·. -~ ·1 CHOOI\IG .SIL TAEKWONDO . .' ! -I I .• i I I I .•·,· RED BELT TRAINING - MANUAL .. :·. PROPERTY OF .. ·:.· ·.· -- ···-·- · _ _ _ - .-- ·- ··- · You've done it You've been awarded a red belt, that coveted level just before Black Belt. What does it mean to you? You are now considered an advanced student, mfining and polishing the basic techniques you learned previously. You have demonstrated that you have power with you boards breaks. Now what? .' ' You must now realize the importance of controlling yourself and your techniques to prevent injury to others. All basic techniques are now available in your sparring sets. It is a time to focus on improving your existing skills. You must also learn patience since this is usually a lengthy process. You will no longer be able to test ·,1ch time, nor is it very easy to advance more than one stripe at a time. Red Belt signifies danger, warning the student to exercise control and the opponent to stay away. At red belt, you will also learn the third discipline pattern in the Choong Sil series, Hyun Sil. Hyun Sil means actualization or the development of a strong work ethic. To advance to Black Belt requires dedication, perseverance and hard work. As you refine your technique, many of the changes seem small, but they are all important. The Hwa Rang, the flower of Korean manhood, were a group of elite young men who trained not only in martial arts, but also in painting, calligraphy, and other arts during the Silla Dynasty. Most of the future leaders of the country developed through the Hwa Rang. General Choi Hong Hi trained the elite 29th Infantry Division during the Korean War in special martial arts techniques. They became the equivalent of our Special Forces. Following the war, General Choi organized the various kwons (or schools of martial arts) into a new system of martial arts known as Taekwondo. General Choi later formed the International Taekwondo Federation (ITF) which exists today and is headquartered in Toronto, Canada. The ITF is one of three primary international taekwondo federations. The Word Taek* wondo Federation (WTF) was formed by and is still the official arm of the Korean government. It, too, is international in scope and has thousands of members worldwide. Several years ago, Grandmaster Park Jung Te left the ITF where he was General Choi's secretary~general and formed the Global Taekwondo Federation(GTF). · - - ··- -- - -···-- - ·-··-· --· ·· - · -- --- -- · - -- - · - - -···--··- - · Hwa-Rang: (29 moves, right foot returns) Is named after the Hwa-Rang youth group which originated in the Silla Dynasty in the early 7th century. The 29 movements refer to the 29th Infantry Division, where Taekwondo developed into maturity. Choong-Moo: (30 moves, left foot returns) Was the name given to the great Admiral Yi Soon-Sin of the Yi Dynasty. He was reputed tc have invented the first armored battleship (Kobuks·,,n) in 1592, which is said to be the precursor of the present day submarine.- The reason why this pattern ends with a left hand attack is to symbolize his regrettable death, having no chance to show his unrestrained potentiality, checked by the forced reservation of his loyalty to the king. Hyun Sil: (50 moves, left foot returns) Means "Actualization." Actualization is to take the first step and enter into the process of the work and reward system. The development of a strong work ethic is the most important element in this philosophy. Even the most average of people can achieve excellence with a positive work habit. Red Belt: Signifies danger, cautioning the student to exercise control and warning the opponent to stay away. · ····· --- - -·-- -- - - - -- -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- -- - Red Belt Board Breaking Requirements At the rank of Red Belt, the student continues to make a power demonstration at each . testing. Typically, children will break only a single board at each station while adults typically break two boards. At Red Belt, the minimum testing requirement is for the student to break using two different techniques, one hand and one foot, at each testing. The instructor's job is to guide the student in selecting techniques which are appropriate for the student's ability. Testing Procedures At testing, the student is given three chances to break his/her board stations. Sometimes the instructor may allow additional attempts if he or she feels it is appropriate. Students should be prepared to set up thei.r board break stations quickly, and with a minimum of practice attempts. When ready, the student will face the judges and bow, then begin their breaking attempts. It is not appropriate to make additional practice attempts after bowing to the judges. If you do not break all stations, you may take time to adjust any station and then bow in again. Always stop and bow in to the judges before making each additional attempt. RED BELT INFORMATION ONE & TWO STRIPE STANCES 1. CLOSED BACK STANCE BLOCKS 1. LOW BLOCK/INNER FOREARM BLOCK 2. INWARD WEDGE BLOCK 3. REVERSE LOW BLOCK STRIKES 1. UPWARD PUNCH 2. OVERHAND KNIFEHAND STRIKE 3. REVERSE PUNCH FROM L STANCE 4. U SHAPED PUNCH 5. REVERSE ELBOW STRIKE KICKS 1. Jillv1P 360 SPIN SIDE IqCK 2. JUMP 360 SPIN HOOK KICK- .. 