate to severely challenged, and to people of diverse age groups – from children to senior adults. Real Life Living Services has provided exemplary service to hundreds of individuals with high commendations and satisfied clientele. 734-222-6076 MLIVE.COM Oakridge Apartments 1326 Holmes Rd, Ypsilanti (734) 480-6020; fax: (734) 480-7151 Ozone House Provides services for runaway and homeless youth and advocates for teens in crisis. Crisis Hotline (734) 662-2222 1705 Washtenaw Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Contact: Karyn Boyce, 734-662-2265 [email protected] Executive or Agency Director: Katie Doyle Parkway Meadows 2575 Sandalwood, Ann Arbor (734) 662-5055; fax: (734) 662-7872 Partners in Personal Assistance Supported Living (CLS) 1100 N. Main, Suite 117C Ann Arbor, MI 48104 734-214-3890 Renaissance Community Homes Supported Living (CLS), Group Home 25 E. Main, P.O. Box 166 Milan, MI 48160 734-439-0464 River Drive 1420 Gregory, Ypsilanti (734) 482-5611; fax: (734) 482-5617 Rivers Edge Apartments and Town Homes 799 Green Rd., Ypsilanti (734) 487-5750; fax: (734) 487-5560 Riverside Manor Apartments 159 South Grove, Ypsilanti (734) 482-4002; fax: (734) 482-0681 Round Tree Apartments 2835 Roundtree Blvd., Ypsilanti (734) 434-1470; fax: (734) 434-0040 NAMI WC | HOUSING RESOURCES 45 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 Safe House Center Spectrum Community Services Washtenaw County shelter and advocacy for battered women and children P.O. Box 7052, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48107 (734) 995-5444 (24/7 Help Line) Contact: Vickie Frederick-Toure, (734) 973-0242 x 204 [email protected] Contact: Kimberli Montgomery, (734) 973-0242 [email protected] Executive or Agency Director: Barbara Niess-May Supported Living (CLS), Group Home, Child Waiver Respite 28303 Joy Rd. Westland, MI 48185 734-458-8729 Schooner Cover Apartments Spice Tree Apartments 4854 Washtenaw, Ann Arbor (734) 434-0400; fax: (734) 434-7771 St. Louis Center Group Home 16195 Old U.S. 12 Chelsea, MI 48118 734-475-8430 5050 Schooner Cove Blvd, Ypsilanti (734) 485-8666; fax: (734) 485-8689 Sycamore Meadows (CMB Property) Shelter Association of WashtenawCounty 1273 Stamford Court, Ypsilanti (734) 483-4000; fax: (734) 483-7509 RobertJ.DelonisCenter, 312 W. Huron St., Ann Arbor, MI48103 Contact: Laura Goins, (734) 622 2829 [email protected] Executive or Agency Director: Ellen Schulmeister Synod Residential Services Supported Living (CLS), Group Home 615 S. Mansfield Ypsilanti, MI 48197 734-483-9363 Email: [email protected] NAMI WC | HOUSING RESOURCES 46 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 THAW FUND The Heat And Warmth Fund, THAW, is an independent non-profit (501(c)(3) agency that provides low-income individuals and families in Michigan with emergency energy assistance 1-800-866-8429 Toepfer Home Group Home 1760 Dover Ct. Ypsilanti, MI 48198 734-485-8281 University of Michigan HousingSite dex.cfm Veteran's Haven of Hope House Director: Jennifer Brown, 734-662-0284 [email protected] Washtenaw Housing Alliance PO Box 7993; 110 N. Fourth Ave., Ann Arbor, MI Executive or Agency Director: Julie Steiner, (734) 222-3575 [email protected] Woodchase Apartment Homes 1100 Rabbit Run Circle, Ann Arbor 877-484-6934 Rentals research site NAMI WC | HOUSING RESOURCES 47 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 . HOSPITALS AND CLINICS Chelsea Grace Clinic Monthly free clinic for the uninsured and underinsured Services: Routine medical care, assistance with obtaining low-cost or free medications, referrals to specialists. When: The first Saturday of each month from 9-12, except for holidays, in which case it is the second Saturday Where: In the Faith in Action building, 603 S. Main St., Chelsea, Contact: 888-331-1174 P.O. Box 453 Chelsea, MI Community Dental Center – High quality comprehensive dental care to Washtenaw County Michigan residents. Emphasis on serving those limited by finances, facing a hardship or crisis, or those who are faced with physical conditions or other factors. 406 N. Ashley, Ann Arbor MI 48103 Phone: 734-998-9640 Fax: 734-9989647 Havenwyck Services: Community Hospital Counties: Lenawee, Livingston, Monroe, Washtenaw 1525 University Dr., Auburn Hills, MI 48326 248-373-9200 Herrick Medical Center Services: Community Hospital Counties: Lenawee, Livingston, Monroe, Washtenaw Language: Multiple Languages Available 500 E. Pottawatamie Tecumseh, MI 49286 517-265-0439 HOPE Clinic 518 Harriet St., Ypsilanti, MI 48197 P.O. Box 980311, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Contact: Naomi Williams, (734) 4842989; [email protected] Executive or Agency Director: Catherine Robinson The Behavioral Center of Michigan Services: Community Hospital Counties: Washtenaw 4050 E. 12 Mile Warren, MI 48092 586-261-2266 Trinity Health Michigan Services: Community Hospital DBA Chelsea Community Hospital DBA St. Joseph Mercy Health Care DBA