Athletes’ Manual Eaa Meeting Premium 50.“Palio città della Quercia” 2 September 2014 Stadio Quercia - Rovereto Page 2 50° Palio Città della Quercia Contents Description Page Welcome Address 5 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 6 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 Italy Trentino Rovereto Meeting Organizer Team “U.S. Quercia Rovereto” Meeting History & Records Sponsors Meeting Director, Competition Director & Athetes Information and Hospitality Desk Accommodation Hotels Confirmation of Participation Accreditation Meals Timetable Transport Office 6 7 8 10 11 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 2. TECHNICAL INFORMATION 20 2.1 2.2 2.3 Stadium of Rovereto Timetable Event’s location 20 21 22 Page 3 50° Palio Città della Quercia 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 Shuttle Service for Training and Competitions Training Site and Warm up Area Entry in the field of Play Starters Commands Successive Heights Exit form the Field of Play Victory Ceremony Interviews Doping Control Competition Rules 22 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 3.MEDICAL SERVICES 26 3.1 Massages and Physiotherapy Pre-Competition 3.2 Medical Service at the Stadium 3.3 Physiotherapy and massage during the competition 26 26 26 4 .DEPARTURES 27 4.1 4.2 27 27 Confirmation of Departures Departures-Timetable APPENDICES Appendix – 1 – Appendix – 2 – Appendix – 3 – Appendix – 4 – Appendix – 5 – Page 4 29 Events Location How to get Rovereto Map of City Map Of The Suburbs And Region Map Of Location of The Airports 50° Palio Città della Quercia Dear Guests, Thank You very much for accepting our invitation of participating at the EAA Premium Meeting “Palio Città della Quercia 2014”. The Organisation of the meeting has been applying in these last months with the hope for You to succeed a very good and happy time in our town together with the wish for a very successful performance of best satisfaction for You. We guaranty You our assistance and help so to make Your accommodation and performance here for a very positive and happy remembering for You in the best way we can. Renzo Azzolini Carlo Giordani President of the Organizing Committee Palio Città della Quercia Director of the Organizing Committee Palio Città della Quercia President of U.S. Quercia Rovereto Page 5 50° Palio Città della Quercia 1 General Information 1.1 Italy Capital: Rome Government: Italy is a parliamentary democracy Population: 59 millions (according to 2007 census) Language: Italian. The Italian language has his origin on Latin language (the language of the ancient Rome) which has a history of over 4.000 years and it has been essential to the development of many West-European modern languages. Major religion : Catholic Christian. Currency: Until December 2001, the Italian currency was the Lira. It was changed in the Euro in January 2002 (1 Euro = 100 cents) There are coins of 1, 2, 5,10, 20 and 50 cents,1 and 2 Euros. You can change the money in banks or hotel receptions. International credit cards are generally accepted. Local time: 1 hour ahead of GMT (Greenwich Meridian Time) (UTC+1) Electricity: The electricity in houses and hotels is 220 Volts. Sockets usually accept only two-pin plugs(“Sucko” tipe.) Tap water: Tap water is completely safe for drinking. Telephone: Public telephones are installed everywhere in the Italian cities and work with coins or telephone cards which may be purchased at the kiosk and most of the shops. Country code: (+39); In Italy, mobile phones function via GSM. Emergency Numbers: First aid Station 113 Police 112 Town Police 0464-452110 Page 6 50° Palio Città della Quercia 1.2 The region of Trentino The Medioeval town Trento, main