Boilers, Process Heaters and Steam Generators Policy Manual January 28, 2010 Revised 6/28/10, 2/22/11, 5/11/12, 3/12/13 A. DESCRIPTION This chapter describes requirements needed to apply for and obtain an authority to construct and subsequent permit to operate for boilers, process heaters and steam generators. B. APPLICATIONS 1. Application Requirements a. A permit is required for all boilers, process heaters and steam generators with a rated heat input capacity of 1 million BTU per hour or greater or boilers, process heaters and steam generators of any size that are not fired exclusively on purchased quality natural gas, liquid petroleum gas, or any combination thereof. b. A permit is required if the aggregate rated heat input capacity of all boilers, process heaters and steam generators used in the same process is 1 million BTU per hour or greater. c. Each boiler, heater or process heater will be permitted individually if rated at 1 million BTU per hour or greater. c. Emissions data shall be supplied from a manufacturer’s, Product Data Sheet, source test data or AP-42 Data. It is the applicant’s responsibility to supply the data or ensure that the data is provided to the District. The district may request verification of the emissions data. 2. Data Forms The following forms must be completed by the person submitting an application: Form G100: Form G101: Form B100: Form HRA100: Application for Authority to Construct and/or Permit to Operate (2 pages) General Information Form Boiler specific application Health Risk Assessment Analysis Information Form C. COMPLETENESS The following information is needed to make this determination: 1. The Authority to Construct application form completely filled out and the initial permit fee must accompany the forms. (see Section D below). 2. The applicable forms listed in Section B 2. must be completely filled out by the applicant. 3. Any additional information needed to calculate the emissions from the source, and to quantify emissions from the proposed source(s) of offsets (if applicable). 4. Any additional information needed to complete a health risk assessment. D. FEES 1. Fuel Burning Use Schedule 2 (see Rule 301, Section 308.3). Fees are based on the design fuel consumption. Use the Initial Permit Fee column for new installations or equipment not previously permitted. 2. Modifications: • For modifications of permitted equipment resulting in an increase in boiler capacity, the fee is assessed in accordance with fee schedule 2 (Rule 301, Section 308.3), based on the incremental increase in BTU/hr resulting from such change (see Rule 301,Section 306.1) • For modifications resulting in no increase or decrease, the fee shall be based on Rule 301, Section 306.2. 3. Installed Without an Authority to Construct (Existing Equipment): • As per Section 302.1 of Rule 301, any person installing/operating regulated equipment without obtaining a permit from the SMAQMD first, will be required to pay permit renewal back fees for each year of unpermitted operation, to a maximum of 3 years, in addition to the initial permit fee. V-1 E. REGULATIONS Fuel burning operations within the jurisdiction of the SMAQMD may be subject to some or all of the following rules and regulations. The type of operation, size of source, potential to emit, and other factors will dictate which rules are appropriate for an application. Other rules may also apply. 1. SMAQMD Rules and Regulations (please refer to the actual rules for applicability and compliance determinations): a. Rule 102 -b. Rule 201 -- c. Rule 202 -- d. Rule 207 -- e. Rule 209 -- f. Rule 210 -- g. Rule 214 -- h. Rule 217 -- i. Rule 301 -- j. Rule 306 -- k. Rule 401 -- l. Rule 402 -- m. Rule 406 -n. Rule 411 -- Circumvention: This rule makes it unlawful for a person to circumvent any applicable section of the SMAQMD rules and regulations. General Permit Requirements: This rule provides an orderly procedure for the review of new or modified sources of air pollution and operation of existing sources through the issuance of permits. New Source Review: The purpose of this rule is to provide for the review of new and modified stationary sources of air pollution and to provide mechanisms, including emissions offsets and BACT, by which authorities to construct such sources may be granted without interfering with the attainment or maintenance of ambient air quality standards. Title V - Federal Operating Permit Program: This rule establishes an operating permit program consistent with the requirements of Title V of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments and 40 CFR, Part 70. Limiting Potential to Emit: The purpose of this rule is to eliminate the need for small stationary sources to obtain a Title V operating permit pursuant to Rule 207. Synthetic Minor Source Status: The purpose of this rule is to allow owner and operators of stationary sources that would otherwise be major stationary sources to request and accept enforceable emissions limits sufficient to maintain the facility's potential to emit below major source thresholds. Federal New Source Review: The purpose of this rule is to provide for the issuance of authorities to construct and permits to operate at new and modified major stationary air pollution sources and to provide mechanisms, including emission offsets, by which authorities to construct such sources may be granted without interfering with the attainment or maintenance of ambient air quality standards. Public Notice Requirement for Permits: The purpose of this rule is to provide an administrative mechanism for public notification and review of the issuance of authorities to construct and permits to operate at new and modified stationary air pollution sources. Permit Fees - Stationary Source: The purpose of this rule is to establish fees to be charged to owners/operators of a stationary source to obtain a permit. Air Toxics Fees: This rule establishes fees to be charged stationary sources subject to the Air Toxics "Hot Spot" Information and Assessment Act (H&S Code, § 44300) Ringelmann Chart: This rule limits the discharge of air contaminants into the atmosphere by limiting visible emissions. Nuisance: The purpose of this rule is to protect the public's health and welfare from the emissions of air contaminants which constitute a nuisance. Specific Contaminants: This rule limits emissions of sulfur compounds and combustion contaminants through establishment of emission concentration limitations. NOx from Boilers, Process Heaters and Steam Generators: This source specific rule establishes emission limits, record keeping requirements, and other requirements for the respective units. V-2 o. Rule 420 -- Sulfur Content of Fuels: This rule limits the sulfur content of gaseous and liquid fuels. 2. State Requirements a. California Health & Safety Code, Part 6 (commencing with section 44300) -- Air Toxics "Hot Spots Information and Assessment Act of 1987: Facilities subject to this requirement must identify and quantify emissions of toxic air contaminants. Facilities posing a potential health risk to the public must prepare a health risk assessment and if required, notify the public and implement a risk reduction plan. b. California Health & Safety Code §42301.6 -- Permit Approval: Powers & Duties of APCO: Prior to approving an application for a permit to construct or modify a source which emits hazardous air pollutants, which source is located within 1,000 feet from a school site, the District must prepare a public notice. The notice must be sent to parents or guardians of children enrolled in any school located within 1/4 mile of the source and to each address within a radius of 1,000 feet of the source at least 30 days prior to taking final action on the application. In addition units locating within 1,000 feet from a school may be required to reduce hazardous air pollutant emissions and their associated health risk to the maximum extent deemed practicable. This may include, but is not limited to, emissions limitations, stack height requirements, and hours of operation restrictions. 