3. JUMP 360 SPIN HEEL KICK -- -- ---- - - - - - - -- Title: Hwa-Rang: Belt - Red 2nd Degree Starting Position: Closed "C" Ready Stance - R29 Named after the Hwa-Rang youth group, which originated in the Sila Dynasty in the early 7th century. This group eventually became the actual driving force of the unification of the kingdoms of Korea. The 29 movements refer to the 29th Infantry Division, where Taekwondo developed into maturity. 1) Facing forward, step with the left foot and left palm heel strike in a middle stance. 2) Remain in middle stance, and right solar plexus punch. 3) Remain in middle stance, and left solar plexus punch. 4) Tum 90 degrees to the right and square block in a Right "L" stance. 5) Remain i.; · a back stance and left upset knuckle punch. 6) Step forward and right punch in a middle stance. 7) Shift right foot back and right knife hand strike in a closed stance. 8) Step forward and left punch in a left front stance. 9) Tum 90 degrees to the left and left low block in a left front stance. 10) Step forward .:ltld right solar plexus punch in a right front stance. 11) Shift forward,vath the left foot and left hand grab and pull in a closed stance. 12) Right side kick and right knife hand strike in a Right "L" stance. 13) Step forward and left solar plexus punch in a left front stance. 14) Step forward and right solar plexus punch in a right front stance, Kiop. 15) Turn 270 degrees to the left and double knife hand block in a Left "L" stance. 16) Step forward and right spear hand in a right front stance. 17) Turn 180 degrees to the left and double knife hand block in a Left "L" stance. 18) Right turning round kick. 19) Left turning round kick, and land with a double knife hand block in a Left "L" stance. 20) Turn 90 degrees to the left and left low block in a left front stance. 21) Shift back and right angle punch in a Left "L" stance. 22) Step forward and left angle punch in a Right "L" stance. 23) Step forward and right angle punch in a Left "L" stance. 24) Shift forward and low X-block in a left front stance. 25) Step forward with the right foot and right elbow strike in a Left "L" stance, Kiop. 26) Turn 270 degrees to the left and left low block and right inner forearm block simultaneously in a closed stance. 27) Remain in closed stance and right low block and left inner forearm block simultaneously. 28) Step forward and double knife hand block in a Left "L" stance. 29) Bring left foot to the right foot and turn 180 degrees to the right and double knife hand block in a Right "L" stance. .-: SET FIVE SPARRING TECHNIQUES BLOCKING I. MIXING BLOCKS FROM PREVIOUS SETS STRIKING 1. REVERSE PUNCH KICKS 1. LEAD LEG FRONT KICK 2. REAR LEG FRONT KICK STRATEGIES OF SET FIVE #1 LEAD LEG FRONT KICK, REVERSE PUNCH #2 TURNING FRONT KICK, REVERSE PUNCH #3 LEAD LEG FRONT KICK, REVERSE PUNCH, TURNING FRONT KICK #4 LEAD LEG FRONT KICK, TURNING FRONT KICK, REVERSE PUNCH #5 REAR HAND BLOCK, LEAD HAND PUNCH, HOOK PUNCH OR RIDGEHAND #6 AXE KICK AND DOUBLE PUNCH #7 PICK KICK, BACKFIST, AND REVERSE PUNCH RED BELT INFORMATION THREE & FOUR STRIPE STANCES 1. . ALL PREVIOUS STANCES BLOCKS I. KNlFEHAND IDGH BLOCK/REVERSE KNIFEHAND 2. LOW BLOCK IN BACK STANCE 3. JUMP 360 KNIFEHAND BLOCKS :· 4. DOWNWARD BLOCK/INWARD BLOCK 5. MIDDLE X BLOCK 6. TW1N UPWARD PALM BLOCKS STRIKES I. DOWNWARD· BWCK/OVERHAND BACKFIST 2. DOWNWARD PALM BLOCKIRIDGEHAND KICKS I. FLYING SIDE KICK ~ 2. DOUBLE ACTION FRONT KICK .. 