town of the region Trentino, 24 km from Rovereto (reachable with train or buses) The village of Torbole, 12 Kilometres from Rovereto, in the north of the lake: of Garda the biggest lake of Italy and one if the most important in Europe for tourism. The mountains in the natural park of Paneveggio about 60 km from Rovereto. The chain of dolomits show their immense beauty changing its colour in the different parts of the day. They are to be visited so in winter as in summer Page 7 50° Palio Città della Quercia 1.3 The city of Rovereto. The Castle of Rovereto Rovereto is an ancient fortress town with a great castle of the late medieval time still intact, standing at the frontier between the bishopric of Trento, independent state until 1797, and the republic of Venice and afterwards between Austrian Tyrol and Italy. Rovereto seems to become its name The main Square Piazza Rosmini from the Latin word roboretum (wood of oaks) and it is the main town of Lagarina Valley. It is situated at 204 mt. of altitude, on the left side of river Adige. While the ancient part is placed under the mount Finonchio, the new one is on open valley. The torrent Leno goes through the town Neptune Square helping it in its industrialisation start in the century and transforming Rovereto in the last century in an important centre for the manufacture of silk. Still now the textile industry is very active, together with rubber, metal and glasses industry. Page 8 50° Palio Città della Quercia Rovereto is also known as the Città della Pace (Peace – Town). You can visit two symbols for the peace: the Ossario and the Campana dei Caduti Bell. In the “Ossario” memorial have been buried the rests of OVER 20.000 soldiers of different nationalities fallen on the First World War of 1914-1918 The mighty bell Maria Dolens, the largest sounding bell in the world. Maria Dolens ("the grieving Virgin Mary") was built between 1918 and 1925 to commemorate the fallen in all wars and to this day it sounds for the dead every day at 21.30 o’clock with 100 beats. In Corso Bettini street, not far from the stadium is the MART: the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Trento and Rovereto: one of the most important offers Italian temporary museums, exhibitions which and educational activities together with a remarkable Page 9 permanent collection. 50° Palio Città della Quercia 1.4 Meeting Organizer Team “U.S. Quercia Rovereto” The team was established by Edo Benedetti in 1945 counts now 453 athletes, from (children till masters category), 15 Trainers and 9 Staff Organisation Members. We work as volunteer in the Palio Meeting and we are happy to help You and to learn from You. our adress: G.A. Palio della Quercia via Palestrina, 3 38068 Rovereto (TN, Italy) tel, fax +39 0464 46 15 00 [email protected] Page 10 50° Palio Città della Quercia 1.5 Meeting’s History The Meeting had his first session on 1964. At the beginning it had only a national value, after 1972 it started to involve athletes from other countries. In 1990 it entered the Eaa Permit Circ. After 2000 our Meeting reached the level of Eaa Premium. Since its creation till now the Meeting was honoured to receive athletes from 95 Nations in representing all continents. We tried to enumerate them here: Algeria, Antigua & Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Azerbaigian, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Belgio, Belize, Benin, Bermude, Bielorussia, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brasile, Bulgaria, Burundi, Canada, Cecoslovacchia, Chad, Cile, Cina, Colombia, Costa d’avorio, Croazia, Cuba, Danimarca, Estonia, Etiopia, Finlandia, Francia, Germania, Ghana, Giamaica, Giappone, Grecia, Gran