3. Federal Requirements 1. National Emission Standard of Hazardous Air Pollutants (40 CFR Part 63) Subpart JJJJJJ - National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers at Area Sources (2/21/2011) This rule applies if you own or operate a boiler combusting solid fossil fuels, biomass, or liquid fuels located at an area source, except for emergencies, gas curtailment or periodic testing. Periodic testing of liquid fuel shall not exceed a combined total of 48 hours during any calendar year. Boilers fired on natural gas or propane as a primary fuel are not covered in this subpart. Subpart DDDDD - National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers for Major Sources (2/21/2011) This rule only applies to boilers located at a major source of HAPs. A major source is a facility that has a potential to emit of 10 tons per year of any single air toxic or 25 tons per year of any combination of air toxics. This rule sets emission standards for Particulate, Mercury, Hydrochloric acid, Carbon Monoxide, and Dioxins/Furans for all boilers that are not burning a fuel that qualifies as Gas 1 (i.e natural Gas). All boilers that combust fuels that qualify as Gas 1 or any other boiler ≥ 10 mmBTU/hr will be required to perform an annual tune-up. Lastly, any existing boiler located at a major source must have a onetime energy assessment performed on the major source facility by qualified energy assessor. 2. New Source Performance Standards (40 CFR Part 60) a. Subpart D - Standards of Performance for Fossil-Fuel-Fired Steam Generators for Which Construction Is Commenced After August 17, 1971 This regulation applies to fossil fuel fired steam generators with a heat input rate of greater than 250 mmBTU/hr. For applicable units, this regulation sets standards for PM10, SOx, and NOx. b. Subpart Da - Standards of Performance for Electric Utility Steam Generating Units for Which Construction Is Commenced After September 18, 1978 This regulation applies to Electric Utility Steam Generating Units with a heat input rate of greater than 250 mmBTU/hr. For applicable units, this regulation sets standards for PM10, SOx, and NOx. V-3 c. Subpart Db -Standards of Performance for Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units This regulation applies to steam generating units with a heat input rate of greater than 100 mmBTU/hr. For applicable units, this regulation sets standards for PM10, SOx, and NOx. d. Subpart Dc - Standards of Performance for Small Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units This regulation applies to steam generating units with a heat input rate of greater than or equal to 10 mmBTU/hr but less than or equal to 100 mmBTU/hr. For applicable units, this regulation sets standards for PM10 and SOx when fired on a non gaseous fuel. 3. Prevention of Significant Deterioration of air quality (PSD) 40 CFR, Part 52.21 A source or modification triggers PSD if: Its potential to emit any one pollutant is greater than 100 tons/year (if one of the 28 selected industrial categories, including utility plants, steel plants, refineries, boilers >250 MMBtu/hr heat input) or greater than 250 tons/year (all other categories); and The project’s contemporaneous emissions increase and net emissions increase for any pollutant is greater than the significance levels listed below: Pollutant CO NOx SOx PM PM10 PM2.5 Ozone Lead Fluorides Sulfuric acid mist H2S Total reduced sulfur (including H2S) Reduced sulfur compounds (including H2S) Greenhouse Gases (CO2e) Level of Significance (Tons/Yr) 100 40 40 25 15 10 (PM2.5) or 40 (SO2) or 40(NO) 40 of NOx or VOCs 0.6 3 7 10 10 10 75,000 F. STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS The following standards and/or requirements must be met in order to obtain an Authority to Construct and/or a Permit to Operate: 1. Regulation 4 -- Prohibitory Rules: a. Rule 401, Section 301: Visible emissions may not exceed No. 1 on the Ringelmann Chart or 20% opacity for more than three minutes in any one hour. b. Rule 402, Section 301: A person cannot discharge pollutants which cause injury, detriment, nuisance or annoyance to any considerable number of persons or which endanger the comfort, repose, health or safety of any such person, or which may cause damage to business or property. c. Rule 406, Section 302: Combustion contaminant concentration at point of discharge shall not exceed 0.1 grains per dry standard cubic foot of gas, corrected to 12% carbon dioxide. d. Rule 411 Requirements Exemptions o ELECTRIC UTILITY BOILERS: The requirements of Rule 411 shall not apply to any unit that is exclusively used by an electric utility to generate electricity. o PROCESS HEATERS, KILNS AND FURNACES: The requirements of Rule 411 shall not apply to process heaters, kilns, and furnaces where the products of combustion come into direct contact with the material to be heated. o WASTE HEAT RECOVERY BOILERS: The requirements of Rule 411 shall not apply to waste heat recovery boilers. o STANDING PILOT FLAME BURNER: The NOx emission requirements in V-4 Section 301 shall not apply to a standing pilot flame burner that is used in a load following unit to sustain low steam demand. To qualify for this exemption, the standing pilot flame burner heat input rating shall not exceed 5 MMBTU/Hr. Additionally, the NOx emissions from the standing pilot flame shall not exceed 30 ppmvd @ 3% O2, except for startup and shutdown periods. o LOW FUEL USAGE The requirements of Section 301 and 302 (emission limitations) that are effective May 31, 1997 as well as 303 and 304 (emission limitations) shall not apply to any unit rated at 5 million BTU per hour input or greater that uses less than 90,000 therms per year of fuel provided that the owner or operator complies with one of the requirements listed in Section 305 (low fuel usage emission verification). This exemption applies only to owners or operators that applied for use of this exemption on or before May 31, 1997 and received approval pursuant to Rule 201- General Permit Requirements. The requirements of Section 301 and 302 (emission limitations) that are effective pursuant to the applicable compliance dates listed in Section 407(compliance schedule), shall not apply to any unit with annual usage below the applicable level in the following table. An owner or operator of a unit that is exempt pursuant to this section shall comply with Section 305.1 and 305.2 (tuning requirements). This exemption only applies to owners or operators that o applied for use of this exemption on or before October 27, 2006 and received approval pursuant to Rule 201 General Permit Requirements; or o applied for use of this exemption after October 27, 2006 with records that clearly demonstrate that the unit has operated below the low fuel usage limits established above at all times since October 27, 2006. Unpermitted units must have been installed prior to October 27, 2006 to qualify for this exemption. Boiler Size Annual Fuel Usage (MMBTU/HR) (therms/year) 1 - < 2.5 40,000 ≥2.5 - <5 70,000 ≥5 - < 100 200,000 ≥100 300,000 If the annual fuel usage for any unit that was granted a low fuel usage exemption exceeds or equals the fuel usage limitation listed in the table above, then the unit must comply with the requirements of Section 405. Maintain compliance with the requirements of Section 305 until compliance is demonstrated