St. Joseph Mercy Health Care P.O. Box 223089 Pittsburgh, PA 15251 Chelsea, MI 48118 734-475-1311 Caro Center Services: State Hospital Counties: Lenawee, Livingston, Monroe, Washtenaw 2000 Chambers Rd., Caro, MI 48723 989-673-3191 The CornerHealthCenter 47 N. Huron Street, Ypsilanti, MI48197 Phone: (734) 484-3600 Fax: (734)-484-3100 NAMI WC | HOSPITALS AND CLINICS 48 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 Friends Who Care Packard Health Services: Nursing Counties: Washtenaw 2770 Carpenter Rd. Suite 200 Ann Arbor, MI 48108 734-971-6300 Packard Health 3174 Packard Road Ann Arbor, MI 48108 Phone: (734) 971-1073 Packard Health West 501 N. Maple Road Ann Arbor, MI 48103 Phone: (734) 926-4900 Harbor Oakes Hospital Services: Community Hospital Counties: Washtenaw 35031 23 Mile Rd. New Baltimore, MI 48047 586-725-5777 Hemophilia Foundation of Michigan 1921 W. Michigan Avenue Ypsilanti, MI Phone (734) 544-0015 FAX (734) 544-0095 Toll Free (800) 482-3041 [email protected] HIV/AIDS Resource Center (HARC) 3075 Clark Rd., Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Contact: Patricia Love, (734) 572-9355 x 231 [email protected] Executive or Agency Director: Jimena Loveluck Henry Ford Kingswood Hospital Services: Community Hospital Counties: Lenawee, Livingston, Monroe, Washtenaw 10300 W. Eight Mile Rd. Ferndale, MI 48220 248-398-3200 NAMI WC | HOSPITALS AND CLINICS 49 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 APPEAL AND GRIEVANCE PROCESS WITH HOSPITALS AND INSURANCE COMPANIES Contact your insurance provider for more information. For example: If CSTS – Contact Stacey Coleman – 734-255-1894; [email protected] Note: Training is available from WCHO/CSTS and more information is at: (See PDF handout – not sure if we want to include.) If you have Blue Care Network go to: Recipient Rights Process and Information Each facility has their own process and people to call. E,g, : WCHO/CSTS: University of Michigan Hospital System: Mental Health Services: Contact our Recipient Rights Officer at 734-936-4323 NAMI WC | APPEAL AND GRIEVANCE PROCESS WITH HOSPITALS AND INSURANCE COMPANIES 50 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 MEDICAL NECESSITY LANGUAGE Authorizations are made according to medical necessity. Mental Health Service providers must meet medical necessity criteria so it is helpful at times to know the language. For more information contact Stacey Coleman at WCHO – 734-255-1894 [email protected] You can also do a web search using ―Michigan Medical Necessity Language‖: NAMI WC | MEDICAL NECESSITY LANGUAGE 51 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS Education: 504 Plans and Individual Education Plans (IEPs) The NAMI Basics class has further information on 504 plans and the IEP process. Please contact Bob Nassauer, Kathryn Diebel or Karen Kelsey for this information Forest School 1076 Ecorse Rd Ypsilanti, MI 48198 (734) 714-1800 Forest School is run by the Washtenaw Intermediate School District for approximately 50 special needs students grades 2-12 - who are not “mainstreamed” in the regular classroom. Many students are here temporarily and when appropriate return to their assigned school. Programs and procedures are tailored to the individual needs of each student.... Read more Read less Contact: Ann Ormandy, Ph.D.School Psychologist (She works for the Washtenaw Intermediate School District assigned to Forest School) 734-994-8100 Ext. 1555 or 4708 The Michigan Government Website:,1607,7-140-6530_6598-236252,00.html Michigan Alliance for Families Michigan Alliance for Families is a statewide resource to connect families of children with disabilities to resources to help improve their children’s education. We help facilitate parent involvement as a means of improving educational services and outcomes for students with disabilities. 1-800-552-4821 Student Advocacy Center of Michigan The Student Advocacy Center of Michigan has been a voice for students since 1975. SAC works to assist our most vulnerable students stay in school, realize their rights to a quality public education, and experience success. Our services include education advocacy and support, dropout prevention and family support. We have a special focus on school discipline and students in foster care. They are also strong advocates for the All Kids in School – Solutions, not Suspensions initiatives. Director Peri Stone-Palmquist 734-482-0489 1921 W. Michigan Ave. Ypsilanti, MI 48197 NAMI WC | CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS 52 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 Washtenaw Association for Community Advocacy (ACA) Parents to secure Individualized Education Plans (IEP) with appropriate support fortheir children Youths with disabilities, ages 18-26, to transition from K-12 education and childrenservices to appropriate community based services and supports Individuals with disabilities and their families to plan for the future through