3. DOUBLE ACTION TURNING ROUND KICK - - - - - - - - - --------- · ·· ·-· · < Hyun-Sil Hyun-Sil means "Actualization. "Actualization is to take the first step and enter into the process ofthe work and reward system. The development ofa strong work ethic is the most important element in this philosophy. Even the most average ofpeople can achieve excellence with a positive work habit. (50 moves, Left foot returns) Parallel Ready Stance *All punches are to the mid-section unless otherwise noted I. Step right foot back into left back stance, double knife band blocks 2. Pick up left foot, turn 180° to back, land in left front stance, right outer forearm -~ . block 3. Left punch 4. Pull left foot to right foot, look over right shoulder, right hook kick to front of room 5. Land in left back stance facing rear of room, right rear elbow strike to solar plexus behind you 6. Pick up right foot, tum 180° to right, reach with right arm, left outer forearm strike into right palm, land in right front stance 7. Left turning side kick to the front of the room 8. Land in right back stance facing rear, double knife hand blocks low 9. Cross arms with left hand on top, pick up left foot, tum 180° to left, left front stance, wedge block (should be facing front) 10. Step right foot into right front stance, twin vertical punch to the chin 11. Twist left into a left front stance towards the rear comer of the room, right scoop block to the front comer of the room 12. Pivot to a horse stance to the front comer of the room, left punch (dropping weight into the punch) 13. Right punch (12 & 13 are in continuous motion) 14. Step right foot back into left back stance, left inward block 15. Pick up your left foot, tum 180° to the right, land in right back stance facing the front, double knife band blocks 16. Pick up right foot, tum 180° to back, land in right front stance, left outer forearm block (facing the front) 17. Rightpunch 18. Pull right foot to left foot, look over the left shoulder,left hook kick to front of room 19. Land in right back stance facing rear of room, left rear elbow strike to solar plexus 20. Pick up left foot, turn 180° to left, reach with left ann, right outer forearm strike into left palm, land in left front stance 21 . Right turning side kick to the front of the room 22. Land in left back stance facing rear, double knife hand blocks low 23. Pick up right foot, turn 180° to right, right front stance, wedge block (should be facing front) 24. Step left foot into left front stance, twin vertical punch to opponents chin Title: Choong-Moo: Belt - Red 4th Degree Starting Position: Parallel Ready Stance - L30 Name given to the great Admiral Yi Soon-sin ofthe Yi Dynasty. He was reputed to have invented the first armored battleship (kobukson) in 1592, which was said to be the precursor to the present day submarine. The reason why this pattern ends with a left hand attack is to symbolize his regrettable death, having no chance to show his lliU'estrained potentiality checked by the forced reservation ofhis loyalty to the king. 1) Turn 90 degrees to the left and knife hand square block in a Left "L" stance. 2) Step forward and left high knife hand block and right knife hand strike in a right front stance. 3) Turn 180' to the right and double knife band block in a Right "L" stance. 4) Step forward and left spear hand in a left front stance. 5) Turn 90 degrees to the left and double knife hand block in a Left ''L" stance. 6) Tum 180' to the right and right side kick chamber. 7) Right side kick. 8) Land 180 degrees to the left and double knife hand block in a Left "L" stance. 9) Take two steps forward and right flying side kick and land in a Right "L" stance and double knife hand block, Kiop. 10) Turn 270 degrees to the left and left low block in a Left "L" stance. 11) Shift forward and twin head grab in a left front stance. 12) Righ~ !alee strike. 13) Land with the right foot to the left foot and turn 180 degrees to the left and double ridge hand strike in a left front stance. 14) Right twning round kick. 15) Land forward in a pivoted Right "L" stance and left spin side kick. 16) Land left foot and tum 180 degrees to the right and double guarding block in a Right "L" stance. 17) Left turning round kick. 18) Land left foot to right foot and tum 90 degrees to the right and double hooking block in a Right 11L 11 stance. 19) Tum 360 degrees to the left while jumping and double knife hand block in a Right "L" stance. 20) Shift forward and right reverse palm heel strike low in a left front stance. 21) Shift back and left low block and right backfist in a Right "L" stance. 22) Step forward and fight spear hand strike in a right front stance. 23) Tum 270 degrees to the right and sung-su block in a left front stance. 24) Turn 90 degrees to the right with the right foot and right back.fist.left cross block in a middle stance; remain in stance and right backfist 180' behind 25) Right taming side kick. 26) Left turning side kick. 27) Land left foot and tum 180 degrees to the right and X-knife hand block in a Right "L" stance. 28) Step forward and twin palm heel blocks in a left front stance. 29) Tum 180 degrees to the right and right high block in a right front stance. 30) Remain in front stance and left solar plexus punc~ Kiop. :t:: -··, '-
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