with Section 301 or 302; and Within 12 months after the end of the calendar year during which the unit exceeded or equaled the fuel usage exemption level, conduct an initial source test and demonstrate compliance with Section 301 or 302. The unit will subsequently not qualify for exemption pursuant to Section 113.2. Monitoring Requirements for Low Fuel Usage Exemption The Owner/Operator shall select one of the following options: o Applicant can propose a method of verifying that the unit is operated in a manner that maintains stack-gas oxygen concentrations at less than or equal to 3.00% by volume dry basis; or o The unit shall be tuned at least once per year by a qualified technician by methods described in Attachment A. TUNE-UP REPORTING The owner or operator of units subject to the requirements of Section 305.2 (tuning requirements) shall submit to the Air Pollution Control Officer a tune-up verification report or a verification of inactivity not less than once every calendar year for each unit. o V-5 Equipment Requirements for Low Fuel Usage Exemption o A non-resetting totalizing fuel meter in the fuel line for each fuel burned. Each unit serviced by the fuel line shall have a meter installed. If no equipment specific meter is installed, a meter, such as the utility meter, can be used, with the entire consumption of the meter going toward the annual fuel usage total; or o A non-resetting hour meter ; or o A computerized tracking system that maintains a continuous daily record of hours of operation and or fuel consumption. o Fuel meter must be installed by October 27, 2007 o If a volumetric flow meter is installed, it shall either compensate for pressure and temperature using integral gauges or if not, the following limits shall apply: At commercial facilities with less than 5 boilers with line pressure of 7” of water column. This would result in a permitted fuel usage limitation depicted in the table below. Rule Specified Fuel Usage Permitted Fuel Usage Limitation Limitation (therms/yr) (therms/yr) 40,000 39,331 70,000 68,829 200,000 196,657 For meters installed at light industrial facilities with less than 5 boilers and a line pressure of 2 psig. This would result in a permitted fuel usage limitation depicted in the table below. Rule Specified Fuel Usage Limitation Permitted Fuel Usage (therms/yr) Limitation (therms/yr) 40,000 35,211 70,000 61,619 200,000 176,056 For meters installed at heavy industrial facilities or that have 5 or more boilers, a set boiler adjustment factor can be established once the site specific actual gas pressure has been determined based on the following formula: o Vc = Vm * Fp * Ft Where Vc = Corrected volume of Natural Gas Vm = Actual volume of Natural Gas Fp = Pressure Correction Factor Ft = Temperature Correction Factor Fp = (Line Pressure (psig) + Atmospheric Pressure (psia))/14.73 (psia) Where Atmospheric Pressure is assumed to be 14.73 per PG&E Gas Rule #2 for elevations between -199 feet and 1,000 feet elevation above mean sea level. Ft = 520/(460 + Line Temperature) Standards o Section 301: BARCT EMISSIONS LIMITS- Gaseous Fuel Firing – Except as provided in the exemptions, the NOx and CO emissions from any unit shall not exceed the limits specified in the table below. RATED HEAT INPUT MMBTU/HR Effective October 27, 2005 NOx Limit ppmvd @ 3% O2 V-6 CO Limit ppmvd @ 3% O2 Greater than or equal to 1 and less than 5 Greater than or equal to 5 and less than or equal to 20 Greater than 20 Gas fired reformer furnace Greater than or equal to 5 and fired on landfill gas or a combination of landfill gas and natural gas Load following units greater than or equal to 5 MMBTU/HR o 30 400 15 400 9 400 30 400 15 400 15 400 Section 302:BARCT Emissions Limits – Nongaseous Fuel Firing - Except as provided in the exemptions, the NOx and CO emissions from any unit shall not exceed the limits specified in the table below. RATED HEAT INPUT MMBTU/HR Effective October 27, 2005 NOx Limit ppmvd @ 3% O2 CO Limit ppmvd @ 3% O2 40 400 40 400 Greater than or equal to 1 and less than 5 Greater than or equal to 5 Section 303: BARCT Emission Limits – Biomass Fuel Firing – Except as provided in the exemptions, NOx emissions from a unit shall not exceed 70 ppmvd, as determined by a source test per section 501 corrected to 12% CO2. The CO emissions shall not exceed 400 parts per million by volume on a dry basis corrected to 12% CO2 as determined by a source test o Section 304:BARCT Emission Limits – Emergency Standby Nongaseous Fuel Firing – The NOx emission from any unit which normally burns gaseous fuel but burns nongaseous fuel only during emergency interruption of gaseous fuel supply by the serving utility shall not exceed 150 parts per million by volume on a dry basis as determined pursuant to Section 501, corrected to three percent oxygen (150 ppmvd @ 3% 02), when firing on nongaseous fuel. Operation of the unit under this section shall not exceed 168 hours per calendar year, excluding equipment and emission testing time, not exceeding 48 hours per calendar year. e. Rule 420, Section 301: Gaseous fuels shall have a sulfur content not to exceed 50 grains per 100 cubic feet of gaseous fuel calculated as hydrogen sulfide at standard conditions. Liquid or solid fuels shall have a sulfur content not to exceed 0.5% by weight. Standard CARB diesel complies with this requirement at 0.0015% sulfur by weight. o 2. Nuisance – Public Health a. Toxics Review (T-BACT): Toxic best available control technology is required for all sources that have combined emissions of toxic air contaminants exceeding 1 theoretical lifetime cancer cases per million individuals and/or exceeding a non-cancer health risk Hazard Index (HI) of 1. V-7 b. Toxics Review: The District evaluates the impact of airborne toxics released from a facility or project pursuant to SMAQMD’s guidance document, HEALTH RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS FOR EXISTING, MODIFIED AND NEW STATIONARY SOURCES. The action levels are summarized below. Please refer to the actual guidance document for more detail on how to calculate and interpret health risk: Cancer Risk: Excess Cancer Risk Action Required ≤ 0.1 per million Exempt from further toxic review. > 0.1 per million but ≤ 1 per million No significant risk; No action required. > 1 per million but ≤ 10 per million Acceptable risk; Provide TBACT > 10 per million but ≤ 100 per million Permit denied unless the APCO makes a finding that not approving the project may result in a greater negative impact to the public than approving the project. > 100 per million Denial of permit. Non-Cancer Health Risk (Acute and Chronic): Hazard Index (HI) Action Required HI < 1 Health risk is within acceptable range HI ≥ 1 Consult OEHHA for further guidance When evaluating the cancer and non-cancer risks, the specific toxic air pollutants that need to be addressed are those that have potency values or reference exposure levels identified in the OEHHA’s Health Risk Assessment Guidelines ( c. T-BACT: T-BACT requirements are in general not triggered for boilers. A determination will be made at the time of application if a particular project triggers the requirement and the mitigation needed. 