PersonCentered Planning, estate planning and alternatives to guardianship Individuals with disabilities to obtain and maintain benefits, including Social SecurityDisability, Supplemental Security Income, Medicaid and the Michigan Family SupportSubsidy Individuals with disabilities to obtain accommodations they may need to navigate thecriminal, civil, probate and juvenile court systems 1101 Main Street, Suite 205 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Phone: 734.662.1256 Fax: 734.662.2699 Email: [email protected] Washtenaw Intermediate School District 1819 South Wagner Rd. P.O. Box 1406 Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1406 PH: (734) 994-8100 FX: (734) 994-2203 WISD is one of Michigan's 56 regional educational service agencies created by law in 1962 to help local school districts educate students by making the best use of district resources. We operate cooperative programs and deliver services that focus on teaching and learning for students in Ann Arbor, Chelsea, Dexter, Lincoln, Manchester, Milan, Saline, Whitmore Lake, Ypsilanti Community Schools and Washtenaw County Public School Academies. WISD's mission is to promote the continuous improvement of achievement for every student while providing high-quality service to our customers through leadership, innovation, and collaboration. WISD's vision is to be the leader in empowering, facilitating, and delivering a high-quality, boundary-spanning, educational system that educates all children through an equitable, inclusive, and holistic approach. Services: provides local school districts with school improvement consultation, assessment services, curriculum and instructional services to support improved student achievement. offers the latest workshops, seminars and classes for teachers, administrators, transportation department staff, bus drivers, secretaries, board members, other school staff and parents, featuring up-to-date technologies, techniques and methods. provides consultant assistance, research assistance and resources including Internet access, digital video, student learning systems and assistive technology. NAMI WC | CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS 53 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 coordinates programs and services that are too expensive for a single school district to operate or that are very specialized and serve only a few students, including direct educational services for youth/adults with special needs from birth through age 26. performs regulatory functions on behalf of the Michigan Department of Education including pupil accounting and special education monitoring and compliance. Washtenaw Success by 6 Washtenaw Success by 6 provide services for parents, training and support for childcare providers,and system help for the agencies and programs working to serve families and young children. 2305 Platt Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (734)994-8100 Washtenaw Success by 6 website listing of resources: NAMI WC | CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS 54 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 Residential Treatment Centers Midwest Center for Youth and Families This is a residential DBT center for children ages 6-20 in a secure setting. Students attend school while receiving treatment, and have a variety of mental illnesses, ranging from depression and suicidal to ADHD. 1012 W. Indiana Street Kouts, IN 46347 Phone: (888) 629-3471 Fax: (219) 766-0007 Montcalm School Admissions Montcalm School is a nonprofit, therapeutic boarding and day school offering practical solutions for the families of struggling girls, ages 12-21, and boys, ages 12-28. 13725 Starr Commonwealth Road Albion, MI 49224 Toll-Free: 866.244.4321 Local: 517.630.2512 Fax: 517.629.4650 Timberline Knolls Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center is respected nationwide for its treatment of eatingdisorders, substance abuse and addiction, and mood disorders. For women and adolescent girls. 40 Timberline Drive Lemont, Illinois 60439 888-679-5498 Partial Hospitalization Adolescent Eating Disorder Program atSt. Joseph Mercy Ann Arbor Parital hospitalization eating disorders program for adolescents with bulimia, anorexia nervosa or binge eating disorder 5301 McAuley Drive Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Phone: 734-712-3456 . NAMI WC | CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS 55 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 ADVOCACY Contact Elected Officials Call, e-mail, or mail U.S. state and federal elected officials and government agencies. Bring Change 2 Mind National Organization leading the fight against stigma and discrimination of mental illness THE NATIONAL COUNCIL The National Council for Behavioral Health (National Council) is the unifying voice of America’s community mental health and addictions treatment organizations. Together with our 2,000 member