bretagna, Grenadina, Irlanda, Islanda, Israele, Isole Cayman, Italia, Jugoslavia, Kazakistan, Kenia, Lettonia, Lituania, Mali, Malta, Marocco, Mauritius, Messico, Moldavia, Mozambico, Namibia, Nigeria, Norvegia, Nuova Zelanda, Olanda, Panama, Polonia, Portogallo, Portorico, Qatar, Repubblica Ceca, Romania, Russia, Santa Lucia, Senegal, Slovacchia, Slovenia, Somalia, Spagna, Sri Lanka, Stati Uniti, Sud Africa, Sudan, Suriname, Svezia, Svizzera, Tanzania, Trinidad & Tobago, Tunisia, Turchia, Uganda, Ungheria, Unione sovietica, Ucraina, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Zambia, Zimbawe. Page 11 50° Palio Città della Quercia Page 12 50° Palio Città della Quercia The Meeting’s Records UOMINI / HOMMES / MEN 100m 10.04 Kenston Bledman TRI 2013 200m 20.07 Pietro Mennea ITA 1980 400m 44.86 Samson Kitur KEN 1992 600m 1.14.41 Andrea Longo ITA 2000 800m 1.43.97 Kamel Saad Youssef BRN 2005 1.500m 3.34.12 Peter Elliot GBR 1990 3.000m 7.45.75 Abaoub Miloud ALG 1998 5.000m 13.11.34 Hayle Hibrahimov AZE 2012 10.000m 27.39.31 David Maritim KEN 2000 110m hurdles 13.27 Roger Kingdom USA 1990 400m hurdles 48.08 Samuel Matete ZAM 1995 2.000m steeplech. 5.14.43 WR Julius Kariuki KEN 1990 3.000m steeplech. 8.21.72 Laid Bessou ALG 2002 Long Jump 8.32m Nenad Stekic JUG 1978 High Jump 2.35m Troy Kemp BAH 1991 2.35m Vyacheslav Voronin RUS 1999 Pole Vault 5.81m Giuseppe Gibilisco ITA 2005 Triple Jump 17.27m Jonathan Edwards GBR 2001 Shot Put 20.75m Ivanov Georgi BUL 2013 Discus Throw 67.44m Luis Delis CUB 1984 Javelin Throw 85.66m Vitezlav Vesely CZE 2012 Hammer Throw 76.60m Giampaolo Urlando ITA 1980 5000 m Walk 19’56’’10 Ivano Brugnetti ITA 2004 Page 13 50° Palio Città della Quercia The Meeting’s Records DONNE / FEMMES / WOMEN 100m 11.13 Irina Privalova RUS 1993 200m 22.67 Maryia Ryemyen UKR 2013 400m 49.94 Antonina Krivoshapka RUS 2012 800m 1.57.69 Fita Lovin ROM 1981 1.000m 2.31.66 Jolanda Ceplak SLO 2002 1.500m 4.03.18 Mery Kuria KEN 2012 3.000m 8.44.78 Marija Pantyukhova Mrisho Zakia RUS TAN 1998 2008 5.000m 15.14.25 Prisca Jepletin Cherono KEN 2011 10.000m 32.30.91 Aurora Cunha POR 1984 100m hurdles 12.80 Yuliya Kondakova RUS 2013 400m hurdles 53.71 Andrea Blakett BAR 2003 High Jump 2,00m Lyudmilla Andonova BUL 1984 Long Jump 6.85m Fiona May ITA 1997 Triple Jump 14.98m Sarka Kasparkova CZE 1998 Pole Vault 4.72m Stacy Dragila USA 2002 Shot Put 20.70m Helena Fibingerova CZE 1982 Discus Throw 67.20m Ilke Wyludda GER 1992 Javelin Throw 66.28m Osleidys Menendez CUB 2005 Hammer Throw 74.13m Tatyana Lysenko RUS 2011 3.000m Walk 12.40.00 Ileana Salvador ITA 1990 Page 14 50° Palio Città della Quercia 1.6 Page 15 Our Sponsors 50° Palio Città della Quercia 1.7 Meeting Director, Competition Director & Athetes Responsible Office. President of Organizing Committee: Renzo Azzolini Meeting Director : Carlo Giordani Meeting Manager: Gigi D’Onofrio EAA Tecnical delegate: Libor Varhanik (Czech Republic) EAA Antidoping delegate: Marija Andjelkovic (Serbia Republic) Secretary Director: Marino Scudiero Arrivals and Departures: Main Office: Corso Rosmini, 58 - Palazzo Kennedy - Urban Center Director: Carla Valduga mobile number +39 339.4020042 / +39 366.6809050 1.8 Information and Hospitality desk It will be located in Urban Center, Corso Rosmini Street, 58. GPS 45’ 53’ 27” N - 11° 2’ 29” E (Please see map into appendix III) At the Receptions of the hotels, you will find your necessary information about the transports (to the stadium and the airports). Page 16 50° Palio Città della Quercia 1.9 Accomodation Hotels. HOTEL ROVERETO *** Corso Rosmini, 82/d – ROVERETO tel. 0464 435222 - fax 0464 439644 e-mail: [email protected] HOTEL SANT'ILARIO ** Viale Trento, 68 - ROVERETO tel. 0464 411605 - fax 0464 412922 