3. New Source Review -- BACT a. Applicability: Rule 202, Section 301 (10/28/2010) and Rule 214, Section 301, requires that any new or modified emissions unit which results in an increase in potential quarterly emissions for any affected pollutant must apply Best Available Control Technology (BACT) for that pollutant. The Rule 202 BACT threshold will not generally apply to units installed prior to August 18, 2011, so long as: 1. The unit is not located at a major stationary source, and 2. The unit does not emit greater than 30 pounds per month of regulated pollutants. V-8 b. BACT Determinations: Applicants must provide BACT for previously unpermitted, new or modified stationary sources where the emission unit has a positive quarterly emission increase and the maximum daily emissions are equal to or greater than the limits stated in Rule 202 or 214. Note: The standards specified in this document serve as guidance and reflect the minimum emission rate/control technology that will be required as BACT. BACT DETERMINATIONS MAY CHANGE AT ANY TIME AND WITHOUT PREVIOUS NOTICE. Please contact SMAQMD for the latest BACT determinations. BACT determinations in effect at the time this document was last updated: NOx Limit ppmvd@3% O2 20 CO Limit ppmvd@3% O2 400 9 PPM for a non-atmospheric boiler 12 PPM for an atmospheric boiler 9 7 400 Size/Description MMBTU/hr Input Greater than or equal to 1 and less than 2 Greater than or equal to 2 and less than 5 Greater or equal to 5 and less than 25 Greater than 25 but less than 49 400 400 BACT for boilers rated greater than 49 MMBTU/hr will be done on a case by case basis. For boilers with heat input rated less than 1 MMBTU/hr when permitting is required. Heat Input Range and Type < 75,000 Btu/hr Mobile Home All others 75,000 to < 400,000 Btu/hr Pool/Spa All others 400,000 to < 1million Btu/hr All Types NOx Limit Nanograms per Joule of Heat Output (ppmv @ 3% O2)* Effective Effective 1/1/2011 1/1/2013 40 (55) 10 (15) 40 (55) 40 (55) 14 (20) V-9 CO Limit ppmv @ 3% O2 Effective 1/1/2011 No Limit No Limit 14 (20) No Limit No Limit 400 c. Emission Offsets – Section 302 requires that applicants provide emissions offsets for new or modified stationary sources where the cumulative emission increase for the facility exceeds the following levels: Pollutant Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Sulfur Oxides (SOx) PM10 PM2.5 Carbon Monoxide (CO) Pounds/Quarter 5,000 5,000 13,650 7,300 15 TPY 49,500 4. New Source Review - California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) The SMAQMD has developed a comprehensive permitting CEQA Guidance document. Project reviews conducted in accordance with the policy manuals contained therein (including this manual) have been determined to meet the CEQA criteria of ministerial and do not require additional CEQA review. In the event a project falls outside the scope of this policy manual (for example a new BACT determination or other situation already described within the CEQA guidance document), the project shall follow the steps for CEQA review as detailed in the guidance document." 5. Rule 217 – Public Notice Requirements for Permits Prior to approving and Authority to Construct application for a new or modified stationary source or emissions unit which has an increase in potential to emit exceeding any of the following limits or where emission offsets are required pursuant to Rule 202, the District must submit a preliminary decision to CARB and EPA for review and publish the preliminary decision soliciting public review and comment at least 30 days prior to final action on the application. Pollutant Pounds/Quarter Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) 5,000 Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) 5,000 Sulfur Oxides (SOx) 9,200 PM10 7,300 PM2.5 10 TPY Carbon Monoxide (CO) 49,500 V-10 G. CALCULATING EMISSIONS 1. Calculating Emissions From Natural Gas Fired Boilers Emission factors will be: - Supplied with manufacturer’s emissions data - Application of Rule 411 emission limits. - Taken from U.S. EPA AP-42 emission factors ROC (A) NOx (A) SOx (A) PM10/PM2.5 (A) CO(A) CO2 (B) Natural Gas (lb/mmcf) < 100 MMTU/Hr 37.4 (30 PPM) 25.0 (20 PPM) 84.0 18.7 5.5 0.6 7.6 303.9 120,050 (15 PPM) (400 PPM) 11.2 (9 PPM) 8.7 (7 PPM) (A)The Value of NOx is derived from Rule 411 and is based on the size of the unit, the value of ROC, SOx PM10 and CO are derived from Table 1.4-2 (7/98) in US EPA AP-42. PM10 and PM2.5 are assumed equal .Emission calculations are based on 1028 BTU/SCF, for natural gas (B) GHG emission factor is expressed as CO2e and is from EPA’s Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Rule (74 FR 56260), Tables C-1 & C-2. All emission limits are in English units. Sample Quarterly Emissions Calculation (example) 2 MMBTU/hr natural gas fired boiler 1,000 BTU/cf (standard assumption for gaseous fuels) Continuous operation Quarterly NOx emissions from boiler = (2 MMBTU/hr)*(36.4 lb/MMcf)*(1 MMcf/1,000 MMBTU)*(24 hr/day)*(92 days/qtr) = 161 lb/qtr. H. SOURCE TESTING/MONITORING – Section 403 & 501 : Source Test Each unit greater than 1 MMBTU/hr heat input shall be tested initially to demonstrate compliance with the applicable emission standard of this rule. Units greater than or equal to 20 MMBTU/hr shall be tested annually Units greater than or equal to 5 MMBTU/hr and less than 20 MMBTU/hr shall be tested every second calendar year. Units greater than or equal to 5 MMBTU/hr shall be tested utilizing either CARB test Method 100 for NOx, CO, and O2 or EPA Method 7E, 10, or 3E for NOx, CO and O2 respectively. o All emissions determinations shall be made in the as-found operating condition, except no compliance determination shall be established during unit startup as defined in Section 222, or shutdown as defined in Section 220. Tests shall be conducted while units are operating at a firing rate that is as close as physically possible to the unit’s rated heat input capacity. Tests shall be conducted for three 40 minute runs. Results shall be averaged over the three test periods. o At least 30 days prior to the scheduled source test date, the owner or operator of a unit subject to this rule shall submit a source test plan to the Air Pollution Control Officer. At least seven days prior to the source test, the owner or operator shall notify the Air Pollution Control Officer of the exact date and time of the source test. A final source test report, and the applicable source test observation and evaluation fee as authorized under Rule 301, shall be submitted to the Air Pollution Control Officer within 60 days following the actual source test date. V-11 • Units less than 5 MMBTU/hr may as an alternative to the source test methods listed above, be tested utilizing a hand held portable analyzer that meets the requirements of Attachment B of Rule 411. o Emission readings using a portable analyzer shall be averaged over a 15 consecutive-minute period by either taking a cumulative 15-consecutive-minute sample reading or by taking at least five (5) readings evenly spaced over the 15-consecutive-minute period. o At least thirty days prior to the portable analyzer test the owner or operator shall notify the Air Pollution Control Officer of the exact date and time of the test. Any unit that is equipped with a continuous emission monitoring system (CEMs) shall conduct accuracy testing using a relative accuracy test audit pursuant to 40 CFR60 Appendix F Section 502 RECORDKEEPING • Units fired on emergency standby non gaseous fuels shall record the quantity of hours when fueled on non gaseous fuels • Units that have taken the low fuel usage exemption based on a fuel meter, shall record the annual fuel usage. • Units that have taken the low fuel usage exemption based on an hour meter shall record the annual hours of firing. • Units that have taken the low fuel usage exemption shall maintain records of the tuning operation as described in attachment B of rule 411 and records of the measured NOx and CO emissions. • Units that have source test requirements; the source test reports shall be maintained on-site. • Units that have a CEM, data and final source test reports shall be maintained on-site. • Records shall be maintained on-site