organizations, we serve our nation’s most vulnerable citizens — the more than eight million adults and children living with mental illnesses and addiction disorders. We are committed to ensuring all Americans have access to comprehensive, high-quality care that affords every opportunity for recovery and full participation in community life. The National Council pioneered Mental Health First Aid in the U.S. and has trained more than 100,000 individuals to connect youth and adults in need to mental health and addictions care in their communities. NAMI WC | ADVOCACY 56 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 DAILY LIVING ACTIVITIES TOOL Outcomes measurement tools like the DLA-20 allow behavioral healthcare providers to access hard data to examine progress or lack of progress in patients and in doing so, to partner with patients toward recovery. It is an approach that can improve the chances for people with mental illness to live more independently and participate more fully in their communities. Outcomes measurement and monitoring helps persons with mental illness manage their treatment, which can sharply reduce the need for specialized, high-cost services. Additionally, functional assessment tools allow behavioral health centers to partner with a host of primary care and health home partners because the program provides the type of measurable outcomes — with a verified reliability and validity — that payers need. Functional assessment shifts the practitioner-patient dynamic from ―We’re going to try and keep you out of the hospital‖ to ―We’re going to try and help you function better.‖ Learn more about the DLA and see samples. NAMI WC | DAILY LIVING ACTIVITIES TOOL 57 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 DEPRESSION AND BI-POLAR DISORDER SUPPORT ALLIANCE - DBSA Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance Our Vision DBSA envisions wellness for people living with depression and bipolar disorder. Our Mission DBSA provides hope, help, support, and education to improve the lives of people who have mood disorders. If someone is interested in participating in research: has a link: Department of Psychiatry has a link: Participate in Research We need research to understand how mental illnesses develop and progress, how and why they can affect different people in different ways, how to help people feel better, and how to keep symptoms from returning. Without the involvement of individual participants, however, research and medicine would not advance – we need people to make progress. In fact, all of the treatments that modern healthcare offers, including medications, devices, and procedures, are available because people have agreed to participate in research studies. To find out more go to: or To talk with someone about participating in a study at U-M, visit or call the Mental Health Research Line at (734) 232-0255. National Institute of Mental Health: SAMHSA: Treatment Advocacy Center: Mental Health America: National Alliance on Mental Illness: The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) PCORI isan authorized by Congress to conduct research to provide information about the best available evidence to help patients and their health care providers make more informed decisions. PCORI’s research is intended to give patients a better understanding of the prevention, treatment and care options available, and the science that supports those options. NAMI WC | DEPRESSION AND BI-POLAR DISORDER SUPPORT ALLIANCE DBSA 58 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 1. How do I sign up for health care? 2. What is the number for the Ypsilanti police department? 3. What substance abuse services are available in our community? (Need to look at printed booklets too.) 4. Incarceration 1: My daughter is in jail for shoplifting but she has bi-polar and is in a manic phase. What should I do? 5. Incarceration 2: My son is being abused in jail. How can I get it to stop? 6. I’m being evicted – as we speak. Can you help me? 7. Is there someone independent in our community that can help me create my person centered plan? 8. Part 1: I am getting older… what can I do financially to make sure my loved one is taken care of but not lose their disability benefits? (Special needs trust – contact a lawyer.) 9. Part 2: I told my son that I created a special needs trust for him and now he is mad at me because he wants full access to the money claims he is fully recovered from his mental illness (I don’t think he is.). 10. ―I think my child needs special help in school.‖ 11. Can’t afford medical costs, what should I do? 12. Residential treatment for adolescents? 13. Respite care for child? – 8 years old on the spectrum. 14. Is there someone independent in our community that can help me create my person centered plan? NAMI WC | FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 59 Version 5.1 / 2014-03-19
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