e-mail: [email protected] HOTEL FLORA *** via Abetone, 94 - ROVERETO tel. 0464 438333 - fax 420388 e-mail: [email protected] HOTEL NEROCUBO **** In the proximity of the motorway Brennero A22, exit Rovereto South tel. .0464.022022 - fax 0464 022040 e-mail: [email protected] 1.10 Confirmation of Participation It will be effectuated by the athletes or by their representatives at their arrival in Rovereto at the main office in Corso Rosmini - Palazzo Kennedy - Urban Center (GPS 45’ 53’ 27” N - 11° 2’ 29” E). Page 17 50° Palio Città della Quercia 1.11 Accreditation The accreditation will be given at the main office of Urban Center. 1.12 Meals Timetable Breakfast: 07:30 - 09-30 Lunch: 12.30 - 14.00 Dinner: 19.30 - 21.30 Dinner - Party on the Competition Day: * 23.00 – 01.30 at the Mart Museum Square The transportation with buses will take place at the stadium and in front in of the Hotels (Hotel Rovereto, Hotel Sant’Ilario, Hotel Flora and Hotel Nero Cubo) Final Party Page 18 50° Palio Città della Quercia 1.13 Transport Office Information about the departure-transportation will be given by the responsible person at the main office of “Urban Center” in Corso Rosmini, 58 The airports we are connected with. Venice Polo airport Milan Malpensa airport. Verona Catullo airport Bergamo Orio airport Page 19 50° Palio Città della Quercia 2 Technical information 2.1 Quercia Stadium To get the Stadium GPS 45° 54’ 3” N - 11° 2’ 11” E Stadium Quercia was built in 1964 . The name “Quercia” means in Italian oak tree, symbol of the town and of the athletic team organizer of the Meeting. Here take annually place different regional and national athletics meetings and weekly football matches of regional league. The stadium has been renewed in the summer of 2009. The changing have been regard especially the 400 track lanes that from 6 have been increased to 8 units. The new surface is Mondotrack (the same as the Olympic Stadium of Beijing and 'Luzniki' Stadium of Mosca). Page 20 50° Palio Città della Quercia 2.2 ”50. Palio della Quercia” Meeting Timetable. Start time event 17.30: End of Inscriptions Confirm 18.45: Youth team Quercia Competitions 19.15: Long Jump Women 19.35 Shot Put Women 19.40: 800m Women (Under 23) 19.45: Pole Vault Men 19.55: 1500m Men (Under 23) 20.00: Past top athletes presentation 20.05: High Jump Women 20.15: 110hs Men 20.25: 100m Women 20.25: Long Jump Men 20.35: 1500m Women 20.40 Javelin Throw Men 20.45: 400m Men 20.55: 800m Men 21.05: 400m Women 21.15: 100m Men (Race B) 21.25: 100m Men (Race A) 21.35: 100hs Women 21.45: 5000m Men The timetable can get changed for technical or television necessities Page 21 50° Palio Città della Quercia 2.3 Events Location Please see appendix 1 2.4 Shuttle Service for Training and Competitions From Saturday to Monday will operate a shuttle service, which will link the hotels "Nero Cubo", "Flora", “Rovereto”, “St. Ilario” to the stadium both for training and competition. The journeys, particularly in the early days, will be organized and implemented on the athlete’s presence, so the timetable can get changed. Timetable will be exposed into each hotel and hospitality-reception and into information desk. Normally it will be a journey every hour. Page 22 50° Palio Città della Quercia 2.5 Training Site and Warm up Area. In the days before the competition, athletes can effectuate their training at Stadium Quercia. In the day of the competition the training is allowed till 12.00 o’clock. The warm up will take place in the parallel field on the left side of the stadium main entry. 