for a continuous 5-year period and made available for review by the Air Pollution Control Officer upon request I. OVER-THE-COUNTER PERMITS - Not Applicable J. SAMPLE ENGINEERING EVALUATION Exhibit V-A shows a typical engineering evaluation for a 5.1 million BTU boiler. This is an evaluation for a unit that is assumed to be the only emissions unit at the facility, T-BACT & BACT compliant, and that it is not within 1,000 feet from a K-12 school. K. SAMPLE AUTHORITY TO CONSTRUCT Exhibit V-B shows a typical Authority to Construct L. SAMPLE PERMIT TO OPERATE Exhibit V-C shows a typical Permit to Operate V-12 Exhibit V-A Sample Engineering Evaluation Boilers, Process Heaters and Steam Generators Exhibit V-A 777 12th Street, 3rd Floor Sacramento, CA 95814 SACRAMENTO METROPOLITAN AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT AUTHORITY TO CONSTRUCT EVALUATION APPLICATION NO.: FACILITY NAME: 99999 DATE: 05/11/12 ISSUING ENGINEER: John Doe Number One Care and Rehabilitation LOCATION: 1 Main St., Sacramento CA PROPOSAL: Authority To Construct and Permit To Operate a new natural gas boiler. INTRODUCTION: Number One Care and Rehabilitation is a hospital facility. Number One Care and Rehabilitation is seeking an Authority to Construct and a Permit to Operate a natural gas boiler used for domestic hot water. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION: Boiler Make: PSB Manufacturers Model: 123456 Serial No.: TBD Heat Input Rating: 5.1 MMBtu/hr Burner: Power Flame, Model LNIVCR5-G-30 Fuel: Natural Gas PROCESS RATE/FUEL USAGE: Natural Gas Fuel Usage Equipment MMCF/Hour (A) MMCF/Day MMCF /Quarter 5.1E-3 0.12 11.26 Boiler 5.1 MMBTU/hr (A) At 100% load per submitted Manufacturer Data (assuming a HHV of 1000 btu/scf). OPERATING SCHEDULE: The boiler will be permitted to operate 24 hours a day 92 days a quarter. 365 days per year CONTROL EQUIPMENT EVALUATION: No extra emissions control equipment is proposed for this boiler. EMISSIONS CALCULATIONS: 1. DAILY HISTORIC POTENTIAL TO EMIT: The equipment is being evaluated as a new emission unit; therefore it has zero historic potential to emit. Authority to Construct Evaluation A/C 99999 05/11/12 Page 2 2. PROPOSED POTENTIAL TO EMIT: Maximum Allowable Emissions (B) Pollutant Emission Factors (A) (lb/mmcf) lb/day lb/quarter lb/year VOC 5.5 0.7 62 246 NOx 10.9 1.3 123 487 SOx 0.6 0.1 7 27 PM10 7.6 0.9 86 340 PM2.5 7.6 0.9 86 340 CO 295.6 36.2 3,329 13,206 GHG 120,050 7.3 tons/day 676 tons/quarter 2,682 tons/year (A) Emission factors for VOC, SOx, and PM10 (assume all of the PM10 is PM2.5) are from AP-42, Tables 1.4-1 & 1.4-2 (07/98) NOx and CO emission factors are based on 9 ppmvd at 3% Oxygen and 400 ppmvd at 3% Oxygen, respectively. GHG emission factor is expressed as CO2e and is from EPA’s Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Rule (74 FR 56260), Tables C-1 & C-2. All emission limits are in English units. (B) Emissions based on 5.1 MMBtu/hr, 24 hours/day, 92 days/quarter, 365 days/year, and the emission factors in this table. 3. CALCULATION OF BACT TRIGGER: NEI = (DPE – DHPE) DPE (BACT) = Daily Potential Emissions DHPE = Daily Historic Potential Emissions or Daily Actual Emissions if no enforceable daily emissions limitation is present prior to modification. BACT Trigger Level (lb/day) 0 NEI (lb/day) 0.7 >0 Is BACT Required? Yes VOC DPE(BACT) (lb/day) 0.7 NOx 1.3 0 1.3 >0 Yes SOx 0.1 0 0.1 >0 Yes PM10 0.9 0 0.9 >0 Yes PM2.5 0.9 0 0.9 >0 Yes CO 36.2 0 36.2 >550 No Pollutant DHPE Authority to Construct Evaluation A/C 99999 05/11/12 Page 3 4. CALCULATION OF OFFSET TRIGGER FOR VOC AND NOx: Permit No. A/C 99999 Stationary Source Potential to Emit lb/quarter Emissions Unit VOC NOx 62 123 Total 62 123 Offset Trigger Level ≥5,000 ≥5,000 Boiler (5.1 MMBtu/Hr) 5. CALCULATION OF OFFSET TRIGGER FOR SOx, PM10 AND CO: Stationary Source Cumulative Emission Increase Since 01-01-77 Permit No. Emissions Unit lb/quarter A/C 99999 SOx PM10 CO 7 86 3,329 Total 7 86 3,329 Offset Trigger Level ≥13,650 ≥7,300 ≥49,500 Boiler (5.1 MMBtu/Hr) 6. CALCULATION OF OFFSET TRIGGER FOR PM2.5: Permit No. Emissions Unit Stationary Source Cumulative Emission Increase Since 01-01-77 tons/year PM2.5 A/C 99999 Boiler (5.1 MMBtu/Hr) 0.2 Total 0.2 Offset Trigger Level ≥15 7. CALCULATION OF EMISSION OFFSETS FOR VOC AND NOx: Emissions offsets are not required for VOC or NOx because emissions are below the offset threshold. 8. CALCULATION OF EMISSION OFFSETS FOR SOx, PM10, PM2.5 AND CO: I Emissions offsets are not required for SOx, PM10, or CO because emissions are below the offset threshold Authority to Construct Evaluation A/C 99999 05/11/12 Page 4 COMPLIANCE WITH RULES AND REGULATIONS: 1. H&S § 42301.6 (AB 3205) COMPLIANCE: The emissions unit is not located within 1,000 feet from the outer boundary of a school site. Therefore the school public noticing requirements of H&S Code § 42301.6 do not apply. 2. NSR COMPLIANCE: Rule 202 - New Source Review Section 301 - Best Available Control Technology The proposed potential to emit from this emissions unit does exceed the BACT threshold for any of the affected pollutants as specified in Section 301.1 and below. Therefore, BACT will be required. _Pollutant_ _lb/day_ VOC 0 NOx 0 SOx 0 PM10 0 PM2.5 0 CO 550 Lead 3.3 BACT is triggered for PM, SOX, ROC and NOx for this boiler. As specified in the SMAQMD Boiler Policy Manual, the BACT standard for boilers rated greater than 2 MMBTU/hr but less than 25 MMBTU/hr is to meet an emission standard of 9 PPM NOx. The applicant has provided data to show that the proposed boiler is in compliance with these emission standards. A source test will be required to verify the meeting of the standards. Section 302 - Offsets The cumulative emission increase for this stationary source does not meet or exceed the following levels of affected pollutant as specified in Section 302.1 and below. Therefore, emission offsets will not be required. _Pollutant_ _lb/day_ VOC 5,000 NOx 5,000 SOx 13,650 PM10 7,300 PM2.5 15 TPY CO 49,500 Section 308 – Denial, Failure to Meet CEQA The SMAQMD has developed a comprehensive permitting CEQA Guidance document. Project reviews conducted in accordance with the policy manuals contained therein have been determined to meet the CEQA criteria of ministerial and do not require additional CEQA review. This project falls within the scope of the SMAQMD’s Permitting Manual and has been determined to be ministerial. No further review is required. Authority to Construct Evaluation A/C 99999 05/11/12 Page 5 Rule 217 – Public Notice Requirements for Permits Sections 401-402 – CARB, EPA, and Public Notification: Emissions from this unit are not required to be offset pursuant to Rule 202, Section 302 and do not exceed the exemption level specified below. Therefore, pursuant to Section 110 of Rule 217, this permit action is exempt from the public notice requirements of Rule 217. _Pollutant_ VOC NOx SOx PM10 PM2.5 CO _lb/qtr_ 5,000 5,000 9,200 7,300 10 TPY 49,500 3. PSD COMPLIANCE: A source or modification triggers PSD if: Its potential to emit any one pollutant is greater than 100 tons/year (if one of the 28 selected industrial categories, including utility plants, steel plants, refineries, boilers >250 MMBtu/hr heat input) or greater than 250 tons/year (all other categories);and The project’s contemporaneous emissions increase and net emissions increase for any pollutant is greater than the significance levels listed below: Pollutant CO NOx SOx PM PM10 PM2.5 Ozone Lead Fluorides Sulfuric acid mist H2S Total reduced sulfur (including H2S) Reduced sulfur compounds (including H2S) Greenhouse Gases (CO2e) Level of Significance (Tons/Yr) 100 40 40 25 15 10 (PM2.5) or 40 (SO2) or 40(NO) 40 of NOx or VOCs 0.6 3 7 10 10 10 75,000 A more detailed PSD analysis is not required because the contemporaneous emissions increases for all pollutants at the facility do not exceed any of the significance levels shown above. Authority to Construct Evaluation A/C 99999 05/11/12 Page 6 4. PROHIBITORY RULES COMPLIANCE: Rule 401 - Ringelmann Chart The proposed equipment is expected to comply with the Ringelmann No. 1 or 20% opacity requirement of this rule. Rule 402 – Nuisance The proposed equipment is not expected to cause a public nuisance and will not emit any significant levels of toxic air contaminants Rule 406 - Specific Contaminants The proposed equipment is not expected to exceed the emissions limit of 0.2% by volume sulfur compound as SO2 and 0.1 gr/dscf for combustion contaminants calculated to 12% CO2. Rule 406 Analysis – Natural Gas Boiler Natural Gas Fuel F-Factor Molar Volume Natural Gas HHV Conversion Factor PM10 Emission Factor SO2 Emission Factor Natural Gas Fuel Density Weight % C in Natural Gas C to CO2 Conversion Efficiency = = = = = = = = = 8710 dscf/MMBTU 385.3 ft3/mol 1,020 MMBTU/MMcf 7000 gr/lb 7.6 lb/MMcf 0.6 lb/MMcf 44582 lb fuel/MMcf 76 % or 0.76 lb C/lb fuel 0.995 PM10 Concentration (combustion contaminants): 1. Calculate uncorrected grain loading = (7.6 lb/MMcf) x (MMcf/1020 MMBTU) x (7000 gr/lb) x (MMBTU/8710 dscf) = 0.005988159 gr/dscf 2. Calculate CO2 emission factor (lb CO2/MMBTU) assuming 100% C to CO2 conversion = (0.76 lb C/lb fuel) x (mol C/12 lb C) x (mol CO2/mol C) x (44 lb CO2/mol CO2) x (44582 lb fuel/MMcf) x (MMcf/1020 MMBTU) = 121.7991895 lb CO2/MMBTU 3. Calculate lb CO2/MMBTU at 99.5% Conversion = 121.7991895 lb CO2/MMBTU x 99.5% = 121.1901936 lb CO2/MMBTU 4. Calculate volume % of CO2 in Exhaust Gas = % CO2 = mol CO2/mol exhaust = (121.1901936 lb CO2/MMBTU) x (mol CO2/44 lb CO2) x (MMBTU/8710 dscf) x (385.3 dscf/mol exhaust) = 0.121841618 mol CO2/mol exhaust or 12.1841618 % CO2 5. Calculate corrected grain loading = (0.005988159 gr/dscf) x (12% CO2/12.089% CO2) = 0.0059 gr/dscf corrected to 12% CO2 OR Simplified Equation = (7.6 lb/MMcf) x (7000 gr/lb) x (0.12 mol CO2/mol exhaust) x (lb fuel/0.76 lb C) x (12 lb C/mol C) x (mol C/mol CO2) x (MMcf/44582 lb fuel/) / (0.995) x (mol exhaust/385.3 dscf) = 0.0059 gr/dscf corrected to 12% CO2 Authority to Construct Evaluation A/C 99999 05/11/12 Page 7 SO2 Concentration (% SO2 by volume): The following calculation is at 0% excess air which represents worst case. = (0.6 lb SO2/MMcf) x (MMcf/1020 MMBTU) x (MMBTU/8710 dscf) x (mol SO2/64 lb SO2) x (385.3 dscf/mol exhaust) = 0.000000407 mol SO2/mol exhaust or 0.0000407 % SO2 The rule emission limits for SO2 and PM are 0.2% SO2 by volume and 0.1 grains/cf at 12% CO2, respectively. Therefore, the emissions from the boiler comply with Rule 406. Rule 411 – NOx from Boilers, Process Heaters and Steam Generators. This rule limits NOx emissions from boilers. This boiler is subject to this rule, since the products of combustion do not come in direct contact of the material to be heated and the boiler is rated greater than 1 MMBTU/hr. Since this boiler is rated at 5.1 MMBTU/hr, the rule requires a NOx emission rate of 15 PPM and CO of 400 PPM, and source testing initially and every other year. The applicant has submitted information that shows that the boiler will meet the emission requirements, and the source testing requirements will be conditions of the Authority to Construct and Permit to Operate. Rule 420 - Sulfur Content of Fuels This rule limits the sulfur content of all gaseous fuels to less than 50 grains per 100 cubic foot, calculated as hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Pipeline natural gas in Sacramento County has a sulfur content of 0.22 grains per 100 cubic foot. Therefore, the boiler will comply with the requirement of this rule. 5. NSPS COMPLIANCE: The list of all adopted New Source Performance Standards as listed in 40 CFR 60 ( were reviewed to determine if the proposed project is subject to one or more of these regulations. There are currently no NSPSs applicable to this source category. For reference purposes, 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart Dc – Standards of Performance for Small Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units will be discussed here. This regulation applies to steam generating units that were constructed, modified, or reconstructed after June 9, 1989 and has a design heat input capacity from 10 MMBTU/hr up to 100 MMBTU/hr. Because the proposed boiler has a heat input rating of 5.1 MMBTU/hr, the boiler is not governed by this rule. 6. NESHAP COMPLIANCE: NESHAPs under 40 CFR, Part 61: The list of all adopted National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants ( were reviewed to determine if the proposed project is subject to one or more of these regulations. There are currently no 40 CFR, Part 61 NESHAPs applicable to this source category. NESHAPs under 40 CFR, Part 63: The list of all adopted National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (http://yosemite. .gov/r9/r9nsps.nsf/ViewStandards?ReadForm&Part=63) were reviewed to determine if the proposed project is subject to one or more of these regulations. There are currently no 40 CFR, Part 63 NESHAPs (MACT standards) Authority to Construct Evaluation A/C 99999 05/11/12 Page 8 applicable to this source category. For reference purposes, 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart JJJJJJ – National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers Area Sources will be discussed here. In accordance with Section 63.11195(e), this boiler which is fired exclusively on natural gas is not governed by this rule. 7. ATCM COMPLIANCE: The list of all adopted Airborne Toxic Control Measures ( was reviewed to determine if the proposed project is subject to one or more of these regulations. There are currently no ATCMs applicable to this source category. RECOMMENDATION: This boiler should comply with all applicable District rules and regulations. An authority to construct a natural gas fired boiler should be issued to Number One Care and Rehabilitation with the following conditions. Refer to conditions in Authority to Construct No. 99999 REVIEWED BY: DATE: Exhibit V-B Sample Authority to Construct Boilers, Process Heaters and Steam Generators Exhibit V-B 777 12TH STREET, 3RD FLOOR SACRAMENTO METROPOLITAN SACRAMENTO, CA 95814-1908 AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT AUTHORITY TO CONSTRUCT A/C NO.: 99999 DATE ISSUED: MAY 15, 2012 DATE EXPIRES: MAY 15, 2014 ISSUED TO: NUMBER ONE CARE AND REHABILITATION LOCATION: 1 MAIN ST., SACRAMENTO, CA DESCRIPTION: BOILER, MAKE: PSB MANUFACTURERS, MODEL: 123456, SERIAL NUMBER: TBD, 5.1 MMBTU/HR CAPACITY, NATURAL GAS FIRED, DOMESTIC WATER APPLICATION. ISSUED BY: John Doe AUTHORITY TO CONSTRUCT CONDITIONS START-UP REQUIREMENTS S1. Upon installation of the equipment authorized in this Authority to Construct, the owner/operator shall contact the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District (SMAQMD) at (916) 874-4800 to arrange for a start-up inspection. [Basis: SMAQMD Rule 201, Section 405] S2. This Authority to Construct shall serve as a temporary Permit to Operate provided that: A. The SMAQMD has been notified to conduct a start-up inspection. B. The equipment installed matches the equipment authorized in this Authority to Construct. C. The equipment is operated in compliance with all conditions listed within this Authority to Construct. [Basis: SMAQMD Rule 201, Section 405] GENERAL, 1. The equipment shall be properly maintained and operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations at all times. [Basis: SMAQMD Rule 201, Section 405] 2. The Air Pollution Control Officer