2.6 Entry in the field The entry inside the field of competition is allowed in the following way: EVENT ENTRY ALLOWED Run events 20 Min. before the event Triple Jump and High Jump 40 Min. before the event Pole Vault 60 Min. before the event Throws 40 Min. before the event The CALL ROOM is located outside the stadium in front of the 200m track start Page 23 50° Palio Città della Quercia 2.7 Starters Commands The commands will be given in English. Up to the 400 mt. event the commands will be given as follows: - On Your marks - Set - Fire (of the Gun) For the 800m , 1.500, 3000m steeplechase and 5000 m events the commands will be : - On Your marks - Fire (of the Gun) 2.8 Successive Heights Successive heights will be planned on the Technical Meeting, the day before the competition 2.9 Exit form the Field of Play. We kindly ask You to leave the Field of Competition after the completing of Your event. 2.10 Victory Ceremony. The first three athletes of each competition have to be on disposal for the victory ceremony inside the mixed zone. Page 24 50° Palio Città della Quercia 2.11 Interviews Interviews will take place in the mixed zone 2.12 Doping Control Following the IAAF Regulations, the Technical Delegate of the IAAF is entitled to select the athletes to be submitted to an anti-doping control. The athletes selected to undergo the test will be followed by a referee immediately after the notification to the athlete until the Control has been competed. 2.13 Competition Rules The meeting will be conduced in accordance with IAAF Rules. Some staff’s referees of Palio 2011 Page 25 50° Palio Città della Quercia 3 Medical Services 3.1 Massages and Physiotherapy Pre-Competition Physiotherapy and massage will be available for the athletes at the stadium. From Monday morning the timetable for physiotherapy will be exposed in the receptions of the hotels, at the Stadium, and Information and Hospitality Desk. 3.2 Medical Service at the Stadium Medical Service are provided in the following locations: Infield (First aid & doctor ) Medical Centre 3.3 Physiotherapy & Massage during the Competition Physiotherapy and massage will be available for the athletes at the stadium during the competition. Page 26 50° Palio Città della Quercia 4 Departures 4.1 Confirmation of Departures All departures should be confirmed at the Information Desk at the arrival of the athletes in Rovereto. You are kindly requested to report any change in time. 4.2 Departures-Timetable. The Timetable Transport for Departures will be present in the reception of the hotels the competition’s day. Page 27 50° Palio Città della Quercia US Quercia Rovereto and the Organizing Committee wish You a very Happy and Successful staying in our town, together with the hope of seeing You again here. All the Best for You. Page 28 50° Palio Città della Quercia Appendices APPENDIX I - Event’s location APPENDIX II - How to get Rovereto APPENDIX III - Map of the city APPENDIX IV - Map Of The Suburbs And Region APPENDIX V - Map Of Location of The Airports Page 29 50° Palio Città della Quercia APPENDIX : I Event’s Location The stadium is located in ROVERETO, via Palestrina - (GPS 45° 54’ 3” N - 11° 2’ 11” E) 02 kilometres from the north exit from the Brennero motorway I 50° Palio Città della Quercia APPENDIX II How to get Rovereto II 50° Palio Città della Quercia APPENDIX III: Map Of The City III III 50° Palio Città della Quercia APPENDIX IV: Map Of The Suburbs And Region IV 50° Palio Città della Quercia APPENDIX V : Map Of Location of The Airports. Malpensa Milan km 214 Orio al Serio Bergamo km 134 Valerio Catullo Verona Km 60 Marco Polo Venice km 150 V 50° Palio Città della Quercia As “remembering” for You some Pictures Of our town VI 50° Palio Città della Quercia And Some More Of our country. VII 50° Palio Città della Quercia Your Annotations 8
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