and/or authorized representatives, upon the presentation of credentials shall be permitted: A. To enter upon the premises where the source is located or in which any records are required to be kept under the terms and conditions of this Authority to Construct, and B. At reasonable times to have access to and copy any records required to be kept under terms and conditions of this Authority to Construct, and C. To inspect any equipment, operation, or method required in this Authority to Construct, and D. To sample emissions from the source or require samples to be taken. [Basis: SMAQMD Rule 201, Section 405] PAGE 1 OF 5 A/C NO.: 99999 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT TO OPERATE 777 12TH STREET, 3RD FLOOR SACRAMENTO METROPOLITAN SACRAMENTO, CA 95814-1908 AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT AUTHORITY TO CONSTRUCT 3. This Authority to Construct does not authorize the emission of air contaminants in excess of those allowed by Division 26, Part 4, Chapter 3, of the California Health and Safety Code or the Rules and Regulations of the SMAQMD. [Basis: SMAQMD Rule 201, Section 405] 4. The equipment shall not discharge such quantities of air contaminants or other materials which cause injury, detriment, nuisance or annoyance to any considerable number of persons or to the public, or which endanger the comfort, repose, health or safety of any such persons or the public, or which cause, or have a natural tendency to cause, injury or damage to business or property. [Basis: SMAQMD Rule 402, Section 301] 5. A legible copy of this Authority to Construct shall be maintained on the premises with the equipment. [Basis: SMAQMD Rule 201, Section 401] EMISSION LIMITATIONS 6. The boiler shall not discharge into the atmosphere any visible air contaminant other than uncombined water vapor for a period or periods aggregating more than three minutes in any one hour which is as dark or darker than Ringelmann No. 1 or equivalent to or greater than 20% opacity. [Basis: SMAQMD Rule 401, Section 301] 7. The boiler, when burning natural gas, shall not emit: A. Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) in excess of 9 ppmdv corrected to 3% Oxygen. B. Carbon Monoxide (CO) in excess of 400 ppmdv corrected to 3% Oxygen. [Basis: SMAQMD Rule 202, Section 301 and Rule 411, Section 301] PAGE 2 OF 5 A/C NO.: 99999 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT TO OPERATE 777 12TH STREET, 3RD FLOOR SACRAMENTO, CA 95814-1908 SACRAMENTO METROPOLITAN AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT AUTHORITY TO CONSTRUCT 8. Emissions from the boiler shall not exceed the following: [Basis: SMAQMD Rule 202, Section 301 and Rule 411, Section 301] Maximum Allowable Emission (B) Emission Factors (A) (lb/MMcf) (lb/day) (lb/quarter) (lb/year) VOC 5.5 0.7 62 246 NOx 10.9 1.3 123 487 SOx 0.6 0.1 7 27 PM10 7.6 0.9 86 340 PM2.5 7.6 0.9 86 340 CO 295.6 36.2 3,329 13,206 GHG 120,050 7.1 676 tons/quarter 2,682 tons/year Pollutant (A) Emission factors for VOC, SOx, and PM10 are from AP-42, Tables 1.4-1 & 1.4-2 (7/98) Emission factor for PM2.5 is the PM10 factor assuming all PM10 to be PM2.5. Emission factors for NOx and CO are based on 9 ppmvd at 3% Oxygen and 400 ppmvd at 3% Oxygen, respectively. GHG emission factor is expressed as CO2e and is from EPA’s Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Rule (74 FR 56260), Tables C-1 & C-2. (B) Emissions are based on operating at maximum capacity of 5.1 MMBTU//hour, 24 hours/day, 92 days/quarter, 365 days/year, and the emission factors in this table. GHG emissions are given in English units of tons/day, tons/quarter, and tons/year. EQUIPMENT OPERATION 9. The boiler shall be fired only on pipeline quality natural gas. [Basis: SMAQMD Rule 202, Section 301] EMISSIONS TESTING 10. Emissions of nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and oxygen shall be tested within 60 days of start-up and every second calendar year thereafter to verify compliance with Condition No. 7. A. Submit a source test plan to the Air Pollution Control Officer for approval at least 30 days before the test is to be performed. B. Notify the Air Pollution Control Officer at least 7 days prior to the source test date of the exact date and time of test if the date has changed from that approved in the source test plan. C. During source testing, the boiler shall be operated at a firing rate that is as close as physically possible to the rated capacity. D. Submit the source test report to the Air Pollution Control Officer within 60 days from the completion of the test(s). [Basis: SMAQMD Rule 201, Section 303.2 and Rule 411, Section 403.3] PAGE 3 OF 5 A/C NO.: 99999 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT TO OPERATE 777 12TH STREET, 3RD FLOOR SACRAMENTO METROPOLITAN SACRAMENTO, CA 95814-1908 AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT AUTHORITY TO CONSTRUCT 11. Emission testing methods shall be those specified in Rule 411, Section 501, Boiler NOx. A. Oxides of Nitrogen – ARB Method 100 or EPA Method 7E. B. Carbon Monoxide – ARB Method 100 or EPA Method 10. C. Stack Gas Oxygen – ARB Method 100 or EPA Method 3A. D. Carbon Dioxide – ARB Method 100 or EPA Method 3A. [Basis: SMAQMD Rule 411, Section 501] RECORD KEEPING & REPORTING 12. Emission test reports shall be maintained on-site and shall be made available to the Air Pollution Control Officer upon request. [Basis: SMAQMD Rule 411, Section 502] 13. The permittee shall, upon determination of applicability and written notification by the District, comply with all applicable requirements of the Air Toxics "Hot Spots" Information and Assessment Act (California Health and Safety Code Section 44300 et seq.) [Basis: SMAQMD Rule 201, Section 303.1] PAGE 4 OF 5 A/C NO.: 99999 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT TO OPERATE 777 12TH STREET, 3RD FLOOR SACRAMENTO METROPOLITAN SACRAMENTO, CA 95814-1908 AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT AUTHORITY TO CONSTRUCT Your application for this air quality Authority to Construct was evaluated for compliance with Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District (SMAQMD), state and federal air quality rules. The following listed rules are those that are most applicable to the operation of your equipment. Other rules may also be applicable. SMAQMD RULE NO. RULE TITLE 201 GENERAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS (8-24-06) 202 NEW SOURCE REVIEW (8-23-12) 214 FEDERAL NEW SOURCE REVIEW (8-23-12) 217 PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIREMENTS FOR PERMITS (8-23-12) 301 PERMIT FEES (10-27-05) 401 RINGELMANN CHART (4-19-83) 402 NUISANCE (8-3-77) 406 SPECIFIC CONTAMINANTS (12-6-78) 411 BOILER NOx (8-23-07) 420 SULFUR CONTENT OF FUELS (8-13-81) 801 NEW SOURCE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS (40 CFR 60 SUBPART Dc) (5-26-11) In addition, the conditions on this Authority to Construct may reflect some, but not all, requirements of these rules. There may be other conditions that are applicable to the operation of your equipment. Future changes in prohibitory rules may establish more stringent requirements which may supersede the conditions listed here. For further information please consult your SMAQMD rulebook or contact the SMAQMD for assistance. PAGE 5 OF 5 A/C NO.: 99999 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT TO OPERATE Exhibit V-C Sample Permit to Operate Boilers, Process Heaters and Steam Generators Exhibit V-C TH RD 777 12 STREET, 3 FLOOR SACRAMENTO, CA 95814-1908 (916) 874-4800 FAX (916) 874-4899 PERMIT TO OPERATE ISSUED TO: NUMBER ONE CARE AND REHABILITATION EQUIPMENT LOCATION: 1 MAIN ST., SACRAMENTO, CA 95820 PERMIT NO. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION 99999 BOILER, MAKE: PSB MANUFACTURERS, MODEL: 123456, SERIAL NUMBER: TBD, 5.1 MMBTU/HR CAPACITY, NATURAL GAS FIRED, DOMESTIC WATER APPLICATION. SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: GENERAL 1. The equipment shall be properly maintained and operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations at all times. [Basis: SMAQMD Rule 201, Section 405] 2. The Air Pollution Control Officer and/or authorized representatives, upon the presentation of credentials shall be permitted: A. To enter upon the premises where the source is located or in which any records are required to be kept under the terms and conditions of this Permit to Operate, and B. At reasonable times to have access to and copy any records required to be kept under terms and conditions of this Permit to Operate, and C. To inspect any equipment, operation, or method required in this Permit to Operate, and D. To sample emissions from the source or require samples to be taken. [Basis: SMAQMD Rule 201, Section 405] DATE ISSUED: DATE EXPIRES: 05-12-2012 XX-XX-XXXX (UNLESS RENEWED) LARRY GREENE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL OFFICER BY: PAGE 1 OF 4 PAGES PERMIT NOS.: 99999 REVOCABLE AND NON-TRANSFERABLE TH RD 777 12 STREET, 3 FLOOR SACRAMENTO, CA 95814-1908 (916) 874-4800 FAX (916) 874-4899 SACRAMENTO METROPOLITAN AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 3. This Permit to Operate does not authorize the emission of air contaminants in excess of those allowed by Division 26, Part 4, Chapter 3, of the California Health and Safety Code or the Rules and Regulations of the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District (SMAQMD). [Basis: SMAQMD Rule 201, Section 405] 4. The equipment shall not discharge such quantities of air contaminants or other materials which cause injury, detriment, nuisance or annoyance to any considerable number of persons or to the public, or which endanger the comfort, repose, health or safety of any such persons or the public, or which cause, or have a natural tendency to cause, injury or damage to business or property. [Basis: SMAQMD Rule 402, Section 301] 5. A legible copy of this Permit to Operate shall be maintained on the premises with the equipment. [Basis: SMAQMD Rule 201, Section 401] EMISSIONS LIMITATIONS 6. The boiler shall not discharge into the atmosphere any visible air contaminant other than uncombined water vapor for a period or periods aggregating more than three minutes in any one hour which is as dark or darker than Ringelmann No. 1 or equivalent to or greater than 20% opacity. [Basis: SMAQMD Rule 401, Section 301] 7. The boiler, when burning natural gas, shall not emit: A. Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) in excess of 9 ppmdv corrected to 3% Oxygen. B. Carbon Monoxide (CO) in excess of 400 ppmdv corrected to 3% Oxygen. [Basis: SMAQMD Rule 202, Section 301 and Rule 411, Section 301] 8. Emissions from the boiler shall not exceed the following: [Basis: SMAQMD Rule 202, Section 301 and Rule 411, Section 301] Maximum Allowable Emission (B) Emission Factors (A) (lb/MMcf) (lb/day) (lb/quarter) (lb/year) VOC 5.5 0.7 62 246 NOx 10.9 1.3 123 487 SOx 0.6 0.1 7 27 PM10 7.6 0.9 86 340 PM2.5 7.6 0.9 86 340 CO 295.6 36.2 3,329 13,206 GHG 120,050 7.1 676 tons/quarter 2,682 tons/year Pollutant (A) Emission factors for VOC, SOx, and PM10 are from AP-42, Tables 1.4-1 & 1.4-2 (7/98) Emission factor for PM2.5 is the PM10 factor assuming all PM10 to be PM2.5. Emission factors for NOx and CO are based on 9 ppmvd at 3% Oxygen and 400 ppmvd at 3% Oxygen, respectively. GHG emission factor is expressed as CO2e and is from EPA’s Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Rule (74 FR 56260), Tables C-1 & C-2. PAGE 2 OF 4 PAGES PERMIT NOS.: 99999 REVOCABLE AND NON-TRANSFERABLE TH RD 777 12 STREET, 3 FLOOR SACRAMENTO, CA 95814-1908 (916) 874-4800 FAX (916) 874-4899 SACRAMENTO METROPOLITAN AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT (B) Emissions are based on operating at maximum capacity of 0.0051 MMcf//hour, 24 hours/day, 92 days/quarter, 365 days/year, and the emission factors in this table. GHG emissions are given in English units of tons/day, tons/quarter, and tons/year. EQUIPMENT OPERATION 9. The boiler shall be fired only on pipeline quality natural gas. [Basis: SMAQMD Rule 202, Section 301] EMISSIONS TESTING 10. Emissions of nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and oxygen shall be tested in calendar year 2014 and every second calendar year thereafter to verify compliance with Condition No. 7. A. Submit a source test plan to the Air Pollution Control Officer for approval at least 30 days before the test is to be performed. B. Notify the Air Pollution Control Officer at least 7 days prior to the source test date of the exact date and time of test if the date has changed from that approved in the source test plan. C. During source testing, the boiler shall be operated at a firing rate that is as close as physically possible to the rated capacity. D. Submit the source test report to the Air Pollution Control Officer within 60 days from the completion of the test(s). [Basis: SMAQMD Rule 201, Section 303.2 and Rule 411, Section 505.1] 11. Emission testing methods shall be those specified in Rule 411, Section 501, Boiler NOx. A. Oxides of Nitrogen – ARB Method 100 or EPA Method 7E. B. Carbon Monoxide – ARB Method 100 or EPA Method 10. C. Stack Gas Oxygen – ARB Method 100 or EPA Method 3A. D. Carbon Dioxide – ARB Method 100 or EPA Method 3A. [Basis: SMAQMD Rule 411, Section 501] RECORD KEEPING & REPORTING 12. Emission test reports shall be maintained on-site and shall be made available to the Air Pollution Control Officer upon request. [Basis: SMAQMD Rule 411, Section 502] 13. The permittee shall, upon determination of applicability and written notification by the District, comply with all applicable requirements of the Air Toxics "Hot Spots" Information and Assessment Act (California Health and Safety Code Section 44300 et seq.) [Basis: SMAQMD Rule 201, Section 303.1] PAGE 3 OF 4 PAGES PERMIT NOS.: 99999 REVOCABLE AND NON-TRANSFERABLE TH RD 777 12 STREET, 3 FLOOR SACRAMENTO, CA 95814-1908 (916) 874-4800 FAX (916) 874-4899 SACRAMENTO METROPOLITAN AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Your application for this air quality Permit to Operate was evaluated for compliance with Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District (SMAQMD), state and federal air quality rules. The following listed rules are those that are most applicable to the operation of your equipment. Other rules may also be applicable. SMAQMD RULE NO. RULE TITLE 201 GENERAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS (8-24-06) 202 NEW SOURCE REVIEW (8-23-12) 214 FEDERAL NEW SOURCE REVIEW (8-23-12) 217 PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIREMENTS FOR PERMITS (8-23-12) 301 PERMIT FEES (10-27-05) 401 RINGELMANN CHART (4-19-83) 402 NUISANCE (8-3-77) 406 SPECIFIC CONTAMINANTS (12-6-78) 411 BOILER NOx (8-23-07) 420 SULFUR CONTENT OF FUELS (8-13-81) 801 NEW SOURCE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS (40 CFR 60 SUBPART Dc) (5-26-11) In addition, the conditions on this Permit to Operate may reflect some, but not all, requirements of these rules. There may be other conditions that are applicable to the operation of your equipment. Future changes in prohibitory rules may establish more stringent requirements which may supersede the conditions listed here. For further information please consult your SMAQMD rulebook or contact the SMAQMD for assistance. PAGE 4 OF 4 PAGES PERMIT NOS.: 99999 REVOCABLE AND NON-TRANSFERABLE
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